petitecaffeine2 · 11 months
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whenever I have cravings I just think of this photo and I’m absolutely disgusted and no longer hungry :) you’re welcome x
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petitecaffeine2 · 4 years
Me: *has eating disorder and films what I ate for lunch*
Tiktok: *shows to 327.5k people*
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Follow my Tiktok.
Reblog with your user if you have a mental health account and I’ll follow you back.
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petitecaffeine2 · 4 years
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The reality of Instagram Modeling
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petitecaffeine2 · 4 years
Tell me shit
Answer me this:
What sucks the most about having a mental illness
Or tell me something else. Eg a confession or honest opinion on me
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petitecaffeine2 · 4 years
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The best keto chocolate chip cookies ever! This sugar-free low carb chocolate chip cookies recipe needs only 6 ingredients & 10 minutes prep. The best keto chocolate chip cookies ever! This sugar-free low carb chocolate chip cookies recipe needs only 6 ingredients & 10 minutes prep.
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
i love starving myself!!! it keeps me on my toes!!!
unless i pass out, in which case i’m on the ground
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
Informative post vol 2.
I can’t stress enough the importance of this.
Okey, so let’s talk a little bit about “omg I gained 3 pounds overnight what the hell, I’m so fat”
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So i can’t really understand this logic, maybe because I learn about human body in my uni like all the time, but I just wanted to say:
General overview is this: You are literally a hole. It starts with your mouth, it ends with your anus. Your other organs and body fat are surrounding this hole. When the food moves through this “pipe” your body is absorbing nutriens, kcal and water. What it can’t absorb - mostly fiber - stays in the pipe and turns into poop. This is why they say fiber is good for you, it’s kind of uncloging your digestive system.
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So imagine two scenarios. First: you ate one piece of cake which was like 500 kcal and had almost no fiber. Then you didn’t poop. The next morning your weight stays the same/ lower - you stayed under the caloric limit, and almost no fiber stayed in your digestive track. Ok, now let’s imagine you eat, let’s say, 500 kcal worth od apples (it’s probably like 6-8 apples, depemding on a size). You also ate 500 kcal, but your fiber intake is much higher. Then you didn’t poop. Next morning… You gained! But it’s not fat. And you ask yourself what the hell, I only ate 500 kcal, and just apples, that are suppose to be healthy! Well - now you know - it’s fiber, staying in your system.
And now I want to talk about getting enough fiber in your diet.
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Especially if you are low-restricting, please take caution and add fiber to your diet. I promise you, you won’t gain fat because of this and it can literally save you from many diseases even like colorectal cancer. If you experience not being able to poop for a couple or days, or even a week, it probably means you really should get your fiber. All the “poop” is still in your guts, and it also makes your weight - much higher and you - bloated. Defecation is really important, so please don’t underestimate it.
If you eat mostly whole, plant-based foods you should be ok, but here is a list od high fiber foods:
So here are foods with high fiber:
- Split peas 16g/cup
- Lentils 15.5g/cup
- Black beans 15g/cup
- Baked beans 10g/cup
- Chia seeds 10g/ounce
- Green peas 9g/cup
- Raspberries 8g/cup
…and many many more.
Disclaimer: I would love to see you all recover. To be able to eat with your friends. But i know some of you won’t do this, so at least please, please, if you can do anything to do this more safely - do this.
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Pardon my english, it’s not my native.
If you’d like to add something or you don’t agree on something please correct me in the coments/reblogs.
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
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Workout playlist
I honestly debated posting this because I don’t want to make anyone’s disorder worse and I do NOT encourage eating disorder behaviours.
I am not pro eating disorder
However, I had someone ask me when I was going to start posting workouts and this is what I have been doing lately so I thought I would share.
It’s common for people to exercise and listen to music. But I’ve created a short playlist where the tempo of the song matches the exercise. I also find it more motivating than counting reps.
These songs have a slightly eating disorder vibe to them with the lyrics, so if you find that triggering please skip this post.
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Skinny love
Warm up
Stretch your muscles dynamically. Go through the range of motion and loosen up joints to prevent injury
Scars to your beautiful
Sit ups and cross crunches
Alternative between sets of sit ups and cross crunches. I personally do 15 reps for each set
Paper bag
Stomach vacuums and standard crunches
Alternative between stomach vacuums and standard crunches. I personally do 15 reps followed by 30 second vaccum
Prom queen
Lateral crunches and leg drops
Alternative between sets of crunches and leg drops. I personally do 15 reps for each set
Too many people
Squat, squat, squat. Slow, fast, wide, narrow. Any variation you like
Push ups
Repetitively continue through a cycle of push ups. I’ll sometimes switch through variations or if my arms get tired, hold a plank position.
Cool down
Stretch, move slowly, relax and do some breathing exercises. Remember you’re beautiful and your self worth is not determined by the food you consume or the calories you burn x
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
As hard as it is to eat sometimes you really do need to be prepared. If you ever feel faint, eat something. It doesn’t matter your weight or shape if you’re dead
Since others shared their story I figured I would too. Last Christmas Eve i had heightened anxiety for the whole day to the point where even if I wanted to eat, it would be difficult because of extreme nausea. My eating disorder saw this as a good thing of course. I fasted 24h, exercised excessively in 30°c+ weather (Southern Hemisphere), and only had a few spoonfuls of salad for dinner.
Next morning I intended to wait until Christmas lunch to eat. While in church I began to feel very light headed, even while seated. Turning my head at all sent the room spinning. I ignored it, I shouldn’t have. Things only got worse. I have never had issues with passing out but was struggling to stand and unable to see or hear properly. I began to shake and my skin got all sensitive. I could feel everything and didn’t want ANYTHING to touch me, including my clothes, it was almost painful. Yet at the church morning tea I only had a glass of water.
When I got home I laid on my bed, skin still unexplainably sensitive, dizzy and felt like I would throw up. The only other time I’ve felt like that was when I was very ill with a virus and had a dangerously high temperature. It took me way too long to convince myself to eat an orange.
The sensitive skin and dizziness got better. But I was still nauseous until I ate a proper amount of food at Christmas lunch. PLEASE BE PREPARED TO EAT. Even if it’s small. Just something like a Candy will do wonders and work a hell of a lot better than my orange 😂
Yes, yes it did ruin my Christmas.
i thought i was dead
i had a experience today where my body overheated i started to lose focus in my schoolwork my heart started beating so loud and fast and hurting like a mf and i thought “omg this is it this is how i die i am going to die in the middle of art class” then i decided to try to alert someone i tapped my friends thigh my breathing was shaky and loud and my face was red and tried to tell her “get the teacher somethings happening” all that came out was a scrambled mumbled sentence and i thought i was about to faint but she understand and the teacher got her to take me real quick and since she knew i was anorexic she got a proteing bar and made me eat that shit and the second i took a bite everything slowly started to calm down and i have honestly never been more terrified
dont take life for granted as someone with an ed it doesnt matter whether your bmi is high or low your heart can stop at any second
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
Ways to increase your metabolism
You can’t judge a metabolism by its cover. Two people could have the same height, weight, BMI and wear the same size but have a wildly different body composition, making one the calorie burning equivalent of a Bic lighter and the other a blowtorch.
Metabolism is the total number of calories your body burns each day. 65% of those calories are used up for 24/7 functions like breathing and circulation-the top burners are your brain, liver, heart, and kidneys- with another 10% devoted to the process of digesting the very foods that may have given you that muffin top in the first place. The remaining 25% of the calories you burn can be chalked up to the physical activity you do in a day- not just spin class but every move you make, including standing in line or posting your latest Instastory.
It’s not all genetic.
Don’t be intimidated by strength training. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. Lean tissues, including organs and muscles on average burn 14 calories a pound a day, while fat only burns about 3 calories per pound. The absolute amount of muscle in you determines the overall speed of your resting metabolism (the amount you burn just sitting around) and some of us are born with an edge in the amount of muscle fibers we’ve got. Hit the gym and take advantage of free weights and strength training machines. They’re good for building lean muscle and will help increase your metabolism.
Metabolism does slow over time but it doesn’t do a sudden nose dive as you sit binge watching Netflix. Metabolism drops off 2 to 4 percent every decade as we tend to lose muscle mass. Every workout is a potential answer to how to increase metabolism, not just during but also afterward. A 50 minute weight routine delivered an additional afterburn of 14 calories. Between sets, add cardio bursts or shorten the rest, and that afterburn spikes- to the tune of 25 calories following a quickie 19 minute circuit session.
High-intensity interval training in a quick way to ramp up your body’s ability to use fat as fuel. The speed bursts spark a 20 percent increase in the amount of fat burned, and that’s just one of the benefits of HIIT.
Protein has a high thermic effect; your body will burn more calories to digest it. People who eat a high protein breakfast control their hunger longer and their weight better.
Stay away from sodas, alcohol, and calorie laden beverages. They’re the exact opposite of how to increase your metabolism. Drinking green tea is an effective way to get EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), an ingredient known to speed up metabolism. Three cups of green tea a day can increase metabolism by up to 10%.
A metabolism no-no is skipping meals; you put yourself on that path toward fasting, which signals the metabolism to slow way down. You should eat at least three to four times a day instead of only one to two times to keep your metabolism up and avoid excessive portions with large meals.
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
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Me: goes to get food
My eating disorder:
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
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Eating disorders aren’t about trying to be
They aren’t a way for coping with
They are a way we try cope with our
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When you have an eating disorder “fat” becomes a feeling. Starving, binging, purging, exercising. Whatever it is that is damaging our body in the long run, is how we cope with that feeling. It’s not about the final result of the behaviour, it’s about how it makes us feel.
So please stop invalidating people with “but you don’t need to lose weight”
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Recovery is finding other things that make us feel that way, healing our mind so we no longer abuse our bodies.
You are beautiful. You just need a less damaging coping mechanism for your emotions.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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Stay safe my lovelies xx
Always here for you
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
*takes a fat sip of my tea* what a great day to remember that you cannot “detox” your body, nor do you need to!!! your liver works very hard to do that for you (your liver, coincidentally, does not need to be “detoxed” either).
also a fantastic time to remember that detox/weight loss teas are diuretics and are designed to shit yourself to a certain weight, activated charcoal is useless unless administered as poison control by a medical professional, and please get yourself vaccinated!!!
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
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Raw vegan strawberry jam
2-3 serves depending how much jam you like per serve
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2 large strawberries or 3 small (80g)
1 tsp of chia seeds
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Blend up strawberries to create a purée. If you like your jam a little more chunky leave some strawberry bits. You can also add some form of sweetener here if you like things really sweet but personally I didn’t need it.
Add chia seeds and mix to combine.
Place in a small container and set in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
Use as you would any other jam. Keep for up to 1 week.
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Nutrient info
Cal info for entire recipes opposed to per serve.
Calories: 39
Carbs: 6
Fat: 1
Protein: 1
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Inspiration credit: mind over munch
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
WTF weight watchers
(Reblogging from my recovery account)
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So much for intuitive eating, so much for listening to our bodies. So much for wellness
According to weight watchers we should be teaching children to listen to an app rather than their bodies or a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL!
There is so much wrong with this that I don’t even know where to begin. Not only is diet culture in itself an issue alone, and children being controlled by a screen a separate issue. Weight watchers has decided to combine them into an app for children to obsess over calories.
There’s so many issues with this, including the inaccuraties in calorie tracking, obsessive compulsive behaviours which could develop and that listening to an app makes us less in tune with our bodies.
But I don’t want to turn this into an essay so I’ll share a personal story
The beginning of my eating disorder began when I was exposed to propaganda around the health dangers of EXCESS sugar. I had already placed a value on health and combined with my anxious nature, perfectionism this quickly spiraled into “all sugar will kill me” (yes including fruit). Even well intentioned health information such as that put out by governments and the World Health Organisation became fuel for my obsession around health. Companies such as weight watchers only made it even worse by adding the pressure of tracking.
Unlike most people with anorexia or bulimia I wasn’t actively trying to lose weight. But I have been so effected by the way my disorder warps information based on health that it has been impossible for me to maintain weight (let alone maintain a healthy weight) without being forced to consume foods which spike my anxiety greatly.
I had a discussion with my mother yesterday where she told me bluntly that if I were to contract a sever virus in my state, I would not survive. My heart struggles to function as it is. She also informed me that if I get any worse, she fully supports me being sectioned under the mental health act (going to hospital where you have no say in your treatment). So yeah obsession over health isn’t actually healthy.
This was all because I fear foods will make me unhealthy. Health. My obsession is with HEALTH and it is slowly killing me. I don’t desire to be paper thin, I don’t drool over magazines. I’m effected by exactly what weight watchers is, a “health” campaign.
Telling children to obsess over being healthy is no less damaging than telling them to obsess over being stick thin.
Let kids be kids
Dont ruin another person’s childhood
Don’t take away someone’s future
Take the hint weight watchers. See the backlash. Stop supporting diet culture and start promoting physical and mental wellness, intuitive eating and a positive relationship with food.
It’s not the place of an app to do what a dietitian, exercise scientist, or doctor would do in a formal consolation.
For those who wish to say WTF to weight watchers here are some links to petitions
Reblog my post or not, I just ask you to please sign at least one of these petitions in support of protecting children.
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
These look delicious
oatmeal pumpkin cookies(less than 40cal!)
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oatmeal pumpkin cookies!!! this recipe is a slight tweaking of this one, since i didn't have any applesauce on hand. the recipe yields eight cookies, and each cookie is 37 calories!!! the whole batch is about 300. you can knock off two calories from each cookie by leaving the chocolate chips off :) they're also vegan(if you use vegan chips)! :)
-2/3 cup oatmeal(180)
-1/2 cup pumpkin(50)
-3 tsp sugar(48)
-cinnamon and nutmeg to taste(0)
-8 chocolate chips(16)
1. preheat oven to 390F/200C.
2. mix together the pumpkin, sugar and spices.
3. add the oatmeal.
4. divide the dough into eight equal parts. these will be your cookies.
5. place the cookies on a non-stick baking tray, and flatten them out. place one chocolate chip on top of each cookie.
6. bake for 7-10 minutes.
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petitecaffeine2 · 5 years
Omf I need to get me some oat fibre!!!!
Also just a tip. If you want them to be even more puffy. Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks before folding in gently x
Oat fiber pancakes-108 cals
Yall this….
A whOLe thicc stac of pancakes=108cals
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This was taken b4 I was even done with the batter!!
I made more than 20, less than 30-lost count after 20 whoops
Ofc you can make like 10+ big ones or so but I like em medium smol
Or even split this in half cuz it’s more like 2 servings but w.e
Oat Fiber Pancakes
•3 T+2 t flour/23g (83)
•3 T+2 t oat fiber (0)
•1 T+ “0 cal” sweetener (6)*
•1 t baking powder (2)
•A pinch of salt
•1 egg white/33g egg whites (17)
•A LOT OF WATER~I used 10 + tbsps~
the oat fiber sucks up a lot of moisture but it gives the recipe more volume and helps you feel full for longer!! (Lunch, who?!)
*[I used splenda which is actually 1.8 cals a tsp not 0 like the package says!!!]*
Total:108 cals
1. Mix dry ingredients first, then pour in wet ingredients & mix (dont over do it here)
+Add a bit of water at a time!
+You may need more water
You want your batter to be liquidy and spreadable (like a thin syrup?)
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–you can even make crepes with this recipe if you add too much and it becomes milky
Make sure the pan is HOT before pouring batter on it
2. Heat a NONSTICK PAN on high heat**
And continue making them like normal pancakes
** Tips for floofier pancakes **
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This plate: 185 cals w/ the syrup(not in pic), almond milk(in the lil cup) and cottage cheese(the pancakes alone are 108 cals!!)
Also about the sugar free syrup & warm almond milk over top-weird combo yes but shshs I like soaked pancakes + kinda tastes like butter :))(hack?!?)
Extra use for this recipe
+You can totally skip the sweetener and make super low cal tortillas/wraps with this I might even try making a pizza crust with this!!
💛 stay safe 💛
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