unknownfortuna 1 month
Your Mom
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The moon represents many things in our life- including how we viewed our mom. Below is a list of both evolved and unevolved traits you've seen in the relationship with your mom (or whoever you considered as your mom:)
*If you have this sign in the 4th house these traits may apply as well*
Aries Moon- You seen your mom as a hothead. She could've had a reason to fight (or not) but either way everyone knew how she felt.. which was usually anger first. She was a leader and pioneer in her family. The first to do things like starting a family or challenging views on how women 'should' act. She may have been incredibly athletic or just had an explosive energy and confidence about her. At times you may have felt like you were siblings due to her childlike way of acting out her emotions. As she ages, the fire she carries within her only seems to shine brighter when compared to people to her age group.
Taurus Moon- Material possessions, your appearance, status, and the things you need to be stable were a huge part of your conversations. It may have felt like your mom would put these things before you. An unevolved manifestation of this would be having to go without certain necessities (like a new pair of shoes) at the cost of her wanting something for herself that would bring more stability/status (vacation, car, house). Overall, you were taught the necessities in life and how to acquire them- through slow and steady work.
Gemini Moon- The gift of gab. Knowing when to speak, how to speak, and who to speak to were lessons taught. She was incredibly witty and knew how to steal an audience. Unfortunately, conversations may have felt superficial and a bit lighthearted. It may also be hard to navigate certain conversations. Any conversation can be started but it may not go the way you would like. This may have caused you to realize your emotional wellbeing is something you had to navigate by yourself in private. There may be a delay in your decision-making skills and ability to commit to things because of this.
Cancer moon- The nurturer and the protector were two roles your mom played. You may have felt as if her emotions were something that dictated the way she moved when it came to her decision making. I would also argue that it may have been hard to hide things from her. Cancer is at home in this planet and whether it came in a feeling or a certain look you gave her- the slight inflection in your voice- she knew. Family is incredibly important to her and just like the hearth of the home, your mom is the center of the family.
Leo Moon- Your mom was always in the center of everything. A negative manifestation of this could be never feeling like anything in your life was truly private. Somehow details would be leaked, and you realized it was because of your mom. Having fun and somehow feeling like adventures with her was never ending that you became a huge adult child that continues to express yourself unapologetically is another trait. You understand how to enjoy life and express yourself in some artistic way....Mostly through your clothes and hairstyle.
Virgo Moon- You have stomach issues like your mom. Dieting, health, paranoid convos ('You're in the prime age group for kidnappings!') are normal topics you discuss. She may have been a health nut and caused you to go through an accidental eating disorder or two. Overall, the conversations had to do with routine/ health and how you could improve in some way. Also being overly critical of each other and those around you was a bonding activity:)
Libra moon- You were taught how to negotiate, be the perfect child/person, and charm your way in an ugly situation. I feel like I have seen many libra moon children view their mom as two faced. She had one mask for her home and another for the public. You could never put your finger on why you thought she was fake or why the perception of another person talking about her was so off but there you go. Passive aggressiveness is an unevolved trait with a libra moon but this was a normal form of communication with your mom! it didn't have to be a screaming match in order to understand when your mom was voicing her disapproval... You can read between the lines.
Scorpio moon- Control and power plays. Whether it was because your mom viewed you as something she always wanted or you were her last shot at molding a child into what she wanted, you always felt like she wanted to control you more than she wanted to listen to you. She talked at you and planned things out without your knowledge. Secrets behind who your mom is will constantly reveal themselves to you. There is an intense bond between the two of you that you may never be able to explain to others. Female rage is something you have seen play out by your mom many times. At times it may seem like you only know her true dark side.
Sagittarius Moon- Your connection with your mom can feel almost spiritual. Sometimes you may feel as if you were placed in this world to guide her more than she may guide you. You are a bundle of joy and may have been seen as a jokester to her. An unevolved trait could be your mom not exercising her intellectual capabilities or misusing them for a life of leisure instead. This could also hint at you not being too close with her due to her constantly traveling and leaving you in someone's care or circumstances out of her control which separated the two of you.
Capricorn moon- Your mom may have been seen as an authority figure in your life. Life is hard/unfair the best you can do is learn how to remain calm and collected when things are falling apart. It seems like a huge reason for your mom seeming to be 'cold' is because your father figure was the opposite- a disciplinarian turned temperamental man. With time you start to see your mom more as a human rather than this authority figure who expects you to take on the responsibilities life gives...Whether or not you asked for them. Independence is learned, not taught however, your mistakes will be focused on more than your successes.
Aquarius moon- You could have felt like your mom was a bit odd. She was disciplined about certain things that didn't seem to matter but oddly lenient about others. It felt like the 'rules' were not clear and it got to a point where you started doing your own thing, after all, if you're going to be painted as a rebellious child, why not fit that? Communication through technology could be something used when it comes to your mom. Perhaps she was physically distant from you at times and this was how you continued to keep in touch. She has her own hobbies as well as a taste for the eclectic. While her hobbies may stay in the same realm she just....gets weirder as she ages.
Pisces Moon- The intuition you have of your mom and vice versa is something that is truly divine. You feel her emotions as if they were your own. Your feelings tend to be enmeshed and it's hard to figure out where you truly stand when near her. She could also deal with substance abuse (usually drinking)...Or just running away when problems arise. You may view her as someone who has a tendency to stay the victim of circumstances when the reality is...She's doing it to herself. She could also be lover of art (especially music/poetry). As much as she tries to help others, sometimes you may wish she would help herself first.
'Let divine order pick the perfect place that's meant to be mine. Bring the home that's right for me.'
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unknownfortuna 1 month
Your Dad
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The Sun is an indicator of how the native views their Father. Below is a list of negative/positives you may have seen play out with your father figure.
*If you have these signs in your 10th House, these traits may manifest as well.*
Aries Sun- Quick tempered and most likely a physical disciplinarian. Due to Aries enjoying the sun, the manifestations can be incredibly bad/good. Your dad may have seemed a bit selfish at times when it came to him living an independent life from the family he created. He may have been seen as a leader in his family or the first to do something. This placement could also indicate he wasn't the type of person to do things half assed (unfinished projects? Sure) and he expected you to do things just as passionately if not better than others.
Taurus Sun- Beauty is important. Beauty is the first thing people see. That is what he placed a heavy emphasis on when it came to you. If your appearance was off, he would let you know (He may also carry incredibly traditional values when it comes to gender roles). Appearances matter and he would have wanted nothing more than for you to express the pretty privilege you had. As superficial as the relationship may seem at times with him, this is a fact you start to realize is true with others as well.
Gemini Sun- You may view your dad as incredibly charismatic but also superficial and a bit of a liar. Another trait that may play out is knowing multiple languages and being able to switch between them with ease. The relationship here may feel like there isn't much substance between the two of you. Conversations carry a jolly tone that doesn't always feel appropriate for what's actually going on between you two or the circumstances you're in.
Cancer Sun- Your dad is incredibly emotional. It seems a bit random when he starts to cry but then again, your also not surprised. He takes his role as the protector the family very seriously and wants nothing more than your emotional wellbeing to be at a high (if he's able to understand his own and provide that to others of course!). Mood swings may be a normal when it comes to him...which makes him a bit of a grump at times.
Leo Sun- Your dad truly views himself as the king of the house. This can obviously be either incredibly annoying (is more selfish, cares about appearances, huge ego) or a bit endearing (a motivational coach, knows how to boost you up, shares the spotlight with you). Having Leo in its home planet is an incredibly strong placement and may cause him to play a huge role in your life/upbringing. It may have even felt like he was your only true caretaker at times.
Virgo Sun- The perfectionism your dad holds within him can feel a bit daunting. While he may be quiet at times you know that is just him observing and critiquing in his mind. He sees details you would have never noticed before and points them out. You can't help but hold a similar serious tone and being highly critical with yourself. After all, your dad was the first to point out these flaws. On the flip side his humor can be a bit...Childish? I feel like Virgos themselves have a specific sense of humor and you may or may not get it but it's there. Libra Sun- Your relationship can feel a bit superficial with this placement. Libra is not at home here and above all it is just trying to please the people that come across this placement. A similar view you may have with your dad. He is able to be the mediator and negotiator with others BUT at the cost of his own individuality. He may place an emphasis on what other's opinions are especially with family. He may not be the dominant parent but for appearance's sake that's what is shown.
Scorpio Sun- This placement can indicate secrets surrounding your dad or over time you start to realize your perception of him is crumbling from the one you entered with. May have viewed him as manipulative or controlling when it came to your family members. Could cause an environment to change into an intense one. Held a lot of power in his hands when it came to the way everyone moved. There is a secret only you may know of him/found out before anyone else. Not necessarily because he himself trusted you but you happened to stumble upon it (just like everything else in your life). Sagittarius Sun- In some ways this relationship felt more like a mentor/mentee than a father/daughter. He was incredibly knowledgeable and tried to tell you all he knew about the world and how things worked. Whether it was agriculture or mechanics, he tried teaching you his trade. Unfortunately, he may have not been a stable figure in your life and at times would be absent or physically unavailable. Emotional circumstances felt odd with him and talking about actual feelings didn't ever seem like a viable option.
Capricorn Sun- A workaholic can manifest with this placement. He may have been the sole provider of the family and carried a heavy presence when he was home. Having him around may have possibly caused you to feel as though you were walking on egg shells. Also... did he give you random responsibilities when it seemed like you had too much fun? Like you were smiling a little TOO much? Probably can't ever say your bored around him. He can possibly carry a melancholic prescence around him as well.
Aquarius Sun- The confusion here is your dad is too hard to understand sometimes. Borderline hypocritical. Can enjoy humanitarian values without ever having the compassion balanced with it. It would be good if you could contribute to society...Without me showing you how to deal with your emotions. He can come across as alien like in many ways due to his opposing views. Keeps himself busy tinkering around with his hobby of choice. May come off as detached and in his own head or enjoying others company more than your own family. Can have some odd tastes...possibly with partners? (You may be a child of divorce/just straight up cheating). It doesn't get better with age... You just accept the enigma this man is.
Pisces Sun- You may have an absent dad. That can be taken in many ways both due to circumstances of life or him choosing to be absent. This can be a hint at him being an artist of some kind like writing, singing, poetry, painting, etc. He may be highly spiritual/religious and a big believer in life happening for reasons we may never know. Always gives this type of answer when asking for advice from him. While there may be a connection here, it can feel a bit fragile. As if anyone or anything can break the relationship you have with him (prone to misunderstandings on both sides).
'You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start wherever you are and change the ending..'
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unknownfortuna 2 months
Profection years
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Profection Years represent the themes in the house you will be facing as well as the planets associated with the signs in the houses. REMEMBER planets within these houses also represent whether the manifestations will be positive or negative (also aspects). I will be speaking mostly positive manifestations to avoid freaking anyone out:)
Ascendent: ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72...
The transformation in these years are closely tied to your identity. These years may also feel like you are starting over in some way, perhaps you are being too clingy with things that are not meant to be and will be forced to let go (you were supposed to do this in the 12th house but whatever you'll learn). A new you is reborn and you will be reintroducing yourself to those around you!
The rising sign is an indicator of what your year may hold for you (planet associated too!)
ex. Virgo rising may really lean into a more polished looking appearance. attention to detail and being a bit of a perfectionist in the work you do. You may be highly critical of yourself and others. Planet- Mercury will be activated this year. Perhaps you will incorporate more professional language depending on the profession you are in.
2nd House: ages 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73...
These years are focused on your assets and values related to the self. (ascendent profection years is more superficial and based on others opinion/the mask you show others ex. work persona). Your material possessions and your ability to provide for yourself.
ex. Scorpio in the 2nd house. Can be going through a more secretive transition related to how you make your money. May be doing a more taboo profession or conflict may arise due to scorpio being associated with pluto and mars (also darker/obsessive tendencies with your things/self....like astrology/the occult)
3rd House: ages 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74...
More active years; heavier emphasis on your siblings and neighborhood. Changes to your thought patterns and communication. More activity in your day to day life such as traveling or commuting somewhere.
ex. Libra in the 3rd house would be feeling more codependent on their siblings/neighbors and vice versa. Can have run ins with the law (parking/speeding tickets... also being able to get out of them bc of your charm:). More activity in your romantic and business partnerships! (Flirting with everyone bc why not??). Venus will be on your side during this year.
4th House: ages 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75...
Family and the foundation you stand on will be heavy on your mind. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? How can I be more involved in my family? How is my relationship with my mom affecting me? Childhood themes may also come up. Revisiting certain memories or places associated with childhood.
ex. Leo in the 4th house would hold more emphasis on adding flair to their home; More self expression towards their family and with their mom. The sun would be activated and a perpetual spotlight would follow you making you stand out ESPECIALLY with your family (being the talk of their family bc their mom can't help but brag about an accomplishment you made this year).
5th House: ages 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76...
This profection year can really help tap into a more creative side of yourself. Perhaps you become more into a hobby you've been wanting to do. More excitement in your dating life relationships/ going out more with friends. pets are also a theme.
ex. Gemini in the 5th house would have soooo much to talk about with people (beware of gossiping). More fun with your siblings or you could be involved in communicating with kids in some capacity (You are a part of an after school program for elementary aged kids). Mercury would be activated.
6th House: ages 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77...
These years pertain to your health/daily routine/every day work habits. Perhaps you want to incorporate a new diet or get more into a fitness routine.
Ex. Pisces in the 6th house may incorporate a ritual of some sort. Manifestation practices/protection spell work/reading scriptures from a religious text. Neptune will be activated this year so movies can be an inspiration for change to your life (beware of being mislead, neptune=planet of illusions ; you join a pyramid scheme lol). Jupiter is the traditional ruler. May bring random good luck within your daily life.
7th House: ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78..
Relationships of all kinds will be emphasized. You may feel a bit codependent during these years; influenced by your relationships. What type of relationships do I want? type of thoughts. You could also be more of a social butterfly or heavily locked into your one on one relationships.
ex. Aquarius in the 7th house will be more involved in online relationships (like gamer friends). May be more active in building an online business and harvesting a following. Become more concerned with humanitarian causes and collaborating with others to make a difference. Uranus will be activated this year and may bring random acquaintances/ friendships. Saturn is also the traditional ruler....long term relationship through a dating site
8th House: ages 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79...
More focused on transformation in a soul searching kind of way. What are your thoughts/feelings towards Money/intimacy/shared resources? Speaking of shared resources, if you are in a serious business or romantic partnership, this year will cause you to review what exactly is being harvested between you two. Taxes may be a focus on these years.
ex. Aries in the 8th house may feel the need to take action and charge these topics head on. Due to its independent nature they will have to learn to walk the fine line with what is theirs and what is a shared resource with their partners. Can also have to fight for inheritances. Mars will be activated this year giving more fuel/power to the individual.
9th House: ages 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80...
Changes to your spirituality/religious thoughts. College or higher education of some kind will be a focus. perhaps you adopt a new dogma from reading a higher-level text. Travel and foreign places will be themes.
ex. Capricorn in the 9th house likes structure. They may be into focusing on what the meaning of life is or planning trips in search of answers to such existential questions. May also take work trips during this year or building rapport with foreign associates. Saturn would also be activated which can manifest in implementing more disciplinary rituals based on your spiritual belief (buddhism=incorporating asceticism practices).
10th House: ages 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81..
The public and how you are perceived. focus on career and what you want to achieve. The 10th house can also be associated with authority figures/ father. Perhaps you end up being mentored by your boss or a fatherly figure of some kind when it comes to your career. There can be changes in the type of relationship you have with your father.
ex. Cancer in the 10th house could have a career related to caregiving or nurturing role of some kind. A protective career like the military could also manifest. Others may come to you and seek out advice of some kind due to the public seeing you as a caretaker/ motherly figure. Cancer being ruled by the moon may also cause ppl to see you as a moody/emotional person. Your mom and the relationship you have with her could be a theme (moon=mother)
11th House: ages 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82...
The community is of importance and the ties you have. Your friends could be a big part of this year. The natural ruler of the 11th house is Aquarius which rules the media/ your presence within social media could be a theme such as being recognized or discovered in some way.
ex. Saggitarius in the 11th house would have an expansive list of friends from all types of communities, ages, and cultures (diversity, diversity, and more diversity). Could take trips to meet said friends in foreign countries. Lots of fun in the community (reputation of the life of the party??). Jupiter would be activated bringing good luck and expansion in this area:)
12th House: ages 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83..
The 12th house is kind of the final chapter to karmic cycles. You go through a sort of ego death in this house. Depending on your attachment to things in your life will really let you know whether this year will be easy for you or not. Also have you been ignoring something or pushing a serious topic off in hopes it will dissipate into fine dust? Well, this year will bring your subconscious thoughts to life as well as influence your sleep and dreams. Isolation can manifest in different ways (working nights, hospital, prison, sleep disorders). Think of this year as the final test/ palette cleanser to all of the years prior.
ex. Taurus in the 12th (hehe how interesting:) the fixed sign will have no choice but to face the changes that have been inevitable. Perhaps you have considered yourself to be someone who is flexible (Gemini Rising) but ask anyone around you and they would say otherwise. Lessons of beauty/ugly will come about as well as lessons dealing with your foundation. Material possession will have to be approached in a detached manner due to the possibility of having to let go of systems that can not be taken with you in the upcoming profection year. Venus will be activated during this year and may include lessons related to love.
"Your fear of abandonment is entirely justified. Nothing in this world stays forever. The leaves fall, the fields of sunflowers wilt, even the best people leave sometimes. You're not crazy. You're observant."
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unknownfortuna 2 months
Book of the day #3 (Free Therapy in a Book)
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My Father's Eyes My Mother's Rage By Rose Brik
"Isn't it beautiful to find out that we are not alone in our suffering?"
What a true sentiment this is. This poetry book contains a trigger warning SO PLEASE do take into mind how far you are in your healing journey. The first time I picked up this book I ended up reading this in one sitting and since then kept it by my side as a source of comfort while trying to make sense of my own internal wounds. I truly believe pain can be alchemized into art, and this is exactly what this book represents. As I all but consumed the pages before me I couldn't help but be inspired by the authors way of writing down what so many people are afraid to admit out loud. Below are my favorite verses from the poetry book .
"She was so sweet without the anger, innocent like a baby. She would say I was so wise and then ask for my advice, she trusted me. I couldn't abandon her, even when her cruelty outweighed her humanity. Some days I think that nobody in the world has ever loved their mother more than me." - Rose Brik 53
"When people tell me to stop crying and not to be weak, I revolt in tears. May they drown in my sadness. Let them feel the strength in my misery."-Rose Brik 159 " I've heard you can't love again until you've healed. So, when he is tending to my wounds, what is this warmth that I feel?" Rose Brik 222 " My mother didn't want to hurt me, but she was broken. Her brokenness cut into me and made me bleed. She didn't know how to love, or at least how to love me. It didn't even matter that she hurt me; I just wanted her to be sorry. She said that she loved me, but it often felt like hate. When I finally had enough and tried to be free, she looked at me with desperation and cried, "You are abandoning me!" so, I stayed and I suffered, and I did my best to love her, as a woman, I have so much empathy for my mother, but as a daughter, I have so much rage" Rose Brik 27
PS. I purchased my book on Amazon but you can purchase from the author also on tiktok/insta account @rosebrikpoet (more verses posted on those accounts:)
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unknownfortuna 1 year
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Cardinal Placements~ Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
Active, quick, and ambitious. Drive may seem too domineering when lost in their world of doing a task. leaders and visionaries. social. Clever and want to win. The CEO's and socialites. self-starter/ go getter. Emotionally intelligent through energy changes (recognize highs and lows cycle bc that is how they operate energy wise). Prone to burn out if they have not mastered the art of time management (Bc how can you manage anything if you haven't learned to manage time?). Good at seeing clarity in crisis.
Cardinal Houses~ 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 10th house
Fixed placements~ Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius
Steadiness is key, forging ahead calmly to achieve their goals. Persistence and ability to concentrate. Self-reliance. Full of dignity and heroic qualities when superpowers are used for good of all. Otherwise, the worst fucking villain (They can make or break ppl). stubborn and can be stuck in their ways. Great strength and purpose. Love of getting the job done but slow to start. immovable. Incredibly loyal to a fault. Understanding of others until they feel that is not being reciprocated back to them. Fear of changes out of their control. Suprises are a big no no without their stamp of approval.
Fixed Houses~ 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house, 11th house
Mutable Placements~ Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius
Go with the flow, adaptable, and flexible. Versatile and easy to transform into environment. Chameleons. Resourceful... Life motto: make lemons out of lemonade. Learning, play fair, diplomatic, and well liked. Sharp, sympathetic, 6th sense. see essential things. Can seem wishy washy and like a ppl pleaser. Quick to help others and may stretch themselves thin but bounce back. change is huge with these placements. A friend to all is a friend to none... bc they will ghost you if something is off no matter the years put in. None have a big picture goal but somehow ahead of their peers doing what they do best?? (The translator/The perfectionist/The human mirror/The walking fool major arcana card)
Mutable Houses~ 3rd house, 6th house, 9th house, 12th house
We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop courage by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
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unknownfortuna 1 year
Astrology Decans
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*1st Decan harnesses the zodiac signs energy (essentially doubling the planets power/influence)
**2nd and 3rd Decans influence the signs depending on the planet sub ruler. ex. Capricorn 2nd Decan may be more sensual/Hedonistic (work hard; play hard) and take on other qualities seen in Venus ruled Taurus.
Order of Decans:
Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Aries Decans~ 1st Decan Aries (March 21st- 30th) sub ruler Mars, 2nd Decan Leo (April 1st-9th) sub ruler Sun, 3rd Decan Sagittarius (April 10th-19th) sub ruler Jupiter
Taurus Decans~ 1st Decan Taurus (April 20th- 29th) sub ruler Venus, 2nd Decan Virgo (April 30th- May 9th) sub ruler Mercury, 3rd Decan Capricorn (May 10th-20th) sub ruler Saturn
Gemini Decans~ 1st Decan Gemini (May 21st- 30th) sub ruler Mercury, 2nd Decan Libra (May 31st- June 9th) sub ruler Venus, 3rd Decan Aquarius (June 10th- 20th) sub ruler Uranus/Saturn
Cancer Decans~ 1st Decan Cancer (June 21st-30th) sub ruler Moon, 2nd Decan Scorpio (July 1st-10th) sub ruler Pluto/Mars, 3rd Decan Pisces (July 11th-22nd) sub ruler Neptune/Jupiter
Leo Decans~ 1st Decan Leo (July 23rd- Aug 1st) sub ruler sun, 2nd Decan Sagittarius (Aug 2nd- 11th) sub ruler Jupiter, 3rd Decan Aries (Aug 12th- 22nd) sub ruler Mars
Virgo Decans~ 1st Decan Virgo (Aug 23rd- September 1st) sub ruler Mercury, 2nd Decan Capricorn (Sept 2nd-11th) sub ruler Saturn, 3rd Decan Taurus (Sept 12th-22nd) sub ruler Venus
Libra Decans~ 1st Decan Libra (Sept 23rd- Oct 2nd) sub ruler Venus, 2nd Decan Aquarius (Oct 3rd-12th) sub ruler Uranus/Saturn, 3rd Decan Gemini (Oct 13th-22nd) sub ruler Mercury
Scorpio Decans~ 1st Decan Scorpio (Oct 23rd-Nov 1st) sub ruler Pluto/Mars, 2nd Decan Pisces (Nov 2nd-11th) sub ruler Neptune/Jupiter, 3rd Decan Cancer (Nov 12th-21st) sub ruler Moon
Sagittarius Decans~ 1st Decan Sagittarius (Nov 22nd- Dec 1st) Sub ruler Jupiter, 2nd Decan Aries (Dec 2nd-11th) sub ruler Mars, 3rd Decan Leo (Dec 12th-21st) sub ruler Sun
Capricorn Decans~ 1st Decan Capricorn (Dec 22nd -31st) Sub ruler Saturn, 2nd Decan Taurus (Jan 1st-10th) sub ruler Venus, 3rd Decan Virgo (Jan 11th- 19th) sub ruler Mercury
Aquarius Decans~ 1st Decan Aquarius (Jan 20th-29th) sub ruler Uranus/Saturn, 2nd Decan Gemini (Jan 30th- Feb 8th) sub ruler Mercury, 3rd Decan Libra (Feb 9th-18th) sub ruler Venus
Pisces Decans~ 1st Decan Pisces (Feb 19th- 29th) sub ruler Neptune/Jupiter, 2nd Decan Cancer (March 1st-10th) Sub ruler Moon, 3rd Decan Scorpio (March 11th-20th) sub ruler Pluto/Mars
Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.
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unknownfortuna 1 year
Planets: Detriment/Exalted
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Planets in DETRIMENT or EXILE:
*Planets are in the opposite home planet; Not comfy or can feel a bit awkward*
Sun- Aquarius
Moon- Capricorn
Mercury- Sagittarius, Pisces
Venus- Aries, Scorpio
Mars- Taurus, Libra
Jupiter- Gemini, Virgo
Saturn- Cancer, Leo
Pluto- Taurus
Uranus- Leo
Neptune- Virgo
Planets in EXALTED signs:
*Planets have a higher sense of awareness; comfy and perfectly vibes with the zodiac sign housed*
Sun- Aries
Moon- Taurus
Mercury- Virgo
Venus- Pisces
Mars- Capricorn
Jupiter- Cancer
Saturn- Libra
Planets in FALL:
*Planets have a weaker function in chart*
Sun- Libra
Moon- Scorpio
Mercury- Pisces
Venus- Virgo
Mars- Cancer
Jupiter- Capricorn
Saturn- Aries
Pluto- Leo
Uranus- Taurus
Neptune- Capricorn
"Don't count the days; make it count."
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unknownfortuna 1 year
Planets in Astrology
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SUN~ Planet of self and our identity; speaks of our inner creativity, inner heart strength in rising to meet challenges, authority, confidence, and ability to lead.
Associated with the following: Father, Husband, Masculine energy, rules Leo and 5th House.
MOON~ Planet of emotions; mood swings, how we feel about certain topics, our soul, intuition, nurturing style, desires.
Associated with the following: Mother, Pregnancy, fertility, childbirth, feminine energy, Cancer and 4th house.
MERCURY~ Planet of communication; Logic and processing, how we express ourselves, short trips (workday commute, visit neighbor, going across town), siblings, transportation.
Associated with the following: Virgo=feminine energy and 6th house, Gemini=masculine energy and 3rd house
VENUS~ Planet of love and money; Pleasure, harmony, emotional attachments, marriages, friendships, business partnerships. Spreads happiness and tenderness, while teaching us how to love and appreciate others, things we possess.
Associated with the following: Beauty and art. Feminine energy, taurus/Libra and the 2nd/7th house.
MARS~ Planet of Passion; Energy, passion, drive, determination, Rules, military. Standing up and getting noticed for what your getting done. Our inner power (not heroic energy like the sun but much more intense), confidence, ambition, competition, aggression, stamina.
Associated with the following: God of war (Ares), sexuality, sexual energy, weapons and surgery. Masculine energy, Aries/Scorpio and 1st/8th house.
JUPITER~ Planet of luck; Higher learning, yearning for exploring ideas of spirituality all the way to intellectually, forming ideology, religion, philosophy, Long distance travel, games of chance.
Associated with the following: Luck and good fortune, expansion (ex. weight gain), masculine energy, Pisces/Sagittarius and 12th/9th house.
SATURN~ Planet of Karma; Doesn't make things come easily. The task master. Discipline and responsibility. restrictions and delays, wisdom, perseverance, structure, order.
Associated with the following: Old age and lessons, teacher (traditions and patterns), contracts, masculine energy, Capricorn/Aquarius and 10th/11th house. 1st Saturn return 27-30 years old.
URANUS~ Planet of rebellion (1st outer/generational planet); Expanded consciousness, new perspective, originality, interventions, computers, cutting edge, technology, future events, break tradition, revolution, dictators, autonomous state, free will, bizarre behaviors, freedom, creativity
Associated with the following: androgynous energy, earthquakes, natural disasters, unpredictable, Aquarius and 11th house. Higher octave of Mercury.
NEPTUNE~ The planet of illusion, generational planet; dreams, illusions, thoughts, the mysterious. Spirituality is important to harness for personal development. Any meditative state (or reaching a 'flow state') such as dancing, poetry, singing, baking, and music. Delusion, hypochondria, hypnosis.
Associated with the following: God of the sea (Poseidon), rules movies, fashion, glamour, creating illusion. Drugs, alcohol, and escapism. Sleep and dreams. Feminine, Pisces and 12th house. Higher octave of Venus.
PLUTO~ Planet of Power; Transformation, regeneration, rebirth, secrecy, out with the old/in with the new, transcend what we believe- redeem ourselves- come out stronger knowing better. intensity. asking generation to look within to subconscious (fear pushes buttons needed to transform).
Associated with the following: God of death (Hades), reproductive system/ genitals, death, destruction, obsession, kidnapping, viruses, waste, underworld, undercover, dictatorship/terrorism=power, atomic power. feminine energy. Scorpio and 8th house. higher octave of mars.
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself..." Pg 130 -The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
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unknownfortuna 1 year
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Astrological Houses
1st House/Aries: Self, appearance, beginnings, body, approach to life.
2nd House/Taurus: Money, personal assets, work, income, values, priorities, habits (ex. eating habits), work ethic, possessions.
3rd House/Gemini: The mind, thinking, communication, siblings, neighbors, early education.
4th House/Cancer: Home, roots, family, self-care, mother, children, femininity, women.
5th House/Leo: Romance, love affairs, play, creativity, fertility, joy, self-expression, drama.
6th House/Virgo: health, fitness, pets, work, habits, sense of usefulness, service given.
7th House/Libra: Relationships, marriage, contracts, equality, sharing, partnerships (interpersonal, romantic, business, hidden enemies, etc.)
8th House/Scorpio: Merging, sex, shared finances, inheritances, taxes, Loans, assets, joint venture/ goals, partners resources.
9th House/Sagittarius: Travel, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, law and religion, learning ethics.
10th House/Capricorn: career, long term goals, structure, status, reputation, public image, masculinity, men, father, expert/specialty, fame.
11th House/Aquarius: Groups, friends, social awareness, hopes and wishes, humanitarianism, technology, future.
12th House/Pisces: Endings, healing, closure, spirituality, solitude, karma, old age, afterlife, hidden/subconscious, limiting beliefs.
Houses mirroring our inner selves
1st House: self
2nd House: Individual asset/income
3rd House: Early education
4th House: Early family/ Neighborhood
5th House: Individual hobbies
6th House: Daily routine/Conscious
Houses mirroring partnerships and our adulthood
7th House: Partnerships of all kinds
8th House: Assets acquired through said partnerships
9th House: Higher education/ Spirituality
10th House: Reputation with public
11th House: Friendships
12th House: Our subconscious karma, projections by others onto us
"The grass is greener wherever you water it."
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unknownfortuna 1 year
Book of the day #2
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Trauma Stewardship: An everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others by Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky and Connie Burk
After working in primarily entry level mental healthcare positions, I can't express how important it is for people to learn how to nurture themselves! In healthcare, there seems to be a constant need for repressing one's emotions as a result of keeping the client/situation as the priority. This book breaks down the 16 signs of trauma exposure responses individuals may cultivate as a result of working in the emotional taxing fields of social work. I will list below the qualities of people (This book includes interviews with professionals such as EMT's, environmentalist's, child welfare workers, etc.) who shared similar characteristics needed to maintain resiliency for their mental health's sake. The authors listed other methods to center oneself in addition. While I have come to realize healthcare is not going to be my career choice (or degree choice T.T) I appreciate the incredible coworkers I have had and the wisdom they have shared with me. This field has caused me to grow as a compassionate human being and the client's will always hold a special place in my heart:) For anybody currently in the field, please read this book and feel comforted by the stories of other professionals struggling along, regardless of the years spent supporting other's and/or their causes. We can't support others without supporting ourselves first.
P.S I can't remember if these are directly pulled from the text or paraphrased by me so sorryyyy:)
A sense of Personal Control
Stress resistant people perceive a connection between their own actions and how they feel; they believe in their own capacity to influence the course of their lives.
Pursuit of Personally Meaningful Tasks
They are present and engaged in our lives, and this helps them to be active not passive, during challenging times.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
They show "decreased use or general avoidance of known dietary stimulants of refined white sugar, caffeine and nicotine; they seek out multiple periods of hard exercise each week; and they find time each day for a period of relaxation."
Social Support
They have relationships with others who can serve as a buffer in dealing with difficult situations creating space for inquiry.
"Street yoga, is working to ensure that every person is at home in their own body, their own mind, and their own community, and that no one is ever homeless again." - Interview with street yoga non-profit worker
Street Yoga - Yoga Union (yogaunioncwc.com)
P.P.S sorry for the lack of page numbers. I had to post before I lost my courage...
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unknownfortuna 1 year
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Book of the Day
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
"I'm afraid that if my dream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living."
My last year has been full of ups and downs, including facing my biggest fears I never knew I had (The 12th house profection year can kindly go fuck itself T.T). This book articulated what I learned in the last 24 years of my life and wrapped it up in a short 166 page journey. What struck me the most was the main character being described as a shepherd which effectively put the focus on the character. Much like my early 20's, I realized I was a wanderer who could no longer blame my family for the maladaptive coping mechanisms I had acquired. I became my own support system and whatever failure's/successes I acquired would be under my name. Much like Santiago, I had to learn and unlearn the limitations I thought I had because the truth is, I may not have put them there, but it was my job to remove them in order to realize my Personal Legend. The humor in this book was incredibly subtle and I enjoyed it due to the fact it closely emulated how funny life is. From the Gypsy character to the alchemist simply repeating what Santiago already knew is something each of us do. We constantly seek reassurance of whether or not what we are doing is 'right' without realizing no one can give you guidance because each of us are on our own personal journey. Some may be following it while proudly admitting the mistakes they have made, while other's sit back and judge them too afraid to be made a fool of. I won't give any spoiler's other than my favorite quotes from the book and this sentiment: Wherever you are is where you're supposed to be, and even though you may be struggling it will be part of the foundation that builds you, so keep going my little shepherd's:)
"He had noticed that, as soon as he awoke, most of his animals also began to stir. I was as if some mysterious energy bound his life to that of the sheep, with whom he had spent the past two years, leading through the countryside in search of food and water." Pg 4
"'What's the world's greatest lie?' the boy asked...'that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie." Pg 18
"'It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is....But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their Personal Legend.'" Pg 21
"'Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you' said the wisest of wise men. ' The secret to happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never forget the drops of oil in the spoon.'...He understood the story the old king had told him. A shepherd may like to travel, but he should never forget about his sheep." Pg 32
"'You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love...'" Pg 120
"'But my heart is agitated,' the boy said. 'It has its dreams, it gets emotional, and it's become passionate over a woman of the desert...' 'You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you'll never have to fear an unanticipated blow'... He came to understand it's dodges and tricks, and to accept it as it was. He lost his fear..." Pg 128-129
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unknownfortuna 1 year
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Aries/1st house: Ruled by Mars. Body parts related is the face, head, and brain. Degrees associated with the sign 1, 13, and 25.
Taurus/2nd house: Ruled by Venus. Body parts related to throat, neck, and lips. Degrees associated with the sign 2, 14, and 26.
Gemini/3rd house: Ruled by Mercury. Body parts related to Lungs, hands, and arms. Degrees associated with the sign 3, 15, and 27.
Cancer/4th house: Ruled by Moon. Body parts related to stomach, breasts, chest, and ribs. Degrees associated with the sign 4, 16, and 28.
Leo/5th house: Ruled by Sun. Body parts related to heart, spine, and forearms. Degrees associated with the sign 5, 17, and 29.
Virgo/6th house: Ruled by Mercury. Body parts related to intestines, fingers, and lower spine. Degrees associated with the sign 6 and 18.
Libra/7th house: Ruled by Venus. Body parts related to kidney, skin, and lumbar. Degrees associated with the sign 7 and 19.
Scorpio/8th house: Ruled by Pluto (traditional astrology ruler Mars). Body parts related to bladder, anus, nose, and appendix. Degrees associated with the sign 8 and 20.
Sagittarius/9th house: Ruled by Jupiter. Body parts related to hips, thighs, nerves, and arteries. Degrees associated with the sign 9 and 21.
Capricorn/10th house: Ruled by Saturn. Body parts related to knees, joints, and teeth. Degrees associated with the sign 10 and 22.
Aquarius/11th house: Ruled by Uranus (traditional astrology ruler Saturn). Body parts related to legs, ankles, and circulation/blood. Degrees associated with the sign 11 and 23.
Pisces/12th house: Ruled by Neptune (traditional astrology ruler Jupiter). Body parts related to feet and toes. Degrees associated with the sign 12 and 24.
Maturity is when you stop making excuses and start making changes...
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