#would you buy a nuke from this man?
dougielombax · 8 months
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Would you buy a nuke from this man?
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*I wouldn’t*
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midryss · 1 month
Spit On Me (Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem Reader)
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My first fic but this man has me in a chokehold so I had to. Hope you freaks enjoy and please leave feedback!
Big thank you to @ghoulphile @acapelladitty and many more for the inspiration!
18+ Only!!
Summary: It's not what you know, it's who you know. You're a bounty hunter with big dreams, wanting to climb your way to the top and be the best of the best. When the opportunity to bag the biggest bounty arises you drag an unwilling Cooper along for the ride.
Warnings for smut: Spitting, spanking, biting, mild degrading, sub/dom dynamic, begging, teasing, hair pulling, p in v, fingering, dirty talk.
Reputations are a funny thing. You could be on top one moment and down in the gutters the next. Unfortunately, even getting on the ladder at all was a challenge.
Being small in height, and slim built is far from threatening in the slightest and you knew it. Stealth and speed are your advantage, often taking enemies by surprise or using the environment as a shield. It's shame so few of your strengths were so effective against feral ghouls, or radiated beasts who could smell you from a mile off. You had to pick your battles wisely or the wasteland would swallow you whole.
When you weren't picking up small bounties or scrap you spent most of your time in your little shack in Filly. It was cosy enough, for a junkyard shack, holding just the essentials. Enough to eat, sleep and make chems for your drugged up customers. But you wanted more. A big ol mansion, or hall. Something that screamed "I'm powerful, don't fuck with me!"
Maybe one day. Maybe you'd bag a bounty big enough for that reputation, maybe you'd sell shit loads of chems to that cowboy ghoul and buy your way to the top. You scoffed at the thought, doubtful. He may be the most skilled bounty hunter in the region, but he wasn't that loaded. Truth be told you greatly admired the ghoul, his badass attitude paired with the cowboy style fascinated you. But you knew he underestimated you, just like the others and you were determined to change that.
A foul burning smell snapped you from your daydream.
"Shit!" you hissed while lowering the heat of the chem station, and frantically grabbing the glass tubes of suspicious liquids away from the flame.
You sighed deeply, another batch ruined. For days you had been cooped up like this, waiting for that damned ghoul to show up and collect his order. But you just knew the moment you take another bounty he'd show up. So you stayed, waiting patiently as the bounty board racked up new targets.
Deciding you'd had enough you pulled your dusty jacket over your shoulders and marched out the door to the bounty board. Just checking it wouldn't do any harm.
Your ragged boots kicked the dust as you marched up to the dilapidated bounty board. To your surprise it seemed quieter than usual, only a few odd small jobs and one hefty one which had been up for weeks. You first thought someone posted it as a joke, no way would anyone be crazy enough to take down the biggest raider settlement in the Wasteland. Even more unbelievable was the reward: 10,000 caps and an entire estate! The client must really despise raiders to give up so much, or the more likely theory-it's a scam.
"I sure hope a sweet little thing like you ain't thinkin bout that big bounty there" You spun round, already grinning at the sound of his voice finally
"where the hell have you been!?" you greeted him cheekily. He shot you that charming smile as he stood beside you, reminding himself of the absurd bounty. "Ain't no way that's real!" you exclaimed
He thought for a moment "Not a solo job but it's doable, that's why no one's taken it. Don't wanna share the reward" he explained, gloved fingers resting in his belt loops.
You thought to yourself for a moment "Sounds like the client just wants the raiders gone, why not just lure a few ferals or a deathclaw in and watch the fireworks? Or a mini nuke would wipe them out..." you trailed off strategizing the easiest way to commit mass murder.
"You're damn viscous, ya know that?" he almost sounded proud
"We could do it" you blurted out, he laughed
"Now that's the funniest shit I heard in a long time!"
"I'm serious, Coop! You're a skilled killer, I can make deadly explosives. We sneak in, plant the weapon, sneak out, watch the chaos unfold from afar!" Your ambition amused him, he sighed
"Gimme my chems and I'll think about it"
"Yes!" your eyes lit up, finally a chance to learn from the best.
"That ain't an agreement, sweetheart" he playfully clipped the back of your head with his gloved hand before turning towards your shack. You rubbed where his hand smacked, wincing at the sudden jerk he gave you.
"Well while you're thinking about it" you jogged up to him "I'll be picking up my mini nukes to wipe this raider settlement from the map"
He scoffs "And what happens if I say no to this little adventure of yours hm? You gonna take the big bad raiders on all by ya lonesome?"
"Oh you're not going to decline" you state matter of factly with a sly grin.
"And what makes you say that?" He asks with growing suspicion.
"Who else do you get your chems from, Cooper?" He halts in his path so you seize the opportunity to block him.
"That supply you're collecting is my last batch. It'll last a week." You lied. Of course you had more but he doesn't know that, and you never gave him a reason to not trust you. "You think you can get more by the time you turn feral?"
He scowled knowing he was trapped "vicious little thing" he murmured.
You loved the control over him and revelled in it as you started your journey together with spring in your step, while he grumpily marched beside you.
Days and nights passed with you trying to learn new skills from the ghoul. You were less subtle about it than you thought and he caught on quick, teasing you for your lack of skill with a gun, or how your small frame made it harder for you to carry heavier loads. It infuriated you which he found entertaining, He'd call you "Sweetheart" or "Darlin" to make it worse and he'd flash that charming smile when you got flustered.
Finally the settlement came into view. Considering it was raider territory it was incredibly well built. Realisation sets in that you may have underestimated the scale of this job, even with Cooper by your side, the sheer volume of the task was becoming apparent.
He saw your fright and chuckled, thinking he had won.
"I'm not going back" you stated defiantly before he had the chance to speak.
"Didn't think you would, darlin" he whispered. you shivered not realising how close he was. You thought he hadn't noticed, but he always noticed. At first he expected to be like your babysitter, but the more time he spent around you the more he realised how skilled and independent you really are. He'd grown closer to you in the few days you spent together. And more fond of having you as his companion than he'd care to admit.
The pair of you spent the day scouting the city, planning your move and finally preparing your chems and ammo.
"The fuck are you doing?" Cooper questioned, slightly bewildered as you began to remove your coat and leather armour.
"Can't hide with this shit on! I'm like a shadow, a silent assassin, ya know" You explained as you turned your back to him, throwing your dusty jacket to one side revealing a black skin tight catsuit underneath. It hugged your small frame perfectly, revealing the curves of your tits and ass. Cooper had took pleasure in making you flustered for days so you purposefully took your sweet time removing your pants. Catching a glimpse of his eyes as you threw your pants with the rest of your discarded clothing, you were shocked to find a positively feral gleam in his eye.
"See something you like?" you teased, he groaned in response turning away from you with a glare.
"You ought to think real hard before teasing a man like that, sweetheart" he threatened. You simply giggled in response, thrilled with the effect your body had on him.
You tossed your pile of discarded armour at him with a remark to keep them safe with your pack. He raised a brow in question.
"I only carry my chems, pistol and blades on a job"
His eyes widened
"Damn, Darlin you really are crazy"
You grinned slyly at him.
"Just good at what I do. Besides I have my big bad ghoul to protect me" as you said it you realised how flirty you sounded, he brought out a seductive side of you, and you adored the new found power it gave you.
"Plus I'm loaded with chems" you said as you took your first bout of Med X.
"Ata girl" he laughed watching you get your first hit.
Entering through an air vent you both quietly made your way through the small space, making sure to give your tight ass a little wiggle knowing Cooper was right behind you. You moved easily in the small space while Copper had a harder time being quiet. Eventually you came to the end of the vent where you both could see into the heart of the city.
To your surprise the raiders had created an entire civilisation, with power and water supplies and food.
"Look" Cooper came up behind you unexpectedly, sending shivers down your spine as his warm breath grazed your cheek. He gestured to what can only be described as a market. The centre of the city.
"That's where I plant the explosives" you exclaimed.
"There's still too many raiders around, and with all these lights I'll be caught before I even reach it" You spun round to face him, he was so close you were practically kissing.
"I'll cut the power, cause a scene and distract them all" His hushed voice snapped you back to reality.
You nodded in agreement "And we escape back through here, but if things go tits up just get out anyway we can."
"You got it sweetheart, now show me how good you are" he knew you better than you expected having only travelled together for a few days. Motivating your competitive side and need to prove yourself sparked a fire in you and he grinned at how fickle you were.
The plan was in motion, you stuck to as little shadows as you could and took your time careful not to be seen while Cooper, true to his word shot up the power cables and caused havoc below. The shadows gave you confidence and moved as quick as you could only taking a matter of minutes to reach the centre where you skilfully planted the explosive and set the timer to blow. Wasting no time you climbed and ran across the rooftops back to Cooper who actually seemed to be enjoying himself. Through the flashes of gunfire in the dark you made out the cowboy silhouette and watched from a far as he gunned down his enemies,  it was incredible to witness, the precision and fluidity of every movement. You caught yourself swooning before diving in to help. Dancing around him in the darkness, the raiders around you dropped like flies but realisation sets in. You both got carried away and in a brief moment of silence as you felled the first wave of enemies, you looked at him in horror. The bomb was about to explode. He grabbed your wrist hard and you both ran for the vent.
Your heart raced from the adrenaline and the chems were beginning to wear off but you couldn't stop. Crawling back through the vent was a struggle and as the bomb erupted, violent quakes made the metal fall apart beneath you. You both rolled across the dust and used the momentum to scramble to your feet before desperately fleeing from the radiation spilling over the walls.
Once a safe distance was reached you fell to the ground, panting hard, a satisfied grin plastered shamelessly on your dirty face. You looked up at him to find him breathing heavily too, smirking at you, pride gleaming in his eyes.
He tossed your pack at you "Vicious thing" he drawled, slowly, teasingly.
You blushed turning away to hide your giddiness. As you began to raid your pack for water you caught a glimpse of a shadow beneath the cloud of radiation in the city. You both watched as it grew,
"What the...?" you trailed off unsure of what exactly was happening until Cooper enlightened you, voice full of alarm.
"It's a feral horde, we gotta move darlin, fast!"
You took a big gulp of water before scrambling to your feet and throwing your pack on your back. Coming down from your chem high made every movement hurt, your muscles ached and your lungs burned from running.
"Cooper...wait!" you gulped down as much hot air as you could between yelling.
"Ain't got time, darlin they'll be on you sooner than you think!" He marched on.
"No... I mean....we can't lead them back to Filly!"
He stopped in his tracks realising what you were saying.
"They've got...my scent...they'll follow...I can't"
"I know Sweetheart, I know." He seemed almost caring as he approached you, thinking rapidly for a plan to get you out alive. You couldn't run far in your state, and your body can only take so many more chems before they break you. With the first wave of ferals rapidly approaching Cooper dragged you to a nearby apartment block, barricading the way as much as you both could before climbing the stairs. The pair of you hurried into the nearest room with a door and barricaded that too. You collapsed into a tattered old armchair taking a moment to examine your surroundings. The exterior wall was almost completely gone, exposing you to the elements. Thankfully the room wasn't too high, a swift jump and you could reach the next rooftop. Cooper interrupted your thoughts of escape by draping his coat across your shoulders in an attempt to smell more ghoulish.
"You just smell too damn delicious" he sighed before checking the door for sounds of ferals.
"But where did they come from!?" You asked, desperately wondering where your plan went so horribly wrong. "Radiation from a mini nuke don't work that fast"
Cooper shook his head in response as he approached you "They must've been underground or somethin"
He tensed up suddenly, putting a gloved finger to your lips to hush you. Despite the danger you faced the temptation to take his finger into your mouth with your tongue was strong. You controlled yourself but a light dusting of pink crossed your cheeks as your mind delved to filthier thoughts. Pulling you out of your imagination, he gestured for you to stand and come closer to him. His back against the wall as he listened, he pulled you close to his body and wrapped you in his arms, covering you with his scent as much as he could. But the ferals still lingered. You could feel your heart beat quicken being this close you him, you looked up at him a foul thought crossed your mind but it could work, and with no other option you demanded in a hushed whisper.
"Spit on me"
Taken off guard Cooper smiles that slanted grin that makes you tingle.
"You don't know what your askin for, darlin" he whispers.
"I do!" You clench your fists into his shirt pulling you closer to him "Cooper spit on me...please?" You sounded so desperate, the worst part was you wanted it even without the ferals chasing you. You wanted to be controlled by him and hearing your own desperate begging turned you on even more.
The ferals creeping behind the door grew restless, clicking louder and more frequently than before.
Cooper curses under his breath before leading you to the crumbling wall opposite the door. He thrusts you against it arms on either side of your head preventing your escape, not that you wanted to.
"Watch my back, Darlin..." he whispers as he brought a gloved hand towards your face, his thumb pulled your chin down to part your lips.
"...And open wide"
He smiled as you obeyed, blushing at the shameful act and how much your pussy throbbed from it. He hovered above you slowly, painfully letting his warm saliva drip from his chapped lips and into your open mouth. His fluid mixed with your own as you swallowed with ease.
"good girl" his voice was a hushed whisper and that comment alone made your knees weak. How you craved being tormented by him.
You're so flustered and distracted by his taste you didn't notice the silence that came over you until he mentioned it.
"Think your filthy little plan worked" he mused, pulling away noticing your pained expression as you lost his touch and the warmth of his body. The cool air snapped you back to reality, regaining control of yourself you glared at him, wiping your lips with the back of your hand. You yanked his coat from your shoulders and tossed it back at him in defiance. He chuckled at your attempt to regain control, both knowing you were completely at his mercy.
"Now lets see if we can't collect that reward" he said, making his way to the nearby rooftop.
Finally just as the sun was rising you're given a moment to revel in your achievements. He caught the gleam in your eye as you followed him.
"Gotta admit, you're a hell of a hunter, darlin!" He stated, you smiled with confidence.
"I aint just a pretty face ya know?"
"Yeah..." he eyed you greedily from behind "you're a vicious little freak"
His crude comment made you stumble slightly and he laughed. You blushed, embarrassed at yourself for getting flustered so easily around him. No one had ever made you so excited before, or made you feel so attractive. There was an undeniable spark between you, and Coopers relentless teasing amplified it. But you were just as bad, using your body to make him fantasise over you. Cooper couldn't help himself, it had been so long since he had his way with such a submissive little freak.
You were on the move all day, having not slept for over 24 hours now, exhaustion was setting in and the radiation from Coopers saliva was starting to make you feel nauseous. Cooper noticed you were growing paler with every step and dragging your feet. He sighed, rolling his eyes before kneeling down presenting you with his back.
"Get on" he ordered,
You were puzzled, raising a suspicious brow you responded "I can manage"
"I won't tell you again. Get. On." he was stern, and as usual you obeyed, that little spark igniting in your belly at his harsh tone. Part of you wondered what he would do if you defied him. But you knew your limits. A punishment from the big bad ghoul should not be taken lightly, no matter what dirty fantasies your imagination dreamed up.
"Ata girl. Not much further now and we can get some rest"
"Mhm..."You nodded lazily, the full force of exhaustion hitting you as you melted into the warmth of his back. "Thank you, Cooper" you whispered through dry, cracked lips as your eyelids began to feel heavy.
"Don't want you dyin on me yet, little hunter" You smiled weakly holding him tighter, feeling safe and protected.
When you woke it was dark save for a small flame burning out on an old cooking station. Your eyes, still feeling heavy blinked slowly a few times gazing into the embers of the fire pit. You were wrapped in something heavy and warm. Snuggling into it more it smelled of gunpowder and leather. Cooper's coat. He had laid you down on the porch bench of an almost entirely destroyed farm house while he sat on the steps coaxing the fire until you stirred.
"You awake?" he asked in a low voice.
"Mmmm" you groaned in response letting him know you were but you didn't want to be.
He chuckled before rising from his spot on the stairs, just as you were drifting back into a pleasant slumber he dragged his coat from you, taking you with it. Rolling to the floor to gave a slight squeak in fright at the sudden aggressive movement.
"If I'd known you'd squeal for me I'd have done that hours ago" he remarked with a flirtatious grin.
He tossed his coat back over his broad shoulders and sat legs spread on the bench you were sleeping peacefully on. You took your place on the step beside the fire in a huff and took the moment to raid your pack for radaway and food.
"Thought you were being a gentleman for a moment" you pouted.
"Oohh, my little hunter got her claws out huh?" he mused, you simply glared in response, munching grumpily
"I ain't yours!" you snapped under your breath but still loud enough for him to hear. You were testing your luck now, seeing how far you could go before he lost his patience with you; before he stopped calling you his sweetheart and started calling you his brat.
"That so?" he asked, rising from his spot on the bench and sauntering over to you "Weren't saying that when you were begging for my spit in your mouth, were you... Darlin?" he hissed the pet name in your ear giving you goosebumps. You considered quitting while you were ahead but you kept in control, turning to face him.
"I don't beg" your voice sounded firm but your body betrayed you as your cheeks began to heat up and your breathing quickened. Your lust filled eyes meet one another. It's intense but you don't look away, you won't relinquish control just yet.
He raised a brow, not convinced in the slightest "good girls don't lie..." he stroked his gloved fingers along the length of your jaw and reached down your neck to the zipper at the top of your dusty black suit. "So...are you a good girl? or a bad girl?"
He pulled the zipper down slowly revealing the smooth skin of your chest. Sweat dripping down your cleavage . You gulped, your breathing became shaky. You struggled to think, to find any words at all. "Oh sweetheart..." he spoke softly, exaggerated pity in his tone "is the big bad ghoul breaking you already?"
"...You know exactly what you're doing to me" it came out as a soft moan and the hunger in his eyes was too much for you to bare. You clenched your thighs together desperate for some friction, for some contact.
He chuckled as you lowered your gaze, his other hand reached up to your messy hair. He gripped it firmly, forcing you to present your neck to him, "consider this revenge for teasing me all day with that irresistible body of yours" he growled harshly in your ear.
"I... I never...meant..." he grips your hair harder forcing a pleasured gasp to escape your lips.
"good girls don't lie" he reminded you, almost thrilled at the idea of getting to punish you.
"C-coop, I'm sorry" you ended up right where he wanted you, begging and squirming in his grip and it only took mere moments.
His hand which pulled down your zipper grazed your thigh "now I don't know if I believe you, sweetheart after all the lyin" his hand pulled your thighs apart, the loss of friction made you whimper
"n-no, Cooper please!" you surprised yourself how easy you gave in. But you were growing desperate, all the tension built throughout the day was overflowing. You needed him, craved him, wanted to be used by him.
"Oh? I thought you didn't beg"
"Coopeeerrr!" you whined, he knew what you wanted he just wanted to hear you say it.
"Beg for me, like you did back there" his hot breath grazed your neck, one hand still gripped your hair while the other explored your body over the suit. Purposefully avoiding your hardening nipples and throbbing pussy.
"I need you..." you gasped, writhing under him, trying to get his wandering hand to touch your sensitive areas "...please, Cooper! fuck me!"
That satisfied him enough to reward you. Without hesitation he attacked your neck with his mouth, licking and biting, marking you like you were his prey. You let out a soft moan at his sudden aggression, he was holding back for so long he couldn't stop himself from devouring you any longer. His wandering hand finally found your hardened nipples. You arched your back into his hand as he played with them, squeezing, pinching circling them with his gloved fingers.
"M-more" you moaned, you felt his lips curl into a smile as he abused your neck.
"What's the magic word?" he pulled away awaiting your response, seeing how much of a mess you were already made him hungry for more.
"... Please?"
He lunged at you, his dry calloused lips collided with yours. He was rough, biting your bottom lip, barely allowing you a chance to catch your breath as he pushed you down on the rough wooden steps. His hands moved to free your upper body from the constraints of your suit while yours shakily pushed the leather coat from his shoulders.
Finally allowing you a moment to breath he sat up to admire his work. You were red in the face, dripping in sweat, your lips and neck littered with bruises and bite marks, your eyes clouded with pleasure.
"Fuck, Darlin you're like a bitch in heat"
"... I'm your bitch" you moaned shamelessly, he grinned at your obedience, tracing your lips with a gloved finger. You licked the length of his index finger before catching the tip between your teeth and slowly dragging the leather from his scarred flesh.
"That's my good little hunter"
You wrapped your legs around him signalling your need for more, for him to fill your aching cunt. You grinded your hips against the bulge in his pants as he leaned in to abuse your bare breasts with his teeth. His glove free hand reached into your panties earning satisfied moan from you as he circled your soaked clit with calloused fingers.
"Already soaked for me, filthy little thing"
You gripped his shoulders, bucking your hips into his hand. He watched your face contort with pleasure, closing your eyes tight feeing humiliated knowing he was watching every twitch of pleasure run through you.
"Cooper... Please... Spit on me"
"Such a little freak" his voice was husky and low, his fingers circling your clit moved to slick folds of your pussy, his gloved hand pulled your chin down to open your mouth. Warm saliva dripped down your waiting tongue, you swallowed, moaning at the taste of him. Your grip on his shoulders tightened as his finger slipped into your waiting pussy, you clenched around him, releasing a long moan. With every pump of his finger you bucked your hips, his pace quickened and the ache deep in your cunt grew. It didn't take long for him to slide a second finger in, stretching your walls, earning harsh gasps from you and aggressive thrusts of your hips. Your body shivered as you were beginning to unravel beneath him.
"look at me" he demanded. You bit your lip, eyes screwed shut too embarrassed for him to see you this way.
"C'mon, baby be a good girl, let me look you in the eye as I make you cum." His voice so alluring, so intoxicating, you couldn't help but obey even through all the humiliation.
You opened your eyes to meet his lustful gaze burning through you, he watched you like a starved beast. His fingers curled inside you finding that one spot that made you see stars, you arched your back at the sudden burst of pleasure that soured through you.
"Fuck, Cooper don't stop!" you begged. You were so close, your moans grew louder with every thrust of his hand. He watched you getting closer and closer to your climax, every sound you made, the way you looked at him, desperation all over your face, he could watch you like this all day.
You cursed as your felt your climax come over you, your body twitched uncontrollably and you thrust your hips into his hand wanting to ride out the last waves of pleasure. But he wouldn't let you. You whined as he pulled his fingers from your tight pussy.
"Oh, Sweetheart, I'm nowhere near done with you yet." he was desperate to feel you, to be inside you. He unbuckled his belt while you frantically peeled the rest of your suit from your legs. His cock sprang free from his pants and you gazed wide eyed at the size of him. He laughed at your reaction. Like the rest of him his cock was rough, scarred and he was big. Bigger than you expected.
He chuckled at your reaction, "Dont worry, Darlin I'll try not to break you"
You took him in your hand and he inhaled sharply, surprised at your sudden touch. You slid you fingers across the length of his shaft, feeling every groove as you guided him to your dripping hole.
"I want you to break me" you moaned as he slid inside.
"Fuck, you're gonna regret saying that" he growled before pulling his length out and slamming back into you, your tight hole stretched to fit all of him and he was relentless. Just what you asked for.
Overwhelming pleasure coursed through you body as he pounded into you. You threw your head back in ecstasy, moaning incoherent sentences, wanting him to know how cock drunk you were. He gripped the back of your head pulling your face close to his before spitting in your open mouth once more. Your tongue rolled from between you plump lips inviting him for more. Instead he brought his thumb to your tongue and you took it into your mouth tracing circles around it with your tongue. The sight of you behaving so dirty with no shame drove him crazy, his cock twitched inside you and you clenched around him feeling your next orgasm approach. He felt your cunt quiver around him so he grabbed your waist tightly, fingernails digging into your flesh as he fucked you deeper. The new depth he reached made your body convulse beneath him. Your toes curled as he mercilessly pounded that same sensitive spot over and over.
"P-Please Cooper..." you begged "make me cum all over your fat cock."
He cursed at your lewdness, loving the obscenity that poured from your mouth.
"fuck, you're such a dirty little bitch" he removed one hand from your waist to toy with one of your breasts, spanking them as they bounced while he fucked your sweet cunt.
The sudden pain from his rough treatment of your breasts was enough to send you over the edge, you screamed his name, fingers grasping and whatever they could find. Your cum soaked his cock and he was mercilessly riding you out of your orgasm.
"You like it rough, my little slut?" He shamed you, and you loved it. You nodded, moaning uncontrollably, unable to form words, your mind was foggy, your entire body clenching, clinging to him. He pulled out suddenly making you whimper at how empty you felt without him. But it didn't last long, he grinned with a wild look in his eye and flipped you so he could fuck you from behind.
Grabbing a fist full of your knotted hair, he pulled your head back hard while simultaneously thrusting his cock back into your pulsing depths. You let out a primal moan at the perfect mix of pain and pleasure, spreading your cum soaked thighs wider for him. You allowed him to pound the depths of your hole and your body shook as he thrust his length in fast and hard, dominating you.
"Tell me, who you belong to?" He demanded. He knew you could barely speak but he wanted to hear you say it.
"Ah...y-you" You managed to moan between hard thrusts. It wasn't enough for him, he brought his other hand from your hip and smacked your ass hard. You felt another orgasm coming and your pulsing walls felt his cock twitch letting you know he was close too.
"Say it!" he ordered, pulling your hair harder.
"Aha...f-fuck, Coop... I-I'm yours!" He spanked you again. The stinging pain rippled through your body and your vision went blurry. The desperate need to cum again made you thrust your ass back to meet his hard strokes.
"I-I'm your filthy little slut, Cooper!" You screamed as his thrusts became more sporadic. His nails dug into your hip as he fucked himself hard in your hole. He pulled your head up by your hair, bringing his lips to your ear.
"good girl" he hissed. Waves of pleasure shook your body as he made you cum again. Soaking his cock once more, your swollen pussy quivered around him. He let out a feral growl as you squeezed him. His name spilled from your lips and he jerked your head to the side to allow access to your neck. His teeth sunk into your soft flesh, he was rough as he claimed you. Holding his cock deep inside your tight cunt, he spilled his milky fluid inside, releasing a low groan into your neck as he came.
Slowly he slid himself in and out few more times, riding out his high, making sure to fill you up with all of his cum. Then he gently released you from his grip and you slumped against the porch step with a final moan, unable to keep yourself up. He slid himself from your sore cunt and you winced, spinning on your back to face him. He gazed over your shaking form, drenched in sweat and cum, bruises and bitemarks covered your neck and tits, your eyes glazed over panting heavily. He broke you, just like you asked.
"You wear my bite marks well, Darlin" he said proudly, gently tracing his fingers over the marks on your neck.
Your lips curled into a mischievous smile "You'll make those ferals jealous." you said weakly.
He laughed, "Oh Darlin, I ain't gonna let a creature on this planet get a taste of you" He grabbed your discarded undies and began cleaning you up with them. He was careful, delicate even, the complete opposite to how he just handled you. He caught your surprised expression.
"Gotta make sure my good little slut is looked after" he smirked, your jaw dropped remembering the filth that poured from your mouth as he fucked you. You were mortified, covering your face with your hands too ashamed to look at him.
He chuckled at your reaction, dragging his coat to cover you from the chill of the wasteland before tucking his dick back in his pants.
You finally found the strength to sit up on the steps and he sat beside you watching as the sun peeked out from over the horizon.
"Can you stand? I ain't carryin you again" his softness faded and he was back to his harsh and playful ways.
"I can walk myself, thank you very much!" You huffed.
He raised a brow "Oh? You ain't broken enough then, sweetheart"
You smirked "Guess you'll have to try again when we get our estate"
"Such a tease" he groaned "I'll be punishin you later, slut" his tone was dark as he threatened you, pulling you by the chin to meet his gaze. You knew he was only testing you the first time, seeing how much you could take. But next time he'd make you cry. Next time he'd make sure you can't walk for days.
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meimesworld · 13 days
I know everyone should focus on the allegations of Lily orchard because ultimately that’s the most important, I’d like to raise a point and swing back to the fanfiction to ask a question to die hard Lily supporters.
No need to get into specifics, Stockholm was a story created by Lily under her dead deadname that involved abuse, pedophilia, etc etc.
What i can’t seem to fathom when there’s an argument against her lying is…why? Lily has constantly changed her story of the fanfiction multiple times.
Starting with the most well known quote of “can’t use Stockholm, I wrote that one” Lily has multiple sources where she directly acknowledges that she was part of the stories creation
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The most interesting part of this, is that multiple times she has addressed the work by its name, Stockholm.
Then she went on to deny ever creating the piece in the height of the drama with Josh, where he flat out states that she wrote it, only for her in audio to say that he “could’ve pulled it from any fanfiction site” and show a censored screen shot blurring any information pointing to the exact contents of the story. While that tweet directly had been deleted, this tweet, posted on the same day he showed a screenshot of the fanfiction, proving exactly what the contents involved were.
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She then some years later posted that, no, actually, it was originally called Scars, and the sex scenes were only added in because haters gonna hate man. So now it was “I didn’t write Stockholm, I wrote something else” despite, for years, only ever acknowledging it as Stockholm
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All of these things are flown out the water when you remember that the @the-last-alicorn is still up and if you search her name on the blog it directly shows her account (now nuked) tied to the series.
And now, in its conclusion, both in KP’s video and in a recent stream she did, she finally admits that she did write Stockholm, addressing it by its actual name, and that it was taken out of context and, in stream, that she simply was just dumb and shouldn’t have wrote the things she did.
So my apologies, that’s actually five different stories, not 4.
This is where I have to ask supporters: at what point do you acknowledge that Lily is simply a liar? Instead of from the jump just saying “I wrote something that I don’t agree with now” as she did in her recent stream, she went on for years blaming haters, bronies, AI even when it wasn’t in public use yet. I’m pretty sure the amount of dragging she got for that alone wouldn’t have been as severe as it has been. Yeah there prolly still would ppl be weirded out by her but at least she wouldn’t be a liar. And in turn, if she can lie about something as simple as this, why in the hell is it so unbelievable that she could lie about molesting her sister, or being an abusive friend, or anything else?
Personally, I don’t even buy the idea that her tumblr just suddenly got mass reported so bad it was deleted, I genuinely think she started to realize just how much shit is housed on her account that she simply deleted it herself, but I could always just be a biased lil shit waffle constantly inclined to think the worst.
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anarchic-miscellany · 2 months
Reading "One Piece" for the first time: Part 7 This is more like it, maybe I'm just getting old, but I like that there is more character interplay, interactions and bouncing off of each other, true conflict, not quite merely a rubber idiot roudhouse kicking a nuke into the King of Ferrets or whatever the fuck the author has this week. The Idiot, The Himbo, Meme in Progress and now The Giga Chad and the Brothers Chucklefuck are in a tiny boat looking for the Cartographer with a Brain Cell, who jacked their ship and buggered off whilst they were recruiting the Giga Chad and battling a man made of guns. Now they've arrived at basically Hawaii, which appears to be Nami's village. It's pretty enough, and being ruled over by a hench fishman and his fish man army who are extorting the place, oh and his nose gives Usopp's a run for its money. Knowing this series they'll probably actually do that... Anyway, she's betrayed them all only not really only she has only nobody in the crew seems to believe her. It's endearing, yes, that they all believe that this girl they've known for about 8 minutes would never betray them, but also: guys. Come on. Giga Chad I get: he's horny. But the rest of you? Arlong is the villain here, and I dig him, he's one of the better ones so far. I am surprised at the restraint, again, in having fish people appear but it does raise questions about genetics and the like: do they reproduce with eggs? Is it asexual? Are there fish women somewhere? Oh God.
DO NOT SHOW ME BUSTY FISH WOMEN! THIS SERIES IS HORNY ENOUGH! PLEASE GOD NO! So, they see the palace run by King Scalestorm, and Zoro's first thought is: "I mean, we can take them." Naturally the brothers chucklefuck (Johnny and, the other one) tie him to the mast. Alright, that's a funny joke, series, touche. I appreciate the sense of humour this manga has, but when it swings for the fences emotionally thus far it does seem out of place. Is the cham in the series that it goes to 11 when there are emotions involved? That is the vibe I'm getting.
Meme in Progress Usopp continues to endear himself as my joint favourite guy, by simply strolling into the village and figuring everything out: apparently the houses were all just flipped over and cast aside like they'e kids with fucking Tonka Toys throwing a tantrum. Correctly, he deduces: "Nah mate, I ain't going NEAR that." See Usopp, you and me can hang. Like, you're a person, with identifiable normal feelings, you're a justifiably ordinary guy in this universe of mavericks and people who punch God in the face on their way to buy bread and splitting the Earth open with a wave of their hand. He meets a grouchy seeming lady, and a boy she's yelling at for trying to get himself killed in the path of revenge against Arlong, and he's an endearing little scamp by standing up for the kid. Good Guy Usopp. I like you, you're one of the few characters here I'd actually just hang out with like a normal person. Arlong has corrupt cops (sorry, cops) under his payroll and basically does what he pleases. A good villain here, he's what a pirate is: and I like the whole eugenicist bully angle. What's the bet that that never comes back as the author gets bored and moves onto, oh I don't know, fucking cockroach tanks piloted by cyborgs or something. Nami is attempting to get a shed load of money to buy her village out from under his thrall. Conflict! Nice! It's a cool thing where Zoro just attempts to kill himself to test if Nami is actually evil enough to let him die, and true to form she dives in to save him, though more likely was the fact that she was attempting to stop him from murdering the water. The insanity is kept relatively tame here, which is my kind of jam: I HATE people who recommend stuf with "oh it's mental, you'll love it!" Like, no, I need contrast to the insanity, it needs to build, it needs to balance, it needs to let release tension and steam. It needs plotting and pacing and character and growth. It's why I'm never playing that fucking piece of shit "Exalted", stop recommending it to me, Tobin and Sam, fuck! Anyway. The Idiot is, thankfully, out of the way for most of this, chilling on his boat and napping, but unfortunately he has Giga Chad with him, so we have less Giga Chad this chapter. But that is fine, as we get more of the nonsense of the crew and a villain I actually like. My friend who got me into this, however, also raises a good point: if there are fish men, what is sea food? Are they eating the young of the fish people? Because I am team Arlong if that is the case. It's nice to have this character development, and some stuff for Cartographer with a Brain Cell to do, even if none of them buy her "betrayal" for an instant - but that fake stabbing of Meme in Progress was pretty cool, good job guys! And it ties into this desperation and world building in the village - people left at the mercy of criminal gangs because cops won't help, as 1. They are cops. 2. There are dudes who can tear apart the skies with a yodel, or whatever fucking bullshit super power the author has pulled out of his ass this week Good job, world and character and stuff. So anyway. The Himbo takes out a palace of dudes all by himself, and the Giga Chad kicks the ocean so hard that his boat fucking flies. THERE we go. I was starting to think you'd lost your touch, old boy. So now Johnny and the other one have legged it, and the Idiot is napping rather than fighting. I for one appreciate it, it has been a tad dull with him doing stuff. Also I think Sanji wants to fuck a mermaid, and Nami. And Nami AS a mermaid. Follow your dreams, bro. They are going to square off with fish mafia man, and try to save this village. So knowing these guys that means they will befriend the fish man and destroy the place.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Choices!Series Part One: Diamonds Vostanik Sabatino x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @novamariestark @words-and-seeds @thiashazzywriting @whateversomethingbruh
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It’s the undercover op that makes Sabatino ask the question. He’s back in LA on the trail of a stolen painting that’s being used as currency in exchange for nukes. It ties into a terrorist organisation he’s been hunting in Syria. NCIS have been working the case from the other end. It seems these days that your working lives seem to converge more often than not. He isn’t complaining, it means that he can be around a little more.
It becomes a joint op, the painting is being sold as part of an underground auction, you have connections to that world through an alias way back. The cover story you’d used to explain getting out of the game was that you’d gotten married, moved to New York.
It’s realistic enough. Sabatino has the accent and the attitude to pull it off. At heart he’s still a boy from Yonkers. The perfect man to play your husband.
It’s in wardrobe that he puts the rings on your finger. A platinum wedding band, and an engagement ring with a diamond the size of a moonrock. You’re playing the role of extravagant art dealer, everything about the two of you has to scream rich. It’s gaudy as fuck, he sees the face you pull, and he finds himself smiling. He knows you prefer silver, more meaningful pieces. Sapphires instead of diamonds.
“Would you do me the honour of being my fake wife?” He teases, clasping the delicate jewellery between his fingertips as he takes your hand. “We can share bullets, a pair of handcuffs.”
“When you put it like that how can I refuse?” You smile as he slides the ring onto your finger.
It’s when he looks up, his dark eyes meeting yours that he feels something shift. He has a glimpse into his future, the one he wants with you. He envisions marrying you, somewhere intimate, surrounded by the people that love you as much as he does.
“Do you…” He trails off looking down at the platanium wedding band, his thumb chasing over it lovingly. “Do you ever think about doing this for real?”
“Yea.” You say quietly and he detects the sadness in your voice.
His eyebrows furrow into a frown as he tilts his head up to meet your gaze, a questioning look in his eyes.
“Marriage takes commitment…” You tell him and it feels like you’ve punched him in the chest.
“You don’t think I’m committed to this?” He asks you, his voice lowering an octave, becoming more rough, more gravelly. “To us?”
“I think your job allows you to have one foot out the door. It’s been working for us the last few years but marriage…” You swallow hard against the ache in your chest as you force the words out. “For me it represents security, stability.”
“And you need that.” He says resolutely, pursing his lips together grimly before he pulls away, your hand slipping from his. He picks up the matching suit jacket from the hanger before he pulls it on over his shoulders. “I gotta go update my people.”
“Nik…” You say and he holds his hand up to wave you off.
“Don’t worry about it.” He tells you as he starts to walk away. “We had to get it out in the open at some point right?”
Love Nik? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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dreddedwheat · 6 months
Back to the Dredd-tomes: Judgement Day
Okay, so-!
Brief introduction: I used to have a previous blog that focused on my youthful fanboyism of the 2000AD and Judge Dredd universe. A few misstimed clicks a year or so back and that all got nuked, and it basically killed my enthusiasm for writing stuff up, since I lost a metric ton of amateur analysis, fan-mixes and other stuff that most people would usually forget.
There was a lot of back and forth with good folks like @judgeanon (who I credit with helping support what is a vanishingly small online discussion around Dredd and 2000ad in general), which is now sadly mostly lost. Usually for the better with my more immature antics, hence the fresh start and fresh name to go with it.
However, after a Christmas filled with a sudden surge of - probably ill-informed - Dredd buys, I decided to get back into things. That means actually talking about the comic that was formative for me as a fan of both comic-books and fiction in general...
And where better to start than the biggest, the meanest, and the best/baddest (depending on who you ask) Dredd epic, JUDGEMENT DAY. (Spoiler warnings, images courtesy of the 2000AD site and Google Search.)
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So, let's get into a basic overview of this contentious Dredd epic...
The Story so far: Judge Dredd is a law-enforcer in Mega-City One, a massive post-apocalyptic metropolis. As a Judge he's authorised to deliver instant sentencing on the spot, no jury or court necessary. He's judge, jury and executioner, and he is the law, but you probably already knew that.
Johnny Alpha is a Strontium Dog, a mutant bounty-hunter that wants to break free of life on an increasingly anti-mutant Earth. Taking on the bounties no-one else will touch, he utilises his unique 'Alpha Eyes' to see through walls, sense other people's intentions and more. He always gets his man.
Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, let's get into it. For the uninitiated, a Dredd 'epic' is a pretty standard description for a big summer storyline. This all started with the "Apocalypse War" back in the eighties, a storyline which defined not only Judge Dredd but also British Boy's comics.
For American fans, and British comic readers of a certain age (like me) it's hard to imagine a time when most British comics were simply lukewarm re-treads of the same adventure stories you'd read in the fifties, sixties and seventies. Of course, not all of these were bad - far from it - but like many things in Britain during the eighties they were a victim of a stuffy, uptight and squeamish society.
2000AD proved to be a seminal title in many ways, mostly in introducing borderline graphic violence, mature storylines, cynical themes and more complicated heroes. Judge Dredd, a tyrannical authoritarian supercop who nonetheless has strong principles and heroic intentions is the most emblematic of that.
However, for most of his lifetime Dredd had been a relatively straightforward and heroic figure. And although a direct criticism of this was not far away - in the form of the Democracy Now storyline - the Apocalypse War was perhaps the first time we saw Dredd on a firm backfoot.
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The lantern-jawed hero was put thoroughly on the defensive when the Sovs, a pastiche of Soviet-era Russia, attacked and destroyed a large portion of Mega-City One. It was a grand war story depicting the Judges of the city waging guerilla warfare and culminating with a particularly chilling page where Dredd retaliates using the Sov's own nukes, obliterating hundreds of millions of people.
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Yee-ikes, even nowadays this is vicious stuff. Now imagine this in a mag that's being sold next to "The Beano" on shelves and you can imagine why this was considered such a definitive storyline.
But, okay, why am I telling you this? Well, put simple, Judgement Day is a result of the inherent love that writer Garth Ennis, best-known now for titles like The Boys and Punisher Max, had for this storyline. At least that's the prevailing thesis put forwards by people like JA, God knows that online discussion of Dredd is hard to come by no matter what.
Regardless, this should set the stage. By now, Mega-City One has fazed many crises and successive near-extinction events. Most recently - at the time - Necropolis, where the Dark Judges (we'll get into them) invaded and took control of the city's Judges, attempting to carry out their campaign of omnnicide before being narrowly halted by Judge Dredd, McGruder, Cadet Giant and the everlovin' Psi-Judge Anderson.
So, stage-set, where does that lead us?
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Judgement Day is, in simple terms, Dredd vs Zombies. Pretty cliché now, but back in the 90s this was still a fresh and rather bloody concept. And regardless of what one thinks of Ennis' writing, the art is stunning and graphic, with Dredd mainstay Carlos Ezquerra taking center-stage. Although I'd argue that Dean Ormston is at least second-best if not better, with some mouthwatering - pardon the pun - depictions of flesh-eating zombies cribbing from giallo films.
Judge Dredd - and the rest of his post-nuclear world - suddenly face an overwhelming undead assault from the necromagus Sabbat. Resurrecting billions of corpses, Sabbat wages all-out war on the Mega-Cities, and all seems lost until the arrival of Johnny Alpha...
Alpha and Dredd had already met in the story "Top Dogs" where Johnny and his partner, the time-displaced viking Wulf Sternhammer, narrowly escaped capture by the lawman. Naturally, they don't get on too well.
Regardless, Alpha proves instrumental in helping Dredd - and a coalition of international Judges - finding and destroying (or near-enough) Sabbat in a bloody showdown in the Radlands of Ji, a part of post-nuclear China.
In-between we have lavish set-pieces of Dredd and his fellow Judges fending off hordes of the undead, flashes to other parts of the globe and other judges playing their part, as well as fantastic art throughout.
So, what's the problem?
Well, the main issue is that, as JA pointed out in his own posts on the storyline, Judgement Day is very much a 'blockbuster' event. And sadly, it's as close as 2000AD has ever gotten to emulating the American comics ideal of the big crossover event. And NOT in a good way. Although you couldn't criticise it for being slow-paced and overwrought, it has many issues that mark it out for fans.
For one, the storyline - as I only recently found out - ran consecutively in both 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine, the latter a solely Dreddverse-focused publication. Now, obviously, the issues with asking people to buy two magazines, monthly and weekly, aside this also meant that the fairly fast-paced movie-style storyline was constantly being broken up.
Add onto that the ridiculous stakes ("Billions of people are dying! Planet Earth is on the brink!"), an at-times-confusing tone (Sabbat's zombies performing a Disney-esque musical number during the climactic showdown), the destruction of various international Mega-cities - few of which we'd even had the chance to know - and the borderline fanservicey pairing of Dredd and Alpha, and we have a recipe for...not a disaster, but something that's a bit of a messy moment in the Dredd saga.
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Because, yes, Dredd's story has been continuous, and while not concrete generally the broad-strokes have always been pretty solid (usually a tweak to a character's origin or what they said and did here, but stuff like the Apocalypse War is almost untouched). Judgement Day really feels like a moment where a lot of potential areas of the world like Brasilia, Mega-City Two and others were, quite literally, nuked off the face of the Earth. We also saw some interesting side-characters gored under the zombie hordes, such as Oz Judge Bruce and Judge Dekker.
Basically, Judgement Day slammed the door shut on potential plotlines, was shaky in terms of the publishing angle and overall had more of an overwrought Hollywood blockbuster than intense action-thriller. It also came hot on the heels of Necropolis, and arguably was part of a quick-succession of world-shaking crises such as Inferno which, as far as I can tell, numbed readership going into the 2000s.
Sabbat also stands as quite a weak villain. He rarely appears until the finale, and his backstory - a downtrodden teacher's pet turned murderous necromancer - may be an amusing reference to the aforementioned "Beano" but it's also a bit of a silly one for someone who's meant to be our big, brutal bad-guy, and not in a good way. He's not a bore to read, but sometimes his moments of simpering arrogance can undercut what is essentially an apocalyptic moment for the world of Dredd.
However, even more frustratingly, Judgement Day is also a massive stepping-stone in terms of the-then current Dredd plotline, making it very hard to ignore. It effectively marked Chief Judge McGruder's last major heroic moment, the first time we saw Judge Hershey take up the mantle of Chief Judge and perhaps the most definitive Alpha/Dredd crossover.
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I think it's a testament to the overall high-quality of major Dredd storylines that Judgement Day holds up as well as it does. But it also bears all the hallmarks of something that would work well in a vacuum, but which has a messy place in continuity. I'd loved to have seen a non-canon take on this, perhaps allowing us to bring in characters like Wulf Sternhammer - who was sadly offed before this storyline was written - into the zombie battle royale.
There's also some usual holdovers of poorly-aged stuff that was endemic to British comics at the time. Hondo-City, Ciudad Barranquilla and other areas get equal billing but some traces of their stereotypical origins remain. This storyline did go some way to fleshing out the wider world - as much as it obliterated it - of Dredd.
Yet I can't deny that, in the moment of reading, Judgement Day is enthralling. It's pure, gorey action and fanservice. I just wish it didn't cast such a shadow across later stories, and that it hadn't taken so many interesting places and people with it in the process.
Picking this story up, you know what you're getting, and if you're along for the ride...you'll have a hell of a time.
As it stands, Judgement Day is a weaker entry writing-wise but still well-worth picking up for the art and general premise alone. If you're a new Dredd fan and want something a bit lighter than the commonly-cited "America" storyline, this is a fine way to get into the fast-paced and more action-focused content of 2000AD without needing much forward knowledge.
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lilisette · 6 months
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bit of a roster update since its almost the end of the year! my roster has changed a lot since and many characters have come and gone. hopefully next year i will actually make up my mind and really finalize my main 6 🫠
from top to bottom, left to right:
Aurelian (Paladin) | Selaena (Souleater)
Endymion (Berserker) | Inaenna (Slayer)
Calibourne (Paladin) | Celestina (Bard)
rip arcana, summoner, artist, destroyer, sorceress and so many other classes i deleted/benched... i will come back to you one day...
also main 6 roster evolution for this year, watch me change again with breaker under the cut 👀
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i wanted to do a 5 support 1 dps gold roster at the start of the year but yeah. artist came and nuked that idea to the ground lmao. those few months were truly hell to pug on a support
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this was i think a few weeks before elgacia? i had an artist prior to this screenshot actually, but she never made it to the main 6 because i didn't like her sprinkle skill and no space to take DR skill. but with the new changes coming on january i might give artist a shot again.
oh destroyer. hes so much fun to play but way too slow for me. i still do guardians on him though and hitting perfect swing is truly chefs kiss
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theres a 5 month gap between this screenshot and the second one. summoner on paper is great but playing her was pure SUFFERING. idk not even the massive january buff + season 3 bozos jar can change my mind now, she felt way waaaaay too slow on MS and i dont like CO so... rip 1540 summoner i might come back to you if smilegate reworks the class again..
ngl i made a random dps just to do t3 tower cause there was nooooo way i was gonna do it on a support. originally i wanted to make a pistoleer but then i saw i need to use cursed doll and i HATE cursed doll, so i picked berserker instead. mayehm zerk is pretty fun actually and very consistent despite the negative sentiment around him.
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ooh boy souleater. i dropped my first ever character (sorceress) for her and she did NOT disappoint! they were not joking when they said souleater is just a better igniter. sorceress is still nice to play dont get me wrong but souleater numbers man... its getting to me...
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and heres the most recent one. rip arcana and my MC for so many of my fics... arcana is also amazing and i pull my own weight on raids dont get me wrong, its just that i have no hands to play her to the best of her ability lmao. plus the damage numbers on souleater is really getting to me, hence slayer. still not sure which engraving i want to do on her, i might actually buy 2 sets of accessories for her so i can switch whenever.
this will be my main 6 roster until maybe breaker? also not sure if want to make him yet. but definitely until smilegate announces a male mage/male delain/female paladin. also a sage class would be cool, be it dps or support. the voldis sages are great and i hope theres more lore/content about them yes i want to see mariu again dont judge me
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bthump · 10 months
I came across this theory on the internet. Would like to know your opinion on this. By the way, I do not want to set you or someone against the author of the theory. I'm just interested in hearing your opinion.🖤
Griffith = Lucifer. Name meaning “Light-Bringer”, “Shining one” etc. Griffith & Lucifer have the same personality and the same goals (ever “longing”). Lucifer has a gang of fallen angels just like Griffith’s apostles. There’s a nice paragraph on Lucifer (after his fall) that correlates well with Griffith: How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?"
Guts = Jesus/MichaelLucifer is known as the serpent or ”dragon” (he was in the form of a dragon when defeated by St. Michael), meanwhile Gut’s has an aptly named “Dragon Slayer”. In some interpretations, St. Michael, is also Jesus (Jesus being his form on earth).People also see Parallels between Griffith and the Antichrist. Miura has always been deliberate in portraying Gut’s as Griffiths antithesis. Obviously the antithesis to the antichrist, is christ.Jesus sacrifices himself for others (opposite of GH/Apostles). When he dies he goes to Hell, where he releases all of Hell’s captives. Which is one way for the IoE to be defeated I guess. Somehow purifying the vortex of dark souls (Maybe with some elf magic) could’ve been a thing. Send Guts into that heart like a Trojan horse, strapped with a nuke of “goodness”. I’m half-joking.If I use this theory I can almost see a full conclusion to Berserk. Obviously here Guts dies. But avoids suffering in the Vortex. Knowing who the Fifth King is would’ve helped. If we go by the directions it’s the Center (i.e Void), which binds all the other elements (King of the East, King of the West, King of the Void?). Three plausibilities are Void, IoE, unknown Spirit. It’s also possible Void is using the Fifth like a familiar/posession. But I don’t see how the GH can die when they hang around “formless”, are essentially already ”masses of negative thoughts”, born from the vortex, and will probably just come right out if sent there. IoE has to fall.
I've seen the take a lot that Griffith represents Satan or the Antichrist and tbh I don't really buy that.
In my view, knowing what we know from the lost chapter about the nature of Berserk's "God," Griffith seems to me like a basic messiah figure in a cynical universe where God is the collective unconscious of humanity that wants fate to exist so they have something to blame for bad things happening lol. Ganishka seemed to be the story's antichrist figure, as far as that allegory goes, at least from my pov.
I'm not religious so I'm sure that factors into my own takes here and why I don't necessarily see much merit in theories that rely on the understanding that a Jesus expy is the "good guy." I also tend to be skeptical of analysis that relies on a lot of a=b style reasoning. Berserk has allegorical elements, and a lot of references to various mythologies and other stories, but Christianity is only one of them.
That said, there are similarities and I wouldn't be surprised if elements of Lucifer got mixed in with Jesus, among plenty of other inspirations as well, to create Griffith. But I can't really discuss these elements in detail because I'm far from an expert in Christianity.
wrt the last bit, when Griffith killed Ganishka and genre shifted the world into high fantasy, the Godhand stopped being formless and they're now part of the world. I've always theorized that this makes them both more powerful and more vulnerable, and it'll probably factor in to whatever's going to happen with them.
And I don't necessarily think the Idea of Evil has to be destroyed either. It's entirely possible that the climax of Berserk will lead to some sort of paradigm shift that destroys it by changing humanity's ways of thinking - an age of reason kind of deal, maybe - but I don't consider the IoE a villain that needs to be destroyed for the sake of a happy ending, and if I was going to bet I'd just bet on the cycle starting over again with a new set of godhands. But yeah either way I definitely think that humanity has to change to "defeat" the Idea of Evil, rather than destroying the Idea of Evil to change humanity. It's a product of humanity, not the other way around.
Thanks for the ask!
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melon-colli · 2 days
Yapping about Inscryption
Just 'finished' (that's in quotes cause I'm not convinced that the games not DONE done) Inscryption and overall I really enjoyed it! I stopped live blogging after a certain point so heres a post to get those out.
!Spoilers for the whole game under the cut!
>I wasn't too sure about the art style change in Act 2 at first, and the fact that I was dog water at the new card mechanics didn't help, but it really grew on me and so did the new gameplay!
>The other scrybes were really interesting, there wasn't a single one I found boring. If I had to rank them I'd go Leshy<Grimora/P03<Magnificus. Grim and P03 only occupy the same space because I love them both equally.
>He's so quirky! Love him! Seriously though he was an endearing main character, truly creepypasta protag material. Seeing him get shot in the end really caught me off guard, and honestly shook me a little. Idk but why I didn't expect him to die, especially like that. Expected like a computer monster birthed from the old disk to get him, not for the GameFuna rep to cap him in the face. Had my chest tight for a second. Anyways rip bro, raising my mantis god to the sky.
>As for Act 3, I liked it! P03 is such a delightful dickhead, who I just know would be so annoying about Pokemon natures. Botopia was less immersive than Leshy's campaign, and I like what that says about P03's character, who cares way more about gameplay. This chapter's talking cards have my heart. Lonely Wizard specifically, but Angler was nice for the 5 minutes I knew him. (I traded him for another card specifically because he said 'choose me'. Sorry man I thought you had a plan)
>Obligatory Goobert Mention. Great guy, glad his pain was lessened by the tubes. Idk why you still want to go back to Magnificus, but I wont tell you what to do.
>The Uber bot bosses were still pretty interesting for a bot who supposedly doesn't care much abt crafting characters. I made my own special hell for the Make-your-own boss. Where for every dead card, another is drawn. P03 tried to stop me multiple times, but I was determined. For phase two I just chose leap bots for every dead card. Silly boss. Golly was also a sweetheart, loved the mole. As for the scribe Uberbot, the file deletion threat didn't get me nearly as bad since I came off of Kinitopet and knew the game couldn't actually do something like that and be on steam, but it still had me a little nervous lol (cause like what if it did?).
I got weirdly giddy at the prospect of finding the pelt man again. Idk why because I despised him in Act 1, Got a few pelts but never actually found him. Got scammed at the mart cause I thought buying the pelt would make him show up lol.
>Falling into the factory and seeing the 3 scribes just standing there scared me a little, thought they were gonna jump me.
>After that part, going back to P03 knowing what's going to happen, I felt a bit bad. At first. Sure P03's a smug jerk, but it just wanted to be free right? The walk back when it's reminiscing about the game amped this feeling up, but I love that the game yanked the rug from under me and went 'yeah no this puter just sucks' once it starts gloating. Lol. lmao. Also I didn't expect Leshy to just rip its head off wtf bro.
>Saying goodbye to everyone at the end was sad. Having one last game with the Scrybes was so bittersweet. Grimora's game was interesting, and its a crime we didn't have time for a boss battle. Leshy. Leshy I love you so much. I like that Magnificus wasn't going gentle into that good night at first, but his insistence to keep going lost him the chance to shake our hand. I was never super into his play style, but his game was really cool looking, even if im not super into that stuff. (I know the arm thing had something to do with Yugi-oh but I know nothing abt it sorry).
>The lead up to unzipping the Old Code was done so well. Grimora may have nuked the game to get rid of it, but Luke's curiosity still doomed him in the end. The totem lady's last words before we found it were quite unsettling. I don't know what was on that zip, but whatever it was clearly messed Luke up.
>I loved the ending of the game. Already talked about it in the Luke section, but it was so abrupt and final. Idk what I expected but I knew it was over when Luke opened the door for the Funa rep. Rip.
Overall, 10/10 game. There's still something called Kaycees mod for me to do, but all in all I really enjoyed it!
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saanphoenix · 27 days
do you think it will ever be addressed that vincent just left sephiroth in hojo's hands and did nothing.
NOPE! No. Nope. In every fucking FFVII media addition, not just OG, every time Vincent's past is brought up, it's always about him, his emotional constipation, and fucking Lucrecia. Especially Dirge. No one walks up to this man and goes, "You realize you sticking your head in the goddamn sand for 30 years, ignoring the plight of the kid from your ~precious Lucrecia~ has helped get us to this point, right?" And if you did go up and confront him with this fact, he would, halfway through your first sentence, manifest a fucking coffin out of thin air like Luocha from Honkai: Star Rail to climb into it to hide some more.
As it stands in current media, Vincent only cares about Lucrecia. Sephiroth is and has always been an afterthought. He is a DLC of Lucrecia's that Vincent decided not to buy. He looked at it, thought about buying it, took a bullet, became Monsters Inc., and went, "Eh. I'll pass."
I love Vincent. He was a permanent member of my party in FFVII, even when he shouldn't have been, on account of his stats and also Galian Beast healing monsters with his stupid fire move. But, in regards to the matter of Sephiroth, I will beat that man.
And fans be like, "But he went through trauma, too! How was he supposed to--!" HE HAS CHAOS! HE CAN BECOME AN ENTITY NIGH EQUAL TO A GOD! He is immortal!! And he doesn't even need to use Chaos! Galian Beast pushed my shit in in Rebirth! If Cloud can one shot troopers left and right, Galian Beast can nuke half the goddamn Shinra Building, yoink a tyke, and leave!
But the main contention I have is that he didn't even try. He was so caught up in his own goddamn problems. He. The adult. That he never once, across many decades, tried to save that child a second time. He just wrote him off.
But I guess it makes sense how he was a Turk before.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Kanye West - Yeezus
I'm not here to review Kanye West's recent antics. If you want my opinions on him as a person then watch these videos by F.D Signifier they cover the situation extremely well.
Here we have the last good Kanye West album. It's not as good or as revolutionary as any of his previous, but it still shows why Ye was one of the absolute best in the business. The beats are very intense and the 8nduatrial.influence is obvious. Sample choices are fewer and farther between than the usual Ye record, but they are placed with precision. The sample of Nina Simone's version of Strange Fruit on Blood On The Leaves is chilling. Lyrically however it's clear the Ye is starting to fall off. For every prescient lyric about oppression there will be some bootstrappy bullshit accusing black people of having bad fashion sense (we get it no one wanted to buy your shoes and you're mad). Or worse lyrics that are just stupid, "I keep it 300 like the Romans" and "eatin' asian pussy all I need was sweet and sour sauce" are terribly embarrassing lines and you'll find something like them on about two thirds of the album. Still, if you go in with a solid understanding of where Ye was at this point in his career it's pretty easy to overlook the weaknesses and enjoy the stark intensity of Yeezus.
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Randy Newman - Sail Away
Before he was known for Pixar films Randy Newman was known for biting left wing political satire. I know Tumblr is not known for appreciating or even remotely understanding satire, but imma give you all the benefit of the doubt. The album starts right off with the title track, which is sung as a sales pitch for the trans Atlantic slave trade, promising that "you'll sing about Jesus and drink wine all day" and ominously that "you're all gonna be an American". So that's how satire works, he says one thing but you are supposed to peek behind the words and see what kind of person he is describing that would frame the slave trade that way. Get it? Between songs praising the Cuyahoga river for repeatedly catching fire and claiming that, since everyone hates America anyway, there's no harm in nuking the rest of the world Newman does find time for sincerity. Old Man is a dead sincere ode to the passing of his father and Last Night I Had A Dream seems to be unirinically about the fear of being known by others. Newman's lyricism goes between being stark and funny and it highlights the fine line between comedy and tragedy.
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Minutemen - Double Nickels On The Dime
One of the crown achievement in punk rock. This album is long and ambling with 40+ tracks that are usually just under two minutes. The album is actively hostile to the idea of taking this shit seriously. Nothing was left on the cutting room floor, every sketch of a song is recorded and included no matter how unfinished it seems and each side of the album starts with one of the band members revving their car engines. Some of it is distinctly punk like Political Song For Michael Jackson To Sing, but then it's followed by a funk track that devolves into spoken word bits. The song Corona is just country. The album achieves coherence by trying to run as far away from it as possible. Of particular note is Mike Watt's bass playing which is often front and center and provides a very bubbly atmosphere to the album. Plus he is just a very good bassist.
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The Beatles - Help!
The fab fucks are back! This time with an album that's actually kinda good. Help! is kind of a transitional record having mostly abandoned the rock n roll cover song laden early era, but not having fully embraced the somewhat more sophisticated writing style of the middle records. It's still very much crisp, simple guitar chords backing tight vocal harmonies as the song about girls and not much else. Sure the big hits Help!, Ticket To Ride, and Yesterday are great, but my faves are definitely Act Naturally and I've Just Seen A Face.
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Pavement - Wowee Zowee
I'm calling bullshit because Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain was already in this list so you can't include any further Pavement records because that's the best one. Wowee Zowee is also probably their weakest imo, not that it's bad but it's a 9 in a sea of 10s. Pavement lost their edge a bit on this one, it's still a collection of great songs but well Range Life is one of my favorite Pavement songs. That doesn't mean I want an entire album of Range Life.
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Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd is a band that was no stranger to personnel changes. Syd Barrett was the original frontman of the group and left in 68 due to mental health issues. Wish You Were Here is the band's ode to their lost member. David Gilmour's sweeping guitar work perfectly encapsulates the feeling of loss and alienation. It's dreamlike, as if it were a memory barely recollected. That guitar is what carries most of the album, the title track and all nine parts of Shine On You Crazy Diamond live in the spaces between Gilmour's note and Waters' lyrics which come together to eulogize their friend who is still alive but unrecognizable in his deteriorated state. It's weird and tragic, but I think it's beautiful that they made this whole album dedicated to just hoping that Syd could get some help.
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im-tops-bottom · 10 months
at the dinner table
Chan: so what did everyone get up to today, aside from disappointing god?
Minho: I payed for a Hyunjin sized air fryer to be created and it'll be shipped here by Thursday. Friday at the latest.
Changbin: I recorded everyone's moans and turned them into a club remix titled "Stray Moans"
Han: I helped Binnie with the track. We made 9 different versions
Jeongin: I set fire to kitchen trying to nuke my lunch that needed to reheated. Turns out forks don't mesh well with microwaves
Seungmin: I helped Innie clean up, went out to buy a new microwave and then bought 20 more with your card old man
Felix: I went to the local animal shelter
Chan: wow Felix is the only sane one today. That deserves a sticker under his name on the sanity boar- Lix what's wrong
Felix: *refuses to look up* uhm nothing?
*different animal sounds can be heard faintly down the hallway*
*everyone stares at Felix*
Chan: *with his hand up in the air holding a sticker* Lix why does it sound like a zoo down there?
Felix: *still refusing to look up* I think you know why
Chan: *sighs as he moves his hand away from the board* just once ... I would like at least one normal member
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Vulture from the nowhere Au
You know his story, but uh he is basically a traumatized psychopath who kills every person he sees and is suffering in a realm where you cannot die.
Well he can’t die but idk how it fully works…
Idk what  media.. uh horror? Idk he just from dd
Okay, so this is going to be fun! If you want more interaction ideas, let me know.
Newhome Town:
This place is where newcomers often come to find work, buy clothes, food, or weapons. It is a mix of fantasy, modern-day life, and science fiction. Knowing him, he would probably attack people, to try and get the food
The endodorians would pacify him, and would most likely treat him like a lost child
Most of the humans and aliens there would either do the same as the endodorians, or they would onshot him easily. In fnaftale, even if you're immortal, that doesn't mean you're immune to getting your ass beat.
The dielulowcooghazetcassheorarancoog Village
The interaction here would be very interesting, because the dielulowcooghazetcassheorarancoog people are extremely pacifistic, and they use hypnotic/magical songs to force people to be calm. Their music effects the soul, and since they continously sing a song of peace, he would instantly be forced into a nonviolent state, and they would welcome him temporarily as their own. Giving him food, clothes, and whatever he needs.
The Blade Breathers
The blade breathers would probably mistake him for a Blood Demon, and would swiftly decapitate him to prevent him from trying to extend Lord Marc Drac's army. They're used to being attacked by demonic vampire-like creatures, so an insane man that eats flesh and is basically immortal is just an average Tuesday.
Crystal Academy
These girls have enough power forced into their souls to wipe out a radius of 950,000 light-years. So these little girls could basically nuke him with a wave of their wands if they wanted to-
The only thing that would give him a chance is the fact these little girls hold back over 90% of their power, to make sure they don't destroy the galaxy they live in. If they hold back too much, well... these little girls aren't immortal. They're just powerful.
Cult of Materdraconisaeterna
Yeah, the High Dragon Priestess would have the dragons sick him. He could probably take down the dragons though, they're softer on their bellies and on their insides, so he could probably kill the dragons that way.
That's all I can think about off the top of my head, but yeah. If he plays his cards right, he'll live, but there are plenty of people that can and will try to kill him.
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goatlingsvent · 2 years
Like literally Disney and Nintendo are two of the last places you wanna rip off designs for. Disney is literally notorious for actively trying to change the American copyright law to keep the rights to various characters like Micky mouse from entering the public domain. Like idk, doesn't seem like a good idea to mess with the guys who are rich enough to lobby a law to be changed in their favor year after year and year its about to expire as well as generally rich enough to be able to break off and become their own country, oh and to buy nukes.
They also literally sued a dad who wanted to have a spiderman grave for his dead son cause copyright or something. If I remember correctly the kid never got the grave he wanted.
Oh and the time after making that day of the dead movie Coco they tried to getting the rights the name of the cultural holiday of movie is fucking about, Day of the Dead?????? Did we forget that?
Oh and don't forget they own fox news, DreamWorks and universal, discovery, etc. Etc. Etc. It's a fucking copyright monolith. They don't own Nintendo, (they literally laughed at the idea of being bought by Disney) but Nintendo can be equally unforgiven at times, to the point it's a wonder how Pokefarms is around when it makes money off of a site that uses official assists from the game when they'll nuke games that don't make money off of their from scratch assists.
Like idk man, I wouldn't tussle with the copyright mouse man. That's basically wishing the site to be fucking nuked. An apology doesn't fucking cut in this sense, not only did they rip of a fan artist's design, but a fanart of literally the most greedy American companies ever?
Like idk how fucked up this situation could possibly be if Disney catches wind of this. It literally wouldn't matter if the design gets changed, if Disney wanted to shut us down they would win by default.
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ithisatanytime · 3 months
go back and read news articles from the late sixties about the cuban missile crisis thats all you need to do to know beyond a shoadow of a doubt that nuclear bombs are fake, they are science fiction, they are impossible. because the fear during the cuban missile crisis was fucking PALPABLE, the prospect of nuclear annihilation was ever present in the minds of the average american citizen at the time. learn about the cuban missile crisis, understand what about it made people so afraid, and compare it to our current circumstances with russia, we should be ten times as fearful right now as we were during the cuban missile crisis, if nukes are real this is the closest, literally right now, we have ever been to the annihilation of humanity but no one cares, and most tellingly the media wont commit to the same level of fear mongering even though if nukes were real they would have more justification than EVER before right now to employ that fear mongering, but they really havent, they are doing a bit of it, GO BACK and look at news articles from the cuban missile crisis. the media wont commit because americans wont buy it, right now the media is like a man whos cheated on his wife, and he already threw out an excuse that he was over at his friend brians house reading the bible, but its a BAD excuse because your wife knows brian is retarded and cannot read, but the excuse is out there, you know its bad, do you go back to the bible study excuse when its convenient during the argument? yes, but only a little bit, because the excuse bears no close examination. they are being that way about nukes, they will bring it up but not commit because the american people arent as naive as they were in the sixties.
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headofocs-inklesspen · 5 months
14, 20, 34?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I think I’d buy lots of books, but even that would likely be a few hundred dollars. I’d take a lot of it to the local art school’s end of semester show and just buy a whole bunch of students’ art and put whatever is left away into savings.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
Nuclear history. I’m super into nuclear science as well, especially nuclear chemistry, but nuclear history? From the discovery of radiation to that time a US physicist proposed using actual fucking nukes to build a second Panama canal (his plan was ultimately shut down, but the man fucking tried). Soviet Nuclear history especially because they did so much fucked up shit. And so much of it feels like telling ghost stories because all of the cover up and corruption on both sides, especially as the USSR fell. My entry point was Chernobyl in late middle school and the whole thing has had a death grip on me since. I think it’s one of those things I was just primed to be interested in because most my early life my grandfather worked in a nuclear power station control room, so I was like 9 years old and hoping he’d forget his lunch so we’d have to go to the plant and bring it to him.
34. What’s your coffee order?
Depends on the day. I work at a coffee shop so I do a whole bunch of weird experiments but also the espresso at work isn’t that good so I have to put in way more syrup. At other coffee shops I typically get white mochas, hot or iced just depends on vibes. The except is the vegan cafe down the road from me, where I always get a hot London Fog because I maintain that they make the best London Fog’s in the city
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