#why not reveal myself for the monster i am?
medicinemane · 10 months
There's something for pretty much everyone to hate about me
It varies what it is from person to person, but I see people's posts, everyone has something they don't like about me, they just don't realize I fall into who they're talking about (or maybe they do but they're making an exception for some reason, but don't do that)
That's just how it is, that's just the truth of things
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poisonlove · 1 month
Wednesday Addams x F!Reader
• Reader is about to leave for work. Wednesday asks her if she's forgotten anything, and Reader gives her a kiss. Wednesday turns red and opens her hand to reveal Reader's keys/wallet/etc., saying
'I meant this, but it's appreciated.' Or smt like that!
forgetting something ?
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams X fem!reader
Words: 4k
Warning: fluffy
Author notes: I've received a lot of requests, I'll try to do them all!
Happy reading
"Love, what's the password for your phone?" I ask curiously as my eyes glance at the smartphone in my hand.
I found myself in Ophelia Hall in Wednesday's room with Enid, wanting to spend some time with my girlfriend. Enid was doing Things' manicure while sharing some gossip about some outcasts at school. Meanwhile, Wednesday Addams was making the most of her writing time.
Ignoring me.
The tapping of the keyboard abruptly ceases and Wednesday slowly turns towards me. Her brown eyes turn cold and dark as they meet Enid's, who visibly trembles in the face of that icy, penetrating intensity.
"Things, I'll finish later..." Enid whispers, her nervous smile betraying the fear inspired by Wednesday's gaze.
Without saying another word, Enid jumps up from her bed and hastily exits the room. The door slams behind her, resonating in the silent air as Wednesday watches her pass with an impassive expression, lips pressed in a subtle smile of satisfaction.
"How many times have I told you not to scare her?" I say with a small smile on my lips, and Wednesday looks at me without batting an eyelid.
"I didn't scare her," her voice is calm and controlled, without any hint of remorse or concern.
"You did," I sigh at her comment while absentmindedly playing with her phone.
"As you wish," Wednesday replies calmly, showing no particular emotion.
I smile shyly at her response.
"I told you not to use vulgar nicknames in front of others and you keep doing it," Wednesday justifies herself, looking at me curiously.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Vulgar?" I ask, feeling puzzled.
Wednesday nods timidly, without a hint of a smile on her lips.
I sigh loudly.
"Anyway... Could you tell me the password?" I ask again, wanting to change the subject to avoid ruining the atmosphere.
Wednesday tilts her head to the side and scrutinizes me with her gaze.
We've been together for a month, but I don't know if I'll ever get used to her quirks.
"My favorite plant" Wednesday replies in a monotone voice.
"Of course" I reply sarcastically as I type in 'Belladonna.' The phone unlocks, and I smile as I see the background: me and Wednesday embracing during the Poe Cup. The brunette had a stoic look while she look at me smile at the camera.
"Nice background," I say teasingly and Wednesday rolls her eyes at my comment.
"I know," she replies monotone.
I could see a small smile threatening to emerge at any moment.
"But don't you have any games?" I ask disappointedly, and Wednesday stares intensely at me.
"I barely use it to write to you," she justifies herself, and I nod understandably.
Wednesday and technology were two completely different things and couldn't fit in the same sentence.
"So you only have WhatsApp?" I ask curiously, looking at Wednesday.
"You're distracting me unnecessarily," Wednesday mutters annoyed by my questions. She turns her back on me and starts writing her story again.
"Thanks, Wed" I say sarcastically, and Wednesday continues to press the keys of the typewriter ignoring me.
"Why am I with her, I don't know," I mutter to myself, turning my gaze to her phone. I scroll through some pages and look at the apps.
I  choice YouTube.
"Because you love me," Wednesday replies loudly without looking at me "and anyway, I can hear you, be careful," she adds in a cold voice.
Was that a threat?
"Right" I reply aloud.
I start searching for what interests my girlfriend. Hundreds of horror stories and interviews of real murders, true photos, and thousands of hypotheses about monsters, unsolved murders, and much more.
Creepy but Wednesday's style.
"Y/n?" I raise my head from the phone and turn my attention to Wednesday who had once again interrupted her writing hour.
"Tell me, darling" I ask with a smile on my lips.
"Shouldn't you be going to work at the café?" Wednesday asks with curiosity.
My smile fades and I widen my eyes in realization: I had forgotten.
I quickly get up from the bed in a panic
"shit shit" I put on my shoes and look around the room in concern. "Where's the jacket?" I wonder, and I look around the room with worry. "You threw it on Enid's bed," Wednesday exclaims disapprovingly, and I smile hugely.
I internally thank Wednesday for her incredible memory.
I walk towards the door, but Wednesday's voice makes me stop.
"Forgetting something?" She asks seriously.
  I sigh at the unfortunate moment of being romantic. "You're right" I walk towards her and lean down towards her face to unite our lips in a sweet kiss.
As we separate, I notice that Wednesday's cheeks were completely flushed.
"You were forgetting the car keys, idiot," says Wednesday embarrassed, showing me the keys.
I had left them on her desk an hour ago when I arrived.
"Oh, thanks," I say embarrassed, and Wednesday smiles widely making my heart race a mile a minute.
"But I appreciated it" she confesses quickly and I smile back getting lost in her deep brown eyes.
Yes, definitely, now I remember why I'm with her.
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Drawing Down the Moon (Alastor x Ancient Roman!Witch!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any? Please correct me if I am wrong. The subject matter is a little niche.
Description: Alastor reencounters an old friend.
Word Count: 2,871
Master Lists:
All Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
A/N i’ve been reading about roman magic laws for school okay?? don’t judge me. Maybe one of the nichest things I've ever written (except that one Akutagawa x Reader fic I have on my Wattpad where I made them talk to one another in ancient Greek and Latin (its called Leo, Leonis and tbh, that fic slaps if I do say so myself)). Won't be surprised if no one reads or likes this one but I don't care. This will be a monster of a fic, she's been lurking in the recesses of my mind for a hot second now.
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"Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her?" Charlie was animatedly talking at Alastor as they walked the streets of Hell, "What about me, ME, says un understanding... misunderstanding?... Disunder- Wait, w-where are we?"
Alastor sprung to life as Charlie finally asked a question he had an answer to. Theatrically, he stepped into her curious line of sight, his arms held wide.
"Cannibal Town!" respectfully, Alastor turned and took Charlie's arm in his own, "There's a friend of mine I think you should meet."
"In Cannibal Town?" Charlie doubtfully asked as Alastor began to lead her towards a crowded shop entrance, "But it's... it's... surprisingly nice here."
"Isn't it, though?" Alastor proudly replied, "And it is all thanks to a very special someone."
Alastor opened the stained glass doors to the emporium, allowing Charlie to walk through them before he followed in her wake. The store was full, packed to the brim with cannibals of all sorts, all of whom seemed to part respectfully in the face of Alastor, allowing him to approach the front counter with Charlie trailing after him.
"Ah, Johnny my good fellow." Alastor hummed to the cashier, leaning casually on the counter.
The demon seated behind the table looked up with a wide smile.
"Mister Alastor, it has been quite a while since we've seen your face around these parts."
Charlie watched the interaction in mild surprise. It wasn't often she had the pleasure of meeting someone Alastor knew who didn't hate him or want him dead. Curiosity clouded her mind as Alastor waved the man off.
"I don't mean to be rude but, we're in a bit of a rush." Alastor said, politeness pooling delicately around his words, "Rosie wouldn't happen to be in, would she?"
"Ah, well, you see, Mister Alastor..." the demon seemed slightly uncomfortable, scratching at his ear slightly, "She's a tad... preoccupied at the moment?"
"A guest?" Alastor asked.
"A guest." Johnny reluctantly confirmed.
"Well, no matter. Is she in the back?"
"Yes," Johnny got to his feet, leaning forward as Alastor linked arms with Charlie once again, leading her behind the counter, "but I really don't think it's a good idea to... and they're gone."
"Wasn't that rude?" Charlie asked as Alastor pulled her behind the curtain that separated the main store from the backrooms and Rosie's apartment, "Oh no, is that guy going to get in trouble? Because of us?"
"Everything will be just fine my dear, don't you worry." Alastor patted her hand reassuringly as they came to stop before a door.
Letting Charlie's arm fall free, he straightened his jacket just the slightest bit before knocking on the door. There was a moment of silent anticipation before a voice from the other side called:
"Who is it?!"
"Alastor, Rosie." Alastor replied calmly.
There was a rustling of fabric, a handful of hasty footsteps, and the door swung open to reveal a woman. She was tall and beautiful in her long dress and her wide brimmed hat.
"Oh my stars!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, "Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-"
The woman, Rosie, trailed off as she caught sight of Charlie standing beside her dear friend.
"Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you. Oh, I'm just kidding. But where are your manners, Mister? Introduce us, why don't you?"
"Ah, yes, Charlie, this is Rosie: the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram."
At his words, Rosie smiled, giving a perfect curtsy. It was as her form lowered that Charlie caught sight of the interior of the room, and the strange seated figure it housed. Alastor seemed not to have noticed and as Rosie straightened herself up again, she laughed slightly.
"Oh, always such a charmer."
"And Rosie," Alastor continued, "it is my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell."
Charlie smiled weakly, waving slightly at the imposing and nearly off-puttingly cheerful woman.
"How do you do?" she asked awkwardly, "I am very sorry for interrupting your meeting, I tried to get Alastor to wait but..."
"Oh, yes!" Rosie suddenly exclaimed, almost as if she had forgotten about her previous guest in all the excitement, "Come on in you two, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
Charlie was about to protest when Rosie grabbed her by the arm, dragging her into the room. Alastor followed, turning his back as he shut the door behind them. Charlie's mouth fell open slightly as her eyes finally saw the truth of Rosie's guest.
She was tall, probably tall enough to rival Alastor or Rosie herself. Skin tinged slightly blue, she seemed to be covered in a faint gold dust that clung to her draped, toga-like dress and skin in equal amount. Heaps of gold jewelry hung on every inch of her as well, wrapping her wrists, her neck, her ankles, her fingers, even braided into her hair. Resting atop her head was a crown of gold with a half moon on it, her feet were bare. With wide, white eyes that nearly seemed unseeing, the woman watched Charlie carefully.
"Can I offer you something to eat?" Rosie was asking, but Charlie could barley hear her, unable to break eye contact with the woman, "I'm sure I have a leg around here or something..."
"I am afraid were not here for food." Alastor thankfully stepped in, turning to Rosie with closed eyes and a wide smile, "We happen to be in need of some help."
"Alastor?" the woman spoke and her voice resounded in itself, loud yet soft at the same time, singular and yet somehow plural.
"Well, aren't you fresh."
That was the first thing she had ever said to him. Alastor had been wandering Hell, minding his own business when he had heard that voice say those words and felt a fire ignited in him. Slowly, he had turned around to see a pair of towering demons. Overlords, he realized, and big ones at that. Alastor's smile sharpened at its edges as he began to formulate a plan.
Charlie turned at last, as if whatever spell the stranger had cast on her had broken at the sound of her voice, to look at Alastor in mild confusion. She heard his breath hitch in his throat. The man in question was frozen, his ears twitching wildly, his eyes now wide open.
"Is that you?" the demon asked again.
Alastor somehow seemed to reassemble himself before their very eyes. Slowly, he turned to the room's only occupied chair.
"Who are you?"
Alastor feigned innocence, looking up at the titan herself as she took a step forward. In an instant, she stood at his height, looking him dead in the eyes.
"An odd one too." she hummed thoughtfully, white eyes tracking the stars, reading his future it almost seemed, "Most people go with what before who."
Alastor was unsure how to respond to that one. The titan chuckled, a grin flashing across her face. It was unexpected, disconcerting. Alastor hadn't thought her face capable of any expression save solemn disinterest. She turned her head slightly to the side, looking back over her shoulder to her companion.
"Zestial, cara mea?"
The spidery demon took a step forward, meeting her eyes.
"Don't you have something you need to be getting to?"
Alastor may have been dumbstruck, but he wasn't stupid. He heard the order as clearly as if she had not bothered with the formalities of disguising it. It shocked Alastor to his core. This might be his first time encountering Zestial but, he had heard the demon's name before. Most frequently, it had been spat at him by his victims who claimed that one of Hell's oldest and most respected demons would come for him. So who was this other overlord, the titan? Sure, he'd heard of her before but enough that such blatant disrespect towards Hell's most respected made sense? No. Not at all, in fact.
Zestial paused a moment before bowing his head slightly.
"You're quite right." he hummed, "I will be seeing you presently I expect?"
"Perchance." the titan lazily replied, her gaze having long since switched back to Alastor, set on analyzing his features, "I'll let you know."
With another polite bow, Zestial had turned and began walking in the opposite direction. The titan held an arm out for Alastor. He looked at it curiously before meeting the demon's eye's again. She laughed.
"So suspicious. I thought you we're the one killing overlords, not me."
His eyes went wide.
"How do you..." he cleared his throat, "how did you know?"
It was a stupid question and he knew it. There hadn't been any secret keeping, not really. Sure, he never outright said he was the Radio Demon who broadcasted screams but he supposed there couldn't be many Radio Demon's out there really. It didn't matter that he had only been going after overlords for a month or so now, she was one. Of course she would know.
"Let's go for a walk, shall we?"
All it took was one look. Suddenly, he was new again, spat fresh out of life on Earth and in to Hell's gaping maw. One look at her, and he dissolved at the edges, forming and reforming his own ability to speak and comprehend the world around him.
"It is." the woman hummed, a wide smile breaking across her face, revealing the blackness of her teeth, her mouth.
Alastor soon formed a bit of a soft spot for the inhuman overlord. It was that first meeting, that first walk. He had asked, hunting for information to wield against her, about her life on Earth and in Hell. It was her fault really, for answering. That's what had him stuck.
Y/n had laid her life out for him like a freshly pressed table cloth. She had been raised on the streets of ancient Rome and executed as a witch. She was perhaps the oldest demon remaining in Hell, the exterminations having eventually wiped out even the strongest members of her times. Just as Alastor had been reborn as a deer due to his death, so too was she reborn as what they had accused her of. Every ritual, every spell, prophecy itself all worked for her. It was then Alastor understood the interaction he had witnessed between Zestial and Y/n, then he understood the respect.
He found himself drawn to her more and more and, somehow, he always seemed to be able to find her when he went searching. He assumed it was some strange magical nonsense she controlled. Alastor didn't question it.
Y/n showed him Hell in a way he had never seen it before. She taught him where to gather herbs and how to use them, how to bend the earth to his will, how to spin iunges and call down the storms, the rain, the moon. Alastor devoured, fed by her hand.
It was odd, Charlie had never seen a demon like her before. The white eyes, the teeth black with what seemed to be darkness, the gold. All of it was off putting yet somehow, captivating. Alastor seemed to be acting weird, his eyes flitting wildly across the woman, taking in her every detail. Charlie wasn't sure what to do about that.
In some sense, Alastor seemed to be scared. In another, he was in an overjoyed state of disbelief. Charlie wasn't sure which was more disconcerting, or how to respond to either and so, she simply watched.
"I have a question, mea ocella."
Y/n announced one day and Alastor turned from where he sat spinning stories into his microphone at her feet. That was what she had called him, her little eye. She told him it was a term of endearment. Alastor had no reason to doubt. The red grass swayed slightly in the breeze as he looked up at her, immediately bringing a halt to his broadcast.
"What is it?"
"You've been so set on ending all us overlords for so long now," she hummed, "wouldn't you like to do something different?"
"Something like what?"
"See from the other side of the glass."
Her white eyes glowed blue, the gold on her skin shining out into the world around like stars. Alastor sighed.
"You're prophesying again."
She nodded in agreement. Y/n had never seen the point in lying, she had never known its use. Not since before she could remember, back in the times she lived. They were so distant now, so immaterial and unimportant she rarely payed those memories much mind.
"So, what is it you see me doing?"
"Simple riddle or play on words?"
The two types of prophesy, the two options. Alastor put a finger to his chin, humming in thought.
"Simple riddle. Please, not in dactylic hexameter if you would, decoding that always gives me a headache."
"But that has been the meter of prophecy since Justice herself sat on the Delphic throne, mea ocella." Y/n retorted in surprise, meeting Alastor's eyes.
"Yeah, well."
Y/n laughed lightly, looking back out blankly toward the future.
"As you wish, ocella. Just this once. My gift to you."
Alastor hummed his non-comital thanks, turning his gaze back out the the skyline of the city as well.
"One will be two, two will be four, when that number comes be ready for more. Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next. Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three."
"Rhymes? Really?"
Y/n looked down at him, the glow fading from her as their eyes met and the future vanished from the scope of her vision.
"You asked for no hexameter, I still get to have fun."
"Yeah, yeah."
The pair fell into a comfortable silence. Alastor ran the words of her fortune in his head, trying to gain any semblance of reason from them.
"They don't sound very... avoidable."
"That's because it's not one of the ones you can change."
Y/n pulled herself to her feet suddenly, her chiton swirling around her. Alastor watched in awe as her image flickered in the air for a moment between the image of herself just a head shorter than him, the one who loomed around nine feet tall, and some three headed monster at what must've been five stories. Leaning, she held a hand out for him to grasp. It took Alastor a moment to realize, shaking his head slightly as he at last accepted Y/n's help and got to his feet.
"Where are we going?"
"I've decided you are going to be an overlord, mea ocella."
"I think it might help you down the line."
It had been years since Alastor had seen her. Long before he had taken his so called seven year sabbatical, Y/n had vanished. Alastor knew she wasn't dead, he would have been able to tell if she was dead. Surly the world would have shifted in some new and strange way to lose the goddess of the crossroads, the titan, Hekate made flesh and blood. Nothing like that had happened and so he knew she was alive, just not where or how.
Y/n's prophecies were always accurate. Standing here before her now, Alastor recalled her words from all those decades before.
One will be two, two will be four. When that number comes, be ready for more.
One had been just him. Two? When he had died and met his shadow. Alastor realized now that three had been Y/n herself and that the fourth important person who had come into his afterlife was the very person who owned his soul.
Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next.
Seven years he'd been gone, indeed under an unexpected and disastrous situation. When, after seven long years, he had returned to Hell, he had gone to the hotel. It was at the Hazbin Hotel that he not only met Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Sir Pentious but that they became vital parts of his life along with Husk and Nifty who before then had mostly existed on the periphery. Those six, plus the original four, made ten.
Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three.
All along, all those years ago, she had known. Alastor had always respected Y/n, always harbored a soft and disconcerting love for the witch. Never before now had either felt so overwhelming. Alastor took a trembling step forward from his place at Charlie's side. The world closed in, she was the only thing he could see.
Y/n smiled as he sunk to his knee before her, his head bowed.
"Mea ocella." she happily hummed, lifting his head up gently with the tips of her bluish grey fingers.
This fic will probably have a part two.
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @kahlan170 @wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever @skyeliteratures @zombiesnips-blog
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
man idk why but i just kinda want to make creator! reader's backstory SAD like they were tortured (?) just to keep the rest of humanity/teyvat safe.. like i am a SUCKER for sad/traumatic backstories!! just a little brainrot i need to get out!!
i'll keep this short and sweet i told myself. lmao. i forgot i'm a sucker for easy angst
Blood of God
Notes: Sagau cult au, cut-based injuries, blood sacrifice. bunch of fun stuff. Reader is the Creator, golden blood, etc. read at your own discretion
WC. 976
----- ⚘ -----
When you first descended into Teyvat, You were initially met with praise and celebration. Countless festivals were held in Your name. Your beloved characters, Your acolytes, were the first ones in line to beg for Your blessings.
That's when everything started to go downhill.
With the realization that Your physical presence in the world meant no more divine guidance, Your acolytes grew desperate for Your blessings. Blessings that You, as a mortal human being, could not grant. Not to the same degree that You used to, when You played the game and bestowed buffs and upgrades aplenty to all Your teams, and generously ascended even those You didn’t have plans for.
But now, even as You stand before them in flesh and blood, Your godlike abilities have been reduced to mere party tricks. You spoke to the animals, and twisted the breeze. You made flames dance with a single gesture, and grew pretty flowers in your footsteps. None of this helped the acolytes, though.
Interest in Your well-being, in You, dwindled. Your acolytes wished You well, the rare few even questioning Your divinity, and sent You on your merry way.
Abandoned and unarmed in a world full of hostile creatures, You took up jobs with the Adventurers Guild. First, it was fetching and delivering goods for the city citizens. Then, it was carrying messages across the countryside from town to town. Lastly, it was picking off monster camps that strayed too close to civilization.
This is where a few of your acolytes found You, injured and bleeding brass-coloured ichor into the dirt and swinging wildly with Your adventurer’s sword.
Deity or not, Your acolytes were not ones to stand idle while another was put in harm’s way. Into the fray they jumped, and fought by Your side despite their reservations about You.
In the heat of the battle, the acolytes noticed something strange. Those sprayed with Your blood were given increased strength and capability for a short while, until the stain dried and wore off.
Encouraged, they investigated further. Using some of Your blood as war paints extended the duration of the blessing by nearly double, coating their weapons with it would increase the effectiveness of their strikes, and a brave few discovered that ingesting it would boost them all-around for the entirety of the day.
Harken, and rejoice! For irrefutable proof of the Creator’s benevolent presence has been revealed! And You, desperate for their love and acceptance, gave it to them without question.
A beautiful, elaborate temple was built in Your honour, with ceremonial blades scattered throughout the decor and deep channels filled with ever-flowing ambrosia running across the floor. As Your holy blood continued to be spilled, the hue of it began to run a shimmering gold.
Those who sought Your blessings need only visit you in Your temple, bringing offerings of kill trophies and unearthed relics. Then, they would partake of Your divinity by their choice of method, dipping their reverent hands in the rivers of ichor that pulse across the temple grounds.
You haven’t stopped bleeding in months.
It was bearable at first, when the first time the channels were filled You were pleased to discover that they would not run dry for some time. When the acolytes came for lessings, you would only need to refill the trenches every few days.
You asked if they could bring You softer offerings, of sweet foods and thoughtful bouquets. Such shows of softness were dismissed with a laugh. What need did you have for plants, when the strength you gave them could afford you even the rarest and most difficult trophies to obtain?
But the Abyss came. Celestia’s wrathful gaze descended. Your acolytes were fighting a war on two fronts.
They came on their hands and knees, emptying your stores quicker than you could refill them. Eventually, you took to sitting in the golden throne with your preferred blade, sluggishly carving yourself open to ensure the continued survival of your beloved acolytes.
It wasn’t enough.
Please, they begged. Give us the strength You once were able to grant. Show us the stars in your eyes and in your blood once more, that we might fight and win in Your name.
Filled with fear, and hurt, and love, you gave them everything you had left.
Their lips and teeth stained with brilliant auric gore, they took to the fields once again. The Abyss fell before them, the cursed beasts of the land fell into disarray and fled into the winds. Celestia conceded victory.
The acolytes cheered and danced in the aftermath of their slaughter. Eager to show their renewed devotion, they returned home to You.
But Your temple had crumbled, and the deep wells that once held Your pulse have turned to dust. Your blessing was but glittering sand in their mouths as they sort through the rubble to find any traces of You.
There was no way to know who broke first. Your acolytes realized too late the price for Your continued generosity, and squandered Your love on chasing strength and war.
Your temple was rebuilt with petals replacing every blade. The grooves filled with the soil that was steeped with the blood of the fallen, and flowers of all shades of vibrant, terribly human red grew there.
Dendrobium and Mourning flowers. Even the azure Sea ganoderma bloomed in rare patches where water pooled deeper.
Had they loved You as a human and not as a seemingly bottomless resource, would You have stayed? The thought of such a question shamed them. You asked for their love and they’d given You their blades. You asked for sweets and they’d brought you the bones of their enemies.
And yet, You wanted to stay. Even as they literally bled You dry, You had only ever wanted their happiness, no matter the cost.
And heavy was the cost.
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wormshirt · 5 months
As someone who uses a mobility aid and has muscular tension that cause me general body and joint pain and stiffness from the hips down on both sides what would kill me with doctor who wouldn't be the running it'd be the fucking stairs. They don't always have stairs in doctor who but oh boy when they do. I can run super fast and then inevitably injure my hips and suffer through it and keep limping along through the pain but if it's a flight of stairs between me and safety I'm so dead. If I don't take those stairs 1 step at a time my knees WILL lock or my muscles will throw such a massive hissy fit that it'll take me TWICE the time it takes your average person to go up those stairs and I will be killed or kinapped or put through some strange and unusual scifi horror by step 3. The doctor and I (limping) run down 50000000 hallways and we reach the end of a hall with only a reasonably sized staircase on the other end of it and the doctor immediately starts vaulting up the steps 3 at a time until he turns around and notices that I have stopped completely at the bottom of the steps to stare at him blithely. He starts trying to get me to go up the stairs or ask what the hell I think I'm doing and I slowly lower myself back down to the ground and cross my arms over my chest and begin reciting funeral prayers with a serene smile. The big evil monster comes after me and I am eaten. Badly. The doctor yells NOOOOO really loud and cries a little maybe idk and then is emo about it for like half a season until they end up back by the staircase in a season finale or something and it's revealed that the stairs are magic stairs that preserve the conciousness of any ugly ass bitch who hates staircases enough and the doctor is implied to have know this all along. and the doctor gives me some heartbroken major depressive disorder poster child look and a little speech about how they "couldn't have come back here for blah blah excuses reasons" and I smile sweetly and say "why the fuck didn't you have an emergency exit strategy or some shit incase the guy who uses a fucking cane couldn't do some shit like go up stairs super fast because he uses a fucking cane. Hello. Not even mad. Are you stupid. You are a timelord. Your people let your gay ass fuck off to who knows where because you're the dumbest timelord ever and they couldn't stand your stupid ass. I can't believe I'm stuck on this gay ass space station with this lame ass death for all of eternity because you didn't think that the guy who struggles to go up stairs would struggle to go up stairs. You wanna know what the alien said to me before he ate me. He said hey that dude you're here with sucks so bad and is stupid and gay and lame as hell. And I would have said 'yeah lol' but then he ate me. He ate me because of stairs doctor. Stairs." And then I'd stay forever trapped with my soul in that staircase just so I could spend the rest of enternity sending spam calls and telemarketers to the tardis phone. The doctor's investigating something outside an alien bar somewhere and sees ads like XXX Brittany Wants To Spend a NIGHT With YOU Sexy! Hot Singles in your area! Call here for a night of FUN! HOT SINGLE Xxeksifloryean Milfs Looking For a MATE in GALAXIES NEAR YOU!!!!❤️❤️❤️ and softly puts a hand on the posters and goes "I'm sorry I couldn't save you....." five seconds later jerry from *TOTALLY REAL* intergalactic statefarm NOT A FAKE NOT A SCAM calls up the doctor on the TARDIS phone to ask about the doctor's insurance info. Somewhere I kick an ugly ass step on a stupid fucking staircase and break my ghost toe. I hop around and start swearing.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : jing yuan x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : memories lost, memories found ( part 2 !! )
↳ authors note : i'm very sorry if this doesn't fit anyones expectations or standards, as i dont really like this myself :( i might take a short tiny break, mostly to get my rhythm back! thank yaurrr <3
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There's a small crowd that surrounds the Cloudford area, whispers and chatters coming from bystanders and even a few Cloud Knights. All step out of the way when JING YUAN walks through, but their stares spark an uneasy feeling in him. What could be causing such a stir between the people?
Once he makes it to the front, there's a sight of what seems to be a person just about his age wearing parts and pieces of different Cloud Knight armor and clothing. "Let me go!" The muffled voice yells due to their headpiece.
Jing Yuan kneels down in front of them, grabbing them by the chin and making them look at him. Though he couldn't see their face, the slight startle in their body language was as clear as day. "Stop..!-" They beg, trying to pull away but the grip around their wrist makes it impossible to move.
They attempt to move their head away, but the slow slip of their mask makes them panic further. Once it fully falls, Jing Yuan's eyes widen as he takes a moment to absorb their features. Your features. The fear in your expression causes him to stumble, dropping the mask as he realizes exactly who you are. "(name?)" He'll say as soft as a whisper, about to reach his hand out for your cheek but the adrenaline and fear gives you enough strength to give one strong tug and free yourself.
"Wait!-" He'll yell, but you ignore his pleas and turn your back. Running as fast as your feet can take you, and he has no idea what comes over him, but he picks himself up and chase after you. He thought he lost you, that he'd never see you again, so he's not about to lose you when you're right there.
You disappear somewhere in an area surrounded by crates, but something, an odd sixth sense was telling him that you were there somewhere. A sense that he once failed to listen to, on the day he lost you, and he was not about to make that same mistake. "(name).." Jing Yuan's footsteps grow closer, and you use one hand to muffle your sobs as you hid in one of the containers
You watch as he steps inside, looking down at you as you refused to meet his gaze. Burying your head into your knees as you sniffle. "I-"
"I know what you're going to say." You began, lifting your head up slightly but not quite enough to look at him. Not after all those years you had left him alone to suffer. "Why didn't I come back? Why did I leave you to be alone?" You say with a growing frustration in your tone, not at him, but to yourself. As if what you're saying was directed at you, at what you did in the past. "W-well.. I didn't know what to do, okay? Everyone thought I was dead, or even Mara-struck. I was afraid of returning at the idea that many would think that I am a monster, I certainly looked the part after the incident.. B-but look at you! You're.. the General, just like we knew you would be! And.. you've been good without me. I knew you would be okay even when I'm not around, and maybe I could be wrong but.. Y-you're better than ever, aren't you?"
You can feel his hand make its way to the top of your head, and as you spoke, it would slowly travel downwards to the side of your head and he finally pauses at your cheek. "Stop with your silence, idiot! I don't want your pity, nor your forgiveness, just.. say something!"
He slowly lifts your head, to reveal the gentleness of his soul that mirrored through his eyes. The way he opens his lips but no words come out makes you feel like the world has gone quiet, as if the world itself held its breath and was waiting for his answer.
"When I closed my eyes, your blurred face was all I would see. So now that I'm here, your face in my hands, despite my eyes wide open.. I'm just hoping you don't disappear when I let go."
A shaky breath escapes your lips, inhaling as it turns into a breathless laugh. Tears forming in your eyes as you pull him into a tight hug, blubbering nonsense that were intended to be words. You had so much to say, so much to do, yet all you wanted was this moment to last forever. Being in the arms of the person you missed the most.
And on Jing Yuan's end, it all feels like a dream. Your arms wrapped around his chest, your tears staining his shoulder and the way your racing heartbeat was pressed against his own. A heart to heart, one could say, but he can't process that this is all real. You're real, and you're right here.
"Please don't go." He breathes out, one hand around your waist, the other the top of your head to pull you closer and practically burying you into his shoulder. "I'd never dream of it, never again. Don't lose me again."
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redtsundere-writes · 2 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mmafigther!sukuna ryomen x femcoach!reader
Part 12. Between Us
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Sypnosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Yuuji, Choso and Sukuna are brothers. Warnings: Cursed words, I only read it once. Word Count: 2879 words. Author's Note: 2 parts away to the end! I'm super excited for what is to come.
Btw I made a PLAYLIST
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Dinner continued as night fell over the elegant panorama. Musicians continued to play all night long, waiters walked around the tables with trays laden with appetizers and people chatted pleasantly surrounded us. I was eating delicious food, drinking expensive champagne, and I was sitting between two super attractive men, what more could I ask for? Definitely a good night. His mother would sometimes give me uncomfortable looks, but Sukuna would scold her every time he caught her doing it. Choso would get me to talk about my plans once I stopped working for her brother. And Yuuji… I didn't want to talk to him after exposing myself like that in front of his family. I knew he was a big gossip, but I never thought he would reveal something like that to his parents. 
When dinner was over, his parents said goodbye to everyone and went back to their house. Or I rather say, mansion. I had discovered that the Itadori's owned a large coffee company that was distributed internationally. Now I understood why Sukuna was so spoiled, he has always had everything he wants from the cradle. Good thing Choso and Yuuji didn't turn out like him. 
“I think we are ready to leave, right, Choso?” Yuuji asked the middle brother before pulling him by the arm to the car. 
“Not so fast,” Sukuna said before pulling him towards him by the hoodie's cap. Yuuji replied to the sudden movement. “We already knew you were a shitty gossip, but today you went too far,” I scolded him while forcing him to stand in front of me. 
“Stop it, Sukuna!” Choso exclaimed to make me let go of his little brother. 
“Shut up! You know perfectly well that what he did is not right,” Sukuna barked. “Apologize to Y/n for what you said.” 
That action coming from Sukuna healed wounds in me that I didn't know were still there. I think it was the first time someone defended me like that. I was so used to always fighting for myself that I had forgotten how it felt to have someone come to my defense.  I don't know if he was doing it out of wanting to discipline his younger brother or to protect me, it was still comforting to see him act so concerned about the situation. I felt safe next to him even though he could act like a monster at times.
“I'm sorry for saying what Naoya did to you in front of everyone. It won't happen again,” Yuuji apologized, avoiding my gaze, ashamed of his actions. 
“You better keep your word,” I told him so. Sukuna would let him go. 
After a quiet ride home, Sukuna wished me goodnight and we both headed to our respective rooms. I took off the cute little girl costume I had put on as I recalled the intimate moment I had shared with Choso and how Sukuna kept nagging his family so he could have a quiet dinner. I sighed tiredly before lying face down on the big white bed. I shoved my face between the goose down pillows as I realized I had spent the whole night fantasizing about two different men. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” I scolded myself. 
Tonight I confirmed that my feelings for Choso were still there, but now they coexisted with the feelings I had for Sukuna, his own brother. What I was feeling was not right, but what could I do about it? I couldn't date both of them to find out whom I liked more. I couldn't play with them like they were plastic dolls. I also didn't want to make a pros and cons list, that seems tacky to me. I looked at the clock, it was 11 o'clock at night. I was sure Nobara was still awake. 
“Well, well… Finally, someone deigns to call me,” Nobara answered the video call. She had her hair up, a mask on her face and a loose-fitting sleep shirt. She was getting ready to go to sleep, he had caught her at a good time.
“I know, I've been busy,” I replied embarrassed. “But now I'm in the middle of a dilemma.” 
“Oh, finally, some tea!” Nobara replied. 
I told him everything that my heart wanted to let out for months. How tender, mysterious and attractive Choso was and how handsome, strong and disciplined Sukuna is. About how much I wanted to go out with Choso to coffee shops and art museums. About how much I wanted Sukuna to give me a clear sign that he liked me as a girlfriend and not as a hamster he had to protect from hawks. The mixture of love and confusion surprised Nobara with every sentence he blurted out. 
“I like them both, and I have no idea what to do,” I finished my confession. 
“Taylor Swift could write a song about it,” Nobara joked before pulling a cheeto out of the blue bag and eating it. “I don't understand why you're racking your brains when the answer is so obvious.” 
“Is it?” I asked confused. 
“Duh. I'm team Choso to death,” I answered. 
“Do I really have to say it?” Nobara looked at me as if I was stupid. I just kept quiet. She sighed in exasperation and sat up straight to speak seriously. “Choso is the only one who likes you back, and you really like him too. Sukuna only likes you because you respect him a lot and not because you really want to go out with him,” she replied wisely. 
“I see…” I whispered as I realized it was true. 
When I think of Sukuna, I think of his sportswear, how great he looks boxing and how strong he looks against his opponents, but I also think of the thousands of flaws he has. He is an angry, spoiled and rude man. I could have disciplined Yuuji tonight, but he could become a thousand times worse if he set his mind to it. Even though I felt safe with him, I don't know him like I'd like to.  
“Besides, Sukuna may not be like Naoya, but it sounds like he's similar,” Nobara added. 
“You're right,” I sighed before closing my eyes. 
Since that night, I decided to stay sentimentally away from Sukuna. Every time I saw him, I thought about him with a cold head. I saw beyond my rose-colored glasses that made me drool for him. We still trained, ate and spent time together, but I avoided him at times when we could be completely alone. As the days went by I saw him less as a perfect man and more as a cranky friend. 
A month had passed since then and the big fight against Aoi Todo was just around the corner. The entire team had traveled all the way to Rio de Janeiro for the big night that awaited us. Brazil gave us a warm welcome from the moment we arrived. Paparazzi, fans, and sponsors had been bombarding us with flashing lights and posters to autograph since we arrived at the airport. Team Black had finally arrived to rule the place.
Sukuna tried to go for my face as he did every training session. I evaded him with no trouble to land a hook to the liver that knocked him back a couple of steps. After months of exhaustive training, I had already learned Sukuna's pattern of moves. He always goes for the killing blow first, then low attacks and again, tries to knock me out. It's a pattern that repeats over and over again with a variation that occasionally catches me off guard. 
“Keep your guard up!” Gojo shouted at me from the side of the ring. 
I put my arms up to cover my face better. Yuuji and Nanami were watching us fight with Gojo. We were waiting patiently at the UFC offices to be called for the official weigh-in. We knew perfectly well that Sukuna was at his ideal weight, but we had to find out if Aoi Todo was. Being the heavyweight champion wanting to compete for the light heavyweight title, it meant he had to lose at least 22 pounds for the fight to be held fairly. 
Sukuna sent me to the corner with a single jab. I tried to recover, but he was already on top of me, busting me with punches until I reached my limit. I could only keep my guard up until he got tired and opened a door of opportunity. What I didn't count on was that I got a hook to the tit. 
“Oh, son of a bitch! I screamed in pain while I pushed him to let myself rest for a second. 
“I wanted to hit you in the stomach, but since you are smaller, I didn't hit you where I wanted to,” he explained with an evil smile. “That’s some bullshit,” I thought.  
“Sukuna Ryomen, you can go to the office,” a UFC assistant announced. 
“Saved by the bell,” Sukuna said before taking off his gloves. I flipped him off as I took off one of mine. 
The entire team made their way to the office where the official judges and the referee who would be in charge of the fight were waiting for us. The process was simple. They would just weigh the fighters, recite the official rules to both of them, and we could go back to the hotel to prepare for the weigh-in. We had done this several times before, there was nothing to be surprised about. 
“Hello, Sukuna,” Yuki Tsukumo greeted us with a big smile as soon as we entered the office. 
Sukuna, Yuuji and I froze when we saw her next to Aoi Todo. This had to be a fucking sick joke. She was the coach of our new opponent? This only meant bad news. Sukuna completely ignored her to greet the judges, referee and Todo. 
“Good to see you again, Snake,” Yuki greeted me directly while Aoi was weighed on a professional scale. 
“Why didn't you tell me you were Aoi's coach?” I asked her while the judges were taking the necessary measurements for the data sample. 
“Was I supposed to?” She asked pretending to be confused. 
It was Sukuna's turn. He took off his shirt and shoes to weigh himself. I hated to admit it, but it was an amazing sight. Even though I had seen it several times before, I couldn't get used to it. I tried to look away so that my cupid thoughts wouldn’t take possession of my body. 
“How is your brother?” Yuki asked him to obviously annoy him. Sukuna gave him a whiplash with his gaze for even having the nerve to mention his little brother. 
“He's fine,” I answered for him so he wouldn't get in trouble in front of the judges. “Great, I'd say,” I said with a mischievous smile. 
After the judges recited the rules and both fighters agreed, both teams left the office with a tense air following us closely. Team Black began to leave the scene to return to the hotel after an exhaustive morning training and Todo’s gym went to the gym.  
“I hope we have a good fight!” Todo said to Sukuna while shaking his hand. 
Todo was friendlier than I imagined. He had a nice smile all the time, was kind to everyone and had an overall good vibe, unlike his coach. Now I understood why Toji Fushiguro wanted to leave the stage, so fighters like Sukuna or Todo could shine. Todo's team continued on their way to the gym, but Yuki stayed behind. 
“It's good to see you again, how long has it been since we've seen each other? 2 years?” Yuki asked him, ignoring the rest of her team to focus on Sukuna. She wanted to provoke him, I was sure of that. 
“Why don't you go ahead? I have to talk to her,” I said to Sukuna as I stepped between them to distance them. 
“Don't do anything stupid,” Sukuna whispered to me before walking away from us. 
“I would really appreciate it if you would leave my athlete alone,” I said to Yuki once my team had left the hallway. 
“I don't think it's a sin to want to say hello to him,” she said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“You know perfectly well that he doesn't want to greet you after what you did,” I said. 
“So he told you. Did you really believe him?” Yuki asked me in disbelief. 
“Well, Sukuna's version makes you look like a gold digger and Choso's version makes you look like a whore, which one do you prefer?” I asked defensively. 
“I thought you would understand me. You know how hard it is to enter this world as a woman. I needed that job,” Yuki explained, making it clear that Sukuna's version of the story was the truth.
I knew better than anyone that the world of mixed martial arts was complicated for a woman to navigate in. There are perverts everywhere, the other fighters don't take you seriously and the coaches are harder on you. It's a world plagued by men who only see you as a small insignificant being, just because you can't compete directly against them. Women fighters have to work twice as hard as men to secure a place in the industry. 
“It's difficult but not impossible. Did you really have to pick on his brother to prove your worth? You only made yourself worse,” I asked, annoyed. 
“How sad to see you've changed, Snake,” Yuki sighed. “Who knew? One day you're on top and the next you're working for an idiot like Sukuna Ryomen. Weren't you supposed to hate fighters like him?” she said before wanting to withdraw from the conversation, but she was very wrong if she thought I would let her have the last word. 
“It's true that I hate fighters with massive egos like him, but I hate people like you even more,” I told him before following the path where my team had gone. 
“People like me?” Yuki wondered. 
“Bad and stupid,” I said without looking back. I hoped my point was clear.
I continued my way until I reached the reception. Sukuna was waiting for me in an armchair with his arms crossed while watching a TV in front of him, while the rest of the team was awaiting us at the van. “I thought he would go with the others.” 
“You didn't need to do that,” he told me once I got close to him. 
“It is, I can't let a piranha get in my pond,” I answered wisely. 
“Did you put her on her place?” Sukuna asked me. 
 “I insulted her in 4 different ways, what do you think?” I joked. 
“Good,” he said before getting up from the sofa. “I need a favor.”
Oh no, not again. It was the day before the fight, so I already knew what he was going to ask me. I wouldn't do it, not even if he threw me all his money. I was finally over him, I couldn't fall back into the void I worked so hard to escape from.
“I'm not going to fuck with you,” I told him directly. 
“I already knew that,” he replied. My eyebrow raised at that answer. 
“It's super obvious that you like Choso, and he likes you too,” he answered. I couldn't help but blush knowing that I was acting so obvious around him. “I need you to do me a favor with Yuuji.” 
I hadn't packed any cute outfit for the nightlife in Brazil, so I decided to wear jeans with a black fitted t-shirt, what I was supposed to wear for when we got back home. Sukuna told me that Yuuji loves to travel to Brazil for the food. So he asked me to join him for dinner while he does his good luck ritual with a prostitute Gojo got for him. 
“Are you ready to eat some good cuts of meat? I asked Yuuji coming out of the bathroom we shared. 
“Of course! I hope you have prepared your stomach because we are going to gain 5 pounds after this,” He said excitedly. 
We left the room to head towards the reception. While I was getting ready, he had made a list of all the restaurants he wanted to visit during the afternoon. We would start at a restaurant to eat picanha, then to an eatery to try feijoada, and finally we would look for some place that sold quindim or brigaidero. 
I listened to Yuuji talk about how delicious Brazilian food is as we rode down the elevator. When the doors opened, we were both shocked to see what was on the other side. There was a girl who looked very much like me in a little red fitted dress that left almost nothing to the imagination. She was not my clone exactly, but her hair, skin tone, face shape and body type were similar. We got out of the elevator and she walked in, greeting us in Portuguese.
“She looked just like you,” Yuuji said to me, still in shock. 
“Yeah…” I whispered impressed.
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Overwritten – Part 9
Azriel x Reader
Summary: After months as his prisoner, Hybern has hijacked your mind, turning you into an enemy of your home, your family, and your mate, Azriel.
Words: 1,508
Part 9 ∇
You were still sobbing, still apologising when the cold of the wooden floors felt solid beneath your knees. Azriel’s shadows began to thin, clearing around you to reveal your personal quarters. He kept his hold on you, his hands firm on both your sides. Azriel was cautious to not smother or confine you – instead he grounded you, allowing you to breath.
He was muttering something you were unable to hear over the roar of your hysteria, letting you rock in his arms as devastation continued to consume you. I hate myself, I hate what I’ve become – it was a chant that sounded in your mind over and over, one you’d never be able to forget it.
Feyre’s eyes had turned so cold when she took Nyx away – it was fear, but also a warning that she would do whatever it took to protect her child. You didn’t blame her, how could you? You had given her plenty of reason to not trust you these past months. And the rest of your family – the way they froze when Nyx approached you, not a breath shared amongst them. It was as if they were waiting, just waiting for you to do the worst.
The feeling that gnawed at your heart hurt so much that your stomach clenched while you cried, your arms snaking around your middle in comfort. It was pure, harrowing self loathing. You hated yourself for the monster you had become. How could you let Hybern change you so much that your own family were afraid of you? How could you be so weak?
Azriel’s silken voice cut through the noise then, floating above the chant in your mind, his words gentle and airy. “You have nothing to be sorry for, love. I know you, I love you.”
You felt a warmth moving to comfort you from within, Azriel sending an ocean of reassurance and understanding through the bond. But like waves crashing against a cliff, the water broke no matter how strong their current, and all you could feel was the faint spray that made it to the other side.
You pushed out of him arms, clambering to stand as you gripped your bed post, one hand pressed against the gnaw at your heart. “No, no, no Azriel! Get away!” You were unlovable – a hideous, violent thing. The dark chuckle in the depths of your mind confirmed it.
Azriel stood with you, but kept his distance. “Try to breath, Y/N.”
“Stay back,” you threw over your shoulder, your hand now clutching at your throat as you tried to steady your breaths. He was right, you needed to calm down. If that voice got any closer…
Azriel placed large hand on the centre of your back. It warmed you, grounded you, loved you even. It was something you didn't deserve, and would never deserve again. You hated it.
You spun, your teeth bared. “I said get away!”
Azriel visibly flinched, snatching his hand back as his shadows climbed his tall frame, sensing their master’s shock.
Your eyes darted across his, then down to your shaking hands that you held in front of you. Small crescent shaped wounds had reopened from where your nails pressed, your blood smeared across your palms.
You see Y/N, you won’t ever heal. Not fully, that dark voice said.
“Shut up!” you spat, closing your eyes and trying to find the dark figure that began a lethal stroll across your mind. It was far too close, closer than it had been in weeks.
You are what I made you. A mere weapon.
“Y/N, I’m here. Stay with me.” Azriel’s voice cut through from the outside. Your mind reeled as you struggled to balance realities.
Clutching at the roots of your hair, you allowed yourself to slip further into the depths of your mind, facing the shadowy figure, it’s red eyes gleaming through the darkness.
That’s it Y/N, give in to what you truly are and join me.
“I am nothing like you,” you spat, the figure circling you as he laughed.
Then why do you choke the life from your mate as we speak?
Gasping, your eyes flew open to find your bloodied hands holding Azriel’s neck. You weren't choking him, not yet – instead your fingers gingerly curled around his throat, ready to attack, to kill. You spluttered, your eyes wide as you tried to pry your hands off of him, but there was something in you, an insidious calling, that kept them there. You gritted your teeth, fighting to reclaim control of your body and mind.
Azriel’s eyes bored into yours, yet he showed no fear. Instead those golden brown eyes swirled with earnest and a stupid amount of faith. “I trust you.” was all he said.
You blinked at him, trembling hands still around his neck. Grunting, you fought the urge to close them tighter, begging yourself to pull away.
Scarred hands rested on your forearms then. Azriel didn’t pry yours from his neck, but instead he just touched you.
“I love you, Y/N. I know you won’t hurt me.”
Tears poured down your face. Azriel’s love was unconditional, even when you couldn’t love yourself. He trusted you, and would die trying to prove it to you over and over again.
With a disgruntled scream, you forced your hands off Azriel’s neck, clutching them to your chest as you panted, exhausted from the sheer will it took to pull away. Racked with sobs, you turned away from your mate, ashamed to have repeated the same moment when you had first been freed. Months of hard work had been unravelled in seconds, proving you were not any better. You had let everyone down.
“Shhh, shh,” Azriel pulling you to him. You stuck your arm out, stopping him from encompassing you.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Stop that,” he said, levelling a look at you. “You didn't hurt me.”
“I wanted to kill you Azriel! Don't you understand that?”
“But you didn’t Y/N! You didn’t! And that’s the only part that matters.”
You clenched your eyes shut, trying to shut everything out. The room spun, and the throbbing behind your eyes was as painful as ever. You were nauseous, sick of yourself, sick of the how much you had to give just to stop hurting the people you loved. You were better off alone, and they were better off without you.
“I-I can’t breathe.” Azriel watched helplessly.
You needed to get away. Away from your mate and your family, where you could hurt no one and they could live in peace.
Beyond your bedroom window, away from the sparkling city of Velaris, lay the thick of the woods. It was dark, cold, and beckoned almost as strongly as the bond between you and Azriel.
You looked back at the Shadowsinger, your own winnowing powers beginning to activate for the first time in months. “I need you to let me go,” you said, your voice broken at the decision you had already made.
Azriel’s eyes shone with fresh tears, his shadows scouting for you straight away. But with a tight swallow, he nodded, silently calling them back to curl around his fists.
“I understand,” was all he said. But by then you had already winnowed from the room.
Moments later, Rhys burst into your quarters, behind him Feyre and Mor. They entered to find Azriel facing the window, watching the dark of the woods, wings tight and shadows pressed against the glass.
“We heard yelling,” Rhys said. Azriel didn't answer, didn't even turn.
“Az? Where is Y/N?” Feyre asked, placing a gentle hand on the his shoulder.
Azriel sighed. “She left.”
“Left for where?” Mor’s question was frantic, readying herself to find you immediately.
“To the woods.”
“The woods?” Rhys questioned, his face wracked with confusion.
“She couldn't breath here, she was… panicked, trapped. She said I needed to let her go, so I did.”
There was silence amongst them.
“I’m sorry for how today unfolded,” Feyre apologised. “Elain is so upset.”
Azriel shook his head softly, finally turning to his family. “It’s alright. No one is to blame.”
“I’ll track Y/N mind to mind while she’s out there,” Rhys offered, to which Azriel nodded.
“I’ll send my shadows too, in time.”
“Will you retrieve her?” Mor asked, chewing on her lip.
“Only if she needs me to,” Azriel said with a frown.
“And how will you know?”
“I’m her mate. I’ll know.”
Mor nodded before she ran a comforting hand along Azriel’s arm, giving his hand a tight squeeze.
“Is Cass still here?” the Shadowsinger asked.
“He’s back at the House of Wind with Nesta,” Feyre answered. “He didn't want to provoke you any further.”
Nodding, Azriel winced at the twinge of guilt in his stomach, remembering how he badly he had hurt his brother earlier that day. “I owe him an apology,” was all he said as he prepared to winnow himself, his shadows looping closely for their departure.
Part 10 >>>
AN: I hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your patience while I finessed this part! 💌 The support for this series has been overwhelming – so just another thank you for following along the journey, it means so much to me ❤️❤️❤️ 
I’ll put tags in a reblog from here on, but drop a comment to join the list!
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dreamii-krybaby · 8 months
Behold my essay on why plp shouldn’t be sleeping on the ship involving Doll’s parents.
Ok ok but like- ISTG doll’s folks are driving me crazy HNNNGNGNFJF
(Btw watch of all if this get absolutely ripped to pieces by future canon)
Even we have very few info of Yeva, in the pictures she has appeared she looks distressed, paranoid, anxious and doesn’t seem to have the same social skills and relaxed vibes as Nori. She gives me the impression she was recluse, shy even or standoff-ish
For all we know she could have a drastic change of character after the core collapse.
What am saying girlie definitely developed all kinds of fucked up issues.
ok but like the fact that Yeva decided to stay and live with and make a family with her parter got me thinking
Like girl witnessed and lived THE HORRORS and if my theory is correct, she ALSO got momentarily possessed by the AS causing the Site-48 “incident”. (Which I theorize she created a massive black hole on the site similar to how the AS controlling Uzi’s hand did it on the elevator in EP6)
Her first meeting with her-now-husband was literally traumatizing and was probably very awkward (group photo after the core colapse in EP4)
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They saw something, and it wasn’t good news.
But after that, like- how did it go down?
Bc I speculate Yeva’s husband knows a bit more surrounding the AS:
-like I mentioned before, his overall expression in the group picture shown in EP4 post core collapse alongside Yeva’s expression seems to imply they saw or witnessed smth horrifying around the camp 98.7 which left them scarred
-the fact that Tessa’s quote in EP6 implies the idea that he is also infected (Either he may be a runaway experiment or he wasn’t necessarily involved with CFL and somehow had the AS, or maybe the quote is a red herring)
“She reckons the humans did something to her folks down there, gave them a sickness she inherited”.
Like, the idea that her partner saw past the horrors, the AS, the shady things Yeva was involved, and just- decided to be a couple, and saw yeva…as an individual, not a danger, not a monster, not a sinner, not some lab rat, just, her, a sentient being capable of feeling just as he is.
He saw her as “Yeva”, not as “048”, not someone whose just her “sickness”
Like the fact that YEVA was also to look past her traumas and her knowledge of the danger of the AS to live and become her partner’s wife
Just the idea of them going, “you know what? I want you as my partner, live in a place that we can call home, and raise our own kid”
Its just- *screams*
also Yeva would actually be introduced to the concept of home, not a house, a home
AND SHE ACTUALLY HAD A PERSON WHERE SHE COULD PROBABLY FEEL COMFORTABLE AROUND (we don’t know exactly how Nori’s and Yeva’s relationship went, they could have gone through drastic changes)
AND WHEN THEY WENT OUTSIDE BEFORE DEATH THEY DECIDED TO GO TOGETHER!?!?!? (If my theory that they died outside is true)
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(Imagine if it’s later revealed that they are actually a super fucked up couple- or just created a family for any other reason but wasn’t out of sentiment)
Me when I realize my favorite ship that is actually canon has barely any content or fan-content:
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I want to claim myself as CEO of this goddam ship if it blows up in the fandom after future canon info.
Bc bro I shipped them when there wasn’t a single edit of them and when there was like 1 or maybe even 0 fanfics of them on AO3. Bro there wasn’t even fanart of them.
Bro I have doodles of them, created AU’s involving them, I have made moodboards, stimboards, have made HCs of them, made fan desings and plan to make fanart of them.
I am so normal about them I swear-
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I know why a lot of writers do this trope, and some of the ones I follow have gotten some serious flak for writing stories that go against it, but sometimes a girl just gets tired of the whole "he may be an orc warlord who razes villages/ eldritch abomination/ soul sucking demon/ whatever crazy monster is on the table, but he CARES so deeply for Y/N immediately and is bashful about consent!! He feels so guilty he touched your thigh, omg he's sensitive!" I know that sounds a little mean with that wording, but I think a lot of you will get what I mean (no hate on these writers, every once in a while fluffy beasts are nice).
What I really want? Yeah, I want to read about that orc warlord dragging me off from the ruins of my village and slamming me into his giant orc bed with all his might, rearranging my insides to his liking as I whimper and cry knowing this monster owns me now, and how despite the circumstances a strange sort of love and respect grows over time as I reveal myself to be/ learn to be strong, and he's forced to look deeper into himself than ever before. Yes, I want that eldritch abomination to not understand the morals of what it's doing and bend time and space to perform horrifying sex acts on my puny human body. And oh my GOD do I ever want that demon to be every bit as evil as he can be while he forces himself deeper into my body as part of a horrible and degrading ritual to breed more wretched little demons for whatever hell pit he crawled out of.
Tldr; I probably need therapy lol. But also let monsters be rough I am BEGGING for more good scary fic
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gothic-thoughts · 4 months
Who Is She?
(a/n): now as a black person... I wouldn't let this slip nor slide 🤣😂
Geto Suguru x Black GN Reader Fluff
Bimbo!Reader, Meetcute(ugly), Drabble
CW: Geto saying monkey (cuz 🙄), Suguru slowly falling for your empty headedness
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While in the plaza, I feel someone bump into my back, I turn around in disgust to see a short person sitting on their butt from the force of the fall. They were wearing leather knee-high boots and a short skirt that no doubt came down mid-thigh. A black low-cut crop top hugged their chest as well as revealed a chubby stomach.
“Of course, it's a monkey.” I scoff, “Choose your next words wisely, non-sorcerer.”
They struggle to stand back up on their platform boots and then wobble before steading when they stand. I continue to coldly look down on them.
“Ohmygod, I'm so sorry.”
“Be more careful with your movements and know your place. You may only address me respectfully since I have allowed you that much.”
“You're right, cute guy.” They giggle, “Ion even know why I was running so fast in these fuckin’ heels.”
My eyebrow raises as I register their words. “What the hell did you just call me?”
“Uh, yah. Ion your name so I just went by your face. I mean I guess I coulda said ‘tall guy’ but I'm 5'2" so...”
I try to calm myself down. “You are calling me 'cute' simply because you don't know my name? That's the most foolish excuse I have ever heard.”
“Fine then, ‘cute guy’. What's your name so I can call you that instead.”
“I am Geto Suguru, the special grade sorcerer and the leader of the Curse User Organization, monkey. And you will address me as 'Lord Geto' from now on.”
“Ooou, that sounds important. Suguru is a cute name, by the way.”
Nobody's ever found my surname cute, or even said so, so their words instantly throw me for a loop.
“I love your name, it's fun to say. Suguru rolls off the tongue.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“I mean, I could start. I did say you were cute. I'm Amber by the way~”
It was strange, they're annoying, but I don't even think it's on purpose. It's almost cute, the way that every time those glossed lips opened it was to let out a sweet voice saying something idiotic.
“A human like you has the guts to flirt with THE Suguru?”
Why?” They tilt their head dumbly, “You famous or something?”
“Famous? Me? Oh ho, yes.” I smirk at the naive human before me, “Not only am I world-renowned, but I am also feared by many and have quite the reputation for doing some heinous things. I don’t think you comprehend how dangerous I am.”
“Ohhhh.” They lean in and whisper under the noise of the plaza, “Are you a yakuza boss? I won't tell.”
Oh, they're adorable. I’m gonna have fun with them. A smirk spread across my face, making the decision to play along with the idiotic thing. 
“Why, yes I am. My empire is the most powerful in the entire world. And if you tell anyone about this, you will never see the light of day again.”
“I won't, I swear. I am so good at keeping secrets.”
“I bet. Something tells me your skull doesn’t quite have the capacity.” I touch the tip of their nose with his index finger, “You are quite the interesting thing, aren’t you?”
“So you like me too?”
They’re so dumb, I can’t even tell if they know I’m flirting. Or does that make them clever? This enigma alone makes me want them even more mysterious and I love it. I don’t even think they know how mysterious they are
“In fact, I think I do. And since you know about my um... secret business, I might have to make you mine.”
They gasp. “Really? That was fast.”
“I just know when I see potential in someone, and you? You have that potential.”
“A mafia boss likes me? It’s like a fanfiction.”
“Yeah, exactly; just like fanfiction. I don’t know what else it is about you but,” I grab their chin and pull them so our gazes meet, “You just keep entertaining me with that smooth brain of yours, and I think I want to own you.”
“Ooh, kinky~”
I chuckle and roll my eyes at their oblivious yet flirty reply despite it enticing me further. I lean in closer, lips just an inch away from theirs.
“Kinky, indeed.”
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crownmemes · 9 months
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Sad Sentences, Vol. 2
(Sad sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"How come you don't believe me?"
"Will you be away a very long time?"
"To one extent or another, I've always been alone."
"Why won't you tell me anything anymore?"
"I often wonder if I should have been born in another time."
"I'm not cut out for this, am I?"
"You're the only one I trust."
"Leave me alone. You can't help me now."
"I just think it's sad that you can't be honest with the man that, as far as I can tell, is the closest thing you have to a friend."
"It hurts. All this. Everything I see, everything I hear, touch, smell. The conclusions that I'm able to draw, the things that are revealed to me."
"It's always sad when a work of art has to be destroyed."
"She's family and I have to love her, of course, but how can I? She's never let me."
"You have to believe me. Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will."
"In case you hadn't noticed, I don't have meaningful connections."
"I'm sorry, I can't help you."
"I want to tell you something that is not at all pleasant."
"I haven't heard you laugh in a month!"
"I wish your word meant something more to me."
"What is it about you and I that causes us to do so much harm to the ones we are alleged to care about?"
"What is wrong with me? I'm not feeling anything I'm supposed to be feeling..."
"Ever since I was a child, I've never allowed to let myself get too close to people. "
"I fear that I am becoming obsolete."
"You are, in your own way, a lonelier man than me."
"That fact is, I'm a bit of a bore, I suppose."
"One is quite alone when the last one who remembers is gone."
"I don't know what to do with myself half the time, and the other half I'm pissed."
"Why couldn't you trust me?"
"For a long while now, I've suspected that connection with another person - real connection - simply isn't possible for me."
"I have a vision of myself without this job, disappearing down emotional dark tunnels. I need something to hold me to the world."
"I expect you think I'm awful."
"You're ashamed of me."
"I need to know I'm not a monster."
"So, what makes you think I'm lonely?"
"I wish we'd never started this."
"We both made the same mistake. Falling in love. We were both stupid."
"What a mess we've made of our lives."
"Men like us, we're not meant to make connections such as love."
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Sister's Always Have Your Back
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Request from @mrs-fanfiction-2001 I love your writing. Niklaus x reader who is sisters with Caroline and she realizes has feelings for him. The Scooby gang freaks out (mainly Damon and Elena) and kinda turns their back on her
@rosie-posie08 @colbysbrocks
Foosteps entered my bedroom where I fling myself into my twin sisters arms catching her off guard. She regained balance quickly since she was a vampire and I am still just a human. "Woah, what's wrong sis?" She asked seeing me crying a little knowing something was wrong. Brushing hair out of my face I sniffed before foosteps rushed into the room. Damon, Elena and Bonnie to be exact. My sister slightly pulled away from our hug scoffing towards the other vampire. "Damon, you can't just burst into my sister's bedroom like this. We're having a moment!" Damon waved his hand in the air rolling his eyes at her. "Well you won't be able to have any moments until we take down the hybrid. And I have the perfect plan to capture him. We use your little sister as bate." Caroline stomped her foot on the ground suddenly vamping him into the wall making him grunt. "Urgh it makes the most sense...tell her Bon." Bonnie sighed slumping her shoulders to us. "He's right. Klaus would kill the rest of us. But he won't suspect it from Y/n...what do you think?" She focused her gaze to me waiting for my opinion.
"I uh - I don't think I can do that." Damon scoffed still being held against the wall by sister. "And why not little Forbes?" Throwing my hands up in the air I immediately regretted the words that came out. Shoving my hands over my mouth seconds afterwards. "Because I think I'm falling in love with him!" Elena finally stepped up clearly taken back by my confession. "How is that possible. All he has done since he came to this town is try and kill us all!" Crossing my arms over my chest I mumbled under my breath. "Really just you..." Elena raises a brow when Damon shoved my sister back revealing his vampire fangs straight in front of my face. "He must have compelled you to think that. Because there's no way in hell that you truly feel that way. I mean he's the bad guy-" Raising my voice to the vampire I didn't believe I called these people my friends. I mean Damon used to be the bad guy before he started dating Elena. "I wasn't compelled Damon. Whatever I am feeling is real. I know you only think otherwise because you're too worried about weak Gilbert!"
Elena gasped starting to cry and backs away by Bonnie. Damon bared his teeth glancing over to my sister. "Did you know about this blonde. That she wants to jump into bed with the monster?" I felt tears slipping down my face so I decided to just run outside the house needing to get away from those people. Collapsing against a tree in the middle of the woods I slide down it burying my face in my knees crying until a whooshing sound appeared in front of me. "Y/n, I'm sorry for what Elena and Damon said. It was mean and dumb." My sister dropped down on a knee in front of me. Lifting my head from my knees sniffing I noticed Bonnie was right beside her on the ground. "Bon...you're here too. I thought you'd be with the others..." She rested her hand on my knee giving me a weak smile. "Care and I will be here for you always. So go to him and follow your heart." Wrapping my arms around my friend and my sister I smiled letting Caroline vamp me on Klaus's doorstep ringing the doorbell leaving me alone.
The front door opened and I am greeted by Klaus who is wearing a black leather jacket that I hate to admit looked better on him then Damon Salvatore. "Y/n, I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight. What do I deserve to see you?" He has a smile on his lips that drives me crazy to stride up and kiss him suddenly. I mentally smacked myself in my mind because I was the shy Forbes meaning I wouldn't have done something like this. I mean he's the big bad hybrid and here I am kissing him. When I started to break the kiss I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist kissing me back deeply. "Not that I wouldn't mind doing that again but why did you do that Y/n?" He rests his forehead against mine listening to my heart beat racing inside my chest. He enjoyed because it meant that he had an effect on you. Someone who was just a human. "I...Elena and Damon said that I was insane for...feeling something for you. I don't really know what I am feeling but...I know it's something though. If you don't feel the same way I get that...Damon was probably kidding when he said you were obsessed with me-" I'm cut off by him kissing me passionately where I wrapped my arms around his neck jumping up into his arms. He smirked holding me up in his arms. "Of course I am obsessed with you Y/n Forbes. Because you are so much more than a simple human. To me you are a queen in my eyes." Smiling down to him I crashed my lips onto his never wanting to go back.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ethereallocs · 1 year
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Jorrāeliarza Mēre (Dear One) Pt.2
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon Fem Reader
Content: 18 PLUS 🔞, Incest, Age-Gap, Sibling Rivalry,Angst, Sexual Activities, Wedding Night, Loss of virginity, p in v penetration, choking.
Word Count: 2,193
Summary: It has been revealed to you that you’re now engaged to be married to your cousin Daemon. Your sister feels betrayed and you as well. Leaving you to try and mend whatever is left of your relationship with your sister and figure out how to make Daemon’s new life with you hell. But, you are definitely in for a surprise. Daemon might just make your life heaven…IF you let him.
Author’s Note: I’m excited to see how well part one did here and I hope with this series all the readers come to love it as much as I do. I surprised myself with this part so as always I hope you ENJOY!!!
In your confusion you stormed out of the banquet furiously huffing your way into the secluded courtyard. Your darling betrothed running behind you with a look of distain. When he finally caught up to you he grabbed your arm yanking you toward him. “What in the Seven Hells was that, Y/N!? I can assure you I understand your disbelief, but in front of my fucking brother? Not to mention your entire family..any issue you have with me can be saved for when you and I are alone, but we will be married tonight. So put all your grievances aside. I can promise you no ill treatment and pleasure as well if you would only let me show you what pure bliss could be, ñuha jorrāelagon.” “My love.”
He pulled you in causing you to place your hands on his chest to create a barrier between the two of you. You could feel his heart beating against his chest his violet gaze meeting yours and you gasped, seeing the fire behind them burning for you. What was this feeling? Everytime he touched you, you felt it. A warm feeling that could be felt within your core radiating out through the rest of your body. Pushing yourself away from him you hissed in anger.
“How dare you take away any little freedom I had? You could have had a willing participant in your lap as we speak and yet you chose me..why, Daemon? I don’t understand…” tears welling in your eyes. “Jorrāeliarza mēre, that is exactly the reason why I want you. You’re not begging for my attention and yet I would give it to you freely. You do not see me as a husband to catch or a cock to fuck. To you I am arrogant and probably a cunt. But, I want to be the one name you whisper every night. The one that makes you come undone with the simplest touch. I need you..”
Turning to face him how could such an insufferable man be so enticing. For a moment you thought it wouldn’t be so bad..those thoughts of him touching you in ways you’ve never felt dulled the anger. “I will try and make the best of this…it’s not like I can back out if now...” He smiled almost reading your mind, taking your hand pulling you into a kiss. It was…everything you hoped your first kiss would be like. You melted into him without hesitation before he pulled away causing you to pull forward as if to catch his lips, but he left you wanting more.
You nipped at the soft pink flesh savoring the taste of him before realizing how unraveled you became for just a moment. You looked to him surprised at yourself and quickly gained your composure. “Excuse me, I think I should be getting ready for our wedding.” Rushing off to her chambers she noticed the aching within her core pulsing uncontrollably before being distracted by the sudden thud of another against you. It was Laena the small smile you held faded away instantly.
“Laena…I was hoping to find you…” She sneered at you and rolled her eyes, “Why so you could rub my face in your soon to be wedding?” You were saddened by her words, but there was nothing that could be done. “Sister…please…You must believe I’m just as shocked and hurt as you..I atleast thought our father would’ve spoke to me about this before just making the decision for me.” The green eyed monster clouded her judgement and frankly she could care less about if your statement was true or not. “I knew there was something between you two and you convinced me otherwise. I would’ve never pegged you as a backstabbing cunt of a sister, but I guess I was wrong…”
Her words cut like a knife and angered you all at once. Instead of coming to blows with her you decided to take the highroad. You would make her hate you now if this is how she really feels. “Sister..I must getting ready for MY wedding. I will not fight with you on what is supposed to be such a joyous day. You should be getting ready too.”
Walking away you were too heartbroken by how she acted to even care about her reaction and tears threatened to fall but the fact that she would turn on you so easily angered you more. Back in your chambers your handmaidens were helping you get ready. You picked a beautiful golden dress that had a mesh trained embroidered with gold beading and crystals that the light would hit just right.
Daemon decided to have the ceremony out in the courtyard where the Godswood stood so the dress seemed to be made for the occasion. Your silver tresses were braided and pinned and held up with a golden headdress made to look like leaves. The handmaidens looked at you as if you were a goddess and giggled amongst themselves of the many lewd rumors they about your husband-to be.
Just when you turned to ask them what they were talking about your mother, Rhaenys came in to walk you to the courtyard, but you were still rather unhappy about secrets being kept. “I know I’m not one of you favorites, my sweet girl. But, your father could not deny the man that fought beside him and helped him win the Stepstones back, dearest. He offered Laena, but he asked for you specifically.”
You hold your tears, “Mother, Laena hates me.. this was not my decision. We haven’t seen our cousin in years and all of a sudden she’s gone mad for him and he’s asking for my hand. This is becoming too much.” She pulled into that familiar motherly hug that seemed to make everything better, “Don’t worry about Laena, Y/N. I will talk to her..now let’s go. Everyone is waiting.”
The both of you lace your arm’s together and head to the courtyard. You were a nervous wreck, shaking the whole way there, but your mother held you tight to reassure you. Finally, you arrived and you saw him standing there underneath the Godswood waiting for you in front of the Septon. Taking your place in front of him you looked to see both your families standing to witness your union. Daemon had looked at no one, but you and the intensity of his gaze made you look to the ground to escape him, but he lifted your chin and smiled. “Kostilus gaomagon daor ruaragon hen nyke, ñuha jorrāelagon.” “Please do not hide from me, my love.”
Looking into his violet eyes you found yourself at peace . He took your hands in his and nodded to you. “Ready?” You hesitated, “Y..yes.” The Septon began, greeting those who came to witness your marriage. “We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.” The two of you now stood side by side holding hands. The Septon tying your joined hands with a ribbon to symbolize your union.
“Let it be known that Daemon of House Targaryen and Y/N of House Velaryon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.” “In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.” You and Daemon both call the names of The Seven. “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger…”
After Daemon said his vows looking to you with nothing but admiration. “I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.” You followed still uncertain of your future with him, “I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.” He pulled you close and said his last vow to you. , “With this kiss, I pledge my love.” He held your face with his free hand pulling you in pressing his lips against yours feverishly. You were nervous to feel that feeling again but you closed your eyes melting into him just as easily as before.
Once the wedding was over of course you and your families had an after party. Once the night grew late Daemon announced his leave and you followed, but was stopped by your father, Lord Corlys. “Y/N, my youngest girl. I know you think me evil, but I hope you still remember I love you. And I know Daemon will be a good husband to you.” You smiled unable to hold a grudge against him for too long. “I love you too, Father.” He hugged you sending you off to spend your first night with your husband. You caught up with Daemon and he grabbed your hand leading you to his chambers without a word. He smiled down at you as if he had something in store for you. He was making you even more nervous than before and before you knew you were at his room. “What do you have planned, Daemon?”
You didn’t want to go inside scared of what was to come, but he lightheartedly pulled you inside. “I’ve been waiting for this night…Jorrāeliarza Mēre.” He pulled you close letting his hands resting at the small of your back. His chest flush with yours as he pressed his forehead against your own. You didn’t have a clue what you should do but hands held onto his forearms feeling the muscles flex and tense beneath them. He smiled backing you into the wall, laying soft kisses on your chin and neck. You welcomed him exposing your neck more and he took the invitation. He bit into your soft skin causing you to whimper and moan.
He hummed in delight from the beautiful sounds you made. His hands quickly taking off the many layers of your clothing leaving you in the thin fabric of your chemise. He took no time to remove his clothes before picking you up as if you weighed nothing and laying you across the bed. “This is your first time, yes?.” You gave a shy nod. Your innocence was cute, but he would rid you of it soon enough. “I will be gentle…at first.”, He warned.
His calloused hands caressed your body still slightly protected by your chemise. Your nipples erect from the cool air caught his attention. He took one betwixt his two fingers slowly rolling it between them. Such a feeling caused you to coo in approval. He groaned ripping that damned fabric from you body as he was growing impatient. He stopped to see your beautiful body in all its glory, taking in what was rightfully his.
You were flustered and wanted more, whining you looked to him pulled him on top of you again. Now that you were both this close, you leaned in letting your lips hover for a moment before his crashed into yours. Giving into him his hands grabbed a hold of your thighs opening them so he could rest between them. His cock rubbing against your cunt from him bucking his hips hungrily into you. This moment between him and you was not what you expected at all. You thought you’d be fumbling around like an idiot, but with Daemon it was easy. It felt…right.
“Daemon…I want you.” Wrapping your legs around him he smiled letting his cock head rub along the slit of you cunt. The slick coating it before he prodded at the entrance getting you ready for the unfamiliar stretch. His hips bucked forward letting himself push inside your slick walls. You wince and whimpered into his neck leaning you head back against the back. He looked into your eyes. “Are you alright? Do you want me to stop, Ñuha rūklon.” “My flower.”
“Daor, ñuha zaldrīzes. Kostilus.” “No, my dragon. Please.” Grabbing the nape of his neck pulling him into you as close as you could you laid kissing along his neck while his hips crashed into you. Your cries and moans carrying through out the room. He looked down seeing you enjoying this moment with and he kissed your lips pumping into you over and over. He started to reach a place you weren’t familiar with and it set off something inside you. Your stomach tensed and the sensation overwhelmed you with pleasure.
“Y/N…I love you..” He groaned into your ear biting the soft flesh of your neck leaving his mark behind with a kiss to dull the slight pain. You were in ecstasy feeling the coil within your belly about to snap. He could feel you ready to release and his groaned within his own pleasure ready to spill his seed inside you. “Cum with me…”, he commanded. Without warning her release came quicker than she realized. Riding out her climax with him doing the same inside her. The glow of their love making still fresh upon them he looked into her eyes kissing her lips once more before pulling away.
If this is what life with him would be like…she had no objection to it.
To be continued…
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666writingcafe · 22 days
MC's Boogeyman
As MC leaves the stand and walks over to the chest, I look over at Diavolo and Belphegor. They look as worried as I feel. You see, the test that Craxon has assigned to MC hasn't been used in many centuries, because the boogeyman has a tendency to drive people mad from fear. Some have even died. The last time the boogeyman was utilized was as a means of torture, and that was shortly after I got kicked out of the Society.
Craxon clearly wants to know what MC's biggest fear is--his prolonged silence earlier indicates that much--but I have no idea why he'd need that information. Then again, he often keeps his cards close to his chest, so it's usually hard to tell what's going through his mind at the best of times.
MC takes a deep breath and indicates that they're ready. The chest is open, and the boogeyman flies out of it in a flash of bright purple light. The room becomes pitch black for a few seconds before revealing that the boogeyman has transformed into...
At least, I think it's MC. Between the glowing eyes and sinister grin, their features are nearly unrecognizable.
I watch my apprentice shake as the boogeyman circles them.
"You poor thing," it coos mockingly. "You just can't control yourself, can you?"
"Stop it," MC whispers, causing the boogeyman to snicker.
"What's wrong? Too scared to confront the truth?" It stops behind MC and leans close to their ear. "You're a monster, darling. How is anyone supposed to feel safe around you?"
MC clenches their jaw as a few tears escape their eyes, and I have to stop myself from launching myself at the boogeyman. Judging by the looks on Belphegor and Diavolo's faces, they're having a similar struggle.
"One day, everyone will come to their senses and realize that trying to keep you alive and sane is an unnecessary burden," the boogeyman continues. "Your death would benefit the greater good."
"Enough," MC murmurs. The boogeyman tuts in disapproval.
"I'm not pathetic."
"Sure you are. Why do you think the most powerful people in the three realms are interested in you? You're like a wounded animal that they can't help but feel sorry for. They don't actually care about you. They'll turn you out the moment you become too dangerous. After all, they can't have you slaughtering their own kind just because someone hurt your precious little feelings."
"Enough!" MC glares at the boogeyman. "I may be a freak of nature, but that doesn't mean that I'm unworthy of love."
"Is that so?" MC nods.
"I have thought about ending my life on many occasions, but each time these guys give me a reason to stay. If they didn't love me, they wouldn't even try." The boogeyman bursts out laughing, but instead of cowering, MC stands their ground.
"Oh, you're actually serious," the boogeyman states once it composes itself.
"Of course I am," MC replies. "My life is not a joking matter." The boogeyman rolls its eyes, but I can tell that it's losing its power. For one, it appears a bit smaller than it did a few moments ago.
"Furthermore, a literal reaper went out of her way to ensure my survival, even though I only knew of her existence a few days prior," they add. "If that isn't a sign that I'm meant to be alive, then I don't know what is." Silence. The boogeyman continues to shrink.
"And even if I feel helpless and weak, I know for a fact that these guys will support me every step of the way. I almost feel sorry for you, because you'll never know what it's liked to be loved by even one person, let alone several. You'll just be seen as a mere object, a tool at best." MC directly calling out the boogeyman causes it to screech loudly as it quickly disappear back into its chest. Once the lid closes, MC collapses onto the ground and begins sobbing.
I look up at Craxon, and he silently nods, granting me permission to comfort MC. Diavolo and Belphegor are close behind.
In my opinion, MC has earned their star of humility.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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1moreff-creator · 7 months
DRDT - Milgram AU: T1 "Voice Reveal" Lines
Hey there! Back at it with this AU. I figured if I'm going to commit to the bit, I might as well commit fully. At the start of every Trial, Milgram gives a sneak peak at some of the lines which will appear in the VDs, combined with "glitchy" lines which relate to their murder. So I'm doing that too! Keep in mind this is not professional in the slightest, so exact wording might change between now and when I actually post the VDs. Especially since it's been a while since I rewatched DRDT so the wording could feel a bit off. Anyways, here we go!
Implied DRDT spoilers and heavy themes. Again not affiliated with either of the series
Btw I'm using crossed out text for aesthetics but there will be a transcript at the bottom if you have trouble reading that.
01- "Levi Fontana, a pleasure"
"Yes, I am a murderer"
"I can't bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did"
"I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves"
I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02- "Arturo Giles"
"Ugh. Do I really have to be judged by someone this ugly?"
"I'll have you know, I've never murdered anyone"
[Whispering] "I mean, there is... no, no, that wasn't my fault"
How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
03- "My name is David Chiem"
"It seems there's been a mistake. But don't worry! I won't hold it against you"
"Mistakes can be corrected. It's not difficult to change, as long as you're willing to!"
"I try to be as positive as I can, since I know there's a lot of people that don't get the privilege"
04- "Yo! Whit Young, nice to meet you!
"Are you really sure everyone here is a murderer?"
"That's wack"
"I don't remember doing anything suspicious! Yesterday was normal, the day before that was normal, the day before that... the day before that..."
My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05- "Tch. Ace Markey"
"You wanna fight?! Wait, fuck, you probably have weapons, don't you?! Shit, don't get any closer!"
"You think I'm a murderer?! Horseshit!"
"Get off your fucking high horse!"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06- "Uhm... Nico... Hakobyan"
"I'm- I'm really sorry!"
"You're pretty weird"
"Ah! I'm sorry! Don't get mad at me!"
Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
07- "J Moreno"
"What do you people really want? Ransom money? There's no way you're doing this just because you want to 'judge our sins' or whatever bullshit you're saying"
"Don't make me laugh. Find evidence I killed anyone, and then we can talk about murder"
"Do you really think you're going to understand everything I've been through, just with a silly little song? How arrogant are you?!"
What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08- "Mmmm... Rose Lacroix"
"Ah, yeah. I killed someone"
"This really isn't that bad. At least I can paint here"
I wonder if I can be happy now
09- "H-Hu Jing"
"I know what I did was unforgivable..."
"I really am selfish... I'm scared of receiving the punishment I deserve"
"Please Forgive me!"
Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10- "My name is Veronika Grebenshchikova!"
"If you don't mind, can you choose not to Forgive me?"
"Death sounds boring. I'd rather stay alive if you don't mind!"
"To Forgive what I did... it would be denying everything I believe about my life..."
[Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
11- "Arei Naegishi!"
"Pfft! God, you're pathetic!"
"Why the hell are we even here? How could anyone be stupid enough to do anything but Forgive me?"
"Are you really that much of an idiot?!"
12- "Uhm... Eden Tobisa..."
"Even when things are looking down, we just have to try our best, and trust each other!"
"I... I never wanted anyone to die!"
"Es... why are you doing this?"
Wh- What have you done?!
13- "Min Jeung"
"This is ludicrous. How are we meant to expect a fair judgement when your 'justice' is determind by one person's whims and biases?"
"When an institution is non-functional, it is highly illogical to indiscriminately tear it down. Improving the basis already in place is by far the most constructive way to conduct progress"
"There is no country in the world where I would be judged a murderer. To say one single prison has the authority to decide that I am is a flagrant display of vanity"
The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14- "Alexander Matthews. Just call me Xander"
"Don't you see how broken this entire system is?! What makes you think you hold a monopoly over morality, huh?! What gives you the right to Forgive or Not Forgive?!"
"When something is rotten, you throw it away. It's the same with this twisted place!"
Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest
15- "Charles Cuevas"
"I was hoping the Warden would be competent, at least, but clearly I was a fool to think that could ever be the case"
"Are you stupid?!"
"Warden... Es... I have a request"
Hgk...- Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16- "Teruko Tawaki"
"Are you okay?"
"You don't need to know anything about my crimes. I'm unforgivable. That's all you need, right?"
"If you can find a way to do it... Just kill me"
... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
And there we go! Hope they weren't too ooc! Keep in mind different backstories could lead to slightly different personalities; this AU is canon-adjacent, not really canon-compliant. Levi's first trial is coming soon! Hope you enjoyed!
Huh? Secret message? Whatever are you talking about?
Here's the transcript of the glitchy lines:
01 - Levi: I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02 - Arturo: How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
04 - Whit: My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05 - Ace: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06 - Nico: Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
(Yes it's just the secret quote on their page sue me it's a cool line)
07 - J: What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08 - Rose: I wonder if I can be happy now
09 - Hu: Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10 - Veronika: [Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
12 - Eden: Wh- What have you done?!
13 - Min: The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14 - Xander: Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest...
15 - Charles: Hgk... Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16 - Teruko: ... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
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