#yeah. yeah. that's exactly it. they never really planned for the future bc they were sure there wasn't going to be one.
byanyan · 6 months
Which Imaginary Illness Do You Have?
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storm syndrome
ㅤyou never really knew how to be yourself, distancing yourself from your own existence - standing outside of the house even as the storm closed in. you are going through the motions of everyday life, uncaring except for the toughest storms. each one feels like the one - the one that will finally be too much for you. somehow it isn't - it never is (except the last one). and as the people around you pick their lives back up and move on, barely bothered by the storm, you still carry it in you - one foot in your life and one out of it. and when they'll ask about you, asking questions about your future, your plans, your dreams, the only honest answer would be "i don't know, i never thought i'd make it this far".
tagged by:ㅤ@gnarledbite ♡!!
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babiebom · 11 months
Bachelors and what kind of ~dere they would be
A/N: I thought this would be something cool to write headcanons for especially because I've played through the Sebastian yandere mod and have watched vids on the others being yanderes. Personally I feel as if some of them don't really fit the yandere category and others would fit them more.
Tw: none as far as i know. Does sort of spoil one of Sam's heart events and a game event.
Word count: at least 10 bullet points per character
Describes as often plays it cool and even in the most stressful situations they're calm and collected. They never panic and often remain distant and analytical until the end.
I feel like Sebby doesn't often show his emotions, especially because he seems introverted.
But the thing is he doesn't seem like the shy uwu scared of people introverted he's more of a voluntary introvert and just prefers being along but has no problem interacting with people
So for that I'm saying he's more the type to always be calm around the person he likes, never making his feelings obvious and never treating them any different than he would treat anyone he sees as a friend.
Kinda reminds me of an anime scene(I forgot the name but its space themed)
Of where the girl basically confesses her feelings and calls the guy an idiot after they talk about what they plan for the future and she says her dream is to become his wife and why can't he see that
And his reaction is basically ? I thought we were already together what?
And she's like ???? You've never made it clear that you like me and he's like yeah didn't think that i had to? I thought we were already together.
He gives off those vibes.
I also feel as though if he did open up it would be in a nonchalant way, it wouldn't be dramatic or romantic I think he would just be stating his feelings as facts.
And I feel like people often forget that this man is a huge nerd and super smart at least in my opinion
I mean he codes from home and plays dnd.
Even if he isn't a robotics and super science nerd like Maru is I think he is a smart and rather analytical person. I don't think he would be on the emotional side of things
If you get together he doesn't change much but does show his affection through touch and acts of service rather than his words.
Described as shy, quiet, and asocial is most situations. Stays quiet to avoid conflict
I feel as even though he's the town doctor he doesn't have many friends
Like he's only close to Maru bc she works for him in the clinic
And we usually see him hanging out alone or in his room looking at planes and stuff
I feel as though if he developed feelings for you either you would notice right away with how weird he acts around you or you wouldn't notice at all because you assume he's quiet with everyone unless its medically related.
So maybe not shy but quiet does describe him.
Obviously he opens up around you little by little the more you interact with him but it takes a lot of effort on both if your parts
On yours you have to consistently bother him and talk to him which is a lot of work especially when its not reciprocated at first
And on his he has to allow himself to be vulnerable and open with a person, its even harder when you feel romantic feelings for that person because what if they don't really like you in that way or they decide they don't like you after getting to know you
Very sweet man when you get together, still quiet but in a more comfy way.
Described as hostile and cold on the outside and sweet and kind on the inside
And I feel like that exactly describes Shane
While he is an alcoholic(recovering or not based on how you see him and play the game)He is very sweet even if not to people other than you(once you get to know him), jas, and his chickens.
Does seem like the type that once he starts feeling things for you he would start helping in small ways but also tries to not make it obvious
Oh he sees you walking from the woods with a big ass bag of fiber rocks and wood?
He'll offer to carry it if you need help
Sees you out and about in town, asks what you're up to and if you need help with anything
But don't think that he'a doing this because he likes you
He doesn't he just wants to pay back the kindness you've given to him back to you so he doesn't owe you anything
Ends every sentence to you with stupid or idiot if it allows without seeming genuinely mean
Does really like you and slowly starts showing you that once you show you aren't going anywhere
Does still get incredibly flustered when you do something sweet for or to him
Though if you get together is more open with his affection.
Described as a person that is very loving and affectionate to their loved one until it becomes a constant obsession leading them to become overprotective, violent, and psychotic towards anyone they deem a threat to their loved one, even the loved one themself
First of all his yandere mod was the scariest one yet like ooof
And while he does not seem like a violent person
He is a writer, which means he is some sort of delusional, creative, and or imaginative that I think he could have a mental break and carry out the things he imagines. 
We see that due to him being a writer, he is basically a hermit because all he does is stay in his cabin and write all day
Like yeah he's friends with Leah but how often do you think he actually leaves his home seeking interaction?
I feel like he would meet you and then suffer from a writers block and its your fault because now all he can think about is you
You're his muse
And due to that he becomes obsessive over you, no one else can have you he needs you at the very least more than they do.
Would 1000 percent stalk you, in his mind he's just watching over you to make sure nothing happens to you
Whether that be in town, on your farm, in the mines...he has to keep you closeby.
Speaking as a writer that does get very obsessed with things to the point of me changing what i write about and how often I think about or daydream about it
I think he is the most likely candidate for this kind of 'love' towards a person
Your imagination can delude your thinking, paired with living in a cabin alone with only your thoughts and silence it's no wonder he would be slightly insane.
Described as clumsy, stupid, and lacking in common sense when dealing with things in their life, but also very optimistic, and having a carefree, child-like innocence.
While this may seem like I'm roasting him I'm not
I do think he sometimes seems clumsy or dumb or even maybe like a teen especially because he's just playing guitar or skateboarding or playing video games
But there are glimpses of him being responsible and caring
Like how he actually had a job, even if it's part time
Or during his heart event when Vincent asks if their dad is going to come home before we find out that he indeed does come home
He covers his true feelings with optimism and happiness even if he's worried, which makes me think he fits this.
He only wants his loved one to be happy, and while constant optimism may seem or be annoying so certain people, he wants to be that light in your life.
And because he's so optimistic he is naturally kinder to others, while others like Sebastian, Shane, or Haley are standoffish when you meet them, Sam is sweet and is happy to meet you which translates well into getting to know you and then shifting into a romantic relationship
So while he may seem dumb to others, even to you with how positive he's being he's actually far from it even if he is a little reckless and clumsy sometimes
He turns down the constant optimism after getting together, but never stops being positive towards you, no matter if you succeed or fail, he's there to pick you up again with kind words and unwavering support.
Also Bakadere
but for a totally different reason
the dude is basically a himbo, though some of the things he says can be seen as iffy or mysogynistic
im pretty sure he doesn't mean any of it though, and while he can come off as dumb and out of touch he is shown to be sweet and caring and using his frat boy persona as a way of keeping people at an arms length
due to that i see him as similar but different to Sam
both boys seem kind of dumb, annoyingly optimistic, and sort of innocent in a way.
and both boys tend to use that as a surface personality, and until you actually take time to know them(Sam's worries, Alex's background and current worries) they seem like the type of people to be positive in any situation
Also seems as if he would take on a leader role simply because everyone voted for him to be it because of his positivity.
another thing is how certain(though inside he's not as) that he will become a gridball player.
Like the dude only talks positively about his dreams and is constantly working towards his goal
as well as we see in his dialogue that the farmer does indeed sometimes get annoyed at his words such as when he says things like "what why're you looking at me like that"
exactly as an anime character in this role would do.
Though after marriage is still sorta a dummy which is low key kinda cute.
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 2 years
Dowd Crime Family Headcanons
I’m so obsessed with the idea of Tim being from a family full of superheroes and the dichotomy of that with the idea that Bernard is from a family full of supervillians and also i think its just hilarious, so
• Bernard is descended from the O’Dowd Crime Family in Boston - essentially the Irish Mob
• His dad specializes in art theft. If you’ve ever heard of the robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum... yeah. 
• Despite the fact that the perpetrators of that robbery were never technically caught, it was a pretty shoddy job, done early on in Mr. Dowd’s (im sorry he literally doesn’t have a name i dont know what else to call him) career when he was still trying to make his bones. Soon after, to avoid the heat, he fled south to Gotham where he met the future Mrs. Dowd!
• The future Mrs. Dowd (she doesn’t have a NAME) works in art restoration at the Gotham Museum of Modern Art (and on the side is an extremely skilled in forgery shhhhhh)
• Bernard has a ton of aunts and uncles and cousins and stuff on his dad’s side of the family, but they all live in Massachusetts, so he doesn’t see them often.
• The relative he sees the most is his auntie Nina! Yes, Nina Dowd the archeologist i.e. The Mighty Endowed, who uses the abilities granted to her via magical artifacts for various nefarious schemes.
• Pretty early on in his life, Bernard gets the sense that his parents aren’t exactly... good people. From a young age he’s trained in areas of morally questionable expertise (safe cracking, martial arts, weapons proficiency, etc.) but his heart really isn’t in it. Bernard just wants to be a regular kid with parents who do something he can be proud of. It’s why he becomes so obsessed with Batman and Robin as a kid. Those are people who help others! They use their skills to do good! They’re heroes! 
• As he gets older, Bernard becomes more cynical when it comes to powerful people. The idea of Batman being controlled by a shadow government isn’t weird to him because,,,,, that’s literally what his family does. The O’Dowd Crime Family has fingers in political pies all over the Northeastern U.S. It makes sense to him that Batman would pick new Robins out of orphanages when the old ones die because,,,, the crime syndicate up north indoctrinates young orphans into their gang too.
• Despite his family’s expectations, Bernard never takes an interest in the ‘family business’
• He is such a Just Some Guy
• One of his relatives introducing him and his cousins like “Yeah, these are my nieces and nephews, Switchblade, Big Jack, Reaper, Baby Teeth, Lil Eoin, Shredder, and,,,,, Bernard.”
• Pretty soon in Tim and Bernard’s relationship, Bernard’s criminal contacts come to light bc obviously all of the bats would be doing background checks and,,,,
Dick: do,,,, do you guys think he knows?
Duke: i mean,,, he Has to. Right?
Damian: Only Drake would be so idiotic as to consort with someone who no doubt plans to destroy our family.
Stephanie: okay, so who’s gonna tell him.
• Eventually Dick is the one who brings it up and Tim is like “??? Yeah, obviously I knew about his family. It’s no biggie tho. He’s Different <3″
Dick: Tim I am begging you to date literally Anyone other than the son of world renowned art thieves with connections to the irish mob
Tim: no <3
• Bruce minds his business bc he has never dated anyone who isn’t a criminal
• Cass gives Bernard her seal of approval and that’s pretty much enough for everyone
• The bats try to give bernard the shovel talk and he’s like “lol okay. i’ve been receiving death threats since before i was born, but this is cute.”
• It works out because Bernard is the only person with a family crazy enough to rival Tim’s
• Tim loves his boyfriend and never ceases to be amazed at how good and kind and strong he’s become despite all of the bad influences in his life. Bernard gives him hope.
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iloveavatar · 1 year
Hey hey lovie!
I have a request for a neteyam x reader. (Already established relationship if possible)
So, reader is an orphan from a traumatic experience, and Jake and neytiri raised reader as one of their own.
But, because reader was on their own for a while before being found by jake and neytiri so their fiercely independent and doesn’t really have l a regard for their own life and is often reckless. One day reader almost dies on a mission bc of their recklessness and neteyam finds out, freaks out, cries, begs them to take care of themselves and reader is like “I don’t care about myself” or “who cares if I get hurt” neteyam reassured them and it’s just fluffy comfort?
(Holy crap I’m sorry it’s so long I just have it so planned out In my head 😭)
i’m fine!
this is so amazing. i LOVE THIS IDEA SM. i’m so sorry this took so long💀
obv neteyam x fem!reader (already in a relationship)
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neteyam has known the feeling stress from lo’ak. he knows the pain of that gut feeling tell him that something has gone wrong.
however it’s different when it’s her.
he has never felt this kind of stress before. it’s similar to lo’ak… except if you were to ask anyone how neteyam is handling it, they would tell you he’s not.
he’s not handling it well at all.
y/n brings neteyam a whole new feeling of stress. he deeply cares for her.
why wouldn’t he care about the woman he’s with?
now let’s just explain how neteyam got in this situation first yeah? yeah.
he was around 4 years old, he was hanging out with his grandmother. however when neytiri was out by herself she heard a baby crying out in the middle of the beautiful forest. obviously she followed the sounds, because who would leave their child here?
she ran into a young na’vi who looked around neteyam age.
long story short neytiri decided to take y/n (which is what the little na’vi said was her name) home and have her stay with the sully family.
when little y/n went home with neytiri, she was introduced to jake. she was nervous seeing all these different people and the couple took notice.
neytiri gently asked her, “is something wrong little one?”
y/n timidly shook her head “no ma’am! i’ve just never seen so many people before…”
the couple exchanged a look of confusion. there was only neytiri, jake, and y/n in their tent so far… what did she mean ‘so many people?’
“y/n… who are your parents? do you remember?” jake gently asked while sitting down.
y/n looked at the rug that was sprawled across the floor of the tent. tears started to rush to the surface of her eyes. she huffed because she hated crying.
“ive never met my dad… and my mom left me. she said i wasn’t useful enough for her to love me… so i want to become the best hunter i can!” y/n started out with tears, but then ended her sentence with a determined, stubborn look.
the couple felt their heart breaking at the reveal. they then made eye contact with one another, almost having a conversation with their eyes.
neytiri would help raise y/n and train her to become a hunter like how she wishes.
years later and neytiri stuck to her word. y/n eventually became such an amazing hunter that the clan looked up to her. she became an expert at such a young age due to neytiris help.
y/n having such an independent, strong, fierce personality and mindset, is exactly what made neteyam fall madly for her.
if you were to ask neteyam who was the best hunter in the clan… he would say y/n. after saying his mother of course.
and he wouldn’t just say this because they were dating… but because it’s true.
y/n climbed the ranks of being an amazing hunter so fast it could give someone whiplash.
y/n was so stubborn to prove that she was the best. she would train nonstop, barely sleep, and never ever ask for help.
that being said… y/n was so reckless because of her stubbornness.
neytiri and jake, even neteyam have tried to tell her that being reckless can lead to consequences in the future if she’s not careful.
she would also argue that “she’s fine” and that “she’s got it under control”.
as much as everyone loved her… they all thought she was stupid for risking her life nonstop.
this said reckless behavior is what has neteyam stressing in the first place.
y/n was out on a hunt with his mother to feed the clan, and neteyam was in charge of keeping an eye on lo’ak while they were out.
everything was going well until neteyam heard his mothers war cry.
his head whipped around to see his mother carrying someone else on her ikran.
it was y/n.
she had scratches up and down her body, blood seeping through and making her look like a bloodied mess.
neteyams heart stopped.
he got up and sprinted towards the crowd of na’vi that had eventually ended up forming. except when he finally pushed past everyone, he noticed the back profile of his mother running towards his grandmothers healing tent.
he started to sprint.
his heart was racing in fear.
once he made it to the tent, he found his mother and father waiting outside.
“you cannot disrupt your grandmother neteyam… let her work” said neytiri gently stopping him from entering the tent.
“what happened.” neteyam demanded. his voice came out strong, which was unintentional but his parents knew it was out of worry.
“we were hunting, and per usual she was amazing. however that being said, she was also being reckless once more. she inched closer to her target… something from behind the herd made a noise and they ended up running towards her direction… “ neytiri started to form tears in her eyes
“ i called out for her! i heard a sickening snap and everything else didn’t matter anymore. i tried to get there in time i swear my love…” she cried while taking neteyams hands gently.
“once i made it to her… her bow was trampled on, completely shattered. her body covered in marks and blood. bruises were already starting to form.” she sobbed.
neytiri felt awful. she saw y/n as one of her own. she thinks that she failed to protect y/n. she blames herself.
neteyam tightly hugs his mother with his own tears in his eyes. “it is not your fault mother. please do not put the blame on yourself.” he took a breath. “do you think grandmother will be able to fix her?” he hesitantly asked.
jake jumped into the conversation, “of course she will. y/n is stubborn as hell either way. if mo’at won’t heal her, y/n will find a way to do it herself!” he lightly joked, trying to take the tension off the mother-son duo.
the three of them lightly laughed.
they then waiting for about a half hour until mo’at came out of the tent.
“she’s healed. she’s getting some rest so you can come in and see her in a little while. stubborn one that girl! i thought she wasn’t going to make it through but she proved me wrong once again!” she praised with a smile on her face.
neteyam then waiting an hour or so to walk into the tent.
his parents figured it would be best for neteyam so see her first when she was awake.
he walked into the tent slowly, scared of what he might see.
he saw her laying down with multiple bandages on her body. tears instantly formed in his eyes.
y/n heard the sniffles and slowly opened her eyes. she turned her head gently towards the source of the sound. it was neteyam.
“oh ma teyam…” she softly started to say. “it’s ok! i’m fine..” she whispered.
“no it’s not ok! you’re too reckless… it’s like you don’t even care about your life anymore!!” neteyam shouted with a shaking voice. tears started to fall from his eyes now.
y/n gasped at his sentence.
“i- i don’t care about my life… it’s worthless!” she stated with a strong voice.
neteyam was shocked at the reveal. “h-how could you not care? i care for you. my family cares for you. everyone in the clan cares for you!” he loudly said with a broken heart.
“well clearly not everyone! if everyone cared then my mother wouldn’t have left me!!” she shouted with tears in her eyes.
“… she would’ve loved me..” she whisper while crying.
neteyam felt his heart shatter even more. he didn’t realize that she was still holding onto such sorrow.
neteyam rushed over to give the woman he loves a gentle hug, careful not to open her wounds.
they both sobbed in each other arms.
“y/n…” neteyam started out in a whisper. “you don’t need your mother to love you..because i love you.” neteyam stated sincerely. he looked into her teary eyes to show just how much he was being serious.
y/n started to sob.
“i-im sorry ma teyam!” she wailed. she finally felt the pressure of sadness she has been holding, break down and flow out like a river.
neteyam takes her in his arms again and doesn’t let go. he whispers sweet nothings in her ear until she slowly stops crying and falls asleep from exhaustion. neteyam feels his eyes slowly close and let’s sleep consume his body.
a couple hours later, neytiri walked into the tent to check on y/n. she noticed her eldest and his soon to be mate fast asleep cuddling one another.
she smiled at the sight and slowly backed out of the tent letting them sleep.
from that moment on… y/n was more careful with her life. she finally had something to live for. she didn’t care about her mother anymore.
she saw neytiri as her mother now. she wanted to live for her new family.
she wanted to live for her mates family.
she wanted to live for neteyam.
with neteyam.
from that moment on she had something and someone to live for.
i’m so so sorry this took so long!! i’ve been on my period and i literally avoided everything and anything.
hopefully this is ok!!
if there’s any mistakes please lmk.
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vlareina · 2 years
one night
Modern au and wedding shenanigans
Its mbj and sqh’s wedding party! And sqq is meeting lbh for the first time at the dinner (he couldn’t attend the ceremony because fucking reasons). Here he is at a wedding where he knows basically nobody other than sqh (most of their mutual friends were either too busy or just assholes who elected not to go) but sqh told him to “fuck it up bro, come on!!! its my wedding so please please have fun!! go crazy, go wild! live the yolo life” so he's drinking a bit more than he usually would, just wandering the gardens that surround the venue.
 Sqq thinks he's not tipsy enough so he heads over to the bar again, only this time the guy serving drinks is lbh. (he’s seen him around the party a couple times and thought he was cute, but hasn’t been close enough to talk yet since he keeps moving around and chatting with the other guests)
But finally they’re in the same place for an extended period of time and they’re talking and laughing and drinking *(lbh is falling head over tits for sqq and already planning their own wedding) when sqq thinks to himself “well sqh only gets married once so lets take sqh’s dumb advice and make the most of this night. FUCK IT,’ and chugs the rest of his drink before propositioning lbh to a one night stand kinda thing. Hey, if this turns out to be some big mistake, what’re the odds I'll have to deal with the consequences of a once night stand with some random guy from sqh’s wedding? Cause that’s the thing---sqq doesn’t know more about lbh than that he’s part of mbj’s side- who exactly he is to the man??? no clue at all. I mean, MBJ is a fucking mystery to him and he’s been dating sqh for longer than sqq has even known sqh !!!
so he asks lbh. I mean the guy seems interested, and tonight's supposed to be a night of adventure! (of course, lbh is heart eyes, pink haze vision so he’s like “oh yes please yeah okay”)
cue sqq dragging him into some bushes down the path behind the bar. Its a very tipsy and giggly make out with sqq smiling into most of the kisses (lbh has never been happier to know that mbj is marrying that fucking rodent of a man--he’d have never met sqq otherwise) sqq has crawled into lbh’s lap when they finally break apart some time later, bc sqq thinks he hears a branch breaking “do you think that was somebody looking for us??” but before he can pull away, lbh grabs his hand and gently pulls him back against his body-
“do you want to come back to my room?” its a wedding on venue, and only a select number of people have a room in the little cottage that the original owners lived in so sqq is wondering just how lbh knows mbj if he's one of the people with a room but he’s horny and hey its a “fuck it” kinda night so he agrees.
Cue the room: the frantic pulling of clothes slowed down to gentle hands against his waist; the sloppy kisses turn to precise ones against sensitive points on his body. Its supposed to be a night of passion and yet it feels like more love making than fucking.
In the morning, sqq wakes up with the worst hangover he’s had since sophomore year when sqh dared him to a drinking contest through purely stupid means. 
sqq looks around the room he finds himself alone in and starts to look for his clothes (lbh has hurried out to grab something to at least snack on for his future husband). Sqq sees a little poster board with notes and stings tied up. As he’s pulling on his pants he leans closer and sees the *JOBS for BEST MAN* notes and speech excerpts and goes absolutely blank minded.
he’s given no more time to panic as lbh enters the room with his hangover cure, water, and toast. “sorry no one was expecting to make a big breakfast this early. But I'd really like it if you’d let me take you out to eat?” with the big puppy eyes and the ridiculous dimples on display and what’s sqq supposed to do?? break his fucking heart like some kind of monster? so he only a little reluctant agrees (it was good sex but it was only supposed to be one night) and as lbh sets his items down and comes up him, trying to drag him back to bed until a more reasonable hour, sqq can only hope that sqh’s “fuck it” policy comes back to bite him in the ass too
(Sqh is waking up to day one of his honeymoon with a sore ass and a hell of a hangover. The arm around his waist and the teeth marks that litter it prove that saying “fuck it” and confessing to his childhood best friend was the best decision he could’ve ever made)
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 month
I have spent the last three hours looking for fanfiction on Scarebat that wasn't Nolanverse or Suckerpunch (I love it btw, it's so good, checking everyday for updates🙏🙏)
I didn't only look on Ao3 as you might think, I have looked on Tumblr, Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, Quotev, Deviantart, FUCKING FICWAD, and some others...😔😔 I BARELY MANAGED TO FIND SOME SCRAPS OF CONTENT ON ONLY A FEW OF THEM AND THERE WERE LIKE 3-4 FICS IN TOTAL, MAYBE LESS, DON'T REMEMBER EXACTLY
I need to write my own atp but I'm only half-decent at writing (planning to start practicing writing on Tumblr in the future) and I suck at writing two canon characters interacting with each other.... I would be unstoppable if I had the ability to do so
sorry for ranting in your asks, forgive me, but I think you're the only person who can understand this
honestly, it’s kinda odd how over so many years, scarebat barely made rounds on the internet. despite how their whole personas an’ things that surround them as characters make a perfect set-up for a gothic romance. yet, somehow it keeps getting overlooked. batman’s most ideally tailored fuel just never gets enough fanon attention. 
an’ like, i wish that i could somehow share with you a link to some alt dimension, where scarebat was given all the attention it deserved. but as it is, we only have like yeah 3 fics an’ prob the same amount of arts. 
on the one hand, it does suck. i admit. but on other, it leaves a way larger fields to explore. way more opportunities to do smth new an’ different with those characters. i’d also go as far as to state, that when a ship is rare, it has a chance to stay somewhat true to source material or have more of different an’ individual approaches. when a ship is super popular, it’s usually slowly, but surely gets flanderized into the ground. after certain point all that you would see is a low-key copypasta of a fic, that you’ve already read about that pair, but from a different author. i had a couple of popular ships back in the day, an’ it had happened with every single one of them. 
so, in a way, i’m glad that those few scarebat fics are all at least different enough, even if i do say, that i kinda felt down by how it was labeled scarebat with it often being barely about the ship. or it was coming off as one-sided. different strokes for different folks, but it’s part of why i sat down an’ began writing my own fic, that would satisfy my own needs an’ my own vision. i just wanted scarebat romance times with some grittiness in between. which is why i do think, that you really should try to write your own story for them too! or even drabbles. anything that might tailor their dynamic in a way you see it. 
an', well, i do get the anxiety of not ‘being good enough’, or feeling insecure about how well you would be able to capture the ‘canon’ feel. or say, just generally thinking like your skill is not on the level you wish it was. i won’t bore you with details about my own uh, writing / art journey. but i will say, that due to a few reasons of my own, i also felt like i could never write an english fic *i'm a non-english speaker*, an’ even more so, i honestly thought that i could never ever draw anything, bc i simply had no idea how to draw at all. but i do kinda know how to draw now lol. an’ i can actually write things in english too. an’ the point of it not me being super good at it or even reaching some unknown highm no. the point is that i can do it an’ i can do it in my own ways. i can create smth, that prob would have never existed otherwise, an’ in the end of the day, it’s pretty cool. quality can be not top notch, but it's like...hey, it exists now. i've given smth back to my otp, that makes me happy an' have fun.
so as someone who was where you are, when it comes to feeling like you can’t do those things, i’d say, you sure can! anyone can! it might take some lil practice an’ a bit of ‘hmm, not what i wanted exactly, but close’, until you get to the level you might have wanted, but i promise, you'd be amazed at what you can truly do, once you get on 'wave'. it won’t be instant leap, but as someone who dealt *still does to a degree* with what i call ‘toxic perfectionism’, i’d say that you just let things go at their own pace. just have fun with the process. in the end, fan stuff should be existing for your own pleasure an' perhaps, it can also be this for some other people, which is always nice. you don't have to be 'professional' about it, if you don't want to.
either way, i’m fine with rants! i mean, i've just ranted back as well lol. i know, that the main theme of this message was being kinda well, dissapointed with lack of content, but i do think, that it's not all that gloom an' doom in the end of the day. it can't be helped, that we sometimes have to basically provide for ourselves in fandoms, but it also gives us chance to 'shine' too, i think.
an’ i also wanted to say, that i’m glad you liked my fic! suckerpunch is one of those works, that i’ve started on impulse an’ till 3th chapter actually had a very vague idea, where to take afterwards, but i was surprised to see way more people interested in this ship, than i thought. so really, for a rare ship, scarebat actually does have at least some audience. an’ that audience is pretty rad an’ cool one too, so it’s not all that bad!
i do get the pain tho. sometimes, i also wanna read an' look at arts of my otps, that aren't mine. but perhaps, with time scarebat will gain more active fans. maybe, one day, we will click on ao3 an' feel like we had walked into a candy store.
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plushii-gutz · 1 year
Part 8, it kinda sucks bc I had low motivation due to sOMETHINg
Furnoss and Syncopite worked together, cleaining and repairing what the castle needed after the earlier fight. One of the legs on Galvanas chair had been broken off after Loodvigg had knocked it aside, leaving behind a splinter-filled mess. It made Syncopite feel a bit uneasy, realizing the strength that the spidery monster carried.
Furnoss had been lost in thoughts since they had begun the repairs. He worried of the future. Loodvigg was a threat now, and it wasn't safe to have it around the kids. This included Attmoz and Glaishur, too. It took years for Furnoss to actually listen and understand how the rest felt, and the idea of Loodvigg having the same change just seemed impossible. For now, though, they were temporarily restricted to their room until a proper plan could be made. Even with these restrictions, he worried.
Scaratar had settled down the remaining little monsters, most of which now had finished their lunch and played less active games. Some began to rebuild their fort, some babbled to one another in nonsensical patterns. It was much better than it had been before, and Attmoz was comfortable enough to leave Scaratar in charge.
Attmoz hated having her do chores that weren't typically hers, but the environment seemed somewhat calm enough to leave behind. Now, he sat in Glaishurs room, still waiting for him to wake up. How hard had Loodvigg hit him? The table, too. All the air monster could remember was his friends fur being dyed a deep, murky red. The sight was burned into his mind. Even so, he kept his cool, sitting on the floor and waiting. He wished for the best. It was all he could do.
Galvana wasn't willing to leave Attmoz's side for anything. They stood with him in the chilling room, keeping themselves distracted with the orb they carried so often. They weren't able to really play much, unable to use their left hand hardly at all. They and Attmoz rolled the ball back and forth, filling up their time with the smallest bit of entertainment. They didn't exactly remember what happened to Glaishur, having been removed from the scene quickly after. They remembered him yelling, falling, and now he was asleep. Galvana would assume he'd wake up any second, but definitely wouldn't feel very good.
The blankets began to shift. Soon, the bed creaked. Attmoz lifted his head, watching the cold monster rise from the sheets in a sudden jump, gasping. The last vision in Glaishurs eyes was the red of his eyelids.
"Hey, hey!" Attmoz stood up, helping support his friend after his sudden awakening, "easy there, Frosty, you're ok. Galvanas ok, too. You're in your room. You're safe."
Glaishur drew in a long breath of fresh air, taking in the environment around him. He moved his hands from the blanket, carefully feeling over the coarse bandages that covered his left eye. Galvana hopped onto the bed, placing their own bandaged hand over the purple monster's injuries. Glaishur carefully took Galvanas hand in his. They couldn't speak it properly, but they wanted him to know he wasn't alone.
"Oh," Glaishur sighed, taking the little monsters hand in his, "It got you good, didn't it?"
"Yeah," Attmoz spoke, "But you saved 'em. You took quite the hit back there."
The air monster sat on the bed, Galvana rolling back to him.
"There's a lot to explain, but I think you need to rest a bit more. You look kinda rough."
"Never would have guessed," Glaishur mumbled as he fell back onto his pillow.
"You know, that was real brave of you. In all honesty, I dont know if I would've been able to -"
"I don't want no praise, 'Moz, I just want t' know that the rest are safe."
The air monster nodded.
"I promise you, they're fine now. Just let me know when you're ready. There's.. a lot, to say the least."
Attmoz led himself and Galvana out of the room, leaving behind Glaishur to heal. He wondered more about what to tell him, especially about the idea of other islands. What if they were able to find a way to explore? A way to find these islands? Would he be able to return home, even after the journey? Even with his curiosity, he needed to decide if it would be right to leave to begin with - especially now.
"Attmoz! Could you gather the kids?"
Right. It was still their castle. It was still home. It was still another day.
"Be there in a bit!"
Galvana held onto Attmoz's tail while they walked, doing all they needed to avoid being left behind. As cute as the pink monster thought it was, he worried deeply for the kid. He hoped Galvana wouldn't rely on him too much or that they wouldn't feel safe on their own. Then again, he made a promise. He didn't plan on breaking that promise any time soon. He chose not to think of it too much, instead gathering the rest of the group and herding them all into the kitchen. Maybe he'll talk to Glaishur about the idea later.
Day seemed as if it would never end. But, as always, rises the moon.
It wasn't much of a surprise that the younger monsters couldn't sleep. Furnoss had gathered them, now giving the older monsters the break they deserved. Even in the presence of Furnoss, Galvana didn't feel safe. They made their usual whistling cries, throwing a fit that they didn't get what they wanted while all the fire monster could do is avoid getting electrocuted.
Once more, Scaratar offered to help. She seemed to be growing more fond of the kids, and Furnoss trusted her too, so long as Syncopite was there to monitor as well.
"You know, you really don't have to put this pressure on yourself. I can stay with them as long as it takes."
"No, It's ok!" Scaratar insisted, "Syncopite will be here, too! I can handle it!"
Furnoss sighed but agreed.
"Alright, but if you need me, you know where to look."
He exited the room, moving towards the stairs only to be stopped by Hornacle. The water monster held up a sheet of paper, jumping with excitement.
"What are you doing up? I just put you to bed! Oh?"
Furnoss took the paper. It was a drawing the little monster had made days ago, presenting every monster that lived on this island together. Minus Loodvigg, of course. Only now, Furnoss himself had been added into the drawing. He felt himself become choked up at the sight.
"It's.. lovely, Hornacle. But please, bedtime."
There was no fight. The little monster hopped off, back into their room and back to bed. Furnoss displayed this drawing on the fridge, forever reminding himself of what he worked for.
"..and that's all he could remember. "
Attmoz had finished telling Glaishur every last detail that he had gotten from Furnoss, the both of them chilling in Attmoz's room for the time being. Glaishur didn't question any of what he was told, taking it all in as factual. Similar to his friend, though, he didn't believe they had been gods. Maybe leaders, but not gods.
"So.." Attmoz trailed off for a moment, "There's more out there."
"Yeah.. but - but I don't want to leave! I don't plan on running. Not anymore."
"Oh no, that's not what I was thinking. Well, not entirely."
Glaishur looked up with a small, "What do you mean?"
"I mean. It's night. Everyone's asleep. How about we make a deal?"
"I don' like the sound of this."
"Cmon, man! Aren't you curious?"
Glaishur wasn't sure where Attmoz's sudden enthusiasm came from, but he couldn't blame the guy. There was something new. Who wouldn't want to see? He was just like Glaishur, too. A stupid teen.
"You can make a sort of ice-boat thing, I can make a few clouds and woosh! Off to explore! We'll be back in the morning. No one will even know we were gone."
"I dunno, 'Moz.. maybe?"
"Well, I'll be outside near Scaratar and Blasoom's garden. Come to me when you've made your choice."
Off Attmoz went, making sure every head was rested on a pillow. That night, he wasn't alone in the garden.
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writersmorgue · 1 year
Febuwhump Day 3 - muzzled
Read on ao3
word count: 913
TWs in the tags
note: me- i gotta pick someone other than hitoshi bc it's so expected at this point. also me- *writes this*
enjoy the fluffy whump while it lasts
Hitoshi is tired of running. 
Granted, it's only been about an hour, but every time he slows he’s bombarded by the mental image of being found and dragged back to prison. And only being able to breathe through his nose isn’t doing wonders for his stamina either. 
He’d been thinking about escaping since the last foster family, but this one pushed him overboard. He’s sure they won’t bother to tell the adoption agency anyway, not that they’d care. Eleven was typically a little young to let slip, but for particularly troubled cases they’d always make exceptions. 
And this troubled case needs to get this stupid cage off of his face before he starves to death. 
But running first. 
Priorities, Hitoshi.
He rounds a corner, slowing down from his sprint when he hears a loud crash. 
“Listener! Back up!” Someone shouts at him. He turns toward the noise, hesitating just enough for whatever he was being warned about to actually happen. 
Something heavy smacks him in the chest, and the world goes dark. 
Hitoshi is tired of running. 
If he was told that joining the hero course in second year would entail this kind of physical activity, he might’ve considered sticking to gen ed. 
“Well they could-” Kaminari spits from next to him.
“I don’t think running seven miles is gonna help,” Todoroki pants from his other side.
“Don’t you have like, cool son privileges? Can you ask him to stop?” Mina asks from in front of them where she’s trying to keep up with Kirishima and Sero. 
Shinsou rolls his eyes, “Maybe if I was Eri, but a sweaty lump of teenage hormones isn’t exactly puppy eyes material.”
“He listens to Aizawa, though,” Sero calls. 
“Yeah well, maybe it’s not foolproof logic. And anyway, we’re almost-”
He barely manages to not faceplant on the track like an idiot. 
“Wh- Aizawa?” He frowns at his dad, who is supposed to be in a meeting right now. 
“Hitoshi it happened, come on. MIC YOU TOO!”
“What do you mean it happened?! I don’t remember older me being all gross and sweaty?” He growls, leaving his bewildered friends behind to stomp after the man. 
Mic yells something about a free period and his classmates shout out some confused cheers as they all make their way out of the gym. 
Turns out older him must’ve just looked great in comparison to how Hitoshi felt at the time. 
As soon as he walks into the medbay he’s welcomed by the sight of a boney child with what looks to be a medieval torture device strapped to his face. 
The cage, Hitoshi’s foster brother called it. 
Really it was a particularly uncomfortable dog muzzle with some of the wires cut to make it impossible for the wearer to open their mouth without puncturing skin. It was effective at shutting him up, something foster parents were a big fan of. 
“Hey, uh, kid,” He frowns, looking up at Recovery Girl who is busy trying to pry the muzzle off. She looks to be having a bit of trouble. Hitoshi wishes he could help, but he never did figure out how to get it off himself. “You can sign.”
‘Are you me? Is it safe here?’
Ah, naturally he’d go for the youngest in the room.
“Yeah, we’re at UA. You know Eraserhead and Present Mic, right?” He asks, gesturing to the two respectively. 
He’s sure he figured that out already, but it doesn’t hurt to familiarize him some more. 
‘It’s them?’ Younger him asks incredulously, wide eyes darting between him and his dads. 
“Yeah. You’re not dreaming, you were hit by a quirk that sent you five years in the future.”
‘And we’re actually at UA?’ Little him assesses his training uniform, ‘In the hero course?’
Hitoshi chuckles, “Yeah, transferred this year. Don’t worry, you start in Gen Ed like we planned.”
‘But the fosters-’
Hitoshi shakes his head, “Kid, the day we ran away was the last day I ever saw them. You’re out. You’re gonna get a family who loves you like you deserve.”
The final click of Hitoshi’s muzzle breaking echoes through the room, but he’s still speechless when it finally comes off his face. 
His cheeks move slightly as he runs his tongue over his gums like he always did when the cage came off. 
“You’re serious?” His voice is small and gravelly as he warms up his vocal cords. 
“Absolutely, listener. After you re-appeared we took you straight home, the cats fell in love instantly,” Mic answers for him, giving the boy a watery smile. 
Aizawa steps up behind his husband a sets a hand on his shoulder, “You’re still with us. It’s not a temporary solution, Hitoshi. We’re your family.”
Hitoshi’s eyes burn. It’s a nice reminder for him, even now, that he’s loved. He can tell it means that and so much more to his younger self. 
Tears are streaming down his cheeks. His body is numb to the pain of Recovery Girl disinfecting his cuts as he takes in the information. 
No more foster family, no more abuse, no more cage. 
He has a real family now.
“We’re gonna be a hero, dude. Everything gets better.” Hitoshi smiles, watching fondly as Hizashi leans down to give little him a hug. 
His first hug, Hitoshi subconsciously acknowledges, and he gets to watch. 
He really is grateful.
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
So fucked up soap elaborate on the time traveling to not kill quackity part as an apology.
cat jumping up and down gif jjj!! my best friend @anonymous-jey (<- tagging so u can see bc i took a while to answer ths one and then answered it at 3 am dorry about that) HI J!!!!!!!!! HEHE OKAY so i have two options here that i am turning around in my brain
referencing this post :)
first one is timeloop!! of the same day, he gets somehow manages to get just enough control of his time travel to trap himself in a timeloop of the same day, memories not jumbled as they were before, but skip-y, like he has both versions, the real version, and XD's version, but as the same day goes by again and again more and more come back. no matter how hard he tries though, the day seems to end the same way, him shoving quackity off a cliff, accidentally hitting him instead of a zombie. they r cursed. etc. and at the end of everyday karl gets a choice to go back, like in a video game or smth etc. (normally he resets just as sapnap runs in the door, communicator in his hand to find karl covered in blood standing over quackity's body.)
karl slowly starts to realize that hes never going to be able to get out of this cycle, never get to escape without killing quackity. that the only way hes going to be able to get out of it until he accepts it, confronts what he did when sapnap gets there. so the tries that, he talks to sapnap and they try to accept it and sapnap is very angry but they somehow manage to make up and try to. do smth. move on figure smth out. they go to sleep. and guess what day karl wakes up on.
at this point hes getting really hopeless, miserable, sad, etc, and decides if this is his last chance, if this is all he has left before quackity dies, he wants to make up, wants to apologize for everything he said in the past that quackity remembers, and even what he doesnt. this goes poorly as quackity (not remembering the number of times karl has killed him before) assumes karl is making fun of him. and. well they fight again and that goes bottoms up and karl has seen this film before etc, but somehow, this time is different, and they manage to make up THEN END LOVE WINS!!!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
okay and option two is a little less sad and melodramatic etc and a little more back to the future but make it. uh. ????
anyway very similar start except from instead of karl accidentally sending himself into a timeloop, he accidentally (on purpose?) sends himself back to the day of the dethronement conflict. more specifically, just outside of some fight happening outside of the prime path. he barely recognizes himself at first. he recognizes quackity first though, almost as soon as he hears his voice. hes so much younger, so much more naive, but karl knows its him. just a second later, he recognizes sapnap, george, dream, and as the time travel nausea starts to fade, he starts to recognize himself too. they barely look like the same person anymore, he realizes slowly, sliding down behind a tree to steady himself while the fighting continues just a bit away.
hes not exactly sure why he's here, or even how he got all the way back here, but hes decided hes going to do everything he can to mkae the most of it, do a little back to the future and keep himself from forgetting, but more importantly keep q from dying. how is he going to figure this out you ask? well im not quite sure but i think maybe his communicator still kinda works so he can use that like that one phto from back to the future. his plan? he has to keep past!q from dying at technos execution. he tries but unfortunately he is a fool and a sad little noodle and he fucks it up and convinces q to convince tubbo to move up the schedule on the butcher army, and yeah, then quackity dies. fuck. this is tragic for karl, as he has just watched quackity die to his own hand and guess who he blames for thistoo!
lcukily for him, hes very used to watching people die in front of him. around this time, past!karl is taken for his very first tale! awh :)! cute!!! now!karl immediately remembers /that/, mourns his past self etc, but makes the most of it by doing his best to disguise himself as past!karl as quackity recovers, and they start to jump right back into work for el rapids, not yet christened yet. present!karl does his best to take care of quackity as he recovers, and does his best to tell him things that will keep him from getting hurt in the future. but he gets sad and ends up just awkwardly trying to make sure quackity knows karl loves him, that smth's wrong that he never would forget him etc. together they work on el rapids and whatnot, and then, the time when we get to the day where its pretty clear the same plot regarding framing eret.
guess who gets back its past!karl. present!karl finds him in the woods, sort of confused and small and just back from Time etc. but he has to let past!karl go, cant stop the el rapids plot. ofc he cant talk to his past self, but he figures as a last ditch effort, he can try to leave a message, one last message to his past self, one last chance to fix things. he tears out a photo from a locket or smth and writes a message on the back, smth to fix smth one last chance, and drops the locket into the leaves and waits. past karl picks it up, and present karl holds his breath and. past karl drops it and runs back out to their house as sapnap starts yelling looking for him.
and then karl has to accept that he failed. he cries its sad etc just then, to make matters worse, he starts getting sucked back to the present. he cant fight it he goes back etc. but to his surprise, he wakes up on the couch, in some, just a little different version of kinoko, with sapnap and quackity bent over him, looking worried. they look just a little different, that he remembers them, sapnaps got way more flashy gold jewelry and about seven earrings, the kind someone who often visits a casino might wear, and he looks less stressed, smile opener than karls seen it in a while; quackitys still in his suit, but he looks softer and less on edge, bandana and flowers in his hair, wings free and relaxed at his shoulders. but its them, and they look happy, they look so happy. its them :)
(at the end, after having a small discussion w his fiances and starts to realize what he managed to change, how they're all together and how nothings ever been wrong ever!! :D he finds a small silver locket in his hoodie pocket :))
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magicofthepen · 2 years
self-indulgent, unrealistic wishlist for future War Room stories:
lean into the whole “Leela and Narvin are stuck fighting on different sides when they really want to be together” thing. leaving secret messages. sneaking away from their respective missions to briefly see each other—knowing how bad it could be if Gallifrey catches them, but being unable to avoid taking the risk. would love to see “forbidden relationship energy, but in Gallifrey’s excellent platonic-romantic ambiguity way”
make Leela and Narvin’s conflicting loyalties hurt. Gallifrey already delivered on point 2 from this post about my War Room ideas (hell yeah), but I still want my heart broken with scenarios such as “Rassilon/other Time Lords putting Leela in a situation where she has to fight against the Resistance—oh god, Worst Case Scenario, she’s ordered to help with a plan that would kill Narvin if successful—but if it fails, Rassilon will kill Romana. so now what does she do??” or “the Resistance putting Narvin in a situation where doing a thing that would kill Leela and/or Romana (because Leela is a soldier of Gallifrey, and Romana is on Gallifrey—or just because if Leela dies, there’s a chance Romana will be killed too) would save countless lives. and prioritizing a friend over the universe got him in this mess, how can he do that again? how can he not?” (obviously they’d all have to survive somehow, but I’d love to hear them go through that pain, bc I love putting fictional characters in angsty Situations.)
center the next boxset on Getting Romana Back. have Leela (and Narvin) develop proper plans to try to do that (that may or may not work). now that they both know they’re not alone, it would make sense for Leela to be galvanized into properly scheming to free Romana, with Narvin’s help via Forbidden Meetings.
do a “meanwhile, here’s Romana” episode. Leela was gone for a boxset and before she came back, the narrative cut away to show a bit of what she’s been going through since that separation. I think they should do something similar for Romana—in her case, they need to show what the vault dimension is actually like and what exactly she’s going through, so we understand her mental state when she gets out (also. get her out of there eventually please). personally I’d love a Romana-centric episode where she’s trapped in flashes of the past—trapped in her own past, ideally, so we can bring the other main characters in, and maybe show new scenes of the past that fit between or within earlier episodes. properly explore her mental state—her guilt and self-loathing that drove her to try to commit suicide-by-Dalek on Unity. do I have a proper plot for this episode concept? no, not yet, but I’m sure you could find one—whether it’s something going Wrong in the vault dimension, things breaking down and Romana getting lost in the past as Leela and Narvin try to get her out (and so it ends with her rescue)…..there are options! But I think we need to see what she’s going through, and the setup of her being stuck in an archive of the past inevitably lends itself to a story about confronting her own past, facing her own grief and guilt about the past. (ultimate self-indulgent wishlist item is this leading to an exploration in later episodes of how to forgive yourself and choose to keep living…..)
Micallon episode, somehow. or Rayo can leave Micallon temporarily for Reasons, if that’s easier. I just want an episode with Rayo and Leela please! they didn’t get to say goodbye to each other, it’s not too much to ask! and I want my headcanon about Rayo and the Apothecary connecting to the Resistance (via Narvin) and creating a safe house on Micallon for people who want to escape the War to be canon. it feels like that was what they were setting up in Dissolution, and I’d love to see Narvin and Eris and Rayo as a Team, working to resist the War in different ways…..and then Leela somehow managing to steal some time with her kid who’s all grown up, who she never thought she’d see again. (I know Narvin said 70-80 years have passed, but I assume that’s for him and Eris because they’re running around the universe, and that much, much less time would have passed on Micallon—like much less time seems to have passed for Leela.)
this is very much a “what if War Room catered to me, personally” post, I’m not expecting or realistically hoping for most of these things, but like. what if
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sapphroditewrites · 2 years
Bishova Drabble #1
(a/n) i originally wrote this on twitter bc my friend @laurie-bishop​ came up w a good au idea SO im moving it to here thank u very much && i will be writing longer, ramblier versions of my bishova nonsense on here from now on xx
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Angst; childhood-lovers-to-adulthood-tragedy; mentions of homophobia; not technically forced marriage but like, kate is gay and doesn’t wanna marry a man but does it anyway; no happy ending
They meet in second grade. Yelena is new to the city, and Kate is drawn to her in the way we’re all drawn to our childhood crushes before we understand them. Yelena is a little… harsher than most would like, but Kate’s too sweet for her own good.
In short: they’re a perfect match. They share their first kiss in the summer between fifth and sixth grade in the playground tubes, nervous and tasting like warm Coca-Cola. Kate’s family isn’t religious, exactly, but she can feel that there’s something inherently wrong with what they’ve done. And Yelena, sensing Kate’s anxiety about the whole thing, decides to never bring it up again. But she feels something has shifted between them. A precarious line has been crossed.
 They don’t date until freshman year.
It just sort of… happens. No big dramatic build up, but a slow realization. Neither have pursued, or been pursued, by any of their peers and if they have, they fade from memory as quickly as they’d come. 
One day, as they’re snuggled up on Yelena’s bed, watching Netflix and talking about the future, Yelena asks, “Kate, are we dating?” 
 And with a soft laugh Kate says, “Yeah, I guess we are.”
And it’s perfect. Really, if it wasn’t for Kate’s fear of her mother finding out, their relationship would be nothing short of perfect. Nothing changes much from their friendship; nothing substantial. They were already touchy in public, what’s adding a bit more behind closed doors? Sometimes, the secrecy is thrilling. Sometimes, Yelena just wants Kate to stand the fuck up for herself.  The cracks begin to show by senior year.
“My mom has had my whole education planned out since I was in the womb Yelena, I can’t just go back on it because-”  “Because she doesn’t accept you for who you are? What happened to the brave girl I fell in love with? When did you become such a coward?” 
They say a lot of things they don’t mean. They make up in the end, through tears and delicate promises of forever and in the future. 
The arguments are put on pause as graduation rolls around. But the tension is there. Unspoken, but violently brewing. A storm waiting to be unleashed. Summer is when it hits.
Yelena makes the choice clear. Be honest, and open, about their relationship and herself, or Kate can lose Yelena forever. Kate chooses wrong.
The first two and a half years are hell. For both of them. Yelena comes out to her family, spends half her college years so wasted she almost forgets Kate. Almost. (And so what, if all the girls she brings home are tall and brunette?)
Kate has a harder time adjusting. She becomes reclusive, devotes herself to her studies in a way she hadn’t before. She still does archery, sure, but she feels empty every time she finds another face in Yelena’s spot on the bleachers.
After college, Yelena tries to date again. Tries. She knows it’s pointless though. She already met her person, her One, and she lost her. Kate takes on work at her moms company, is achingly close to getting her CEO position.
Except there’s a hitch. Her mom wants her to be married. To “settle down” — as if Kate has ever once dated (since Yelena). It’s easy to ignore this expectation for a while. Long enough Kate almost forgets about it.
But then her mom begins to talk about stepping down. Kate thinks it’s too early. Eleanor ignores her in favor of introducing her to some random boy. Kate comes up with some excuse to not like him. Eleanor finds another. Kate scares him off.
They go through this process nearly a dozen times before Kate resigns herself to it. And he’s nice, really. He’s… fine. Agreeable, kind of handsome if Kate squints right. Eleanor loves him. So maybe Kate can learn to.
She doesn’t, by the time he proposes. She knows she never will. There’s only one person she’ll ever love like that, ever want to marry. But she made her choice over ten years ago. There’s no going back.
When Yelena hears about the wedding, she’s booked a flight to NYC before Natasha can even realize she’s called out of work. She even wears a dress she designed herself, hoping that at least that might catch Kate’s eye and change her mind.
As their eyes meet, across the room, time doesn’t stand still. It comes to an abrupt and violent halt, the very air from their lungs snatched clean away. Then time moves again. And Eleanor is scolding Kate for ruining her makeup. Kate is scolding herself for ruining her life.
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zukkaoru · 1 year
HI, MY LOVE!!! how about 17, 27, and 29 <333
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
megumi (no one is surprised) listen he just. he's so blorbo shaped. he's just like me fr. he literally just wants to be loved but he would never say that because he doesn't think he deserves it. he's my bestfriend. my silly little rabbit.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
it changes with every fic i write tbh sometimes i will loop 1-2 songs that fit the vibe of the fic exactly, sometimes i'll shuffle the playlist for the ship/character i'm writing about, and sometimes i'll just shuffle my current repeats playlist - it kinda depends what mood i'm in. sometimes i will also write without listening to anything (like if i'm writing during work or in class.. or if i can't find any music that fits the current vibes) i did also listen to the prison realm lo-fi while working on a fic bc nothing else was working skdhsjsk
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
ah yeah,, this one comes from itafushi soulmate au,,,, i wasn't going to share it before posting the fic but for you my love i will do anything <3
Megumi never even met Geto. He doesn’t really know how dangerous Geto was or what Geto’s plans were. In his eyes, Geto was more mythical than human. He was intangible, a lost love, nothing more than the kuroyuri on Gojo’s skin. Always kuroyuri.
When Megumi had looked up the meaning of the flower, he found two: Love and Curse.
Geto was the clouds floating overhead; always there, but never reachable. Gojo could never outrun him (could never scrub the flowers from his skin) but instead of tearing himself apart over it, he learned to dance in the rain.
To Megumi, Geto is a figurehead of everything wrong and terrifying about having a soulmate, but also a symbol of an entirely unconditional love.
And now he’s dead, killed by the hand of the only man who never stopped loving him.
honestly i'm not sure i can exactly explain why this sticks out to me so much but it's just.. there's something abt megumi only knowing geto in theory - only knowing him as gojo's soulmate - and therefore having an entirely different perception of him than everyone else. megumi gets into this mindset where he almost idolizes the idea he has of geto bc to him, geto isn't a real person. he's the flowers on gojo's skin and he's a tale of tragedy and he's what megumi's future may very well look like. but if megumi's soulmate left jujutsu high with blood on his hands, megumi would follow.
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
Can I just say I love how the TV keeps getting plugged and unplugged in this blog’s canon
Like. Most people would assume that it’s been unplugged for years until just getting plugged back in in Chapter 2 for whatever reason,
But honestly one thing I’ve wanted to talk about for a while but never know how to word is how the reason fan content of future Chapters never really hits the same way the real thing does is because of assumptions like that. Unlike Toby, who already knows what he’s gonna do with everything, we as the fans don’t typically take the opportunity to build off of small stuff like that, or just add new things to old characters instead of simply recycling what we currently have. Despite the fact that a lot of things we didn’t know in Chapter 1 actually came from things we did know, like how when you see the knockoff controller for the console under Kris’s bed, you’re supposed to assume that it was used by them as yet another visual display of their inferiority complex, only to find out that it was actually used by Asriel so they could have the real one. Or how it was revealed in Chapter 2 that Alphys’s “Cat” is actually Susie. Or how Queen’s sipping noises from Chapter 4 were never shown off or foreshadowed previously, they were just made up on the spot because her whacky personality allows for that kind of randomness, and in turn, also makes it kinda off-brand for her to not have new stuff. The thing about the plug is especially synonymous with the first thing ‘cause the whole extra lore about Toriel being some kinda god basically hinges on it
Overall, I’d say it’s safe to say adding small new things and building off of small old things is a decent chunk of what makes DR as good as it is, and without that, it just feels like something’s missing
Not that that’s not understandable. Coming up with your own shit can be pretty hard, especially if you’re not planning on covering a full Chapter’s worth of content. Plus the concern about how poorly stuff like that might age, considering what happened with Mike- Shit I’m getting side tracked
Anyway yeah, I like how this blog’s take on the Chapter has a neat detail like that
this is so sweet, thank you anon! 😭 like ive said before i dont wanna knock other people's fan chapters - the creativity in this fandom is really great and i love seeing what people come up with! there's a lot of it that i haven't really been able to keep up with, and lots of ocs that seem to have popped up because one person made a cool little idea and people latched on. but for tvland, i wanted to keep it tied to the game as we know it as much as i can, even with the nature of this kind of thing making a lot of it have to rely on my own creativity and headcanons. a lot of people have told me tvland is somewhat unique in that regard, so i'm glad everything people have been coming up with seems to be their own!
kris unplugging tenna and throwing out all their things bc of how they sympathize w the darkners is an idea ive gotten more and more attached to as time goes on. i can't know exactly what's going on in toby's head, but i like to write the blog as though someone handed me deltarune as an unfinished game and went "how would this end?" the big line of the game is "no one can choose who they are in this world", and i'm sure people who've been following and will keep following me and @officialralsei have probably picked up on where that theme pops up again and again. i don't want to show my whole hand when it comes to what i'm doing here, since i am telling a story at the end of the day, but the two of us spend so much time going over the darkner stuff in the game with a fine-tooth comb that i at least hope i made a satisfying continuation to it here.
in the end, this tenna won't be canon. but she means a lot to me, and it seems like a lot of people love her! if it turns out she's a totally different character in canon, we can just pretend this one is her long-lost cousin or something :P
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unohanadaydreams · 2 years
I never posted these, did I? Here’s some more of me re-reading TYBW from a bit ago.
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Hmmm, sounds kind of like a vague way to answer. Like he’s trying to tell you something, mayhaps.
Also, it sucks that this just gets really lost in the TYBW sauce. This confrontation comes late in the arc and is SO quick. The logic behind minimizing this is really lost on me.
He literally starts this arc with the nakama and the switch to being with the Sternritter doesn’t feel mysterious, it just feels confusing. Like…..why are there sternritter who die shortly after getting introduced getting more panel time than URYU.
It’s sad this arc was rushed, because the charms of Soul Society arc and Hueco Mundo arc imo came from their build up arcs where Ichigo and his friends had legitimate focus on them before being flung into the arc proper. In other words, we got invested in Ichigo and his friends making it out alive with Rukia bc we had time to sit with them. We got invested when Orihime was kidnapped, when her friends came to rescue her, because we had time with them. We didn’t have that same time here and especially in no way that mattered toward this development.
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This seems like a weird thing to say if Yhwach purely means ‘your child’ in a ‘child of God’ way.
And he was born in a way that would indicate he really is Soul King’s son. Like he couldn’t see or move or sense anything….like the Soul King.
It makes me wonder how Yhwach came to be? Was he a natural child or created as a successor to the peerless, motionless throne? Was the Soul King always meant to be contained as such or was he a moving, feeling person as Yhwach came to be? What would happen if his limbs were brought back to him in full? Why was he torn apart in the first place?
Like Yhwach and Soul King just have SO many similarities.
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Why couldn’t he have seen that? Isn’t seeing the future….also seeing the difference in strength that the future brings?
The problem with a Soul King that can see the future is that 1. Yes he did see this and 2. How exactly did the soul king set up Yhwachs upcoming failure as seeing doesn’t imply action to stopping it.
He can’t move. He’s been taken apart and placed in the sky to sit pretty—he only got his arm back because Ukitake gave it back intentionally. What abilities did he have that brought about Ichigo and Aizen and Uryu to bring about the defeat?
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So confused on why this is any different from what he’s been planning?
Like, characters have been very wishy washy on what ‘ending the soul society’ means. Some act like nothing will exist anymore, others say shinigami just won’t be in charge, and some imply it’ll just suck for the worlds to be gone?
What exactly is he taking from the soul king that he wasn’t already going to??? It’s clear Soul King isn’t chilling here of his free will—what else is there to take?
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The fact that this is NEVER expanded upon is an extraordinary crime.
I would fucking devour anything that expanded on this and the original war 1000 years ago. I crave it so much.
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He’s SO back handed. He’s a sentence away from saying he needs a thank you for her promotion lmao.
Also, yeah, this is the first time Rukia really comes face to face with Aizen since he left her face down in the dirt, huh? That’s rough, buddy.
Everyone being SO surprised about this move by Shunsui makes me wonder how classified Mayuri’s origins at the 12th are, and the R&D in general.
This institution is not a stranger to pulling resources from former enemies. The Arrancar seem to be easier to swallow because they’re seen as lesser, I guess? Same seems to stand for the full bringer. And vizards just kind of….come back no questions asked?
None of the above ever started a concerted rebellion that resulted in a full blown war against Seireitei, to be fair.
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Once again, we see that sacrificing your beliefs in the name of duty? Fine.
As long as you don’t have feelings attached it IS justified. The evil just cancels right out!
Tosen? A blind animal. Komamura? A dumb animal. Gin? A tragic animal. Their actions are reduced to mindless revenge because they did it out of feeling.
Shunsui releasing Aizen is justified because he has forced himself to feel nothing (or so he betrays) other than the logic of his actions serving Seireitei.
His desire to kill Yhwach is likewise just duty. Which is coincidentally how Ichigo gets to dodge confronting his feelings surrounding Yhwach and the anger he feels toward him regarding his mother—it’s also his duty to the Seireitei.
I can appreciate a lot of what Bleach says about revenge but it runs into the same problem plenty of other media does by trying to quantify the problem as feeling too much. Swinging the other direction doesn’t suddenly make it all okay.
Like, cruelty is cruelty. Principles are principles. Cruelty out of duty doesn’t hurt any less. Principles left behind out of duty are just as gone. Systematic oppression is often built and fed by phrases like ‘just doing my job’ and feeling nothing for an enemy doesn’t make a war any less horrible or violent (which Shunsui has literally pointed out before).
But ‘as long as it’s against evil it’s justified’ is just lmao. Like, Tosen thought he was justified while fighting evil. So did Komamura. So did Gin. What is the difference here, when we remove the emotions? Komamura especially—if his reasons has been purely rooted in duty, and he had still gone to the extremes he felt necessary to find victory…what then?
Because the chances of Aizen breaking loose and causing harm to those under Shunsui’s care is absolutely there. The endangerment wouldn’t be any less real, would it?
All that said, I think Aizen being freed was inevitable and the only reason he was imprisoned instead of killed, in the first place. I also don’t think it’s an unreasonable move. Shunsui is a great character to do this too, since he is a pretty self-loathing guy and I’d bet he just doesn’t view himself as a man of principles to begin with so this justification seem more for the lieutenants than for himself.
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Executioners hate him! This man stayed alive with these simple tips and tricks. Grow your spiritual pressure not in years but in MONTHS!!
‘sinners’ lmao. Remember where you crawled out of, Mayuri.
Also Mayuri is genuinely so thrilled to be in control of people. His favorite avenues of science are enacting power over bodies (dissecting and gigai and soul candy and regrowing limbs, ect). Like he will invent anything, get around any obstacle, to prove he can control someone.
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Two men and their massive egos and their remote powered toys having a very normal conversation right in front of my salad???
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Kind of feels purposeful on Aizen’s part. Like ‘either I’m shooting the palace down or you’re not getting up there’.
He’s smart enough to have realized his restricted spiritual pressure was going to result in restricted range. He was trying to force their hand on giving that range more slack.
It’s been five seconds since Shunsui revealed Aizen and he’s already caused problems.
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sorikkung · 2 years
OH MY GOD SGSJDJSHSDJDJ you wrote 😭😭 a trans reader royal au 😭😭 I can't even put in words how happy that made me. THANK YOU!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
Also I saw you're open to writing for other identities 🥺 it would mean the world to me if you could write something with ateez and genderfluid/aromantic/asexual reader (maybe all the three? Hehet or not, you decide it)
But thank you so much. Representation matters and you're making the difference <3
you. you right there are Exactly why i felt the need to write of princes and princesses. people like us who never get to see ourselves in fic and get so thrilled when we do, it's just so important. thank you so much for reading, and you're welcome.
as for your request, i think you may have misunderstood my offer ^^; im not opening requests for new fics, but simply to rewrite that of princes and princesses specifically for other identities since the story itself is about being queer and being seen. if that's still what you want, i could rework it, but it might take me some time since im quite busy with work and writing takes a lot of my energy- but if you're requesting something new/different, i will have to politely decline.
that being said, as far as genderfluid readers go, ill definitely be writing more of them in the future as i am genderfluid myself! i just chose to make the opap mc a binary trans man because it was easier to tell that kind of story that way, especially in a oneshot. my mc in my main series what goes on in neverland - im on mobile rn at work so cant rly grab the link but my masterlist is pinned - features a masc-leaning genderfluid mc, although he's yet to have a chance to talk abt the intricacies of his genderfluidity bc it simply hasn't been relevant to the plot so it's more just transmasc nonbinary. but i am in the process of planning one monster of a longfic with an explicitly genderfluid mc who travels between dimensions and changes genders in each one, from body types to pronouns and labels, so stay tuned for that! it'll probably take a while to get there though.
as far as ace/aro readers are concerned, im sorry to say i probably won't be writing any, as i primarily enjoy writing romance and sexual relationships, so without that it's just not really the kinda story i write. sorry to disappoint ^^; that being said, i am developing a concept of asexual taehyun in that genderfluid mc longfic - it'll be multifandom - who's sex-positive and enjoys bdsm for non-sexual reasons but still engages in sexual acts. that's probably the best you're gonna get unless i decide to make a side character ace or aro, but yeah, sorry.
either way thank you for your support im happy it reached you! side note please change your icon, title your blog and start reblogging things because if you didn't send this ask i would've thought you were a bot and blocked you. most writers do this. reblogs are the backbone of our community bc likes are useless so please do share fics around if you enjoy them!! it's the least you can do for all the effort writers put into writing fics for you.
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lusciouslii · 2 years
actually yknow what forget that, my kink blog ill post whatever little thoughts i want. even if im just yelling into the void at least i get to yell!
longer rant incoming bc im tired and want this out of my system!!
so i met this guy on feabie and immediately it was super exciting because we go to the same college!!
hes also super fucking hot which was its own weird thing bc ive really never experienced like physical sexual attraction so that was weird. but yeah dude looks good and he has a nice voice so thats already not helping me
we’ve met up a couple times now, once to sorta test the waters, once just to cuddle in my room???? which looking back it was at that point i was straight up fucked because as someone who had recently gotten out of a bad relationship in which all my needs and emotions had been completely neglected, having that kind of sweet and affectionate intimacy?? all while my chubby body is being praised and adored??? never once had that in my LIFE.
the other few times has been pretty lowkey too. we did do a feeding session once but i got sick and it was the most humiliating thing. but he was so nice and caring and we continued to talk afterwards so i just try not to think about it anymore lol
we didnt talk much over the summer since i had to go back home across the country, but he reached out a few times and i was like damn ok im still of interest to him
this semester started great because i planted the seed (aka posted a pic showing i was back over here) knowing he would probably see it and if he’d say anything, and he fucking did he reached out and was excited i was back and wanted to meet up soon. schedules were a little rough but eventually we did!
i felt extra happy because it was sort if spur of the moment decision and he was moving back an online hangout he’d been planning with friends for a couple weeks. so i was like omg he really wants to see me even if only for a little bit thats so nice
and now that we have several months ahead of us we started talking about doing more of a feeder/feedee setup and things like that and im, obviously, super into the idea, and he seemed super into it too!! the dirty things he said to me that night!!!! not fair!!!!!!!
i sent pics later that night bc we talked about it and he said he’d “return the favor” lol but the. like. i sent them and he didn’t say anything until i posted a pic to feabie 🙃 and he was like oh sorry i completely missed your text! which like alright, and he asked me how i was doing and blah blah brief smalltalk
i asked if he wanted to meet up again soon and he said “Yea I’d be down, I gotta see what’s going on tho / need to play it by ear”
now heres where i get all introspective because to me, i dont see why we couldnt just schedule something in the future. unless, that is, hes trying to keep his schedule open for other stuff. i can get that to a certain degree, and i have to like. really ponder on it because i dont want to be some clingy needy girl who is fawning after a guy im not even dating, but its like….idk it makes me feel kinda sad? that im not enough of a priority to want to pick a set day to do something? so idk how to feel about that exactly
anyways i tried asking again some days later and he wasnt free, no surprise, usually when we do something its sorta this impulsive last minute thing, which again like. sorta plays into that whole im not really a priority unless idk youre horny or something
but its weird cause it seems like he does care and does want more than just horny shenanigans? we havent had sex yet and have only even had one actual feeding session. soooo worlds most patient fuckboy if thats the case but i just really dont get those vibes
but also im gullible and see the best in people i care about and thats how i got fucked over in my last relationship
im just feeling pretty sad about the whole thing right now because we talked about doing all these things and i really want that but hes so uncommunicative and im afraid of being obsessive. again, might be on me too because im going in thinking maybe theres a chance to do more
but then again even if there isnt thats FINE i just want to do SOMETHING lmao
so now im just left wanting and thinking about him a lot and oh yeah need i remind WE GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL WHY CANT WE JUST MEET UP CASUALLY ONE AFTERNOON 😭
idk but im afraid of maybe ruining the best relationship ive formed in this kink after figuring out what i wanted from it. god even now im just like “youre thinking too hard about this it doesnt matter that much, youre supposed to be flexible and chill and just go with the flow cause its just a little side thing” but welp. my brain is noisy and i dont have a good outlet. another problem of not having friends in this kink but im not good at responding to people which online is the only way to talk to people and now im just rambling
anyways ending this here and hoping he’ll reach out eventually cause boy does the heart yearn 🥲🥲🥲
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