#yor not a bother too though....!!! i love you too much for you to be.... a bother to me!! c:
keepyourpantsongohan · 3 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Spy x Family S2
Awww, I like that Bond Forger the Dog also gets an intro about HIS secret identity. Equal opportunity deceit
Are we finally going to learn who exacty Yor is fighting? I would like to know!
Been there Anya, I also had little patience for watching the news as as a kid. Though, it seems more important in a pre-internet era
"Okay, you can change the channel." Loid Forger, International Spy, defeated by one (1) sad look from his little daughter
"I absolutely cannot tell him that I got shot in the butt while fighting a group of armed men." 10/10 episode plot, I cannot wait
"I've been relying on her too much without realizing it, and it's upset her. Yes, that must be it! I must do everything in my power to remedy this at once!" Loid immediately blaming Yor's mood on himself and deciding he has to be respond by being a better husband!!! I will keep saying it. He is THE Husband. World's Most Husband
"Why don't we go on a date?" HEE HEE
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Puzzling that Yor thinks she hasn't been on a date though, when I can think of at least three dates so far (party-grenade-proposal date, lunch date, and drinks-and-reassurance date)
"I can't leave Anya alone at home, and this is a very important mission to ensure that we remain one happy family." It seems Loid has learned from the spy transmission debacle
"Last night, I came up with 862 date plans to ensure that Yor has fun." He's insane. I want to give him a leetle kiss
HAHAHAHA Franky being absolutely thrilled to bother Loid and Yor on their date. What a friendship 💕
Intriguing that Anya's telepathy has a distance limit. Tell me more!
Honestly, Yor having to position herself in a specific way to avoid pain is relatable. We love a chronic pain queen
"This woman had built up an immunity to poisons." HAHAHAHAHA the poison fixing Yor's pain. Sometimes, drinking does solve your problems!
LMAOOOO them censoring the bomb components. A real "don't try this at home" moment
"I'm going to forget all this and live a normal life." Perfect. Forgers reforming their enemies left and right
"If it's not too much trouble, please invite me out again sometime." Never let being married stand in the way of your husband becoming your boyfriend 🥰
SCREAM at Bond's perception of what Loid does for work. I guess he's closer to the truth than most:
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"Are you trying to do this for your... no. Are you trying to get revenge for your friends who were experimented on?" HAHAHA is Loid blushing because he wants to call himself his dog's dad?
FBKFJHFFHKJHF Loid taking on Bond as his mission back-up. He truly can be swayed so easily
I love the giant puppy spy sidekick, employ this dog ASAP
"While they're busy playing, I'm going to work hard to get to the top," said Damian Desmond, Six Years Old, for whom The Top was beating all the other little bougie first graders
"Your friendship... preciously elegant." Me whenever I finish hanging out with my friends
I love that Henderson-sensei sends the kids out on a picnic as a punishment. He really is as silly as he is strict
I don't know if this is a vegetarian thing or a cultural thing but it always seems wild to me how people in anime bite into fish, scales and all
"Did you know that the most recent studies in neuroscience suggest that your brain feels really revitalized when you're spacing out?" I like Mr. Green, Grizzled Navy Custodian, too
HAHA Damian trying his hardest to space out. Me when people tell me to practice mindfulness
"Oh, you don't [have a goal], eh? That's perfectly fine!" "Actually, I want to live my life eating lots of snacks." "Splendid! You'll have to think earnestly about how to make that possible." I take it back, I LOVE MR. GREEN
Ready to sob about this field trip actually. AHHHHHHH:
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"Good evening, Mr. Vile Trash." ACAB; All Cops are (Weird) Brothers
"What's so wrong about trying to improve the country my family lives in?" Nothing but the hostile, paternalistic nationalism of a Cold War, Frank Perkin, Newspaper Sensationalist and Adult Bully of Wealthy Children
"I'll request that your father gets some financial aid to get by." I feel like that will not make up for imprisoning his son, Yuri, but whatever helps you sleep
"Blech." That's also how I feel about Weird Brother Yuri, Anya
"Revenge will only make you sadder. I'll make you forget about all that with my love." This is the plot of Naruto
Honestly, I was super sold on the Bondman Polycule when it was just him, his spy partner Agent M, and the enemy spy lady who had all linked arms together. I feel like this could work:
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"How was anything he did gentlemanly?" Loid said: I'm a one-woman kind of spy
"Lord Damian, how could you possibly pick the joker there." "Shut up!' [Internally] She's so unfair... Damn it! I like to believe Loid might approve of Damian's crush purely because he is also willing to do whatever Anya wants if she makes one (1) sad face
Poor Anya. She's really most suited to using her street smarts
"Garden? The group of assassins who have been in this country for ages? They're basically urban legends, aren't they?" FINALLY we're finding out more about Yor's job!! They do in fact seem at cross purposes with the spies
[Loid already walking away] "He's such a heartless jerk." I bet you $5 he has already decided to help Franky LMAO
Update from 8 min later: Alright, I owe you $5, he didn't care
"Am I normal?! Oh, thank goodness!" said Yor excitedly, as if that were not a moderately suspicious response to being called normal
Excited for an ep with no double-barreled title. Plot progression!
I truly don't know where this falls on the spectrum of ways that anime will depict black and brown characters LMAO. Like Donovan Desmond, the Shopkeeper has an extremely haunting aura:
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"You will be providing protection on this mission." Oooooh, change of pace!
"Is there actually any reason why I should continue my job as a killer?" A question every assassin should ask themselves, I think
"HQ may or may not be trying to cut back on our shady overtime practices." Incredible. I can't believe even the underground spy agency has PTO. I wonder who regulates spy labour law
"If not for this bodyguard job, the three of us could've enjoyed this vacation together." AWWW Yor loves her family so much
"You can say this is a gangster's destiny." [Reba voice] A single mom who works too hard, who loves her kid never stops!
"Papa! We need to hurry up and explore the ship before it sinks!" "It's not going to sink! Stop scaring everyone." The fact the staircase looks distinctly modelled after that one scene from Titanic really sells Anya's point
Loid incapable of framing having fun as anything but a mission ljggkjgj truly he might benefit from a Real Psychologist
"That family's just for camoflauge, right?" "Yes, you're right... Is... that true?" I love Yor slowly admitting that she loves her family for their own sake 💗
As Yor was declaring doing her best, I did worry briefly that someone was going to [redact] Olka. Other anime have been less kind to me than Spy x Family
I love Yor making another mum friend in Olka 💞 Gal pals
Finally saying suspicious things in public has a consequence!!
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"It's been a while since we've had dinner without Mama." "Yeah, it's a bit lonely." Hee hee, Loid misses his wife
I love the immediate transformation in Yor's face as soon as Olka/Shaty says she didn't order room service
I don't have much to say but I am really entranced by the assassin vs. assassin + informant goings on!!
"I may not look it, but I'm a married woman, so I'll have to decline." Absolutely loving Yor quietly and efficiently beating these hitmen unconscious as she passes through the cruise ship
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"Which is it?! Would normal parents buy their child something in this situation or not?!" Loid is incapable of making a decision without thinking about how it looks in relation to him being a spy. Anxiety king
[In Anya's mind] "Yor! You're an assasin who hates frogs? Let's get a divorce. The Forgers are done." Like father, like anxiety-ridden daughter
"I am a normal father. A good father," said Loid, which is frankly not usually something a good or normal father would say
"Papa, you're not excited at all." Loid defeated by one (1) six-year-old's piercingly accurate psychoanalysis
Loid is facing a true Psychological Battle: The Fitting Room
Anya Ultimate Wingman Award for convincing everyone her mum's battle is actually a circus act
Awwww, Zeb, Fake Husband to Olka, likes her. I hope this is a healthy experience in Yor seeing other fake couples work it out, but I do also think Zeb could mega-die
"As long we people continue to be people, conflict will never end." Alright, Director Doomsday, calm down
"What am I? What am I doing this for?" [B Eilish voice] What was I made foooooor?
"Does she hate me? Or is she just going through a rebellious phase?" Loid whenever one of the Forger girls looks upset: THIS MUST BE MY FAULT SOMEHOW
A hasty and confident NO to Assassin Sniff's whole vibes
We interrupt this program to think about how cute Loid and Anya are!! I love Loid entertaining Anya and also supporting her while he thinks she's missing Yor
"Nice, Mr. Husband!" Oh good, we love a bulletproof vest for Zeb!
Truly a wild juxtaposition of Forger Family Fireworks Night:
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"This might be a bit late to ask, but would you consider just peacefully going home?" I love you, Compassionate Combat
I'm having a hard time believing all this will happen without Loid eventually noticing; the fireworks are long gone. I actually do hope Loid crashes her battle, Director Doomsday is out cold
"I'm doing this to support my family.... wait. I guess I am also doing this for money. But... no, I make enough to survive now. I'm hunting down bad guys for my country! For my country? Have I always been so righteous? What am I doing this for?" Poor Yor, this is like the worst possible time for an existential crisis
[In Yor's flashback] "Be it for someone else, or for a specific reason, having to endure a merciless job... That's something to be very proud of." I'm sure Loid will acknowledge me. He'll forgive me. I like to think so too, Yor!!
Never mind to Loid helping Yor out, he is busy disarming a bomb threatening to sink them. This truly is the Titanic LMAO
LGLHGLGJHGLJHG Anya accidentally tripping the assassins so they shoot each other. Like mother, like daughter 💖
"You'll be able to enjoy the symphony of agonized screams and roars coming through the wiretaps on this ship." I can't wait for Loid to sink this guy with his own clock-bomb
Update from 30 seconds later: See? Self-owned and sunk
Awwwww Yor really does deserve the baby hug after the day she's had:
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"I pray that, someday, you and your family will be able to find true peace." OLKAAAA
"I know it was an emergency, but I ended up casting my family aside again." Loid and Yor having the same crisis about whether to prioritize their family or their jobs 🥺🥺🥺
Loid's blush at Yor catching him skipping as he continues to skip over in her direction. Hee hee
"I hope peaceful days like this will continue forever." ME TOO, YOR!
Get you a mum who would secretly beat up sharks for you ❤️‍🩹
Setting aside how fun snorkeling is, absolutely terrible idea to go into the ocean with an open wound OMG
Loid carrying his whole family is the cutest thing I've ever seen, 10 bajilion/10zo; perfect:
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[Internally] "You did a great job." Loid is in loooooove
"I can never tell if he's actually clever, or clumsy." Me either, Handler
Anya learning about the vacation disparity of rich kids LMAO
"If youre going to create a persona for yourself, you need to be strategic and commit." Not Loid turning this lie lecture into a spy lecture in his mind
"Lying is too much work, so I'll try not to do it anymore." Anya's entire set of adult role models do nothing but lie all the time, she really has no frame of reference for honesty
I do a little bit hate the Becky fantasizing about Loid thing, I have been Cardcaptor Sakura'd too much in life
I feel like they take a lot of liberties in translating "Loid-sama" as "my precious Loid" but hey, he is precious
"Yor's going to get the wrong idea, somehow." Loid has finally registered that this child is obsessed with him and he is only concerned for wife not thinking he's a freak. A good husband above all else
"I really don't understand the children of rich people." Me either, Loid
I need you to see Loid's face as Becky declares that this is his expression of love for Yor:
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"Your heart is as vast as the sky, and you're stronger than the earth itself. You're the perfect lady." Correct, Becky! Yor is amazing
"I had some extra souvenirs left after handing them out to everyone else. Do you want them?" LMAO @ the implication being lost on Fiona that he doesn't even think of her enough to warrant her own souvenir
I will say, I really do resonate with the theme of the ep being Loid is Hot and Amazing to Everyone But No One Will Ever Measure Up to Yor in His Eyes
"Maybe you're too nice, and biting and barking don't really suit you." Everyone in the Forger family is too nice for their job, including Bond Forger, Precognitive Puppy
Awwww Bond trying to help out all the humans with his visions
LNKFHKFHKJFH Loid really just got reprimanded by his dog
"And he went into save [Daisy the puppy]? What an impressive dog!" I love the Spy Dad-Psychic Puppy tag-team ❤️
[Internally] "I am a cool-headed spy. I cannot let my emotions show." Loid remains deadpan through SO many things but his dog looking a little funny while wet is his limit. What a man!
"Don't push yourself too hard. There's someone waiting back home who would be sad if you died." 1) V sweet, dad first, hero second. And 2) This is the second time Loid has directly spoken to his life situation with a simultaneous thinly-veined dog metaphor
WAHHHHHHH Loid and Bond's heroics being acknowledged by Anya giving them little paper Stellas:
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Yor immediately joining in and congratulating them for their hard work on their walk!!! I LOVE ONE (1) SPY X FAMILY 😭😭😭😭😭 IT'S A NICE SHOW
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adoreyor · 1 year
something thats been bothering me is how people are suddenly expecting twilight to be able to drop everything he knows to be with yor and anya. as much as id also love for him to he able to leave his spy self in the past, the truth is, he’s been a spy for so much of his life that even if he were to retire from being a spy, he’s not going to be able to leave that life completely. he’s learned these things to keep himself alive. he isnt going to be able to unlearn them that fast just because he cares about anya and yor.
this is why im frustrated seeing people say that he doesn’t care about anya because he didn’t show affection the way they wanted him to when she got of the bus. i understand most people are making jokes and some of them are funny, but some people get so wrapped up in the idea of the forger family being real that they forget about what loid’s character is really like. do you really think someone who has been a spy for so long is going to suddenly drop that because he cares about someone? especially twilight? the best spy there is? no, he isn’t. and besides, we know he came running back and probably would have done something if he really needed too.
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and yes, i too wanted him to hug anya as soon as she got of the bus, but he’s a spy. he said it himself. it would be suspicious if Dr Loid Forger was suddenly able to make it back fast enough.
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he shows he cares though because he says he’ll make her favourite dinner, which might be a small thing but even that can be appreciated when coming from someone who is supposed to have no attachments to other people.
like i said, i know most people are just joking but i wanted to add my own opinions on this whole thing anyway! :)
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Part 15
*This is part of an ongoing post series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
The Campbelldon tennis tournament is the first time we see Twilight spend a considerable amount of time with someone with whom he doesn't have to act as Loid Forger…and the contrast is striking. There's no denying that he and Nightfall are exceptional at their work and make a great spy team. But, as I previously discussed, that doesn't mean she'd also be a good wife and mother.
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While the tactics that the duo use to overcome their opponents are entertaining, I always found the tennis scenes a bit on the boring side, and I realized it's because Twilight and Nightfall have no chemistry beyond working well together as spies. Because Nightfall doesn't want to see anything in Twilight beyond a hardened spy – in fact, she resents the emotions he's developed rather than try to understand them – she doesn't bring out anything new or "real" in him during their interactions. Rather than want to know all of him, she idolizes the spy side of him and refuses to accept his "realer" side…which is very hypocritical of her considering the fact that she's developed intense feelings for him…feelings that, according to her, a spy has no business having. She accepts her own feelings of love for him, in fact, those feelings are what drives most of what she thinks and does, yet the fact that he's showing feelings for others (besides her) bothers her.
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On the other hand, while Twilight does show that he cares for Nightfall as her mentor, for example, when he saves her from the rubber bullet and tells her not to push herself too hard after seeing the bruises on her hand, there's no indication that he has any "inappropriate" feelings for her (if Nightfall can tell when his real emotions for his family are seeping through, I'm sure she'd be the first to notice if he had similar feelings for her and would react accordingly).
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But the kinds of "inappropriate" feelings she's accusing him of having for his family are, ironically, the kinds of feelings she wants him to have for her alone. As I mentioned before, Nightfall and Franky are both pots calling the kettle named Twilight, black.
Meanwhile, Yor is still convinced that Fiona is a threat to her marriage. Even though Loid had given no indication that Fiona means anything to him besides being a coworker, Yor's insecurities make the threat very real in her mind. She shudders at the thought of going back to her old life where Yuri was always worried about her (once again, thinking of someone else's peace of mind before her own). She has so much anxiety about the situation that she even starts to slightly regress to her old habit of considering assassination to solve her problem: she fiercely squeezes a tennis ball in her hand while thinking that she'll do "whatever" it takes to ensure that her fear doesn't become real…but she quickly stops before she can go further with that idea.
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At the end of the tennis tournament, we see another example of Twilight being a thoughtful guy behind his stoic demeanor by giving a pep talk to the defeated Campbelldon kids. Giving them words of encouragement did nothing for his mission, but he chose to take the time to do it anyway because, as I've pointed out many times before, he always tries to consider people's feelings as long as it doesn't conflict too heavily with his work.
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When Nightfall inexplicably challenges Yor to a tennis match, Yor's fear about Loid seeing Fiona as a better wife than her, pushes her to accept. As is typical of Twilight, he notices that Yor is uncomfortable about it and tells her she doesn't have to accept, but she insists. He also tells Nightfall to back down (because he knows she's no match for Yor's crazy strength) but Nightfall insists as well.
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Twilight is intelligent and sharp about almost everything, but having lived most of his adult life only pretending to have relationships, signs of true romantic love are things he doesn't have a clue about. Hence, he has no idea what's really driving the two women to have this spontaneous tennis match (only Anya knows that!)
When Yor does indeed crush Nightfall, in typical motherly Yor fashion, the first thing she does is ask Fiona if she's okay. Then, when Fiona hastily drives off in tears, she wonders if she did something to upset her (as usual, she thinks she's to blame when someone around her becomes distressed).
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While Twilight does slowly start to pick up on the fact that Yor could have the wrong idea about his relationship with Fiona, he quickly tosses that thought aside because their marriage is fake, and Yor knows it.
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Even though she won the tennis match, that's still not enough to ease Yor's anxiety about Fiona's relationship with Loid. In an uncharacteristically forward way, she gets right in his face and exclaims "I beat her!" and, when all he can offer is a weak "congratulations," she shouts it again, even closer to his face than before. Twilight is obviously confused about why she's acting like this, so he doesn't know what else to say at the moment other than confirm her statement with enough enthusiasm that will hopefully satisfy her.
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But him parroting what she just said did not provide the reassuring words Yor needed to hear. Since Yor doesn't understand her own feelings, and Twilight has trouble understanding hers and Anya's feelings, especially if they involve him, nobody except the audience realizes how much of a threat Fiona is to Yor's newfound security in the Forger family. With Yor not realizing her own feelings enough to ask Loid the questions that would put her mind at ease, she continues to be depressed about the situation even on the following day.
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Continue to Part 16 ->
<- Return to Part 14
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Assassination Classroom Nagisa with a Bisexual female S/O who is exactly like Yor Forger from Spy x family and no..it isn't a joke whatsoever that S/O had ridiculous strength that can kill a grown man or knock them unconscious.
How would Nagisa's relationship be with his S/O and everything...
Naive bisexual!S/O has incredible assassin skills
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Nagisa Shiota ] [ Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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× This is inspired in Yor (from Spy x Family)
Hmmm I feel like this doesn't fit much into the pride month event... I could have done it later in any case because i never specify to what gender you feel atracted to...
Anyways, im doing it just because i loved so fucking much the idea!!! AND I love Nagisa and Yor!! ❤️💜💙
I think i didn't talk much about the part of the skills but is because this was supoused to be for the pride month event... still I hope you like it as much as I did!!
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Nagisa has never been in love or in a relationship before, even if he had a crush it take him a while to understand and accept his own feelings, for you two to start a relasionship had been a slowly process since both have being oblivous of their own feelings and nervous about what you should do with them, at the end you get some help from your friends to start a relasionship
Nagisa doesn't have much self confidence, he doesn't see himself as someone stronge or special so before you two start dating he was being insecure about it, he didn't though you would like him and when he found out that you are bisexual his worries increased a little since is more probably that you will find someone else, boy or girl, that you like more than him
Despite all his insecurities you two start dating at the end, being in a relationship with you flustered him a lot but it makes him feel an inmense happiness too, the fact that you accept him and even love him just the way he is makes him incredeably happy
As well he loves you the way you are, he finds your naive personality cute and amusing, he can't help but laugh a little when your innocence is present, still he always helps you understand the things you don't understand, always with a loving smile on his lips, he loves doing it, it makes him feel useful
It isn't until Karasuma start giving special training to Class 3-E when you finally have the chance to show off your habilities (without even noticing), it doesn't take you any time to get used to the new training and since the start you showed great habilities to every combat technique, from hand to hand combat to use diferent weapons, even when you don't think much of it everyone else do, everyone are truly impress by your skills, even Karasuma, Irina and Koro-sensei were really impress by it
Koro-sensei talked to you about this right away, asking how you were amazing at everything at what you answer that you had been training for a long time now (something that makes him worried but he didn't ask more because he got interrupted by everyone else), not you were just good with combat but also you have impeccable dexterity and agility and since that, and thanks to the fact that the class slowly start to get closer to each other you started to win some popularity, some of your classmates were always mesmerize and love seeing you in actions while others were constantly challenging you, some of them even ask you constantly how you do it and ask to teach them your amazing skills, and being the kind person you are you never decline to their asks
Nagisa was really proud of you, he really is, but he can't stop himself from feeling jealous and a little insecure when so much attention the others put you, is just that he is still your boyfriend and it bothers him that he can't spend time with you, and yet he doesn't feel with the right to tell you anything about this, you had win your amazing skills with hard work and if you are free to show them if you want
Is more probably that Nagisa won't say anything about how he feels about this situation because he doesn't want to upsed you or anything, but at the end of the day you always go to him again and talk to him with the same excited and loving voice of always (sometimes even asking for his opinion, like if his is the one you want to hear), without even noticing it just by wanting to be with him as always you give him the reasurance he needed and his worries start to go away (he will actually feel dumb for worring so much later)
His feelings can go unoticed by you but not to Karma and Kaede, they are close friends of him and they is really observant and while Kaede try to reasure him that you truly love him and even when you are getting so much attention you won't leave him so easily, Karma kinda reasure him too but he does it after teasing him a lot (he even tell Nagisa that he doesn't have to worry because you won't leave him when he is the full package for you, for being a boy but looking like a girl too)
After a while your classmates learn to leave the two of you your time alone, they totally respect your relationship and let the part of your skills to the training (and since everyone is improving their skills it becomes a friendly rivality with some of them)
As well, soon or later (when Nagisa proof his own skills too) you two start to win some nicknames as couple from your classmates and friends, calling you partners in crime and couple of assassins for how you two seem to have amazing assassin skills
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twiyoriz · 1 year
Loid and Yor are the world's most supportive parents. One time Anya had a play in school, Loid would cancel his missions in a blink of an eye and Yor would take a day off from City Hall and informing the Shopkeeper to let her off from assassinations for one day because her daughter will be performing in a play and SHE NEEDS TO BE THERE TO WITNESS EVERY SECOND. They'll cheer the loudest and will spend the rest of day roaming in the city with their daughter and gets her everything she wants.
And Anya is just happy to be around her parents and that's all she needs to be happy.
anon im so sorry this is so late but im finally posting this bc im finally done with finals WEEE
BUT THIS IS SO CUTE considering that this is the first time anya’s felt such support and love from anyone i know this means so much 😭 compared to her classmates she’s never had that fear of no one showing up because she knows that they’re smiling with a camcorder of some sort in the audience.
i feel like loid and yor also end up becoming everyone’s honorary parents too, but mainly yor. she feels absolutely terrible for the kids with busy and wealthy parents that never bothered to show up (cough damian cough), so yor always brings a bouquet of roses to give out to anya’s classmates (and gives non-bone crushing hugs if they want some) so that they feel included and recognized as well :)
in loid’s case, he finds this to be a surplus of information. he immediately goes into twilight mode, but seeing his girls be so happy makes him think that work can be put off for now. (it would be weird to ask these six year olds such serious things anyway, he thinks) instead of discreetly interrogating these rich children who are offspring of the most powerful people in the country, he gives them a high five and a “good job”, watching fondly as anya and yor interact with the other kids
i definitely agree with you on the fact that they would spoil the hell out of anya omg… i feel like what happens though is that anya just asks for peanuts and then wants to go home to play with bond because she’s too tired (same).
but its a guaranteed that anya will be hearing her and her classmates' performance replaying for weeks on end bc twilight and yor cannot stop gushing over her 😭
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marchtooctober · 4 months
My valentine gift for @wondrousmay @whateversawesome @shiro-s2e2-erukinzu @tare-chan
A turn to left, a turn to right.
It was one of those rare nights when Loid could not shut himself down to rest. He's wondering why it is so. Maybe it was because his day wasn't as tiring as usual or because of the overdose of caffeine.
In the last two hours, his sleeplessness was spent on staring at the ceiling accompanied with a symphony of unspoken thoughts. His frustration is such that he flipped away the blanket to his side.
*creaking of the door
Loid left the room and did not bother switching the lights on.
He sniffed in the scent of freshly changed curtains as he slid it to the side and without thinking much of it, he looked out of the window as he leaned himself against the corner. There is nothing remarkable below as it is already late into the night and the only ones to see are people who are yet to reach their own homes.
And so Loid had nothing to do but unconsciously stare at the night sky. Only a handful of shimmering stars can be seen due to the urban atmosphere. And more so, because of the full moon high up above, in all its glory.
"The moon is beautiful tonight." Came a voice behind Loid with no warning.
A combination of electrifying jolt and warm shiver spread throughout his body. It made him fix his posture but he did not turn. He didn't need to because he knew the voice. The one which has now grown overly familiar and speaks home to him, all that is sweet and serenity. Yet, like a stimulant, it was enough to affect his heartbeat and breathing which spiked even higher when the very person stood before him.
"You're still up at this time?"
"I'm sorry, Yor. I couldn't sleep." Loid said.
Under the moonlight, Yor looked as though she was its personified goddess.
"I went out to drink water. How about I brew you some tea?" She asked.
"That sounds good. Thank you."
It was merely a minute but Loid was holding his breath. He was caught off guard again by Yor and he contemplated how many times this already happened. In vain he lost count and he was aware that it will do him no good even if he knew. He'd still be vulnerable all the same.
"Here, Loid."
Yor held the cup by the corner near the base so handle is facing Loid. But even with this, their fingertips never failed to make contact. Surely, they would have flinched, if it wasn't for the tea-filled ceramic that they're holding.
Loid tried to compose himself and it frustrated him and he felt rather fidgety.
"Thank you." Loid could say no more than that.
He carelessly drew the cup and burned his lips. It showed on his face that it hurt him quite a bit. How he wish it didn't because Yor stepped nearer to him in worry.
"I must have served it too hot! I'm sorry... Does it hurt?"
Loid could not speak but shook his head, not wanting her to mind it. But it seems Yor did not notice and decided on something else. Swiftly, she held Loid's face and closed in for a kiss.
Loid froze. Again, he was caught off guard. This act is about to drive him mad. It was torture and pleasure at the same time. Though he wanted to shy away, there was no way to resist this attack that took him by surprise.
Soft and lingering. Swayed by the heavenly bliss. How Yor felt on his lips was perhaps the only remedy Loid needed.
"I'm going back now. You should do the same as soon as you're done. The bed feels too big without you." Yor said when she broke away.
Loid could not look elsewhere, his eyes always sought Yor's. Almost as if he is drawn in by those crimson orbs. Exchanging another gaze, Yor smiled and turned away.
Now Loid realized the reason he couldn't sleep.
For every restless contemplation, Yor is his muse. To be loved by her is too good to be true.
My, myyyy... this took a rather peculiar turn. I'll let you imagine whether this drabble is post-mission/post-revelation/post-confession 😂🤣
Ps. I honestly had a different ending for this but i suddenly decided to go with a very valentine vibe 😂🤣
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
I just watched episode 17 of the Spy X Family, so let's talk about it...! 😎👍
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Today's episode covers Mission 25 and Short Mission 5 of the manga and, well... I like the episode, but the thing that throws me off about it is the two chapters they decided to put into this episode... 😅
I mean, already knew that Mission 25 and Short Mission 5 were gonna be in this episode because of the promo from last week, but that doesn't mean I still didn't find it to be an odd choice... I dunno, maybe I'm just weird for being bothered by something so silly in the grand scheme of things...! 🤷
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But anyway, I still enjoyed this episode and thought that it was animated great...!! 😁 Especially the stuff with Sylvia and the anime only scenes at the end of the episode!
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Now on to the difference!! 👌😄
There wasn't too many changes that I noticed (mainly because there was a lot of scenes that I forgot actually happened in Mission 25, before I went back to check...) except for these two things:
First off, Sylvia's hair for her disguise looks black in the manga, while in the anime it's blonde (even her hat swaps colors):
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And secondly, though similar in the anime, this scene of Anya dropping the photo of her family is just so much better and funnier to me in the manga...!
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As for dialogue changes, there was only two that noticed as well! 😄
The first being Henderson's response to Becky's "Humans are animals" line... In the anime, he says "Tis true!"; while in the manga he says:
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I dunno, I think I prefer what he says in the manga over the anime because it's funnier to me...!! 🤣
And the second being that Jeeves called Desmond brothers Master Dammy and Demmy in the anime, instead of just Master Damian and Demetrius like in the manga:
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And like I said before, there was an anime only part that they added at the end of the episode... That of course being this scene with Yor and Yuri:
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It was such a cute addition...!! 😊 I'm glad that they put into the anime (though, it probably would've been a better addition in the previous episode, I ain't complaining...!! 😁)
And that was episode 17 of anime!! It was a fun little episode, even if I was a little nitpicky at the beginning...! 😌 I'm super excited for next week's episode, mainly because a certain someone is finally gonna make their debut in the anime...! 😏
So until next time (or in this case tomorrow), I'll see you all in the next mission...!! BYE!! 👋
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eastofthemoon · 1 year
Title: Christmas Flirting Theme: Mistletoe Fandom/Character(s): Spy x Family/ Loid x Yor, Anya Warnings (if applicable): None Word Count: 792
Archive of our own
When Loid got home, he wasn’t surprise to see the apartment covered in Christmas decorations. It had been Anyay’s request yesterday to put some up today (which resulted in Loid making an emergency request to WISE to send a few boxes of decorations to avoid Yor pondering they Loid never had any before.)
However, he was shocked by the several mistletoe hanging in each doorway of the apartment. He was fairly certain WISE wouldn’t have bothered to include that.
“Papa,” Anya greeted as she waved a pair of stockings. “Doesn’t the place look pretty?”
“It’s festive,” Loid said as he removed his scarf and hung his coat. “Where did the mistletoe come from?”
“Oh, from me,” Yor said with a grin as she clapped her hands. “I just love it and it’s so easy to find this time of year.” She gestured to a few ornaments on the table. “I also took out some of my family’s old decorations. I hope that was okay. I don’t have much.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Loid said with a smile and it was the truth. “It’s your home too, Yor, decorate as much as you want.”
Yor’s cheeks blushed slightly as she smiled before she went back to helping Anya hang the stockings.
Once her back was turned, Loid frowned and proceed to examine the mistletoe hanging from the roof on the hallway.
Yor put up mistletoe. Does that mean she expects me to follow through on the tradition?
He grasped his chin in though. Yor is well aware this is just a cover for her and me, however, does that mean she expects me to...kiss her if we’re both underneath it? We don’t have a romantic relationship so it wouldn’t be proper, but on other hand if that’s what she wants I would need to. Yor’s participation as being my wife is vital for the mission and that is only achieve able if she’s happy, therefore-
“Loid, are you alright?”
Loid jumped slightly. He has never been able to figure out how Yor is able to sneak up behind him without him knowing.
Yor continued to frown as she approached. “You’ve been standing there for a few minutes. Are you feeling ill?”
Loid smiled and waved a hand. “No, no, I was just lost in thought-”
He froze.
Yor was now standing directly underneath the mistletoe and so was he.
He quickly calculated his options and determine on the best outcome for the mission.
Loid kissed Yor on the cheek.
Upon hearing her gasp and a hand on her shocked face, Loid concluded he had somehow messed up.
“L-Loid...why did you that?” she asked.
Loid sweated as he felt his stomach start to hurt again. “I’m sorry, I concluded you would like me to since you hung all this mistletoe around.”
Yor’s shocked face switched to confusion. “What does mistletoe have to do with anything?”
Loid became quiet, processed in his head on what he just heard and frowned.
“Yor, do you not know the tradition?”
Yor blinked. “Tradition?” She pointed. “You mean how people just use it as a decoration like wreaths and holly.”
Loid swallowed. She didn’t know did she?
He gave a nervous smile. “Well, yes, but mistletoe is a bit special.” He rubbed his neck. “When it’s hung up, if two people are caught underneath it at the same time they are expected to kiss.”
“You mean make smoochy?” Any asked.
Please, don’t say it like that, Loid thought.
Yor blinked again, glanced at the mistletoe and suddenly her entire face turned redder than a berry on a holly bush.
“PEOPLE DO THAT?!” she stammered.
Loid sighed as he massaged his forehead. “So, you had no idea.”
“No,” Yor cried. “I just like buying mistletoe because it’s a useful poison- I mean because it’s so pretty.’ “I see, I see,” Loid said with a sigh. Yeah, that tracks.
He then pointed to the plant. “In that case, if you don’t mind, perhaps we should take it down for now.” He grimaced. “If Franky comes over while it’s still up I can only imagine he will try to take full advantage of it.”
Yor glanced at the mistletoe and gave a slow nod. “Yes, that would probably be wise.”
Loid’s stomach felt a bit better.
Yor’s blush returned. “B-but before that I need to do something.”
Loid wasn’t sure what she met until she kissed him on his own cheek.
His face suddenly felt very warm.
Yor fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater. “T-there, just to make sure we’re even.”
Loid continued to blush as he cleared his throat. “Yes, of course.”
Anya stared at them along Bond from the couch. “Mama and Papa are Christmas flirting.”
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louwhose · 2 years
Blind Spots | Domestic
AO3 | Next My submission for TwiYor Week 2022! So, WAAAYY way back when I was really into Miraculous Ladybug, I fell in love with the idea of a "Double Blind Reveal." Where two people with a secret identity discover the other's secret identity without either of them being aware they know. I thought that would work pretty well with Loid and Yor. That being said, this chapter probably has the largest canon-divergence as they both have to be un-oblivious enough to pick up on the clues. But whatever, this story is about how they deal with things and what happens afterwards, so just ignore it.
domestic | adjective
do·​mes·​tic | \ də-ˈme-stik \
3 : of or relating to the household or the family
You'd think being a hitman would put you above clumsiness.
Not for Yor.
Of course, in a fight or any other equally intense and life-threatening situation, she had full and precise control over her body. She did not err by even a hair's width, and always hit exactly where she aimed.
But, in spite of all that, evidently it was beyond her to dust in her home without knocking over a ceramic vase that they had on their coffee table.
She just stared at it for a moment once it had shattered all over the floor, water spreading outward and flowers trashed. Finally, with a resigned sigh, she bent over to start picking up the pieces to throw away.
Partway through, Yor spotted among the broken ceramic something slender, silver, and shiny. One of Loid's tie clips. Probably Anya knocked it off in one of her too-rough hugs to greet him when he came home the night before. She quickly placed it on the coffee table and finished up the rest of the cleanup for the vase before taking it back to Loid's room.
She paused before going into his room. Loid had given permission for her to go in his room to put things away, like she was now, but Yor was still nervous. It was the only room of their apartment that she didn't go in regularly, and it almost felt like going in there was intruding a little too much in Loid's space.
So she tried to be in and out of there as quickly as possible. Maybe that was her mistake. Because if she had, well, not necessarily taken her time, but certainly not rushed the task, then Yor wouldn’t have knocked over Loid’s box of cufflinks. And subsequently noticed something that shouldn’t have been there in the process of picking those up.
A bug.
Not the insect kind. Yor wasn’t bothered by those— or at least she was confident in her ability to annihilate them once they did become a bother.
No, it was a listening device. Something small to be stowed away in a room, or even on a person, if someone knew how to without being caught.
Something spies used.
Yor’s first thought was that someone was spying on Loid. But who? What would Westalis want with a psychiatrist? Yuri? He couldn’t have planted it in Loid’s room, though, if even he tried, which Yor found unlikely.
And besides, this was Loid. She could hardly imagine something like this going past his notice, even if he was just a psychiatrist.
Wait. Yor frowned. If he couldn’t possibly have not noticed it, then what was it doing in his room? Unless…
Unless he’s a spy himself.
Overwhelmed, unsure of what to think, Yor quickly finished putting things away before slinking back to her room. Sure, she hadn’t finished dusting, but she had left everything tidy enough, and she really needed a minute to recover from that possibility. She went in, locked the door, and then slid down the wall until she was seated on the floor. Only there, finally, was she able to take a breath and think.
It fit together too perfectly. Like it couldn’t possibly not be true. How, well… perfect he was. The long hours he worked… a psychiatrist probably wouldn’t need to work that late, right? And Anya, well… it wasn’t like a spy couldn’t have a family.
But… well, shouldn’t a spy try to keep a low profile in his normal life, since he wouldn't want to draw attention to himself? So why was Anya attending Eden Academy, a hotbed of the rich and powerful? Unless… that was the purpose. To put her in contact with those who would have access to crucial information for Westalis. The thought that Anya was a spy was even more sickening than that of Loid.
But… was she? Now that she thought about it, it seemed unlikely. She had punched Damian Desmond, perhaps the most valuable person in her class to spy on, at orientation. No, Anya probably knew that her father was a spy, and that was why she loved her show "Spy Wars." But otherwise, she was much too honest, much too much a child. No, Anya was no spy.
At least, not now. Yor frowned at the thought, hating the clear possibility that it could in fact be a long-term operation with the eventual goal of getting to Damian’s father, Donovan Desmond. For what purpose? She was hardly smart enough to tell. But she was sure there could be something.
Yor groaned and leaned her head back against the wall, wishing that she had never found out. This was all too complicated for her. If only she could go back to earlier that day when she suspected nothing was wrong in her life.
That was a thought. Yor perked up. While she couldn’t actually travel back in time, and her acting skills were shoddy at best, it certainly was easier to, well… pretend that it had never happened. At least, she could forget about it while she focused on other tasks until she figured out how to react to the information. Perhaps she could ask the Shopkeeper. He would know better than her.
Having collected her wits, Yor stood up, and went back out.
After all, she had to finish dusting.
Loid chose fish for dinner.
Not something cheap and obviously a product of mass market production, such as fish sticks, though Anya loved those things regardless. No, he had gone to a fresh fish mart, gotten real fish.
Now, that being said, one thing fish sticks did have going for it was the lesser amount of preparation that went into it. But three fresh fish meant three fish that he had to decapitate, gut, descale, and debone himself.
Loid glanced up at Anya and Yor before he did all the work himself. Of course, he could very easily do it, and perhaps more efficiently by himself than with their help and the stress accompanying it, but one of his goals in Operation Strix was to maintain the appearance of an average family. And strengthening familial bonds was an easy way to make that happen naturally.
“Do either of you want to help?”
Anya got one look at the fish and turned queasy, which Loid took as a distinct “no.” He supposed it might be a bit much for a child to be willing to so easily join the process of turning what had so recently been an animal into food. She mumbled an excuse of “needing to study” and staggering back to her room with Bond in tow.
Well, that was one taken care of. Though he didn’t know whether that was a relief or not, because when it came to matters of the kitchen, Yor might be even worse than Anya.
“So, what about—” Loid halted as he turned and saw Yor staring at him holding the knife with baited breath and flushed cheeks. That’s right. For some reason, his wife really, really loved blades. “…you?”
Yor flinched, looking up at him, cheeks even redder. “Oh, could I? I don’t want to get in your way!”
Loid could understand her inhibitions, as Anya had complained more than once about her cooking, and he had felt its ill effects himself. But that seemed to be more about the actual cooking component, and she certainly had no difficulties wielding a knife, at least. Of course, none of that had anything to do with why he asked, as it was for strengthening their bonds as a fake family in order to better pass as a real one. All for the mission.
Yet, he almost didn’t think about the mission at all when he said, “You wouldn’t be getting in my way. I really wouldn’t mind help cutting the fish.”
He had to admit, with Yor’s constant earnestness and honesty, it was all too easy to sometimes forget that he was Twilight, not actually Loid Forger, her husband, and that he couldn’t care for her like he actually was. And it was hard, being so close to some of the people he was trying to protect peace for, while trying not to be legitimately close to them. Sometimes Twilight was jealous of Loid Forger, a person that didn’t quite truly exist, for getting to be so attached to his family without anything holding him back from it.
But he dismissed that thought. He wasn’t Twilight now, while in his own home. He had to be Loid Forger as completely as he could, and only long for it to be a truth and not a lie.
Yor had retrieved a knife and cutting board to use, placing them on the counter next to Loid as she grabbed one of the fish.
“Do you need me to show you how?”
He barely finished before she started moving at lightning speed, wielding the knife like a weapon against the fish. Yor cleaved off its head in a clean motion before pushing it off to the side and slitting its stomach from the base to its gills. Then she immediately grabbed those and ripped them out, its organs coming out along with it, and she briefly turned just long enough to throw them into the trash.
Loid looked up at Yor as she moved onto the next fish, just staring at her for a moment. The speed with which she had executed that was impressive. And that grin on her face and cheeks flushed even more than earlier made it clear that she was enjoying it.
He could barely admit it to himself that he thought this, but… it was a nice look on her, how enthralled she was by this.
By the time he had looked back down to the counter, though he hadn’t looked away long at all, she had managed to finish gutting the second fish. She was extremely fast, and clearly knew what she was doing.
Loid tilted his, a slight smile forming on her lips as she reached for the third and final fish. “I hadn’t realized that you knew how to prepare fish so well.”
Yor glanced up at him, knife hovering over the fish. “I don’t, actually. I’ve never made fish before.”
He didn’t want to realize what that meant. Of course, he couldn’t help but analyze it, years of being a spy made him largely unable to interact with others in a normal manner, especially with anything that seemed the slightest bit off. But he was able to push it off long enough to reply in a normal manner while crafting an escape for himself. “Ah, so you’re a natural, then. I’ll leave it to you, while I start to season them.”
Only then did Loid turn around, letting the sounds of Yor’s positive butchering haunt him from behind. Only then did Twilight think about what said butchering meant when she hadn’t done it on a fish before. It was obvious that she was not, as Loid said, just a natural, but legitimately had experience. If not specifically fish, that was concerning. She certainly didn’t have enough grace or experience with cooking in general for the knowledge to be that easily applied to an animal she wasn’t familiar with working with. So the knowledge had to come in from some other field.
Assassin, Twilight thought. She had to be an assassin. Or, at least, it was a strong possibility. As much as Loid hated suspecting Yor again, if she had such a huge secret… it would justify looking through her room while she was away at work the next day, to see if it could confirm his suspicions.
Suspicions. He hated that he had them. He hated that he had to analyze everything he came across, look out for potential threats.
Loid wished… no, Twilight wished… or actually, if he was being honest, it was [REDACTED] who wished that he could just play out this domestic bliss like it was true. But unfortunately, he was a spy first.
Thanks for reading my crazy little story! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment! I love hearing what people think about my work (even if I'm not the best about replying)! Next
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Alchemy of Souls, Part 1, Episode 1
[I’ve written this so sincerely LMAO I have an exam to study for 😭✋]
ahahah we literally start with the subtitles saying ‘ominous music playing’
nooo that growling thing behind the door actually scared the fuck out of me WOAH
what in the marvel just happen??? like where did this superhero man come from and also what are these cuts 😂😭 whiplash !!!
Monster person fight back ???! 
ummm did this mom bring those 2 food to offer them AS FOOD to her demon son? what’s going on 🤨
the son’s dementor era omg he just took his mom’s soul?! 😭 he said:
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rip to the dementor son but also the way his body sort of fell into the ocean, it looked smaller and smaller and looked like a little toy 😭
this place is so gloomy woah
hmmm maybe it’s time for me to google what alchemy actually means, ahh got it
if my king asked me to switch bodies i’d say give me a day and never come back. the mage is clearly better than me
you could screenshot so much of this show and make it your wallpaper
so I guess the baby gets the mage’s genes 🧬
the king looked a little too old for this bride woah. everyday we thank we are not in the Middle Ages 🙏
why is my man dying already ?!? also the king looks so bothered ‘why are you bothering me with your yelling I’m trying to have sex? 🤨’
I have no idea what happened because they dropped a title card and Netflix didn’t bother to translate
SISTER NO! my girl got hit
people were not helpful at all lmaooo Naksu dragged an unsuspecting girl and everyone was like
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I have no idea what this show is about or what it’s doing but I already love it so much. Like them training to shape water or I guess make water move as they want to. I love these things !!!
Whoever they’re yelling at has earrings and blonde hair and is adorable! I love it 😂 I guess we’re not being period specific after all (to be fair they’re doing spells and soul shifting, they can have blonde hair)
Oh the old man has blush !!!
how did she shift into the girl she pushed lol I thought she was playing I guess she might be blind? oh she’s not.
they were going to sell this girl ?!?! <///3 history is always cruel to women 😭
wait are we not going to see more of warrior Naksu? I miss that girl.
But also she’s so hilarious here 💀💀💀
Naksu was vegetarian ??? sometimes we win
The lady talking to her is so cute 😭🫶
I’m not even writing anything meaningful here lmao just jotting down anything like if I look back at this I’ll be so confused.
Four Seasons, beautiful beautiful women, unfortunate name
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also I thought they were going to say the blondie earring man was going to be cool as the water. he’s hot like summer 😭
I love all of them woah.
My girl means revenge and I am on her side !!!
not sure about later but lady is such a sweetheart
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he recognised her in someone else’s body so fast ??? like he saw her put a crab leg to his neck and was like Naksu 😭? he’s so #real
it’s been 30 minutes and I am already being looped into a love triangle 😭 but he’s cute so why not
that’s why she kept the bird whistle !!! the younger version of the guy kinda (KINDA gave haechan from NCT)
I found the crab leg guy cuter though but that also might be due to the heavy tumblr gif bias
‘menacing music playing’ I love the subtitles here 😂😂😂
I trained her to be the ultimate assassin. Oh it’s giving the garden from Spy Family. Naksu x Yor Agenda (or me just babbling anything, ignore me)
I love how seriously she inspects everything. It’s giving me Mr Queen when Bonghwan travelled and was like 🤨🤨🤨 at everything. But I also love how everytime she tries something in this new body she fails 😭💖
My dumbass just always assumes Kdrama actors are older why is our lead only 24??? woah (takes a little break for an existential crisis to process this information) he reminds me of Dew from F4 a lil.
Now I know where I saw her childhood bird whistle crush!!! I just saw his thumbnail for Hybe lol I think he might be releasing a song.
The lead actress is 33 ??? And that’s on good genes woah! she’s so cute 😭 the way I’m just saying anything like cut to the next episode and who knows Naksu would start shape shifting.
LMAO her going ‘what is wrong with this guy is he not in love with me’ as soon as he starts messing with her. 💀
Oh he’s making her work WORK Alexa play 9-5 by Dolly Parton 😭
I adore her because she’s changed her ‘when I get my energy I will kill this person first’ like 3 times already
he’s got a nice voice, I register, as I see him getting sucked in a bathtub whirlpool
I forget how bad it used to be for the pre photography people like at most you’ve got a painting of your loved one. AT MOST. a painting on something as fragile and flimsy as a paper.
the child actor looks nothing like our lead oh no 😭😭😭
I thought he was going to think about his mom but I guess he’s still thinking about unlocking the spell
my girl is just searching in the loudest way possible LMAO
Hiding under the bed 😭😭😭 she’s so #number1assasinbutatwhatcost
girl we all knew he was awake
awww she decided to be here on the worst day. everyone is so loud and everyone is awake. they’ll be on guard now 😩
now what did they set fire too?!
oh that’s her teacher!!!
now how did he get in without his amulet but also I knew he’d save her by pulling her away. just felt it in my bones 🦴
also thought that the guy who was chasing her would just jump from one of the roofs of the houses
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guessnyshel · 6 months
Hi bro, i can't believe im writing this to you . Haha, feeling ko ang cringe ko pag nabasa mo to soo uhm describe muna kita uhmm you are the most caring and lovable person ik hahahahaha the prettiest din hehe enebe even though we haven't known each other for a long time part kana ng life ko kase y not diba? Thank you din sa pag listen sa mga chika ko buti natitiis mo kadaldalan ko ehe very sweet of you pero minsan ik na naiinis kana sakin i can feel it haha by your chats professional nako sa mga ganyan e charot pero im very sorry if na aannoy nakita sometimes i just need someone to talk to and sorry din sa mga jokes ko na sumusobra na im really sorryyyyy ulit and sorry din if im too friendly FOR YOU gulat din ako nung bigla ko nilabas clingy side ko haha hiyang hiya na talaga ako sayo minsan haha be pero i wanted you to know that you are the most caring friend you have it all na hehe like diba pretty, smart, caring, cool, nice, happy, understanding marami pa iba and thank you so matsss sa paunawa mo sakin and sa comforts mo it really helps me din pero can i you smthing bro why did you said in yo chat na you didn't want to hurt me so you kept talking to me diba you said all goods naman and you love talking to me fls i really need a answer on that it keeps bothering me ih baka dimo ma gets letter ko :) halo halo e
And srry if dikita kinakausap sa school naninibago ako sa ugali mo tsaka sa boses huhuhu and pag ni rrole mo eyes mo sakin i feel sad bro haha i don't want that pa naman hihi pero sana may lakas nako kausapin ka kase astig ako e pero anyways sana lalo ka tumalino so you can make your parents proud!!!! Ih idk what to say na soooo minsan nadin ako nagalit sayo sinabi mo n-word pero i believe you na iba sinabi mo kase i trust you nga enebe so thankful ako na may friend ako katulad mo sinesave mo sa pagiging sad cuz part ka na happiness koooo ui happiness pero sana tama hinala ko dimoko pinag tritripan huhu pero i believe naman in you nung sinabi mo dika nan tritrip tao pero bro imma be fr pero mas gusto ko ugali mo nung una tayo nag usap kesa ngayong kaso parang so cold mune e sumabay ba naman sa December huhuhu even though di na tayo masyado nag uusap and nanghihingi karin time chaka space i will give you that bro kase sabi mo eh sooo yuhhhh and im kinda getting sad na kase we don't talk a lot anddd i really miss talking na talaga sayo pero titiisin ko dika guluhin kasee yk hehe pero promise bro i really miss talking to you kasee you are my second friend na naka kita ng ugali ko ganto hui kase i never showed it only you and maria kase im super shy talaga😭 and sana we can talk again like we used to talk when ready kana makipag usap talaga sa MAKULIT na katulad ko
And na shock din ako sa sinabi ni brent sa discord kase na aannoy kana pala sakin dmo sinasabi so saddening ng konti and it made me cry my eyes out din pero oks lang ikaw yan e charot ih pero lahat na sinabi ko ay truths lang and that's what i feel when i talk to you i guess that's all and sana mag last to friendship natin i also miss our old chats haha pero that's okay para ka climate change nag babago joke lang hoi wag seryosohin please hehe okay that all i guess and again aela take care alagaan mo sarili mo eat on time din baka magkasakit kana anakkhu,, andddddd stay safe bro i don't want you getting hurt pa naman anak and focus on yo studies and dont pressure yourself too much cus its really bad for you and do yor best in school aela ik that you can do it cus i believe in you anakkkkkk andddd so very lastly i hope you achieve everything you want kase you deserve it nga e thanks brooo that's all na talagaaaaa.
Sincerely, the zombies
Second letter, haha bro imma be fr to you here even though i haven't known you very very much. i still don't really wanna lose you cause im scared letting go someone, and idk why bro why i have that kind of ugali, and that's the main reason i kept talking to you talaga i can't ignore or forget you💀 kase you saw all of my sides na hindi pa nakita nina aikee and chas and bro trust me i really didn't mean to chat you that time kase yk im so shy get to knowing someone that idk that much pero chinat pa din kita idk why bru sama ko na sorry letter ko i never got to send it to you that night when you said that long letter kase i was so tired that night din Im sorry for making you feel that way, aela. im really sorry kung nilabas ko clingy side ko nang wala warning. I apologize for annoying you and making those ram jokes i made. That really annoys you
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
also thoughts on janel's gender: obviously it is not perfect and sucks how so many people perceive her as a woman i wish there was more ease with the perception of her as a man who is female, BUT cool thing- although kihrin is still figuring it out i love how he has taken it in stride. like one of few perspectives where you get to hear them ACTUALLY muse about janel's gender a bit rather than everyone referring to her as daughter, wife, woman, Something To Protect. and shaking hands with u as another genderqueer person fr. the thing of gender in jorat seems so interesting to expand on though even with it's flaws i am chewing on it like one of those honey straws? like if anyone can be a mare or stallion then it is really more about the distribution of respect and the roles that people have in a culture, so it made a lot of sense for her to--obviously she kind of had to but--to accept her role as a woman with the marakori because of the matriarchal society, whereas with people who actually understand the weight of what she is she's much less lenient (also does she think teraeth knows?? is it the memory of her life as elana?? is it just the disrespect that bothers her??? obviously other things too he is more of a punching bag but where's the irritation Coming From). where do the geldings fit into all this? how do they function as a third gender? do they function as a third gender or is it just the catch-all in the way that nonbinary is? *holding up mic to random gelding character in the far background* and what is it like to be a gelding in jorat my good sir
This reminds me, the chorus of dragons wiki (which is not maintained or up to date, it stops like mid book 2 and was worked on by like one person) has Janel listed as a woman. I should do something about that. Maybe I should offer my services to the wiki, whatever that would entail
I have a mutual who reblogged one of the asks you sent me talking about Jorat's gender and how it would've been nice to see more of it (I swear they said something even though I can't find that rn, I'm certain they said something). We spend so much time outside of Jorat in the story without much contact with any Joratese (it's mainly Janel with some Dorna), so we don't get to see their beliefs in action as a community. Instead we see Janel having problems being properly viewed as a female man in the rest of the world, as people presume her a woman everywhere. Which is realistic to what she would encounter leaving her country and going places with very different beliefs, it just would've been fun to see more of Jorat and a widespread disconnect of gender and sex.
But I do appreciate Kihrin for actually taking the time to think about it. He doesn't brush her off, he's like wow that's very different from what I was taught and a lot to wrap my head around. it'll take some time to get used to, but I'll put in the time and be conscious of my perception of her even though I won't be perfect about it. Because shaking your hand as a genderqueer person, that's all I want! I don't need you to be perfect about it, I need you to put in the effort and just try. and he does!
Poor teraeth though, he would try if someone would just tell him what's going on. He just doesn't understand because you haven't TOLD him Janel. He's not treating you with the respect you believe you deserve because you haven't told him how your culture works and he wasn't raised in it! He doesn't know you see his actions as disrespectful he is instead trying very very hard to woo you and be nice. Shaking them all please communicate. Janel you understand some people don't understand you're not a woman, you spent four years living in Yor as a "woman"--did that grate and now your touchier about it now that you're out? Or is it just because this is Teraeth? A lot happened in these books I haven't reread them yet the specifics are eluding me, I can't recall what was said about it
Anyway, the geldings! Wish we could've met one, but alas, we weren't in Jorat for long enough and we don't have many Joratese characters. My understanding is it's a catch-all term? Though I am curious what identifies someone as a gelding, because it seems like people in Jorat can tell whether you're a mare or a stallion based on their perception of you and your actions. So are there gelding-specific actions, or are they a mix of mare and stallion actions? Holding a mic up to the entire country of Jorat
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sockendrache · 3 years
Until the very end
Think about how cool it would be if the Rotten Vale from MHW was a thing in MHST!!
Imagine an adult Rider, who’s been with their Monstie for decades, who’s been through so much with them, sensing that the end is near...
(Small story under the cut!)
I know you’re tired.
My gloved hand strokes over your big, scaly head. It feels warm to the touch, surprisingly soft too, even though those scars look so sharp from afar. They’re worn from the many battles we’ve been through, littered with scars, evident of your age.
You look at me with those big, curious eyes of yours. The ones that looked at me with a sense of wonder all those years ago, back when your shell had just cracked.
The hills are starting to become mountains, huh? 
I feel the same way, buddy. I don’t know if you can feel it, but.... I can feel the age in my bones, too. My weapon became heavier over the years, the falls start to hurt. I don’t shrug off the bigs hits like I used to.
We sure went through a lot, right, pal?
I wish I didn’t have to do this. But it’s a part of being a Rider. Just like death is a part of life. And as your friend, I can’t have you go on this journey alone. Not when it’s your last.
I got you your favorite.
Back then I avoided spoiling you too much, lest you became too much of a puppy. Used to having your meals presented to you on a sliver platter, already cut up so you didn’t have to chew. But now, when we sit around the fire together... I can’t resist preparing your dinner for you. Not when you look at me with those big, tired eyes.
My big, handsome boy.
The spark in your eyes is starting to fade, the curious fire starting to die. But it’s okay. You’re still handsome. My big, handsome friend. Yes, you!
Slept good?
It’s hard to smile at you now. Not because I don’t love you, though. I do, all the way to the old world and back! But when I look at you, your scales starting to look discolored and frayed at the edges... I’m reminded of the egg I carried home one day. Back then, when I could still fit you into my arms and carry you around. These days, it’s you who carries me. Even though I don’t put your saddle on anymore.
Both of us, our steps are careful and slow as we track our way through the New World. Scouting flies leading the way, we follow at our own pace. No hurry at all. It’s not quest we’re on, no time-limit we have bestowed upon us. No, it’s just me and you. Old buddies on our last journey together.
Your voice is a gentle, low bass next to me. It’s reassuring in a way. Though, I do find myself missing your squeaky chirps from your days as a hatchling. You weren’t so different from my village’s Gargwa-chicks, back then... until you shot up in height, growing like a weed and seemingly never stopping.
The fresh breeze of the Coral Highlands feels nice against my skin. It smells of life, in a way. Maybe it’s just imagination, formed on the knowledge that all those little specks, snowflakes dancing in the wind, are actually coral-eggs. Using the currents to travel through the New World, where they become a part of the food chain.
It’s an ecological masterpiece. One that dwarfs everything I’ve seen on my travels so far.
When I look at you, though, I’m briefly reminded of my hatchling. The way you stick your big snout up, your flat tongue sticking out to catch the corals. Even now, you’re still as playful as you were before.
I ease myself down onto the big, spongy coral we’re standing on and just watch you for a while. Maybe I’m already grieving; though, I don’t want to think of it like this. No, I’m merely watching my old friend play a little, before we continue our journey to the rotten heart of the New World.
All done playing?
Night has already fallen when you fall to a lay next to me. Dinner has long been cooked and devoured, our campfire nothing but a few glowing coals refusing to die out, but I can’t find it in myself to settle down.
I end up spending the night leaning against your fat, scaly belly, listening to the distant roars of Monsters, seeming to come from down below. My armor is in a pile nearby, my weapon leaned against the walls of the cave we’re camping out in. I don’t bother re-kindling the fire; your body-heat alone is enough to keep me warm.
I love you, buddy.
You rub your big head against my cheek, a calming ‘churr’ emerging from deep within your throat. We do not speak each other’s languages, but this is easy to translate. Oh, buddy. I love you too. To the old world and all the way back.
One last, delicious snack.
You were always excited by the Kelbi-Jerky I keep in my waist-satchel. In all honesty, I never liked it- but seeing you gobble it down in a matter of seconds made me keep buying it. And today, I don’t mind the chewy, dry texture- but meals always taste better when you share them with loved ones.
I can’t come with you on this journey...
I remember when the Rotten Vale was first discovered. Researchers from all over the Old World set sail to go see it for themselves- the graveyard of elders, they called it. The place that called out to Monsters when the end was near. The New World’s rotten heart, the place that kept all of the continent’s amazing fauna and flora alive, despite being a crawling death-pit. Back when I first carried your egg home, I didn’t know yet that this would be our last journey together... but as your Rider, I promised to stay by your side, until the bitter end.
....but I promise, I’ll see you on the other side.
One last time, your big, flat tongue darts out from your snout and licks a long, wet streak across my face. I’d like to imagine you didn’t see the salty tears building up in my eyes, but deep down, I know. I swallow back a watery laugh as I scratch behind yor ear-holes, pressing a big, snotty kiss on top of your head. Even at the end, you still have more empathy than some of the humans I’ve encountered.
May the sapphire star guide you, my friend.
I watch as you make your descend into the depths of the Vale, though; I soon loose sight of you as the effluvium engulves you. I know that this is marks the end of your journey- this is where you’re supposed to be. In the New World’s rotten heart, where you will give your body up to the land, where it will turn into nutrients that will feed the Coral Highlands. Where you’ll be part of a new life, that will find its way back to the Vale once the end is near.
It’s an elegant dance between life and death, swaying in the gentle winds of the Highlands; I think as I sit by the Vale, staring down into the clouds of efflvium that became your new home.
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littlemindblabbles · 3 years
Birthday Boy
In honour of Jaemin day, please be prepared for some overwhelming amounts of cheesiness.
Pairing: Jaemin X Y/N
Summary: (Fluff) You just wanted to make Jaemin’s birthday memorable. 
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“Uh, I don’t think I’m doing this right, why is my batter bubbling? Taeyong help!” You panic into your phone, which was propped up on the kitchen counter while you were frantically stirring a big mixing bowl. Taeyong, the person you were currently video calling, furrowed his brows.
“Bubbling, it shouldn’t be doing that. Did you fold in the batter like I told you to? You can’t just mix it normally.” 
“Oops, I thought folding was just another word for mix. Sigh, I guess this batch is a fail too. I’ll try again tomorrow, thankfully there’s still 2 days before his birthday. Thank you Taeyong, sorry to bother again.” Your boyfriend’s leader insisted once again that it was no trouble, before ending the call. 
This was the third batch you messed up, and your fridge was getting a bit full with your failed cake attempts. Baking a birthday cake shouldn’t be this hard, but since you hardly step foot into your kitchen, you seemed to fail at that even. Feeding you both was Jaemin’s job, and rightfully so, because his cooking was delicious. But he had been so busy recently with schedules, you figured it would be a nice surprise to finally be the one giving him food, especially on his birthday. 
Hence why you sigh for what felt like the millionth time today, and placed your baking fail into the oven, not wanting to waste even more ingredients. While they might not come out at the right consistency, at least they tasted fine and as far as you know, were perfectly edible. And you would know since cake was all you had been eating for the last 5 days. 
Not wanting to depress yourself further with the thought of cake, you quickly clean up and focus on the other aspects of your boyfriend’s birthday plans. Jaemin did have practice for the first half of the day, hence you planned to surprise him at the studio for lunch with the other members. Thankfully, you weren’t in charge of food, that was Taeyong’s job, but you were tasked with bringing over the birthday cake. Any meeting with all 23 members would undoubtedly get crazy, so you knew lunch would probably stretch till late afternoon. 
In the last 2 years that you had been dating Jaemin, he had been the best boyfriend ever. Treating you exactly like a princess, always putting you as his first priority even when he was busy being an idol. The both of you have kept your relationship private for the most part, but the fans were mostly okay with you, fortunately. Of course you both sometimes argued, but it never dragged on for more than a day because either one of you would force the other to sit down and talk it out. Jaemin made you the happiest person on earth every single day, and for one day, you wanted to make him feel that too. Not that you didn’t think he wasn’t happy in your relationship, but you always wanted to do more for him, given how much he spoils you. 
It has to go well, everything will be perfect for him.
Nothing is going well, everything is gonna be ruined.
You were running late, and the cake in your hands was at a very high risk of melting. While you mostly loved the busy nature of Seoul, at times like this you despised it. Despite planing ahead and leaving more than an hour early, you got stuck in traffic. Now you were supposed to reach 10 minutes ago, and Jeno had updated you about 5 minutes earlier that they were done with practice and were currently trying to distract Jaemin while waiting for you to reach. Not wanting to waste all the members time, you urged them to start eating first. 
“Hi hi, I’m here. I’m so sorry I’m late! Traffic was so horrible, I’m sorry!” You rambled as you burst into the room all the members were gathered in, 23 pairs of eyes paused from looking at the food and turned to look at you. You were only focused one pair of eyes though.
“Baby, what are you doing here, oh my gosh. None of them told me you were coming, I would have waited for you to eat! Come come, sit here next to me.”
“That was the point Jaem, I was supposed to surprise them with you. But I ended up being close to 30 minutes late, so I asked you all to eat first. I’m sorry.” Your boyfriend just shushed you apologies and grabbed the hand not holding cake, leading you to the space next to his seat. 
“Ooh, what’s this?” Your boyfriend gestured to the bag with the cake. Taking a deep breath, you lifted the cake out of the bag to Jaemin. 
“It’s your birthday cake, I tried to bake it myself. You don’t really have to eat it, it’s probably really horrible I’m sorry-”
Your words got cut off because he grabbed the cake from your hands, placed it on the table and before you could stop him, Jaemin placed a hige scoop into his mouth. Worried about his reaction, you glanced at him nervously as he ate it. 
“Is it..okay? Does it taste funny?” To your horror, Jaemin started tearing up. “Oh my goodness, you’re crying. Is it that bad? I’m sorry, spit it out okay, I’ll throw the rest away!” Panicking, you quickly covered the rest of the cake, preparing to find a bin to throw it in, before a hand reached out and stopped you. 
“This is the single best cake I’ve ever eaten in all my twenty-one years of living. I’m crying because I’m so touched you made it. Guys, you all have to try this it’s amazing.” Jaemin annouced before pushing the cake to the centre of the table for th rest of the members to try. He then turned to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips. 
“Jaem, you better appreciate the cake. I think Y/N has like a fridge full of cake at this point. She kept remaking it to make sure it was perfect for you. It’s really good though, I’m glad my video call baking sessions paid off.” Taeyong called out from the other side of the room, causing Jaemin to turn to you again with wide eyes. 
“You did all that for me? Thank you so much, I love you. This is the best birthday ever.” He engulfed you in a tight hug and when you pulled back, you laughed when you saw tears glistening in his eyes again. 
“I’m happy you liked it, that’s all that matters. Unfortunately this the only exciting part. Dinner is just a cheesy budget candle-light dinner at my place with your favourite take out food. I think I hit my quota for cooking for the year, it’s back to your job now.” You smiled, ruffling his hair and holding both his hands. 
Jaemin lifted his hands to squish both yor cheeks, before leaning to give you a longer kiss that had his members cheering in the back. Ignoring them, he gave you the sweetest smile.
“That sounds absolutely perfect. After all, celebrating anything is perfect as long as I’m celebrating it with you.” 
Note: I’m cringing myself @ the end Im sorry. Here’s my masterlist for more fics!
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marchtooctober · 1 year
Spy x Family: Sunshine Smile
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(very short story); added picture for visual
Loid kept pacing around with his fingers pinching the space between his nose and temple.
"What the heck Twilight! Would it hurt you to take a seat for once instead of circling around?!" Franky said in a burst, annoyed with Loid's footsteps.
"Fine. Satisfied?" Loid replied as he settled down the sofa.
There's only a week left before the "anniversary". It's been a year since he "married" Yor and built his fake family. His mission regarding Desmond and the cold war proved to be slower than he expected. They're all still here. The Forger family is yet to be abolished.
"Just what is it you're being problematic about that you can't even stay in one place?" Franky inquired.
"My fake wedding anniversary with Yor is next week. I have to make some sort of public show to prevent our neighbors from suspecting us." Loid answered after a sigh.
"What? Just that? As if that's ever a problem with a deception master like you."
"I guess things will simply go smoothly with usual planning. It's just that..."
"Just what?"
"It should not only make an impact to the people around us but also to Yor. It should suit her taste..." Loid continued as he looked at the ceiling.
"You're minding her too much."
Loid jerked his head back. He was taken aback by Franky's words. Although not facing him, Loid could feel Franky's suspecting stare. As much as he wanted to talk back, he couldn't figure out his own reason.
Meeting and "marrying" Yor seems like fate. Though no way he would directly express how much Yor meant for his mission, he wanted to fairly compensate her. Perhaps he's being too much? Was he making Yor uncomfortable but failed to notice? Loid's mind was suddenly in a panic. He tried to justify in thought everything he's done until now.
After a short awkward silence, Franky spoke once again.
"It's only for appearances sake. I'm pretty sure your wife will be pleased with anything. So why the-"
Franky was suddenly cut off when they heard happy laughter coming in. Yor and Anya just arrived after walking Bond.
"Scruffy!" Anya cheered upon seeing Franky.
"Yes, young miss! It's me! Look what I got you this time!"
Franky got up from his seat and took out some ambiguous toy device that he came up with again. Loid watched as Franky and Anya get loud with their own fun. He almost zoned out if not for Bond and Yor coming to his view.
"Oh! Y-Yor? Welcome back. How's your walk?" Loid responded, focusing on Yor.
"It was nice. Bond and Anya played fetch the whole time. By the way, I bought us some tart."
"Thanks. Shall we set the table?"
During dinner, Loid was noticeably more silent. Anya, who had been rambling with Franky about Spywars, picked up Loid's troubled thoughts.
"Papa," Anya started.
"I will..."
"You'll what?"
"I'll watch Berlint In Love tonight and "learn" like Becky."
Loid blinked at her, barely digesting both his food and Anya's words.
"Ah... Okay. Good luck with that?" He only managed to reply.
Franky immediately left after dinner. Anya who was surprisingly tired, didn't bother to wait for the tv drama and headed off to bed. Yor did likewise after doing the dishes. With Loid being the only one left up, he seated himself. He is nowhere near getting asleep and decided to turn on the tv for the late night news.
"Might as well..." He mumbled while drying his hair with a towel.
But instead of news, what greeted him was a cheesy romantic music. Berlint In Love is still on.
Good thing Anya missed this. It's way late in the evening and nothing good for her to see. Loid thought.
He was about to turn it off and give sleep a try but something fascinating caught his attention.
"...Dear! I don't need all the luxury of the world! I don't care about the surprise. I just want you by my side." The lady on screen said in so sweet a tone that Loid imagined a certain person saying the same words to him.
"Oh, but honey! I only want to make you happy!" A guy in a simple working suit replied with the same intensity.
The lady's wardrobe doesn't scream extravagance but dressed enough to be distinguished as part of higher society. Bursting into tears, she threw her arms to her lover.
"Please trust me when I say so. You're all that I need! Whatever you do for me, I am happy. That's for sure..."
Finally the two blissfully walked by the shore, hand in hand while basking in the fading twilight. The dramatic scene kept playing on Twilight's mind over and over again that he couldn't focus on the news afterwards. Finding it unproductive, Loid turned off the tv and went off to sleep. As the scene repeats itself on Loid's mind, Franky's words echoed.
"You're minding her too much."
Days have passed and Loid still struggled with a main plan he can stick with. In observation, he noticed that lately his neighbors have been going home from their respective walks between 5 and 7 pm. And so he's been considering to leave within the timeframe so as to deliberately run into them and portray that he and Yor are one adorable couple.
Amusement park? No. Given Yor's schedule, she'll already be tired from work. Eat out? Seems fine but she might be bored with it already. Lake cruise? But the travel time doesn't make it worthy. Opera? Gallery? Ugh! I can't even settle with at least three options! Loid's brain was about to go busted. He's not usually like this. In frustration, he finished his remaining crepe with a bite and threw the trash in the bin. He felt Yor's gaze.
The eyes that are always brightened by radiant spirits met Loid's. Yor smiles and Loid smiles back, a reflex that Loid gradually enjoyed.
"The crepes were good, right? It was greatly recommended by my coworkers."
"We should take Anya next time. She'll like it."
"Yes, sure." Loid responded with a smile.
He watched as Yor turned away and started fixing her scarf. He thought how unusual their "dates" have been. Things usually don't go the way he expect like when Yor settles in a weird mood, Yor drinking way too much, Yor having to leave early due to work-related emergency, Yuri suddenly visiting, and so on.
Looking back from the start, he's grateful that Yor is still with his family, with him. Grateful with everything she did and wondered how she was able to put up with him. Would it have been different with another? He didn't bother pondering on it further. He only knew one thing. It can only be her.
Franky's words resurfaced again. Loid didn't know what to feel. Lately he's been unsure of his attitude towards his "wife". All along, he thinks that he did everything like he used to with his past fake romances. But no. He's very wrong.
Yor must have felt the stare and turned around.
"Let's go home." She said.
It was as if time stopped. Suddenly, myriad of memories flashed through Loid's mind. Realization hit him hard.
Oh... I'm in love with Yor. For real.
My contribution for LoiYor valentine 💕
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lacrow · 4 years
Forger Spookfest Preview
Another week, another snippet. Fics from here on out will be based off reader suggestions, and this one is a mix of two different ones (although I kinda changed some things around a bit, specifically the costumes.) Fic will be posted Oct. 15th
“...Yor dressing up as an esper, Loid dressing up as a hitman and Anya as a spy would be cute...” - Amelia (Ao3)
“The Forgers are not an ordinary family, so what do you think they’ll react when they visited a haunted house? You know the kind of attraction in a festival, or something like that :)” - @tare-anime​
Title: Love and Thorns in a Not-So-Haunted House
Genre: Horror, Comedy
Rating: T
"Mama, mama, mama!" Anya shouted as she scrambled through the door, not even bothering to close it behind her. "Look at this!"
Yor immediately spun around. Her daughter's sudden return from school had interrupted her dusting of the living room, though the chore was quickly abandoned when the little girl thrust an orange flyer high above her head and waved it for mama to see. Yor blinked before grabbing the paper. She eased into a smile and started to scan it; Anya could barely contain herself as she followed her mother, who at the same time went to close the door in order to keep Bond from getting out. Multi-tasking was one of the few things mama was good at, besides of course murdering people.
Haunted House! The title splayed in excited bold letters at the top of the flyer. A picture of a cartoony-looking two-story house was centered in the middle, and beneath that were the time and date of said event; exactly one week and a day away, Saturday at 7 o'clock. The location was a bit of a mystery though, as it didn't refer to where, only when. Pictures of ghosts and ghouls bordered the paper, but other than that it remained conspicuously bare. Yor tilted her head.
"It doesn't say where it's at, Anya," she pointed out. Yor flipped the paper over just to be sure, but again there was nothing.
Anya nodded. "Me and Becky found it on the floor outside school. A bunch of other kids found papers, too. They all wanna go, but we don't know where to find it!"
Yor frowned. She shook her head; someone must have forgotten to put an address. "Nobody has any idea? Not even the teachers?"
"We asked Mr. Henderson about it, but all he said was..." Anya straightened herself out and put on her best old-man face. She cleared her throat. "...Most inelegant."
Yor giggled. "Well, that certainly sounds like Mr. Henderson." She thought about it for a moment. "Maybe Loid will know? If anyone can figure it out, he can."
Anya agreed right away (she kinda figured they'd end up relying on papa anyway) and with a confirming nod made her way over to the dining room table. She swung her backpack around and pulled out her math homework. Anya knew it'd be way easier to ask papa for something if she did something for him first so, despite her distaste for fractions, she forced herself to knock out this week's questions before he got home. The gesture didn't go unnoticed, at least; Yor saw her daughter being responsible for a change and she beamed. Disappearing into the kitchen for a moment, she returned a moment later with a couple cookies and some juice. Anya got through about two problems before she fell victim to the siren call of sugar (which to be fair was still better than usual for her).
It wouldn't have mattered much, anyway. Not long after Anya sat down, the front door opened again. Papa entered, and the apartment came to life once more; Bond boofed, mama welcomed him, and Anya straightened in her chair to pretend like she'd just been contemplating the secrets of the math universe. Papa was a world-class spy, but when it came to school even a tiny bit of effort on her part was enough to make him impressed. Such was the case now when, after he'd shed his work attire and settled in, Loid walked over and noticed her (very exaggerated) thinking face.
"Oh?" he smirked, looking over her shoulder. He immediately noticed cookie crumbs on his daughter's mouth, but didn't dwell on it. "Working on homework?"
"Mhm!" Anya beamed up at him with the sweetest face she could muster. "I just realllyy wanted to get get these fractions done before playing today!"
Loid's smirk turned into a smile, and internally Anya patted herself on the back; all according to plan. She'd successfully buttered up papa, now all Anya needed was for mama to help her out. She glanced at Yor and found a knowing look waiting for her, as if mama was really the psychic one. Taking her cue, Yor walked up to her husband and handed him the flyer. He raised a brow.
"Speaking of playing, Anya found this at school," she informed him. "It looks like it could be a lot of fun!"
"A haunted house?" Loid stroked his chin. He flipped the paper over, same as his wife. "'Tis the season, I suppose."
Yor nodded. "The only problem is we don't know where it is, only the day and time. We were hoping maybe you could figure it out?"
Loid made an inquisitive sort of face. "Well, there's no address, that's for sure. Maybe I can ask around at work and see if anyone knows anything."
Both at the clinic and the safe house; two jobs with intelligent people working at them, someone must have known something. Loid focused on the paper and before shrugging. No address seemed strange, though it was more than likely an oversight on the editor's part. A glaring, albeit honest one. Loid looked over at Yor and found her smiling cheerfully at his to get to the bottom of things, and he spared her the same before glancing at Anya. She had already gone back to doing her homework, and Loid shook his head knowingly.
Anya had been on her best behavior since that whole business with the fork last week.
Absently, Loid rubbed the spot on his chest where his daughter had stabbed him with silver prongs. Of course it hadn't hurt that bad (he'd been stabbed by far worse doing spy work) but doing it to him while he slept was a whole other thing entirely. Her punishment had ended on Monday, and it was now Friday. Against his better judgement, he held nothing against her. She'd served her time, and past actions shouldn't impact the future. Especially when said future was another opportunity for family bonding and, likewise, a benefit to Operation Strix.
Ulterior motives aside, Loid gave his family a genuine promise to take them to the haunted house should he find its location. Yor pressed her hands together in joy and Anya's head shot up in silent victory. The latter said nothing before returning to her homework a moment later, and with that the Forgers separated to go about the rest of their day. Loid went to the kitchen to pull out a roast for dinner, while Yor resumed her previously interrupted dusting. Bond sat the dining room table at Anya's feet, and the four of them carried on as usual.
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