Dude for real though your worth as a human being is not dependent on how productive or “useful” you are. You could do nothing but lay in bed all today and you’d still be worthy of respect and care. Bro you are a living breathing human being and your life has inherent value. Like straight up you don’t have to do something impossible or world changing with your time on earth in order for you to matter. We are all specks of dust in the cosmos and the fact that you exist at all means you are important. Dude you don’t have to earn the right to live bro, like I swear bro, like no cap.
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requested by @adozenforks :)
- just from reading something’s scientific name, you can picture it perfectly in your mind. this is odd, as you’ve never taken any Latin before
- your DNA model twists and turns on for eternity, an endless helix of nucleotides that you can’t look away from
- you’ve computed the Punnett squares. you Knew Graham’s parents, knew their blue eyes, and it just doesn’t Make Sense that Graham’s eyes are a deep, dark brown
- you cut into the oleander leaf hoping to examine the cellular structure with transmission electron microscopy. as soon as the scalpel gets past the skin, red beads of a viscous fluid drops from the plant. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say it looked like blood
- they brought in fetal pigs to dissect during class. opening your pig, the organs are smeared with … clown makeup?
- you copy the diagrams directly from your textbook, though you think it might be an outdated copy, or maybe a misprint with incorrect proportions. you don’t remember the tibia being that Long, when you look down to check your leg it seems to match the diagram exactly. by the end of the semester, you are a perfect, textbook specimen. your Professor asks you to stay after class for some, ah, extra lab experience
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Sergeant miss sad eyes reporting for suffering
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Tumblr media
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I'm what the kids call
Sleep deprived
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I am having a Weird. Fucking .Time
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Dean Winchester and Barney Stinson would be best friends
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Third base is them seeing you have a anxiety attack 🫶🏼
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I don't understand how some people hate rain?
Like rain is tiny ocean kisses how can you hate it?
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I think the reason no one has done a Pride and Prejudice adaptation in 17 years is because after the 1995 and 2005 versions they knew they would only be embarrassing themselves.
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What tf is talking stage? Worship my every move or die✨
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Why tf do I crave academic validation but at the same time live and breathe procrastination??
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Did it hurt when you forgot your earphones at home and you couldn't romanticize your walk?
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What is the probability that someday I can't express myself with words so I just say Ajshduamfkanc to your face?
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In my "this cannot continue yet it does" era🫶🏼
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Take me to art museums and make out with me✨
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"If you must die, I'll envy the earth that wraps your body "
-Albert Camus, state of siege
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