wrinklecat · 7 minutes
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OP made the post unrebloggable but said it's fine to screenshot and I'm in love with this
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wrinklecat · 1 hour
funniest thing I’ve ever seen is a scan group that got an ask like ‘are you dropping [series]?’ and their response was ‘we’re so sorry it’s been taking so long, the manga references a lot buddhist text that haven’t been translated so our translator has been studying that to maintain accuracy’ LIKE
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wrinklecat · 3 hours
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wrinklecat · 4 hours
Percy age 12: And if the mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed… you’d want someone who won’t hesitate when they do it
Percy age 17:
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wrinklecat · 5 hours
• Have you ever met a New Yorker outside of midtown who doesn’t talk with their mouth full? Me neither. Steve Rogers, garbled: “M’jus say’n s’bullshit,” he manages, and swallows. “Our team doesn’t belong in fuckin’ Cali. Listen. You hear that?” “Is it Jim Morita laughing at us from beyond the grave?“ “Hell yeah, it’s Jim Morita laughing at us from beyond the grave.” 
• Steve Rogers getting splashed with water by a cab. “WHADDAYA DOIN, HUH? JESUS!” 
• Steve Rogers, by turns incredibly polite and incredibly rude on the subway. “Is this guy bothering you? Because if he tries to grope you again, I’m kicking his ass, miss, pardon my French.” 
• Food Trucks: The Autobiography of an American Hero
• Those dumb BKLYN ballcaps. Steve owns like minimum ten.
• Wary of visiting Barton in Bed-Stuy. “I think I liked it better when it was crooks,” he says to Buck, eyeing a hipster in confusion. That sweater has like fourteen different kinds of flowers embroidered on it; it looks like something his ma owned, only ironic. 
• “How much is eighteen dollars in future money?” Bucky asks him inside the Balcony Lounge in the Met. Steve blanches, staring at the menu. “For a salad? Oh my God, we’re going to the cafeteria.”
•  Haggling in the fish market. Listen to me, this is so important. “That fish is a fuckin’ tadpole, and you want how much for it?” Bucky demands. “Hell no, hell no, kid, I’m old enough to be your granddad. It’s fifteen for the bunch there or none.” “Sir, these are set prices.” Turning to Steve, incredulous: “Does nobody goddamn know how to do business anymore? I swear to Christ. Bleedin’ me dry. I’m moving to Hell’s Kitchen.” “Hell’s Kitchen is just as expensive, sir.” “Well, fuck a duck, Steve, you hear that?” 
• Following along with a yoga class happening in Central from six feet away, hidden slightly behind a tree
• “Yeah, Carnegie got hit in the Chitauri attack.” “What?” “It’s fine! It’s fine! It’s still there!” Steve refers not to the hall, but the deli. Priorities. 
• Searching for apartments. “I’m starting to get the feeling,” Steve says, “That it’s cheaper to live in Manhattan.” He reaches for the listings for the other borough. Bucky grabs his hand. “Do not,” he says, “If you don’t want to have an aneurysm.” 
• Stopped by the HONY guy
• Bucky holding a stare-off with the 11 y/o kid on the subway wearing a Yankees jersey. The kid staring-off right back. Little punk. 
• “Remember when New York was normal?” Steve asks Bucky, after watching the lady who owns the little domesticated monkey walk down Fifth Avenue, all up in her mink coat &etc. “Pal,” Bucky says, and drops a dollar into the can of a street performer, “New York was never normal.” 
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wrinklecat · 6 hours
now I'm just thinking about Steve Rogers, 21st century pain in the ass
Wandering around New York City PISSED because there are all of these empty luxury apartments in a city with such a high homeless population. He just starts tearing down doors and ushering people inside (and then repairing the doors because whoops he did not think that through)
Every time a reporter tries to ask Natasha who does her hair he interrupts her snarky response with I DO
Getting dragged into tv interviews and getting weird questions he’s not really qualified to answer until finally someone asks him what he thinks the founding fathers would have to say about net neutrality and he just says “I don’t give a fuck what they’ve have to say” before this impassioned speech about freedom and information equality that everyone is too afraid to interrupt
Literally dropping everything to show up in Ferguson. Like, thanks police department for all your hard work but you can go home now because the people have spoken and they’d like you all to retire early Captain America’s got this covered
He does not tell the Avengers
He does not tell Fury
He leaves a note for Bucky but like it’s really vague “ttyl gotta go school some haters” and Bucky has no idea what that’s supposed to mean because Steve basically COLLECTS HATERS LIKE THEY’RE POKEMON
Speaking of haters remember that time in Iron Man 3 where Tony gave out his home address and basically told a terrorist to come find him? That’s not good enough for Steve. Nope. He adopts one of those army dogs with the titanium teeth and just starts jumping out of planes and knocking on doors like “hello have you accepted Steven Grant Rogers as your ass-kicking savior?” like this is a weekly occurrence. Arms dealers, the leaders of drug cartels, human traffickers, he just keeps finding things to get pissed about.
Because he doesn’t like bullies. 
Like everyone in the tower sits him down and they have an intervention for him and he promises to find his chill
Starts doing Sesame Street appearances and everything seems normal
And then he disappears on a rampage and resurfaces on the news standing at the protest lines of an abortion clinic escorting women inside and covering their faces with his shield
He probably comes across Coulson at one point and he’s not even surprised he’s just like accepted the fact that nobody stays dead anymore like he’s honestly expecting to punch real hitler in the real face one of these days
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wrinklecat · 23 hours
Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?, Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?), and A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
((Okay, so this got REALLY LONG. Just skip it if you’re not interested in my writing or an Avatar: The Last Airbender ramble / fic idea.))
Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
On the finishing side, mm, not particularly. I don’t think I could let anyone else finish any of my posted fics, since if I’ve posted them, I definitely want to write them. I just wish I had more time and energy for all my fics.
As for the writing side, yeah, I guess. I can’t think of any exact examples at the moment, but I am of the opinion that every fandom should have at least one really good time travel fic, just bc I’m weak for time travel fic. Oh, I’ve thought of one: I’ve always wanted an Avatar: The Last Airbender time travel fic, hopefully one that included Lu Ten, or a canon divergence fic where Lu Ten lived and what the consequences would be. Look, I just really need Iroh to have both his sons (Lu Ten and Zuko) and be super happy.
Honestly, if I really want something, I usually try to write it myself, so I’ve actually started that last example. I’m still on the first chapter, but now I’m going to talk about the premise bc I just can. The following is actually backstory that would be revealed over the course of the fic, but it’s basically a fic in itself, so settle in for a kickass ride.
Basically, it’s a The World Went To Shit kind of time travel fic, where Ozai killed Aang in their battle, but Zuko and Katara still beat Azula. So Aang is dead but managed to waste enough time that the conquering of the Earth Kingdom failed, so Ozai and the Fire Nation army has to turn back and reclaim the Fire Nation from Zuko’s coup. So the Earth Kingdom is in chaos and the Fire Nation is on the verge of civil war, and Katara is left with an injured Zuko and an approaching siege by Ozai.
People do want the war to end and Zuko to be Fire Lord bc Ozai’s kind of nuts, but also, some people agree with Ozai’s principles and Ozai is really terrifying and they don’t want to fight him. So the Fire Nation Palace is torn between an injured prince and an insane emperor on the war path, and while Katara is trying to be Zuko’s right-hand/enforcer and prepare for a siege, Ozai loyalists set Azula free to try and stay in the mad royals’ favor. Azula, once free, sets off to kill Zuko, which Katara tries to stop. She fails; Azula kills Zuko and brags about Aang’s death and Ozai’s return (the servants told her); and Katara kills Azula. (Either revenge or self-defense or both; Katara doesn’t know because she’s just so angry. It wasn’t supposed to go this way.)
Keep reading
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wrinklecat · 1 day
Good Omens AU where Aziraphale and Crowley get called back to Heaven and Hell, which are (in the TV show) canonically in the same building, but somehow still become or stay partners. Wow, Aziraphale is very brave to keep holding meetings to politely ask the demons what evil deeds they’re been up to lately, though he’s also charged an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of very fancy restaurant lunches to the company Heaven doing this. 
OR Good Omens AU where Aziraphale and Crowley get called back to Heaven and Hell, but are then assigned to the Celestial Observer and the Infernal Times newspapers. They have whatever conversations they please through the articles, advertisements, and occasionally the crossword puzzles.
OR Good Omens AU where Aziraphale and Crowley get called back to Heaven and Hell, and where there is a retail space in an office building, a corporate coffee shop will appear. Heaven doesn’t serve food at meetings (if they did, Gabriel would bring vegetable plates) and the coffee in Hell might literally be burnt dishwater. They’re the coffee shop’s only customers. 
OR Good Omens AU where Aziraphale decides to occupy himself by running this coffee shop on the ground floor, because he’s not really doing anything else, and Crowley keeps showing up because Hell is cramped and it smells. When their bosses show up to ask them about some innocuous detail, Crowley claims he’s gotten a job there (to spy on the competition, you know) and Aziraphale claims the same thing. Angels and demons start showing up to spy on the both of them and fuck, they have customers now, that sucks. No, buzz off, they don’t sell pastries made of literal rubbish (demons) or coffee with everything taken out- you are asking for water and I know you won’t even drink it (angels). 
Heaven and Hell being in the same building sounds endlessly entertaining. Bonus points if the human characters find the building in their efforts to stop the end of the world and end up in this coffee shop or newspaper office. 
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wrinklecat · 1 day
Canon Divergence AU: Regulus Lives, but he's at death's door long enough that everyone thinks he's dead and the events of Halloween 1981 unfold as they do in canon. Regulus, ofc, does NOT think Sirius betrayed the Potters or was a DE, but he's terrified of going to Dumbledore. He does some research, realizes Sirius was Harry's godfather, and that Harry isn't placed with a wizarding family. Regulus teaches himself how to use Muggle methods to find Lily Evans' sister through Muggle and 1/?
2/? wizarding methods, and tracks down the Dursleys. At this point he’s in hiding from everybody, so he buys a house on Privet Drive to keep an eye on his brother’s godson and figure out how this baby defeated the Dark Lord. The residents of suburbia do not know what to make of him because he’s a single man and too Posh and Eccentric for their little aspirational cookie cutter lives, but his house and garden are immaculate. Harry’s rather fascinated by the odd man at No. 8, who once saved him
3/3 from Dudley’s gang. What’s deeply hilarious to me is if Regulus and Harry become pen pals when Harry goes to Hogwarts, and nobody knows. Harry confides in Regulus, who gives Harry advice and support. Does this change things much? IDK. However, Regulus is so deeply disturbed by the Shenanigans at the school that he comes out of hiding in Harry’s 3rd year because he’s so upset about Sirius, Lupin, and Snape. He teaches Muggle Studies. All four of them suspect the others are out to get Harry.
Well, I’m definitely never going to say no to more Regulus fic. To force Regulus to move into the Muggle world, however, I think I’d put it in an AU where A) Regulus survived the cave but B) Voldemort somehow found out that Regulus knows about his horcruxes and stole one. 
Because, OH BOY, that would make Regulus UNDESIRABLE NUMBER ONE in an instant. No one knows why - not the Death Eaters, not the Order of the Phoenix - but suddenly the Dark Lord wants Regulus Arcturus Black dead like nothing else. Regulus would have to fake his death really well. (Get rid of the Dark Mark somehow?) Or maybe (to up the drama), Regulus just cuts off his Marked arm and Voldemort finds that, so now Regulus is down an arm and on the run and Voldemort has no way of finding him. 
Voldemort would presumably turn on the Black family to exercise his wrath and try to force Regulus out of hiding. The Blacks and Malfoys would probably immediately blame Regulus for their suffering and disown him, burning every last one of Regulus’ potentially friendly ties in the pureblood circles. 
(James: “What the fuck did your brother do???” 
Sirius: “I have… no fucking clue?”) 
The Hunt for Regulus Black only ends when Voldemort murders the Potters and temporarily destroys himself trying to murder Harry Potter. And even after the war is apparently over, even after the Death Eaters have gone to Azkaban or gotten out of going to Azkaban, they all have an inkling that Regulus Black might still be out there somewhere. Like, he’s probably dead? No one has seen him for ten years, after all, and the Dark Lord wanted him very dead, so he’s probably dead? Was he involved in the Dark Lord’s vanishing somehow???
If people are looking for a one-armed teenage wizard they think is dead, they’re probably not going to look on Privet Drive. (Regulus would have to navigate Mrs. Figg somehow, who would almost undoubtedly be aware of him being at least an odd and suspicious individual.) RAB, I imagine, is keeping a very low profile (talks to pretty much no one and avoids all his neighbors) and almost definitely not the owner of that house by legitimate means. Maybe he decided to spy on the Dursleys and just… ended up not leaving? Because he’s tired of running and if he has to live as a Muggle, so be it. (Kreacher, in this AU, was probably either brutally murdered or lives with Regulus. I think “brutally murdered” is more likely, honestly, so the appearance of Dobby in COS probably gives Regulus some horribly grief/guilt feelings.) 
Maybe Regulus has been hunting the other horcruxes in the meantime? I could believe that he’d manage to get his hands on the ring and maybe the cup, but the diadem is pretty out of the question (no relationship with the Grey Lady, insight into Voldemort’s head, or access to the castle). Maybe he stole the diary from the Malfoys back in 1981 when he came to Narcissa for help? Or maybe he still needs to still the diary and conspires to use Dobby to do that. 
Forming a real relationship with Harry, I think, would be purely accidental. Regulus is in his twenties and a mess and gets everyone he cares about hurt, and he probably has his own issues surrounding the Potters connected to his issues with his brother (he would NOT know if Sirius is innocent or not). 
Idk, I just want Regulus coming back from the dead to be a BIG ISSUE in at the end of COS or the beginning of POA. Regulus Black is not safe. Regulus Black and Voldemort are both not dead and both they want each other dead. And it’s basically a race to see who can end the other first. Regulus teaching at Hogwarts in this AU would be… probably way too dangerous for him (though a Black teaching Muggle Studies is hilarious, especially because there was no way Regulus would have been allowed to take that class); if we don’t diverge from the canon plots (which by the end of POA would be kinda dull imo) by GOF, Barty Crouch Jr. would have orders to take ANY OPPORTUNITY to kill him and by OOTP, Snape would have the same orders. 
No, Regulus couldn’t teach at Hogwarts if Voldemort knew he knew about the horcruxes (which is my addition here). It’s not paranoia if everyone really is out to get you. (I wouldn’t put it past Fudge to try and blame Regulus for Sirius’ escape, the second anyone gets an inkling that RAB isn’t dead, probably at the end of POA, because Cornelius Fudge sucks like that.) 
I think that, if Regulus secretly revealed himself to someone at the end of COS, it’d be Albus Dumbledore (while Regulus was trying to assure Harry’s safety). And, if Harry has dropped the diary on Dumbledore’s desk in COS as per canon (which is when Dumbledore found out about the horcruxes for certain), I don’t think it’d take much for someone as brilliant as Dumbledore to figure out why Voldemort so vehemently wanted one young man dead. 
Sometime in July of 1993, Albus Dumbledore sets foot on Privet Drive for a second time to come knock on the door of Number Eight. He compliments Regulus’ home, which is either painfully neat or looks like it belongs to a conspiracy theorist or both, and either way looks like it belongs to someone who neither wants nor expects guests. There’s the melted remains of a cup on the mantlepiece and a cracked ring right beside it, which the old wizard has trouble looking away from, due to a fascinating marker on the stone. 
“Tell me,” he says to an uncertain Regulus Black, over a very awkward cup of tea, after placing a half-destroyed book on the coffee table, “what do you know about horcruxes?” 
“…What do you want to know?” 
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wrinklecat · 1 day
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CA:TWS - Steve Rogers + self-righteousness
A terrible flaw to have when you’re working for a secret government organization, really. I find it amusing how he can willingly surround himself with spies and yet still be so indignant every time he finds out someone has hidden something from him, i.e. done their job. He really is in the wrong business.
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wrinklecat · 1 day
How would you ever consider writing canon divergence where Peter Pettigrew has a redemption arc? Do you even think this is possible? I feel like he was partly a victim of the circumstances but also deliberately made the worst possible choice at every turn? That he desperately wanted to be a victim, but at the same time was painfully aware that he isn't? (and hated himself so, so much) But I also kinda feel that if living with the kindest family ever for 10 years did nothing to him, idk what can
I definitely think it’s possible to write a redemption arc for Peter Pettigrew, though I’m not particularly interested in writing that canon divergence myself at the moment (maybe later once I finish a few fics, lol, but I always think that). I think the difficulty in it would probably come from the fact that, being an antagonist, we don’t get to see any of Peter’s internal motivation or logic. We have to work off of the POV and assumptions of people like Harry, Sirius, Remus, Voldemort and Snape, who all have reason to resent Peter. 
My personal headcanon for how Peter became involved with the Death Eaters is that Peter was trying to spy on Death Eater or Death Eater adjacent individuals for the Order of the Phoenix. Only Peter’s targets were a lot cleverer than he was, managed to extract information out of Peter and began to turn Peter’s thinking, and then used Peter’s failings as a spy (ex: suggesting his friends wouldn’t forgive him for accidentally getting Order members killed) to push him down a slippery slope. Perhaps Peter even reasoned to himself that becoming a double agent was a good way to keep his friends and family safe, believing Voldemort to be the winning side, only to then resent his friends and family for failing to recognize his work and sacrifices (despite purposefully not telling them anything out of fear of being caught). 
I think you’re right on the money with the idea that Peter desperately wanted to be a victim, while being painfully aware that he wasn’t. People are generally very self-centered unless an effort is made to recognize the perspectives of others. You’re right that the infuriating thing about Peter is that he just... kept choosing to be a coward. It gets especially unforgivable in GOF; Peter is the one who performs the resurrection of Voldemort. Peter is the one who kills Cedric Diggory (my boy!) when Voldemort tells him to “kill the spare”. 
Personally, I’m not really sure how to think about Peter’s relationship with the Weasleys, because pretending to be a pet rat for 12 years is an extremely strange thing to do. Which definitely makes me lean towards the headcanon that spending long periods of time in a non-human shape messes with your thinking and that Peter was genuinely more rat-like most of the time than not, until Sirius’ breakout in the summer of 1993 knocked some sense back into him. 
While the Weasleys are ultimately kind, good people, I’m not sure how obvious that would be from the perspective of a pet rat? They’d treat him like a rat, not a person, which would probably be enough to inspire resentment in someone as apparently self-centered and fear-motivated as Peter. And the Burrow definitely isn’t a tranquil household where everyone gets along and is nice to each other all the time; the Weasleys are fun characters because they have their flaws and quite a lot of internal conflict. I wouldn’t be surprised if Peter was more focused on using them and avoiding accidentally getting killed by chaotic young wizards than actually trying to understand them as people; I doubt Peter held any real respect for the Weasleys. I think he was in Rat Mode most of the time as a consequence of his extended transformation. 
Mmm, okay, let’s go with this challenge: potential canon divergence for a Peter Pettigrew redemption off the top of my head... 
1) 1979: As Peter Pettigrew falls deeper into Death Eater circles due to his flailing efforts at being a spy for the Order, he crosses paths with Regulus Black. Desperate to kill Voldemort, Regulus tries to use Peter to reach out to Sirius; Peter, now aware of Voldemort’s horcrux (they don’t know there’s more than one), sees an opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of the Order. After all, the mistakes he’s made will surely all be forgiven in the pursuit of the only way to kill Voldemort, right? Regulus steals the horcrux and Peter saves Regulus, using Regulus’ Life Debt to him to dodge directly suffering the brunt of Sirius’ unavoidable anger once they rejoin the Order. 
2) 1981: Peter tells Voldemort where the Potters are hidden, then immediately goes to Potter Cottage and helps them evacuate in time. I headcanon that Voldemort in canon had some way of containing/restraining Peter to prevent this, but it’s possible for Peter to overcome this obstacle and save the Potters. James and Lily are horrified and disappointed that their Secret Keeper risked them and Harry at all, but he did just save them, so... :/
3) 1981: Peter is the one who recovers the orphaned Harry from Potter Cottage and raises him. (I think Peter was in Godric’s Hollow that night at some point? I have vague memories of JKR saying Peter was the one who recovered Voldemort’s yew wand for Voldemort to have it again in GOF.) Alternatively, Peter takes Harry from the Dursleys and raises him. Seems kinda OOC, imo, but it’s definitely a possibility. 
4) 1991: Voldemort somehow recognizes Peter while possessing Quirrell. (Could be through the Dark Mark? Some people say Peter had the Dark Mark in 1981, while others argue Peter wasn’t Marked until he found Voldemort in 1994. I use whichever headcanon best suits the fic I’m writing.) Peter is forced to help Voldemort acquire the Philsopher’s Stone, only to turn on him or fail him at the last minute, and Harry saves Peter’s life. This would begin a longer Peter Pettigrew redemption. Perhaps Peter is caught by Dumbledore before he can escape? Peter is forced to tell Dumbledore everything and swear an Unbreakable Vow similar to Snape’s vow in 1980 when he turned. (Snape is of course disgusted by this turn of events.) 
5) 1992: I can’t really think of a reason to get Peter into the Chamber of Secrets; I think this one is more likely to be an accidental reveal. A) Scabbers is petrified by the Basilisk and is discovered to be an Animagus by Madam Pomfrey. B) Scabbers is turned back into Peter Pettigrew during that movie scene where Ron tries to turn his rat into a cup. C) Sparkling dumbass Gilderoy Lockhart accidentally manages to reveal Scabbers to be Peter Pettigrew in front of a huge crowd, trying to perform another stupid stunt, and lords his capture of a Death Eater over everyone forever. These are more “Peter Pettigrew Goes to Azkaban” CD ideas, but I am laughing too hard not to share the imagine of Sirius Black being freed from Azkaban and attending the ceremony for Gilderoy Lockhart being awarded an Order of Merlin First Class, and going like, “Really? Fuck? This idiot? Fuck. I can’t fucking believe this.” (Harry, looking wide-eyed at this man: “I don’t know you yet, but I love you. Please keep insulting Lockhart.”) 
Okay, maybe Peter Pettigrew is accidentally revealed and Harry blackmails him into helping them save Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets? Or Ron takes Scabbers down into the Chamber for some reason, so Peter gets stuck down there with Harry when it comes time to fight the Basilisk. 
(Lol, I’m still stuck on an AU that’s like “Sirius Black and Severus Snape agree on ONE THING and it’s that Gilderoy Lockhart is the Worst.”) 
6) 1993: POA continues the same as canon until Lupin turns into a werewolf. Instead of fleeing like a coward, Peter saves the Golden Trio and Sirius from Lupin, and then flees. And then Peter comes back to help Harry rescue Sirius from Flitwick’s Office, only to refuse to turn himself in and flee afterwards, giving Harry more complicated feelings on Peter Pettigrew. 
7) 1994: GOF continues the same as canon up until the ritual to give Voldemort back his body, which Peter purposefully botches to permanently trap Voldemort in some horrible form that renders him completely helpless. Peter kills Nagini, tells Harry about the horcruxes, and then sends Harry back to Hogwarts with Voldemort trapped in idk a jar or something. Harry is extremely confused. Harry is also still pissed off because I imagine Peter would still kill Cedric to keep Voldemort from getting suspicious about Peter’s loyalty. I mean, you could have Peter save Cedric too, but I think Nagini would notice if Cedric wasn’t dead; also Peter is kind of a cunning, cowardly asshole already actively involved in the deaths of Bertha Jorkins and Frank Bryce by this point. 
8) 1995: Peter is there at the Ministry for some reason and saves Sirius’ life. Nobody is happy about Peter switching sides again, except maybe Dumbledore, who’s like, “You disgust me, but I can use you.” (Which is basically what Dumbledore straight-up says to Snape in one scene in The Prince’s Tale.) 
9) 1996: Ugh, okay, by this time, Peter has done a lot of crap and I’m not sure how much redemption we can pull off given he barely exists from books 5-7. Lupin makes himself pretty scarce during books 4 and 6, but during HBP we have the vague idea that he’s out on business for the Order. Maybe Peter saves Remus’ life because the accumulated guilt has finally become too much? (That sounds kind of OOC for Peter by this point though.) It could be an interesting character piece, because they’re the last Marauders left, and Remus would be like, “I hate you and I want to kill you, but I’m currently reliant on you to get out of here and I hate you so much because I still remember being friends.” You’d have to make up the plot here from scratch. 
7) 1996: Okay, funny idea, Peter gets involved in the attack on Hogwarts and manages to save Dumbledore’s life at the end of HBP. Like, things aren’t going too well for him with the Death Eaters and he’s pretty sure they’re doing to kill him soon, so if he saves Dumbledore’s life then that should get him some grace with the other side, right? This has upset at least 4 people’s ongoing master plans and despite this being a temporary Character Death Fix (Dumbledore’s hand is still cursed), no one is actually happy about it besides Harry. 
8) 1997: Peter saves the Golden Trio from Malfoy Manor? And then proceeds to become involved in the Battle of Hogwarts and save Remus and Tonks? Okay, lol, my brain just fed me the thought: “Peter has fucked up so much by this point that he’d basically have to pull off a 100% Character Death fix run of The Deathly Hallows to achieve Redemption.” So, mild crack AU: Peter Pettigrew 100% Character Death Fix Run of DH. There you go. 
This was a fun experiment. Thank you for this ask! Peter Pettigrew’s character besides “Murderous Coward clinging to Voldemort of all people for protection” is hard to pin down, so I think most of these would probably fall under “Canon Divergence Fix-It” but it’s a special sub-genre where it’s like “except everyone is really pissed off about it”, which is hilarious. 
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wrinklecat · 1 day
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au where eberytjings the same but they have to go to five guyd
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wrinklecat · 1 day
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wrinklecat · 2 days
#FOLLOWING A DIRECT ORDER IS NEVER WRONG is maybe not the sentiment! that we should be imparting upon the children!#questioning orders and questioning authority rules actually!#you can draw a straight line from obi-wan's emphasis on following orders#and never disagreeing with a mandate from the council#to palpatine delivering an order to kill and anakin following through via @husborth
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star wars: wild space by karen miller
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wrinklecat · 2 days
dude my stepdad is so fucking funny. he is like a border collie he always has to be doing something. his job is being a media consultant/legal marketer for law firms and lawyers and he has a number of clients all of whom don't have stuff for him to do this week bc they're busy with Christmas stuff but he's jewish and doesn't care about that he just wants ENRICHMENT bc no one is answering his EMAILS. he was so bored he CALLED THE LOCAL PAPER AND VOLUNTEERED TO GO BOTHER METHODIST MINISTERS FOR THEM??? like he called like "is anyone covering (local thing with Methodist Church)" and they were like "yes but they won't answer our phone calls" so he was just like "I will go knock on their doors for you" and we live in a Very Small Rural Town so they were just like ??? okay sure ???
literally he is like one of those dogs where if you do not give them a job to do they will make their own job except in his case rather than "destroy your couch" the jobs he will come up with are things like "deputizing himself as a beat reporter at the local newspaper"
hilariously funny type of guy.
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wrinklecat · 2 days
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they're electrocuting those poor sex robots
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wrinklecat · 2 days
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