digitalautumn · 9 days
-Affirmations by Alanna Foxx from her Self love guided mediation
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🤍I deeply love and appreciate myself just as I am .
🩰I am beautiful and strong.
🤍Life treats me well and I treat myself well.
🩰I am worthy of my desires.
🤍I am fulfilled with gratitude for who I am .
🩰I have unique talents that the world needs.
🤍I am worthy of love and prosperity.
🩰I bring light to those around me.
🤍I am proud of myself for all that I have accomplished.
🩰I am now creating the life that I love .
🤍I have enough. I am enough. I do enough.
🩰I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
🤍I believe in my own magic and the difference I can make in this world.
🩰I will always take good care of myself.
🤍I deserve new postive and exciting experiences.
🩰I am worthy of being loved , cherished and celebrated.
🤍I am full of potential and I have so much to offer the world.
🩰My life is full of abundance and happiness.
🤍I attract wonderful people and opportunities into my life.
🩰I am living to my fullest potential.
🤍I deserve all that is good.
🩰My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
🤍I radiate confidence, self -respect and inner harmony.
🩰I am wise and humble
🤍I am truly a beautiful soul .
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digitalautumn · 9 days
I hope my heart ends up in soft hands
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digitalautumn · 9 days
Healing in a Relationship ☁️
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Trying to heal in a relationship is not an easy task, especially when your significant other has betrayed you in someway. You can have your heartbroken and actively try to make the relationship work. Letting go of that kind of hurt does not happen over night. Healing takes time. It can take months and sometimes even years.
What matters is how you develop a safe space for yourself if you decide to stay after. There are bound to be times when the memories come flooding in as if they happened yesterday. Other times they won’t be on your mind at all. When this happens it is important to have an outlet to grieve and a partner who is willing to change.
How do you heal in a relationship?
Short answer is you never truly do. If it was a situation that impacted you and altered how you view your relationship, it will always be in the back of your mind. The most important step is to feel those emotions in the moment they are happening. Don’t try to suppress your emotions because you don’t want to hurt your partners feelings. In this healing journey is about you. To some degree you have to be selfish and if they aren’t understanding to that you don’t want to find yourself in a constant cycle.
Things I recommend if you are trying to heal in a relationship:
When you journal don’t hold back with your emotions or your thoughts. Let it out. The pages are not going to run and tell other people what you’ve said. Use it as a judgment free space to event. If you have rage, write it out. You are sad- WRITE IT OUT. Try not to internalize, but truly feel the depths of your emotions then you can narrow down where it is stemming from.
Set boundaries with your partner
You’ve gone through something that has altered your perception and might have changed how you look at them. Set new boundaries and stick to them. You didn’t like them talking to their ex- tell them and set new “rules”. If they cross those boundaries it’s up for you to decide if you want to work on it or go your separate ways.
Speak life into the love you want. Think about the kind of love you want to see and manifest that for yourself. Troubles don’t have to last always, so it’s important to see that there are positives if you let go and heal.
Say how you feel and have uncomfortable talks
It’s not easy to be the one to start a conversation on a heavy topic, but those conversations are needed. You never want your partner to say they didn’t know. Have those talks, share your perspective and experience. If it wasn’t easy for you don’t sugarcoat it to make them feel better.
All of these tips can help, but the most effective way of healing is having a partner who is willing to do the work with you. Waiting or giving chance after chance will ultimately leave you tired. After a while when they are ready you might have already checked out emotionally. You know how much you can take better than anyone. Never feel obligated to stay if you see that things aren’t going to change.
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digitalautumn · 9 days
Sometimes i feel like I’m grieving a relationship that wasn’t really mine in the first place. I was in it but their heart wasn’t with me. I felt like a placeholder for someone else.
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digitalautumn · 16 days
God is about to make this happen for me. It is mine.
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digitalautumn · 16 days
Note to Self
Arguments and fights aren’t the only thing that can drain you. A lack of communication, understanding, trust, and empathy can be drain you too.
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digitalautumn · 20 days
🪸 I am walking into a phase in my life that is filled with blessings. All the things I’ve been working towards and manifesting are soon to be mine. I am thanking God for all the beautiful things coming my way.
Everything I want is already mine.
I am becoming the woman I want to be.
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digitalautumn · 1 month
Note To Self
The next relationship I’m in I’ll be their “type” and will never have to question my place.
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digitalautumn · 1 month
⋆˙⟡♡You deserve to look in the mirror and think "I'm so beautyful and I'm worthy of love" and simply admire your reflection⋆˙⟡♡
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digitalautumn · 1 month
🌿 Relationship Healing 🌿
“People know your worth, they just hope that you don’t.”
The fact is relationships are not easy. Sometimes we get consumed by social media or our friends situations and assume they have the perfect relationship making us feel some kind of way about our own. What changes this and how you navigate relationships is knowing your worth. A relationship I was in, that person treated me terribly by my standards. I was secure and suddenly I was anxiously attached comfortable with being shown I was not a priority. At some point I had to look in the mirror and be mad at myself for forgetting my worth.
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How did I discover my worth again?
I made a list of everything they did that I would not find expectable for someone I loved or my future child to go through. If I questioned their love for me, their loyalty, if they did something that felt like a betrayal I wrote it down. It doesn’t have to be what others considered bad, it was anything that hurt me. Once I had this list I made the decision to either make it work or leave.
Once you understand your worth it is so much easier to get up and leave at any moment.
Journal Prompt:
Make a list of how the person hurt you emotionally, physically, or mentally. Reflect over that list until you start to see it was less than your worth. Make that the example of what you will not go back to or what your new person should not do. For example,
I will not allow someone to call me out of my name.
I will not allow someone to talk about others in a way that makes me uncomfortable.
I will not allow someone to _____________.
Start making a habit of seeing what you deserve. It won’t happen overnight but eventually you’ll get to the point that bad behavior will become unacceptable.
🌱 I am worthy of love and deserve to have a fulfilling relationship.
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digitalautumn · 1 month
Daily affirmations before sleeping:
• I am safe and protected
• I let go of fears and worries
• I let go of anger and resentment
• I am grateful for everything
• I am doing enough
• I am proud of myself
• I am beautiful and smart
• I deserve a good night sleep
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digitalautumn · 1 month
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digitalautumn · 1 month
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digitalautumn · 1 month
🌱 Healing Tip 🌱
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Healing begins when you start having honest conversations with yourself. -Ash Alves
One of the biggest tips that has helped me grow and heal is journaling, more specifically writing letters to my past self and what I wanted to hear from others. To understand what was missing I needed to understand what I wanted to hear from people who hurt me. Telling myself if I heard this it would have gone a long way.
Journal Prompts:
Write a letter to yourself saying how proud of the progress you are making big or small.
Write a honest letter to the people or persons that have hurt you. You don’t have to send it, but it off your chest.
What could I have done differently? Holding ourselves accountable is hard, but in the long run it is worth it.
How did I change from this experience?
What did I learn about myself?
I am healing myself from the inside out and love who I am becoming.
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digitalautumn · 1 month
How I manifest
Okay so I’ve consciously manifested a lot of things. Most of them I can’t even remember because I’ve known about the law for a long time, but I’ve only recently started to properly apply what I’ve learnt, so my past successes-before recently were scattered and I still didn’t realize what I was doing to achieve these successes but now I do.
I used to think people/blogs were always so vague and now I understand that it was the complete opposite. It was just THAT simple. Whatever resonates with you, there’s no need to over-analyze it over-consume. You know what to do. But Here’s what I did:
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So I wanted a couple things. I made a whole note in my notes app… I made it a one week challenge.
I wrote ‘Stay loyal to the desired state until ___ (date). Come back and note progress.’
Everyday I look at myself in the mirror, I notice I’m getting prettier & prettier.
Had a conversation over text with this guy who is absolutely horrible at replying to texts. And we called a couple times as well. When I saw the first text (diff occasion than the conversation) I screamed literally and that’s honestly what started these successes and made me realize what I was doing.
My bank account definitely looks better at the end of the week than the start.
Trusting my imagination & loving in it has become so much easier
What I reminded myself of:
If I had ___ would I be worrying?
I love living in my imagination. It’s so fun up here.
I am my own guarantee.
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The main things is that you need to take your focus off of the 3D & take back your power completely. I took control and I told myself I will persist no matter what. Of course, I slipped up sometimes but I returned to the state of ‘idc I’m the creator, whatever I say goes’. I wanted to call it the Barbie state because you know our girl Barbie is all about belief in herself but you know, it has a lot of names, wtv.
The point is that all you have to do is believe in yourself, you don’t even have to do that, just decide you have what you want/you’re getting what you want- whatever, decide something and stick with it. Stick with it. Stick with it. Discipline is so important. Think about how good things will be once you do. Think about how good things are because you are sticking with it. Be more present in having. Enjoy experiencing it. Whatever method/non method makes you feel fulfilled & like you have what you want (because you do) & you don’t even need to feel like you have it to have it so don’t even stress about that part, hunnies. But It’s so much fun, I promise.
Links to some posts that I honestly believe will help you with discipline & not motivation bc fuck motivation. It’s discipline you need:
Why you keep on failing by @heavenangelly
“Ignore the 3D” by @nondualiber
HOW TO ACTUALLY FEEL FULFILLED to by @luckykiwiii101
Motivation Is Not The Key 🔑 by @luckykiwiii101
And that’s it. This is so detailed. Hope this helped you!
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digitalautumn · 1 month
Personal Affirmation to Self
This time next year, I am going to be deep into a job that I love, be with a man that adores me, and leave negative people behind.
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digitalautumn · 1 month
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