This is productive
When do you feel most productive? Early morning! I’ve found a time that works best for my productivity and study habits. The early morning hours can be incredibly peaceful and free from distractions, which makes them ideal for focused work like studying. Happy studying! 📚✨ -Himanshi💗
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I Won’t Play, Trust Me. I agree with her.-Himanshi💗
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Please understand its importance...
Drinking water is essential. Even doctors emphasize its importance. It’s crucial for everyone to drink water and stay hydrated. You should too! 😊However, more than half of the population falls ill due to inadequate hydration. Personally, I used to experience dizziness and fainting spells because I didn’t drink enough water. But now, I make sure to stay well-hydrated. There’s a saying that “JAL HI…
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Personal touch to communication
What are your favorite emojis? Emojis are a fun way to express emotions and ideas! While I don’t have personal favorites, But some of the most commonly used emojis include.Like 💖, 😊, and ✌️ help convey emotions and gestures that words alone might not fully express. 💖 this for love and sometimes appreciation to the other person of their wonderful work. 😊 this expresses simple happiness we got…
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Soulful Reflections and Global Friendships
What topics do you like to discuss? I mostly like Discussing topics like spirituality which can lead to profound conversations about life’s big questions and personal growth, Due this I was able to learn different parts of me, things within me, practicing yoga, the serenity and divines of it makes me talk lot about it.Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and experiences with a wider…
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Hardly breathed & managed to speak lie that day...
When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out? In the quiet whispers of midnight, there I was, tiptoeing through shadows for a hush-hush chat with my brother. I absolutely had to talk to him, like it couldn’t wait until breakfast, Urgency gripped me; this couldn’t simmer till sunrise. Amidst the hushed tones, my tears were the loudest, painting my cheeks with every word exchanged.…
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A Day of Transformation: Embracing Beauty and Tradition
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret. Taking a risk to leave my hostel and head home for my sister’s school farewell was a decision I’m glad I made. I had never experienced such an event before and was curious to see it unfold. More than that, I wanted to help my sister shine on her special day. She’s always been the tomboy type, but for her farewell, she transformed. With a saree…
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I wish I had
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently? The Moment of Hesitation There was a time, not long ago, when the pages of my books fluttered in the silent night, whispering the secrets of biology, chemistry, and physics. My room was a sanctuary of knowledge, with posters of the human anatomy and the periodic table adorning the walls. The NEET…
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It`s totally different
What makes you nervous? I think each person may have specific triggers based on past experiences or individual fears. For example- My sister feel worrying about upcoming events like exams, interviews, or public speaking which cause nervousness to her. For me it is -Fear of Failure -the pressure to succeed or fear of not meeting expectations can be nerve-wracking.Sometimes, Interacting with new…
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demanding day😥
How do you unwind after a demanding day? After a demanding day, I find solace in simple pleasures. Talking to my sister Music specially bhajans A leisurely walk in the park, surrounded by greenery. Creative Outlets whether Writing, drawing, or playing an instrument—expressing myself creatively is therapeutic. Specially I love playing piano. A few minutes of meditation or deep breathing can…
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Social media👀
How do you use social media? Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting people across the globe. Staying Connected Self-Expression Curiosity and Learning Advocacy and Community Building: Well-Being and Support However, it’s essential to use social media mindfully. Limit Screen Time Curate Your Feed Avoid Social Comparisons Use It for Learning Earn a…
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Dear girl
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind. Remember, dear girl, you are more than the pain inflicted upon you. Your future, though uncertain, holds possibilities yet unseen. Hold on, for even in the darkest hour, there’s a glimmer of hope. 🌟 You are not broken; you are a mosaic of resilience. 🌟 -Himanshi💗
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Can you think of it😥
What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why? Past memory people which made me depressed for years. I understand that revisiting places associated with painful memories can be emotionally challenging. It’s commendable that you’re sharing your experience and encouraging others to avoid similar situations. Coping with past trauma is a delicate process, and sometimes avoiding certain…
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Listening more and being silent
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow. Listening more and being silent can be a powerful decision that leads to growth and learning. In our noisy world, silence is increasingly rare. However, actively seeking moments of quiet can have a profound effect on our brains. When we intentionally create space for silence, it enriches our cognitive processes and…
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Thank you viewers:)
Congratulations on reaching 1000 views on episodesofdailyjournal blog! 🎉 That’s a significant milestone, and it’s heartwarming to see you all viewers appreciating my content. My dedication to daily publishing has paid off, and you all readers’ support is truly something to celebrate. 😊 I want to share this moment with you all and celebrate every love you have given with my blogs. This allows me…
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“Verses Across Borders: A Poetic Journey from Hindi to English”
Here’s a cheerful rendition of my poem translated into English For friends near and far who missed the verse,A Hindi creation, my poetic purse.Now unfolds in English, clear and bright,A transformation to your delight! I hope this brings a smile to everyone’s face as they enjoy my poem in English! 😊 Dear Sister, Whenever life brought me down,You were the one to lift me up.In every darkness,…
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"Unmasking the Silent Battle: The Dark Side of Exam Fear in Kota's Teenagers"
In the heart of Kota, where dreams are forged and futures hang in delicate balance, a silent battle rages. It’s a battle fought not with swords or shields, but with textbooks and sleepless nights. The combatants? Teenagers, their eyes hollowed by relentless study, their souls weighed down by the weight of expectations. Kota, once a quiet city, now pulses with the heartbeat of ambition. Students…
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