Insane ramblings are the best. If we remembered half of ours our blog would be filled with them. Alas the horrors of the mind cannot be expressed outside of this vessel (words are neat idk what I'm saying lol)
Thats so real. We kinda just post whatever but most times it becomes really rambly and passionate and dadada
Also fun fact: I'm a creative writing major at my art school.
Words are my favorite thing in the world lol
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Hello! You posted about how you wanted more plural friends to talk about system stuff with
We are always happy to talk abt system stuff with anyone!
- @sovereignsystem
Hi!! :D thank you for reaching out again! I'd love to chat. Are yall okay with dms?
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Us casually scrolling through tumblr
Tumblr: shows us ur blog posts like at least 10 times
Us: Fine! We'll follow.
Anyway hi lol. Ur blog seems really neat!
welcome! Glad you're here :) thank you for following and yknow I'm glad you think the blogs neat cause scrolling through sometimes it just looks like the insane ramblings of a madman lmao
Anyways! Thank you again for following and dont be afraid to interact more in the future :)
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I love talking about myself.
You ask me questions about myself? I could spend literal hours happily talking about me.
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dear people who believe in ‘narcissistic abuse’,
count your days.
this is a threat.
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i hate that BPD gives me such a lack of emotional permanence.
you can spend hours describing the ways in which you care about me, yet the moment you stop my brain will immediately decide you hate me and are destined to leave me.
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I feel like my chest is caving in on itself. I need someone to give me their undivided constant attention. I need someone to need me. I need to be someone's favorite person in the whole world and i need them to be as obsessed with me as I am with them.
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That precious moment when people call you toxic, manipulative, evil, cruel, and any other "bad" adjective, and instead of feeling guilty you feel drugged on supply. Please, keep talking sweetheart. I'm near divine at this point.
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How to get a partner system that we're compatible with without having to sift through a million people. No glue no borax.
-Rhodney (he/she/xe)
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Alright. So idk if I need to say this. But I want to so I will.
It is not acceptable to treat narcissists as less than people. Period.
As someone who has grown up with everyone around me throwing the term "narcissist" in my face. As if it was the worst kind of person I could ever be. It has shaped me into the person I am. And ironically the person I am, I acknowledge has narcissistic tendencies. But I'm no longer ashamed about that. Cause yknow what? Its not an insult.
People with npd. Or cluster b disorders in general, are not inherantly bad people. Thats an outdated and ableist viewpoint.
also, because im tryna disprove all the shit i can with the information i have. The thing is, is that having a narcissist in your life doesnt have to be miserable. Because with all people, not just narcissists, your relationship with them is up to you. If you treat someone like shit right off the bat they will get defensive and fight back against the mistreatment.
People with npd, from my understanding, while they may not have empathy, or may not know how to understand fully. i imagine that being upfront about your boundaries and being firm in what you need. They respond to that. Trying to make them feel bad when they physically cant will just drive a wedge between yall.
(If i have accidentally said anything that has come across as i did not intend-because this post is attempting to make my stance as a npd safe blog clear-please do tell me.)
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We personally hate spaces where all caps is completely banned. Due to having alters who almost exclusively talk in all caps due to just being loud people. We feel its uneccesarily restrictive
-Rhodney (he/she/xe)
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-Willow (She/her)
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I wanna start a fight. Nah nah nah nah nah nah I wanna start a fight nah nah nah nah nah nah I wanna a FIGHT-
-Rhodney (he/she/xe)
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Reminder that all systems and alters are valid!!
If everyone in your system has the same interests thats cool!
If no one in your sys has the same interests thats okay too!
You don't have an inner world? Thats okay!
You have an inner world? Itd be cool to hear about it!
You use obscure roles to describe your jobs in the sys? Thats okay!! Us too!
You mostly have introjects in the sys? Thats cool! Us too!
Most alters are brainmade? Awesome!!!
Youre source is problematic? Thats okay you dont have to separate yourself from it if you arent ready or willing to!
You have multiple sources? Me too!!
All systems are valid<3
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Tw: substance use, addiction
I need to smoke something right now or istg ill go insane. Either that or i needa chug down some beer. God fucking dammit i thought i got over this. I thought i was done with doing this but i took a hit of a friends vape and now im back at square one. I havent needed to indulge in forever. But now under my skin feels itchy and i cant stop thinking about getting my hands on something. Anything. Anything at all to stop the tightness in my chest and the shaking of my hands
-Rhodney (he/she/xe)
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Nom nom nom
reblog to fucking bite the person you reblog from
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Does anyone know any good cluster b based online spaces? Like a discord server or something?
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