bangeraang · 9 days
“Tell me your name then and I won’t call you anything more,” she teased. 
The lady stared at her, staying quiet. She clearly wasn’t about to give up any information about herself. If Marlene felt a little more comprehensive then she would have understood, but the lack of information made her greedy instead and she leaned forward on her elbows.
“I bet it’s something real pretty.”
“You’re not very bright are you?” The lady asked.
Tango In The Night :
bangeraang_ on ao3
new fic based on my fic rumours marlene and dorcas meeting, ongoing!
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bangeraang · 24 days
When they returned, Alice had a towel and two mugs of tea waiting for them, still steaming from the kettle and with honey.
Lily sat placidly on the cough, the first time she had sat in the living room with the others and watched as they spoke amongst themselves. Her eyes were still dark, literally and figuratively, but Mary felt hopeful. In the loveseat, she fell asleep against Mary’s side.
No one said anything - but Dorcas looked at her with a knowing smile.
rumours (rumours) :
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bangeraang · 4 months
not my spending hours on making playlists for my AU.. thinking I have a little problem
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bangeraang · 4 months
Mary didn’t know what love was, but she used to think she loved Emmeline. And maybe once upon a time, she had convinced herself that Emmeline had loved her - but the photographer had always been fickle.
Lily wasn’t fickle. The long nights when Emmeline and Mary would lie together were similar but this time, it was different. Lily, Mary thought to herself as her head plunged into a brown darkness, was something else entirely.
They had known each other for only a few weeks, but Mary found herself thinking she had known her for her all her life. She felt as if they had walked the same path together.
Mary wasn’t stupid. She knew that wasn’t true, but there was something in her which yearned for Lily. Yes, Lily was a pipe dream. She was just like one of those college fantasies, nothing more, nothing less but yet - 
But yet. Her hear- her body, yearned for her.
rumours (rumours) :
bangeraang_ on ao3
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bangeraang · 5 months
Find everything on here <3
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bangeraang · 5 months
Peter being fancasted as Lewis Capaldi is my Roman Empire, and that’s why he should be the vocalist for Marauders band au’s
I’ll die on this hill
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bangeraang · 5 months
Despite everything, Mary remembered never wanting that night to be over. She remembered wishing that she and Lily could have lived in that little escapism bottle forever, in Lily’s suite hotel room.
They disguised their kisses and light touches as friendship, then, and they teased around each other for ages before Mary found herself snapping and asking once again: “are you drunk?”
Lily was sprawled out beneath her and she was breathless and serene. Completely unrecognisable when compared with the woman Mary had first met.
Lily swallowed, eyes dark and confusion laced on her forehead. “I-” Mary raised an eyebrow.
She wanted to ask and to make sure before they continued, forget the fact that they had both only been drinking nothing but cherry Coke since they had returned. It was nearing 1:00 am.
Lily’s response was breathless. “I’ve never been so sober in my life.”
rumours (rumours) :
bangeraang_ on ao3
band au, Marylily, ongoing, 5/13 chapters, slight mature
give it a read ;)
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bangeraang · 7 months
“I think you’re stupid-” she tasted like fags and vaseline. Her scent was sweet, and her hands were barely there as she ghosted the dark skin of Mary’s neck.
No thoughts were in her mind as they were burnt down from the hearth in the middle of her mind. Lily, right there, looking as radiant as ever, seemingly like the sun that helped everything grow in the day and was missed by the world at night.
Lips softly over against each other and Mary knew she wasn’t doing a good job, but together they found a rhythm. Mary had never felt so sober in her life.
“I thought you hated me,” Mary gasped.
“I do.”
rumours (rumours) :
bangeraang_ on ao3
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bangeraang · 8 months
Later on that night, when Mary could feel the thrumming bass through the balls of her feet, and the drums echoed in the case of her ribcage, she knew that whatever this was was the right choice. It wasn’t for the free tickets, or the hype she would get from being associated with these A-Listers- but the experience of seeing pale, spindly but firm fingers slide up and down the frets, singing sweet sweet music to a mass of thousands. The opening tune of the night was a simple one, and one loved by many.
Mary didn’t listen to music much, but even she found herself excited to witness more, and the words reverberated in her head like the harmonious moans of heaven’s own angels. Of course- they weren’t as pure. Everyone knew just about that much.
Alice stepped up to the podium, becoming visible as she let out the words everyone knew: “You put your hands under my shirt, undid my bra and said these words-” Mary sucked in a breath. “‘Darlin’ you’re so pretty, it hurts!”
Marlene saddled up against her and if Mary wasn’t so enraptured she would have noticed her ears going almost deaf from the screaming she was receiving from the rest of the crowd.. Yet Mary found it difficult to actually pay attention to them, to any of the rest of them when the redhead on the end in front of her stole all of her attention.
“You pushed me up against my wall!”
It was as if Lily had gone in search of Mary, and when their eyes met, vesuvius erupted and sent hot lava trailing down her stomach.
“Threw my clothes down on the floor-”
Lily was like a beacon on the stage. Her crimson weapon shining enamel in the lights of the stage, illuminating her like the flame she was. Something beautiful, something magnificent, something different.
“‘Darlin’ are you ready for more?”
She blew a kiss into the crowd and as she burned, they burnt with her.
rumours (rumours) :
bangeraang_ on ao3
I’ve just added another small part onto the end of Chapter 2 <3 I thought it would make a good transition into the next chapter
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bangeraang · 8 months
did I create a rock band au for the Valkyries out for pure self indulgence? ofc I did- grungy Lily Evans is what makes my heart go pitter patter
find ‘rumours (rumours)’ on my ao3, bangeraang_ 🤟
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bangeraang · 8 months
“On the Ministry..” She started and continued when Lily did nothing but stare at her through shrouded eyes. “Why do you act like that?”
“Like what?”
“Defensive. If you don’t want to answer something surely you could be just left alone.”
“You really don’t seem to get it, do you?” Lily demanded, turning slightly so her body was facing her. “If these people, who you’ve never spoken to in your life before, started saying things about you, rumours, god knows if they are true or not, what would you do? What would you do when a whole community, hundreds, maybe thousands, started accusing you of things you had never done.”
“I would tell them that they were wrong.”
“And what if they didn’t believe you?” She asked, cynically.
“I would find someone to believe me.” Lily puffed her cheeks out in disbelief and rolled her eyes. She rested her head back onto the frame of the door and closed them. The wind whispered into her hair for a second before she opened them. Mary swallowed. “Those rumours.. They aren’t true are they?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
She gritted her teeth. “Do you ever just simply answer a question?”
“Would you take my word for it?”
rumours (rumours) :
bangeraang_ on ao3
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bangeraang · 8 months
She was only a person, a woman, a musician.
“Well.” When Mary spoke again, her voice was shaky but she had a new false-sense of confidence she hoped would manage to drag her to the finish line. “I can’t play an instrument, but I can write. I-” She dug her thumb nail into her hand to stop her from choking up. “I went to University to get a degree. I.. uhm..”
Lily kept staring at her. She concentrated on the mascara on her cheek. “I want to write your story.”
“I don’t like journalists.”
“That’s fine.” Lily’s look turned darker rather than careless.
“I don’t like you,” she repeated. She didn’t seem to remember saying it before though.
“You don’t have to,” Mary murmured. “But I want to do this, I want to write your story, and I think you want me to. You do have a story, you must- you’re Lily Evans.”
“If you want a sob story then I’m sure someone else can entertain you. Marlene’s pretty fucked up-”
“I don’t want Marlene. A Mckinnon isn’t an Evans.” She stated and she thought she had said it with finality but Lily still looked ready to pounce, and pound her into the ground with her verbal lashes until they reached the bottom floor.
“So what you’re saying is that Mckinnon doesn’t sell.”
No, she would, but she’s not you.
rumours (rumours) :
bangeraang_ on Ao3
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