#wild potato vine
rjalker · 2 years
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[ID: Nine photographs. The first shows a dark paved walking path covered in the orange remains of pinecones that have been dropped down onto it, with the seed-covering plates scattered everywhere, and a few of the long centers lying nearby. The second shows the branches of a pine tree with the light from the setting sun washing the branches in orange, with an eastern grey squirrel perched on one branch, its fur shining orange from the light, crouched over a pinecone with its tail hanging down the side of the branch. The next four show a large, bush-like plant. The camera first zooms in on a small cluster of startlingly red leaves, standing out sharply against the rest, which are a healthy green. The camera then focuses on a visible stem of the plant, which is a warm brown color, almost orange. Next the camera zooms out a little to show more of the plant, with the original red leaves visible, and the base of the stem shown. Many of the leaves have small black specks on them. Finally the camera shows the tip of one of the stems, with a white hand holding onto a leaf at the end to pull the stem closer to the camera, showing pointed, cone-shaped buds at the base of each leaf, and that each leaf's stem is reddish in color. The last three pictures show a wild potato vine, a type of morning glory. The first is zoomed out, showing both the light green, elongated, heart-shaped leaves, as well as the folded up, closed, large white flowers. The next two pictures zoom in on first the shut flowers, showing that the large petals are closed in a softly-pointed spiral shape, then the leaves, which have slightly purple-colored veins, and red or pink central veins. End ID.]
more pictures taken with a camera that insists its battery is dying two seconds after insisting that the battery is fully charged and it's totally fine to take pictures. There was another squirrel somewhere higher above than that one, but I couldn' tsee it. We knew it was there because it dropped an already chewed up pinecone and almost hit that one, lol.
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headspace-hotel · 6 months
you know how people say "cats domesticated themselves?" I find this statement irksome because as i've been studying plants and particularly weeds, a theory has slowly been forming in my head about domestication that makes a lot more sense than other theories.
Basically, I think everything domesticated itself. Or rather, domestication involves adaptation and active participation on both sides.
Evidence for this is found in studying weed and crop plants—truth be told, most weeds are or were also crops.
Amaranthus, the genus that gives us the most costly USA agricultural weeds? All edible and healthy, and several members of the genus are domesticated. They were staple crops for Mesoamerican empires.
Kudzu, the vine so aggressive in the USA it turns trees into looming kudzu monoliths? It's been bred and cultivated by humans since the Neolithic in its native range, in China it was one of the main sources of fiber for cloth for MILLENNIA to the point that the Zhou dynasty had a whole government office of kudzu affairs. Kudzu roots are edible and they can be as tall as a human and weighing over 200 pounds, you can make them into flour, make noodles out of the flour, you can process them down into a starch and use it just like potato or tapioca starch and make all sorts of sauces and confections and stuff out of it. In Japan it was used for clothes too, if you see pictures of clothes worn by a samurai that's probably kudzu! It has loads of unresearched phytochemicals that probably have medicinal use, it's good for making paper, a researcher even made a biodegradable alternative to plastic out of it
Yellow Nutsedge is a food crop, Purslane is a food crop, at least some species of morning-glories are food crops, crabgrass is a food crop, Nettles are food AND fiber, Milkweed is food and fiber too, Broadleaf Plantain is food and medicinal, Dandelion is food and medicinal AND great companion plant (they used to sell them in seed catalogues around the 1890's or so!) and have y'all ever seen queen-anne's-lace along the side of the road? THATS CARROTS. That's the wild ancestor of carrots! (ofc don't eat anything you aren't 1000% sure you can identify)
Simply put. A weed is a plant that has co-evolved with humans. And most of them are Like That because they co-evolved with us. And honestly I reckon that many plants were domesticated in the first place because they liked to grow in disturbed environments near human settlements and agricultural fields.
Now thinking about this in terms of animals...when our domestic species were first domesticated, there weren't fences, there wasn't "inside" or any controlled environment to bring animals into, and if you tried to overpower or coerce any of those species, they would 100% just kill you. It makes a lot more sense if the humans were just following herds around, and it gradually developed into protecting those herds from predators and tending to them more intentionally until we were kind of just part of the herds ourselves.
a lot of people are familiar with Biblical stories and metaphors about shepherds...it's clear those guys were basically living with sheep 24/7. They were assimilated to the sheep lifestyle.
this theory kinda suggests that we've lost the ability to domesticate new animal species to some extent because domestication has never really involved removing an animal from its natural environment. Feeding wild animals and trying to socialize them to humans isn't in line with the mutualistic nature of domestication because it's trying to change the animal to our whims, and usually decreases the fitness of the animal rather than increases it. And domestication probably takes a long long time to reach the level where an animal can be a "pet" instead of a more distant form of domestication where the association is not as close.
EXCEPT. Animals that adapt to our environment are prime candidates for domestication. This actually checks out because rats and mice are some of the most recently domesticated animals, iirc. Basically, pest animals are the most likely to be domesticated because they've already started evolving into a relationship with us. Just like weeds.
An interesting side note is how both animals and plants can de-domesticate and become "weeds/pests" again. Like "weedy rice" is becoming a problem in some crops where rice has evolved into a weed. And with animals, there's pigeons who were domesticated by us and now their habitat is cities because they co-evolved with us.
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x-candy-guts-x · 1 year
Yautja x reader
Part two
Woooo another one baby
Again I suck ass at writing so this is gonna be yet another bucket of paint thrown at a wall and just hope to god it comes out coherent
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• you were originally abducted by another alien race. It started out just living your life going to work and coming home rinse, wash and repeat. But you started getting weird little signs that something wasn’t normal. Weird feelings in your head that turned into dizziness that lead to a particularly aggressive fainting spell in your own home.
• you woke up in a metal room. At first you were scared you had been drugged and kidnapped- not far from the truth but you thought it had at worst been traffickers not whatever the hell that thing was staring at you through the glass like door. It was slender small and gray with big eyes.
•you found out that they weren’t actually hostile and just wanted some info on you and some dna. They said they would bring you back home once they were done. But the universe had other plans. The ship was attacked and you among a few of the crew were taken hostage and thrown into cages. You had collars fashioned around your necks and were treated like pets. Or product.
•the ship landed on a strange planet with two suns. It felt arid but off behind the ship was a massive rainforest like place. And in front in a small distance was a city.
•taken into the city you were all being sold off. You tried to fight against the chain and you even bit the giant armored lizard fuck who dared to grab your chin to get a closer look. The kinder aliens who took you to begin with had give you a translator behind your ear. You were able to figure some things out. Like their species; the yautja and the planet.
•you were the last one who had yet to be sold. One yautja in particular came up and asked about you. He was about 7ft, leaner and had darker tones in his scales. Mostly muddied grays and black. The seller went and took off the chain. You still had the collar like mechanism however. As soon as he did you ran. You dodged between people and headed to the forest. They had tried to chase you down and even activated the collars shocking abilities but you kept going. Even after blood ran down your torso from the electric prongs digging into you.
It had been about a day and a half before you made it to an area that looked like a small calm village. There were some homes in the trees and some on the clearing. A cool river that ran maybe a hundred meters or so off to the side. And just up the hill past that river was a small cave. You didn’t know if these people were kind or trust worthy so you didn’t approach. Instead opting to stay in the cave. You fashioned yourself a blade with a very sharp obsidian like black stone, some wood for the handle and a vine to keep it together.
•it did okay. You were able to get small things down on the ground and even found a potato like root you could cook up and eat. The fires you made to cook needed to be small though. You didn’t want to alert anyone that you were there. Although you had a suspicion that they already knew.
•you took up wood carving to pass the time, making animals from your home planet. You went down to the river once and forgot your carving of a deer. When you went to retrieve it, a little yautja had already gotten to it and was inspecting it. It made a rapid little clicky noise and ran back to the village with what looked like excitement. Scared you ran back to your cave.
•unbeknownst to you there was a popular fairytale in the village. They told stories of humans to scare the little ones into behaving at night. And when the little one found the deer carving it certainly made the stories seem more vibrant. The kids made rumors about a big bad scary ooman in the forest. You- would sometimes sit behind rocks/trees and carve away while listening to them.
•they had concluded that the creature was a deer thanks to their parents. Buuut their imaginations went wild. Deer were now giant carnivores who impaled victims on their antlers and wore the corpses like rotting trophies. You giggled at that one. But suddenly everything went silent. Peeking between the two large stones that concealed you the oldest of the young ones was pointing in your direction. You abandoned your carving and very quickly but still quietly headed back to your cave.
•the found your carving. This time it was a fruit bat. Fruit bats can get pretty big on earth. Some with wing spans up to five feet! But they were so cute. They loved fruit and looked like puppies in your eyes. But the kids had once again made wild tales. Tales of giant fire breathing monsters. “Huh..” you sort of muttered under your breath. That one is actually pretty close to home. Not literally but it made you think about the tales of dragons on earth and how maybeeee that’s partially how they got started.
•you started leaving carvings more often. It made you happy to see them play with them and come up with fantastical tales. You would hide and carve and listen as they played. What you didn’t know was high up in the trees above you, was a certain masked individual watching your every move.
•your collar had been outfitted with a tracker. And it was just chance that you went right to the village the one who sought to buy you lived at. When you made it to the tree line they decided to not bother with the chasing. He paid and decided to hunt you. Maybe not kill you but he enjoyed the idea of toying with you. But once he saw you carving he stepped back. He watched. And he watched the children. He watched longer than he intended too.
•a month of this went by. The children now had maybe ten of your little carvings. All of different animals. Deer, bats, dogs, cats, horses, rams, weasels, giraffes, and all sorts. You were currently carving a T-Rex. You were in your cave carving it due to the heavy rain. Wondering where you should leave it for them to find you settled on the same place as the last two, perched on a big roundish but flat stone that was right on shore and in the middle of plain site. You figured you’d just leave it there again. When you placed it on the stone off to your left you heard a little shreek. The Rain was no more than a fine mist but rhe river water was sweeping away the little one. It wasn’t too strong but the rain didn’t help when it made the river just a bit deeper. You ran after the little one and dove in.
•Bringing the small but heavy child back to shore you sat him down. He was fine but startled. Wether it was from the river or you- the mysterious human in the hill everyone jokes about was anyones guess. When he just continued to ogle at you in silence you sighed. Being back and next to the stone you left the dinosaur on you picked it up and handed it to him. Then, hearing a noise in the tree line- you assumed it was his parents and bolted up the hill back to your cave.
•a couple days later you were awoken to some noises outside the cave. Afraid you grabbed your knife and jumped out. The poor little yautja that caused the commotion stumbled back and landed on his butt. Dropping the knife you squatted down to help him. He reached his chubby little hands out. In them was a little basket of fruit :)
•you were tired. So tired. Turns out whatever that fruit was made you extremely sleepy. So, after the little yautja left and the fruit was eaten you decided to take a nap. When you woke up it was dark. You felt around and concluded you were in a pile of furs. Wait- why was it so comfortable? The things you got to make your bed had been crude and hard, soft enough to sleep but not comfort. This was soft and plush. Sitting up quickly you realized you weren’t in your cave anymore.
Looking out the window, you were in the village. Oh boy.
Should I continue this? Is it baD
Please tell me how I could improve this I haven’t written anything since I was like 14 and making fuckin edgy ass creepypasta x reader fanfics on quiz quotev lmAO
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lionsongfr · 10 months
Warrior's Way Snacks
Now this year is the lore it was mentioned that “We’d especially like to thank Arvelle for her generous donation towards our food budget”, and in the pamphlet for Warrior’s Way itself it mentions that “Food is available to participating warriors at all times throughout the course of the event.” So that got me thinking, what kind of food would dragons and beastclans eat during such an event?
Unfortunately, Warrior’s Way is during the summer and the heat can stifle anyone’s appetite- leading to warrior’s struggling to have the energy and hydration necessary to fight. Larger meals most likely would be served in the early morning and after sunset, and battles probably would be held off during the hottest middle of the day. But warriors would also need small meals and snacks to sustain them throughout the day. So, what kind of snacks could they expect?
Live Hornworms- a staple insect for insectivores, this import from the Mire is high in water and can be gut-loaded with either Fire Flower (for magic boost), Redblood Sapper (iron for blood), or Greenpod Bloom (calcium for bones and muscles). They are contained in large barrels with a cooling charm upon them, keeping the insects less active and from perishing in the heat.
Pickle Platter- while our most of our dragons do not sweat (I think maybe Light, Earth, and Ice dragons do), there are beastclans who definitely sweat. And with sweat comes the craving for salt. Pickled foods are high in salt, curb sugar spikes, help blood clot, and can provide the necessary electrolytes to relieve muscle cramps. The most common pickled foods are Basilisk eggs, Dubious Cucumbers, Wild Onions, Zeeba/Rambra sausages, Noxious/Leopard Caterpillar, and Kelp Beds Mackerel. Occasionally, Blacktongue Pepper is added for a spicy kick!
Cold Lume Daffodil and Spearmint Tea- every Fire Flight forge has a pot of tea cooling nearby in a large clay pot for refreshment. While Fire dragons typically prefer Cindermint, the cooling and refreshing combo of Spearmint and Lume Daffodil is a blessing on a hot summer day.  Peppermint tea may also be used for creatures having nervous stomachs for their upcoming battles.
Blood Red Smoothie- to many a Wildclaw’s sorrow this does not actually have blood. This smoothie combines Spinach, Blood Acorn, Strawberries, Blood Spath, Goat milk, and ice into a frothy, highly caloric, and nutritious drink. Sometimes it is easier to drink all of one’s calories than eat them, especially when it is hot outside. (Plus the Spirals brought these cute curly straws to drink them with!)
Cold Cut Wraps-unlike bread, flat breads can be quickly made and can be easily sized per creature.  Creating a wrap with cold cuts of meat, vegetables, and condiments makes for an easy to carry and customizable snack for busy warriors. Some favored cuts are: honeyed Featherback ham, smoked teriyaki Rainbow Trout, roasted lemon pepper Woodland Turkey, and spicy Flameleg Millipede.
Energy bites- the Longnecks are known for their Berry and Nut trail bars and the Centaurs for their Ration Pouches, and dragons have their own Elk pemmican tins and Cricket protein bars. Energy bites are a variant on this idea, mixing granola with a fat (Goat yogurt, Sunflower butter, Elk fat, ground Mealworm), Sugarbee honey, and dried fruit (Blueberries, Raspberries, Mushrooms, Butcher’s Fig) into round balls. The bites are then cooled overnight and put into bags made from Sweet Potato Vine (which is also edible), which can be carried about the event.
Shrimp and Potash Gazpacho- served by the cup or by the gallon (Imperial sized), this is a chilled soup for the seafood lovers. The base of the soup is the tangy and sour Miniature Potash Peach along with Cucumbers, Golden Peppers, and Wild Onions. And then anything seafood can be added to it! Most common is sweet Jumbo Shrimp, Pastel Scallops, and feisty Blue Swimmer Crab.
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
What kind of meals/food can you only find in Ebbott? (And be specific! Don't just say "magic" Ratsoh)
lets start with a list of all old (and some new) ebott only crops and animals:
Powder shrooms: these are gears favorite mushrooms. It’s a small honey colored mushroom with a black circle on the head. They have a very nice buttery taste and can be eaten raw but are best as stuffing for savory dishes. They get the name because they dry fast and the powder was used as flour for the nomads. They also grow like weeds and are easy to maintain
Snap root: it was showcased in the 1k event. It’s a spiny purple skinned root with a brown flesh. It gets its name from the way the vines “snap” up when sunlight hits it. The root has a lovely taste like a cross between pumpkin, sweet potato, and nutmeg and is mostly used in pies and sweet dishes
Crab “apples”: a fruit shaped like a crab. It’s technically not an apple despite the similar taste. It’s the most common fruit of the underground and the farmtale valley. The fruits are slightly sour and rarely larger than the palm of a small hand. The most common shape is the crab shape, but they also come in ducks, pyramids and spirals.
Flossy sticks: it’s a celery like vegetable. The plant looks like a normal leafy bush with very long stems, but as soon as you cut one stem off, it explodes into thousands of tiny floss like strands. They can be boiled into pasta, dried and powdered to be used as flour, or eaten raw. They have a crisp lemon and basil like taste.
Twigs: nobody knows why the vegetable is called this because it looks nothing like a twig. It’s a large orange long cucumber like vegetable. Normally about 3 feet long and 6 inches wide. It has a woodsy tea leaf taste to it. Also puréeing the flesh and mixing it with alcohol is what makes drinks that can temporarily change hair and eye color.
Lion lily: the fruit is named after the striking maned flowers that come before it. The flowers look like lilies but at the base of the flower is a fluffy golden “mane” of cotton strands. The fruit is the size of a tangerine and is golden and perfectly round with a large pit in the middle. It has an extremely sweet taste and soft juicy flesh. It’s so sweet it often doesn’t need sugar added when used in cakes and pies.
Golems salad: a massive fkn head of kale. Like this thing is freaking the size of a car. It’s a magical variety that grows when eight heads of kale are planted in a circle, and carefully nurtured by a golem monster each day. The result is that monstrosity. Overnight the kale comes together, morphing into one plant and will grow to monstrous sizes. It’s said the bigger the salad the stronger the golem
Tumblers: it’s identical to a normal cabbage and tastes like a normal cabbage, but if you wait too long to harvest it, it will literally jump out of the ground and run away at the vibrations of footsteps. It also hisses.
Sweet salt: a spice from the underground that is ground from the seeds of the fir trees that grow in snowdin. It’s very sweet and is described to taste like a blend of brown sugar, cinnamon and black pepper. Tastes like gyftmas
Gyftmas ornaments: the same seeds you can get from snowdins fir trees can also be peeled and pickled. They make a lovely sweet sour treat and are usually dyed to match gyftmas colors.
Tarotile: a flat leaf from a magical plant related to poison ivy. The plant is toxic to humans but delicious to monsters. It’s banned outside of ebotts shores, and has to be labelled very clearly before being sold. Monsters describe it as tasting like a delicious wild berry blend but with a leafy texture. Makes a delicious tea and is wonderful in sweet salads
Sea eggs: an ebott only variety of seaweed will grow these pockets of soft cucumber like fruit in the stalks. Reportedly all the sea monsters have seen and harvested this plant before the crash. It tastes a bit more sour and citrusy than a normal cucumber but has all the texture and water content of one. Weirdly enough there’s nothing magic about this plant. It just likes ebott
Cattails: not to be confused with the non magical reeds that grow near water, cattails is a popular vegetable grown in ebott. It prefers dryer land, only wanting water every few days. It resembles a golden long grass, and when it’s ready to harvest, the grass ends open up to reveal a fluffy thick fiber inside. The result is a pretty feathery plant resembling a cats tail, hence the name. Pull the fibers and on the ends are little grains that are boiled to use a porridge, a flour substitute, or the binding agent of ebotts famous lion jello.
Heartyheads: a thick leafy bush, what makes it classed as magic is that it literally turns into rose quarts when exposed to fire. But it’s not reliable as a source of quarts since it slowly turns back when cooled down. The young leaves can only be eaten raw but are an amazing source of iron and are said to help with inflammation. This plant can only be killed by being dug out of the ground and left to dry out.
Fizzlers: a tomato like plant that grows small baby tomato sized pink, purple and blue fruits (ornamental ones only for blue) the fruit is a key ingredient in fizzy drinks in place of carbonation. The fruit produces lots of bubbles when exposed to water. They’re delicious and taste just like that fake grape flavor humans love
Gauzeberries: a berry that came from the outer-AUs. They all say they found the mysterious bush growing on the asteroids of the asteroid belt they orbited. The bush has silver white leaves, is very small, rarely growing higher than 2 feet, and produces small white berries encased in a gauzelike silk pouch. The plant only grows in cold temperatures and must be kept in fridge rooms with natural sunlight any month except winter. The berries have a crisp grape like taste and when eaten, causes one to float a few inches off the ground for an hour
Rougish grapes: this is a grape variety developed by two monsters from birdfell, and the rights bought by harpy. It’s a very large crimson red grape, each individual fruit nearly the size of an apricot, and is able to be harvested from summer to fall. The grapes have a sweet but peppery taste and are best fermented into wine. They are also proven to be amazing with hair loss.
Baited breath: a small thistle-like herb that grows beautiful thorny blue flowers. The flowers when they open in the mornings make a sighing noise, like someone exhaling. The seeds of this plant are sweet and aromatic, so are often added to a wide variety of dishes. They were also historically chewed on to clean teeth and are known to help humans and monsters alike recover from cavities
Dragons breath: the larger cousin to bated breath, this large thistle like herb grows to five feet and can make thorny black flowers the size of a humans head. The dragons breath flowers let out a brief puff of flame when they open in the morning, and their seeds are large and spicy in flavor. A very popular snack through all of ebott. They are also ground into a spice called dragons hoard.
Whimselites: this is a small bundle of leaves on a whimsot plant, a low growing vine. It was found in every underground au, and continues to be grown and harvested in the underground. If new leaf growths aren’t harvested, eventually the little bundles open up and pop off the mother plant to start a new one. They go great in salads and taste a lot like rocket leaves.
Snails Bane: the plant looks like a rock, but if you step on it, it’ll squish down secreting a snail like slime. It’s also very toxic to snails and should never be kept near them. The plant when cooked, is cut open and left to dry in the sun, before being sliced and put into stews as a flavoring agent. It tastes like chicken and is a favorite among ebotts vegetarians.
Loomy runners: a small magical radish that has two large roots at the end of its bulb. When exposed to fire, the radish will stand up on its roots and run away like a wobbly baby learning to walk. It must be cut up in pieces before being eaten, and sometimes the radish pieces will still flip around in the oven so covered baking dishes are recommended
Garwins Gourd: a large twisted gourd native to farmswap, garwins gourd is an attractive flamingo pink color when ripe and has a sweet taste not unlike a sweet potato. It can be cut up and puréed for pies or stews, boiled and mashed, or sautéed, but it cannot be eaten raw as heat is needed to bread down the thick fibers of the raw vegetable. The gourd also can be dried and is used as a cute storage container by many farm monsters. In recent years, fans of the plant have been able to grow yellow and orange varieties
Bloodroot: edible by monsters, but must be strained several times to be safe for human consumption, bloodroot is a thick large carrot like root that “bleeds” a crimson liquid when cut. The root eaten on its own tastes like a woody earthy grape mixed with a parsnip. It strangely smells like beef until cooked. The reasons for this is that the plant uses an animals digestive tract to strip the thick outer coat on its seeds. And when they come out the “other end” they can safely sprout when freed from their confines. Carnivorous animals are drawn to the root
Claymore mushroom: if directly stepped on by something heavy, this large blue grey mushroom will explode into large chunks catapulted into the air at speeds of up to 15 mph. It’s native to the factory monsters and farm AUs. The farmtale monsters made a winter sport of catapulting the mushrooms before the crash. The mushroom can be safely harvested by cutting it at the base of the stem, rendering it non-exploding.
Triangle of the coast: a magical cousin to broccoli and cauliflower, the triangle is a triangle shaped broccoli like growth that grows directly in the sand of beaches, and is farmed along a section of ebotts coastline in the winter months. The vegetable is a yellowish green color and tastes just like young broccoli. And for some reason, when picked, it secretes a pheromone that attracts crustacean sea creatures. so it’s also used as fish bait and a vegetable
Ferris-weeds: a cousin to the yarrow herb, Ferris weeds are a magical variety native to the farm and Drake AUs. It’s a tall growing herb, reaching up to 10 feet in height, and has a beautiful pale pink flower in the spring and summer. It’s mainly used to line fences as decor, but the flowers can also be eaten raw, pickled, or sautéed. What makes it magical is that it’s known to provide a full days worth of vitamin D in one meal, no matter the amount of flowers eaten. No one knows how the plant accomplished this
Pygmy pomegranates: this trees only been an official breed in the last five years. Developed by a monster from farmtale, Pygmy pomegranates are a cross breed between crab apples and standard pomegranates. They are perfectly dome shaped with a circle top and a completely flat bottom. The fruit is small, onky the size of a child’s fist, and full of orange pomegranate seeds with a purple skin. They taste just like a normal pomegranate
Deaths pearl: a small bundle of leaves, found deep in the ocean. The roots and lower halves of the leaves are pitch black, while the tips are a transparent blue. The vegetable gets its name from seafell, where a fraction of monsters fought to the death with a sea creature for a patch of the plants. This vegetable is completely edible from its roots, leaves, stems and seeds. It tastes very similar to celery mixed with cucumber. Nowadays it’s cultivated by sea monsters all along ebotts coast and is considered a staple vegetable due to being able to grow year round.
Star seeds: contrary to the name, this is not from the outer AUs but was an underground crop. The seeds of an echo flower are the plants only edible part, and are ground into a fine iron filled flour. They’re rather bitter though, so bread made from them nowadays is often paired with cheese to flavor it.
Spiderbloom: pollinated only by spiders, this plant flowers in the fall and produces fruits in the winter. It creates an eerie black and purple blossom who’s pollen only sticks to spider silk in order to pollenate. The fruits have a soft flesh and taste a bit like figs and blueberries.
Golden flowers: a favorite of the royals, and ebotts national flower and crop. Golden flowers are a beautiful gold magic buttercup that can be dried and turned into tea. They have a lovely effect of softening the hair and skin, and humans claim the tea helps with acne. It’s delicious, sweet and has small hints of lemon in the taste. The flowers are mostly indoor plants as they burn up in direct sunlight.
Mandrakes: a four point magical root that screams when unearthed, the mandrake root is extremely popular for its soft potato like flesh, and the large lineup of nutrients it holds. It’s often mashed, used as a potato substitute, or thrown into stews and soups. It’s a popular baby food as well as its mild taste is comforting for kids, and the quality of it helps parents ensure picky eaters get what they need in a meal
Frog stool mushroom: a large aquatic mushroom resembling a lily pad. It’s found in shallow freshwater areas like lakes and larger parts of streams. This large mushroom is nutty in flavor and is often planted in ponds by farmers for not only its flavor, but also to filter the water on their property to make it safe for the animals to drink. It’s recommended to only eat the small young ones as the large ones after so many years of filtering are more waste than nutrients.
Fishweed: a seaweed that grows along the seaside cliffs of ebott. It’s named after its strong fishy smell. It’s dried and cut into strips and eaten as a snack like jerky or chips
Pearwood tree: this tree has a beautiful bark pattern in the shape of sliced pears. When dry, the bark begins to chip and is easy to peel off. The bark can be infused into drinks giving a crisp grape and lettuce flavor, and has the magical effect of making harmless sparks come out of one’s mouth when they speak. Because of the attractiveness of the trees bark, and the pretty pale green fir spines as leaves, it’s also a popular garden ornament plant as well as a crop
Cinderpetals: a small magic herb with red tipped star shaped leaves. This plant as a defense mechanism will burst into flame when the leaves are picked off. Don’t be alarmed though, the fire is harmless and even adds to the flavor as many monsters say. The leaves have a crisp almost citrusy flavor and are put into potions, drinks and energy tonics due to their natural caffeine content.
Boarberry: it was only seen in horrorfarm and drakefell before the crash. It’s a wild berry bush that parasites off of trees, growing on the sides of the trunks. The berries are a creamy pale green and taste like a bitter plum. They were traditionally used to flavor meads, and were made into jams, pie fillings and baked into breads.
Honeybeans: a climbing magic bean plant that only grows near beehives. It will grow around the hive protecting the bees by secreting pheromones that deter would-be predators, and in return it feeds off the honey as well as the soil near the hive and sunlight. Because of this, the beans are deliciously sweet, tasting like caramel but with the buttery texture of a Lima bean. What makes this plant magic is that when seeds are planted, it seems to summon bees to it. Bees will abandon hives to start building around the bean, or if that’s not convenient enough, the bugs actually uproot the plant itself and Carries it to the hive in an amazing show of teamwork
Silver bells: a droopy vine with silver tipped leaves. It grows a berry like vegetable that resembles a tomato, but with a blue grey skin and a deep purple flesh. The magic fruit entices one to eat it by “calling” its harvester with a tinkling bell noise. The vegetables when hitting each other sound like the light clinking of metal. The vegetable is rather tasteless save for a faint cabbage flavor. It’s very beneficial to bone growth though and is highly recommended that young growing children and the elderly eat some every week.
Ground cherries: a strange magical fruit tree that grows its fruit beneath the soil. The very tip of the small cherry sized fruits are visible peeking through the dirt when they’re ready for harvest. They taste like blue. Some college human students say it’s the closest they’ve ever gotten to the taste of blue Gatorade in ebott
Ebott-only livestock:
Greater turkey: like the name suggests, this is just a massive variety of turkey. The birds can reach the size of cows. Naturally they’re a breed made by the farm AUs. They’re slowly becoming more popular as a holiday food for larger families. Last gyftmas broke the record of greater turkeys slaughtered and sold in one season. Thankfully for the farmers, these birds were bred for temperament as well and are quite gentle and docile
Jimmy crickets: they were previously called roasting crickets, but one witty monster renamed his after Disney started streaming in ebott, and the rest copied him as the bugs became a popular food for kids. It’s a magical variety of cricket that was cultivated underground. They eat moss, and are high in iron, copper, and folate. They’re brightly colored, most normally a bright red. They taste a bit like bacon bits.
Struggle grubs: like the name suggests, this bug was cultivated to be cheap, year round and plentiful. It’s a comfort food for many underground monsters who lived through poverty before the crash. The grubs will eat anything hence why they were labelled as “poor food” as underground they were fed mainly trash. Nowadays farmers feed them much healthier foods and the grubs are much better quality.
Riding/battle boars: funny enough, this type of domesticated hog was only found in horrorfell and drakefell before the crash. Many think that there’s a special connection between the two AUs cause this isn’t the only thing they share. In drakefell they were known as riding boars and were used to pull carts and plows, for eating and dairy, and battle of course. In horrorfarm they were only war animals, used to sniff out enemies and ram through enemy lines. The boar is intelligent like a dog, easily trained, and has an amazing sense of smell. They’re still used as farm hand animals to help plow and de-bug fields. The females can be milked and the cheese made from that milk is very heavy and fatty. They taste like pork, but because of their sacredness to the drakefell monsters and humans, it’s considered a big dishonor to eat one that didn’t die of natural causes.
Lesser deer: a small goat sized deer only found in ebott, they were originally found in the nomads forest. They’re very passive creatures and easily domesticated. Many farms are beginning to add them to livestock because of the delicious soft meat on the animals, and their varied diets.
Rolland’s horned snail: a large cow sized snail bred by the Rolland family from farmswap. The snails on average are the size of draft horses and can weigh nearly a ton. They’re bred purely for their meat and the shells are also sold as decoration, or ground as a binding agent mixed into cement. The snails are fed mainly sawdust, dried grass, and weeds. It takes nearly 20 years for one to reach full size though.
Pearled salmon: a freshwater salmon native to ebott, it can be caught wild or bought from a hatchery. The scales look like pale pink and white pearls underwater, but turn grey when dry. The salmon has a white flesh and the taste is subtler than normal salmon.
Ice pips: this is a thin needle like magic fish that loves cold temperatures so much it creates its own chill. Any room the fish is kept in stays just cold enough to freeze the top of the water in its tank, but not so cold to freeze the whole tank. It is a farmers essential for any farmers who want a proper freezer basement or shed. Almost every farm monster owns a tank of them as it’s much cheaper to feed a few fish crickets every couple days than it is to pay electric for a large shed/room. Rancher and peaches have a tank of pips in their basement, and harpy has a whole massive storage shed cooled by her own tank.
Gremlins: small quail sized ugly little creatures that resemble a cross between a toad, gopher and pug, with wrinkled faces, round bodies and bumpy hairless skin. These little creatures are extremely easy to train and are used on farms to control bug pest levels. They are also slowly gaining popularity as a household pet because of their friendly natures. What makes this animal magic is its tongue which can stretch and shoot out nearly 12 feet at a time in pursuit of a big. Which is clearly magic as the tongue is only a few inches long when resting in the body, and when (gently) pulled by an outside force, it barely gets out of the mouth. A gremlin is edible as well, tasting like chicken by most reports, but farmers who raise them dislike eating the critters as they often can’t help but start viewing them as family.
Land shrimp: it’s literally a shrimp that survives on land. They’re fast breeders and must be kept indoors to prevent an outbreak. They’re fed a mixture of grain, oats, bone, and unwanted meat cuts. The magic shrimp will resort to cannibalism if not fed on time, so require dedication to raise. And yes, they taste like normal shrimp
Smithers basilisk: a long bodied lizard that’s roughly the size of a basset hound, the Smithers basilisk’s true origins are unknown, but have been a common livestock animal for generations among the Drake monsters and humans. The large lizards have a poison sack behind the eyes that are removed after they hatch for safety purposes. They’re raised for a number of reasons: their scaled hides make great leather, the eggs are large and females can lay year round if there’s a male in the pack, and they’re great ratters. So many farmers keep a few to help control the pests on their farm.
Jeweled scarabs: both an animal raised as livestock and a popular pet, these palm sized beetles have stunning shells in a beautiful glossy array of colors looking just like crystal. They’re raised primary for the shells which are harvested when the beetles die of old age. The shells are broken and polished to be used as jewelry, decoration, tile and even used in pottery and glazes. They have a short lifespan of just 2 years sadly, hence why they don’t beat out snails as the most popular pet. The bodies of the beetles are also ground and used as feed for other animals needing protein in their diets.
Roc birds: a poultry bird native to the bird AUs, this was a fat flightless bird that is accustomed to living on rocky cliffs. It has very strong talons and legs in order to climb and move around safely. And a huge oversized beak strong enough to break rocks. The birds are about the size of a duck and have grey speckled feathers. They were bred for their eggs and meat, the hens laying several a day. But they’re difficult to raise as they’re aggressive.
Wooly snails: these snails are about the size of a standard goose when fully grown, and the shells grow a thick fur that needs to be peeled off every few weeks to keep the snail comfortable and mobile. The pelts are then throughly washed and used for clothing, pillow filler, and all other kinds of things. The snails come in a variety of colors with white being the most common, but also a powder blue and lilac. They’re raised mostky by monsters at the top of ebotts mountain range as the snails need cool temperatures to be healthy
Dwarf rock bees: ebott’s special bee variety, the only bee known to be underground. The dwarf rock bee resembles a black fluffy bumblebee, but is so small it can barely cover Abraham Lincoln’s face on a penny. The bees will only create hives in stone structures (or around a honey bean plant) and hives can host millions of bees at a time. The tiny fluff balls are stingless and extremely prone to predators as they had very few underground. When alarmed, they make a shrill buzzing noise together, and copy a frequency that they know scares animals away. For most hives, that means turning their buzzing into a car alarm. Some enthusiasts of the bee keep them indoors in smaller controlled hives and have even trained the bees to copy songs that are repeated often around them. And of course they make honey
Alrighty! There are three ways one can make magical food!
1: it’s a learned magic to add intent to food. Every monster learns it as children. It’s just one of those things your parents are supposed to teach you, like driving or how to clean.
Intent affects the foods taste and sometimes even gives it mild healing properties. So someone making a batch of cookies with a lot of love and passion can make some hecking fine cookies. However there’s a limit. Pour too much passion (or any type of intent really) and you’ll burn the food. Even if you’re not using heat to cook.
This is why undyne regularly nukes her kitchen
2: plants can become magical after several generations of being exposed to magic. That’s why the underground was able to host so many plant varieties despite the lack of sunlight. This can’t really be controlled since it happens randomly. Any food cooked with the plants has magical properties as well
3: the farmtale monsters have perfected earth magic over the centuries. Any native born farmtale monster has the ability to bond to the land they own and produce much higher quality, quantity, and magical produce. This includes animals too. They become more docile, intelligent, and produce more. The magical skill of bonding to your land is seen as familial magic and can only be passed down through blood
And finally, some famous drinks and dishes only found in ebott!!!
Gauzeberry freeze: the expensive but delicious drink consists of milk, shaved ice, honey, blueberries, coconut and of course gauzeberries. It’s sold only in special occasions like national holidays. Otherwise the only way to get it is to make it at home, which is quite difficult due to the nature of gauzeberries. It does make one float a few inches off the ground for an hour after drinking
Fries and bits: mixed bugs, most commonly crickets, are cleaned and fried with potato wedges, and in fancier dishes, onion rings and fried artichoke hearts are added. It’s a greasy but delicious meal and many fried fast food places sell this dish
Boars honor stew: a dish coming from drakefell. When a drakes boar dies, whether from old age, an injury, or sickness, never intentionally slaughtered for food, their burial ritual for the animal is to stew it in a massive pot filled with potatoes, other root vegetables, blood root, boar berries, dragons breath and a load of mushrooms. The boar is carefully cleaned, and the blood used to fertilize the drakes, or communities crops. Then the animal is put in the pot whole and stewed for around four days before being passed around and eaten. It’s a dish meant to be shared, not bought. So to be offered some is a great honor
Roc on rocks: it requires a roc bird for the traditional version of the dish, but chicken will do too for a close substitute. The breast meat of a roc bird is thinly sliced and marinated in an orange citrus sauce for a few hours. Then traditionally a flat rock is heated up, and the thin slices are cooked on top, then laid on a bed of cabbage and thinly sliced carrots before being served. However pan frying is a safe at home substitute if one doesn’t have a big rock and outdoor campfire
Golden pearwood tea cake: goldenflowers and pearwood bark are dried and made into tea. The tea must be strained and left in the fridge to chill while the cake base is created. It’s preferred to use a nut flour like almond or hazelnut. The cake flour is then moistened with the tea, and a light honey glaze is added on top when it comes out of the oven
Cinder-spark: a popular energy drink brand made in ebott from cinderpetals. It comes in three flavors: jalapeño, spicy strawberry and electric orange. All flavors are spicy with electric orange being the mildest. Never drink more than two a day
Treasure chests: a shiny beautiful salad dish of heartyheads, leafy greens, beets, sea eggs, deaths pearl, and topped with cooked pearled salmon. It’s a beautiful colorful dish and a favorite at seafood restaurants along seashore. And it’s extremely nutritious
Snaproot pockets: like the name suggests, it’s a little baked pouch filled with puréed snaproot. It’s created with either mochi flour or cattail flour, the little flour pouch is filled with mashed or puréed snap root, and is topped with seeds like sesame after being baked. This dish can also be made with pumpkin and garwins gourds instead of snaproot.
Lions jello: made from boiled cattails, and infused with goldenflower tea, this is ebotts national desert. The cattails make an attractive milk white jello with a light airy taste, and the goldenflower adds flavor and speckles of gold inside. It’s a beautiful dessert and is a favorite of many of the royals
Snail pie: ebotts national dish: this is a pie filled with cubed snail meat, pearled onions, garlic, many spices to taste, and spinach. The pie is baked like a normal pot pie and is usually topped with seeds for better looks. Mini versions are sold at festivals and food trucks, and kids in public school get mini snail pies on Fridays for lunches.
Silver broth: made from boiled silver bells and bones, this broth is a popular soup base because of its mild taste, and is highly recommended that parents use it when cooking for their children as it promotes healthy bone, teeth and ecto growth. In winter months too, it’s sold alone as a savory drink with sliced dried mushrooms and spring onions as an alternative to sugary hot drinks
Wailing baby mash: it’s a terrible name but parents seem to think it’s funny. Mandrakes are mashed with other veggies (and often a bit of silver broth is added) to make a soft baby food safe for monsters and human babies old enough for solid food. It has a mild taste which is pleasant for kids. Many parents used mashed mandrakes in place of mashed potatoes well into their kids childhood as a healthier and cheaper alternative
Goths on toast: another terrible name, Asgore really sucks at naming things, and he’s to blame for this one as the creator asked him to endorse the dish. A delicious spread is made from the fruit of a spiderbloom, blackberries and dark or ground cherries. The fruit spread is spiced with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg and spread on bread as a sweet morning breakfast. It’s often paired with fancy cheeses and is served as a dish to show off your class. No charcuterie board in ebott is complete without this spread
Pigment potion: twigs mixed with alcohol creates a magic drink that can change the color of one’s ecto, hair/fur and eyes. The more diluted the drink, the shorter the effect. And to control what color the drink becomes, it needs to be hand made with a certain color in mind. A drink of magic, intent and booze. Any sort of alcohol does fine so usually cheap wine is used. And in festivals, watered down versions are allowed to be sold to children as long as a parent is present
Gyftmas cookies: of course they have to be baked with sweet salt. These brown cookies are made with the sweet salt spice, molasses, plain flour and honey. They’re decorated of course and are part of a popular gyftmas tradition called the cookie trade. At parties, each family shows up with a plate of cookies, and they go around having to swap one of their cookies on the plate for one from another’s family. By the end of the party, they go home with a plate from multiple families.
Crabby patties: this name was popular way before SpongeBob was introduced to ebott. There was a fierce legal battle between Marcelo and Nickelodeon for him to keep the name of the popular dish sold at his grocery stores. He just barely won, and the name is only allowed to be used with free reign in ebott lol. Crabby patties are smoked crab apple thinly sliced and pickled, then placed on a slab of either cooked snail or cooked hamburger patty. The bun is traditionally wrapped cabbage leaves, but bread buns are more popular on the surface these days. Every hamburger place has a crabby patty burger on their menu.
Fae floss: pasta from boiled flossy sticks is topped with a thick brown sauce made from goats cheese, powder shrooms, and finely chopped herbs. Other mushrooms are added to the pasta and often bugs like grubs, chopped beetles or worms are added. If bugs aren’t your cup of tea, shredded chicken is fine instead
Mead of lady magic: this mead is flavored with pomegranate seeds and honey beans to make a rich mild drink. It was also used in rituals by the temple monsters before the crash, and is still considered a holy drink by them. Only made and drank on sacred days.
Sun therapy: this light sandwich is made with pickled Ferris weed flowers, salami and mozerella cheese. The sandwich is toasted and topped with more cheese. A delicious meal full of vitamin D
Tarotile cheesecake. A plain slice of cheesecake, colored a deep forest green by adding Tarotile to the cooking process. The cake tastes like a wonderful wild berry blend according to monsters, but is highly toxic to humans and mages. Any one who dares sell it to a human without signed consent can be arrested and held for trial on attempted bodily harm.
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carolinawrenn · 11 months
Tumblr media
Wild potato vine (Ipomoea pandurata). Also known as man of the earth or manroot.
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miradelletarot · 4 months
Part Two: It Feels Like Home - The Weave and the Vines
TAGS: Tooth-rotting fluff, Feelings realization, cooking, surprises, homesickness Summary:A serendipitous opportunity presents itself to Sagora, giving her an idea to surprise Gale. His reaction is nothing short of unexpected.
Words: 1,372 | Link: AO3 -----------------------------
You have no clue how they got it, but you were buying it.
He’s going to love this. Sagora thought.  Somehow, this tiny fishing village on the banks of the Chionthar had Waterdhavian Whitefish. So far from Baldur’s Gate and the trade routes, yet they managed to get a decently sized catch imported. They were indeed fresh. Her connection to nature, and the uncanny ability to survive, offered her a keen nose and eye for quality. One can’t simply consume everything in the wild and not worry about safety. She exchanged her coin for the entire tray, and an assortment of other herbs, spices, and vegetation. She could hardly contain her excitement. It was to be a surprise after all.
Back at camp, Gale was already stoking the fire to begin making their evening meal.  Sagora ran over with her hands overloaded with her haul. “Gale!” She huffed as she nearly dropped one of her bags.
“Whoa there!” He chuckled at how adorably clumsy she was as he braced his hands on the bag to keep it from tumbling over. “What’s all this??” “I want to cook tonight. I found some wonderful ingredients, and…well, let’s just say I was inspired!” She flashed a silly grin hoping he wouldn’t question her further. “Ha! Well, I suppose if you’re that keen on tonight’s meal prep then by all means. I’d be delighted to offer my two very helping hands, however.” He smirked, offering his hands in an animated gesture.
“No!” Gale reeled back at Sagora’s sudden outburst. “Uhh, I meannn… no . No thank you. Truly appreciate it though! You should relax or…read a tome or…something?” She grinned again hoping to mask how awkward she felt. She hurriedly set her bags down, and began to gently push Gale away from the campfire, forcing him to walk towards his tent. He threw his hands up “OK! OK, I’m going! But do let me know if you require assistance.” She pushed him into his tent and unceremoniously dashed away. “Thank you! Have fun!” She shouted behind her as she took off back towards the fire. Once she was confident he was out of view, Sagora deftly prepared the ingredients for her surprise. One by one, everything was tossed into the cauldron. It would be nearly nightfall before it would be ready, but it was well worth the wait.
* * *
“OK, everyone! Who’s hungry?” Sagora portioned out the evening meal so everyone’s bowl was ready by the time they got around the campfire. The smell that wafted out of the cauldron when she lifted the lid roused Gale from the book he was enthralled in.
That couldn’t be…? No. The aroma was so familiar yet so distant. He practically rushed out of his tent to see what she prepared. She handed him a bowl. “Here you go. I hope you like it.” She smiled nervously, desperately wanting it to taste as delicious as it smelled. So far, the rest of the camp was digging in, and enjoying the hearty warmth on such a chilly evening. Gale simply… stared, gazing into his bowl in disbelief. “Is this…what I think it is?” He looked at her, eyes wide.
She hesitated. Was he upset? She couldn’t tell. “Oh, it’s uhh, Waterdhavian Whitefish Chowder.” She recoiled ever so slightly, unsure of how he would react. “You had been talking lately about how much you missed home. I found a Waterdhavian recipe book in that bookshop you took us to the other day. I couldn't pass up such an opportunity." He moved to sit on a log near the fire. He cradled the bowl, the warmth radiating through his hands. It was a very hearty chowder loaded with bits of fish, potatoes, leeks, onions, carrots, and a host of herbs and spices, served with a thick slice of toasted bread. “This looks…wonderful.” He took a bite. A torrent of emotions flooded his being. This was no ordinary camp meal they had to survive on. It was warmth. It was love. It was home. “Sagora…I – ” He couldn’t form the words. The lump in his throat betrayed the stoic exterior he tried to convey. He cleared his throat as he stood, retreating for his tent. “Thank you. It’s lovely.” “Well, that didn’t seem like the reaction we were all expecting.” Shadowheart practically read Sagora’s thoughts. “Just sit down and eat, Druid. He probably doesn’t want us to see how undignified he would be while he scarfs down his dinner.” Astarion chuckled, clearly amused with his own version of events. Sagora took her own bowl, and did her best to enjoy her creation with her campmates. It didn’t stop her from peeking at his tent now and then in hopes he would emerge.
* * *
Sagora tossed the dinner scraps to Scratch and Pudge after she finished eating, and made her way to Gale’s tent. He hadn’t emerged since he walked off with dinner in hand. When she stepped closer to his tent, she felt the familiar sensation of magic in the air. Another step forward, and suddenly the sounds of the camp around her vanished only to be replaced by Gale sobbing uncontrollably.
“Gale?” Her gentle call to him was barely above a whisper. He looked up at her with puffy, bloodshot eyes. Her heart shattered. She knelt beside him and noticed his food was mostly untouched. “You know if it was that bad you could have just told me.” Her attempt at humor thankfully didn’t go unnoticed. He huffed a small, tearful laugh, and did his best to destroy the evidence of his despair. “I’m sorry…” the strain on his voice made it nearly impossible to hear him. “I just…I can’t believe you did that. For me .” “You deserve it.” Gale’s scoff suggested he felt otherwise. “Really though.  You have been through so much, and away from your home for so long. It just seemed like the right thing to do.” Sagora sheepishly smiled.
“It’s endearing how you feel I am deserving of so much of your kindness. It should be me doing this for you. Especially after I consumed that necklace the other day…I know how much you wanted it.” Embarrassment crept along his features. “We’re just…never going to talk about that anymore. OK?” Her tone, only partially serious. An uncomfortable silence fell before them. Gale shifted as he collected his bowl, and gathered the courage to speak once more. “This is more incredible than I think you realize.” He swirled the spoon aimlessly through the chowder. “My mother used to make this for me. Often.” His gentle brown eyes met Sagora’s brilliant green eyes. “It’s just like hers. Every herb, every spice. The texture? It’s all perfect .” He sighed, attempting to calm another wave of sorrow welling up inside him. “For the first time in years…I felt… home .” Sagora shifted closer to him and timidly placed a comforting hand on his back as he rode another wave of tears. “I felt like a young boy again. Whether it was raining, or cold, or if I was ill…hells, even if I was just having a bad day, Mother was there…with this.” He lifted the bowl slightly and smiled, but the smile faded almost instantly. “I don’t deserve this. I’m just a silly wizard who made countless errors, and is desperately trying to recover from his bloated ego and vast amounts of hubris.”
“You’re far more than that. Underneath the hubris is a kind man just trying to do his best with the circumstances he’s been given. Even if it takes a bowl of soup to help remind you of what’s truly valuable then so be it.” Sagora smiled warmly, and Gale was happy to reciprocate.  “You had better eat it though. It’s getting cold.”  She teased with mock scolding, nudging her shoulder into his. Gale looked down, and with a gentle wave of his hand, he warmed the bowl’s contents.
“There. Good as new.” He smiled at her once more, completely captivated by her beauty and kindness. He was falling for her, though couldn’t ever reveal his true feelings, not when he wasn’t even sure of his own fate. Life can be so cruel.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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rapidhighway · 1 year
knuckles farm is my everythiiingg tell me abt what he grows :)
Well I like to think of what my family grows or used to grow when I was little ^^ I'm sure a big part of all the crops are fields and gardens that had probably overgrown, that Knuckles found when exploring Angel Island. There could be potatoes, beetroot, cauliflower. They all could be different types than you find on the continent, maybe ancient ones that you can't find anywhere else, or native to Angel Island's climate, maybe some completely new ones. I dream of drawing Knuckles in a greenhouse!! He could grow tomatoes, cucumbers, maybe some peppers. I don't think a greenhouse would survive this long with no one around so maybe Sonic and Tails could help him build it, or rebuild some old one. It's very important that there are grapes! I used to have grapes where they would climb up from the ground in the backyard and surround the balcony and I would sit there and just eat them so I think he deserves the same. Maybe in whatever house he has on the island there could be a grape vine that climbs to his window. An entire grapevine would be cool but I don't know much about that.. I think what's also important are sunflowers. Knuckles gives me a grandma with a farm vibes and that image can't be complete without him eating an entire sunflower daily, he'd much on those seeds like crazy!
Of course there's chao fruit, lots of it probably grows wild but there could be some very old orchards or something like that. There could also be some vegetables that are completely unknown and only grow on the island
He would probably learn how to grow some of them from various texts left by his tribe, and the others would have to be trial and error until he figures it out. Maybe he would accidentally kill some vegetables until he got off the island and he would see someone growing them in their yard or something and he would ask about that.
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the-habitat-ring · 3 months
The (Real) Stardew Valley Farm Update
Okay, so I meant to post way more about this, but the past year involved a truly inhumane number of medical appointments including driving an hour away 2-3 times a week all summer, so . . . not a lot of time for gardening and not much energy for posting. Fingers crossed that this year goes better!
To refresh, I'm trying to grow everything from Stardew Valley in our yard, with substitutions as needed, preferably with Midwest USA native plants. 2021 and 2022 can be found here, with my original plans for what I was going to do for 2023 and 2024.
2021: Additions/Corrections
Starfruit - Native wood sorrel (thanks to @alienskyler1 for teaching me that they were related!)
Cave Carrot - Queen Ann’s Lace, AKA wild carrot (also plenty of cultivated carrots)
2023: What Actually Happened
Garlic - Native wild garlic
Wild Horseradish - Not wild, contained in a raised bed on concrete because I don't want it to get too wild (also a mint containment system!)
Hops - Teamaker hops which is good for tea. It struggled in the summer so maybe tea this year?
Winter Root - I went with hopniss, aka groundnuts, a native vine with tubers you dig up in winter
Fiddlehead Fern - Native hayscented fern
Poppy - Native wood poppy
The ferns and poppies were planted in the fall, so hopefully they come up well this spring!
2024: The Plan
Blue Jazz - Native Ozark Bluestar (one of my winter sowing seeds)
Apricot Tree - Native passionflower vine, known as wild apricot (winter sowing)
Sunflower - Winter sowing two native sunflowers, and will hopefully be growing some massive non-native ones as well
Summer Spangle - Native prairie lily (winter sowing)
Palm Tree/Coconut - Native palm sedge. I'll grow this from seed once it warms up
Pineapple - White strawberries (pineberries)
Oak Tree - Native dwarf chinquapin oak (it's been shockingly hard to get my hands on one)
Sweet Pea
Hot Pepper
Ancient Fruit - Native Aronia (they're blueish and have lots of antioxidants so you live to be ancient)
We'll see how it goes!
Planned for 2025 and Beyond:
Red Cabbage
Artichoke - Native Jerusalem artichokes
Cactus Fruit - Native prickly pear cactus
Bok Choy
Holly - Native winterberry holly
Crystal Fruit - Honey berries, which produce fruit earlier than anything else
Mushrooms - I'm just gonna ignore varieties and try some plugs or similar
Still trying to figure out doable substitutes for these
Qi Fruit - Very creepy
Taro Root - I would have to plant it in pots
Snow Yam
Mahogany Tree
Peach Tree
Pomegranate Tree - I could try Russian pomegranates?
I'll try to do a better job this year keeping everyone updated. It's been such a fun project and I'm so glad I decided to go for it!
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goldeneclipsee · 7 months
Oh pord he went super sayen ultimate rizz they had the level 5 sigma battle only in Ohio they went Kirby freestyle Johnny razer they had more rizz then the circle guard he sticked out his gyatt for the rizsler but luckily he countered by hitting the griddy with prime in hand after noclipping into the backrooms they watched the wensday show and found a alpha hybrid half demon half angel eagle wolf princess with fairy dust for hair and ultimately rizzed her up with their special sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler blast in canon
Oh pord part 2After successfully succeeding to rizz her up they decided their ultimate rizz battle would continue, goku strikes first pulling out the sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler, your ro skibidi, you're so famum tax, I just wanna be your sigma. Barely avoiding it he pulled out the uno reverse card but he was suddenly rick roll stickbugged, greatly lowering his bing chaling level but attempting to raise it he said ok boomer but his opponent temporarily turned into the among us imposter from among us from drinking the among us potion at 3 am, feeling very trollface. But angel said "Hey gamers! Wow what an epic gaming moment would rather be playing video games and would sell sister to play video games with my gamers and furries on roblox/fortnite but seeing the among us he gave them a bombastic side eye and played a vine boom sound effect making the other one feel very giga Chad and say L+Ratio deez nuts what's the dog doing I like pokemon go. A wild butter douge came singing we live we love we lie and drinking the grimace shake. Angel said your mom baldie basics looking ass get put you polish cow 🤭 and he said damn you need free real estate posters UwU but the among us came back, weakened saying OwO you are a big changes. The butter douge said what yall doing. The among us imposter from among us said I forgor so stfu u homophobia dog Yuri isn't that scary and angel make a mile wasoski face and a Walter white face. A sirenhead screamed BEANZ IM A POTATO :3 rizzing everyone up with that skibidi toilet level 5 gyatt in canon
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
Roots of the Month for January 2023: High John Root & Dandelion Root
High John De Conquer Root: borne of the Hoodoo Saint/Collective Spirits of Hoodoo lore and legend; the African Prince who used his trickster wit & strength to overcome his oppressors escaped bondage and sailed back to the Motherland. Who, upon his departure, left a piece of himself behind in the root of a plant we identify as High John Root.
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Taxa (Family/Genus/species): Convolvulaceae/ Ipomoea/pandurata or jalapa
Folk Nomenclature: High John De Conker, King Root, Man of the Earth,  Manroot
Common Name: "Morning Glory", "Indian Potato" or "Wild Potato Vine" (Pandurata) / " Morning Glory" ( Jalapa) 
Native Locality: North America (Pandurata) /  Mexico (Jalapa) 
Phenotypic Traits: I. pandurata = round, brown, hairy; resembles  a man's testes / I. jalapa = hard, lumpy, round-ish, dark brown
Parts Used: Root
Gender: Hot
Planetary Ruler: Mars
Elemental Ruler: Fire 
Traditional Usage in Rootwork: to invoke the Spirit of High John against overwhelming oppressive forces/obstacles, to achieve hard-fought victory,& for commanding power & strengthened nature.  NOT TO BE USED FRIVOLOUSLY OR FOR TRIVIAL MATTERS
Traditional Medicinal Usage: a strong laxative; brewed in as a tea or a small piece is to be chewed 
*** High John is undeniably THE root of Hoodoo Tradition & Culture. Today it is heavily overused by Hoodoos as it is appropriated by masking Wypipo attempting to gentrify Hoodoo spaces. There are 2 roots that have been given High John's name - both from the Morning Glory flower genus : Ipomoea pandurata (native to North America) & Ipomoea jalapa (native to Mexico). There has been much debate as to which root is the true High John Root, but Elders and Seasoned Folks raised or reared up underneath their wings know what's what. This isn't to say that we cannot invoke High John's spirit with 1 or the other; I believe we can with both as Black Americans & as Black Mexicans. However, if one knows the Hoodoo History & Culture cross-referenced with botany & geography, there can only be 1 true High John Root. 
Dandelion Root: 
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Taxa (Family/Genus/species): Asteraceae/Taraxicum/ dens-leonis or officinale
Folk Nomenclature: Lions Tooth
Common Name: Dandelion
Native Locality: Eurasia 
Phenotypic Traits: Long, stringy, shades of light and dark brown, carrot-like
Parts Used: Root & Leaves
Gender: Hot
Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Elemental Ruler: Air
Traditional Usage in Rootwork:  aids in the development of intuitive gifts, wish granting, increases spirit communication 
Traditional Medicinal Usage:  aids in digestion, alleviate stomach and liver problems
There are only 10 copies left of The 2023 Hoodoo's Calendar! Be sure to subscribe to the official e-newsletter for the latest updates & exclusive content access. https://thehoodooscalendar.square.site/product/the-hoodoo-s-calendar-2023-1st-edition/1?cs=true&cst=custom🌟
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janewilsonrva · 10 months
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On the Wild Side of Summer
Richmond, Virginia (USA)
Based on a photo from July 22, 2023.
It wouldn't be summer without the Wild Morning Glories showing their pretty faces in thickets or even along the ground. The white ones with a magenta-colored throat come from Wild Potato Vines and are quite popular with bees. 🐝
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killldeer · 4 months
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Ipomoea pandurata – Wild potato vine. A member of the bindweed family, this plant is perhaps best known for its sweet potato-like roots; but its flowers indicate that it is also a morning glory – a tough little blossom that blooms at the end of summer and into early fall when many other flowers are finished for the year.
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esotericawakenings · 8 months
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askgale · 7 months
Cooking Request!
My Tav is Sagora, a wood half-elf Druid! Before the ilithids captured her, her life was simple: run through the forest with the wolves in the moonlight, hunt, gather, forage, and conjure the best of what nature has to offer with her magic - commanding the very elements themselves. She has...fallen quite hard for Gale though. His magic is captivating, his stories fascinating, and his cooking? Exquisite. Somehow, he manages to take the most obscure, and paltry ingredients and makes some of the best meals she's ever had. She definitely doesn't sit there and watch him cook for camp almost every night while she mindlessly holds her magic in her hand - the emerald green glow of leaves and thin vines dancing around her fingers.
If he had all of his favorite ingredients at his disposal, what would he make for her, she wonders?
Hi Sagora!
If he had all his ingredients, Gale would combine his favourite things with a taste of the wild that might remind her of happier days.
He would cook Sagora a dish of wild boar chunks, marinated in his famous spicy sauce, skewered, and roasted over a magic-infused fire. He'd serve this with creamy, herb infused mashed potatoes. Perfectly smooth, infused with one of his favourite cheeses, and a glass of a fine Waterdaven Vintage.
Of course, this would need to be served on a proper table, tablecloth and fine goblets included. Maybe even some magically induced piano music and flowers, if you're lucky.
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thestudentfarmer · 2 months
Hello hello~
I've got some garden pic updates :)
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New sunflower patch, I'm only doing a small patch here as It's to tide over till I get some more scaping/zoning planned up. These are from 4th gen mix seeds (I got them from some friends and classmates)
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Same row, I purchased some jalapeno starts as the peppers I seed started are still super small currently.
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Same tows, some super late starting spinach. I'm letting it grow to see if I can see what seeding for spinach is like and share that with you all :)
In the white line/square is a wild seeded chamomile plant. I pulled it and gave it to the chickens as a treat.
Further up is the remaining carrots and some tomato starts we purchased, now interplanted with them. There's 2 slicer types and a grape variety. I don't remember offhand if they are determinate or indeterminate. Unfortunately the ones I seed started died off once they were returned outside.
:( thankfully we've all agreed to go light on tomatoes this year due to that.
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In ground some direct seeded squash, these are a patty pan/Starburst variety and a couple zuchinni. With luck this year we avoid the squash bugs!
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The direct seeded nasturtium in the back and front is careless wildseeded chamomile (I swear it's the best way to grow it and will be sowing another patch like this)
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The few eggplants I've left for now have flowers, pointed to by the white arrows.
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And the broccoli currently, the seeds aren't ready quite yet, but I pulled a pod the birds got to to check them, still pretty green but the seeds are of good size. Still lots of lovely flowers for the various pollinators of the area. Unlike carrot flowers, broccoli seems to attract mostly bees (the honeybees) I haven't seen too many butterflies, moths, flies or otherwise.
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Just a bee enjoying some broccoli pollen~
For pest report,
So far I've seen flies and stink bugs.
No ants, aphids and thankfully no squash bugs so far.
Beneficial bug report,
I did see some ladybird gators while doing maintenence cleanup. Some small soil roachs in a few of the beds earthworms while trimming off roots to old sunflower stems.
Mixed bugs:
What I believe to be praying mantis egg cases, I don't know how old or how new they are though.
Pillbugs in some of the beds.
Our parrot visitors have stopped coming by, unfortunatly we no longer have any sunflower heads available for them. When more sunflowers come in I hope they will visit again, or perhaps even when the hollyhocks start seeding. Plenty of the smaller birds of the area still visiting though. I find the thought they might get broccoli seed and wild seed it elsewhere very funny.
This week I plan to work on getting a water line in and some more deep beds set up for growing more sweet potato vines/spuds. As well as getting some melon seeds direct seeded if I can (I may need more soil first to refill the bed).
Started some new spuds to vine for the sweet potato's and ordered some sunchoke tubers and seeds to start out some new herbs/spices and teas.
That's it for today's post and update 😊
🌱🌻Happy homesteading and Urban Farming🌻🌱
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