#y’all can argue with the wall until about
moonstonecockatiel · 2 years
Stranger things being homophobic isn’t surprising but it does make me want to bite somebody
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
Vito going from annoyed to loving your stay in his apartement and starting treating you with his wife, his obsessive tendency on the first few was very subtle toward you but it's getting more apparent by holding your hand when going out and beat up punk that disrespected you. One of his most fearful moment is for one day you just go back to your own timeline leaving him all alone
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A/N: Ugh your minddddd!! Sorry this took a few days, I got a little busy. Using a prompt from the Yandere prompt list hehehe
44. “Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
Warnings: abuse, manipulation, being held hostage,violence, slight SA and happy sunshine rainbows!!
Requests: Open 24/7
As much flack as Vito had originally given you, he’s so attached to you now.
Vito definitely is the kind of Yandere who pretends like he’s not completely obsessed with you but is actually dying for your attention.
Tsundere I believe it’s called? Yeah. That’s him.
It’s been nice having you around the house. You make him meals, help out with laundry, cleaning, and even patch him up when he comes home hurt. Not to mention very caring and understanding. You check off all the boxes his mama told him to look for in a wife, why would he ever let you go?
Besides, ever since you told him that he’d end up old and alone, he’s been on the hunt to find his perfect wife.
Apparently that perfect someone is you.
Now you were simply doing all of these things as an exchange for him letting you stay while you worked on a plan to get back home. Not because you were trying out to be his housewife.
Vito is from another time period, for him, if you're basically functioning like a married couple then you are one.
All you need now is a ring and his last name.
You didn’t pay attention to his little gestures at first. Him opening the door for you, paying for you and being protective were all chivalrous gestures most men in the 50’s would’ve done anyways. He never made it a big deal or overstepped a boundary so it didn’t really rub you wrong.
Of course Joe would tease you about Vito being completely smitten over you but it never really appeared so. Also who really pays that man any attention???
It wasn’t until Vito started becoming bolder that you started taking him seriously.
Vito would start to get visibly upset if you decided to sit across from him and not directly next to him at restaurants.
He disliked when you interacted with any man other than him. Even to the point where he would start to question your feelings for Joe, slightly accusing you of flirting.
He became a lot more physical, insisting that you’d hold his hand or have at least one of his arms around your waist at all times.
You tried to protest about how this made you feel extremely uncomfortable since this was a very intimate gesture but the man wasn’t having it. It was like arguing with a wall.
“Y/N, I know we’re only friends but I’m doing this for your protection. If other men around think you’re with me, they won’t dare lay a finger on you. Everyone knows I’m with Falcone.”
To your dismay, you dropped it. What he said kind of made sense. Women and children are off limits, especially if they belong to a family. Maybe he knew something you didn’t.
The physical contact continued but only got worse. To the point he’ll just pull you onto his lap, adjust your clothes and move your hair out of the way so he can rest his head on your neck.
“Trust me Y/N, I’m not into you. You’re not even really my type. Like I said, I just want to protect you. I need people to believe it.”
Why are you lying so hard Vito??
This soldier doesn't like it when a man disrespects a woman period!! Like y’all remember this man holding everything in him back so he wouldn’t kill the guy that hit his sister.
Mama’s boy™️
Can you imagine what happened to the man who decided it was a good idea to not only catcall you but to smack your ass???
You tried to tell Vito to forget it and that it wasn’t that big of a deal…
You spent hours trying to get the blood stains out of Vito’s bomber jacket as well as the sounds of his fists slamming that poor punk into the ground out of your head.
As much as he tried so hard to hide his one sided relationship from you, it was so obvious by this point.
Vito felt strongly about you, even if it was platonic. It was getting out of hand and causing you to look for an out.
Maybe speaking to Vito about this would help? Maybe this was all a misunderstanding and maybe this time he’d actually listen to you?
He’s a stubborn fuck that refuses to accept reality.
“Okay…since you can’t respect my wishes and this isn’t enjoyable anymore. I’m thinking about leaving and going back home. I mean that was always the plan but-“
What? You’re leaving? No no no. How could you leave your husband?
“No. You’re not going.”
Haha that’s funny…
“Um, Vito, I didn't ask you. I’m telling you. I’ll be leaving soon. Did you really think I was going to stay here forever?”
Yes. He really did. You were meant to be a part of this decade, here with him. What is so great about the future if he’s not going to be there to spend it with you?
He’s not happy, this isn’t right. Something in his brain snapped and he’s not letting you leave.
“Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
“Do you think it’s funny that I have to spend my life alone…no one to love or take care of me while you go back to your life like it’s nothing??”
“P-please calm down-“
“Oh please fuck off Y/N. There’s someone else isn't there?? Huh? You have some pretty boy waiting at home for you right now? I can make more money for you-”
“Vito! There isn’t anyone else. I’m just not supposed to be here. We weren’t ever supposed to meet. This was all a huge mistake and I’m sorry for interrupting your life. I wish I just never came here. I-I wish we never met.”
Seriously? Did you mean that? Are you going to go back and undo all of this? Can you even do that? You can’t do that, he can’t live without you. You’re meant to be together.
Taking a second to breathe and lower his tone, he spoke calmly.
“Look, I’m sorry. I gained a little crush on you and it’s admittedly gotten a bit weird. You are right and I’ll let it go. If you feel like going back home will make you happy then I will learn to live with it.”
“It’s okay Vito. Let’s just get some rest and then we can discuss this over breakfast. We’ve had a long day.”
Yeah he’ll never learn to live with it. That was his best attempt at setting down the situation. He needed alone time to think and most importantly for you to go to sleep.
It’s wrong…he can almost see the frown on his late mother’s face as he thinks up this sick plan. But he didn’t ever think about you leaving before and now he’s terrified of you doing just that.
He’d only be locking you up for a few days, that’s enough for him to break you…make you change your mind…
He’s been tought exactly how to fuck with someone in the army, how to make his enemy crumble into doing whatever he wants.
Vito could do that with you. It’ll be okay and you’ll learn to forgive him once he gives you a new fur coat or something.
“This is for the best, Y/N. It’s for our future.” He loves you and the ropes tied around your ankles are tied with care. ;)
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bellezaycafe · 4 months
Get Your Shit Together - Chapter 8
genre: 2024 and onwards AU, with the 2024 starting grid.
pairing: Romantic!oc x that triangle y’all voted on. Platonic!oc x the whole grid.
warnings: swearing, mentions of physical crimes, discussions about gangs, mentions of bars and alcohol. Besties arguing. talk about the accident in chapter 4.
context: Part 1 and Masterlist…
comments: this is a little bit of a time skip filler chapter. But it also sets up Oscar's feelings. I went for the whole he fell first/he fell harder but instead of about each other, about Sadie.
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Oscar was frustrated. Very frustrated. It was a description that barely covered how he felt.
He knew his team could see it, and knew equally that they had no idea how to handle it. They had worked with drivers who exploded far quicker than him did but Oscar never so much as boiled.
The calmest man on the grid was simmering away and no one knew what to do.
It was Thursday, and Oscar was already in Abu Dhabi, prepping himself for media day, but it had been over a week since the trial had started.
Someone’s safety had never mattered to him so much before. Oscar wasn't surprised at the feeling, Sadie was dealing with some very dangerous people. The Australian was surprised at how it had consumed him. He was pacing. Pacing.
“For fucks sake!” Came Pato’s voice through the wall between their driver’s rooms. “I can hear you, Oscar! I love you man, but go for a run or something!”
And Oscar did just that. He didn’t even put headphones on. He just knocked on the wall twice to let Pato know he’d heard him and left.
Oscar pushed himself. Hard. He ran and he ran and he ran. Nothing mattered but his feet drumming against whatever surface he found himself on. He kept running and running until someone pulled their e-scooter up right in front of him.
“Shit,” he halted abruptly. “Sorry, I-“
“What the hell, Piastri?” It was Max.
“I needed to move,” he muttered.
“You've been running for an hour. You're going to exhaust yourself before the weekend even starts. What’s wrong?”
"It's Sadie," he admitted on a deep breath.
Max, pulling his Red Bull cap off, swept a hand through dirty blonde hair. "I haven't heard."
"Me neither."
"She can look after herself."
But Oscar noted the tightness to the Champion's jaw and a raised eyebrow told Max just as much.
"Let's go." The Dutchman muttered and led the walk back towards the hospitalities.
"What?" Oscar pressed.
Frustration rippled in his gut again. "You two love to hide things."
"Get over it. These aren't my secrets to tell."
There was an uncomfortable silence but Oscar hoped it would prompt Max to say something about Sadie. Anything.
It worked.
"She congratulated you on Qatar."
"I wish I could thank her."
"Maybe you can one day."
"At this rate, that's a big maybe."
"Yes, but there is a chance."
"And I'll hold onto it," Oscar promised. He had promised himself something similar when she'd driven away from his mother's house.
The rest of the walk was silent until Pato, surrounded by three of McLaren's media team, saw them.
"There he is!"
And Oscar was handed a bottle of water, a wrap and thrust into discussions for that week's Youtube content.
"That's P3, mate," Oscar's engineer relayed and he let out a massive sigh of relief.
"Thank you everyone," he said into his radio. "That was a hard one. Thank you to everyone in the garage and back at the factory."
"Well done, Oscar. You've ended fourth overall." Came Zak Brown's voice.
Oscar couldn't find the energy to respond. He pulled his car to a stop in front of the 3 sign. He saw Charles and Max holding each others forearms, their helmets together and a string of laughter and shouts coming from the two. Oscar hauled himself out of his car and flipped his visor up.
The McLaren mechanics pulled him into massive hugs and slaps to the helmet. He laughed and laughed, the sound bubbling from him in surprised bursts.
He had beaten Lewis Hamilton, George Russel and Carlos Sainz. In a McLaren, he'd outlasted, outpaced, outmatched both the Mercedes and a Ferrari. And he'd done it consistently enough to end fourth. Fourth overall.
Max turned and, Charles mimicking the gesture, beckoned him over. He joined them and the elation in his heart could not be matched. He may have earnt P3 before, hell he'd gotten a better result the weekend before, but he was standing, laughing, with the confirmed champion and the runner up. Oscar was standing with them.
Time blurred as they made their way to a cool room, and then to the podium. Up there, holding his trophy with a broad smile on his face, Oscar had a thought that stuck with him.
I wonder if Sadie is watching.
She was.
Sadie smile at her phone, amidst the pitch black of her bedroom at 2 am in Melbourne. Max, the man she'd ego-checked all those months ago, was a four-time World Driver Champion and, smiling broadly beside him was Oscar Piastri. The feed cut to Lando, looking up at Oscar and Max with more pride on his face than Sadie had thought possible. His teammate, and his friend were both up there and grinning down at him.
Even though the screen Sadie could see the laughter in Oscar's eyes.
She hoped that she'd be able to congratulate them in person one day. Maybe one day.
Angst is coming. Idk when, but it is. Plus, I haven't made y'all any promises about comfort and I won't.
@snubug @cmleitora @izzy-marvel @aquangxl @morenofilm @viennakarma @simpingcorner
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
not even to wake up in a haterrific mood on such a beautiful morning but I feel like I gotta say something. Especially when I’ve been seeing a multitude of posts critiquing black writers and seeing so many of amazing moots leave. (and reminder that the anon button is OFF so you will argue with the wall or get that ass cussed out publicly, your choice. And if you feel brave enough to come to my DM’s, I got something there for you too 🤗 so feel free) but I am so so so SICK of seeing these very unnecessary and annoying standards being placed on black writers. I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again that the goalpost keeps moving for us. It went from the toxic, plug, sneaky link, etc fics are harmful and damaging to us as black women to now I’ve had the displeasure of seeing that modern AU’s in general are problematic and we should write more canon AOT stories (I wish I was making this up). Don’t know about you but I want no parts of that depression fest. Especially because the ONE black person was basically observed like some type of mystical being. I’ll pass on the whole ‘why does your hair feel like that’ and a handmade’s mammy tale of tending to a war criminal’s wounds in a jail cell. Regardless, all of this is rooted in a respectability and projection issue. Because as I’ve said before, none of these critiques started until the TikTok girls started publicly bashing black writers and using them as a ploy to get views because doing it to other groups who write the SAME tropes with a “digestible” packaging would’ve gotten them backlash. So as does everyone on this hellscape of a planet, they use black women as a punching bag and laughing stock to garner engagement. Now you’ve got an influx of people regurgitating these same things and making others feel bad for what they write. I’ll be honest, a lot of these tropes/stories that I see, they’re not exactly my niche, mainly because I don’t smoke, I don’t do parties and stuff like that so I can’t resonate with it (don’t come at me, I got asthma and social anxiety, bitch 😭) but that doesn’t make me love/wanna read them any less. I love seeing different perspectives and being in another set of shoes for a while. There’s nothing wrong with that because as long as black women/enbies are happy and confident in what they write and it’s not causing harm, I’m going to support ten toes down because we need representation, we need that community and I’ll be damned if I turn my nose up in the air at anyone just trying to express their creativity. What I WON’T support is a bunch of hateful, nasty spirited shrews parading around in clean girl cosplay and bashing others to be seen as acceptable and ‘one of the good ones.’ Not liking smut doesn’t make you a better reader/writer, not liking modern AU’s and ‘overused’ tropes doesn’t make you some prophetic, divine person and sitting up in anons and on the dash, reporting fics because YOU personally don’t like them doesn’t make you superior. And running everyone else off of here won’t make your writing any better. What does it make you is a loser, a cornball ass bitch and a lazy bum. Because the energy you exert into being haters, you can simply open a Google doc or draft on here and write what fulfills you. Be the change you want to see in the world or whatever they say. Also, a lot of us ARE writing these very scenarios you all are claiming you want to see. We can also see the notes count in comparison to the ones being deemed so horrible so again? You as the consumer determine what’s popular and not. We’re only going to write what’s going to be seen. Anyways, black women/femmes/enbies, I love you. I love your stories, I love your portrayals of our favorite characters whether they’re a drug dealer or a doctor, I love seeing y’all on my dash and I hope that you continue to grow in your writing journeys. I hope that you write what brings you joy and block out all the bullshit. Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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Y’all already know what tf is going on. Modern AU, silly headcanons, everyone is alive and well, blah blah blah.
Previous sillies: 1 2 3 4 5
Aight see u unda da cut 😼
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-John definitely cried at the dinner table trying to do his math homework with Dutch
Dutch is absolutely like ‘WHY WOULD THEY CHANGE THE WAY THEY DO MATH!!!!!’ While John is like “I😭don’t😭know😭😭”
-John joined the middle school track team but ate shit on the hurdles so he quit
-John was absolutely the kid who always leaned back in his chair
He fell once and hit his head and to this day that teacher uses him as an example
-John was a pain in Arthur’s ass but when Arthur was a senior and John was a freshman Arthur beat up some kids for being mean to his baby brother :((((
-Jack is a Roblox kid for SUREEEE
John used to play it with him but the obbys pissed him off so much he had to take a walk
-Jack was also a Percy Jackson kid. Argue with the wall!!!!
-during Jack’s wannabe emo phase he got a fake earring and it gave him an allergic reaction
He cried :(
John and Abi, being reformed emo kids, held in their laughter until that night after Jack went to sleep
-speaking of emo. John definitely had shaggy long hair that he parted so it was across his forehead, and Abigail had cool bangs with like blue tips or something
She definitely put eyeliner on him at some point
They both had MySpace usernames like Xx._Fallen.Angel._xX
-Abigail has more than one stupid stick and poke tattoo that John gave her when they were like 19
They are CORNY and POORLY DONE but she secretly loves them :’)
-Despite being the younger of the two Dutch is much less tech-literate than Hosea
He understands Facebook. It’s one of like… 3 apps on his phone
His camera roll is filled with accidental photos
-Hosea is such a Frank Sinatra lover!!!!!!!
They danced to Strangers in the Night at their wedding :’)
-Hosea was absolutely the parent that’s sitting in the dark when their kid tries to sneak out and they’re like “going somewhere?”
-shoutout to this person because YEAH
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-a crazy night in the Morgan-Smith household means staying up until 10:00 PM watching a documentary about whales
-both of these men are the biggest babies when they’re sick. Common cold = death
-if Jack was a Percy Jackson kid then Isaac was probably into Ancient Egypt or dinosaurs
Charles and Arthur are good dads so they listen to him spew facts and they’re like “wow! Cool, buddy!!!!!”
Even now that he’s a teenager they still remember random facts :)
-Arthur LIVES for unbuckling his belt and settling into a recliner after a big meal
-These fools are so in love and constantly bring each other trinkets :’)
“Saw this and thought of you” and it’s like a mystery Lego pack
I think we’ll stop there for tonight but hehehehe I love these soooo much. Does anyone want me to start bringing OTHER characters into this universe😲??? or do we wanna just keep it to the VanDerMatthews/Marston family/Charthur cinematic universe. Y’all know I can get silly and funky with anyone.
ALSO!!!!!! If anyone has an idea for a name of this universe plzzzzz let me know bc I think that would be fun :D okay bye!!!!!!
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Fandom: Bullet Train
Pairing: Tangerine x Female Reader
Characters: Tangerine, Female Reader, Lemon
Tags: Bullet Train, Arguing, Friendship, Insecurity, Fucking, Fingering, Smut, Mild Angst, Kissing, Interupted Sex, Aftercare’s a bit shit, Moustaches, Tangerine & Lemon, Lemon & Reader are tight, established friendship, Female Reader, Penis in Vagina Sex, Fucking against a wall, quickies, if one of y’all speaks Japanese I am very sorry, Readers Codename is Peach
Summary: Reader and Tangerine fight and make up
Notes: that bit where tangerine 🍊 gets interrupted yeah it’s a bit different
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‘Whoever killed him has that suitcase,’ Tangerine said.
‘A diesel,’ Lemon said, clicking his finger and pointing at me. I smirked as Tangerine’s jaw tightened.
‘A Diesel definitely has that briefcase,’ I said looking at Lemon who sat across from me.
‘Will you stop comparing everything to Thomas the fucking tank engine?!’ Tangerine snapped as his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. Lemon and I fell quiet for a moment as we watched him heave a heavy sigh. Silence fell between the three of us, well four if you counted the contractors dead son who was sitting beside us blood staining his cheeks. Finally, Lemon piped up, ‘Well it’s not an Edward who’s got it is it?’
‘For fuck-‘ Tangerine started but I cut him off.
‘Oh don’t be so narky,’ I snapped back, ‘besides the blokes dead now nothing we can do about it. I say we find the briefcase-‘
‘Oh so the white death can chop off just one limb each instead of both-‘
‘Well what do you suppose we do? We can’t magic him back to life but we can find the briefcase it’s on this train somewhere for fuck sake,’ I said, irritation riling inside of me.
I loved Tangerine. Adored him but sometimes he was really fucking irritating. Always looking on the black side of things. Always worrying. We’d always got out of things before. Why would it be any different this time?
‘Yeah well maybe if you had kept track of it like you were supposed to we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess,’ he spat.
‘Oh is that right? All three of us were responsible for it not just me. Because this job was for the three of us if I remember rightly.’
‘Well maybe I liked it better when it was just the two of us,’ he grumbled.
‘Tangerine-‘ Lemon interjected but I was hot on his tail that rage bubbling up.
‘Oh is that right?’ I said, ‘you’d rather it was just you? Just the guys?’
‘You know what…yeah,’ Tangerine said. His jaw was set and his eyes stony.
‘I’m just a liability huh?’ I said. My arms were folded now trying to hold myself together. I could feel the ache around my chest as I looked at him, almost egging him on to say all the things I’d worried about since I’d first joined the boys.
‘You’re not a liability-‘ Lemon said, looking between me and his brother as if we were two tennis players slinging the ball across the court to one another.
‘Well she’s not a fucking help,’ Tangerine said in a low voice that almost sounded like a growl. If I wasn’t so angry I’d be turned on with how he looked right now. His jaw was clenched, his eyes dark and flaming. His arms were pulsing against his shirt, tight and taught against his muscles.
We locked eyes for a moment, neither of us wavering until finally I broke contact. I turned in my seat grappling with the coat I had thrown across the head rest.
‘Peach,’ Lemon said as I stood up next to Tangerine who rolled his eyes. I was trapped in my seat and he didn’t seem to want to move, no doubt seeing that as giving in somehow.
‘Move,’ I said, looking down at him with a look of disgust.
‘Look Peach,’ he said, holding a large hand clad in thick rings in front of me.
‘I said move,’ I repeated withholding the urge to knock that hand out of my way. He and Lemon shared a look before he swivelled his legs to the side of his chair creating a small and awkward valley for me to shimmy through. I manoeuvred carefully through the gap, trying to save some face and hopefully not fall over. As I got out he moved his long legs back under the table and rested his hand upon it his fingers interlaced.
I looked at them both for a moment and then turned my gaze on Lemon solely.
‘I’m going to go and search this half of the train,’ I said pointing towards my right. I could feel Tangerine’s gaze upon my face but I refused to look anywhere but Lemon’s direction. He was trying to pay attention to me but his gaze kept flitting to his twin, what I assume he thought was unnoticed.
‘If you could do me a favour and search the other side, that is of course if you can tear yourself away from playing the blame game and actually do something useful,’ I said and without looking at anyone else I turned on my heel and strutted down the carriage and through the door to the adjoining compartment. Once I was through the door I darted into the toilet amidst the two carriages and locked the door behind me. I threw my coat on a peg on the door and went to look in the mirror. As I stood in front of the mirror, my hands gripping the sink in front of me, I realised I was shaking. With anger or insecurity I didn’t know.
I had been with the boys for a few months now. We’d met on a job and I had gotten them out of a tight spot. They had thanked me endlessly and promised me they’d make up for it. I’d told them that I wasn’t the kind of girl to hold onto a promise. So I cashed it in straight away and asked them to add me onto the team. I needed back up. And I figured having me there added an extra layer of believability to their outfit. Sometimes things needed a woman’s touch.
And sometimes being a woman was really fucking hard. I don’t know why I had gotten so upset. I knew that it had only been months but I thought I had become…one of them. I thought we were a team. I wanted to be part of the team. Not someone to sling the blame at when things got sticky. Not someone who was held to a different standard. Not a liability.
I let go of the sink and stood back assessing my appearance. My hair was slicked back in a hair clip and my outfit was simple. A tight sweater and a short leather skirt with knee high boots that were surprisingly easy to fight in, not to mention the heel packed a punch when sacking someone in the Crown Jewels. I decided not to bother taking my coat as I left the small bathroom figuring I’d come back for it later. I peeped a glance down the window to the carriage I had come from. Lemon was still sitting there though he didn’t notice me at the door as he was deep in conversation. I moved out of the small connection and into the next compartment quickly reminding myself of what I was here for. I needed to forget everything. I needed that briefcase.
I walked along the carriage slowly, my eyes roving over every nook and cranny the case could have been stuffed into. I mumbled general ‘hellos’ and offered smiles whenever I crossed paths with someone which fortunately was few and far between on this side of the train. My path continued through a few more carriages though as I got to the back of the train I realised my mission was ironically, fruitless. I had made it to the back of the train now, a room full of controls and panels. I bent down a little my eyes scanned every single one trying my best to commit it to memory though it being all in Japanese did hinder me a bit. I spoke minimal Japanese and my reading skills weren’t much better. I sighed and pulled back deciding to head back and find the boys.
As I opened the door to the control room stepping back into the stock room. It was jam packed with cupboards and trolleys that the staff used to dole out snacks and beverages. And there, leaning against one of the snack trolleys was Tangerine. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed him. How long had he been there? And why was he just lingering?
I folded my arms across my chest which made him smirk.
‘Come to check I’ve done my job?’ I said coolly.
‘Just making sure this side of the carriage is done,’ he said leaning up off of the snack trolley. We stared at each other for a moment until I broke and moved towards the opposite door heading back to the carriages but he was quicker and before I could get there he was stood in my way.
‘Tangerine,’ I grumbled trying to step around him.
‘Wait,’ he mumbled. I looked up at him and he was watching me with a soft expression, pleading in his eyes.
‘Why should I? Besides thought you wouldn’t want to be hanging around to much with me. What with me being a liability and alll,’ I said trying to move past him again but he grabbed my shoulder keeping me in place.
‘You can’t even let me apologise without that smart fuckin mouth interrupting huh?’ he sighed.
‘Funny, I didn’t hear much of an apology coming at me,’ I griped folding my arms across my chest but they were only there for a second as the dropped to my waist as I stood there stunned now feeling his large hands on the sides of my face as his lips met mine.
He kissed me with fervour and I allowed him too, then, once my mind caught up with everything that was happening I kissed him back. My arms wrapped around his neck as his hands trailed down my body finding my waist and pulling me into him so our bodies were forced together.
‘What was that?’ I said breathily as I pulled back.
‘Me trying to say I’m sorry,’ he smirked, ‘figured it was the only way to shut you up.’
‘You kissed me to shut me up?’ I snapped trying to pull out of his grasp. Panic flooded his face as his grip tightened around me stopping me from moving, ‘no, no, look I didn’t mean it like that.’
‘Then what did you mean?’ I said.
‘Look,’ he said, ‘I really am sorry okay?’
‘Oh yeah what for?’
‘For blaming you,’ he said, ‘it wasn’t your fault. The briefcase I mean…it was mine. I watched you put it away and I didn’t say anything…I didn’t say anything because I was too busy staring at your arse in that skirt. In fact I’ve been too busy staring at you a lot of the time…’
‘Tangerine,’ I sighed as he leaned down and kissed me once more. And again. And again.
‘We can’t-‘ I said as he walked me backwards until my back collided with a snack cart. I groaned as his lips met my neck and he sucked a little, making me shiver in my core.
‘I know,’ he said, kissing my neck again as his hands roamed down my body, cupping under my ass so he could lift me up onto the top of the trolley counter.
‘The case,’ I grumbled but my thoughts were disappearing one by one until my mind was only on his lips which were showering kisses all over whatever flesh was on show.
His lips moved back to mine and we kissed deeper than before until he broke away and said, ‘I’m not gonna finish anything if all I can think about is fucking you.’
He looked at me watching me closely as if waiting for permission but I didn’t say anything instead my hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and pulled him into me. As we made out my hands danced up and made their way into his hair pulling on it. I felt one hand on my thigh pushing up until it was fully under my skirt his fingers grabbing on my hip as his thumb trailed across my underwear instantly making me shiver.
I moaned biting on his lower lip as his fingers moved rubbing through my underwear which was getting slicker by the minute. My hands left his hair as I started fumbling with his pants trying to get them unbuttoned as fast as I could. I could feel him underneath the fabric. Pressed up against it tight and rigid begging to be relieved. My palm rubbed over it making him grunt as his mouth returned to my neck.
All of a sudden he was missing. His hands, his fingers, his mouth. All gone. And as I looked up I spotted him now across the carriage shifting uncomfortably as he straightened up and a train attendant stepped through the sliding glass door with her trolley. She smiled at me and then at him and we both smiled back trying to sell the illusion that nothing was amiss.
She nodded at me and it was only then I realised I was still sitting on top of the counter. I hopped off smoothing my skirt out and trying to ignore the warm stickiness in my knickers.
‘Tororī kara nanika hoshīmono wa arimasu ka?’ She asked looking at me and then at Tangerine. Who, entirely unlike himself, looked like a deer in headlights which made me smirk.
‘No?’ he said though it was more a question than an answer.
‘Īe, dōmo arigatō,’ I smiled at her. Even if I wasn’t too sure of what she actually asked my confidence in the reply seemed to land right with her as she turned her attention away from the both of us. She busied herself with her cart stowing it away and placing everything where it should be. I stepped around her and though he was still flustered I grabbed him by the waistcoat and pulled him outside. He followed me willingly as we got into the adjoining my eyes scanning for anywhere we could hide. Spotting a toilet I pulled him inside and our bodies collided again, the interruption long forgotten.
He pushed me up against the wall as his mouth returned to my neck and his hands carressed down my body. My fingers grappled with his waist coat pulling it open. He shirked it off of his back barely losing contact with me. As my hands focused on his pants he hiked my leg up around his waist, his fingers returning to their position from before. He moved my underwear to the side teasing between my folds with his fingers before he inserted two fingers into me. He stopped as his rings became flush with me instead opting to pump in me shallowly his thumb now honed in on rubbing my clit. I shivered under his touch my hands now frantically trying to get his pants down. As I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them out of the way along with his underwear he sprung out.
He was thick, uncut and slick with precum. It oozed along my fingers as I grabbed hold gently moving my hand back and forth. He moaned as I touched him panting against my neck.
‘Fuck me Peach,’ he grumbled.
‘I’m trying to,’ I chuckled, grinding against his hand. This seemed to rev him up into another gear. He pulled back looking at me with a smile which widened as I gasped when his fingers left me. With one leg already hiked up he found the other and forced it to join making me wrap my legs around him. One hand gripped behind my back, which was pressed against the wall partly holding me up, and his other pressed the wall next to my head. My hands gripped around his neck praying he wouldn’t drop me.
The hand against the wall came down between us as he took over where I’d left off tugging himself until he was lined up with me. He looked at me carefully teasing my slit a little as he waited for permission. I nodded and in one swift movement he entered me down to the base.
I hissed as he bottomed out. His fingers were a good warm up act but this was a lot thicker taking me a minute to adjust.
‘You alright darlin?’ he asked and I nodded pulling him in towards me so I could kiss him. I could feel him smirking as I kissed him then as he started to move in and out of me he mumbled, ‘good because I’m not stopping.’
He was moving quicker now building momentum as that old familiar feeling climbed higher and higher like a wave waiting to crash back down. One hand stayed wrapped around me whilst his other held my hip so he could pound up into me. He held me so tightly I knew I was going to have bruises later on. I didn’t know what to do. I was gripping onto him for dear life, relishing in the pleasure each movement gave me. My lips attacked him everywhere kissing, nipping, sucking wherever I could get and pulling whatever fabric I had to out of the way so I could continue.
That was when I heard the change in his breathing and felt the rhythm change in his hips. He wasn’t going to last much longer. And my climax was coming too.
‘Kiss me,’ I mumbled pulling him towards me.
‘You’re the boss,’ he said leaning in and locking lips with me. It was slightly more tender than I anticipated but I didn’t care. I ground down against him, creating friction against my clit which knocked me over the edge.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuuuck,’ I whimpered as I came, my walls convulsing around him making him grunt and pick up the pace. He moved quicker chasing his high and I shivered suddenly feeling tender as he hammered into me. His eyes were closed as I watched him but they opened as my fingers pushed an errant hair that had fallen in his face out of the way. My fingers traced down his face, stroking it gently as my thumb ran across his bottom lip.
‘Cum for me baby,’ I whispered. He nodded as if it was any simple instruction and a second later I felt him spill into me. He moved in and out a couple more times before he fell against me, pinning me between him and the wall. His head came to rest in the crook of my neck for a minute. His breath was heavy and wet but in all honesty I didn’t care. In fact, I found myself stroking his face. We stayed like that for a moment until we both seemed to come to our senses, or rather back to reality.
He slipped out of me and helped me until I was standing on my own two feet. I could feel wet stickiness pooling between my legs and I cursed myself for not taking my underwear off. Now I was going to be sitting like that all night. As he tucked himself back into his pants and redressed I grabbed a couple sheets of toilet paper and cleaned up a little, washing my hands after. As I stood at the sink I felt him come up behind me. I looked back at him in the mirror and smiled. He smiled too as his hand rested on the counter top, trapping me in between them. He leaned down and kissed my cheek and before I could do anything he left, leaving me standing facing myself in the mirror.
As I did, regret and anguish flooded through me. What had I just done? We had a case to work. A job to do. He couldn’t stop thinking about my arse before how was I supposed to carry on without thinking about everything that just happened. I’d thought with my vagina not my head. I’d potentially fucked up our entire working dynamic. I mean, he was to blame too but if I hadn’t opened my smart fucking mouth maybe this wouldn’t have happened. He was right.
Maybe I was a liability.
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 17- collar, touch aversion, leave me alone
Smiles using all three in the prompt? Rare! Anyways I… I don’t even know how to describe this one BDMSBSKSBMS . SO REMEMBEE THAT DREAM I HAD ABOUT YUGA AND LINEBECK YES I TURNED IT INTO A PROMPT I NEEDED IDEASDBSKSBKSBSAKABK. I need y’all to bear with me here cuz this is nothing but pure chaos. Basically Linebeck meets the villain squad. There’s yuga, Ghirahim, Vaati, zant, Astor, Kogha, and Linebeck in this fic and… it’s crazy. Genuinely can’t tell if it’s actually cringey or if I’m just mean to myself 💀💀💀 so uh, yeah, it’s a long one and ends weirdly but whatevs
Warnings: kidnapping, possessive attitude, nonconsensual touching (it’s nothing serious Ghirahim and Yuga are just a little creepy) and yeah
It had been a normal day for Linebeck. He woke up, pissed off Leon, pissed off everyone else, and took a walk through the woods while they all calmed down. He kept close to camp so that if something happened, Linebeck would be close enough to them. But apparently it didn’t matter, because in the end, he was grabbed and pulled into a portal, held against his will by some… colorful characters.
Linebeck paced his cage when they left him alone, occasionally leaning up against the bars hopelessly. There was no way he was getting out of this, and there was no way that the others would even know where to find him. The people holding him hostage were weird, but they were scary. Having sharp teeth, powerful magic, and all were freakishly tall (except for two). One was a creature that he’d never seen before, having round yellow eyes, fair blue skin, and markings along his nose. Linebeck was a coward at heart, and these people did not want to make him feel brave.
Linebeck tugged at the collar that they put on him. It was to “block his ability to use magic”, but it was nothing more than a nuisance to Linebeck since he didn’t have any magic. It rubbed painfully against his neck and it occasionally felt like he was being choked. Linebeck groaned and fiddled with the collar more until the men who abducted him barged into the room, arguing about something.
“How could you screw up that bad?” A taller man with white hair that covered one eye yelled. “Open a portal to the castle, that's all you had to do!”
“Portals are a finicky magic! Only a powerful magician can safely open up a portal without any issues!” A smaller purple man who also had hair covering one eye yelled back.
“Oh! Well it seems like you’re not a very powerful magician then, Vaati!”
“Shut up Ghirahim! You know nothing about magic!”
“Can you two stop it with the yelling.” A pale man with a hood over his eyes came in, holding a strange contraption in his hand. “My head hurts.”
“Well Vaati screwed up my plan!” The one Linebeck assumed was Ghirahim practically screamed. The taller creature with the beady yellow eyes came by.
“I don’t understand why you didn’t come to me for help, I open up portals all the time!”
“You were gone with Yuga, Zant! And I needed this mission done now!”
“What is Loria’s name were you trying to do?” A tall man with thick, curly red hair leaned against the bars, and a little too close to Linebeck for comfort.
“I needed Vaati to open up a portal so we could kidnap the King! He was left unsupervised and it would’ve been a perfect opportunity! Just… who even is that?” Ghirahim pointed at Linebeck, which caused the others to look at him. Linebeck stood up straight and backed away from the bars, but Ghirahim got closer. “Who are you?”
Linebeck chuckled nervously and pressed his back against the back wall of his cage, as far away from them as possible. Ghirahim scoffed and snapped his fingers, vanishing in a cloud of diamonds. Linebeck yelped when he suddenly appeared inches from his face. He grabbed his shirt and pinned him against the wall, looking down at him with murder in his eyes. Linebeck felt like he was gonna pass out right then and there, but he swallowed his nerves down and tried to glare back at him.
“I said, who are you?” Ghirahim repeated, fury in his voice.
“A—uh— I—I’m uh…” Linebeck stuttered, unable to say his own name. Ghirahim groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Well he’s completely useless to us,” Ghirahim snapped his fingers and a dagger appeared in his hand. “Might as well get rid of him.”
“W-wait! Wait!” Linebeck tried to stop him, but sudden movement at his side caused him to scream and jerk away from it. Yuga appeared and held Ghirahim’s hand that had the dagger in it.
“Let’s not be too hasty, there’s no reason to kill him.”
Ghirahim rolled his eyes at him. “Let me guess, he’s too beautiful to die?”
“Yes!” Yuga dragged Linebeck away from Ghirahim, and he found himself pressed up against Yuga’s chest. “I mean look at him, beauty like this must be preserved.” His hand gently stroked against Linebeck’s cheek which made him physically recoil.
“Don’t touch me!” Linebeck swatted his hand at Yuga, but it was grabbed effortlessly by the large man.
“So feisty too, I’d like to keep him for my collection.”
“Yuga no. You let that one doctor live, and look where that got us!”
“Oh come on! I won’t let him walk around freely,” Yuga’s fingers dug possessively into Linebeck’s shoulder causing him to squirm. “I’ll just turn him into a painting and keep him in my hall, that’s all!”
Linebeck’s heart stopped. “Wh— turn me into a painting?”
“Well of course. Only the most beautiful and powerful ones are hung up on my wall. You should consider yourself lucky,” Yuga got close to his face and Linebeck leaned back.
“Kinda hard to consider myself lucky when I’ll have to look at your ugly face for the rest of my life!”
Yuga gasped and the others snorted in response.
“Oh I think I like him actually,” the hooded man said with a chuckle.
“Oh you— shut up, Astor!” Yuga yelled, his grip on Linebeck tightening in rage. “That was a petty insult, it sure does dampen your natural beauty.”
“Yeah well at least I have natural beauty unlike you, who needs all that crap all over your face just to be bearable to look at!”
Yuga gasped more loudly and he let go of Linebeck. Ghirahim started laughing like a maniac and he grabbed onto Linebeck.
“I have to agree with Astor, I think I like him as well.”
Linebeck squirmed in his hold, trying to get away. “Yeah well the feeling’s not mutual. Get off of me!”
Ghirahim’s grip tightened around him, and Linebeck groaned. He couldn’t move.
“Well we don’t need him alive so just kill him now Ghirahim,” Yuga grumbled, suddenly turning into a painting and slipping through the bars. Linebeck watched in awe as he popped out of the wall, returning to his true self. Yuga smirked at his reaction. “Still think that I’m nothing to look at?”
“Tch, you still look like a moblin’s rear end to me.”
Yuga glared daggers into Linebeck while the others laughed hysterically.
“Oh I definitely like you,” Ghirahim wheezed, patting him on the shoulder. “Sorry Yuga but I don’t want to kill him anymore, he… amuses me.”
Yuga grumbled as Ghirahim finally let go of Linebeck and left the cell.
“Uh… w-what are you guys going to do to me?” He couldn’t help but ask even though he knew that any answer would be a bad answer.
“Don’t know yet, you weren’t our original target,” Ghirahim answered, looking upset again. Vaati leaned against the bars next to Linebeck.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head over the specifics of your fate, we’ll take care of that for you,” he said.
“Yeah that’s kind of why this pretty little head of mine is worrying,” Linebeck rebutted. “Can you at least take off this collar? I don’t have any magic so it’s completely useless.”
“We’re not taking any chances with you,” Astor said in a low voice.
“Besides, if you ever escape, then people will know that you belong to us,” Vaati said with a grin.
Linebeck gulped and the group left the room, leaving him alone once again. He let out a big sigh and sunk to the floor, hoping that they wouldn’t return any time soon. Though he wanted to escape, the memory of Ghirahim and Yuga holding onto him so strongly made his skin crawl. Even if he could escape, he was not strong enough to fight against them. Ghirahim’s teleportation, Yuga’s weird painting magic, he didn’t even want to think about what the others were able to do. Not to mention, they all seemed so… sadistic. And that was what scared Linebeck the most.
Linebeck rested his head against hands, suddenly feeling very exhausted. He prayed that by some miracle, the others would find him. He just didn’t know how.
Linebeck jolted awake at the sound of crashing and yelling. He looked over at the door beyond his cage, his heart beating a mile a minute. The yelling continued, sounding like it was getting louder. Linebeck stood up and backed up in a corner, watching the door with dread.
“Just get what they stole from me, alright?” He heard someone shout from the other side. “We’ll be in and out before they even know we’re here!”
“Sure thing.”
There was inaudible grumbling and shifting around, with one proud cheer after a while of shuffling. Eventually the noises were right outside the door, and Linebeck held his breath. A regular looking Hylian in a red jumpsuit peaked his head into the room, and he locked eyes with Linebeck.
“Uh, Kogha?” The Hylian yelled out.
“What?” A gruff sounding man yelled back.
“There’s a guy here.”
“Huh? What?”
Another Hylian poked his head through, and then a tall, heavy man with a weird eye mask appeared. Linebeck pressed himself further into the corner, glaring at the three.
“Listen, unless you’re here to break me out, leave me alone!” He shouted with as much strength as he could.
The men all glanced at each others confused.
“Are you a hostage?” The first Hylian asked.
“I’m in a cage, of course I’m a hostage!”
The tallest one who Linebeck assumed was Kogha entered the room arrogantly.
“Well it’s your lucky day, sir. We’re gonna break you out.”
Linebeck raised an eyebrow. “And why should I trust you?”
Kogha leaned against the bars, gesturing to the whole room. “You know the guys that I assumed abducted you?”
“Yes, well, we don’t get along. One of them tried to sacrifice me to his malice god. Can you believe that? Sacrifice me?”
“I don’t care.”
“Yeah well, the yiga clan don’t take kindly to sacrificing me. So anytime we can piss them off or inconvenience them, I’ll take it.”
Linebeck narrowed his eyes. “Yiga clan? You wouldn’t happen to be connected to that Yuga guy would you?”
Kogha scoffed. “Just because our names are similar doesn’t mean that we’re connected.”
Linebeck narrowed his eyes even more, and Kogha shrugged.
“Oh whatever, boys, come tear down this door for me.”
Linebeck gasped as the two Hylians grabbed the cage door and pried it open with their weapons. Kogha gestured for Linebeck to join them.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.”
Linebeck looked down. “I don’t think you can get me home.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…. I… I’m not from here—“
There was a loud banging sound, and the Hylians snapped their heads at something behind him.
“Ok well you can explain later, now come on,” Kogha sputtered, trying to grab Linebeck.
“Hey, don’t touch me! I still don’t know if I trust you or not—“
A loud shout came from beyond the door. “Kogha we need to leave now!” The second Hylian yelled, and Kogha grabbed Linebeck and threw him over his shoulder.
“Ah— HEY!” Linebeck yelled, but he was carried away as the three ran for it. Linebeck watched behind the three, seeing Astor and Zant appear. “Ah! Kogha!” Linebeck yelled as they noticed the group running away. Kogha slightly turned around and groaned.
“Ugh! Not that guy!” Kogha set down Linebeck while running, causing him to nearly fall over. “Make sure he gets out safely.”
“Wait, what are you doing, Kogha?” the first hylian asked.
“Buyin’ you some time,” Kogha said with a grin in his voice. Astor held up the strange contraption in his hand, and a red substance poured out of it, heading straight to the group. Linebeck gasped when it came close, but it was stopped by a strange blue shield put up by Kogha. Someone grabbed Linebeck’s hand and he was pulled along, which he quickly tried to pull away.
“I can run on my own! Let go!” He shouted, and the hylian holding his hand grumbled, letting go. The three ran for a long while after they made it outside, and when they were far enough, they all collapsed. Linebeck leaned against a tree and sighed with relief. Well at least actual escape wasn’t an issue anymore... Except this stupid collar was still on him.
“Kogha…” One of the hylians muttered, staring at the building they just escaped from.
“Did he make it out?” The other one asked, and they both watched intently. But there was nothing.
“I knew we shouldn’t have left him alone! They might’ve gotten to him this time!” The first Hylian said frantically, “they probably captured him, and now he’s gonna die! And the yiga clan will be without their leader!”
Linebeck felt guilt creep up on him. It didn’t matter what he thought about the men that saved him, they saved him. And Kogha… he must’ve given up everything just for them… just for him…
“Oh goddesses,” he mumbled, “he saved my life, and I didn’t even get to say thank you… heck I didn’t even show that I was grateful…. Goddesses… he didn’t deserve this.”
“Aw, how nice of you to care about me.”
Linebeck flinched at the sudden presence of another person next to him, and he nearly tripped into the other Hylians who stared at Kogha in awe.
“You’re ok!”
Kogha puffed out his chest and pointed at them dramatically. “Of course I’m alright! I may not be able to beat those lunatics down there, but I sure as heck can escape them!”
The Hylians both gave relieved sighs while Linebeck caught his breath. If one more person snuck up on him like that one more time…
“Oh come on now,” Kogha leaned towards Linebeck, “where’s that gratitude you wanted to show me?”
Linebeck groaned and stood up straight. “Thanks or… whatever,” he mumbled.
“Well, that was better than nothing I suppose,” Kogha scoffed, and the Hylians stood beside Kogha who had his finger resting on the chin of his mask. “I suppose I’m not done rescuing you yet, where’s your home? I can take you there.”
“Uh–” Linebeck looked down, gnawing his lower lip. There was no way that Kogha was going to get him out of here, he doubted he was in the same era that he was in before. Kogha tilted his head at him when he didn’t say anything.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
Linebeck glared at him. “No. I just… I don’t think you can get me home. Unless you can open up a portal across eras–”
“Wait– you’re from a different era?” One of the Hylians stepped up, looking surprised. Linebeck sighed.
“Yes, I am, and I need to get back to where I was,” though Linebeck could return to his beloved ship, he didn’t want to. He couldn’t abandon his friends, and he couldn’t abandon Link. Kogha let out a laugh and relaxed his posture.
“Hey buddy, I can open up a portal across eras,” Kogha wrapped his arm around Linebeck, making him squirm. “Though it’s not easy to do. I’ve been alive for so long that I was able to learn how to do it but Sheikah magic can’t normally do portals, and it’s just super hard to do in general–”
“Well for it being hard to do, it sure does happen a lot!” Linebeck yelled, and Kogha backed up with his hands up defensively.
“Calm down, let me just see where you once were and I can send you back.” Kogha leaned forward and stared at Linebeck for much longer than he’d like. Finally, Kogha hummed and stepped back. “I see,” he said softly, amused.
“Once I open up the portal I want you to waste no time getting in, alright? I can’t keep it open for a long time.”
“Wait, you know where to take me? How?”
“Oh, uh, Sheikah magic, now get ready!” Kogha lightly shoved Linebeck, then got low, swinging his arms in a weird pattern, and right behind Linebeck, a portal opened up.
“Woah!” He stared at the red portal in front of him, trying to see if he could see the other side.
Linebeck swung around at Kogha, surprised at how he knew his name, and he saw the Hylians gather around their leader.
“Tell Ammon I said hi, alright?” Kogha said in a strained voice, and Linebeck blinked. Did he… know Ammon? Kogha gestured to Linebeck with his head and the Hylians stepped forward, pushing Linebeck into the portal.
“W-wait! The collar–” was all Linebeck was able to say before he was pushed into the portal, and he landed on his back harshly in tall grass. He laid there for a moment, thinking about everything that happened to him when he heard yelling from far away.
“Linebeck! Come on, I’m sorry I yelled at you!” He heard Ammon shout.
“I swear if that man is in danger and we have to save him I will throw him into the lake!” He heard Leon grumble, and Linebeck couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Classic Leon.
“Hey, we’re supposed to be looking for him to make sure he’s alright, not threatening him,” Rusl spoke up, and Linebeck heard Leon groan. He would’ve called for them, but after being pushed into that portal, he was feeling pretty dizzy, and his ribs hurt from falling onto the ground. The three were silent for a while, until Linebeck heard their footsteps right next to him, and Leon accidentally kicked his head as he tripped over him.
“OW!” Linebeck sat up and rubbed his temple painfully as Leon laid sprawled out on the ground. “Watch where you’re going, Leon!”
Leon scrambled to his feet and glared at Linebeck. “You– You watch where you’re laying!” He retorted and Linebeck heard the other two groan.
“Leon for Din’s sake,” Ammon muttered, and he kneeled down next to Linebeck. “Are you alright? We got pretty worried about you.”
“Yeah, what’s that on your neck?” Rusl pointed at the collar that stayed around Linebeck’s neck.
“Oh, you know, I got abducted by a bunch of weirdos and they put this stupid collar on me so I wouldn’t use magic or whatever,” Linebeck said nonchalantly. The others gasped.
“You got kidnapped?”
“Who took you?”
“Are they still near?”
Linebeck shook his head. “No, they were from a different era. I’m lucky this weird red guy was able to open up a portal for me to return.”
“Goddesses Linebeck,” Leon groaned, “how do you always get yourself into these situations?”
“I don’t know but I do,” Linebeck looked over at Ammon and pursed his lips. “Um, the red guy…. His name was Kogha and he told me to tell you hi, for some reason.”
Ammon’s eyes widened in surprise. “K-Kogha? You saw him? I–” He looked down, a smile teasing the corners of his mouth, but it quickly went away. “Were you in my era?”
“I don’t know, do you normally deal with the weirdos called Yuga, Ghirahim, Astor, Zant, Vaati–”
Linebeck stared at the others in surprise. So they all knew them? Or at least some of them. Ammon looked confused, Rusl looked shocked, while Leon looked furious.
“Well, seems like I have a lot to tell you guys,” Linebeck said with an awkward chuckle. He tugged at the collar and stood up. “You think you could get this stupid thing off of me while I tell you the details?”
The three of them snapped out of their reactions and nodded, standing up as well.
“Don’t worry Linebeck,” Rusl started, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, “I have the right tools to get that off of you.”
“But I am very curious about your encounter with Kogha and Astor. You know Astor died in the calamity a long time ago.”
Linebeck shrugged. “Ok, well I did see him and all the others together. But uh, I wouldn’t recommend meeting them.” The others chuckled, and they all escorted the sailor back to camp.
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naturesapphic · 7 months
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Countdown to Halloween
Lauren jauregui x fem!reader
Warnings: cursing, fluff, sexual things-
Day 1: the nightmare before Christmas
Me and Lauren are watching Halloween type movies until Halloween arrives. It’s like a countdown to Halloween but we just watch different movies each day. I hate horror movies but lauren loves them. Lauren and I just came back home from a long day at work and we were ready to start our movie. Lauren got the popcorn while I got us some water.
I clicked play and the movie started. Lauren wrapped her arms around me and i laid my head on her chest. We talked as the movie played and we were discussing what character we would be. “I think I would be sally and you would be jack.” You stated to her and she rolled her eyes as she smiled at you. “You are only saying that because I’m taller than you.” You pouted and huffed as you crossed your arms. She giggled and leaned down to leave a little kiss on your nose to which you smiled at.
Day 8: Coraline
Today y’all were watching Coraline which is your favorite movie of ALL time and you were bouncing off the walls when Lauren and you decided to watch it tonight. You were running around the house, trying to get everything in place before Lauren gets home tonight from the studio.
You heard the front door unlock and you quickly jumped on the couch and laid down to make you look normal. Lauren walked in the living room seeing you on your side, posing, and out of breath. She raised her eyebrow in question but decided not to say anything because who knows what you have been up to.
“Hi Lolo!” You exclaimed excitedly. Lauren smiled and walked over to you and leaned down “hi babygirl.” She said with her famous rasp in her voice which made you weak in the knees and she noticed. “Awww don’t let me get you all worked up now sugar. We have to watch Coraline tonight.” She said seductively as she whispers in your ear.
You gulped nervously and crossed your legs together to relieve some of the pain between your legs. Lauren just kept smirking at you and sat dat beside you, wrapping her arm around you and her other hand on your thigh. You turned the movie on and you smiled big as the beginning of the movie started playing. Lauren saw your excited and her heart bursted with adoration. You are so fucking cute when you are so concentrated on something, especially a movie. That night was the best. You had your favorite movie on and you had your girlfriend. What could be better than that?
Day 11: Halloween
Now since y’all have been watching the more kid friendly things, Lauren thought it was time to spice things up more. Today, y’all would be watching the Halloween movie. You’ve never seen it but you have definitely heard about it. It’s definitely not kid friendly but you think you could handle it. Lauren said it was barley scary and you trust Lauren’s words so you think you will be okay.
This time, Lauren was waiting for you to get out the shower and you sure were taking your sweet time. You finally came down the steps with your pumpkin onesie on and you skipped over to your girlfriend who was patiently waiting on you. “I’m ready now lolo!” You said as you suddenly jumped on her lap and she made an “oof” sound. You giggled and wrapped your arms around her and snuggled yourself into her.
“Do you always have to jump on me like that?” She said not impressed with your actions. You poured “yes I do. You are comfy and I like jumping on you. So get used to it.” You grumbled and crossed your arms. She raised her eyebrows at you and decided not to argue with you anymore, she’ll let you win, this time. Lauren got the remote and pressed play on the screen as you got your scared pillow. Your scared pillow is a pillow that you use for when something is scary and you can hide behind it.
As you were watching it, there were a few jump scares which made you flinch and hide into your girlfriend but nothing too bad. By the end of it, Halloween was one of your favorite movies to watch.
Day 20: hocus pocus
Day after day since you and your girlfriend watched the Halloween movie. It was back to back of actual scary movies, so your sweet and KIND girlfriend decided to go easy on you for the past couple of nights. Y’all decided to watch hocus pocus because it’s such a Halloween classic and it’s not scary at all. This was one of your favorites as well and Lauren’s so this night will be not scary at all, just calm. Well, kinda calm, besides Lauren’s hornyness for you. Since the beginning of y’all’s Halloween countdown movie nights, she has been teasing you non stop and you were getting more and more turned on as the days go by. Lauren notices and she takes pride in herself on how she can make you like this, just from her teasing.
You decided to tease Lauren back today which will be not wearing any type of undergarments under your pjs, yeah you never wear a bra underneath them but this time you aren’t wearing any panties either which will definitively rock Lauren’s boat. Neither of y’all had to work today, so the both of you decided to start the movie earlier tonight. Lauren was downstairs waiting on you and you finally came down after a few moments. “Hey pretty girl.” Lauren complimented you as you sat beside her on the couch. You giggled, “hi lolo.” You replied back and she smiled back at you. Lauren pressed play and the movie starts. All throughout the movie, you have been teasing Lauren non stop. What broke the straw was you telling her that you didn’t have any underwear on. You saw her clinch her jaw and look at you with dark eyes.
“Don’t tease me babygirl. She threatened lowly as she narrowed her eyes at you. “W-what if I-I don’t want t-to stop teasing you.” You commented back and she growled at you as she said “or I will throw you on our bed and fuck your brains out.” You swallowed thickly and close your thighs together. “Fine.” You grumbled and decided that you will tease her on another day.
Day 31: the conjuring 3: the devil made me do it
You are SO going to get Lauren back for this. She’s made you watch the conjuring movies and of course today is the end of y’all’s Halloween movie countdown so now the both of you are watching the last conjuring movie and she said this one is the scariest yet. The others were already hella scary and Lauren said this one is scarier than the last two? Hell no. You are about to shit your pants big time. You already had your covers around your head and a pillow for you to hide behind for the scary parts that pop out of nowhere. Lauren was laughing beside you and you threw your popcorn at her which made her stick her tongue out at you.
“Lolo idk if I can do this…” you said shakily as the beginning of the movie started and you were shaking with fear already. “Aw come on baby. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Lauren said smirking at you as she wraps her arm around you. You pouted “fine…” you said defeated. You watched the rest of the movie hiding in Lauren’s neck and behind her shoulder, freaked out. “Okay babygirl…you can open your eyes now”. Lauren said and you cautiously opened your eyes to see that the movie was in fact finally over. You breathed out a sigh and Lauren giggled at your reaction.
“I hate you.” You grumbled at Lauren and she laughed some more. “Oh be quiet, you know you love me.” Lauren exclaimed and you smiled a bit. “Yeah I do, but you owe me Jauregui.” You narrowed your eyes at her and she rolls her eyes jokingly. “Yeah yeah I will babygirl.” She says and you smile big. “I want ice cream. Now.” You stated and she smiled. “As you wish princess.”
A/n: I’m sorry guys for the delay, I will finish posting the Halloween/fall fics soon. But I hope y’all enjoyed this one! Remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love y’all!
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s0urw00lf · 1 year
Buried deep in Pt.3
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Ngl y’all I have no idea where I was going with this so bare with me here and this took me 2 hours. Also this picks up literally right after the last chapter
Of course she didn’t know that, all she knew was the scream was very powerful. Y/n ran towards the room the scream echoed from and was met with sheriff stilinski and Scott who was roaring at who was supposed to be their teacher. She looked over and saw that stilinski had been stabbed in his shoulder causing her to gasp. Scott ran at Jessica with y/n right behind him orange glowing in my eyes and around my hands. Scott clawed at her and she dodged it then used some force to push him back sending him to the other part of the classroom into a pile of chairs causing blood to spurt out of his mouth. It angered y/n seeing her brother be tossed carelessly and the orange began to glow lighter. Y/n threw her hand out, making the woman fly back into the chalkboard. Y/n kept her up against the wall as she threateningly walked forward. Scott and Lydia both looked at the girl in surprise. “You hurt my friends, and.. you hurt my brother” y/n said, feeling miss Blake’s power fighting back against hers, but y/n didn't falter. Just then she saw stiles reach the classroom and her hold broke. Miss Blake did the same to y/n as she did Scott, and used a table to close the door shut so tiles didn’t enter. Sheriff picked up his gun and aimed it at the woman’ “There was a girl, years ago we found her in the woods,” the sheriff said.
Y/n fought trying to gain her balance back as her eyes had gone blurry. She hadn’t been paying much attention until she heard an ear-splitting cry. She looked up and saw the most horrendous creature, making her eyes go wide as the creature broke through the window and took the sheriff with him. Y/n was still having trouble balancing herself. “Scott, stiles” she called out breathily. They both looked towards the girl “I can- I can’t get up” stiles and Scott ran to her but she looked at both of them “Lydia, help Lydia” she said.
Both boys looked at each other, Scott nodded and got up to help the whimpering girl. “I’m sorry” y/n whispered to stiles. “For what?” He asked, bringing her head to his chest. “I had her, I had her and I got distracted” she said tiredly with tears in her eyes. Stiles shook his head also teary eyed “no, no it's not your fault, you did what you could and that's all i'd ever ask of you” he said kissing her head before helping the weak girl up. Scott came over to hug his sister, “were you ever gonna tell me?” He asked softly. “1. I didn’t know, it happened after I left during the meeting. 2. Even if I had you wouldn’t have believed me” she said jokingly, too tired to be upset. Scott shook his head and put one of her arms around his neck to help support her. “You need some rest, no more powers until you’ve rested” Scott commanded, y/n groaned about to argue, but stiles cut her off “that’s an order” he said. Y/n looked at both of them in disbelief as she sighed and dropped her head.
Once they got home y/n crashed out for almost 2 days. She had only woken up because she had gotten a very bad feeling. As soon as she was aware she was talked into a vision.
She’d been in the middle of the woods, just walking mindlessly. Until she soon came to an abnormally huge stump, where she waited hours and hours, before snapping out of the vision. When she came to her senses she looked at her surroundings and realized she was really at the stump, she looked up at the moon and felt a surge of power. All of her senses had been heightened, she felt stiles close by, she followed the trail and was led underground where she felt several others who were all panicked. Y/n rushed towards them and just in time caught the collapsing ceiling. The orange aura surrounded the entirety of the place creating a shield strong enough to keep the failing in place. Y/n who wasn’t in her normal mind began muttering something over and over. Everyone in the room began to look at each other in surprise while Allison and stiles looked at her, one loving gaze and one of pure shock “oh my god” Allison muttered.
Everyone looked at her as if they were saying ‘what?’ Allison's shocked face had begun scaring stiles “hey what does ‘oh my god’ mean? Is it a good ‘oh my god’ or is it a bad ‘oh my god’” he asked. “She’s a protector witch” she said “one of the most powerful when protecting those she loves” she said smiling. Just then y/n screamed, making everyone cover their ears. Y/n had been connected to Scott and right at the same time they had become just that much more powerful. The place they were in slowly began to rebuild itself as everyone watched in amazement, before the girl fell to her knees her mom and stiles rushed forward, Melissa checked her pulse and felt her daughter’s burning skin. “Is she okay?” Stiles asked what everyone was thinking. Melissa shook her head “I mean she’s burning up but her heart is beating strong” she said looking at her daughter. Just then y/n shot up “Scott” she said, everyone looked at her in confusion before Isaac asked “what’s wrong with Scott?” Y/n looked at him and smiled proudly “he’s a true alpha now”. At that moment Stiles' phone rang, he answered it immediately “Scott” he said, y/n didn’t really feel like straining her ears to hear Scott on the other line. “Yeah we're okay, we're all okay” he said looking around at his friends. “How about you? You okay?” He asked. “You think you could come get us?” He asked. “Great okay, and you bring a ladder, '' he said, looking around, making everybody laugh.
They waited for about 20 minutes before Scott showed up with a ladder as requested, everyone climbed out. Even y/n with a little help from Isaac and his werewolf strength. When y/n got up she was a bit wobbly but was caught off guard by Scott hugging her tight to which she immediately returned. “I felt you helping me,” he said. “Well I couldn’t just leave my favorite sibling hanging could i?” She said smiling. He pulled away and looked behind her, making eye contact with stiles. He looked back at her and said “rest. I’m assigning stiles as your guardian to make absolutely sure you get it” he said. Y/n laughed and rolled her eyes throwing her hands up in defeat as everyone made their way to their homes.
Y/n was now lying comfortably on her bed right next to stiles as he leaned to give her a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you,” he said. She looked up at him in question” for what” she asked. “You saved us, you saved me, my dad, your mom, Scott, Derek, Allison, Isaac, and chris. You saved us and nobody’s thanked you yet.” He said gazing down at her with loving eyes. “So I'm saying this on behalf of the pack, thank you” he said before caressing her cheek and leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. She smiled and giggled as he pulled away “now go to sleep” he said. She didn’t need to be told twice as she closed her eyes and allowed the world of sleep to consume her
I started at 12:44 am
Ended 2:09 Am, you do the math
Anyways hope you enjoy the lest chapter of this little mini series
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loud-sturniolos · 4 months
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“Stop kissing boys in the street.”
Nicolas Sturniolo x Male!reader
Summary: Y/N and Nick get caught kissing, leading to his homophobic father finding out and Y/N having to move in with Nick and his brothers.
Warnings: slight angst, homophobia(reader has homophobic parents), homophobic slurs used, aggressive arguing, kissing, slightly suggestive, fluff, toxic parents, switching POV, use of Y/N, not proof read!
A/N: I’m currently struggling to write, I have like no ideas at all😞 Please give me requests or smth🙏. Might do a part 2 of when reader is living with the triplets if y’all like this😘
Y/N: green
Nick: Purple
Chris: orange
Matt: Blue
Y/Ns father: pink
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Third person POV::
Y/N was currently on a date day with Nick, his secret boyfriend, they had already been to a book shop, and had lunch at a café, and walked around town for a while. Now Y/N was just waiting for Nick to get back from the bathroom so he could drive him home.
Y/N heard the sound of footsteps approaching and looked up, a smile spreading across his face when he sees Nick approaching. He stands up, sliding his phone into the back pocket of his blue Fresh Love sweats.
“Hi, baby,” he said softly, kissing Nicks forehead as his arms wrap around the smaller boys waist. “Ready to go home?” “No, I’m comfy now.” Nick mumbled, nuzzling into Y/Ns chest as his arms loop around his neck. Y/N lets out an amused chuckle, gently lifting Nicks chin to look at him, then pressing his lips to Nicks in a sweet tender kiss. “We can hang out tomorrow, promise.”
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Y/Ns POV::
I had just arrived home after an amazing day with my boyfriend, I step into my parents house, slipping my muddy shoes off at the door. I pause as the sound of my mothers crying engulfs my ears, taking a moment to process I wasn’t just hearing things, before quickly walking into the kitchen. “Mom? Whats wrong?” I ask in a worried tone, pausing at the doorway of the kitchen to see my mother crying at the table, and my dad stood next to her, a furious look on his face.
As soon as he sees me, he storms up to me and grabs my collar, shoving me against the wall. “What is wrong with you? Do you think it’s cool or something? How am I meant to respond when my friends tell me my son is kissing boys in the street?!” He yells in my face, the colour drains from my face, one of his friends saw and snitched?!
Before I could get a word out, my fathers next words shocked me, leaving me silenced in a mix of sadness, anger, and pure hatred.
“Until you stop this gay nonsense, you’re not living with us. I don’t want a f^ggot for a son.”
I stare at him blankly, before shoving him out the way and storming up the stairs, grabbing my backpack and stuffing a few random hoodies, t-shirts, jackets and throwing on some random comfy slides then grabbing my car keys and storming out the house.
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Chris’s POV::
I had woken up about an hour ago, possibly 2, when Nick got home. We didn’t get a chance to talk to Y/N, but we didn’t really mind, we’d be seeing him another time.
I was in the kitchen with Matt, Nick was in his room editing, when there was a knock at the door, I glance at my brother. “We don’t have anybody coming over?” “Maybe Nick ordered food or something.” Matt mumbled back with a shrug, too focused on his phone to care.
I scoff and roll my eyes, setting my phone on the counter I make my way towards the door, unlocking it and opening it I’m shocked to see Y/N, cheeks stained with tears and a clearly overfull bag in his hand.
“What the fuck? What’s wrong, dude?” I ask in a worried tone, stepping to the side to let the boy in. “My dad found out.” Was all I got in response before he kicked off his shoes and started walking through the house towards Nicks room.
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Matts POV::
I looked up to see Y/N, my eyes widen as I see the tears streaming down his cheeks that he’s aggressively trying to wipe away with his fists.
I quickly make my way in front of him, ignoring his anger I cup his face and gently wipe his tears,   simultaneously nodding at Chris to get Nick from his bedroom, which he is quick to do.
“What’s wrong, bud? What happened?” I ask in a quiet calm tone, rubbing Y/Ns back to try calm him down. “I don’t want to talk about it, I’m here for Nick.” he said, trying to push past me towards Nicks bedroom. I gently grab his wrist and lead him towards the sofa, making him sit down. “Nick will be here in a moment, you want some drink? A snack?” “no.”
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Third person POV
Nick came out his bedroom with Chris, telling Chris and Matt to go to their rooms before quickly making his way to Y/N in the living room.
“What’s wrong?” Nick asked the crying boy gently, sitting next to him and placing a comforting hand on his thigh. “My dad found out I’m gay, one of his stupid friends saw us kissing and snitched.. then he kicked me out because he doesn’t want a gay son.” Nick went silent, not expecting that at all. He quickly regains composure and leans over to kiss Y/Ns salty tears off his cheeks. “You can live with us for as long as you want..” Nick replied, not exactly knowing how to respond to the situation. Y/N stays silent, wrapping his arms around Nicks waist and burying his face into the crook of his neck before mumbling a quiet “thanks..” “Matt and Chris are out all day tomorrow, it’ll just be us.” Nick whispers teasingly with a smirk before quickly and casually walking away back to his bedroom, leaving Y/N sat stunned on the sofa with a blush spreading across his cheeks.
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diyahatnight · 1 year
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Warnings: There is NO smut just a little tension with Cyno x f! Reader
Stop reading this old stuff i’m not proud of them
This story will be based off a female.
Summary: You and Cyno have been a couple for while now, but y’all don’t act like it. Y’all are always arguing and blaming eachother over stupid stuff… in a silly goofy way, but to the point people believe you 2 are siblings.
More: Sorry for any grammar issues and typos lmk if you guys would want more!!❤️
You and Cyno went on a commission together like you always do but this time it was a tad different from what usually happens…
Cyno was holding your hand and dragging you while running. As you were trying to catch up you weren’t paying attention and tripped on a thick tree root, which caused you to fall and you dragged down Cyno with you.
Both of you covered in mud.
You and Cyno standing I front of his sister Candace while she is eyeballing you two.
“He did it.”
You tell the tall blue haired girl while she is mean mugging the both of you.
Cyno side eyes you and you shrug your shoulders, Because then again it was technically his fault. Candace then replies with.
“ I don’t care who’s fault it is. Both of you grab some clothes and go to the spring and clean yourselves up..!”
The both of you nod and say “okay”.
You and Cyno are walking through Sumeru both you and his extra clothes in his hand because you didn’t feel like carrying anything. Luckily you have an oh so ‘lovely’ boyfriend next to you who will do anything for you.
(You aren’t using him)
“What is your problem..?” He asks you.
“What do you mean?”
You are confused… Is he actually upset about our arguing? And the way we’ve been acting lately.
“We have doing this arguing stuff for a while now. People don’t even think we are a couple anymore..”
You look at your boyfriend who barely wears a shirt, walking around with his chest and abs out. You love it so much you just wanna… (‘what was I saying again’) you say to yourself..
“You don’t really love me honestly.” You reply to his comment.
He looks at you, looking in your eyes trying to read you and see if you really meant what you said. He thinks you are gorgeous and perfect. He loves you deeply, you are the only thing he cares about if you think about it… besides his sister at least.
“What?” You say
You continue looking forward. Whilst he looks at you from the corner of his eyes
He was quiet the rest of the way to the spring…
Once reaching the spring he gives you your clothes and a robe and you part ways.
You are getting ready to sink in the warm spring water undressing, taking off your shirt then your bra and your pants. You are so focused on getting into the warm spring you don’t hear you lover entering through the door.
Cyno walks up to you placing his hands on your waist. You are startled a little bit till you realize that it’s your lover from his arm sleeves.
He turns you around and you obliged. Once you are facing him, he slowly walks you back to a wall. Holding onto your waist and pushing you against a wall while inches away from your face. He replies to that comment you made about him not loving you.
“I do love you (name)… I deeply love you.”
“…the way we act… I thought that was just our relationship. Who cares what people think?”
“…promise me..”
“Promise me that you will let me know if I’m doing anything wrong, I need you.. I desire you. And I don’t want to lose you.”
You are stuck by the word that just came out this beautiful man’s mouth. He is intensely staring into your eyes until you see his eyes trail to your lips. You know he is about to kiss you.
“Please..?” He asks
He looks into your eyes. He can tell it’s a yes by reading your eyes… He then kisses you tilting his head to deepen the kiss. You with your eyes closed and gripping on his back to try and keep balance, getting butterflies in your stomach and your lady below the belly button.
He then pulls away to catch his breath. He leads his lips to your jawline trailing to your neck. You covering your mouth so no noises come out while trying to say something to him.
“…F-ck… Cyno-not right there….. please-“
He doesn’t listen as he continues to leave you marks that he adores to see on your body. In your mind you are thinking how it was unfair, oh how much you wanted to leave your boyfriend some marks too but you cannot.
Because your white haired boyfriend walks around half naked all the time, how are you going to explain them to his sister Candace?
You accidentally let out a noise out which gets your electric guard dog excited. (‘Oh shi-..’) you think. Some things are gonna go down. ;)..
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aizawasbrazybaby · 2 years
Neji x Reader (NSFW)
Warnings: Stoner!Neji, Mention of Suicide, Soft Dom Male, Sub Female, Praise Kink, Daddy Kink, Hate Sex, Forced Smoking, Pet Names (ex. Princess), Oral (f. receiving), Cervix Fucking
A/N: Hey my loves! Lemme tell y’all sum this nigga been on my mind for the LONGEST. N e ways enjoy this smutty messʕ-᷅ᴥ-᷄ʔ
One More Puff
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“All packed? we leave for our mission in 30,” you adjusted the white bandage on your wrist, “cannot be serious Hyuga.”
He sat man spreading with a cigarette between his lips. Brows furrowed in annoyance and eyes poking the back of his sockets. Already knowing the shit that was about to spew from your mouth for the billionth time.
“Don’t knock it till you try it.”
“Unlike you I care about my health, so no I won’t try it,” you grimaced tossing one of the smaller bags at his chest.
His voice no louder than a hum, “fucking killjoy.”
“Bastard child,” you spat, “no wonder you turned out the way you did.”
In the blink of an eye he had you pinned against the wall. Limbs pressed against the cool sheet rock. Grey ash fell from the burning stick sprinkling on the tatami floor.
“We can go back and forth exchanging low blows,” he pinched the cigarette between his two fingers, waving it around, “or you can get off your fuckin high hoarse, take the stick out your ass and let loose before we’re sent on this S rank suicide mission.”
The round white edge tapped your bottom lip until you reluctantly sucked on it. Heat stretched into your lungs making you cough up thin clouds.
“See princess wasn’t that easy?” He sang.
“Fuck you Hyuga!”
“Don’t worry we’re getting there,” he dropped to his knees, “take another hit.”
You did as instructed this time more cautious. Inhaling a lot slower and less harsh. The smoke distorted into a jumbled mess when his tongue slid across your clothes cunt.
Hips swaying getting yourself off to his petty mouth you despised. The sight was almost too much to handle. The teammate you could hardly stand, on his knees. Long hair scrunched on the floor. Pure bright eyes shining with lust.
“Fuck, right there daddy,” you whined as he moved to your clit.
You hated the way your body betrayed your mind. Wishing the article of clothing was gone so you’d feel all of him.
On the contrary Neji loved the sound of you. Whether it was the bitching, arguing, degrading him and now calling him daddy? He had you exactly where he wanted.
He snatched you to the ground lowering his shorts. Colorless blush permeated your pretty face. His soft wet lips enticing you further. Your panties made it down to your knees before they were pushed to your chest.
“Be a good girl for daddy m’kay?” your walls fluttered around his tip.
His hips stuttered into yours as he watched you unfold with the slightest movement. God he dreamed so long of this day. And to feel your wet pussy all but pushing him away.
If only you knew how much you meant to him. How bad he craved to protect you.
Your body flinched as that feeling suddenly hit you. Legs quivering and tears prickling at your waterline. If it were possible hearts would have formed in your eyes.
You were a sucker for the way his cock abused your sensitive cervix. His body weight adding more pressure to your stomach. Drool nearly dripping off your puffy lips before his tongue was down your throat.
“One more puff princess for daddy,” he shoved the bud in you, “hold it don’t breathe.”
It was disgusting. The heat, the smell, the taste. All reminded you of why you stayed far away from this stuff. Yet you’d do it over and over again if he asked you too. As long as he never stopped fucking you like that.
Neji cupped your face allowing you too blow the smoke in his mouth, “thas my good girl. Good job princess.”
His cum filled your pussy like a Boston donut. Covering your cervix and dripping down your ass. A small alarm went off letting you know it was time to leave for your mission.
“What are you waiting for let’s get a move on,” he smirked putting a bag on his back.
“Go straight to hell Hyuga,” you stumbled out his room.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 7 months
Five times he finds himself falling for you w/ ALEC•H
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SFW, 16+ at best, mild profanity, canon typical (mild)sexual themes, 5+1 Things -chubby!reader
This depicts the mission referenced in “The Gone Fishin’ Job” (S3E7).
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It starts off the first night you stay over after you had to stay up doing research on an automotive company bigwig in Juarez with him.
Hardison knew the mission would take longer than their usual, plus he had to account for travel times and not getting caught by border patrol for their fake identities, so he called you in for some help.
While Eliot and Parker were out getting supplies, and Nate and Sophie were discussing (arguing) over the plan while meeting one of Sophie’s contacts that could get them into Mexico, you and Alec were making sure the path was clear for the rest of the team to do their thing.
The both of you had until noon tomorrow to prep everything and boy did y’all have y’all’s work cut out for you.
As such it takes hours for you two to comb through every international database, track down all public (and not so public) information you could find on your target, curate another list of identities for everyone, gather intel on escape routes out of Mexico, and a whole lot more. By the time you and Hardison had even made a dent in your itinerary it was 11am and by the time you’d passed out it was pushing two in the morning.
The team might not have known the exact scale of how much he had to do to prepare for a mission, but if anyone, you were definitely starting to learn.
You were a rival hacker he’d met years ago during his sophomore year of college, even had a little crush on for a time, but after graduation you’d jumped off the map and even he couldn’t find your chunky lil ass. On his third year with the team the feelers he’d put out for your digital signature pinged and all of a sudden you weren’t just a long lost friend.
He sent an encrypted message to you almost immediately and you’d responded with a winky face and a ‘Long time no see Alec.’ He’d been texting you on and off since then, even asking for your consultation on some things, but he hadn’t brought you in on the team until yesterday night (with Nate’s tentative forced cause they were backed against a wall approval).
Luckily you’d made it to his place at 5 am and you’d had the chance to catch up and work in relative peace since then.
Early the next morning, six or so hours before you had to debrief with the team, you guys ordered takeout then promptly passed out right afterwards.
When you woke up at five it wasn’t time for you to head to base (Nate’s apartment) yet so Alec decided to just make a place for you to sleep on his couch.
You’d gone to the bathroom to change while he got you a blanket and some pillows after changing into some pjs himself, and you don’t come out until he’s nearly finished making the couch up.
When you step into his living room in some cute satin shorts that don’t at all keep your thighs in check and a matching lace camisole he makes sure not to say anything while you’re walking to his couch. He’s too classy for that.
He does, admittedly, notice the way your thighs jiggle as you tiredly go about putting your computers in your bag, before hastily looking away as his face heats up.
Alec hadn’t seen you in this light in years.
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NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!!
btw: there is basically nothing here but you can write a lil comment if you want to.
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ghastlybin · 1 year
Reader has a strong passion for everything is creepy and dark and she likes to visit old castles and mansions. In one one her trips, she goes in a real beautiful gothic castle but she find the owner: Kim Bora (also SuA is a vampire and they fall in love)
Dude, vampire SuA can on GOD ruin me I am not kidding I don’t even really care for vampires as much as other mythical beings but this is an exception fr and I think I like vampires a little more now that Bora is one SHEESH 🥵 as always, thank you so much for requesting btw!! So sorry if this is late or bad💜💜🫶🫶🥹 ily though but goodnight lol
Pairing: Vampire! SuA x GN Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Genre/contents: Maybe a mixture of angst and fluff? Vampire AU
TW: talks of blood & blood sucking, missing people, implied m u r d e r, cannibal mention but no cannibals involved, I know veins are triggers for some people, these are all just mentions though I’m not detailed about these things but to be safe I will include them here anyway
Note: y’all already know I have to overexplain myself lmao I’m bad at fluff relating to falling in love so please excuse my attempt at it, I also love horror/creepy/dark things so… Yeah. I loved this request sm!! :,) Also also, I lowkey (like 5%) based Bora’s castle off of Castle Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village because it was a pretty cool & beautiful fcking castle in the game if I gotta say :,) except the window entrance ofc I improvised that shit lol but I hope you enjoy it and that it’s up to your standards, otherwise please please let me know! I’m always open for constructive criticism. 🥹 Adios, until next time
Fck it we’re using this gif again.
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On the way out of town, you’ll feel bittersweet, and all the more refreshing, the feeling of leaving the city in your rearview.
Where the roads get narrowly winding and more flora is evident around you and the further the road takes you, you see why you left the city.
And why you may never return.
It was beautiful.
The way certain things unsettled most, how with just the right amount of shade you could turn something completely mundane and make it dark.
From the webs of spiders to coffins, to the macabre style contained in the form of artwork, stories, the horror, even.
The eerie allure of the darkness had to it.
The century-old castles, mansions, and even regular townhomes- All untouched and deprived of signs of life, and at the same time they looked lived in.
The haunting beauty of it all.
You were in the chokehold of all things creepy, all things dark, and a deep-set curiosity.
You didn’t mind the way it all made you feel. Some would say you’re just braver than the rest, others would say you’re weird or that you’ve simply just embraced the darkness.
Maybe you were brave.
Maybe they were weird for not seeing the way you saw things.
Maybe you have embraced the darkness.
You were never afraid of the dark.
You loved it. Growing up, you imagined yourself living in a dark castle or mansion that gave everyone in town eerie chills that would unnerve them to look at, and yet they were still very beautiful to look at.
The other kids back then would debate which urban legend they believed Castle Bora held more.
The one where a vampire was living there in that unexplored, untouched, and far from society-castle- where it was meant to be. That Bora was the name of the vampire living there.
Or the one where Bora was a cannibalistic witch that would lure young people into her Castle to feed on their blood to keep her youth.
You argued that that was still a vampire, not a witch at all, and there was a vastly large difference between vampires, cannibals, and witches.
No one ever listened to your explanations.
But you at least knew the difference between the three.
Castle Bora.
Its grand walls encompassed the area, the pointed arches, the vaulted ceilings that were located on the inside, and the grey tint to the exterior topped off the beauty of the castle altogether.
You knew since you were a kid that you would explore the castle.
You’ve explored Castle Handong, Castle Yoohyeon, and even Castle Yubin before it had closed off to the public for reasons unknown.
Castle Bora has been your goal exploration and the day had finally come.
You had enough money for the transportation, you knew the route thereafter that too had been kept hidden from the public after someone had gone missing when going that same route.
An explorer of old castles and mansions, they said.
That only made you anticipate the trip more. The fascination of what was out there with you and this beautiful castle.
You weren’t crazy, and you didn’t have a death wish.
But you were going to explore this castle.
If that meant sharing the same fate? Well, death was never one of your fears anyway.
The long, winding road stretched on as you drove, excitement building up inside of you as you were finally going to live out your childhood dream.
The paved roads turned into dirt, the trees became more close-knit, and civilization was far beyond you.
And there it was, Castle Bora. Home to the late Kim Bora.
You pulled over to a stop just before the road had been cut off before the gates.
The centuries-old castle looked to be well taken care of, to your surprise. You stopped your car and grabbed a camera and a notepad to transfer to your journal later on before heading for the front gates.
To further your surprise, the gates opened with ease, the loud creak it made was the only sound accompanying you in the isolated area.
The main door was locked, to your dismay, but you’ve never been one to give up. Not when you were this close to getting in.
One thing you learned from the other castles was; there is always at least one window unlocked.
Luckily, you found that one window and it let you into a room that exited into something reminiscent of a main hall located on the other side of the main entrance.
You marveled at the sight.
The beautiful exterior, the chandelier that hung in the middle of the main hall with stairs spiraling upwards, and the wallpaper that had been maintained for centuries.
You took as many photos as you could as well as notes to help keep the memory fresh in your mind for later.
You began to ascend the stairs but were immediately greeted by a rough shove back down the stairs.
Luckily you were only two steps up and didn’t fall as hard as it felt.
Your camera was still intact, but it had slid across the slippery linoleum tiles of the main hall along with your notepad.
“Breaking into my castle, taking photos, notes… Who are you and why shouldn’t I kill you right here?”
You were in a trance seeing the woman descending the stairs and hovering over you. Her beauty was mesmerizing in ways you couldn’t begin to describe,
“I didn’t know someone lived here.”
The woman pulled you up to your feet, harshly by the collar of your shirt.
“No one warned you about me?” She bore a hole into your eyes and for a minute, you felt her peering into your soul.
“Bora?” The corners of your mouth curled upwards. “It’s so cool to meet you.”
Bora blinked, taken aback as she let go of your shirt. “Why aren’t you screaming?”
“That would be rude, wouldn’t it?” You fixed your shirt and retrieved your camera and notepad.
“Everyone screams when they see me.”
You checked your camera to see if it was still functioning. “Why?”
You met her eyes right as she snarled, showing you her fangs and running her tongue under the sharp tip.
“You should fear me.”
And you smiled, even more captivated by her.
“I should,” you took a step closer to her. “But I don’t. You are my role model.”
Bora glared at you, but only for a second and out of disbelief.
You were the first human that hadn’t screamed or tried running away from her. The first human she didn’t immediately lunge at and suck the blood right out of your veins.
The first time she had ever been called a role model.
“If you aren’t going to kick me out, might I request a tour of this beautiful castle?” You mentally prepared yourself for the rejection, seeing as you did break in thinking no one lived here.
But Bora accepted.
She showed you around the entire castle and even let you take more photos and notes. She watched the excited gleam in your eyes the further in she took you.
Everything about her castle she thought was average, you treated it as gold. She appreciated that you were careful as to not make any messes and asked her before you took any other pictures.
It was when you had tilted your head to view a sculpture she had on display for centuries, that she saw the crook of your beck exposed and the veins lying under the layers of skin that could be easily broken by her fangs.
And for the first time in centuries, she fought the urge. The craving or need to taste your blood.
The hunger she felt within.
She wanted you.
But she fought it. She fought it because she was your role model.
She fought it because of how appreciative you were during the tour of her castle.
She fought it because you were the first person in centuries that didn’t treat her as a monster.
Bora wasn’t a witch or a cannibal.
But she was a vampire and vampires have needs too.
“Are your fangs real?” You asked.
Bora snapped out of her craving for sinking her teeth into your neck with a nod.
“So you’re a vampire?” Saying that out loud, you felt silly. Who would ask something like that in someone else’s home?
“Yes.” Bora uttered. You smiled, fascinated.
“It’s cool until you have to watch every mortal you love die before you.”
Your smile faded a little, and a hint of guilt surfaced.
“Do you want to turn me?”
“Absolutely not.” Bora immediately shook her head. She would never wish her condition on anyone else.
The pain and isolation she’s faced.
Even now, meeting you, she wouldn’t consider it. She was beginning to like your company too.
But she would never simply turn anyone.
“Shame. I wouldn’t mind living here forever.” You spoke, closing your notepad as the tour ended.
“Guess it’s time for me to go?” You looked at her expectantly, hoping she would lead you back to the main entrance.
Hearing you say that, Bora felt the isolation over the centuries kicking in again.
You were invested in her castle, you even broke in to see it. That kind of dedication was admirable to her. And now you were talking about leaving.
Possibly never seeing her again.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Bora blurted, immediately trying to remain cool.
“I promise, it’s not human meat or blood.”
“I would love to.” You smiled, accepting her offer without a moment's hesitation.
She wondered if you’d still have said yes if it were human meat and blood she’d be serving.
You were someone Bora liked having around, despite you breaking in and her almost pouncing on you first thing.
You were someone Bora yearned for in her period of isolation.
Maybe not you specifically, but someone who didn’t run away screaming in terror. Someone who didn’t seem to care that she was a monster.
It scared her to have met you.
Seeing your face, hearing your voice, the faint scent of your blood as you stood beside her, walking beside her, and how she might lunge at you at any given moment if the urge got too strong.
Bora wasn’t afraid because you were a human vessel full of fresh blood.
She was afraid for the first time in centuries, she felt a beat in her chest where her heart should be.
She was afraid of how alive you made her feel by meeting you.
She was afraid you, too, would leave.
“Right this way.”
Bora hoped you would visit her again.
And with a smile, you would vow to.
Back in the city, you’ll smell the pollution of car exhaust and hear cars honking, people chattering, and school or church bells ringing.
And you’ll wish you had never returned.
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esther-dot · 2 years
Remember when some fans claim that Sansa was given Barbery Dustin story in show because of her icy nature and politically shrewd. They also pointed out that maybe Barbery will be leading North and fight against Boltons. So Sansa being Stark heir leading North against Boltons who wronged her family and ruling WF effectively is impossible. I want TWOW to put and Sansa to succeed just to see antis how will they accuse her of stealing other character story.
Hey! I’m a firm believer in QitN Barbrey, y’all are just haters. 😂
I love both versions of Sansa, and comparing show Sansa to a woman who plans to give Ned’s bones to her dogs is offensive to me as show Sansa dearly loved her father. Also, show Sansa wasn’t bitter even when she believed Jon betrayed her. She was heartbroken, but remained loyal to the family, to him, and thought of him as her king until the end. Barb’s hatred for Ned burns bright years later for what I would argue is a much smaller grievance. These are not remotely similar characters.
However, as someone who thinks D&D were using info from Martin, I understand the impulse to draw connections between book stuff and show stuff and think that it can be helpful in guessing where things are going. But, I did laugh that the people who latched onto this idea were the very same people who insist the show has nothing to do with the books, that all the plot points are wrong/that Sansa isn’t going North, so it makes no sense to then say, “it will be totally different because D&D read the books and gave Sansa the characterization of this minor character.”
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As if D&D didn’t alter everyone’s characterization from the beginning.
And yet, I have to point out that in the books, Tyrion compares Sansa’s courtesy to the Wall, which is the tiniest bit icy, so I’m not sure why Sansa, once she is pushed into a political arena trying to guide people who don’t initially respect her, having a little coolness to her interactions was suddenly such a problem. 
In s6-8 she had plenty of soft moments, she is the one who showed the most open affection to the other Starks, and even in s8 when everything was off kilter, she still had moments of raw emotion that broke through the bullshit, so it isn’t the case that she truly had an icy nature, either. She was wearing her armor save when she felt safe enough not to do so (her reunion with Bran, a few moments with Arya, with Theon, several scenes with Jon…), so I don’t think the basic idea is as far removed from the book as people pretend. Obviously D&D reinterpreted her, but I think it’s weird that fans act like later seasons Sansa was more ooc than earlier seasons Sansa. They interpreted her differently all along but all along, I still saw traces of my girl.
I suppose since Barb mentioned her dogs and hates Ramsay, we could say that having Ramsay eaten by his own dogs is something that she might oversee rather than Sansa (who will not be married to him or raped by him), so maybe the idea was that it would be ooc for book Sansa to watch someone get eaten alive. And I guess this would be similar to how they had Arya do some Lady Stoneheart-y things, so, maybe there was a swticheroo there?
That specific scene aside, there’s a line about how every battle for Winterfell has had a Stark present, and I don’t think Martin dropped that in there for it to be retaken by someone other than a Stark. I mean, Barb does hate Ramsay in addition to hating Ned, so I guess she can betray the Boltons and decide she wants to be QitN instead of letting them have all the fun (I’m not remembering anything specific pointing in that direction, just entertaining the notion), but I don’t see how that is a substitute for Starks reclaiming Winterfell or Starks ruling the North again. It could happen as a stepping stone, but it’s not interchangeable and wouldn’t impact the endgame of a Stark being in Winterfell. To pretend that Sansa’s role as a Stark in the North was a total show fabrication is odd.
I don’t have any specific ideas of how we’re gonna match up the timelines and have the necessary forces to retake Winterfell, but it’s interesting to me that as much as Barb has a problem with Ramsay, she dislikes Ned too, and combining that with the impending Stark succession crisis is a really fun thing to do because of what it could mean for her interactions with the Stark kids, lots of anger and resentment, as they potentially work together to defeat a common foe regardless. That’s a path too.
Whether Sansa is the key to reclaiming Winterfell by bringing the KotV (which I believe was the plan at one point), or she arrives later because of timeline issues, I’m confused why people would think that Stark kids popping up in the North won’t impact the politics more than these minor characters? Wont the supporting cast be how Martin fleshes out the rival claims, as the Starks won’t be at each other’s throats out of any power craze of their own? And we need those characters to make the revelation of Jon’s daddy to be a huge political issue, as the Starks aren’t gonna disown him, but we need someone to raise hell. It seems to me that the Starks and the power players in the North have distinct roles and that the interplay there will matter.
I’m not sure why even other Sansa fans are so adamantly apposed to her ending up in the North. That isn’t actually an anti position, that’s common even among her fans, but I truly thought her “If I am ever a queen, I'll make them love me.” line felt like a very direct compare and contrast moment between her and Cersei which we would get to see manifest when she came into a position of political power at some point, and seeing as she is the oldest living true born Stark, I think that position would be in the North as LoW or QitN. I don’t think that’s a stretch at all, especially now that we know Bran will be king elsewhere.
Anyway, Barbie is my queen forever and ever amen!
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HEAR YE HEAR HE, I have written more stupid ass modern au headcanons. Y’all know the drill by now.
Btw if u wanted to read any of the other silly headcanons I’ve written you can do that here , or here , or here :D and here and here you can find the ones I’ve blown up @blanche-elizabeth-devereaux ‘s inbox with!!
Anyways see you under the cut 😈
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-Charles and Arthur both like old man ice cream flavors
Pistachio, butter pecan, etc.
They have to buy a special tub for when Jack or Isaac are at the house because they always complain (as they should.)
-Arthur enjoys dressing up the dogs for Halloween, or at least attempting to
Charles doesn’t care for it but he has to admit that the bat wings are pretty cute. Ok just one more picture heheheh.
-Sometimes when Arthur doesn’t necessarily like a piece of art he made, he asks for Charles’ opinion, only to be all dramatic like “YOU’RE JUST BEING NICE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO”
-I see Charles being very particular about how his laundry is folded and god bless Arthur but he does not do it correctly
-They love a little evening stroll around the neighborhood :’)
-When Charles goes on a morning run he makes a point of being non-threatening to any women he passes
He’s like “goooood morning!!!” Just so they aren’t spooked by this big ass dude sprinting past them
-John and Abigail didn’t have a full on wedding, just a sweet little courthouse ceremony
Arthur held it together until he and John shared A Moment afterwards and they both cried :’)
-John and Arthur are both the dads who do that thing where they toss the baby in the air and catch it and the baby goes crazy for it but every single time they do it Abigail is like PLEASE STOP
-speaking of babies Good Grandpa Dutch™️ bawled like a baby at the birth of every single grandkid
He’d never say it out loud but he cried the most when unnamed Marston daughter was born
He spoils all the grandkids but something about that little girl….. the sun rises and sets on her :)
-Dutch and Hosea have a sick ass pool at their house that’s mostly for the grandkids but those old men love floatin around too!
Abigail brings those little sinking toys for the kids to play with and keep them occupied, John absolutely plays with them too and is like “babe look I got one!!!”
-John and Abi are retired emo kids, argue with the wall on this one
Jack makes them feel ANCIENT when they’re like “hey bud whatcha listening to?” And he’s like “oh just this old band, My Chemical Romance”
-Arthur, John, and Abigail (and at one point, Eliza) have been to tons of concerts together
Arthur was the cool older brother who was in college and soooooo mature (he was not), John and Abigail were seniors in high school and they would all go see shows together
It made Hosea so happy to see his boys getting along and having fun together :))
As always if anyone wants me to keep going I will. And even if u don’t want me to I probably will. I love this silly comfort universe muahahaha😼
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