#zeno x shin-ah
koukaimagines · 4 months
Hello! Could you write headcanons for the four dragons with a female s/o who is sick and how they would go about taking care of her?
Hello Anon! Thanks for sending this in when you did! I'm so sorry about the long wait. Every time I get requests about the dragons fretting about their s/o for any reason, I get so excited because they're all very cute (and maybe even cuter when they worry)
These might be reminiscent of my injured s/o HCs with Jaeha and Kija as the topic of discussion is somewhat similar! (ailed s/o with dragons caring for them)
I also happened to fall sick while working on this LMAO, but side note: using my platform to say please mask up when you go about your day! Masking is a way to protect yourself and your community members, especially those at risk/who suffer chronic conditions due to or not due to the novel COVID-19 virus— the pandemic is not over!
Pronouns for this ask will be she/her as used by anon!
Kija is a member number 1 of the overprotective squad. He already wishes to treat you delicately under normal circumstances, so if ailment befalls you, you can bet that protective nature will flare up more. He makes sure you're in bed and resting no matter what you say and takes care of all of your chores for you.
Much like he would in my injured s/o HCs, Kija would want to be as knowledgable as he could be about your illness and would ask Yun questions about your condition, unusually attentive and serious while taking the info in.
He's very worried about you! It agonizes him to see you suffer headaches or sore throats— anything that your illness inflicts on you, he would take in your stead and he would often voice this to you at your bedside.
He'd help you eat and feed you without question, and maybe even force feed you before Yun tells him not to bother you too much in case you're suffering from headache/unable to stomach anything, but of course you make sure he knows his intentions are appreciated.
I don't know what to call this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: Kija is ecstatic he gets to take care of you. He thinks it ill-hearted on his part to be happy about your unfortunate state, but really, he's just happy to be at your service in any way he can. Your being sick only increases the opportunities for him to show you how much he loves you and how much he cares.
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Shinah is member number 2 of the overprotective squad. He'd go to great lengths to make sure you're well-accommodated and ask Ao to be with you at times he may have to leave your side. He gives you his fluffy coat of fur and braves the cold without it because he thinks you need it much, much, much more than he does.
He sends you glares if you try to be proactive. He really really wants you to rest because Yun advised it and said it would go away faster if you slept and ate and don't overexert yourself.
While he's out in the field and happens upon some wildflowers and thinks of you, he may hear from Yona or Zeno that he could give them to you as a get-well-soon gift. Even though it's a form of courtesy, he wants to believe that it's like a prayer for you to get well soon and thinks it will help you fight your illness.
He always keeps an eye on you. Every time you run out of water, Shinah would make sure to fetch some more for you. You don't even have to ask— if he sees that your cup is empty, he'll be right back with it full. Even at night, if he happens to be on night guard duty, he'll care for you all the same.
I don't know what to call this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: Shinah loves taking care of you. He feels like he's doing something good and that makes him feel good and worthy. He has a bit of a hard time expressing his feelings for you in words, so in some ways similar to Kija, Shinah would take this time to make sure you're well-taken care of because he wants you to know how much you mean to him. He really, really wants you to get better.
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While you're sick, Jaeha often teases you with things like feeding you dinner and saying that you must've gotten sick so he can dote on you, or hoping that he'll catch your illness and be in bed with you, but he's actually really careful (worried) and observant of your state and wants to make sure you're comfortable.
As always, he cares much more than he lets on, and does things for you outside of the periphery of you and the group. Once he's caught, he plays it cool (like he always does) and keeps going about his day doing things for you.
While you're sleeping, he'd often sit there and watch your peaceful expression. If you have fever, he'd be there to change out the wet towel on your forehead, but he's otherwise there just watching you. When someone else walks in on him, he's unusually startled— I'll let you decipher why on your own. :) (spoiler: he's embarrassed for no reason and gets more embarrassed because he felt embarrassed but he plays it cool— it's complicated. TLDR Jaeha's silly but we already know that.)
Generally, Jaeha may tease you but his true feelings can be gleaned from how he blows on the steaming porridge in your spoon and the way he pulls the covers over you when you lay down.
I don't know how to word this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: Jaeha secretly loves the intimacy of being at your side and having you rely on him. He'd be quite open about how he's loving it (it'd come off a bit teasing and as typically non-betraying-his-feelings as Jaeha can get), but there's a deeper emotion that he's feeling while he goes through the motions of taking care of you that he wants to keep all to himself.
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When you're sick, Zeno already knows the motions of caring for you pretty well. He's his usual cheery self and his sunny disposition almost cheers your recovery on like a cheerleader.
Outside of caring for you, Zeno likes picking flowers as get-well-soon gifts. He likes to tell you all about the shenanigans of the group that you may have missed in your time resting, and his lips stretch into that heart-wrenching smile of his as he watches you giggle about how silly the group can be.
Zeno sticks by you the most out of the three dragons. Because he's immune to illness and fatigue, Yun trusts him to look after you the most while he may have his hands tied with other chores. Because of his inability to feel fatigue, Zeno also rests by you while you sleep despite your many demands for him to get some sleep. "Zeno doesn't need sleep, so you rest well, Y/N." You can hear his care in the way your name rolls off his tongue despite his infrequent use of it.
When he feeds you, he lightly brushes his lips against the spoon to make sure it's just the right temperature.
I don't know what to call this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: He finds your sick state incredibly endearing— it evokes a lot of memories for him that are bittersweet but nevertheless precious. He knows your pain will only be temporary and takes each action he takes to care for you with a profound contentedness and hope that he'll see you bounce back within a few weeks' time.
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anime-fan-05 · 6 months
Hiii <3
Can you do a scenario of the Four Dragons, Hak, Yoon and Soo-won (separated) sleeping with a fem reader?
For the Dragons and Hak, Yona got sick and Yoon is taking care of her, so reader can't sleep with them in the tent and chooses one of the dragons or Hak to sleep with.
For Yoon, reader was one of Yona's handmaids and escaped with her from the palace. During the journey she fell ill, so Yoon has to stay in the tent with her to take care of her, and Yona sleeps with Hak.
For Soo-won, reader is Hak's younger sister and Yona and Soo-won's childhood friend. Since King Il was killed (she doesn't know it was Soo-won) and Yona and Hak ran away, she has struggled to sleep due to worry and nightmares, but one night a nightmare scared and traumatized her so much she can't sleep anymore, so she decides to sleep with Soo-won.
Sorry if it's confusing, it's the first time I've asked this request.
Akatsuki no Yona ~Sleeping together 1st part~
Manga/anime: Akatsuki no Yona
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
As usual, I divided the scenario into two parts: 2nd part is here.
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"Kija, can't you sleep?" (Y/N) sleepily asks the man next to her.
"N-no. I'm sorry ohime-sama (princess), I'm just worrying you." The girl turns to the Dragon and she finds him shaking and flushed.
"Is it because of me?" The princess asks worriedly, all her sleep seems to vanish.
"N-no!" Kija screams, maybe a little too loudly.
"It's just that -he continues- I-I've never slept with anyone before and-and... I feel a strange feeling in my heart."
"If I make you uncomfortable, then I'd rather sleep with someone else..." (Y/N) says sadly, worried about how the Dragon feels. However, she really wanted to be close to him.
The girl is about to get up, but Kija gently takes her hand and brings her back to lie next to him (keeping a distance, of course).
"N-no, stay here, ohime-sama. Y-your presence doesn't make me uncomfortable at all." It's clearly a lie, but the fact the man wants to be with her so much he doesn't sleep at night due to nervousness makes (Y/N) very happy and makes her feel the wonderful feeling of being appreciated and loved.
"Alright then." The princess approaches Kija slightly and takes his right hand (the dragon's hand).
"Thank you, Kija, -she leans over and kisses the Dragon on the cheek- and good night."
Meanwhile, our dear Hakuryuu (White Dragon) has fainted from nervousness.
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"Your fur is so warm and soft, Shin-Ah!" (Y/N) comments happily to Shin-Ah, who gave her the fur stuck to his mask to keep her sleeping comfortably and warmly.
"But you should come a little closer. Aren't you cold?" The girl pulls the Dragon's arm slightly to ensure he's also covered by that improvised blanket. So, Shin-Ah gets a little closer and the princess notices he hasn't taken off his mask.
Typically, the boy always takes it off before going to sleep, so (Y/N) worries: she thinks he hasn't taken it off yet for fear of accidentally paralyzing her. This makes her happy, but also sad: she's so happy Shin-Ah cares about her well-being, but she's sad, because she knows this behavior is due to trauma.
"Shin-Ah, doesn't the mask bother you to sleep? Do you want to take it off?" The Dragon immediately shakes his head.
"Don't worry, I won't look you in the eyes." The girl closes her eyes. After a few seconds, she hears the boy move to take off his mask.
After making sure Shin-Ah has taken it off, the princess moves closer to him until they are both covered in the fur, taking his face in her hands and stroking it gently, making him blush.
"Good night, Shin-Ah." (Y/N) whispers, with her eyes still closed.
"Good night..."
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"Jae-Ha! You're too close!" (Y/N) exclaims, annoyed Jae-Ha is so close to her.
"Hmmm? (Y/N)-chan, don't you want to sleep in a comfortable, warm position?"
The princess is curled up against the man, her arms resting against his chest and her head in the crook of his neck; the Dragon lies on his side with his long arms and legs wrapped around the girl.
"Yes but..."
"But?" Jae-Ha urges (Y/N).
"This position is so embarrassing!" The girl admits, pushing her face into the man's chest, to keep him from seeing her flushed face.
"I don't think you don't like it, you're holding me so tight. You're really cute and hot, dear."
"Jae-Ha!" The princess screams in embarrassment.
"Please -she adds- don't make fun of me."
How could she fall in love with him? How? (Y/N) is been asking herself this question since they met, but there are no answers to some questions...
"Whatever, (Y/N)-chan. Anyway, I wasn't teasing you."
"Jae-Ha..." The girl whispers, struck by Jae-Ha's words.
"You're really hot."
How the hell did she come up with the idea of sleeping with this pervert?
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"Yes, missy?"
"You're holding me too tight!" (Y/N) complains against Zeno.
They're in a really nice position: the boy is lying on his back with his arms wrapped around the princess' waist; the girl has her head and hands on the Dragon's chest. There would be nothing wrong with this position, except that Zeno is, unknowingly, squeezing (Y/N) to death.
"It doesn't seem to Zeno that Zeno is holding the missy too tightly. Zeno must stay close to the missy, otherwise Zeno won't be able to protect her." The boy says innocently, making the girl blush violently.
"You're so cute, Zeno." The princess whispers, burying her face in the crook of the Dragon's neck.
"The missy is cute too!"
Zeno will truly be her death for his cuteness, (Y/N) thinks.
"But can I know why you're always so close to me? N-not that it bothers me or anything, I just want to know..."
"The missy reminds Zeno of his wife, so Zeno wants to be close to the missy and protect her. Zeno loves the missy!"
If (Y/N) was a little red before, now she's a perfect tomato.
"I love you too, Zeno. Thank you... for taking care of me."
"You're welcome missy!"
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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blueowlreader · 2 months
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Jaeki <3
Kija secretly makes secretly a crown of flower for Jaeha but Zeno and Shin-ah discover it 🤭
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I reached 50 drawings I made myself for this fantastic anime😄🥰.
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I'm really grateful😚, I love all of my drawings 💙 each one is special for me🥰 But I have a weakness for them😉💕. There are more that I didn't uploaded yet, in the future I will upload them😉💕. That's my 10 favorites (Tumblr photo limit😔) so far🤗💙.... You can find them all of my drawings in my old profile @kazumasamaanime .
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Akayona Fanfiction - The Fade of Moonlight
CHAPTER 8: Chasing Thunder Clouds - Just published!
Need to catch up? Here’s the link for Ch. 7 - A Fate Worse Than Death
New to the fic? Here’s the link for Ch. 1 - Fear of Loss
"The Fade of Moonlight" - Spotify
Each song corresponds with a chapter number. I'll be adding more songs as I publish more chapters!
As always, I hope y’all enjoy it 💚
If you do, please leave a kudos or a comment in AO3! They are no longer counting non--account readers in the hit tally. Kudos and comments are a great way to let authors know you read and enjoyed their work!
I’m so happy I was able to complete this chapter before the end of the year!!! Life through me for a loop once again and I struggled with transitioning the two sections of this chapter. I think the way I ended up doing it was good and also may have filled in an accidental plot hole. What’s also great about this chapter is that it’s also a transition chapter. We have finally finished Act I of the fic and are moving into Act II. Yay!!! 
How many Acts are there? There’s only 3 Acts. How many chapters are in each Act? No one can guess, not even me lol. There were 8 chapters in the first Act and this whole fic was originally supposed to be 10 chapters long... However, that is the beauty of writing. You start with an idea and it just evolves and transforms into something you could have never imagined.
Thanks again for reading 🥰 
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"He saw red. Not the red of blood leaving his body or pain obscuring his vision. It was the red he saw each night upon closing his eyes and the red he sought each morning the moment he opened them. The red that colored his strongest desires and haunted his deepest fears. The red that served as his guiding force, like a trail of radiant sunlight; that set his life ablaze and drove him forward each day. It was the red of his very heart."
A group of South Kai soldiers ambush Yona and her companions' camp while traveling in Earth Tribe lands. The story starts in the midst of battle, and Hak is struggling to regroup with the rest of the dragons. Cornered by enemies one after the other, things are looking grim when he receives aid from someone unexpected.
This is totally new for me, but I wrote an AnY / HakYona fic! This series has taken over my life in the best way, and after reading so many incredible fics out there, I needed my own outlet lol. Feel free to give it a read and let me know your thoughts! I hope you enjoy <3
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 9 Group 44
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch: Yona, Son Hak, Yoon, Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha, Zeno
MSR: Fox Mulder & Dana Scully
Submissions are still open!
Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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softxsuki · 4 months
Hello! I have a request for Valentines day letter event! I would like one with Shin ah from Akatsuki no Yona x fem reader. I don't mind about pet names, so it's your choice. We’re in an established relationship for a few years (maybe we lived in the same village, friends since we were teenagers and now we are a couple, reader is in the Yona's team too). I want to see it fluff. You know, Shin ah is soo shy and doesn't know how to impress his feeling to reader with words and he writes her a letter about his true feelings, like everything he can't tell by words. Location: anywhere, somewhen while our adventure. I feel that he will silently give the letter to the reader before splitting into 2 teams. That's everything! I requesting for events for first time, I hope it's fits to the rules, thank you!!
Shin-ah's Love Letter to His Lover
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Shin-ah x Fem!Reader| Genre: Fluff| Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 960 |
Warnings: kissing
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy your letter from Shin-ah! This was one of my favorites to write &lt;3
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Yona had suggested to the group to split up in the upcoming village so they wouldn’t get too many suspicious glances. There were already enough bold individuals in your group, so low profile clothes and hats to cover their colorful hair was a start to concealing your identities.
You were set to go off with Zeno, Hak, and Yona while Jae-ha, Kija, Yun, and Shin-ah went the other way. You had wanted to be in the same group as your boyfriend, Shin-ah, but when you brought it up, you could see his ears go red behind his mask as he quickly shook his head.
Slightly disappointed, you let it go, but you couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to split up with you in his group, was he upset with you? 
Just as you’re about to head in the direction your  group was set to go in, you feel a tug on your sleeve, and spin around to see Shin-ah. There’s a piece of paper rolled up and tied nicely in his hands which he quickly hands to you. He holds your hand briefly, giving it a squeeze before he runs back to his group. Jae-ha watches him with a teasing smile, smacking him on the back once Shin-ah reaches him, causing the blue-haired man to rush away from him quickly.
You can’t help the fond smile that appears on your lips, turning your attention back to the paper in your hands. Yona tells the group to start walking, which you all do, and you begin to unroll the paper and read its contents as you walk, careful not to trip over anything;
My Star,
Jae-ha told me that today was a day where men and women in his old village would come together and tell each other how much they love one another. Showing extra love, exchanging letters, and buying gifts for the one they love. I wanted to do the same, so here is my letter to start with. I’m not very good with my words, so hopefully I can convey my heart's passion for you in this writing instead.
If I am the moon, then you are my star. My sun, igniting me and giving me the light that I now have. Without you, I’m nothing but a dark mass, void of anything. Invisible to others until your light reaches me once more. My star, you shine brightly always, drawing everyone in and leaving your warmth behind. 
You were my hope back in our old village when I was hidden away. Never allowing me to be on my own and treating me like a human being the entire time when others saw me as nothing but a monster. You encouraged me to finally be free from the shackles I placed on myself and helped me experience true happiness in our new group. I don’t know how or why you decided to be my other half, but it is something I will always be grateful for. 
I know I’m not good at saying these things to you. I still can’t find my voice or courage to use it as much as I’d like. One day, I’d like to say all these beautiful things to your face as you hear me say them. I promise I will, just give me more time to find my courage. 
My star, I love you and I thank you for loving me back. I’m sorry for declining your request to split up together…I guess I’m a little embarrassed about giving this to you, but I hope you like it. Thank you for existing and being my light.
Your Moon.
You can’t control the silent tears that flow from your eyes, landing on the paper in your hands as you read over his words, two then three and four more times. No one had ever done something so romantic before. You didn’t even know he had these beautiful words about you in his heart, but you were beyond happy to read them. Perhaps the quiet ones really are secretly the most passionate. 
You tuck the note safety into your bag that was slung around you, wiping the stray tears from your eyes as you smile to yourself. You couldn’t wait to meet back up with your group so you could show your lover some of your own love for him.
You all safely make it through the village, stopping at some stalls for food or other resources that we needed to continue our journey. Yun was probably stopping in the other group to get medical supplies and other necessities he’d need as well. It didn’t take too long before you met up at your designated location, waiting for the other group to arrive.
And that’s when you see him. A sliver of blue hair beyond the trees with the rest of his group, walking towards you. You can’t help the explosion of emotions inside you, as you run the rest of the way towards him, straight into his arms, making him lose his balance for a moment before he holds you, steadying himself.
You grin from ear to ear, leaning in to press a kiss to his exposed lips,
“Your letter was beautiful, Shin-ah,” you whisper against his lips, you feel his arms tighten around you as you speak. “Thank you. I love you so much”
You see a hint of pink reach his cheeks as he lets you go and digs around in the pocket inside the cloak he was wearing to disguise himself, pulling out some flowers.
“I found them on our walk here,” he says softly, handing them to you. “I love you, too”
Your shy lover was not only sweet, but incredibly thoughtful and 1000000% yours.
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Posted: 2/24/2024
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randowwriter · 2 years
For the Fanfiction Writing Ask!
1, 5, 11, 15, 22, 25, 33, 34, 41, 72, & 76
Kind of both, honestly? Sometimes daydreaming sparks a story idea, and sometimes I already have one, and jump right in. I've been accidentally daydreaming every now and again about the next two friendship bracelet fics to write for you and haven't written a word. I got busy the day I wrote the Yun and Yona one, but I had starting dialogue for the Shin-Ah and Zeno one, I currently can't remember. So, hopefully, that will all come back to me. :) 5. Right now, it depends on the device. I have no works in progress on paper or on my mp3 player at the moment. (Just complete stuff on paper that I haven't typed up and edited yet.) On this computer, I have four works in progress apparently. XD One for Hetalia, Hetero!AmeLiet (Nyo!America and regular!Lithuania, a really long, complicated AU fic), one for My Roommate Is A Cat (Tora X Kuro (two street cats, to clarify) XD, one My Roommate Is A Cat/Akagami No Shirayukihime crossover fic (ZenYuki + best friend Obi), and I can't remember right now if there are any My Roommate Is A Cat pairings in it), and a ZenYuki domestic fluff, Modern AU (with kids) oneshot. If you're talking multichapter fics or other ongoing fics like oneshot collections, I'm not counting out for any of the fandoms I got into years ago. For ANS, I have a RajiHal AU multichapter fic, an ObiYuki AU multichapter fic, a ObiYuki (then eventual ZenYuki) AU multichapter fic, a RajiYuki AU multichapter fic, a possibly ZenYuki multichapter fic, that is likely not going to be super romance focused (it's a Peaceweaver AU, so technically romance without the attraction/desire, I guess??? Since the characters don't want to be married, but are or are to be married technically) that contains mentioned twosided!RajiYuki, and who knows how Zen and Shirayuki will feel about each other. For Yona of the Dawn, a oneshot collection that is told from the perspectives of Kaya, Hiryuu, and the other three Original Dragon Warriors focused on when each of them discover Zeno's powers, presumably after death for these characters. (Don't know how I'll do Hiryuu's perspective, but I'll get there.) (I'm going to try to do these in sets of two, if it will let me. Sorry in advance!)
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koukaimagines · 5 months
Son Hak:
Hak NSFW | HCs
Soowon and Hak with an s/o who's evil (undercover assassin) | HCs
Soowon with a sister | HCs
Soowon NSFW | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Soowon woman type | HCs
Soowon and Hak with an s/o who's evil (undercover assassin) | HCs
Soowon jealous | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Yun and a goofy reader squabble and make up | SCENARIO
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Kija and Jaeha tickling their female crush | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Kija x reader who has a feverish nightmare | SCENARIO
Kija and Jaeha taking care of an injured s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Shinah x reader first kiss | SCENARIO
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Shinah NSFW | HCs
Shinah with a reader who's scared of the dark | HCs
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Kija and Jaeha tickling their female crush | HCs
Yoon, Kija, Jaeha, Soowon x tavern singer!reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Jaeha NSFW | HCs
Kija and Jaeha taking care of an injured s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
Four Dragons with a younger sister reader | HCs
Reader finds out about Zeno's powers | SCENARIO
Four Dragons with a petite fem!reader | HCs
Zeno NSFW | HCs
Zeno with a reader who's afraid of thunderstorms and tries to hide it | SCENARIO
Four Dragons taking care of a sick s/o reader | HCs
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anime-fan-05 · 8 months
Started: 10th September 2023
Last update: 30th April 2024
Total works: 48
My rules are here. Please, read them before asking me.
♥️: fluff
⚡: angst (my angst are never too violent or sad and they usually have a happy ending)
Sailor Moon
Nothing yet
Inazuma Eleven
Nothing yet
Mermaid Melody
Nothing yet
Hunter x Hunter
Nicknames (Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio) ♥️
Sweet (KilluGon) ♥️
General dating headcanon: Shin ♥️, Nobu ♥️, Ren ♥️
General headcanon with a legendary singer reader who's very connected with her singing partner (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
Jealousy (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Cuddling (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
With their crush (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Boat's capsizing during your cruise (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
My Hero Academia
Nothing yet
Kimetsu no Yaiba
You call them 'handsome' 1st part (Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Yoriichi) ♥️
You call them 'handsome' 2nd part (Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
You call them 'handsome' 3rd part (Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza and Gyutaro) ♥️
General headcanon with a reader like Stitch (Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza) ♥️
You call them by their first name (Tanjiro, Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
General dating headcanon: Muzan ♥️
Cheater? (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza) ♥️⚡
Assassination Classroom
General headcanon with a VKei singer reader (Karma and Itona) ♥️
Sick (Isogai Yuuma x reader) ♥️
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nothing yet
Break up prank (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura, Sugawara and Azumane) ♥️
Getting a girlfriend (Kenma) ♥️
Akatsuki no Yona
Sleeping together 1st part (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
Sleeping together 2nd part (Hak, Yoon and Soo-won) ♥️
Together (Shin-Ah x reader) ♥️
You weren't the right one (Hak x reader) ♥️⚡
Yu Yu Hakusho
You call them 'handsome' (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a reader who thinks they're funny (Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a very feminine reader (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Hiei and Koenma) ♥️
Three times (Jin x reader) ♥️
Big proposal (Jin x reader) ♥️
Terrible day... but maybe not that much! (Jin x reader) ♥️
Attack on Titan
General headcanon with a small girlfriend (Eren, Armin, Levi and Jean) ♥️
You hug them for the first time (Reiner, Bertholdt, Porco, Zeke, Colt and Falco) ♥️
General headcanon with OCs: 1 ♥️, 2 ♥️, 3 ♥️, 4 ♥️, 5 ♥️, 6 ♥️
Kamisama Kiss
Nothing yet
Code Geass
First kiss (Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia) ♥️
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Nothing yet
First kiss 1st part (Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru) ♥️
First kiss 2nd part (Gaara, Kakashi, Obito and Itachi) ♥️
Forever (Madara x reader) ♥️⚡
I'll always stay with you (Naruto x reader) ♥️⚡
Death Note
Nothing yet
Blue Lock
Nothing yet
Nanatsu no Taizai
Nothing yet
Jujutsu Kaisen
Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Being called 'darling' by their crush 2nd part (male Zen'in Maki, male Zen'in Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
You play with their hair 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
You play with their hair 2nd part (male Zen'in Maki, male Zen'in Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
Nothing yet
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galactiquest · 2 years
Tenflight, Chapter 21: Hand-Made Gift
Fandom: Yona of the Dawn Pairing: Shin-Ah x Keungom Other Characters: Yona, Son Hak, Yoon, Kija, Jae-Ha, Zeno Other Tags: Semi-accurate depictions of the Korean monsoon season, Semi-accurate depictions of early 4th century Slavic cultural crafts, Semi-accurate depictions of two guys who could kiss if only they understood what the other was saying, Everybody gets soaking wet, Yona is treated well, The Happy Hungry Bunch is Happy at least for a little while Word Count: 1614
Summary: Yona and her group, dubbed the Happy Hungry Bunch, find themselves caught in the midst of monsoon season. With nowhere else to go, they shelter in a cave, and are soon joined by a foreign figure on mule-back.
Read it here on Quotev!
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freetobeafcknriot · 4 years
Since there's the lockdown here and everything, I've been catching up with the AkaYona Manga (I'd only seen the Anime before) and I started to,,, ship,,, Zeno and Shin-ah? I think? The fanfics were too cute? Anyway, I checked and apart from HakYona (obv), JaeKi or RyokuHaku, some other... they don't even have a ship name, do they?
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Akayona Fanfiction - The Fade of Moonlight
CHAPTER 7: A Fate Worse Than Death - Just published!
Need to catch up? Here’s the link for Ch. 6 - Love’s Cruel Resolve
New to the fic? Here’s the link for Ch. 1 - Fear of Loss
As always, I hope y’all enjoy it 💚
If you do, please leave a kudos or a comment in AO3! They are no longer counting non--account readers in the hit tally. Kudos and comments are a great way to let authors know you read and enjoyed their work!
I’m so glad I was able to get this one done in two months instead of three! I apologize for the wait, but this was a very difficult chapter to write. When you read it, you’ll understand. Let’s hope I can get the next chapter out sooner! This was the last backstory chapter, so from now on we will be back in the present with our favorite happy hungry bunch.
Thanks again for reading 🥰
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lev-s95 · 3 years
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✦ like or reblog if you save
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nobodylivesson · 3 years
Hello !! I was wondering if you could write dating headcanons for the 4 dragons + Hak + Yun with a Gender Neutral reader! Thank you !
Dating Headcanons
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Fandom : Akatsuki no Yona
Pairing : Hak x GN! Reader, Yoon x GN! reader, Kija x GN! reader, Shin-Ah x GN! reader, Jae-Ha x GN! reader, and Zeno x GN! reader
Requested? Yes
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Training with him during the night when the others sleep
Making sure he patches his injuries in time after getting them as he tends to ignore it to protect Yona
Getting teased about being shorter in height than him
At night he sleeps while keeping his head on your lap
Likes when you run your fingers through his hair after a tiring day
Always pokes fun at your cooking skills but would be the one to finish it at the end
You were the one who cushioned both Yona & Hak during the fall from the top, making you sustain a lot of injuries
So after waking up and learning about it, Hak stayed beside you to tend to your injuries for the first time leaving his duty of protecting Yona
Always like to be the big spoon
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Being the first one to wake up after the fall from the cliff, you were able to know Yoon more. He learned how you a general whose family always served the royal family didn't accept Soo-won's proposal and came along with Yona & Hak
How it must have been the reason for your family to be getting imprisoned or even beheaded in the capital as they spoke. Maybe this kind of sacrifice made Yoon lean towards you
Yoon likes showing you herbs that he finds because he likes seeing your face which lights up while learning new things
Blushes whenever you help him get stuff from high places as you're taller even when you start dating
You like picking the embarrassed Yoon up and spinning him around
Yoon doesn't let you do it that much cause it hurts his pride of a man
You both already act like a married couple squabbling about all the little things possible
You like buying trinkets for Yoon's hair whenever you go to a new town
Says he is forced to be the small spoon but secretly loves it
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You thought Kija was very cute when you had a conversation with him alone while staying in his village and he got all red after hearing you talk about your "sex life"
Made you interested in him and you decided to pursue him
Turns red whenever you do something unexpected like a kiss or hug out of nowhere which happens very often
Shows to be very serious but is actually very insecure about himself thinking he isn't good enough for you
But even though you pursued him to quench your interest, you started to love him along the way and now dedicate your heart to him
Always reassuring your love for him at the end of the day by giving a kiss to his lips
Holding each other pinkies while traveling with the group
Kija felt awkward at first when you used to suddenly start twirling with him as if you're dancing whenever he was alone but now he cherishes these moments the most
Loves being the small spoon
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You who never was starved of love or isolated after learning a little about Shin-ah's past you felt sad and wanted to help him feel no more loneliness thus you started to try to get close to him
Shin-ah isn't very comfortable with physical touch while walking and you understand that so instead you try to be beside him as much as you can
But during the night Shin-ah loves when he falls asleep on your shoulder cause that's the place where he feels the warmest
Helping in fixing his mask whenever cracks appear and making sure nobody tries to look into his face
Watching the stars with him some nights while sitting close to each other
Aoi stays with you whenever Shin-ah is not there, she is like your and Shin-ah's child
Sometimes when Shin-ah wants to open his mask you wear a blindfold so he can open it in front of you
Giving him a kiss on his lips out of nowhere while you both are talking just so you can see him blush
You're the big spoon on his request
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You were there with Hak when he hit the official for forcing the girl and meet Jae-ha. Since then he kept trying to recruit you along with Hak and you both somehow got closure
Just to fluster you,he picks you up in bridal still and starts jumping in the air and likes when you cling to him out of fear
Is very touchy and has to maintain physical contact with you no matter where
Sometimes tries to do something perverted but gets smacked by Hak or Yoon
Jae-ha sleeps the last and you wait for him so you can sleep together
You aren't good with alcohol and others might think he would use this situation to do something perverted when you get drunk but actually takes good care of you until you're sober
Likes hearing about your day while you sit in his lap after he had a tiring day
Only allows you to play with his hair and make it into different hairstyles
Always been the big spoon
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You're the only person who can cook except for Yoon so after Zeno appeared and there wasn't enough fill for him,you happily cooked for Zeno as Yoon was busy
Always happy to cook for Zeno and keep a separate stash for him since he tends to get hungry easily
Making sure Zeno not wanders off on his own and gets lost from the group
Singing to him at night as he sleeps on your lap while burying his face on your stomach
Zeno sometimes tends to get lonely but you made sure to make him understand that you're always there to give him your time
Going on berries and fruit hunt with Zeno
Learning a little about his past and hugging him for the rest of the day
Always saying that you would stay with Zeno till the last of your breathe cause you didn't want him to be lonely
Lets him be the big spoon because he enjoys it
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