#you think imma write for this prompt and not make it a little bit of a joke?
enjoythesilentworld · 26 days
Wille's Month - Riding
day 9 @youngroyals-events xx thank you for all you do.
“You’re sure you don’t want a ride from me instead?”
Wille really enjoys his morning. 
rating: T (cw implied sexual content... duh)
read below the cut or on ao3.
A very loud beeping jolts Simon out of sleep. He scrunches his face and burrows further into the pillow, trying to drown out the sound. The warmth next to him shifts away and there’s a chill that runs down his back at the morning air on his newly exposed skin. Even worse, he’d been having a very nice dream, and was interrupted right before the good part. 
“Sorry, love.” Wille’s sweet voice reaches his ears, much more pleasant than the alarm which is now, thankfully, shut off. 
The sound reminds him that he can fix both problems quite easily. Not only is Wille perfectly warm, he was also the main star of Simon’s dream. He reaches out blindly, wrapping his arms around Wille’s waist and pulling him closer. Though he has yet to open his eyes, he knows Wille’s body just as well as his own and can easily find the soft skin of his neck to kiss. 
“I’ve got to get ready for work, my love,” Wille whispers, brushing curls out of Simon’s face, who shakes his head and latches his legs around Wille, as well. “Simon.” 
Grudgingly, he peeks his eyes open just a sliver to look up at Wille, who’s already smiling down at him with a loving gaze. “Get some more sleep,” he says, then begins to move away. And that simply won’t do, Simon has other plans. He lets Wille untangle himself from Simon’s koala-like grip, but reaches out for him again, catching him by the arm. Wille turns back and plants a soft kiss to the inner skin of Simon’s palm, then his forehead, before slipping away. As his beautiful boyfriend begins to clank around in the bathroom, Simon flops back onto the bed and thinks. He kicks the rest of the sheets off and poses himself just so, then he waits. 
When Wille re-enters the room, humming happily, he barely spares Simon a glance, already browsing the closet for an outfit. He’s a buzz of energy, flitting around the room excitedly. This was pretty typical for Wille, ever the morning person, but Simon knows today is special. Still, Simon also knows he’d really liked that dream, dammit. 
“Baby,” he purrs, rolling onto his side, “come here.” 
It’s as if he’s said nothing, though, because Wille turns around, holding up two ties and asks, “Which do you think is better?”
Simon tries not to look too exasperated. He’s laid himself all pretty on the bed and Wille is asking him about ties.
“The right one,” he says, then crawls forward on the bed. “Do you want my help?” 
Wille nods happily and strides forward, handing over the strip of silk. 
“Guess what today is?” Wille asks giddily, practically bouncing on the spot. 
“What’s today, baby?” he indulges, focused on looping the tie around Wille’s neck, being sure to caress the soft skin there as he goes. It’s one of his favorite spots. 
Wille grins wildly and doesn’t even flinch when Simon leans forward to press a lingering kiss on his jaw. “I’m riding the bus to work today.”
Ah, yes. With Wille’s renouncement of his title and officially stepping down from the throne, he was now, technically, a private citizen. Things had been tumultuous and crazy for a while with the press and the royal court, but he had recently received the affirmative that he no longer required security or private transport. Now, Wille was just Wille. He finally had the normal life he’d been hoping for, wishing for his whole life. When they’d gotten the news, Wille had collapsed into Simon’s arms on the couch and cried in relief. Simon had cried, too. Like that last little weight had been lifted, that last little wedge between them removed. 
So, when Wille had been hired for a new job soon after, he’d been ecstatic. He also had not stopped talking about how excited he was to ride the bus. Sure, they rode public transportation together all the time. This, Wille said, was different. It was an everyday, normal thing. Simon understood. In fact, he found it adorable, if not a little ridiculous, that Wille seemed more excited for the bus ride than the actual job. 
“You’re sure you don’t want a ride from me instead of taking the bus?” he teases, giggling softly when Wille makes an affronted noise. 
“Simon,” he pulls back.
“I know, I’m just joking. Unless,” he pauses, reaching out a hand to fiddle with Wille’s belt, “you’d like to ride me before you go?” 
Wille groans and, ever so slightly, leans into Simon’s touch. “You can’t…”
“Can’t what?” Simon asks innocently, tilting his head up from where he’s knelt on the bed before his boyfriend. He leans upwards and presses a kiss to the corner of Wille’s mouth.
“I’ve really got to go,” he mumbles, half lost in a sigh as Simon kisses along his neck, using the tie to pull him closer. Simon just hums in assent, then guides Wille further forward, coaxing him back into bed. He doesn’t get very far, though, because Wille manages to slip out of Simon’s grip again. 
“I love you,” he says, already grabbing shoes and heading towards the kitchen, “so much. And I promise the second I get home tonight I will be all yours.” 
Simon groans softly in slight frustration, but lets him go. Any remaining frustration is quickly dissipated when Wille sends him many happy selfies along his journey. One at the bus stop, one of the bus pulling up in the background, one with the actual bus driver – how he managed that one, Simon does not know – and a final one of him settled in his seat. He looks incredibly happy and proud, and Simon’s heart swells at the sight. It all works out because later that night, Wille returns with a ridiculous amount of stories about the ride to and from work, then happily follows through on his promise. 
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jaegerluvss · 4 months
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𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈— 𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐦
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖞𝖕𝖊 :: short fic ( SFW )
> 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊 :: Hi hii (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ ! ! Umm…so (◕‿◕) Let’s not talk about how I just disappeared for like 4 months lol… school has been taking up so much time lately, and I’ve been so stressed that I never really had the time to come on here to write :p But thats okay! Everyone has their off days! Or months in my case (//▽//) This specific prompt has been sitting at the back of my mind for the longest time, so i suppose now is the perfect time to actually write it !! Hope you guys enjoy <33
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“There’s no way in hell I’m letting you do that.” Your boyfriend 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈 huffs as he shoves past you with his hands in his pockets.
“Oh come on babe!” You whine, following right behind him as you wave your eyeshadow palette around. “It’s only a little! I swear I won’t post it anywhere or show anybody, it’s just gonna be between us. You would look so cute!’
Katsuki snorts as you say that, swirling around with his arms crossed as he glared down at you.
“Shit, if I got anything out of it maybe I’d agree. What’re you willin’ to do? Cause I for sure ain’t gonna do it without something in return.” He says, a smug smile appearing on his face.
You cross your arms back at him, lifting your head up and looking him straight in the eyes.
“…I’ll get you that new Zelda game you’ve been wanting. Tears of the kingdom, is it called?” you say, knowing he would never back down from such an opportunistic moment. ( Off topic but i headcanon that bakugou is a HUGE botw fan. Horikoshi told me himself! )
You see his face falter a bit as he stares at you in shock.
“Wha—you know thats like $70 right? You would waste $70 just to put some shit on my face that Imma wipe off anyway?” He replies, not thinking you’re serious.
You nod your head. “Yes. I would! Now will you let me do it or not?” You say, swinging makeup brushes in front of his face.
You can see him contemplating everything for a moment before giving in, sighing loudly and scratching the back of his neck.
“Fine. But you better get me the game after like you promised.” He groaned.
You squeal loudly in excitement as you take his hand quickly, dragging him over to the couch to get things started.
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Katsuki was layed on the couch comfortably as you were sat on his lap, carefully applying some bright pink eyeshadow on his lids. Every time you tapped something on, his face would scrunch up and crinkle, ruining your ability to do it precisely.
“Katsuki, I swear if you move one more time! You’re making me mess up!” You huff at him.
He rolls his eyes, pushing the brush away from his face as he tried to sit up.
“Its not my fucking fault that thing is itchy as hell. Why d’ya gotta add so much?” He complains.
“Its all part of the process! Now just stay still and look pretty, I’ll do the rest.” You say, pushing him back down and dabbing more eyeshadow onto your brush.
You can hear him sigh in annoyance as he lays back down, grumbling to himself.
“You’re lucky I love you…” you hear him say.
You try not to smile at his comment but a small grin takes shape as you mix in some glitter with the pink.
𝐇𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐯𝐯𝐬. 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 !
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ivanzplaid · 11 months
Ok so I have this idea but I don't know how to write it. Can I get head cannons for Vincent Sinclair, Amanda Young, Billy Lenz, Otis Driftwood, Doomhead and Jason Voorhees if that's not too much. So they give their s/o a piece of clothing and their s/o returns it but they sprayed their perfume/colonge on it so it smells like them and the slashers reactions to finding that out. Thank you <3
im clearing out my inbox and i saw this and i screamed because I LOVE THIS PROMPT OMG??? adorable i love them all snd im screaming, you always give the best requests 😭
the slashers you chose are adorable theyre so perfect for this btw. ive been having some bill mosely brain rot so im literally rolling. i am adding leo barnes because yk i gotta spread my gospel about niche little characters i love, sorry man✊ but all other slashers are included!!
there are only 10-12 hcs per character this time because theres so many people my b💔
requests r open, masterlist is up!!!
Slashers + Leo Barnes x Gn!Reader + Giving back clothes (that smells like the reader)
Warnings: fluff, some wiseass comments from otis and doomhead, some trauma mentions from amanda, vincent & leo's source, like a LITTLE nsfw in leo's section.... mainly toothrotting fluff imma keep it real
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Vincent Sinclair
vincent loves to be reminded of you, he loves to see himself in you ( or you in him ) because hes proud to have someone in his life as loving and gracious as you are, so he didnt hesitate to give his s/o a piece of his clothing
you wearing one of his sweaters, or even sweatpants, has him lightly smiling beneath his mask. he thinks you look like a piece of art in it, and wants to hold and touch you because of that
so after a few days of having it and wearing it, it was bound to smell like you. but just to play with him, you sprayed a little bit more of your cologne on, knowing he'll always think of you when wearing it
when he receives it, hes left wanting to be with you. youre on his brain, youve left him longing for your presence, something in his brain clicked. he'll be laying his head on your shoulder and laying with you, putting his head in the crook of your neck, or even painting you
he loves to be reminded of you, youre a comfort for him. hes unstable and unwell at times, so if youre ever not there or hes stalking his next victims, hes reassured by the thought of you. that youll be waiting or coming back for him soon
will steal your cologne to spray on himself sometimes. he cant hate, it smells good, you have taste. its a motivator for him sometimes, using it to get things done or complete projects that hes lost his spark on
has fallen asleep with his clothes on his face when you werent in bed with him. he didnt mean to, but he was so relaxed and tired, at ease for once, that he dozed off thinking of you
bo will think its ridiculous how he treasures those clothes and wears them more often, but vincents nature leads him to leaning back on you, and this helps with his anxiety or displeasure at times
hes reminded of certain memories you two have together when he smells it, reminiscing in those times. this may spark him to think of some more date ideas. it lowkey makes him more romantic because he wants to be greater for & with you
because of his childhood, stability and reassurance are things he needs, and this really helps him, both in the relationship and in his own life
Amanda Young
she is more than happy to give you her clothes, shes used to sharing and to have someone genuinely wanting her and to be reminded of her is something big
now she is a bit excited and suprised. she probably thinks you didnt mean to do this, and that your cologne/perfume accidentally rubbed off on the clothes she gave you, but its a happy suprise
is almost ashamed of how long she wears / doesnt wash the clothes. its comforting to know that you wore it, and lived in it, and was happy while doing so. she likes to have happy memories connected to her belongings, so this is meaningful
"You should wear my clothes more often- here," she says as she hands you a mound of stuff she thinks youd like. shes trying to be inconspicuous about it but you let out a slight giggle as you of course take it
likes to spritz herself with your perfume/cologne once before the day, it may not be the entirely same thing but she loves to copy what you do
will be more relaxed and in a better mood because of it, she'll be smiling a bit more often and giggling, and may even be in a lighter mood when shes out doing apprentice jobs
once she finds out you did it on purpose, she laughs and thinks its sweet how you thought if her and wanted to do this for her
will start to do it when you lend her clothes, making it a little tradition to spritz her perfume on anything you give her. it makes you laugh about how she picked up on it so quickly, but atleast your laundry hamper smells good now
the other apprentices and john start to notice her new perfume/cologne smell and are a bit curious, but she brushes it off. the others recognizing your perfume/cologne make her prideful to have and be with you, youre the thing shes most proud of
"I.. uhm, bought you more of your cologne/perfume, I noticed you were running low. And I know you really like it." she'll begin to memorize the brand and ones that you might like, surprising you with them as little gifts
Otis Driftwood
he loves sharing clothes, in fact, you two share a clothes drawer/closet. he thinks the moment you two shared a room was the moment your stuff was his and his was yours, he has a bad time with boundaries
he sees you one day in his t shirt and laughs, he thinks its funny that you wear his stuff casually. out of spite, he may steal one of your tops and parade around in it like an ass, but he does love seeing you in his stuff
however, when he gets it back, and is suffocated by your signature smell, he has two reactions. one is: "Aw sweetie what the hell *violently and dramatically coughs* im suffocatin' over here!" (he loves it)
and two is: "Oh baby.. you smell so good.. C'mere." he is going to be stuck on you and drunk on your cologne/perfume, yes he will be much more sexual, yes he is going to hover around you, entertaining you like this
he can never get enough of his s/o, and this only makes it worse. hes always thinking about you because the smell is always lingering in the back of his head
he'll get distracted easily and often forget what hes doing because hes wanting to be with you, or hes thinking about holding you. it'll be to the point where hes making his art pieces, configuring victims in the way he wants, and he just trails off
will hold you down and just rest his head in the crook of your neck so he can be at peace and smell your cologne/perfume, its calming to him and he does it to ground his mind alot
can and will bite you, little lovebites around your neck and collarbone because he has the urge to be close to you from your signature scent, its like primal urges with him
"Ohh Darlin'.. yer teasing me by smelling that good.." has very bad self restraint when it comes to you, he just loves you so much that he wants to show you
if grandpa hugo gives you any shit for wearing and 'fuckin up' otis's clothes, otis will not hesitate to defend you and call him delusional. is 100% at your defense because he doesnt let anyone shit talk you
Leo Barnes
leo may not care as much, he notices when youre actively wearing his stuff, but doesnt notice if some of his shirts are gone. he is a typical guy when it comes to that
however when he sees you in his clothes, its semi-comforting. its almost nice because he feels like youre protected, a vibe of "they're mine". hes a possessive and protective man, especially after his son died, he has an urge for you to be with him, and this is a way for you to be 'with him' in a sense
loves to come up behind you and rest his chin on your head, rubbing your arms as he secretly relishes in the sight of you. he is a is a secret physical contact love language guy if youve been in the relationship for a bit, it comforts him to know that youre there with him
when you finally give him back his clothes, he unsuspectingly finds out they smell like your cologne/perfume as he was going to wash them (which he quickly stopped, putting them to his nose to confirm his initial thought)
a sprinkle of nsfw... he secretly brings the clothes you spritzed your cologne/perfume on to his bed, shutting the door before laying down, holding it to his nose and jerking off, reminiscing on how tempting you are to do this to him, he'll be sure to confront you about it.. after hes finished
you'll see him immediately wear those clothes (casually of course, he cant let you think hes gone obsessed). its honestly therapeutic for him because of his trauma with loss of a loved one, feeling out of control and like he needs to have a sign of you with him
he'll confront you soooo normally about it, laughing and taunting you a bit about how you did this to torture him, since you knew he wouldnt be able to resist you. its loosened him up and made him a bit more soft. he'll laugh as he speaks and raises his eyebrows amused as you try to explain yourself
"So.. You drowned my clothes in your cologne/perfume? Not complaining.. the opposite actually. I'll be sure to get some more while I'm out," acting so nonchalant as he begins to mentally note the brand, hes now addicted to it because it represents you
will fall asleep with his head in the crook of your neck, or on your shoulder, because the smell comforts him to the point where hes able to be vulnerable, because he knows its you
almost makes him more possessive, he feels that youre his. the scent makes him more serious/stern when others are around, its literally primal for him, he cant help it
he thinks this is ALLL ridiculous, but isnt against it, quite the opposite, seeing you in his clothes makes him proud, and even if he teases you for it, he sees it as a sign of loyalty, and he ruffles/pats your hair when he sees it
"Well dontcha look nice now.. glad to see youre wasting my clean clothes" painfully an ass and sarcastic, but in one minute hes about to massage your shoulders because he needs to touch you since you look so perfect
if youve taken his sweatshirt or t shirt, he loves to grab you by the collar of it and pull you close, feeling a lot more in control snd dominant than usual
when you give him back his clothes, he tosses it aside, not using it or seeing what you did till he goes to wear it again (he js a STINKY man lets be real). when he finslly smells it, he laughs hard, knowing that you did it to get a reaction out of him, and thats what you'll get
he thinks its amusing, and he'll confront you in the most dramatic manner possible. putting and arm out and cornering you before slyly smiling, taunting you as he casually holds out the clothes
"Very amusing toots.. I love what youve done with it. You think I wouldnt notice?" after that hes going to drag you away, teasing you and giving you lovebites, tracing his finger over your shoulders, he wants you to know how much he likes it
can and will wear it to 31 if he can, hes not gonna tell you he did, but smelling you jolts him with motivation, especially when he knows he has a long night ahead of him
secretly steals your cologne/perfume if hes missing you, will snort it like its coke, but he needs it to stay stable for the moment
will hold onto you as you fall asleep in bed now, his grip is tight, he wants to fall asleep and wake up to your smell, it is oddly comforting and gives him a deep ass nights sleep
is a bit more in affection now because hes growing, he wants to be closer to you in any situation, his connection and relationship has grown deeper strangely because of this
Jason Vorhees
jason has very.. limited options for clothing, but his mother taught him well, so he shares like a gentleman. he'll even put it on you, gently placing his coat on your shoulders, or sliding you into his loose t-shirt
it brings him soso much joy to see you in his stuff, hes happy to know that you love it too, that you love him. seeing that its a bit big makes him smile, its funny how you still wear it even if it doesnt exactly fit
flaunt the outfits to him and he'll worship you, thinking of how good you look and how hes going to be lending you a lot more clothes, especially if you like it. if youre happy, hes happy
when he gets the clothes back, going to fold them back up to put away, he gets a sniff of them, and to his surprise, they smell lovely, they smell immensely like you. at first he assumes its just because you wore it so much, but he does inside love how abundant the cologne/perfume is, he relishes in it
is veryyy happy to see you the next morning, in an even greater mood than before, hugging you and picking you up everywhere, something about you is just a pick-me-up for him
youll see him wearing the outfit you had on.. no relation to anything, he just takes inspiration. however youll catch him holding a sleeve up and closing his eyes, and thats when you question him, which leads him to trying to shrug the topic off
youll say that you put some of your own cologne/perfume on for a little surprise, and thats when he realizes how lucky he is to be with you, he thinks youre so considerate for it, it almost reminds him of his mother, because she used to spray her perfume everywhere, giving him soft memories about him growing up with her, so this behavior is almost encouraged and is very comforting for him
he may start to want his own cologne after this, to match with you, and so he can smell good for you. he'd want the scents to match, and for his to compliment yours, because its the only right way in his mind
hes proud to be so lucky to have someone like you, wearing your cologne/perfume often, and spritzing it in moderation for when hes out hunting, still wanting to be reminded of you
he likes to have you lay on him while he sleeps, so that he can be close, trace your features, and be at totally contempt with his life
Billy Lenz
now billy is ecstatic about you taking his clothes, hes jumping off the walls and screaming in joy because you wanna even touch and be seen in his stuff, since hes used to being treated like a monster
he wants you to show him IMMEDIATELY what you look like in it, and hes going to be all touchy touchy, admiring you from every angle, maybe even stealing someones camera to get a photo
"Billy's pretty little piggy.. in his own shirt!! Too pretty.. too handsome..." he says as hes breathing heavily in your face, thinking hes acting normal
hes basically tracking when hes gonna get the clothes back because either way hes going to go insane and smell them and wear them and hold them
when he smells your cologne/perfume, he freezes in excitement before running to you, asking what you did and how you need to spray him with it and how he needs to hold you and cuddle you now because he needs to smell it again
when youre gone hes rummaging through your room, endlessly searching for your cologne/perfume, and once he finds it, not only is he going to douse the attic in it, he may slip a teensy bit into his drink... yes hes insane, he wants your essence to be inside him
charges at you and clings because hes in a trance of his own mind, your scent making him intoxicated for you now, hes obsessed with you and everything about you
speaking of this, he begins to notice the even littler details about you, like the hair wash you use or the selfcare/nail polish/clothing type you wear, he gets excited from memorizing every little detail about you
will growl if someone is getting too close to you and complimenting you & your cologne/perfume, even if he cant really be seen with you, he wants and needs everyone to know that hes claimed, and has got you
"Billy's piggy is so intricate... so detailed! Billy just wishes he could live in your skin for a day.. to see what you see!" morbid, yes, but he genuinely wants to see what you see, because if your little details are that impressive to him, he believes that what you choose and do in your ever day life is even better
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
can u do tadc cast (or probably just a few bc this prompt isn’t very creative) x a reader who looks like the player from animal crossing? ball hands,,, maybe weirdly good at crafting things,, gets stung by bees sometimes mayhaps. Maybe they speak animalese and nobody ever knows what they’re saying LMAO
TADC cast x reader whos like an animal crossing player!
depending on what time it is when i finish writing this, i think imma take a short break to stretch my legs and make something YAHOO!! hope you enjoy this anon!! this reminds me, i cleared out my island by making it totally flat... but i never actually... got to decorating it... huh.... commitment is scary, guys
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i think as a funny haha gag thing, how funny would it be if he could actually understand you. like you cant talk, and the noise youre limited to is to your "emotes", but somehow someway for some reason, caine can understand you... genuinely impressed by your crafting and even sometimes asks you to make random things just to see if you can make it! expect some really odd and random requests! not at all phased that you can pick things up with your weird orb hands, hes used to the digital world and its weirdness... thinks...
hey at least theres someone the same height as her in this place...!/hj
tries hard to understand your funky emotes and body language but shes at a loss... i mean at least you can still pick stuff up and try to write, so at theres some method of commutating asides from simply trying to learn how to read you! though, she is a bit unnerved by your silence and how your face is mostly stagnant when you arent.... emoting.. a static smile can get a little unnerving when youre standing next to the person and understand thats its a real person.. you know?
a little confused on how you can just pull things out from thin air, but does admit that it can be useful... has probably tried to ask you to make an exit out of desperation because hey if anyone can make one it would be you so whats the harm in trying (my girl is losing it)
i think you guys bond over the crafting; since ragatha makes stuff too, like pillows and clothing and plushies and the like! sure you guys may not be making the exact same things, but you both create and thats enough to bring you two together! doesnt mind that you cant talk, in fact i think after the chaos of a day in the digital circus she embraces the calmness around you... scolds you for constantly being stung by bees, though... though she tries not to be too mean or harsh since its not like youre trying to get stung on purpose... but please just be careful... she worries about you, afterall!
honestly ragatha doesnt have individual fingers, so the fact you can function with balls hands doesnt phase her
really touching on the fact you have an inventory that you can hide stuff in i think he would slide you things to hide for him; especially its hes going a "imma do something to someone as a prank then run and use you to hide the evidence" ... you know usual jax antics where he tries to get the reader to help him with his trickery. whether or not you actually aid him is totally up to you. probably makes fun of your short height and the fact youre always getting stung. probably points and laughs when he watches you run around while literally being chased by a swarm. promptly screams when you make a run towards him, thus bringing the bees to him. you have probably bopped him with your net after he says something particularly not-nice, me thinks... or maybe you just dont like him and youre constantly bopping him, i mean i do enjoy it when the reader doesnt like a character but you can easily ignore this little aside if you want this to be a friendship or romance!
OOOOO imagine you come with the basic ring/inventory of tools (net, shovel, watering can, fishing rod, ect) and you can just pull it out of no where.... oooooouuugh imagine taking your net out around him and (wordlessly) offering to go look for bugs with him,.. kind of panics when you get stung by the digital bees; probably helps you patch up... honestly i think given that kinger is all about bugs, i think its a safe bet he would know how to treat bites and stings... so hes your man if youre really bad about avoiding bees and the like! can see tropes that trope where like "whats that? little timmys stuck in the well?? (but thats not what you said/meant)" because youre like emoting and trying to direct his attention somewhere but he gets it. so totally wrong and commits to it before you can stop him. i just think thats funny
thinks youre... odd. though... imagine you can change up your style and appearance by simple interacting with a mirror and wardrobe. i think they would think thats cool, that you can just... do that... zooble has to rip their body parts off (sounds way worse than it actually is, LMAO). probably gives you this look when you walk into the tent to show that once again, youve been attacked by a swarm of bees.... how do they always only sting your left eye...? is that just how your digital body shows the injury, or do they just... no nevermind, theyre just going to give out a sigh before taking you to caine or kinger for medicine. definitely gets onto you for constantly messing with the digital bees, though...
honestly between all the characters i can easily see her being an animal crossing fan... and while she may not remember all of her old life, i like to think that subconsciously she would recognize you for what your digital body is intimidating... bonus if in the real world animal crossing was her comfort, so naturally, she instinctively finds comfort in you even if she cant totally pin point it... though, she has trouble understanding you outside of your emotes... but even then when you do an angry stamp or shed tears she cant quite pinpoint why youre upset... oooo please make her an art easel! i think that would be a great gift for her and she will be absolutely over the moon!
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
THIS IS OBSCURE but may you write hcs for jouno, ranpo and/or chuuya with a s/o (gn prefered but) that. just randomly meows to get their attention?? LMAO. idk i always do this to my partner or friends so 💀💀
Them with an S/O who meows
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♡ pairing: Saigiku Jouno, Ranpo Edogawa, Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: These boys with an S/O who meows like a cat to get their attention. What do they think about it?
♡ cw: Swearing.
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Sorry that this is shorter than normal Anon, I tried really hard but I couldn't think of much for this prompt o(TヘTo) my day was long and imma be real it was pretty shitty, but I REFUSE to let anybody down ever, and thus this list of headcanons was born. Apologies for my absence and lack of answering reqs, apologies for errors, and I hope you enjoy x
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God help him he's so utterly confused at first. He hears cat but all his other senses indicate human and he really just bugs out for a second
If you tell him it was you he's like 'Okay...but why?' and when you tell him it's just kind of a thing you do he's no less confused
Pretty quickly though it kind of becomes instinctual to him to immediately acknowledge meows as you wanting his attention. Even sometimes if he knows it's not you and is actually a stray cat or something he'd still turn around to check
Absolutely refuses to acknowledge any questions anybody has for him about it, mostly because he doesn't have any of the answers
Not that that stops anyone from asking (by 'anyone' I mean literally only the other Hunting Dogs)
He never really says anything about it to you following his first line of questioning because he actually doesn't know if he wants to know. But let it be known he's not judging you at all. At least you're not drinking soy coffee right
Jouno might actually grow to like the habit a little bit but he would NEVER EVER admit it lol
Actually thinks it's cute (and you also get Fukuzawa's stamp of approval)
Might tease you about it a little, not in a mean way but he'd start calling you 'kitten' and stuff like that. Soon enough he might start doing it unironically
Would absolutely bring Atsushi into this. He would ruin your guys lives (lovingly) and you two might become closer due to this (which, plot twist, was actually his secret plan all along muhahaha)
He might actually start doing it too out of habit (again, Fukuzawa's cool with it but like everyone else, Atsushi included, is like 'fuck now there's two of them')
Like the opposite of Jouno he will actually hear a cat meow at him and assume it's you. And then he'll be shocked when it's not you (he is always thrown off whenever Fukuzawa's phone pings)
So basically he's very much onboard with this habit. He really just likes all of your characteristics that make you...you
Finds it off-putting, I won't lie. Would probably prefer if you barked instead (I'M JOKING kinda)
He would definitely take some time to get used to it, but after a while would find it adorable
Also at first might get a little flustered if you did it in public and people heard, but soon he'd grow to lowkey snap at anybody who questioned you about it lol
What really gets Chuuya is that other than the meowing you don't really have any other...cat traits? Like you don't have a cat-based ability or anything like that, and he's so curious as to why you began doing it
He might ask if you can actually communicate with cats to mess with you (he's soft and silly on the inside guys)
He especially loves when you do it when you're sleepy because he thinks it's the cutest thing ever actually
Overall. He is definitely a dog person but shiiii you might just change that
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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lilypadlys · 12 days
Mushy May Day Nineteen - Coffee Shop AU
Ship: Ifrit/Zephyr
Notes: I changed the prompt for today. I’ve been on an Iffy/Zephy kick lately so Imma be fluffy about it. I love these two and spent the whole time writing this giggling and kicking my feet. Prompt list by @forlorn-crows. See prompt list here
Word Count: 483
Read on AO3 or below the cut
Ifrit looks up from wiping down the counter when the shop bell rings. He smiles when he sees his favorite regular walk in. Float in really. Zephyr has an airy quality to them that makes them seem as if they barely grace the ground when they move.
They’re wearing their favorite blue turtleneck and their silver hair, styled in a wolf cut, is pulled back into a bun today. Ifrit wants to free it from the elastic to watch how it spills over their shoulders in an equally floaty way and…Ifrit is starring again. Whoops.
He shakes his head to clear it as Zephyr approaches the counter.
“The usual for you today?” Ifrit mentally fist pumps that he kept his voice from cracking in nervousness this time.
“Yes please.” They say quietly but chipperly.
“Okay! It’s on the house today.”
Ifrit has to suppress a goofy grin at the way their eyes light up in surprised elation.
“Yup! You’re such a loyal customer.” No other reason. “We’ll have it on the bar for you when it’s ready.”
“Thank you so much!”
Ifrit does grin when they’ve turned their back. He can help it; happy to see them happy.
Mist, his coworker, saw the whole thing and rolls her eyes teasingly.
“Easy there loverboy. There’s little hearts floating above your head.”
“I can’t help it!” He whines. “They’re cute.”
“Well then stop staring wistfully and make their drink. You wouldn’t want them to have to wait too long.”
“Oh yeah!” That springs Ifrit into action.
Mist takes over the register while Ifrit mixes up Zephyr’s oat milk latte. He writes Zephyr’s name on the cup in cursive and draws a little smiley face. He goes to set it on the bar but then thinks better of it. Instead he walks over to the little nook Zephyr always sits in to give them their drink.
“One oat milk latte!” He grins and hands over the drink.
“Thank you!” They reply before looking worriedly at the ground. “Oh! You dropped something!” They bend down to pick up a small scrap of paper. “Here.”
Ifrit does his best to keep the confused expression off his face as he accepts the paper. Then he reluctantly returns to his post behind the counter. He takes a sip of his shift drink and glances at the paper. Then he nearly spews his coffee. On the paper is a phone number with, call me! Written below it.
Mist glances at him with an raised eyebrow and he grins embarrassedly. Looking between Ifrit, the paper scrap, and Zephyr watching Ifrit none too discreetly she sighs and laughs.
“It’s about time for your break, yeah? Why don’t you go sit for a bit.” She flicks her eyes to Zephyr.
“Okay! I’ll be back!”
Ifrit wastes no time chucking his apron off, grabbing his drink and practically skipping over to where Zephyr waits.
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throneofsapphics · 5 months
Hey! Can I ask a few questions? Imma ask my every fav author these.
1. How long have you been Writing?
2. Are you planning to make a profession out of this or just doing it for fun?
3. Who or which character do you prefer to write more for?
4. What do you do when you're out of ideas?
5. Lastly, Will plz give an advice for the young writers out that.
Hi! aw thank you so much for asking!
Consistently writing? maybe a year and a half, but I've written little things on and off for about 10-15 years! I find things I've written in my journals from when I was younger (actually found a 'poem' from when I was 8 titled call of the willy)
I'm doing this for fun! I've actually had this conversation with a lot of people. If I started writing as a profession, I think I'd stop liking it as much. if I publish something it wouldn't be with the intention to turn it into my livelihood. I'm sick of family telling me to monetize my hobbies honestly. all of that said, I am running through the beginning stages of a book idea with a friend
Right now I prefer writing for Rowaelin, but it changes a lot - I'm currently taking a bit of a break
I take a break! this is completely personal but I've noticed if I'm running out of getting ideas/frustrated it usually means my brain is telling me it needs some rest. but when I'm ready to try getting back into it, I'll listen to music, look through Pinterest, find some online prompts (I like this one), or read a book out of my typical genres/tropes.
don't force yourself to write something you're not feeling! write what you want, and brings you joy. if you're uncertain of something, leave it for alone for a little while and give it some fresh eyes. a random one that worked for me, I'm an auditory learner and listening to audiobooks helped me. bouncing ideas off a friend/ having someone beta can help too! (my inbox and messages are always open if anyone wants to!)
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waterfallofspace · 10 months
Mmm I said no more reqs but imma ask again for those prompts for whenever you feel like it and have nothing else to do hehe. Can you do Hunting Dogs again for 👃, 😩 & 🤒? No pressure tho! Love your writing<3
Hello haha~ I've seen the requests, and I will be getting to them, but in the meantime things like this are easy time-wasters so I'd be happy to~ Thanks for the ask!! (under cut again because looong <3)
~~ Key ~~ 👃: In general, how sensitive is their nose? Can something like a certain flower or smell make them sneeze even if they’re not allergic to it? Do they sneeze a lot on average, or not very much? Does their nose twitch a lot, or barely ever at all? 😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause? 🤒: How often do they get sick? What kinds of illnesses do they tend to get most often? Colds, flu, sinus infections, stomach viruses?
Fukuchi: 👃 Not very sensitive. He's not a very sneezy person, unless he's in the midst of an actual attack. Though, I do think he has fairly 1 - 2 sneezes per day, just randomly, which scares the life outta people around him~ 😩 Naturally just once, though if he's in the midst of an allergy fit he'll get a bunch, but usually spread out. (If he's sick the same applies.) 🤒 Not super often, unless you count hangovers. Though, when he does, it usually hits him hard. Think a cold that turns rapidly into a sinus / chest infection.
Tetchou: 👃 Pretty mildly sensitive. Strong scents can get him even if he's not allergic, and spicy things also do it. Though generally, he's pretty unbothered by it, just a few sneezes and watery eyes. He gets a good 1 fit per day usually, nothing too severe though. (And absolute nose twitcher. He does NOT blow his nose often at all, and it annoys Jouno so much~) 😩 He's the type that if he sneezes once, it's gonna be a fit. Usually about 6 average in the fit, though sometimes it's more if it's a bad tickle. Basically the same if he's sick. 🤒 Yes. He gets sick quite often, though usually it's just mild colds and he'll work through them. (A lot of the time he does work himself into a worse cold or infection though~)
Tachihara: 👃 Surprisingly, not sensitive. He just has a lot of mild allergies, but most things don't actually get to him. If it weren't for allergies, he'd not sneeze for weeks on end, but with them, usually 1 - 3 quick bursts of 3 or 4. (does twitch his nose a lot trying not to sneeze. It never works &lt;3) 😩 Generally in sets of 3 - 4. This might mean 6 - 8 if it's two sets. He can have the occasional pattern break, but it's rare, only if he's sick or in the middle of a bad fit. When sick the sneezes are random, and he hates not being able to predict how many there will be. 🤒 Flu boy <3 bad fevers, exhaustion, mild cold symptoms (bc well... i want it <3 haha~) but he's also prone to getting sinus infections from stifling/holding back when in the midst of a cold.
Jouno: 👃 Deeply deeply sensitive. Since it's so heightened, and he relies on it so much, it's become so attuned to scents. For him strong scents are hell, but what's worse is when there's many different scents. And anything particularly spicy, or floral. It's not unusual to catch Jouno in the midst of a sneezing fit.
😩 Multiple times. Many many many times. A fit every single time, his nose is irritated easily, and with his smaller sneezes, it doesn't get the relief it craves from just a few sneezes. When he's sick he actually sneezes less though. Being so stuffed up gives him a little break from constantly getting irritated by scents. <3
🤒 Not a lot, but when he does it's usually a cold that merges into the flu. Not super prone to infections, though he is prone to headaches, especially since being sick throws off his abilities to do anything so drastically, and usually leads to a bit of anxiety/exhaustion.
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minilpark · 2 years
I've seen this trope in a couple of fics but I can't stop thinking about this prompt. How would Jake react if he was friends with this female pilot (that he befriended around the same time he befriended Coyote aka way before the mission takes place AND that he's very close) and she listed him as her emergency contact without telling him because she didn't have anyone else to put there (I'm a sucker for an angst background) and he only finds out when something happens to her? This could be either platonic or romantic, I don't what would work best, I'm just curious to know how you think he'd react to it.
in case of an emergency
ship: hangman x reader (platonic)
warnings: canon related injuries
genre: literal hurt/comfort, fluff
author notes: aAAAAAAAAAA *screaming into the void* i love this trope it hurts my heart in a good way- once again, imma make this into a tiny blurb to practice writing :D
as soon as jake hung up the phone, he rushed to his car and made the five hour and thirty minute drive to the hospital. so many things occupied his thoughts during the whole trip, but the two things that kept swimming around in his mind were what condition you were in and why him?
when he finally put the car in park, made his way into the er, and asked the front desk for your room number, he found himself anxiously pressing the elevator button a number of times in hopes that it would come down faster.
upon making it to your floor he began putting more haste in his steps until stopping just before your room. looking into the window, what he saw nearly broke his heart. the image of you laying in that hospital bed and the gown made everything even more real.
gently knocking on your door, he saw you stir and mumble a soft, "come in."
gingerly taking steps toward your bed, he noticed the way your eyes lit up at the sight of your best friend.
"jake? you're a long way from lemoore-" you said with a slight smirk, half shocked to see him come all this way.
"yeah well, i came as soon as i got a call that you were in here..." he chuckled while anxiously rubbing the back of his neck awaiting an explanation.
despite the relief you feel seeing that he came, it does bloom an air of guilt seeing him so worried for you which prompts an explanation
"first off, i'm not sure what they told you on the phone, but i'm alright now, i swear! it was just a little heat stroke-" you said, seeing him shake his head in disappointment, but you knew it wasn't directed towards you, "you know how california gets- i was out for a bit, but i'm feeling better now. they're just keeping me here for observation."
once he hears that your condition is improving, he lets out a breath of relief and sits down beside you.
"i'm glad you're alright now, but honestly it doesn't stop the fact that i wanna have a word or two with whatever idiot decided it was fine to send you all up in this heat, but that's besides the point." he sighed while leaning his elbows on his knees
"you're wondering why they called you, huh?" you continued before he could respond, "i know we've only been best friends for 4 years..."
he interrupted with an eye roll and quip, "yeah like that's such a short time, y/n-"
trying to hide a smile, you glared while continuing, "anyways- i didn't have anyone i could really trust to list as an emergency contact, so i put you down. i'm sorry, i know i should've at least told you about it, but i never really thought i'd ever have to use it which was kinda stupid of-"
cutting you off, jake grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze
"you don't have to apologise. sure, it did throw me for a loop getting that call, but i'm glad you trust me enough as your friend to list me as your contact. it doesn't matter how far away we are, i'll always be here for you, you're family."
hearing that bit of reassurance come from him, you felt a weight off your shoulders and broke down.
jake swiftly pulled you into one of his tight, but comforting hugs and teased, "how about the next time you wanna see me, we make plans to hang out at the bar instead of here?"
you chuckled while wiping what remains of your tears, "sure, so i can beat your ass in pool again"
without even looking at his face, you could feel him rolling his eyes and in a sarcastic tone he said, "yeah sure, we'll see 'bout that."
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anothanobody · 1 year
As I said, this universe is yours now! I could only think of the prompt, nothing else. But I trust You can develop it, if You want to! Make it smutty, make it fluffy, make it angsty! Have it your way or maybe some other anons as obsessed as us can give their inputs too!
btw, yes, the harem thing has a romantic and comedic aspect to it. But also its a political decision. He wont have sons from competing lineages disputing and dividing his Empire after his death. His inheritance will be passed on as one. And also, he must become part Roman to solidify his claim. Their children will most likely grow up with both cultures.
There are many open ends to explore. What if they have a girl first, and contrary to costume Eren loves her? What if its a son and heir, Eren’s pride? Do they have 10 children because they cant keep their hands off each other? Who knows! In the end I’m just so happy You liked my silly little historical idea! Thank you so much!
oh anon of course i loved it! anyone can give me an idea and i’ll tell you and brainstorm with you all day long lol i’m glad and honored you shared this with me! so thank you really!
as for the story i could think of a few things more but as always it’s a bit far fetched that i will manage to write it anytime soon, but the timeline and events are already down so i just might do it soon enough.
imma go to sleep! as you said if other anons wants to join in on brainstorming this au be welcomed! i’ll stop for now cuz i need to do other shit and try to sleep honestly. cuz that’s been hard lately if not for years. send asks or ideas or view or whatever! thank you anon! hope to brainstorm a little more with you tomorrow and the days after😤😤😤
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"🧤Gloves: share a snippet you’re particularly proud of!"
Ok so get ready 'cause this is a long one (and sadly no images for this post)--
I haven't talked about this (I think) but sometimes I write scenes in a doc or sort out my thoughts with a friend of mine (thank god she's okay with it).
I've got A LOT of stuff I'm proud of from these scenes I haven't been able to put in comic form because limitations and willpower.
For example, have this really old and potentially not that well written bit from me trying to write out Espresso and Madeleine during their little Christmas side story (I did flower symbolism research before writing it):
[start of snippet]
Espresso stood up abruptly and dropped his book onto the couch before storming to the door. He took a quick breath to try calming himself down and unlocked the door. He yanked it open and glared at the only human out there who would bother him now: Madeleine.
Madeleine's eyes were wide with surprise. He was holding a bag obviously containing gifts and something that almost threw off Espresso's glare entirely: a bouquet of flowers. It wasn't anything big—red tulips and white roses throughout—but what had nearly caused such a double take was the single black dahlia in the center. It wasn't truly black (instead being a dark burgundy), but something about it almost made Espresso's heart stop. Perhaps it was just how much it felt out of place. Perhaps it had a hidden meaning that he couldn't figure out in that moment. Nonetheless, it was there, and it was blooming against the brightness and warmth surrounding it.
[end snippet]
Imma put the takeaways I got from me literally just asking google and looking at flower sites as well and putting it on the doc:
Black flowers are usually negative, but a single one with a gift can show a "powerful gesture with a hint of mystery" and apparently a black dahlia makes a great centerpiece. (source: https://www.interflora.co.uk/blog/black-flowers)
Red tulips = perfect love
white rose = purity. Often used in weddings
Black dahlia (usually dark burgundy) = negative, sadness, betrayal. (Espresso himself)
Am I an expert on flower bouquets? No. Would Madeleine Cookie know his way around flowers in the AU really well? Also no.
I'm just proud of myself for using flower symbolism, though my excitement has cooled off a bit since January and last year's December.
btw if you wanna send in the same prompt or another one I don't mind it helps me focus on this au in particular--
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freedomfireflies · 5 months
Hey! Can I ask a few questions? Imma ask my every fav author these.
1. How long have you been Writing?
2. Are you planning to make a profession out of this or just doing it for fun?
3. Who or which character do you prefer to write more for?
4. What do you do when you're out of ideas?
5. Lastly, Will plz give an advice for the young writers out that.
1. Oooooooof I have no idea?? On Tumblr, a little over a year! In general...I started seriously writing in 2020 on Wattpad but I'd done a little bit here and there for years before!
2. LISTEN THAT WOULD BE THE DREAM, YES!! I have too many stories in my head to just let them collect dust!
3. Harry is really fun to write for only because the audience for Harry is bigger and fanfic Harry is pretty much his own person now?? So I don't even think about real Harry?? BUT.............I love me some Stiles Stilinski
4. Oooo another great question! It depends! Going on drives and listening to movie scores or music is actually my main trick for inspiration 😭 So I'll do that or open Pinterest or even look at prompts on Tumblr! Maybe read some stories to feel inspired! OR I'll ask some friends (@finelinesss has listened to me rant about...literally everything and most of it is actual crap)
5. This is so much easier said than done but try if you can not to compare or look at numbers and notes!! IT'S SO EASY TO COMPARE CAUSE I DO IT ALL THE TIME but it truly TRULY TRULY is not indicative of someone's work or the piece itself! Some of my favorite pieces haven't done very well compared some that I think are shit that do better! It really is about whether you enjoy what you wrote or not!
If you can figure out Tumblr's algorithm and what people want to see and what draws them in, absolutely try that!! But make sure YOU are most proud of your work first and foremost!!! I KNOW THAT'S EASIER SAID THAN DONE, I KNOW!!! BUT...it get's easier and I'm so proud of anyone starting to pursue something that makes them happy! 😭💞💞💞
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
(pov i forgot to write “have fun with the event” in my last message lmao whoops)
Okay but consider, #10 with Floyd please? i think it’d be cute!
(sorry this is the first time requesting writing from someone hkakdjaj)
anyway, i cant wait to read everything, (actually i can, take your time :]), have fun writing!
【 somewhere only we know 】
prompt #10: This wasn’t meant to be a date, but he had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and he should really go back… (ft. floyd leech)
gender neutral! reader, 600 followers event ficlet
author's note: HI STRAWBERRY ANONNNN !! it's been a pleasure chatting with you so it's also exciting to finally be writing your request woo~ i had a bunch of fun writing this bc. i love writing floyd sm, and i'm real excited to see how you'll enjoy it so i hope you liked it hehe <33
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"C'mon Shrimpy~" Floyd giggled softly as he watched the Little Shrimp struggle to catch up to him. He was in his merform, so he had the advantage, but it was fun to see them try nonetheless. "If Shrimpy doesn't speed up, Imma leave you in the dust."
"You said that a million times already, and look at you now," They huffed, though he could see the slightest trace of smile. "You could run laps around me in your merform and yet you're still waiting."
"That's cuz I feel like bein' nice today."
"Uhuh," They finally caught up to him before he flicked his tail, smoothly sailing ahead of them once more. "Shouldn't we go back to the others?"
"The others?"
Oh. Floyd had almost forgotten about them.
They were all initially at the Atlantica Museum but it got boring real quick for Floyd. It was the same as he remembered when he was a little guppy. And it was boring. He needed some real fun so he staged a little Shrimp-napping. Just a little one. He was sure no one would mind if he borrowed the Little Shrimp for a bit, right?
So that's where they were now. He had taken them around the Coral Sea for a bit and now they were making their way towards Floyd's favorite spot.
"It's probably been hours now," They reminded, sighing before attempting to catch up to him again. "You're sure they aren't looking for us?"
"Nope!" Floyd said, his voice clipping at the edges from the clack of his teeth. They always felt longer when he was in his eel form. He gave them a big grin that he hoped was pointy and sharp. "I lefta message for Azul. Don't be such a party pooper, 'm tryna show you something cool here."
"I'm just worried about them," They said, flailing around as they spun in the water. "Azul said that Crow–"
"Meh, I didn't bring ya here to talk about Azul," Floyd frowned, letting his tail curl around their waist. "You're here to be with me."
"And I am here with you," They said, huffing. "Now stop squeezing already, my ribs are starting to hurt." Floyd tittered again at the frowny expression on their face. They were always so cute. He was right to Shrimp-nap them!
"Mm, maybe it'll be faster if I hold you 'n swim," He pulled Shrimpy closer. He could see them starting to protest. "But you said 's been hours! 'M tryna help here, Shrimpy. Plus I'm a big eel, I'll keep ya safe."
They scrunched up their face in contemplation before sighing, "Fine, where do I go?"
Floyd whooped before turning around, "Here, here~ Hold on to my shoulders ti~ght or else you'll be taken by the currents." As soon as their hands gripped at his shoulders, he did an experimental flick of his tail.
He heard the startled yelp they let out, "Wait Flo–"
Floyd made sure to place his hands over theirs before properly propelling himself forward. There was a screech from them, and he felt them squeezing for their life as he sped up even more. It was kinda funny to him, because usually he was the one doing the squeezing, yet look at him now! Being squeezed so nice and tightly. (Not that it hurt at all. He was stronger than them after all.)
When he finally slowed down, he could feel their head curled up right against his shoulder. He just couldn't resist commenting, "Curled up like that you're lookin' like a real Shrimpy now!" And maybe he should've anticipated the smack that was landed on the back of his head, but right now he couldn't even mind about that. He was too amused by their actions to think about being angry in any capacity! That was the magic of the Little Shrimp.
"C'mon, c'mon," Floyd tugged at them so they would be next to him. "The underwater breathing potion's supposed to run out soon, so we're goin' up!"
"Wait what?" They blurted, unable to keep their annoyed composure. "We've been wandering around that long...?"
Floyd chuckled as he brought them closer to the surface, "Shrimpy really has no awareness of their surroundings."
"You wanna talk about having no awareness?" They bumped his elbow with theirs. "I might've drowned if you weren't fast enough."
"But you didn't."
"...But I didn't."
Floyd broke the surface first, feeling the cool night air gently brush against his slick skin. They followed soon after, hair a mess from being underwater.
"What is this place?" They murmured and Floyd simply smiled. He didn't just swim that fast for no reason. The start of winter was when they would be the brightest after all.
"It's bioluminescence. Pretty, right?" Floyd said, letting clawed fingers trace over the glow of the ocean. "Read it in a book once, 'n I've been coming here ever since. Come, there's a lil cave to sit in." He slowly led them towards the cove, the water splashing gently against the sand; the motion causing the algae to flare brighter in pulses.
"This is amazing Floyd," They breathed and Floyd tilted his head.
Was it the lack of light, or did he really want to see the way their eyes sparkled at that moment? No doubt they had that look on their face, the same one they'd get whenever he showed them something particularly cool. It was the whole reason Floyd even bothered to take them around in the first place. He just...he wanted to see that look again. He placed a hand on their chin, tilting their face toward him so he could see.
They blinked, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" And maybe if Floyd wasn't so much of a coward— someone who hid behind easy smiles to hide his anxieties— maybe he would've kissed them right then and there.
But he was a coward, and a big one to boot, so he just smiled lackadaisically, "Just got some seaweed on ya, Shrimpy." They puffed out their cheeks and it startled a real laugh out of him as he watched them search their head for the piece of seaweed that wasn't even there in the first place.
"Floyd Leech I swear to the Seven-"
"Eh~ I brought you to my special place 'n you're getting mad at me?" He made a show of pouting, and he saw their expression flicker and- It wasn't long before they mumbled a promise to get him a treat when they got back.
They were so kind to him, the Little Shrimp was. And always so patient. It was something he liked about them. Another being the fact that they could be stern when they wanted to be. The hard stuff could wait. Confessing and kissing and all that, he would do it when he was feeling braver.
For now he sidled up to them, unwinding and coiling his lower body so that the light would continue to envelop them. It was late into the night, but that didn't matter to him. All Floyd wanted was to see that look on their face again. And again and again and again.
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thank you for reading the floyd shenanigans ! if you'd like to read more, check out my masterlists :D
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
hii , hope ur doing well and aren't stressed, i saw this reel on insta and it was an edit of seonghwa singing boyfriend by dove cameron?? and holy fuck i cant get the idea of dilf seonghwa vfhjuhb. could u write a suggestive fic like that and any au is fine! tysm
a/n: hii!! i'm taking that this is a song prompt request soo this will be based on the song boyfriend~ imma just do the whole dilf!hwa bc he's hot like that 😭 newaysss, thank you for requesting and i hope that you're all happy and healthy as well 💚🍀
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👤: ATEEZ Park Seonghwa
📼: Boyfriend - Dove Cameron
genre & warnings: suggestive, slight angst, fluff, cursing, mentions of alcohol and clubs, dilf!hwa, cheating
word count: 1.1k
for anyone who wants to, don't be shy and send me asks based on Prompts Request Song Version. Thank you so much!
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You watch your boyfriend mingle with different people on the dance floor, having the time of his life while you were there all alone, sitting in a booth and nursing a bottle of beer.
He's always been like this, always at the center of the attention and you hiding behind his shadow.
You're getting tired of all his bullshit, wanting nothing more but to leave and sleep in the comfort of your mattress.
"I wonder why a beauty like you doesn't have a man by her side."
A voice from behind startled you, looking over, you saw a man holding a fancy glass of whiskey, wearing an expensive looking suit.
You scoffed, turning around to look straight ahead, "Because the man is too busy grinding his ass over other people's groins."
He chuckled a bit, amusement lacing over his features, "I think," he maneuvered his body, enough to be able to gaze at you properly, "you deserve a better treatment than that."
"Lemme guess," you returned the gesture, ready to accept a challenge from this handsome stranger, "you think you can give me that."
You said in a matter of fact voice, making him laugh a little bit with your boldness.
"Wanna give it a shot?"
The offer is tempting yet in the back of your mind, you know that doing that would be wrong.
"I'll pass for now."
You stood up but you weren't able to go far away, a large hand tightly gripping your small wrist.
The man did not take the rejection lightly, he's not about to let you go now.
"You're not making the best decision here, darling." he mumbled darkly, peering into your eyes wantonly.
"Hush babe," he raised to his full height, looming over you intimidatingly, "come with me and I promise that I'll give you the best night you'll ever have."
All rationality flew out of your brain when he leaned forward, giving you a teasing peck on your nose.
Your brain did a 180° turn and immediately changed your mind, choosing to go with him for a night full of passion.
He dragged you into a fancy hotel.
Pushing you down into the softest bed you have ever laid on and what's more to say?
Oh yeah, he fucked you so well that it had you cumming for so many times.
He kissed you like there's no tomorrow, ate you out like a starved man, licked every nook and cranny of your curves until your eyes rolled at the back of your skull.
He's skillful, fingers curling at the right spot and hips pounding into your walls so good that it had you clenching around him unconsciously.
You learned that his name is Park Seonghwa, a rich businessman who is only out for fun once in a while.
Also, that name was chanted out of your mouth like a mantra, him not stopping the pleasure that is coursing through your veins until you're shouting for everyone in the building to hear.
His promise really was fulfilled, and you think that you won't see him ever again until you crossed paths with him in a mall.
This time, the set-up is different.
You were with your boyfriend, (you hid the fact that you slept with someone) and him that is conveniently there when you needed someone to protect you.
An argument is currently going on between you and the man that you once called your home.
"Minho, will you please just listen to me? For goodness sake y-"
"No, Y/N, you listen to me. I pay for all these, so what's the damn matter if I get what I want?!"
He went and walked past you, accidentally bumping your shoulder that almost made you fall on your ass if not for a sturdy chest and hands on your shoulders that supported you.
"Woah, be careful there."
That voice...
"Are you okay?" Seonghwa asked you, a friendly smile on his face and when you confirmed that you're fine, it changed into a cold one.
"You midget," he called Minho out, "that is not a way to treat a lady."
The other man glared at Seonghwa, clearly not happy with the insult he just received.
"She's mine, and a nobody like you doesn't have anything to do with this relationship."
Seonghwa smirked, "Yeah? Well, I'm sorry to drop this on you but how can you call her yours when you can't even fuck her properly?"
"Seonghwa, please stop." you tried to alleviate the growing tension between the two men.
Minho's eyes widened, gazing at you angrily.
"What on earth is this lunatic's saying and you know him, Y/N?"
Seonghwa's hand placed itself on the small of your back, guiding you away from the man that did nothing but give you insecurities.
"She doesn't need to explain anything to an ex, now, if you'll excuse us."
You two left the astounded man in the middle of the area, hearing him say 'This is not over yet.'
It definitely is, he didn't even bother going after you. That itself speaks on how much Minho cared about you.
Seonghwa guided you towards a private resting area in the mall, and there you saw a smaller guy that he introduced as Hongjoong.
You blinked when a small child hugged Seonghwa's legs, a bright smile forming on the older man's face as he picked the boy up.
He has a child? (and an adorable one at that.)
"Don't worry," Hongjoong said from beside you, probably sensing the doubt that is brewing from within you, "he doesn't have a wife nor a girlfriend. It's complicated but I'm pretty sure that you'll know his story soon."
Seonghwa glanced at you, "Hongjoong, please take Daehyun for a while, I have to talk to Y/N."
"Aye sir," his eyes glint knowingly, taking the child and positioning him on his arms, "let's go Daehyun-ah, there's some gelato in there."
The little boy squealed happily, yelling cutely about sweets.
"I know you're surprised." Seonghwa started, speaking carefully and softly to not further agitate you.
"You bet I am."
He sighed and took two wide strides, stopping right in front of you, "I just want to say that I can't get you out of my mind after the night that we shared."
Your mouth opened to say something but no words came out, you just stood there like a gaping fish.
"And judging by that encounter, I can assure you that I could do better as a boyfriend."
Your breathing hitched, "Isn't it too early for this?"
"Right." he looked down, though he's not willing to give up.
"Let's get to know each other then, after that, we'll go to the exciting part."
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veritable-trash · 2 years
Hmm maybe a sentence prompt for Frankie?
“I don’t know how you convinced me to do this.”
I’m sorry to hear about you being stumped on what to write; hopefully it’ll pass soon! 💕
-softanon / dia
DIA, softanon, i die, i weep thanks for sending this to me!!! i am but a mush pile on the floor(i'm an overemotinal sap sometimes so you'll have to forgive me plz)
i took some days to just like step away and i came back to this and finally wrote something so bless your sweet heart for bringing some thoughts to the forefront of my mind <333 i fully wrote this for you so i hope you at least mildly enjoy it. i think we all adore frankie and i was feeling some vulnerability but make it sexyyyyyy so to frankie and being just a little sexy on a sunday :))))) ok imma shut up now love you v much appreciate you giving me this little bit of inspiration! this one is short and sweet (700 words! she can be brief when she chooses!) i hope someone enjoys and i'm sending my usual hugs and squeezes across the internet waves <333333
18+ below the cut babes it's time to get a little naughty ;)
(minors your are banished from this conversation)
“I don’t know how you convinced me to do this.”
You’re gasping for air. This man. This menace. God how could one man get you so wound up like this? So turned over sideways that you would do anything under the sun for just a smile. The one where one corner turns up just a little further than the other. Reveals that dimple that makes you lose focus.
And the way he’s looking up at you from between your thighs, his honeyed eyes glazed, locked on yours, his lips skimming the inside of your thigh, you think he might be just as smitten as you.
“I mean, sweetheart, it’s not like you put up that much of a fight.” His teeth sink into your flesh and you can’t help how your hips roll into his chin.
His chest rumbles, eyes darkening and you’re practically liquid when he scratches out,
“Baby I’ve been wanting you to ride my face since you told me no one has ever even offered. Been dreaming about how you good you’d look on top of me and I do have to say the real thing is so much better than I ever imagined it. And trust me, I’ve imagined it quite a bit.”
Your heart stutters, almost leaps into that usual pattern of anxious avoidance, until you feel his head nudge your thigh. Until you lock eyes again and he’s pressing a kiss into flesh you had always hated and looking at you like he’s never seen something more beautiful.
It’s dizzying the way he disarms you in every way. Makes you feel so secure and whole. And it’s all those feels swirling in your heart that have you lifting up for him. Have you opening yourself up to him in ways you never thought you really could.
But it’s the way he groans your name as you situate yourself above him that has you pooling slick heat. Makes you bold enough to grind down on his tongue and grip his hair between your fingers.
And when his tongue licks up into your heat, it’s like you lose track of time. The feeling of his fingers digging into your thighs, pulling you closer to him. Letting him taste more of you. It pulls you apart, fractures your senses.
He moans into you, practically whimpers when you pull his hair a little harder than you realize. His lips latch onto your clit and flick it until you’re shuddering above him.
He eats you like you’re all he’s ever wanted. His tongue lapping up every drop like he can never get enough. Like he’s terrified this might be the last time he’ll get to taste you. His eyes sear into yours like he’s making you a promise. Like he knows pleasure like this is something you never thought you could have.
His moans and tongue seem to sink further into you. Your hips start losing their control, start rolling against him on their own accord always itching for more. Panting, aching, humid gasps of his name, and he groans at the sight. His hips canting of the bed with the ache to feel you, but right now is all about you.
His nose knocks against your clit and your thighs twitch. And Frankie notices it. Loves it. Thick arms wrap around your thighs and press you down into him until his nose rubs against your clit again, and you lose the ability to see.
Your thighs are shaking, quivering with the feeling of his tongue lapping into you, nose rubbing against your clit, and his moans vibrating into your cunt. It’s all so much, too much and the edge all of sudden comes and crashes over you with a whimper of his name and your body stuttering with the sensation.
You come to to him still licking into you. Soft and unhurried like he just wants to remember how fucking good you taste when you cum. When you cum just for him.
His smile is lazy, the favorite dimple appearing again and you’re so breathless you can only smile at him like an idiot.
And then he’s smiling at you like an idiot.
“I can’t believe it took me so long to convince you.”
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may I request some yandere Stirling, Scale and Dmitri (I'm kinda curious to see what you'd come up with for him)
aaaa sry if it took a while, writers block and all that
also I wrote this while hungover so sorry for any mistakes
hope you still enjoy it!!
(Imma stop adding the little aesthetics cause honestly i spend more time looking for pictures than actually writing ausbks)
TW: murder, stalking, obsessive and delusional behavior, mentions of non-con (?), drugs, kidnaping
♡ Stirling, Scale & Dmitri Yandere Headcanons ♡
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Didn't want to admit at first. Seriously? Love? Such an infantile feeling. Being centuries old, he thought he was above such foolish desires
Except... Maybe he isn't.
The ache in his heart whenever he was near you was too strong to ignore, too real to try and supress
After coming to terms with it, you're his. No objections. He claimed you as his own, there's no coming back.
Love bites love bites love bites
Marks you all over so people know where you stand. No sane person would try to flirt with a vampire's significant other, and he knows that
I can honestly see him kidnaping you at some point. He just can't seem to stay away from you.
Locked up in his house, he spoils you with the most luxurious gifts you can possibly imagine, as if that makes up for taking away your freedom.
Also, congratulations, we got our first murderous yandere in the series!
And I really mean it. Your friends, family, acquaintences- one by one, they start disappearing. On the bright side, at least you didn't have to see their corpses.
He's delusional, and takes your fear as shyness, which only prompts him to be all over you even more. No need to scoot away from him, darling, he knows you're just hesitant to show your love! Though your timid attitude is quite endearing.
If you ever try to run away, he becomes a lot harsher, drinking your blood just enough to make you too weak to move, at least until you learn your lesson. He doesn't want to hurt you, but he specially doesn't want you to leave. He'll do whatever it takes to avoid that.
Danger level: 9/10
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*"If I killed someone for you" by Alec Benjamin starts playing*
An absolute stalker.
He convinces himself it's a protective mesure, keeping an eye on you to keep you safe. Which isn't completely wrong, but there's... Something more to it.
Knows every tiny bit of your daily routine, and isn't good at hiding that fact. Will probably mention something while talking to you that you know he shouldn't be aware of.
More merciful towards those close to you than Stirling. If he sees they make you happy, he'll leave them alone. After all, that's really all that he wants: you happy and safe. He'd do anything if it means he gets to see you smiling, specially if it's at him.
Those who have made you upset, even if it's just a petty discussion, however...
Doesn't matter who they are. Best friend, family member, he doesn't care.
He doesn't even try to hide the body. In fact, he wants you to see it. In his mind, it's a way to send you a message; that nothing bad will ever happen to you, and no one will ever hurt you without fatal consequences.
He's absolutely pitiless about it too. He knows how to kill someone quick, a clean hit, straight to the point. It's his job, after all; it's what he's best at.
However, he is more than capable of making a mess if he so desires. Slow, painful and merciless. It's what they deserve after troubling you, after all.
Danger level: 10/10
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Worships the ground you walk on.
He's a very artistic guy, and you're his muse. Everything he makes, it's either for you or thinking about you.
And he tells you that all the time.
His entire room is a shrine of you; sculptures, paintings, poetry, pictures he took while you weren't looking, items he "borrowed", anything and everything he can make or get his hands on.
Thinks you're flawless in every sense of the word, which makes him dislike most of the people you interact with. They don't see you the way he does. They don't appreciate you for the actual deity that you are, the pure perfection of your being.
It starts affecting his health. He doesn't sleep or eat properly anymore because he's too busy with his crafts in your honor- he created a version of you in his head that fits what he invisions as "the perfect partner", wheter it's accurate to how you actually are or not. He's Pygmalion, and you're his ivory statue.
Not above slipping drugs or aphrodisiacs in your drinks if that will get him what he wants.
Would never do anything to upset you though. He loves you far too much for that. Which is the only thing keeping him from kidnaping you or hurting those he deems "unworthy" of your attention.
Careful, though. You never know what he might do if this little fantasy of his was to be shattered.
Danger level: 5/10
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