#work routine
donewithnothing · 5 months
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jaideepkhanduja · 10 months
Enhancing Productivity: The Power of Music in the Workplace
What do you listen to while you work? In the midst of the bustling workday, as the hours stretch before me like an uncharted landscape, I find solace in the melodies that dance through my ears. What do I listen to while at work? It is a question that unveils a symphony of emotions, a tapestry woven with the threads of rhythm and harmony. I listen to the rhythm of my heartbeat, the steady…
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sreehari28 · 11 months
Welcome to my weekly vlog for May 17th! In this video, you'll get to see snippets of my week, including a boat cruise, my work routine, some workout sessions, and an exciting unboxing. I'm thrilled to share these moments with you, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! #vlog We start off with a fun boat cruise that I went on with some friends. You'll see some beautiful shots of the water and watch as we enjoy ourselves, soaking up the sunny day. After that, we hop right into my work routine. You'll see my morning routine, my commute, and some behind-the-scenes work footage. I'll share how I balance my job with my personal life and still find the time to enjoy both. Next, we'll move on to some workouts. I love staying active, and you'll get to see some of my favorite exercises, including yoga, strength training, and a fun dance workout. Then it's time for an unboxing! I won't give away too much, but let's just say it's a product that I've been excited to try out, and I'll give you my honest first impressions. To cap off the vlog, I'll give you a life update on what's been happening lately and what I'm looking forward to in the future. It's been a busy week, but I'm excited to share it with you all. Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you thought of the video!
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foxhole-pipe-dream · 4 months
Forever thinking about how Nora said Neil is cute and Kevin is handsome through careful grooming... It feels like there's a subtle implication there that Kevin has to put more effort into his appearance to look more attractive than Neil and this cagey mess over here is just Naturally Cute.
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ashwinkumar1989 · 1 year
My Mundane Daily Routine
People often say That, in order to be successful in life You need a daily routine Well, on a typical working day My routine involves getting up as early as 6 AM Brushing my teeth and taking a bath Having a hot cup of filter coffee Followed by breakfast, which varies everyday I then change into formals Put on socks and shoes Head into the streets Board an autorickshaw Which would…
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obsob · 3 months
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my dreams are sweet when im with you!!!!!!!
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canisalbus · 7 months
Sighthounds are so sleepy by nature it just makes Machete even funnier that poor guy must be absolutely EXHAUSTED beyond regular standards. The greyhounds around him are baffled that he stays up all night working.
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purplecatghostposts · 21 days
You don’t understand, I NEED to see how Adrien would pretend to be Félix for something. I need some sort of situation where Félix needs Adrien to pretend to be him for a few hours so he can get away for a while and for Adrien to at first be like, “You sure? I’m kinda rusty but I think I can pull it off!” And then for Adrien to immediately dial up the dramatics the second he’s in Félix’s clothes.
I need Adrien to exaggerate all of his cousin’s traits, being over the top cryptic, cold, and snarky one moment then a dramatic showman the next. I need Adrien to visibly be having so much fun because he’s helping his cousin by making fun of him a little. I need Félix to witness Adrien’s performance and be like, “Oh no, he’s terrible, this was a mistake—” but then be absolutely wrecked by the knowledge that NOBODY is noticing a difference aside from like, Kagami and have a mini crisis of “Is this how I act?? That’s not how I act?? How are they falling for this??”
And by the end of it Adrien is like, “Y’know, that was really fun! We should do this more often, I see why you do it all the time! :D” And Félix is just sitting there. Head in hands. Grappling with this new information.
Also just:
Adrien, pulling out an absurd amount of stolen rings out of his pockets: Also what do you do with these once you’ve got them? I might’ve committed to the role a little too much.
Kagami, nodding along very seriously: Your method acting is incredible.
Félix, staring in horror: I’m not a kleptomaniac… Am I?
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
isn't it weird how if you get up at 7 or 8, do your work all day, then have free time and go to bed at 11 that's absolutely fine
but if i said i get up at 10, do fun stuff in the morning then work in the evening and go to bed late, i could be called lazy, nevermind that i'm getting just as much or MORE work done as i would in a traditional work day
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ew-selfish-art · 5 months
DP x DC AU: Danny desperately wants to find the explosion guy. Tim is really good at covering his tracks... he didn't account for ghosts.
The explosions make it onto TV as purported terror activity and most people haven't heard of that part of the world much less ever given a second thought to care about it. The only real reason it gets reported on has something to do with the Justice League and... Danny knows too much.
He's been in training for Clockwork's court (which he's suspicious of- feels like kingly duty bullshit- but Danny is playing along out of curiosity for now) and he's learned a lot about how the living and non-living worlds collide. That means learning about CW's usual suspects- one of which just happened to have a ton of bases around the area Danny was seeing on the news.
It didn't take long for Danny to try to piece together that whoever blew up Nanda Parbat was trying to fuck with the League of Shadows, and was doing it successfully. Less green portals in the world the better, same goes for assassins. But it gets Danny thinking... Maybe he can employ similar tactics on the GIW Bases that keep spawning on the edges of Amity Park. It would at least set them back while he and his friends navigated the help line desk to request Justice League intervention. None of them can leave Amity Park, so outreach is going to have to be creative.
So Danny figures he'll just find the guy. Call up some ghosts who were there, or er, came from there and get a profile and track him down. But the ghosts keep saying it was The Detective. Annoying!
Danny goes full conspiracy theory, gets Tucker and Sam involved, and begrudgingly asks Wes Weston his thoughts.
He hadn't expected Wes to garble out a thirty minute presentation (that had 100 more slides left to go before he cut it off) about how Batman totally trained with a cult and so did his kids. Danny kind of rolled his eyes but... hey, new avenue of searching in the Infinite Realms at least.
The ghosts confirm that Bombs is for sure not Batman's MO- But maybe his second kid would know? The second kid was already brought back to life though, so no way to easily reach him... Danny starts to realize that this might be the work of a Robin now. Wasn't the red one known for solving cold cases? (Sam provides this information- its a social faux pas to not know hero gossip at Gotham Galas- everything she's learned is against her will).
It all comes to a head when Danny goes about the hard task of opening a portal for the guy to come through at just the right time, explain the infinite realms so he doesn't panic and then describe what the fuck was going on with the GIW. It takes months, just over a full year, of random (educated guesses) portal generating- Finally, Red Robin drops into the land of the dead.
"So, you're the guy I've got to talk to about explosions right?" Danny enthusiastically asks.
Tim thinks he's died and landed in the after life following 56 hours of being awake and plummeting off the side of a building into a Lazarus pool. Nothing makes sense about the kid in front of him.
"Yeah, I got a guy for munitions." Tim answers cooly.
"How do you feel about secretly sanctioned government operations that violate protected rights?"
"Gotta get rid of 'em some how. Need me to point you in the right direction?" This might as well be happening.
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leafie-draws · 5 months
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ootd "business casual" ✨
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constellaj · 2 years
anyway im tired of people treating Disney (corporate) and Disney (writing and directing staff) as a monolith. yes Disney (corporate) funds massive anti gay legislature. yes Disney (corporate) only recognizes demographics in terms of how much profit they can bring. but trans guy in Baymax isn't an evil trap put there by the shareholders to draw in queers and wring us of money. the trans guy in Baymax exists because in the writing room a bunch of storyboarders and storytellers were spitballing "hey, what people do we need here?" and one of the answers that came up was "trans guy" from a person who sincerely believed that representation was not only valuable but necessary. there are real people making every choice you see and hear. you can hate how corporate feigns blasé without assuming it's all some premeditated plan. you can be rightfully suspicious of corporate motivation without erasing the artists with their own motivations
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aseuki · 1 month
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[SOUL] - The Roche Limit
"A unique convergence of elements...gave a stubborn soul one last chance at revenge."
Marx | Sectonia | Fecto Elfilis
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heatherchasesyou · 19 days
Heather: exists
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source lmaooooo
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violent138 · 28 days
Companies that hire Gotham grads: "What do you mean you finished all your work? Didn't I just give it to you?"
Gothamite: "Oh it was easy, it's all in the report. If you have any more questions, I'll be in the break room, testing out the new explosive I made while I was waiting."
Manager: "Yeah sure, you've earned a brea-- wait what?"
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obsob · 2 months
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ive gotten rlly into ice hockey recently! i like goalies best. they are. friend shaped
ref images and process vid under cut! <3
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