kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
do you think the dc universe has a news site like the onion that’s just like…
“meddling parents still alive, preventing bruce wayne from adopting yet anther orphan”
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
I bet in the early days of the Justice League, when the original seven were still trying to work as a team, before any of the sidekicks came, before the Justice League became a giant extended family, the other members would occasionally forget that Batman was a father to a tiny, energetic little boy until they were forcibly reminded.
“I’m afraid we’re going to have to move the budget meeting this Saturday. Yes, I’m afraid something more important has come up. Dick is asking to go back to the Natural History museum for the 6th time this month. He likes the wooly mammoths, they remind him of elephants.”
“Yes I understand, Luthor’s plans need to be… Wait, can you hold on a second Clark?… Dick, I swear to God if you jump off that banister you may survive the fall but you will not survive me, do you understand? Yes, I thought so… Sorry, you were saying Superman?”
 "Flash, act natural, pretend we are in a serious discussion and I am asking for your signature for very important League business and not because Dick has been begging for your autograph since he heard about you joining the team. Dammit Allen do not smile like that this is serious.“
“Get your mind out of the gutter Jordan, there’s a thunderstorm in Gotham and Dick’s stuffed animal was frightened of the lightening. Why else would he be in my bed at 4 in morning? More importantly, why are you calling at this hour causing my rightful cranky son to answer the phone?”
“You’re a magnificent warrior Wonder Woman but motherly you are not. You need to hold them properly, like this, to soothe their fears. Dick likes to be held after a nightmare, you just stroke their head, assure them that everything will be fine, perhaps rock them gently… genTLY DIANA.”
“Aquaman, do you have a moment? Dick’s been feeling a bit lonely at the manor, I’d like to get him a pet but with our busy schedules it needs to be something manageable. How the hell did you did ‘Tiger Shark’ out of ‘Manageable’? I just want a damn goldfish.“ 
“I don’t take your meaning Cyborg I am very clearly doing work here. Yes, that monitor in the corner is always running, it’s just security footage from the house. Yes, I check in to make sure Dick is still safe in bed and he hasn’t been kidnapped or started climbing the chimney again. No, I am not being overprotective, just wait until you have children Victor then talk to me.”
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me. -Amie Kaufman, Illuminae
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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Mera portrait study
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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That’s why. Because I tried to change, and I changed. And it didn’t matter. Because even if the God of Lies is not the God of Evil, he is still the God of Lies.
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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I am a woman of war. If you move against them, you move against me. I am willing to die here today, for this cause. I have made my choice… Now you make yours.
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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tfw you successfully steal the tesseract
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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ff #6
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
*whispers* do you got any good trans!arthur headcanons my crops are dying
god I love him 
he’s known he was trans since he was a kid
his main regret is he never got to come out to his Dad (he was scared)
he had chest surgery the second he was able to & he hasn’t worn a shirt since & let me tell you, no one minds 
he always had a deep voice which pre transition embarrassed him but post transition gives him deep comfort (Mera thinks t’s sexy too) 
he has alot of dysphoria still & it’s why Mera (Mera’s trans 2) always pushes people to address him as King 
he’s was on T forever ago & he was so proud when he finally grew his beard 
he knows Aquaman is an objectively stupid sounding name but everytime someone calls him it he’s in a complete state of euphoria
when he was asked about lgbt+ politics he came out as a big fuck you & god was he scared but god was his people proud 
if anyone misgenders/deadnames him someone on the League will know & they will deal w it & to this day Arthur doesn’t know how they always do he never talks about it
it’s even worse when (somehow???) Mera knows like I’ll be honest getting slowly eaten alive by fishes is an act of mercy compared to what she puta them thru 
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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featuring A Battle in Amber
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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We were talking!
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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First look at “SHAZAM!” logo!
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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You know what? I don’t wanna die. I’m young. There’s shit that I wanna do.
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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Aquaman #46 Variant Cover by Ivan Reis
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kara-zcrel ¡ 6 years
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