#yk he was gay w her father
mushed-kid · 3 months
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it’s not everyday your daughter dies
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amethiosspouse · 1 month
YUME/OC POST (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I've actually given up making separate posts for my oc introductions and if I did upload it one after the other, I would feel like I'm spamming so as a solution....HERE!! One big post with most of my ocs in it!!!
OC 1: Mari Callidora (technically they're my persona/s/i-🤓)
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Literally the face of this entire blog. Mari Callidora is the granchild of Hamber. They are the Explorers' healer and their team is split in half with one half being a fighting/exploration team whilst the other being a healing team.
Short backstory: Their mother abandoned them whilst their father ran experiments on them in hopes of turning them into the perfect vessel for a pokemon to take as its own. After their fathers shady practises were investigated, Mari was handed over to their grandfather for him to raise.
Shipped with: Amethio
OC 2: Rumi Sagespark
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Fairly new oc. I say new even though she's supposed to be a rework of my very first HZ oc :3
Short backstory: Pokemon contestant coordinator. Rumi was forced to step down from the role of a Pokemon Pageant contestant after an incident regarding a "fan". Determined by her love for the contests, she decided to run the shows instead of being in center stage as a way of letting newer talents take the limelight whilst she watches from afar to make sure all's well.
Shipped with: Spinel
OC 3: Kisma Hynelle
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Again, not a new oc. Kisma's been with me for a while now. He was originally my "weirdcore" oc and was just a giant fucking eyeball. Silliest out of the bunch. Very gay too (if anyone has name suggestions I will gladly take them I've been wanting to change his name for so long /hj)
Short backstory: Mari's half older brother. Before getting married to Mari's father, their mother already had a boyfriend and a son and after their birth, she left Mari just so that she can live the life she previously had. After finding out about Mari's existence, Kisma set out to try and reconnect with them so he joins the RVT
(and his way of doing so is fucking pathetic, he literally threatened to tongue kiss Friede in front of the whole crew)
OC 4: Kaname Himeko (hi3 war flashbacks)
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Ignore how I changed his last name from Himeguma to Himeko :3. Also, side note but when I talk about Kaname, I wanna be clear that I'm talking about Kaname in this au. Kaname in the au where Mari gets impaled by Rayquaza stays as a child, the photo above is teenage Kaname.
OC 5: Anai Hyorin!!!
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Yet another old yume oc I decided to revive. I miss Anai, dunno why I stopped using them after my enstars era ended. ANYWAYS THE BUNNY IS BACK!!!!
Short backstory: After witnessing their friend commit Shoujo Rei (yk), Anai was given their friend's Mareep at their funeral. As a way to honour them, they decided to take a trip around the world with Mareep in hopes of having it Mega Evolve into Ampharos before their friends 2nd death anniversary rolls around.
Shipped with: Ilima
a/n: GOOD LORD IM FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS POST. I WAS HOPING TO POST IT LAST NIGHT BUT I FELL ASLEEP (totally wasnt because I was rewatching the eps w Amethio in it)
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stardustdiiving · 3 months
What popular familial headcanons do you not like? If you're willing to share, of course
This post was specifically about parent / child interpretations of Zhongli & Xiao and Nahida & Wanderer ! which r my favorite genshin character dynamics and also involve my two category 5 genshin blorbos . Like obvious disclaimer I don’t have a problem with people liking said hcs but I have kind of a bad grudge against both bc I’m a bit polarized out of people just Really Really insisting on them whenever I talk / make fanworks about the characters ☹️ along with just really not liking the characterizations attached to both dynamics esp in how they handle Xiao & Nahida
Elaborating on both for fun & how I like to characterize them under the cut
I like Zhongli & Xiao as a form of character study where you kind of lean into the god/follower power dynamic and the way Xiao’s idea of duty/devotion blends with his internalized dehumanization. The idea is Xiao gives Zhongli a lot of power over him bc he wants to be devoted to Zhongli as a weapon more than a person while Zhongli is, used to being in a position of power but trying to navigate around this bc he wants Xiao to learn to exist outside suffering
Its not a very actively destructive dynamic for either of them but it’s kind of challenging Xiao’s dehumanization of himself and willingness to die/suffer for Zhongli out of a deeply engrained loyalty and devotion to him. I like zhongxiao (their ship) in the sense I think it can be fun to throw in very unbalanced complicated romantic feelings into this for added drama/ambiguity because I had my brain chemistry rewired by Pearl & Rose from Steven Universe when I was 11. I was so captivated by the idea of Pearl having such an intimate and tragic and self destructive devotion towards another woman it single handedly made me comphrend the fact I could gay
I’m just really not into the father/son portrayal bc I feel it’s just really awkward and weird to do any of the complicated emotional introspection or w/e I’m interested in doing w the dynamic through that lens. Also there’s only so many times u can draw zhongxiao and have people insist on interpreting it as father/son (?????? Soemtimes even while acknowledging i specific my work as romantic omg) before you just get kind of uncomfortable with it….im not a fan of the characterizations either…I feel ppl infantilize xiao a lot and EURFH idk it just makes me uncomfortable to think about bc of how I view the characters personally yk
Nahida & Wanderer I do enjoy exclusively platonically / even as found family, but I am a rare case of being a Nahida fan over a Scaramouche fan so it doesn’t do much for me when Nahida is reduced to being his mom/therapist/etc especially when a big reason I love hat radish is the way both characters compliment each other and make the dynamic a fun ground for mutual character study
I specifically don’t like her as a maternal figure because well. Nahida is a 500 year old child and I think this is important to her character & how she furthers the themes of Sumeru. The entire reason she’s neglected her entire life is bc she’s a child and the sages disregard the idea a child has any “useful” wisdom to offer them and feel emboldened to mistreat her because of that. Its that kind of mindset that we’re in conflict with throughout Sumeru. To have the Archon be a child who is still really smart and full of wisdom is like. Thematically sound to the story when the message is essentially don’t use wisdom/knowledge as a way to disregard people and seek only power/control. Its that exact mindset that Scaramouche, as an antagonist, is the cumulation of in the AQ
So to have him come to respect Nahida and listen to her is really sweet, and I think it’s additionally sweet when you lean into this kinda duality of Nahida being really wise and in a position of authority but also a kid, and Wanderer 100% rolls with it. (Especially given the fact Wanderer is established to have a soft spot for kids, I like imagining Nahida’s more childish qualities put him at ease and r something he actively likes about her—which is sweet when it’s her childishness that she was disregarded for yk) I think ppl struggle to grapple with that kind of contradiction of Nahida being a child on some level but not the same as an average human child, which is a shame bc that’s something I like seeing interpretations on
So with all of this in mind if I am viewing a character as a child where a big part of her character is it was wrong to disregard her as a God of Wisdom bc she’s a child, I don’t exactly find it really appealing or cute to have her dynamic with a character who is absolutely treated like an adult man in the writing be her parenting him and tending to all of his emotional angst 😵‍💫 the way it’s done esp with Scara being likened to an immature edgy teenager son here (which is kinda ooc to me) while ppl insist on Nahida being the mom feels very. Well. I am not really a fan of the idea of a female character being reduced to the mom friend and people being more willing to view a fictional adult male character as a “teenager” than the girl who again I feel is on a certain level written as a child? I and unfortunately it makes up maybe 70% of Nahida showing up in fanon NSJNDJCKDNND
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Hey! Hi! Here's Finch!
Quick note: Finch's was the first one we did, so his is a little all over the place. I've been trying to get it into a semi-coherent thing, but 😌yk
T/W: Abuse,
Patrick “Finch” Cortes
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “BLT from Jacobi’s. Him got the best sandwiches ‘round.”
Color: “Black. The only reason I don’ wear it ‘s cos it get too hot.”
Season: “Spring! The flowers bring birds!”
Weather: “Sunny, bu’ not too hot.”
Hobby: “Practicin’ me aim wit’ Snipe.” 
Animal: “…Birds…”
Memory: “Takin’ this-“ holds up his slingshot “-from Delancey. You shoulda seen ‘is face!” 
Comfort Item: “Sling, ov’iusly.”
He got his nickname because he would rescue fallen birds that the other boys would shoot at, he carries his own sling to shoot at the boys to keep them from doing it
He was taken from his mother at a young age, kidnapped by his father and hidden away. It’s his mom singing amongst the newsies in 92sies, looking for him. His father passed, and still he wasn’t reunited with her. 
He was sent to his uncle’s. He ran away from the bruising and the fighting when he was just under eight. He took refuge solace with the newsies. He thinks of them as family more than he ever did his own
Finch’s slingshot was Oscar’s, but Finch had such good aim that Oscar didn’t dare try to get it back
He wears it in his waistband all the time. He wants Oscar to know that he could kick his ass ANY TIME
He and Sniper would have competitions to see who had better aim
Has way too high of a sleight of hand modifier
Sarcasm and backhanded compliments. Without hesitation. 
Doesn’t like fighting up close but will if he has to and isn’t even close to unwilling to fight dirty
Do NOT let him and Crutchie get together. The world will burn to the ground, they’ll have the matches and gasoline, and the sweetest smiles. 
They will not be caught
He’s so bad at math
Like horrendously, comically bad
Boy cannot add 2+2
The mom friend. Not like Davey. Like “you’re dumb as fuck but I’m the one who has to take care of you so calm the fuck down”
Al also likes rocks, and picks up rocks for Finch to shoot. He isn’t fond of giving up rocks that he didn’t specifically pick up for Finch, but he will. 
And Finch will totally go find the one he didn’t want to give up
Not gay specifically, but he’s head over heels for Romeo, so I don���t think labels matter much
He hates capitalism
Which is valid
He also doesn’t know what capitalism is
He hates the idea of it
He likes to run for fun (like a weirdo)
He doesn’t mind cuddles, but he won’t initiate them (usually). He’ll cuddle anyone who asks, because he assumes that if it’s bad enough to actually ask then they really need it
He’ll lay however his cuddle partner wants
Want a big spoon to whisper calming things to you? Finch gotchu
Want a little spoon to just curl up and hold your hands? Absolutely
Want someone to hold you and play with your hair? They. Are. For. It.
Pda makes him a little uncomfy because the more people know about who you care about the more they can hold against you
Not to mention it’s quite illegal to hold hands with who they really want at this point in time
He has a lot of trust issues, and being with Romeo is really hard for him. 
He’s so scared of getting really attached to him and then Romeo moving on to another crush
He likes going out the window more than he likes the door
He ain’t scared of no turf
He’s the one who started calling Tommy Boy that. Because someone actively misgendered him. And Finch made it a point to use he/him pronouns and call him Tommy Boy
This was obviously after he beat the snot out of the guy who misgendered Tommy on purpose
"I think TOMMY BOY should go inside. HE looks really tired and HE should get some sleep before HE goes selling tomorrow."
He thinks too much. Usually right before he goes to sleep. He likes to write things down.
Examples include (but are not limited to):
When we yawn, do deaf people think we’re screaming?
I can fly but Albert can’t know
Why is it called a building if it’s already built?
What happens to thoughts when you stop thinking them?
How did the people who made the first clocks know what time it was?
Nothing is ever really on fire. Fire is on things.
Counts birds and cuddles Romeo to go to sleep
He’s exceptionally competitive, and will play anything and everything
He almost always loses
It pisses him off
He has to be dragged away before he loses everything
Do not
Under any circumstances
Let him in the kitchen
Dated Albert before he and Romeo got together, and before Spralbert happened.
They fell out of love with each other, but are still best friends.
Forgets to tell people things
“When I was sellin’ nea’ Medda’s-” “You was at Medda’s?”
“Yea, bu’ tha’ ain’t the point. I was-”
“How she doin’?”
“I ain’t had time to stop in-”
“You gotta make time fo’ Medda!” 
Romeo asked Finch out a lot. Then again, Romeo asked a lot of people out. So, whenever he would ask Fin, they would tell him that if the crush lasted longer than a week, they’d go on a date with him. They never did last longer than that.
Until they did. 
His handwriting is really tall letters really squished together
He loves birds. Especially penguins. They’re really interesting and he likes going to the library and having someone read to him about them.
Always gets compared to crows, because he picks up things off the sidewalk, but he really can’t because they’re cute and smart.
He definitely can imitate most, if not all bird calls
Collects rocks
Hates socks and shoes with a burning passion
Finch!!!! I love him so much. They're such a sweet person and they deserve the world <3
I haven't decided if Finch gives off He/They vibes or just outright They/Them
So there's also that
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bombshelllblonde · 3 months
heyyyyyy im backkk!!!!!!!
invading ur ask box again lol, sorry!!!!!!
this might start being a thing
i totally forgot to mention last time hiw muvh i love lenny, mary-beth and hosea and tilly and MOLLY O SHEA omg
the drinking mission w lenny is one of my favorites, and I LOVE PLAYING DOMINOES W TILLY MY GIRL SHE IS THE BEST
Like yea gurl!!!!! kill the o driscolls!! kill them all!! avenge ur pookie!!! rahhh!!!
Mary-beth and kieran are my blorbs. my pookies. my babbygirls. my schmookums
molly o'shea that woman that she is i love her so so so much
i feel so bad for her tho w her fights w dutch :(
speaking of dutch, idk i have like a neutral (slightly negative) view of him???
i dislike how he treats molly, and w how he treats mary-beth?? (inst dutch also like 40-50 and mary-beth like 20-smth? idk im probably rlly biased in this lol)
ALSO another reason dutch be chosing Micah the rat over what is his basically adopted son??
im definitely biased in this but wtv lmao
but he hasnt really done much so i dont hate him, but i dont like him either
moving on, do yk if theres any way to explore blackwater + south of it while playing as arthur? i wanna get all the dinosaur bones and legendary animals !!
i replayed the 'americans at rest' mission, yk w bill (i think) javier and charles at the bar (towards the beginning of the game)
its so fucking funny i cannot
arthur walks in, uses his amazing charmer skills (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER) and then bill runs in, punches a guy therefore starting a bar fight, HERE COME CHARLES WITH THE STEEL CHAIR, arthur gets his ass kicked and then kicks ass and nearly beats the guy half to death
yk when jack grows up and tells epople abt his dear ol uncle arthur that uncle lore drop boutta be CRAZYYYY
did i mention charles throwing a chair? its my favorite part could you tell
i have a pretty neutral view of john marston ig, i kinda hope he steps up and gets the stick outta his ass, starts being a father to jack or smth but im trying not to get my hopes up lmao
thats it for now!!!! hope u have a nice day!!!!
(thanks for responding to these btw! lmk if im bothering u tho, ty for letting me ramble abt my hyperfixation lmao)
okay lsitennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rdr2 has been mt hyper fixation since July of 2022 when my brother in law gave me his old ps4 and the game and i don’t think ive shut up about it since i started playing. My entire personality is rdr2. And my current outlet/therapy is writing my rdr2 fanfiction
it’s gotten to the point where my family has literally started buying me cowboy/outlaw stuff. when I was a teenager i loved owls so everyone got me owl things. now im obsessed with cowboys at 26 years old and every gift I receive has something to do with outlaws
My sister got me a cameo of Roger Clark talking to me as Arthur for my 25th bday and literally nothing has ever topped that. It was the most amazing gift ever and now I have a video of Arthur Morgan saying my name and talking to me about my horses!!!! It’s so amazing I watch it all the time
unfortunately there isn’t any way to explore blackwater as Arthur unless you get like mods or something. the AI immediately roll up and the bounty hunters shoot him dead if you try to get into west Elizabeth
do you know how to play dominoes??? Literally ive only ever played 5 finger fillet in that game because i cant fucking play dominoes or poker bc i don’t know how
also Tilly is amazing just wait until later in the game. there’s a mission that really solidified the love i have for Arthur being the protective older brother
Dutch is sooooo complex and i think that’s why i love him so much. i won’t get too deep into my feels for him just yet bc i want you to keep going without me saying anything but once you get farther into the game we can talk about him!!!
Hosea and Dutch are literally my gay fathers. I love them so much. Their love for each other literally makes my tummy flip I love it so so so much
Also I’d let Charles hit me with a chair too, tbh. Love of my life
I never disliked Molly but I didn’t like her either, I think she’s just too much of a loud mouth. Felt like to me she could have not been in the game and it wouldn’t have changed much. Idk
And John’s complexity we can talk about after you progress a lil further. I honestly don’t want to spoil anything or give it away unless you don’t care about spoilers. But I’m just gonna stay quiet until you let me know 😂😂😂😂
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trickarrows-bishop · 5 months
I would love to know what fandoms you're into bc I swear I find the randomest shit on my dashboard and they usually correlate with a fandom I'm in.
drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁
GADIES AND LETELMEN. I GIVE TO U . EVERY FUCKING FANDOM (im lying there's no way these are all of them) THAT IM IN
movies, tv and books and yh u get the idea: (no particular order. im reading off a list) - lost in space - do revenge - the sex lives of college girls (leighton murray the beloved <333) - ted lasso (ted is literally just a little guy i love him fr) - free guy - star wars (i haven't watched anything thats new tbh (aka ashoka) BUT IM GETTING THERE) - crush (the best 2022 movie Of All Time) (ignoring that cast drama ofc cuz wtf was that) - warrior nun (beatrice i am on my knees please) - willow (2022) (jade claymore i am single) - hsmtmts (maddox single handily got me to watch season four tbh. saylor bell curda the woman you are. MY GOD-) - hunger games (SAW TBOSBAS YESTERDAY IT FUCKING ATE RAHHHH) - paper girls (i would sell my left kidney for this) (my left kidney hardly works but im sure you get the gesture) - stranger things (atp finn is all i interact w the fandom most of them have acc ruined it. im looking at the stancys, b*lly defenders/stans and the people who basically helped explode steddie. (idm steddie it is just Everywhere) - the half of it (its just a sweet lil movie yk :') ) - tlou (i've only seen the show but ellie is so fucking funny) - mcu (im blaming my father for this one he acc made me watch them from such a young age that the mcu is just in my fucking dna atp. i haven't watched basically any of phase five other than gotg 3 tho BAHAHHFDJFH) - ALSO THE ATSV MOVIES EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE EM EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
musicals WOOOOO (yh im kinda a musicals kid moving along): - six the musical (im a lesbian. no explanation needed) - dear evan hansen (cried seeing this live. i am NOT talking about the movie) - & juliet (idk this musical just. ate.) - mean girls (ITS COMING TO THE UK IN SPRING 2024. AND THE MOVIE IN JANUARY IM GONNA BE SOOOOO ANNOYING) - rent (i need like every version of I'll Cover You to be injected to my DNA immediately fanks) - the prom (nothing compares to the lesbian musical of all time (i am NOT talking about the netflix adaption (although araina debose did kinda eat)))
MUSICIANS RAHHH - t swizzle (need u to immediately realise although i am a swiftie i : am aware her music is not for everyone and can accept that she very much is not this perfect person. she has made mistakes in her career . no one is a perfect person. but i will NOT tare this away from her songwriting being fucking insane) - renee rapp (she's the loml she wants me fr (she doesn't know i exist)) (renee releasing any piece of music makes me better and worse at the same time) - holly humberstone (COOLEST FUCKING PERSON ON THE PLANET I LOVE HER MUSIC SM GOD ITS JUST SAD MUSIC RAHHH) - muna (i love cool gay people) - girl in red (see previous point) - sabrina carpenter (although i don't like acc know that many of her songs (rip) she's so fucking cool dude i can't even deny it if i wanted to) - foo fighters (yes i went from taylor swift to foo fighters what about it i love rock music too <3) - arctic monkeys (their music eats next question) - foals (RAHHH AWESOME BAND RAHHHH)
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yulsbabymama · 2 years
Lake maybe? I miss her
She’s a lesbian, obviously. 💖🏳️‍🌈
Rosa Maria actually tried adopting her after Disventure Camp bc of Lake’s parents being mentally-abusive and controlling.
Aiden and Lake r besties and no one can convince me otherwise. if u disagree ur wrong
Maggy, Rosa Maria, and Lake all keep in touch after DC!! They might be planning to live with eachother after Maggy/Lake finish school.
Lake does Ally’s makeup sometimes (Ally is a trans girl if u disagree idrgaf) and Ally likes to play video games & teach Lake how to play along w her.
Lake can speak multiple languages: German, Russian, French, English, and Spanish
She tried talking shit abt Yul (INFRONT of him also) to James in Spanish but Yul understood it bc his mom’s half Latina💀
She did gymnastics for awhile until she eventually got tired of it. She faked an injury so her parents would take her out of the sport.
Lake has a semi-popular Pinterest account; her boards mainly include fashion she would like to wear and recipes that fit her daily calorie count.
She modeled a few times as a kid.
Okay now for Aiden 👍🏼
He’s gay and trans 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
His Instagram account is over 600k bc of James
Aiden’s secretly thankful of him for that
He drinks milk from the carton.
Yea, I said it.
Aiden drinks milk from the carton. And there’s nothing y’all can do to stop me.
Aiden made a MySpace account to keep in touch w Connor :,)
His mother is French/Russian and his father is Guatemalan/Argentinian
Aiden had a homestuck phase once 🕶️
It still haunts him to this day.
He also tried talking shit abt Yul to Lake and James in Spanish but … yk how that went.
Aiden has freckles
I’m calling it
The bitch has freckles and hides them w makeup
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felt-squirrels · 11 months
1: sarah jacobs being morally conflicted about dating her ex’s other ex while said ex-bf is literally making out with her brother
2: both jack and davey being in complete disbelief that the other likes them back. they’re both the pining idiot and the oblivious dumbass at the same time.
3: jack being overly affectionate and davey pretending not to like it, but knows that jack was never overly affectionate w kath or sarah so it makes him feel special
4: davey having an actual routine that he just sort of drags jack through and jacks just like ‘okay babe whatever works for you’ but really jack gets tired out by it easily
5: sleepy javey snuggles. thats it.
6: davey would at first try to deny that jack is bi, even after jack asks him out cuz like ‘he just broke up w my sister wtf’ but the but then hes like
‘he wouldnt lie about that’
7: is it just me or would kath have been openly bi like waaaaaaay before jack was
like as soon as she decided she’s a bad bitch who disobeyed her father and got a job she also was like ‘btw, i like girls’
jack knew this going in
he had it coming
not that he didn’t already have a thing for a certain guy but yk
8: sarah realizing her feelings for kath before breaking up w jack and that being the reason he’s left w/out a gf?
9: jack dating sarah because he is wrestling with his own internalized homophobia. he figures the only reason he wants to be around davey so much is bc he likes his sister, or thats what he convinces his dumb brain. either way yes. he was never really into her.
Honestly yeah I’m some of the modern Aus that I’ve read where Sarah dates Jack first her reaction to Jack and Davey getting together is usually “Finally, I dated Jack just to make him realize he liked my brother.” Or “Wait what” and then she starts dating Kath and the internal conflict gets resolved.
I also totally agree with them just not believing the other is in love with them like they are emotionally repressed gay teenagers but aren’t/weren’t we all
And Davey being a bit of a neat freak or desperately relying on a schedule (Autism) is so relatable in an opposite way? I hate schedules but also totally get needing to rely on them
Honestly I agree with everything on this list I am very tired but uh yeah Kath knowing she’s bi way before Jack? Yesssssssssssssss
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heartburstings · 2 years
what r ur guys's headcanons/theories for post-bare? mine is that matt has a sexuality crisis and has a crush on peter and is like, "how soon is too soon" but inflicts catholic guilt upon himself whenever he thinks like that so he just never makes his move, esp bc like. who the hell is he going to go for advice. bc the last advice guy he had made him homophobic so.
and u think this wouldn't be an issue bc like, after they graduate, how much would they see each other actually? but surprise! there's like way too much drama surrounding ivy's pregnancy and what she should do abt it. even tho it's like. nobody's business but yk how ~society~ can be. so the group sticks together and supports her in her decisions, so like, while it's tense bc. matt's there. he's also allowed to be there bc matt's valedictorian (allegedly) straight altar boy status helps them out in reasoning/arguing with whatever rando pta adult takes issue with ivy's decision-making, even when she hasn't made a goddamn decision yet.
speaking of. matt also has "how soon is too soon"-itus with ivy. he's like, well clearly she can't stand to be in the same room w me, but :( i wuv her :( [is repressing his gay realizations]. meanwhile ivy n nadia are eating chips and casually cussing out jason's dad for trying to pressure ivy into keeping the baby as if being the father's father even matters. he's like having 3 different crises in his little chair and everyone else is just chilling and bitching. he's like "how soon is too soon... no. i don't deserve him. not after what i did. and especially not ivy. they all deserve better than me... why am i here..." just brooding in the cvs aisle while peter asks him if he's got cash on him to help pay for ivy's shit bc he's a few bucks short. lucas takes a passing glance at him one day and is like jesus christ dude you need weed so bad and matt's like haha no ty :] i'm a good catholic boy. and lucas is like ok dude but lmk if u change ur mind i'll see u later. and now matt has 1 more thing to brood about even tho he has 0 qualms abt stealing church wine
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jaekaicx · 3 years
you guys remember that one post i made abt an amphibia spidey au? well heres what ive got so far
(referenced amphibia spoilers, also ig spoilers? in case i actually make this a thing? which i doubt but who knows)
(edit: slightly outdated now)
(edit 2: even more outdated now, a good chunk of this has been changed)
semi-canon divergent where they dont get sent to amphibia, but all of the amphibia characters are human. also slightly aged up by a year or two
some sort of sashannarcy will happen i will make sure of it
these events take place over the course of a couple years, this doesnt happen all at once
marcy is an intern of dr. andrias “andy” leviathan, who is the head of some big science corporation. they met when marcy wandered away from the group on a school field trip and they hit it off well. dr andy made them his intern once they were old enough (age 15/16)
marcy still gets the news that theyre moving away, but this time he ends up running to dr. andy and venting to him.
on an unrelated note (/s), those moving plans end up falling through bc of a tragic accident w marcys parents (~ age 14)
marcy gets taken in by dr andrias (by this point ally has moved out and is in college. she wouldve took marcy in but she couldnt afford it at the time :(). they bond a lot more and andrias basically becomes marcy's main father figure
flash forward a bit, where marcy is helping dr andrias out with a project involving messing around with spider genetics and stuff like that. thing is, marcys still clumsy as hell, and he accidentally releases a bunch of the spiders. they try to contain them all but one of them sneaks out in marcys jacket (~ age 16)
it eventually makes its way to anne and bites her, and them boom, spider anne (~16/17)
she goes to sprig and polly for help (smth in her says not to go to marcy…) and they help her out with suit designing. theres a bunch of failed trial runs and they actually get help from ally and jess at one point (anonymously) and soon enough annes on her way to being a full fledged spider person
cut back to marcy, who’s been hearing news abt some spider-person vigilante or whatever and freaking out bc hOLY SHIT WE HAVE A LOCAL SUPER HERO?!?!??!! coincidentally, he finds out that his grip is rly strong? and their vision just got ten times better? and wait a minute i haVE FANGS?!?!?! and they figure out holy shit i have spider powers too?!?!?
so marcy quickly gets to work making their own spider gear. he decides not to tell anyone despite his excitement, and they dont rly need to tell anyone bc hes got all the resources to make a suit (dr andy’s lab) and the knowledge.
the two spideys end up running into each other a lot on patrol (which may or may not have been orchestrated by marcy). theres a bit of animosity at first but eventually they decide to team up whenever theyre together. however they decide not to tell each other their identities
i have not watched miraculous lady bug but based on what ive heard anne n marce have a similar dynamic. neither of them know the other is a spidey, so theres a ton of dancing around each other bc of it. also theyre gay so yeah
meanwhile andrias is observing from a far watching his experiments play out. turns out marcys powers DIDNT come from a spider bite. nah, andrias had been secretly experimenting on them, combining their dna with spider dna. kinda like a spider man 2099 type thing but not rly bc i dont actually know his lore
he’d been prepping marcy to become the ideal host for the symbiote hes been harboring. it claims to be the best of the best sent by their people to check out other worlds, and decided to have andrias work for it. (havent decided whether to call it the night or the core yet)
they work together bc andrias has access to a bunch of resources bc yk hes some big science ceo guy type thing. the symbiote doesnt just want some normal human bc we’re boring and squishy. so it has andrias do research on gene splicing and combining the dna of humans and various other species. which means that theres more than just radioactive spiders in andrias’s labs
andrias probably goes through some arc abt wanting to be the host for the symbiote but it doesnt want him. still not quite sure yet, but he goes through some villain phase that’s a combo of a bunch of spidey’s villains (lizard/doc oc/green goblin/etc) and he goes on a rampage after being denied by the symbiote. he almost gets captured and defeated by the spideys but hes slippery so he escapes
eventually they capture marcy and put the symbiote in him (he goes missing for a while bc they got stuck in the pickle jar). shit goes down w host marcy going on a rampage and anne trying to stop them and her maybe finding out abt marcys identity but i havent gotten there yet shhh
theres probably a whole arc with marcy running off and dealing with the symbiote, but eventually they work out some sort of arrangement and marcy gets back most control over himself
no i did not forget abt sasha, shes just not as fleshed out as the others
her parents are the heads of a sort of rival company to andrias’s and theyre kind of assholes. like theres a lot to them theyre not terrible parents to sasha exactly but theyre def not good people and they treat their workers like shit
sashas actually super good with tech in this au btw, and at some point she finds out abt some super secret project her parents are working on thats rly horrible and needs to be stopped. he tries undoing it from the inside at first but it fails horribly and gets her in huge trouble with his parents. (~16/17)
she ends up running off and finding this gang that agrees to let her join and take down the corporation. sasha becomes a leader-type figure among them, plus she helps out with creating weapons
eventually he tries recruiting anne into her cause, not knowing that shes one of the spideys and doesnt rly condone their cause (neither wanna get marcy involved). the two have some whole arc kinda like the miles morales ps5 game. HOWEVER unlike the game sash lives but like barely. he spends a long time in the hospital and maybe also serves jail time im not sure yet
this all happens a bit before host marcy is a thing, or maybe while marcys missing in the pickle jar.
she eventually becomes a vigilante type figure and teams up with the spideys sometimes. the authorities know abt sashas identity but he doesnt let them catch her
also heres some extra notes
anne (she/her):
inspo: “classic” spider-man type deal with a bit of miles morales
general spider powers: wall climbing, heightened senses + reflexes + agility, spider sense, super healing, super strength
extras: miles-type venom blast (kinda like her calamity powers in a sense); has spinnerets in wrists so she can make her own webs; more “power” based fighting style
mainly relies on polly (and ally & jess sometimes) for help with gadgets and stuff like that. polly’s a smart kid
hop pop almost dies on her watch, and it becomes her “great power great responsibility” moment
practices her quips with sprig.
marcy (they/he):
inspo: spider-man 2099 and mcu-ish spider-man ?? plus venom spider-man from the trilogy but he never got it out
general spider powers (see above) with some exceptions
Does not have spider sense. or at least it seems like but its just rly weak. also cannot make his own webs, so he made web shooters
slightly higher resilience/healing ablities
extras: miles-type camouflage/invisibility powers; FANGS THEY HAVE FANGS and they can inject a paralyzing non toxic venom :3; has super vision, but in the sense that its very heightened and they can see a LOT better than a normal human. so like night vision, and they can see a lot farther than normal (makes up for the spider sense sort of); more “gadget” based fighting style
(debating this) can communicate telepathically with others, acts as some form of an extension of their spider sense
had to wear sunglasses a lot once the heightened vision started kicking in bc they were rly sensitive to light
while the fangs were rly cool at first, they actually make it kinda hard for marcy to talk normally and theyre hard to hide. he tries wearing a face mask for a bit but they still struggle speaking normally at times
sasha (she/he):
inspo: phin mason (miles morales ps5) plus a bit of harry osborn(?)
no “powers” powers, but is an amazing strategist, pretty strong (by “normal” standards), and great w tech
dont wanna say her smarts are quite on marcys level, but shes up there. in school tho she barely puts effort into the work. also, tech/engineering is the main field he’s good in, everything else (language arts, history, etc) shes just around average
p much the same types of gadgets as the tinkerer in mm ps5, programmable matter gear (computerized nanomaterial that can reform into a bunch of different weapons)
im honestly not sure yet abt sash i’ll probably change stuff abt her soon. tho i rly liked the thought of her wielding smth like the tinkerer’s sword
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
listen. ok. in my mind, hisashi is the COOLEST DAD EVER. THE COOL ONE EVERYONE *WISHES* THEY HAD
-he has red hair and bright green eyes and freckles EVERYWHERE just like deku. except i hc that his firebreathing thing is partially a dragon thing!! so he has little horns on top of his head and a few patchy areas with scales. he looks COOL ASF until u get to the back n see his tiny ass wings that dont do nuthin
inko makes fun of his stubby wings so much n hes always like "BAAAABE STOP U KNOW I WAS BORN LIKE THIS 😭" but its ok bc he still luvs her
HE. DRESSES. HORRIBLY. Like im talkin stupid unbuttoned polos with band shirts underneath and ratty ass jeans. he wears socks and sandals and sometimes even jorts. hes always wearing like 30 unmatched pieces of jewelry bc hes a dragon and he HOARDS
most of the jewelry is handmade bracelets izuku sent him as a kid and he NEVER TAKES THEM OFF even if theyre literally falling apart
dekusquad jokingly is always like "ahh finding the male midoriyas in a crowd is always easy! just look for them big ass red shoes ✌"
all that aside tho. if u look past the disastrous fashion sense. hisashi midoriya is HOT hot.
LIKE. ok. hes mostly lean w a bit of chub, from working as a successful barista in america, and hes also TALL AS HECK. hes like. maybe a few inches shorter than all might. bottomline is that hes REALLY ATTRACTIVE. ESPECIALLY WHEN INKO DRESSES HIM UP
and when deku introduces him to 1A and his teachers for the first time everyones looking at hisashi n blushing n they look at deku n theyre all like "....dude"
(and maybe because they notice the fact that deku actually looks pretty similar to his dad 1A starts to realize that deku isnt actually that plain when you stare at his face long enough and oh wow uh—"
ANYWAY katsuki 💯 had a crush on dekus dad when he was younger. mitsuki makes fun of her son like ALL THE TIME for having a crush on her best friend. hisashi demonstrated his quirk once in front of the bakugous to show off a bartending trick and that was literally the first time katsuki ever complimented a quirk aside from his own
hisashi and deku at the same time combining their adorable energy: kacchan!!
katsuki, furiously blushing: STOP
anyway aside from katsuki—uraraka, todoroki, and shinsou DEFINITELY also have a crush on dekus dad. NO ONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS. obvs everyone in UA thinks hisashi's cool and SMOKIN, but those four have it like BAD.
dekus oblivious to this. so is hisashi. he goes up to shouto once and ruffles his hair and calls him sport and todoroki sets his desk on fire.
uraraka keeps making things float accidentally because she gets sidetracked staring at deku and his dad side by side and "oh wow they both have a freckle on the back of their neck just a little below their left ears—"
shinsou just. goes up to deku n hands him a note that says "get ur dad out of my school"
all might has a crush on hisashi too.
LIKE HISASHI COMES BACK TO JAPAN N IS ALL LIKE "wow i miss being here! is all might still no. 1? hows my son doing? america was so stressful! im so glad to be back in sweet home musutafu :)"
n then he comes home and all mights eating ice cream on the couch cursing at the football game on TV
hisashi: ....all might-san?
toshinori: u-aH? uh? good evening er. uh. mr. midoriya?? welcome home! im going to gay—i mean go!!
hisashi: w—
toshinori, panicking and reverting to symbol of peace dealing with PR mode: ENJOY YOUR SON! HAVE A NICE STAY! DONT DO DRUGS *leaves house in sweatpants and slams the door shut*
toshinori, internally: oh my god what the fuck what the fuck is this a quirk am i dying
when it calms down tho toshinoris still a blushing stuttering mess buT AT LEAST YK WHAT?? they bond over talking about america and deku!!
they both go on long af rambles about american lifestyles n all the weird people theyve met while in there and then they start throwing around words like bucky's convenience store and bubba gump shrimps and everyone stops listening
izuku notices how weird his mentor is around his dad but doesnt rlly care bc two!!! two father figures!!!! and a mom figure!!!!! they all play (quirk powered) dodgeball every other sunday while 1A watches in a mix of horror, attraction, and unbridled joy.
toshinori: oh my god why did they both have to be hot. why couldnt it have just been inko? thats easier to deal with. i cant do both. i cant HANDLE both. who allowed this? why?
aizawa: how the fuck did you get into my office its 4 am yagi.
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prizmpaws · 3 years
locke kids masterlist 
finally copying @twistedm0th n doin this, these are all gijinkas from a platinum soul link nuzlocke. feel free to send asks for/about them whenever. also if i ever reblog oc ask memes, its for these bitches
current team
jax (crobat) - he/him. my starter. all the e boy aesthetic but without the shitty personality that usually comes with it. shitty homophobic parents trauma meets protag-who-literally-died-that-one-time trauma. bi n trans
neptune (swampert) - he/him. funkie pirate boy!! cuts the sleeves off of all his shirts to show off his muscles.so dedicated to his pirate aesthetic that he kept the pegleg even though he could easily get like. an actual prosthetic. trans n pan
sheba (torterra) - he/him. detective man! dad friend and also an actual father. couldn’t feel fear before he met his soulmates n now hes a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Very Concerned For These Kids’ Wellbeing. gay
elizabeth (torkoal) - she/they. usually just goes by liz. one of the weed smoking girlfriends. frequent ren faire attendee and occasional cosplayer. not necessarily tiktok famous but shes definitely had many a tiktok go viral. trans lesbian
kreios (nidorino) - he/they. pastel goth. wears skirts all the time n everyone goes “wow smol bean breaking gender roles so cute 🥺🥺🥺” n hes like 😐. loves to do their soulmates’ makeup. constantly vibrating with righteous anger. bi
adelaide (sceptile) - she/her. usually goes by addie. newest team member. quite possibly single handedly keeping her local boba shop in business. huge fan of clown husbandry, buys clown dolls from thrift shops and pretties em up n gives em names and personalities n stuff. bi
the living
petunia (poliwrath) - she/her. about 8 years old n already buff as hell. constantly covered in cartoon band aids, only about half of which she actually needs. communes with the dead on ocassion.
dante (lileep) - he/they. mans just wants to farm his radishes but someone *cough cough* @/twistedm0th’s avian *cough cough* keeps stealing them. probably also helping keep that boba shop in business. bi
haileigh (horsea) - she/her. horse girl. genuinely feral. she will bite you.
cato (vibrava) - he/they. thinks hes hot shit (spoiler alert: hes not) unironically pulls out his acoustic guitar during a party and starts playing wonderwall. probably a film major. bi
bahram (metang) - they/hy/it. like 8 or 9. they have a funky cool steel arm that looks like an actual metang’s arm. honestly dont have much for hym but uh. its very cool n i hope i get to use it more someday :3
bingus (dragonair) - they/th3y/ey/xe/chaos/grr/voi/dra/ae/.exe/rawr/glitch/null/pix/beep/txt/vae/ze/bingus. bingus. loves glitchcore and scenecore. obnoxious and over the top and just unabashedly themself. TYP3Z L1K3 TH1Z!!1! th3y are the best and i love em so much. probably commits war crimes on occasion but like. yk. are xey a replacement neo? perhaps. queer
alex (sandshrew) - they/he/she. genderfluid spy, goes by different variations of alex (alexander, alexis, lexi, etc) dependent on gender and also as fake identities when doing spy shit. pan
analise (nincada) - she/her. Mom Friend. pls be kind to her she is trying her very best but she is At Her Limit at all times. covered in band aids, very vague about whether or not they're just for the aesthetic. lesbian
esmerelda (exeggutor) - she/they/he. chill as hell. has a third eye n one of those funky pairs of sunglasses w an extra lens on top. teases her friends but shed hold ur hair at a party n compliment u n trashtalk ur shitty bf who just broke up w u. *sips drink through pink glittery curly straw that says “pussy”*. bi
the deceased
holly (azumarill) - she/her. 8 years old. her death still has jax fucked up despite the fact that she's come to him multiple times as a ghost and told him to move on. Baby.
rin (scyther) - he/him. royal knight and one of june (@/twistedm0th)’s caretakers. very analytical, the way i write him is def inspired by quibli wof. gay n trans
ryan (relicanth) - he/him. big buff fish man. may or may not be an accomplice to many crimes but that does not matter please dont ask him about it. bi n trans
neo (dragonair) - she/her. speak no evil. vigilante justice ass bitch. forces corporations to be disability accessible. homestuck cosplayer. also a big penelope scott fan. bi
iggy (shellder) - she/her. mom friend. so kind. will adopt you without hesitation. gives the best hugs. just wants to enjoy her hot cocoa and go ice skating with her wife who may or may not be involved in crimes in peace. lesbian
sylvester (dewgong) - he/him. glorified theatre kid. wears almost exclusively floral button ups and top hats. most recent death. i miss him :(. bi
lillith (houndoom) - she/her. is a prep rather than being emo like most houndoom bc shes ✨ quirky ✨. soulmates with an old god and a jock and she loves them both very much. bi
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beinghumcn · 3 years
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Was that [NATASHA NEGOVANLIS]? Oh no no, that was just [MIRCALLA “CARMILLA” KARNSTEIN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [CARMILLA]. They are [THREE-HUNDRED-FORTY-ONE] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
to use a gif where u can see her face or to use a gif that’s slapstick......... the answer was obvious.
how long has your character been here
roughly a month and a half !
what is your character's job
night shift archivist........ using the excuse that dc is magic and therefore an mlis is totally not required.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
towards the end of season two when :\ she still thinks mattie’s dead and no one cares :\ of course, i’m gonna go ahead and hc that the events of s3 have happened and she just... does not remember them bc #magic but... cannot promise the same for the movie because i Do Not Know How to watch it and... we like to pretend she’s still a vampire... which technically was stopped in s3 but shhhhhhh
has any magic affected your character
some memories have been wiped, but that’s about it!
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
triggers: very very brief mention of necrophilia, brief mention of imprisonment, murder, manipulation, abuse, mention of blood (brief but significant), very brief mention of war
not too much is known about her super early life. she was born in styria as mircalla karnstein to a super wealthy father ( and super emotionally unavailable who only saw her as convenient when she was old enough to be used as a bargaining chip ) and... who knows about her mother? ( whenever i refer to her mother throughout the rest of the intro, it’s not her birth mother -- just a psa! )
anyway, she was murdered at a ball, as one is. but it was all good! because her new ‘mother’ found her and resurrected her as a vampire ( for her own nefarious purposes, of course ). however, before she was able to be of any true use to her mother, her undead body was graverobbed by the necrophiliac man she was engaged to marry before her death. he kept her in a literal dungeon. which is so romantic (/s). however, sucks for him! her powers grew stronger and she managed to break free and murder his entire family so he would die sad and alone <3 romance <3
after that ordeal, she was put to work as a lure by her mother. every twenty years, they would return to styria and carmilla -- who would have some different name at that point, but one that was probably an obvious anagram -- would pretend there’d been a carriage accident or abandonment or something. she’d grow close to the girl ( sometimes seduction being involved, leaving it open to have the events of the novella have happened... minus the death ), the girl would grow weak of mind, then she’d hand the girl off to her mother to go away to some certain doom. 
also... because i love her... i want to add that, during this entire time, she had a best friend and sister of sorts ( another woman changed by her mother ) named matska ( ‘mattie’ ) who was much older than her, but humored her more idealistic views. like... man... mattie was really looking forward to killing this guy for no reason, but he’s a sensitive poet, guess she’ll find someone else :\ ( aka i just... needed to mention this legend... )
the game changed when carmilla was enlisted to lure in a girl named ell. unfortunately, she actually fell in love with her :\ their close bond was real :\ she made plans for them to escape to the usa before her mother could find them... but her mother found out about it and revealed carmilla’s vampiric nature to ell. ell, horrified, led carmilla’s mother to where they planned to meet up. and her punishment for her disobedience was, like, the best parenting ever (/s):
she watched ell get dragged away to her doom, then was sealed alive in a coffin full of blood <3 mother of the year <3
she was exhumed towards the end of wwii with all of the explosives unearthing various graves. she was found by her mother again in 1955 and her mother just didn’t have the heart to reinter her, so she was put back to work ( but at least she got to watch the moon landing with the legend mattie <3 ).
this time, she tried to ruin opportunities when she could and, instead of get close to the girl, drive her away. 
i don’t want to get too into the laura (web version) stuff because my love does not hinge on the ship, ja feel? but since she does have some memories of that, it’s important to mention!! she was assigned to go pretend to be a college student and lure various girls and, more specifically, roommates for her mother. laura was an intended target, then she showed carmilla genuine kindness and carmilla was like ‘well. guess i’ve gotta ruin an opportunity #forlove. mother’s gonna hate it but :\’
as a side-note, even though she Does Not Know This from where im pulling her in her canon, it is probably important to note that she found out her mother was actually a goddess! same! the goddess innana! spoiler: and of course you can set an angry malicious goddess free with a hug <3 but yk what fun fact: one of my first critiques over the finale was laura just..... talking for minutes on end without a heart..... but someone looked it up and apparently you can keep functioning for four minutes without a heart so?? get it girls!! also i think in the movie it turns out ell is like... evil?? but we’re ignoring that until i find a way to watch it bc <3 she doesn’t rmr it anyway <3
also some fun + relevant tidbits + hcs:
can shapeshift into a black panther. alexa, play ‘black cat’ by janet jackson. also love some pyrokinesis and potential sonic scream and invulnerability to sunlight. also love the basics of super strength and speed. also love still having to live off of human blood. also love not turning people into vampires with bites like genuinely love that otherwise there’d be a whole army. ~ she’s not like other girls vampires ~
if u cant tell im ignoring the ending ma’am she’s a vampire. apparently the movie turns her back into a vampire which we love but i... don’t have a way to watch it so i’m just going off of what i read.
another big gay. gonna start a club w bismuth.
has canonically seen many vampire movies, including the twilight movies (in which she called edward a ‘sparkly twerp’).
also canonically probably has light knowledge of the harry potter and doctor who franchises bc of laura. very hip with pop culture in spite of being over 300yrs old.
taught herself ancient sumerian because she wanted to read the epic of gilgamesh. love that for her.
inxp (leans te, but not enough for a for sure), 4w5, scorpio sun scorpio moon. affably evil <3
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dmfornewurl · 4 years
talk about fire nation siblings
IM GOING TO ASSUME U MEAN AZULA AND ZUKO bc idk who else but ANYWAY thank u anon ily i am going to start w zuko
anyway i love zuko so very much in part bc i relate to him a lot and obviously i think his redemption arc was done well (star wars wants what atla has) and just. im so proud of him he came a very long way. also i think he shouldve ended up w sokka and that mai shouldve been w ty lee 🤷‍♀️. i would die for zuko i really like his character design (red and gold color scheme? dark hair? not white? m) and im going to pretend hes tall bc theres absolutely no way hes 5′1″ thats just not possible. not right . zuko isn’t brahmin either i am so sorry for that. zuko sweetie i love u so much i am so sorry my friends n i made u brahmin kind of u do not deserve that
as for azula. she deserved a redemption arc :((. naturally she made mistakes but she was raised by a shitty father and a mother who very obviously played favorites - azula was neglected as a (younger) kid and raised to believe she was a monster. that’s why she acts the way she does - given the time, and the chance, she would definitely redeem herself the way zuko did, if not more so. once again i like her design but also red and gold is just. I Love That. and i have a soft spot for fire powers what can i do !! also it lowkey breaks my heart that azula is 14 and shes spent her entire life thinking shes irredeemable like fuck ozai for that man...but also unpopular opinion maybe but ursa was not a good mother. she was good to zuko but azula deserved better. if you’re only a good parent to one of your kids you’re not a good parent and i wish azula had been able to have a mother who cared for her as much as she should have. 
as for ozai - he is a son of a bitch xoxo
both zuko and azula have a major capacity to change and better themselves (zuko was able to explore this and show it in canon) and if the show + comics had shown a redemption arc for azula we would be much better off. i think for azula her redemption arc would/should include zuko because i feel like she needs someone who’s been w her since childhood to tell her & show to her shes not a monster yk? also this post and this thread by aaron ehasz
also. zuko and azula are both gay
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hepivs-blog · 5 years
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❝   zoë kravitz.  cisfemale.  she/her.   ❞   ━    𝕝𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨  welcomes  alexandra palmer  with  open  arms.  the thirty two year  old  mechanic has  been  living  here  for  seventeen years,  give  or  take.  on  a  good  day,  they  seem  the  affable  &  tactile type,  but  their  sullen  & distant  tendencies  shine  through  when  there  are  no  taxis  into  the  city.
hey whats up jake paulers. ron here once again, bc i have poor impulse control and i just love too many ppl to only pick one fc at the end of the day yk. so here’s my second kid, alex. n honestly my big little lies ass is just head over heels w zoë so its a win win. anyway, here’s my gal
folks!!!!! *claps hands* ( im too into the kurtis conner intro im sorry ), this yee haw mf right here is alexandra katherine palmer and for the early fifteen years of her life she lived in tucson, arizona so u can say shes a certified yee yee cowgirl n all tha yk
family wise the girl hasn’t had a grand ol time yk, her mom died when she was four due to cystic fibrosis and boy did it take a TOLL on her family fr. honestly tbh alex’s dad loved her mother so much and made sure that alex grew up loving the memory of her mom as much as he did
so yeah, maybe out of a need to occupy alex’s time with activities that encouraged a healthier life for her or out of fear that alex had inherited her mom’s disease, the palmer papa made sure alex was always wrapped up in sports. swimming, cross country, basketball, nothing was too much for alexandra and she genuinely felt a deep connection w athletic activities. but the real winner out of all the modalities alex performed, the girl was an innate boxer
in fact, she became kind of a rising star. alex took up boxing at twelve years old and evolved quickly, her natural disposition and agility were a deadly match and three years later, alex was invited to join a professional boxing team in louisiana ( the reason why they came to lakeview ok )
ofc alex thrived and put a lot of wins under her belt, winning a few championships, even H O W E V E R, when alex was getting ready to go big and finally turning eighteen her dad, papa palmer, had a stroke :///
so she was left with a choice of closing her dad’s garage and going off to fight ppl everywhere professionally and leaving her dad to the care of nurses and the like, or staying w her dad and abandoning her dream of being the next million dollar baby
obvs you can tell which option she picked. bc of her childhood trauma of losing a parent, alex couldn’t envision a living where she didn’t stay and help out her dad. and though nowadays papa palmer is alive and well and kicking, the window of her success is already closed. but alex doesn’t resent her dad for it tbh, if she had to make the choice ten times over, she’d pick her dad
nowadays alex works in her family’s garage and makes a living as a mechanic but she ocasionally still pumps out a few punches. she’s also v protective of her father and couldn’t bear if anything ever happened to him tbh ( can u imagine that??? a good dad?? me neither )
her personality is v hot n cold tbh shes v matter of fact and doesn’t take any bullshit and at the same time shes v confident and extroverted bc of all the sports shes ever practiced and being good at them all yk it must b nice to not suck at coordination skills
yeehaw lesbian yk
has some trouble w relationships bc she always viewed her parents marriage as the be all end all of relationships and the fact that her dad hasn’t remarried and how he says his mother n him were soulmates rlly gets to alex n its sad cause she cant believe she’ll find that in her life thus making her a lil cynical
however v flirty n will offer to pay drinks for pretty girls
kind of a sweetheart but has a hard time showing that cause she hates feeling vulnerable or some dumb shit like that so yk dont invite her to watch sad movies cause she’ll cry n then punch u bc u made her watch it
loves to fish bc shes outdoorsy n annoying
abs for fuckin days
oh def a stoner my dude, she loves to fix cars n smoke n listen to some swift lauryn hill yk how it is
won’t ever admit she has feelings ok the way she’ll show she cares about u is asking you for ur netflix password cause she considers that a familial gesture idk either
conspiracy theories galore she swears she saw an ufo while farming when she was a teenager
has a weird sense of humor but she means well
her pinterest board
okay so i still have one more intro to write but if you’d like to plot w my beautiful but ocasionally aggressive gay pls hmu or yell into the void n i will come to u. thats it arigato n sayonara
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