#//‘My mother was a villain; and my father’s the hero Red Riot. They tried to convert each other but they got married instead'
I was wondering if you could do a fic about Fatgum tickling Kirishima or Tamaki or maybe both? Love your fics by the way! They’re all so cute! 💖💖💖
They Went Beyond
Characters: Fat Gum, Red Riot (Ejiro Kirishima)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
A/N: My friend @kwaiibb and I came up with the headcannon of Kirishima's parents being divorced, but maintaining a really healthy friendship to co-parent their son while moving on with their love live as well. His mother remarried, his father is happily single though.
Description: While visiting one of his mentee's at the hospital following the events of season 4, Fat Gum start's to breakdown from guilt.
Kirishima let out a soft sigh as he slowly opened his ruby, red eyes. Nope, still couldn’t sleep. The mummy had lost most of his wrapings but was still under the hospital’s watch to ensure his wounds were healing nicely. Honestly, he felt great! Maybe not in spirit but physically he felt good enough to pace around his room and honestly… go home to his mommy and mama. Seeing his dad would be nice too. The babe sighed as he stared blankly at the hospital celeing’s panels.
He’d already read his books, played his video games, and did other little things his friends and parents gave him to occupy his mind. Homework? Yeah Bakugou was probably going to kick his ass, but he just didn’t have him in it to do it right now. Besides, he didn’t understand some of it and could wait until the other visited again or his mama to help him. His step mother was an incredibly intelligent woman and would often help him when he was smaller; but Kirishima still liked to ask Bakugou as he could explain somethings a bit more simplistically and understandably to him than his math professor mother.
While drowning in thought, Ejiro had missed the gentle knock on his room door. From the doorway, a familiar face popped in. It was deflated, but one could still recognize the face to be that of the pro hero’s: Fat Gum! The mentor hesitantly took a step in the room, feeling a bit rude as he hadn’t been invited in. But this was his charge, damnit. This was one of the puppies he was training to become a hero and this…. this was all his fault. Kirishima and Tamaki were terribly injured due to his decision to bring them along.
He swallowed his guilt with a sigh before forcing himself to venture further into the room and shut the door behind him. They were pro heroes in the making, it was a good experience to have. Both are alive and he should be grateful for that, right? “Hey,” he said softly, seeing the boy in a trance-like, fixated state. Kirishima didn’t budge, mind still wandering in space. Fat Gum snorted before pulling up a chair and placing the small conventstore bag he had picked up along the way on it. “How ya holding up, mummy?” Fat Gum’s weight on the bed brought the young man out of his thoughts with a start. “Shoot,” Ejiro sighed, earning a laugh. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” the other said comfortingly before gently bumping the kid’s arm as he sat up. “Nah, you're fine. Just… thinking about stuff.”
“I could tell,” Fat Gum hummed before reaching for the bag and opening it. “So, whatcha in the mood for? Got some packaged mochi, some meat chews, what else, what else,” he muttered as he started laying out various goods on the boy’s blanket-covered lap. Kirishima smiled with a small snort as he gently picked up the mild-flavored meat chews. “Thanks,” he said tiredly. He offered a warming smile, only to be met with watering eyes.
Ruby red eyes widened in panic. “Huh? I-If you want the meat chews you can have them man!” Fat Gum sniffled as he shook his head, bagging the other goods again before standing to hug the boy. “I’m so sorry Red Riot,” he sobbed. Kirishima tensed before relaxing a bit as the shock faded. He gently placed an arm on the man’s shoulder in pure confusion. “Why are you apologizing?” “You’re just a kid, I shouldn’t have let you tag along. That…. that was too dangerous, even for us pros.” Was he talking about the mission?
Kirishima sighed, leaning into the hug again as it was quite comforting. “I needed the experience, didn't I? That’s why I applied for your internship.” Fat Gum whimpered before holding the other’s head into him as if Kirishima was his own, legal son. Kirishima didn’t resist, he just rested his head in the hug and listened to the soft sobbing and apologies. Yes, himself and Tamaki had gotten pretty busted up from battle, but it was clearly nothing they couldn’t handle, right? “You saved me though, so…. why are you crying?” It was a legitimate question, caused by genuine curiosity. “You saved me and fulfilled your duty as a hero and a mentor. You shouldn’t be crying, you should be celebrating. After all, we saved that little girl from that monster, didn’t we?”
Just barely.
“I know,” Fat Gum whimpered as he tried to pacify his tears. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be acting like this infront of you.” He went to sit back, but stopped when he found scratched, bandaged, and bruised arms weren’t letting go of him. From his torso, Kirishima peered up gently, holding a bit tighter. He knew the other wasn’t okay. It wasn’t like Fat Gum to have breakdowns of any kind in front of others. His smile warmed Kirishima’s heart before he felt a hand gently run through his semi-greasy locks. “You’re looking good kiddo, I’m glad to see that.” Kirishima smiled. “Yeah, they say about another week then I can go home. After that, well,” he laughed a bit as he sat back. “I got some serious training to do.” He still wanted to be a hero. Fat Gum smiled as he poked the smaller in the stomach. “That so, huh?” Kirishima squealed, curling in on himself.
“Training will wait until you’ve rested,” he lectured with amusement in his tone. The other giggled as the finger continued to proad at the mostly bandaged torso. “Hehehe! But I-Ihehe’ve bhehehen bed b-bound for so long,” Ejiro giggled as he gently tried to push the hand away; only to be rewarded with a new hand prodding at him. “I don’t care. You are going to rest, do I make myself clear?” Poking and prodding now turned into gentle scribbles on the babe’s sides, earning just the lightest, airiest giggles from the hero in training. “Ah! W-Whahahait!” But it was far too late for that. Ejiro gently squirmed around as his mentor turned to face him better.
Deflated fingers alternated gently and slowly between scratching slightly pudgy sides, tracing along the taut stomach, and even going so far as to glide up and feather themselves along the mostly wrapped neck; causing the other to scrunch up. “It tickles,” Kirishima whined as he laid weakly, hardly trying to stop the other. He needed a bit of a laugh. “Really,” Fat Gum asked, faking surprise. “You're kidding me! The adorably tough hero, Red Riot, is ticklish?!” He stopped, letting out a fake gasp as he brought his hands to his mouth. Ejiro curled up slightly from the ghost tickles, confused on why the other had stopped.
“Oh no, this could be catastrophic news!” Eijiro giggled, rolling his eyes. Fat Gum reminded him a lot of his father sometimes. Goofy, overly caring, just overall a good guy to be around. “What,” the younger man dared to ask. “What,” Fat Gum repeated in disbelief. “Do you know how many villains could use such a weakness against you? Young hero, you must be ready to face these types of things.” Kiri felt like he knew where this was going. Oh no. He was already giggling, curling up as much as he could. “W-Wait,” he whimpered.
“Oh no, no, no, no,” Fat Gum tsked. “You said it yourself, you’ve been bed bound for weeks! You have to start training again as soon as possible, right? After finding such a weakness, I think right now might be the best time.” Ejiro shook his head a bit, giggling hysterically and squealing like a tot everytime Fat Gum launched a hand at him. “No, no tickling,” he giggled out. Oh, but it was too late. His fatherly figure had him scooped into his arms, holding him comfortingly and rather effectively to keep him trapped. Ejiro didn’t truly struggle, wiggling a bit but was clearly just doing it for show.
“So, where should we start first,” his mentor asked, hand gently tapping it’s fingers along the jiggling tummy. Kiri was giggling up a storm. “N-Nowhere,” he replied sheepishly. “Nowhere,” Fat Gum repeated teasingly. “I don’t believe nowhere is an option, Ejiro. Red Riot has to be ready to face all kinds of trials.” Not wanting to overdo it as the kid was still kind of mummified and really should be resting, Fata Gum gently lifted the red head’s arm and started to just barely drag his finger up and down the exposed hollow. Kirishima was hysterically giggling, curling into the other as much as he could and whining the whole time. “S-Sthahaop,” he whimpered, only to snort where Fat Gum moved down to gently trace over each of the ribs.
“You’re enemies won’t stop that easily Red Riot,” Fat Gum lectured. “Hehehe! But it tickles, chahahaome on!” This was a little embarrassing, but honestly, it was also kind of fun. Kirishima snuggled more and more into his hero, giggling like crazy. Even when the hand wasn’t touching him, the redhead hid his face in the older and just giggled his head off. It was amusing and quite frankly, adorable. These kids were so sweet, it scared the pro hero to think of what awaited them in years to come.
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queen-of-gotham · 2 years
My voice carried through the air, you could hear a pin drop in the silence as flames engulfed him. I tried to run to him, but I wasn’t going anywhere. That’s when I realized he had me in his grasp, Katsuki.
“Let me go! I have to get to him!” I screamed, Katsuki tightened his grip
“DO YOU WANT TO GO UP IN FLAMES TOO YA DAMN IDIOT!?” I knew Katsuki was right. I couldn’t stop the flames, and this wasn’t a quirk I could stop, the Villain had a weapon. A high powered flamethrower. I started sobbing watching eijiro’s body lay there burning, he’d stopped struggling. The smell of burning flesh filled my nose, and just as quickly I noticed I was no longer being held back.
“Careful Ground Zero!!” I yelled through my sobbing, I tore off my jacket and high tailed it over to red riot, beating the flames out with my retardant jacket, suddenly thankful for my fathers advice. His flesh had melted to his costume, his quirk has worn off. He looked so frail laying there with his shallow breaths. I couldn’t even get him into my lap in fear of harming him more. His hair was burnt but I laid there beside him. Talking. Anything I could think of.
“It’s okay, you’re okay Eiji.” I watched his shallow breathing, praying for some kind of response. “Talk to me, I know you hurt but I need you to stay awake.” A small smile crept upon his lips, and his eyes fluttered open, slowly focusing on me. “There he is.” I said just loud enough for him to hear.
“Pause.” He spoke softly. My hero name.
“Hey there Red Riot.”
“Where’s…” he broke out into a coughing fit. Watching him physically hurt me.
“Ground zero and Deku are fighting him. He will pay for this, red.” I gently moved my hand to his scalp, running my fingers gingerly through his burnt hair. Suddenly wishing my quirk could heal. “Don’t try to talk okay? But I need you to keep looking at me.”
He gave a slight nod, his red eyes searching mine for comfort.
“Remember when we first met?” I started. He blinked softly, and I smiled. “I moved here an absolute fucking disaster and your smile, you felt like home.”
My brain was rushing. I wasn’t thinking about what I was saying, I was just talking, anything to make him pay attention.
“Honestly I don’t remember us going from friends to a relationship, eiji. You just made everything so easy. And I needed easy. I needed easy more than anything when I moved here. I was depressed and fighting my inner demons and learning how to fight the real life villains. I was trying to find my place in my family, with my dads, and Hitoshi and Eri. I was so overwhelmed by it all. You held me when I broke down when we moved into the dorms and you didn’t really even know me.” I felt a smile creep onto my face as I talked, remembering all the moments that made our relationship special.
Saying I felt overwhelmed was an understatement. I stared at the room, it was filled with things I loved, my guitar and keyboard, my laptop, my stuffed dog I’d had since I was a little girl. Yet it was still hard to breathe. It was still hard to feel safe, even though I knew I was safe here. That dad had me now. I wouldn’t have to suffer anymore at the hands of my mothers negligence. I pushed back the tears as long as I could. But the started falling without my permission. Here I was in the greatest school on the planet to follow my dreams and I can’t even enjoy it cause I’m too worried about everything else.
“Hey Haru, do you need any help… what’s wrong?” I hear a voice beside me and look. It’s the redhead in my class, his name escapes me. “Hey, it’s okay.. come here.” I let him wrap me in a hug and for some reason, it’s the first time I’ve felt really safe since dads held me at the airport.
“I’m sorry” I kept repeating as I broke down in his arms. He didn’t say anything, just hushed me quietly, stroking my hair. Once I calmed down a bit, he attempted to ask what was wrong, and why I was crying, and I just spilled my life story to this total stranger.
I’m not sure how much time had passed but we found ourselves sitting on my floor talking about life and all the good and bad things that go along with it. He was making me laugh and smile. I was still feeling really unsure about everything but sitting there with him felt… beautiful.
Eijiro coughed his chest heaving and oozing from the burns. I stroked his burnt hair, waiting for him to settle. An explosion was heard in the distance and I could see the fear in Kirishimas eyes.
“You know katsuki.” I started “he’s gotta make a big show for everyone.” My watch lit up, A picture of a blonde haired crimson eyed boy smiling showed with a banner. I hit the notification where katsukis watch had pinged safe, showing it to eijiro. “See he’s fine. He pinged safe.” He nodded slightly. Trying to find words it seemed.
“Did I ever apologize to you?” I asked. His eyes narrowed and another coughing fit started. “For running off and dating katsuki after we broke up?” He shook his head, trying to move his hand. “It’s okay, don’t move. I’m going to apologize anyway. I was so upset when we broke up, I just wanted to hurt you as bad as you hurt me. I really am a bitch, I’m surprised someone as good as you stayed with me for a year and a half.”
He squeezed his eyes, taking a breath before muttering “not.”
“I am. I know I’m a bitch. And the best way to hurt you was to date your best friend.” I quickly checked my watch again, pinging for rescue once more. They were taking way too long. “Honestly I’m surprised katsuki and I have lasted this long. For the longest time I thought you’d come back and beg me to forgive you and get me back” another slight smile crossed his lips “but I guess it wouldn’t be very manly to steal your best friends girl. Even if I was yours first.” I felt his hand graze my cheek and I grabbed it gently letting my cheek rest in his palm. “You’re going to be okay, eiji. Okay? The world needs a chivalrous hero. Katsuki needs his best friend. I still need you around too, okay?” He nodded. Another shallow breath filled his lungs as I noticed katsukis dot moving quickly back towards us. “Ground Zero is heading back. He’ll be here soon and he’ll help me get you to a hospital, okay?”
“Too bad he won’t make it back in time” a loud voice boomed I looked behind where we were laying and saw a giant man, built of what seemed to be concrete, stomping his way toward us. “A little girl can’t keep red riot safe from being squished.” The ground shook as he came in closer. I quickly rose to my feet and began talking, activating my quirk, talking as quickly as I could to diminish the man’s concrete quirk.
“A little girl? That’s what you think I am? I’ll have you know that I am the daughter of Present Mic and Eraserhead. Sister of Mindjack. If you had ever trained with any of them you wouldn’t be calling me a little girl. My sister is a little girl and has one of the most dangerous quirks I’ve ever seen.” As I spoke I watched his concrete form start slivering down to the body of an average man. “Besides even if I was just a little girl like you claim I still wouldn’t let you hurt Red Riot. I became a hero to protect people and right now he needs me to protect him.”
The villain, though an average sized man, was still much larger than my tiny frame as he came nearer. I glanced at my watch. Katsuki would be there any minute, I just needed to buy time. I started to untie my binding cloth at my waist, I wasn’t great with it the way papa and Hitoshi were, but it would buy me the time I needed. Just a distraction. “I would just hate if a little girl made you cry. Beat you. Kicked your ass. Embarrassed you infront of your villain friends, you’d never hear the end of it”
I whipped my binding cloth out wrapping it around one of his arms, allowing him to grab it, pulling me towards him as I kept talking to keep him human. “Okay woah you didn’t have to pull me in like that if you-“ my voice started to crack as he slammed me against the wall of the alleyway by my neck. “Wanted me close to you you could have just asked I mean I wouldn’t have listened but nonetheless-“
“WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP!?” I continued talking over the villain.
“You think you won? As long as I’m talking you’re just an normal average human. I have the lung space of an entire Olympic swim team, I can talk for about an hour without the need for a breath” I was struggling, though I wouldn’t admit it. His hands were crushing in on my vocal chords and wind pipes.
“GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER” and just as suddenly as I was against the wall, I was sitting on the ground talking with a bit more ease waiting for katsuki to beat the man unconscious. As soon as I watched the pause in ground zeros fist, I took in a deep breath. My lungs burning.
“Ground Zero! Pause! We need to get him up!” Deku yelled. I got to my feet and ran back to him and red riot as fast as my feet would carry me. Deku had lifted him most of the way off the ground, and I grabbed his other side, waiting for katsuki to finish tying up the secondary villain.
“See I told you they were fine. That they would be here.” I whispered to eijiro, my voice wavering a bit as i spoke. That was the downside of my quirk, burning lungs and quivering voice after being used without a break.
“How’d you manage to let that guy grab you?” Katsuki asked, moving me so that he could take eijiro.
“I did it on purpose. He didn’t want me, he wanted him. I saw you closing in. I needed to make sure I kept him safe, isn’t that right Kiri?” I asked. He nodded slightly.
I hate the waiting room at hospitals. I can’t really stand the tension and unsurities. How they smell like bleach and the furniture feels stiff as boards. I could go on and on.
“Here” Katsuki shoved a warm coffee into my hand. “I put honey in it, For your throat.” I smiled softly kissing him lightly before taking a sip, and a deep breath as the warmth filled my throat and eased the pain.
“He’s tough, he’ll be fine.” Izuku piped, not looking up from the journal he was writing in.
“She’s knows that you damn nerd.”
I shook my head at the childhood friends. They bickered like an old married couple and it really always made me laugh, but that currently hurt too much to do.
“Maybe your fiancée just needs some reassurance since her first love just about died.” Izuku had gotten spicy in his ripe old age of 22.
“WHY YOU-“ I stood quickly, wrapping my arm around his and laying my head against his shoulder. His body relaxed, and he put his hand in my hair and kissed the top of my head, I gave a smile to Izuku, who smiled back for just a moment.
A doctor walked in and Izuku stood up, all three of us at attention as he cleared his throat. “He’s not in great shape, he’s in the ICU but he should pull through. We were able to heal half his burns. Over the next few days our doctors will do our best to heal the rest of him. Once he wakes up I’ll have a nurse come out. He can have one visitor at a time.
As the doctor walked away I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding in. A sigh of relief.
“You can go in and see him first Izuku.” I stated, katsuki started to object but a quick squeeze from my hand kept him quiet.
“Are you sure? You guys are way closer with him and it would be fine if-“
“Izuku. I’m sure. Katsuki and I will probably spend a fair amount of time in there, you go first, and get home to rest.” He smiled, wrapping an arm around me for a hug, getting a small growl out of katsuki. I shoved him slightly, although I did find his jealousy attractive at times, over our friends was not it.
“He’s asking for you, Haru.” Izuku stated as he walked back out into the lobby. I looked up and shook my head.
“He’ll have to wait, katsukis been biting at the bit to see him. And he’s not dying so I’m not super worried about honoring his wishes.”
“You can-“ Katsuki started but I motioned for him to go. With a sigh and soft kiss he left to head back to Kirishimas room. He didn’t argue with me often, not anymore.
“I know I’ve been telling you this for a few years but it’s nice to see Kacchan so… soft with someone.” Izuku stated, grabbing a bag of his things that had sat beside me. I smiled softly at the green haired man that stood before me. He’d grown so much since we had first met and I was so grateful for his friendship
“I just wish he wasn’t so jealous all the time. Like it’s been 6 years now my dude. I think it’s safe to say I’m sticking around.”
Izuku let out a soft chuckle in response to my sass. Nodding his head in agreement. “You know kacchan. What’s his is his and he likes to keep it that way.” I rolled my eyes with a nod, giving Izuku a hug and thanked him for his help today. My phone began to ring, seeing Mitsukis name and photo appear, I answered pretty quickly.
“Hey… uh-huh. Katsuki is fine, I’m fine, Izuku is fine, but eijiro is in the ICU. Katsuki is back there with him now.” I explained the events to my future mother in law, answering questions to the best of my ability before hearing a tiny laugh in the background. “How’s Akarui?”
She answered that mine and katsukis son had watched some of the footage shown on the television and how proud he was of his parents. It took a lot for us to get where we were and part of the reason we stayed together and worked to make things work between us was for him. We got pregnant incredibly young.
“Mama!” His voice echoed in the background.
“Can I talk to him Mitsuki?” She agreed happily, and the rustling that followed proved he was grabbing the phone.
“Mama! You and Daddy kicked butt out there! It was so cool that-“ I let him ramble for as long as he wanted, listening to him retell the adventures of the day to me, and for a moment remembering the days I did the same to my dad, over video calls.
“Daddy! I saw the footage of you fighting that villain last week it was SO COOL!” A six year old Haru sat at the laptop in the kitchen, video chatting with my dad. “And papa shota kicked butt too! I can’t wait to be a hero!”
A young present mic stared back lovingly through the camera. It was the middle of the night there in Japan but he never missed a video call. He adjusted his glasses before asking about school, where I simply preceded to tell him no one believed that my dad was present mic.
Katsuki came back through the doors a bit later, I was still on the phone with akarui , but reciting him a story that I had memorized since he was just a babe. Katsuki leaned against the wall, a small smile on his face.
“Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day and into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for him—and it was still hot… I love you my sweetest boy, goodnight.” I listened for a moment, waiting to see if he was still awake, but he simply just let out a small snore. I hung up the phone, looking at Katsuki.
“Made you read him that book again?” Katsuki asked. I nodded, standing and kissing his cheek. “Listen, shitty hair, he wants to see you. He’s speaking real well and doesn’t look too bad.”
“Why does he want to see me so bad?” I asked more to myself than anything. Katsuki shrugged. “You can go ahead and head home if you want, pick our boy up if you’re feeling wild.”
“Hell no. He’s asleep. He is his mothers son and I am NOT poking that bear. We can go pick him up in the morning.” Katsuki responded with a short chuckle.
I smiled hugging his waist. “Okay, but i don’t know how long I’ll be.”
Katsuki told me to take my time, that he’d wait. I walked back the hallway, peeking into the room where kirishima laid before actually walking in.
“Haru.” My name sounded like a statement running off his tongue. “What was that back there?” He asked, unable to look me in the eyes. I sat in the chair that Katsuki and Izuku must have sat in before.
“I needed you to listen. To stay awake. To hear me.” I simply stated. He grabbed my hand, squeezing it.
“Really? Cause it kind of seemed like you were telling me you would have left him for me… kinda like you were trying to say you still love me, Haru.” I took a deep breath, letting his words sink in.
“Eijiro, I think there’s a part of me that will always love you. You saved me in more ways than I count. But Katsuki? He’s my home. My shelter. My peace.” I rattled off, my phone dinged with a picture of Akarui, in the family group text from Mitsuki. I smiled for a moment at my boy. Cuddled in his bed with an all-might plush. I turned it to show eijiro, getting a smile from him. “He made me recite where the wild things are earlier. He adores that book so much.” I stated
“Haru. Is Katsuki all those things or is Akarui?” I looked at kirishima confused.
“Katsuki is those things. And Katsuki and I are all those things for our son.” I sighed heavily before placing my palm on eijiros cheek.
“There was a time, when you were those things for me. There was a time when I would have come running back to you arms wide open. But now is not it, Eiji.” I kissed his forehead before smiling at him “I still love you though and I’m so relieved you’re okay. But you’re about 4 years too late.” I squeezed his hand.
“You’re telling me I could have been Akaruis step dad!?” He somewhat yelled with a joking laugh.
I giggled, smacking his leg lightly. “Katsuki would have NEVER allowed that. The moment Ru tried to call you anything other than uncle Kiri this whole end of Japan would have went up in flames”
Kirishima laughed and nodded in agreement.
“I’m really glad you’re okay, eijiro, Katsuki and I will try to come back in the morning before we pick up Ru from his parents”
Kirishima nodded, giving me a slight smile “thanks for saving me back there, Pause.”
“Always, Red. Always.”
“What did he want?” Katsuki asked as I came back into the waiting room. He stood and placed his arm around my waist as we started to walk out, knowing the paparazzi lie in wait outside the hospital.
“Just to thank me for keeping him alive.”
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Okay, Moon anon was able to contact me and I'm gonna post their chapters 3-6 here.
Daniel and YN 3 🌗🌗
Rainy days are crazy. Some of YN’s best and worst memories were on a rainy day. It was a rainy day when Daniel was born. His parents overjoyed when he decided to join the world early. The Sunny morning turned rainy when they saw something was wrong. The sky was so dark when the doctored explained that their baby didn’t get enough oxygen in the womb or when he came out. That his brain was impacted by the trauma. It took four years for Daniel’s mother to stop blaming herself, four years for her to understand that she couldn’t have known that something was wrong in her womb. Four years when they had their second child. It was a rainy day when YN and Daniel got lost. Holding each other’s hand, tightly they wandered the Kamino Ward. Hoping that their parents would be right down an alley or around the corner. That was a terrible 6th birthday for YN. The steps Daniel left in the dirt started to get deeper and more burnt. The boy slightly started to tremble. “Daniel.. it’s gonna be ok. Momma and Pop are going to find us we just have to-“ “Are you two lost?” A very tall man in a black suit asked. YN couldn’t remember his face, but his voice was eerily calm and smoothe. His head had snow white hair on it. A look at him would’ve left even the hero All Might scared. “ye…Yes. My brother and I can’t find our parents..” “Oh dear. Well I can help you. They couldn’t have gotten far.” He held his hand to Daniel. And he almost took it had YN not stepped in. “We’re not supposed to touch strangers.” “Oh yes, that’s a very good rule. Well my name is.. Shigaraki. Now what are yours?” “…yn.. and daniel..” “Now we aren’t strangers. Let’s get you two somewhere safe. Your brother’s quirk might level the neighborho-“ “YN! DANIEL!” The relieved voice of their father shouted out. And the two quickly turned away, toward his calls and open arms. Tears running down their faces, swearing to never wander off again. The day was saved. When YN went to turn to Mr Shigaraki to tell him it was fine, he had disappeared into the crowd. But one question lingered in her head. How did he know Daniel’s quirk could be dangerous? It was a sunny day at first when YN and Daniel went out to the park for their Day out. YN had already planned to tell her parents that she wanted to come back here for her 12th birthday in a few months. Daniel kept over-stimulating himself with every single thing that caught his eyes. The anthill, the trees, the way the wind carried the leaves, when he and YN jumped around over the hopscotch drawings. When the rain came down they didn’t want to leave. They wanted to splash in the wetness like a couple of ducks. But Momma was insistent it was time to go back to the apartment. Inside the car YN immediately put on her headphones to listen to nightcore covers of popular songs. It wasn’t until she noticed her mom’s terrified expression and felt her dad’s fear did she take them off. “-I DONT KNOW ITS NOT BREAKING!” “WE’RE GOING RIGHT INTO TRAFFIC! DO SOMETHING!” “..momma?..” “DANIEL! YN GET DOWN!” That was the last thing her mother said to her. The rain hit the car harder. Daniel was quick to cover his little sister as the car swerved towards a large truck. YN felt her brother shield over their bodies. The last thing she heard from her father was a yell. Before they crashed into the truck. Before YN and Daniel were flung out into the side of the road. Scratches beginning to litter their arms and cheeks. YN felt the rain on her face as she tried looking up. Tried finding her parents. It was a rainy day when the last image of her parents was the crushed front end of the car. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN 4 🌗🌗
The incident at the cafe left a bigger mess then was intended. Of course the waitress didn’t say a word about who caused the mess, still terrified of the threat, but the manager still called the police. At the moment it was being investigated as a break in. It wasn’t until they started to bag the broken vases as evidence did they think to call a hero as they believed this was a terrorist villain trying to strike more fear. When the first cop touch the broken vases he immediately fell over and started seizing. Like someone had sent hundreds of volts up through his gloved fingers and into his blood stream. The second cop tried picking up the glass with prongs so that she wouldn’t get the same effect. But she still felt some pain and volts. Even the glass windows were giving off static. When they were examined no one could find a point of impact. It was almost like they spontaneously exploded. Worse and more confusing yet was the fact that the material seemed to give off radiation spikes. From a computer screen image, it was like a red glow was emanated from the glass. When the police tried to check the cameras, all the footage was either ruined, too melted to gather anything. It left them in a stump. So they had to make a plea to the hero society to get fresh eyes and help on the case. Not expecting any big response. Some heroes wanted to solve the mystery because it stumped them as well. This quirk residue was something unseen before. Calls and emails were left. All saying they would look into it. And it seemed like this would just be a mysterious case left forgotten. That is until the All Might showed up in the station one morning. Along with his protege Deku. They said they wanted to solve the case because if this person left such a dangerous residue after using their quirk, then they were a danger to themselves and others. No on saw the real intentions in their eyes. When they asked about the only other patron in the cafe the police said that they tried tracking them down, but they were gone into the wind. The only other patron at the cafe made their way into a compound. Holding treats meant for a little girl. But first he had to make a stop at his boss’s office. “Hey.. Kai. You won’t believe what Just saw.” Meanwhile in the station two separate rats made calls to two separate people. “Put me through to Shigaraki…. Hello. I have something interesting to tell you. Something that might please you and your Sensei.” “Oh hey there Aizawa. Detective Tsukauchi here. Look I you know about that cafe destruction a week ago? Yea well I think you outta here about this.” Indeed the cafe incident left a bigger mess than intended. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 5 🌗��
They’d been gone for at least two months. YN’s feet hurt and Daniel missed his own bed. But they had to keep going, with no intended final destination but a goal to keep away from the previous home they ran from. After the morning at the cafe, YN and Daniel had kept to the shadows for the rest of the day. But they couldn’t keep going like this. They needed to eat today but not at a restaurant. There was only one dreaded… dreaded option. The grocery store. So after they checked in at the latest motel with kitchens in the rooms, the siblings ventured off to the store.YN couldn’t leave Daniel alone yet. He’d panic and probably have a fit. The store was minimally packed. Since it was still early in the day it seemed like they would zip in and out with relative ease. After grabbing the bare essentials, and what she could pack in a backpack without much drag, it was time to go to the candy aisle. It was a long journey thus far, a journey deserving of some sour candies. But of course there had to be another person there. Invading space and looking right at her favorites. She wanted to just grab and go. But her hand and the stranger's hand touched as they reached for the same one. “Sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going heh..” The tall redhead said. A small blush on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s fine. Lemme just grab and go here.” She looked back for Daniel, luckily he was close by staring at the varieties of pocky they had. Turning back she noticed his uniform. UA, that might prove to be a complication. But YN was desperate for some kind words and a brief moment to talk to someone her own age. “So you go to UA? Are you a general student or a hero course student?” “Oh hero course definitely! I even have my hero name chosen!” “Wow that’s great. I hope in a few years I get to be saved by…?” “Red Riot!” “Like Crimson Riot?” “Exactly! I really admire him and I hope I live up to his-“ “OI SH**TY HAIR! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE! GRAB YOUR CRAP AND LET’S GO!” A blonde kid shouted down the aisle, also wearing a UA outfit. YN couldn’t place why but she felt like she’d known him before. That volume felt very familiar, but it startled her brother who jumped in fear causing the pocky he saw to fall off the shelving. Time to go now. “I should go anyway. It was nice meeting you.” “Wait, we could walk you and your brother to your school if you guys want?” “We have to go.” The blonde got closer and she could tell something was perpetually up his ass. “Bye.” “Wait! My name’s Eijiro Kirishima. What’s yours?” “YN. Just YN. That’s my brother Daniel.” And before he or his companion could ask anything else the two siblings fast walked toward the checkout and were out the door before they got another chance to talk to them. “YN… huh she was pretty cool right bakubro!” “What ever. Let’s get going before we show up after Deku.” But that name was familiar to him. The girl had long since faded from his mind, but how could anyone forget the day when a quirkless kid tried bashing your head into the dirt. He planned on apologizing the next day for his comments but she was gone. Gone and almost forgotten. It could be possible that this was just someone who shared the same name. But maybe.. possibly.. the universe was giving him the chance to apologize. “YN.” 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 6 🌗🌗
YN never really liked her neighbors. She never outright loathed them, but she was uncomfortable with how Inko kept trying to be her mother, and how Izuku had this strange obsessive stare when he looked at her. As long as they stayed in their apartment and never bothered them it would all be fine. But their parents couldn’t watch them all the time. So on days when momma and pop went out Miss Midoryia would graciously watch them. YN never liked pity. So when Miss Midoryia tried to pity and feel sorry about YN’s quirkless status, that just made her dig her heels in longer. She didn’t need people to fuss over her like she was a glass doll. At least with Izuku she could’ve had a companion. She did try to get along with him. But he was so weird. Just because they both were quirkless didn’t mean they’d would be close. “So why are you homeschooled?” “I get into fights.” “Why?” “Because people are mean and they think they’ll have no consequences to their words. I proved them wrong.” “Were they mean because you’re quirkless or because Daniel is… different?” Now obviously he didn’t mean any harm by that. But an emotional 10 year old girl is not someone to mess with. So with a sharp glare to his face the conversation quickly died. In the dining room, Daniel would usually be coloring. Or playing with his legos. Something to stim and distract his mind. Sometimes he’d just pull out a old painting his dad got him, and he’d spend hours looking at the strokes and would mentally add a new feature. Twirling the hair on his head whilst sucking/biting his thumb. “Daniel? Would you like some water?” “No miss. I want momma.” “I know sweetie but she won’t be gone forever. And you call me Inko” Though she’d prefer him to call her something more affectionate. Throughout the night Inko kept trying to mother them. She hovered over YN’s neck and tried petting her head which resulted in a swipe from the little girl. By the time YN’s parents got back, she was relieved and spent the rest of the night complaining to her mom about how she didn’t want to go over to the neighbors anymore and how she felt uncomfortable. Across the hall the two greenettes were enamored with the two kids. Inko adored how sweet Daniel was, how shy he looked to her. Izuku was star struck at this girl without a quirk who was so quick to fight against the norms put in place by a society against them. They'd soon make it a habit to try to talk to the family in the hall, or bump into them on the street. One day, after the family had been gone for a couple weeks, they saw the two with several police officers and a social worker packing away all their belongings. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that something terrible had happened. When Inko offered to watch them, the social worker confirmed the worst and took the children away. Three weeks later, as her son was at school Inko kept trying to find the legal way for her to gain custody of the kids when her door was knocked. Her husband, AFO, on the other side. She tried telling him to go away. Tried saying that he had no part in Izuku’s life anymore. But he had a bigger role than known. “How can you be so cruel my love? Especially now that I’ve opened the door for you to gain what you want?” “What do you mean?” “I’ll help you gain custody of the two children you are craving. I happen to have a fascination with them as well.” “I can’t ever guarantee that we’ll be a whole family ever again.” “Of course not. I wouldn’t expect you to. But let’s try something for now.” So Inko made a deal with the devil, to gain two angels. 🌗🌗
Now that AFO is in the story, I'm like so excited! Great work, Moon anon!
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five-rivers · 3 years
Long Night in the Valley Chapter 16
"But Suzuki-san was knocked out a bunch before this," said Ochako.
"I know," said One, still holding out the little packs of pills, "but apparently going to sleep is different from being knocked out."
"I think being drugged is a lot different from going to sleep, too," said Todoroki, taking one of the pill packs.
"I literally did not make the rules of this quirk." He turned his head to the side and started muttering about how Saito's quirk could have been used for good.
"How closely are you related to Midoriya, anyway?" asked Todoroki.
One startled. "Oh, uh, heh. You know. Enough for him to use the quirk?"
Wow. That was a suspicious answer.
"Are you Midoriya's father?" asked Todoroki.
"Todoroki, what--" started Iida.
"I have been dead for over a hundred years."
"That's not a no."
"Anyway," said Ochako, taking a sleeping pill from One but not opening it. "Are you sure, completely sure, you don't want our help? I mean, thinking about it, if you can get Izuku's quirk back from him like this, can’t he take your quirks, too?"
"Probably," agreed One, casually. "That's part of the reason we want you away from him." He mixed taking a pill. "We're also trying to make him think he can't. Or at least think that we think he can't. He's never had a very high opinion of our intelligence. And if he thinks that we think he can't, he'll never think that we're doing it."
Todoroki nodded along to this sagely.
"There’s also the possibility that he won't be able to - there are significant differences between my quirk and his. He can't do a passive DNA read, for example. That and the remnants of Izuku's quirk are the main reasons we think this will work, after all."
The world trembled slightly, then shook, as if an earthquake had just happened.
"He could take our mental selves, though," continued One. "Whether or not he'd keep them once this quirk wears off is something I'd rather not know… Although it'd be interesting to see if he could take the DNA aspect of a quirk that doesn't have a corresponding mental component present, since that's what actually trips him up when he tries to take One for All - he can't take the mental aspect, so his quirk aborts the sequence."
The ground shook again, harder.
"But that's honestly academic. You see, being dead can get boring, so we've spent a lot of time running war games and fighting each other."
This time, the shaking knocked all of them but One to their knees.
"Please take the pills? Now? We're really going to be fine."
A rocket screamed in the distance, followed by an explosion.
"This doesn't have opiates in it, does it?" asked Iida.
"Nothing here is real, so, no."
Ochako startled awake and immediately clutched at her head. That was one heck of a headache. Driven by the need to see where she was, she peeled open her eyes.
This was… the infirmary at UA?
How'd she get here?
"Oi! Granny! Cheeks is awake!"
That was Bakugo. There was something she wanted to do regarding Bakugo. What was it again?
"Don’t shout! This is a place of quiet and healing."
"I wanna know what fffffffffrick happened to shhhhtupid Deku."
Oh. She remembered now.
"As do we all, but you shouldn't crowd someone coming out of a mental quirk like that, it could be--"
No time like the present, decided Ochako.
She snapped into a sitting position, and punched Bakugo in the face.
"Ow! Mother--!"
Recovery Girl sighed. "Dangerous. Uraraka, how are you feeling?"
"I'm telling you," said Suzuki, propped up in the hospital bed, "there's a whole cabal of them, telepathically linked to each other and to All for One." He swatted away the nurse's hand. "Some of them are old heroes, too. They must have gone over to him for longevity quirks or something. They were- they were joking with each other about how to kill me. That's why I had to bail out."
"I believe you," said the commission president solemnly. “We have come across some evidence of our own that puts yours into a much more… credible light than it would be otherwise. Could you identify them, the other members of this ‘cabal?’”
“Some of them,” said Suzuki, doubtfully. “But others I didn’t recognize, or see for very long.” He shuddered. “Some of them… Some of them I would very much like to be mistaken about, sir.”
“The ones you are sure of?” prompted the president.
“Skyrunner,” said Suzuki, looking pale. “We should investigate her associates, as well,” he added, as if the president was unfit for his job. “There was another… I only know him from pictures, but I’m sure it was Fidelity.”
The president let neither his annoyance at Suzuki nor the familiarity of the two names distract him. “And how did Aizawa Shouta interact with them?”
Suzuki sniffled. “He sided with them. They all tried to put up a show when I was watching, but they never attacked him like they attacked me. That woman… she kept dropping me…” He knotted his fingers in his hair.
“What about All Might?”
“I’m… not sure. There was an image of him there, but he didn’t speak, not like the others. I couldn’t… couldn’t say if he was involved like they were.”
Not the conclusive report he’d been hoping for, then, but it confirmed that Midoriya Izuku was indeed in league with All for One.
… and also that he was providing All for One with at least one link with the outside world.
If Skyrunner and the others truly were alive, that meant that he had even more.
If. If they were alive. Even for a man of All for One’s talents, he had doubts about his ability to locate so many longevity quirks. The nomu with their duplicated quirks seemed to be a recent development. Then, too, there was the matter of Midoriya’s blood sample. Skyrunner and Fidelity were both on the list of people whose DNA had been mingled with his.
“There was also…” said Suzuki. He swallowed. “There was also… Tempest. She looked just like the old posters.”
Another name from the lists. The president closed his eyes briefly and pulled out his phone, going to the pictures he had saved of the hero Lariat and the vigilante Forewarning. Lariat’s photo was obviously better, having been an official picture for the purposes of identification. Forewarning’s was blurry and at an awkward angle, but given what he’d been - and who he served - it was only to be expected.
He showed the phone to Suzuki.
“These two?”
Suzuki stared. “Yes,” he said. “How did you know?”
“As I said,” replied the president, “we’ve gathered some of our own evidence while you’ve been asleep.” He put his phone away. “I expect a more thorough, formal report of what you discovered in Midoriya’s mind by the end of the day.”
“Of course, sir,” said Suzuki.
The president nodded, and with no more farewell than that, left.
As soon as he was alone, his phone was in his hand again. “I need an emergency exhumation order for the heroes Lariat, Fidelity, and Skyrunner.”
Aizawa stepped into the lobby of the apartment building. It seemed normal enough, even if the finishings were incredibly old-fashioned and its emptiness gave it a disturbing quality. The overhead lights buzzed. The wallpaper peeled. The air smelled faintly of ammonia. The paint on the receptionist’s desk had flaked off in places. There was gum matted in the carpet.
It was a normal apartment building. Not a nice one.
Aizawa walked cautiously to the desk, and peered at the mailboxes behind it. He picked out the name ‘Shigaraki’ in the third row, and made note of the apartment number.
The elevator, predictably, was out of order, not that it particularly mattered to Aizawa. He wouldn’t have trusted it to bring him to his destination, regardless. He barely trusted the stairs for that, after how many times this dream world had changed under his feet.
He reached the third floor without incident, and found the Shigaraki apartment. The door was locked, but Aizawa always carried a set of lockpicks with him, something that was as true here as in the real world. He made short work of it.
The apartment was… normal. Chaotic. Not very clean. Several sets of shoes, various sizes, littered the entryway. Medical bills and homework covered the kitchen table, more than a few letters on the floor. Bowls were stacked next to the sink. One of the rooms didn’t have a door, but a curtain. There were scorch marks on the walls.
Aizawa took a deep breath, and stepped into the apartment.
At first, nothing changed. Then, the light streaming past the curtains dimmed, natural light becoming weak, flickering sodium-yellow, and the dusty silence of an abandoned place was replaced with something that was almost like city nightlife.
Almost. There was something badly off about it. More than something… Too much anger. Not a single happy voice. Too many crashes and bangs. But… also not enough. Not enough for a riot or a protest. No motors, either. No cars.
He made his way to the window and looked out. There were people there. Crowds, even. People raging. People despairing. There were people tearing at the buildings, attacking their surroundings and one another, but many simply laid on the ground. Others… others seemed to be hunting. Looking for something, armed with makeshift weaponry.
Red lightning split the sky above them. Someone wailed, and the hunting party changed direction, going to where the lightning had struck.
Aizawa had seen the footage from Kamino, the way lightning had sparked, jagged, around the villain’s arms. He didn’t know what that lightning meant here, but he didn’t intend to get close enough to find out.
But he did have to go out, to find Midoriya’s quirk, or the representation of it. Wherever it was, it wasn’t in this apartment.
Just to be sure, he threw open the doors and cabinets, searching and not finding. However, the apartment really was as empty of people as it seemed. Part of Aizawa itched to investigate this place more, this place where All for One was allegedly raised.
He left the apartment, making his way quickly down the stairs. In the real world, he would have most likely left through the window, jumping down to quell the near-riot happening below, to pull aside some of the younger people he had seen. But none of the people below were real, and he needed to lay low, stay inconspicuous.
Walking through Midoriya’s and the others’ minds, he and his students had always been noticed immediately. The ‘vestiges’ were distracting All for One, but Aizawa didn’t want to push his luck.
He walked out into the dim street, keeping close to the walls of buildings for whatever little cover they provided. The air tasted… oddly sterile.
The ‘people’ here were most likely stolen quirks, not memories. Would Midoriya’s be out in this? Or hidden away? How big was All for One’s mental landscape? The man was more than a century old.
If the quirk acted like the child it had belonged to… most likely it would go somewhere familiar. Midoriya’s apartment, maybe? Had he lived there, back then?
It was, unfortunately, his only lead.
(He did not think highly of his chances at success.)
The call was hissed, hushed and disbelieving. Aizawa half-turned, thinning his profile to provide a smaller target, his hands on his capture weapon.
Then he hesitated.
She blinked rapidly at him, eyes tearing up. “He got you, too, Eraser?”
Aizawa took in the brightly-colored hero costume and the ever so slightly off way she held herself. “You… aren’t really Shiretoko Tomoko, are you?” He knew that, or should have known that, but it was very different to see someone he knew… the quirk of someone he knew… here.
She crossed her arms and pursed her lips, face still twisted in upset and grief. “Just like you aren’t really…” Her eyes widened, and she pushed him into a nearby alleyway. He let her, barely resisting the urge to throw her off and double-guessing that decision. “You are the real Eraserhead,” she whispered, urgently. “The real Aizawa Shouta.”
To trust or not to trust… She’d know more than Aizawa about this place and where Midoriya’s quirk might be, but she was also compromised simply by the situation she was in and what she was. He didn’t know how much control All for One had over her, nor how similar she was to the real Ragdoll.
“Why are you here? How are you here?” Her words carried an edge of desperation. “You can’t be here. This is hell.”
“It’s a quirk. I’m looking for someone,” said Aizawa, making a snap decision. “A child.”
“One of your students?”
“Younger,” said Aizawa. “About five.”
“That doesn’t narrow it down as much as I’d like,” admitted not-Ragdoll.
“A boy,” said Aizawa. “Curly green hair. Probably small for his age.”
She blinked again, eyelashes fluttering. “Green hair? Like Midoriya?”
“You remember him?”
“It would be hard to forget the student Kota punched in the…'' she trailed off with a grimace. “Is he alright? Kota?”
“He’s fine. And… you’re fine, as well. Alive, I mean.”
“That’s not really…” She chewed her lower lip. “Call me Search. Midoriya, is he…?”
“He’s… The situation is complicated.”
Ragdoll-- Search nodded. “I haven’t seen anyone that looks like that,” she said. “But I’m not the only hero-- The only hero’s quirk here.” She stepped out of the alley. “Let me show you.”
This felt like a trap.
He didn’t have any better leads.
He followed.
Kazuki had never been strong. As a child, he’d been sickly, and he’d grown into a sickly adult. Allergies and autoimmune disorders had plagued him growing up, as well as common viruses made near-fatal by his adverse reactions to vaccines and already-compromised immune system. Then, as a teen, he’d been diagnosed with a cellular degeneration disorder that had sprung up at about the same time as meta abilities. A disorder that, if Nine was any indicator, had never been cured.
Then his brother had given him the stockpile. And that had…
Well. It had hurt, at first. It had left him sicker than ever, confused and possibly a little delirious as his own power sheered away the ghost of a half-brother he’d never met into near-nothingness, as instincts and senses he’d only been peripherally aware of opened up, angry and inflamed by the violation.
(He wondered, now, if One for All might have manifested very differently if the stockpile hadn’t been forced on him. If the reason Izuku was drawing out the quirks of his predecessors wasn’t because of the mechanical remnants of his original quirk, but because One for All itself had finally settled into equilibrium with the stockpile.)
But. He’d had the stockpile. He’d had that well of power, shallow as it had been back then. at the beginning.
Kazuki still wasn’t strong. Never, in his entire life, from birth to death, had he been strong.
But it was a fact that, for as long as the strong and the weak had existed among men, so had equalizing devices.
Kazuki could lean on a cane. He could also beat someone to death with one. At least, when he’d been alive.
He’d done some staffwork, too, when he’d been alive. The weapon wasn’t as inconspicuous in the modern world as it had been in the past, but it had reach and versatility. Also, many cleaning implements, garden tools, and lengths of pipe could be used as a staff in a pinch.
But his favorite weapon was the sword.
(Kazuki had excelled above his older brother in only four areas: morality, med school, finishing books, and kendo.)
Force multipliers, one friend in the underground had called Kazuki’s weapons. Specialized levers.
Someone, a westerner, Kazuki thought, had once said that you could move the world with a long enough lever. Kazuki couldn’t claim to have done that, he couldn’t even move his brother, but weapons had made his use of One for All much more efficient.
Much more deadly, in some cases.
Unfortunately, his blade failed to cleave off his brother’s insufferably smug face, steel skittering off his brother’s quirk-enhanced hand. Kazuki dove past him, tumbled, making sure to keep the cutting edge of his sword pointed away from himself, and rolled smoothly to his feet, the phantom buzz of One for All under his skin making him much more coordinated than he otherwise would have been.
Daigoro and Rokuya had already engaged his brother. Ryuji was circling, unnoticeable, waiting for an opening. Miranda had summoned a dense fog that crackled with lightning (incidentally not something she’d commonly been able to do in life - for most of her feats, the prevailing weather conditions had to be just right first). Nana was minding the environment, for the moment, making sure it suited them and hindered their opponent. Although, she’d attempted a few several-story axe-kicks, when she saw the opportunity.
As for their youngest two members…
“I hadn’t expected you to let Midoriya Izuku fight,” said All for One, as if everyone involved wasn’t completely, brutally aware that he was Izuku’s father, “but I really expected more action from All Might. Are you afraid I’ll do to your mind what I did to your body?”
“Shut up!” shouted Izuku. “Leave him alone! He’s driving!”
“He’s wha--?”
Rokuya and Miranda both took All for One’s distraction as an opening to hit him with electrical attacks. Rokuya laughed wildly. “Tase him again, senpai!”
Kazuki adjusted his grip on the police stun baton he found in his hand (he’d stolen one, once, and kept it for a week before realizing it was GPS enabled) and smiled. A request like that from his successor? How could he refuse?
Vlad’s car, ever so gently, rolled to a stop. Toshinori cursed vigorously, though not particularly creatively, and winced. There wasn’t anything he could do about a empty fuel tank. Swearing at it wasn’t going to fill it up.
Once met someone with a quirk like…
Toshinori squeezed his eyes shut and let the foreign memory roll over him. Focus on positives. They were much closer to the Wild Wild Pussycats’ compound, almost to the cliffside that Izuku and his classmates had been tipped off of by Pixie Bob, and… Toshinori had to let that memory flicker and pass as well.
He pulled first their supplies, then Izuku, from the car, wanting to keep his student in the warmth provided by the barely-functional heating system for as long as possible. On a whim, he took the emergency supplies Vlad had stored in his car as well.
Perhaps taking things from his fellow teacher should have twinged his conscience more than stealing from villains, but, well. Vlad would have more loss to worry about than a small first aid kit, emergency foil blankets, and road flares. Toshinori had originally intended to return the car, or at least leave it somewhere Vlad could find, but his plans had changed.
The car might not be next to the cliff Izuku and his classmates had fallen from at the beginning of their summer camp experience, but it was next to a cliff.
He made sure the wheel was turned in the right direction, got behind the car and pushed. It took longer than he would have liked to get to the cliffside, but once he did, momentum and gravity took care of the rest.
The result was loud enough to jostle Izuku from his state of not-quite-sleep and left a fair amount of car-related debris on the side of the cliff, but the car itself was obscured quite nicely by the pine trees below.
He walked, slowly, back to Izuku, who had struggled into a sitting position, and was now contemplating standing.
“Don’t,” said Toshinori, softly. “I’ll carry you.”
“But,” said Izuku, looking at him with worry. He swallows, licking split lips. “You’re really not in better shape than I am.”
“You’re keeping us hidden,” said Toshinori. “I’m not.”
Izuku sagged, defeated. “Okay,” he said, softly.
“I was on my way when I found you,” said Search, leading Aizawa forward. “He knows everywhere here, he is everywhere here, and a lot of the quirks here belonged to his followers, or to people who were his enemies but were just as bad as he was… We have to move where we meet.”
“And who is ‘we’ in this situation?” asked Aizawa.
There was a lull in the conversation as they pressed themselves to a wall to let a large group go by.
“Other heroes,” said Search, quietly, once they were more or less alone again. “Rather, their quirks.” She looked up at him. “We might not be them, but we refuse to let him change us, destroy more of what we are.” Something more… natural, for lack of a better term, bled into her bearing.
It was then that it struck Aizawa, what had been bothering him about all the ‘people’ here. None of them moved like they were alive. Not even the vestiges in Midoriya’s mind felt so dead.
Aizawa was standing in a world of ghosts.
He forced himself to nod at her, this specter wearing his colleague’s face and memories. If what she said was true, then she was, indeed, pursuing a noble cause.
She led him to what looked like an average, middle-class hotel, except that it was painted with bright, red graffiti accusing the owners of being ‘mutants.’ They entered through a side door, and went down into a basement filled with washing and drying machines.
The room was also full of people. Quirks. All of whom became very tense upon seeing Aizawa.
“Who’s this?” asked one of them, a thin woman still wearing a blood-splattered costume. Aizawa vaguely recognized her face as that of a hero who’d been popular when he’d been a kid.
“This is Eraserhead,” said Search. “The real Eraserhead.”
“Are you sure?”
“Pretty sure,” said Search.
Aizawa didn’t know how she could be, seeing as she hadn’t really asked him any questions that could confirm his identity, but he didn’t belabor the point.
“He’s looking for someone,” she continued.
“Forget that, how did you even get in here?” demanded someone else.
“A quirk,” said Aizawa.
“Duh,” said a boy in an old Shiketsu uniform. “Of course it was a quirk. Can we have some more detail? We haven’t gotten any news since she came in.” He jerked his head towards Search.
“It was a number of quirks,” allowed Aizawa, “interacting in an unpredicted way. The reason you haven’t gotten any…” He looks at Search. “News. Is because All for One is in Tartarus.”
He’d vaguely expected for the quirks to be reassured by this. Instead, they frowned.
“If you manage to get out,” said the boy, “tell them that they need to kill him. He’s not going to stay nicely in prison.”
“He’s right,” said the woman, crossing her arms. “It doesn’t matter what kind of restraints, drug cocktail, or quirk you’ve got. You see the crowds out there?” She moved to point. “Every person in them is a quirk. Strength quirks, fire quirks, longevity quirks, healing quirks, you name it, he’s got it. The only reason he hasn’t sunk the country is because he wants to rule it.” There was a murmur of agreement.
“I’ll pass it on,” said Aizawa. “But I do have something I’m here for.”
“What?” she snapped.
“A kid’s quirk,” said Search, quickly.
“Why?” asked a vigilante’s quirk, stepping forward. Aizawa had investigated their death. People with healing quirks rarely died like that. “What good does it do you?”
“I know the kid in question,” said Aizawa. “The rest is classified.”
He could make things classified if he wanted to.
“Can you describe them?” asked the vigilante, making gentle shapes with their hands.
“A boy,” said Aizawa. “Green eyes, green curly hair. Probably small. Probably has a thing for notebooks.”
The atmosphere in the room stilled from merely unnatural to deathly.
“Yeah,” said the woman. “We know who you’re talking about.” She pursed her lips. “This is something that’ll make it so All for One won’t be able to use him anymore, right?”
“Hopefully,” said Aizawa. “When you say use…”
The woman waved him off. “The kid’s fine,” she said. “Just terrifying, is all.”
Aizawa closed his eyes. “Of course he is.”
"We decided to keep him away from the other kids," said the vigilate's quirk, "because he was freaking them out."
They were in an apartment building again, this one newer.
"We try to keep the kids away from all that in general." The vigilante waved towards the racket outside. "Wish we could get them free, but…" He trailed off, fixing Aizawa with an appraising look. "If this works with your kid, and he gets his quirk back, maybe you could try with some of the others? I think at least some of them must still be alive out there, right? If your kid is."
"I'll look into it," said Aizawa, "but I'm afraid this is a one time only chance."
"Figures," muttered the vigilante. He knocked on the door.
There was an excited gasp from the other side, and then the pitter-patter of little feet. Then, more concerningly, several metallic clanks and clicks as bolts and locks from the other side of the door were released. The door swung back, and a painfully tiny version of Midoriya beamed up at them.
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝soft hours❞ // k. bakugou
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SYNOPSIS:  ➛ The world knows Katsuki Bakugou as the explosive number two pro hero. You know him as your husband who is soft for only three people on the planet; you and your children.  
» CHARACTER PAIRING: prohero!katsuki bakugou x reader
» WORD COUNT: 3.3k
» GENRE: pro-hero!katsuki, aged up characters, dad bakugou
» WARNINGS: swearing, fluff to the max & dad katsuki
« masterlist || ao3 »
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Being a mother is hard work. 
You aren’t sure how your own made it look so damn easy, because it is anything but. When it was just you, your husband, and your son it was easy enough. But adding another baby to the mix? 
You have never been more tired in your entire life.
For the past month of her life, Koharu had been a good sleeper, with a chill and calm temperament that you, your mother, and mother-in-law; Mitsuki Bakugou all agreed did not come from your husband. But the past two days were a lot different. She had regressed... A lot. With Katsuki back at work, barely able to take time off due to being a high ranking pro hero, you were left to your own devices with the newborn. He had offered to help of course, but you had this. How hard could it be? You’d said confidently.
You’re not so confident now.
Just yesterday, you had struggled to put her to sleep when Katsuki came and managed to do it in less than ten minutes. And honestly, for a second were jealous of your husband. But then he had stumbled over nothing, swearing like a sailor and the wailing began again.
“Suki, don’t swear at the baby!” You had laughed
“I didn’t swear at the baby sweetheart, I swore at the fucking toy Kazuto left on the floor”
“Kazuto, how many times do I have to tell you to pick up your toys once you're done playing with them?”
“Sorry, dad!” That moment had made you feel a lot better about your parenting abilities. 
Today, however, with Katsuki out on patrol, and your son at preschool, it left you and Koharu alone for some girl time. Time, that was spent with you completely frazzled and desperate to help your baby to stop crying and go back to sleep.
But. Nothing. Was. Working. 
After four hours, she finally fell asleep purely out of exhaustion, but not before you had called your own mother, crying on the phone. You weren’t a bad mother, you were just adjusting… Right? All parents had off days with their children, no one was perfect. Though when you had picked up your phone in a moment of peace and mistakenly opened up Instagram, you took one look at a young influencer and her designer baby, looking like she stepped out of a damn magazine… You couldn’t help but compare it to the sweats you wore to bed the night before that you still hadn’t changed out of, the spit up on your shirt, and the bags under your eyes. This is normal, you’d had to remind yourself over and over again as you had put your daughter back into her crib.
Stirring the curry you quickly threw together for dinner, you are ripped from your gloomy thoughts as the noise of the front door opening meets your ears. The door was quickly followed by the voice of a very energetic three-year-old carrying what you know to be the Red Riot merch backpack he takes everywhere. It was a gift from his Uncle Kirishima that Katsuki hates, but puts up with for the sake of his son's happiness. You also know that he has a Chargebolt T-shirt in his closet that he wears to preschool sometimes and cherishes it dearly. His favorite though, is his mini grenade toys based on Katsuki’s own hero costume. For Kazuto’s first birthday, you’d had a hero theme and you couldn’t help but dress him up like your husband, but when you did - with his white-blonde hair and red eyes - he looked like a tiny Katsuki. It was too cute. 
“And-and then he kicked the villain SO HARD that he flew across the sky! He’s so cool!” Explains Kazuto, jumping up and down in excitement. 
“Mmhmm,” Katsuki adds, making it sound like he was paying attention, and encouraging his son to keep rambling about his enormous love for heroes. You won’t be surprised if he follows in his father's footsteps and becomes a pro hero in the future, with his quirk already arrived and causing havoc through your home. 
Your own quirk - Bloom; allowing you to create whatever kind of flora you want, wherever you want, had gotten you into the general studies course at U.A. Which is where you had met your platonic soulmate, Mina Ashido. You had instantly clicked with her when you had met at the end of your first year, and then through her, you met Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Katsuki. At first, you hadn’t known what to think of the explosive blonde, and he didn’t seem to want much to do with you. That was until one day when you and Mina had convinced them all to hang out at an arcade, a villain attacked the street outside. Being not in the Hero course and not having a provisional license, you had left your friends to do their thing. It wasn’t however until the end that you had noticed a young boy, crying and calling for his mother. The villain had a super strength quirk and ended up throwing cars out of his way in an attempt to escape. Seeing what was about to happen before it did, you had lunged into action, throwing yourself over the boy and activating your quirk around you to create a wall of wooden spears the size of Redwoods. You had saved the child, gotten the lecture of a lifetime from Katsuki that ended in him confessing more than he wanted about how he felt about your safety. You were dating a month later and had been together ever since. You had also discovered what you wanted to do after school that day. Deciding you wanted to help people, you became a social worker that helps children who have lost their families.
Your son Kazuto’s quirk was closer to yours than your husband’s quirk, with the three-year-old having the ability to manipulate earth. His favorite thing was watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and trying to recreate what the Earth Benders did - in your living room, much to your chagrin. And you had a feeling that Koharu’s quirk was going to be something like Katsuki’s due to the fact that the baby smelt similar to your husband. 
“Hi, mum!” Kazuto shouts loudly, poking his head in the kitchen. He flashes you a smile broken by a new missing tooth, before racing down the hallway like he is set on a permanent setting of a sprint. 
“Hi you two,” You say, smiling as your husband comes into the kitchen in his casual street clothes, opting to change at the agency. 
“Hang up your bag Kazuto!” Bakugou yells after him and you pray that you have remembered to shut the nursery door. You hear a muffled response form your three-year-old before the sound of his feet dashing up the staircase and the momentary silence that follows has you sighing in relief. She's still out.
Walking over to you, Katsuki wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder. His strong arms pull you back to his chest as he looks over your shoulder to see what you’re cooking. Really, the quick curry was a bit pathetic, but after your long day, you didn’t have the willpower to cook anything fancy. As is sensing the tension in your muscles, Katsuki didn’t say a word about the food, which was a first. You were actually a good cook, but your husband was better and loved to tease you about it any second he could. So the fact that he currently stands behind you not saying a word was odd. 
“Your mother called me today.” Katsuki murmurs, his voice soft and full of concern. You sigh glumly knowing where this conversation is going. You had hoped your mother wouldn’t say anything to Katsuki after you’d called her today, in tears from frustration and insecurities falling from your lips like a boiling pot. It had been a bad day, everyone was allowed to have some bad days.
“Sweetheart, if you need help with the baby-” 
“It’s really fine Suki, it was just an off day.” You say, leaning your head back on his chest and tilting it back just enough so that you could meet his ruby gaze. “Besides, you can’t take any more time off work.” Leaning back up again, you grab the wooden spoon and stir the red sauce. Katsuki lets out a breath before moving with you, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. 
“I can take a fucking day off Y/n.” He mutters against your skin. A shiver runs up your spine and spreads down your arms, making your hair rise. Even after all these years, he still has the ability to render you to a pile of mush. 
“Your team will have my head if you take another day off, Suki.” You point out.
“Then I’ll blast them to hell after I fire them.” His response makes you smile, as he turns you around in his arms. His signature scowl covers his face, but it's the concern in his eyes that has your heart squeezing tight. He’s really worried, you realize. “Let me help you, sweetheart.” 
“Suki-” The sound of Koharu’s ear-piercing wails breaks the silence and has you resting your forehead on your husband's chest. “I’ve got her.” He says, placing a kiss to the crown of your head and giving your hips a reassuring squeeze before slinking out of the kitchen. You are so lucky to have him. 
To this day, Katsuki is still blunt and rash with the media, but people don’t really get to see the side of him that comes out with his family. He tries not to let his friends even witness it because they all give him endless shit about how much of a softie he is for his family. He denies it to hell whenever one of them brings it up, but after both the kids were born, Katsuki cried. Not a lot, just a few stray tears that engraved itself into your mind so heavily. With a sappy smile, you move the curry off the stove and begin dishing it up. As you finish, Kazuto comes wandering in on his own accord which surprises you. Normally, either you or Katsuki would have to go and get him or yell that dinner was done for the three-year-old to make an appearance. 
His vermillion gaze meets yours, and smiles. “Dad sent me down, he’s trying to put Koko to sleep,” Kazuto explains. You nod in understanding, walking the food over to the dining table. You only serve portions for you and your son, knowing that there's a chance Katsuki might not make it back down in time to eat with you. Once you are seated, you look at Kazuto and smile which is enough of an open look to make him start rambling about his day. Pro Hero’s are the first thing to come up, re-explaining the battle that one of his teachers had shown him through lunchtime, followed by his friends and then what he ate for lunch - as if you hadn’t been the one to make his lunch.
“It’s ‘Bring your parents to class day’, soon. Will you come?” His words shock you, and for a moment you just sit there blinking at your son. Kazuto looks up at you with such hope in his eyes, it makes you want to cry.
“You don’t want your dad to go?” You ask. You love Kazuto endlessly and would do anything for the sake of your children's happiness and safety, but you know that Kazuto and Katsuki have a special connection. One built on trust, love, and how much Kazuto looks up to his father as a pro hero. He truly is his father's biggest fan and honestly, it's beautiful. 
“It’s during the day, so he will probably have work. And I want you to come, you're a hero too mummy! You help save kids and help them find families.” Tears spring to your eyes, both at his admiration and the fact it's been a long day, and you so needed to hear that. Because you were a hero in your own way, you were a savior to the children you worked with. Guilt then followed behind the thought. Would I be a bad person if I didn’t go back to work then? If I wasn’t there to help them? You shake the thought from your head and look back to your son. 
“Thanks, honey,” you subtly wipe under your eyes and shove another spoonful of curry back into your mouth. “I’d be more happy than happy to come, but you might also want to ask your dad too so he doesn’t feel left out.” Kazuto nods his head ecstatically at your words before shoveling more food into his mouth. You muffle a quiet laugh at his antics. Yeah, he’s your son when it comes to his love for food.
“I also decided about my party this year for my birthday,” Kazuto says again. 
“Your birthday?” You ask, pretending to think. “No, it can’t be coming up. I clearly remember your birthday being last year!” The teasing tone goes over his head as he scrunches his face up in a pout. 
“It is! I’m four!” He argues, and you don’t hold in the smile 
“Are you sure?” You feign ignorance like you didn’t remember your own son's birthday. Finally catching on, he groans at you. 
“Your birthday…” you begin and Kazuto beams in response before continuing on.
“Can it just be us at my party? With Aunt Mina and my uncles and cousins? I know they all might be really busy being heroes…” He asks and you're once again surprised by your son. Not one for flashy things, and not wanting to spend his outside of school time with his friends, but his family. It's adorable. His temperament at times like these takes after you so much, even though he’s the carbon copy of his father. 
“I’ll see what I can do,” you say winking, knowing that your friends would do anything for your little family. Including taking an afternoon off to spend it with their godson. Noticing he's done, you move to get his plate and gesture towards the stairs. “Why don’t you go clean up and check on your dad.” Kazuto nods and quickly scampers out of the room.
You clean up the kitchen quickly, putting leftovers in a dish and placing them in the fridge for Katsuki to raid later on. Leaving on the kitchen light, you walk out of the kitchen and past the living room to go up the stairs when the TV catches your eye. In the lounge, your eyes fall to the couch which holds your now sleeping husband and your one-month-old daughter, completely comatose on his chest. Old reruns of Friends plays quietly in the background, a show you watched compulsively whilst you were pregnant with Koharu. Squatting down next to Katsuki, you can’t help but smile at the peaceful expression on their faces. 
As if sensing your presence, Katsuki cracks open an eye, instinctively finding you. “Finally got her down I see,” you whisper, thumbing the blonde hair on the baby's head.
“Our kids fucking love me. I’ve got the magic touch.” He says and you grin.
“Oh, I’m fully aware. Mr. Tough-Explosion-man to the world, but here at home - with a sleeping baby on his chest. You’re really soft, Suki.” He now smiles at you but doesn’t make a move to reject the statement.
“Where’s Kazuto?” Katsuki asks, looking over the back of the couch to the clock on the back wall of the lounge. 
“He’s gone to wash up.” You reply, leaning forwards and picking up Koharu with very practiced and perfected stealth to take her to her crib. “He should be done by now. I’m going to put this one in her crib.” You finish, walking up the stairs and into the nursery. With baby blue painted walls and clouds that you had painstakingly illustrated whilst you had left all the assembly of things to Katsuki because the man practically growled at you when you moved to lift something. Turning on the baby monitor in Koharu’s room before quietly slipping through the door, you trudge down the hall towards the master bedroom. On your way past it, you innocently pole your head into Kazuto’s room, seeing Katsuki leaning against the wall next to Kazuto’s bed as they speak quietly amongst themselves. Every time you come into your son's room it makes you smile. The walls are covered in pro hero posters of people like his uncles and his dad. There’s even one of Deku that Katsuki doesn’t like, but once again, puts up with for his son. Kazuto’s eyes lock onto you whilst still talking to his father and you blow him a kiss before leaving the boys to their chatter. 
Closing the door behind you, you make quick work of jumping in the shower and washing your hair for - when was the last time you had washed your hair? To be honest you weren’t sure. 
With that thought, you finish your bathroom routine and get into your comfiest pajamas which consists of one of your husband's t-shirts, a favorite of yours since high-school. Beelining to the bed, you crawl under the covers and let the exhaustion of today leak out of your bones. Tomorrow was a new day, you remind yourself. It was something you found yourself frequently saying when you were overwhelmed and today, you had reached your limit. You only just close your eyes when your door opens, and Katsuki’s walks in. He’s quick and quiet like usual, but as soon as he gets in the bed, he pulls you towards him. He holds you tightly, your back against his chest - which you know won’t last for long because it's summer and the man is like a walking furnace. Placing a kiss against the back of your head, you finally decide to voice the thought that had been plaguing you all day.
“I’m thinking of taking more time off work.” Katsuki’s arms solidify around you. “Like, longer than my maternity leave.” You finish. To be honest, you weren't sure how best to broach the topic with him, even though you’ve been married for over four years now and together twice that long. You’re a very independent person and always liked having your own source of income. And relying on someone for that - there’s nothing wrong with it, you just weren’t sure that was for you. But lately, something changed. Maybe it was adding another baby to the mix, but you’ve been wanting to spend more time focusing on your kids and your husband, rather than work. 
The agency would be fine without me. Katsuki’s arms tighten around you as he helps you roll over towards him. His eyes are filled with pride and love as you look up at him. Placing his hand on your cheek, Katsuki gives you a soft smile.
“You know I’ll support everything you do. The other people at your agency will struggle for a while without you because you basically carry everyone in that fucking place.” Katsuki says. “But they will be okay. You’re the love of my life y/n, a great wife and the best mother to our little gremlins.” The buildup of stress from today bubbles over and you can’t hold in the tears. As fast as they fall, Katsuki brushes them away before placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
“I love you so much sweetheart,” A broken sob breaks out of your mouth before you can stop it which has Katsuki kissing your forehead and grasping you tighter, tucking your head under his chin. 
“Shitty woman, let me fucking help you.” He whispers and you nod against his chest. 
“I love you, Suki.” Your voice is smothered against his skin, so you place a tender kiss to the bare skin of his chest in response. Running his hands down your spine and his warm body pressed to yours, you slowly drift to sleep. Your husband really is a softy at heart. 
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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monst · 5 years
T’is the season Day 3
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Day 3 What the kid’s want!
I’m glad some of you liked day 2 ^.^ I hope you’ll enjoy today’s as well. Having children is a lot of responsibility. But, once the holidays roll around it seems as though the pressure to keep them happy increase as they want the latest new things! However there are times where people's kids surprise them:
 Toyomitsu Taishiro (Fatgum)
Toyomitsu’s daughter didn’t waste a single second once her mother (Name) told her to start planning her Christmas Wishlist. Heck the cute kid had hers ready since thanksgiving! And, it was the what am I thankful for question that inspired her Wishlist. When (Name) had read what her daughter had written she couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her lips.
(D/N)’s Wishlist!
Dear Santa, Papa, Mama and elves!
What I want for Christmas is to be strong! To be able to get big like daddy so that no one will hurt! I want to be just like him! And be as pretty as Mama if I get this for Christmas I’ll be the happiest kid ever!! And, I’ll fix my bed and never say bad words! I also want that ne dolly Me and Mama saw at the store! And, a new Suneater and Red riot pajama set that brings the tie on mask!!
On the same day (D/N) had handed her mother the list (Name) she exhibited her quirk. She pestered (Name) all day to call her daddy but, it seemed as though the hero FatGum was very busy. But, late at night when the blonde hero came home to his angels (Name) handed him (D/N)’s wishlist.  The smile on his face could split it in half and, when a tuff of blonde hair rounded the corner he knelt down.
“Daddy!!! Santa did it!! He gave me my present early!!” She beamed. It was then that they noticed their daughter’s new pudginess as she hurled herself into her dad’s arms. Her plump body met his round one and (Name)snorted when they bounced off each other.
“Isn’t it cool!!!” She grinned looking at her parents.
“Yes kiddo very cool! I didn’t know Santa gave out early gifts. ya must ‘ave been real good all year!” He praised ruffling her hair.
“Yes! Right mama!!” Her (e/c) locking onto her mother’s smiling form.
“Yeah baby you’ve been the best behaved angel but…. I thought I said no more cookies.” (Name) reprimanded.
“Aww darlin’ let the squirt live, she just got her quirk ya know?” her husband pleaded on behalf of their child moving his arm to bring (Name) into the hug. “ ‘sides’ you were the one to tell her she could have whatever she wanted.”
“What! That was you Taishiro!” (Name) laughed as he hugged her tighter.
“Daddy! What did you wish for!!” (D/N) asked.
“Nothing sweetpea got all I need right here! No need in botherin’ Mr. Claus.”
 Aizawa Shouta
Okay Santa I’m not gonna beat around the bush. Mom’s getting me a baby brother. Eri’s making me a hat. Shinsou’s gonna start training me and, Your gonna get me the new gear I asked for but, I also need something else from you. You need to make sure that my dad goes to my recital. It’s literally the day before Christmas so your not going to be to busy to do it. If you don’t I’m going to make sure that my favorite hero goes to your home and blows up all your reindeer. So make sure he comes he’s always so busy but this is the only thing I want from him so you better do it.
“Why is my son writing like this to ‘santa’?” Aizawa asked you.
“Isn’t it obvious. He’ll do anything to be like his favorite hero. Besides it’s kindof funny.” You laughed.
“It’s funny now but, not when he gets to his teen years. Why’d he pick that one as his favorite?” He grumbled.
“Oh hush! If he hadn’t seen that video of you on youtube praising him he wouldn’t be his favorite.
Aizawa continued to grumble about his son’s choice but even he couldn’t stop the smile on his face at how proud he was the top heroes. He was also glad that his son wanted him at the recital. Sometimes Aizawa felt as if he never had time for his family and that his son resented him for it. He was grateful that wasn’t the case. 
“Shouta are you gonna be able to make it??” You asked looking at the crude drawing of ‘gear’ your son included in his letter. 
“Wouldn’t even think of missing it.” He snorted also looking at the horrid drawing.  
 Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou’s purple eyes blinked owlishly at the crinkled sheet you dangled in front of him. Small snickers escaped your lips but, he didn’t miss the way your eyes glossed over with tears. When his eyes finally zoned in on the words his daughter wrote a slow smile slipped onto his face.
I wish daddy could sleep more. He’s always tired and I know he’s keeping other people safe but it’s not safe to go outside tired so please whoever had the ability to do it please make the villains stop being around at night. I miss my daddy tucking me into bed. I miss him reading books to me. And, I want his eyes not to always look so tired. I know it’s a bit selfish but this is the only thing I’m asking for so I hope you consider it.
He knew (D/N) was asleep. It was around two a.m After All and, although he had told you not to wait upon him you always did. He knew that being a hero was taxing and, it was now hitting him. His family missed him but he knew they’d never ask him to stop fighting crime. Tears welled up in his eyes and he rubbed them away.
The next morning Shinsou looked over the note again over a cup of coffee. He was really thinking hard on how he could manage this for his little girl. 
“Daddy! Your not supposed to read it!” Your little tyke flushed running towards her father and failing to reach the letter. 
“Oh I wasn’t?” He teased holding the note even higher. 
“No. you weren’t” She pouted her indigo eyes glaring daggers at her father. “Now it won’t come true and our going to be stuck looking like a raccoon forever!”
“A raccoon?” He muttered. “(Name)! You think your funny don’t you?!”
You snickered from your spot on the table averting your eyes with a shrug. “Oh don’t think your getting out of this either mommy! You were the one who gave him the letter.” She huffed. 
“True. But, how did you expect your ‘wish’ to come true if I found it crumpled in the corner of the bathroom.” You sassed your child. 
“....Good point.” She flushed. “I’ll win one round yet mommy just you wait!”
Shinsou only shook his head at the theatrics. A smirk hiding behind the ceramic cup as his daughter tried to out wit you. She was in for a losing battle. He admitted that sometimes he couldn’t out wit you. When he was finally brought into the conversation he realized just how much he had been missing out and considered asking ‘Santa’ (His mentor) for a bit more leeway with time. After all once they grow up you can’t get these moments back. 
🔥 👶 🎶 🌟 ❄️ 🔔 ⛄️ 👼 🦌 🍪 🥛 🎅 🤶 🧝‍ 🎁 ⛪ 🕯 👪 ✝️ 🎄 🍷 🍴
 Well I hope you liked day three! Tell me below which dad was your fave yeah? TDS will hit ya again tomorrow with Day 4 A walk through town with your favorite burnt man Dabi! Also, Yes I know...this banner looks like Ispy gone wrong…
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catlover7722 · 4 years
Moral of the Story: Pro-Hero! Katsuki Bakugo x Ex wife! OC
(Doing another OC of mine. I honestly wanted to do this as an Rp with my favorite rper friend because it’s been in the back of my mind for a while. This is gonna a be a really angesty. If you guys want to see my oc more or a just a short description let me know. Both characters are older, Sakura is 40 and Bakugo’s 41. They have Aiko, who’s their daughter and is 15, and Kouichi, who Sakura son from another relationship (it’s revealed in this story) and is 20)
Trigger warning!: Past suicide attempt, angst, suicide attempt, swearing, past toxic relationship, and over all sad themes (this isn’t getting a good end)
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Sakura POV
I sat there alone. I watched the TV, headlines about Ground Zero and Red Riot defeat a villain. I watch the News too much. I shut it off and looked out the window. I got up from the bed and went to window. I sat in the windowsill and stare at the trees. I could barely look at Cherry Blossoms without think about how we would sit under them talking about are future together.
A knock at the door and my nurse came in. I didn’t look at her “Miss, have you taken you medication?” She asked kindly. I nodded and keep staring out the window. I’ve been in here for 10 years and it was the same everyday. Wake up, take my meds with breakfast, go to group and just listen to them, go back to my room to watch the news, stare out the window for an hour, have lunch, do some light reading, Wait for Aiko to come and visit, have dinner and say goodbye to Aiko, watch some more news, and go to bed early.
I had gotten a letter from Dabi today, it was sweet of him. He was arrest 9 years ago and our son was in custody of Bakugo. Kouichi told me they both were at each other throats and was excited to go out of there. I felt bad but Kouichi needs someone like Katsuki in his life to be role model or at least a father figure. My nurse tapped my shoulder.
I looked at her and she looked at me “You remember what today is?” She asked. I looked the calendar and widen my eyes. Today was UA’s Sport Festival. Aiko was in it with her class. I promised her I’d watch it or see it. I looked at my nurse and she smiled a little at me “How about you get dressed into real clothes and go watch it in person?” She said smiling. I nodded and grab the clothes she had bought for me. I went in my bathroom and changed into a foral dress shirt with a black skirt. I put on the black heels she had for me too and walked out. I looked at her and smiled.
She looked at me “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you smile” she said. I nodded and looked at her happily “Let’s go” I said excitedly.
We got to the Festival. I see all the pro heroes that I knew. I had a black surgical mask on so no one knew it was me. I haven’t seen friends in years, the last person that saw me was Midoryia. He’s was a sweet guy but then he just cut off the contact with me. I couldn’t blame him though, I was definitely a lost cause. We got out and I looked around at everyone.
We walked to go find our seat. I looked around seeing unfamiliar faces and familiar ones. I avoid familiar faces which my nurse would watch almost ashamed of what I was doing “Sakura, maybe talking to them will help you clear up the air. They don’t know the truth on that night” she said. I let out pity chuckled, I’ve told everyone the truth yet no one listens to me. I was gonna respond but ran into someone. I turned to the person “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention” I said and looked up at the person. It was Kirishma with Denkei beside him. He was standing there shocked with Denki confused “Sakura?” Kirishma said. I widen my eyes and lowered my mask so they could hear me clearly “Look please don’t say anything to Bakugo. I’m just here to watch and see my daughter. That’s all” I said
Kirishma looked at me with either sympathy or pity in his eyes. Denki looked at me and nodded “Yeah, we won’t say anything. Where’s your seat?” Denki spoke up before Kirishma. I pulled up my mask again and showed him. Denki nodded “Okay. We’ll make sure he stays away from there” he said. I smiled under my mask “Thank you” I said. My nurse grabbed my arm gently and we walked to are seats. I sit there nervously and saw Aiko class. I saw Aiko talking to a girl with green hair and white hair. The girl was Midoryia’s kid no doubt about that. Aiko was happy talking to the girl, maybe this was the girl that Aiko spoke about highly. I smiled at her.
The announcement started and I watched the student gather in a big group. I saw that Uraraka was the one nominated to watch the kids to make sure they don’t hurt anyone. Aiko was chosen to be the student to represent her class to say a few work. If she was anything like her father, this wouldn’t be good. I watched her come up to the stage. She looked at everyone “Look I want everyone to do their best here and I have to say I’m not doing this for my dad, I’m doing it for my mother. She’s watching me now and I’m gonna make her proud” she said in the mic
Okay this was worse then I expected. I was flattered that she said that but now Bakugou knew I was I here. She walked off the stage with her class. I felt the air get tense and waited for a explosion or yelling but nothing happened. My nurse grabbed my hand gently and I tried to calm down.
It went into The Battle Tournament and I decided to go see Aiko before she went to her battle. I went alone, if I were to see Bakugo then I’d be able to try and defuse the situation without her help. I got to her room she told Kouichi to text me. I got there and opened the door carefully. I saw her sitting there with Kouichi. She looked at me quickly and got up. I smiled at her and closed the door behind me “Mom!” She said and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and I didn’t really realize she was taller than me until now which was weird to me.
We pulled away and Kouichi came over then hugged me too while I hugged back. I knew Kouichi was gonna he tall just like his father. We pulled away and I smiled at them “I’m proud of you, Aiko. I didn’t get this far when I did the Sports Festival when I was your age. You take after your father a lot” I said. Aiko looked at me and smiled a lot “Thanks, mama. I just want to make you proud” she said. I looked at her and puts my hand on her arm “You’d never, ever disappoint me” I said.
Aiko tears up and wipes her tears “Thank you” she said smiling. Kouichi chuckled “Don’t cry. You’ll be too busy crying to focus on your fight” he said. Aiko glared at him angrily “Oh hush! I can kick your ass!” She yelled. I watched them pick on each other smiling at them. I missed this definitely, I never saw them together when they were younger pick and fight with each other. I felt bad but I was stuck in the hospital for most of their lives.
I hummed to get their attention which worked “I should get going, I need to leave before your father come” I said. Aiko and Kouichi hugged me together. I hugged them both smiling. I pulled away smiling and walked out the room. I closed the door behind me after leaving and looked up seeing the devil himself. Bakugo was standing there against the wall in his pro hero costume. His arm crossed and his eyes closed, a clear sign of him being pissed off. I stood there “Kats-” I started “Bakugo, you don’t call me Katsuki” he interrupted. I closed my mouth and recoil a little. He opened his eye, his vermilion eyes burning into my orchid colored eyes. He sighed “You can stay until it’s over then I want you to go back to the hospital again. We’ll talk there about the court order” he said “I promise you that you’ll never see my daughter again” he added putting a lot of anger on my. I stood there and nodded then started to walking away not wanting to start an argument. I started to tear up and then started to run down the hallway not wanting to look back at him.
I didn’t realize that he was staring at me with so much guilt. The built up guilt over the years made him angry at me and himself. I keep running crying and just kept running leaving the arena. I took off my mask harshly and threw it on the ground not caring. I was prepared to see him and I kept running.
I was on a rooftop, I don’t know how I got on here. But I was here standing on the edge reflecting on my life. I had a quirk with a lethal side effect, I almost died from it, my birth father was a villain, my birth mother was abusive to me when I was born, I fucked up a good relationship with the only guy that I actually felt was a good one, and I didn’t get to see my daughter grow up. I stand there staring at the ground below.
I knew that people were trying to find me. An alert was sent out a few hours ago but I didn’t care. I heard the roof top door slam open and I turn around to look it. I saw Bakugo, Iida, and Aizawa. Aizawa was a dad figure just like my adoptive dad was too. Bakugo stares at me and moves towards me slowly. His mouth was moving but I didn’t hear anything. I smiled at him “I love you and our kids” I said to him and I backed off the roof. I closed my eyes and smiling. I felt myself fall and see glimpses of my life....
10 years ago
The day that ruined my life, Aiko and I were playing in her room. Katsuki was getting groceries for dinner. It was his night to cook so we both knew it would be good. Aiko and I were smiling. I heard a knock on the door. I got up telling Aiko to say put. I went to the door and opened it. I saw Dabi there with Kouichi. I stood there “You can’t be here, Bakugo doesn’t like you coming over here without telling him” I said. Dabi looked down at me “You need to come back” he said to me. I sighed in annoyance.
“I’m not coming back. We made a deal, I sent money for you and Kouichi while you give us information on the League. I’m keeping you out of jail” I said angrily. Dabi sent Kouichi to Aiko room and he came in. He shut the door and I back up “Dabi!” I said. He grabbed me by my arms “I can’t do this without you. You don’t know how hard this is” he said. I looked at him and sighed “I gave you a choice back then. You and I can’t be together. I can keep Kouichi here few days while you sort things out” I explained.
Dabi stood there. He got mad and let’s go of me “I love you more than him. You know that” he said. I shook my head no “Katsuki loves me a lot too. I love him a lot too. You can’t change my mind” I said pushing him away. I went upstairs to go check on the kids. That was my first mistake, Dabi followed me upstairs and grabbed my back of my throat. I widen my eyes and reach back digging my nails in his scars which made him let go quickly. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door locking it.
Dabi bangs on the door yelling at me. I stood there crying and cover my ears telling him to leave. I opened the cabinet and grabbed the my medicine. I knew the dosage could kill me but I knew it would make me go in and out of consciousness only killing me if I . I grabbed the syringe and got the dosage. I put it in the my arm and sat down on the ground. I closed my eyes and get flashed of Aiko knocking the door, then the door getting blown up, the Bakugo hold me closely crying, and lastly I woke up in the hospital
I look around and sat up a little. My head pounding and I saw Katsuki in a chair. He was sleeping, I looked at him and grabbed his hand gently. I rub his knuckles trying to see if he’d wake up. He did stir awake and looked at me. He squeezed my hand and got up. He sat down on the bed and looked at me. He looked drained “I can’t do that again” he said. I looked at him confusedly “Bakugo I wasn’t trying-” I stared but he gripped my hand stopping me. I saw he was crying and I let go of his hand “Alright, I understand” I said. He got up and walked out quietly. I sat there and started to cry. I covered my face and keep crying. I’m an fucking idiot.
I might do a part two to this but only if people want it
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Series Review Pt. 3/3
Part One
Part Two
All right, last one!
One of the things about adults is that most become increasingly less flexible the older they get. They learn to function in a certain way to get certain results and work themselves into a pattern that inhibits their ability to be creative or dynamic which is compounded the less they are challenged. This isn’t opinion - this has been a scientifically and statistically verified fact. Different levels of physical and emotional development fundamentally changes the way human beings process stimuli and conflict, and factors like physical injuries and trauma affect the ability of one to process and resolve stressful situations. This doesn’t mean adults can’t change the way they think or do things, but it’s much harder for them to mentally and emotionally break out of their preconceived notions unprompted whereas younger adults still largely maintain the ability to criticize and adjust changes in perspective and creatively adapt to new information.
The kids we see in HeroAca are in a particularly unique situation in regards to coming from a background of ideals (“If I work hard, I’ll see the fruits of my labor”) and coming to grips with the inherently unfair nature of the world (“Even the greatest hero can’t save everyone”). Combined with the early exposure they’ve had to the injustices in their society and their general disposition to maximize the positive impact they have on others the “next generation of heroes” is in a unique situation to completely overhaul the current system literally as they enter it by bringing in new ideals and embracing their diversity in thought and background to directly challenge failings in the old system as well as bring awareness to those who exist outside it. With an added sense of camaraderie and teamwork over rivalry they have the ability to foster more “human” conversations with the aim of improving the world as opposed to being purely focused on “business” when in uniform the way their predecessors were.
This isn’t to say that the grown heroes of the series have to be completely done away with, just that they have not had a generation so able to challenge them to action in the way their juniors do now. In fact, it’s a running theme in the series that the next generation of heroes either teach or save their mentors in unexpected ways and with varying degrees of intensity as they work through adversity together.
Red Riot has not only saved Fatgum in a literal sense in the battle with the Shie Hassaikai, but Fatgum explicitly states he underestimated the ability and resolve of the young hero. He also holds faith in his older mentee, Sun Eater, whom he regards as a hero unrivaled in ability in the current climate if he only could overcome his own self-doubt. Sir Nighteye’s confidence in Lemillion is evident from the start and to his dying breath believes the key to his ability to save is not rooted in the strength of his quirk but by his ability to make others smile. Nighteye’s previous disdain of Deku is eventually turned into awe and inspiration when he’s able to do what was previously thought to be impossible and theoretically change destiny itself. All Might’s faith in Deku has also been immediately obvious, but seeing that his symbolic value with the next generation as a hero hasn’t depreciated with his declining ability has given him the resolve to fight for his own survival again. Bakugo in particular has received a new, special place in his heart as a capable hero who together with Deku represents his two separate but related core values in a hero - winning and saving - but with greater potential then All Might was able to achieve alone. Shinsou has served as a personal means for Eraserhead to move past the trauma of violently losing his childhood friend and begin to truly encourage the next generation to accept the risk inherent in this line of work instead of letting his fears inhibit his ability to teach and mentor them. Shouto has been a catalyst for Endeavor to seek to restore to his family what he took away from them and to recognize that he can never fully restore or erase the trauma he inflicted on them nor does he have any right to ask to be included in their lives any further. Even straightforward, straight-laced Tsukoyomi has inspired Hawks to take a second look at what it means to raise up the next generation of heroes outside of his own troubled past with it to the point he now actively encourages and genuinely believes in them as a whole to possess the power to make changes he couldn't.
These conversations have largely not happened with the criminal side of the field as any opportunity for the children to touch the hearts of villains have been marred by the inherent life-or-death struggle of each encounter. Each side is literally too busy fighting for survival/victory to truly have some of these meaningful conversations, but the seeds they’ve planted in the hearts of their mentors as well as the rare heart-to-heart interactions they’ve had with villains have proven they have power; and that’s going to be the deciding factor in this literal war at the end of the manga - that is, this missing piece is going to be an opportunity for the heroes to save the hearts of the villains.
The key to this next generation “saving” an army of villains will be dependent on their ability to advocate for rehabilitation and reintegration into society - both for villains to accept the help and for broader society being willing to forgive them. Hawks has already started with his personal offer to help Twice, but it will be interesting to see how others are able to input offers for reform in the heat of battle and in light of their individual circumstances.
An example I hope we’ll get to see is an interaction between Dabi, Endeavor, and Shouto (assuming, of course, that Dabi is a Todoroki). Shouto would be the main deciding factor in the altercation as he has undergone the same kind of abuse and personal tragedy at the hand of Endeavor as Dabi has; but the outcome was completely different and he therefore may be able to speak to Dabi in a way that Endeavor definitely cannot. Shouto made the personal choice to not let his hatred for his father consume him and instead channeled the resources available to him to become a hero capable of saving others because he determined in and of himself to do so, rather than becoming a person obsessed with personal vengeance or merely operating as his father’s vicarious victory. It’s important to remember that Shouto has looked to the ideals of heroism (mainly through his admiration of All Might) as a good thing from a young age, but those ideals were overshadowed in the face of the constant abuse in his home and he became more and more cynical over time. As he began to accept that he was not bound by the burden of his upbringing and was capable of moving past the trauma to determine his own future despite it, he was not only able to change his entire outlook on his future for his own sake; but Shouto even began to cause Endeavor to reexamine the ethics and consequences of his actions even without the forgiveness of his family simply by operating as the kind of hero Shouto wanted to be for himself instead of the hero Endeavor tried to force upon him. 
In this light, Dabi’s personal vendetta is clarified to not be the pursuit of justice but a mere act of vengeance with understandable motivation but ultimately evil justification that has not only failed to constructively address the issue of neglect and abuse in his own home, let alone of hero families as a whole, but has caused undeserved collateral death and grief in the process. Whether this revelation will “save” Dabi is unknown as Shouto and Natsuo also still hold deep contempt for their father; but both of them have begun to move past the events of their childhood (if only in very small steps) and have begun to self-determine their relationship with their father individually, while Dabi is still operating out of pure spite. Interestingly, what we may end up seeing in this situation is a schism resulting in a fight similar to the final showdown between Zuko and Azula in Avatar: the Last Airbender. (And on that note, I don’t know how I didn’t notice the additional parallels between the families sooner between the scar, paternal abuse resulting in an estranged mother, and sibling with blue fire. I called Todoroki Frosty Fire Prince Zuko in the past as a joke, but this feels so obvious now; I’ve clearly been sleeping.) One more wild card thrown in will be if Hawks is present for this interaction and seeing his reaction to it as he will fight Dabi and has a similar story to both him and Shouto.
Where kids like Bakugo and Deku will be most relevant or impactful is not quite clear at the moment, though a clash with Shigaraki feels imminent. We do know at least that each are counted as capable heroes in their own rights with the distinction that Bakugo is a hero who wins fights and Deku is a hero who saves people so their role might look like something along the lines of Bakugo ending a battle and Deku ending the underlying conflict. There seems to be an insinuation that these two things rarely can be done at the same time, and that first the physical threat must be addressed before a sit-down and exchange can be made to talk about the motivations and underlying causes of the fight. Much like with the final fight with Overhaul, Eri was not considered to be completely saved until after she was removed from her situation and then allowed to heal - and even that process is ongoing.
If the heroes are able to refute the viewpoints of the villains at the end of the day and are able to truly move the public on their behalf, those who chose to cooperate will likely be given the chance to start over while those who continue to fight out of spite will be at best detained and at worst killed in the struggle. What this might look like, I’m not sure, as some have hefty crimes to answer for and may not have the opportunity to truly reintegrate. Any country/society/culture with as many people committing as severe crimes as these would have difficulty embracing change that would welcome these people back, let alone the specific context of Japan that brutally punishes criminals and so often permanently damages their reputations and social standing - sometimes for what many would consider only “minor” crimes. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t hope for even the worst of them with a proper change of heart; and the fact that the Meta Liberation Army was as widespread a cultural phenomena as it was offers the idea that enough people are open to the ideas of the radical shifts necessary to address these concerns which increases the chance to make reforms peacefully.
As a focus point, consider Shigaraki. He’s the most important villain to reach not only as the head of this massive villain organization but as a dire victim of the current system’s shortcomings. His own biggest quarrel with hero society as it stands is that it makes people overconfident and apathetic because there's always a hero just around the corner - let them handle this person in need. While Shigaraki is not advocating for individual moral responsibility, a new societal emphasis on it could resolve most of the issues he has with hero society. A big enough cultural shift could also address instances of criminal activity on a case by case basis - a new focus that hurt people lashing out isn't acceptable behavior, but perhaps some other response than immediate punishment should be considered; as well as reconsider the role of the current justice system in the progressive intensity over a person’s criminal history to mitigate these problems before they manifest.
Right now what's holding up Shigaraki's power over others (outside of the terror he inspires) is the support of others predicated on a lie - and this goes both for the League and the PLF. If that lie is exposed, Shigaraki could wind up high, dry, and unsupported - vulnerable - depending on how individuals take the revelation. He does seem to genuinely care for the core members of the League, and their loyalty to him is undeniably profound and far reaching. Despite his nihilism, at the end of the day he’s still a deeply wounded and angry individual looking in extremes for some solace in the injustice of a world that rejected him. There are many ways this can go depending on who faces who in the final showdowns to come; but for that we'll have to wait and see.
If someone as far gone as Shigaraki can be saved then there's a bright future out there for everyone if they are willing to reach out together and grab it.
This review has left out many aspects of the story I reviewed as important but not necessary for this article, and at some 5k words that's probably for the best. Too much speculation at the moment doesn't feel very productive outside of how general themes and plotlines will tie up at the end, but I'll have to save some of those specifics for some other time. Thank you for sticking out with me this far, and thank you again to @baezetsu​ and @dorito9708​ for helping me review and edit all this information!
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the-spacey-squirrel · 5 years
Writing Prompt #1
A hero who transforms into a villan.....
Luthier did not realize today was the say his whole world would slide into a different direction. He began the morning as any hero would patrolling the streets and drinking his coffee. His costume sat quietly under his street clothes of shirt and tie. He kept his eyes sharp as he took a swig of his coffee, nothing seemed different and the town was in a quiet state thanks to the early morning.
Nestled in the other side of the city happened a man who was plotting and getting ready for the start of his new rule or so he thought. He smiled wickedly as he strolled into a gas station and began to browse the isles. This wicked man had a plan and the only way to make sure it was to come to fruition started to spray the snacks and food sitting on the shelves. He passed all the isles spraying his gas. Then he paid for his gas and left making sure to watch people come in and out with the gassed foods. He smirked turning around to head to another place and plant his gas.
Luthier was unaware of the situation until he began to feel his usual tingle in his brain making him aware of someone distressed in the city. He grabs his shirt and walks into the alley making sure he is not seen and takes his street clothes off to show his super hero uniform of bright crimson red and gold as he pushes off from the ground to fly into the grey sky. He makes his flight and begins to scan around looking for the issue. He seems unaware of the people below him in awe of his ability. "Crimson Rage must of sensed someone in trouble" a young mother told her son as he pointed to the sky at the man hovering in the sky. His green eyes bounced from area to area until he saw the distress, a young man was on the ground with his hands clasped around his throat. To the world as a hero the man named Crimson Rage made his flight as quickly as he could and landed in front of the man with his hands around his throat, he seemed choking or possibly asthma? He couldn't fully decide until he decided to take action he walked cautiously to him with his hands up to show the man. The man looked up and gasped as he fell fully to the floor curled up in a ball. Crimson Rage rushed over to help and all he saw was the man draw a breath and his eyes faded he had died in the heros arms. A painful expression flooded onto his face as he help the poor man in his hands. Nothing this bad has ever happened to him in his hero experience. Holding the dead body started to make him uncomfortable as the pedestrians watched in horror realizing that the man was indeed dead and no way to save him or was the hero too late? He stood with the man in his arms holding him tight and looking around he opened his mouth to speak only to watch 3 more collapse and grab at their throats just like the man in his arms he quickly put the man down and rushed to them thinking quick he opened the mans mouth listening for breath as they gagged on air. Crimson Riot attempted CPR to help get air through but with little success the 3 people also collapsed dying with their final breath. Crimson Riot let out an agrivated yell as he looked at them. Nothing seemed to help. He looked around to watch more people showing up and begin to whisper. Nothing seems to be helping nothing is going right for Crimson Riot. The cops sirens begin to wail and call closer to their area. The crowd makes room as 4 cops come up and look st crimson riot as the bodies lay under him.
"Care to explain Crimson?' The blond haired officer asked with his hand crossing over his chest. Crimson paused he had nothing to say, he shook his head and continued to look down at the bodies.
"The man over there collapsed holding his throat then just died, while this was going on the 3 others over here did the exact same..." his deep voice sounded sad. The officer looked at the bodies and then back to the hero. He shook his head and used his walkie talkie to call for some ambulances. They came faster than expected loading the perished people into their trucks and rushing off. The cop looked at Crimson again glaring, something did not seem right, he always found a way to save them. Crimson Rage looked over to see the angry expression on his face and prepped his legs for a take off to escape the eyes of the crowd, he could hear them whisper and chatter his hearing was perfect. 'So did he kill them?' One asked. 'You think it's set up?' A girl asked. Luthier sighed and heard a scream a few blocks over and flew over to investigate 3 more down and this time dead. He had been so focused on the others he didnt notice his senses going off. A crooked smile came to his face as he watched the lady cry and run to him. "Please help! My daughter took a bite of her candy bar and then she started to choke I tried to help but she died in my arms!!" She wailed tears streaming down her face. Crimson Rage sighed lightly and walked over to the girl just to see the same dead expression the man had as he died. He shook his head and looked back to her. "A man a few blocks over on Rainer St. Just died of a similar illness...." his voice trailed off as he placed the girl back on the ground. The mother froze her eyes filled with tears, "So your going to do nothing!?" The hero looked at her with a sorry look on his face, "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do...." The mother wailed as she fell to her knees.
For the rest of the day reports of the choking death began to come in the population began to decrease slowly but enough to notice. The police were baffled and the hospital and scientists on this could not figure out the solution or how this was happening. More and more the people began to riot and fight with the police and the Hero Crimson Rage believing they were hiding something or not helping as much as they could.
"He doesnt care about us!!" A man shouted as a bottle busted Crimson Rage in the head a trickle of blood slipped down his cheek. Crimson Rage looked agitated and made sure to let out a rough huff. The man slowly backed up realizing the strength a hero had compared to a simple human. " I have been on this trail for a long time" growled Crimson Rage, "No matter how I try nothing seems to be the answer to why this is happening..."
The crowd booed him and shouted as he pushed off again into the air to avoid the fight with them and the media. The media already assumed he was a lousy hero and wanted him to retire. 'You get one bad day of it and everyone is at your throat' he thought as he flew over to Remison Park seeing the police cars lights flickering. He landed seeing a handful of children on the ground curled in a ball. Parents mourning and others shouting for an explanation. The people silence as they see Crimson Rage land and walk over to them. A mother comes forward with a mourning face and stands in his way, "If you cant help us or give us a reason we dont want you here..." she extends her hands to make a blockage and more people begin to join in her protest. Crimson Riot sighs and again leaps into the air without a word. He sits in the air pondering a bit to himself. Nothing made sense, normal and fine day turned sour with 6 deaths in one day then over the course of a week more than 20....the numbers keep going up' he puts his arms crossed over his chest as he continues to think. The deaths were maddening and making him uncomfortable he had never once lost a soul while he was around now they were dropping like flies.
Before he could get hit Crimson Riot dodges a bullet that was aimed at him. He looked down to see a few officers standing with their guns fully aimed to him. He shook his head in disbelief as he flew off to change back into Luthier. Quickly he grabbed his abandoned clothes and put them on in a hurry. He made sure his costume was fully covered before he came out walking around like all the other regular Joe's. He stopped instantly to hear a breaking news bulletin as he grabbed a sandwich to eat.
"Stop Crimson Rage" the news anchor growled as he stared into the camera " since this sickness has been around he has been no help to save our lives." Luthier rolled his eyes and the story continued. "Why have a hero if he does nothing to save us?" The man seemed to be yelling now. "He is no use to us and we dont need him" Luthier heard enough leaving with his sandwhich, he smiled happily and took a monstrous bite out of the food. He swallowed and a strange sensation filled him, it was like darkness had hit him with a truck and he could feel his care and love for his town disappear. He continued to eat, each bite bringing out more rage than before he grinned and looked around at the people who just walked the streets. An evil feeling over came him as he grabbed a child by the neck lifting him to his eyes and grinned with monstrous eyes as he tightened his grip on the childs throat. "PLE- MISTER-YOUR HUR" the poor child tired to talk but the more he tried the harder the grip before he knew the child had passed out and Luthier threw him to the ground. The father cried begging for his sons life as he laid motionless.
Luthier let out a cackle and began to rip off his street clothes again to reveal his identity. "Cant help you?" He sneered as he raced over to another this time a woman and grabbing her throat again snapping her fragile throat in half. "Not needed!?" He howled as he continued to massacre anyone in his path making sure to go for the throats. Screams of terror filled the block as cops raced to stop the now turned villain Crimson Riot. They shot a few guns even tried a few new test guns to take him down, crimson riot laughs hysterically as he leaps into the sky blood covers his face and hands. "The city who wants to stop me?" He mocks as he let's out a sonic punch destroying half the block and killing more people. Crinson Rage grins knowing full well if he cant be the hero theres always room to be a villan.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia: Chapter 15
As always, raw and unedited until it gets added to AO3 and FF.net.  This chapter also owes a great deal to my friend, Allie, who suggested some of the dialog in this chapter, as well as some of the details surrounding Kenta Sato’s mom that I had never planned for originally.
Chapters 0-12 can be found here.
Chapter 13 (unedited) is here
Chapter 14 (unedited) is here
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 15: Kenta Sato and the Pain of Memories and Moving On
Many years ago…
“Kenta,” Takuma asked, “can I ask a question?”
He looked up from his bowl of cereal.  Ever since his Quirk came in, he hasn’t had to worry about getting cavities, so he can eat all the sugary cereal he wants. “Sure,” he said.
“Do you miss your mommy?”
Kenta looked down again.  “All the time.  But Daddy says she’s always watching me.”
“Oh,” Takuma said.  His grin became what, in later years, Kenta would call his “Good Idea” face. “Do you think you could ask her not to watch for a little while?  I don’t think she’s going to like my idea…”
“…I’ll ask her to watch Daddy for a little while.”
In spite of a somewhat eventful Monday through Thursday, Friday had passed without incident, and Kenta had left the school grounds early on Saturday morning to head to the apartment he shared with his dad.  It wasn’t particularly far, as Dad has moved the two of them to it to be fairly close to U.A. when he had accepted the job running the cafeteria.  
Kenta turned the key and stepped inside.  “Dad? I’m home!”
No voice answered him, but he knew that sometimes, his dad got so focused working in the kitchen that he didn’t hear anything else.  Kenta headed there, but found no sign of his dad.  There was, however, a note on the counter.
Went out to pick up a few extra ingredients for tonight’s dinner and dessert. Left you some breakfast on the counter. Be back soon!
Oh, well, that was good. But speaking of food, his rumbling stomach reminded him that he hadn’t eaten breakfast before he’d left the dorms. On the counter was a bowl of nuts and bolts.  It brought a grin to Kenta’s face.  Dad may have occasionally groused about the eating habits he’d developed because of his Quirk (“A house full of food and the kid’s eating rocks!”), but he was indulgent enough to keep the kinds of things Kenta liked to eat on hand.  He popped a few nuts into his mouth and chewed them up.
Maybe his wasn’t the flashiest or most impressive of Quirks, but he’d done good enough with it to get into the Heroics Course.  Besides, it meant that a snack was always in arms’ reach.
He noticed that his dad’s cell phone was also sitting on the counter.  He must have forgotten it when he left.  It looked like a number of texts had come in since he’d left.
1)     Koda: Please call me if you need me today, Sato.
2)     Kirishima: Katsuki and I are thinking of you, bro!
3)     Ojiro: Hope you’re doing all right.  Toru and I are keeping you in our thoughts.
4)     Sero: Hey, man.  I’m sorry about Mina.  She means well, but she can be kind of insensitive sometimes.  Let us know if you need anything!
5)     Midoria: I know you’re spending the day with Kenta, but just let us know if you want to get together sometime after that!
6)     Iida: Please accept my deepest sympathies and know Mei and I are keeping you in our thoughts.
7)     Habuko: I’ll see you there today.  Be well.
8)     Pink Trouble: Sato, I’m not sorry about what I said. But I am sorry about the timing of it. Call me.  Please.
Kenta felt a little guilty reading his dad’s texts, but considering they were right there to be seen, it wasn’t much.  But now we was curious.  What exactly had Aunt Mina said?  It looked like she and his dad were fighting?  But what about?  The other texts, at least, weren’t unexpected.  There were probably more that had come in earlier in the day.   Kenta had been lucky enough to get out of the dorms without running into anyone other than Takuma (who’d hugged him), Midoriya (who’d expressed sympathy) and Kirishima-Bakugo (who’d given him a polite nod that was the emotional equivalent of a long conversation for her).   Not that he was deliberately trying to avoid his friends and classmates, just… today was rough.
The anniversary of the day his mom had died always was.  It had been ten years now.   And it still didn’t seem any easier.
Rikido Sato had first met Chizu Ito via a conspiracy.  She had been a friend of Habuko Mongoose at Isamu Academy, and Mongoose had been the good friend of his father’s friend Tsuyu Asui.  So when several of the girls of Isamu Academy had gotten together for a party with the girls of U.A., Aunt Tsu had asked his dad to provide the desserts. He’d meant to just drop the desserts off and go, but Aunt Tsu and Mongoose had both insisted he stay and meet some of the girls.  They’d been incredibly insistent that he meet Chizu.  
The two had hit it off and made plans for a date.  One date turned into many, and many turned into marriage.  Years later, Aunt Tsu would reveal she and Mongoose had conspired to get the two to meet, believing that they would hit it off.  They had been very happy.
His mom had been a tall woman, taller even than his dad.  Her Quirk had been a strong one, letting her absorb inorganic matter and using that to increase her mass and strength.  But his memories of her were as a happy woman, with a glowing smile. He remembered her hands were soft, soothing as she held him after a nightmare, her touch gentle when she patched up his “ouchies.”   He remembered his parents laughing in the kitchen, or snuggling on the couch, sneaking kisses when they thought he wasn’t looking.
After he’d been born, his parents had decided that while his mom would resume active Hero work, his dad would mostly step back from that.  Lunch Rush was retiring, U.A. was looking for a new head chef to run the cafeteria, and both of them were a little bit worried about what might happen if both of them were active Heroes.  While that didn’t seem to matter to the majority of their friends, no one dismissed their worries or thought less of him for taking a step back.  He still went out on occasion when needed, or stepped in where he was available to act, but he devoted himself more to community outreach and the students of U.A.  So Upsize had risen back in the rankings, eventually becoming the Number Twenty Hero, and Sugarman had happily dropped to the lower tiers.
They’d have a good life. They’d been a happy family.
He had been five when she’d died.
No, that wasn’t exactly right.
He had been seven when she’d been killed.
It had been bad times. A new League of Villains had tried to get off the ground, and the Pro-Hero community had been working nonstop to put them out of commission before anything serious could happen.  They hadn’t been the nihilistic League of old, just a bunch of Villains who had found they were stronger together than apart, and willing to settle for smaller piece of a more guaranteed pie.  But they had been a serious threat all the same. Their Quirks were powerful and many Pro-Heroes had been seriously injured fighting them.
It had come down to a big battle between the League and several Pro-Heroes, including Red Riot, Real Steel, and Chargebolt.  Including Upsize.
To say the battle between the two groups had been brutal was an understatement.  The villain known as Strongarm had nearly beaten Red Riot to death. Kirishima-Bakugo’s father was lucky to have survived his injuries, let alone have recovered from them enough to return to active Hero work.  Uncle Denki still carried a few scars from that fight.
And his mom…  His mom had fought a Villain called Hexsplode, who a Quirk which let her shoot beams from her eyes that made whatever it hit explode.  In a terrible set of circumstances, she’d managed to use that power on a piece of rubble, just as his mom had absorbed it.  It had exploded within her, badly injuring her.  She had fought on, subduing the Villain before she could hurt anyone else in that fight.   But her injuries had been too severe and she’d died before she could receive medical attention.  They’d never even gotten the chance to say good-bye.
It was called Valhalla Cemetery and everyone buried in it was a Pro-Hero.  Many had fallen in the line of duty, others of disease or natural causes.  But all of them had used their Quirks in the cause of justice.  Grand Torini was buried here, so was Native, and so were many others.
And so was his mom.
Kenta and his dad walked silently through the rows of headstones and memorials, occasionally pausing to pay respect to another Pro-Hero. There were so many graves and his mom was quite far back.  
It wasn’t the fanciest headstone in the cemetery, but like everything there, it was well cared for. There were a few small tokens left on or around it, from people his mom had saved during her all too brief stint as a Pro-Hero.  There was already someone standing in front of the headstone and Kenta quickly realized it was Aunt Habuko, instantly recognizable from her shock of red hair and snake-like head.  According to his parents, he’d found her absolutely terrifying as a baby, but the only memories he had of her were happy ones.  She was surprisingly funny when she wanted to be, and caring in spite of her harsh appearance.
Her tongue flicked out and she turned her head to watch the two of them.  “Hello, Rikido, Kenta.  I didn’t expect to beat you here.”
“My fault,” his dad said. “I had to go out and pick up a few things and was running behind.”
She nodded, accepting the explanation without criticism.
They stood and looked at the grave.
Chizu Sato
5/19/XXXX – 4/8/XXXX
Beloved wife and mother, Hero
His dad laid a hand on the headstone and lowered his head.  Kenta could see the tears in his eyes falling unashamedly.  “I miss you, babe,” he said.  “Every day.  Thank you, for everything.   Never did think a girl could fall for a big lug like me.  You made every day amazing.
“You’d be so proud of Kenta. He got into U.A., just like me. He’s gonna make us both proud, I just know it.  Though if you’re watching out for him, maybe tell him not to listen to Takuma so much, okay?”
In spite of himself, Kenta felt the smallest smile pull at his lips.  But he found tears were falling from his own eyes too.   He’d been so young when she’d died.  Their home was filled with pictures of him and his mom and of all three of them.  There were lots of videos they had shot over the years.  And even one memorable episode of Cooking with Pro Heroes that had featured his mom and dad competing against other Pro Hero couples.  
But sometimes, he found it harder and harder to remember her voice.  His dad had gone an amazing job raising him, dealing with all the challenges that had arisen over the years.  But all his friends still had their mothers, and he remembered how much it had hurt sometimes, to see them with their moms, knowing he didn’t have one anymore.  He remembered…
“Daddy?” he’d asked, when his father had come to pick him up. He’d been staying with Uncle Koji and Aunt Ibara, playing with Akaya.  It was earlier than expected, his dad should have still been at U.A. for the day. His dad’s eyes were red and puffy, like he’d been crying.
“Daddy, are you okay?” he’d asked.  And where was his mom?  Usually, they picked him up together.
His dad had bent down next to him, pulling him into a tight hug against his broad chest.
“Kenta…” he’d said, trailing off.  “Kenta…”
His dad had taken a deep breath, and tried again.  “Kenta…  I’m…  I’m so sorry.  Your mommy’s not coming home.”
That hadn’t made much sense to him.  “Is she working late?  Does she gotta stop the bad guys?”
His father’s face had fallen, tears welling up in his eyes.  “Kenta…  Your mommy’s not coming home ever again.  I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
He hadn’t understood then, but he’d known how brave his dad was. To have seen him cry like that could only mean something was very wrong.   He’d understand all too soon.
The days that followed had been full of people in their home. Uncle Koji, Aunt Mina and Uncle Sero, Aunt Habuko, former teachers from U.A. and Isamu Academy, family, and friends. They had all said how sorry they were. His friends had all said how sorry they were.  But they had all been there with their moms and his was gone and never coming back. Really, the only one who had understood was Katsumi Kirishima-Bakugo, whose father still lay in a hospital bed, fighting for every breath and clinging to life.   They had drifted apart over the years, but in that moment, the two of them had been there for each other.
Oh, the adults had all said, what a hero she had been.  The TV had all talked about what a hero she had been, how they were proud of the Hero who had laid down her life for them.
But nothing changed the fact that he was five years old and he was never going to see his mom again.
Kenta put his own hand on the grave.
“Mom…  I know you’re watching over me.  Thank you.   Don’t know how I’d have done any of this without you.   I hope I can make you proud.  I just…
“I wish I’d gotten to know you more.  I wish we’d had more time.  I wanted you to see who I’ve become.  I really hope you’re still watching out for me.  I’m gonna need all the help I can get if I’m gonna be a hero like you.
“But, ah, I am getting to be pretty famous.  On the internet, anyway.  Takuka says we can make it pretty big…”
He wiped the tears from his eyes.  “I just… I just wish…  I wish you’d been here.  There’s so much I wish we’d gotten to do together, so much I wish I’d gotten to show you.
“I…  I miss you.  So much.  And I wish…
“I wish I could remember you better.  And I’m worried I’m starting to forget you.  Not… forget you, forget you.  You’re my mom.  I’ll always remember you.  But I don’t know if I can remember your voice.  Sometimes, in my memories, in my dreams, I can’t see your face…  I don’t want to forget…”
He felt a strong arm wrap itself around him, his father pulling him close.  No more words were needed as they stood there, letting their thoughts wander.  Their loss still pulled at them.  It always would.  But they were strong for each other.  And they always would be.  That was what family meant.
As they ate their dinner (which he had helped prepare), Kenta did have to admit, there was something to be said for eating actual food instead of whatever happened to be within arms’ reach.  Still… there was something nagging at the back of his mind.
“Dad,” he began, “why aren’t you talking to Aunt Mina?”
His dad frowned, swallowing the bite of food in his mouth.  “What’re you talking about, Kenta?”
“You left your phone this morning,” Kenta said.  “I saw the texts.  I saw Uncle Hanta apologizing for her too.  What’s going on?”
His dad looked distinctly uncomfortable.  “It’s nothing.  Just an argument between adults.”
Kenta definitely didn’t believe that.  His dad was too soft-hearted to every fight with anyone for long.  And Takuma’s mom got along with pretty much everyone, whether they wanted to or not.
“Dad, I’m not a kid. I’m fifteen.  If something’s going on, you can tell me.”
His dad frowned again. “…your Aunt Mina thinks I should start dating.  She’s been trying to fix me up for months.”
Kenta was glad he wasn’t drinking, because he probably would have done a spit take.  “Oh.”
“You don’t have to worry,” his dad said quickly.  “I’ve been telling her no.  No one’s ever going to replace Chizu.”
Kenta looked down at his plate.  In all honesty, this was a conversation he’d thought about having with his dad before. But he’d never been sure how to bring it up.  He knew his dad was happy, but also that he had to be lonely.  “I think you should let her.”
Kenta took a breath, to steady his nerves and thoughts.  “I know you love Mom.  And I know you miss her.  I do too. And I know you’ve been living your life for me.  And that’s great, it really is.  I couldn’t have asked for a better dad than you.
“But I’m part way out of the house now, on my way to becoming a Pro-Hero.  And you deserve a chance to have a life too.  If you want to start dating, if you find someone who makes you happy, I’m not going to think you’re replacing Mom.  You get to be happy too, Dad.”
“Kenta, I…   I can’t.  It’s been too long.  Your mom…”
He shook his head.  “I don’t remember much, but from everything you ever told me…  Mom would want you to be happy, Dad.  I want you to be happy.  And it sounds like that’s all Aunt Mina wants.”
His dad wiped away a tear. “When did you get so smart?  I’m lucky to have you.”
“I’m pretty lucky too, Dad.”
A long moment passed, in peaceful silence.  Finally, Kenta spoke again.  “You know, you didn’t seem to think I was so smart on Thursday.  What were your exact words?  “Wasting your Quirk on nonsense.’”
“I stand by those words,” he said.  “But I’m also not going to stand in the way of your dreams.  Just… find somewhere to do it other than my cafeteria, okay?”
Kenta laughed at that. “Yeah, okay, I’ll tell Takuma we need to find another place for our show.”
“I swear, that boy has gotten you in so much trouble…”
And somehow, as it did, life went on.
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
Hi. Do you know about any time travel or age regression fanfictions? Thnx.
Hello! Here is a link to the De-Aged fics mini-list and all the time travel fics I could find!
1 Series. 27 Works.
Once Again from Better Days by limesicle ( T | 45,569+ | 52/? )
Katsuki wakes to find himself reset. It’s a time when quirks are just starting, and he only remembers a bit about happened the first time. He remembers enough to know Deku is someone he hurt a lot. He remembers enough to know he had to watch Deku fall. He remembers enough to try to make things better this time.
Make Every Moment Last by osakakitty ( E | 6,885 | 1/1 )
There are days where Izuku Midoriya wakes in a different world. It is usually a world very similar to his own, but with noticeable changes. The thing that changes the most is Katsuki Bakugo. Sometimes he’s a friend, sometimes he’s not, and sometimes he’s something else entirely.
Canon-Divergent story where Midoriya has the uncontrollable ability to travel to parallel universes. He sleeps in one, and may wake up in another. By seeing through the eyes of many different ‘Izuku Midoriya,’ he learns things about himself and Bakugo.
[Abandoned] Fall by highlightsvt ( T | 10,431 | 3/? )
The defeat of All for One comes with a price: the life of All Might. A grief stricken Midoriya has a chance encounter, and is sent to the past to make things right. But things take a turn when Midoriya finds out he isn’t so quirkless after all.
I’ll Be Your Hero by bakudeku ( T | 2,536+ | 4/? )
Katsuki wants to protect Izuku. He wants to make sure Izuku never has to cry again. Maybe this was his chance to fix everything, to make sure he didn’t make the same mistakes as before. If this really isnt a dream, if Katsuki really is in the past, then he’d do anything his little body could to keep Izuku safe.
This time, he’ll stay by Izuku’s side.
new eyes by WabiSabi ( T | 20,965+ | 9/? )
Katsuki wakes up 22 years in the past.
With no other choice, he moves on.
A trip down future-memory lane by Tsulivy ( E | 19,977+ | 8/? )
Izuku and Katsuki were fighting a villain… How did it end up like this…
“This” being them travelling through time and landing right into adult Katsuki and Izuku’s home, and having to witness the way-too-clingy couple that is themselves, but older.
When was Then? by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) ( T | 2,345 | 1/1 )
The moment he tries to move however, he becomes aware of a warm, heavy weight across his stomach, holding him in place. That realization slowly makes him aware that the warmth at his back isn’t wholly normal either. He tries again to move away, but the weight around his waist tightens, holding him in place. In the same moment, there’s a grumbling in his ear, sleep-dulled and strange, but still unmistakably Kacchan.
Original prompt: A quirk sends Izuku into the future where he’s stuck with a 10 years older Katsuki, and Katsuki is left with the future Izuku. The future counterparts are in an established relationship.
[Series] Where did you go to end up right back here? by sensiblysilly ( G&M | 15,481+ | 2 Works | On Hiatus )
Main story with an optional alternative ending.
Fantasia for Two Gentlemen by pandoras_thomg ( E | 8,631 | 3/3 )
Pro heroes Ground Zero and Deku get caught in a time-travel villain’s quirk and end up spending the night with each other’s middle school selves. Truths come to light, feelings find their home, and destinies change in summertime.
Of What ifs and time machines by Maru_Chan ( T | 47,765+ | 7/? )
Because the harsh reality was, that Izuku Midoriya was getting married tomorrow afternoon, and that no matter how Katsuki felt about it, there was nothing he could do to change that fact.
Or maybe there was.(Or: in which Bakugou Katsuki gets the bad end, and later gets another shot at rewriting it.)
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? by theweakestthing ( M | 8,256 | 4/4 )
There are always things we wish we could have done, but given the opportunity, would you really do them?
[Major Character Death | Implied/Referenced Suicide]
Take Me Back To The Night We Met by elizabeth_16 ( T | 19,341 | 1/1 )
Katsuki Bakugou, a.k.a. Hero Ground Zero knew he was going to die one day.
When the moment came, he realized all the things he had done.
Then he was death.
He didn’t know what being dead was like, but it sure as hell wasn’t you waking up in your three-year-old self with your mother waking you up because it’s your first day of kindergaten.
(Or: Katsuki dies and has a second chance to makes things right)
One More Chance by Dragonbooks249 ( T | 29,022+ | 6/7 )
The raid went bad. All for One had escaped and they didn’t know. The battlefield was chaos and at the center of it all, the hero Deku and All for One battled. Izuku was able to put the greatest evil to rest once and for all, but not without a price. His partner and lover Katsuki holds the fallen hero in his arms as he breaths his last.
In a desperate attack, Katsuki launches himself at Shigaraki in an attempt to kill him.
Moments later, he awakens in his childhood bedroom, 4 years old and with a fresh start to life. It seemed perfect. Until it ends in tragedy. Now Katsuki is faced with the task of having to live multiple lives, all alongside the love of his life Midoriya Izuku. Thre is only one common thread to the way all of the lives seem to end, a single burning desire.
One more chance. Just one more chance to protect him.
One more chance.
[Major Character Death]
Outted to Yourselves by GreyDayMoon ( Not Rated | 4,415+ | 2/? )
Izuku and Bakugou end up stumbling upon an intimate scene between their older selves. Bakugou explodes and bursts the intimacy bubble causing a mess of their future house and lots of confusion in the young teens.
Absinthe by cyan_rubies ( T | 4,479 | 1/1 )
They always said that time could heal all wounds. But Bakugou Katsuki was not good at waiting and he never will be.Bakugou-centric. One-shot.
[Major Character Death]
Time Waits for the Bakugous by OhShnapples ( T | 10,852+ | 4/? )
“Um can you please stop straddling Red Riot-san he’s literally 30 years older than you.”
Or that universe where Bakugou and Midoriya’s clever/quirkless son and explosive daughter leap three decades back in time to apprehend their father’s killer.
Endless by chancellorxofxtrash (PhoebeMurdivine) ( T | 3,582 | 1/1 )
It’s been six months since the pro hero Ground Zero’s last stand, and Izuku was determined to make things right.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death]
If you had been there by chancellorxofxtrash (PhoebeMurdivine) ( T | 2,117 | 1/1 )
It was at the beginning of their second year at UA when Deku had disappeared without a trace.
“If you had been there. Do you think it would have happened differently then?”
can’t let go (losing my grip) by lovedbyshadows ( Not Rated | 8,698+ | 3/? )
“People aren’t either wicked or noble. They’re like chef’s salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.” -Lemony Snicket.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | PTSD | Implied/Referenced Child Abuse]
When It All Comes Crashing Down by vulcanhighblood ( T | 3,914+ | 4/? )
Katsuki is not having the best day, especially since it keeps ending in his death. If he’s lucky, he’ll figure out what is going on and how to stop it - and Deku - without resorting to drastic measures.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
[On Hiatus] Feeling your pain by Sleepy_Princess_Jade ( G | 1,808+ | 2/10 )
Some Villain quirk sends heroes Ground Zero and Deku back in time
For the future by atsushisnakajima ( T | 9,681 | 1/1 )
Of all the problems and difficulties in life, there was one single trouble that was impossible for Katsuki to solve.
The green clear emerald eyes and freckled cheeks became his terror
Even though he was his hero.
War of the Roses by kewltie ( T | 2,702+ | 1/? )
In which Katsuki and Izuku are accidentally transported ten years into the future, where they come face to face with the future they both fear and want.
SeriesPart 2 of Gravitation
No Matter What, I’m Gonna Do Right By You by brichibi ( M | 1,643+ | 1/? )
Izuku Midoriya was born without a quirk, but a chance meeting with his favorite hero gives him a once in a lifetime opportunity to make his childhood dreams come true. But just how fortunate is it to possess “One For All” when you’re destined to face its polar opposite: “All For One” — a dreadful power capable of bringing ruin to the entire world. Being the bearer of “One For All” comes with a devastating price, and really, should one person possess something so monumental to begin with? Katsuki Bakugou will do anything to save Izuku from himself — even if it means demolishing the relationship he cherishes the most.
It doesn’t matter. He’ll keep walking this broken path until he gets it right.
[AU based on “Madoka Magica” where Katsuki is determined to save Izuku from a miserable future, and the hero known as “All Might” isn’t as honest as he seems]
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death]
we’ll cross that bridge again, and again, and again by neesaan ( E | 3,002+ | 1/? )
A dead hero, a missing hero, and a hero who never thought he’d have to be this fucking heroic.
If Bakugou Katsuki had known how much damn pain that fucking Deku was going to put him through, he’d have pummeled the shit out of him harder when they were kids.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death | Implied/Referenced Dub-Con]
Before the Clock Strikes: [BakuDeku] by carmonStudios ( T | 66 | 1/1 )
Masculine death awakens from its slumber, rising from the grave. The final blow of their battle had left him in shreds, yet the dark presence of One For All still lurks in the shadowy night.
The pitch around seethed with fury.
It was HIS fault. No, not himself, but that Katsuki Bakugou who got him in this mess.
And now…
…he’ll pay for what he’s done.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
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you’re the trouble that i always find
@animelover210 commissioned: If it could be set when they first move into the dorms where a friendly-outing to a hero store turned into first date when Deku wants to check out a new shop and Kiri wants to see if they have anything for Red Riot, that would be cool! but if you don't like that, then I trust you!
i was so excited to write this! thank you again for commissioning me! if you would so like to commission me for a fic, please click here. Writing is my only source of income at the moment, so it'd be greatly appreciated.
fandom: bnha pairing: kirideku
also on ao3
“Let’s have a room showcasing competition!”
As soon as the words left Mina’s mouth, Izuku jumped up and tried to stop them all from entering his room, but it was too late, Uraraka had already opened the door.
“Whoa, Deku,” she said as they all looked in awe. All Might posters and merchandise filled the room from top to bottom. “When you said you were a fan of All Might fan, we didn’t expect this…”
Kirishima glanced around the room and thought about how he’d decorated his own; compared to Midoriya’s, maybe it was a little gaudy and cluttered. As much as he went on about “manliness”, the amount of Crimson Riot memorabilia was staggeringly low. When it was his turn to show off his room, his suspicions were confirmed. Maybe asking Midoriya for help wasn’t a bad idea.
When the weekend finally came and they were cleared to leave campus during the day, Kirishima caught up with Izuku on their way back to the dorm.
Izuku jumped and turned around, a slight look of panic on his face. He relaxed when he saw it was just Kirishima. “H-Hey, Kirishima,” he said when the redhead came closer. “What’s up?”
Kirishima looked a little nervous as he scratched the back of his neck. “I was actually hoping you could help me with something? After the room showcase, I got to thinking, and I thought it’d be really awesome if I had as much Crimson Riot stuff like that!”
Izuku made a noise of surprise at that. Normally, his All Might fanboy-ness would have him made fun of (if he were still in middle school, he’d even be beaten up for it). He wasn’t used to having people actually admire it. But he quickly sobered up and nodded enthusiastically. “Sure! There’s a new hero shop that just opened in the mall and I was looking for someone to check it out with. Crimson Riot’s an older hero, but I’m sure they’ll have something.”
Kirishima frowned. “Are you sure you’re okay with going to the mall after what happened with Shigaraki? I mean, I know it only happened a month ago, but…”
“It’s completely fine!” Izuku waved his hand. “I doubt the League is going to try anything so soon after, uh you know.” The smile disappeared from his face. It was still hard for anyone to talk about the events of the training camp. Izuku shook his head and the smile appeared, determination in his eyes. “So I’ll be fine!”
“If you say so, dude,” Kirishima said, still a little unsure. They started walking towards the dorm “I was thinking we could go tomorrow, if that’s okay with you? If you're busy, we can go another time-”
“No, yeah, tomorrow’s fine,” Izuku interrupted. “We can go in the morning that way we have time to look around other shops, too.”
The next morning saw Kirishima and Izuku leaving school grounds after breakfast. They were dressed in light clothes, the summer heat unbearable even for the early hours. When Izuku had told Todoroki and Uraraka where he was going and who he was going with after dinner that night, they had immediate reactions.
“Ohhhh, Deku’s going on his first date!” Uraraka gushed, while Todoroki put a hand on his shoulder, his expression as blank as always.
“Do you need me to beat him up for you?”
“Yeah, we could totally kick his ass!” Ochako punched her fist into her palm.
Izuku blushed and stammered, waving his arms in front of him. “It’s n-not a d-date! We’re just going to the mall. As friends. Not a date.”
Ochako and Todoroki gave each other a disbelieving look but dropped it. Mina and Kaminari had done the same thing to Kirishima, only Mina had literally cornered the poor kid and practically interrogated him until Kaminari had to pull her away.
“It’s not a date, okay?” he said, going through his wallet to make sure he had enough money. “It’s just a friend thing. Friends go to the mall and have lunch together all the time.”
Denki raised an eyebrow and had the same shit eating grin as Mina. “Lunch?”
Kirishima looked up, confused. “Friends are allowed to have lunch.”
“All right, man. You do you.”
The mall was crowded, more than usual, when they got there. The store wasn’t even open yet, a giant white ribbon with “Grand Opening!” written in red hanging across the doors, but a line of people had already formed. Kirishima looked down the line and frowned.
“Looks like it goes all the way to the food court,” he said. “Maybe we should have gotten here earlier.”
Izuku hummed and looked at his phone for the time. “It doesn’t open for another hour. If you want we can look at a couple of vintage shops. That’s where I get most of my collectibles.” He led the redhead down the way, successfully dodging all of the kiosks trying to pull them in.
“I was definitely expecting it to be smaller,” Kirishima commented as they entered the first store. Shelves upon shelves were filled with figurines and boxes with recent merchandise mixed in though not many. Something on the wall caught his eye and he quickly moved over to it.
“Whoa! You can’t even find these online anymore!” He picked up a Crimson Riot action figure that was only in production in the 80's for a few months. After checking the price, he decided to buy it.
They both browsed through the aisles, looking for their own stuff. “Hey, Midoriya,” Kirishima asked while he looked between two comic books. “What got you into collecting hero stuff and studying them?”
Izuku frowned. How should he explain it? All Might and One For All were still secrets. He put what he was looking at down and fiddled with the straps of his backpack. “When I was little and everyone else’s quirks were developing, the doctor told my mom and I that I was quirkless. My father’s quirk is fire breath and my mother can attract small objects, so I’m sure you can imagine our shock.”
He glanced at Kirishima to see if the boy had asked with genuine curiosity. Kirishima looked at him with concern, making Izuku blush and quickly look away. “I always used to watch the video of All Might’s debut as a kid, day after day I’d ask my mom to pull it up on the computer. After the doctor’s words, I think it gave me a sense of false hope that I could still be a hero. That’s when I started seriously paying attention to the pros and the different quirks around me. I kept track of what villain battles were where, what their quirks were, what pro heroes were fighting. By middle school, I had thirteen notebooks filled with info that can be dangerous if villains got ahold of them.”
The store seemed quieter than when they first walked in. Izuku looked up and saw Kirishima looking at him in awe, his cheeks dusted a light pink. Was he even breathing? “K-Kirishima? Are you okay?”
Kirishima snapped out of his daze and took a deep breath before giving him a reassuring grin. The blush was still there. “Sorry, dude. Didn’t mean to space out like that. I think it’s cool that you found something to focus on. Late bloomer, then?”
Izuku nodded, scratching the back of his head. “My quirk developed a few months before the entrance exams, so I didn’t really have much time to learn how to control it.”
Kirishima nodded in understanding. “I get that. When I first got mine, I ended up cutting my eye.” He pointed to the small scar on his eyelid. “That’s how I got this.”
“I think it suits you,” Izuku said, tilting his head. “It’s…” A sly smile formed on his lips. “Very manly.”
Kirishima looked at him with his mouth in an ‘o’ shape, surprised, before hiding a laugh behind his hand, making Izuku giggle as well. They paid for the stuff they had picked out and made their way to the second store. It wasn’t as big as the first one, but still had a pretty decent amount of stock. When the returned, the line was nonexistent since it was well past opening time and there were surprisingly few people inside, which was a blessing since neither of them wanted to fight through a huge crowd.
As they thought, the store didn’t have much Crimson Riot, mainly the top 10 lineup, but Kirishima didn’t let that disappoint him. With Izuku’s help, he left the store with many All Might and Fourth Kind merchandise, and hit up the vintage stores again for more. By the time they were leaving the mall, both boys’ arms were full of bags. It was a bit too early to head back to the dorms, so they stopped in a small cafe for lunch.
While there, Izuku got a notification on his phone for a movie that was playing that afternoon. Kirishima paid for lunch after insisting.
(“I invited you out, it’s only fair that I pay,”
“Alright, but you have to let me pay for the movie.”)
True to his word, Kirishima let him pay for their tickets and drinks and a bag of popcorn. The movie was enjoyable, but Kirishima was more focused on how their hands bumped against each other every time they both reached for the popcorn between them. After a while he began thinking it would be nice to hold Midoriya’s hand. And maybe more, if he’d let him. Next to him, Izuku was thinking the same thing, though he was less subtle about it.
The sun was starting to set as they walked out of the theater and towards U.A. People were leaving work, making the streets and trains crowded. Aizawa-sensei was probably wondering where they were by now.
“Kirishima,” Izuku mumbled after a while of silence. The sun was gone now, the only light coming from the street lamps. Kirishima, a few steps in front of him, stopped and looked back. Izuku gripped his bags tighter and looked at his feet. Was this a date? He’d been mulling over it since lunch; Kirishima had paid for their food, he’d paid for the movie, they almost held hands multiple times.
Then there were the looks his friend had given him. Izuku’s experience with genuine friendship over the years was so low, he wasn’t really sure what actual friends did. Did platonic friends have lunch and see movies together? Were those things exclusive to couples only? Izuku’s head started to spin and he jumped when he felt a hand gently take his.
Kirishima stood close, the tips of their shoes touching. His eyes were soft as he looked at him and gently cupped the shorter boy’s jaw, fingers curling into the short hair on the back of his neck. Izuku let out a shaky breath, not even registering his next words, heart pounding in his chest.
“Can I kiss you?"
Neither of them were sure of who leaned in first. Kirishima’s lips were as soft as they looked and Izuku’s were warm. It was just a small press of the lips but it felt like so much more. Izuku felt his stomach do flip flops, his other hand reaching up to curl around Kirishima’s wrist, just to ground himself.
A car passed by and they parted after a short moment. “I think I’ve wanted to do that for a while now,” Kirishima whispered, lips brushing against Izuku’s. The boy giggled softly and Kirishima’s heart melted.
“I wouldn’t mind if you did it again.”
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