zodiactherapist · 1 year
Advice for Unhealthy Geminis
Advice for unhealthy Geminis
Advice for unhealthy Geminis
Now, I’m not saying she was unhealthy BECAUSE she was a Gemini. She just grew up in an unhealthy environment, and just happened to BE a Gemini.
1. Gossipy aF
She would explain details about everyone she’s ever met
She would read celebrity gossip and knew the Hollywood world
She would constantly tell me what she promised not to tell
2. Literally will fight you pew pew
She wouldn’t be scared to literally fight I mean anybody
She would be the person posting 100 comments fighting back
She would threaten anybody that went against her
3. Adventures a lil too risky
She wasn’t really giving any f**ks about her impulses 
She would get going and wouldn’t look back with “fun” ideas
She made sure that a fun idea was happening everyday, no matter the risk factor
The riskier the more fun for some
4. Disappears 100%
She literally won’t reply for a month or two
She would reply for a few minutes if anything at all
She’s the type to post but never reply to your DMs
Act like absolutely nothing is wrong seeing you in person
You guys are witty, unique, confident, powerful, intelligent, funny, optimistic, positive spin on anything people I’ve ever met.
1. You guys are so caring and can have trouble showing it every single day. You know that people need people, it’s the way of life. You know if anything happened to anyone, you know you’d never be able to live with yourself again. That’s why you gossip. You know people need to know the truth about close ones and who needs an extra laugh or a hug because they’re emotionally, mentally or physically dying. It’s how you show you care, you want everyone to care about everyone like you do. You know that people need support, and you know how to give support, but you won’t always be there for everyone so you make sure other people can be there for support. Maybe tone down the secret sharing!
2. She’s not scared to fight for her beliefs and passions. She fully believes in her point of view and only wants people to be informed with what they’ve read or seen recently. She knows her stuff, and she wants nothing more than to better with world with what she knows. She may be a bit abrasive, but she will stand up for the little people and the people who cannot stand up for themselves. She feels so passionately, that she will literally fight you for what she believes in.
3. The riskier the situation, the better a story it is to tell. Now, having fun is well, fun! An adventure with a Gemini may not be for the faint of heart, but that’s a big thing that she wants from life: fun! Geminis can’t stand sitting still or being stuck alone, God forbid both! She’s not shy and very brave, and she will be very open minded on something she’s never tried before. She is very cultured and diverse and wants to stay that way. If you need a partner in crime, a Gemini will always be a fun one!
4. She talks to so many people throughout the day, that she takes on each personality until she needs to refocus on her own. She is empathetic to where she literally will listen to everyone’s, and I mean everyone’s, pain and problems. She’s an entertainer as well, and keeping people smiling and laughing can take a toll on Miss Gemini. She just needs to remind herself how badass she is in order to remind everyone else how badass they are too.
You guys are open minded af and I hope you know I understand.
Take care all Geminis!
Stay listening!
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zodiactherapist · 2 years
I’m back!
Hello you perfect people,
Sorry for the absence, about to start posting again! Get ready for unhealthy Geminis
Happy Libra season! I hope everyone is surviving the Mercury retrograde
I love you all
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zodiactherapist · 2 years
Venus Retrograde
(December 19th-January29th)
I love you all, good luck during the retrograde and learn about yourself.
These are the questions to evaluate during this retrograde to learn about yourself better!
1. Who is a toxic friend to you?
2. Who is a toxic ex to you?
3. Why are they your ex?
4. What did you learn from that relationship?
5. What do you miss about your ex’s?
6. Which friends are you really close with?
7. What do you want from a relationship?
8. What did you sacrifice in your past relationships?
9. What are you willing to sacrifice in your future relationships?
10. What makes you a good friend to others?
11. Who would you like to start a serious relationship with?
12. Who would you like to start a serious friendship with?
Be careful with the nostalgia! Stay perfect!
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Mars Entering Scorpio
Happy Halloween everyone!
What each sign should focus on and try to improve this time of Mars entering Scorpio:
Aries: Self-confidence
Taurus: Work
Gemini: Organization
Cancer: Creativity
Leo: Family
Virgo: Communication
Libra: Relationships
Scorpio: Yourself
Sagittarius: Desires
Capricorn: Friendships
Aquarius: Goals
Pisces: Intellect
Things are about to get intense, but I know you all can handle it! You are all strong.
I love you all
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Advice for Unhealthy Libras
Advice for Unhealthy Libras
Advice for Unhealthy Libras
Now, I’m not saying she was unhealthy BECAUSE she was a Libra. She just grew up in an unhealthy environment, and just happened to BE a Libra.
1. Could not stand up for herself
She couldn’t return her wrong meal
She would cry if confronted about something serious
She would make me talk to her boyfriends seriously at the start of a serious relationship
2. Relationship obsessed
She would talk to numerous guys at once
She couldn’t go more than 2-3 weeks without dating someone
She would stay in unhealthy relationships
She would date someone new just cause “why not”
3. Attention wh’ore (Not really a whore people, I kid!)
She didn’t care who gave her attention
Would talk to some nasty guys who just would compliment her
Would dress provocative just for the attention
4. Self. In.Dul.Gent.
CONSTANTLY snacking on sweets
Again, would talk to any guy just for the attention
Would use social media allllll day
Male libra I knew (not saying you have to be a male to game, just what saying what I saw) would game all day, everyday
You guys are sweet, witty, silly, fun, peaceful, graceful, caring, understanding people I’ve ever met.
1. You guys are beyond sweet, and you really don’t like to rock the boat. You guys needs to understand that your feelings are valid too! You guys don’t share your deep and sensitive feelings, because you like to keep the peace (and do a damn good job at it)! What about keeping the peace in your own head, though? You guys are some of the absolute most caring people. You guys care about how the employee who messed up would feel if you confronted them, but it’s their job! Sometimes, you need to understand that if you try to keep the peace, eventually it’ll just lead to chaos within. Return that burger for the chicken sandwich you so deeply desire!
2. Ah, the sign of partnership. Sometimes, being alone isn’t all that bad. You guys make absolutely wonderful partners, since you are the sign of balance. You’re always wanting to dote on someone (sometimes as much as the sign Cancer)! You guys make wonderful partners, just remember that friendships are just as wonderful as a relationship, but in your case, sometimes it’s a relationshit. Remember, you guys are the partner of the zodiac, so save your loving for someone who loves you just as much as what you have to offer. Kick his ass to the curb if needed!
3. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little attention. You guys are fun and whimsical people who naturally draw attention to yourself. Constantly wanting attention though, you might not be taken seriously when you actually need it! You guys are absolutely beautiful people, but you don’t need somebody to tell you that you are. Try telling yourself you’re beautiful in the mirror every morning. Leave yourself little sticky notes about how much you love yourself. With your natural grace, people will give you attention, no need to seek it out. 
4. Yes, sweets are delicious. Yes, gaming is fun. Yes, sex is always nice. A little too much of a good thing can lead to a tummy ache, head ache or unmeaningful sex. You guys push your deep sensitivies to the side and completely focus on something else. You guys have the deepest sensitivty, and people would benefit from you sharing it. Try not to ignore your feelings by distracting yourself with instant gratification. We would all benefit from your point of views on both sides and knowledgeable ways of thinking. Face those beautiful feelings!
You guys are sweet whimsical and I hope you know I understand.
Take care all Libras!
Stay whimsical!
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Why The Signs Are So Damn Lovable!
You are all strong, beautiful, amazing, perfect people
I love you all
Aries: Power to be reckoned with
Taurus: Hostess with the mostess
Gemini: Hilarious judgement free zone
Cancer: Thee shoulder to cry on
Leo: A fun childlike wonder
Virgo: The realest motherfucker
Libra: The calmest river
Scorpio: True love/friendship if you ever felt it
Sagittarius: A vacation from stress
Capricorn: The ceo of loyalty
Aquarius: The humanitarian for all
Pisces: A care free artist
You are all unique in your own beautiful ways, don’t ever let anybody stop you from being the most incredible thing you can be.. yourself.
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
The Signs Worst Fears
Life can be scary sometimes, but just believe in yourself like I believe in you
I love you all
Aries: Coming in last place
Taurus: Not having a goal
Gemini: Being silenced
Cancer: Falling in love with the wrong person
Leo: Public embarrassment
Virgo: Failure of any kind
Libra: Any big life choices
Scorpio: Their secrets/feeling like they let a loved one down
Sagittarius: Commitment
Capricorn: Not finding their vocation
Aquarius: Conformity
Pisces: Not having creativity as an option in life
There is always hope in life, I know you all can find a way to make it through anything with hope and loving yourself
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Saturn Retrograde
(May 23rd-October 10th)
I love you all, good luck during the retrograde and learn about yourself.
These are the questions to evaluate during this retrograde to learn about yourself better!
1. What is my 1 year plan?
2. What is my 5 year plan?
3. What is my 10 year plan?
4. How do I want to help the future generation?
5. How do I want to change the world?
6. What is my life goal?
7. What is my life dream?
8. Do I want to change friends?
9. Do I want to change my living situation?
10. Do I want to change majors?
11. Do I want to change jobs?
12. Do I want to join any clubs/classes/organizations?
13. What was my childhood dream?
14. What wrong do I have to make right?
15. What have I made progress in?
16. What am I scared of?
17. What have I been ignoring in my life?
18. How can I be more independent?
19. What boundaries do I need to set?
20. Where do I need boundaries in my life?
Be careful with delayed promotions, stay perfect!
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Mercury Retrograde
(May 29th-June 22nd)
I love you all, good luck during the retrograde and learn about yourself.
These are the questions to evaluate during this retrograde to learn about yourself better!
1. What am I rushing in life?
2. What am I paying too much attention to?
3. What deserves my attention?
4. Do I love this person?
5. What is sex and what is love?
6. What am I doing that’s too risky?
7. What should I invest in?
8. What do I believe has potential?
9. What do I want badly?
10. What am I scared to express?
11. What am I scared to experience?
12. Why is this person still in my life?
13. Do I want them in my life?
14. How do I get the out of my life? (Healthly, after the retrograde.)
15. Am I really happy in my relationship?
16. Am I being myself in my relationship?
Be careful with off communication, stay perfect!
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Advice for Unhealthy Aquariuses
Advice for Unhealthy Aquariuses
Advice for Unhealthy Aquariuses
Now, I’m not saying she was unhealthy BECAUSE she was an Aquarius. She just grew up in an unhealthy environment, and just happened to BE an Aquarius.
1. Being alonnnnne
She wouldn’t leave her room, more so than a water sign!
She wouldn’t accept help from anyone.
She kept her secrets to. her. self.
She never liked considering others feelings.
She would wonder off alone.
She literally blew up at anything and everything.
She wouldn’t wait around for anyone and boy did she verbalize it.
She thought being feared rather than loved was “respectable”.
3. "Know it all”
She would laugh behind peoples backs at their statements.
She wouldn’t even listen to your side of the argument.
She had that tone that made you feel stupid.
She would get angry if you tried to change her mind.
4. D-E-T-A-C-H-E-D
She perfered pessimism rather than growing fond of something.
She would detach if she was catching feelings.
She would shut down any new ideas she didn’t agree with.
She didn’t go with the flow and disappeared from the flow instead.
You guys are creative, unique, visionary, free-spirited, intelligent, helpful, funny, friendly  people  I’ve ever met.
1. You don’t like the idea of having to depend on somebody. You would rather know that you figured it out all on your own with your creative and new ideas. It’s okay to reach out for help sometimes, it’s what makes us human, you little aliens. People care about you and they want to help make your problems go away, but first, you have to tell us what’s wrong instead of bottling yourself up in your room. Some people like to help, just like you do! We won’t judge, just like you don’t. It doesn’t make you any less insanely intelligent getting some outside feedback. It’s actually a smart idea to hear people out!
2. We’ve all heard the question, “Would you rather be feared or loved?” and Aquarius, you would rather be loved. You just don’t know how to control that famous temper of yours, but think about it, you can’t take that fear back that you instill in people. You guys are wonderful people to be around when you’re in a goofy mood, so why not keep the good times rolling? You guys sure do know how to make it a good time too! Breath, then count to ten.
3. Like I said under number one, you little aliens, it’s okay to ask for help. You guys are the creative problem solvers, but believe it or not, you’re not the only one with a creative solution. Yes, you’re highly intelligent, but people skills are just as important as knowledge on the French Revolution. We want to know about every subject known to man-kind like you do, just know that you started somewhere, too.
4. You tend to find heavy emotions embarrassing. Yes, you have them. No, you don’t acknowledge them. You would rather push any feeling you have deep down inside. You feel deep, life changing, world saving, loyal feelings that we all could benefit from. There’s nothing wrong with a little vunerability and a shoulder to cry on. With your intelligence, you just may say the right thing at the right time when it comes to emotional intelligence. Try it!
You guys are goofy humanitarians and I hope you know I understand.
Take care all Aquariuses!
Stay goofy!
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Signs: Guilty Pleasures ;)
You are all wonderful people who are unique in your own ways
Aries: Sex
Taurus: FOOD
Gemini: Talk talk talk talk talk
Cancer: Love <3
Leo: Themselves
Virgo: Their planner
Libra: Google
Scorpio: R e v e n g e
Sagittarius: Jokes, not so secret!
Capricorn: Promotions
Aquarius: Being alone
Pisces: Music lalalalala
You are all entitled to your favorite hobbies, just be healthy about it!
I love you all
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
Hi everyone!
I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting! Hectic life, but life is always hectic sometimes for some peoeple.
It will get better.
I love you all.
Thank you so so so much.
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zodiactherapist · 3 years
How To Cheer The Signs Up
Cheer up everybody, you’re all wonderful and worth smiling about
Aries: Give them a pep talk, sometimes they don’t feel like the leader they are and then give them some space to realize they are
Taurus: Give them a good meal, no, they’re not obsessed with food, jk I can’t explain it but I know good food is a relaxer for them because they can dish it, and only dish the best
Gemini: Start sending them articles about their favorite celebrity gossip or some insane facts about the universe, you know they’d do it for you ;)
Cancer: A teddy bear and a hug, then listen to why they’re down and give them a big hug and let them know you’re here and screw them all because cancer is too good nature to let bad vibes kill theirs
Leo: Some compliments about how amazing they are, because they are amazing and just forgot for a moment when people take advantage
Virgo: Buy them their favorite book saying you knew they loved it then leave them be a few days, let them know you do think about them and what makes them happy, like they do
Libra: Just listen. Not get emotional while you both cry over a tub of ice cream and rom coms listen, just listen to what they have to say and make conversation about it that leads to jokes
Scorpio: Ooph, tough one. You’ve just gotta be patient, it won’t be a pep talk and hug. Send text messages about how much you love them while they’re alone. Never give up and they will eventually open up about what’s wrong with them, that’s when you help them plot revenge (or at least give some tips or jokes) because they love hard, but hurt hard :(
Sagittarius: Jokes and memes or an exciting surprise ron-de-vue, they’re naturally cheery and optimistic so a joke can do the trick
Capricorn: Tell them they’re doing a good job, and you appriciate their hard work and then let them get back to work
Aquarius: Suggest a solution to their problem and then help them reach it, that’s what they do for the world and sometimes need that same love and support they pour out
Pisces: Just be there. Be on the phone with them, watch a movie with them, text them. Just let them know that you’re there for them no matter what, because they’re there for you too no matter what
I love you all
If anybody is suffering from depression please reach out
You are all perfect
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zodiactherapist · 4 years
Advice for Unhealthy Cappies
Advice for Unhealthy Cappies
Advice for Unhealthy Cappies
Now, I’m not saying she was unhealthy BECAUSE she was a Capricorn. She just grew up in an unhealthy environment, and just happened to BE a Capricorn.
1. Work is LiFe
She wouldn’t talk to you if she was in the work zone.
She worked 3 jobs.
She wasn’t happy without 80 hours a week.
She always thought she would make a better boss.
She had something quietly to say when she disagreed with her boss.
2. Money, Power and Admiration
She literally thought the key to happiness was money.
She didn’t want a bf, gf, fun night out, she wanted to be the boss.
She would talk about how much she made to try to get admiration.
She did quite a few interesting jobs just for money having sake, she was fine.
3. On the boring side at times
She would reject every plan in the book a lot of times.
She would be more satisfied working than a day off.
Half of her conversations her about how her job could run better.
She would mainly go out if it was for a fun.. work gig.
4. Hides her romantic side
She wasn’t much of a hugger.
She would always correct her bf’s or gf’s grammar.
She would prefer pencils over a necklace.
She wasn’t one for romantic surprises.
You guys are determinded, resourceful, hilarious, driven, mature, silly, confident, leading  people  I’ve ever met.
1. You think that the meaning to life is moving up to CEO, but CEO doesn’t mean you’ll be happy. It’s a proven fact that money does not make you happy, which is okay to accept. You can find the meaning to your life and your core values that doesn’t have to do with a raise. You need to learn that a day off is actually healthy, and people want you to take one so they can enjoy your quirky side. Trust me, you’re setting yourself up for a heart attack if you don’t cut down those 80 hours!
2. You are without a doubt, such a hard worker that it is something to be admired, but there’s more to life than money because you can be a funny, quirky, great company for the group to have around. When you’re only focused on admiration for your work hours, it’s a turn off for the party. People love your dry humor, you are the master of “that’s what she said”. You are a great friend, so you need to learn to turn off the business side of your personality and turn on the dry humour that kills everybody at the party when you’re in your fun side. You can work your way up to power, but it’s lonely up at the top.
3. You think all you have to offer is your work ethics, but you need to see yourself for what you have to offer as a friend. Sometimes, people want you to come out not for how to organize the party (even though you are the person everybody goes to for that), but for the fact that your humour can liven up any event. You are very friendly people underneath your business suit, and your friends know this. Take a night off from checking the stock market and relax like we all want you to. You’ll thank them when your headache goes away.
4. We know that you like to be the woman with her head on straight, and you are. You are the most truly intimidating woman to be with, but there’s nothing wrong with showing your soft side. People may love to spoil you, and you do love to be spoiled which is cute! You know you like to be treated like the woman you are, and if you let people do that, the more love you’ll get. You get what you give and you’ll eventually give what you get. Plus after all those work hours, you deserve to be pampered!
You guys are admirable hilarious and I hope you know I understand.
Take care all Cappies!
Stay hilarious!
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zodiactherapist · 4 years
How Signs Love You Silently
You are all amazing, wonderful, strong, forward moving people
Aries: Rooting for you & every accomplishment you make
Taurus: Meals and recording your favorite show to watch together
Gemini: Being number one in their favorite contacts
Cancer: They’re always planning their next romantic surprise
Leo: They love you being by their side
Virgo: They make life run as smoothly as possible for you
Libra: They stop flirting with others
Scorpio: They make sure you know you have someone to trust 100% and someone will always answer your call no matter how bad the fight
Sagittarius: They make your life as fun as possible
Capricorn: Thinking about how to get you that raise
Aquarius: Keeping your moods positive and light
Pisces: By being there for you, rain, tornado, fire, flood, anything
Love is there, even if you don’t see or hear it
Never look back at the past, be confident in the present, and know you don’t ever have to worry about the future
I love you all
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zodiactherapist · 4 years
What The Zodiacs Are Attracted To ;)
You are all beautiful, amazing and perfect.
Aries: Somebody who's not scared to jump off a cliff
Taurus: Somebody who loves all tv shows
Gemini: Somebody who can talk about anything
Cancer: Somebody who isn’t scared to cry in front of them
Leo: Somebody who respects themself highly
Virgo: Somebody who needs help organizing
Libra: Somebody who knows how to go with the flow
Scorpio: Somebody who never gives up
Sagittarius: Somebody who plans last minute
Capricorn: Somebody with a busy work schedule
Aquarius: Somebody who loves to learn
Pisces: Somebody who’s a free spirit, especially an artist
Love will be at your back door one day, so stop checking the front one. You’ll break the knob!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
I love you all.
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zodiactherapist · 4 years
Avice for Unhealthy Aries
Advice for Unhealthy Aries
Advice for Unhealthy Aries
Now, I’m not saying he was unhealthy BECAUSE he was an Aries. He just grew up in an unhealthy environment, and just happened to BE an Aries.
1. Getting bored EASILY
He would have to always be doing something.
He would think of last minute plans and pout if you don’t go along.
He would leave you and do those plans anyways.
He would think everything was fun.. until he finally tried them.
He would would want everything to be “an adventure”.
2. Rage, rage, rage
He would yell if he didn’t get what he wanted.
He would punch his door whenever he wasn’t in charge of the situation.
He would FREAK OUT if he lost at a videogame and accuse people of cheating.
He would get mad if you didn’t understand something he explained.
3. They’re always the leader
He would have to make the plans with no input.
He wouldn’t play if they weren’t by his rules.
He would convince everybody why his way was the right way.
He would quit a game if he wasn’t winning.
4. Think everybody wants to fight them
He would try to threaten anybody who looked to stop his plans.
He always had a chip on his shoulder.
He would cuss you out about anything like it was nothing.
He would take a disagreement personally.
You guys are strong, cuddly, confident, dynamic, daring, charming , optimistic, wild  people  I’ve ever met.
1. You have love what life has to offer you, but not everything has to be a story that you can tell at parties. Sometimes the best thing to do is slow down and smell the roses. You’re so obsessed with a “fun” moment, that you forget that life has it’s boring, basic, simple-but necessary moments, that will increase your feelings of needing to feel alive. The more boring stuff you get out of the way, the more opprotunities you have coming your way. Not everything is a movie theater thriller. You just need to work on the behind the scenes before your life can take center stage constantly. Be your own supporter.
2. You need anger management. You just have such a passion for what you’re currently loving and defending your honor, that you will not understand how people don’t want to see your great ideas and fun plans you bring to the table. Sometimes, you need to calm yourself in order to be taken seriously. It’s not a good look popping off at any slight. Save that firey passion for the bedroom, hehehe. Take is easy on everything.
3. You. Need. To. Let. Others. Take. Control. Of. The. Wheel. You are OBSESSED with controlling any situation, but did you ever consider that your way may not be the best or favored way? You feel unloved and rejected if your idea isn’t the one most agreed upon, but you should learn to back up people, instead of rule people. People are just as allowed to lead the conversaion, plans or day. Learn to relax and take 10 minutes to just live, instead of thinking life has to be your way or no way. Listen to others ideas, and one of them just might surprise you. If you let people get in their word, you just might agree with someone. The more you let people lead, the more people want to be around you. Nobody likes a selfish Sarah.
4. Why do you think a fight will solve any situation? You’re too obsessed with your own opinions, that you will literally fight anybody who stops them from becoming a reality. You need to stop and hug somebody. Love is a greater weapon than hate. You need to learn that nobody is your enemy, just because they may be having a bad day and don’t treat you like the king you think you are. Try to be more understanding of disagreements. You are not ruler of the planet, so stop it with your army of words and threats.
You guys are daringly unfazed and I hope you know I understand.
Take care all Aries!
Stay daring!
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