#yandere aone x reader
quirrrky · 9 months
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〔💖〕 +++
Protective Iwaizumi ✦ Late night drive date with Daichi ✦ Morning train rides with Aone
Just a dream - various
Sending them a dirty text in public - various characters!
Walking on you changing - various characters!
The Firsts with them - general headcanons!
Ride home (suggestive) - kuroo, oikawa, atsumu, osamu, kenma, tendou, iwaizumi, suna, konoha
Sharing a ride with them - various characters!
When you broke up w/ them - various characters!
Pocky Challenge - atsumu, osamu, kuroo, hirugami, kita, akaashi, kageyama, tsukishima
Romance - general headcanons!
Who would most likely - general headcanons!
Imageries to simp for - akaashi, atsumu, hirugami, kageyama, kenma, kita, kuroo, oikawa, osamu, sugawara, tsukishima
Choose your Yandere 1 ✧ 2 ✧  3 💮
Yandere: With s/o who doesn’t like anyone but them - Hinata, Yamaguchi, Asahi
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scremogirl · 8 months
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How the Captains (+) lieutenants react to PDA
𖥟𝐉𝐮𝐉𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧𖥟
‎𞢈𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞𞢈
𖦷𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𖦷
Kyojuros wife
𖠁𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𖠁
Haikyuu boys when they have a crush on you- (Bokuto,Aone,Iwa,Kyotani,Ushijima)
𖢌𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𖢌
‎𐫱𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐊𐫱
Jumping to conclusions- Connie
Trying to break up with Toxic! Ony
Annoying things they do- Eren, Ony, Connie
Plug! Ony
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Being harvey dents doctor
Being Slade Wilson’s doctor
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꧁~𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝~꧂
Mallues realizing he has a crush on you pt.1
Malleus realizing he has a crush on you pt. 2
Yandere! Childhood best friend x Hyper aware! Reader
Yandere! SCP x Nonchalant! reader
Yandere! Nerd x Rival! Reader
Yandere! Serial killer x Reader pt 1 2 3
✿𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬✿
Dominating in public; Subby in private
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yanderecrazysie · 2 years
Hi hi!! I'm new to your blog and I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE! 💗 Can I please request yandere Ushijima and Aone being captivated by fem!s/o and her singing ability and ability to play flute and harp extraordinarily beautiful? But they kidnap her and she doesn't feel happy enough to sing or play anything. How do you think they would be??
OMG my first time getting a request with two yanderes- WHEEZE- At least I think it was meant to be two. I’m going with two.
They’d make a great team- both quiet giants with not a ton of visible emotion. I would be TERRIFIED to be approached by one of them, much less both of them at once. These men are so much taller and more muscular than me. I’m a smol 5’0” bean so I would probably just die on the spot.
This reminds me of that one really old movie/book I can’t remember the name of where this woman kidnaps her favorite author and forces him to write for her. 
Two giants trying to force you to make music? I don’t blame Reader for not being able to perform!
And thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoy my writing!
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Title: Captivate
Pairings: Aone x Reader; Ushijima x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, panic attacks, Stockholm Syndrome, wtf is wrong with Aone and Ushijima
Summary: Ushijima and Aone love your music, but you find it hard to play for them in the situation you’ve found yourself in.
attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.
The day that you had woken up, shaking in terror and dizzy with confusion, the two giants who had stolen you away from your home hadn’t done anything more than sit in armchairs across from the bed you were chained to and watch you like you were art on display.
The second day was when the problems started.
Your captors truly were giants- tall, muscular, and intimidating. Neither seemed to talk much, especially the white-haired one. They frightened you to your very core, knowing that no matter how well you fought, you probably wouldn’t leave a mark on either of them.
You couldn’t even imagine taking them both on.
The brown-haired one called himself Ushijima while the white haired one (who, curiously, didn’t seem to have eyebrows) called himself Aone. You had no way to confirm these were their names and, for all you knew, your kidnappers could be lying through their teeth. Still, it felt strangely comforting to be able to call them something.
Their expressions rarely changed from a hard, serious frown, but something in you could tell that they looked at you with soft affection. Maybe it was their eyes that gave it away? You weren’t really sure.
They definitely weren’t happy on the second day of your capture, though.
You had awoken that morning to the sound of something heavy being dragged into “your room”. You shot upwards, on edge at the slightest of sounds, your heart pounding wildly in your chest in trepidation.
To your surprise, Aone was dragging a large, gold-colored harp through the door. So they knew you could play? How long had they been watching you before they took you?
Why did they want you here in the first place? They still hadn’t told you a thing.
Ushijima slid the key into the cuff attaching your leg to the bed and unlocked it. You immediately pulled your leg away, ignoring the way his brows came together in a nearly hurt look.
He grabbed your hand, not in the crushing grip you had expected, but gently, as though you might break like porcelain under his touch. And with how strong he was and how fragile you felt, you just might.
You allowed him to lead you over to the harp and took a seat on the cushioned stool they had provided. Aone already sat across from you and, when Ushijima joined him, you felt a lump forming in your throat at the pressure.
“Play.” Ushijima said simply. You had expected them to want that, since there was no other logical reason they’d plop you down in front of a harp.
“Wh-what song?” Your voice was hoarse from little use and nerves, shaking almost as much as you were. This is just like any other concert, calm down. It’ll be okay.
“Any song.”
You nodded and tried to swallow, but your throat was too dry to do so. You tried to reach a trembling hand out to the strings but, suddenly, your eyes flooded with unexpected tears. The harp blurred in front of you until it was nothing more than a shimmering golden blob. You couldn’t see the strings, much less touch them, and you let your arm fall in defeat.
“Play.” Ushijima’s voice sounded far away, but much more demanding this time.
A sob bubbled up and escaped your mouth. It was all too much- they were too close and too intimidating. You didn’t want to be here. This was nothing like a concert!
You couldn’t see their expressions through your now-escaping tears, but you wondered what they were. Were they furious with you? Did they feel bad to see you this way? The suspense was killing you, especially wen they wouldn’t say a word.
They kept quiet until your sobs had turned into little hiccups and you finally ran out of tears to cry. Aone dragged the harp away from you, his concerned expression now clear, and Ushijima led you back to the bed, where you were chained once again.
You couldn’t help but notice they hadn’t removed the harp from the room, only moved it away for the time being.
Sure enough, the cycle repeated on the third day. You were put in front of the harp, asked to play (albeit a little less forceful this time), and panic seized you so hard that you clutched at your chest, unable to breathe.
That time, they removed the harp from the room. But that wasn’t the end.
On the fourth day, you were handed a flute. It terrified you to no end to know that they knew that you played that instrument, considering you hadn’t done a flute concert in over a year, much more focused on mastering the beautiful harp.
They were disappointed when you couldn’t get enough breath in your lungs to blow into the damned thing.
“She’s still not playing.”
You strained your ears, pressing as close to the wall as you could. You had discovered long ago that the wall the headboard of your bed was against separated your room from the kitchen and, thankfully, the two giants seemed to have most of their conversations there.
A muffled grunt from Aone could be heard and you wondered if it was one of frustration or just agreement. It was impossible to tell with the nearly silent man.
“Why isn’t she playing?” Ushijima was definitely frustrated, however. That much could be discerned from his voice and just imagining his expression sent a shiver down your spine.
“She’s not happy.” It took you a while to realize that Aone had verbally responded and a stranger hadn’t walked into the room without you hearing. It was, perhaps, the first time you had heard his voice.
It was Ushijima’s turn to grunt in acknowledgement and the conversation seemed to end there. You couldn’t help but worry for what they might do to try to “make you happy”.
The next day, the two walked into your room, carrying a box with a ribbon tied messily on the top. It was almost endearing, knowing one of them had tried their best to make a bow, despite failing miserably.
Ushijima released you from your chains and motioned for you to approach the present they had prepared for you. With a gulp and heavy trepidation, you peeled off the ribbon and, with wildly shaking hands, opened the box.
It was a baby animal- one of your favorites, in fact. The pet you had wanted since you were a child. The spine-tingling worry of how they knew was shamefully overcome by your excitement over being so close to something you loved so dearly.
Immediately, you shot out questions at the two men. “What’s its name?” “What gender is it?” “It’s really mine?”
The two seemed proud at their choice and gave you more than enough to take care of your new pet. Food, toys, and a number of unnecessary things that spoiled your new best friend. They also brought in a TV, video games, books, and a number of entertainment items, as well as lengthening your chain so you could walk a little ways from your bed.
You were ashamed to admit that you were having the time of your life. How often were you expected to sit through boring college courses about subjects you didn’t care about when you wished you were at home doing a hobby? How often did you spend hours practicing your music, wondering if it would get you anywhere in life?
This was… almost preferable.
No need for college or a job. No bills to pay. No responsibilities.
You were ashamed that you felt this way, but you couldn’t help it when you were neck-deep in fun things to do and sitting next to the animal you had always wanted to own.
When the harp was finally placed in front of you again, for the first time in over a week, you hesitated like you always did.
Your eyes met two hopeful pairs, both looking at you as if you were the most beautiful things they had ever seen, and then landed on your new pet and the pile of material items they had bought you.
You turned back to your captivated audience and reached a hand out.
Without any more hesitation, you began to play.
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
HIIII!!!! i was wondering if you could do some yandere aone having a nightmare of his darling escaping?? then when he wakes up and she’s hugging him.
thank you have a nice day :) -🏃🏻‍♀️anon
♡ ‘Cause I Love You ♡
(A/N: I actually hc Aone as having frequent nightmares so I think this fits with him 🥺🥺💖 He’s so sweet!! I hope you like this, and I hope you have a good day as well 💞💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, nightmares, mentions of escaping and kidnapping
Summary: Aone has a nightmare that you escape him only to wake up to you hugging him (Yandere!Aone x GN!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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The apartment is silent, which Aone wouldn’t think to much of. You could just be sleeping but it was almost to silent. It’s just too quiet. It wasn’t normally this quiet, this silence was unnerving.
He takes steps forward, looking around the apartment for you although not being able to find you. Once again, everything just feels off, somethings wrong. He continues moving around the apartment only to not find you.
Aone tried to call out for you but nothing comes out. He tries and tries but no sound leaves his mouth. Once again, there’s nothing but silence. There’s nothing. No one is home, you’re not here.
No, no, no, you have to be here! You love him. You love him so why would you leave him? He doesn’t want to believe that you’d leave him, because you love him back.
Or at least he thought you did, but you clearly didn’t if you’d leave him. The apartments empty because you’re gone. You left him.
Aone wakes up with a gasp, the first thing he feels is your arms around his waist. He lets out a sigh of relief at this. You’re still here with him, you love him.
You let out a small noise in your sleep, nuzzling into his broad chest. Your arms were wrapped around his waist and the rest of your body snuggled up against his.
You seem to be asleep but after a moment he tells that you’re not sleeping. “Nightmares again?” You mutter, not opening your eyes and still snuggling him. Aone just nods his head and hums at your words.
He hopes its not a inconvenience to you, all these nightmares he has. But you always comfort him so it clearly doesn’t bother you to much.
“Yes. Did I wake you up?” He asks, watching you hum at his question. “No, I woke up a while ago. Think I had a feeling you were having a nightmare” You mumble, opening your eyes so you can lean up and kiss his cheek.
Aone turns to his side, your arms still around him. He wraps his arms around you as well although not to hard for fear of hurting you. “You won’t leave me?” He asks causing you to laugh a bit.
“No, I promise I won’t. Even if the way we got together was rocky, I won’t leave you. ‘Cause I love you” you say, gently rubbing his back as a way to comfort him. You know that you shouldn’t love someone who stalked and kidnapped you but you do love him. A lot.
He was sweet and calm. He took care of you, he comforted you. He loved you, so you loved him back and you comforted him when he needed it.
“I love you too, Y/n. Goodnight”
“Goodnight to you too”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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angelamajiki · 3 years
WAIT SOPHIE MY BELOVED...begging you to share some more of your thoughts on yandere aone 🙏🙏
vic you could literally ask for both my kidneys and i would hand them over no questions asked and this only scratches the surface of my brain rot for my baby bear </3
but hmm aone is SUCH a stalker and a creep, but like…in a very nonthreatening way. he constantly reassures you that he’s not going to hurt you in anyway, but that does little to soothe your fears. its almost funny to you watching him act so aloof and withdrawn with his peers, yet when the two of you are alone it’s like he’s surgically attached at the hip.
he love love LOVES to just observe you and learn all the little quirks and interests you have, no matter how small or personal. he’ll make an effort to compliment you on them or take an interest in them himself. “your hair smells as beautiful as you look. the scent is different, why did you switch shampoos? do you prefer rose over a citrus scent now?” just very direct and honest with his feelings and motives which you can’t tell is a good or bad thing for you
loves taking the train with you anytime you go out because he finally has someone to sit with 🥺 he’ll either hold you close to him with one arm and the other on the overhead bars or sitting next flushed next to you, holding you hand or wrapping one arm around your shoulder. it doesn’t matter if you get uncomfortable, you just need to learn how gentle his touch for you is. everything about him is gentle when it comes to you.
he likes to make your meals for you and hand feed you no matter the circumstances. if he can’t join you, he’ll leave them in your room or your bag with a long handwritten note of his affections. he always asks how the food is, what he could improve on, and uses new recipes based on what food he sees you eating when you think you’re alone. “how is the seasoning? i know you like it spicy. did i cook the meat right? you always get your steaks medium rare” the amount of intricate minuet details he can recall from memory always sends a shiver down your spine.
he’s still a man of very few words, only speaking to give you compliments and his affection or how he can change himself and what he does for you to better suit your desire and needs. he craves the praise and validation from you, literally popping a boner and blushing bright red when you give him even the tiniest of compliments.
this man is so submissive to you, any attention is good attention in his eyes. he’s grateful for your praise and grateful for your berating comments. he’d love nothing more than to be a personal slave to you, taking care of everything you could possible ever need or want just so he can see you relaxed and happy, knowing that he was the only cause of such joy and peace for his lovely <3
just keep your eyes on him, he can get insecure and jealous when your attention falls onto other men, even if they’re complete strangers. they dont know you like he knows you, so why do they think they have the right to even be looking at you? just keep yourself busy with him, even if its rejecting him, and he’ll give you every star in the sky just to keep your thoughts about him <3
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Sweets on a cold night (Yandere Baker Takanobu Aone x Reader)
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Sometimes even in the most mundane of days there can be something that makes it even sweeter than it normally is even if it's for a short amount of time. For aone that was one special person that visited his small bakery every day. Sometimes they would come to have a small chat other times they would buy a sweet and sit down at one of the tables. Either in silence or hearing their voice as long as they were near it would make his day even brighter than it was before. 
  It's not like the bakery was boring even without the visits there was always a lot to do and he loved doing it. It was nice having someone to talk to and having someone to taste test was also very helpful. 
  So, when they did leave it was sad to see them leave even if he knew they would be back the next day he never wanted them to leave but he couldn't stop them.  However, it was during the winter months when something changed. It was no longer just them that came in but another person. At first aone thought that they were just friends but it was hard to say. Maybe they were close?  
  It wasn't long before aone saw just how close they were with how they acted towards each other. Holding hands, talking about dates along with other things. It breaks aone heart but what could he do? 
  On an extra cold and windy night, the door to the bakery opened and when aone turned he saw the person again only this time (y/n) wasn't not with them but some other person. Aone didn't think anything of it until he saw how they acted with each other. They acted as if they were lovers and this made aone’s blood boil.  
  First, they take away the person he cares about then they hurt them like this. Along with a look they gave him that made it seem like a dare to tell (y/n) about this. Aone knows what he had to do by the end of their order; his mind was already made up. 
  The next time (y/n) came in they were not their usual self. Asking what the matter was they explained that their partner had gone sick so they went to the hospital only to find that someone else was already there. Aone comforted them as best he could and by the end, he got them to smile. 
Aone didn't regret what he did, only that he didn't see (y/n)’s partner for what they really were before. Not like it matters now that they are gone for good. Aone decided that in that moment he was going to make sure no one ever hurt them again.  
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kikyan · 3 years
Yandere Aone Takanobu
These are my interpretations of his persona and none of these are 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional.  
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When it comes to Aone, I really just saw him as another side character until I rewatched the show and conversed with Aone simps. Hopefully I can do justice to his character and not butcher it. For his yandere type, I see him as overprotective, possessive, and clingy. Yes yes, the main 3 now let’s break it down! 
Need I say more? His physique should be enough to explain what I say, it’s always the scary and intimidating folks that are the SOFTEST. I mean his biggest concern was that no one wanted to sit next to him on the train because he looked so scary like this poor soul. Moving on, I see him with an S/O who appreciates him a lot, to be more specific I mean his lack of communication but his attempt at the same time. He is so used to people choosing not to talk to him or ignoring him because he intimates others that I think aside from his team members, he doesn’t have much experience conveying his true emotions. 
Overprotective. It comes as no surprise that many people who never had that pillar in their life are overprotective when they do get it, I feel like he and Kyotani are the same in that aspect just that he is less aggressive than Kyotani. Him having an S/O is not only a huge boost of confidence that allows him to bring a softer side of him but also a more, well confident side. He has someone who loves him and wants to get close to him, of course he would vow to protect them. His looks and persona are intimidating enough and he can use it if need be, but in reality I doubt he would throw a punch to anyone because violence isn’t the answer! 
Possessive. Lord have mercy he is POSSESSIVE. He finally has someone who likes him so he isn’t going to screw this up, but he also isn’t going to allow someone to hurt them or even attempt to get ‘friendly’ with them. Someone is looking at his S/O, uh he might glare and ask his S/O if they want to move. Someone needs help in a subject and they have to tutor them? No problem, he could just catch up on his own studies in the same room. Honestly, it’s nothing to the point where it is excessive, but he would honestly be so flustered if his S/O teased him about being jealous. 
Clingy. It ties in with him being possessive as well but a lighter version. He would absolutely run up to his S/O during practice if they were there waiting for him or watching him. During games? He would go to them and say he would try his best to win, his S/O simply encouraging him and he would be determined to be the entire iron wall himself. Hold his hand, please he needs and deserves it. He would honestly appreciate any form of being with his S/O and he would want to hold hands with them 25/8, of course if they said it was okay first. 
I honestly don’t think Aone is any type of dangerous yandere. He strikes me as misunderstood and a BIG softie. Would be a huge fan of PDA behind closed doors and the occasional hand-holding/peck in public. These aren’t as long but that pretty much just covers what I think he would be as a yandere! 
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lordsister · 3 years
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𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓓𝓝𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓼𝓯𝔀 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽!🔞
Key - (f) fluff, (a) angst, (c) crack, (s) smut
Karasuno ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒
𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓚𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲
→ Lucky To Love You (f)(a)
       ↳ soulmate au | insecurities
Shiratorizawa ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐
𝓣𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓾 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲
→ Mask (yandere)
       ↳ warnings: obsession, sadism
Aoba Josai ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒
𝓞𝓲𝓴𝓪𝔀𝓪 𝓣𝓸𝓸𝓻𝓾
→ King’s Prose (a)
       ↳ medieval au | forbidden relationship
Fukurodani ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑
𝓑𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓽𝓸 𝓚𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓾
→ I Do Adore (f)
       ↳ established relationship | song fic
Date Tech ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑
𝓐𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓫𝓾
→ Iron Princess (s)🔞
       ↳ established relationship | You prove once again to your boyfriend that you don’t care about the misconceptions surrounding him, determined to love and defend him to the end | minors DNI
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Aone Yandere HCs
Character: Aone
Warnings: 18+, Yandere!Aone, dub/non-con, angst, and Somnophilia
A/N: I want to give a shoutout to @isseisbbg for beta reading this for me. She’s definitely the love of my life. (Stop giving me confidence to post things babe)
I hope you all enjoy this short piece! I’m also working on a JJK fic (Nanami) that’s actually really fluffy, and I’m hoping to getting around to posting that sometime in the near future! Thanks everyone :) 
--In the beginning, Aone is going to have subtle signals, and everyone is going to find it cute that you know what he's saying to you without him actually speaking. Whether it’s a shift in his eyes, a tap on your arm, or a small inaudible grunt, you hear it and you know how to react because if you don’t, you know what’s going to happen. You try not to think about the hole in the wall at your shared apartment the first time you didn't hear one of his grunts thus not acting on it. 
--After a while, Aone is going to get less and less okay with you going out with friends and will find random reasons as to why you can't go out. Reasons can range from having a movie night at home to messing with the transmission in your car, so you couldn't leave one night. He was very helpful in figuring out why your car wasn't working, and he helped you fix it free of charge! Although, now you owe him another date night or two... maybe 3, mechanics can be expensive. 
--You’re eventually going to stop having sex with Aone as often because your feelings for him are changing and Aone notices. To solve this, Aone starts slipping some crushed up sleeping pills in your dinner, and he has his way with you while you’re sleeping. Aone deems this the appropriate way to proceed because then you don’t have to worry about participating, but then he can still indulge in you. 
--Eventually, Aone is going to realize it's getting harder and harder to get you to stay home with him, you start getting nervous around his outbursts, you’re always on edge trying to catch all of his nonverbal communications, (why would you pay attention to anything but him) and you’ve been trying to find more and more reasons to get out of the house, and Aone hates this. 
--Once he decided his beautiful, perfect pet was having some running behaviors he decided it was necessary to get alarms placed on all of the exits to ensure you never left without him knowing; or better yet without him. After 3 failed attempts at leaving, he found it necessary to introduce you to the new home he purchased for you, a beautiful cage because you didn't seem to appreciate the freedom you had within the apartment so he was going to teach you to cherish it.
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My requests are always open ☺️
I do prefer to write male readers, but anyone is welcome to read and request, I’ll do male or gender neutral!
I will not write smut, incest, yandere behavior, heavy possessiveness, cheating, angst (unless it’s angst to fluff)
Getting Lost Can be Okay- Asahi x m!reader
Pride- Ennoshita x trans!m!manager!reader
Time Off- Daichi x actor!m!manager!reader
More the Merrier- Daichi x Suga x Asahi x m!reader
Thighs?- Nishinoya x m!reader
This Year- Suga x gn!reader
Overpowering- Part Two- AlphaTanaka x OmegaM!reader
Good Enough- Ennoshita x m!reader
Didn’t Need To- By Request! Nishinoya x trans!m!reader
Karasuno Time Skip:
Questions and Answers- College!Yamaguchi x college!gn!reader
Right Back Here- Tsukishima x gn!reader
Get Your Mans- Hinata x trans!m!reader
Family Reunions Can Suck- by request- Kageyama x trans!m!reader
Magnet- By Request! Hinata x gn!reader
Safety Hoodie- By Request! Tsukishima x trans!M!reader
Be My Boyfriend Instead- By Request! Hinata x trans!M!reader
Do Your Best- Kuroo x trans!m!reader
Customs- Lev x gn!reader
Prank War- Yamamoto x gn!reader
Behavior Changes- Kenma x gn!reader
Ugly- Shibayama x gn!kuroo!reader
Nekoma Time Skip:
Pretend to Be Desirable- Yaku x gn!reader
Daddy- Inuoka x gn!sugawara!reader
Obaasan- Bokuto x gn!reader
Fukurodani Time Skip:
Reminders- Akaashi x gn!reader
Knock Out- Part Two- Tendou x trans!m!reader
Modern Day Love Notes- Goshiki x gn!reader
Grow Some Guts- Shirabu x gn!reader
Shiratorizawa Time Skip:
One Hour- Ushijima x gn!reader
Studio Musician- Semi x gn!reader
Date Tech:
Rejection?- Aone x gn!reader
Differences- Koganegawa x m!reader
Date Tech Time Skip:
Odd- Futakuchi x gn!reader
Failed Plan- Kyotani x gn!reader
Mad Dog Runs Into an Ice Wall- Part Two- Kyotani x m!reader (Oikawa kinnies beware.)
Save Me a Seat- Makki x m!reader
That’s Not My Boyfriend- Matsukawa x m!reader
Impressions Matter- Yahaba x trans!m!reader Soulmate AU
Keychains- Iwa x gn!reader
Seijoh, Stranded, and Stressed- Kindaichi x reader
Seijoh Time Skip:
Just Tap Out- Oikawa x UFC!M!reader
Aquarium Meet Cute- Watari x gn!reader
Real Sweet But I Wish You Were Sober- Kunimi x gn!reader
Too Loud- By Request! Makki x m!reader x Mattsun
Mistaken Identity- Osamu x gn!reader
First Words- Atsumu x trans!m!reader Soulmate AU
No More Bad Dates- Suna x gn!reader
Inarizaki Time Skip:
Blind Date- Kita x gn!reader
Regret It- Aran x gn!reader
Itachiyama Time Skip:
Broken Ankle- Sakusa x gn!reader & MSBY4
His Jacket- Komori x gn!reader
Johzenji Time Skip:
Wear You Down- Terushima x gn!reader
It’s Tradition, Right?- Various Characters x gn!reader
ProWrestler Boyfriend Gets Injured- By Request! Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Tendou x Pro!m!reader
Punk BF- By Request! Tanaka, Noya, Tendou x m!reader (separate)
They Do Try- BokuAka
Buttons to Push- Kita x Aran
Requests always open ✌🏻
Tumblr is chaos.
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ceo-of-daichi · 3 years
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Curves and Kisses | Open Collab
Status | Closed
What is the Curves and Kisses Collab?
This is an open sfw/nsfw collab focusing on Chubby/Plus-Sized readers!!
This collab is open to both writers and artists alike!! Trying to spread the love for the bigger queens/kings out there<3
Dark content creators are more than welcome as long as you use warnings and follow the rules!!
Fandoms | Haikyuu, Attack on Titan and Marvel (if you want to write for a separate fandom just ask!!)
This is an 18+ collab, if you don’t have an age on your blog please don’t ask to join
All characters must be written as 18+, no p*dophilia please.
This is meant to be celebrating chubby/plus-sized readers, so please no fatshaming!! We want to be celebrating everyones body, positivity please!
Hard kinks and other dark themes are welcome!
When’s this due?
You can join this collab up until the 20th of August!
All works should be posted before the 20th September! (If you can’t make that date just drop me a dm)
Tag me in your posts so I can add the link to the masterlist and make it clear somewhere that its for this collab!
Make sure you tag your post with ‘#curvesandkissescollab💋’
500 words minimum for writing (can be hc’s, drabbles, full fics etc), also can we use ‘read more’ please!!
How to Join?
Send me an ask/dm saying you would like to join the ‘curves and kisses’ collab, along with the fandom, character and a general description of the fic theme!
E.g. ‘Hey, i’d like to join the curves and kisses collab, writing for Daichi from Haikyuu, flower shop au’
Also, if you would like to drop the collab at any point please just let me know!! This is for everyones enjoyment, don’t feel pressured to carry on :)
If you have any questions please just send me an ask!!
@ceo-of-daichi | Mafia-Boss!Daichi x Plus-Sized!Reader
✖️Fondness of Fondue (Bokuto x Reader) | @harley-michaels
@omiishii | Sakusa, Love at First Sight
@fushiguro-kyuuun | Ushijima, Soulmate AU
✖️Bokuto, Kissing in the Rain (Art) | @kristiane-ash
✖️First Dance (Iwaizumi x Reader) | @vs-redemption
✖️Friday Night Out (Aone x Reader) | @honeypirate
@bakubros-boo-thang | Ukai, Barista Shop AU
✖️ Adore (Yandere!Yamaguchi x Reader) | @yanderecrazysie
@tsumuluver | Miya Atsumu, Band AU
✖️Miya Osamu (Art) | @vanilleswtmacaron
@tinywooniverse | Akaashi, College AU
@undersero | Kita Shinsuke, Slice of Life
✖️Zoom Calls (Kuroo x Reader) | @obitobrigade
@valravna | Tanaka, ???
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shiggyscumrag · 3 years
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Tamaki Amajiki Brainrot- Tamaki x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut with fluff
Mha characters and hair pulling- headcanons (hair pulling) and 18+ smut
Mommy kink huh?- Shinsou x dom!Fem!Reader, 18+ smut
WHAT A WASTE OF FUCKING TIME- Ejiro Kirishima x GN!Reader, angst w/no comfort
How the MHA boys react to their chubby s/o wearing their clothes- fluff and light smut implied
Dumb whores get bred- Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader
Chubby Chasers- Which Mha characters I think are chubby chasers and why, fluff and light smut
Teasing the Mha boys and what would turn them on- 18+ Smut, multiple characters
Tenya the breeder- Tenya Iida x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut
All the right wrinkles- Ejiro Kirishima x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut
Yes, Mommy!- Ejiro Kirishima x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut
Kissing Bakugou Katsuki- red lip stick-
You really wanna prove it to me?- Ejiro Kirishima Angst & Implied Smut
Love that rivaled the stars- Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader, 18+ Light Smut
Sore, Swollen, and Secretive- Ochako Uraraka x GN! Reader, fluff<3
MOMMY I PROMISE ILL BE A GOOD BOY!- Denki Kaminari x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut
Ass, tits, thighs, tummy, or hips- what i think these mha characters like what
Master made in Heaven- Tomura Shigiraki x Reader, 18+ Dark Smut
Mha thirsty headcanons- 18+ Smut, all the guys are doms<3
Peircing Brainrot ft. MHA- Mostly fluff but a little smut on bakugous part lol
Comfort cuddles<3- Bakugo Katsuki x Trans!Reader (ftm) fluff/comfort
Yandere Villian Tenya Iida x Ex hero Female!Reader- Smut with fluff
Mha characters with trans s/o- Fluff and a little smut
Villian!EnjiTodoroki x Reader(platonic)- angst mostly, a little comfort at the end
Yandere with tamaki, midoriya, and iida
"I'm tired"- Bakugou x GN!Reader angst with comfort
Painted Flowers- Bakugou x GN!Reader fluff<3
Tamaki Amajiki fluff Headcanons
Mha fluff drabble
Horny thoughts with shiggy pt.1
Horny thoughts with shiggy pt.2
Wham Bam Shang-a-lang is what we got baby - katsuki bakugou x reader fluff
Comfort w/Ejirou Kirishima cause I need it
Katsuki comfort/smut
Dabi comfort gamer!reader ask
Katsuki Bakugou Corruption Kink Brainrot
Cat boys & Maid outfits- Aone x Fem!Reader, mostly fluff with hinted smut
Scenarios that I feel fit the Haikyuu boys- 18+ Smut
Just some thirsty hc's for the Haikyuu boys- 18+ Smut headcanons
More thirsty hc's for the Haikyuu boys- 18+ Smut headcanons
Even more thirsty hc's for the Haikyuu boys- 18+ Smut headcanons
The Haikyuu boys as dad's hc's- fluff<3
Iwazumi + Cockwamring- 18+ Smut
Sakusa Kiyoomi HC's- fluff, crack, and a little smut
I wont let you go- Tobio Kageyama x GN!Reader, angst with comfort
Shiritorizawa Brainrot Smut
Tendou smut<3
You look so pretty covered in my cum- Tsukishima Kei x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut
Yamaguchi and Tsukishima angst to comfort for s/o going though a panic attack
'A Work in Progress'- Ushijima Wakatoshi Fic pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, etc.
Demon Slayer
How the Demon Slayer boys react to their chubby s/o wearing their clothes- fluff<3
Wisteria filled wind- Inosuke x Fem!Reader, fluff<3
Hot and Needy- Tanjiro Kamado x Fem!Reader, 18+ Smut
Eren thirst imagine
How AOT characters e@t you out<3
Jean thirst <3
Luisa Madrigal Scenarios I Love- fluff with Luisa x fem/gn reader
Echoes? - Schlatt fluff
Puff Puff Pass - Brett Hand x reader smut
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saintshigaraki · 3 years
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MINORS DO NOT INTERACT + this blog will contain some dark content tagged tw dark content
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⇥ hi! i’m victoria <3 
⇥ 21 years old
⇥ i use they/she/he pronouns and i am okay with any gendered terms!
⇥ my favorite bnha characters are dabi, bakugou, shigaraki, shinsou, and aizawa. my favorite hq characters are ushijima, tendou, kyoutani, aone, oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, and kita. my favorite jjk characters are nanami and choso. and my favorite bsd characters are fukuzawa, chuuya, atsushi, fyodor, and dazai
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one day we’ll reveal the truth (that one will die before he gets there) dabi x f!reader (nsfw)
here, in the morning light, is where we’ll bare our souls (ushijima wakatoshi x reader)
the sun has not yet fallen (bakugou katsuki x reader)
these are hard times for dreamers (yandere nanami kento x f!reader)
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⇥ suggestions are always open. sometimes it’ll take me a few days to respond but eventually i do answer every ask i get! i’m never ignoring you <3 
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
You had me at baking (my favorite hobby💕) may I request Baking 🎁 from the Christmas prompt list with Aone? Maybe he’s fretting over darling hurting themselves with the hot tray or them decorating their baked goods would be cute! Honestly I don’t mind what you decide haha! -🌻
♡ Bad Idea ♡
(A/N: I’m not super proud of this fic, I feel like it didn’t turn out that great 😭😭 But I hope it’s at least good enough to read!!! Also I’m super into baking to so the holiday season is one of my favorite times 💖💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, manipulation (???)
Summary: You’re baking for the holidays however Aone can’t help but worry you might hurt yourself (Yandere!Aone x GN!Reader)
Holiday Cheer Event ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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“Are you sure this is a good idea? I think it might be better if I did the cooking and you did the decorating. It just might be a big dangerous for you” Aone says, watching you roll out the sugar cookie dough so you can cut them out with cookie cutters.
“I got this! I’ll be fine” You say smiling to hopefully calm his nerves. Aone was always fretting about your safety and you always had to reassure him that you’d be fine. You’re not sure why exactly but you know it has something to do with his obsession with you. He thinks you’re so fragile, he won’t let you do anything.
Ever since Aone took you, he’s been quite protective over you. He was a gentle giant, he was always so kind and sweet.
This still carried over to his overprotectiveness and obsession with you. Even after kidnapping you for himself, he always asked you how you was feeling or if you were comfortable and how to get you to like him.
Aone treated you like glass, he never let you do anything that was to ‘dangerous’. Although to him the definition of dangerous seemed to be everything that was in his baby proffered apartment or anything that you couldn’t keep you away from.
You had just wanted to make some cookies for the holidays. They were right around the corner after all and what a better why to celebrate than to bake? Even if Aone wanted to let you bake and have fun, he couldn’t help but feel nervous about it.
He feared you would hurt yourself of the cookie cutters, or what if you burnt yourself while taking the cookies in or out of the oven? He doesn’t think he could stand to see you cry in pain if anything happened, he could barely stand to see you cry normally!
“I really don’t think it’s a good idea. W-What if you hurt yourself?” Aone asks, worry in his eyes. You turn to him pouting before walking over to him.
“I promise I’ll be really, really careful. I know that you don’t want me to get hurt and I won’t because, once again, I’ll be really careful, ok?” You say, cupping his face in your hands, both of your hands seem so small compared to him.
You think for a moment. Maybe you should just let him put it in the oven for you? He was just worried about your safety, plus he did have a point. “Actually, you can put it in the oven for me. I don’t want to worry you or accidentally hurt myself” You say, seeing some of the tension leave Aone’s shoulders.
“Thank you, that makes me feel better” He says, sighing a bit. You know he means well so you smile at him. You’re just happy you get to decorate them. You hope they turn out well for the holidays.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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shinigamiplayroom · 2 years
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All characters are written as ADULTS. If something is not listed on the list of possible content below it's likely I will not feel comfortable writing it. I typically write f!reader unless its cxc.
~ impact play ~ degrading ~ praise ~ hair pulling ~ spitting ~ choking ~ yandere ~ bondage ~ mirror play ~ oral ~ exhibitionism ~ edging ~ overstim ~ biting ~ threesome ~ breeding ~ blood kink ~ cucking ~ cnc ~ dubcon
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My Hero Academia:
Dabi, Katsuki, Keigo, Aizawa, Shiggy, Kiri, Shinsou, Tamaki
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Tokyo Revengers:
Ken, Mitsuya, Hanma, Koko, Ran, Waka, Kazutora
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Jujutsu Kaisen:
Megumi, Getou, Yuuji, Mahito, Gojo, Choso
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Kageyama, Ushijima, Tendou, Atsumu, Kiyoomi, Kita, Kuroo, Kenma, Suna, Aone
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Demon Slayer:
Akaza, Giyomei, Gyuutaro,
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Genshin Impact:
Itto, Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Dainsleif, Xiao, Scaramouche
Obey Me:
Mammon, Beel, Belphie, Levi
Hunter x Hunter:
Hisoka, Feitan, Chrollo
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:
Envy, Roy Mustang
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midnightlee25 · 3 years
Holy matrimony (yandere asahi x reader x yandere aone)
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priests / demons AU (dark themes)
You had been sent by the Church to respawn to a distress call from an older convent that many were surprised to see that anyone was still there. When you got there, you found a very old decrepit yet large convent sitting in the heart of mountains that made everything seem dark and sinister. Walking up to the huge wooden doors, pulling on the heavy rusted knocker giving it a few quick bangs that echoed throughout the church. After some time, you figured that maybe someone really wasn't here maybe they get the place wrong?... You turned to leave when you heard one of the doors crack open.  
“Hello?” called out a voice
Turning back around you found a man standing in the doorway. He was tall with long brown hair that was tied back and he was dressed like a priest given it looked a bit dated.
“Hello father….”
“Asahi, asahi azumane.” he replied in a gentle tone, he seemed to be kind, not stern like the others.
“Father asahi I was sent from the church, there was a distress call from this convent it talked about something demonic that may have come here. Are you alone here?”
He chuckled a bit “I'm afraid you may have come here for nothing. No such thing has happened but you are more than welcome to look around and there is another priest here.”  he motioned for you to come inside.
You followed him through dark corridors that seemed to go on until he came to a set of wooden doors pushing them open there was a grand chapel. It was long with benches that lined both sides, the roomed rounded where the altar was. As you got closer to the end you could see another man who, like asahi, was dressed in the same dated uniform. He had short white hair back towards you standing in front of the altar. It looked like he was praying.
“Father aone.” Asahi called out to the man who turned towards you when he heard his name. You both walked up the few steps in front of the altar.
“This is father aone, Takanobu aone.” he nodded his head in greeting.
“This is….”
“(y/n) they were sent from the church; they believe something demonic has happened here.”  aone gives a confused look.
“I've already told them that nothing like that has happened here but that they are welcomed to look around.”
“Just in case as you know evil can take any form.”
“Then let us show you around.”  
The convent truly was impressive with its size with massive rooms making it very odd that there were only two priests living here. Maybe it was forgotten? Father asahi led the way through room after room while father aone stayed behind a bit putting you in the middle of the two. During this a rain had started it was misting at first but then grew into a powerful storm when you weren't even done with half of the building.  
“I think it would be a good idea if we rested for the night.” asahi said as he led you to a dining room. “Are you hungry?” he asked.
He had you sit at one of the many tables, you offered to help them but they said you were their guest so they would take care of it. Looking around there were candles lining the walls you don't even think you've seen a single light switched. When I get back, I'll tell the church to see if they can help fix up this place a bit….
The door to the kitchen opened asahi held a large pot by its handles that had stems coming out of the top while aone had three bowls and utensils. Putting the pot down on the table aone handed each bowl to asahi who filled it before placing it on the table. As you started to eat you asked them about the convent as well as about themselves.
“How long have you lived here?”
“Since we were small.”
“Were you always alone here?”
“No, there were others but they have since passed on.”
“Have you felt anything off lately?”
“No everything's been calm. Nothing really happens around here.”
For the most part asahi was the one who answered while aone sat next to him not saying much only nodding along unless you asked him directly but even then, he would give simple answers. The thunder boomed making the whole convent shack.
“It doesn't look like you will be able to leave until the storm passes. Not to worry as you can see, we have plenty of room.”
After you were done aone take the dishes while asahi showed you where the bath was. “Here.” he said, handing you some clothes. “After you're done, I'll show you the room where you'll stay in.”
The bath was one of those old clawfoot tubs that was fairly deep so it could take a while to fill up. one odd thing about it was how pristine it was, nothing seemed new around here so looking how it did make it look out of place but it was clean and work so you took it as a lucky win. After removing your clothes, you carefully climbed in the water at the base of your neck when leaning back. There was an eerie peacefulness to the room closing your eyes listening to the rain hitting the window mixed with the warmth of the water lulled you unaware of the eyes watching you form the shadows of the room. Creeping closer until it was next to the tub then above never taking its eyes off your face, reaching a hand out…
A knock at the door made you jump as a voice called out “is everything all right?”
It was aone.
“Yes! I’m fine…” looking around the room it was much darker.  
Shaking your head, pulling the plug to let the water out after getting out the bath water had turned cold.  
How long have I been in here?...  
“And this is where you'll be staying.” Asahi opened the door to a bedroom. It wasn't the biggest but isn't the smallest room only having a bed, nightstand, and a small truck at the foot of the bed along with a small window next to the bed
“Thank you.” you put what little you had in the trunk except your clothes you came in, aone had taken them to be washed.
“If you need anything just give us a call, we'll be on either side.” he closed the door on his way open.
Yawning you crawled into bed the sheet felt warm and cozy making sleep even easier.
...I guess the journey really took a toll on me…  
No matter how fast you ran down the dark corridor it was still at your heels
The door to the church was so close yet so far...if you could just get there then you'll be safe
Finally, you grabbed the handle pulling it open before slamming it shut locking it
Taking deep breaths leaning your back on the wooden doors
Until you heard the organ play a familiar melody  
...a wedding?...
Looking down, your clothes had changed into a…
…. dress?...
Looking up at the altar there was two figures with their back turned towards you
From a far they were wearing suits but creeping closer they started to change
Horns started to grow as well as a devil's tail  
Once you got to the steps of the altar they turned
Two devils that looked so familiar  
Yet you didn't recognize them
Our blushing bride
One hissed in a sweet tone
Our bride...now and forever...
The other said
Each reaching out a clawed hand towards you  
Frightened you tried running back to the door only for it to disappear
Don't be afraid...we won't hurt you…
The voice was right next to your ear  
Turning around face to face with the two devils
Their faces were covered in a shadow the only feature you could make out were their glowing eyes
Can’t run from us little lamb  
Said the one on the right
They offered you to us little bird
Said the one on the left
Give in to us…
Their claws reached for you again only this time there was nowhere to go
You let out a scream as you sat up in bed startling asahi, he went to your bedside as you huffed and puffed trying to catch your breath while aone rushed into the room to see what had happened.
“Are you alright?” Asahi asked after you calmed down a bit.  
“I... I…”  
“It's ok, take your time.” aone moved to sit on the other side of you on the bed.
“..I… saw them…”
“The demons! They were… in the chapel… they were just awful... They said something about a bride and I..”
“It's alright now-” asahi put his arm around you “it was just a nightmare... Nothing to fear, right aone?”
Aone nodded giving your hand a soft squeeze. They sat with you until you were calmed down before taking you to the dining room for breakfast. After that you walked with them around the building to finish looking around the only noise being the still pouring rain outside leaving you to your thoughts of the nightmare and when you woke up making a nagging question from.
“What were you doing in my room this morning?”
He looked over his shoulder at you “I was going to wake you, when I knocked there was no answer so I opened the door and that's when you woke up.”
After finishing looking around and finding nothing the rest of the day was filled with either helping with chores or staring out the window at the rain.it wasn't as bad as last night but you could still only see a few feet in front of you so it still wasn't safe to leave yet not like you had much to do back at the church. Being raised in the church wasn't always so bad besides studying or attaining prayer. In fact, this was the first time you've been out of the church walls so you guess it wasn't all for nothing.
Wandering around the library there were many paintings and tapestries hanging on the walls. There was one that captured your attention. Moving closer to get a better look it appeared to be very old and tattered with the colors a pale comparison to how ever bright they were before. The border was black while the inside was a deep red with only one picture in the middle. The picture was of three figures, two had horns wearing all black while the one in the middle wore all white. Is that….
A faint thud pulled you from your thoughts, quickly turning around only to find aone with a stack of books looking up he looked as surprised as you to find someone in the l library.
“Aone! Do you know anything about this tapestries?”
He thought for a moment before answering “from an old tale.”
“An old tale?”
“One that they told us when we were young. About two demons looking for a bride.”
“Do you think it's real?” you started to think maybe this were the same two demons from your dream.
Again, aone thought for a long time before answering “hard to say…... Anything is possible.”
And with that he disappeared with the stack of books deep into the library.
Later that night after dinner you lay in bed thinking about the demons that could really be here. ...but they said they haven't seen or heard anything…...maybe it's just me...hearing all those tales of demons and angle can get to a person...especially if they heard them since they were little….
Slowly you drifted off to a deep sleep to the sound of the rain hitting your window.
No matter how fast you ran down the dark corridor it was still at your heels
The door to the church was so close yet so far...if you could just get there then you'll be safe
Finally, you grabbed the handle pulling it open before slamming it shut locking it
...wait...did I shut it?
Turing around you came face to face with the demons from before
But this time they were ready
Before you could run off, they grabbed your arms, dragging you towards the altar
After walking up the steps they pushed you on to your knees  
The one with long hair stepped up to the altar while the other stood behind you, hands on your shoulders to keep you from getting up
When it turned back around it was holding a chalice along with a knife  
It sliced his palm letting the blood drip into the cup before handing over to the one behind you following just the other did until the cup was fill
Handing it back the demon in front of you took your chin into his clawed hand making you look up placing the chalice on your lips before forcing the black, warm liquid down your throat until it was empty
Coughing and gagging was all you could do after hanging your head low
This time the one behind you force your head back up  
You could see the wild grin on their faces
Your ours
Now and forever
In this life and the next
That was the last thing you heard before blacking out
When you woke up you were in front of the altar. Confused, you called out to the priests desperate for help.
“Asahi! Aone!”
“You called?” a voice came from behind you.
Turning around as best you could eyes going wide when you saw them only this time you could see their faces.
“What the hell are you!?”
“Now now is that any way to talk in a holy place?” asahi mocked chuckling.
“What do you want?” you tried to stand but your legs felt so heavy.
“You.” aone said.
“You were offered to us.” explained asahi “by the very church that raised you.”
“You're a liar! The church would never bend to the likes of you!”
“Then why were you sent here?” Asahi walked around you. “Only you, no one else odd, isn't it? Someone who has never dealt with demons before or even been outside the holy land.”
You stayed quiet, what could you have said?
“Why me...”
“By chance? fate? Who knows…”
“You can't leave now. You're stuck here. As our bride….” aone said, asahi standing back next to him.
….in holy matrimony…
They mocked before laughing that grow louder until it filled the chapel as the rain poured outside
There was nothing you could do but sit there and accepted your fate
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