#wishmaker icons
toyfulbox · 2 years
💸 🎲 🌧 :)
Send a symbol for an icon- Accepting!
💸- A random icon you click on without looking! 🎲- An icon I use frequently ⛈- One of my muse being sad ouhhhh peace n love peace n love... i'll do my main muses for this one
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🎲- An icon I use frequently
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⛈- One of my muse being sad
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annymation · 6 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 3- Star/Aster)
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Ahem… so yeah welcome to part 3
If you haven’t seen them yet, here’s the links for part 1 and part 2 where I talk about how I’d rewrite Asha and the villains respectively.
Star may be the most challenging character to reimagine since… All I have is the personality displayed on the Star we DID get, a song we all collectively headcanon as Asha x Star love song (At All Cost Demo), and my imagination… In a way that just makes things more fun too.
Now remember there’s no definitive version of this character, he never came true so there’s limitless ways we can interpret him.
Some may imagine him mute, some may imagine him as a wacky character like the genie, others may imagine him more soft spoken like the blue fairy, some may imagine him as Asha’s love interest while others may prefer them as just friends, or even have him look like her grandfather, there are no wrong answers.
So here’s how I imagine him to be like:
The Star 💫
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What’s a Wishing Star?
- Before we start talking about our star boy, I think it’s important we establish what a wishing star even is, so let’s begin.
-Star is an entity from another plane of existence, a wishing star, a being whose only purpose is to listen to the wishes from mortals that can see him and other wishing stars through their night skies. They listen to the wishes from mortals and provide some guidance in subtle ways.
- A wishing star is born, or rather, gains consciousness, once someone looks to them and makes a wish from the bottom of their hearts, once the star receives their first ever wish they are no longer just a celestial body of gas, they become a new wishing star, they gain a purpose, and develop their minds just like how a human would.
- As the years pass the star becomes more wise, more equipped to help the person who wished upon them for the first time.
- For a wishing star to grow up it may take a while, that’s why most people wish upon bigger ones who are already fully developed and clever enough to know exactly how to help.
- It’s not a wishing star’s job to GRANT a wish immediately, in fact, they’re incapable of doing that, their magic can only go as far as the hope and perseverance that resides in their wishmaker’s heart.
- Things that the mortal would consider just luck could actually be the works of a wishing star putting them in the right path.
- If the person loses hope in their dream then there isn’t anything the star can do, but if they remain determined then the star can help them go far.
- So a wishing star job is to just… stay in the sky, look down upon their wishmakers, give some subtle magic intervention here and there…
-That is, when they’re wished upon at all, otherwise they just stay there doing nothing.
- However… In some rare occasions, wishing stars can do a lot more than just give a subtle magic intervention from the distance. Sometimes, when someone truly well intentioned makes a wish with all their heart… The wishing star gets the power to do some extraordinary things.
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- Star, or Aster as I’ll be calling him in this rewrite, which is a non-binary name meaning “star”. I’ll be referring to them with (He/they) pronouns.
- Aster is a very young and inexperienced wishing star, in fact, counting with Asha’s wish, Star only got TWO wishes in their whole life. And he’s still working on granting that first wish he ever got 18 years ago.
(Haha I’m sure that’s not foreshadowing for something really sad)
- Because of that he’s often treated by the other stars as sort of a younger sibling or a little kid.
- I think I should just get this info out now: Aster is NOT the north star, that big, bright and iconic star we know from the Disney movies, nope, Aster is actually a small itty bitty little star that you can barely see, that kind of star you probably wouldn’t pick to wish upon, most choose the brightests and bigger ones.
- So who’s that big, bright and iconic star? Well, in the beginning of our story… That star doesn’t exist, like, it’s literally absent from the sky… After all, we're seeing that star's origin story :)
- We’ll get to that when we get to that, back to Aster tho.
- Aster is a lot different from the other wishing stars, while they’re these benevolent and wise entities, Aster is more of a naive and curious teen who’s fascinated with the world below them.
- No one wishes upon him EVER so he gets a lot of free time to just watch humans do human things and animals do animal things, and he loves it.
(He’s like Ariel and Quasimodo lmao)
- When he gets to earth he’s very excited to help Asha, showing appreciation for her wishing upon him through a lot of physical contact, often hugging her and holding her hand without him even noticing. (Asha at first is confused but she gets used to this behavior pretty quick)
- Although Aster is naive and overly excited they’re no fool, he can be very clever and creative when it’s necessary.
- He’s also not a fish out of water like Ariel when he’s on earth, they understands human customs and how things work, since he watched everything from the sky… Although nevertheless they’re delighted to see everything up close.
- He may be smart, but at first, they don’t really know how to guide Asha in the right path to make her wish come true, after all he’s a very inexperienced wishing star, and freeing a kingdom from an evil sorcerer king and queen is no easy task.
- But regardless he doesn’t let his own insecurities get to him, and remains optimistic they’ll figure it out, together.
His personality is reminiscent to Disney guys such as: Quasimodo, Peter Pan, Prince Philip (yes really, rewatch Sleeping Beauty, that boy has a lot of personality), Alladin and Hercules.
Main Traits:
- Optimistic and kind
- Naïve
- Protective
- Curious
- Energetic
- Secretly very insecure
I think it’s important to establish his abilities before we get to his backstory and all that jazz.
What he CAN’T do
Just like how Movie Asha did in her job interview, let’s get his weaknesses out of the way first.
- Sooo… don’t get mad but… Star won’t be a shapeshifter in my version. I don’t want him to feel too much like Maui or the genie. So he’ll stay in the shape of a princely looking boy the whole way through.
- He can’t teleport, would make things too easy, also there’s a plot reason I’ll explain later.
- Can’t materialize real things out of thin air, only things made of star dust so they don’t really have any utility other than to create fun visuals during music numbers or when he’s explaining stuff.
- Can’t hurt anyone, this one is VERY IMPORTANT for plot reasons I’ll talk about later on.
- Can’t make a wish come true with the snap of his fingers, he’s a star, not a genie.
Weakness: Dark Magic, hopelessness and Asha getting hurt.
What he CAN do
- Stretch and re-shape his body. He may not turn into animals but his body can regenerate and squash and stretch around (haha get it? Like the animation term), like he’s made of star dust. Have this piece of concept art as an example:
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- He can Fly and make other people and objects fly too
- Unlock doors, may seem random now but I’ll explain in a minute.
- Bring plants to life, and make them grow bigger, and I mean like “make a flower the size of a house” bigger.
- Make animals talk, but the animals only keep talking IF they so desire, if that’s not something they wish for then the magic fades away with time.
- Tho he naturally understands animals and any other living thing in their own languages.
- He can feel other people’s wishes, not all the time tho, he has to make a conscious effort to see what’s that person’s deepest desire.
- His body is warm like a small sun, so he can give warm hugs… that’s a power, yes.
- Aster may not teleport, but they can move really REALLY fast
- Uncorrupt wish bubbles, I mentioned in part 2 that Magnifico twisted most the people's wishes, those wishes that are changed are called “Corrupted wishes”, Aster can change those wishes back to what they originally were.
- Create dreams, is that too much like the sandman from rise of the guardians?… Im still keeping it.
-Get inside drawings, This is just for a scene I imagine Aster shrinking and walking around inside Asha's sketch book, I think that's cute.
- Make a human disguise, I'll elaborate more on this when we get to talk about his design.
- He can grant wishes “but Anny you just said earlier he can’t—“ yes yes I know… he just grants them in his own unique way.
What gives him strength: Hopes and dreams
(Undertale reference? More likely than you think)
A wishing star purpose is to serve as a guide, that provides some magic intervention so that the wishmaker has the means to get to their goal.
As such, the stronger Asha’s hope, perseverance and passions are, the stronger and more limitless Star’s magic becomes. Like his magic abilities are charged up by Asha’s beliefs, the more she wants something, the more he can do for her.
Now, let’s talk about how Aster and other wishing stars that come to earth function, and to do that, we gotta go waaaaay back to another wish granting character in the Disney catalog.
The Blue Fairy- What can we learn from her?
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- We all know the blue fairy from Pinocchio, she is in a way the closest thing we have in the Disney canon that resembles the concept of Star, so I’m considering them as both the same kind of entity, they’re both wishing stars.
(not the same character tho, and I’ll get to that soon don’t you worry)
- You would think a character we see so little about doesn’t provide a lot of context, but she actually gives us a pretty good idea about what wishing stars can and can’t do.
- First thing she says when arriving is:
“Good Geppetto, you have given so much happiness to others. You deserve to have your wish come true.”
- From that, we can interpret that wishing stars only assume a human form and help those who are truly pure of heart and have spread kindness to others. Like Asha.
- Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be a real boy, a human boy, but the blue fairy couldn’t grant that wish, because the only one who could make himself a real boy was Pinocchio himself.
“To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be enterely up to you. Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy"
- So, am I saying that Aster will just fly up to Asha and say “it’s all up to you to save your people… GOOD LUCK! 😊” sparkle some magic on her and leave?
- Well no although that would be funny, he’s not gonna do that, in fact, Aster will act way differently compared to the Blue Fairy.
- Although Aster can’t immediately make the people of Rosas “Have something more than this” he will do everything in his power to help Asha with anything she needs, and stay by her side the whole way through… Not at all what the Blue Fairy did.
- Lets say the Blue Fairy did exactly what a wishing star is supposed to do.
-She didn’t let herself be seen by anyone except Pinocchio and Jimminy Cricket, she only gave Pinocchio a few instructions and then left it all up to him, and even then when she went a bit beyond that to inform him that Geppetto was inside a whale she did so by sending a note… Almost like she couldn’t go back again to tell him personally… Interesting huh?
(I know the reason is because the animators would lose their minds if they had to draw that sparkly effect on her dress a third time but let’s pretend there’s more to it okay?)
- So we have her being the best role model of a wishing star… and then we have Aster...
-Doesn’t even know where to begin with helping Asha, chooses to stay on earth more than a day instead of just giving cryptic advice and leaving, was seen by multiple people aside from just Asha and Valentino, and worse of all, falls in love with his wish maker… yeah dude broke several rule… And the other stars ain’t happy about that.
- You could say the scale of Geppetto’s wish and Asha’s wish are way different, one just wants a son and the other wants to defeat two evil monarchs.
-But the stars don’t see it that way, to them every wish should be treated equally and it’s not their purpose to mingle with humans and change the course of their history.
- So you see, while the Blue Fairy could go back to the sky and then reappear anywhere she wanted… Aster won’t have that privilege.
-If he goes back to the sky he’s not coming back down, because the other stars won’t allow it, not after he broke their rules.
- Aster knows all that, because he can hear them talking to him, warning him to stop and go back to the sky… Aster keeps that information a secret from Asha for as long as they can…
- He knows after he’s done helping Asha they’ll never see each other again, but that’s fine, he’s willing to break every rule to help her…
- Oh also there’s a scene in Pinocchio where the Blue Fairy opens a lock to free Pinocchio from a cage… that’s why I said Aster can unlock doors… okay moving on to our boy backstory.
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Yup, Aster has a backstory. And it all started in one fateful night:
An elderly man was taking a walk, carrying his granddaughter in his arms, she was just a few weeks old, but he couldn’t wait to show her how beautiful the stars looked that night.
He sat with her on a thick tree branch, and even though she couldn’t understand him, he was so happy telling her the names of each constellation.
In that moment, it seemed like everything was perfect.
But then that moment ended… He heard screams, and smelled smoke.
The elderly man ran back to his home, only to find it completely engulfed in a fire.
His granddaughter was now crying in his arms as he watched some neighbors trying to put down the fire, but to no avail.
His son and daughter-in-law were in there, he lost them both in an instant, the pain he felt in that moment was immeasurable.
In that moment of sorrow all he could do was look up, between the thick smoke he saw it… a small star.
With all his heart, Sabino wished upon it
“I wish my dear granddaughter, Asha, never feel such pain and sadness as I’m feeling in this moment”
A new wishing star was born.
Those words were the first thing Aster ever heard, it took a few years for him to even know what they meant, but as Asha and him grew older, he started to understand them.
He tried his best to make Asha as happy as she could be with the little that he was allowed to do.
Sometimes giving her inspiration for her drawings, other times sending her nice dreams after a bad day.
But he felt like he was failing her, no matter what he did, Asha would still go through sad times… Specially after her grandfather passed away.
Aster treasured every happy moment that he saw Asha experience, her making new friends, getting better with her drawings, dancing during wish ceremonies. Aster would shine brighter every time she was happy.
Point is: They were connected the whole time, and Aster already knew Asha even way before she wished upon him.
To be clear he wouldn’t just stay up there looking at Asha all day, he was also interested on everything else on earth in general.
But then, we have Asha’s 18th birthday, the day she had to give away her wish.
Aster knew what was really going on in Rosas, about what happened to most of the people’s wishes, and although that also saddened the other stars they all agreed they couldn't intervene unless someone from Rosas wished for their help.
So you can imagine how happy Aster was when Asha wished upon HIM, of all the stars, she looked at him and asked for his help! What are the chances?
If you could listen to them, you’d hear all the stars collectively whisper “oh…this might not end well…” as Aster flies down to earth going "YYYYYPIIIEEEEEEE!!!"
A Star Who Wishes To Be Human
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- I’ve made it very clear that Aster is different from the other stars, for the reason that he’s so young and so fascinated with life on earth.
- But there’s more than that, see, I mentioned before Aster can’t hurt anyone, and that’s not because he’s some holier-than-thou pacifist, it’s because his magic literally CAN’T hurt living beings.
- Because his magic is made of ✨hopes✨ and ✨kindness✨ and ✨everything nice✨, so even if they literally make a sword with his star dust, all it’ll do is give Magnifico some tickles.
- And Aster hates that.
- He wishes he could be more useful to Asha… wait, “wishes”?
- That’s silly, a star is not supposed to “wish” for anything, to have wants, that’s a human thing... And yet here he is wanting to protect Asha in any way possible.
- This drive to protect Asha runs even deeper than just the wish he received from her grandfather or the wish she made, Aster feels as if it's a wish that comes within him.
- Aster would question why they feels this way, is it love? Can’t be that right? A star can’t fall in love…
- The same way a star can’t taste food, or smell the flowers, or feel temperature…
- But Aster wishes they could, Aster wishes he knew what food tasted like, what was the smell of the flowers and the morning dew, but most of all… Aster wished he could feel Asha’s warmth, the same way she feels when they embraced.
- This would be Aster internal conflict for most of the movie. They’d realize that they can’t be with Asha forever, but Aster wanted to at least confess his feelings before they went to enact their plan to defeat the king and queen, that’s when we’d get “At All Cost”.
- Soooo a bit of a spoiler to this rewrite, I’m basically telling a story all out of order at this point, but here goes, Aster does become human by the end, after the king and queen are defeated, the stars realize that punishing Aster for breaking their rules wouldn’t be fair after he did so much good, and also because some of them can’t stand him so they decide “hey, let’s leave him there” and just ask him to return his magic back to the sky.
- Once Aster accepts, his magic would be turned into a brand new star, that shines brighter than all the others, because it carries all the magic that Aster accumulated by helping Asha and all of Rosas. And thus we’d get an origin story for THE wishing star.
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Aster has brown skin, sparkly freckles and blond hair that shines and moves almost like a candle.
He dresses up as a prince, with the classic cape we see in classic princes like in Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.
They choose that form because he recalls that Asha used to read a lot about princes that would help princesses in need, so he thinks it's fitting to at least looks like one to help Asha
"But I'm not a princess"
"I know, you're just pretty like one!"
A itty bitty detail I didn't mention until now: Aster would be hand drawn animated, while everything else would be 3D, and his animation would change as the movie progressed.
By change I mean he'd start in a very sketchy looking animation, like it's being drawn very frantically to reflect how excited he is to help Asha, but as the movie progresses he'd be drawn with more detail and with more fluid movements.
This would serve to both represent his character development, showing him becoming more mature and learning what it means to be human, and also a reference to how Disney's animation evolved over the years.
He can make a human disguise, as I mentioned earlier, but that would require him to keep his magic hidden somewhere, in this case, a round stone that holds his cape together on his chest.
Once his magic was all kept inside this stone he'd turn into a 3D animated character, however his movements wouldn't feel... quite right, like he'd be animated in a different frame-rate compared to everyone else, so you could tell he was struggling to make himself move like a human, and people would be able to tell there was something off about him.
In the end when he turned into a human for real he'd become 3D animated with the right frame-rate, and his hair would no longer be blonde, but rather brown, like his eyebrows (Tangled reference? yup)
Final Thoughts
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This was DEFINITELY the hardest one to translate my thoughts into words! My gosh this took so long to write.
Don't know if you could tell but I'm very passionate about this scrapped idea of a human looking star falling in love with our protagonist, and no it's not just for the ✨aesthetic✨.
I don't think it's wise to throw a romance when writing a story just because you feel like it, a romance needs to progress both the story and the characters involved, think of it like how Naveen learned with Tiana the importance of working hard, while in turn showing her that life can also be fun. They complete each other, and I want the same for Asha and Aster.
Asha needs to learn that she shouldn't feel guilty for wishing more for herself, she worries too much about others and what others may think of her that she forgets her own self worth, and Aster shows her that she not only can wish for things for herself, but she can also accomplish anything she sets her mind to. From becoming an amazing artist that can give movement to her drawings to the leader of a rebellion against two evil monarchs, she can do it all.
Meanwhile, Aster needs to learn that what Asha's grandfather wished upon him is an impossible task, for Asha to always be happy, that's impossible, because sadness is a part of life, its a part of being human, and that's what he learns, what it means to be human, to fail, get up and try again. As a wishing star Aster always knew that humans had to fail a bunch of times before having their wishes granted but he could never imagine how hard that actually was, and Asha's perseverance even with all odds against her is what makes him love her even more.
I talked a lot about why Aster loves Asha, so I should probably mention what Asha sees in him too. Asha get's a lot of laughs from Aster's innocent reactions to natural things on earth, like how dazzled he is seeing the sun rise for the first time, how he just stops and starts chatting with animals and plants like a damn disney princess, or how he randomly starts rambling about how some constellations don't look at all like the animals they're named after "Like, seriously, why did they name that one a lynx? That's obviously a snake hehehe"
But most importantly she loves how caring he is, how he's supportive and passionate about her interests just as much as she is, and how he makes her feel safe, and in turn she wants to protect him too.
I'm honestly debating with myself how I want Aster to go about the information he has known Asha all his life, like, I imagine he'd probably want to hide the fact because he didn't want to talk about the sad tragedy that led to her grandfather wishing upon him, yes Asha knows about the fire but he doesn't want to remind her and make her sad, because remember, at first he doesn't understand that sadness is just part of life.
But then like, would he pretend to not know her? Or would he be like a ghibli character and just nonchalantly say "Oh yeah, I’ve always known you" and never elaborate on that until the story demands it?
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… Great, now I just had the idea of Aster functioning like Haku from Spirited Away, like they don't remember where he knows Asha from because he forgot what their previous wish was now that he’s granting a new one, let's say stars can only remember one wish at a time, then as he gets to know her better he starts to remember what his first wish was, and things start to make more sense.
I don’t know, like that’s cute but might be a bit too complicated, y’all tell me, I’m throwing ideas and seeing what makes sense, this whole thing is me asking for feedback after all.
Honestly I think the idea of Aster knowing Asha the whole time works because it not only gives a better explanation to why a star came down from the sky to help her, but also gives more sense to the lyrics “you still amaze me after all this time” in At All Cost.
Welp, I think that's all I got, thank you so much for following along with this series, and don't worry I'm not over yet, there are a few characters to talk about before I start sharing the actual script of this rewrite.
Thank You For Reading!
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lostuntothisworld · 3 months
Spaghetti theory time:
The "Luka lying to Ladybug about her secret identity after he was so fired up in Truth only to lie to her in Wishmaker" salt has died down for the most part, but I would like to bring it back up.
I'm gonna do you all a favor and copypasta the transcript below, because I know nobody is going to rewatch the episode.
Marinette: I'm sorry about earlier. There were mosquitoes on the boat, I thought we needed some insect repellent but the drug store was closed so I had to- Luka: Shh, listen, the song of the water. If you listen carefully at this very spot under the bridge, you'll hear a melody. (They listen to the river and smile at each other.) You know, I never knew my father and my mom would never bring herself to tell me. So when I just couldn't deal with it all, I would take refuge here and the melody of the water would console me. What about you, Marinette? Where do you go when you disappear? Marinette: Uh- Luka: You tell me, I'll accept it. If you're still in love with Adrien, I'll understand. I won't be jealous you know. Marinette: That's not it, not at all. Luka: Whatever it is, I just want it to be the honest truth. Marinette: The truth, Luka… is the only thing I can't tell you.
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Then we get shocked Luka. He get's akumatized/amokized, and the scene continues:
Shadow Moth: Truth, I am Shadow Moth. I'm giving you the power to force people to tell you their most sacred secrets. Luka: (struggling against it) Truth needs to be shared, not taken by force, Shadow Moth! Marinette: (shocked what he just said) Uh! Shadow Moth? No! Luka, please resist, I am so sorry! Shadow Moth: Why should you resist when she doesn't trust you? Luka: Marinette does trust me! Marinette: I do! Of course I do! Shadow Moth: If she trusted you, then she would tell you the truth! (Upon hearing this, Luka becomes shocked, so he kneels.) Accept my power and you will know everything. And all I ask of you in return is to expose Ladybug and Cat Noir's little secrets. Luka: (succumbing) Run, Marinette! 
Luka does NOT want to force the truth out of Marinette. He tells her to run! And it's very much implied it triggered a traumatic past when his mother wouldn't tell him who his father was. What if his mom used the exact phrasing of "The truth is the one thing I can't tell you," when things got bad? If there's one thing Miraculous is good at is shocking the audience with traumatic backstories. I have my own theories as to what Luka and Juleka's traumatic backstories are... And are we really going to victim blame Luka for not being able to resist, especially when resisting Gabemoth and breaking akumatization was not actually known to be something that can be done at this point? Onto Wishmaker:
Lots of people are upset that Luka lied to Marinette at the end of Wishmaker with regards to hers and Chat's secret identities. They want Marinette to be angry with him, and for Luka to face consequences. Lying is supposed to be bad, isn't it? And Luka got akumatized into a villain who was dead set on finding the Truth, and he just lied to her about it. Inexcusable! Which is a valid interpretation if you take it at face value.
Now let's fast forward to Migration, and a little theory I've had since the episode aired: Secret identities and masks are a metaphor for being queer. Let me explain the metaphor in more detail: by rewinding back to Wishmaker and the metaphor presented to us then.
In Wishmaker, child Alec was bullied for his big hair, which he was very proud of. So he shaved it all off to fit in with what society wanted him to be. His akumatized form had a bald cap, and in the end Alec decides to "live his truth," (Astruc's words not mine), and essentially wear a big wig and become a drag queen. Iconic.
Oh yeah, and his nightmare in the season 5 finale was his father shaving off his hair.
Gonna have to link this shitpost here, just for an interesting comparison.
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(It's interesting to note that both Griffe Noire and alternate Adrien have partially shaved heads, and should be included closer to the bald end of the chart in the shitpost)
Anyway, it's a bit of an unwritten rule that you don't out another person, even if you know they are queer. You have to wait for them to come to you with this reveal. It's sensitive information, and could potentially be extremely dangerous for the person being outed. A similar parallel to being a superhero with a secret identity.
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Using this logic, it's not surprising the animators made Chat surprised when Luka detransformed in front of him in Ephemeral even tho he had a front row seat to Luka in Miracle Queen.
Onto the next scene of interest:
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Marinette: If I tell you, things will never be the same between us again. (shakes her head) It'll mess up everything, maybe even destroy it. Alya:(voice breaking) Marinette, I'm your very best friend. Marinette: And I… I'm Ladybug.
I was actually shocked with this scene back the first time I watched it. Yes, the reveal, but also how everything in it is presented. To the dialogue, to Marinette's reasonings and how it'll mess up everything between the girls, and how everything will change and be destroyed, to Alya's oddly somber reaction to finding out her favorite superhero is her best friend, and then the subsequent hug.
It's framed as a coming out scene.
So let's circle back to Luka lying to Ladybug back in Wishmaker, and keeping that secret until Migration. His choices there make a whole lot more sense with a queer lens.
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Don't believe me? Remember, Migration (the episode where Luka's lies and secrets are brought to light), is the episode that Luka shoves Adrien in a closet and he falls out of the closet as Chat Noir.
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Those bedroom eyes at Luka sure do make a whole lot more sense here.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
With Season 5 concluded, will you be doing a best and worst akuma designs created by Gabriel Agreste of each season?
Alright everybody it’s time for Gale’s
Akuma fashion show a Go Go
And rules as follows
1. They will be rated only for the season they appeared in, so unless they get a redesign or updated look they don’t count
2. For each season I will be ranking one best and one worst.
3. These are the opinions Based Solely on asthetic, I will not be taking into account their powers or abilities, or even if they are my favorite akuma.
4. Akuma only, so no heroes villains or sentimonsters.
Season 1 Best and Worst
Best: Stormy weather
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What can I say, the look is iconic for a reason, she set the bar high and she always blows away the competition.
The twisting hair, the purple dress and slick akuma shaped mask. Also the choice of weapon.
Worst: Animan
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The problem is he has no original form. Vanisher also has the same problem but his just seems lazier considering he gets to be the main akuma in an episode.
Not much to say except do better
Season 2 Best and Worst
Best: Reverser
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I love the symmetry of his design. It’s something Death the kid and Thanos would agree with. The asthetic works so well and while I’m grading on looks it’s neat how his power factors in.
Marc knocked it out of the park with this design
Worst: Gigatitan
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It’s boring. It’s so standard that it’s not even bad. Some of the designs this season were weird but I can’t say they were awful. But this one is just bland. I will probably forget it after I post this
Season 3 Best and worst
Best: Desperada
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I want to specify this is Solely asthetic. She isn’t my favorite akuma and the episode she is in is divisive, but I love her look. The music theme and bad ass rocker make up with touches of Gold. Different instrument weapons. Brilliant aesthetic.
Worst: Loveater
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Season 3 had a lot of not that great designs but Loveater is a horrific monster. And is still the UGLIEST akuma to this day. It’s the embodiment of what a toxic relationship looks like.
Season 4 Best and worst
Best: Qilin
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Originally I was going to put wishmaker on here, but Damn does this design Slap! And there are some solid designs. I just wish the episode debut was better. Outside of that, it’s just a cool armor and the glowing jade eyes are cool.
Worst: Ephemeral
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If Loveater is the visual representation of a toxic relationship, Ephemeral is the visual representation of Child abuse. The design looks so wrong, looking like a neon grape and the sad look on his face sells it. While even the ugliest designs have some charm, this is just a crime to look at.
Season 5 Best and Worst
Best: Safari
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It’s the best akuma design. The Hunter/Lara Croft tomb raider asthetic. The shades, then boots. The way her hair looks. The fit got me acting up. Plus while it’s unrelated to the asthetic, the way she tells Monarch to f*** off, and Provides the kwami swap episode we deserved. Easiest pick for me.
Worst: Sans-Culotte
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She looks like a glob of toothpaste. I feel like she was in a Aquafresh commercial and while I get what they were going for… I hate the design. It doesn’t look good. It looks like she doesn’t have a nose.
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 21 days
CALLING ALL BUDDIES (here I’ll tag a couple @touratoura @starfilledsky2810 @citrushomie @key-lime-lies @crimsonattourney @spacingoutwards)
TOP TEN POKEMON STAT!!! (If u don’t know/like that many u can do top 5!!)
THEY CAN BE FOR WHATEVER REASON U WANT!!!! Design, competitive stats, ANYTHING!!! I’ll go first :D
In no particular order, my favs arreeeee
#1 Darumaka!!
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Look at him!!! No thoughts behind those eyes 😭 (this love stemmed purely from those darumaka lunch boxes in the gen 5 pokemon movie kyurem and the swords of justice)
#2 Magikarp
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Come on hes literally on my tumblr banner XD he’s got his own little mini game and I just adore him 😭❤️
#3 Snorlax
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This stupid mf is just fat and hungry and tired abt that’s his super power 😭🫶 ADORE him
#4 Totodile
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I think you can KIIIIINDA sense a pattern with my dumb fuck love… what can I say HE’s CUTE!!!
#5 Oshawott
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Can you tell I have a penchant for water starters?? LOOK AT HIS STUPID FACE HES SO CUTEEEEEEEE AND SQUEEZABLE 😭
#6 Wooper
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Goddamn it PUT ME ON THE CROSS ANS STARE AT HIM!!!!!!! LOOOK!!!!!!!!! ITS HIM!!!!!!!!
#7 Plusle/Minun/Emolga/Pachirisu
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Including all 4 here as my adored pika-clones ❤️❤️❤️❤️ they all slay!!! Like emolga is just so cute and sassy and the plus-minus duo is just so simple but smart for an electric type??? And when pachirisu did that ice ball explosion thing in that coordinator battle I LOVED IT!!! Luv em!!
#8 The whole Sewaddle line
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Certified good boy!!! First one wants to sleep and be cute, then swadloon wants to sleep and be alone, then levanny just wants to do her thing!!!! What more could anybody want :333 (Also, on a less important level is the Scatterbug line :33)
#9 Furfrou
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ICON?????? HUH??? EVERY HAIRSTYLE HITS IDK WHAT TO TELL YA (sponsored by that one pokemon hairdresser episode I was obsessed with for a time) (only episode I liked more than that was the meowstic brothers ep)
#10 Sandygast
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Okay so I don’t really like him specifically I just started drawing him on my classroom whiteboards and now he’s apart of me idk look at him 🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️
Honorable mentions go to!
Arceus/Deoxys/Jirachi/Celebi/really most legendaries and mythicals for how their movies made me feel (DESTINY DEOXYS/JIRACHI THE WISHMAKER/EVERY SINNOH MOVIE EVER YOU HAVE MY HEART)
Absol and Audino for being some of the first pokemon I ever loved!! (The gen 5 monkeys cuz they also made me rly like pokemon for some reason XDDD)
Eevee/the eeveelutions for bringing me lots of nightcore amv comic dub love!!! (Used to cut out photos of them and make drawn paper houses for all of them to live together and I still have these Lego forms of all of them)
Every pokemon with alternate forms gender or otherwise (like burmy or shellos or cherrim or pyroar) because those were bomb entries to read in those pokemon collecters books
Beheeyem, regigigus, and reuniclus for how you make me feel in the anime (they were just animated so cool idk)
Really any gen5/6 pokemon cuz that’s what I wa raised on XD
Pikachus alt outfits for how they make me feel
Snom/Pyukumuku not really sure what they brought to the table but I feel it nontheless
And finally castform because HAIL YEAH!!!!
So yeah guys tell me ur favs!!!!
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rainbow-arrow · 1 year
Something Bad is going (or Has) happened to Luka Couffaine
 a theory!
Listen. Few love Luka Couffaine as much as I do. And there’s been a Good Deal of foreshadowing that something Bad is going to happen to him. Or, since we already have episodes 16 and 18, something already has. It begins in season four, and I think, most accurately, his downfall begins after Wishmaker. 
My theory here is that something bad happens to him in season five, and I’m predicting it’s going down Episode 15, which is ‘Intuition’, named after Sass’s powers, iconically, the only miraculous he ever used (he should’ve gotten one in the kwami swap i will die on this hill, regardless of their reasoning). As of right now, all we have of this episode is the name and the rest is mere speculation. Could happen later, could happen not at all (doubtful), but this is what I’m predicting, and if I am wrong, well, I’ve been wrong before lol.
This ended up a Bit longer than I anticipated, with the pictures (there are pictures for evidence under the cut lol i’m not one to do a CHUNK of text) and ngl overwhelming number of ominous signs pointing towards him, so it’s under the cut. I do also acknowledge my biases- I think he’s a much more main character than the creators are allowing him to be. In my defense, I love him?
Now, when I say something bad, I’m preparing myself for them just killing him (they wouldn’t, right?) but it could be a vague injury or sending him away, just something that keeps him off my screen, which is, arguably as bad as death? The thing is, everything points to something ‘vague bad’, and from that I can’t predict more, so I’ll keep it vague.
Season 4, Episode 22- Ephemeral
Ephemeral is the First Time we get to see him after discovering their identities in Wishmaker (a moment I have written separate essays on before). As far as I interpret the episode, his initial plan is to tell Marinette he knows she’s Ladybug (eventually) and accepts he’s instead going to ‘know’ Chat Noir’s for everyone’s benefit. 
I’ve written other posts on the Importance and Luka’s positioning in Ephemeral (and how the whole thing could’ve been solved with a simple conversation or. believe it or not. the Truth), so I’m not going to say much here, but the One point to be considered is:
It’s not safe for one person to know both Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities.
Which is why she can’t know his, and he can’t know hers. And Luka finds himself knowing both. From this very moment I knew something bad was doomed to happen to my favorite blueberry. He got put in a bad situation after, honestly, a very bad season for him. 
Season 5, Episode - Determination
 This one is. A Reach but someone rb and tagged one of my posts so I cannot just move on from this. We know there’s a Viperion wax figure, we see it covered and also lined up to fight (BUT THEY DOn”T aCTUALLy FIGHT HIM), and he’s just straight up not included on the poster. Seeing the wax figure it’s clear that they Know of his existence, but he’s just...not there.
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Some attempt at foreshadowing? I personally, do not know, but have been, without my consent, told it might be. (don’t write bible spoilers in the tags of my posts i read them okay???????) I am simply acknowledging this.
Season 5, Episode 12- Perfection
Luka has been in two (2) episodes so far in season five (LESS THAN WAYHEM MAY I ADD), and Perfection he’s bARELY there. (in his defense if I was in his exact situation, I would Also keep my distance), but he Is playing when Adrien’s singing, and they focus on him....at an interesting point.
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(first. funny bc he was silencer lol) First for real. Lukanette fans are always allowed to mourn the ridiculously short dating time on my posts- the emphasis on him and Adrien using the melody talk that’s taken verbatim from Wishmaker is also another essay for another time.
Second, he knows. Which, in general, makes most of his appearances in the show post Wishmaker (only twice in season five so far) hilarious, but in this situation, why they chose to emphasize him on the heart beating line. The silence one I get, but why would they linger so long on such a line? Foreshadowing. that’s my answer. They’re going to kill him. /j
I could also point out how far apart he stands from everyone but I’m also aware his animation budget is like $5 and half a pbj so I’m not looking too much into that, but here:
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Season 5, Episode 16- Protection
This episode is the first After when I think things are going to happen, immediately following Intuition, and Luka is...very oddly not there.
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It’s clear they had Every Intention of Luka being there when they planned this date, even including him in the comic, but he was replaced by Nino at last minute (Luka and Nino are the same person truthers really got a +1 on that line lol), which is...a choice but more on that never.
Luka was obviously abruptly replaced, which continues to lend to the idea that something in the immediate past (previous episode- oh! That’s Intuition!) and based on the leaked ideas I’ve stumbled across for episode 14, I really don’t think he’s in that one. 
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What gets to me in this scene is that, yes, they’re uncomfortable (with every right to be), put on display by their friends, but they look at each other right when they say his name. Like they know something happened. This scene adds more fuel to my ‘vague bad’ idea than straight up killing him (they wouldn’t), where likely, Ladybug and Chat Noir know More as to what happened (as well as Juleka, but she has no reason nor desire to speak up regarding her brother).
The Tweets
I, cannot for the life of me find the tweet that this is originally mentioned in (in my defense i did screen shot it and i have over 1200 images in my miraculous folder, but it might be in my screencap folder? we’ll never know). But I do have the Gloob post regarding it:
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[translation: who was that phrase for? ‘Your heart has been broken, you will never use the power of second chance again’]
Oh, he’s never gonna use the power of second chance again, that’s for certain, but I do have reason to believe it’s not because they don’t get the miraculouses back (haven’t read the bible spoilers on that I’m just assuming that’s how it all ends), it’s rather that he doesn’t get to use them.
Luka has a lot of potential built up as being so important to the plot, with the ideas of the four being foils to each other (Kagami is getting plenty of screentime for this (in a good way)), but because he knows. I can’t fathom when this is going to play out, or why they would make him know unless something important comes from it. Then again, between seasons they could’ve just changed their mind about his role in the show (*cough* the Couffaine’s always *cough*).
Then again, they also could have them find out each others identities before Luka gets/wants to tell them and then it’s just a waste but. I’ll write another essay on that if it happens.
I keep saying ‘I can’t believe they’re going to kill Luka Couffaine’ to prepare myself that something Very Terrible is going/has happened to him, but I honestly don’t believe that Fully. The people I have discussed this with have all, for the most part, agreed they’re likely going to send him away at least until the end of the season, and with this idea there’s so many different reasons they could use. Go on tour with Jagged? Sure. Let him learn more about being a luthier? I could see that. Study abroad? I’m still confused as to what type of school he actually goes to but why not. Something involving Monarch based on that last idea? God I hope not, but it’s a reason.
also, since I began working on this, this was revealed:
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Which is something I personally have been saying this whole time, but also Big Yikes, I’m just worried for my favorite blueberry. I hope he’s okay.
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maribees · 3 years
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Luka Couffaine Wishmaker Icons
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ladymaybe · 3 years
Sorry but Plagg cheering up Adrien is the best thing in all the episoude you can't change my mind
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And also Plagg is the best gift Adrien ever had
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toyfulbox · 2 years
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making new icons for da oc wishmaker teehee
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dreamsdreams13 · 3 years
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and everybody watching her, but she's looking at you, ohh, ohh...🌙
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bluejay-the-geek · 3 years
he really stuck with the fruit aesthetic huh
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sunnyyflowerrs · 3 years
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kisilinramblings · 2 years
S4 Finale - Parallels and other references to previous episodes
Risk opened in an almost identical scene that happens at the beginning of Kuro Neko, showing us they did mend a bit their relationship while still being fragile
Rena watching over is a recall to Rocketear 
The cinema mention reminds me of Syren in which Marinette yet again would arrive late to see a movie. But also to Truth where it was mentionned she missed almost every projections of the movie that Luka and her wanted to see, including the very last one. 
The discussion between Marinette and Adrien feels in continuity with what was talked about during Wishmaker.
Chloé interrupting Marinette and pushing her to the side reminded me of the scene in Bubbler in which Marinette was trying to give Adrien his birthday gift at school
The Cafeteria scene parallels the one in Chameleon.
Adrien refers to what Félix has done during the episode that introduce him to us. Even the basketball is back along with the discussion to how Adrien is always obeying his father.
Félix with the secret safe in Gabriel’s office reminds me of how Adrien and Plagg checked the content of that safe at the beginning of Volpina. Except Félix is way better prepared, knows what he is looking for and has different motivations than his cousin.
Félix’s discovery the secret room and Émlie parallels how Adrien discovered it during Ephemeral.
What is said during the quick scene between Nathalie and Gabriel in Nathalie’s room reminds me of the opening of the Félix episode when Gabriel was cleaning both rings.
Marinette is reusing the fairytale analogy Marc and Nate explained to her during the Gabriel Agreste episode. Replacing however herself with LB
The scene at the train station reminds me of when Marinette gave Adrien a letter before his weekend trip to London with the Tsurugis during Backwarder.
While Félix might be unaware, Ladybug might be interpreting the “unlike you, I am not a superhero” words as Adrien’s failure as Aspik during Desperada.
Shadow Moth being present at the Eiffel tower seems to recall the S2 finale as Scarlet Moth.
Félix’s reaction after discovering the Miraculous is a fake reminds me of when HM discovered he had been tricked during Dark Owl
When Chat Noir says he will use his cataclysm, the discussion feels like a role reversal when Cat Walker and Ladybug didn’t know if Kuro Neko was for sure a senti or an akumatized.
As they start arguing about the secret identity, Chat Noir mentions stuff he was avoiding to say for half a season (Optigami and Rocketear).
Chat Blanc ref obviously. I also like that in the French dub, LB says CN doesn’t know the whole story, because he wasn’t with her during that episode (and ironically, LB doesn’t exactly knows how CN was akumatized either).
the Mayor references back his passion for cinema which we learned more about in Sole Crusher.
The Helicopter bits reminds me of the one in Simpleman.
This bit with the Kwamis is a nice little recall to S2-S3 opening
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Ladybug explaining her magic portal inside her yoyo reminds me how she told Alya it now comes with her Guardian role during Gang of Secrets.
Ladybug’s praise to Flairmidable for succeeding on the first try is in continuity with Desperada when Adrien failed over 23K times as Aspik during Desperada.
The Sewers. An iconic place for LB and CN to detransform. Yet it feels... wrong because we know it is actually Félix.
Because of the Pega Bug mention, I keep remembering her use during Sentibubbler. 
When Alya and LB talks, there are refs to Gang of Secrets, Optigami and Rocketear. 
I see in Alya’s reaction the opposite of Chloé’s reaction during Miraculer.
HM with all the Miraculous of the Miracle Box is Ladybug’s nightmare at the beginning of Sentibubbler coming true.
HM’s usage of the butterflies to talk is an obvious recall to Origins.
Chat Noir giving his hand is a callback to both Kuro Neko, but also Ephemeral
The “You and me” variant we got from S2 and S3 respective finale.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
I actually happen to think that the authors can't make Adrian better because he's not a character. He's a plot device. Because of the writers mistaken sense of 'feminism' it's as if he can't be a character that grows and changes in risk of him some how being more interesting than their feminist icon. Lies made that very apparent to me. He was barley an autonomous character in that because they didn't want to risk the 'love square' .
That and the fact that he’s “perfect” to them.
soap-lady asked:
I think Adrien is the male version of the Sexy Lamp. You could replace him with a lamp and change nothing. He has no ambitions, no dreams for himself besides "winning" Ladybug. It's sad that he's just this "Nowhere Man". #badwriting, #livingMacGuffin
And then they had a chance to give him something in “Wishmaker” and basically just admitted that Adrien has nothing.
Anonymous asked:
Adrien IS incredible, i don't think any other character could ever go through what he does and stay exactly the same. No matter what happens, his character doesn't develop at all. Incredible
Like--wow, right?
So impressive. Amazing.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Hold up...I just relized this...When was the last time Mari designed something?! I haven’t seen her do the thing she’s the most passionate in like a few episodes or so! T^T
The biggest thing about this season is that she really doesn't have time for many other things besides being Ladybug and the guardian and studying and all. She still designs and makes sketches and all but she can't do it that often.
There were actually few times when she designed something this season: that cool safe for the miracle boxes, the costumes for the movie in Queen Banana, her own possessions like the doll house we saw in Gang of Secrets and so on. She talked about her dreams of being a designer in Wishmaker but right now she obviously has more important things to worry about. It doesn't mean that her hobbies no longer exist if she doesn't do that all the time or if it doesn't make her famous, like Gabriel had one fashion show and Audrey was supposed to be a bigger fashion icon but we never know what she does. Marinette is actually one of the characters who stay faithful to their hobbies. I bet we'll see more of her designing but she probably won't be that publicly active with that because of all other things she has to do.
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maribees · 3 years
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Adrien Agreste
Wishmaker Icons
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