#yandere Polnareff
I'm a bit new to the asking game, but I have a headcanon request! What if the Stardust Crusaders met the daughter of DIO, who had a bright and extremely sweet personality with a stand who has techomagic abilities (able to create advance technology, extended knowledge in technology). I apologize if this doesn't make sense! This would be platonic btw!
— 🧠 Anon!
I think I have a grasp of what to write for this ask finally. Darling is still a child of DIO it’s just that makes my title even wordier than it already is. Decided to do one character per bullet point btw
Platonic! Yandere! Stardust Crusaders w/ a technomagic stand darling.
You’re likely a huge help on the technological/engineering side of things for the crusaders. If you met them right at the start of trying to find DIO. Your first observation is probably akin of “Mr. Joestar you know you probably don’t need to break that expensive camera to use your stand right?”. Before long you have it repaired and ready to go, Joseph is wildly impressed and is quickly endeared to you. There is at least also one instance of him asking about fiddling around with a vending machine (for science of course), to maybe get something a little extra.
Avdol can see the trouble coming with you and Mr. Joestar a mile a way. Your eagerness towards technology is commendable and a little worrying if you get too caught up. Which is pretty often, and Joseph tends to be an enabler when it comes to anything he finds cool. He personally loves it himself but does his best to be your guide. He’s the one to most likely sit next to you in whatever transportation you’re in, it’s almost stifling but you barely notice most likely as you keep yourself entertained. There is quite a few times he does let you “loose” to do your thing, just because he enjoys your company so much.
Kakyoin is a bit more reserved in his reactions, the biggest thing that lures him to you is how well you utilize your stand in much of the technology you all run into. If you happen to bring up games out of boredom, his interest is piqued as you likely explain how you fixed a perfectly good console that was thrown in the trash. You tell him some people just don’t understand there’s things worth saving and there’s usually a fix that perfectly restores it. His feelings deepen when you tell him you believe him with the Death 13 fight. His hands are almost shaking, (In this scenario he is very likely to become a romantic yandere pretty quickly)
Polnareff bounces off your personality pretty easily, likes asking you a ton of questions and you manage to answer just about every one of them. He’d just wish you would relax a little bit and enjoy the smallest bit of relaxation (as you can when getting constantly chased by enemy stand users). So he usually nudges you with some kind of treat or even just doing something casually where it doesn’t seem that your brain is running on full power constantly. There’s a dozen times he’s even carrying you up the stairs, you deserve it. You saved his skin so he certainly has to return the favor. (This Frenchman would also be likely to end up a romantic yandere)
Jotaro is one who comes in when things go a little too far, especially if gramps or Polnareff are going what he considers over board, so if he wants to be around you he will find a way to do so. Not that he doesn’t occasionally indulge your tinkering with a little thunk to something with either his strength or Star Platinum’s. He definitely tells you to go to bed when you’re up too late for his liking while on the trip. Don’t ask why or how he got in your room, or even ponder if he was outside of your door guarding you. He can handle himself even if he is a bit hypocritical with some advice. Speaking of he is quick to tell you to lower your use of your stand, keeping it hidden so no potential danger catches everyone off guard. Especially when you’ve helped him out with Wheel of Fortune and Strength. He does let some of his eccentricities out with you and the others when it feels reasonable. But he’s still keeping one eye open at all times when he can.
If anyone’s wondering if there’s any worry about you being the daughter of DIO, I’d like to think Avdol was the one to keep an eye on you for trustworthiness before anything happened. (Even if none of them knew you were his daughter).
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yanderememes · 2 years
darling finally curls up to sleep on their yandere's chest or lap of their own accord and the yandere just. follows the rules that all pet owners must follow: ie- you Are Not allowed to disturb them. doesn't matter what you have to do, you. do. not. move. darling wakes up like two hours later to the yandere's limbs having fallen asleep. i don't know why this is so funny to me but it is-
It obv depends on the yandere, but the lovey-dovey yanderes and the simp yanderes are 100% the ones to take it seriously and make every effort known to man to not move an inch for darling.
Lovey-dovey yanderes will struggle with doing this because they're just so happy and full of excitement. Legit, die from happiness sort of deal with these yanderes. They'll ultimately fail if their feelings overwhelm them, causing darling to wake up, which the yanderes will profusely apologize for. And ofc, they will gush about how cute you looked sleeping on them and will never let darling live this moment down.
Examples: Jolyne, Polnareff, Narancia, Josuke, Okuyasu
Simp yanderes are more controlled and gentle in their approach and demeanour. They have a higher success rate than the prior in maintaining immobility so as not to disturb darling's sleep. However, when darling finally awakes, their entire body will be sore and numb though. A small price to pay. Anything for their darling and to bask at the moment with them. When darling awakes, they ask if you had a nice rest while also hinting that they'd love to do this again.
Examples: Giorno, Jonathan, Weather, Pucci, Kakyoin
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kittenmey-rin · 1 month
I think you'd like this story: ""Good kitty." Yandere jjba Part 1, 2, & 3 heroes x Neko Female reader " by TaelinMcRae on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/365447903?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=TaelinMcRae
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thornybubbles · 9 months
Playing Minecraft with the Stardust Crusaders
**Note: Originally I was going to have this be a story with just Kakyoin, but I decided to add the rest of the Stardust Crusaders. Also I decided to just do headcanons instead of writing a full story. I’ve been writing a lot of dark yandere stuff and I just wanted a break. So here’s something wholesome. PS. Polnareff’s part was my favorite to write. XD **
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He may be an old man, but he’s not completely out of touch when it comes to the concept of video games. It takes him a little bit to learn how to play, but once he gets the hang of it, there’s no stopping him. Joseph’s building skills are pretty basic. He’s more interested in the survival and exploration elements of Minecraft. Once he gets his house built, he does a little mining to get a full set of iron armor, weapons, and tools and then he’s off to explore. He’s almost never seen around the main base and spends most of his time many, many blocks away, discovering cool things. He will often ask questions about things he’s unfamiliar with and you explain it to him. Sometimes he hardly speaks at all because he’s too enamored with all the stuff he’s discovering. 
Then there was the “Creeper Incident”. Joseph made the mistake of doing some exploring at night instead of going to sleep like a good little Minecrafter. 
“Hey, what’s this freaky green thing?” he asked you. 
“Freaky green thing? What kind of freaky green thing?” you said, wanting some specifics. 
“It looks like a depressed cactus,” he explained. 
Uh oh.
“Oh! That’s a cr---!” 
There was a distant explosion followed by Joseph screaming, “Oh my God! Son of a bitch!!!” 
After that, something changed in Joseph’s play style. He went from explorer to monster hunter. Angry at having been blown up and losing all his stuff, he goes on a vendetta to destroy all creepers. And why stop there? Zombies, spiders,skeletons or any other creature of the night that crosses his path were quickly dealt with. He goes deep into learning brewing, armor and weapon enchanting, and anything else he can think of to give him an edge against the hostile mobs. With Avdol’s help he builds a battle tower and protective wall around the base. He has very big dreams about taking out the Ender Dragon. 
Joseph is a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to Minecraft. He may not be the best builder but he has a lot of creative ideas that help all of you with whatever projects you might be working on, especially when it comes to base defense and monster fighting.
He only ever plays when either you or one of the other Crusaders asks him to. When he first spawned in he wasn’t too impressed. He had a hard time figuring out what he wanted to do. At first, he doesn’t bother building a house or anything and just bums around his grandpa’s house. He makes a snide comment about how Joseph’s house is just a big, wooden block with one window and a door. Joseph grumbles something about how his house didn’t need to be pretty, just practical. Joseph ends up being the one to teach Jotaro how to play, while you occasionally interject to mention something Joseph may have forgotten about. Jotaro just responds with non-committal grunts and wanders around the base, checking things out. 
Eventually, he goes off on his own to explore and find somewhere nearby to build a house. He hasn’t collected any resources, has no tools, or crafted a weapon of any kind when he starts exploring. You try to warn him that he should at least get a wooden sword to defend himself with, but he ignores you. It isn’t until night comes and he is nearly killed by zombies that he finally decides to get some wood and stone and make some basic tools. He still hasn’t found a decent place to build yet, though.  
After he’s wandered around for about 4 in-game days, he comes across a village. Jotaro watches the villagers run around, doing their thing, and is bemused at their silly appearance and sounds. But when nighttime comes and zombies start attacking them, Jotaro feels he’s found his purpose in the game. Somebody has to protect these dumb looking guys and it may as well be him. He teams up with Avdol and Joseph (who is a little miffed that someone found a village before he did) to form a “Village Security Team”. While Avdol fixes the village up by patching holes in walkways, correcting poorly spawned buildings, and starting work on building a monster proof wall around the village, Jotaro and Joseph stay up at night to fight off the monsters. 
Eventually, Jotaro builds a massive fortress near the village and Avdol attaches the wall to it. This fortress serves as Jotaro’s home and the village becomes the secondary base for you guys. Joseph jokingly calls him “King JoJo” and “Your Highness” which usually has Jotaro grumbling under his breath. He spends most of his days decorating or improving either the fortress or the village itself. When he’s not doing that, he’s usually tagging along on one of his Grandfather’s adventures. 
The redstone wizard of the group. Noriaki’s beaten the game a few times already, but only recently started messing around with redstone contraptions. He set up an automated farm that both harvests and replants crops as well as a huge mineshaft with minecarts set up so that they returned to the surface to be unloaded whenever players filled them up with resources.
As innovative as he is, though, he often uses his redstone skills to be an absolute troll. And usually, his victim is you. That’s not to say that he hasn’t pranked any of the others yet, it’s just that you’re his favorite target. It’s kinda your fault though. It started back when you first started playing Minecraft together and you might have, possibly, sorta, kinda, completely un-accidentally pilfered a diamond or two from one of his chests. He knew you were the culprit because there wasn’t anyone else in the game at the time but the two of you. He didn’t call you out on it, though, assuming that you would replace the diamonds as soon as you got a chance. You never did. While you actually did have every intention of returning the diamonds to him, you just forgot about it. It didn’t help that you later developed a habit of helping yourself to whatever you found in his chests instead of going out and getting the resources for yourself. Hey, it was easier and it saved time!
Nori never said a word about it, instead opting to quietly plan his revenge. One day you went down into his storage basement to grab some cobblestone from one of his chests. You were only going to grab a stack or two and make a mental note (for the hundredth time) to replace whatever you took, but knowing that you’d probably forget. When you opened the chest, though, you didn’t find any cobblestone. Instead you found yourself staring into the sullen face of a creeper, its warning hiss in your ears. You let out a shriek of terror and braced yourself for the inevitable explosion, but it never came. You examined the “creeper” again only to see that it was nothing more than an armor stand wearing a creeper head and green dyed leather armor. It was inside of a minecart that was cleverly hidden behind the chest. You just stared at it as your brain slowly came to the conclusion that you’d just been pranked. 
“Ah, I see you found my theft deterrent.” Noriaki said, amusement clear in his voice. “It’s a nifty little project I found online called the ‘creeper in a box’ prank.” 
You can’t even say anything. He got you good and you know it. You made it a point to stay out of his storage basement from then on. 
It doesn’t stop there though. That one little incident unleashed Noriaki’s inner troll and you’re the one who gets to suffer for it. From filling your house with dirt blocks to slowly rearranging your decorations over time to see how long it would take for you to notice, Noriaki just seems to love messing with you. You have to admit that while his pranks are annoying, they are pretty funny and too clever for you to really get mad at. Your “favorite” was when he hid a bunch of note blocks under your house and arranged them to play a certain song when you opened the front door. 
“Nori, why is my house Rick Rolling me?” you demand of him, annoyed but admittedly amused. 
“Why are you asking me?” he says, playing dumb. 
He knows what he did. 
You eventually do give him his diamonds back in hopes that will appease him. It does… for a little while at least. 
The master builder. Before being invited to play Minecraft with you guys, he’d never really played a video game before. But there was something about the building mechanics of the game that awakened something within him, possibly nostalgia for those calm times with building blocks when he was a little kid. Whatever the case, Avdol takes to building like a pro and all without any YouTube tutorials, too. You want a medieval style bakery? You got one. Want a modern bungalow? He’ll do it. Giant fire breathing demon chicken to put in the middle of the base? You can envision the weird looks he wants to give you, but he’ll make one of those, no problem. His best projects are the ones he does on his own, though, with no guidance and with minimal suggestions. 
Due to his building skills, he finds himself constantly busy within the game as someone always has some kind of building project they want help with. He even offered to improve Joseph’s plain block house. The old man told him to do whatever he pleased and then went off to go treasure hunting with Jotaro and Kakyoin. When Joseph came back he found his simple home had been converted into a deceptively cute cabin. While Joseph was impressed enough with how cozy it looked, Avdol revealed that the cabin had a secret, a well hidden secret chamber that appealed to Joseph's inner superhero fanboy. He had his very own secret lair now (yeah, it’s not really a secret if everybody on the server knows about it, but let the old man dream)!
Over time, Avdol has added things here and there to the base to keep things from looking so plain. He’s added a decorated pond for fishing and just a place to hang out. There’s also a meeting area for when the whole gang gets together right before going on an adventure (brings back bittersweet memories. At least this time there’s no danger of anyone actually dying.). 
And yes, he even added that giant fire breathing demon chicken statue you wanted so badly. Your odd tastes aside, Avdol managed to make the abomination of a statue look rather cool and stylized. Kakyoin wants it to be the mascot for your group. It ends up being put on any and all banners for the base, much to Avdol’s chagrin. 
Every time he gets online with you guys he is either working on a project or starting another one. He never seems to run out of things to do. Surprisingly, his own home is rather quaint. Just a regular old farm house, but it’s very pretty. And yes, he has a chicken farm. 
Chaos incarnate. This man got into the game and immediately started doing everything WRONG! Digging straight down, forgetting to sleep at least once to ward off phantoms, forgetting to crouch when standing at the edge of great heights, you name it he’s messed it up. So basically just Polnareff being Polnareff. He always manages to find danger or danger finds him. Every monster in the area seems to target him specifically. On one mining trip you actually watched around five zombies shamble right past you and head straight for a very startled Polnareff. They completely ignored you! He’s died so many times that you actually put in the “keep inventory” cheat so that at the very least he stops losing all of his hard earned resources. 
Speaking of resources, when it comes to mining it’s the one thing that Jean Pierre is really, really lucky at. To the point that it makes everyone else jealous. He was the first to find diamonds and emeralds and the first to manage to get full stacks of both. You never even thought it possible to find 64 emeralds naturally, but Polnareff managed to pull it off. Joseph is quick to accuse him of cheating which results in a very childish argument between the two until you step in and explain that you were with Polnareff the whole time and he just finds diamonds and emeralds by chance. Joseph apologizes but grumbles when Polnareff laughs. Ever since then, whenever he comes across diamonds, or anything even remotely interesting, he is very obnoxious about it. 
“HEY GUYS!!! GUESS WHO FOUND EVEN MORE DIAMONDS?!!” he’ll shout in an annoying sing-song voice.
This usually results in annoyed huffs from Avdol and Kakyoin, disgruntled “Good griefs” from Jotaro, not-so-humble requests for him to stop bragging like an asshole from Joseph, and a threat or two from you that if he didn’t stop rubbing your faces in it, you would shove him into the nearest lava pit. This always earns a mischievous giggle or two from him. He’s so full of himself about it. He does make up for it though, when he crafts full sets of diamond armor for you all. For all his arrogant bragging, he’s really rather generous with his finds. If any of you need diamonds or emeralds he’s the first to offer up his stash. After all, he has so many, why shouldn’t he share? ~ ❤
Whenever he goes mining, you usually tag along. You say that it’s so you can help him carry his loot, but actually it’s because you’re his self appointed babysitter. Just like in real life, it just isn’t a good idea for him to run off by himself. You never say that out loud though because you know how sensitive he is about being danger-prone. Besides he likes having you along and the two of you end up as mining buddies almost every time you play. Sometimes Kakyoin joins you as he’s always in need of redstone and other materials for his contraptions (it’s important to note that Polnareff is Kakyoin’s second favorite trolling victim and it always makes you nervous whenever he tags along because you never know if he’s up to something or just genuinely wants to collect resources.). 
Whenever you and Polnareff go off on your own to do anything, the rest of the Crusaders server prepares their poor ears for the inevitable screaming and swearing that will follow. Something happens to you whenever you pair up with Polnareff. Your brain power seems to get cut in half and the two of you end up becoming an unintentional comedy duo that has everyone else either laughing or, in Jotaro’s case, muting you for being “too damn loud”. 
There was one time that Polnereff was digging a strip mine that ended up leading right into the Deep Dark and the Warden’s territory. You can probably guess what happened. Before you could warn him, Polnareff’s antics end up summoning the Warden and the monster kills you both before either of you have a chance to panic. This results in Polnareff seeking revenge (or trying to) and going all the way back to the Deep Dark to fight the Warden again (and dragging you along each time), and (both of you) dying again. This happens about three more times before he actually manages to defeat the Warden only to find out that he doesn’t get any kind of reward for it (other than bragging rights, which believe me, he takes advantage of). 
On a minor note, Polnareff’s inventory is always extremely unorganized. Whether referring to his personal inventory or his storage chests his inventory is in shambles. There’s no rhyme or reason for where he places things in his hotbar and sometimes he’ll end up hitting monsters with a stick or block of glass rather than his sword. He also has a bad habit of using the wrong tool for certain jobs, such as using his pickaxe on dirt instead of his shovel and it drives more organized players like Kakyoin and Avdol insane. 
(We’re assuming that the little gremlin lives with you) While he can’t exactly play video games for obvious reasons, he does kinda like watching you play, but that’s only if he’s not trying to take a nap (you’re kinda noisy). Most of the time he just plops down in his comfy spot and watches you struggle to survive in what he mentally calls the “stupid human block game”. He is really amused whenever you and Polnareff team up because watching you two together is comedy gold. Sometimes, when you’re playing alone, he’ll wait for you to be exploring a dark, creepy cave and suddenly bark very loudly for no reason, causing you to very nearly jump out of your skin. 
Iggy: “BARK!”
You scream, swear, and jump back so hard that your headset falls off. Your mouse has been practically thrown across the room. You turn around and glare at the little brat. 
“IGGY!” you shout accusingly. 
The cheeky little doggo runs out of the room making sounds that can be interpreted as the canine equivalent of snickering.
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princelylove · 5 months
Oh I happened to choose all characters from part 3? I'm sure have something for muscular dominant men 🫢
May I ask for Polnareff and Avdol with their darling's first time too?
I love your headcanon for Jotaro, I find it quite cute for him to not know much about sex and awkward with it. And he has virgin kink, very interesting. Do you think he has other kink too?
Feel free to share about other characters you want to write too, I just love reading your work, your highness ❤️
~ 🏵️ anon ~
For future reference, I spell Avdol as “Abdul,” since it makes more sense in Arabic. There’s no v sound, but there is a b and f sound. 
These two are both romantics when it comes to sex. Except one is out of genuine respect, and the other is out of delusion. 
Mohammed isn’t bothered by your past. It was before you met him, how could he hold that against you? Your experience, or lack of experience, isn’t any of his business. Sex is something intimate to Mohammed- he was younger once, he’s not without a past, but he doesn’t really want something casual with his darling. He’s rather vanilla when it comes to sex, but he’s willing to humor his darling’s requests, as long as they don’t expect to dominate him, or top him. He just doesn’t prefer it, don’t take it personally. Mohammed asks his darling what their sexual expectations of him are now that you’re together. He wants a proper answer, do you want it often, do you not want it at all, do you want it weekly on the dot, do you have anything specific you’d like to incorporate, etc. He’s already forcing you to live with him, he’s not going to ruin his chances of his darling developing stockholm syndrome by forcing them to do something they don’t want, or aren’t going to enjoy. Slow and steady wins the race. 
Jean-Pierre will never, under any circumstances, force his darling to have sex with him. Is he fine with it being dubious…? A little. Depends on his mood. Does he realize that holding you down and repeating how much he loves you and how much he wants to touch you is forcing you? Nope! To him, it’s all sweet talk. And if you cry, or scream, or kick, he’s just going to assume it’s your way of introducing him to some sort of kink you have. Ohh, he’s the big bad man, coming to eaaat youuu, hm-hm-hm. You’re a pretty good actor, you were making him nervous there! Jean-Pierre has opened up to you about his past- it was traumatizing to not be there for his sister when she was murdered. It makes him think of the torture Sherry went through before she died, and to be honest, he’d rather not have to stop pounding you because of a panic attack. It doesn’t look good for his suave, charismatic presentation. It stresses him out to think that he isn’t your protector, so let’s not do this kind of play often, alright? Only as a little treat when you’ve been good. He isn’t too thrilled about his darling trying to top him, but honestly, he’s down to switch if you really want to. He’s often loud when he bottoms- be prepared to hear him practically screaming your name and every lovey pet name he can think of in french, alongside begging you to keep going. He won’t mention it the next morning. 
As far as Jotaro’s fetishes and kinks… I put him in the same category as a recluse mama’s boy who learned what relationships should be like from his mother + old romance movies. Creep. His primary focal point is how “delicate” and “helpless” you are- it makes him feel needed, and therefore loved. Regardless of your actual strength and durability, Jotaro is forever convinced that you’re constantly on the verge of breaking. As for some specifics, besides from his virginity kink:
Praise. This man goes crazy for some genuine praise. Even if you say it more like an observation, if it can be taken as a compliment, he’s fighting his body’s reaction. “You’re very tall.” is more of a statement than anything else, but being tall is attractive to most people, yeah? So you like his height… He never slouches in your presence after that. Jotaro’s delusions aside, if you were to praise him during sex, he’d lose himself entirely. 
Breeding. Even if his darling cannot get pregnant, a man can dream. It isn’t about having an actual child, he just thinks it’s hot to finish inside of you and how fantastic you’d look pregnant. You’d have trouble doing things for yourself, won’t you? Jotaro isn’t about to complain about finding a way to force you to let him do everything for you. Maybe he can tell you to just pretend to be pregnant…
Somnophilia. You just look so sweet and innocent while you’re sleeping, he can’t really help it. Jotaro touches himself quietly- as to not disturb you, he’s worked hard to get you to actually relax enough to sleep- next to your ‘shared’ bed. He likes to think of it as belonging to both of you, but it really doesn't.
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
Save The Date
F!Reader X Jean Pierre Polnareff
Today is my birthday!!! Yaaay! To celebrate, I wrote this self-indulgent, out of left field, Polnareff-kidnaps-you-on-your-bday-and-tries-to-force-his-love-on-you story because why not? I’ve been wanting to write more Jojo and I love Polnareff’s himbo ass sooo here it is. :D I decided to go back to my roots with this one, it was therapeutic loool.
This was a bit rushed because I want to get it finished by today, but I hope you enjoy!!! Thank you for reading and for being here! Love y’all~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Warnings: Kidnapping, imprisonment, reader is restrained this whole fic, forced/nonconsensual touching and kissing, brief mentions of sex, delusional Polnareff, probably horrible butchering of French pet names (I am sorry any French speakers, forgive my google translate indiscretions (;´∀`))
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Everything was perfect.
From the varying balloons and streamers that dotted the room, to the bows he had placed so lovingly in your hair, Jean Pierre Polnareff had worked hard to make this presentation immaculate. It was what his baby deserved after all-it wasn’t like it was your birthday every day.
It took weeks of planning and organizing to get everything just right. He’d spent countless hours calling the best caterers and bakers in town, and spent all his down time consulting with party planners to make sure this soiree would go off without a hitch. He was even able to score the perfect dress for you from the fancy boutique down the street-the very same dress you had been casting wistful (yet furtive) glances at for quite some time. The moment the ornate frock had gone on sale he could barely conceal his excitement and ended up purchasing it right away. He was sure you would be thrilled to receive the gown as a gift, and also be touched by his intuitive nature, his knack for picking up on the things you desired.
It was just your style, and he knew as soon as you donned it you would look nothing short of gorgeous. Envisioning you in it made his heart flutter, the smile that would engulf your face as you twirl around in it, giggling in sheer delight as the fabric swirls prettily around you, was sure to be a sight for sore eyes. It was hard waiting to see the dream become a reality.
When he finally got the chance to slip it on your body, he needed a moment to compose himself before he proceeded with the rest of the party setup. He had been correct in his assumption-you looked breathtaking, exactly like a princess in your new frilly, satin, dress. He wished he could have arranged to also have someone do your hair and makeup to really complete the look, but it was too risky to chance it. As much as he would have loved for you to wake up to a complete makeover, he couldn’t trust anyone to not be suspicious of the arrangement he had currently setup for you, and he dared not muck you up with his own mediocre skills.
But at the same time it didn’t really matter that he couldn’t have a cosmetologist stop by, you always looked perfect and ethereal, dolled up or otherwise.
Everything was splayed out before you, not a single item out of place. The table was neatly set with his finest dishes and cutlery, set at the ready to be topped with the feast that he was preparing for you. Vibrant bouquets comprised of only the fullest and brightest blooms of your favorite flowers sat on each end of the table, and fragrant candles cast flickering light over the scene, exuding a very romantic aura. Dinner (one of your favorite meals) was nearly done cooking in the kitchen, and its scent had begun to enticingly fill the room. He could practically hear your stomach rumble in anticipation.
The centerpiece of it all was an elaborate cake, decadent and rich, your name and a sweet birthday message sprawled on its surface in a pretty, curving script. It was far too large for just two people to consume, but that just meant there would be more to look forward to in the future. Maybe you would want to freeze some of it to share with him again on your next birthday, like some couples do with their wedding cake. The correlation made him blush as he fixated on it, giddy as he fantasized about all that lay ahead for the two of you.
With everything assembled, all he had to do was wait. He parked himself opposite you at the table, dressed to the nines to try and match you. As impressive as his finely tailored suit was, he didn’t hold a candle to your radiance. He sighed dreamily as he took you in, his eyes roving over your peaceful face while slumber still claimed you. You had a habit of incessantly frowning or shooting him questionable glances while you were awake. Whenever you noticed that his attention was turned your way, a grimace inevitably followed. This moment of peace where he could drink you in without any backlash was bliss, and as much as he was excited for you to wake up, he couldn’t help but relish this serene alone time he was sharing with you.
No kicking and screaming, no crying, no unnecessarily hurtful words flung his way when all he’s trying to do is show you love. Right now there was just you, him, and this lovingly crafted display of his affection that he prepared just for you, the love of his life. A small mountain of presents towered behind him, waiting patiently to be picked open by your delicate fingers. Most of them were little things he had picked up for you here and there that he thought you would like, trinkets and baubles he felt exuded a very ‘you’ aura and thus needed to be brought home to you. He used to try and give them to you the moment he purchased them, but you would always turn them away, telling him that he was spending way too much money on you. Silly girl, no amount of currency could ever be a waste on you.
The gift pile was a veritable array of goodies sure to delight you, teeming with big things, small things, and one very important thing that had been weighing heavily in his pocket for the past week. He had always planned on presenting it to you on your birthday (there was no greater gift than a perfectly cut rock signifying your eternal union, after all), but carried it around with him as a good luck charm of sorts, keeping it near till the moment he could give it to you. He kept it in his breast pocket as close to his heart as he could, childishly hoping that the placement would infuse it with the immense love he felt for you, each heart beat coursing through it making it shine more dazzlingly.
Though he enjoyed carrying it around with him, the time was soon approaching for it to go to its intended home, sitting prettily on your ring finger. Musing on it made him glance down at your hands as they rested daintily on the chairs arm rest. He tried not to focus on the straps he had placed around your arms, holding you in place to prevent you from bolting the moment you woke up. You were such a jumpy, shy thing, inclined to run and hide the moment you spotted him. He knew this setting would be overwhelming for you, that you would not take all the extra attention so easily, hence why the sedation and extra restraints were needed. As much as he wanted to do a more natural approach, there was just no way to keep hold of you otherwise. It was a necessary measure, but it was one he hated nonetheless.   
Knowing you would be upset when you awoke filled him with dismay, but ultimately the drugs and confines were all just a means to an ends. After the initial shock wore off, you were certain to be pleased by all his effort.
Hesitantly, he reached out to grasp your hands, holding them gently in his own. His thumb slowly grazed your knuckles, tracing small circles over your soft skin. Were they not strapped down, he would have chanced giving your hand a kiss, his lips yearning to make contact with you in any way they could. It truly was a shame that you were so adverse to touch, for he constantly longed to handle you tenderly, treating you so lovingly you would become putty in his hands, melt at his ministrations. He could clearly picture the expressions you would make while he busied himself, running his fingers gingerly across your flesh, memorizing every inch of you in faithful reverence, kisses following where his fingers once tread.
It was his most avid desire, but he had yet to act on the fantasy. His dream would come true someday, but first you had to get used to him. Ease into your new life.
It was a torturous process, waiting for you to warm up, but he knew it would be worth it in the end. Besides, with how bashful you were he figured he would be your first time for so many things, and that was exhilarating in its own right.
Suddenly, you stirred. Polnareff perked up, his eyes darting to your face as he watched your own slowly blink open. You scrunched your face in discomfort, groaning as your head gradually rose from its lulled posture. The after effects of the heavy drugs made your movements sluggish and groggy, another small groan slipping past your lips as you rotated your shoulders in an attempt to stretch.
Your gaze eventually landed on Polnareff, his face lighting up when you didn’t immediately look away. Still heavily sedated, confusion dominated your features. At this point, you were unsure where you were, what was going on, and probably perplexed by Polnareff’s presence, maybe even so bewildered you didn’t yet fully remember who Polnareff was. A warm smile graced his lips as he watched you come to, your befuddled state too cute to resist.
“Ma chérie,” Polnareff purred, his voice drawing you further from your hazy state, “I’m glad you are finally awake. It wouldn’t do to have you sleep through your whole party now, would it?”
Disorientation was giving way to realization, a look of fear and agitation morphing your lax expression into a sharp scowl. You began to pull against your bindings, your tugs becoming sharper the moment   you felt resistance, alarm mounting when you realized how trapped you truly were. Your eyes locked onto Polnareff’s, the haze that had clouded them gone, replaced with resentful animosity. It was painful being at the end of your enmity, but he reminded himself it was to be expected. You would be filled with contentment very soon, he just had to get you there.
“Jean what the hell,” Your words came out listless and slurred. As the final dregs of the drugs wore off, you struggled to get your baring’s. “Where am I? What is all this? Did you… did you fucking drug me?”
 Panic was starting to course through you, wide blown eyes filling with tears that you tried desperately to blink back. Your breathing grew labored as you started to thrash, trying your hardest to free yourself from the man who had imprisoned you, despite your compromised state.
Concerned you would hurt yourself, Polnareff gripped your hands tightly to try and sooth you, but it only caused your struggling to grow in intensity. Noting this, he quickly relinquished his hold, instead opting to cup your cheeks in a manner he hoped you would find more reassuring. Your skin was moist from your freshly fallen tears, his thumb easily sliding across its delicate surface, trying to wipe them away as best he could. You attempted to recoil from his touch, but the restraints and his firm hold kept you in place.
“Please amoureuse calm down,” he shushed you, worry reflected in his eyes, “You’ll end up hurting yourself if you keep pulling like that-“
“Fuck off,” you seethed between clenched teeth, “Let me go NOW Polnareff, or I swear I’ll-“
He clamped a hand over your mouth, halting any further commentary. A deep frown etched itself into his face as he stared you down, patience waning at the immediate vehemence you directed his way. Today was not supposed to go this way, he expected some backlash sure, but you weren’t supposed to recover from the medicine he had given you so rapidly. It was supposed to take time, fester a bit so that you would slowly come around, giving him plenty of time to explain things to you and have you get used to the arrangement naturally.
All the extra precautions were to help you see this for what it was, a true celebration to exhibit his unwavering dedication to you, and not whatever horrific falsity you had concocted in your anxiety addled brain. He cursed himself for not giving you the larger dose as he originally intended, he was just so concerned you may sleep too deeply and miss out on your special day altogether.
“You need to be quiet now, (Name),” His voice was low, a serious edge to it that froze your thrashing, granting him your full regard, “I know you are upset and confused, it’s only natural with how you woke up, and I don’t blame you for it. But there is no need for your ire ma cherie, look around you,” he released his hold, sweeping his hand across the room to show off his handiwork, “This is all for you bella. I worked so hard to make everything perfect for you because you deserve nothing less. Each decoration, accessory, snack, present-they were all assembled lovingly with you in mind. I’ve been preparing this for months, so please don’t be-“
“I don’t want any of this,” you once more cut him off, your voice choppy as you forced it out through shaky sobs, “I never wanted any of this. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t feel for you this way Polnareff? What you are doing is wrong, this entire ‘party’ is wrong! Please, if you really care about me at all just let me go and-“
Swiftly, he slammed his hand down on the table before you, rattling the dishes so violently it was surprising that none of them broke. Startled by the sudden upset, you lurched in your restraints, instantly shutting up out of fear. Your body quivered in distress, worried that if you said another word it would only further enrage him, and the assault next go around may not stop at just a whacked table.
“Stop it,” He annunciated each word, his eyes holding a sharpness that sent chills down your spine, “You don’t know what you are saying mon cœur, you are just blindly judging things before you even try them.” He took a shaky breath before continuing, “I have been patient, I have been kind, I have given you nothing but love, yet you constantly keep me at arm’s length, turning away from me in disgust even though I worship the ground you walk on. Please for one minute stop being so damn ungrateful and just be satisfied with all the hard work I have put in to meeting your lofty, unreasonable standards, or else you may actually have something to cry about.”
Tears continued to pour down your cheeks as your panic-stricken eyes drank him in. Your bottom lip quivered, sniffles punctuating your breathing, but you didn’t speak another word. He felt momentarily guilty for going off on you (on your birthday, no less), but seeing the success his rare instance of harshness awarded him quickly overshadowed any negativity he felt, instead washing him in a feeling of victory.
Now that he got his point across, hopefully you could proceed as planned and things would be smooth sailing from here on out.
In the other room the oven started to noisily beep, signaling that dinner was ready to be served. He rose to his feet, hovering over you before making his way towards the kitchen.
“Ah, perfect timing,” he forced a smile, doing his best to hide the hurt your brusque behavior had inflicted upon him. He squared his shoulders, composing himself before continuing. “Here is how the night will progress, amour. I will prepare our meals and then we will enjoy them peacefully in each other’s company. Once we are done, we can dig into this cake I ordered especially for you from the gourmet bakery down the street, the one that’s so popular it has a wait list.”
He sighed dejectedly, hanging his head in defeat before continuing, “You may not care, but I think it’s important that you take into consideration just how much of myself I poured into this celebration before you make another snide, thoughtless remark.”
His eyes flicked down to the cake, a brief look of sadness wavering within them before he directed his attention back your way. “It’s lovely though, isn’t it? I am sure it will taste just as good. Don’t worry, if you haven’t calmed yourself in time to be let loose I will gladly feed you chérie. Even when you are being particularly… bratty, I would not want you to miss out on such a delicacy. Then, once our bellies are full you can start unwrapping this mound of presents behind me, and we will just pray that it doesn’t take us through the entire night.”
He chuckled, his demeanor beginning to soften as he spoke, appreciative of the obedience you were displaying and the lack of unwarranted commentary as he got through the itinerary for the night. “Finally, we will end the party with a gift that has been a long time coming, one that is a truly significant mark of our eternal bond. I know you will love it ma chérie, just as much as I will.”
He saw a shiver course through you at his words, a small, sad whimper tumbling from your lips as your shoulders sagged. The gravity of his allusion bore down on your small frame, shrinking you down in a poor attempt at hiding from your inescapable fate. He tutted when he saw your attitude shift, his hand again finding your cheek to give it a gentle stroke. This time, you didn’t flinch away. 
“I know this is a lot to take in ma beauté and I am sorry it frightened you at first,” he leaned down, planting a lingering kiss to your forehead before proceeding, “But you will come around very soon, I know you will. You are my sweet girl, and after you experience what a great time we are about to have you will be so overcome with joy that you will barely be able to stand it. In fact, you may already feel a little silly for giving me such a hard time, am I right?”
Suddenly, his expression turned bashful. A rosy hue illuminated his cheeks as he started to fidget uncomfortably, a slightly embarrassed looking smile gracing his lips. Your body turned cold as his hand slid from your cheek to your shoulder, idly toying with the thin strap of your dress. His roving eyes fell to your chest, a hungry look flashing through them before they found their way back to your gaze.
“And then, after you have finished going through all your gifts, to thank me for what a gracious lover I have been maybe… maybe I can unwrap something too?”
You shudder at his insinuation, a look of pure dread donning your features.
“Polnareff,” you choked out, strained words struggling to form one final, soft plea, “please.”
Before you could utter another word, his mouth aggressively claimed your own. He pressed hard against you, as if to engrain the scorching feeling of his lips on to your flesh. You whined, squirming against him until he pulled away, staring at you with longing, love struck eyes.
“Happy birthday, ma chérie. Let’s make this one to remember.”
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sl33paholics · 1 year
It's My Turn Now
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Request: Neat writing! I hope it isn't too late to request for smut w/ bottom Abdul, I barely see him as a bottom..it's alright if you wouldn't like to, thanks anyways! <3333
Want your request to be seen? Request on my Wattpad here
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Bottom!Avdol x Dom!Polnareff
AN: Hopefully I get this out by Christmas but if not then here's your (late) Christmas present
"Make that sound again."
   Jean looked down at his husband, his legs spread apart seeing the man on his knees licking the sides of his cock in anguish but the look in his eyes screamed dread. He could feel the heavy breathing coming through his nose onto his pubic hair. Taking a puff out of the cigarette that was in his mouth blowing some of the hair out of his view. The strong grip he felt on his legs and the whimpers coming from Muhammad thrilled him.
     But how did it get to this point? The man who is usually the dominant one in the marriage was now on his knees squirming and licking the sides of his cock as if his life depends on it, the pulsing sensation from the vibrator in his ass driving him insane. His toes curled up as saliva started to run down the sides of his mouth. Jean was so turned on by the sight that he didn't think twice about it. Inching forward until his hard cock was touching the tip of Muhammad's tongue he watched as the other man licked it once before taking it in his mouth. Jean felt the throbbing and his body convulsed involuntarily. His back arched against the headboard as he grabbed the sheets underneath him.
    "Fuck, baby!" He moaned as his hands gripped the sheets harder trying to push himself further into his husband's mouth. A hand moved from his thighs to rub around the base of his cock. The texture of his tongue was making him wild. It was almost unbearable but he needed more. He yearned for more. The vibrations running across his dick spurred him on even more. The hand wrapped around his cock stroked his balls rubbing them gently in time with Muhammad's hand moving higher and higher. He moaned louder and louder, feeling a small tingle run through his spine.
    Jean crushed his cigarette on the ashtray, moving his hand as he gripped Muhammad's hair, pulling him away, quickly grasping his hand around his neck, somewhat choking him.
"You like that?" He growled, staring into his lover's eyes and watching the fear appear there. "I knew you would. Now I'll fuck you while you are kneeling right here. Or I could throw you on the bed and fuck you silly." Jean yanked him up so Muhammad could stand on his feet before throwing him on the bed. He straddled his hips placing one knee on each side of his waist keeping his hands on his shoulders. He bent down kissing him deeply and roughly. He bit his lip, sucking on it making Muhammad whimper. Jean continued to kiss him, sucking on his bottom lip and running his tongue over the inside of his mouth. "Take...take it out...take it out please~" He whispered between kisses, his fingers digging into Muhammad's flesh as he pulled him closer. Muhammad moaned out feeling the vibrator being removed from his hole, the pain causing him to let out a low wail. When it was finally out he lay panting, Jean still on top of him.
    He stared into Muhammad's eyes, watching as the fear disappeared, leaving only lust and lust alone. "Please," He whimpered. "Just fuck me already." His voice was hoarse as he begged Jean. He had never begged for anything before and he wasn't sure what possessed him to speak out those remarks, but he wanted to feel the enjoyment and have Jean take it from him. He scanned Jean's eyes as they darkened, his lips curling up into a smirk.
    He aligned his cock with Muhammad's entrance and slowly slid it into the tight opening earning another moan from Muhammad. He took a moment to adapt to his size and then slowly started to plow deeper into him, stretching him open as he shoved to the hilt. They both gasped. As Jean kept pushing deeper into his prostate he watched the fear return. His mind went blank as Jean began pumping in and out of him.
    "Please...please," He pleaded, squeezing his eyes shut. Jean just kept going faster, his pace increasing with each pump in and out. He felt sweat dripping down his forehead, sticking his hair to his forehead and the backs of his neck. It tickled his bare skin, which made it itch. "Please! Please!" he repeated as tears began to fall down his face. Jean leaned down, planting a soft kiss on his neck, leaving marks all over its neck. "Bite...bite me..bite me!" he begged. Jean smiled at his needy tone as he increased the pace, filling the tight channel.
    The feeling was euphoric. Is this what it felt like to acquire the pleasure? The one being the bitch in bed? It was almost too much. Suddenly he couldn't take anymore, he bucked his hips forward slamming into his prostate filling him up with his load. He watched as Muhammad cried out and came. He could see the way his eyes clenched shut and the way his mouth hung agape. It was the most captivating thing Jean had ever seen and when the man opened his eyes he looked straight into his.
It has been an hour since they fucked their brains out and their bodies were sticky with cum, sweat, and sex. Muhammad was still coming down from the high looking over at Jean who was busy watching television. He smiled up at the man, his dark brown hair messily covering his forehead. His cheeks were slightly flushed and his lips were puckered in bliss. "Had fun? I told you I'm able to top you." He chuckled and leaned down kissing him softly, his tongue darting out to lick at his swollen lips. "It was a scary experience, but you were able to prove yourself." He kissed him again, pulling back to stare into his eyes.
"That's because my body likes you. You're mine, forever and always. I plan on making you mine forever."
His heart fluttered at the words. That's what he'd been waiting for.
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cloudyfloss · 1 year
I, Jean Pierre Polnareff, humbly submit a toast to Muhammad Avdol for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III so he may play defense of the ancients. Congratulations, Avdol. Enjoy your dota.
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jemid · 2 years
- Yandere! Polnareff x reader -
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Warnings: Yandere, SH, Stalking, heavily implied murder
Word count: 729
Authors note: this for my friend sooo i might write a yandere genji x reader soon probably 👍
poo poo
I'm just going to start this off by saying once polnareff has eyes for you, hes not letting you go off easy.
he wil try anything to get close to you or to get in your pants.
you met polnareff during his trip with the crusaders, he saw you and he couldn't get his eyes off of you.
he just wanted to take you home.. which is what he was going to do and will do.
you were handsome/gorgeous, he just couldn't help himself to make you his.
polnareff decided to shoot his shot by making flirty comments and getting touchy by putting his hands on your waist and kissing your hand everytime he sees you
it was always a "coincidence" that he sees you on public and every chance he gets or opening he will always come talk to you.
one day you snapped at him to leave you alone and decided to ask what be wanted
"..what i want is you, mon amore"
polnareff chops the back of your neck knocking you out, you wake up in a room strapped to the bed. something's holding you down but it isnt visible at all.
you see polnareff walk in with a little bit of blood on his hands.
your immediate reaction was to struggle more harder than last time and this gets polnareff worried.
polnareff as a yandere is very delusional and believes that you love him as equally as he loves you.
"is everything ok, love?" its almost like hes expecting you to talk. you dont reply and just look the other way
he now believes you are angry at him and he tries to make it up to you by kissing your forehead and sleeping right now to you.
he doesnt believe you'll do anything to harm him but he keeps an eye on you anyways
he keeps asking about children which terrifies you because i mean.. you hardly know the guy and dont even feel the same way romantically.
it feels like u have been here for days.. maybe weeks. polnareff lets you get up from the bed but locks the door.
you cant attack him because 1. he has a stand 2. you dont 3. he WILL see the attack coming
escaping wont work, you once tried climbing out of the window but when u got down and was happy to finally be free, polnareff was there.
"does escaping me make you HAPPY more than me?" he will say things like that to possibly guilt trip or manipulate you
he knocks you again but instead of a bed you're in a chair tied with rope in a dark basement, you're slowly regretting your choices.
it recks of blood/iron yet no bodies in sight. polnareff didnt come down until about a hour later and he looked pretty serious.
he walks over to you and caresses your cheek without saying anything.
he slowly goes next to your ear and whispers, "escape me again and I'll kill you."
you are now officially his.
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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⭐️A Liars Punishment |Yandere Polnareff x Reader Angst|
Warning: This one shot is intended for a mature audience of 18+. This one shot contains extreme physical violence, strong language, body mutilation, and torture (acted out before scene).
     “Ah, I see that you’re waking up now! Good, I am so happy that you are up! I can’t wait for you to see what I did to you my darling!” Polnareff exclaimed as your eyes fluttered open. “I had to knock you out once you handed me your engagement ring back like you’re allowed to leave me!”
You went to open your mouth but you couldn’t, you couldn’t open your fucking mouth. Something was.. you felt intense pain in your lips, something keeping your lips from pulling your lips apart. You looked down, eyes growing wide as you saw that your hands were nailed to a wooden chair, keeping you from moving. “Mmm!” You muffled, tears filling your eyes as you stared at your hands.
Blood- blood that belonged to you covered your two hands, a huge nail shoved through each one of your hands. What the fuck did he do to you? You tried to give him the engagement ring back because he was insane and abusive ever since he got back from his three month long business trip to Egypt. He wasn’t your sweet boyfriend anymore, he was an abusive madman and he was killing you. Was this not attempted murder?
        “You promised that you would never leave me but you attempted to last night. I don’t like liars Y/N, liars deserve to get punished so for the time being I sewed your mouth shut while you were knocked out. I’ll remove the stitches and the nails when I feel like my point is made loud and clear,” he said softly, a wide smile appearing on his lips. His baby blue eyes stared into your soul- why wouldn’t he look away?
         You tried to move your hands up, causing the nail to rip deeper into your palms, a muffled scream escaping your sewn up lips. You didn’t deserve this- nobody fucking deserved this. You regret not sneaking off at night, you should have just ran and ran until your feet were sore from running.. the dull ache of your feet would be nothing compared to the pain that you were feeling now. You had to try and give him the ring.. you were a fucking idiot. You should of known better but you thought that you would be safe.
When he came back you noticed that his eyes that were once so filled with light and happiness grew darker- the darkness started when his younger sister got brutally murdered but it became much worse when he returned home. He didn’t tell you a thing but in his lips you always hear him mutter the names, Avdol, Iggy, Kakyoin, Avdol being the name he said most frequently as he slept beside you, talking in his sleep. You never asked him.. you were always too scared to ask him.
Tears fell from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks as your body shook from pain. A mouth wasn’t meant to be sewn shut. Hands weren’t meant to be nailed to a chair. You couldn’t scream nor run. All you could do was cry as your blood dripped onto the floor below you. Drip, drop, drip.. if only you could just focus on that one sound, but having Polnareff standing right in front of you had your complete focus. At any time, he could snap and hurt you.. and you wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing about it.
He sat on the floor across from you, his silver hair in small curls, hanging past his shoulders as he wore a black tank top, his massive biceps glistening with light beads of sweat It was hot in here - in whatever room he had you in, the air was sticky and stale. “If you move it’ll only make things worse. It will only hurt worse, and the same goes for your mouth. I won’t take you to the hospital Y/N, I will just let you bleed out, but I will not let you die. As long as I’m here you’ll never die.. you will never be taken away from me.”
The switch in his eyes was instant, eyes growing hard but watery at the same time - so soft yet so dangerous. “If hurting you means that you will stay alive and safe, then so be it. If I stay on top of things I can prevent your death, I can save you, and you could save me too! Why would you ever want to leave me? I can keep you safe!” He stood up, his massive fork towering over you. “Your voice.. I need to hear it. Apologies, but this will hurt you. You can scream if you want because nobody will be able to hear you. Not where we are at. Only the rats will hear your screams.”
He right hand grasped your top left lip, and his left hand grasped your bottom. Without a warning, he pulled your lips apart with one rough pull, a scream instantly escaping your lips, blood pouring from your lips, staining your shirt with red. Dark red.. it was so red, so much blood. You felt dizzy and lightheaded.. why was the room swinging back and forth?
"Your lips will heal. It will heal just in time for our wedding in three months, but if you don’t behave I’ll keep your mouth stitched up forever. I’ll keep you here, alone.. do you want to be alone in a hot and disgusting place like this? With your lips sewn shut and your hands nailed to a chair?” He questioned softly, placing his left hand on your cheek. Despite the heat of the room, his hand was ice cold - the hand of a monster.
You sobbed, shaking your head because you didn’t want to stay in a place like this. You just wanted to go home, and you wanted to go to sleep, so you wouldn’t have to be in so much pain right now. You wanted peace.. and you would only get that peace if you stayed with him. Your only chance of getting even a little peace was staying with your abuser that you could never escape - that was your fate. You now knew that as your lips bled, you felt loose pieces of your skin just barely hanging on, your palms nailed to a wooden chair.. he could do worse. He could do so much worse.
“I-I.. I will stay by your side. A-always and forever,” you whispered, closing your eyes. “I-I’m all yours.” You rather be dead than all this, but you knew that he would never kill you. He just wanted to torture you and make you comply.. he won. You’ve fully complied simply because you couldn’t handle any more pain.
“Good, that’s what I thought. Don’t make this same mistake twice Y/N, because the second time will be much worse,” he warned you sharply, the sharpness in his tone cutting into you like sharp knife, leaving behind its permanent scar. After today.. you would always just be a shell of yourself, a prisoner dying to break free. “Now let’s get these huge nails out of your hands. This will also hurt a lot, but you’ll be fine. Yes, you’ll be okay.. I’m here to protect you. I will keep you safe.”
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guubiiz · 2 years
been thinkikg of my jojo favs recently ..
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yanderememes · 2 years
So I just discovered that PHEROMONE PERFUME is a real thing and that supposedly works (again supposedly). Do you think that the yanderes would use this tactic for when darling is ignoring them and/or they want darling to come cuddle them willing. Personally I think Anasui, Mista, or Naracia would buy cuz they either too lovesick over Y/N or stupid enough to fall for it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on who would use this. ily 😘
I agree with you anon, it's gotta be Mista, Anasui, Narancia, Polnareff, and F.F.
Like I can imagine all those yanderes going out to like Walmart or whatever and buying a shitload of it. Once they get their hands on the perfume, they will BATHE in that shit all while grinning like an idiot about how darling will be all over them once they get a whiff of this ☠️
Fast forward to showtime. They show themselves to darling, excepting darling to run into their arms and start dry humping, begging them to take them right there and now. But in reality, darling throws up from the smell and runs away 🤢🤮
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Fandom: JJBA
Character: Jotaro Kujo
Pairing: romantic
Type: alphabet
Honestly part 3 Jotaro being yandere over crusader darling is making me go crazy🗣️ darling could be related/a close friend of polnareff, avdol, or kakyoin to up the stakes of jotaro lol
And darling's gender is up to you I'm fine with whatever :D
- 🥝 anon
I usually do a general take for Alphabets so I hope you enjoy :D Rusty with writing Jotaro, feedback is appreciated! Not fully proofread, may have mistakes.
Yandere Alphabet - Jotaro Kujo
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Using stand for affection, Stalking, Possessive/Protective behavior, Violence, Blood, Manipulation, Jealousy, Death, Murder briefly mentioned, Threats, Controlling behavior, Kidnapping, Isolation, Restraints mention, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Jotaro isn't a character that expresses emotions very well. He's mostly stoic and even seems disinterested all the time. However, he isn't disinterested towards you in the slightest.
He's quiet around you but tries not to make it seem like he hates you. He mostly shows he cares through curt praises or maybe something physical like a pat on the back. Although, you no doubt feel ghostly touches of affection due to Star Platinum being capable of showing Jotaro's hidden emotions.
He's slow to do anything intense, but Jotaro could probably be one of the most intense yanderes. He may start subtle or hard to read... but as his obsession grows he tries to be more affectionate. He struggles with it at times though.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
I imagine if someone drove him to snap, he doesn't mind using Star Platinum to take them out... or maybe his own hands if it's personal. Jotaro has no mercy for enemy Stand Users targeting you. When it's rivals... that's more complicated.
He'd have trouble harming the other Crusaders because they're close to you. In that case he may rely on threats or just dragging you off.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Jotaro may seem like a cruel yandere, in fact that's an interesting way to go about it in some plots, but in reality he'd most likely be very caring. He has trouble expressing emotions... not like he doesn't have them. (I've been guilty of this in the past)
He wouldn't mock you, in fact if it ever came to kidnapping he would make sure he takes care of you. He hates others around you at times... but he never really likes to hurt you. If he's taken you in like this, he's going to make sure you're cared for.
Even if he's the only one you can see now.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Yes, but he tries not to do it often. He respects you, even if he locks you away.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Jotaro doesn't seem like a very vulnerable yandere. He's mostly stoic but does show some anxiety or bursts of emotions when things catch him off guard. So most of the time, you can't read him. Other times... suddenly he has you in a tight hug, catching you off guard.
He makes no noise during said sudden affection... but by his grip you can tell he's conveying some sort of emotion towards you (Anxiety, Stress, Adoration, Etc.)
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Irritated and impatient. He shows some annoyance towards you if you did fight him. He'll say his usual "Yare Yare Daze" before scolding you and holding you off. He won't hurt you... just tire you out.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and he hates it.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Seeing him snap. When Jotaro snaps a lot can happen. He may get violent with the person who set him off (not you). By the end of their altercation his hands are covered in red stains.
Afterwards he picks you up, either by himself or his Stand, and carried you off. He doesn't care if you struggle or not. He can't deal with you being so close to others anymore...
Which leads to you being locked away.
Honestly, he doesn't think about it now... but as an adult he probably thinks of marriage (Part 4). Maybe even a kid (Part 6). Part 3 Jotaro mostly just thinks of dating you after Dio is defeated.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Yes and Jotaro could really go either way. He may lash out and threaten the person who caused the issue. Maybe even use Star Platinum if they really did something wrong (Showing physical affection while Jotaro is around is an example).
Other times he may try to hide how much he truly feels about it. Although said emotions end up being vented by Star Platinum, said Stand never taking his eyes off of you. Star Platinum may even show affection towards you while Jotaro tries to distract himself.
Protective, Clingy, Observing, Manipulative/Controlling, Possessive, Subtle, Hard to read, Caring, Loyal.
Jotaro's yandere type is like a dormant volcano it seems. He seems harmless towards you... but who knows what might set him off.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Going based off what you gave me, you're a fellow Stand User and Crusader. That's how you meet Jotaro. At first Jotaro seems disinterested in you. But you couldn't be further from the truth.
As you proceed through your quest to take down Dio, Jotaro grows interested in you. You could be a friend of one of the others... or even a sibling of one of them. Jotaro doesn't really care about that... he just cares about watching you.
He'd stalk you by using Star Platinum and would appear extremely protective of you. Jotaro is skilled in fighting and can be volatile in fights. Especially if it's to protect you.
By the end of this trip... safe to say Jotaro isn't planning to leave your side or lose you to anyone.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really, no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Jotaro doesn't like the idea but he may try restraints or isolation to make you rely on him. He seems like he'd be physical about it, but he isn't really. He does scold you... but at the same time he doesn't like blaming you for the mistakes of others.
He doesn't want to take a lot, but if he feels you've wronged him then he will take most of your freedoms.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He can be patient. He has limits, but he is surprisingly very patient.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
The effect it has on him may not show, but it does affect him. He gets snappy with others and much more moody. But over time it becomes a dull ache within him that he never forgets.
If someone took you from him... he may just kill them....
Sometimes and maybe (most likely no).
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood and trauma.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Jotaro usually just gives you your space. He keeps his distance until you calm down. Occasionally he may use Star Platinum to check on you before approaching to hold you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Not many I can think of except trying not to make him snap.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He tries not to, he hates the idea... but it may just happen.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but would sacrifice everything to see you alive, happy, and safe.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
I imagine he can pine awhile. He probably won't snap until after Part 3 (hopefully)... meaning any abduction might be a Part 4 era Jotaro thing.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally.
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Gen Pol Pol hcs
Polnareff, as we all know, is an absolute sweetheart and gentleman. He can’t help but to want to tease, please, and shower his s/o in love and affection!
He’s also a diehard romantic! If you don’t ask for his love language first, you can definitely expect him too!
To that end, his number one love language is acts of service, but quality time is a close second. He’ll want to know your love language so he can show you how much he loves you in a way you’ll be sure to appreciate it!
Is super into pda! You can expect he’ll always want to hold your hand, guide you by the hip, and even kiss you where others might see (just to reaffirm to people that your his wonderful s/o).
Polnareff is Woman Respecter Supreme, so even when in a relationship, he’ll be too dense to realize that sometimes his actions can be taken the wrong way. All you’ll have to do is talk to him, and he’ll be happy to remind you just how much he loves you!
At home if possible, he’s even more loving. Expect plenty of teasing, cuddling, sweet kisses and more!
He’s such a genuine guy, a relationship with him (so long as you are okay with it) is likely to move along quickly just because he’s so open in respect to you and his feelings.
 He also falls in love very quickly! He’ll have convinced himself your the one for him by the time you agree to a second date; and with how he acts it's hard not to feel the same way.
Yandere Pol Pol hcs (under the cut)
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Unlike his normal counterpart, yandere Polnareff is likely to fall in love as soon as he sees you; he’s a delusional protective and from the moment he set eyes on you, Polnareff knew you were the only one for him.
He grows bitter, seeing you waste your kindness on people undeserving of it. In his mind, no one is worthy of you. You need your knight and shining armor to swoop in and save you-- even if you don’t realize it.
Though he may be delusional, Polnareff will fight his desire to abduct you. He desperately wants to win you over with his charms.
However, at the same time, he knows you already love him; whats stopping him from taking you home now?
It’s a violent fight of whats left of his sanity versus his growing need to hide you away from the dangerous world.
Once he has you, he’s never going to let you go.
Jean Pierre Polnareff has convinced himself that the two of you have the kind of fairy tale love one could only ever dream of; of course, as your knight he’ll ensure his princess is kept safe.
He’ll take any incompetence on your part as innocence/hesitance. He’s willing to wait for you to come around, for now.
Is very unwilling to hurt or threaten his darling. He loves them move than anything and the thought of them being hurt, by his hand no less, it too much.
He’s already lost so many people in his life... He’ll do whatever it takes to keep you by his side.
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fanficemily · 5 months
I was wondering what Jotaro YANDERE from part 3 would be like? (so I did this)
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🌠I will first say that I am taking into consideration that our "Y/N" is A Stand user And let it be a crusade, ok?
🌠Jotaro didn't want to fall in love with you, but you're so you, that she couldn't ignore it,But of course JOTARO BEING JOTARO, doesn't show what he feels and continues with his face straight
🌠You became good friends with Jotaro But... For Jotaro you were more than that, you were the one Jotaro loved very much, so it was his duty to protect you, but you ask yourself "protect from what?",That's the problem, he has to protect her from something but she doesn't know what it is, he swears she's in danger where there is nothing, "her friends (other than Polnareff or Kakyoin, or Joseph) Don't you see the danger in them?... Of course you have good times, but what if something happens?, your family? Can't you see that they are a headache for you and him...
🌠Now after part 3 he GOT WORSE!, at school he made sure that most boys didn't hit on you, he wants to make sure he's the best option, he's always in the school hallways,He is following you from side to side, he sits as close to you as possible to watch you,If he manages to sit behind you, he will use Star Platinum to play with your hair, and Star will do this with pleasure as she is very happy with it
🌠And one thing Jotaro likes is being around you, she loves just being in your presence you have a calming effect, she loves being with you even though the lines are few and it doesn't dismantle emotions
🌠And suddenly you have a Boyfriend/bodyguard, and even if you don't want Jotaro in that sense, she doesn't care, kidnapping exists for that, and even if you date him he will kidnap you if he thinks you If are in danger (in other words, he will kidnap you)
🌠During the kidnapping period he leaves you in a safe place, that is, at his house, on the day it happened Holley saw Jotaro all dirty and a little hurt and holding his girlfriend in his arms,Holley He will soon understand the situation and will take good care of you since Jotaro loves you...
🌠When you and Jotaro are walking around town Jotaro will have a protective arm around your waist or shoulder, outside Jotaro is always on alert and never lets his guard down.
🌠But when you are in his room alone he is affectionate, for example, he shows that he is intelligent to you so you can see that he is useful, or he keeps touching you and petting you,He's clingy and especially in the morning when he wakes up, he's soooo sly and cuddly, as far as possible, and at night he holds you while he sleeps with you.
🌠Even though he is stoic and emotionless, he loves you very much.
**(Maybe I'll do Jotaro YANDERE from part 4 or maybe Star Platinum yandere)**
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princelylove · 5 months
Thank you a lot for answering my ask, I just plan to ask on Lisa Lisa and Holly only, and you answer for all of them ~
If you can, I want to know the ranking from the easiest to the worst yandere for the Jobro too. Only when you have time of course, I know you working on your multiple projects, I looking forward to reading your work!
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Anon I love receiving asks, send as many as you want. I also LOVE ranking things. I know the jobros are only Speedwagon, Caesar, Kakyoin, Okuyasu, Bucciarati, Hermes, and Gyro but I can include some others, as a treat. Skipping Speedwagon since I just am not in the mood to write for him today oops.
Okuyasu is… difficult to get rid of, but is he really hard to deal with? He just wants to be ordered around, and some attention, that isn’t the end of the world. Sure, you can absolutely never be rid yourself of Okuyasu, but he means very, very well. He has no ulterior motives, and with how honest he is, what’s the issue? If you can’t handle an obsessive devoted type like Okuyasu, you have no business trying to handle any of the names further down this list. 
It almost seems cruel to put Jean-Pierre on a list with such intelligent, strategy-based yanderes. He truly is just a man in love who happens to be a little (a lot.) creepy, but he’s tame compared to the bottom of this list. He’s like that guy that always hits on you during your shift but tips reaaally well. You’re kind of expecting to find him in the parking lot with rope and a knife after your shift with the way he looks you up and down, but it never happens. Jean-Pierre is after one thing- true love. He’s the type of grown man who still believes in pinky promises, and, truthfully, if you pinky swear you love him with all your heart and are only going out to go shopping or something, he’ll really believe you. He’s got some clear boundaries- don’t walk around without him (especially at night), tell him what your plans are and who you’re expecting to meet, and call him if he’s ever not around and you need to go from one place to another. Even if it’s in the dead of night, Jean-Pierre wants to make sure you get home safe. Even if he’s upset with you, there’s just some lines he will never cross. He’d never put his hands on you, both in a sexual assault way and a physical abuse way, and generally prefers to pretend to back off when you snap at him to leave you alone. Following you from behind is a good compromise, right. 
Hermes is the type of girl to say she doesn’t care but goes to scream in her pillow about it later. She really, really likes you. It shouldn’t be this stressful to grab your attention and keep it. She’s tried about everything she can do in prison to get your attention- working out near you if you go to the gym, talking loudly in the yard and running laps so she can keep passing by you (even though the sun’s in your eyes), eating lunch and dinner at a table where you can see her, she’s even resorted to picking up whatever books you barely touched in the library- just for a little touch. She’ll lean against the railing in front of your cell. What, she can’t stand here? It’s a free country. She can loiter wherever the hell she wants to. Hermes loves watching over you, she’ll be damned if she lets anything hurt her baby. As long as you let her keep watch, she’s not gonna do shit. Hermes might get a little annoying, but she genuinely just wants to help you. She can’t just stand there and watch you need her. If you say she’s being too clingy, or that she calls you too many pet names, she’ll back off a little, but won’t just drop it all. You just need some space, and she’s happy to make sure you’re all good from over there.
Guido isn’t afraid to flash his gun, or to stick it in your chest as a way to move his hands around. You know italians, always talking with their hands, he doesn’t mean anything by it. Guido can actually take a no! Chronic catcaller over here gets rejected in canon, and what does he do? He brushes it off  and moves on. Guido’s a bit obsessed with finding “the one,” so he tells himself that it just wasn’t meant to be. With you, though… everything connects back to you, so it must mean that he should seek you out more. He’s a hard man to get rid of- he’s delusional and fully of the belief that he was made for you. He wants to give himself to you, and often fantasizes about you wanting him. Guido does just about everything he can to make you see him in that way. He’ll lift his sweater up to show off his muscles, he’ll pick up furniture and move it wherever Trish demands for the same reason, he’ll even stand waaay too close in confined spaces to check if you like the new soap he’s using. It’s unscented, he’s kind of praying that you just like his smell. Something about pheromones or whatever bullshit Panna was yapping about. He's that oversized dog that follows you around, begging for you to hold his leash. Guido won’t kill you if you resist him, but he’s not super lenient like most think he is. Guido’s smart. He knows to check for your shadow under furniture and doors, he knows what a dirty plate actually looks like, and he knows what gas from the stove smells like. He wants to keep this simple and stress-free, so he’s not gonna bring it up, but he knows, and will take the needed moves to keep you right where he wants you- within his line of sight at all times. Let’s just not make it a big deal, yeah? He loves you, and doesn’t want to have to put you over his shoulder and take you home. 
Caesar is seemingly the perfect lover. He’s not overly possessive, he respects you, he’s never asked you to go fifty-fifty on a date, and he’s never forgotten an important date. He can be a bit competitive whenever you mention someone else, but that’s something you’re willing to look away from. It’s endearing, isn’t it? How passionate he is? That same passion is what keeps his head on his shoulders, he doesn’t really know what to do with himself if you weren’t here to check his attitude every once in a while. He’s so prissy and afraid of getting dirty, he’s somewhat of a diva at times. All of that is a part of his charm, it makes you fall for him over and over again. It’s too bad that Caesar doesn’t feel the same way. He needs this to be perfect, and loathes how you look at other men when you’re out together. You’re making him look bad, you know that? It’s seriously such a pain to get the blood out of his clothes after his little bouts of insecurity. He sleeps well at night knowing that loser you had the nerve of looking at is dead in an alleyway somewhere, but he sleeps better knowing you’re staring at his perfect face. He has no reason to kiss you with his hamon, but every once in a while… he just needs the security of seeing you obey his every whim. 
Noriaki’s small stature often leads his enemies to assume he’s frail. In fact, he won’t put his hands on you until he’s sure that you’ve warmed up to him enough for physical contact. Attempting to get out of Noriaki’s grasp likely leads you to aching wrists and ankles. He isn’t afraid to slap you for speaking to him so harshly. Mind your manners when addressing him, or don’t speak at all. Noriaki is big on etiquette- he likes being addressed properly, and for his home to be relatively neat and orderly. If you make a mess in an act of rebellion, he’s happy to puppet you. You’re not making your boyfriend clean up after you, are you? Until he properly conditions you post kidnapping, Noriaki makes sure all of your needs are met via Hierophant Green. Doesn’t it feel good to give up control, and to let him do it all for you? He thought so. Since you’ve passed Noriaki’s requirements to be involved in his life, he just assumes he’s also up to code. Don’t try to act like he isn’t, either, Noriaki takes great pride in himself. Noriaki will do just about anything to make sure you’re always under his thumb. His grades are perfect, he’ll go to any college you are. Despite his introverted nature, Noriaki has no problem networking. He’s always a step ahead- everyone already knows you’re “dating.” Isn’t that sweet? Say it’s sweet, darling. 
Gyro is intelligent. He’s silly, sure, but you can’t fool him. He acts as if he’s only joking. You must hear that stupid nyohoho~ laugh he does in your nightmares. Hooohoo, he’s only playinggg, he’s not seriously going through your bag, relax! He’s just stealing your flask for a little sippy sip. Gyro’s not afraid to get a little handsy- he disguises most of his threats and ‘reminders’ as affection or just playing around. He laughs way too loudly at an unfunny comment and slaps your back with enough force to knock you forward as a little reminder about just how strong he is. If his little subtle hints aren’t working, he’s fine spelling it out for you: you’re meant for him, and you need to stop talking to other people. Gyro’s smile drops when he says it, but it’s right back up when he finishes. “Ooookay, back to what I was saying, do you want somethin’ from the catalog?” Gyro doesn’t really want to hurt his darling, but he’s fine with sabotaging their things. Your horse “had a broken leg,” so he put it down for you. Let’s ride on his! It’ll be sooo much fun, he’ll sing for you, he won’t even say anything if you get a little grabby. Wink wink. Should you be rude to him, his smile drops and he just stares. “What makes you think it’s alright to speak to me like that?” He’ll utter, and put his hand on your shoulder. “Oh, aw! I wasn’t serious. Don’t look so scaaared. Loosen up, sweetheart.” What solidifies Gyro’s spot on this list is the fact that when he’s serious about something, he sees it through. He knows his behavior is criminal, and what little guilt he feels is easily pushed aside- It’s not that he doesn’t have morals, it’s just that he doesn’t get what’s so bad about the way he loves. He’s passionate, he’s not going to water himself down for anyone. If you can’t handle him, you can learn to adapt. If you need to be spoken to with that cold and firm tone he takes with himself, then alright. Gyro would really prefer to keep everything all lovey dovey, but if what you need is a stern voice, he’ll let you see that side of him. 
Bruno is a family man, above all. If you reject him, he’ll only focus on you more. ‘You’re pushing me away? Did you have a bad experience with a man? We’ll go at your pace.’ type of logic. Regardless of the type of love, Bruno’s love will always be overbearing and constant. He inserts himself everywhere in your life, the people around you just adore him. He just doesn’t know how to stop, and wouldn’t if he could. It breaks his heart to see someone in need not have someone to latch onto when he’s right there- latch on to him. Bruno is begging to be needed, and when he meets you, he just can’t get enough. Suppose you could have it worse, it’s just a gorgeous man taking care of your every need, but there's no freedom from Bruno. You’ll never gain any privileges, never have any say in long term choices, but not because he doesn’t want you to! You’re just not supposed to be doing those sorts of things now that you have him. Bruno by himself is one thing, but Bruno’s never really alone, is he? He has his entire team, two of which he considers to be his sons. If you’re Bruno’s you’re also a part of the family, and family’s not going to just let you go- especially not when so many of them have such severe abandonment issues. You wouldn't abandon someone who needs you, would you. Bruno takes on a lot of responsibility, something you'll learn to share as husband and spouse. Narancia doesn’t trust you at first, and neither does Pannacotta, but he latches on fairly quickly when Bruno expresses his intentions. Narancia will rat you out. You’re the parent when Bruno isn’t around, why are you acting like you aren’t?? Be serious. There's a lot of guilt in being Bruno's darling, but share your guilt with him! He wants to do everything for you, and give you the 'easy' life he never had.
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