#wolverine x black!reader
galatially · 5 months
❝𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬❞
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 "𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧" 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 x 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — you called and i came, the history between us too broad to ignore; when he showed up on your doorstep five years after he disappeared in the middle of the night, logan howlett decided to clear the air
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 5K
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝟏𝟖+, strong language, exes, angst, smut, soft boi™ logan, exes to tentative lovers
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — it is time to spread the agenda of logan howlett and his influence on my brain rot for most of my nerdy life. shout out to lizzy mcalpine for making "ceilings" and having me spiral over it for a year!
also also, y'all, i know. i'm horrible at deadlines. but it's what y'all love about me lol
also also first post of 2024!
as always, lovely dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Your fingers rubbed moisturizer into his skin, your fingers both light and firm. 
“You have so many scars.” He grunted in response. “When you tell me, am I going to have to set a house on fire?”
Logan laughed. “And why would you do that, bubba?”
“To defend your honor, of course.” You laid across his back to whisper in his ear, the warmth of your breath making the hairs on his body erect. “Can’t have you being the hero all the time. My shoulders are strong, too.”
“…listening? Logan? Logan!”
He blinked, his vision focusing on Ororo’s concerned gaze. 
“What’d you say?”
A soft smile graced her lips. “I asked where you were going.”
Logan hoisted his duffle bag over his shoulder. “I’ve got some business to attend to.”
Ororo hummed. “Would this have to do with a certain someone that lives in the Canadian mountainside?” He didn’t answer as he threw the bag in the back of his truck. “Do you think that’s the best thing for her right now?”
“I just want to make sure she’s okay, Munroe.”
“And then what?” Ororo crossed her arms. “What are you going to do when you see that she’s fine?”
He threw her a hard glare. “I just want to see her. Is that so fuckin’ wrong?”
Her features softened. “You had another dream about her.”
Logan turned back towards the garage. “What does it matter? I just need to see her, Munroe.”
She held her hands up. “I can’t stop you. I just worry that you’re about to uproot this woman’s life because you can’t let her go.”
He took in a sharp breath. She wasn’t wrong; he’d spent the better part of six years raking himself over the coals at how he ended things. If he allowed them, the memories of you screaming and your brown eyes red and puffy from crying haunted him more than any battle he’d ever been in. 
“Look, if you’re so hellbent on going to see her, then go. You’re an adult and you have to live with your decisions.”
He walked around to the driver’s side of his truck. “Tell our fearless leader that I’m goin’ out of town and I’ll be back when I can.”
Ororo nodded and waved, a sad smile on her lips. 
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He shouldn’t fucking be here.
The second Logan crossed the border, he could think of nothing else but to get to you. Thirty-eight hours and he didn’t sleep for any of them. No, his mind’s eyes played memories of you: how soft your skin was, that fig and jasmine perfume you loved. The silken warmth of your cunt. He fucked his fist like a horny fourteen year old in that dingy hotel in BC. If he focused hard enough, he could get the tone of your voice just right — those breathy, pleading moans that you let out only for him. He could get lost in the memories, pretend that he was beside you in your bed, other people be damned. 
But that was thirty-eight hours ago. 
Now, here he was. His hands gripped the steering wheel of his truck until his knuckles went white, silently cursing himself for even showing up. He hadn’t seen you in, what? Six years? Who the hell was he to appear on your doorstep after the shit he pulled? 
His eyes scanned the forest surrounding your home. He hated that you lived so far away from immediate civilization. It took you thirty minutes to get into the nearest town for work and you essentially lived off the grid. When he’d happened upon your home that fateful October evening, he was amazed that you had a working phone, let alone Wi-Fi. Whenever you crossed his mind, he thought the worst. He used to beg you to get an apartment in the city, but you always refused. 
“I’m not ready to let get of this place just yet.” You looked up at him from drawing circles on his bare bicep. “Unless you want to give up city life and live out here with me?”
He didn’t answer; even back then, Logan knew that he was bound to hurt you. His refusal to give you more than idle pleasure was a point of contention for you both. Jean always said that he could be hard to talk to because if he wasn’t picking a fight, he was evading questions. But unlike Jean, you weren’t one to back down. When he’d divert or blatantly ignore your questions, you stood your ground. You didn’t give him the chance to distract you with sudden affection. You wanted to resolve issues as soon as they were made present. 
It’s something Logan both loved and hated about you. 
“Fuck this.” He groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. He blew out a determined breath and opened his car door, his feet moving before he changed his mind. As he got closer to the house, he noticed the red “SOLD” sign on the lawn. His chest thrummed with…pain? Remorse? Fear?
What would he do if you left?
He was on your porch now, his heart hammering against his ribcage, fighting to get to you. He raised his hand to knock on the door as it was opening, being met with the face he’d been dreaming about for half a decade. 
Your brows were furrowed in confusion. “James.” 
His hazy memory didn’t do you justice; your eyes seemed more intense than the last time he’d seen you. You were dressed in an oversized t-shirt — eerily familiar to an old Pink Floyd shirt he thought he’d lost years ago — and shorts barely peeking out from under the hem of the shirt. Your skin smooth and begging to be touched. Your dark coils were thrown into a bun, pieces falling out in various places. You weren’t outwardly upset but you could school your features better than anyone he knew. Your body was half-facing him and half-facing the tiny hall that led to the inside of the house. There was a solemnity to your face that he didn’t recognize. 
A voice in the furthest part of his mind whispered that it was because of him. 
“Y’know you’re the only person that still calls me James?”
Your features flattened. “What are you doing here?”
“I don’t know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I was just passin’ through Edmonton and ended up here .”
“You drove for three days on a whim?”
“I was on my way back from handlin’ somethin’,” he said, the familiar finality in his tone. His gaze went past your shoulders and into the darkness of your home. “Have you eaten yet?”
You blinked. “Not yet.” 
He nodded, his blue eyes back on you. “Can I come in? I’ll make you somethin’.”
You should’ve said no. Should’ve slammed the door in his face and went back to packing up the rest of your bedroom. But instead, you moved to the side and let Logan inside. He thanked you and walked inside, toeing off his shoes, and heading back towards the kitchen like he’d been doing it forever.  
You looked out at his old, rusted truck one last time before closing the door and going to the kitchen. From the tiny hallway, you could hear him humming to himself; an old song his mother used to sing to him, he’d told you once. He’d put his hair up into a bun at the top of his head, a few strands falling to frame his face. His tan skin, the same skin that had scars that even his mutation couldn’t heal, glowed under the dull glow of your kitchen light. You used to always tell him beautiful he was, but he’d wave you off in that Logan way, telling you that no one was as beautiful as you. 
You leaned up against the doorjamb. “Last I heard, you were living in New York. You teach at some fancy school?”
Logan chuckled, mincing up onions and garlic. “I wouldn’t say teach.”
“So, what, you get paid to hang out with fourteen year olds in upstate New York? Sounds kind of sketchy.”
“I teach hand to hand combat,” he glanced over at you, “the kids that I teach it to are like me. Mutants.”
You wrinkled your nose. “I never liked that word; mutants. They make you all sound like failed experiments.”
“Aren’t we?”
“No.” You crossed your arms. “Far from it.”
Logan nodded, more to himself than your declaration, and moved to face the stove. He dumped his vegetables in a small pan to cook. He reached to the left of him — muscle memory, you reasoned — and grabbed a jar of maize. “You’d like it. New York.”
“You think?”
Logan lifted a shoulder. “Be better than livin’ all alone in the mountains.”
You let out a hum. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”
“Where you headed?”
“I don’t know yet,” your eyes dropped to your fidgeting hands, “I didn’t think that I’d be able to sell the house, actually.”
“Why did you? Sell?”
“You know why,” you said, your voice lowered to a whisper. “I held onto it for her and when she died, I didn’t want to stay.”
“‘M sorry I didn’t reach out. Your mother was a remarkable woman.”
You made a bitter sound. “Yeah, well, you’re good at leaving when the wind blows.”
He pursed his lips, turning around to turn off the stove. “You got any plates or bowls left out?”
“James, I —”
“’S fine, Y/N. Bowls?”
You blew out a breath and walked over to the cupboard beside the stove and grabbed two plates, handing them over to Logan. Your knuckles brushed up against his but you kept your eyes on the oak wood of the cupboard. 
You rushed out a hushed “you’re welcome” and moved back to stand in front of the sink. The air was tense and you had to fight the impulse to pull Logan to you and let him consume you, if only for tonight. You tightened your hands into fists, feeling the bite of your nails as they embossed your skin. 
Logan handed you a plate and walked to your tiny kitchen table in the far corner of the room. He sat in his chair: close enough to the back door and facing towards you. Where before it was to smile and regard you with tenderness, now there was unease in his eyes. 
You’d forgotten that you didn’t ask what he was making, so the spread in front of you gave you pause: it was your mother’s polenta recipe. “You remembered.” The words came out airy, surprised. 
“You’re the last thing that I’d ever forget, bubba.”
“Don’t do this, Logan.” You set your spoon down. “Just…don’t.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, either!” You pinched the bridge of your nose. You pushed your plate away and looked away from your former lover. 
What were you doing? He showed up, out of the blue, making you dinner…to do what? The question had been clawing at you the entire visit. Why now? What could Logan possibly want from you after all of these years?
Logan leaned back in the chair, the wood creaking in protest against his broad frame. You kept wanting to speak, break the tense silence, but you couldn’t find the words. Looking at him, he seemed too still. Like a marble statue molded to the chair, anchoring him to this room with you. 
“I fucked up, bubba.”
Your brows canted. “What do you mean?”
“That night…the last night that I was here, I said some things that I shouldn’t have. Made promises that I didn’t know if I could keep.” One of his large hands scrubbed down his face, his eyes still on the ceiling. “I told you that I’d leave everythin’ behind to stay.”
Your bottom lip quivered. You remembered; he’d come here that night more impassioned than usual. His hair wind-swept, his cheeks wind-whipped and red, he pulled you in for one of the most passionate kisses you’d ever had in your life. A clash of tongue and teeth against fleshy lips and curves of skin that left you a shaking mess beneath the thin sheets of your bed. You laid in his arms, running your fingers along the lines of his collarbone, when you’d asked if he’d stay. You weren’t begging, didn’t even lower your voice to a low hush to persuade him. You were as direct as you always were, determined to know where you stood in the universe that was Logan Howlett. 
“You lied.”
His eyes, darkened with sorrow, finally found yours. “I lied.”
You blinked back tears. “Why? If you knew that you weren’t going to make space for me in your life, why make me believe you would? I uprooted my life for you, Logan! I was going to sell my mother’s house and ride off with you into the sunset! And for what? For you to leave me alone?”
“I couldn’t take you with me then, Y/N. Somethin’…came up.”
“I know, Ororo told me.” Logan shot forward, his eyes wide. “She came and found me two years ago. She said that there was an incident and that you almost died. Said that you kept murmuring my name, telling them to make sure that I was safe.”
He scoffed. “Always meddlin’, that woman.”
“At least she cared enough about you to come find me.”
His jaw tightened. “You’re walkin’ a thin line, bubba.”
“Don’t fucking call me that. You don’t get to call me that anymore, Logan.” You stood up from the table and opened the back door. “Get out.”
“Get. Out,” you hissed. “Thank you for making me dinner, but I want you to go.”
Logan crossed his arms, throwing you a hard look. “No.”
Your nostrils flared. “James, get —”
You’d forgotten how fast he was. He was out of the chair and in front of you in an instant, your next retort dying on your tongue. One of his large hands cupped your chin and the other slammed the door shut. His blue eyes roamed your face, searching for something. 
Though he towered over you, hell, he overpowered you, you didn’t back down. “I want you to leave.” 
“I’m not leavin’. Not until I say what I have to say.”
Your eyes brush along the seams of his lips, lingering, before meeting his smoldering gaze again. “Then say what you need to say and go. I’m done with this.”
Logan’s fingers gripped your chin harder, his gaze hard. “We’re not done talkin’, bubba.” There was an intensity to the nickname as it left his mouth that made your thighs clench together. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing up against yours. 
You gripped the sleeve of his flannel, your pulse fluttering in your ears. The hand that had closed the door moved to the small of your back and pushed you into his pelvis. You gasped at his hardened erection against your thigh. 
“You can yell at me, you can fuckin’ hit me if you need to.” He rested his forehead against yours. “But don’t tell me to leave. I don’t know where to go if I’m not with you.”
“You haven’t had me in years, James,” you said, roughly. You knew that he caught the desperation in your tone, your words. You tipped your head back and lifted up on tiptoe to press your lips to his. When you finally noticed that he hadn’t returned the kiss, you started to pull back, a pit growing in your stomach. 
“I’m —”
His arm tightened around your middle to keep you still. His mouth molded against yours, hungry and desperate. 
You pawed at his flannel, helping him shrug out of it. Logan cupped his hands under your thighs and lifted, wrapping your legs around his waist. You sucked a bruise along the curve where his neck and collarbone meet, relishing in the hiss he let out. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” He pulled back, his gaze intense. “I need to say this before anythin’ else happens between us.” Your brows creased. “I hurt you. I hurt you and it fuckin’ killed me, Y/N, and I’m sorry.”
Your breath caught. You didn’t know Logan enough to know his favorite color or his mother’s name, but you knew enough about him to know that he didn’t apologize. Didn’t matter if he was wrong or right, he just didn’t. But the man before you wasn’t the man you knew six years ago. Now that you were looking at him, you could see it all: the dark circles, the stiffness of his body that only came from being nervous. 
Despite your assertive nature, you didn’t hold grudges. Those types of feelings need to constantly be fed into and that was energy you couldn’t spare. Not even for men that you fell in love with too quickly.
You put your lips to his again. He mirrored your movements and carried you to your bedroom. He sucked a bruise onto the skin between your ear and shoulder, making you let out a whimper. You ground your hips against his hardened erection. 
“Fuck, honey,” he hissed. 
“I need you inside of me, James.” You nipped at his earlobe. “Please.”
He kissed you, long and hard, before helping you out of your thin shorts. His thick fingers glided through your puffy folds, a guttural groan leaving his throat. 
“You this wet for me, Y/N?”
You mewled in response, your hips moving against his digits, begging for pressure on your swollen pearl. 
He gulped, his eyes hungrily tracing over your lust-drunken expression. His cock was straining almost painfully against the denim of his jeans but he couldn’t stop staring at you. He drew the pad of his thumb along the curves of your parted lips, sucking a breath when the tip of your tongue barely swept against the skin. 
He dipped the digit between your lips, watching with rapt pleasure as you suckled and moaned around it. He groaned and curved his free hand around the base of your throat. “Such a good girl, aren’t ya?”
You shuddered. “I can be.”
“Oh, yeah?” He suckled a love bite onto your skin. “You think you can be mine tonight?”
You nodded eagerly. 
Logan chuckled and threw you over his shoulder, taking what seemed like three large steps into your bedroom and tossed you lightly onto the bed. He took hold of your face and slotted his lips over yours, licking deeply into your mouth. 
You pawed and pulled at his flannel, clumsily helping him out of it while trying to keep kissing him. He hummed against your lips and worked your thin shorts down your thighs before ripping them down the middle. The cool air against your bare cunt gave you gooseflesh. Your hands moved to work at his belt buckle as his own pulled at the shirt you wore.
“Was wonderin’ where this went.”
You chuckled. “You barely wore it.” You made a triumphant noise upon getting his pants undone and to the floor, looking up at him from beneath your thick, dark lashes. 
He wanted to devour you. One of his big paws cupped your face and he ground out, “Are you sure, bubba?”
You took his heavy cock in one of your hands, moving up and down the length of it. You smirked at his sharp breath as you eased down to your knees. Without breaking eye contact, you took him into your mouth, a low groan vibrating against your tongue. 
“Jesus,” he gripped your curls into one fist and threw his head back, “just like that, sugar.”
You hollowed your cheeks and took him deeper, the tip of your nose pressing against his pubic mound. The hand that wasn’t giving gentle squeezes to his thigh when to massage his heavy balls. 
A low groan, bordering a growl, tumbled past Logan’s lips. “You have to move, baby. ‘M dyin’.”
You moved your hand from his balls to curl around the base of him, slowly working in tandem with your mouth. You moaned around his cock, spit dribbling down the sides of your mouth. You lightly scraped your teeth along the length of him. Logan hissed and gripped the sides of your face and started fucking your face. Your eyes were rimmed red, tears streaming down your face, and yet he looked at you with the reverence reserved for altars and gods. 
“‘M cummin’…’m —”
He came in thick ropes into your mouth, his hips stuttering as he was coming down. His hands fell from the sides of your face to rest them on the tops of his thighs. 
You pushed off of Logan with a faint “pop” and sat back against your calves. Your eyes trailed up and down Logan’s frame; you’d forgotten how big he was. Broad shoulders and back, large hands, thick, corded muscles. He could sometimes be as foreboding as he looked. 
Then, post nut clarity smacked the shit out of you. 
He chuckled. “Yeah, me, too.”
“No. I mean, shit like we shouldn’t have done that.” You pushed yourself onto your feet. “Where’s my shirt?”
“You mean my shirt?”
You ignored his jibe and scanned the room for the garment. One of his hands shot out and pulled you onto his lap. 
“I can smell ya, sweetheart.”
Your brows creased for a few seconds before you understood what he’d meant. You gulped, your chest rising and falling in hard pants. “Doesn’t matter, James. This was a mistake.”
His eyes — those intelligent, ever-searching eyes — darkened, a hunger in them that you hated that you missed. “Was it? What’s so wrong about two people findin’ each other again?” His thumb swept along your bottom lip. “‘M all yours to do whatever you need, baby.”
Your tongue darted out, barely pressing against his skin before his mouth claimed yours.  He eased you onto your back as his hand traversed the expanse of your torso. His hands pawed and kneaded at your breasts, rubbing and twisting your nipples into stiff peaks. Your back canted towards his touch. His mouth suckled at your right nipple, his other hand still playing at the other.
“James,” you pleaded.
“What, bubba?” He chuckled darkly. “Use your words.”
Every word that flashed in your mind died in your throat. Only incoherent pants and groans left you. Logan switched to your left breast and one of his free hands cupped your mound. Your eyes screwed shut. The rough pad of his thumb brushed up against your clit, sticky with your slick. 
“So wet and I’ve barely touched you.”
Your hips bucked and he rubbed the bundle of nerves again. Slow, tortuous swipes that sent shocks to your system and tightened your belly with need. Just before the coil snapped, his cock drove into you. Tears fell from your eyes and a choked gasp ballooned in your chest. 
“Fuck, honey, s’good.” Logan’s voice was hoarse and desperate. He fucked into you like a man possessed; his big hands gripped your hips, surely leaving bruises behind. He moved one hand to curl at the base of your throat. Vignettes of memories past played in your mind’s eye and you let out a ragged keen, moving your hips to meet his thrusts. His name passed your lips. “Yeah, baby?”
You gripped one of his forearms. “‘M close.”
Rough skin swept across your clit. “Let go for me, bubba. C’mon.”
Your back canted as a guttural moan ripped from your throat. Logan pulled you into his chest, whispering my good girl and I’m here in your ear as you came down. For a moment, it was like nothing had changed. He’d never left you behind six years ago and this was just another evening for the two of you. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you buried your face into his chest. 
“Hey.” He lifted your chin to meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I hate this,” your voice quivered, “I hate that you came back. I hate that I still — ” You shook your head. “We shouldn’t have done that, James.”
Logan cupped your face in his hands. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do anythin’ you ask me to, Y/N, you have to know that.”
“Do I?”
He pulled out of you and gathered you in his arms as he tucked you both into bed. His deep, even breaths reverberated up your spine. You sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. 
“I never meant to hurt you. Hurtin’ you was the last thing that I wanted to do and there’s nothin’ I could do to fix that.” He pressed his lips to the nape of your neck. “Just…talk to me. Please.”
“You broke me, Logan, do you know that? I broke all of my rules for you and it broke me. I was already grieving my mother and you made me grieve you when I never had you to begin with.”
“I know,” he rasped. 
“Do you?”
“When Storm came to visit you, she wasn’t jokin’. I almost fuckin’ died.” He ran the backs of his fingers up and down your spine, his tone faraway. “I was slippin’ away, could barely focus on anythin’ in front of me for too long. Then suddenly, your face was the only thing I saw. I could picture you so clearly, down to the micro expressions that I didn’t even realize I’d paid attention to.” He rested his chin atop your head. “I’d made sure that I never thought of you too often or I’d leave everythin’ behind to come back to you.”
“And yet, here you are.” Your voice wobbled at the end. “You broke the one rule you shouldn’t have.”
“Yeah, well, rules are meant to be broken. I don’t regret showing up. Even if this is the only thing I could get, I’d fuckin’ do it all over again just to see you, bubba.”
You turned over to face him, your brown eyes hard. “Yeah, but bodies weren’t, James. You shouldn’t have to nearly die to decide that I’m worth seeing again.”
“You really love half-listenin’, don’t you?” He held your chin between his fingers, lifting your eyes to his. “I haven’t stopped thinkin’ about you since I left, Y/N. The only reason that I didn’t keep in touch was because I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to see me. Like you said, bodies weren’t meant to broken.”
“Neither were hearts,” you murmured. 
He nodded. “And would yours consider lettin’ me back in? It’s selfish to ask, I know, but I don’t want to let you go again, bubba.” 
You threaded your fingers between his. “I want to. But how will I know if you’ll stay this time, James? What’s changed in the last six years?”
Logan brought the back of your hand up to his lips. The warmth in his eyes, while not unfamiliar, made your breath catch. For a split second, you remembered that he could hear your heartbeat fluttering madly in your chest, your pulse against his forearm. 
“When do you leave for New York?”
Your brows knitted together. “I should be done packing in a few days. Why?”
He pulled one of your legs over his hip, laughing when you sucked in a breath. “We’ll go into town tomorrow, pawn all the stuff you’re not usin’ anymore, and pack up the rest in the truck. We’ll make a trip out of it.”
“And where would we go after that? I’m not living in a boarding school.”
“I have a place of my own, thank you very much,” he said, smirking, “it’s not much but it’s mine. It could use a…softer touch, I think.”
You sat up on your elbow. “Yeah?”
“‘M gettin’ old, bubba. Like, obviously not so much physically, but mentally? I’ve seen wars, watched people that I care about die. Walked away when I should’ve stayed.” He threaded his fingers through your free hand. “I’m sayin’ all this to say that, if you’ll have me, I want to stay.”
You hummed, looking down at your joined hands. If tonight proved nothing else, you and Logan were tethered each other for better or worse. There would never be a moment where you wouldn’t think of each other and that scared you. But if you knew nothing else, you knew that you loved him. You loved James Howlett. 
“Will you want to stay? I’m not about to uproot my life just for you to leave me again.”
He pulled you close, putting his forehead to yours. “The worst mistake I’ve ever done is leave you behind Y/N Y/L/N. I should’ve told you that I loved you five years ago.” You gasped. “I love you, bubba, and I regret everyday not that I never told you.”
“Say it again.”
He took your face in his hands and smiled, the peach hue of the sun warming his face. “I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I’ve loved you for the past six years and I will never stop lovin’ you.”
Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes. You wanted him to say these words, waited for them for over half a decade. But they were…heavier than you anticipated. Though your own confession sat on your tongue, too much clung to them; the last fight you had, your mother dying shortly after and how you resented him even more for leaving you alone at a time like that. More than anything you hated that you cared about him so quickly just for him to leave. 
“You don’t have to say it back yet.” Logan smiled some. “Five years is a long time to grieve something.”
You put a hand to his cheek. “You know that I want to, though, don’t you?”
“I know,” he kissed you again, “and we’ll get you there. One day at a time.”
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — given the fact that i haven't written in literal months, y'all have no idea how happy i am to have churned this out. happy 2024!
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114 notes · View notes
inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
thinking about grumpy!logan and sunshine!reader. he would have such a soft spot for readerrr.
You’re the happiest person Logan knows in the world. He isn’t sure how you maintain it. Especially when it comes to what your job is.
You’re all technically teachers, but you’re a mutant, a very powerful mutant who’s been hunted for the majority of your life.
Yet, you’re always wearing a smile Logan thinks is too bright to be real.
Over the years, you and Logan developed a sort of relationship- if you can call it that. He’s a grump and you’re literal sunshine but he’s the only one allowed to be mean around you.
He’s grilling some of the younger kids about them not using their powers correctly in the training drill when you come in, hands holding two trays of juice for the kids.
“You’re too hard on them, Logan. They’re fifteen.” You whisper it because you’re not about to undermine him loudly.
“That doesn’t stop anyone. They need to be better.” You roll your eyes.
“You want them to be unfeeling, that’s not fair.” You say just as gently and he grumbles, taking the last bottle off the tray and cracking it open and then handing it to you.
“Not unfeeling, pragmatic wouldn’t hurt though.”
The kids start hand to hand combat while you speak to Logan and they look better after his corrections but some of them can’t move as quickly as he likes.
“Watch your feet. You’re leaning too far forward, you’ll be easy to off balance.” You correct gently and the kids look past you to Logan who they suspect is about to grill them.
“She’s right. Ground yourself better, tighten your core and block your face.” He’s significantly less aggressive and you smile as you hold the empty trays to your chest.
“See you later, Logan. We have lunch plans don’t be late.” Practically skipping out of the training room with a big grin.
Logan smiles despite himself, a little thing. Barely an uptick in his lips. “Get outta here, Sunshine.” The kids whisper among themselves as you leave and how much softer Logan corrects them even after you’re gone for weeks.
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word-ever-apply-bad · 26 days
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theblackhate · 2 months
Request are open!
I have never written with requests before, so please be lenient with me!
From today on, I'm open to requests, so I'll leave you below the fandoms I write for. Also, I wanted to inform you that I write for characters I don't know, but it might take me a little longer as I need to research them!
Fandom i write for:
Harry Potter/Marauders
Fandom i know:
Hunger Games
Resident Evil
The Walking Dead
Criminal Minds
Chicago Med
Maze Runner
And many more!
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heartsandhischier · 2 months
Rink Bonds
luke hughes x female!reader
summary - 1.1k words. Figure skating reader and Michigan wolverine Luke = loveeeee
author's note - i can really see luke being like this, and i love it
warnings - none
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You pushed open the heavy doors of Yost Arena, the familiar chill of the ice rink greeting you as you stepped inside. With a gap in your class schedule, you decided to make the most of it by hitting the ice for some practice. Another USFS intercollegiate competition approaching, you were determined to come out on top.
You headed to the locker room changing into your figure skating gear – black tights, a black jacket, and leg warmers – before lacing up your skates. After stowing your belongings in a locker, you grabbed your water bottle and headed to the rink. As you approached, the familiar sound of skates scraping against the ice and the clinking of hockey sticks filled your ears, indicating that you wouldn’t have the ice to yourself as you’d hoped.
Your annoyance faded, however, when you spotted the stowaway on the ice – Luke Hughes.  Swiftly moving around the ice, navigating the puck as he let it fly into the net. The youngest of the famous Hughes brothers and a New Jersey Devils prospect, Luke was a familias name around the Michigan University campus, of course you knew who he was.
You had crossed paths with him a handful of times at various parties, and during your late-night practices at the rink, you’d often find him lingering after his hockey practice. Despite these encounters, you’d never engaged in more than a few awkward hellos and goodbyes. Each time he exited the rink, you’d enter, and vice versa, exchanging fleeting glances and polite nods as you passed by each other.
As you watched Luke’s graceful movements on the ice, it was as if he belonged there, the rink his natural habitat. Removing your skate guards and placing your water bottle on the bench, you elegantly glided onto the ice. The sound of skates slicing through the ice echoed in the rink as Luke paused his movements, turning his attention towards you. His warm smile greeted you as you approached. “Practice?” he offered, leaning casually on his stick.
A smile played on your lips as you nodded in agreement. “Yeah, change in my class schedule. So figured I’d put the newfound free time to good use,” you replied. “Same,” Luke chuckled. With a nod, you both resumed your routines, the sound of skates carving the ice filling the air. 
For the next hour, you and Luke practiced on opposite sides of the rink, occasionally exchanging glances and playful banter. “You’re pretty good, Hughes,” you remarked, admiring his skill as he effortlessly sent the puck into the net.
“Likewise,” he laughed, skating around with ease.
As the weeks passed, you found yourself meeting again and again at the empty rink. It almost became an unspoken agreement between you and Luke, meeting at the same time between classes or during those late evenings when the campus was quiet.
With each meeting, your bond grew stronger, fueled by shared practices and playful banter. As you glided across the ice, Luke would often join you, his skates slicing through the surface so effortlessly. Despite the differences in your respective sports, you found common ground in your shared love for the rink.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Luke patiently tried to explain the nuances of hockey to you, his passion evident in every gesture. In return, you attempted to teach him the graceful movements of figure skating, guiding him through simple maneuvers with a patient hand. 
“Okay, so imagine you’re gliding on air,” you explain, demonstrating a graceful spin on your skates. “Now, give it a try.”
Luke nodded eagerly, his determination shining through as he attempted to mimic your movements. Though his first attempts were a bit clumsy, you couldn’t help but admire his determination.
“Almost there,” you encouraged, stifling a laugh as he stumbled and fell onto the ice, landing on his butt with a thud. 
As you focused on perfecting your flip jump, you felt a presence approaching on the ice. Turning around, you saw Luke skating towards you flashing you a charming smile. “Hey there,” he greeted, his voice carrying over the sound of skates slicing through the ice. “I was wondering if you’d like to come to my hockey game this weekend. It’s going to be a good one.”
You paused your practice, meeting his gaze with a playful smirk. “Hmm, tempting offer,” you replied, tilting your head to the side. “But only if you promise to come to my competition next week.”
Luke chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Deal,” he agreed without hesitation, extending his hand in a mock handshake.
With a wink, Luke skated backward, resuming his practice. “Can’t wait to see you there,” he called out before speeding off across the ice. 
On the day of the hockey game, you found yourself seated in the stands, eagerly watching as the Michigan Wolverines took to the ice. During warmups, Luke skated to where you were seated in the stands, approaching with a smirk.
“I have a bet,” he declared, you smirked at him letting out a soft chuckle before urging him to go on. “If I score, you have to go on a date with me,” he continued, his confidence evident in his tone. Chuckling at his boldness, you accepted, “What if you don’t?” you asked. “We both know that won’t happen,” he winked before resuming his warm up.
As the game progressed, you watched in amazement as Luke displayed his skill on the ice, scoring goal after goal with precision and finesse. The puck went flying into the net, sending the crowd into a frenzy of cheers and applause. The arena echoed with the sound of the buzzer, a hat trick – this idiot scored a hat trick.
After the final buzzer sounded and the Michigan Wolverines secured a clear victory, Luke skated over to you with a triumphant grin on his face. “Well, what did you think?” he asked eagerly.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm, nodding in approval. “Impressive,” you admitted. “I mean, a hat trick? Way to show off,” you playfully remarked.
Luke let out a chuckle, his confidence soaring. “Thanks,” he replied, running a hand through his dark curls. “But I couldn’t have done it without a little motivation.” You raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on your lips. "Oh, so it was all about our little bet, huh?" you teased. Luke chuckled, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "Partly," he admitted, his tone turning more sincere. "But mostly because I wanted to impress you." The admission caught you off guard, a warmth spreading through your chest. "Well, consider me impressed," you said, unable to hide the smile that tugged at your lips. As the crowd began to disperse, Luke turned to you with a hopeful expression. "So, about that date..." he trailed off, leaving the invitation hanging in the air. You pretended to mull it over for a moment, though the answer was already clear in your mind. 
"I suppose I owe you one.”
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galatially · 5 months
𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡
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𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑚𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠
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imaginesforfandom · 6 months
The Grinchy Christmas Surprise
we all know Logan would be a grinch during the holidays! also, i know this one is a bit short but i kinda rushed it-
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Logan/James Howlett x Reader
No pronouns used!!
Summary: Y/N buys a gift for Logan, but he isn't too keen on receiving it.
The Grinchy Christmas Surprise
Christmas morning at the X-Mansion was filled with festive decorations, laughter, and the scent of holiday treats wafting through the halls. However, Logan Howlett, known as Wolverine, wasn't a fan of the decorations. He grumbled to himself as he wandered through the festively adorned hallways, muttering about the unnecessary fuss.
Meanwhile, you had just woken up and decided to seek out Logan. Holding a nicely wrapped gift in your hand, you ventured through the mansion until you found him, scowling at a wreath hanging on the wall.
"Hey, Logan," you greeted, a soft smile on your face. "Merry Christmas."
"I told you not to get me anything," Logan grumbled without turning around, continuing his walk down the hallway.
You followed him, hurt by his dismissive tone. "Please, just take it. Whether you open it or not is up to you."
Hesitantly, Logan accepted the gift, looking down at it with a raised eyebrow.
"I know you said not to get you anything, but… no one else got you anything, and I didn't think it was fair," you explained, your voice quiet as you stared at the ground.
After a few moments of contemplation, Logan started tearing the paper. Your excitement grew as he unveiled a black leather jacket with two yellow stripes on each arm, reminiscent of his old one that he had lost a while back.
"I know you loved that jacket, so I—" you began, but Logan unexpectedly cut you off by hugging you. The shock quickly gave way to happiness as you hugged him back.
"You had to be the good one, huh?" Logan said, a rare warmth in his voice as he pulled away slightly.
"What can I say? It's my specialty," you joked, still hugging him with a large smile.
In the end, Logan couldn't resist your enthusiasm about the gift. As you continued excitedly talking about it, he kissed you, a way to shut you up but also an acknowledgment of the gratitude and affection he felt in that moment. The unexpected Christmas gift had managed to thaw the gruff exterior of Wolverine, leaving both of you with a holiday memory to cherish.
i couldn't resist writing a christmas story for him!
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
hi! maybe logan getting worried/protective over u after u get injured during a mission? 🥺🩷
Canon level (based on the comic books mostly) wounds and violence (it’s nothing too gory besides the wound description)
“Move out of my fucking way Scott,” you hear him before you see him which isn’t really a good sign.
You’d gone on a mission the same time he was out on one too, and though it had just been a simple recon mission, things got heated quick.
Zeitgeist was a bitch like usual, and you weren’t as fast as you might’ve been had there not been a falling child to save.
So now, your entire right side is rippled under the acid of his spit and you can’t deny the agony you’re in.
“She’s fine,” Scott says but you know your boyfriend.
He pushes past him and is at your side almost instantly. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to him being so close but when they settle on his face, the clear panic and worry is clear to see.
“I’m fine, Lo.” You say, teeth gritted through each word as Charles asses the wound.
You’re no longer in your suit, just in a pair of pants and a sports bra, your hair is drenched and Logan can only guess they just hosed you down to get rid of the majority of the acid.
It still burns like a bitch and you can’t hide that from the man who knows you so well.
“Bullshit,” he grumbles, hands brushing back the hair from your face. “Can’t you all do something instead of just fucking staring at it?”
The question is packed with worry that none of them are accustomed to seeing on Logan, but you swear you see Ororo smirk.
She’d been the only one to notice his soft underbelly- well beside you.
“We’re waiting for Hank to bring the antidote Logan,” you say gently, stroking his tense forearm. “I’m fine baby.”
It’s the ‘baby’ that softens him, that gets him to take a deep breath and press his forehead into yours.
“Fucking scared me,” he murmurs and the others all find themselves busy- besides Scott, he wants something to tease the man about as per the rules of their friendship. “Don’t do that shit again.” His hands are on your neck, thumbs under your chin so you can’t look away.
“I didn’t really have a choice, I had to save the kid.” He nods, pressing his lips to your temple. Hank saves him from blowing up again when you wince and the green acid bubbles a little more.
“Fucking finally, what took you so long?” He grunts, Hank only shaking his head as he pours the blue liquid over your wound.
“Fuck,” you cry out, hand itching to press against your side or slap Hank’s hands away but Logan stops you.
“Fucking say something next time, yeah big guy?” He growls but then you hiss again and he’s all focused on you again.
“You’re good, you’re okay bub.” It’s whispered straight into your hairline and if you were a little more cognizant you’d notice that Logan can’t stop glaring at the wound.
“We caught it in time, the antidote won’t reverse the burn completely, but it will be soothing it and fixing the majority of it.” Hank pulls on gloves, the snap of it on his wrist filling the room. “There’s a salve you need to put on it for the healing process.”
“Thanks Hank,” you whisper, much too tired for much else. “Can I go now?” Logan notices then how utterly exhausted you look and sets aside his anger and worry for a moment to dote on you.
“Yes, but Logan monitor the wound and how it heals over the next few weeks. The skin should be back to normal when the salve is done.” The professor says and Logan nods dutifully before picking you up off the med and taking the salve from Hank.
“C’mon, pretty girl.” He takes you back to your room and is smearing the salve on your side. “You’re not doing that shit again, I swear to whatever there is.”
You give him a small smile, “Getting hurt is part of it Logan, I can’t avoid that completely.”
He frowns and then presses a kiss right above your wounded side. “You don’t get how scary it is to hear, ‘she’s in the infirmary, an acid wound’, I nearly ripped Bobby in half.”
You stretch a hand to bury in his hair. “I know baby, but this was just a one time thing. Zeitgeist isn’t exactly unscathed either.”
Logan smiles, his lips pressing into your unblemished skin again. “Fire burns Logan, what can I say.”
“You’re fucking perfect, you know that?” You giggle a little, more so when he holds your cheeks and stamps a kiss to your lips. “Get some shut eye, m’gonna get one of the kids to make you soup.”
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ichorai · 1 year
broken machine ; miles morales.
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track four of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; miles morales x mutant!gn!reader
synopsis ; stuck in a time loop, miles had to witness the one thing that he dreaded the most in life over and over again: your death.
words ; 5.1k
themes ; angst, action, mild fluff, mutant au, time loop au, established relationship au
warnings / includes ; repeated major character death, descriptions of injury/blood, cursing, two brief mentions of sex, wolverine & omega red & doctor strange cameos, mentions of x-men & daredevil & wong, set in an alternature universe from the mcu, miles throws up at one point, one (1) reference to spider-man: nwh wink wonk, miles' parents are adorable and i love them
main masterlist.
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Three knocks to his door, in rapid succession. 
“Miles,” barked his dad. “Up and at ‘em, kid!” 
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Miles groaned into his pillow, propping himself up with his elbow and glaring at the closed door. 
Outside, a car honked. A plump pigeon hooted by his windowsill. The sun beamed directly into his narrowed eyes. 
With a muffled yawn, Miles swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He could smell his mom making breakfast quesadillas from the kitchen. 
The day droned on like any other. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, shrugged on the same black hoodie he wore yesterday, snatched a quesadilla from the plate—nearly burning his fingers in doing so, much to his mom’s dismay, and kissed her cheek apologetically when she scolded him for not taking out the trash like she’d asked the day before. His dad was scarfing down the steaming quesadillas by the small kitchen table, eyes scanning over the day’s newspaper. 
“All these so-called ‘heroes’… and yet crime rates are as high as ever. What a joke.” Jefferson pulled a scowl, reading on about the newest debacle with X-Men and mutants in court. 
Miles could feel his stomach twist at his dad’s words, but he pushed it down.
“Miles, come sit down and eat,” said his mom, urging him to the table.
With an apologetic grimace, Miles replied, “Sorry, ma, I gotta meet Y/N at the diner—I promised breakfast with them today. I’ll be back before dinner, okay?” 
“Alright, mijo. I want you back before the sun sets—I don’t want you out and about during the night now,” she huffed, straightening the lopsided collar of his hoodie. “Tell Y/N I said hi. Remember what I told you, Miles—use protection. And don’t forget to take out the trash!”
“Okay, okay, Jeez, mom!” blurted Miles, clearly flustered at the prospect of his mom giving him yet another sex talk. He was already pulling on his shoes and waving goodbye to his dad, who muffled out something unintelligible around a mouthful of his breakfast. Just before he was about to stride out, he remembered to grab the bags of trash and toss them into the bins outside, before hurrying down the street to the diner. 
Knowing you, you were probably already waiting at the diner, halfway done with your milkshake.
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Correction, you were well into your second milkshake by the time Miles jogged in.
“You’re late,” you told him, a fond smile on your face. “I ordered for you.”
“Bacon cheeseburger with a side of curly fries? Lemonade with extra ice?” Miles asked, sliding into the seat across from you, the sticky red leather of the booth making him grimace.
You cocked your head at him. “Yup. Extra ketchup on the side, too.”
“See, that’s just telling me we spend too much time together,” said Miles, affectionately kicking at your feet beneath the table. 
Scoffing, you popped a curly fry into your mouth. “You wouldn’t last two seconds without me.”
Before Miles could fit in a scathing remark, a loud crashing resounded from far outside the diner, followed by distant screams. Both you and Miles exchanged worried glances, peering out of the window to see civilians frantically running down the street. 
“Got your suit?” you asked quietly. You had yours on underneath your sweater already, since you had planned to go training with Daredevil after breakfast.
Miles bobbed his head, the light-hearted atmosphere disappearing in an instant. “In my bag. I’ll meet you there?” 
You nodded. “I don’t know what it could be this time—whatever it is, it doesn’t look pretty. Stay safe, Miles.” 
With that, you slid out of your booth, planting a quick kiss to his cheek, before dashing out of the restaurant, running against the current of the panicked crowd. Squaring his jaw, Miles darted into the diner’s bathroom, hurriedly changing into the suit May Parker had gifted him, and hopped right out the small, rectangular window. 
The fight was about two blocks from the diner. He swung down onto a streetlamp, eyes widening when he caught sight of a bloodied Wolverine pinned against the asphalt—Omega Red not too far from him, his carbonadium coils wrapped around Logan’s biceps and neck. 
Wolverine let out a growl, his adamantium claws slashing out, but not long enough to reach his attacker. 
Miles shot a web out to get closer. Though he wasn’t all that close to the infamous Wolverine, Miles knew he was a halfway decent guy, and deserved a bit of help. 
Mid-air, he blasted web fluid straight into Omega Red’s eyes, blinding him momentarily. Furious, the large man roared out an expletive, letting go of Wolverine in shock and scratching the sticky webs away from his face with one fluid motion, before rounding his angry crimson gaze at Miles. One of the metal tentacles shot out in his direction, but before it could reach him, you came barreling forward out of nowhere, a purple blade of energy stemming from your clenched fist. 
“No, kid, wait—!” gruffed Wolverine, a warning about Omega’s death spores just on the tip of his tongue.
It was too late.
Omega Red chuckled darkly as your blade of energy sunk into his abdomen with a sickly squelch. To Miles’ horror, he seemed practically unfazed by this. You snarled up at him when he wrapped one of his burly hands around your neck, the other coming up to lay over your skull. Miles scrambled forward, shouting your name, but Wolverine held him away, frantically telling him to stay back—something about deadly pheromones.
But Miles wasn’t listening. All he could see was you, and the final second of your expression shifting from determined rage, to raw fear.
A misty fog began surrounding Omega Red—his death spores. Your eyelids fluttered and you fell limp in his grasp. He was feeding off of your life energy. 
A sick crack of bone as he effortlessly crushed your head in his palm.
A raw, blood-curdling scream tore from Miles’ lungs.
Wolverine wouldn't let him go.
And then, it all went black.
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Three knocks to his door, in rapid succession. 
“Miles,” the muffled voice of his dad drifted from beneath the doorway. “Up and at ‘em, kid!” 
Outside, a car honked. A plump pigeon hooted by his windowsill. The sun beamed directly into his narrowed eyes. 
He immediately sat up on his bed, breathing heavy and labored. A tear fell down his cheek and Miles hurriedly wiped it away with the back of his palm.
“What the…?” he muttered beneath his breath, glancing at his phone to see that it was November seventh. 
Huh. So it must’ve all been a dream. Wolverine, that weird metal-tentacle dude, you dying…
It was all a dream.
Huffing out a sigh of relief, Miles swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He could smell his mom making breakfast quesadillas from the kitchen. Funny, his dream-mom had made quesadillas as well.
The day droned on like any other. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, shrugged on the same black hoodie he wore yesterday, snatched a quesadilla from the plate—nearly burning his fingers in doing so, much to his mom’s dismay.
“Miles, I told you to take out the trash!” she scolded, crossing her arms expectantly.
For a second, Miles froze. This was… eerily similar to his dream.
Realizing that he had yet to reply, Miles hastily choked out, “Sorry, ma. I’ll take it out when I leave.”
“Where are you going?” she asked, eyebrows raised.
“Diner. Meeting Y/N there for breakfast,” Miles responded. “I’ll be back before dinner, okay?”
From the small kitchen table, his dad glanced away from the day’s newspaper. “All these so-called ‘heroes’… and yet crime rates are as high as ever. What a joke.” Jefferson pulled a scowl, before reading on about the newest debacle with X-Men and mutants in court.
Huh. Miles could swear his dad said the exact same thing in his dream…
“Alright, mijo. I want you back before the sun sets—I don’t want you out and about during the night now,” she huffed, coming forward to straighten the lopsided collar of his hoodie. “Tell Y/N I said hi. Remember what I told you, Miles—use protection. And don’t forget to take out the trash!”
“Alright, alright, Jeez, mom!” blurted Miles, flustered at the prospect of his mom giving him yet another sex talk. He was already pulling on his shoes and waving goodbye to his dad, who muffled out something unintelligible around a mouthful of his breakfast. Just before he was about to stride out, he remembered to grab the bags of trash and toss them into the bins outside, before hurrying down the street to the diner.
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“You’re late,” you told him, a fond smile on your face. Cupped in your hands was your second milkshake, already half-empty. “I ordered for you.”
“Thanks,” said Miles as he slid into the seat across from you, the sticky red leather of the booth making him grimace. “Hey, something really weird happened this morning. It’s like—deja vu, but in my dream? Like everything I saw in my dream felt weirdly real and then when I woke up, the exact same things started to happen—”
Before he could continue explaining, a loud crashing resounded from far outside the diner, followed by distant screams. Both you and Miles exchanged worried glances, peering out of the window to see civilians frantically running.
This happened in my dream! thought Miles. Unless… unless it wasn’t a dream…
“Got your suit?” you asked quietly. You had yours on underneath your sweater already, since you had planned to go training with Daredevil after breakfast.
Miles opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.
You blinked at him, miffed. “Miles? We gotta go help them.”
Head feeling stuffed full with cotton, Miles bobbed his head hesitantly. “It’s, uh, it’s in my bag. I’ll meet you there?” 
You nodded. “I don’t know what it could be this time—whatever it is, it doesn’t look pretty. Stay safe, Miles.” 
With that, you slid out of your booth, planting a quick kiss to his cheek, before dashing out of the restaurant before he could even begin to think to stop you, running against the current of the panicked crowd. Squaring his jaw, Miles blew out a deep exhale and ran into the diner’s bathroom, hurriedly changing into the suit May Parker had gifted him, and hopped right out the small, rectangular window. 
As soon as Miles saw Wolverine and Omega Red a couple blocks down the diner, he knew whatever he had seen in his quote-unquote ‘dream’ hadn’t actually been a dream. Maybe he was in an alternate dimension? Or could it have been time travel of some sorts?
Whatever it was, Miles had to find you.
He swung down onto the road, ready to stop you from getting too close to Omega Red. Swiftly, he shot out web fluid straight into Omega Red’s eyes, blinding him momentarily. Furious, the large man roared out an expletive, letting go of Wolverine in shock and scratching the sticky webs away from his face with one fluid motion, before rounding his angry crimson gaze at Miles.
One of the metal tentacles shot out in his direction, but before it could reach him, you came barreling forward out of nowhere, a purple blade of energy stemming from your clenched fist. 
“No, kid, wait—!” gruffed Wolverine, a warning about Omega’s death spores just on the tip of his tongue.
Prepared, Miles pushed you out of the way, frantically yelling out, “Stay back, he’s got killer pheromones!”
But it was too late.
The long, spindly carbonadium cords darted forward and snaked around both of your ankles, sweeping you off your feet and dangling you upside down in a matter of seconds. Desperately, you tried to hack away at the metal with your energy blades. The determined snarl on your face began to wane into one of fear when it proved to be fruitless.
Omega Red grinned manically, eyeing you like a wolf would a hare. 
A misty fog began surrounding Omega Red—his death spores. Your eyelids fluttered and you fell limp in his grasp. He was feeding off of your life energy.
Miles yelled out your name, but Wolverine held him back, telling him it was for his own safety. 
“They’re long gone, kid,” the X-Man gruffed, grip unrelenting. “I’m sorry.”
A raw, blood-curdling scream tore from Miles’ lungs.
“Let me go!” he cried. It wasn’t a dream. None of this was a dream—it couldn’t be.
Wolverine wouldn't let him go, no matter how much Miles struggled.
And then, it all went black.
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Three knocks to his door, in rapid succession. 
“Miles,” said his dad from the other side of the closed door. “Up and at ‘em, kid!” 
He shot up from the bed, breathing ragged. 
Miles swiped at his watery eyes, burying his face into his palms. If that hadn’t been a dream… what was it?
Car honk. Pigeon hoot. The sun beamed directly into his tired eyes. Right. This was the third time he’d lived through today. He must’ve been stuck in a time loop of some sorts. 
But how was he supposed to get out?
Swallowing heavily, Miles slipped out of bed, changing out of his pajamas, and got ready for the day. He had to get to the diner.
The mouth-watering aroma of his mom’s quesadillas wafted from the kitchen. 
“Miles, come have breakfast!” she called out just as she noticed Miles pulling on his shoes, tilting her head. “And just where do you think you’re going?”
“Out. Diner. Y/N,” said Miles, rushing. “Sorry, ma. I’ll be back soon!”
“Wait—!” she exclaimed, but he was already dashing out the door and sprinting down the block.
You were just starting on your second milkshake, brows raising when Miles stumbled into the diner, nearly ripping the door off its hinges in his haste.
“Hey, you’re not late for once!” you proclaimed, clearly amused at his haggard state. But your humored expression melted away when you saw that Miles was in no smiling mood. “What’s going on? God, Miles, you need to sit down.”
Blowing out a breath, Miles slid into the booth and began to explain. It was a terrible explanation, one that made no sense at all—but Miles was desperate and clearly not thinking straight.
“Right, so, I’ve been living today for the past two days. And I’ve seen you die before—twice! I wake up every time you die. It must be like, uh, like—”
“Miles,” you said, brows furrowed. “I’m so confused right now. You’ve seen me die? Like… like a vision or something?”
“No! Uhm, yes? Wait, no, I don’t think so, at least. I—”
Before he could finish, the loud crashing resounded from far outside the diner, followed by distant screams. Your concern skyrocketed, and you glanced out the window to see what was going on. Miles pulled at the skin of his face, frustrated. 
Civilians were screaming and running every which way like headless chickens. A woman with a baby stroller tripped over the curb and you sprang up to your feet, immediately breaking out of the diner to help her.
“Y/N, wait, you can’t go—!” exclaimed Miles, rushing out after you.
“Holy shit,” you mumbled under your breath as the both of you caught sight of Omega Red and Wolverine barreling down the street in their altercation.
With no time to change into your suit, you clenched your fist, purple energy blade crackling to life around your skin, mildly burning at the cuffs of your hoodie sleeves.
“No, Y/N, listen to me, you can’t go, you’ll die!” Miles exclaimed, grabbing your forearm to stop you.
Rounding on him with a heated gaze, you shook your head. “Miles, hundreds of people are going to die! That’s Omega Red. He can kill anyone in a close vicinity. I can’t just stand back and let him do it. I need to go help Logan.”
With that, you shoved away from him, leaving Miles to stumble after you. He cursed under his breath, shooting out his webs to swing after you.
Omega Red caught sight of the both of you from afar, the red of his eyes gleaming hungrily.
The carbonadium tentacles curled around Miles first, crushing his lungs until he struggled to breath and black dots danced about his vision. He could only helplessly watch as you dived down and slashed at his legs, but were dragged out by the other coil, lifting you up by your head as if you were a ragdoll. 
To his horror, Omega Red flung you hard across the street. So hard that you crashed clean through the windows of the opposite building, and straight into three consecutive plaster walls after that.
And then everything went dark.
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“Up and at ‘em, kid!” 
Car. Pigeon. Sun.
This time, Omega Red threw a car at you.
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Quesadilla. Newspaper. Trash.
Miles was helplessly pinned to the street as Omega Red used Wolverine’s adamantium claws to slice you to pieces.
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Running down the street. Your milkshake spilled all over the diner table. Miles frantically trying to tell you not to go out. He was so tired.
You went out anyway.
Omega Red picked you up and ripped you clean in half with his bare hands.
Bending at the stomach, Miles threw up all over the sidewalk.
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Miles didn’t go to the diner this time. He stayed in bed, eyes unblinking and wide, his stomach roiling nauseously. 
“Miles!” came the muffled shriek of his mom. “Miles, it’s Y/N!”
Legs trembling, Miles stepped out of his room and slowly shuffled down the hall to see his mom and dad standing in front of the television. Rio’s eyes were quick to water, tears dripping down her cheek at the sight. His dad bowed his head and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.
The news was on. 
It was you, being recorded on a shaky camera—barely visible behind Omega Red, with his burly hands wrapped around your throat as he squeezed, squeezed, squeezed—
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Three quick knocks to his door.
“Up and at ‘em, kid!” 
Miles threw himself out of bed just as the car honked. He was so very tired, eyes bloodshot and limbs weary. But he couldn’t give up. 
Hastily, not even bothering to change out of his pajamas, he ran out of his room after grabbing his web shooters, barely acknowledging his baffled parents. He bolted out the door at lightning speed, using his shooters to hurl himself down the street, to the diner.
People gawked and stared at him with wide eyes. They all gawked and pointed fingers, exclaiming, “Hey, it’s knock-off Spider-Man!” 
Miles couldn’t bring himself to care.
Not wasting any time, he barged into the diner, making his way to your booth. Before you could fit in any comments about how he was late, or how he looked like he’d just gotten run over by a bulldozer, he grabbed you by the shoulders, looking you straight in the eye.
“Listen to me. I’ve been stuck in a time loop, watching you die over and over and over again. You cannot leave this diner, Y/N. I’m being serious. Omega Red is going to come rolling down the street any second now—but you can’t help in any way, no matter how much you want to, or you’ll die and it just resets the loop for me. I need to keep you alive. Do you understand?”
With wide, unblinking eyes, you stared at your boyfriend as if he’d gone mad. A part of you thought this was just some elaborate joke—but the longer you looked into his eyes—his tired, weary eyes, the more you could see how sincere he was being. He was telling the truth.
“Time loop… like groundhog day?” 
Miles nodded.
“Do you know how to fix it?”
Crestfallen, Miles blew out a shaky breath. “No. Every time you die, the day just resets and I wake up back in my room—your death is basically… inevitable.”
A sick feeling twisted in your gut. Not really at the fact that you were fated to die in this loop, but at the idea of Miles having to watch and relive that over and over again.
“Oh, Miles, I’m so sorry…” you began, unsure of what else to say. Eyes softening, Miles released your shoulders, sliding his hands down your arms to thread his fingers with yours. 
A tentative idea sprung forth when your friend and vigilante mentor, Daredevil, once mentioned in passing a certain sorcerer living in New York that specialized in all things time-related.
“I think I might know someone that can help,” you said, squeezing his hands with a hopeful grin.
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The Sanctum Sanctorum was a large, spacious building that remained suspiciously clean despite having only two ‘cleaners’ that looked far younger than you—Wong liked to call them apprentices, though. You’d passed by the building before twice—but never actually had any reason to come inside.
For such an important place, you were surprised there weren’t any guards by the door. You and Miles exchanged nervous glances, before stepping in. 
Stephen Strange was by the fireplace to the right, nursing a mug of a thick purple liquid. Draped over his shoulders was the infamous red Cloak of Levitation, which seemed to perk upwards in the presence of guests.
“Y/N L/N,” he greeted, narrowing his eyes at you, as if he’d known you were going to come. “Miles Morales—what brings the two of you to the Sanctum Sanctorum?”
How the peculiar sorcerer knew your names, neither of you had a clue.
“Hello, uh… doctor, er, sir—uhm, I’m—I think I might be stuck in a time loop?” Heat flushed over Miles’ face as he stumbled over his words, clearly overwhelmed that he was standing in front of an Avenger.
One of Strange’s eyebrows arched closer to his hairline. “You think?”
Clearing his throat, Miles winced as he replied, “I know I’m in a time loop. I’ve been living the same day over and over again more than half a dozen times.”
The sorcerer tilted his head, free hand coming up to stroke his well-groomed goatee. “Yep… that’s a time loop, alright. I’ve been stuck in one before—nasty thing it is.” The unpleasant memory of Dormammu made a grimace pull his lips thin. With that, he began striding away, leaving the two of you awkwardly standing by the Sanctum's entrance. 
After a second, Strange glanced back, rolling his eyes. “Come on, what are you two standing there dilly-dallying for?”
The two of you scampered along behind him, making your way further into the large building. Down a winding staircase you went, one that seemed to go on for ages. You peered over the railings, blanching upon seeing nothing but darkness for as far as the eye could see. Nervous, you reached out for Miles’ hand, which he gladly took.
Once the three of you had arrived by the floor, torches by the walls magically burst aflame, bathing the room in a warm clementine glow.
“Something incredibly wrong must have messed up your stream of reality’s timeline for it to fall back upon itself. Something that isn’t supposed to happen. Usually time loops occur when alternate realities collide into one another, thereby permanently damaging both realities’ time continuum—but it can sometimes happen on its own to prevent incursions from occurring in the first place. Like a safety net of sorts. It’s the universe’s way of giving you a second chance. Or… seven, in your case,” explained Strange, waving his hand in front of the Eye of Agamotto that rested just above his chest. The golden platelets pulled back to reveal a glowing emerald gem—the infamous time stone. Most of what he said had flown right over your head, but you nodded as if you understood anyway. “What is it that resets the loop each time, kid?”
Miles shifted his weight from foot to foot, suddenly feeling queasy. “Y/N dies,” he mumbled.
The sorcerer’s eyebrows twitched up in surprise. 
“Ah,” he said, his usually stoic demeanor melting into one of stiff, uncomfortable sympathy. “My condolences.”
“Thanks—uh, condolences… taken? Received? Yeah,” Miles awkwardly choked out. If it weren’t the dire situation at hand, you would’ve laughed at your boyfriend’s inability to just keep his mouth shut.
A glimmer of amusement danced behind Strange’s irises, but it disappeared just as quickly as it came. 
“Alright, kid, I can fix it for you—just promise not to talk during the spell. You’re not the only person who’s come to me asking to make life-altering changes to the time continuum.”
Neither of you really knew what he was talking about, but you stiffly bobbed your heads up and down nonetheless. 
With that, Stephen clapped his hands together, chanting lowly underneath his breath. The time stone began to emit a bright, lime-hued light—one that nearly hurt if you stared directly at it. 
And then… it all stopped.
Strange stopped murmuring in his foreign tongue, the stone stopped glowing, and everything felt eerily still.
Confused, Miles asked, “That’s it?”
A ghost of a smile traced the corner of Doctor Strange’s lips. “Yeah, kid. That’s it. It should all be over now—you’ll wake up in the real tomorrow, tomorrow. Now get outta here—before Wong mistakes you guys for his apprentices.”
“Thank you, Doctor Strange. This means the world to us,” you said, genuine gratitude shining through your expression as you squeezed Miles’ hand.
“Yeah, thanks Mr—Doctor—Sir… uh…” Miles began stumbling over his own tongue again, and this time, you couldn’t help but huff out a laugh. Strange cracked an actual smile as well, jerking his head towards the staircase.
The two of you began walking back up the steps, a weight settled off both of your chests. Miles more so than you—having to watch you die over and over again had taken a serious toll on him.
In a blink of an eye, the stairs disappeared beneath your feet, and the two of you found yourself right outside the Sanctum. Bewildered, the two of you glanced back, only to see a golden-ringed portal just behind you. Strange saluted with two fingers, raising his mug to slurp at the mysterious mauve sludge within his mug. 
The portal closed a second later. 
You and Miles stood in a fragile silence for a long moment.
“Miles… what you had to go through… I’m so sorry, it must’ve been a living nightmare. I can’t possibly imagine what that’s like. Are you sure you’re okay? Because I’m here to listen if you want to talk about it,” you whispered, glancing his way. Your expression had softened with raw concern, practically bleeding with affection for the young man beside you.
Instead of answering your question, Miles just shook his head, tightly winding his arms around you and squeezing. His nose rested against the crown of your head as he inhaled the homely scent of your shampoo. After recovering from your initial shock, you returned the embrace, the fabric of his shirt crumpling beneath your grip. His shoulders began to tremble.
“Are you crying?” you asked when he sniffled quietly.
“No,” he replied, voice thick. “Doctor Strange just has… dusty magical carpets, is all.”
A peal of laughter fell from your lips, and you fondly knocked your forehead against his. “Careful now, wouldn’t want Wong to fire his ‘apprentices’ now, would you?”
Miles gave you a watery smile, before pulling away, holding you at arm’s length. “Can you stay with me tonight? I just… I don’t wanna lose you again. I wanna make sure I wake up in the real tomorrow—where you’d still be alive.”
Leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek, you gave him a gentle grin. “Sure, Miles. Oh, we can watch the new season of Yellowjackets together!”
“Okay,” Miles said, watching you with a lovesick gaze as the two of you began walking down the street, one that made his dark irises all molten and doe-like. “Anything you want.”
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Miles’ eyes cracked open blearily. A ray of sun was glaring through his window, shining directly into his face. From outside, he could hear cars honking and the flutter of a pigeons’ wings as it flew away from his windowsill.
Memories of yesterday—or rather—several yesterdays, came rushing to the front of his mind. Immediately, Miles sat up in bed, his foot accidentally knocking against the laptop sitting on top of his blanket.
Initial panic beginning to wane away, Miles looked to his side, relief flooding his veins upon seeing you splayed out on the other end of his bed, cheek smushed into his pillow as you slept. You groggily mumbled something unintelligible at his sudden movement, but slipped back into a peaceful sleep not two seconds later.
You startled back awake when Miles let out a sudden whoop of unrestrained joy, loud enough to alert his parents in the kitchen.
“Ugh, Miles,” you groaned, burying your face deeper into the pillow. “Shut up.”
Wincing, Miles eased back into bed, patting your shoulder while whispering, “Sorry, sorry. Go back to sleep.”
He tugged you close into his side, finding solace in your warmth—a physical reminder that you were real. 
This was real.
Miles grinned into your hairline, and clutched you all the closer.
By the time his mom and dad peeked their heads into his room to check that you two were alright, they were not at all surprised to see the kids fast asleep, limbs tangled and softly snoring away, with Miles taking up most of the space while you were squished against the wall.
The door softly shut once more, and Rio casted an amused glance at her husband, who also had the habit of taking up too much space in bed. “Like father, like son.”
Affronted, Jefferson followed after his wife as she strode away, thinking she was talking about his loud unconscious mannerisms (snoring, and, on occasion, talking in his sleep). “What? What do you mean by that? I told you, I don’t snore! Not anymore, at least…”
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cuttergauthier · 4 months
Fresh Start
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Jack Hughes x Female Edwards Reader
Warning: cussing, fluff
word count: 1.0k
let me know what you guys think🤍
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I was starting my last year of University, I used to go to the University of Michigan but after a bad break up I ended up transferring to Columbia University. 
Columbia university is only a few minutes from Jersey, the team my brother was drafted by. My younger brother and I are pretty close, I could have stayed in Michigan and spent my last year with him there, but I needed a change, and to be somewhere I wouldn't run into my ex.
My brother will be in Jersey in a few years and I can't wait.
Since my brother started playing for the Michigan Wolverines he became close with his teammates, he’s pretty close to Luke Hughes, who was also drafted by the New Jersey Devils, now there roommates in Michigan, Luke playing in his last year before he joins his brother jack in Jersey who already plays for the devils.
Because both Luke and Ethan got to Michigan at the same time, along with a few others they stuck together, and are really close.
My brother introduced me to his teammates and I became friends with them, mostly the older ones. Now when I told the guys I was transferring to Columbia they were all sad but they understood why. Luke and Ethan both made it their mission to tell Jack, Luke’s brother to make sure he looks after me, they don’t think I know but it was pretty obvious.
Last summer when Ethan was invited to the Hughes Lake house, they also invited me, since according to Luke I became like a sister to him. That’s where I met Jack for the first time, Luke introduced us. Jack and I didn’t talk much that summer but I know for a fact that Ethan and Luke told him to look after me when I was at Columbia, I’m not stupid even tho both Ethan and Luke are younger than me, ever since my break up they’ve been protective.
Now I've been in Jersey for about a month and a half. University started a few weeks ago, Jack came by my apartment during my second day here, he said he wanted to show me around but I knew Luke told him. 
Jack showed all the best places to go to in New York, he also introduced me to his teammates, they're all really nice and welcoming, so is Jack.
Ever since I got here, we’ve been spending a lot of time together when he doesn’t have practice and I’m not busy with homework. 
Today is Wednesday. I had class from 8:30 to 10 a.m. This morning, Jack had the day off so he asked if I wanted to hang out after class and I agreed.
I just got back to my apartment. It's now 10:30 p.m. Jack said he’d be here at 11 a.m. so i went and changed out of my jeans and put on a pair of black Lululemon leggings so I could be more comfortable.
Once I was done I went and sat down on my couch, I turned on Netflix and put on the new season of Outer Banks so I could watch before he got here. 
Thankfully I didn’t have any homework to do since I finished it last night. Ever since i’ve gotten close to jack i started to get feelings but there’s nothing i can do about it since i doubt he feels the same way. My brother will be his teammate in a couple of years and I also don’t want to make things weird between them.
At around 11:02 a.m. there was a knock on the door, I paused the show and went to open the door.
“Hey, this is for you” Jack greeted me smiling with an extra coffee in his hands, when I opened the door.
“Hey, come in and thank you, you didn’t have to get me a coffee” I replied smiling and taking the coffee from him, while opening the door wider so he could walk in, once he did I closed the door. Jack took off his shoes and we made our way to the living room.
“ it’s nothing, i know you had class this morning so i thought you might need one” 
“I really did, so thank you” 
“ What are we doing today?” He asked 
“I have no clue, what do you want to do?” I said
“I was thinking maybe if it’s okay with you, i could take you on a date” he said looking at me waiting for my response. I was shocked. I didn't think he felt the same way.
“I’d love that” i said smiling softly
“Perfect, do you want to go after we're both done with our coffees?” He asked
“That’s perfect” i said nodding
“How have you been? How are your classes?” 
“I’m good, my classes have been a bit stressful but it’s normal since it’s my senior year.” 
“Makes sense, are you excited to be graduating in May?”
“Yes, I can't wait,” I said eagerly, making him chuckle.
“Jeez, it is that bad” he said sarcastically making me chuckle 
“No, i’m just excited to be able to do what i love full time” i said smiling
“I’m glad”
“Are you ready to go out?” He asked once I took the last sip of coffee.
“Yeah, let’s go” i said smiling
We put on our shoes and jackets before making our way out of my apartment. I grabbed my hand and I looked at him smiling.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked curious
“It’s a surprise” he said smiling
Jack ended up taking me out to one of my favorite restaurants that he showed me when i first moved here, it was an amazing date, i had a lot of fun. 
Now Jack dropped me off at home. He walked me up to my door.
“I had an amazing time tonight” I said, turning and looking at Jack who already had a smile on his face.
“Me too, any chance I can take you on another date soon?” He asked.
“I would love that” i said blushing 
“Perfect,” he replied. 
He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
“I’ll talk to you later, have a good night Yn” he said before leaving.
Once I made it in the apartment and closed the door I couldn't stop smiling.
Another date? I like the sound of that!!
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loving-barnes · 3 months
A/N: I have a long chapter for you. Chapter NINE is up. I have put a lot of things in here. I hope you will enjoy it. Please, be patient with chapter ten. I won't have much time to write it next week. I will try, but I'm not promising it will be finished in a few days.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: I have decided to not give any warnings. Please remember this story is 18+.
Summary: Charles asked Logan and Y/N to babysit the students while the rest of the staff was away for the weekend.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 6200+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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You killed her! It’s your fault! Murderer! You fucking sick freak! I hate you! 
Y/N opened her eyes and caught her breath. It happened again. This week, it was the third nightmare she experienced. Her mother’s face kept appearing in the dream, screaming at her. The voice, even the eyes, haunted her, filled with wrath and hatred. 
She turned to face the clock. It was 7:04 in the morning. Her forehead was sweaty, as well as the rest of her body. This nightmare was worse than before. It felt real. In her dream, Y/N’s mother held her forearm tightly. Even now, the touch on her body burnt. Y/N had to look at her left forearm just to be sure no one was holding her there. Her mind was playing tricks on her. 
When will you stop haunting me? 
The first week of her being a teacher was almost over. So far, it was fun. The classes went smoothly. The students accepted her as a teacher. It turned out the teaching kept her sane. 
After a quick shower and changing clothes, she took her textbooks and headed downstairs to the kitchen. The hallways were empty. However, she could hear the kids from their dorms getting ready. 
When she arrived in the kitchen, she was met with fresh coffee. Some pure soul made a pot of it. She grabbed a mug and poured some into it. This was an ideal way to start a new day. She took a seat on a barstool at the counter. Y/N went through the textbooks to prepare for her first lesson of the day. 
“Well, aren’t ya an early bird,” Logan’s voice startled her. 
Y/N almost choked on her coffee. She coughed a few times, then looked at the man. “If you want to choke me, just use your hand,” she frowned at him. It took her a minute to breathe normally. 
Logan’s lips turned into a devilish smile. “Is that right, princess?” and he wiggled his eyebrows. “Good to know for the future. By the way, why are you up so early? Don’t you have a class at nine?” he changed the topic. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” she looked down at the textbooks again. 
Logan walked to the counter and leaned against it. He took a deep breath. He could smell the coconut shampoo radiating from her, even her natural scent. “I heard you, you know? I know you have nightmares, Y/N.” 
“Don’t we all?” she sighed. “It’s nothing. It’ll go away.” 
“You can talk to me, you know?” Logan reached his hand and put it under her chin to lift her head. “You don’t have to face it alone.” 
“Thanks,” her eyes found his. 
Logan heard the sound of the wheelchair. He let go of Y/N’s chin and leaned back. His eyes never left her face, not even when Charles wheeled in, already dressed in a suit. This time, it was grey with a black tie.
“Ah, just the two people I need,” he said, smiling. “I am going to need a favour from you two.” Y/N’s eyes moved to the Professor, and Logan faced him. “As you know, Jean and Scott are still away with Remy and Hank. Bobby asked for a weekend away with Kitty. Kurt is leaving for Germany. I will take Peter, Ororo and Rogue to Washington again.”
“More trouble?” Y/N asked. 
Charles shook his head. “The situation has calmed down a bit. However, I need to find more information about Trask Industries. I believe they are creating a weapon that could potentially destroy us.”  
“Shit,” Logan mumbled. 
“That is why I need you to stay here,” said Charles.
“Ah, you want us to babysit, is that right?” Logan rolled his eyes. “What about Colossus?” 
“He’ll be here with you, of course. I talked to him last night.”  
“When are you leaving?” Y/N asked. 
“This afternoon. We should be back on Sunday.” 
Charles left them alone in the kitchen. Logan turned back to Y/N and raised one brow. “It seems you won’t get rid of me that easily.” 
“I am one lucky gal,” she teased. “So, is this babysitting like it means? We will keep an eye on the kids. We make sure they are in bed at a reasonable hour?” 
“Sounds about right,” Logan nodded. “Don’t plan on having a big party tonight.”
She tilted her head. “Why? You don’t like watching children have some fun? Or is it because my attention is on them, not you?” She stood up and cleaned the mug after she was done. Before she left, she brushed past him. “If you want my attention, just ask.” 
Logan smirked, eyes resting on her back. Slowly, they fell down, checking out her ass per usual. Who would have thought that he would be crushing bad on this woman? He saved her a while back, and now, they had this unspoken thing between them. She was attractive and witty. Y/N brought something into his life. She made him feel something he hadn’t felt in years. 
Fuck, he thought and fixed his pants. Suddenly, they felt tighter than before. It was eight in the morning. It was bad timing to have an erection. Logan swiftly left the kitchen and headed back to his room. 
As the day went by, Y/N realised her mind had been preoccupied by a certain someone. The desire that she had was intense. She kept thinking about his eyes, lips, and those hands caressing her body. In a way, it was funny. She was falling for the man who saved her ass. 
My knight in shining armour.
“Miss Y/L/N?” someone said her name. “Are you okay?” It was one of the students asking. 
Y/N blinked a few times. Her mind got quickly lost in a world of daydreaming. “I’m sorry,” she cleared her throat. “I was just thinking about your next assignment,” she said. The collective sigh made her laugh. “Don’t worry. I won’t give you any writing assignments now. However, I want you to read The Great Gatsby by the end of the next week.” 
Some of the boys were annoyed. It was evident that reading was not their favourite activity. There were whispers around the classroom. Y/N frowned at them. “Please, silence. I don’t want to hear another word. You are only reading a book. If you keep complaining to your classmates, I will give you something to write about.” And then everyone silenced. 
The classes with the oldest students were difficult. Their hormones were all over the place, their behaviour was atrocious, and the boys had a problem respecting everyone, even the teacher.
At the end of the school day, Y/N was walking through the hallway when a clothed arm wrapped around her shoulder. It brought her back to reality from her constant daydreaming. She glanced at the person, only to find Rogue grinning. “I’ve heard you and Logan will be babysitting the kids.” 
“With Colossus,” Y/N added. 
“That’s a minor detail,” she chuckled. “You have the perfect opportunity to make a move. You’ll have the night to yourselves.” 
Y/N frowned. “What the hell are you talking about, Ro’?” Y/N knew damn well where she was going with it. And yet she pretended to be dumb. 
“Come on,” Rogue bumped her hip against Y/N’s. “I see how you two behave to each other. Everyone sees that - the teasing, the bantering and shit. In my eyes, you’d be a perfect power couple. I think you should make a move.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. Yes, Logan and Y/N had a playful banter going on. However, she didn’t think he felt anything more towards her. He saved her and gave her a second chance. He kept his promise. That was about it. A man like him would never want a girl like her. They knew each other only for two months. 
“Shouldn’t you be packing for the weekend?” Y/N asked Rogue. She needed to change the topic. “You should take something sexy with you. You’ll be reunited with Remy. You’ll be the one spending a hot, sexy night with your man.” 
The young woman sighed, defeated. “Why can’t you see that he likes you, too?” She had decided to omit that part about Remy.
“Rogue,” Y/N warned her. “I don’t want to talk about it. In fact, there is nothing to talk about. You should pack and get ready.” 
“This isn’t over. We will discuss this once I’m back,” Rogue threatened with a finger. 
Y/N walked up the stairs. She wanted to change her clothes into something more comfortable. The school day was over. There was no need to dress fancy. She thought about practising her forcefields. Y/N got better at creating two separate force fields at the same time. After they saved JJ, where she protected another person for the first time, she knew how to do it whenever she wanted. 
Storm usually practised with her. They tried using lighting to get through the force fields. Luckily, they were resistant. It didn’t even drain Y/N’s energy. It was fascinating.  
Y/N stretched her neck and scratched her nape. There was a foreign feeling lingering somewhere inside her mind. She couldn’t define what it was.
As she passed the second level, she was stopped by Logan again. He grabbed her by the wrist. “We meet again, princess.” 
She made a funny yet annoyed face. “For a princess, you aren’t treating me like one,” she said. “How can I help you, kind sir?” 
“Wanna have a beer with me tonight?” he asked. 
“Aren’t we supposed to be babysitting the kids?” she raised a brow, smirking. “We can’t leave the school and head to the bar. Colossus will kill us.” 
“Rules are meant to be broken,” he made a smug face. “Don’t worry, kid. I have my secret stash here. We can enjoy one after they are in their rooms, asleep.” 
“Secret stash, you say?” That piqued her interest. “Very well. I’ll see you tonight.” 
His eyes followed her as she continued up the stairs. “What are you up to now?” 
She shrugged, thinking. “I don’t know. I might do some training, maybe read a book,” she said. “I’ll see you later, Logan.” 
. . .
Y/N was on edge the whole evening. She didn’t know why. The feeling came gradually. At first, she thought she had forgotten to do something. Then, she observed the students, trying to figure out if they did something wrong. Y/N concluded that the feeling she had signified cautiousness. Otherwise, the time she had spent with the kids was fun. 
They all gathered in a lounge room where they talked and laughed. Colossus joined them. He listened to their stories and amusing memories. Colossus even chimed in about his memories. The kids laughed, which only made him smile. 
Logan kept his distance and observed from afar here and there. He didn’t join the talk, even when he noticed Y/N’s pleading look. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, while listening to the shared stories. 
Overall, it was a pleasant Friday evening with the students. By ten in the evening, they were all in their rooms. Y/N walked through the hallways, checking if everyone settled down for the night. Even Colossus headed to bed, saying how exhausted he was. 
Once Y/N was sure everyone was in their room, she headed downstairs into the kitchen. Her neck was sore after the long day. She stretched her head to every side, trying to find relief. When Y/N entered the kitchen, Logan sat behind a counter with two beer bottles. He was wearing a red flannel shirt and a white tank top. 
That fucker. 
The man eyed her from head to toe, trying not to stare much. Did she want to kill him with that outfit? She wore denim shorts and a loose T-shirt. “Fucking finally,” said Logan after he cleared his throat. “Were you avoiding me, princess?” he kinked a brow. 
“You think so low of me,” she said and sat on a barstool next to him. “Because you had decided to disappear and Colossus was tired, I had to ensure the students were in their rooms.” She grabbed a bottle. It was cold. Quickly, she pressed it against her neck and moaned a little. 
“You okay?” he asked, taking a swig. 
“I don’t know,” she said. “Something feels off. Also, my neck hurts.” She drank straight from the bottle, enjoying the cold beverage.  
Without thinking, Logan reached for her neck. His fingers pressed into her skin. When he realised what he had done, it was too late. Luckily, Y/N closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure. If she were a cat, she’d purr. Her lips were slightly parted. She enjoyed the touch. Once he was done, he asked, “Better?” 
“Damn, I’d hire you as a full-time personal masseuse,” she joked. When she looked at him, her eyes met his. A shiver ran down her spine. “Tell me, what do you do when you are asked to babysit the students?” 
“Before you came, I’d have a drink and head to bed. When Bobby was a student, there were nights when we would talk here in the kitchen. The kids here know what they aren’t allowed to do. When we ask them to remain in rooms, they will listen,” he explained. 
A tiny smile appeared on Y/N’s face. Her eyes moved to the beer bottle, where she scanned the label. “By the way, JJ loves lessons with you,” she changed the topic. “He loves history and says you are awesome.” 
“He said that?” Logan seem surprised. “I like that kid.” 
Y/N pressed two fingers between the bridge of her nose, frowning. A long sigh escaped her lips. “Shit, I can’t figure out what’s wrong today.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Ah,” she leaned against her arms, eyes closed. “Do you have that feeling, somewhere deep inside, when you know that something’s not right?” When Logan confirmed, she continued. “I have had this feeling since this afternoon. My gut is calling to me, screaming something is off.” 
“Is it the students? Have they said anything?” he asked. Logan wanted to help her figure it out. 
She turned her head to look at him again. For a second, her eyes slipped to his lips. “I have crossed out every box in my head,” Y/N’s eyes were back on his. “The students are well. Jerome is happy,” she started to list it all out loud. “I have done everything that was required of me. I don’t know.” 
“I think you are exhausted after this week. You’ve become a teacher. It might have taken a toll on you.” Logan’s voice was softer than usual. “Maybe it is rest that you need.” 
“Maybe,” she said. Once she finished the drink, she stood up and walked to the kitchen counter. “I feel some exhaustion,” Y/N admitted. “I’m not convinced that’s it.” She reached for a glass and filled it with cold water. She faced the man and leaned against the counter when she drank the water. “I feel like something terrible is about to happen,” Y/N admitted. 
Logan was immediately on his feet. He walked to Y/N, scanning her face. “What if you are overly anxious?” he asked carefully. “I believe you need to go to bed and rest. You had an intense week.” 
“What if,” she said suddenly, “something’s heading towards us?” 
His ears perked up at her comment. With a snap of fingers, Logan’s face hardened. “You think something dangerous could be coming our way?” He came closer to the woman, feeling her body heat radiating. 
“Think about it,” Y/N’s eyes locked with his. “Charles took everyone to Washington. At this time, they are all already there. It would take them longer to get back here. It’s just the two of us and Colossus. What if…” she stopped talking. 
A chill ran down Logan’s spine. The thought of them becoming targets again made him tense. In the past, he experienced attacks on school. It wouldn’t be anything new. And yet, it was terrifying. 
“I don’t know,” Y/N shook her head. “I don’t want to think negatively and draw something to us. Or I’m just being paranoid.” 
Logan smiled at her reassuringly. He put a hand on her left shoulder. “We’ll be alright. The school has a security system. Once it is triggered, the students know what to do and where to hide. If some sort of attack does occur, we will fight. Until then, let’s try not to worry about these hypothetical scenarios.” 
“You are right,” she sighed for the hundredth time. “My mind is running thousands of miles an hour. Nothing’s going to happen. Let’s just enjoy this evening.” 
A smile appeared on her face. Y/N wanted to say something more, but her mind went blank when she felt Logan’s hand move from her shoulder to her cheek, stroking it gently. His body was closer than usual. For a second, Y/N forgot how to breathe. There was a shift in the air. His gentle touch made her heat rise in her body. She was taken aback by it at all. 
Logan’s touch was tender. His thumb kept stroking her skin lightly. The desire was rising on both sides. Neither of them tried to push away. There was something unspoken between them. It was there for some time. Maybe it was the right time to lean into it and explore.
Y/N thought that he would never feel the same way she did. In her mind, Logan saw her as someone he saved some time ago. But this showed her that he felt the same way. Her breath got caught in her throat. The air vibrated with an intensity of desire. The unspoken words between them became heavier. 
Logan took a step forward. His body pressed lightly against her. His other hand found her waist, where he placed it lightly. It felt right. For some time, this was what he wanted, and now, he was only one move away from getting it.
“Logan,” she whispered, eyes never leaving his face. They moved from his eyes to his lips and back. 
“Y/N,” he whispered back. Her name sounded so beautiful coming from his lips. 
They were a breath away from each other. Neither of them were able to close the gap. It took them a few heartbeats before they both leaned it. This was the sign that they both wanted the same thing. 
They met in the middle, lips pressing in their first kiss. There was no time to test the water. The first kiss was heated - all tongue and teeth. The passion ignited with a fiery intensity. Logan’s body fully pressed against Y/N’s. She could feel his semi-hard erection pressed against her lower belly. 
Logan’s hands explored her body. One hand held her by the neck while the other travelled down to her ass that he squeezed. It made her groan into his mouth, which gave him better access to his tongue to explore her mouth. Y/N’s hands were pressed against his hard chest, gripping the white tank top. 
Suddenly, he grabbed he by the waist and lifted her on the kitchen counter. Logan stepped between her legs, and she instantly wrapped them around his waist. The kiss never ended. They wanted more. Y/N’s hand gripped his hair and pulled on it, making him moan. Her other hands explored his chest and firm abs over that damn piece of clothing. 
They lost themselves in a world of desire. Logan’s mouth left her lips only to explore her neck and collarbones. He couldn’t get enough of her. His right hand slipped under her t-shirt. The feeling of her soft skin was incredible. His fingers caressed the flesh under her breast. 
“Fuck, princess,” he grunted when he caught a breath for a second. His lips were then back on her in another heated make-out session. 
Y/N grabbed his unbuttoned flannel shirt and took it off him. It fell on the floor under his feet. Her mind was filled with his musky scent. She could smell the beer and a faint hint of cigars. However, it only made her want him more. 
“Eager, aren’t we?” he asked with a laugh when he managed to pull away to look at her face. Her lips were a bit swollen from all the kissing.
“You are the one talking,” she said back. “If we want to continue this, I don’t think it’s wise to do it in the kitchen,” she raised a brow. “We don’t need a traumatised kid on our necks.”
Logan laughed at that. And then, his lips were on her again. This time, the kisses got softer. He took his time with each one he pressed against her lips. Their eyes closed. These kisses were different. They were filled with something new. It wasn’t hunger or desire. It was more intimate. As if they tried to tell they cared for each other. 
Y/N’s fingers reached for his big belt. She started to fiddle with it when he stopped her. She raised a brow. Did she cross a line?
The kissing stopped. Logan turned his head to the side and listened. His ears could register sounds that a regular person wouldn’t hear, not even Y/N. His hand gripped her exposed thigh, and he looked into her gorgeous eyes. “Fuck. Helicopters,” he said. 
“What?” she raised her voice, concerned. She turned her head to the window, trying to hear for herself. They were far away.
Logan pushed away from her and walked to the other side of the kitchen. Y/N’s gut warned them. “They knew we’d be here alone this night,” he mumbled under his nose. “It’s a trap!” He pressed a button that was hidden in a strategic place. It was a silent trigger. “Charles built a trigger system in every dorm. This will ensure everyone wakes up and heads to the tunnels.” 
Y/N hopped off the counter. She wanted to ask about it, but there was no time. Logan reached for her hand, which she grabbed, and they left the kitchen running. “Oh no. My gut was right about this,” she groaned. “I called this upon us.” 
When they arrived in the main hallway, they heard the students from the upper levels running around the hallways. Colossus’s deep voice was heard, too. He was giving the instructions to the students.
“There are strategic tunnels that will lead them out of the school and into a secure location,” Logan explained.
Y/N’s heart was beating fast. Finally, she registered the sounds of helicopters nearing the school. She squeezed his hand tightly one more time before letting it go. “So we fight,” she sighed. 
“We fight,” he nodded. “There’s no time to run.” 
They heard the sound of shattering glass. Someone breached in through the windows. Several footsteps were heard around the building. Soldiers. Logan and Y/N shared a look before they separated. 
Logan’s claws were out, ready to kill anyone who dared to approach him. He could heal, and Y/N could protect herself with forcefields. However, he hated they separated. The evening started promising, and it was ruined by some fuckers who had the desire to attack the school. 
Y/N ran outside the main entrance before soldiers could tear down the door. She formed a forcefield around herself to protect her body. She felt how her energy shifted. The shield she had created felt different. When she collided with the first body, the soldier screamed in agonising pain, and he flew away. All the bullets fired at her were absorbed into it. 
When she looked out, she realised at least six military helicopters had flown to the school, filled with soldiers. What the fuck was happening? While she kept herself hidden inside the force field, she created a ball that she threw at a group of soldiers, hurting them. 
Y/N’s eyes noticed the symbol on the helicopters. Trask. Holy mother of god! They wanted mutants, and this was the perfect place to get them. More gunshots were heard from the inside of the school, with Logan’s roaring. She could only imagine the bloodbath happening inside. It was amusing how the evening went from passionate kissing to fighting for their lives. 
More soldiers tried to take her down. Y/N was faster, and the shield got powerful with more determination to finish this. As if it wasn’t enough, it started to rain heavily. No wonder it was a week before Halloween, and autumn was in full mode. 
She didn’t mind the water or the cold air. Her adrenaline kept her warm. More soldiers surrounded her, aiming their guns at her. Y/N kept herself protected with her power, not giving them a window to shoot. It sucked. There were only two of them and dozens of soldiers. 
For a moment, Y/N thought that they would be able to defeat them. But the moment Logan’s painful roaring came from her side, her heart dropped to the ground. At least seven soldiers had him restrained with a collar around his neck. They even put him on a leash so he wouldn’t escape. That damn collar. It took away his power. 
“No,” she gasped. 
“Halt!” someone shouted. All soldiers ceased fire, yet the guns remained ready to shoot. 
The men who captured Logn had brought him down on his knees. The rain soaked through his clothes and hair, and there was a bloody wound on his right shoulder. It wasn’t healing.  
A laugh got her attention. It sounded so familiar that it brought goosebumps to Y/N’s skin. Her eyes widened in shock. The woman turned her head to the voice. She forgot how to breathe. 
“Look who’s crossed my path again,” said the female voice. 
This voice haunted Y/N in her nightmares. She dryly gulped, eyes never leaving the person who approached the front line. “Mother.” 
Logan gasped when he heard Y/N say that. “What the fuck?” he gasped for air. The woman in charge was Y/N’s own mother? What a sick, twisted joke!
The leader of this group was an older woman in her late fifties. She had grey hair pinned in a low bun. She was dressed in a military outfit with a raincoat over it. It protected her uniform from the rain. Why the fuck was she dressed like a soldier? What the fuck was going on? 
Y/N’s head was screaming questions. She was shocked. She forgot to keep herself behind the protective veil. It suddenly disappeared, making her vulnerable. It was painful to see her mother standing with the company that wanted to get rid of mutants. Y/N killed her little sister, the youngest daughter. Of course, her mother would desire to see all mutants burn in hell. 
“Why the fuck are you here?” Y/N spat.
The woman grinned. “I came here to collect you and bring you back to where you belong - the lab.” Her voice was strict. When Y/N made a confused and disgusted face, her mother continued. “Don’t act surprised. I know everything about you. I know what happened to you when you escaped the lab in Salem.” 
“What?” Y/N lowered her voice, confused. How was it possible?
The woman’s eyes moved to Logan. She laughed like a devil. “And we got the animal as well.”
Y/N’s fists clenched. “He’s not an animal,” she growled. “How the fuck do you know everything?” 
“You think I’d let the murderer that killed my baby get away from me? Oh, honey, don’t be naive,” she said darkly. “I had my eyes on you since I joined Trask Industries and discovered that you became a lab rat.” 
Logan was fuming. He tried to pull on the restraints to get away and run to Y/N. Hell, he would kill for her. That only got him a punishment. They pressed a stick to his side, sending shockwaves to his body. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Without his healing ability, he was vulnerable. 
“If you are wondering how I know you’d be here, it’s simple,” Y/N’s mother sang. “I knew you’d get the boy. The scientists in the lab informed me that you got attached to him. Disgusting, considering you like killing children. With that knowledge, we knew you’d try to save him. I must admit, for a moment, we lost faith that you’d show up. We were about to get the boy back to our main facility when you decided to rescue him with that thing,” she pointed at Logan. 
Y/N shook her head in disbelief. “No, it doesn’t make sense. How…?” 
“We have eyes everywhere,” the woman said. “I’d do everything to get the child murderer back where she belongs. In a cage, slowly torturing her to death. That is what you deserve.”
“It was an accident,” Y/N’s voice broke. Her insides were shaking. “I’d never hurt her on purpose. She was my sister.”
The older woman scoffed. “Do not speak of her! Don’t you dare talk about my baby girl! Murder is not an accident. I thought that after all these years, you’d be dead - that the experiments would kill you. And here you are, alive at this damn school for mutants. It’s disgusting.” 
Y/N’s nerves were on the verge of exploding. The force fields glitched around her a few times. “You are the disgusting one. You come here to threaten us. Tell me why you are here. What do you want?” Her whole body was shivering. It was the mixture of cold and emotions bubbling inside. The rain didn’t stop. It got heavier. 
“I came here for you, to take you where you belong. I want the little mutants for our experiments to create a weapon that would annihilate you.” The woman’s head snapped to a few soldiers that came out of the building. She frowned at them. They came out empty-handed. “Where are the mutants?” she hissed. 
One soldier saluted. “They are all gone. The school’s empty,” he announced. 
“Shit,” she cursed. “What do you mean gone?” 
“They must have escaped.” 
Y/N exhaled, glad that the children were with Colossus somewhere safe. Now, she needed to ensure Logan would get out of the collar. 
Y/N’s mother rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by the outcome. She had to think about something else. That’s why Y/N had made a decision in her head for her. “Take me and leave him,” she pointed at Logan. “You want me. You can have me.” 
“No!” Logan protested on the wet, muddy ground. Another stick got pressed to his body, and he got zapped again. 
“Oh, honey, that’s not how this works,” she tsked. “You’ll both come with me. I don’t care if you are alive or not. Your body is coming with me back to the lab.” 
There was a radiating energy flowing through Y/N’s body. It was new, unfamiliar. But it felt good. Her left hand flew up where Logan was held. She put a protective veil around him. It then expanded, making all soldiers fly away from his wounded body. They screamed in excruciating pain. Afterwards, the force field never disappeared. 
There was a sound of a gunshot, followed by a stinging pain in her right shoulder. She gasped, cursing loudly. Y/N forgot to protect herself. Her eyes fell down to the wound, seeing a lot of blood. That’s when she noticed a blue and silver hue around the gash. It helped to close the bleeding. That never happened before. Did her mutation evolve? 
Three deep breaths. Three exhales. Y/N’s left hand fell, yet the force field remained around Logan. She kept it on with her mind. Her eyes drifted to her mother. She raised both hands up as a sign of giving up. 
“Drop the shield,” her mother called. 
“No,” she spat back. “You can have me, not Logan. He’ll stay protected until my last breath.” 
“Cuff her!” her mother gave a barking order. 
That’s what Y/N was waiting for. Her ears tried to focus on the other sounds. It was difficult with the pouring rain. The clinging sound of handcuffs and that damn collar was closer to her ear. If they wanted a fight, she would give them one. She used everything she had learnt and decided to use those skills to defend herself. 
The second a man got closer, she punched him straight in the nose with her elbow. She turned around, bringing his head down to hit his face with her knee. Once more shooting started, she created a force field to protect her. Again, all she needed was to use her mind. 
Y/N reached for a shotgun the soldier had. Instead of shooting another man, she smashed him with the gun, using all her power, into his head. He spun in the air and landed face-first in the muddy grass. While being preoccupied with several more soldiers, Logan’s body was still protected. 
He watched her from afar, breathing heavily. He never saw her kick ass like this. Was it inappropriate of him to think it was hot? As much as he wanted to help, all he could do was watch. He lost his ability to take out his claws and to heal. There was nothing he could do now. His eyes glanced at the beautiful force field surrounding his body. This happened to him for the first time. It was mesmerising.
“Blow this place up!” The woman in charge shouted at her men. It seemed she gave up on taking Y/N or Logan with them. She turned on her heel while more soldiers tried to take down Y/N. 
During Y/N’s inattention, when she was focused more on snapping a man’s neck, the shield glitched, and she got shot again. “Fuck!” she screamed. This time, the wound got through her abdomen. It stung for a few seconds until the pain faded away. There was crimson red blood on her T-shirt. 
“Y/N!” Logan screamed her name when he saw the bullet get her. His stopped beating for a moment. 
“Retreat! Retreat!” the soldiers shouted. 
Logan watched as they went back into the helicopters. Some men were lying around, dead. Y/N just got the last soldier who was on her neck. She broke his arms, grabbed his gun and shot him in the head. “Shit,” Logan gasped when he saw that. He never would have expected to see her kill someone like that. Logan managed to sit up and slowly got rid of the handcuffs. He wanted to take down the collar. He fiddled with it, pulling on it. Nothing happened. 
Y/N tried to catch her breath after the fight was done. She turned around to see the helicopters up in the air. “You fucking bitch!” she shouted angrily at her mother. “One day, I will get you and kill you with my bare hands!” The nerves got the best of her. Afterwards, she fell on her knees, tired. The veil around Logan disappeared.
Her whole body was wet. The rain never stopped. She blinked a few times, trying to regain control of her body. When she raised her eyes up, she found one helicopter in the air, facing the school. Her stomach dropped. Blow this place up. 
Two missiles were shot directly at the school. Y/N’s mother gave the order to destroy a place that Y/N started to call home. It was a sanctuary, a second chance for young mutants. Only a monster would want to take that away from them. Then and there, she knew what she had to do. 
With all the energy inside of her, she raised her arms in the air and created the largest force field ever. It spread around her, Logan and stretched up in the air, surrounding the entire complex. It looked like northern lights if they were silver and blue. When the missiles hit the shield, they blew up with such intensity Y/N started to scream from the top of her lungs. She could feel it all. The explosion was massive. The ground underneath her feet shook. 
Blood started to drip out of her nose. It covered her T-shirt and dripped on the grass. She held the shield up until the fire from the explosion eased. Y/N’s started to spin. There was some last energy streaming through her veins. She pushed the force field forward. It hit the closest helicopters, and they got destroyed in the air. More explosions followed. 
It was over. The protective veil disappeared. The school was saved, soldiers were killed, but her mother got away. 
Y/N’s body fell on the wet grass like a rag doll. The blood never stopped coming out of her nose. She drained all her energy. The last thing she saw was the dark sky above her head.
“Y/N!” Logan shouted. “Y/N!” His legs brought her to her unconscious body. He got on his knees and brought her into his arms. He stroked her face with his fingers, observing the blood-covered lips, chin and T-shirt. 
Did he lose her? Was she dead? When he pressed two fingers on her neck where there was a pulse point, he couldn’t feel any. Logan started to panic. “No, no, no,” he repeated, eyes filling his tears. “Come on, princess. Don’t die on me,” he growled. “We have some unfinished business.” And then he felt it. There was a pulse. Her heart was still beating. 
The rain calmed down. The air got colder. Logan remained with Y/N on the grass. His eyes found the bloody spots - one was on her shoulder, the other on the abdomen. His fingers caressed the place on the shoulder. He was shocked to see no wound. How was it possible? There was blood around it.
His eyes noticed a weird movement on her body. He saw her veins radiating as her force field would. No, it was not the veins. It was her skin, glowing. A silver and blueish hue was sparkling around her body. “What the fuck?” he whispered. 
He remembered when he saw her irises change colour. The natural colour was gone. It changed to a silvery one. The same was happening on her skin.
Logan got Y/N into his arms, holding her bridal style. He walked with her into the school, where he could provide her warmth. Also, he would call the rest of the X-men for help. He had to believe Charles already knew what had happened. 
Her gut was warning her. It screamed something was off. And it was right. What Logan didn’t expect to meet Y/N’s fucked up mother, who worked for Trask Industries. They couldn’t predict an attack on the school.
Logan put Y/N’s body on the nearest sofa in the lounge room and sat on the floor. The bleeding wound on his body was painful. He wanted to clean it and patch himself. However, he couldn’t leave her side. Stupid collar. With it on his neck, he wasn’t able to heal. 
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torterracotta · 11 months
When I heard Gerry Duggan get asked on Cerebro, white boy to white boy, about the unfortunate optics of announcing and then immediately murdering the least white team of X-Men in years, I knew we'd be in for some shit. Man, did he deliver - after some evasive waffling about how ORCHIS is meant to be fascist, and how the story's point is to put the collective back of mutantkind even more against the wall than it was any of the last six times something like this has happened.
And, honestly? That's fair! This year's Hellfire Gala is ultimately the first part of a larger story, and history shows it's not going to last forever — hell, does anyone remember what the status quo was immediately before HoXPoX? At least this time most of the characters have implicitly just been sucked into Mother Righteous's magical Poké Ball, rather than outright killed; if anything, that's an improvement. I was fully content to just think "hey, not for me," and get back to ignoring everything beyond Immortal and Sabertooth, secure in the knowledge that certain topics are bound to be handled poorly when almost everyone in the room is white, when Duggan said three words that stopped me in my tracks:
"Keep the faith."
See, that struck me, because for a lot of us, this entire era of comics has been about nothing but faith. I've been reading X-Men, and engaging with fans since I was eight, and I've never seen the kind of collective buy-in from other marginalized readers that I have with Krakoa. X-Twitter (or, I suppose, X-X) has been Blacker, queerer, more disabled, less homogeneous than the fandom has ever been, all of us buying in to the implicit promise that this time things would be different. Sure, the line was headed by a presumably straight white guy, but there were other voices in the room for a change, and it really felt like they were going to be listened to. We thought we'd moved past clunky metaphor, past queerbaitimg and awkward racial gaffes. Storm and Kwannon were getting to do stuff, Arakko was full of amazing characters of color, Cyclops and Wolverine were probably fucking, we were hooked, and we turned out.
It's hard to overemphasize just how wild this was to see in real time. X-Men has always been allegory, sure, but it's traditionally allegory by and for the majority. For years, the readers who might really feel that resonance, those of us who have been hated and feared for the unforgivable crime of being who we are, we were afterthoughts, tolerated at best. We got scraps, "representation" from creators who seemed to be offended by the implication that we would ever want something other than being fetishized tokens. We were, as Hickman so succinctly put it, told that we were less when we knew we were more. And then, out of nowhere, Krakoa made us inescapable.
The two biggest X-Men podcasts, X-Plain the X-Men and Cerebro, are hosted by queer people. X of Words has been rocking the Black, queer experience like no one's business, Mutant Watch has been a joy to listen to and to be on. Not just podcasts, either, in everything from criticism to fanart to cosplay, voices have been elevated that were previously silent. I mean, hell, I've gotten paid to talk about comics, that shit never would have happened four years ago.
All of that was based on faith.
Faith that we were being celebrated, for once, instead of just used. Faith that for whatever growing pains there might be, things were going to be better.
And let's not fuck around here, there were growing pains. In the first year alone we dealt with everything from blatant whitewashing, to queerbaiting — any Sunspot fan can go into detail there, assuming you can get one of us to stop crying for long enough. While that was going on, we watched Bryan Edward Hill (the only non-white writer in that initial wave) put out a book that was, let's face it, at worst aggressively mid, only to be excoriated by certain portions of the fandom, and dropped by the office, while significantly worse books managed to hold fast — er, hold on. Not to say that Fallen Angels was without sin, mind you, the book was packed with enough orientalism to make Chris Claremont blush. But, at the same time, Wolverine's first year ended with him doing what he does best: trying so hard to be Japanese that I had to check to make sure he wasn't Marvel's editor in chief.
Through all of that, we kept the faith.
Things didn't really get much better, of course. Arakko was a fascinating concept, and felt like it damn near doubled Marvel's characters of color. And yeah, the ending of X-Factor was one of the most poorly handled racist messes I've seen this side of… well, any given day on Twitter. Sure, the whitewashing has never stopped, to the point where everything from X-Corp to this week's Hellfire Gala has had to be hastily edited between previews and release. Maybe we keep dealing with stuff like butchered AAVE, even more queerbaiting, Kate Pryde's funeral, the genocide of almost all of those Arraki characters, and whatever the hell was going on with Lost in Way of X. Maybe there's a very real argument to be made that there's something insidious about three straight years of voting to determine if characters like Monet (who, by the by, has been retooled from "basically Superman" to "Black woman with anger powers") deserve the honor of being written by a white man who's stayed writing with his foot in his mouth. I mean, hey! All my white friends in the scene say he's nice, just like Williams, or Howard, or any number of other crusty crackers who are still proud of tripping over the bar Claremont left on the floor in the 80's!
And dammit, we kept the faith!
Even before the issue dropped, the Fall of X has had a lot of us wary. After all, all of the promotion leading up to it has been white guys saying the minority allegory has had it too good for too long, which, whatever, press copy. We all know they've gotta sell books — they, in this case, being the almost exclusively white, almost exclusively male creative teams attached to all of the books in the line. Sure, as Duggan said, the 616 has a fascism problem, but it’s hard not to see this as a deliberate step back from the almost double digit number of non-white creators these past few years — almost as if Marvel has realized they can make space for a fourth ongoing by their favorite white boy if they just throw out a Voices special every couple of months as a containment zone for the darkies. And, hey, considering how good ol’ C.B. got his foot in the door, I can’t even fake surprise. At this point, it’s a minor miracle any time a person of color is tapped for anything that’s expected to last beyond one issue.
In this issue, as a reward for keeping the faith, we got to see something astounding, something that'd bring a tear to the eye of even the most cynical reader — a team that was only half white. My god. And sure, their brutal murder in favor of a team with Kate "Hard-Arrr" Pryde and the Kingpin(????) was only a pit-stop between the resurrection of the suddenly ashy Ms. Marvel and Lourdes Chantel being killed off for the sake of a white woman's angst yet afuckinggain, but ain't that the dream that Malcolm Ten or whoever died for?
The Krakoan era, ultimately, has been the same as every other. Empty promises by white men who show us time and again that there was never any point in expecting anything better. Any meaning we've found, everything of worth, has been what we've made for ourselves.
We've spent years keeping the faith, Gerry, while you and yours have continued to let us down. What the hell do we have to show for it?
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dmercer91 · 1 year
opposites attract au headcanons, lf63
black cat! reader x golden retriever! luca fantilli
if anyone has anymore hcs for this send them in!!! or if you have a nickname to use for y/n! i love this au sm it’s like my child
regardless of the fact that everyone knows and it’s very obvious, you refuse to admit that you have a soft spot for luca
you keep his favourite drink stocked in your fridge at all times
you let him hold your hand and play with your rings even in public
you asked a friend for their big ten password to watch his away games
you, unfortunately, have become a good luck charm for the wolverines. adam needs to mess up your hair and make your bangs nearly unfixable before every game
the first time he did it he scored twice, however you threatened to break his hand so he didn’t do it the next game, only for them to get actually embarrassingly crushed
luca was upset after the loss so the next weekend you grabbed adam’s wrist and plopped his hand onto your head looking thrilled with your life
you were hoping they’d lose. luke scored a hattrick. you started bringing a pocket mirror to fix your bangs
luca got you a ring with the sun on it, and has a matching one with a moon hanging from his chain
he very adorably explained that he chose the moon and sun because of your relationship dynamic and you hate to admit to yourself that it made you gush
you’ll go to his and adam’s dorm, and you often beat him there if it’s after class, so you’ll take that time to raid his closet and layer every blanket in the room over your shoulders while you draw
sometimes adam beats him back, too and the first few times he was very confused but now the thinks it’s endearing
luca loves scalp scratches
like, loves them
at least once a week you guys have movie night at your apartment, cause you’re a sophomore
sometimes you’ll be sitting in the corner of the couch drawing and he just stares at you in complete awe
he loves watching you draw
he loves seeing the final piece and he loves it even more if you’re proud of yourself
luca’s your #1 hype man at all times
curling your hair? “ouu, that one’s pretty, you’re good at that”
doing a project for a class? “i like how you separated it, n’ it looks cute, the design. you’re so smart, baby”
literally just scrolling on your phone? “you look like a goddess,”
and he has absolutely no shame in saying these things anytime anywhere where, as you’re much more conservative
“you’re so beautiful, baby” and he’ll kiss you on the cheek and squeeze where he has his arm around you
and you’re just blushing with your eyes wide open and your shoulders shrugging inward while you hide away in yourself “there are people around, luca,”
but he means well and sometimes the thoughts just pop into his head and he’s gotta say them, obviously, cause he wants you to know how highly the thinks of you
his smile always makes you weak
cause he smiles with his whole face and he looks adorable
if anyone else smiled at you like he did, though, you’d be audibly revolted
for example, if luca wants a favour and he just smiles at you all pretty and runs his fingers through your hair
on the other hand, you’ve had adam bribe you with food on many occasions
he asks you to come with him for adams draft day and mindlessly tells you that his parents are excited to meet you
you horrified cause he’s been talking to his parents about you and also adam wants you at one of the biggest events of his life??
you’re quiet for the rest of the day, not because you don’t want to but because you’re worried it’s not your place
luca thinks he’s scared you off and that maybe your time together has just been like a college fling even though that’s completely the opposite of how you both feel
he apologizes for springing it on you and for him moving too fast and freaking you
“i thought that we were serious though, so i-”and with that you’re flinching and staring at him with wide eyes
“shit, luca, no, we are serious. i just didn’t know if i should be at something that big for adam, we don’t talk much,” luca grins
“he calls you his sister in law when you’re not around. you’re coming,”
the next time you see adam you hug him for the first time and he’s like the human embodiment of an exclamation point
you ask a lot of questions. mostly logic questions and luca can hardly ever answer them
but he likes that you make him think about things like that and that the inside of your brain has so many facts that every once in a while they contradict themselves so strangely that you come up with some of the most ludicrous shit he’s ever heard
you like when he walks around shirtless
the first time he spent the night he helped you make breakfast the next morning in just a pair of shorts and you were.. distracted to say the least.
the first one of his teammates you really warm up to other than adam is rutger, and he rubs it in everyone’s face
“why rut?? out of all of us?!” you cannot for the life of you come up with an actual reason and they all think you’re lying and that luca knows something and he’s not telling
the incoming class of freshmen is kinda scared of you and they’re all endlessly confused when you’re at one of the houses one day and you just fall asleep on luca
“i’ve been telling you she’s harmless,” “you said she bit adam!” “out of love!”
even though some of them were a little confused with you at first, the whole team thinks you and luca are gross (ly adorable)
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fun-k-board · 5 months
Rules / About Me - Writing Masterlist - Profile Picture Masterlist - Media / Characters I Write For
My Writing Masterlist
Note(s) : I'm going to be putting all the writing I've done in one Masterlist! I hope the links all work (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Sam Raimi's Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
The Spectacular Spider-Man -
The Sinister Six find out that Spider-Man is Peter Parker - Part 1
Ultimate Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
The Amazing Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man -
Nothing here...
Marvel's Spider-Man 1 / 2 and Miles Morales -
How Would The Spider-Men Be With a Horror Movie Night Headcanons + Oneshot
How Would They Be If Their S/O Loves Halloween Headcanons
Black Cat kissing her S/O
Spider-Man : Into / Across The Spider-Verse -
Spider-Man Into / Across The Spider-Verse Gwen Stacy Headcanons
Ben Reilly X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
X-Men: The Animated Series / '97
X-MEN '97 - Little reader who's more fussy and tends to have tantrums
X-Men : Evolution -
The Brotherhood X gender neutral crush
Fox X-Men Movies -
Nothing here...
Wolverine and The X-Men -
Nothing here...
Fantastic Four 2005 / 2007 -
Nothing here...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 -
Nothing here...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007 -
Nothing here...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 -
TMNT 2012 X AFAB Gender Neutral Reader On Their Period Headcanons
Bayverse Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -
Leonardo X Fem Reader Who's Short and Busty
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -
Nothing here...
Mutant Mayhem
TMNT Mutant Mayhem X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Mortal Kombat X -
What Type Of Cards Against Humanity Players Would The Mortal Kombat X Kast Be Headcanons
Mortal Kombat 11 -
How Would They Be If Their S/O Loves Halloween Headcanons
Mortal Kombat 2021 Movie -
Champions With a Platonic Child Reader Headcanons
Mortal Kombat 1 / 12 -
Tomas Vrbada / Smoke Friendship Headcanons
Syzoth / Reptile Friendship Headcanons
Bi-Han / Sub-Zero X Boyfriend Reader Who's His Childhood Friend
Johnny Cage X Gender Neutral Popstar Reader Intros
MK1 X Gender Neutral Spider-Man Reader Intros
MK1 X Gender Neutral Venom Symbiote Spider-Man Reader Intros
Young Justice / Green Lantern : The Animated Series -
Young Justice With a Gender Neutral Reader Who Accidentally Sneaks Up On Them Headcanons
How Would They Be If Their S/O Loves Halloween Headcanons
Gotham -
Nothing here...
Titans -
Nothing here...
Gotham Knights -
Nothing here...
Prequels / The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch -
Nothing here...
Originals / Rebels / The Mandalorian -
Nothing here...
Sequels -
Nothing here...
The Arcana -
Nothing here...
Last Legacy -
Nothing here...
Monster Manor -
Nothing here...
Genshin Impact -
Genshin Impact Platonic and Romantic Headcanons
Honkai Star Rail -
Nothing here...
Legend Of Aang -
Nothing here...
Legend Of Korra -
Nothing here...
The Lord Of The Rings -
LOTR With a Platonic Child Reader From Our World Headcanons
The Hobbit -
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
AVATAR 2009 X Human Gender Neutral Reader Who Adores Christmas Headcanons
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER With a Moth From Sky Children Of The Light - Prologue - Part 1 - Part 1.2 - DISCONTINUED.
Rotxo X Metkayina X Gender Neutral Reader
Angst AVATAR : WAY OF WATER Headcanons
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER X Human Gender Neutral S/O Who Has Psoriasis Headcanons
Nothing here...
Rocky Rickaby X Gender Neutral Reader Who Awkwardly Confesses To Him
Lackadaisy With a Teen Gender Neutral Reader Who Wants To Be Apart Of Lackadaisy Headcanons
Child Rocky Rickaby X Child Gender Neutral Reader
Rocky Rickaby X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Mordecai Heller X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Dammon, Rolan and Zevlor If Their Gender Neutral Crush Accidentally Confesses To Him Headcanons
Nothing here...
Macaque X Gender Neutral Reader With Umbrakinesis Headcanons
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
Hort X Gender Neutral Reader Who Has a Relationship With Him Like Morticia and Gomez Addams Headcanons
Hort Of Bloodbrook x Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Hester X Gender Neutral Reader Dating Headcanons
Nothing here...
Nothing here...
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bordysbae · 1 year
Can you do surprising luca at his game
Tumblr media
“you made it!”
luca fantilli x reader
the wolverines have an away game on an outdoor rink in ohio, and your boyfriend luca has been begging you to fly out to watch the game. he even offered to pay for your plane ticket. at first you thought you were unable to make it, due to a family issue back home, but it all got resolved only two days before the boys leave for ohio. you texted luca’s mom letting her know you can in fact make it, and how you want to surprise him at the game. she loved the idea and paid for your ticket, despite you insisting that she doesn’t. you just landed in ohio and have to sneak around from luca until tomorrow afternoon at the game.
a few of his teammates are in on the surprise, his brother adam included. you, adam’s girlfriend molly, and rutger’s sister molly have been hanging out in your hotel room, and they’ve been giving you updates on where the boys are in the hotel/around the town. that way you can sneak around and not get caught.
there was one instance where you almost got caught, but thankfully rutger and gavin saw you before luca did, and distracted him as you snuck away to the elevators.
the next morning you and both mollys get ready together, dressing yourselves in michigan attire and colors. after taking cute pictures, you three head to the outdoor rink, waiting for the game to start. you all have an amazing time watching the game, even if the wolverines didn’t take the win.
once the game is over, you’re all brought to the end of the tunnel. you wait for luca as all of his teammates walk by with nothing but disappointed faces passing by you. “oh there’s adam!” molly excitedly says, rushing over to greet her boyfriend. they talk for a few moments before adam addresses you, “y/n hey! luca’s almost coming, but just so you know he’s really sad. he kept complaining about how much he wishes you we’re here, it was hard to keep my mouth shut,” adam chuckles as he walks away towards the locker room.
you notice luca walking in behind gavin, his head hanging low. it pains your heart to see his disappointment, but the second he hears your voice his head shoots up. “hey luca,” you smile, his mouth falling open. he immediately moves around gavin and pulls you into a hug, careful to not let his stick hit you as his arms wrap around your back.
“you made it!” he exclaims, pulling back from the hug as he looks down at you through the little black metal on his helmet.
“of course i did!”
“i thought you couldn’t make it! you told me you were at the airport cause you were flying home?”
“well it’s turns out i wasn’t needed at home, so i told your mom literally two days ago that i was able to make it, and she flew me out to ohio! i’ve been hiding in the hotel,” you chuckle.
“i’m so happy you’re here,” he smiles, examining your michigan themed outfit.
“yeah yeah go shower babe, you’re a little stinky,” you laugh, making him roll his eyes playfully as he walks away from you towards the locker room.
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