#will post in tags as long as it fits i guess bc its kinda long and i may get personal lmao anyeays!
thecherrygod · 4 months
Oh right I just remembered the dream I had last night
#my posts#my dreams#will post in tags as long as it fits i guess bc its kinda long and i may get personal lmao anyeays!#it started with me being with two girls i was friends with during elementary school. i havent seen them basically since then#one of them looked older bc due to reasons i searched for her online just to see how she was doing.#in the dream her eyes were changing. contacts apparently. something tells me she told me about her wanting them when we were younger#i cant tell if thats real life info or dream info. the other looks as i remember her.by the time school ended i was closer to this last girl#in fact i was angry at the other one so yeah i wasn't close with her anymore. so in the dream i ended up falling asleep kinda cuddled#with the last girl. i know before this i talked with both of them. separately. but i didbt remember what about h#when i woke up*#then i 'woke up' in the dream. i was now in an old building. it was an apartment complex vut it makes me think of museums and stuff#bc of the size and architecture. and looking out the window it was like a park or a zoo of sorts#i talk with the last girl whos still there. i cant remember how she looked at this point in the dream. we were talking about cats#i was thinking about mine and how theyre gone. she mentions hers (which she never had irl) and i go out the window? kinda in the park?#searching for. the cats. and something else. jumping on what would separate zoo or park areast as if they were vines#... while wearing only underwear and a tshirt#by the end i know some people see me but i go on in my desperate search until i land face down on the floor and laugh and cry hysterically#and i woke up lmao#kinda cathartic feeling but stupid#but I've been feeling bad so I'm not surprised#also i feel i dream about animals kinda when stressed#and also the ex friends too it has happened lmao#and while being in underwear or naked in dreams is kinda normal im sure its bc i was like that before sleeping and looked at myself#in the mirror while in a mood and ended up like :/ lmao anyways thats it im gonna try to sleep i think
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kenjiyabuki · 5 months
so here are some thoughts about DMD Friendship the Reality while we are nearing the end
yeah yeah its not that deep but actually no one caring/talking about a show makes me want to write a LONG ASS POST bc i cant get gratification from going through the tags and reading opinions lmaoooooo so HERE damn okkk i will make the content i want to see in the world i guess dont mind me......😞
im not even the biggest Domundi fan but i was intrigued by the premise of this show. i mean it's a basically fake dating show (like one of their challenge rewards was getting to sleep in a suite together as if they are there to date for real) and the end prize isnt just an acting opportunity as it comes w the big decision of choosing a looooooong time acting partner. so i wanted to see how they would do it. BOC did a similar thing w The Hidden Character which i dropped halfway in bc it was too long and i found the challenges to be irrelevant to the ending goal. this show is the opposite of that and thats why ive been enjoying it.
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it is edited to be concise (only 5 eps) and honestly, is quite tranquil. all the challenges were about things they will be required to do in the future as DMD actors/idols and stakes aren't even that high. You could always guess who would win before they even started (((like of course broody model guys won the photoshoot challenge and guy w two series under his belt won the acting one, DUH))) but it was still enjoyable to watch. show's goal isn't to generate tension and competitiveness. it is more of a workshop/chemistry building camp and also a way to introduce the new generation and get the fans warm up/attached to them.
as i spent time in bl fandom sphere, i've come to realize introducing a new gen is tricky. i thought everyone would be ecstatic to see new blood and a lil bit of mix and match but BL fans are reaaaaaaaaaaally attached to their faves and generally see newcomers as threats who will take opportunities from their already neglected (!) precious babies (e.g. just couple weeks ago FortPeat fans were protesting the new lesbian side couple in the upcoming show for stealing screen time from their faves, which is a joke in itself). this kind of show is genius way to get people to warm up to idea of new faces. at the end of the the day, these fans' weakness is two beautiful boys indulging in sweet moments they can be delulu over and considering how ships were already born from the first episode, DMD FTR succeeded in their goal.
LETS TALK ABOUT THE BOYS :-) *this starts playing*
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I had to make this during first ep bc they are all dark haired boys w similar builds so I kept confusing them lmaoooooo (Tle not pictured as he joined later)
i will firstly talk about the fan favorite possible "couples";
KengNamping, the quiet visual couple and yes I love em!!!! they were kinda the only "conflict" in this very conflict free competition.
is Keng the CALMEST person I've ever seen? Latte is laid back too but Keng is just seems zen. sometimes (in the face of conflict) he just seemed hard to read but mostly he has such a calming presence. honestly, he should open an ASMR channel if this acting gig doesn't work out.
Namping also comes off very warm and graceful. him being "wow I'm finally in the winner suite" to Keng after finally getting chosen in ep4 made me laugh like DAMN he really was offended by what happened in ep1 and kept letting it slip. Idc, you are so right my prince and don't ever let Keng forget what he did to you...
when it comes to the possibility of them as a couple: i am kinda here for it while also not knowing if i actually believe in their "moments" in the show? Namping definitely set his sights on him from the beginning but Keng seemed nonchalant about it. Keng finally choosing Namping after his win, their sweet moment on the bed etc. seemed to me like classic reality show moment prompted by production to fit a certain narrative WHILE ThomasKong's pseudo-date-night chats seemed very real and spontaneous.
they do visually have chemistry, i'm not gonna act like i wasn't blushing when Keng trying to flirt during dinner or Namping softly touching a sleepy Keng's chin in the bed etc. Or even in ep2, when Namping tries to confront Keng about his pick but they are too timid and just unable to talk about it openly!!! arrghhh it's a hard to watch moment but still, made them more intriguing because they had such a tension between them. it would be a shame if it wasn't explored more. that tension can be channeled into an angsty series, just saying...
So, they def have a long way to go in their bond and arent comfortable like LatteFirst or ThomasKong but still, they are a strong contender and I would be glad to see them as a couple in a show. Namping already got my attention in the acting challenge and wonders can be achieved w a lil bit of workshop. they got the juice already!!!
Now, lets talk about ThomasKong.............
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me watching Thomas relentlessly chatting Kong up since THE FIRST EPISODE
so I knew LatteFirst are set be a side couple in upcoming Love Upon a Time but i was confused to see why everyone on Twitter was already going cuckoo over these two random boys until i saw them interacting... Wow, like Thomas really came here w one mission: get Kong and leave.
because Thomas is such a flirt like DAMNNN😳😳😳😳he needs to be jailed for carrying lethal amounts of charm... IT MUST BE SAID: I love his fits w those thin glasses, he should've been wearing those in those office BLs he was in because he has been serving "office siren". Tiktok girlies eat your heart out.
while Kong isn't the best at acting or singing (he is the best KengNamping shipper tho and i LOVE a fudanshi BL actor), he definitely would win Mr. Congeniality if they were giving that title. he naturally and effortlessly has great on screen charisma. he is a certified cutie and the only one who can get real full belly laughs from Thomas!!!
i think what they managed in the acting challenge is the testament to their palpable chemistry. acting wise they weren't perfect (naturally, their uneven acting experience levels were apparent) but they were the only one who managed to tonal shift in their scenes. it's because they were the only ones who played into the romantic subtext of the scene. they also held eye contact for the longest (because they are comfortable w each other and not shy!!!), which elevated their chemistry and made me AND the judges giggle and roll our hair and kick our feet and shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are obviously the most likely to win the show and they deserve it too. no matter the result of the show, i want see them carrying a series as mains because they can and should. i also believe DMD won't fumble their bag, so i am not worried about it.
to conclude, I will quote Zee,
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then we come to LatteFirst, the kinda established couple: in the ep5 preview, we see First trying to choose between Latte and the newcomer Tle, which seemed random to me and could be a production touch to create conflict in this very smooth sailing show.
i loved seeing Latte being nonchalant about the possibility of First choosing someone else, what a laid back guy. like Mio in THC, every BL reality show needs a half asleep and occasionally funny dude.
now i am thinking; what if First chose Tle, would he also replace Latte in LUAT bc DMD doesn't really fuck w mixing matching their couples. i honestly don't know where did all that come from but i feel like the result wont be too shocking, First and Latte are already really close and comfortable and got The Chemistry. need i remind of Latte punching the air a la Judd Nelson at the end of The Breakfast Club when it was announced they both chose each other for the dinner date? and their sweet and comfortable banter on that said date??? let's put our pens to work and write a friends to lovers rom-com for the boys based on that material please...
i dont think they are likely to win but might be strong contender. i just want to see them as a side couple in LUAT (hopefully this year!!!!) so they can develop themselves and their bond a little bit more before getting to a main couple level. their sweet friendship shouldn't go to waste!!! (is it obvious i am more drawn to BL couples who are besties in real life?)
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damn this post is about to be a novella so i will make it short about Gems, TeeTee and Tle, i hope Gems won't be too upset about getting slighted again 😥 like i said, stakes aren't high on this show and results are always obvious: these guys are going back home empty handed, we all know it. they are all charismatic and VERYYY talented but i just felt like none of them really focused on "getting a partner" part of the show, not just the main challenges. even TeeTee who was picked by Thomas and Keng seemed kinda uninterested about partnering up. but you cant really force chemistry and i am sure they will get many more opportunities in the future. they already started their fanbase!!! i cant stand to see Gems so upset, i hope he wont be too sad.
these are my opinions. maybe the ending will do a whole 180 and idk, GemsKeng or TleKong or some other random couple will win, who knows???? cant wait to watch the new overly airbrush filtered, Cheewin directed DMD show up to like 5 episodes and then get bored and drop it and follow the rest from gifs!!! good luck to the boys <3
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Lol sorry this is a day late I was honoring the April 1 strike for Palestine and then yesterday my internet was really slow and Tumblr draft edit wouldn’t work
Warnings: idk how these work please lemme know if I need to tag anything else but uh. Manipulative/kinda creepy whumper, a conditioned whumpee and his self destructive/self sacrificial tendencies, caretaker was hurt by whumpee in the past (not in a whump way just in a whumpee tried to destroy the world and caretaker had to stop him way) but he’s grown over the time they’ve been apart and come to understand the whumpee’s actions, uh. This is Pokémon and I’m going with a nuanced take of some of them are sapient and some aren’t and caretaker is very much a Pokémon, also whumpee is a canon character and might act OOC for. Reasons that will hopefully be revealed over the course of this month if I can get this challenge done :D oh also I follow canon VERY loosely bc there’s like three different canons and I’m here to have fun not to police my story writing so uh. Ye
Anyway, there’s also some mind control in there, some frostbite, some.. It’s like a chemical burn sort of, some dissociative panic attack flavored stuff, uh. Animal attack? Oh yeah and dismemberment lol- this one is. A little. Uh. Yeah
Oh and if you see these characters on another account ask that account if it’s me before getting upset bc uh. I have posted abt them on my main before
Anyway. Yeah. Enjoy this, uh. Please don’t judge me I can’t get these freaks out of my head hsjdjdjd
Day 1: Limp
Reunited Arc Part 1
It was supposed to just be a normal day off.
Cheri was headed to Celestic City to meet with a historian, to answer questions about Dialga and the Diamond Clan.
He’s taking the train, since he didn’t feel like walking all that way or making any of his Pokémon carry him.
It was supposed to be a normal day, but he sees a familiar face, and he has to do a double take.
Long blond hair, one eye covered, tied in its usual messy bun in the back. A shining silver eye, which is currently focused on a watch on their own wrist. Cheri would’ve guessed that was Cynthia, but he’s a guy, and he’s wearing a form-fitting black turtleneck tank top, a denim jacket over it.
The modern clothes on him are such a foreign sight.
But there’s no mistaking it.
Cheri feels his blood freeze near instantly. A few people step away as the space around him begins to grow cold, a breeze of malice brushing through the air.
Volo hasn’t noticed him yet, and Cheri’s debating between just leaving and confronting the man.
Celestic Town is pretty close to Mount Coronet, but Cheri has prior arrangements. If he decides to go after Volo, he might not make it to the city on time, if at all. And someone guards the mountain now after Cyrus, right? So it’s not like Volo will be able to actually get there.
Unless he takes a path that isn’t through the caves. But even then, Arceus will be fine, they’re a god, it’s fine.
Maybe Cheri should just avoid all this and ride a bike to town. He left himself enough time to, after all.
But the train doors close, making Cheri’s choice for him. He can’t just say nothing.
So he steps forward.
Volo looks up from his watch, eyes wide. “Hello- I’m sorry, am I in your way?” Who is this? He looks familiar..
Cheri shakes no. “You shouldn’t be here.”
Volo stops, staring at the stranger(?) for a moment. He knows me. Who is this? Usually, when people are angry at me in this time, it’s because they’ve mistaken me for Cynthia. But it seems like this one’s here for ME, not her-
His eyes widen. He goes pale. Takes a step back, his voice quiet enough that only the man in front of him hears it. “Cheri.” The one of the siblings I ESPECIALLY did NOT want to run into.
I don’t have time for this! Not now- of all the times I could have run into him, it had to be this last mission?
He pushes his thoughts aside, putting on a grin and trying to act like everything’s fine.
“Haha, it’s fancy seeing you here! What a coincidence!” I can’t do this right now! I’m on a time limit- this is THE WORST possible timing for this to happen, so of course it does.
“What a coincidence indeed,” Cheri says, voice low, taking another step forward as Volo takes a step back.
Volo’s smiling, that same pleasant grin Cheri remembers from all those years ago. But Cheri knows it’s a lie, can sense the fear coming off the man.
“Why are you headed to Mount Coronet? You and I both know you shouldn’t be there.”
“Listen, I can explain, but I don’t have much time- but I am not here for Arceus.” Cheri doesn’t seem convinced, so he keeps talking. “I’m here to protect Arceus, actually, from someone much worse than I am.”
“Hm. A likely story.” Cheri starts reading his emotions a little more.
“I swear on my life, that’s behind me.” Please, please, please please PLEASE believe me. I know you have every reason not to, after what I’ve done, but please just listen.
Cheri hums, thinking this over for a moment.
He doesn’t sense any lies from the man, strangely enough. He lets his magic push forward a little further, sensing for Volo’s intentions.
He doesn’t sense anything to do with Arceus at all, actually. No lies, no deceit.
Volo shivers as he feels a cold chill brushing through him, though the pleasant mask of a smile stays firmly in place. They reach their stop. I need to get away. He turns on his heel. “Well, I’ll be seeing you around-” Cheri’s hand is on his shoulder, and he tenses, breath catching in his throat. Please have mercy. Whatever you’re about to do, just don’t hurt me too badly.
Cheri’s voice is quiet, his expression grim. “You’re on a suicide mission, aren’t you.”
Shock, surprise. He shakes his head, smile growing strained. “Wh- how did you-” Volo clears his throat, turning back to smile at Cheri. “It doesn’t matter. No matter what happens, whether it’s him who dies or me, the problem will be over. And I’m probably not going to die anyway. Why?”
Cheri frowns, thinking that over for a few moments. Him? I’m assuming that’s who he’s saying he’s protecting Arceus from? If Volo dies, doesn’t that mean the problem isn’t technically over? Because we still have someone out there who’s willing to attack Arceus to further a goal. And if Volo, of all people, thinks this guy could KILL him, with Pokémon as powerful as his.. “..I’m coming with you.”
Why? What does he want out of this? “He is dangerous. You shouldn’t come with, he could kill you, and I am not worth it.” How much does he know? How did he know?
“Well, that’s all the more reason for me to come with.” If this guy really is as much of a threat as Volo says he is, I need to make sure this guy doesn’t get anywhere near the creation quartet. The two step off the train, and Cheri crosses his arms, head tilting to the side. “If you’re telling the truth, it sounds like this guy needs to be taken out.”
Volo looks up at Cheri for a second, opening his mouth to argue, and Cheri ignores his own annoyance, interrupting before Volo starts.
“I’ve fought gods. I’ve fought you. I’m sure I can take this guy out just fine.”
Volo frowns. “You should want me dead, you know-”
“No. Nope.” Cheri pinches the bridge of his nose. “Shut up with that, I’m not gonna listen to you talk about yourself like that.” Because as angry as I am at him for everything..
I can’t bring myself to hate him. Can’t bring myself to hate anyone, really, but ESPECIALLY not him.
We’re the same, after all.
Volo shuts his mouth, keeping the surprise off his face. I betrayed him and his siblings. Am I not just speaking truth? “..okay. ..I’ll explain while we walk, but we need to hurry.” I really am not worth it. But.. I doubt I’ll be able to talk him out of this. He always was stubborn, even more so than his sister at times..
What does he want, coming with me on this? Perhaps he’s just making sure I’m telling the truth about not being after Arceus, but then if he knows how dangerous this mission is..
..What should I tell him? What should I leave out? He needs to know at least some of the situation. Maybe if he knows it’s no real threat to anyone except me, he’ll leave the situation be? He knows I deserve this, after all, was on the receiving end of my worst mistake..
Cheri follows the man, who seems to be lost in thought, and he soon gets lost in his own. Who is “he”..? I could look into his fears and see.. no, that’s too invasive. Even for Volo.
..I really don't know much about him, Hisui was so long ago.. And even back then, he tried to avoid being around me as much as he could. He could tell I didn’t trust him. He hung out with Ana and Keyo much more often. But..
He looks up at Volo. Volo looks back, smiling that pleasant smile again. But it’s tense. Almost strained. Cheri gives as reassuring of a smile as he can, but it only seems to make the guy more tense, so Cheri looks away.
I’m pretty sure that this isn’t like him. He manipulated my siblings and I into helping him collect the Plates, avoiding the dangerous work for himself; it isn’t like him to do something so dangerous like this.
Cheri carefully looks at Volo out of the corner of his eye, studying Volo’s face for a moment. His eyes glow as he looks into Volo’s emotions, grimacing when he feels a wave of anxiety and self hatred and quickly stopping, pulling his magic away.
..He doesn’t feel the same. I don’t feel the sense of untrustworthiness I did back then.
I wish I had a hold on my powers then, because I don’t have any idea how different he truly is, I have no clue if that self hatred was there before, but I know for a FACT the anxiety wasn’t. I can see it even without my abilities.
Volo’s looking around at every face as they walk. It’s hard to notice the nerves behind the pleasant smile, but Cheri can tell from how tense he’s holding his shoulders, a tenseness that didn’t exist back in Hisui.
And his eyes are.. darker, somehow, and his breath hitches every so often as people look at him.
And he looks sick. He has eyebags dark enough they almost look like bruises. He’s pale- even more so than he was back then.
He’s still smiling, but something about the smile is even more fake than it used to be; at least in Hisui, the confidence was real.
What happened to take his confidence?
They’re around less people now, and Volo takes a breath, turning to look at the trail. “So!” Volo claps his hands together with a fake chipper attitude. “The man we’re going after.. His name is Eclipse.”
With the name, Cheri notices fear.
He doesn’t look into them, that’s invasive, but he can tell they’re there. That’s not good.
“He’s..” Volo thinks for a moment. “..Not a good man.” Then he points into the air, finger wagging as he talks. “And he’s leading me straight into a trap! And he likely knows that I know that it’s a trap. And he also knows that I’m going to come anyway, whether I know it’s a trap or not. But!” Volo turns to Cheri suddenly, pointing at him with a smile. “If I walk into the trap, he’ll stop everything he’s doing. He only wants me. I mean, he also wants to take revenge on- well, that doesn’t matter, but he’ll stop if I give myself to him.”
“If you what?” Cheri’s staring to get genuinely worried, eyebrows furrowing. “Volo, who is this guy?”
“Someone who gave me what I deserve,” Volo says quickly, then he shakes his head. “It really doesn’t matter. Go home, this doesn’t concern you.”
“Arceus is part of it, and you are too, so uh. Yeah. It does concern me, actually.” Damnit, that wasn’t supposed to sound so pointed. I’m WORRIED, about HIM, not about Arceus.
Volo shakes his head. “Really, it’s fine. I’m not here to do anything to Arceus. No plates, no flute, you can check my bag if you want. I’m just here for Eclipse. I’m here to try to take him down, and if that doesn’t work, well.. The problem will be gone either way!”
There’s a sour taste in Cheri’s mouth. Something’s very, very wrong here. “So, what, you’re just gonna let this guy take you and do Arceus knows what?”
“It’s deserved.” Volo smiles at him again, though it’s more strained and looks much more like he’s pleading. “Please, just leave, this is not worth your safety.”
“Nope. No, not happening. I’m coming with you whether you like it or not, you’re not gonna talk me out of it now.” This whole situation.. Whatever’s going on, it really seems like it’s MUCH worse than he deserved. Prison maybe, I could see that. Maybe getting grabbed by a time traveler who could teach him about exactly why what he did was dangerous.
But something tells me someone went way too far.
Volo’s smile grows more strained. “..I was afraid of that,” he murmurs, then he shakes his head. “Well. Hm. ..okay. I.. suppose this might be a good thing. He probably thinks that I’m not coming with backup- I wasn’t planning to, so.” Volo shakes his head, smile fading entirely as he turns back to the trail up Mount Coronet. “Anyway.. He has been collecting legendary and mythical Pokémon from different times and places. We’re not sure what all he has- we know for sure he has Regiice, Azelf, and possibly the other two lake spirits, as well as the Red Chain.”
Who is “we”?? Wait. SHIT. Cheri’s neck snaps he turns to Volo so fast. “He has the red chain?”
Volo, fairly used to ghost-type shenanigans, barely bats an eye. He just nods, a grim look on his face. “And he’s going after Arceus with it.”
“That’s.. not good.” Cheri turns back to the trail, frowning down at it and kicking a few pebbles forward. “But if he takes you, the problem’s over? Why?”
Volo thinks for a moment. “He’s.. very angry with me, and it’s me specifically that he’s after, despite the situation,” he says. Cheri can tell Volo’s verbally stepping around details, so he stays quiet, waiting for Volo to explain. “..I caused him to lose everything he had.”
“..with the rift, or..?”
“Oh, no, not like that.” Volo quickly shakes his head, hands waving. “No, he just..” Volo grimaces, looking away, what Cheri would have been able to see of his face hidden behind his hair. “He.. Well. He did some pretty bad things to me. Which! That was deserved, really, you know I deserved them.” Cheri grimaces. He keeps saying that it’s deserved.. it’s putting a bad taste in my mouth. Before Cheri can say anything, Volo keeps talking. “But when Management saw what he did, they kicked him from-” He shakes his head. “You know, I actually don’t think I’m supposed to talk about that. Forget I said anything about Management.”
“Okay.” So, he was in some secret club or something, and this Eclipse guy hurt him and got kicked out over it. “..the hell you mean ‘it’s deserved’? What did he do?”
Volo’s lips press into a thin line for a moment, then he glances at his watch. “Oh, look at the time!” Volo grimaces as he looks at the cave through the mountain. “We should hurry, let’s leave the path and just climb it, this cave system must be new; I am unfamiliar with it.”
Okay, he’s avoiding the question. Cheri frowns, ignoring the annoyance stewing in his gut and following Volo off the path. Then Eclipse must have done something pretty bad.
Or maybe he’s just a very private person. He avoided questions a lot back in Hisui.
Then again, in Hisui, he had a lot of things to hide.
..What is this club he was in? Some sort of evil team? But if it is, why would they have sent him to PROTECT Arceus from this Eclipse guy?
Given our past, I’d think he was lying if I couldn’t tell. He is so incredibly lucky I have the ability to tell.
“..so. He’s got a bunch of legendaries. Why are they with him?”
“They’re not with him willingly,” Volo explains, finding a good spot on a cliffside to start climbing. “He has this device, it’s from the future- Ah! Did I mention he’s from the future? Anyway, he has this device, which is controlling them through technologically created psychic power. They don’t want this, so we need to try to avoid hurting them, so the hoppers can bring them home- they’re from different times, he’s been jumping through time to take them.”
Cheri blinks a few times, head tilting to the side in confusion. “Hoppers?? Jumping through time???” Holy shit, wait, was I accidentally right about a time traveler grabbing him?
I guess it makes sense how he’s here then.
“It’s a very long story.” One I am probably not allowed to tell you. Well.. I might be able to, considering the fact that technically, you’re a time traveler. One chosen by Arceus, no less. But.. I don’t want to drag you into this mess. Not any more than I already have, anyway. Volo shakes his head. “Anyway, we’re not sure what exactly he’s controlling them through, but we believe it’s his bracelet.”
“Gotcha.” Cheri frowns. “So, don’t hurt the legendaries, break his bracelet.”
“Exactly.” Getting to the top of the cliffside, Volo turns around to pull Cheri up, though Cheri waves him off, he doesn’t need the help. “And try not to get hurt yourself.”
Cheri nods, smirking. “Thanks, Sherlock.”
Volo blinks a few times in confusion. “..Sherlock..?”
“It’s a reference- there’s this book-” Cheri shakes his head. “Nevermind.” Noticing a sneasel sneaking up on him, he snarls at it, letting an illusion lash towards it. It squeaks in fear, running off. “Sorry, can’t risk it with dark types.”
“No, that’s fine.” I already knew he wasn’t human anyway, though it’s interesting to see him actually use his abilities.
However, it IS a little frightening.
Was that meant to be a show of power, or was he genuinely just scaring it off?
What exactly does he want with me?
Volo turns, and they keep walking, an uncomfortable silence falling between the two.
“..you know.. I have time.”
Volo looks over at him in confusion.
“For a long story I mean.”
“This isn’t one you want to hear,” Volo quickly says. Please don’t ask again.
Luckily for Volo, Cheri just looks at him for a moment, almost seeming to study him. Volo shudders at the way Cheri seems to be staring straight into his soul.
Then Cheri nods, turning to the next cliffside to climb in silence.
Volo watches him for a moment longer before turning back to climb. ..He doesn’t trust me. I can tell. He might never trust me again, and honestly, that would be warranted.
It’s really unfortunate timing, that this has happened now, of all times. Right now, when I’m doing something important. One last thing before there’s nothing left for me to do, nothing left that I can fix.
..I suppose if I survive this, I can let him and his siblings decide my fate afterwards. Those three were the ones most directly affected by my actions.. Then they’ll get the final decision, if it isn’t made here.
..for now, though.. I can, at the very least, try to give him closure.
“..I.. want to apologize,” Volo mutters.
Cheri turns to look at him, subconsciously checking his intentions, and oh, this is a genuine apology. “Hm?”
“For.. Not only the rift, and pulling you and your siblings from your home, but also for betraying the three of you. ..I hope you know it wasn’t just.. It wasn’t all just manipulation. You three were some of the few people I could genuinely consider friends, had I not been holding you all at arms length.” I might as well be genuine. Maybe in return, he’ll do the same..
No. I shouldn’t hope, I don’t get to hope, but..
It would be nice, if it was something I deserved.
Cheri blinks a few times as he feels the sincerity. Interesting.. “..They’re going to want apologies too, you know. ..thanks, by the way, that.. actually means a lot.” He looks up the mountain, thinking for a moment. “..You really have changed, haven’t you.”
Volo hums, making a so-so gesture. “I’d like to think so.”
“..I forgive you, you know.” Cheri shakes his head. “Honestly, I did a long time ago. What you did was fucked up, don’t get me wrong, and a LOT of people got hurt that shouldn’t have. But.. I dunno.” He shakes his head. “..I can understand your reasoning.” What I learned about him, about his people..
Volo stops, looking over at Cheri with confusion. He forgives me..? Why? It doesn’t make sense to me. What does he have to gain? I don’t know if I should trust this, that might be exactly what he’s aiming for. “Really?” Volo looks up to meet Cheri’s eyes.
Confusion, a hint of fear, and Cheri realizes he should explain. “I wouldn’t ever do the same thing you did, don’t get me wrong. But the world really is full of unnecessary suffering.” Cheri shakes his head. “And.. if I’m right about where you came from, you’ve dealt with a lot of it, right?”
How much does he know about me? And how does he know it? Why does he know it?
Volo doesn’t let his uneasiness show on his face, humming noncommittally. “It doesn’t excuse my actions. I ended up bringing harm to a lot of people.” I don’t deserve forgiveness. “..Thank you, though,” he murmurs.
Cheri studies him for a moment. So, the self loathing is probably from the rift and everything surrounding it, at least partially.. Not sure what the uneasiness is about, but he doesn’t like something about me. It might just be the whole zoroark thing, but it’s been growing, so maybe it’s something I’ve been saying or something? “Don’t mention it.” He looks up, getting to the top of the cliff they’re climbing and offering a hand to pull Volo up, which Volo takes.
They’re about halfway up the mountain now. The air’s growing colder- though Cheri can’t really feel the cold himself, Volo’s pulling his clothes a little tighter around himself.
..conversation topic.. Oh, the plan. “So.. About this Eclipse guy..”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Volo says quickly.
“No, I wasn’t asking what he did, don’t worry.” I don’t want to push him too much, he’s wary. “I just want to know, he’s trying to kill you, right? Do you want him alive, or? If you’re, uh.. taking him out, what’re we doing with him after? What’s the plan?”
“You don’t have to worry about that, he’ll be taken care of either way, and.. alive would be preferred, but if he dies, I.. don’t really care.” Maybe that’s a little harsh.. Well. Maybe I’m allowed to be a little harsh. Volo shakes his head. “However, I would like to be able to capture him and bring him in. I.. have some questions that I want to ask him, with prison bars separating him from me, of course.”
Cheri hums, studying Volo’s expression for a moment, sensing the emotions behind it. Is that.. Pain? Exhaustion?
Concern? ..Overthinking, maybe..?
“..What sorts of questions?”
Volo shakes his head. “..I just.. hm.”
I don’t know how to word this. I want to know why he did it. I want to know why, out of EVERYONE he could have chosen, every timespace criminal he had access to, he chose ME to hurt.
“..I want closure.”
Cheri hums, looking away. “..He might not give you that. Talking to him might make it worse, you know.”
Volo turns to Cheri with a glare, hissing “You know nothing about him, or my situation.”
Cheri’s a little surprised by the sudden anger in the air, though it’s understandable, he doesn’t blame Volo for it. After a moment of thought, trying to figure out what to say, he shrugs. “I might know next to nothing about the situation, but I know trauma when I see it.” He glances over at Volo, letting his eyes flash, a subtle reminder of his abilities. “He hurt you, yeah? On purpose, I’m guessing.”
..Just how much does he know..? And what is he trying to get out of knowing this about me?
He’s right, and it scares me. Does he know because of an ability? Did he look into my fears? Or did he figure it out on his own?
Volo turns away, the silence giving Cheri all the answer he needs.
Shit. It seems like trying to bridge the gap is just making things worse.. Honestly, I should’ve expected this, got too personal too fast.
Well. There’s no point in dropping the conversation at this point. He can try to make me leave, but it’s not gonna work, I need to make sure this Eclipse guy doesn’t fuck with Arceus. And besides..
I’m worried. About Volo, of all people. That’s saying something. “..And he’s trying to kill you even now.. I doubt he’ll give you closure.” Cheri turns away, frowning. “If anything, talking to him might make things worse.” It made it worse when I talked to Keyo’s bio parents, after all. Dickheads will be dickheads, it’ll always hurt to talk to em.
“Perhaps.” Volo shakes his head. My pain shouldn’t matter to you. You can’t actually care, especially not with everything I’ve done to you, so..
It must matter to you because you want me hurt.
“..Let’s talk about something else, shall we?” And if you do somehow care, you shouldn’t get attached to me anyway, you shouldn’t get attached to someone who deserves a bad fate. It’ll only hurt you.
“Hm.” ..yeah. He’s probably done talking now. Cheri looks up the mountain, squinting as the sun hits his eyes. “..Not much further now.”
Volo nods, checking his watch. “The readings said he will appear in the cave that leads to Cloudcap Pass.”
“Alright. So we get to the pass, then go to the cave from there?”
Volo nods. “And then we’ll wait until he arrives.”
They climb in silence until they reach the top, coming out near the destroyed temple. Cheri takes a deep breath, taking in the air.
This place feels as holy as it always did, the presence of the gods closer here than it is anywhere else in the region, and he feels the power of Arceus’s blessing within him shift.
They’re watching.
Volo glances over at the spear pillar, an unreadable expression on his face, and Cheri senses a spike of guilt. Then he turns away from it, wordlessly heading to the cave, a grim determination filling his gut as he lets his Pokémon out.
Cheri lets his own Pokémon out too. He hadn’t been expecting a battle today, but most of his Pokémon are pretty strong anyway, so it should be fine. He’s got Sprigs with him, and Sprigs doesn’t fight, so he was left in his ball. But Cheri has a few with him that do fight, some of the ones that he hasn’t spent much time with recently. Hydra, Eelectra, Zigzag, Tiktok, and Sylvie- his hydreigon, eelektross, linoone, galvantula, and sylveon, respectively- all can fight. And in the worst case scenario, he can fight too.
Recognition. Feeling a pulse of emotional energy towards him, he turns to look at Volo’s Lucario, who’s staring at him with confusion and a little bit of fear. Cheri takes a breath, summoning up feelings of forgiveness, knowing the other Pokémon can read them. After a moment, the Lucario nods, pushing another feeling towards him. Friendliness, a gesture of goodwill. That is SO much better than what I got from his trainer. Cheri smiles, letting the feeling rise in his chest and sending it back, then he looks over at Volo.
Volo looks normal on the outside, but Cheri can tell he’s terrified, can feel the feeling seeping off him even without reaching towards him with his abilities.
“Hey,” Cheri says, resting a hand on Volo’s shoulder.
He nearly pulls away when Volo flinches, but then Volo leans slightly into the kind touch, looking up at him with wide eyes.
He’s touching me. Why is he touching me. I..
Why am I.. not all that scared of it..?
“I’ve got your back. You’re gonna be okay,” Cheri mutters. If you’re gonna die, he’s gotta get through me first.
Volo stares at him for a moment, then nods, his smile becoming a bit more genuine, though there’s sadness in his eyes. Oh. This is genuine kindness?
I should have expected it from Arceus’s chosen.
..I really don’t deserve this. You shouldn’t get attached to me. He opens his mouth to speak, but then his watch starts to blare, an alarm that he quickly moves to silence, expression hardening. “He’s coming,” Volo says, pressing a button on his watch. A hologram pops up, indicating a specific location, and Volo turns it off and takes a step away from there, staring at it, getting low to the ground, ready to dodge at a moment’s notice. Okay. I can do this. All I need is to last long enough to break that bracelet. His Pokémon quickly surround him, protective. Cheri motions for his own to do the same, and they quickly get into battle-ready stances.
The group stands in silence, staring at the spot, waiting with bated breath.
And then a portal opens, and Volo’s garchomp snarls, dashing forward.
“Ah- Shark, wait-!”
But it’s too late. Shark is thrown into the nearest wall, a Mewtwo holding him there. He snarls, kicking at the walls, the ground, trying to escape the psychic grasp, but it’s no use. Should I recall him and let him back out? I don’t know if that would work, don’t know if I could move quickly enough-
“Well, hello there,” someone says.
The voice is unfamiliar to Cheri.
But Volo stiffens even further.
Goosebumps rise on his arms.
Cheri can feel the fear seeping off him as he turns to stare into the portal.
The strange man steps forwards, grinning. “That’s not the friendliest welcome.”
“Eclipse,” Volo mutters, shrinking back. Shrinking back.
What the hell did he do, to make Volo react like that? Cheri looks over to Eclipse, taking in the high-tech bracelets on his arms, the look in his eyes.
He’s immediately hit with the man’s aura as he reaches his powers out, a sense of complete malice washing over him, and his eyes narrow as he braces himself against it, subconsciously baring his teeth.
“I can’t let you near Arceus,” Volo says, taking a step forward despite his fear, his Pokémon moving with him.
Eclipse waves his right hand, and a few more legendaries appear.
Volo stops moving forward. The whole cave is at a standstill.
Cheri notices strange yellow wires around the legendaries’ forms, feels psychic energy coming off of them, and then his eyes narrow as he notices a small yellow bracelet on Eclipse’s wrist. It’s barely noticeable, but it matches the wires. That must be the one.
“You know what I want,” Eclipse says. Volo’s Pokémon growl, protectively moving between the two. “All you need to do is come quietly, and all this can end. You know you deserve what’ll happen to you. It’ll save the world, even; it’ll finally redeem you, to prevent the same thing you did from happening again.”
And his grin widens, the malice surrounding im grows stronger.
“Don’t you want that?”
The manipulation leaves a bad taste in Cheri’s mouth, but he looks over at Volo, waiting to see how the interaction plays out.
“..I..” I do deserve it, but I still have my Pokémon to take care of. I don’t want to leave them behind, but if this doesn’t work, if I attack him and it ends up being for nothing, will he hurt them as retaliation for my actions?
..If I just go with, I won’t have to worry. They will be at least a little safer. The land may be different in this time, but it’s still their home region, and I trust they’ll be able to take care of themselves if needed, but..
“Are you going to return the legendaries to where you got them if I do?”
Volo’s pokemon make sounds of protests, but he holds up a hand to keep them quiet.
“Of course. I only needed them for this, after all.”
Okay. Fuck this. Cheri steps forward suddenly. “He isn’t going anywhere with you,” Cheri spits, moving between the two himself.
“And who are you? His new toy?” Eclipse sneers. “He’ll only betray you, you know; he’s betrayed everyone he’s ever gotten close to. He’ll manipulate you and then throw you aside, like he always has.”
Cheri feels the way Volo shrinks back, feels the guilt pooling off the man, and he snarls. Gods. Why does every powerful man I meet have to be SUCH a DICK? “Shut the fuck up. You think I don’t know the risks? I’m one of the guys he betrayed, and you’re still wrong for treating him like this.”
Eclipse raises an eyebrow, a spark of curiosity in his eye. “Oh really?” He tilts his head to the side. “Haven’t you noticed he’s better now? Haven’t you noticed he’s not going to try anything anymore? That change is because of me. Really, the world is better off with him in my hands-”
Cheri rushes forward. He’s reaching for the bracelet on Eclipse’s wrist, aiming to break it, and the other Pokémon in the cave rush forwards with him.
Within seconds, Mewtwo flings a bunch of their Pokémon out of the cave. Zigzag, Hydra, and Volo’s Spiritomb are frozen in a huge block of ice that Cheri narrowly avoids himself. Galarian Moltres flies past him as he dodges another blast of ice. There’s something glowing electric blue over there, but Cherry doesn’t see what it is before another ice blast blocks his vision.
Cheri can’t see Volo, but he knows Volo has Sylvie and his lucario with him, so he focuses on dodging Regiice’s attacks. With an angry scream, fire blasts from his throat, knocking Regiice out cold. One last blast of ice manages to catch his arm, and Cheri yelps as frostbite sets in-
Volo screams, a sound that reeks of agony, a bloodcurdling sound that makes Cheri’s heart drop, and he turns to Eclipse, letting his true form show, ten feet of pure protective rage aiming for Eclipse’s wrist-
Mesprit. Blast of emotion. Panic.
Magic rushing in his ears. Time blurring together. Screaming, sounds so far away.
Blood flying through the air. An arm, mangled human arm, on the ground, blood pooling, blood in his mouth, between his teeth, on his hands, broken bracelet, mutilated flesh.
He tries to breathe. Everything sounds underwater, the world spinning, spinning, out of his control.
Out of control.
Out of control.
Out of control, he’s out of control-
Ribbon around his arm. A sense of calm pushes the panic away. He’s left on the ground, gasping, catching his breath, residual shakes leaving him exhausted, shifting back to his human form on instinct.
He looks up after a few moments, looking up at Sylvie, who’s staring at him with wide, terrified eyes.
“h.. Hey, buddy,” Cheri murmurs, gently scratching the top of Sylvie’s head. “You okay?”
Sylvie makes a sound, butting his head against Cheri’s chest before pulling away and dashing around the chunk of ice.
Cheri recalls the Pokémon who are still stuck in the ice, then stands on shaky legs, hurrying after Sylvie- Oh no.
Volo’s on the ground.
Cheri can’t tell if he’s conscious or not.
He rushes to Volo’s side, his uninjured hand hovering over the man, trying to figure out what’s wrong-
“Cheri,” a weak voice, and Cheri looks up at Volo’s face.
Contorted with agony. He reaches out with his magic to see where the pain is, burning blasts through his side. He pulls back.
“Is- is he gone?” Volo asks.
“Yeah, I- I think I got him, I think he’s gone,” Cheri mutters, rolling Volo over despite Volo’s cry of pain.
His shirt’s stained black in a large spot on his side. Cherry pulls it up to see a huge burn. It’s.. odd, though, it’s not a normal burn. The area around is stained black, but it isn’t charred, nothing is charred. It almost looks more like a poison than anything.
Cheri can feel the dark-type energy coming off it, sapping his own energy, and he takes a shaking breath through his mouth, trying to will away the feeling as he scoops Volo up. Volo lets out a pained sound at being moved. “Sorry,” Cheri mutters with a grimace, trying to ignore how hard it is to move his hand, how numb his arm is. Once he’s sure Volo is securely in his arms despite that, he gets Volo’s Spiritomb in its ball, then runs out of the cave.
“‘S fine, deserved,” Volo mutters, eyes slipping shut as he leans into Cheri. Cheri takes Volo’s pokeballs and recalls the injured Pokémon he finds scattered around the outside of the cave. “Can.. can you take care of them for me..?”
It’s all Cheri can do to not scream, shakes running through his entire body. “Shut up. Don’t do this shit, you’re not dying on me.” I came here to protect you, and by Arceus, I’m gonna do it.
Volo laughs, an exhausted, mirthless sound, even as a tear slips down his cheek. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “It’s okay. I deserve this. It’s okay.”
“Shut up!” Shit, I’m being a little harsh. Gods. Fuck. “Sorry, actually, don’t shut up. But stop that. You don’t deserve it.” As he talks, Cheri quickly recalls the rest of their pokemon, then he gets back to running down the mountain, not even bothering going through the caves, he knows where he’s going. He shifts back to his true form so he can jump down cliffs and land it, jumping over tree roots and fallen logs, trying his best not to jostle Volo too much.
Volo’s taking shuddering breaths, silent tears slipping down his cheeks, but he doesn’t complain at all. Self hatred, agony, and a sense of utter hopelessness is coming off of him, all of it is mixed with acceptance.
He genuinely believes he deserves this, Cheri realizes, a sick feeling building in his gut. Fucking hell.
“Why’re you doing this?” Volo murmurs, looking up into Cheri’s eyes. “You can’t seriously want to help me. What’s your motive? ”
“Is it so hard to believe I could genuinely like helping people?” Cheri spits.
He was aware of the way his voice echoes in this form, but Volo flinches at the sound.
And it reminds him that, yes, it is.
He isn’t human, after all. He isn’t even living.
He’s a vengeful spirit.
And sure, he chooses not to indulge that side of himself.
But how is Volo supposed to know that?
“Sorry, sorry,” Volo murmurs, breath hitching slightly as Cheri jumps down a cliff. Blood starts to drip down his side, and Cheri internally curses.
“It’s fine,” Cheri says, setting Volo down and tearing off pieces of his own shirt to start packing the wound and make a quick makeshift bandage. “Talk about something, anything, just.. Just keep talking.”
Volo winces in pain. “..You know the Pokémon that got me? Galarian Moltres?” He looks away, eyes unfocused. “Some say it burns your very spirit away.” He laughs, though the laugh turns into coughs. “I must be very lucky that mine’s still intact, ahaha- Ow!”
“Sorry.” Having tied the makeshift bandage tight, he quickly scoops Volo back up. “What else about galarian Moltres do you know? Any interesting legends? Anything?”
“G-galar was never really my focus,” he mutters, taking a few steadying breaths- they’re shallow, it hurts him to breathe. “I’m just..” He lets out a quiet wheeze, resting his head against Cheri’s shoulder.
There’s exhaustion radiating off him, Cheri realizes, and Cheri gets running again.
“Don’t go to sleep, I don’t know what happens if you do,” he mutters.
“Mmh..” Volo shakes his head. “Trying..”
“Good. Keep talking.” Cheri takes a shaky breath. “What about normal Moltres? Any cool legends?”
“..they’ll dive into volcanoes to heal themselves,” Volo mumbles. “And they.. bring an early spring, to cold places..” His eyes slip closed.
Cheri nods. “You know the Indigo League Flame is said to have been lit with their flames?”
“Oh yeah.. I.. I remember that.. s.. Sorry, I can’t..” Volo goes limp in his arms.
“Hey, Volo, keep talking! Volo!!” Not sensing anything from the guy at all, Cheri grimaces. “SHIT!!!” Cheri moves faster, shifting back as they get to the bottom of the mountain, not wanting to be seen by anyone who doesn’t already know in any form outside of a human one.
shit shit Shit SHIT SHIT!!! Cheri bursts out of the trees, running into Eterna City, dodging around people as he heads to the nearest hospital.
He rushes into the emergency room. “We need a doctor, now!” It comes out louder than he meant it, almost echoing, though for some reason, it’s hard to hear himself anyway.
Everything feels so far away as the emergency room suddenly turns into a rush, a stretcher coming out to take Volo away. People ask what happened, and he explains as best as he can, telling them Volo got hit with a powerful dark-type attack that sapped his energy, leaving out the legendaries and the reason for the blood staining his hands and teeth.
He.. doesn’t entirely know why that’s there. He has a faint idea, but he blocks that out on purpose.
He can process that later, he can process that he probably killed a man another day.
The doctors are concerned about it, though, so he tells them it’s from the one who attacked the two of them, and they accept that answer, bringing him back soon after for his frostbitten arm.
Time seems to stretch to forever as his injury is treated, but when he’s finally left alone, allowed to leave, it feels like no time’s passed at all. He leaves the hospital, heading straight for the Pokémon center to drop off his and Volo’s Pokémon.
Relax. Just breathe, Cheri. Just relax.
He takes deep breaths as he walks, wrapping his arms around himself and closing his eyes, sensing people’s feelings to determine where they are so he can avoid them.
Thankfully, he makes it to the Pokémon center without an issue, setting down the pokeballs on the nurse’s desk.
“Those six are unregistered, he- he made their balls himself,” he explains, trying to ignore the shake in his voice.
The nurse scans the pokeballs. “They look registered to me..”
Sure enough, they are registered, under a Volo Discere.
“Huh.. interesting,” Cheri mutters. Did he always have a last name? I know Volo means to want. What’s Discere..? “Okay, nevermind, then. Um- I’ve gotta go, he’s hurt. Can you take care of them while I’m gone?”
“Of course, but- Wait-!” She looks up in worry as he leaves, but he doesn’t have time to chat, making his way back to the hospital.
I need to see if he’s okay.
He heads to the nearest waiting room. Someone passes by in the hall, he recognizes her as the nurse who treated him.
“Hey!” He rushes over, catching her attention. “Volo, uh, Discere- is he okay?”
“Huh? Are.. you asking about the one you came in with?” She gives a weirdly strained smile. “They’re still fixing him up, but it’s looking like he’ll pull through.”
“Okay.. okay.” Cheri lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
She nods, rushing off, and he finally lets himself relax.
Okay, we’re okay.
Not sure what she was freaking out about, but it should be fine..
..they’ll come to me if anything happens with him, right..? I’m probably not on his emergency contacts- he probably doesn’t have those, actually- but I AM the one who brought him here..
WOULD he have emergency contacts?? His Pokémon are registered, so maybe???
Cheri sighs, sitting in one of the chairs, leaning back with his hands clasped together behind his head. He lets his eyes slip closed, taking a few deep breaths.
Whatever the case, if he needs me, if he asks for me, I’ll be here.
After a few moments, the exhaustion of the day catches up to him.
And finally, he slips into sleep, all his day’s plans forgotten.
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smokeys-house · 1 year
Answering this in a separate post bc it's kinda deserving of it's own explanation.
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(From this post)
So to explain what I meant without directly listing things, you might have noticed a sort of ongoing theme with me and especially my OC stuff that isn't in character. This might go a little long so I'll put it under a readmore, its not terribly interesting just kind of a silly thing I've never directly mentioned or addressed
So my discord statuses, if you've got me on there somewhere you may have seen my statuses which are all sorta. Commercial-esque? Things like "Coming to a theater near you, A Moomin on the High Seas!" Or "Puukko-O's, part of a balanced breakfast!". Sort of an ongoing bit that I've been doing for a long while now
Well, to put it simply, there's canon stuff like all my writing and a lot of the art I've posted, etc, and then there's this sort of... neo-non-canon? I like that whole era of advertising, early 90s and before, and it suits the canon that I've been pushing mostly which is that Puukko is originally meant to fit in the 90s series (Tanoshii Moomin Ikka).
So there's canon, her and the whole world of the moomins, and then there's this faux canon unreality outside of it where she was part of the series and got a spin off series of her own. I don't bring it up because it's mainly just a fun aside for me, I like to make jokes about official merch for her and treating my story launches like tv-to-movie in theater releases. It's sorta just nostalgic for me.
Plus it gives me excuses to do just about anything I want with my OC without directly affecting her ongoing canon, things like CyberPuukko and Skycaptain Puukko, which would be spinoffs of a spinoff i guess. It also gives me the opportunity to pretend I'm famous or making something people are interested in. If you can't hype yourself up about your own thing, you're not gonna hype anyone else up about it either. Plus it's fun to pretend!
I'll never really develop on that side of things too much, it's a bit meta for my taste and for that sort of thing I feel like you really ought to have some art skill or something else to bring to the table. I'm not clever enough for it nor do I have the ability to fully realize things like that, so I just sorta. Leave it as a fun little gag now and again.
The list so far I think encompasses stuff you'd find as normal moomin merch but also the ones I've joked about in the past include fireworks, breakfast cereal, alcohol and bar equipment, pipe tobacco, plushies, folding knives, books and movies of course, and now Hi-C apparently. There's a commission in the works at the moment that sorta ties into this and you'll see what I mean when it's done.
If it ever comes up in any meaningful capacity I'll have a tag for it and presumably a concept name better than "neo-non-canon".
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strange-creachure · 1 year
didnt want to make a huge deal of it at the time bc anxiety and what have you, buuut since yesterday marked 2 full months from this thingy (perhaps most impactful in my life so far lol), figured i'd do a little post anyway?? felt appropiate what with it being pride month and ya know :zoomies:
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(tldr, have two rad little lines going across on my body and feeling more light and normal (in the best kind of way) than i have for years :catlove:)  i'm in an incredibly lucky place living situation wise (s/o being in a position where he could take a loan for us, and finland being a country that doesnt generally indiscriminate these kind of things as much) where i could get a good ol operation that single-handedly yoinked off my serious dysphoria and -related anxiety and its been (and still is) so incredibly freeing and pleasant and carefree vibe when ur body feels and looks the way you felt it should have always been. especially when, (tw: dysphoria) increasingly for the past couple years its felt just so incredibly.. wrong? to an extent you felt constantly sick?, for reasons you cant even quite explain?, for features your biology imposed on you without any word on your part, and the societal norms or whatever that came with it??? and just.. the entire lack of choice or being unable to do anything about it?? absolutely worst. do not recommend. unfortunately a fairly common experience in the lgbt circles (that i keep hearing) and something a lot of people have to deal with, unfortunately. so in a very stark comparison, post-op and recovering and just /living/ without those restrictions or weights on ya, it's pretty freakin rad. having authority on the silly little meat vehicle again haha. (recovery wise feel entirely normal and well by now, just the whole 'having a both physical and very taxing mental weight off of the shoulders that i'd not realised how long its been there' has had me feeling very childlike joy and the like, yknow. maybe some of u could tell from the text brrrr nyoomies for a while now huhu :zoomies:) dunno if this is "too personal" or unnecessary or kinda silly to share, but kind of jus wanna put it out there in case there's the odd person in there who feels the same way, incredibly awful for reasons you cant quite explain or even grasp - i promise you're not inherently broken or "wrong", there is a reason for it, gender or neurodivergency wise or otherwise. it sure took me a while, and while it's an unique road for everyone, u can get there, one way or other. for example im more comfy with my brain funnies than i've been in years just from reading more and getting to know likeminded people and overall understanding things better, and that alone has helped me a lot. dont necessarily feel the need to transition anything further body wise either; dont consider myself a trans person, and dunno what kind of label or tag would even fit my gender other than just?? kind of vaguely nonbinary i guess?? since im just.. omee? default person shaped? and for the longest time, it feels good and normal and /right/. dunno. wanted to share the excellent good vibes despite this whole mess of a world situation lol. #textwall #manywords  happy pride y'all! every single one of you friendshapes is very important and appreciated ❤️
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for context! i'm huge fan of people who are happy with their bodies; its the best possible place to be! and such, want to confirm I dont have and never had anything against female chest in general, im genuinely glad some people can carry themselves with pride and joy, it simply wasnt a concept my brain could accept for me; personally they looked and felt really wrong on me, despite being physically healthy and "normal"; nothing were wrong with my pre- chest shapes except them residing on my body.
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wooahaes · 1 year
thank you for the tag @twogyuu !!
rules: post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
oof okay so this one is already gonna be hard because... everything on this blog rn was released in the year 2022. idk how many fics that is, but its a ton.
also sorry you can tell when my mood seriously dropped off during this
5 works i’m most proud of from 2022
under the sun: yes, i know she’s not finished yet. i debated including her because of it, but i’m genuinely proud of what i’ve written for UtS so far!! hopefully i’ll finish the fic next year, thank you all for bearing with me as i finished off school since that too precedence over most things (+ sometimes i just need a break from longer projects like UtS), i’m hoping to have wonwoo’s part out soon! but i think there’s a lot in this fic that i’m definitely in love with, primarily the world building. i feel most in my element when i work on UtS and the vaguely supernatural background it has, all wrapped up with a sweeter romance in most cases. without spoiling anything, i’m genuinely excited to eventually get to cheol’s part. whether the series ends with his part or continues on to a different title for the alternate ending, i feel like cheol’s part functions as something encompassing a lot of what this series means.
lonely hearts club: ah, lhc. my beloved. i genuinely have such a soft spot for wonwoo, and this is actually a series written in full! its been a while since i’ve done one of those lmao. i think my writing has come a way since i wrote lhc, and i think if i were to rewrite it, there’s things i’d add in--but she has a special place in my heart nonetheless. writing wonwoo as someone who is soft and loving is genuinely just something i enjoy because i feel like i rarely see it sometimes. he’s just a big ole softie who’s quiet and i love it about him.
sweet night: another unfinished one, i know, but... i think there’s parts of sweet night that i genuinely enjoy writing a lot. i think it’s pretty telling how every fic i’ve listed so far is pretty damn plot heavy (because genuinely that is what i love writing!!) and this one is no different. plus, i think this one has a special place for me because it’s technically a collaborative piece with several anons from a mutual’s blog (if you see this, hi sol! hi anons! thank you again for giving me permission to write this fic!) and i think collaborative works are fun. but there’s also some heavier emotions that i do like addressing. 
a mermaid’s kiss: a short one! but i do love her. idk i just love vague mermaid lore and joshua was a rly good fit for this au.
enouement / singing in the rain: ok so im linking both of these here bc SitR is a retelling of enouement as a skz fic. idk why i was abt to say both of these flopped when they did decent. i guess i just don’t hear much feedback on either of them? they both have a special place in my heart. enouement was the first long fic i posted and one i was excited to write, while the other was just one that i have some lines in that i really like.
4 current WIPs for the new year
the rest of under the sun + [potentially] shadow: ok im cheating here but genuinely i’m excited to eventually finish UtS and hopefully still have the juice to write what i’ve been titling shadow! it’s the alt ending, name currently pending.  just assume any series i haven’t finished, i’m hoping to finish next year.
i can’t run away: a vernon fic that feels kinda venty. it’s angst with no happy ending. title also might change a little, but i do like keeping it as it is now.
[WORKING TITLE ALERT] 88/134: a bang chan fic! its another chubby!fem!reader long fic because i can’t be stopped. might change the title later, but it was a reference to apparently how long it takes people to fall in love (men 88 days, women 134 according to a study i have linked on the google doc)
topsy turvy: both versions even though one will be titled differently!! :)
3 biggest improvements
honestly? just motivating myself to write in general. sometimes i hit dry spells, sure, but i’ve been getting better about forcing myself to sit down and write most days.
idk i just feel like i’ve found my style a bit more. focusing on emotions within a plot just fits into what i enjoy writing the most.
properly planning things (most of the time) and sticking to writing out those plans. trust me when i say i never used to plan things out.
2 resolutions
writing the full goddamn fic before posting it OR at least finishing all the plans first.
write more for non-svt groups. please.. @ myself this blog was started for svt AND trsr.
1 favorite line
ughh i think i usually end up having multiple lines that i like in fics so i’ll just pick one at random:
If eternal love took the form of a person, then that truly was you. You’d always have one part of his love tied to you, no matter how far away he went. That was the funny thing about love: you gave up parts of yourself for someone else. Wonwoo might always see you in the books he’d read, in the stores he passed, in the world itself. One day the pain would fade, but his love would always rest with you whether you knew it or not. He tried to think of what the Twitter account would say. Part of him wanted to message it, even if the person running it was on a break. But what could they say to comfort him? That it was okay to be hurt, that they were sorry for encouraging him? That love was a leap of faith and sometimes you fall but it’ll all be okay?
They said falling was the best part of love. If it was, then the impact of hitting the ground was the worst.
(from pt.10 of lonely hearts club)
i will simply mention some ppl and no one has to do it if they don’t want to @junkissed @thepixelelf @husbandhannie
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zelkams-art · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
I was tagged by @milkcrates​, who showed her process of making this gorgeous piece with Wei Wuxian and little A-Yuan!! It was awesome to see how it came to life - and thank you for tagging me! ✨
So I got tagged to show how this Yunmeng brothers + golden core art happened! I already included the digital sketch for it in my sketch vs final compilation, but I guess I can show some more!
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This is gonna be long because I like talking a lot, so putting the rest under a cut!
1. Planning
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SO.  A golden core pic was on my to-draw list as soon as I finished watching the show. I had a WIP of a different pic for that waiting, but actually I noticed that a very similar thing has already been drawn, so that was kinda dropped. But I’m glad I waited until the idea for this one slapped me! It was pretty much a moment of “w a i t a second” and I had to grab a random piece of paper to sketch it while I still had it in my head.
This is the sketch - as you can see from the coffee stains, it has been through some stuff. On the left I actually tried out some different ideas for the golden core - the 1st one was the winner and led to the whole leaking/water/rain theme. I ended up mirroring the whole sketch because I didn’t want Wei Wuxian’s hand to cover Jiang Cheng’s front hair wisp, as that would make that area too crowded.
Meta-wise: I wanted to show that the whole thing was kept as a secret from Jiang Cheng. But we also knew about it - so Wei Wuxian is breaking the 4th wall and looking at us [the audience] directly, shushing to keep it a secret as well. Then there’s his hand hovering over the blindfold - it was included in the show, but also sprinkles in that extra symbolism. Then there’s the rain - the sky crying for the two brothers, so you’re not sure if those are raindrops or tears on their faces + lotus pond for the Yunmeng vibes. As for the golden core, I wanted to make it kinda messy and leaking like blood + shining and make it the main light source of the piece. Also kinda like a glow stick liquid.
I also like finding fitting music to go with my art and this one was actually supposed to go with Avicii’s Hey Brother, but when I was looking it up on Spotify I saw Kodaline’s Brother right above, gave it a listen and then the lyrics hit me. So I already knew that they’re gonna go in the caption. Also apparently it’s like The Song for them and yeah, makes sense.
2. Creating
2.1 Set up and tools
I use Paint Tool SAI + Wacom Intuos S to do all my art! The entire pic was made on a 2000 x 3000 px canvas, since I don’t like to work too big because of limited brush sizes in SAI + I don’t want to torture my laptop, as my art takes up quite a lot of processing power with a lot of layers and modes and sometimes things like to crash at the final steps 😬.
2.2 Planning and composition
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So I started off by doing a digital sketch and focusing on the composition a bit more - I wanted something geometrical, so I went for the diamond shape with Wei Wuxian’s silhouette and the placement of the lotuses. Also the composition is vertical, all the important info is in the middle column - you could cut off 2/3 of the picture and it would still tell the story.
2.3 Lineart
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Then I did the lineart over the sketch layer (there was a more detailed one than the “planning” sketch, but it looks like I deleted it once I finished). I usually draw more than I have to and on separate layers, so that I can move/modify things easily later - for example JC’s headpiece here didn’t really make it that much into the final piece but It Was There. Once I was satisfied with the lineart, I cleaned it by erasing overlapping things, like Wei Wuxian’s clothes behind Jiang Cheng’s head.  
2.4 Planning the lighting
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After doing the lineart I blocked the characters with a single color and planned the lighting. The golden core is the main light source here, so it dictates which parts are gonna be lighter and which darker (although there is gonna some ambient occlusion from the background + reflected light from the water). I also added water and lotuses in the foreground + painted the background.
2.5 Shading the characters
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After that, I started shading the pic. I usually do two steps here - one with “base” shading - focusing on the details and values based on the light source, then the mood shading with more coloring - based on the setting the characters are in. The first one is mostly done with the Multiply tool and base layer blending/painting, the second mostly with layer modes like Overlay and Luminosity. I also colored some parts of the lineart to make the shapes stand out (see: wwx’s front hairs)
2.6 Environment and touch-up details
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Then it was time for the water and lotuses + the “special effects” for the rain and all the stuff associated with it - water splashes, mist, sparkling drops! Also some more mood lighting. Lots of new layers to keep everything organized and separated.
2.7 Finished pic
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And done! After finishing I usually adjust the contrast/gamma/saturation of my art (or just edit it all in curves) + sometimes sharpen it to bring out details → I make a few different versions and pick the one that works the best. Although with this pic I was satisfied with the raw result so no major changes happened.
3. Posting
For posting I always scale down the pictures and upload them as a draft on this art blog. Then I check if things look okay on mobile as well - from what I’ve noticed my phone makes everything more warm-toned. Depending on the time I finish drawing, I either post it right away or wait until the next day, when there is more traffic on tumblr. I finished this one around 8PM of my local time, which is fine - so I posted it right away (also I was just excited, couldn’t wait 😅)!
As caption I used the lyrics from Brother by Kodaline, as mentioned before!
So yeah, that would be it! 
If you made it till this part - thank you and I hope you have an awesome day! ✨
Let’s keep the artist vibes here - I’m gonna tag (not 5 ppl but shh) @still-snowing​ and this piece that still breaks my heart @driszol​ and this Song Jiyang pic that lives in my head to this day @kushexi​​ and this pic with fox Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan bc it still makes me melt → no pressure of course! or if you want to do some other piece that’s awesome as well!
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peachypunk22 · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Thank you so much @neonponders for tagging me omg i haven’t posted anything in months so thank you lovely! <3
This is probably gonna be long so I’ll put most of it under a cut
I’ll tag @gothyringwald and @rascheln (only if you want :) sorry if you’ve been tagged already!!)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
317589 (half of those are from collab/chat fics oops)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Ooooh including LJ it would be around 6 probably? I’ve read way more, but only actually written for a few:
Harry Potter, NCIS, Suits, White Collar, Stranger Things, Bandom (various)
I had a bandom resurgence phase for like all of college when I actually had some semblance of free time, so the rest of these answers may be skewed towards that LOL
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m down on the daydream- (harringrove) 
Coffee Beans and Tea Baggers- (bandom- joshler)
I’ll Sing You Pretty Sounds -(bandom- joshler)
Untitled Drum Fic -(bandom- joshler)
Falling forward (back into orbit)- (harringrove)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes!! I love getting comments so I try to respond to all of them. It is a little hard to when it’s just an emoji or something, but every single one is so so appreciated!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably falling forward (back in to orbit) which is the first part of my harringrove mafia au. my goal was sexy and angst and I think I succeeded? 
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
No, not really. I was writing a joshler fic that was heavily inspired by Stranger Things, but then I just started writing Harringrove lol
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I don’t think so? I’m not a good enough or popular enough writer to get hate lol
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes! I love writing smut when I am in the right mood. I usually like some Dom/sub undertones with some regular smut, but I have written downright filthy kinky things too so idk
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
......not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I was asked if someone could translate one of my joshler fics to russian, but I can’t remember if it ever was
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
hahaha I guess you could call what me and @femmeparker do is co-write? I think it would be chat fic technically, but we have SO many different aus and scenarios together <3
What’s your all time favorite ship
That’s so hard because my interests change a lot! Hmm, I think Brencer is pretty up there and Spideypool is one of my favorites too! Their dynamic is so so good together!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
the stranger things/joshler one from the other question! haha I still really like the concept and had it all plotted out, but I’m not really into joshler anymore and am kinda gray on whether i like RPF now although i still think bandom is a bit different because its so far removed from the real people and i just don’t know if I’ll ever get the motivation to finish it
What are your writing strengths?
I really write as if its a movie scene playing out in my head & I’ve gotten some compliments that that’s how other’s read my fic as well, so I think that’s probably what I’m good at?
What are your writing weaknesses?
I could go on for days lmao I think my two biggest weaknesses are 
1. I often don’t have the energy to actually sit down and write. Once I get started I can go for a bit, but actually sitting down and writing is sometimes hard for me and
2. I’m not the best at being descriptive or emotive for characters bc I like to write like its a movie and there’s a lot of show don’t tell involved, so sometimes I don’t think scenes have a lot of emotional weight
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It’s fine? I don’t really do it since it doesn’t fit with the fic I like to write, so it’s up to the author. As long as you are prepared for people that may correct you in the comments lol
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter! I don’t remember what exactly, probably dramione or drarry lol
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
ooooh, I don’t know! all the ones I like are the ones that aren’t very popular. I loved writing They told you put your blood on ice which is a joshler hockey/figure skater au and it was so much fun and still love it
Or Puppy Love which was my first harringrove fic and it was like pure kink because I’m a degenerate lmao
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perap · 2 years
iad retrospective
wanted to reflect on my posts from last year on the topic, this includes the ones i made in june, tho the iad post was the one that kicked it off.
like an update. keeping it short, as id rather not ramble too long and only want to address a few things i find necessary, and also purposefully using a very casual tone.
firstly, i deleted all those posts a while ago. it was a mixture of a lot of things. feeling like id overshared, like my tone could be interpreted wrong, that Urge To Just Delete Everything Ive Ever Posted On The Internet getting to me, as it does at times, feeling guilty, etc.
the reason i wanted to try to talk about myself in the first place is bc i simply saw other people doing it, and figured, ive come to accept myself enough, i could do that too. i was kinda hyped up about it, being a... "baby ace" and all. i dont like that phrase but people will understand what i mean if i use it.
the thing is at the time i didnt feel new to the community, iding as ace since about 2015 and all. i thought hey, thats enough experience to know what im talking about.
i actually... didnt know that much about it, at all. hence, baby ace. i didnt even realize how new i was at the time.
the reason for that is because id avoided the community like the plague for the majority of my time on this site. i think its safe to assume why.
i dont want to pretend i wasnt very intensely aphobic, because its still left a massive impact on how i view myself.
in fact, there are a few things that took me a while to realize i felt because it was still so ingrained in my subconscious, even after id gotten "better".
one was incessant criticism of anything aspecs say. picking apart and over-analyzing anything and everything in an attempt to find some kind of issue with it. judging whether or not a post passed some validity test in my brain. and i didnt even realize i was doing it for a long time!
a reason i turned to being so disgusted at "my own kind" was to... "prove" to myself i wasnt an enemy to lgbt people. because i was made to feel that if i identified with aspec labels, i was inherently a threat to them. and i so desperately didnt want that.
the thing is that, i was super confident about being aroace when i first discovered the terms!! i actually remember a night, early on when i first started using tumblr regularly, really scrolling the ace tag for the first time and nearly sobbing at seeing people like me.
there are many other reasons that made me drop the labels for the time i did, such as the isolation and dehumanization that comes with being aspec, the frustration and insecurity of not fitting perfectly into the labels, etc. but the thing that made me burn with hatred for the aspec community was the idea they were harmful, and that i was harmful, too.
some point after making those posts, id felt guilty for not talking about being aro as much as ace. especially since theres a lot of tension between the two groups, aros upset at either being lumped with aces (im pretty sure aro is actually trending right as i post this bc people are tagging ace posts with it) or straight up erased in favor of aces. i think i even acknowledged i didnt talk about it much.
i guess the reason for why id focused so much on being ace and not also aro, was because asexuals are the popular Hot Debate topic. and aros are just kind of ignored, most of the time. so i approached being aspec with the disk coarse in mind... again, terrible habit im trying to unlearn.
ive since been assured that its ok for someone to prioritize parts of their identity over others however they please. but at the same time, ive actually made the effort to read up more on the aromantic side of this website, and i can say ive gained a lot of new insight
another thing id, fairly recently, started to feel guilty over was... my insistence on "aces can still have sex, aros can still like romance" thing...
that incident in the fucking marvel fandom that happened a bit ago, where people were shipping a canon aroace character or something like that?? well, that happened, and aspecs werent happy about it. the shippers were using "aces can still have sex aros can still like romance" as an excuse to ship her, and not in a way that respected her identity, i guess? and well... i cant help but feel bad for perpetuating that idea. i understand the nuances of the situation. people erasing an aspec characters identity vs. an actual real life persons complicated relationship to their orientation isnt the same thing. but still...
if i think of more things id like to say, ill make more posts, for now this is what i have
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babyboy-ollie · 3 years
So... I'm not kinda new to the community of dxlg/ddlg/agere/agedre
So... like... I got into the "ddlg" community bc my therapist thought it would be a good idea to help me deal with my trauma. What he actually was introducing me to was agere/agedre. It wasn't a k!nk thing, just for trauma and sometimes I cant control it. (My brain. Kinda forces me into little space and I get super overwhelmed with adult stuff while I'm in little space)
Anyways I was introduced to "ddlg" (actually agedre/agere) when I was around 15ish so its been roughly 6 years
I do have a daddy but hes not really a "daddy dom" cause I dont like to be sexual in my little space (trauma related) but hes technically my dom when im big me
What does it mean?
Everything "ddlg" is NSFW and i get that and I try and respect blogs DNIs (alot of their acronyms I dont understand so its best to just not follow them)
My main blog is NSFW (mostly big me stuff) but I have a second blog thats SFW
Is there a way to follow SFW agere/agedre accounts with my SFW and not my NSFW?
I dont want to trigger or put minors in an unsafe environment
And some people tell me that you can't be AGERE/AGEDRE if you're in ddlg whatsoever so like my daddy just bc hes my daddy (whether dom or not) and I just don't understand I guess 😭😭😭😭🥺
I'm just here for an opinion or answers not to trigger or harm
I'm sorry if thats not okay 😞😖🥺
TW K!nk and s*x mentions
First off I want to say you don’t have to apologise for asking! We all have to learn somewhere and there’s no shame in not knowing!
For the sake of clarity I’m gonna define a few terms before continuing just to make sure we are all on the same page:
ddlg: An NSFW kink community for adults. Stands for Daddy Dom Little Girl and involves a BDSM power dynamic between a Dom and a Sub.
dxlg: A SFW non-sexual term. Stands for Daddy Little Girl and describes a relationship between a caregiver and a regressor. 
Agere: A SFW non-sexual community and coping mechanism. Stands for Age Regression, which is when a person reverts to an age younger than they actually are.
Agedre: A SFW non-sexual community. Stands for Age Dreaming which is an umbrella term for people with non-sexual child-like headspace or behaviour that doesn’t totally fit under regression.
Age(d)re: Another way to say “agere and/or agedre”.
With that out of the way, I wanna say that it is totally fine to be both ddlg and age(d)re permitted that you and your partner are adults and the two communities are separate! What it means is just what you have said, he is your dom when you are big and consenting and he is your caregiver when you are small. Your sex life and your regression are separate from one another and as such, his roles are separate from one another as well. 
As for the blogs, it’s good that you keep the NSFW and SFW separate! Just as the blogs are separate it is best to also keep who you follow separate. In other words, follow NSFW/non-agere or agedre blogs on your NSFW blog and use the SFW blog to follow agere or agedre blogs. It sounds like you are doing a great job at being careful to not trigger or harm anyone, but be sure you’re not accidentally cross tagging posts as it can be confusing to know which tags are safe and which aren’t! Here’s a link to a guide on cross tagging and how to avoid it
As for the DNIs, it is very common for a blog to say “DNI k!nk NSFW” or something similar. In general, this usually means that NSFW or kink blogs can not follow or interact with them. However, some people do not want a person following them if they are in kink at all, even if their blog is not related to kink. When in doubt it is best to ask the blog owner! 
DNIs often include a lot of acronyms which can be pretty confusing if you’ve never seen them before, so here are a few ones commonly found in DNIs!
MAP: Minor Attracted Person, another term for a p*dophile.
(NO)MAP: (Non-Offending) Minor Attracted Person, a p*dophile who has not acted on their urges.
P.E.A.R.: Pro-Expression Anti-Repression, another term for a p*dophile.
MIK: Minor in Kink, a person under 18 who participates in kink or BDSM.
NMIK: No Minor in Kink, this means a person does not want minors in kink interacting with their blog, commonly found in the bio of gear shops and regression shops alike
ALM: All Lives Matter, the opposition movement to Black Lives Matter.
If you find a DNI with an acronym you don’t recognise you can always ask the blog owner what it means! If you have any acronyms in mind that I didn’t answer feel free to send another ask or a message and I will do my best to help define it.
I hope I’ve answered your questions or helped to clear up some confusion! Anyone who says that you can not be a regressor if you are also ddlg is wrong. As long as you and your partner are consenting adults and you are not participating in kink while regressed then it is perfectly okay! Adult regressors are still adults and are allowed to have a sex life outside of their regression!
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
hey from one nd person to another the comic where fm gordon says a slur seems kind of in poor taste. ik ur not intentionally making light of it and tht occurring in fm should be criticized but while you dont make it out to be a good thing making jokes about it and calling him a "slurboy" is kind of questionable? it makes it seem more like a plotpoint and angst rather than the creator of fm genuinely fucking up in the past (and having moved on from it)! i think exploring fm coming to terms with being nd is a good idea but this isnt the best way to do it. if you want me to explain my point more lmk if/when u post this and i will! someone already made a post abt it but it was kinda strongly worded and i wanted to approach you more calmly because i genuinely dont want to call you out or start drama or anything ;-;
first off thank you for being civil and patient with me i appreciate this ask a lot- also this got long- im not in a flying rage or anything when i bold or emphasis text, i just needed it also for my own readability and since im not the best at wording- hopefully this hellsite works and my response is under the cut
i would like to know how is it in poor taste when freemind explicitly gets clocked at the very end for saying it. the entire point of the comic was to show that saying the r slur has existed in his source and is bad
im not sure how much more direct i can get, with the disclaimer/warning list growing longer and longer and out there for a huge sign that says “this au can get dark as fuck and these subject matters are treated seriously/not something to mess around with.” Like yes, there are some jokes in the asks and other comics, but that specific comic is not supposed to be “haha thats funny”. it has a serious tone using a rough sketch style bc i was super tired and wanted to vent
was it just the direct reference to it that just made people uncomfortable? because thats 100% understandable, and i made sure i tagged it appropriately (although admittedly, a little bit late since i thought the filter would catch at least the main thing)
i think what some people somehow got from it is “exploring sensitive content = endorsing said content” which! that is not the intent! i absolutely do not want people saying that word! I don’t want people thinking that is any way okay for this character to say
its more of a damned if i do address it, damned if i dont.
if it never comes up, people are gonna assume that ‘oh this character says slurs and is shit, surely the creator or fan-creator MUST be okay with it and woobifies freemind and absolves him of any mistakes’ or something like that. no. this asshole has an arc and i want to do it right. its serious and i think it shouldn’t be shoved under the rug
and people just. dont want to read for context for whatever reason. theyll start watching it and get taken aback by the slur and start blaming me ‘hey you never warned for this’ when very early on i keep mentioning over and over ‘you dont have to watch it if you dont want to! This has slurs and 2000s internet brand humor/style’ You really dont, I’m not forcing you to watch it- Literally all you need to know is either canon half life or hl/vrai. thats it. fm mostly follows hl1 with very slight changes.
so i had to make something that:
1. warns people who arent aware and dont want to go through my asks or about/warning pages (for whatever reason) and just want to see the art
2. also NOT downplay freemind’s canon assholery. listen, i kinda despise writing mean and cruel characters, theyre hard to do, and a lot of people get shit for doing it wrong or people going “character = author”
i’ve also considered leaving the bubbles blank, but then people could fill it with whatever they want, then blame me for being vague. or they’d fill it in with a different kind of slur that freemind has never used, even if he MIGHT be the type to do that. I needed to explicitly mention that it is ableist slur. There are shitty racist and other problematic jokes, but never those kinds of extreme racial slurs to my knowledge.
Although I do see your point that maybe joking about it outside of the serious stuff might not be the best route. The slurboy jokes are getting stale, and I will try a better way to remind people.
The thing that gets to me is that it feels people are more than ready to defend either Ross Scott or Gordon Freeman the fictonal character himself. I don’t??? really care for Ross Scott, so I don’t know if he’s ever brought it up specifically. I’m not really calling him out or cancelling him. Idc for some white man’s feelings, im only bringing the timeframe of That era and reworking it to fit in This current era.
And I hate to break it to people: Gordon Freeman is a blank slate character, you can project whatever the hell you want on him as long as it’s not freakshit illegal garbage. The machinimas (fm, hl/vrai) do have SOME characterization that I want to nail down. It fucking sucks when characters are ooc, and I’m trying not to do that, even if it means sacrificing some comfort. But still mostly staying in my comfort zone if that makes sense
Now about the callout that I do not want to engage with the op directly:
Honestly im very surprised the comic was called out when i just. thought my stuff is relatively tame on exploring the bad shit canon freemind does. ive seen him in fancontent where they really dont hold back and its still played off as ‘kinda funny’ tone.
I really don’t know if people just want any reason to hate me for whatever reason. That’s fine I guess, I can’t please everyone and they dont have to like me.
But like. isn’t it so much easier for the op of that to block me and the post and move on. Why kick up such a fuss. I can see that thinly veiled death threat of a vague. That’s pretty fucked up- Like holy fucking god, you do not have to like my stuff. I’m not holding you at knifepoint to like my stuff. I’ve specifically made two different tags (one general au, one specific au) if anyone wants to blacklist it for their own reasons I do not need to know. I don’t want to know.
You’re allowed to be uncomfortable. You’re allowed to unfollow/blacklist/block.
However you just don’t go ranting about it for something you horribly misinterpreted. If it bothers you so badly, literally just. drop me a message to clarify. thats it. or save yourself the time and block me.
I’ve blocked the op for both our sakes, but if anyone wants to send this post to them, then thats fine. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I don’t want to link the post and blow it up. I just want shit clarified, dropped and we can move the fuck on with our lives. 
If you’re reading this and don’t know what the post is, please don’t bother. I do not want people going after the op with threats, please keep it civil, I’d prefer if you don’t engage with the post at all on my behalf.
Despite this huge wall of text, I do not want this to be a big deal, so please don’t ask me about the details.
As for anon, feel free to dm me either on here or. Maybe on discord if you’d still like to suggest or have something more cleared up. I’m still willing to hear any kind of feedback, and i want to thank you again for being reasonable about this
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superangsty · 3 years
👉🏼👈🏼 ive been fixating on spirk lately and would like to talk abt it, if you were being sincere in your tags
fsdgfh honestly when I want to talk about something it’s mostly just me SCREAMING bc that SCENE man that SCENE. Like, the rest of STID is garbage especially when they brought Kirk back with Khan’s blood like what was that??? Why did they do that?? Also I feel like the first two films of AOS are really missing the whole crew being like a family and made it instead about a bunch of beautiful straight people having awkwardly written personal issues.
FIRST THINGS FIRST: required reading is of course Henry Jenkin's thing about The Glass. I tend to assume everyone has read it but if you haven't. Get on that. Here it is:
When I try to explain slash to non-fans, I often reference that moment in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan where Spock is dying and Kirk stands there, a wall of glass separating the two longtime buddies. Both of them are reaching out towards each other, their hands pressed hard against the glass, trying to establish physical contact. They both have so much they want to say and so little time to say it. Spock calls Kirk his friend, the fullest expression of their feelings anywhere in the series. Almost everyone who watches the scene feels the passion the two men share, the hunger for something more than what they are allowed. And, I tell my nonfan listeners, slash is what happens when you take away the glass.
Anyway all I'm saying is that no matter what JJ Abrams thinks he CAN'T recreate WoK because he doesn't UNDERSTAND WoK at the necessary level.
But with regards to STID so like okay at a very basic level you've got two things which are 1) Spock having Big Feelings and 2) the knowledge that Vulcans kiss with their hands and these two things on their own were enough to make 14 year old me watching it in the cinema for the first time feel ABSOLUTELY INSANE like for real I've been chasing that high ever since. And when Spock starts screaming? That's the Good Shit. 
Also sidenote there's this theme park nearby (ish) called Thorpe Park and I went there on school trips a couple of times and there's a ride there called Rumba Rapids and the music they play in the queue is really not relevant but its fun and when I was 16 I suggested to my friends how much funnier films would be if it was playing during sad scenes so one time we watched STID and when we got to this scene we turned the volume down low and the rumba rapids music up high. Not relevant to this post, but I just Unlocked that memory while I was thinking about this and I wanted to share.
Just gonna preface this by saying that Spock's death in WoK is obviously a lot more compelling than Kirk's in STID because in AOS JJ Abrams has this obsession with making Kirk the big hero who's so amazing and brilliant and is carrying the entire world on his shoulders so of Course he would give up his life to save the ship (and when you think of the parallels w his father doing the same it becomes even more about him trying to live up to his father's reputation and idk! I feel like it cheapens the sentiment!). Meanwhile the original films they'd moved past TOS's kirk-centric vibe and it was about the crew working together bc they're a family and it's about Spock! Who'd run away to try and escape all these feelings that had come from the enterprise! And it's like yes he can explain his decision with the 'needs of the many' logic but at the end of the day he is doing this to save the people he loves and EVERYONE knows it.
One thing I will say in STID's favour is that the lead-up to this scene with the repetition of the "Better get down here. Better hurry." line from WoK is excellent mostly because Quinto is a much better actor than Shatner and you can see how INSTANTLY he understands it's to do w Kirk as opposed to Shatner looking over at Spock's empty chair and being like huh. Wots all this then. Also I like the way Quinto Spock runs I think it's funny :)
The next part when Scotty's like blah blah decontamination whatever after Spock asks him to open the door like sure okay I can get behind Spock being so overwhelmed that his common sense flies out the window but what I DON’T like is that it's only them down there. Where is the Drama of the entire engineering department watching Kirk have a meltdown over his best friend dying? Where's Kirk needing to be held back by three people because he's so desperate to get to Spock? Where's Scotty saying 'he's dead already' and the life just DRAINING out of Kirk? In STID it's just like "open the door." "can't do that." "yeah okay whatever."
NEXT BIT: Their dying conversation. In WoK Kirk and Spock have known each other most of their lives. They don't need to say much bc they just Understand each otherand you see that! When Kirk is finishing Spock's sentence and when Spock says "I have been and always shall be your friend" which seems a lot more meaningful than STID Kirk and Spock going "I want you to know why I went back for you" "Because you are my friend" and yeah it still HURTS but it's like. They don't have the history they don't have that enduring kinda love they just have a couple of years of being vaguely passive aggressive towards each other and it's still nice for Spock to realise like oh this is friends! This is a friendship! But Kirk's death just doesn't seem as tragic!!!
That being said. There ARE some raw lines there like "I'm scared Spock. Help me not to be. How do you choose not to feel?" "I do not know. Right now I am failing." Like that's IT that's the GOOD SHIT it's been nearly 8 years and I still think about it all the time. And again I can't say much for Chris Pine but Zachary Quinto's acting is MILES ahead of Shatner's and the crying! Spock crying! It's So Much!!!!!!!! And I like the music. I like the long shot of their hands meeting between the glass. It's very cinematic which while missing the campiness of WoK has it's own charm.
I like in WoK when Spock dies and Kirk slumps like he's lost every last bit of energy he had, like he's dying too, however I ALSO very much like in STID when Spock just fucking. Screams. And then goes and runs on a train and beats up Benedict Cumberbatch. I feel like it's fitting that Kirk dying kinda untethers him and lets him just absolutely lose his shit. I love seeing men beat each other up.
This has gone on much too long. Sorry I guess it just turns out I have Thoughts and this is probably barely skimming the surface but it's 9am on a Thursday and I have class in an hour but I've been sitting here rewatching the scenes and typing out this rant. As I said I really don't think I have anything original to say but like. Here ya go babe
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ahardisons · 3 years
Ah yes I see and like your interpretation of Hardison’s overcompensation too (mine may have too much projection lol). I don’t know if I agree that the show “did Hardison dirty” but I also don’t know if that’s an Internet phrase that has a special meaning I don’t know!
I guess most of his backstory was focused on his Nana and the foster system but I wish we had a Significant Person from his post show up like for the others. (But hey! Breanna may help with more backstory and such in the revival!!)
I think I really just disagreed with the implication that those two episodes were bad characterization for him/didn’t fit his characterization because I liked how they extended (the ice man job more so than the gold digger job though, I think the gold digger job would have been better if it was pulled back a season or two). But re-reading your post/tags I’m not sure you actually said the episodes were bad characterizations and I may just be reading too much into it!
(As to Nate (disclaimer that I actually like him to a degree just not as much as the others but I don’t hate him as much as some) I think he kinda does that with the whole team but only with their skill set. The problem is he’s mentally defined Hardison’s skill set as “everything” which while complimentary would also be very stressful for him)
(Also about Parker tipping: I know right!! She was so separated from “normal” for so long that I can see her just not realizing things like this. Sort of like how in that one episode she seemed so surprised and sad that the man’s debt was from oncology (and then deleted it). She has all the compassion but not all the knowledge needed to apply it)
TBH a part of fan analyses is projection bc it colors each of our perceptions a little bit differently! this is why i love discourse bc as much as i love to defend my opinion, it’s just that: an opinion. and i also find that putting myself in someone else’s shoes is a great way of either confirming or editing my own thoughts so thank you for sharing your thoughts tbh
I AM ALSO HOPING FOR BREANNA TO FILL IN A LITTLE MORE ABT HARDISON but i also don’t want her to fall into the trap of being a tool to fill in hardison’s story line, you feel me? like i don’t want her AND hardison to both have the pitfall of having undeveloped backgrounds lmao
and i may have said bad characterizations i think? tbh i should read through those again and edit for clarity but anyway rather, i think it’s more apt to say inconsistent characterizations rather than Bad. bc hardison is still, for the most part, hardison. there’s just inconsistencies (in my eyes at least) that don’t make sense since they’re characteristics that seem to only show up in those episodes! i think i need to sit down and force myself through those episodes a few more times to really put my thoughts into words BUT YEAH - not necessarily bad, just very inconsistent and Weird to me.
YOUR PARKER COMMENTS KILL ME I LOVE IT SO MUCH ITS SO SO SO TRUE, like she was under socialized as a child bc of what her past in the system and what archie did to her and if you’re raised up AS a thief, there’s not a lot of time to teach morals or compassion in a morally dubious field like thievery. like she didn’t really even know WHY she was stealing only that it gained her money and it was fun to solve problems. it’s just like sophie realizing that stealing art still had a seedy underground that got people hurt despite it not being like eliot’s job where he was doing the hurting you know? once they both looked past the immediate gratification of the Self they realized that they could do something to help others.
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jicklet · 3 years
Fanfic Author Questions
I was tagged ages ago by @breaumonts !
Author Name: Jicklet. Anything under older usernames....no one needs to see that :)))
Fandoms You Write For: Choices: The Royal Romance (Maxwell x MC), Dragon Age, Mass Effect, She-ra (Seamista), One Day at a Time (Alvareider)
Where You Post: AO3 and Tumblr
Most Popular One-shot: Not an exclamation mark, but a colon. which is both flattering and mortifying XD ilu Alvareider fandom ♥
Most Popular Multi-Chap: Secrets, my TRR drabble collection, which I now wish I'd just posted as separate one-shots, but here we are.
I only have one work that I actually consider a multi-chapter, as in concepted as one piece and not just "drabbles in a box", which is I Guess I Care About You, and Other Choices We Keep Making. Which I am rather proud of!
Favorite Story You Wrote: Colors and Light, my Maxwell/Riley one-shot after they're married and Riley starts painting again. It shows their new normal and has backstory without being boring, it felt like exactly what I wanted it to be. ♥
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Not an exclamation mark. It was not only the first thing I'd written for the fandom, but the only scandalous thing I'd really posted.
How Do You Pick Your Titles: Sometimes I'll think of a word that kinda summarizes it, sometimes I'll try and find a lyric that fits. Sometimes I'll end up with a phrase stuck in my head while I'm writing, and by the time I'm done I'm married to it.
Do You Outline: Haha whaaaat. Closest I ever came was on "I Guess I Care About You," and that was just when I was reaching the end and trying to figure out what felt like it was missing. Just did a sentence summary of what was happening in each section to check if they felt right.
How Many of Your Stories are Complete: More or less everything posted right now can stand on its own?
In-Progress: I’m currently poking back into my ODAAT wips, before that I had separate docs for all 3 Mass Effects with Olivia Shep/Kaidan drabbles that I’m not sure I’ll be posting bc they’re mostly just character studies, a short Maxwell/Riley m-rated one because they're just fun. Vaguely have my old DA2 Astrid Hawke/Fenris drabbles that I wanted to redo.
Coming Soon: Hopefully something for ODAAT, I have a lot of beginnings that I really liked looking back at them, I just have to figure out where they were going.
Do You Accept Prompts: I'll take ideas! ....as long as the understanding is there that it's unlikely something will come of it because my inspiration is fickle.
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: There was one I posted part a while back of that starts off with Penelope complimenting Schneider’s sweater and it turns into an age discussion that is like, almost there. We can do it, me!
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer The Questions: @actuallylorelaigilmore @shadoedseptmbr @ljandersen @alysurr​ @mysticshadows13​
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roskimag · 3 years
I Pinned You From Across the Zoom
By Tori Frank
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When you have them pinned, that’s how you know it’s real. The anonymous owners of @usc.missedconnections on Instagram discussed zoom romance and the seductive mystery of having an admirer behind the screen.
Imagine Gossip Girl, but make it all horny college students deprived of casual touch. That is the drama of @usc.missedconnections. If you don’t avidly stalk their account, you either have an unheard of self-confidence that doesn’t require any external validation, you deleted your Instagram in a fit of quarantine frenzy, or you haven’t heard of them yet, and you’re very curious about the previously stated analogy.
See the bio of the @usc.missedconnections page: “Have a message for the person whose zoom you always pin or saw from 6 ft away? Anonymously send your missed connection below!” Below sits the google form where all the virtual action happens: the flirts, the cat calls, the compliments, and the subtle roasts. It really is a good time, somewhat making up for the lack of classroom banter that would normally occur.
I sat down with the students who began the account, and we chatted about the new sensation that is dominating everyone’s feed.
Tori: My roommates and I have been following your page pretty actively, as I think a lot of people have been recently.
@usc.missedconnections just surpassed 3000 followers in the few months since their origin on September 30th, 2020
T: It’s definitely very entertaining, especially with Zoom making everything a little bit more boring and separated. It’s been really fun to follow @usc.missedconnections and see what’s the tea! To begin, how did you come up with the idea of creating this account?
Connector 1: I was between USC and another school out on the East coast. Some good friends that I went out and visited there showed me the [Instagram] page at that school, and I was like, “Hey that's a cool idea, that looks like a lot of fun.’ I texted _(Connector 2)_. I was like, “Hey here’s some dumb idea, we’ll get 50 people, we’ll get 2 responses a day. It will be kind of fun to just post them,” and we just grew from there.
T: So how many posts do you guys get a day now?
Connector 2: It’s actually ticked up a lot in what, the past like 2 weeks-ish? For a long time we had a solid 100 just in the bank, and then we slowly [opened them], but it's been 200 plus starting just recently, which is weird. We started posting more frequently to catch up.
Connector 1: Yeah I presume we get about 30-ish on average a day.
Are you intrigued yet? About 30 lucky students across the online campus are being called out for some reason another, be it their sexy voice, their mustache, their wall decorations, or the way they eat their oranges. And on the flip side, about 30 people a day are shooting their anonymous shot through the account. With anonymity of course comes a certain audacity to get real freaky over the submission form. I wondered how freaky it could get.
T: Do you post all of the ones that come, or is there some sort of filtering process?
Connector 1: We’ve had a couple instances where people have been mentioned or certain organizations that have been mentioned have requested for us to take the post down, so we’ve always just respected that if we’re ever asked to take the post down for whatever reason.
Connector 2: I periodically will go through, and I’ll be like, “This one’s weird, I don't think we need to post that,” and then I'll delete it.
_(connector 1)_ idk if you know that I do that, but um…
Connector 1: Oh probably. I mean, I’ve deleted one before.
Connector 2: Yeah, when I’m doing them sometimes I’ll be like ‘this is a little weird how can we phrase this in a way that's not exactly… yeah.
T: Yeah, what’s like the line? Because I think a lot of the time some of the things can be kind of… creepy… I mean the whole thing is like…
Connector 1: (cuts in, chuckling) Kinda creepy 
T: (agreeing) Kinda creepy, right!
There have been submissions such as:
“To ____, Did you know if you rearrange the letters of Coronavirus you get “carnivorous”? Which makes sense because I want to spend the next 14 days of quarantine eating you”
“____ in BUAD 497, my only motivation for coming to class is being able to pin your video and look at your beautiful face for two hours”
Connector 1: It’s interesting, um, when we first started it, we talked, and the thing we were worried most about was like cyber bullying, and I personally haven't seen many posts. You get the offhand sarcastic comments, um, which are pretty funny sometimes, but I don’t know if we... we don't really have a set filter. If we feel like something’s over the bar, then we’ll kinda edit it out. Of course a lot of the time too if we’re iffy on something we’ll text the other person and be like ‘hey what do you think of this’ so, it's no distinct line, but our goal is never to make anyone uncomfortable.
T: Yeah, I think generally it's been pretty positive, a lot of affirming things. Even sometimes not romantic, like just positive comments which is pretty cool, and it's good to see that that's been going on. 
Aw so sweet, fellow Trojans getting along so well. But this is a juicy topic. Playing the role as the reporter, I had to get the inside scoop.
T: Do you ever get messages about yourself?
Connector 1: I’ve had 2
Connecter 2: Yeah he’s had 2, I haven’t had any and I’m mad about it. I want one
Connector 1: I gave you one
Connector 2: You gave me one but I knew it was from you so it didn’t mean anything.
T: So you’re not only the owners of the account. You’re sort of participating in the game as well.
Connector 1: Oh, it’s always a blast when like you’re reading through and you know the person who it's getting written about and you’re just waiting. Yeah, that’s like my favorite part of it, and also the guessing games sometimes are a lot of fun too.
Connector 2: For a long time people were scared to tag people that it was about in the comments, but now there’s no hesitation. People will just tag everyone, which I think is really fun.
Its also fun that we don’t give the full last name because then its kinda funny when you get a really generic “Sam B” or “Lucy J” and 6 different Lucy’s get tagged and half the time we know who it really is because we saw the last name and then edited it out.
T: Why don’t you include the full name?
Connector 2: I think it’s more fun. (shyly shrugs) It’s about keeping the mystery, you know? Who could it possibly be about? 
Connector 1: We do get a lot of requests though because of that, where people are like, “Hey, is this me? Can you tell me who sent this in?” and we're like “I don't know.”
Connector 2: Yeah people DM us every day asking for things, and also sometimes people don't understand that we have a forum in our bio and they send it in thru DM, their missed connections, which sort of ruins the anonymity and its sort of embarrassing for them bc we have to be like, “please submit it in our bio,” and they have to be like “oh god now they know”
T: It’s almost like a masquerade. 
Again, I am imagining Jenny Humphrey wearing her golden mask at the Constance Billard School for Girls Masquerade Ball, prancing around Nate Archibald without him having the faintest idea of who he will be kissing. Maybe this is a little different, but the spirit is there!
T: Looking through your posts of course, a lot of them are, “Oh, I have your screen pinned, I watch you all the time in class” Do you guys do that? Do you think that that's like, Zoom behavior now, or is that still cringe?
Connector 2: Idk if I’d pin for a whole class, but I’ve been known to take a look, and based on all the things we’ve gotten sent it I guess people do. If you’re in a lecture thats boring, fair enough. I can't fault you for that. It’s so weird right now, so who knows?
Connector 1: I think it's really fun also, like, people get really creative too. A lot of them are really general but we just posted one today that had a Kanye reference. We get poetry sometimes. I love the poets. It’s a lot of fun for us and I think other people get to read the more fun posts then, like “hey I saw you”, when saying “hey I saw you” does make it, I guess, easier to match, but it’s less exciting for everybody else
T: To match... going off of that, have you heard of any success stores?
Connector 2: I have not but I desperately want to know. I think if people get married we legally have to officiate the wedding. We’ll go public to officiate the wedding. We’ll break anonymity for that.
T: Do a little daft punk moment
Connector 1: Yeah exactly. The [ones] behind the mask.
T: Do you think you want to continue it next year or post COVID in general?
Connector 1: Yeah, I mean I want to.
They talked about potential future: color schemes, contemplating a purple theme or the classic USC colors. I can tell that the account is only growing from here. It’s not like there is any shortage of desperate college students!
T: That’s exciting. I’m excited to see where the account goes!
Connector 1: Us too
T: I’m also looking forward to hopefully getting a post about myself. I have not yet. I know you guys are hiding it
Connector 1: Oh yeah, well with the 200 post back log I’m sure it’ll come out soon...
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parkersvibes · 5 years
Since you’re doing requests maybe something with Peter Parker x Stark!reader? (Not anything about tony dying tho let’s pretend he’s still alive lmao)
peter x stark!reader
read part two here !!
a/n: alright so this was my first ever request omg. so i’m gonna do a little headcannon yanno? i wasn’t sure what you wanted,,, and i kinda wanted to write everything. AH IM SO NERVOUS IVE NEVER POSTED MY WRITING ONLINE SO IM SORRY
meeting peter
• well being a stark meant that once you hit the end of 8th grade,,, pep and tony wanted you to experience a “normal” life.
• bye bye home schooling with happy who made sure you did your homework
• cap was history, bruce was math and science, nat was english/russian and pretty much any language. BUCKY WAS GYM AND LEMME TELL YOU HE IS A MEAN GYM TEACHER. (plus all your training in general smh)
• i mean it wasnt bad. you inherited your dads wits soooo
• anyway
• they enrolled you into high school
• welcome midtown high
• the thing is,,, tony pulled a few strings and had your last name changed to “smith” or something basic like that because he knew how mean other kids could be
• even with that, you were on high alert.
• you didnt need people to whisper about you being a “new kid” so it was nice to not have to worry ab being “starks kid”
• anyway,,, freshman year right
• first day
• everyone is a bit awkward
• y/n stark is an angsty shit so she sits in the back of homeroom
• she is joined by another angSTY TEEN
• *introducing* MICHELLE JONES. the one and only mj
• *mutual staring and agreeing that you werent gonna talk but knew you were on the same boat*
• this stuff was so easy,, you learned about cells at the age of 6 and did your own dissections by 8
• so literally 10 seconds before the bell rings,,, in comes running a scrawny boy with brown hair
• and guess who didnt have a lab partner
• “s-s- sorry. i go-got lost”
• bio teacher dismissed him
• he made it his mission to get you to smile at least ONCE every class period
• “he-hey, i’m park- peter. peter parker”
• “y/n st- smith”
• “cool”
• “mhm”
• “so you come here often”
• *insert a wtf look from you*
• “OH MY GOD. that’s not what i meant, ofc you come here i mean it’s school. well it is the first day but i guess-“
• you smile,,, “well todays my first day so i WILL be coming here often.”
• a friendship being born
• he didnt buy the rbf and asshole exterior
• “pssst”
• “yes peter?”
• “why didnt the fish go online”
• “why pete?”
• “because he didnt want to get caught in the interNET”
• giggling at his LAME JOKES
• him feeling proud that he made you smile
• eventually asking you to eat lunch with him and meeting ned
• after that being even better friends and hanging out with ned and may at peters. working with legos and watching star wars
• you making excuses as to why you could never hang out at your house
• “woah, the kid actually talks to people her age”
• “now y/n, it’s okay if you arent fitting in. when i was a ki-“
• your dad being worried that you weren’t happy
• “dad i’m okay, i’m just not ready for them to know”
• you didnt want peter and ned to change how they see you
• oh my god this is so long imsorry
• i think im gonna make this into parts
tagging some of my favs/people who encouraged me to write in the first place ❤️: @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites @keepingupwiththeparkers
read part two here !!
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