#wilhelm schmidt
history-time-out · 1 year
“Logos Rising” | E Michael Jones
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The notes come from a podcast episode of “Culture Wars” when he was a guest on the “Joe and Joe from The Frontline” back in January of 2022.
​​​​2:25 - Atheism: 10 years ago 4(horseman) atheists based their argument on logical fantasy. Darwinism is the operating system of atheism. Prime philosophical ideology of today.
​​3:39 - Parmenides “that which is can’t come from that which isn’t”
​​​​4:14 - St. John’s gospel “in the beginning there was logos and logos was God”
​​​​4:41 - The atheists banned meta physics as an attack on God
​​​​4:54 - Darwinism says something can come from nothing. Every little step is the same as the step before it. This was their way to sell it and make it make sense.
​​​​6:31 - Atheism isn’t a philosophical problem, it’s a psychological problem.
​​6:40 - psychologist Paul Vince from NYU wrote a book on the relationship between atheism and father deprivation
​​8:26 - Q: Why has modern philosophy taken this route? A: Logos makes a rebound due to researches of Thomism (official philosophy of Catholic Church) Notre Dame adopts as official philosophy as well until ND hires 2 physicists to run philosophy department (Irish men hessburg and McMillan) Late 1960’s.
​​11:20 - Talk about how God revealed logos to the Greeks. Q: How did the Greeks accept logos after throwing around different philosophical ideas which led them to the discovery of logos. A: listen to audio below for EMJs reply.
13:40 “Your thinking in physical terms with something that isn’t physical”
​​​​14:45 - God did not abandon people
​​15:16 - John wrote his gospel based on reason. (Greek) because he could not preach to the Jews anymore since he was kicked out. He said we needed a sound philosophical foundation.
​​17:30 - philosophy today, is based on science now. Physical science has become so powerful that everything has to model physics. Economics has become physics.
​​17:58 - Aristotle talks meta-physics (he calls it first philosophy) which he calls theology. “You can’t talk about the beginning and not talk about God.
​​18:02 - EMJ had this experience in India. 16 year old Hindu boy asks can you prove the existence of God? India you have hundreds of Gods and it doesn’t make sense to the boys.
​​​​21:09 - In India you have over a billion and half people in a confused state because there is no logos.
​​21:34 - India cosmology is that earth is a semi-circle sitting on 4 elephants that is standing on a turtle.
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​​20:33 - It is mandatory for every rational creature to believe in God. You don’t have to believe Jesus rose from dead, you accept that by faith.
​​23:22 - “conform your desires to the truth or conform the truth to your desires”
​​Read Degenerate Moderates
23:47 - fulfilling desires by questioning the order of the universe so you can do what you wanna do.
​​23:54 - Polytheism exists bc you want to do something against Gods will (ex: sexual desires) Another example is you want to sleep with your neighbors wife. You can’t pray to God about that so you pray to another god. You are praying to demons. This stuff leads to demon cultures. Wilhelm Schmidt said “all primitive cultures are monotheistic and polytheistic cultures are a sign of decadence”
24:59 - Are you willing to conform your life to logos?
​​25:35 - Host: One problem in America is everyone is looking for political solutions instead of moral solutions…. Looking in wrong places for solutions…. In particular political parties.
​​​​EMJ - Reason “pure and practical reason”
​​-Pure allows you to know the truth
​​-Practical allows you to achieve the good AKA morality. Conform life to practical reason.
EMJ says Founding Fathers understood this:
​​John Adams “we have no constitution that functions in the absence of a moral people”
​​If you can’t have people do this to their lives you won’t have a government that can do it.
​​Freedom became defined as doing what you want to do as opposed to doing what you ought to do.
​​Host: “Perverted concept of freedoms”
​​License became the substitute for freedom.
31:00 - Co-Host: “Science as Opposed to Religion (modern dialogue) which is a fallacy.
​​​​“What is the Trinity? How does this concept of God lead to science itself?”
​​​EMJ: It goes back to the gospel of St. John. It begins with logos and logos was with God. Logos is God. This is the trinity.
A meditation on that phrase and the word Son. 300 years of meditation on that phrase to come up with an understanding of God. The Trinity is God revealing himself to us.
​​Pythagorus: was preparation for the Trinity. Believed number was order of the universe.
​​1 + 2 = 3
​​1 is unity
​​2 is diversity
​​3 is the Trinity (unity and diversity at the same time)
​​​​EMJ: Another characteristic of God “The true, the good, the beautiful”
​​Because of 20th century beauty gets lost as a result of the decline of art. Beauty is a manifestation of God. There is evidence of this Trinity throughout creation.
​​​​Relationship between Jesus Christ and God the Father
​​“The father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen”
​​Aryas said “if the son comes after the father then there was a time when the son was not. If there was a time when the son was not, then the son was not God. Therefore Jesus Christ is not God” This is False
​​You can’t take the term son and applying it to an analogous way to God and it does not apply because all of 3 of those principals were co eternal and always existed in relationship to each other.
​​Muslims did not get this. Did not believe Jesus Christ was God. This is the main reason science did not develop in the Islamic world.
​​The universe is a manifestation of God.
​​Openness of Heart to Accepting Linear Truth
​​EMJ: Fundamental problem is basing life on satisfying irrational passions.
​​Aquinas “lust darkens the mind”
​​Dealing with people sunken in sin and have made a living with one of these ideologies.
​​​Racism is an irrational ideology.
​​Lutheran church evaporated in Scandinavia and Iceland.
​​EMJ: Main problem in Middle Ages was collapse of Thomism and replaced with nominalism.
William of Ockham ended in Munich and died of Black Death. “no universals. Universals are all categories of the mind” (ex: Islam taking over catholic philosophy)
Martin Luther
​​Luther couldn’t control his passions. Violent guy, a drunk and didn’t pray. Finally broke from church and subjected to sexual temptation.
​​During this time the Lutherans were breaking into convents and raping nuns or pimping them out to priests to get them to join Luther.
EMJ on pornography
​“Pornography is a form of social control”
​​He once said this to a group of zoomers and they knew exactly what he meant because they were all enslaved to their passions.
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it-s-only-a-game · 11 months
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hilliska · 1 year
When I was six I learned a poem about a noble cat, so obviously that's the only thing I can think about whenever @youngroyalsascats crosses my dash. And because I'm a normal ass adult who is super capable of setting priorities, I just spent my Sunday evening translating the poem into English.
Yeah, I don't know either.
So, for your consideration, I offer you:
A kitty cat completely blue
Once there was, I swear it's true, a kitty cat, completely blue. And all who saw it oohed and awed: a sky blue kitty, well, that's odd!
The kitty groomer took a brush and combed the fur all blue and lush. He washed it too with too-de-loo alas - the kitty cat stayed blue.
The kitty doctor made the call: the skin may be unusual, but really he's a normal cat, it's just the outside, and that's that!
He's truly the most handsome boy he purrs and brings us lots of joy. But I must say, b'tween me and you... ... I think his blood is also blue.
(free translation by me, based on the poem "De poezekat van tante Leen" by Annie M.G. Schmidt)
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clamarcap · 7 days
Passus duriusculus
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, cantata BWV 12 su testo di Salomo Franck (forse) e Samuel Rodigast (n. 7); eseguita per la prima volta a Weimar il 22 aprile 1714. Paul Esswood, contraltista; Kurt Equiluz, tenore; Max van Egmond, basso; Tölzer Knaben­chor, dir. Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden; King’s College Choir Cambridge, dir. David Willcocks; Leon­hardt-Consort, dir.…
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sevspins · 13 days
Oh and putting it out there that I write autistic fanfic!!! i’ve written autistic mike wheeler, autistic wilhelm, i have a whole collection of autistic peter parker and robin buckley, fnaf and so on… anyways here’s the link 🤭
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thegoatsongs · 7 months
Now some Vampire Lore, which also explains why Lucy mainly attacks children and is Voluptuous. Other than children being a much easier, vulnerable target for a new vampire, especially at night, and vampires being attractive to lure people to them:
One of Stoker's primary sources was Ármin Vámbéry, a Hungarian-Jewish traveler and orientalist. Van Helsing even gives him a shout-out in the book later. Stoker consulted him a lot about the legends in the Balkans and Austria-Hungary (where Transylvania was at the time).
Dracula is heavily based on the area's Strigoi. And partly on the Estries (which are associated with the Succubi: Beautiful, blood-thirsty female demons, with succubi thought to favor babies and young children as prey.) The Strigoi are closer to what we know as vampires due to them rising from the grave, or being created by something unholy. So Lucy turned into a child-drinking succubus.
The Strigoi and Estries both:
Gain vitality by drinking human blood
Can shapeshift into animals
Influence people's minds
Mainly feed on infants
the Strigoi target also young girls, the Estries all genders but mostly men
On the child feeding, Wilhelm Schmidt reports in 1865 the tradition "upon the birth of a child, when one tosses a stone behind oneself and exclaims "This into the mouth of the strigoi!" Note the stones found in the skulls of people suspected to have been vampires.
There are striking similarities between them and the Estries. Note the common "strix" root. Screaming is also a feature that they have, which is similar to the banshee, but this attribute is not as prominent in Dracula yet.
More about the Count and less about Lucy: The Strigoi are associated with sorcery, something that will be relevant in Dracula. The Strigoi influence people's minds, especially those who are ill, have sleeping issues, suffer from alcoholism, and more. This is shown by Dracula's influence on the sleepwalking Lucy and likely on Renfield.
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
So, we’ve gotten to the part in Dracula Daily where Bram Stoker starts throwing around the word nosferatu. Stoker got the word from Emily Gerard, who mentions it in her works on Transylvanian superstitions which Stoker used for research, where she makes it out to be the Romanian word for vampire. In this she is backed up by German writer Wilhelm Schmidt, who also treated it as the Romanian word for vampire. The word “vampire”, by the way, came to English from French, to French from German, and to German via Hungarian from the Slavic languages. Romanian is not a Slavic language, but a Romance language, as you might guess from the name. Thing is, there is no such word as “nosferatu” in Romanian. However, other German writers like Heinrich von Wlislocki treat “nosferatu” or “der Nosferat” as a Romanian word, so researchers who have gone down rabbit holes trying to derive it from the Greek for “diseased” or the Latin for “not breathing” or some Slavic basis are, quite frankly, barking up the wrong tree. Instead, it’s way more likely that “nosferatu” is a Germanicization of a Romanian word before Romanian spelling was standardized, which it wasn’t even in the late nineteenth century. The Romanian word “nesuferit” literally means “insufferable”. The prefix “ne” indicates the negative, the root “suferi” means “suffer.” However in practice nesuferit doesn’t mean “insufferable” as in “oh, that annoying man is insufferable”. Instead the meaning is much more in the sense of unbearable, offensive, horrible, diseased. It’s a word used to mean “unclean” in a taboo way. To talk about an “unclean spirit” means to talk about an incubus or succubus, something that draws your strength or poisons your soul through sex. Now, the nominative masculine definite form of a Romanian noun adds the suffix -ul. We see this with Vlad II Dracul. Dracul means “The Dragon” with the “the” also communicating male. The addition of “-ea” to “Dracul” as in Vlad III Draculea gets us “Son of the Dragon.” So, something is “nesuferit” if it is horrid or unclean or unbearable, thus “nesuferitul” is “The Horrid One”, etc. It’s male and it’s a thing and it’s awful. Nesuferitul is an incubus, a male demon that impregnates its victim. The child of a nesuferitul and its victim is born a moroi, a kind of living vampire born (un)dead. Meanwhile, a person who committed some great sin or buried in unhallowed ground or without rites would come back from the dead a strigoi, to feed on the living. Nesuferitul was transliterated into German as Nosferatu, where it was assumed to be the Romanian word for vampire, but is in fact an incubus. From there it found its way to Bram Stoker, who took it to mean undead. “The Undead” in Romanian would literally be “nemortul”, by the way. Moroi means something like “the nightmarish one”, while strigoi means something like “the screaming one”, and is cognate with terms derived from Latin “strix” or “striga”, which became the root for “witch” in many Romance languages. Interestingly, the Slavic root origin of vampire is also thought to come from a word originally indicating a witch. Anyways, there you are. “Nosferatu” is not a “real” word, at least, not a real Romanian word, and certainly not the Romanian word for a vampire. But don’t go too hard on Bram Stoker, he was only as good as his sources. This was a hundred years before online search engines, after all.
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princesssarisa · 6 months
The Top 40 Most Popular Operas, Part 1 (#1 through #10)
A quick guide for newcomers to the genre, with links to online video recordings of complete performances with English subtitles.
Mozart's Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
The most frequently performed opera worldwide: Mozart's fascinating, philosophical fairy tale opera, which appeals to both children and adults.
San Francisco Opera, 2010 (Piotr Beczala, Dina Kuznetsoca, Christopher Maltman, Erika Miklosa, Georg Zeppenfeld; conducted by Donald Runnicles)
Verdi's La Traviata
Tragic romance with social commentary, based on Alexandre Dumas fils' novel The Lady of the Camellias, which was also the basis for the classic 1936 Greta Garbo film Camille.
Los Angeles Opera, 2006 (Renée Fleming, Rolando Villazon, Renato Bruson; conducted by James Conlon)
Bizet's Carmen
The fiery tragedy of a seductive, free-spirited Spanish Romani woman and her loves, with some of opera's most iconic music.
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 2006 (Anna Caterina Antonacci, Jonas Kaufmann, Ildebrando d'Arcancelo, Norah Ansellem; conducted by Antonio Pappano)
Puccini's La Bohéme
Relatable slice-of-life romance that blends comedy and tragedy. The inspiration for the popular musical RENT.
Studio film, 1965 (Mirella Freni, Gianni Raimondi, Rolando Panerai, Adriana Martino; conducted by Herbert von Karajan)
Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro)
The best loved of Mozart's Italian operas, a great comedy of class conflict and sexual intrigue.
Glyndebourne Festival Opera, 1994 (Gerald Finley, Alison Hagley, Renée Fleming, Andreas Schmidt, Marie-Ange Todorovich; conducted by Bernard Haitink)
Puccini's Tosca
Political intrigue, lust, and bloodshed amid the splendor of Rome – some call it a "shabby little shocker," others call it thrilling.
Vienna State Opera, 2019 (Sondra Radvanovsky, Piotr Beczala, Thomas Hampson; conducted by Marco Armiliato)
Mozart's Don Giovanni
Arguably the greatest retelling of the legend of Don Juan, with comedy, drama, and Mozart's glorious music.
Salzburg Festival, 1954 (Cesare Siepi, Otto Edelmann, Elisabeth Grümmer, Anton Dermota, Lisa della Casa, Erna Berger, Walter Berry Deszö Ernster; conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler)
Puccini's Madama Butterfly
Puccini's iconic "Japanese tragedy." Controversial from a racial standpoint, but a tearjerker nonetheless, and the inspiration for the musical Miss Saigon.
Feature film, 1995 (Ying Huang, Richard Troxell, Ning Liang, Richard Cowan; conducted by James Conlon)
Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville)
The lighter and more madcap prequel to The Marriage of Figaro, known as the quintessential comic opera.
Vienna State Opera, 2019 (Rafael Fingerlos, Juan Diego Flórez, Margarita Gritskova, Paolo Rumetz, Sorin Coliban; conducted by Evelino Pidò)
Verdi's Rigoletto
A richly melodic tragedy of a hunchbacked jester, his daughter, a lecherous duke, and a self-fulfilling curse.
Studio film, 1982 (Ingvar Wixell, Luciano Pavarotti, Edita Gruberova; conducted by Riccardo Chailly)
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nuveau-deco · 3 months
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Two-Seat Bench, ca. 1906. Designed by Wilhelm Schmidt (Born in Grulich/Králíky, 1880 – died after 1928) and executed by the Prague-Rudnik Wickerwork Manufactory (Rudnik 1877–1965 Vienna). Medium is wood, white varnished and painted; dimensions: 94 × 110 × 58 cm. Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 4162.
(Source: onlinecollection.leopoldmuseum.org)
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hrtstppr23 · 8 months
RP Partner Wanted
Hi! I'm a 23 year old rper who would love to find some rp partners. So I'm looking for 18+ rpers who would want to write fandom or fandomless things with me! I have a few plot ideas for fandomless stuff but am open to hearing any ideas you have. I do double and am willing to rp anyone or any ship for you and I write both male and female ocs! The fandoms/characters I play are listed under the read more. For all of the fandoms I want to double and i do have a few canon ships but prefer ocxcanon. I write only on discord and i prefer real face claims no animated stuff. I love talking ooc, making edits, playlists, sharing hc and all that fun stuff. I also like including NSFW. If interested please interact or message me!
Stranger things:
Billy Hargrove
Henry Creel
Steve Harrington
Will Byers(aged up)
Dustin Henderson(aged up)
Mike Wheeler(aged up)
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair(aged up)
Jason Carver
Dmitri Antonov
Harry Potter:
Golden Trio: Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Cedric Diggory, Fred or George Weasley, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle
Maruaders: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, James Potter, Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew
Next gen: Albus Severus Potter, James Sirius Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Teddy Lupin
Edward Cullen
Jacob Black
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Jasper Hale
Caius Volturi
Jane Volturi
Riley Biers
Quil Ateara
Embry Call
Paul Lahote
Richie Tozier
Eddie Jaspbrak
Bill Denbrough
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor criss
Enid Sinclair
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Pugsly Addams(aged up)
Rowan Laslow
Ajax Petropolus
House of the dragon:
Aemon Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Aegon Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon(aged up)
Harry Hook
Amanda Young
Lawrence Gordon
Adam Stanheight
Daniel Matthews
Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik
Matthias Helvar
Ashtray (Aged up)
Cal Jacobs
Fezco (New FC)
Cassie Howard
Maddy Perez
Nate Jacobs
Aaron Jacobs
Wolf Pack:
Garrett Briggs
Luna Briggs
Harlan Briggs
Baron (New FC)
Blake Navarro
Cody Malcolm
Cyrus Nix
Everett Lang
Outer Banks:
John B
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Code Lyoko:
Odd Della Robia
Ulrich Stern
Jeremy Belpois
William Dunbar
Yumi Ishiyama
Aelita Schaeffer
Love, Victor:
Victor Salazar
Benji Campbell
Felix Westen
Pilaz Salazar
The Maze Runner:
Chuck (aged up)
Young Royals:
Charlie Spring
Nick Nelson
Tao Xu
Elle Argent
James McEwan
Ben Hope
Tori Spring
Aled Last
The Lost Boys:
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson (Aged up)
Alan Frog (Aged Up)
Edgar Frog (Aged up)
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
One Piece:
13 Reasons Why:
Montgomery De La Cruz
Winston Williams
Jeff Atkins
Tyler Down
Scott Reed
Justin Foley
Alex Standall
Zach Dempsey
Five Nights At Freddy's:
Mike Schmidt
Cobra Kai:
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Eli 'Hawk' Maskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
The Hunger Games
Les Miserables
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inventedfangirling · 10 months
Hello this is basically a long post about me sorting through my feelings about bad buddy and why it means so much to me.
So over the past few weeks ( i first watched the show 7 weeks ago) ive been trying to figure out what exactly about bad buddy and patpran in particular have got me so inexplicably fond and devoted to them and apart from the usual answers of great writing, directing, performances and the best most electric chemistry and banter known to humankind, i did arrive at couple of other answers too.
First of all pat and (especially) pran are deep and well rounded characters.
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Their worlds feel lived in and real.
Their feelings and thoughts and motivations are of course excellently portrayed by both ohm and nanon. and they gave representation to queer people everywhere. pat being the pan/ bi king he is and pran being the gayest babyboy warrior poet ever. pran especially given his repressed nature and emotional closed-off-ness is somebody a lot of people surely saw themselves in, including myself. seeing myself represented like that starting off the way he is and then taking small steps one by one over the course of the whole show (and over years in the show's universe) to arrive at the more assured, more open, more ready to be vulnerable (but still very much the pran we all loved in the first episode itself) was so wonderful to see.
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The fact that the show happens in a non homophobic universe doesnt take away from just how special it was seeing queer characters fall, be and stay in love. and most importantly that they got their happy ending (i wont be hearing anything against this cos the ending was happy, despite the slightly bittersweet tinge of it, it was happy and there shall be no counter arguments begone i cant with that)
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That episode 12 gave a glimpse of their future.
A world where pat will one day be able to sit with pran in his house eating food made by dissaya. that pran and pat's mom work on a common hobby together cos why not. a world where they no longer have to hide, a world were they could well and truly thrive.
Its so so important as queer people that we get representation and that in a world that is often cruel to the likes of us especially here in asia, that we see happy adult queer lives, where they can be in love in the most mundane of ways.
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Patpran and bad buddy gave us that and i will forever be thankful for it.
That still doesn't capture exactly why i rate them as a couple so so highly in my head.
So i thought of patpran in the context of all the other love stories i could possibly remember watching. i thought of some of my top favourite couples - mondler, phil & claire, schmidt & cece, peraltiago, leslie & ben, jack & rebecca, randall & beth, simon & wilhelm, jaeyong & sangwoo, ji hyun & jaewon, bai lang & xun an, tara & darcy, sumi & rimjhim and so so many more and what stood out for me when it came to patpran was that they were the one couple out of all these couples i adore who didnt let anything get between them once they got together.
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Every other couple among the ones ive listed have had jobs or other relationships or distance or parents or workplace rules /etiquette or circumstances or the royalty standing in between their love and as a result causing the couple to break apart ( a couple of episodes for mondler to seasons of confusion for peraltiago and schmidt & cece etc) even if briefly.
Except for phil & claire (who btw wasnt even sure about marrying phil when she did) almost none of these couples got together and stayed together throughout their relationship. and yes i agree that a lot of these obstacles and circumstances are very real and taxing and no wonder people chose their own peace at least for a while to deal with everything BUT i just cant help feel more appreciative of pat pran even more cos these two 19 year olds figured this whole thing out faster than any of those full grown adults did.
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And yes its fictional and maybe even unrealistic (given the kind of relationships i see irl) yet patpran really do deserve all the love they get. they do deserve a lot of props.
Its not like they didn't have adverse obstacles standing in their way, they had to fight against their families years and years of lies and all the intergenerational trauma and their faculty rivalry and a shitty friend who outed them and any single one of these should have caused at least 12 episodes worth of conflict and miscommunication in any other couple.
And yes i do recognise that bbs didnt have the luxury of time or multiple seasons but they could have kept them apart for a whole episode at least, i was convinced we were in for that at the end of episode 8 as the aftermath of wai outing them. like there is no way the relationship comes out of it unscathed ( i thought! ). and while im sure they personally were rattled and betrayed (pran more so), instead of blaming anybody else or each other they actually chose to handle it together, they worked together and chose to move forward together.
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The fact that such a terrible experience instead of breaking them apart actually reaffirmed to both pat and pran just how much their relationship means to the both of them, that they come out of it actually stronger??
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i was friggin shook to my core.
And then came the gunshots and the family finding out and the running away and the coming back and the fake breakup and the pressures of all of this should have been enough to drive a serious wedge between any two characters, especially at their age and lack of experience. and yet??? and yet at each obstacle they get up, they draw the other closer and they get down to working on it together again.
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Over and over and over and over again.
So for me what separates patpran from everybody else is the fact that ever since they got together, they have chosen eo, intentionally, that has made the difference.
Pat and pran's story may have been destined ( i personally don't know if i believe in destiny). they may have been born neighbours and felt unexplainable intense feelings (that later turned to love) for the other but when it came down to it, at its core, bad buddy soars when the two come together and they choose to keep being together, despite everything that stands in their way.
Love is a choice. love is a sacrifice. but its also a sacrifice and a choice they made for themselves and for each other and above all for their relationship.
Almost all the couples mentioned above arrive at similar destinations but they arrive at it with years of experience and years of struggle. i just cant help marvel at our teenagers who did love better than whole ass adults double their age could.
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And more importantly above the awe i feel inspired and hopeful because they showed me that there's always a choice. thats there's always another option. you dont need to get out of your comfort zone. but you also dont need to be in the comfort zone always. you dont need to keep lying to yourself. you dont need to hide every single part of you. there are always other options. there is always a choice.
That hope is not just a noun its also very much a verb. That you and i and each one of us can make that choice.
That if ever i choose to partner up with someone and if we do proper healthy communication (patpran invented healthy communication and consent btw, they deserve EVERYTHING for just that but thats a whole other post) prioritizing the relationship where it mattered, i too could have something ( even remotely) like their love.
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For the first time in my life probably i felt like that kind of love was attainable for me if i wanted to pursue it. They gave me hope. and they gave me joy. and i will never not be unbelievably grateful for it.
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mariacallous · 29 days
There is a respectable way of betraying Ukraine. You do not spew out Russian propaganda like Trump and his admirers, and revel in Ukrainian suffering. Rather, you behave like a decent and solid European liberal, who deplores imperialism, but nevertheless refuses to supply Ukraine with the weapons it needs.
You rarely find the courage to spell it out bluntly, because plain speaking would make you sound cruel and selfish, but an element among progressive Europeans believes that Ukrainians must suffer for the sake of keeping progressive Europeans safe.
Like a sadistic teacher beating a pupil, they insist that they are doing it for the best of motives. We are not selling out Ukraine because we want to, they say. Good God, no! How can anyone believe such a calumny? We are acting for the greater good.
The model they invoke is the outbreak of the First World War.
We are so used to appeasement, Nazism and the holocaust being used and abused in contemporary discourse it is easy to miss how the disaster of 1914 can still influence thoughtful people, particularly thoughtful people on the European centre-left.
The story of the arrogant great powers unintentionally unleashing a conflict that destroyed Europe, and led to communism, fascism, the second world war, the partition of Germany and the cold war, can have a paradoxical effect.
You might have thought that German war guilt from the Nazi era would lead to social democrats being unequivocal in their opposition to Russian attempts to find lebensraum in Ukraine.
But the First World War allows a way out. War guilt does not inspire opposition to tyranny but opposition to war.
The righteous course is to go easy on the aggressors. Otherwise, we might sleepwalk into a disaster where a humiliated Russia unleashes its full power and lets loose nuclear weapons.
As its frontline comes under pressure and supplies of weapons, munitions and men fall low, Ukrainians are given stern lectures from Olaf Scholz’s coalition on the need for restraint, even as they stare catastrophe in the face.
This month Scholtz, with the support of the German centre-left, refused to send Ukraine Taurus missiles. They have a 500km range (far beyond the range of their French and British counterparts).  Their  delivery would open up the possibility of Ukraine destroying the Kerch bridge, which allows supplies into Russian-occupied Crimea. 
But as they could also hit targets deep in Russian territory, Germany would not part with them. German troops would need to be deployed to monitor their use, and that Berlin would not contemplate,
“That is a red line that I don’t want to cross as chancellor,” Scholz explained before adding for the sake of the confused that, “prudence should not be qualified as weakness… we will do everything possible to prevent war between Russia and NATO."
All right, Lord Cameron, the British foreign secretary said, the UK will deliver more of its missiles to Ukraine and replenish its depleted stocks with German replacements. But Scholz would not accept his compromise. He and his supporters remain petrified of Russian escalation, of a nuclear war, of unforeseen events spiralling out of control as they did in 1914.
I am not putting my gloss on their motives.
Germany’s leaders are explicit about their horrified fascination with the First World War, and their belief that we can learn about 2024 from 1914.
At the start of the conflict Scholz declared, “I am not Kaiser Wilhelm”.  He would not let Germany slide into a European war. Anyone trying to understand the German establishment should note the phenomenal success of Christopher Clark’s The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914.
The German edition sold 350,000 copies. Angela Merkel urged her ministers to read the book, foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier invited Clark to debate the art of diplomacy, and the late ex-chancellor Helmut Schmidt drew parallels between 1914 and the Ukraine crisis in his last article for Die Zeit, entitled, unsurprisingly, Us sleepwalkers.
The Guardian reported that Olaf Scholz cited Clark’s book in an off-the-record conversation with international media as a case study in how irresponsible politicians could goad each other through bellicose rhetoric into a conflict that wasn’t in any of their interests.
Clark’s book is a magnificent history but, as Scholz’s comments show, that is not why he is so popular in Germany.
More than any other modern historian Clark dispensed with the notion of German responsibility for the war. All the European po​wers made huge miscalculations. None understood the consequences of their actions.
Clark wrote:
“The crisis that brought war in 1914 was the fruit of a shared political culture. But it was also multipolar and genuinely interactive – that is what makes it the most complex event of modern times and that is why the debate over the origins of the First World War continues, one century after Gavrilo Princip fired those two fatal shots on Franz Joseph Street."
It would be too crude to say that Clark sold so well because he destroyed the notion of war guilt, which the allies demanded the defeated Germany accepted in the Treaty of Versailles. There was no nationalist chest beating in the reception he received. Rather, Clark’s emphasis of unintended consequences appealed to the cautious, pacific strain in German thought, particularly when it lands on Russia.
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, headlines in the serious German press proclaimed “The New Sleepwalkers” and “The Return of the Sleepwalkers”. Writing in Der Freitag, the commentator Christoph Schwennicke warned that heavy-weapons exports to Kyiv could become “the Sarajevo incident of a Third World War”.
As a historical comparison, the link between the First World War and the Russian invasion of Ukraine does not work. Christopher Clark intervened to tell his German readers that the First World War began “in an incredibly complex, around-the-houses way”. Whereas “in the case of the invasion of Ukraine, in 2014 and in 2022, “it’s quite clearly a case of the breach of the peace by just one power”.
“It’s a very different set-up. There’s no Balkan crisis, there’s no sequence of will-they won’t-they decisions. Europe is not divided into a binary pair of alliance systems. In Europe, at least, Russia is isolated this time.”
His intervention had no effect on German policy. What German commentators take from the disaster of 1914 is not an intelligent analysis but the simple lesson that no one can predict the future.
 As Phillips O’Brien, the great academic authority on the war put in his Substack the consequence is that for Scholz, “the escalation fears and a desire for practically any peace deal, even one that would be destructive to Ukraine, would be the ultimate German policy”.
It is indeed a trivial truth to say that no one can predict the future.
But two arguments against the German position remain. At every stage of this war, its caution has proved false. Scholz, and on several occasions the Biden administration, said that if Ukraine received modern weapons, or if it attacked Crimea or Russian territory, Putin would escalate the conflict. And at every stage they have been wrong.
A little humility would be order, although none is on display.
More pertinently they fail to see a plausible nightmare.
The war does not end in a frozen conflict in this scenario. The Ukrainian frontline collapses, and the Russians advance towards Kyiv. Poland thinks it has no choice but to intervene. Europe looks to America for leadership. But there is none. Donald Trump is in the White House and he has no interest in stopping Putin.
Then what? Where does a victorious Putin leave Germany and Europe? It is these considerations that have turned Macron into anti-Putin hawk. He has the imagination that Scholz and much of the German establishment lack.
He can see the disaster that would overcome Europe if Putin triumphs. By contrast, Scholz and much of the German establishment have a one-track mind.
They take the moments of history that suit them. They narrow their focus as they – what else? – sleepwalk towards disaster.
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nerds-yearbook · 7 months
Marvel launched the third volume of Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD with a cover date of September, 1989. The issue introduced Director Pincer, (Death's Head Squadron) Wilhelm Schmidt, Lump, Werner Von Strucker, Sean Dugan, and Werner's wife, as well as the Gnobians. They were created by Bob Harras and Bob Hall. ("The Past Still Haunts", Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD 1# vol 3, Marvel Comic Event)
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borderepisteme · 2 years
“Marquis de Sade is misinterpreted when his thought is identified with that of his characters, when it is thought that it is Sade himself who speaks through the mouth of such cruel beings who parade in his works. Veraza insists that Sade is not like them, he is not justifying them and he is not justifying himself through them either. On the contrary, he is criticizing them, but criticizing them in his own way, through the satire of their personal characteristics, his actions and his “pseudo-philosophical discourses”..
We should not hesitate to place Sade in the same tradition of criticism of modernity in which we also find Gabriel Bonnot de Mably with his desire to return to primitive communism, the revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat with his radical democratic aspirations, the utopian socialist Charles Fourier with his formidable project of transformation of subjectivity, the old Marx of the ethnological notebooks and Engels with The origin of the family, private property and the State. It is the same tradition that will continue later in Surrealism, in Freudomarxism, in Vera Schmidt and Wilhelm Reich, in sexual liberation movements, in the spirit of ’68, in the New Left and in what Bruce Brown, Christopher Lasch and others have been described as the “cultural revolution” of the West.”
Jorge Veraza
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street-singer · 1 year
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brookstonalmanac · 24 days
Beer Events 4.5
Irish brewer filed a lawsuit against English brewers for unfair business practices (1773)
Westmalle 1st served their Trappist beer (1836)
Henry Kobold (1895)
Kasper G. Schmidt died (1898)
Prohibition ended in Saskatchewan, Canada (1923)
San Francisco Brewing 1st released their beer in cans (1935)
Willy Heyer patented a Hop Powder Preparation Method (1957)
Wilhelm Schultheiß and Walter Specht patented a Beer Brewing Process (1957)
Falstaff Brewing patented the Deep Vat Fermentation of Beer (1968)
Bowmans Brewer Ltd. patented a Brewing Apparatus (1985)
St. Louis Brewery & Taproom brewed its 1st beer, which was a hefeweizen (1991)
Primo Beer for sale again after stopping production in 1998 (Hawaii; 2007)
Ian Williams and Anders Wam patented a Combined Brewing System (2013)
James Nikora patented a Keg Trolley (2015)
Breweries Opened
D.L. Geary Brewing, Maine (1986)
L'Inox (Canada; 1987)
Great Basin Brewing (Nevada; 1993)
Big Horn Brewing (Texas; 1995)
Oglethorpe Brewing (Georgia; 1996)
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