lokavisi · 1 hour
Of the more "traditional" pagan holidays, I associate Loki with is Bealtaine. (In fact, my local CUUPS chapter has a part in their ritual this year that invokes the Fire of Transformation which....he jumped on me like white on rice to take that speaking part. 😂 Which I did and will do in ritual this weekend!) Anyway, the fiery sexy energy of the holiday very much vibes with him. Happy Bealtaine to all who celebrate!
Beltane Activities List:
(These are the things I’ll be doing on May 1st, these are simply ideas, obviously adapt them to your craft and belief system)
🌼Buy some fresh yellow flowers
🌼Play my Beltane playlist
🌼Research Fairies
🌼 Go Outside and meditate
🌼Wear Ribbons or flowers in my hair
🌼Light a candle
🌼Put a log on the fireplace
🌼Do some flower picking (With Jörd’s permission)
🌼Eat fresh fruit like strawberries
🌼Dance to music (like my playlist or this YouTube video that I link here) https://youtu.be/JjbV0wvGVDA
🌼Have my study ambience be the dead of night’s Beltane ambience altar (linked) https://youtu.be/Q18JUCVWOV8
🌼Take a ritual shower
🌼Do a meditation that is specifically for Beltane
🌼Do divination using a Beltane spread
🌼Display a Beltane vibes Oracle or tarot card on your altar
🌼Be childlike and enjoy everything!
🌼Work with stones like
-Carnelian for enjoyment & creativity
-Citrine for sunshine positivity
-Garnet for love and grounded abundance
-Staurolite for working with the faeries or Alfr as well as lucky attributes
-Unakite for connecting with nature spirits and the energy of spring
🌼Drink lemon water!
🌼Make art inspired by this pagan festival (draw faeries, flowers, bonfires, maypoles, etc)
🌼Have chamomile tea with honey before bed!
That’s it! 🌱🌼🌾🔥
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lokavisi · 2 hours
Thank you so much for sharing your story. This was something I knew nothing about and is incredibly important for everyone (especially as pagans who tend to work with many entities with many voices) to be aware of. I know this is a little heftier of a read for some social media, but it is absolutely worth the time. Please read and share, folks ❤️
My experience with spiritual psychosis as a practicing pagan and how to recognize the signs of a psychotic episode in contemporary witchcraft practices.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of S/H, schizophrenic behaviors, psychosis, religious manipulation.
Buckle up, because this is going to be one hell of a ride.
A DEFINITION OF SPIRITUAL PSYCHOSIS - "Religious-spiritual crises include distress associated with the weakening or loss of faith, turbulent conversions, and affective states associated with negative spirituality. The differential diagnosis in regard to psychosis is often challenging... Although the crisis and psychosis groups scored similarly on perplexity, self-disorder, depression, and anxiety, the disturbance of social contact and cognition was observed only in psychosis" (Kállai & Kéri, 2020: Religious-spiritual crisis or psychosis? The impact of basic symptoms in the differentiation of prepsychotic states).
To summarize the above definition, Kállai & Kéri (2020) differentiated spiritual crisis with spiritual psychosis through one particular symptom: social withdrawal and disturbance of cognitive functions. If you Google the word "spiritual psychosis", you'll get a wealth of articles and websites cautioning on symptoms that aren't entirely accurate to spiritual psychosis. It is important to consider that spirituality, especially witchcraft and paganism, have been demonized since Christianization and it is integral to recognize that these beliefs still exist today. This heavily impacts spiritual psychosis and its diagnosis, especially within pagan communities, as there are still individuals who want to convince others that if they are a pagan, they must be ""clinically insane"" (I say this, as someone federally disabled from clinical OCD, PTSD, and ASD). It is super important to realize that a lot of people will point the fingers at pagans very quickly to say "HEY! That person is insane because they are talking to a god!" when the same person goes back home to pray every night to God and ask them for forgiveness. This isn't meant as an attack on Christians, but rather to point out the hypocrisy that can occur when this topic arises in religious spaces.
I say this, as a medicated, healthy, and healing individual who practices deity worship, work, tarot, astrology, and spirit work! Not all paganism is "spiritual psychosis", but there are definitely facets and wings of spirituality/neopaganism (in particular) that can lead right down the path of the red pill and psychosis to the right-wing ideology (looking at you, Grimm).
To begin my story: my spiritual psychosis took place pre-COVID, around 2017-2018 timeframe.
I also want to note that this is my experience; this experience does not define everyone who has experienced spiritual psychosis, nor meant as a diagnostic tool. I am simply here to share my story and hopefully spread awareness in the pagan community to help others recognize the signs of potential psychosis and ultimately make our community safer, more inviting, and more healthy.
I also want to make this ABUNDANTLY CLEAR: you do not have to have preexisting mental/emotional disabilities to experience spiritual psychosis.
Anyone can experience spiritual psychosis, and that's what makes it so incredibly dangerous! The above belief is what ultimately led to my downfall and unfortunate experience with psychosis, almost causing to my own death. I am not an individual with any preexisting mood disorders; I do not experience mania symptoms or psychotic symptoms, and never have, outside of this experience. When I was going through spiritual psychosis, I told myself that "this must be real, because I don't have BPD or mania or schizophrenia!" In my head, I was "happy and healthy", and I continuously told myself that because I was happy, it couldn't have been psychosis. It's also important to mention that I was 15-16 years old when I experienced this, so I was already within a vulnerable population to religious manipulation due to being in a rough mental state and exploring who I was as a teenager.
Please do not try to diagnose me in the comments. I am monitored and medicated by a physician, psychiatrist, and therapist, and have been evaluated again and again for mood disorders since this experience. I have consistently, multiple times, failed the diagnostic measures for disorders consisting of psychotic episodes, mania, or bipolar-type disabilities. Trying to diagnose someone actively experiencing spiritual psychosis and slapping a label on them will only make the problem worse, I PROMISE. Same goes for individuals in recovery from psychosis.
On a similar note, if a loved one is going through spiritual psychosis, and needs help, simply telling them that it's "not real" or that they're in psychosis will probably not work; it didn't work on me, at least. What I needed was medical intervention, and this problem marinated in my head for over a year because of negligence and ignorance to the severity of my state. Telling someone with spiritual psychosis that they have spiritual psychosis WILL NOT WORK, I promise. Reach out to their doctor, a hotline, or a professional in a medical field if you suspect a friend or loved one is in a psychotic episode. Please, for me—don't try to play the savior, because they might think they are the savior.
That being said, I also will say that OCD can share a lot of similarities with BPD, and I've talked to a ton of fellow OCD-ers that have had spiritual psychosis experiences.
I will also mention that certain chemicals or medications can influence the onset of spiritual psychosis! At this time, I was struggling through a lot of menstrual issues, and was placed on a oral birth control (progesterone) that was notorious for causing delusion, with users of the hormone reporting that "they literally felt like they were going insane". I snapped out of my spiritual psychosis the second I went off the medication. This is not to blame pharmaceuticals or scream out to the void that medicine is bad (I am happily medicated and monitored by a doctor, psychiatrist, and therapist now!) but to emphasize that outside influences can, and will, encourage the onset of spiritual psychosis.
Here is a list of some of the events, symptoms (unique to me), and beliefs I held during my spiritual psychosis. I've bolded critical drivers of my episode.
I was a "Christian witch" at this time, and believed that I was a lightworker sent by God among a group of 20 or so individuals to "heal" others
I was socially withdrawn, without any true friends. I had one online friend at the time, who was also going through spiritual psychosis with me, making this problem much worse.
I was constantly compulsion-checking (OCD) for signs such as angel numbers, words, messages, to the point where I could not concentrate because of the desparate need for reassurance
I was obsessed with the concept of talking to and doing spellwork on real people in the astral to "heal them", and it gave me a sense that I was not alone; this was not consensual to these people, who I did know in real life, and I was convinced that was okay, because...
I believed in twin flame ideology, which I have consistently not only seen mentioned from other survivors of spiritual psychosis, but often encourages toxic relationships, abuse, and stalking.
I thought I was an earth angel who had a past life as an angel. This included delusions so severe that I thought I could "feel my wings" and that I "wasn't meant to be on earth" (this can slip so quickly into su*cidal ideation, and it did for me)
I created my own world in my head that I would meditate to enter, essentially, where I had an entire family of spirits taking care of me, including my "future kids" (I had internalized homophobia)
I could not sleep, function, and barely could eat. This is a defining, tell-tale sign of any form of psychosis: I was so obsessed with meditating and entering the astral realm, that I was completely dissociated from the real world. In a sense, I was not existing in the physical world, at all.
I could hear and see "spirits" who would tell me uncomfortable things. They would appear as voices in my head that I didn't want there, but believed I had to let be there if I wanted to continue on my path as a healer.
I had gone from a state of depression so badly that I was unable to function, to "happy and healthy" in my psychotic mania during this. If you find yourself quickly turning from a down to an up, be aware.
I thought I was pregnant with a spirit unconsensually. This one I will say with certainty (and love): guys, please, if you think you have a spirit child and you are the equivalent to the modern-day Virgin Mary, please walk yourself into the nearest ER.
I was obsessed with conservative, right-wing beliefs to the point where it was the only media I consumed. This was also in-part because I grew up on military bases, but most definitely worsened during my psychosis.
I believed I was more important than others to God, my life had more value.
I could go on, but I think these bullets sum up my experience pretty well.
How I recovered and realized my spiritual psychosis episode, and what that looked like.
This is where it can get extremely dangerous! I was lucky enough to have my driving factor as a medication, but that was not the sole influence.
I kid you not: I woke up one morning after switching meds, realized that it was literally all in my head, and entered the worst depressive episode I've ever had in my life, to this day. I was unable to sleep from paranoia, struggled eating, would refuse to talk to my parents, and was terrified of anything to even remotely do with religion. It got to the point where I was, quite literally, on my death bed. The only thing that saved me was going into therapy and establishing connections, getting diagnosed with OCD, and ultimately, aging and maturing.
The story of my recovery is a much, much longer road with unrelated events, so I won't go into that. But I will emphasize that this event almost caused me my life on a few occasions, and led to a multi-year journey to reexplore spirituality, morality, and religion. It took me years upon years to recover, and I believe that I did the right thing: if you ever have spiritual psychosis, take a step back for awhile and evaluate first what caused the psychosis, what your symptoms were, and identify your coping strategies and networks to avoid the situation reoccurring in the future.
Spiritual psychosis is dangerous, it's scary, and it's not talked enough in pagan communities. I think my end-all advice for this post would be just that above: be aware, be educated, and be monitored by a medical team. If you are ever hearing things you don't want to hear, thinking your gods are upset at you (they're not, I promise), experiencing mania or depressive symptoms, please please please speak to a medical professional or something you love and trust.
Today, I am an eclectic Hellenic/Norse pagan with spirit guides and gods who I have boundaries with. My healthy spiritual practice looks like being grounded in my body, in nature, my friends around me, my family, and most importantly, maintaining good mental health. It includes working a job I love, telling stories of nature to others (I'm a tour guide/naturalist), and writing. I go to therapy weekly, I'm medicated, and I actively take steps to heal and recognize how my psychosis impacted both my spirituality, religion, and path. Recovery is possible. You are never alone.
I'm more than happy to open conversation about this topic and answer any questions! Please also feel free to correct me on anything I said.
I'm hoping this helps someone who needs to hear it, spreads awareness, and most importantly, promotes healthy religious practice. I'd like to thank my deities (Loki and Aphrodite) for encouraging me to make this post and speak up about my experience <3 It's always wonderful to have a spiritual team that is truly on my side.
Blessed be, my friends! Stay happy and healthy!
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lokavisi · 2 hours
Thank you so much for sharing your story. This was something I knew nothing about and is incredibly important for everyone (especially as pagans who tend to work with many entities with many voices) to be aware of. I know this is a little heftier of a read for some social media, but it is absolutely worth the time. Please read and share, folks ❤️
My experience with spiritual psychosis as a practicing pagan and how to recognize the signs of a psychotic episode in contemporary witchcraft practices.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of S/H, schizophrenic behaviors, psychosis, religious manipulation.
Buckle up, because this is going to be one hell of a ride.
A DEFINITION OF SPIRITUAL PSYCHOSIS - "Religious-spiritual crises include distress associated with the weakening or loss of faith, turbulent conversions, and affective states associated with negative spirituality. The differential diagnosis in regard to psychosis is often challenging... Although the crisis and psychosis groups scored similarly on perplexity, self-disorder, depression, and anxiety, the disturbance of social contact and cognition was observed only in psychosis" (Kállai & Kéri, 2020: Religious-spiritual crisis or psychosis? The impact of basic symptoms in the differentiation of prepsychotic states).
To summarize the above definition, Kállai & Kéri (2020) differentiated spiritual crisis with spiritual psychosis through one particular symptom: social withdrawal and disturbance of cognitive functions. If you Google the word "spiritual psychosis", you'll get a wealth of articles and websites cautioning on symptoms that aren't entirely accurate to spiritual psychosis. It is important to consider that spirituality, especially witchcraft and paganism, have been demonized since Christianization and it is integral to recognize that these beliefs still exist today. This heavily impacts spiritual psychosis and its diagnosis, especially within pagan communities, as there are still individuals who want to convince others that if they are a pagan, they must be ""clinically insane"" (I say this, as someone federally disabled from clinical OCD, PTSD, and ASD). It is super important to realize that a lot of people will point the fingers at pagans very quickly to say "HEY! That person is insane because they are talking to a god!" when the same person goes back home to pray every night to God and ask them for forgiveness. This isn't meant as an attack on Christians, but rather to point out the hypocrisy that can occur when this topic arises in religious spaces.
I say this, as a medicated, healthy, and healing individual who practices deity worship, work, tarot, astrology, and spirit work! Not all paganism is "spiritual psychosis", but there are definitely facets and wings of spirituality/neopaganism (in particular) that can lead right down the path of the red pill and psychosis to the right-wing ideology (looking at you, Grimm).
To begin my story: my spiritual psychosis took place pre-COVID, around 2017-2018 timeframe.
I also want to note that this is my experience; this experience does not define everyone who has experienced spiritual psychosis, nor meant as a diagnostic tool. I am simply here to share my story and hopefully spread awareness in the pagan community to help others recognize the signs of potential psychosis and ultimately make our community safer, more inviting, and more healthy.
I also want to make this ABUNDANTLY CLEAR: you do not have to have preexisting mental/emotional disabilities to experience spiritual psychosis.
Anyone can experience spiritual psychosis, and that's what makes it so incredibly dangerous! The above belief is what ultimately led to my downfall and unfortunate experience with psychosis, almost causing to my own death. I am not an individual with any preexisting mood disorders; I do not experience mania symptoms or psychotic symptoms, and never have, outside of this experience. When I was going through spiritual psychosis, I told myself that "this must be real, because I don't have BPD or mania or schizophrenia!" In my head, I was "happy and healthy", and I continuously told myself that because I was happy, it couldn't have been psychosis. It's also important to mention that I was 15-16 years old when I experienced this, so I was already within a vulnerable population to religious manipulation due to being in a rough mental state and exploring who I was as a teenager.
Please do not try to diagnose me in the comments. I am monitored and medicated by a physician, psychiatrist, and therapist, and have been evaluated again and again for mood disorders since this experience. I have consistently, multiple times, failed the diagnostic measures for disorders consisting of psychotic episodes, mania, or bipolar-type disabilities. Trying to diagnose someone actively experiencing spiritual psychosis and slapping a label on them will only make the problem worse, I PROMISE. Same goes for individuals in recovery from psychosis.
On a similar note, if a loved one is going through spiritual psychosis, and needs help, simply telling them that it's "not real" or that they're in psychosis will probably not work; it didn't work on me, at least. What I needed was medical intervention, and this problem marinated in my head for over a year because of negligence and ignorance to the severity of my state. Telling someone with spiritual psychosis that they have spiritual psychosis WILL NOT WORK, I promise. Reach out to their doctor, a hotline, or a professional in a medical field if you suspect a friend or loved one is in a psychotic episode. Please, for me—don't try to play the savior, because they might think they are the savior.
That being said, I also will say that OCD can share a lot of similarities with BPD, and I've talked to a ton of fellow OCD-ers that have had spiritual psychosis experiences.
I will also mention that certain chemicals or medications can influence the onset of spiritual psychosis! At this time, I was struggling through a lot of menstrual issues, and was placed on a oral birth control (progesterone) that was notorious for causing delusion, with users of the hormone reporting that "they literally felt like they were going insane". I snapped out of my spiritual psychosis the second I went off the medication. This is not to blame pharmaceuticals or scream out to the void that medicine is bad (I am happily medicated and monitored by a doctor, psychiatrist, and therapist now!) but to emphasize that outside influences can, and will, encourage the onset of spiritual psychosis.
Here is a list of some of the events, symptoms (unique to me), and beliefs I held during my spiritual psychosis. I've bolded critical drivers of my episode.
I was a "Christian witch" at this time, and believed that I was a lightworker sent by God among a group of 20 or so individuals to "heal" others
I was socially withdrawn, without any true friends. I had one online friend at the time, who was also going through spiritual psychosis with me, making this problem much worse.
I was constantly compulsion-checking (OCD) for signs such as angel numbers, words, messages, to the point where I could not concentrate because of the desparate need for reassurance
I was obsessed with the concept of talking to and doing spellwork on real people in the astral to "heal them", and it gave me a sense that I was not alone; this was not consensual to these people, who I did know in real life, and I was convinced that was okay, because...
I believed in twin flame ideology, which I have consistently not only seen mentioned from other survivors of spiritual psychosis, but often encourages toxic relationships, abuse, and stalking.
I thought I was an earth angel who had a past life as an angel. This included delusions so severe that I thought I could "feel my wings" and that I "wasn't meant to be on earth" (this can slip so quickly into su*cidal ideation, and it did for me)
I created my own world in my head that I would meditate to enter, essentially, where I had an entire family of spirits taking care of me, including my "future kids" (I had internalized homophobia)
I could not sleep, function, and barely could eat. This is a defining, tell-tale sign of any form of psychosis: I was so obsessed with meditating and entering the astral realm, that I was completely dissociated from the real world. In a sense, I was not existing in the physical world, at all.
I could hear and see "spirits" who would tell me uncomfortable things. They would appear as voices in my head that I didn't want there, but believed I had to let be there if I wanted to continue on my path as a healer.
I had gone from a state of depression so badly that I was unable to function, to "happy and healthy" in my psychotic mania during this. If you find yourself quickly turning from a down to an up, be aware.
I thought I was pregnant with a spirit unconsensually. This one I will say with certainty (and love): guys, please, if you think you have a spirit child and you are the equivalent to the modern-day Virgin Mary, please walk yourself into the nearest ER.
I was obsessed with conservative, right-wing beliefs to the point where it was the only media I consumed. This was also in-part because I grew up on military bases, but most definitely worsened during my psychosis.
I believed I was more important than others to God, my life had more value.
I could go on, but I think these bullets sum up my experience pretty well.
How I recovered and realized my spiritual psychosis episode, and what that looked like.
This is where it can get extremely dangerous! I was lucky enough to have my driving factor as a medication, but that was not the sole influence.
I kid you not: I woke up one morning after switching meds, realized that it was literally all in my head, and entered the worst depressive episode I've ever had in my life, to this day. I was unable to sleep from paranoia, struggled eating, would refuse to talk to my parents, and was terrified of anything to even remotely do with religion. It got to the point where I was, quite literally, on my death bed. The only thing that saved me was going into therapy and establishing connections, getting diagnosed with OCD, and ultimately, aging and maturing.
The story of my recovery is a much, much longer road with unrelated events, so I won't go into that. But I will emphasize that this event almost caused me my life on a few occasions, and led to a multi-year journey to reexplore spirituality, morality, and religion. It took me years upon years to recover, and I believe that I did the right thing: if you ever have spiritual psychosis, take a step back for awhile and evaluate first what caused the psychosis, what your symptoms were, and identify your coping strategies and networks to avoid the situation reoccurring in the future.
Spiritual psychosis is dangerous, it's scary, and it's not talked enough in pagan communities. I think my end-all advice for this post would be just that above: be aware, be educated, and be monitored by a medical team. If you are ever hearing things you don't want to hear, thinking your gods are upset at you (they're not, I promise), experiencing mania or depressive symptoms, please please please speak to a medical professional or something you love and trust.
Today, I am an eclectic Hellenic/Norse pagan with spirit guides and gods who I have boundaries with. My healthy spiritual practice looks like being grounded in my body, in nature, my friends around me, my family, and most importantly, maintaining good mental health. It includes working a job I love, telling stories of nature to others (I'm a tour guide/naturalist), and writing. I go to therapy weekly, I'm medicated, and I actively take steps to heal and recognize how my psychosis impacted both my spirituality, religion, and path. Recovery is possible. You are never alone.
I'm more than happy to open conversation about this topic and answer any questions! Please also feel free to correct me on anything I said.
I'm hoping this helps someone who needs to hear it, spreads awareness, and most importantly, promotes healthy religious practice. I'd like to thank my deities (Loki and Aphrodite) for encouraging me to make this post and speak up about my experience <3 It's always wonderful to have a spiritual team that is truly on my side.
Blessed be, my friends! Stay happy and healthy!
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lokavisi · 20 hours
pagan culture is seeing a Funky Little Rock and being like “oh fuck yeah my deity would love this”
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lokavisi · 1 day
I love this. Thinking about it now, it's very much in line with my work with him. I've certainly not recognized beginnings until things are actually happening, if not already outright come to a close. I've also certainly missed endings, not realizing it until something has already started. How interesting. We tend to think of stories as having clear start and end points, and that our lives are simply one long story with many chapters. But perhaps the reality is that we are a multitude of stories that overlap in ways that we don't always perceive.
Think of all the aspects of ourselves and our lives: work, school, family, friends, spirituality, sexuality, gender, diagnoses. These are all overlapping stories. Each shape we take has a story to tell. Each relationship we build with another person is its own story. Each path chosen is a new story. The blessing of shapeshifting is fluidity, liminality, to exist in different stories in different ways. The way one person thinks of us is not necessarily the same as another person, but both of their stories of us are both true and exist simultaneously. This is, perhaps, part of the worldview of the Shapeshifter: to contain multitudes means to contain multiple stories.
I feel like I've hijacked this post a little bit, but the Boi sure does make me think lol
“You don’t need to know the beginning, you just need to know where the story ends and when the next one has started.”
a quote from Loki, UPG
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lokavisi · 2 days
If this pops up while you’re scrolling, I wish you unconditional love and massive success.
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lokavisi · 2 days
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Another favorite from last month.
Meaning: protection, guidance, divine communication
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lokavisi · 2 days
Yesterday I was watching the Game Grumps play the second Phoenix Wright game, and Loki was *thirsting* for Miles and Mia. With Miles he was like, "what them hands do," and mentioned ripping off his cravat to get a bite of that neck. And with Mia he was just like, "THEM TITS THO." And THEN he was like, "Why aren't you jumping on that?" UHM, BECAUSE THEY AREN'T REAL???????? What a fucking idiot, he deserves us.
This is what the characters look like for reference. I hate that these gifs are huge lol
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lokavisi · 2 days
I am so incredibly flattered to be on such a list, especially among others whose work I go to and recommend! Thank you so much!
In honor of a bunch of Nazi Terfs swarming my post about lesbianism that specifically told them they're not welcome in my space, and because I'm watching a video on the Alt-Right Pipeline in Pagan Communities, I've decided to share some of my favorite Anti-Racism and Trans Inclusive YouTubers and Tumblr blogs for fellow witches and pagans because fuck the bigots
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Warrior Witch Nike is a Youtuber who actually inspired me to make this list on the first place. As you can hopefully see, she has a fantastic video about the Alt-Right pipeline problem in paganism, as well as other great videos on racist books on Heathenry and other important topics. She's openly a heathen but stands up against the racist, Alt-right ideals that are far too common in our community. Highly recommend
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Not only is The Norse Witch a Norse pagan who actively stands up and speaks out against racism in the heathen community, but she also has a fantastic video on using your menstrual cycle in magic that is very trans inclusive and Anti-Terf. She uses language like "people who menstruate" instead of just "women", which makes her a fantastic place to go if you're seeking more trans inclusive, non-racist ideas for your own personal practice
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Probably the GOAT in terms of actively fighting against racism and bigotry in the heathen community, Wolf the Red is fantastic and he's very plain about his views on how these things should not be tolerated and states them right in his description on YouTube. One of the best and also a fantastic example of how to establish a good, wholesome and inclusive pagan community irl that doesn't tolerate folkist nonsense.
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A close friend of Wolf the Red, Ocean Keltoi not only makes fantastic fact-based videos on heathen mythology and the pitfalls on monotheism, but he too stands up wonderfully against Alt-right ideals. He has two great videos dissecting a terrible other Norse Pagan YouTubers, Wisdom of Odin (who you should avoid at all costs, he's basically a cult leader at this point), and he advocates for justice, inclusivity and and rational interpretation of pagan myths. A truly fantastic resource.
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Not only is Chaotic Witch Aunt not cisgender (they're either nonbinary or genderfluid, I can't quite remember) but they have also put out fantastic videos on working with ancestors while also fighting against bigotry. They are an Italian Folk Witch, and have a great video on "Bad" ancestors, or basically how to deal with bigoted and otherwise terrible people in your ancestral line while doing spirit work. Absolutely fantastic and also really funny
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@lokavisi Is a fantastic resource for inclusive heathenry and I highly recommend their blog. You can find so many good resources, ideas and posts on there for how we can make the pagan and occult space more inclusive for all, and I just really love their work. Highly recommend
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@samwisethewitch is also a fantastic place to go for inclusive heathenry and Anti-Terf resources. Again, their blog is a great jumping off point for finding reliable, non-bigoted resources and also their own posts are informative, well-researched and legitimate. I also highly recommend their book "Witchcraft for Everyone", it was one of the first books on witchcraft I ever got and it really helped me evolve my practice in a healthy, inclusive way.
There are absolutely more that I can't think of right now, but rest assured that there are good, inclusive, non-bigoted people in this community that you can find and learn from. We should never tolerate any bigotry in any community, so share your story and stand up for your fellow man whenever possible! And above all, stay safe and have a fantastic day :)
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lokavisi · 3 days
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Nornir - Federica Costantini
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lokavisi · 4 days
"Leave you gasping a little" fucking killed me. 🤣
Saw a post recently about how Odin's not a "good" god and I had some strong feelings about it
Here's my take as a woman who's a devotee of Odin...I like my gods how I like my whiskey and my men: Smoky, full-bodied, leaves you gasping a little ;)
I don't want my gods to be some declawed, cuddly, neutered thing. I want them to be half wild & frantic. Powerful. A kind of frenzy that burns down to your bones and demands to be be released in the fervor of a prayer or offering. I want to be able to luxuriate in their power like a housecat rolling lazily in the sun. I don't want to worship soft gods who turn the other cheek, I want ones who double down and froth like a dog for the fight
I want to worship gods who lave at wine-dark blood in the same way that lover's lave at honey placed on each other's necks. Tender. Thorough. With a hunger not easily sated. I LIKE gods who treat me like a chess piece on the board, because at least I know that they have a plan for me and know where I am at all times. I like protective/possessive gods who curl their lip and snarl 'mine' at people and gods alike who dare to get a bit too close.
Gods who answer damn near EVERY prayer because you've served them faithfully. Gods who are willing to spill their wisdom into you like spring water into a cup, even though you're only mortal and common, and won't be able to do much with it before you expire
Just...Odin, man. He's darkness & light, the All-father checks all my boxes. I love him so much that my dainty, 5'1, 98 pound ass is trying to figure out a modern way into Valhalla so I can be with him forever 😂
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lokavisi · 4 days
I love seeing people’s passion for their deities
I love seeing people’s eyes light up when their deities come up in conversation
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lokavisi · 4 days
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🐈‍⬛🫀 FREYJA 🌷🗡️
Goddess of love, war, fertility, sex, magic, lady of gold and amber. She rides a chariot pulled by cats. Her sacred animals are cats, boar, falcons.
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lokavisi · 4 days
Hey sorry if this seems completely out of the blue but I love your blog and was hoping you could maybe offer some advice on how to feel the gods' presence in my life more. I know my deities are there occasionally, I've met them in meditations and even had a dream visitation from Odin and Thor once, but at least recently it's become much harder to actually feel like they're there. Which is weird since I'm actually actively researching and praying to them more than I have before, and tbh the lack of direct messages from them is starting to make me question my faith altogether.
I know the most obvious answers to this problem are to meditate regularly and do more divination sessions with them, but if you have any extra advice please share 🙏 You seem so intuitive and able to communicate with the gods, I really want to learn how to do that too
Thank you for your question! It's ok to ask things out the blue. :) As per my wont, this will be a multiple paragraph response. Because apparently I can't just write a sentence and have that be enough lol.
I guess first I'd like to say that even I don't always feel the gods close by. Loki is extremely kinetic and mobile. Sometimes he feels like he's breathing down my neck, and others it feels like I'm straining to hear him. Like he's yelling without a megaphone from the opposite end of a football stadium. For other deities, sometimes they only really show up and/or I feel them around when they have something in particular they want to say. I may generally be able to hear them more than others, but I've spent *years* of practice tuning in to my intuition, sensing otherbeings, and going into trance journeys to see them. Essentially, it's perfectly normal and ok to not be able to sense them all the time. Whether you're well practiced or familiar with a deity, or not. That might not be particularly helpful to hear, but it certainly seems true from my own experience and hopefully gives you a little comfort.
Based on my experience, sometimes it's not about what you are or aren't doing to connect with them, but what the deities in question are doing. I certainly can't speak for them and I'm not trying to. I just mean to say that just because you don't feel them around when you're doing the work to connect with them doesn't mean they aren't there or don't care. For all we know they *are* around but something else is affecting your perception around their presence. Or maybe they have some reason for cloaking their presence or distancing themselves, like they're trying to teach you something. I know with Loki he often feels distant when there's something I need to work out on my own without much guidance. Also, now that I think about it, sometimes when I get too far into research deities can start to feel a little distant. My theory on that is that they want us to build our own relationships and understandings of them, not just taking the words of ancient peoples at face value. (That is not to say that doing historic/cultural research isn't important, or that it can't give you insights into the nature of the deities or strengthen your relationship with them. However, it is equally important to know them and relate to them on your own terms outside of ancient historical records.)
With that in mind, as far as advice goes, I'd say the more you intentionally do things with them in mind, the more you'll feel or hear them near; and also recognize that feeling an absence could indicate that you need to do some work on your own without their help. It requires a little discernment. In theory, the more you practice and start to hear them clearer, the easier it will be to hear them say, "Yeah this is all you, buddy." Though in the mean time you may need to trust your gut a little more. Ultimately, I think it boils down to just trusting that they are there and they hear you, and trusting your intuition. In human relationships we deeply value trust, and I think deities are no different in that regard. That's the whole "faith" piece, right? Trusting they hear you means trusting that they will at some point, in some way, make their response known. Maybe consider asking for some specific and tangible omens to indicate their presence. Something like asking to see a particular animal that is less common in your region, or to pull one very specific tarot card or rune. Something with lower probability of occurring normally so that it stands out when you see it and you can know that it's them.
Seeing as I've basically just written a short essay I think I'll stop there and hope that that was in any way helpful. If you'd like some more specific or pointed help, feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do.
Don't fret too much. I'm sure Odin and Thor (or anyone else looking to connect with you) will make sure you know they're around when you need them. :)
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lokavisi · 4 days
I love this! Candles, herbs, etc. are very much great ways to do spells! But as Loki has reminded me from time to time, "Modern problems require modern solutions." It's completely valid (and possibly necessary in some cases!) to use the new technology at our disposal to use our magic. Connecting with and using new tools is just as valid and important as connecting with and using tools that have been used for centuries (if not millennia). And if a deity is involved in your spell, it's silly to think they're stuck in the past when it comes to magical tools. (They may have preferences, sure, but they also understand working with what you've got.)
I love that you look like a cozy movie hacker to do a spell. This is the future the liberals want 🤣
In case anyone needs to hear it, sometimes spellwork looks like this and that's okay.
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Like seriously the whole spell I recently did I was sat with Loki, wrapped up in a blankie cocoon, sipping my coffee (which is a glorified caffeinated chocolate milkshake.)
Loki was SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS SPELL y'all. Was insistent that I didn't even have to do "part two" bc "part one" was powerful enough. They told me it was a really big spell, and I honestly felt it- this was some intense work.
Part one was typing with intent and channeling Loki's energy into my intent since Loki wanted to be the main energy source. Literally I looked like that^ the whole time. Spellwork can look cozy if you want it too.
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lokavisi · 5 days
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lokavisi · 6 days
In my practice, I've found that deities generally just like to be thought of and spend time together. Like Loki's "monster" children like watching old black and white monster movies with me. Loki rides shotgun when I drive by myself, and we sing along to my playlists together. (Or he'll try to get me to sing if I'm feeling low or am just tired.) Thor likes joining me during workouts. Angrboða likes joining me if I ever spend time in the woods. You can just hang out. 😊
There doesn’t have to be an end goal or purpose when interacting with a deity.
People often seek out gods with an end goal of receiving assistance or guidance.
But you can also just interact with them for their company. You can hail them, give blot, or even just be in their presence for no other reason then you can.
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