rwby-imagiines Ā· 6 years
Mercury Black Headcanons
General Life Headcanons:
His mother left him with his father at an early age. He doesnā€™t have really clear memories of her. From what he does remember, he has always resembled her more than his father. He wouldnā€™t be surprised if he had siblings the didnā€™t know about because of her.
When he was eight, his father felt it necessary to begin his real training to be an assassin. This was the age that Marcus Black removes Mercuryā€™s legs and replaces them with the mechanic ones he has today. Heā€™s gone through several pairs with growth, but has had his current set for nearly five years now.
Throughout his childhood, he faced many aggressions from Marcus. Beatings were a more common occurrence than they werenā€™t and harsh words were spat daily. Even so, the sexual abuse didnā€™t start until Mercury was fourteen.
The thing that pushed Mercury over the edge to kill his father was when he r*ped him at the age of sixteen. He could deal with the beatings and the occasional grope, but he was unprepared for the trauma that came from his father r*ping him. He killed him that night and has never looked back.
Mercury doesnā€™t have as strong of an attachment to Cinder as Emerald does; he more works for her out of necessity. He knows he would be out on the streets without her help and so he keeps his mouth shut and simply lets himself be wielded like a weapon for her plans.
While his bond to Cinder isnā€™t nearly as strong as Emeraldā€™s, he is grateful to the woman and does admire her to a certain degree. He has yet to forgive her for past betrayals, but still felt a pang of sorrow at losing her.
Because of the way he grew up, Mercury is extremely touch averse. He does not like strangers touching him and he is not afraid to let others know that he doesnā€™t appreciate something. Touch makes his skin crawl, but he does crave touch from his datemates. Positive touch is something he enjoys, from people he knows and trusts, but overall he is rather snippy about being touched in any way.
Another thing that Mercuryā€™s upbringing caused is his promiscuity. In an effort to reclaim his sexuality, Mercury takes on a flirtatious attitude and is, for lack of a better word, somewhat easy to get in bed. Even so, he doesnā€™t appreciate unnecessary touching in the bedroom, unless he is in a relationship with his partner. Otherwise, he tends to take control of the situation and sets harsh boundaries for how it will go. It usually invovles tying the wrists of his partner abover their head to keep their hands from wandering his body while he works.
Ship Specific Headcanons:
Mercury is actually rather attentive when heā€™s in a relationship. Heā€™s known to be observant and so heā€™s able to pick up on these moods and tailor his attitude to better suit his datemates needs. Still, Mercury is somewhat hopeless, as he thinks that any problem can be fixed with sex. Itā€™s how he was taught to think and approach situations.
He is rather soft with his datemates. For lack of a better word, he melts under their attentions and affections.
He does tailor his attitude to compliment his partnerā€™s. He doesnā€™t like to upset them, but with his aloof, somewhat apathetic attitude, that can be difficult at times. This will undoubtably cause fights between him and his datemate.
By default, Mercury is attracted to strength. Power is something he always lacked as a child and to see that in his potential datemate is extremely attractive to him. Even so, what he finds attractive in men is different from what he finds attractive in women. In women, he admires strength and independence in addition to aesthetics. He tends to be more attracted to a girl that's smaller than him, but he's not particularly picky. In men, he likes to see more reserved and calm personalities. This may be leftover from what his father did to him, but he is most attracted to shy and quiet boys than he is to loud mouths like Sun.
He may be bad about communication, but that does not mean that he doesn't try. He tries as best as he can to be open and honest with his datemate, though that does not mean that he is 100% transparent with them at all times; he can't afford to be with his profession and the way he was raised.
Personality Headcanons:
He's not mean to be spiteful; it's just what he's found to work best for him. He doesn't necessarily want to be as hostile as he is, but it's safe. It's what he's always known to keep him safe so he doesn't try to change that. Being mean is just a safety net for Mercury.
He has a great deal of sympathy for those that he fights. He doesn't pity them (because pity is the last thing he would want), but he does feel a certain connection to those that he is forced to cut down. Despite laughing about his kills and brushing them off as not meaning much, he is only trying to convince himself of that so that he won't be weighed down by the guilt that he feels. He tries not to let guilt plague his thoughts, but it's difficult when he knows what he is capable of being, but chooses to ignore.
Mercury knows that he does technically have a choice between good and evil. He knows that he could, in theory, change teams, but he doesn't see the practicality in that. He is a person that values practical usage above morality and so that's why he remains loyal to Cinder. She provides him with food and shelter and only asks for his skills in return. He sees that to be a fair trade. If he were to decide to switch playing teams, he would only end up thrown in jail to rot or Salem would hunt him down for dead. There would be very little use in listening to his morals.
Despite what others think of him, he does have morals. He knows what's right and wrong, but he can't afford to linger on these things if he expects to survive. It's a dog eat dog world, after all.
He is extremely intelligent and observant, though not in a formal setting. He was hardly educated as a child. He struggles with things like reading, writing, and mathematics (as he was "home schooled" but never really taught anything), but he excels in combat and strategy, this being shown off when he deduced Pyrrha's semblance within a few minutes of sparring and when he was able to keep track of Ruby while she was using her semblance.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 7 years
Hi! May I request Ren relationship headcanons? Also relationship headcanons for Blake if you don't mind doing both characters. Thank you!
Lie Ren:- Lie Ren isn't one to just jump into a relationship. For starters, he's a grey ace, demiromantic person and finds it difficult to connect with someone romantically.- When heĀ doesĀ find someone that he is attracted to, he still won't jump into the relationship. He likes to take his time and thoroughly get to know the person that he may end up sharing something so intimate with.- He won't admit it, but heĀ lovesĀ when his s/o plays with his hair. Not yanking on it like Nora does, but brushing it or running their fingers through it or even braiding it.- Kissies! He likes kisses, lol. While he's not huge into all of the touching involved with dating, he does enjoy pecks on his lips and cheeks and just about everywhere. He likes to pepper them on his s/o as well.- Even if he's taller than his s/o, he will still indulge them by being the little spoon.- Ren doesn't let just anybody use his first name. Not even Nora does. But if he's in love and genuinely cares for the person, he wouldn't mind them calling him "Lie" like his parents did.- He's indulgent of his s/o. He loves to spoil them.- Even though Ren himself doesn't have a high sex drive, if his s/oĀ didĀ he would gladly take care of their needs.Blake Belladonna:- Like Ren, she doesn't like to rush a relationship. Slow and steady is what works for her, especially after Adam.- Blake is almost scared to love again, something that may deter potential love interests. While she won't admit it, this does dishearten her at times.- Blake is super cuddly with her s/o. She's like a cat in that regard. She wants cuddlesĀ nowĀ but not for too long, because then it's just weird.- Blake will never admit it, but she loves PDA. It validates her relationship and gives her a reason to be more secure in her relationship.- Give the poor kitty her daily dose of loving, your kitty gets very very sad when she hasn't seen her s/o after a certain amount of time.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 7 years
Hello! How are you doing? :) I was wondering if you had any scent headcanons about Team RWBY and JNPR, and if you could Cinder and Emerald? I'm sorry if it's too much! Do as much as you would like or let me know the character limit. Have a good night! :)
Team RWBY:
Ruby Rose:
- Ruby, ironically enough, doesnā€™t smell like roses. She doesnā€™t like the flowery really girly scents that other girls (weā€™re looking at you Weiss) tend to enjoy.
- Ruby will usually wear something that smells soft and has a citrus undertone to it. She thinks that it gives a nice pop like her personality.
Weiss Schnee:
- Weiss is the Q u e e n of perfume. Her perfume collection is so big that she couldnā€™t take all of them to Beacon with her. She just really likes to smell good.
- Her favorite one at the moment smells like crisp pine trees. Itā€™s a little heavy for her, but she likes how much it reminds her of winter. Which, ironically enough, is her favorite season.
Blake Belladonna:
- Blake actually doesnā€™t use very many scented products. She doesnā€™t like the way they mess with her sense of smell.
- She does have a natural cinnamon sort of smell to her. Her mom would keep the stuff around at home all of the time and so she took to using body washes that smelled like the familiar scent.
Yang Xiao Long:
- She likes to keep herself smelling au natural. AKA Yang either smells like sweat from training and working out or like generic shampoos.
- When she d o e s want to wear any scents, she makes sure itā€™s not too overpowering. Usually just a spray of one of Weissā€™ many bottles of perfume. Weiss likes to pick which one.
Team JNPR:Jaune Arc:
- Jaune used to think that Axe was the way to be cool. Evidently, it wasn't.
- He uses less body spray now and just borrows whatever he sees on Ren's dresser (because Ren is the coolest guy he knows). Ren doesn't have the heart to tell him that it actually belongs to Nora. His natural scent though, is similar to a summer's day.Nora Valkyrie:
- She doesn't quite grasp the concept of "less is more" and ever since she and Ren came out of poverty together, she indulges herself with higher end perfumes. Ren only allows her to have one at a time and holds on to it so that she doesn't use the whole bottle in one day.
- Her favorite one currently has a light and airy scent to it. It's pretty much a unisex smell and has a scent almost like bubbly champagne without the alcohol in it.Pyrrha Nikos:
- Trained as a hard warrior, Pyrrha never really understood the appeal of masking one's own natural scent with perfumes and sprays.
- She usually has a fresh and crisp smell to her from the shampoo and conditioner she uses, but it's not one with any super fruity or floral scents either. She likes to keep herself clean, but at the same time practical.Lie Ren:
- "Nora, please don't spray me with that"
- Normally, Ren has a natural sage like scent to him. It's what his mother would burn around the house when she was alive and so he kept up with the tradition. Otherwise, he smells like whatever Nora has decided to spray with him today.BADDIES:Cinder Fall:
- Quake in fear at the scent of ashes. Jk, no Cinder used to like smelling quite lovely pre-Volume 4.
- Pre-Volume 4, Cinder used a cinnamon smelling perfume that was her absolute favorite. She likes more "spiced" scents and so the cinnamon was perfect for her. Post-Volume 4 however, she stops using such things and treating herself with these sorts of things. Now she just smells like the shampoos that Emerald buys for her.Emerald Sustrai:
- Em prefers to keep things natural, but when she d o e s choose to wear scents, she wants it to be s e x y.
- Her favorite smells are musky, dark toned ones. Ones that make you think of a certain dominatrix (wink wink). In reality she'd probably wear something similar to Kat Von D's Sinner perfume.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 7 years
How would react yang having a small female s/o
Yang is the source of all her grief. The poor girl k n o w s that she's short, but Yang goes out of her way to remind her;- Yang lifting her girlfriend up out of nowhere- Yang resting her arm on the poor lady's head- Yang using her as a pillow at night- Her s/o is always the little spoon just because Yang likes to be an ass and make small jokes- YANG AND HER SHORT PUNS.Beyond that though, Yang doesn't particularly care about her s/o being smol. She likes her for who she is and she's just happy she's allowed to make fun of her without getting decked in the face (most of the time anyways).
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 7 years
hello! do you think you could write headcanons for Ozpin with sad/crying s/o? (i've been feeling down and stressed bc of something that happened and Oz is my favorite.). also i noticed that not a lot of people or no one requests him, so if you can't, it's fine.
[[i wish I could have gotten this to you when you were feeling down! I hope youā€™re feeling better, sweetpea! ā¤ļø]]
Ozpin canā€™t stand to see his S/O cry. He hates it. It reminds him of all the times heā€™s failed as a person, a teacher, a headmaster, and so he does everything in his power to make said S/O feel better;
- He gets blankets, lots of them in fact, and wraps them around his sad love, makes sure theyā€™re warm, before he runs off quickly.- When he comes back, itā€™s always with their favorite tea, exactly the way they like it, steeped to perfection.- He never quits there, running around and gathering up stupid comedies that he would never watch on his own in a million years and grabbing tissues and things.- Heā€™d pop on the movie and settle in his S/O and pull off their shoes if they hadnā€™t already before pulling them into his side and just letting the corny jokes fill the air with noise rather than his voice or their cries.- Heā€™d pet their hair and brush it back behind their ears. Heā€™d run his hand up and down their arm lovingly.- If none of that worked, heā€™d just listen, let them cry, let them validate their feelings, before heā€™d pull off the blankets and carried them to their bed. Heā€™d let them know he was there before turning out the light.- It would simply be a night for him and his S/O and no one else. No Glynda, no students, just Oz and his love.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 7 years
Got messaged this cool artwork of Velvet!
It sounds like an exciting idea, maybe some of you want to check out Velvet being badass with the Fang? Thought I'd share it if that was the case!
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Had an Idea for Fanfic & couldnā€™t find any ā€œWhite Fang Velvetā€ artwork, this is a rough idea I put together with HeroMachine.com because I havenā€™t drawn anything in ages, I might sketch out a better version if I get chance though
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 7 years
What nationalities/sexualities do you give the rest of the cast? Particularly Team STRQ, the remaining villains(Adam, Cinder, Neo, Roman, Emerald) and the adults like Ozpin and Ironwood
[[is there anyone I missed? šŸ˜‚ Let me know if thereā€™s anyone else you want or that I missed! I am only human sadly!]]
Summer Rose -- First of all, I gotta say, this woman is queer. Lmao. I could see her close to a man or a woman, and like her daughter, she doesnā€™t really care about a personā€™s outside appearance. I see her as pansexual.- I see her as Caucasian more than anything.
Taiyang Xiao Long -- I see Tai as being bisexual. Heā€™s probably experimented with someone (weā€™re looking at you Qrow šŸ˜‚), but he h a s had two wives and two children and genuinely was in love with them.- To me, he seems like he would be Tibetan and Chinese.
Raven Branwen -- No one knows. Itā€™s a big mystery. (Just kidding sheā€™s grey asexual.) Sheā€™s not that in to sex, but she does enjoy a tumble in the sheets with some people every so often. - Nordic, Nordic, Nordic
Qrow Branwen -- Omnisexual. Heā€™s attracted to all genders and heā€™s not afraid to talk about it. He teases relentlessly to the dismay of others around him (particularly Ravenā€™s.)- Nordic lmao
Villains -
Adam Taurus -- Oooooooo boy. This boy. Heā€™s Herero as Herero can be. Lmao.I see Adam as being Hebrew in descent. Mixed with other ethnicities, yes, but I feel like his family came from Hebrew descent somewhere down the line.
Cinder Fall -- YO THIS IS THE MOST GAY POLYAMOROUS WOMAN IN THE SHOW. Lmao being serious, sheā€™s bisexual and I can see her as being polyamorous. (Though Iā€™m somewhat biased based on my ship when it comes to this part)- Cinder seems to me to be of mixed race. Eastern Asian and Caucasian.
Emerald Sustrai -- Emerald is super homo. Except sheā€™s a little straight. Like one percent, but only when Mercury shuts his mouth. Sheā€™s head over heels for the ladies, lol- Sheā€™s a strong sassy black woman and youā€™ll never take this from me, ever
Neopolitan -- Neo is demisexual. With her being mute, itā€™s already tough for her, so she doesnā€™t trust until she has a close bond. (e.g. Roman)- Our little ice cream cone is Caucasian.
Roman Torchwick -- Heterosexual is very hetero, lmao- I see him as being Irish or Roman. Ironically enough.
Adults -
Ozpin -- Heā€™s much too busy for that, but I see him as being pan haha šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s someone who sees souls before appearance- Oh god, I donā€™t even know honestly? I see him as being German somewhere in there though.
Glynda Goodwitch - - Glynda doesnā€™t give a fuck. She doesnā€™t want to fuck. But she is heterosexual. Just much too busy cleaning up everyoneā€™s bullshit to care that much.- I see Glynda as being Caucasian.
James Ironwood -- Heā€™s pansexual. Heā€™s more attracted to wit and charisma than physical charms.- Ironwood is an unrepentant American and nothing can change my mind in that regard
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[Yes, you may indeed have them anon!]] - Neptune never shut up about the heat when they were in Vacuo. He didn't like living in the desert, and he made sure everyone knew about it. It led to the other boys of Team SSSN taking turns dunking water on him to wake him every morning. - Sage is always the first awake in the morning. He usually has to wake up the others and help them find pieces of their clothing. He's practically become the "Mom" of SSSN. - Half of the dorm is clean and half of it is a train wreck. Sage and Scarlet like to keep things tidy, but the other two knuckleheads are too lazy to clean up the mess they make when wrestling with each other. - Sage and Scarlet opted to have two twin beds where as Sun and Neptune bought a bunk bed for their half of the room. Sun likes the top bunks and says that it reminds him of climbing a tree. - Scarlet takes like five years in the bathroom. Beauty like this doesn't happen in five minutes. It causes the others to rush around at 5 in the morning to shower and get clean before Scarlet can get in there. - If you can't find your text book, chances are it's in the text book graveyard in the corner of the room. Only Sage likes to stay on top of homework, and he usually has to wrangle the other three into doing it. - .. Nobody likes to see Scar without at least 8 hours of sleep. He gets scary and cranky beyond belief.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[I enjoyed making this one! šŸ˜˜ Hope you enjoy!]]
Jaune Arc: He hadnā€™t known. Hadnā€™t even had a clue. How was.. How was this even possible? He stared at his S/O, not entirely certain of what to say. He felt trusted they theyā€™d shared it with him, but he couldnā€™t imagine the sort of racism they had to face on a daily basis to force them to hide it from even him. His eyes traced the length of a soft tail one more time before he quietly spoke, ā€œI still love you, you know?ā€
Sun Wukong: It hadnā€™t been such a well kept secret, despite what his S/O would like to think. He himself was a faunus, and that had raised his senses. Not as much as Blakeā€™s, but heā€™d known upon meeting them, that they had not been entirely human. He hadnā€™t ever said anything about it out of respect for them. He knew what the hatred was like, he simply chose to take pride rather than hide his heritage. Heā€™d been tempted before though. ā€œYouā€™re always gonna be my baby,ā€ he murmured into their ear, pulling them close and wrapping his tail around their middle. He rested his head atop their own and silently said ā€œI understand,ā€ through those same actions.
Neptune Vasilias: He didnā€™t understand why they had hidden it from him. His best friend was a faunus after all! How could he hate them? He was confused and hurt by the fact that theyā€™d hidden such a huge thing from him, but the tears streaming down their face was an entirely different matter. He understood. Understood the isolation and the loneliness and the scared sensations theyā€™d grown up with. He observed it in Sun constantly. The only thing he c o u l d do was wrap his arms around his S/Oā€™s shaking form and hold them as close as he dared without suffocating them. No words were ever shared in that moment, despite Neptuneā€™s normal behavior.
Mercury Black: One kiss. Two. Three. Five. He didnā€™t want to stop, because as soon as he did, reality would settle into his chest and heā€™d be forced to speak and t h i n k. He didnā€™t want to stop. He really didnā€™t. Then being a faunus was not something heā€™d planned for. If anyone other than him found out, it would go straight to Cinder and if it went to Cinder it would eventually travel itā€™s way to Adam. He couldnā€™t let Adam get his hands on h i s love. They were his whole world. He would protect them against everything, even Adam Taurusā€™ army of faunus. He briefly wondered if he let out that shaky breath, but decided it had been his S/O. ā€œHe wonā€™t touch you. Only me,ā€ it was all he could manage to say.
Ruby Rose: She nearly knocked over her S/O with the force of her hug, tightly clinging to them, her legs wrapped around their waist. She didnā€™t want to them to be sad anymore. Sheā€™d sworn they wouldnā€™t be sad with her. They would n e v e r be sad with her. Sheā€™d give them anything if it would make them smile at her in that way that took her breath away. ā€œI love you, I love you, I love you,ā€ it became a mantra as she snuggled against their neck, wanting to reassure them about hiding it from her. She loved them either way, and besides, she thought that the small dog ears were rather cute and fitting for her precious S/O. ā€œIts okay that youā€™re a faunus! Youā€™re still cute and I still like you!ā€
Blake Belladonna: Sheā€™d known immediately. She had smelled the scent of her brethren, and sheā€™s seen the small twitching beneath clothing. She was observant and that combined with her heightened senses had granted her the knowledge of it. She was certain that they knew too. Theyā€™d never discussed it with her, but she absolutely knew that they had also known before theyā€™d ever discussed dating. But now she stood before them, long and sleek panther tail swaying proudly in the dimmed light of their dorm room. ā€œā€¦ I knew,ā€ She admitted with a glance to the side, slightly embarrassed, as she reached up and tugged off the bow from around her cat ears. ā€œAnd Iā€™m sure you knew too. I-ā€¦ weā€™re both okay, w-we both love each otherā€¦ so itā€™s okay that we hid, right..?ā€ The smile she received settled her down as she felt their arms around her. She loved that. And she loved the new tail sheā€™d never seen until now.
Pyrrha Nikos: She stared at her S/O, blinking slowly as she processed the words. Faunus. They were a faunus. And those were horns on their head. She was in love with someone sheā€™d thought to be human, but was faunus. She smiled warmly at the new information, not at all bothered by the revelation. She could understand not wanting to be singled out. She tried so hard to be ā€œPyrrhaā€ every single day, but the only thing that anyone could ever see her as was a warrior. But not them. They saw her as Pyrrha. ā€œI quite like them. They suit you magnificently, darling,ā€ she spoke sweetly, making sure that they believed every word she said. ā€œ.. We wonā€™t ever be alone, yes?ā€ The nod she received was more than enough to make her heart swell with joy. Neither of them were alone when they had each other.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[Pyrrha is my precious babe, of course you can request this! cx Thank you so much for the compliment anon!]]
- Pyrrha isnā€™t one thatā€™s overly comfortable with PDA. She likes holding hands and small kisses, but honestly, itā€™s cute when her S/O teases her and gives her a kiss that lasts a little too long and her entire face lights up red.
- Sheā€™s very private. She doesnā€™t like putting her relationship on a pedestal, but her S/O is her everything, and so she w i l l treat them like royalty, because in her eyes, they are the only ones deserving of such a title.
- She loves cuddling. Thatā€™s her favorite thing to do. In private, sheā€™s always on top of her S/O in some way; sitting in their lap, laying over their lap, laying on top of them, etc etc
- Pyrrha likes wearing her S/O clothes, and in particular she likes wearing their hoodies. She thinks they smell like them and it keeps her warm, just like they do.
- She wonā€™t ever initiate anything, sheā€™s a precious babe thatā€™s too shy to show her feelings. It was likely her S/O was the one to confess and have her a stuttering mess when she also confessed her feelings.
- She actually likes kissing, unlike what many people might think. She finds it to be very passionate and adores the way her S/O kisses her. (In private though.)
- Pyrrha needs her S/O to get along with her team. She canā€™t choose between the two and it would tear her apart if herĀ ā€œfamilyā€ didnā€™t like her S/O or vice versa.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[Hoooooo boy I have plenty lmao Here's a few of them šŸ˜˜]] - Mercury isn't really one for physical touching when he's in a relationship. At least touches that have emotions or meanings behind them. - When his S/O has weaseled their way into his heart,, oh man they better be prepared for the fact that he'll never let go of them. - Mercury is fiercely loyal to those he loves. He'd even defect from Cinder to keep his S/O safe, however that's not likely to end well. - He secretly enjoys cuddling. But only sometimes. He sees it as far too intimate to do more often than perhaps at night when they go to sleep. - Mercury doesn't like to share. He gets jealous quite easily and rather explosive when he's jealous. He likes to keep his S/O to himself. - He doesn't really care if his S/O is taller or shorter than him. Just so long as they can take him in a fight pretty evenly. - Mercury would be his S/O's training buddy. He's strict, but he's actually a really good teacher, and he always enjoys the small sparring matches. He also feels pride in the fact that his S/O is improving because of him. - The only movies he can sit through are anime movies. They remind him of the comics he loves to read and the childhood he missed out on. He likes to relax and watch them with his S/O. (And maybe make out a little bit lmao) - Emerald covers for him when he goes out on a date with his S/O. Secretly, they're actually pretty close, and he does the same for her in return so that Cinder never has to know.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[Omg you guys, always request Mercury, you'll get a response in like two seconds of me reading it, I promise you omg (I'm kidding, request whoever you want-)]] RWBY: Ruby Rose: - Ruby seems to me like she's undecided. I think she hasn't really explored the world of sexuality that much, only that she's been exposed to it kind of because of Qrow and Yang. I think she'd come to realize that she's either demisexual or pansexual, because she doesn't seem to see gender but more what's inside a person. - I'm lame on race for her, I just feel like she's mixed. Chinese and Caucasian. Or full on Caucasian if we're going off of my head canons on who her father is, lmao- Weiss Schnee: - Oh man, oh man, wait til daddy hears that one of h i s daughters is queer lmao. Weiss has got to be bisexual. She has chemistry with both male and female characters, but I feel like she wouldn't necessarily be pansexual. - German. Weiss is so German it hurts mein heart- Blake Belladonna: - Blake is definitely demisexual. Yes, she's attracted to male or females, but it's only after a strong attachment has been formed (e.g. Adam and Yang) - I feel like Blake is Greek or Roman. She has very fine features and her surname appears either Latin or Greek to me. Yang Xiao Long: - She's queer. She's so gay that she didn't even have to come out to Qrow. He just knew. BUT, I feel like there are some exceptions to the rules, and therefore I'm going to have to say I think that she's homo-flexible. - Chinese and Caucasian because wow I'm lame lmao SSSN: Sun Wukong: - Heterosexual, but he's definitely experimented with his sexuality with Neptune šŸ˜‹ Nah, nah, but seriously, I do feel like he's tried things with other males and just not been into it. - His name says that he's Chinese, but my heart says that he's Phillipino- Scarlet David: - I feel like Scar is omnisexual. He seems to be the type to just feel attraction towards people in general rather than just saying he likes one specific gender. - British, he's gotta be from Britain and you'll have to rip that away from canon ok- Sage Ayana: - Big ol teddy bear is grey asexual. He doesn't really feel the whole "sex drive" thing, but he loves small contact, like holding hands and cuddling and things such as that. - He's definitely of African descent, but because of his last name, I'm thinking that he's of mixed race. Japanese and Black. Neptune Vasilias: - After having experimented, Neptune probably realized that he's bisexual. He's attracted to both the bodies of males and females, but he's never really delved down the path of wondering if he's attracted to a l l genders. He's slightly uncomfortable with the fact that he's attracted to males to begin with, due to the fact that he's known for flirting with girls and he doesn't what would happen if he flirted with boys too. Only SSSN knows this. - I feel like he's mixed. White and black. He's got a darker complexion than the RWBY girls, but it's not quite as dark as Sage and Flynt are. JNPR: Jaune Arc: - Heterosexual. He got curious once and peeked at Ren, but decided that that had not been the body for him- - French. His name is incredibly French as well as the fact that Joan of Arc is his ancestor. Nora Valkyrie: - She's pansexual, and she's figured it out over a long drawn out time. Ren helped her figure it out, due to the fact that he's extremely in tune with himself and could help explain things to her after looking things up himself. - She's likely Irish or just European in general. Her complexion matches that of Europe and her features do as well. Pyrrha Nikos: - I feel like she's mainly attracted to males, but like Yang, there are exceptions to her rule. She's probably hetero-flexible, but never actually been with a male or a female. - Greeeeeek or Amazonian. I'm fairly certain on this one here- Lie Ren: - He's asexual, and he realized it rather early on. He likes to be rather in tune with himself and know who he is for sure. He's agender as well as he doesn't feel a strong pull towards anything, but doesn't mind what pronouns are used for him. Usually it's masculine pronouns. - He's Chinese for sure- OTHER: Mercury Black: - Omnisexual. He likes any body, and he'll definitely prove that he does in bed. Due to his father, he used sex as an escape when stopped in a town for a while and pretty much figured out what he liked v e r y early on. - Mercury is of Roman descent. It's awkward to mention at the base just because of the fact that Emerald likes to say that ROMAN is his father over it. He just gets back at her by tossing ice cubes down the front of her shirt when she isn't suspecting it.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[Omg, how did so many requests end up piling up already?? I know this one in particular is late, so I shall do this one first!
On a side note: I was not entirely certain about how to do this one! I do hope itā€™s how you imagined it though šŸ’•]]
They didnā€™t know what they were up against. They had simply heard the signal to begin the fight, and they were all off. Metal changed within the arena, panting could be heard over the mad sounds of the battle as time passes on.
Soon after the battle had begun, Sun realized quickly that he did n o t want to face the girl heā€™d chosen to take on head to head. She was ridiculous fast, almost on par with himself, and he just could n o t figure out her movements enough to distinguish a pattern that he could slam his staff into. It was why heā€™d given Sage and Scarlet a look to knock out the team member Neptune was facing so the blue haired teen could join him in combat. Theyā€™d easily enough compiled with his silent command and soon both he and Neptune were up close and personal with the huntress. ā€œDistract her with long range attacks!ā€
The girl didnā€™t even flinch at the onslaught that Neptune sent her way via almost canon like bullets. He just didnā€™t g e t i t. That is until he noticed the small lamp strapped at her side. It was doing something. Something strange. Almost like it was sucking in Neptuneā€™s lightning and turning it into the fuel she used for her speedā€¦ and that was the opening Sun had needed to jump in and slam his staff down on her head, breaking it apart as she reached up to block it, and shoot off the lamp from her hip with his shot guns, swinging the chains in circles in order to ensure the shot hit its mark. Narrowed eyes met his own smiling eyes before he could process the fact that she slammed her foot to the ground and propelled her momentum into S u n by pushing her palms into his abdomen. He went flying into Neptune, before the sound of the buzzer went off, ending the match. That had been the allotted amount of time.
Sun rose a brow.
ā€œI donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a semblance like t h a t.ā€ Sun silently nodded, before climbing off of Neptune. It was unique, and he had more trouble with it than he had imagined he would. He could tell that even Neptune was impressed, if not smitten with the girl as he watched his best friend practically s k i p over to the huntress and attempt flirtation. He only snorted and shook his head.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[B)) This is a good one-
Sun Wukong:
- Donā€™t even pretend like this idiot wouldnā€™t go to university to study something involving animals. He has pride in his heritage (and if this is AU where heā€™s not a faunus, I just see this guy loving animals) and I can just imagine him becoming a world renowned pet masseuse or something really obscure like that.
Sage Ayana:
- I could see him doing something simple, such as botany. Heā€™s calm and reserved and I could see that he likes to garden when Sun and Neptune arenā€™t being idiots, and Scarlet isnā€™t being launched through the air like the majestic asshole that he is.
Scarlet David:
- Marine biology or something to do with the water. While Neptune may hate the water, Scarlet loves it. He dresses like a pirate for a reason! He also probably has a fondness of animals, and working with ones in the water would be A+ for him.
Neptune Vasilias:
- Definitely going to go to college to learn about science. Heā€™s a nerd at heart, and I can see him being absolutely captivated by oscillating clock reactions or Einsteinā€™s theory of relativity. He seems like he likes to know what makes things tick and, honestly, what other excuse could he have to wear his goggles all of the time other than the fact that heā€™s a chemistry undergrad?
Ruby Rose:
- Guns. Guns, guns, guns. Sheā€™d get a business degree in order to open up her own weapons shop. She has an absolute passion for guns and weaponry, and to be able to create them and make money while doing so would be the ultimate dream to her. Itā€™d be a win-win for her!
Weiss Schnee:
- Her father would likely try to pressure her into aĀ ā€œbig nameā€ job, such as a business CEO, a doctor, or a lawyer. Weiss being herself would likely just do as her father wanted her to do and start off for a financing degree, buuuut after meeting Ruby in one of her classes, she realizes her true passion lies elsewhere. In music. She likes music and being able to express herself in a way that she normally couldnā€™t. Sheā€™d likely be a director because she likes control as well.
Blake Belladonna:
- Sheā€™d likely be a literature major and become a professor at some point down the line. She loves books and poetry after all, and with limited options in the English/Literature field, sheā€™d probably end up as a professor at the college she went to.
Yang Xiao Long:
- Chemistry. Definitely chemistry. Not theĀ ā€œboringā€ chemistry, but things like nuclear chemistry where she could make a few things explode and still be called a genius for doing it. Sheā€™d be good at it as well, though it may take all of Blakeā€™s patience to make her sit down and study for her exams like she should be doing by herself.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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Hoo boy- I am revealing myself as true Mercury trash, oooohh boy
TW: Child abuse is mentioned under the bolded text]]
It was late at night. He was screaming, tossing, turning. There was no where for him to run to now. He was cornered and he thrashed harder against the invisible bonds holding him into place. Where could he go? Where could he go? He couldnā€™t see any way out of this, the hurt in his body growing stronger.
He was on top of him suddenly. Marcus was there (but he was dead!! he was dead!) and he could feel the hands around his throat. He couldnā€™t taste the sweet air any longer, couldnā€™t move as he lay at the mercy of his own father. He couldnā€™t do this. He couldnā€™t pull himself out of it. It was as if Marcusā€™ hands were all over his body once again, as if he were dying all over again, as if he were drowning in the alcohol again.Ā 
But suddenly, he was free. He shot awake in bed, shaking, disconnected, vision blurred so much that he couldnā€™t even begin to see Emeraldā€™s face. He knew she was there though. Emerald and Cinder were always there. They were the only ones that were always there.Ā ā€œMercury!ā€ It sounded from so far off that he couldnā€™t even begin to make himself respond to it. He didnā€™t know if it was Emerald or Cinder saying his name, or if that was amusement or concern in that voice.
He waited as his vision began to clear, waited as his mind began to run gears once, waited as the pain in the nerves connecting his new legs to his old ones began to die down and ebb away. He blinked once. Twice. Then he became aware of the fact that Emerald was on his lap with arms wrapped around him, and that Cinder herself had her arms protectively wrapped around his middle. He hadnā€™t even noticed them move, but he made no movement to break off the surprising embrace.Ā 
ā€œMercury.ā€ This time, he could discern that it was Cinder speaking to him. He turned his head to face her.Ā ā€œYouā€™re alright. Youā€™re with us,ā€ he didnā€™t respond, but he shifted to move a single arm around Emerald. She looked terrified and angry all wrapped into one, while Cinder had a calculated look of concern. It was genuine though. He could read emotions better than any of them could. It was only because of Marcus though.Ā ā€œStop thinking of him. You had Emerald all riled up. You owe us an apology,ā€ the message was hidden in her choice of words. Us. He didnā€™t owe Emerald an apology for worrying her, but he owed both of them an apology for worrying them.
ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€
ā€œIā€™ll seriously pay you to shut up.ā€
Cinder only laughed.
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rwby-imagiines Ā· 8 years
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[[Lol, I donā€™t see why I wouldnā€™t! I did say anything on my first post XDD]]
- Be prepared for dork shit: Heā€™s the kind of guy to think that the perfect date includes reading Attack on Titan and watching Batman with his S/O curled up into his side.
- Heā€™s going to try to act cooler than he actually is in front of his S/O. ā€œNeptune, you know how to ride a motorcycle?ā€ ā€œSure!! *Cant even ride a bike.*ā€
- He melts when his S/O plays with his hair. Thatā€™s it. Start touching his hair and he turns into a puddle on the floor. Itā€™ll knock him out in ten minutes flat.
- He likes to plan extravagant dates, but usually, instead of doing those, his S/O takes the wheel and they end up in a ramen stand giggling about how stupid he looks when they flick a noodle onto his face.
- Donā€™t even try to escape the cuddling. Itā€™s not going to happen. He l o v e s to cuddle up to his S/O and he will make sure they know about it.
- Heā€™s actually very supportive of his S/O He goes to all of their matches, helps them train, ā€œhelpsā€ them study (though his S/O usually teaches him more than he does them), and if they have any insecurities about something on a particular day, heā€™s certain to fix that with cute pep talks throughout the day.
- Neptune likes to hold his S/Oā€™s hand. He claims itā€™s because they might ā€œget lostā€ but it really just keeps him reminded of the fact that they chose h i m over everybody else to date.
- Heā€™s flirtatious, and heā€™s good at it, but around his S/O he turns into a broken record and blushes darker than a cherry. He doesnā€™t know how to act when he gets butterflies in his stomach after all.
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