#why is first in quotation marks
pfctipper · 2 months
My ride was with a good looking, well-spoken man with a very nice car. The conversation was pleasant and normal. Suddenly the man reached over and put his hand on my leg and suggested when we reach Spencer that he would find a nice hotel, treat me to a nice dinner, and that he would make me feel ‘very happy’. This was a ‘first’ in my life. I'd heard of guys like this but to my knowledge never met or talked to one. Immediately, I told him, "Do you see that crossroads up ahead? Stop right there. I am getting out!" He stopped. I got out.
Winters in 1996, recounting his experience of hitchhiking in West Virginia in 1941, in Erik Dorr and Jared Frederick, Hang Tough: The WWII Letters and Artifacts of Major Dick Winters (2020)
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pamouche · 3 months
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one of the five love languages: quality time
« Quality time is showing love and affection by spending dedicated time together. It does not only focus on sharing the same physical space but highlights the importance of being present, in the moment, and fully engaged with the person. This focused time together, free from distractions, signifies deep love and connection, nurturing the bond between couples. » - Gary Chapman
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thatsparadise · 6 months
might make a pizza tower discord server cuz yet again i wanna talk to more pt fans but i'm too shy to join other ppl's servers so my solution is making my own
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anthareblog · 1 year
I love character.ai. I think I just made Kyman real…
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spurious · 6 months
fic writer 20 questions
I was tagged by @alienfuckeronmain & @nimuetheseawitch to do this one!
How many works do you have on AO3? 108. I need to add some ficlets to my collection but I've been slacking a bit on that, so.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 274,716
What fandoms do you write for? Star! Gate! At! Lan! Tis! The hyperfixation is strong ok. It's the thing that shook loose my half-decade dormant desire and ability to write, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Twenty Questions, 248 kudos 2. Ink and Wings, 221 kudos 3. Five Times Rodney (and John) Visit the Millers, 190 kudos 4. Solitary in a Wide Flat Space, 163 kudos 5. Abercrombie & Rodney, 151 kudos
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I really try to!!! One of the things that was not good about posting all my ficlets onto AO3 in quick succession was ending up with more comments than I could handle, so now I have a...backlog. Getting comments makes me feel so good though, and I just...want to honor the effort made with some of my own in return? Idk, I've talked about this a fair bit in a handful of posts but I'm just really not used to the amount of interaction I get in SGA fandom and I still feel.......very blessed lmao. Bleh sincerity on main how gross
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? We Are Standing On the Edge, a Jin/Kame fic about a road trip and the apocalypse which I wrote for @merionettes in a fic exchange in 2010.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics either have happy endings or implied happy endings? I like making good things happen to the characters I love so much. Sometimes after making bad things happen to them, but. At any rate, O I Think We Should Be Brethren is my personal happiest ending because of how long and hard a journey it is to get there.
Do you get hate on fics? I got a hate comment once, on the (in)famous Kanjani Cannibalism Fic.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Do I ever! I like to write kinky sex as a means of exploring and facilitating vulnerability. I also like to write blowjobs.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've never written a crossover! ..............I don't think, at least.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I am aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A couple of my Johnny's fics have been translated into Russian and Chinese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not to completion.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Yokohina, Sakura/Syaoran, McShep...don't make me choose between my children like this??? Sakura/Syaoran literally invented romance for my teenage self, like I am not kidding at how formative of a ship that was for me in my life. Also why I started learning Japanese, so. Yokohina will forever be beloved to me in the same way that Kanjani8 will forever be beloved to me, in a way that is (literally) tattooed into my flesh, in a way that influenced my life massively, in so many aspects. I will never not be thirsty for the two of them saying weirdly romantic things about each other in public forums, for them being the solid foundation upon which their group is built. For Yoko being a pigtail-pulling twelve year old boy towards Hina even as they're in their mid-forties. AND THEN THERE'S FUCKING MCSHEP. A ship that I knew about when it was popular and brushed off as an Any Two White Guys, Migratory Slash Fandom Thing. A ship that, when my wife and I started watching SGA, we said "haha wouldn't it be so funny if we ended up being all in on mcshep?" A ship that resonates in my heart in the most bizarrely intense way and shook loose the desire to write and create from its atrophied place in the back of my head. I love them. I hate them. They're perfect.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have about 25k of a later-years yokohina friends to FWB to lovers fic that I wish I could finish but the McShep brainrot is.........so strong. On the other hand, never say never?
What are your writing strengths? haha so much harder to answer this than weaknesses!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I can write good funny dialogue, which is amazing to me because when I started writing my dialogue was horrendous, just absolutely awful and stilted and I hated writing it so much! like it was a running joke between me and my best friend at the time that I could not write anything that sounded even remotely natural or like real human speech. guess that shows that practice makes perfect or whatever? idk.
What are your writing weaknesses? endings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ensemble casts/scenes with more than two people in them. plots more complex than simple romantic contrivance.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? nah. It always feels a bit fanfiction.net anime fandom to me?
First fandom you wrote for? speaking of fanfiction.net anime fandom....I wrote Sakura/Syaoran angstfic into a notebook when I was 13. The first things that I actually shared with other people were either Harry Potter or the fics I wrote about the boys at my church who were just unnecessarily homoerotic with each other in the way that only teenage church boys can be (iykyk)
Favorite fic you’ve written? guess. 🙃
Tagging: @sga-owns-my-soul @stargayatlantis @hearteyesmcgarrett @texasdreamer01
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dallonwrites · 9 months
I'm reading Real Life by Brandon Taylor right now (love btw) and it's basically showing me in real time what I've thought about prose for a while as someone who mainly learnt from writing "flowery prose"
Brandon is really good at having this smooth, precise prose that I think really works with the type of book Real Life is ("slow" plot, only covers a few days and really sinks its teeth into small moments about relationships across those few days). But I think he's also really good at knowing when to go deeper with the prose and when to keep it simple. Like there's this part that sticks out to me because there's a line that literally is like "the grass is very green and very straight" and all I can think about is how in a lot of writing advice I've encountered about prose and descriptive writing, that would be used as what not to do. That you should use something more "interesting" than something like "very green". But in this scene it worked really well for me because it fit! IMO it suited the rhythm of the scene, the vibe, what the focus was on, the narrator's character voice. The scene already had a lot of atmosphere, emotion, conflict, urgency etc. and this line still effectively added to it in a way that was quick and simple that suited the rhythm/beats. It's not just that Brandon chose not to be descriptive then, it's that what he chose to do what JUST AS if not MORE effective for the moment!
And like I LOVE playing and experimenting with language and prose I think it's so fun. I think a lot of the advice about prose and descriptive writing, things like show don't tell and advice about adjectives/adverbs and using "too simple" words, words like "very", are great introductory tools to intentionally think about exploring your prose deeper. But like all writing advice they will not apply to every writing situation. These advice and craft ideas are important but what's imo more important is understanding when and how to use them to best benefit a moment. Knowing when prose will benefit from being more intricate and descriptive and when something simple and bare will not only do the job but do it more effectively. And it doesn't just vary from writer to writer or from story to story, but scene to scene imo! Brandon has some beautiful descriptive lines in this novel that to me are not inherently "better" than the very green line just because they are more complex, both do what they need to do and are effective in their own moments
And this is all stuff I already felt. I have projects that benefit from really saturated, dense prose and others that benefit from really sparse prose. But seeing an author who I admire a lot use these "simple" descriptions and not just use them, but use them well, because he has thought about what moments will benefit from simplicity and what won't, was really reassuring. Writers trust yourselves!! You know your prose, your voice, your book, and you are allowed to do what others may consider "breaking" the rules if it feels like the right move for your writing
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synthergy · 8 months
with the surprise horniness of Speak Now TV and the unrestrained sluttiness of 1989 I
1) can't wait for reputation vault tracks
2) think she should release a Lover expansion called "Fucker" with all the horny Lover vault tracks
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snekdood · 7 months
idk who needs to hear this but its okay to hate ppl. its ok to distrust ppl. no, obviously, you shouldn't do anything stupid and hurt someone. no, obviously, you shouldn't lock yourself away forever. but I don't think most ppl who feel these kinds of ways actually want to do that and are more or less just frustrated and trying to express that emotion. I think suppressing it is worse.
dont let tumblr people make you feel like a shitty person just because you want to feel your emotions.
#mood#reminder#hey you- you asshole who tells ppl they're bad for this- how about instead of being like#omigosh that totally means u want to kill ppl and#genocide ppl and im gonna make a million jumps to say it means u wanna kill minorities specifically#consider: how about you actually ponder#*why* someone might say something like that- or more accurately- feel like that.#because i can bet that it's not because they really really hate minorities.#most of the people i see who say “i hate people” are fucking emo n goth kids ok i really dont think they're thinking about specific#minorities you fuck im p sure theyre just frustrated w people around them.#wow tumblr fucked up these tags a lot#why cant this website decide if its gonna let me use quotation marks in the tags or not fuck#when im venting saying 'i hate the world and everyone blehhh' im not also thinking in my mind 'ah yes and also i am specifically targeting#native americans when i say this' like dfhjvsvdfghv#considering i live in missouri and theres unfortunately barely any native people around here im p sure they're not the first fuckin ppl#my mind jumps to. probably goes to idk. people who've abused or traumatized me? authority figures? ppl who make shit rly inconvenient?#bullies? conservatives? people who make life worse as their job??? like#p sure its not about you or whatever group of ppl you gotta pretend i hate so badly#if YOU feel attacked then hey maybe stop treating me like shit lmao and i wont feel this way#bc i only ever feel this way when im bein treated like shit 🤷
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
I’ve seen a lot of people genuinely and sincerely wondering why the Federation can’t heal Empanada back up to two lives using the Egg Hospital, and that just means that the Federation Propaganda is working.
So let me explain how the Eggs work within the lore of the QSMP:
The Eggs, in the beginning, were supposed to be a one or two week event. The parents with the happiest egg would get a prize. The parents with dead eggs would be punished.
Within Lore, these original eggs- Dapper, Leo, Chayanne, Ramon, Tilin, Flippa, Bobby, and Trump(et)- were the children of a “dragon mother” who had flown away from the island after the islanders blew up the wall. Tallulah was a later addition, but she is “biologically” (we’ll come back to the quotation marks in a second) related to the og eggs. So is Pomme, who had been stuck under the adoption center for over a month waiting to be adopted. Our outliers are Richarlyson- who wasn’t even supposed to exist yet, Sunny, Empanada, and Pepito.
And then there are the other Eggs. The dead ones. Like “Hope”, the egg the Federation left to die in the middle of nowhere waiting to be adopted. Or Egg A1, the egg ElQuackity was experimenting on that burned to death. Or the several dead eggs mentioned in the Maze Book, the ones who would be Sunny and Empanada and Pepito’s siblings if those three really are the three surviving eggs from the Maze Book.
You see, the Eggs aren’t real. They’re artificial. We’ve known this since May/June when SOFIA analyzed “Richarlyson’s placenta” (don’t ask) and found, wow! The Eggs are essentially artificial, inorganic lifeforms. And then we see ElQ experimenting on A1, and then we hear about the Maze Experiment, and then we find out about Egg Island and how the Federation technically owns it, and we realize, oh. Huh.
The Eggs have never met their supposed dragon mother. That’s because she doesn’t exist. The Eggs were created solely for the purpose of the experiment the islanders are unwillingly part of. They’re tools, and the Federation doesn’t care about them.
The Eggs, to the Federation, are more or less expendable. The Feds’ primary focus is the islanders and keeping them under control. The Eggs still being alive now is only because the Feds quickly realized that their test subjects would fucking lose it if the Eggs were taken away like they were supposed to have been.
But if the Eggs happen to die on their own, so be it. That’s fine. They’re kids, they’re fragile.
Tilin and Flippa and Trump and Bobby are all dead, and it’s been shown that the Feds could have brought them back permanently by putting them in the hospital they canonically have, or by bringing them back “by magic” like how Sapo Peta revived Flippa after the trial. This is why Cellbit infiltrated the Feds in the first place and it’s a HUGE part of why he hates them now! He knows that they could keep every egg safe and alive, but they choose not to because, again, the eggs are expendable!
If the Federation had their way, the Eggs wouldn’t have been retrieved at all when they disappeared. But the islanders started going berserk and rebelling and the Feds went “Oh, shit”, and thus the Eggs’ return was made a priority.
The Eggs are a form of control, and everybody even remotely questioning the Federation knows it. Keeping the Eggs around and alive serves to keep the islanders in line. If they rebel, the Eggs could die. This is why the Eggs were brought back in the first place, and it’s why the parents of dead eggs and those without eggs in the first place were the ones assigned to Sunny, Empanada, and Pepito. Those people couldn’t be controlled, but now they can be. People like Tubbo won’t mess with Cucurucho anymore because they don’t want their kids dead; it’s why Cellbit only started lashing out after Richarlyson had been gone for almost two months.
So… why don’t they just keep the Eggs alive?
Easy. Because the Eggs are expendable. Them living is the easiest option, but them dying isn’t really a huge issue. People like Jaiden have been easy enough to manipulate after losing their egg. Grieving parents so far haven’t had huge explosive reactions (except for Maxo, who very notably did have a huge explosive reaction.) Slime and Mariana fell into depressive states, Jaiden became easier to manipulate, Quackity was able to be kidnapped and brainwashed. Roier and Maxo kept their illegal rebellious activities under wraps, and neither really made any big huge moves against the Feds (again, outside of the nuke.)
If the Eggs die naturally, it’s fine. It’s the parents’ faults for letting their child die- just look at how nobody blamed the Federation for permanently taking Bobby away, but people both on the server and off blamed Roier for “getting him killed”, or how Mariana is the scapegoat for the Federation not bringing Flippa back to life when they easily could’ve done so.
Eggs dying naturally turns islander aggression inwards… with the exceptions of Cellbit, Roier, and Maxo, and now Bagi and Mousey. The Feds don’t want anyone getting angry at them, they want the islanders to get angry at themselves. That way, nobody can organize against them.
So the Feds won’t reverse a life lost. They won’t revive a dead egg. They don’t need to. The Eggs aren’t the experiment here. They aren’t important.
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i forgot about thst tagging thing again where they put words in quotations first wtf is the point of that . what the hell
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c-nstantine · 8 months
It's Always The Nice Ones
Kinktober Fic: Clark discovers his girlfriend's tumblr.
Warnings/Kinks: Warnings/Kinks: Stomach Bulge, Spanking, Size Difference, Non consensual Recording (is this a bit self indulgent? yes, yes it is. thank you for noticing!)
Word Count: 1.5k
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Y/N kicked off her shoes as she entered her and her boyfriend's shared loft. It was a little expensive but the two of them made it work. That was Clark. Sweet, wonderful, and understanding Clark. Y/N loved him with all her heart. There wasn't a thing she would change about him. Well, maybe one thing. Don't get her wrong, he would always leave her satisfied but sometimes Y/N would still want more than what he gave her.
"So the Jamaican place was out of what you usually get so I got you what I get. Kinda works out anyway since you love to steal my jerk chicken," She called out to him as she walked into the kitchen. She was expecting to find him lounging on the couch while watching his favorite fall movie. She was pleasantly surprised to see him leaning against the kitchen counter with his glasses sitting on top of his head.
"What's this?" Clark asked, gesturing to Y/N's laptop. Her laptop was open and the current screen was the homepage of Y/N's Tumblr.
"My laptop? Clark, why do you have my laptop?" Y/N was a little scared. Her Tumblr was her sacred place. It's where her thoughts went to live and she didn't have to be as tame as a real person.
"Mine was dead so I thought I'd borrow yours. Could you imagine my surprise when I found out that my sweet girlfriend writes the most obscene 'smut' on the internet," He said smut in quotation marks. His blue eyes were trained on Y/N. Clark was normally a gentle giant with her but as he approached her, his energy was different. For the first time in their relationship, Y/N felt small. Now Clark being a 6'5 alien was a constant reminder in their relationship but he had never done anything that made her feel small and delicate.
"Clark, I can explain. There like fantasies," She said looking up at her boyfriend and placing her bags on the counter. She could feel the heat rise to her brown cheeks and warmth pooled into the bottom of her stomach. This wasn't fear, but rather horniness. 
"I had been gentle with you because I was afraid I might hurt you. Turns out you want to be hurt," Clark leaned down to whisper this in her ear. Y/N's insides practically melted. 
"Baby, I-" Y/N was going to explain herself but Clark interrupted her by placing a finger to her lips.
"Hush now. I want you to go upstairs and strip. You'll have to be punished for deceiving me. Don't worry, I'll go gentle on you the first time," Y/N's heart was racing and Clark could hear it.
"Clark," Y/N tried to justify herself once more. She couldn't find the exact words that she wanted to say. 
"Upstairs," Clark said sternly and he had dropped his smile. He looked serious.
"Okay," Y/N said stepping away from her giant boyfriend. She quickly found their bedroom and stripped out of her clothing for the day. She sat on the bed anxiously. At first, she was scared but then she found herself to be excited at the sound of the heavy footsteps of Clark as he walked up the stairs. Unbeknownst to her, Clark had placed a small camera he had borrowed from Bruce in the bedroom and it was almost impossible for the untrained eye to spot.
"Imagine my surprise when I found out that my sweet girlfriend wants to be fucked like a desperate whore and writing about it online. To think that I've been holding back. Get on your hands and knees," Y/N did as she was told, not wanting to make the situation worse. 
"Let's see. You've deceived me and then tried to cover it up. I think that's worth ten spankings," Clark spoke as he took in the stalk of his girlfriend's body. He looked at every curve, stretchmark, and scar lovingly but once again, Y/N felt small. Clark's cool hands rubbed her ass almost tenderly. 
"Spankings?" Y/N repeated, almost tripping over the word. When she had written it, she had never thought that it was going to happen to her. The idea that it was going to happen to her awoke something in her deeply.
"That's what you wrote about, isn't it? You dreamt of a moment like this," Clark said knowingly. He could always read her like a book to the point that she used to think one of his powers was telepathy. 
"If at any point it's too much, you can tell me and I'll stop okay?" There was a glimpse of the sweet Clark that she knew. 
"Okay," She nodded as she spoke. 
"Great, now count," Once again, his features darkened and it was like a different man was speaking to her. This didn't look like the man who made love but rather a man who fucks. 
"One!" She said after his hand collided with her ass. Clark grinned at the sight of the recoil of her ass. He wasn't using his superstrength, of course, but a small part of him enjoyed these actions. Y/N continued to count, her ass stinging with every spank. She almost gave out from the pain but she stayed strong even as tears began to run down her face. Clark was just hoping that the camera caught this angle. 
"See there's my pretty girl. You feeling okay?" Clark said tilting her jaw up after he had finished. He wiped her tears away with his thumb.
"Mhm," She said as her eyes stopped welling with tears. 
"Look at you. You're dripping just from a spanking. Roll over," Clark began to toy with the folds of her pussy while she was now laying on her back. Y/N spread her legs on instinct and Clark enjoyed the sight.
"So good at taking orders," He remarked as he kneeled between her legs. He pulled her waist to the edge of the bed and used his hands to pin her down. Her size didn't matter because he knew he had the strength to hold her down.
Now, eating Y/N out was one of Clark's favorite pastimes. He could do it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He loved to have her wetness smeared all over his face like it was now. Hearing her moans did something to him but he preferred to listen to her heart rate as she got closer and closer to her peak. His tongue toyed with her clit while his fingers took long strokes in and out of her. 
"Clark, I'm close, please," Clark simply chuckled as Y/N spoke those words. He pulled his mouth away from her and removed his fingers.
"Wait, why'd you stop?" Y/N said a little upset from her ruined orgasm. She was quickly satiated when Clark replaced his fingers with his dick. She didn't even hear him unbuckle his pants. Clark normally liked to take his time with Y/N and allow her to adjust to his length. Hell, he had spent months just training her to be able to take all of it but now all of that was gone at the window as he pounded into her with fullness. 
Y/N thought she was seeing stars as she moaned out from the deep strokes she was receiving. The stinging of her ass couldn't be felt from the pleasure Clark was giving her. The sound of the headboard hitting the wall was the only thing grounding Y/N to reality. She was sure there were dents in the wall but that would be tomorrow's problem. Well, if she could walk, it would be. 
Clark was having the time of his life. He could see the faint outline of his cock from Y/N's stomach and began to move harder. Once the outline was much more prominent and pressed his hand to her stomach. Both of them cried out from the new sensation. Clark's cheeks had turned a bright red and his glasses managed to get across the room. He had regretted not doing this earlier.  
Y/N's pussy began to spasm with Clark's dick still inside and soon after he finished inside of her. His strokes slowed until he fully pulled out of her. Y/N's legs were tingly and her breaths were deep. Clark kissed her cheek and congratulated her for doing so well before disappearing into the bathroom. Y/N almost felt like she had just cosplayed a Twinkie. 
"I'm gonna clean you up and then put this cream on your bum," He said with a warm damp towel in one hand and some sort of numbing cream in the other. 
"Clark, sweetheart, you just fucked the living daylights out of me, you can say ass," She said while he cleaned between her thighs. Her hands found his hair and he simply had a dopey grin on his face. After he was finished, he discretely grabbed the hidden camera and put it somewhere safe for now. Just because he knew Y/N's kinks, didn't mean she needed to know his, not yet, at least. 
Clark gave Y/N one of his T-shirts and brought up the food from earlier. She leaned on his shoulder as the two ate in bed. She wondered what other boundaries she could push Clark to now that he knew her darkest fantasies. 
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bluetooththereptile · 6 months
Unwelcomed embrace (part two)
Yandere super family x neglected reader
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: this one shot is continuation of this one.
Tw: mentions of violence
"Why don't you have one of those small micro earphones that you attach to the collar of the clothing?" You groaned as you tried to find a good position to rest your hand on under the weight of the mic in your hand, you sighed as you looked at its round head, you didn't like it that much, it felt uneasy in your palm. The chair was too rigid for you to sit comfortably on it, creaking under your weight. You looked down at the mic that had a sock on as a muffler, smiling at the inventiveness of the reporter. "I presume your budget is not that much huh?" The reporter nodded with a sheepish smile as he tried to put on some powder to conceal some of the scar marks on your face, well, as much as your skin color let him do so. "Yeah..." he sighed "the budget is low."
You looked at him, focused on his task, young and ambitious, just like you, you felt like he had the same recklessness as well, why would a sane person come and meet a dangerous anti-hero over a post on Twitter? "Ready?" He asked as he adjusted his camera, you shifted on your seat once more, checking the dark background of the warehouse you were in, and then looked back at the shiny lens of the camera. You paused, still, your hand didn't have a good place to rest its elbow on, huffing in irritation, you rolled your eyes, you had to do something about it, if it kept irritating you, you'd end up messing everything up. So you focused on the cemented floor below, making a thick-bodied plant sprout out of the harsh floor and bend towards you, its leaves forming a cocoon, you smirked and put the mic on the head of the plant and used it as a stand, chuckling at the amazement of the reporter "Now I'm ready!"
"1...2...3..." the reporter spoke softly before the camera started filming and the red light on its front started blinking. "Alright, please introduce yourself..." he spoke to you behind the camera, tapping his pen nervously, you hummed to yourself and tapped your chin as you crossed your legs, trying to find a point to start from "I feel like a Podcaster now..." you joked, before clearing your throat as you started "Well, I'm what media used to call the "Green super" You used quotation marks in the air, your voice showing hints of your initial irritation to the name, which had associated you with superman since your powers were nearly the same. "But now I go with the Green Death, pretty cheesy, but I like it" you chuckled and continued "Well the name is not that far off from my personality either, I am green, my skin is that color."
"So, Green Death, your name has been on the news as the sole force that has kept the Armageddon from happening, twice, already, and now you, all of a sudden, while you had ignored the chance of interviewing with huge media broadcasters, have decided to have an interview now, here in the middle of nowhere, why is that?" You rubbed your chin as you thought about a response, your lips tilting upwards in a smirk "Well, now I have enough evidence to finally show the world who the heroes truly are." You paused, taking it the confused expression of the reporter, adding quickly "Make no mistake, I'm not going to expose their identities, that would make hell break loose, I just simply want to shed a much more different light on them and their actions. As you may know, I was a part of the young Justice League and then Justice League itself for a few years, and I'm the result of a 'heroic affair' myself, so I'd have a very different insight on them..."
"Why though? I mean we pretty much know about the heroes..." You let out a soft chuckle, leaning back in your seat "Well, that is sort of true, but tell me, do you know of the assaults and different crimes that have happened by their hands? For example, do you know Batman has kidnapped nearly three people and has erased their documents out of the system, making them vanish into thin air, never to be seen?" The reporter's eyes widened at that, your smirk turned into a wide smile as you continued "I have both the video footage and documents of it happening..."
"B-but why do you want to expose them for their deeds, knowing well you are fully aware of what they can do, surely they don't want anyone to know that... " "I have exposed the bad guys of the story already, my mother is after me because of that, so I don't think exposing the heroes would be any different...the world has to know who they truly are!"
You were hellbent on tarnishing the images of the heroes once and for all.
Since the time you had left the Justice League, your life had changed a lot, just within two years, you had gone from being a hero to a villain and then to an anti-hero, a cruel topsy turvey irony. It all had started with your mother finally owning up to her parenting role and had found you in your most vulnerable state when you were struggling to pass your days in your trailer. She took you in and tried in her twisted way to help you, for a short period you felt like you had a family, she seemed genuinely nice. But a few months later, you ended up joining the dark force, how? You still were not sure, all you could remember was your mother's voice echoing in your mind as she puffed a shiny dust in your face, and you shaking hands with the Darkseid himself as he had that disgusting grin on his face. It was after that night that you found out that bitch had manipulated you into joining the bad guys, well who wouldn't want to have a version of Superman in their league that wasn't vulnerable to kryptonite? At first, you tried to pretend that you did want to hurt people just for the fun of it, in your mind, you were taking revenge on your father, who looked devastated whenever you had joint missions with your new teammates.
Well, you couldn't deny that the sheer rush of dopamine you felt was great, no rules were there to hold you back, just destroy and enjoy, the loot was lucrative as well. But, still, something in the back of your mind nagged and you couldn't overlook that you hated hurting vulnerable people and you couldn't do it anymore, so at a very crucial mission, you ended up killing all of your teammates before fleeing. You gave your mother a good beating up before you dropped her on the Arkham's doors and then vanished into an abandoned base until things became normal. After that your way of life became of an anti-hero, you didn't want to admit it but annoying the heroes was fun, at least you weren't killing vulnerable people. You did what they couldn't do, you fought without rules and the results were more drastic.
But you wanted to roast your father more, you wanted to make him burn, and what was better than exposing him? "As for Superman, he at least has killed more than 100 people in his missions, the government has already covered that up but I have the proof...flash has caused a climate change that ended up ruining agriculture of the whole world for a year, resulting in famines, Aquaman has sunk a few ships, that were NOT of military-related, killing civilians, also, Wonder woman has kidnapped a few people...and so on and so forth." You started warming up, mentioning more and more of what you knew.
The reporter took note as you spoke, and you were liking the role of the one exposing the hidden secrets of the heroes. You were actually enjoying it too much, so much in fact that your super-human sense didn't detect the flight of Superman and Superboy coming to your location at a bullet-like speed. And within seconds they both crashed into the warehouse Kool-Aid style, making a huge impact.
You were quick to react, using your laser eyes to attack Super Boy, but Conner was quick to dodge, Clark quickly pulled the reporter out of the range of the fight and out of sight, he let Bruc take care of the reporter and his evidence later, now he had you, his troubling child that was now entering dangerous waters. Conner and you fought, trashing the warehouse even further, you didn't know why but Conner's grin was getting on your nerves already.
The two supers had a plan of taking you down, and it was going pretty smoothly, going just as planned, you grew to angry and Conner used it to his advantage, pinning you down by a broken pillar, giving Clark enough time so he could throw the pollen towards you, damn it! How the hell they had gotten their hands on the special pollen that your mother had created just for controlling you?! You tried to not breathe, but the bitter taste of it already had formed in your mouth, making your mind go foggy. Damn it! Damn it!!!!!!
"We need to talk..." Clark's voice echoed in your mind, your vision was so distorted that you could only see the silhouette of your father approaching you "And we need to talk properly!" His voice made your heart skip...uh oh...Clark was serious.
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another-goblin · 14 days
After 2.2, many people noticed that the first part of Ratio's "Doctor's Advice" isn't just a vague encouragement (to think about it, that would have been a bit out of character for him); it actually foreshadows certain revelations about the Dreamworld we only discover in 2.2.
It can't be a coincedence that the words "Death" and "Dormancy", capitalized and placed in quotation marks, are the exact words used to refer to that "Death "meme when we discover the truth about it.
It's safe to assume that he knows more about the Dreamworld than he lets on, and that note is partly a hint to Aventurine about what's going on. And it probably helped, judging by the fact that Aventurine somehow ended up in Dreamflux Reef after that.
So first, that really reminded me of what he did on Herta station. He basically slips into his teacher mode: "I'll make sure nobody dies. I won't disrespect your cognitive abilities by just telling you what's going on. I'll just direct you towards the truth because I know you are smart enough to ultimately get there by yourself"
And secondly, if that's true, if he really knows a lot about the Dreamworld, that would finally explain why the IPC sent him as a technical consultant.
The question is, what's in it for him.
At first glance, he doesn't have a horse in that race. I don't think he gives a damn about the IPC's claim on Penacony. He doesn't strike me as a fan of the IPC in general (his philosophy is "people should have access to education," and money never factors into it).
And they can't directly order him to go; the IPC bosses are not his bosses. The Intelligentsia Guild is affiliated with the IPC and probably sponsored by it, but they are not the same. (I had a little theory about the IPC financing his educational projects. So theoretically, they could use it as leverage. But it's an unsopported speculation on my part)
One of his goals could have been to study the Dreamworld, but I don't think that's the case because he could have just visited it as a tourist for that purpose at any time.
So, why would he agree to go on that mission, taking his valuable time away from teaching and potentially risking his life and reputation (by getting involved with the IPC's shady affairs)?
He's only there to help Aventurine. Currently, that's the only explanation.
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harveys-mustache · 1 month
Pretty Eyes
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Pairing(s): Harvey x GN!Farmer / Harvey x GN!Reader
Word Count: 921
Summary: You get hurt in the mines, and you don’t want to go bother a certain doctor for help over a silly little injury. But too bad Harvey doesn’t care. He’s gonna help you anyways.
Warning(s): mention of injury, mention of sex, both the Farmer and Harvey being oblivious, idiots to lovers, Clint (he’s a creep in my opinion), disgustingly fluffy.
A/N: here’s a cute little imagine of my husband, Harvey. I LITERALLY LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH!!! anyways… enjoy ;)
Main Masterlist
||| Do NOT plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my work in any way. Thank you. |||
“I don’t know why you do this to yourself!”
Here we go again.
Harvey is currently cleaning the wound on your leg. It was a nasty gash, you had to admit. But it was already pretty late and you didn’t want to bother him for help. You fully planned on just fixing yourself up with your first aid kit at home, until you bumped into the doctor himself. He offered to help clean it up. You hesitantly accepted. So, that’s exactly what he did. But not without scolding you, of course.
“I mean, come on,” Harvey said, still disinfecting your wound. “You went down forty-eight levels in the mines! For just some little pieces of amethyst??!”
You rolled your eyes at Harvey’s little lecture. He looks at you, scowling. “And don’t even think I didn’t see that.”
“Okay, fine,” You finally speak. “I see where you are thinking here. And I get where it could sound a little stupid. I just needed the amethyst, okay?”
“Why?” Harvey asks. He’s staring at you with so much intensity that you almost don’t want to say anything. As if he can sense this sudden anxiety, he says it again, softly this time. “Why?”
“Because…” Oh god, maybe this does sound stupid. “Because Clint needed it. He said if I get it for him, he’ll pay me back.”
Everyone in town knows that Harvey doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. He is just an overall sweet man.
So, when you see him quite literally turn red with rage, it comes as a shock to you.
Harvey gets up from his position next to your legs and starts to pace around, trying to get all this anger out of him through his steps. He looks furious.
“Um…Doc?” You say, hesitant. He starts to laugh to himself. “Are you-“
“I know you’re not about to ask me if I’m ‘okay’ right now.” He speaks harshly. “Because I’m not.”
“Why!?” He laughs a humorless type of laugh. “Because you put all that effort in to getting some stupid stone from the mines just for that- that creep to say that he’ll ‘pay you back.’”
“Why did you say ‘pay me back’ like that?!” You mimic quotation marks with your hands like Harvey did. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Like, is this some sort of joke or-“
“He means sex!!!”
There is a pause in the room. You stare at Harvey, mortified over what you just heard. He sighs.
“Clint basically meant that he wants to sex. With you.” Harvey can’t even look at you. “I don’t know if you knew that but…”
How could you not have seen it? With all those suggestive comments. And the not-so-subtle winks. You just thought he was joking! You didn’t think he was serious!?
“Oh, God!” You now have your head in your hands. This has to be some sort of sick nightmare. This can’t be real. “I think I might be sick.”
You feel a hand placed on your back. You look up to see Harvey looking at you softly. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t have a small crush on him. Because you did. Just a little though. Because nothing could really happen. Right?
“Don’t worry, the bucket will be right here with you.” He says. “And me. If that even helps.”
“It does.” You maintain eye contact. He looks into your eyes, almost as though he can see everything about you. You don’t know how many seconds go by, but you don’t care. He doesn’t seem to either.
“You have really pretty eyes,” He states, in a daze. Your mind goes wild. You have no idea what is happening right now. All you can do is smile up at him. Realizing what he just said, he snaps out of it. “Oh my god, I’m sorry. I-“
“Doc, It’s okay.” You laugh softly, but that doesn’t make him stop talking.
“I can’t believe I just said that. Out loud too!”
“I mean you probably don’t even like me like that! And you’re my patient too! I really-
“I’m so sorry. I should-“ Before he can run away, you kiss him. You kiss him with such passion, that he never wants to let go. So he doesn’t. Instead, he responds with the same intensity you gave him. He grabs you by the waist, tugging you closer. You let out a gasp of surprise, in which Harvey hears. He smiles into the kiss. You both pull away slowly, the only noises being you and Harvey catching each other’s breath. You both stay like this, forehead to forehead, letting everything sink in.
“Well,” You look up and whisper to him. “In case you didn’t already know, I think you have pretty eyes too.”
“Yeah?” He chuckles softly, looking at you. You nod. “Will these ‘pretty eyes’ help me get a date with you?”
You can’t help but giggle.
“Okay! That wasn’t the best way to put it.” He laughs shyly. “But do you think you would let me take you out on a date? It’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“Oh no! You are not backing out of this one, Doc.” You say, trying to look as serious as possible. But failing. “You are taking me out on that date whether you like it or not!”
“Noted.” He chuckled, smiling at you so much that his face hurts. How did he get so lucky to have a person like you?
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enluv · 10 months
the couples quiz <3
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PAIRING! bang chan x fem!idol reader
SYNOPSIS! - back with enluv productions, we have our favorite idol couple to take the enluv couples quiz! - this consist of a multitude of questions asked by each of them to test how well they know their partner! enjoy <3
word count: 3,310 (and it’s all fluff 😁)
genre(s): interview styled writing + video layout chic (?) & so much fluff like it’s so cavity inducing you may need to call a dentist 🤭
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, both idols, profanity, nervousness, and I am pretty sure that’s all! (if I missed something lmk!)
coco’s love note: idea is based off the gq couples quiz videos !! please note that our reader is in an oc group I’ve made :)
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[ video preview begins now – our idol couple are shown sitting comfortably in two opposing director chairs ]
Y/N: What’s our contact names on each others phones?
Chan: Oh that’s easy I have her as (he makes quotation marks with his fingers) “Y/N L/N” and in parentheses (he cups his hands to express them) “gf”
[the room falls silent as y/n stares shocked at chan]
Y/N: There’s no way…you’re so lying right? (her eyes are widened with shock)
Chan: Of course I am baby! Why would I ever just have you as your name? I have you as “future ms.bahng” (he smiles proudly displaying his contact name for y/n and her contact photo)
Y/N: I almost threw these cards at you for real Christopher! Don’t ever do that again!
Chan: What’s my contact name?
Y/N: Bang Chan dash Stray Kids. (she stares deadpanned at the camera before giggling at his expression)
Y/N: Now you know how it feels! I have you as “my love” it’s a bit simple but I just really love you.
[ end of preview - the screen cuts back to the couple as they first start the video and it begins ]
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Y/N: I’m Cupid’s Y/N!
Chan: and I’m Stray Kids Bang Chan!
Y/N & Chan: and we’re taking the enluv couples quiz!
[the couples quiz logo pops up over them to signify the start of the interview – y/n’s questions are first]
Y/N: What’s an item of yours I always seem to steal?
Chan: Oh that’s obvious, she always steals my hoodies. All the colorful ones go to her!
Y/N: Correct! His fans always tell him to wear color but I think I’ve stolen everything with a decent amount of color on it…oops? Sorry stays!
Y/N: What’s something I always bring with me on tour?
Chan: Hmm well there are a few ways to go about this. You could be asking like sentimental items or like necessities.
Y/N: I wrote a list so if the items you guess are on it I’ll give you a point.
Chan: Oh god. (he shakes his head and looks up to show he’s thinking) I would say probably your first aid kit bag. She’s pretty clumsy and needs to have a band-aid on her at all times.
Chan: Oh also probably our son. Oh! I know the most important one is definitely your headphones. You don’t ever leave the house without them.
Y/N: Channie I think you need to elaborate on what our son means (she laughs pointing towards the production team) because they seem worried.
Chan: Oh right. Y/N and I have matching plushies that we won each other on our…hmm I think it was our fifth date? I took her to an arcade and they had claw machines. She got me a psyduck plushie it’s really big and I got her a bunny plush. We call them our sons and usually I’ll take the bunny and she takes psyduck. We care for them equally though! We aren’t absent parents!
Y/N: Okay you were right about all of those, you’re missing one thing though. This one is the most important one.
Chan: Babe…I thought I hit them all seriously…gimme a hint pleaseee….
Y/N: It’s something you gave me.
Chan: I’ve given you a lot of things Y/N.
Y/N: Can I just tell you?
Chan: No! I wanna guess.
[a compilation of chan guessing is played in x2 speed, y/n continues to answer no as he guesses]
Chan: I give up! Tell me.
Y/N: It’s my bracelet! (she laughs softly at his expression)
Chan: Oh god, I can’t believe I forgot about our bracelets!! (he holds up his right hand so the camera can see) We have bond bracelets!
Y/N: When you touch them it sends the other person a small vibration and it means that we’re thinking of or miss the other. They’re really nice since we work a lot and don’t see each other as often as we’d hope.
Chan: I touch mine a lot.
Y/N: Mhm he does, but so do I so I’d never complain.
Y/N: Have I ever written a song about you? And if the answer is yes, which one is my favorite.
Chan: Yeah, plenty of them.
Y/N: Woah okay no need to expose me sir.
Chan: Babe I’m not exposing anything, it’s kinda obvious…
Y/N: Just answer the question Chris.
Chan: “two souls” is your favorite and I know that because you worked on it for almost three months then gave it to me on my birthday.
Y/N: He’s right. That song is my baby, it’s so personal but I just really love it so much. He kept trying to sneak into my laptop to listen to it but I caught him every single time! He cried when he first heard it though so it was worth hiding.
Chan: I thought we promised not to talk about that sweetie.
Y/N: Next question!
Y/N: What was my first concert?
Chan: Oh man. I don’t think I know this one babe.
Y/N: Channie I promise I’ve told you the answer to all of these questions.
Chan: Okay can you tell me how old you were?
Y/N: No.
Chan: Please prettty? I think I’ll get it if I know how old you were!
Y/N: I was sixteen almost seventeen. (y/n sends the camera a wink)
Chan: OH! I’ve so got it then. I know it!
Y/N: Okay who was it then?
Chan: It was Seventeen sunbaenim!
Y/N: Ding ding ding! Correct!
Chan: I always forget how big of a carat you are seriously. She loves them. The kids are friends with them so it’s wild to see her interact with them.
Y/N: I’m good friends with them now, perks of being an idol, they always tease me too.
Chan: Who did you bias?
Y/N: Some secrets should never see the light Channie.
Y/N: What’s my favorite food?
Chan: It’s Chipotle but you get the most mundane thing ever so you always throw in a side of chips and queso because you’re scared the workers roll their eyes when they see your order.
Y/N: That…what oddly specific…why did you expose me like that omg…embarrassing!
Chan: Babe you recite exactly what I just said every time you order Chipotle, literally word for word I know it by heart now.
Y/N: Feels like he’s attacking me a bit right guys (y/n turns to the cameras as if asking the audience)
Chan: I am not! You have said that to me a million times! It’s seriously engraved in my head.
Y/N: What’s my favorite song that you’ve written that’s about me?
Chan: I know the answer but if I say it then fans are going to have a field day on twitter.
Y/N: How would you know? Been on twitter recently Chris?
Chan: (he stares at the camera and winks) I don’t have twitter, you know, idol things and all those logistics.
Y/N: Should we answer the question together?
Chan: Stop cheesing so hard, you did this on purpose didn’t you.
Y/N: Yes I did. Ready? 3…2…1!!!
Chan & Y/N: Red Lights
Y/N: What can I say! It’s a good song.
Chan: Is it my turn yet? I need to seek revenge.
Y/N: NOPE! Still me!
Y/N: How many pets do I have and can you tell me in which order I got them?
Chan: This is terrible because she had pets even before getting with me.
Chan: Okay here it goes. You have three pets, first one is Pickles, he’s a greyhound. Next would be Peanut, he’s a fish and he has a brother named Jelly. They count as one because they’re a pair, and finally we have Kimchi and that’s our gecko, I named him. (he smiles proudly at the camera)
Y/N: Four points! Wow babe good job!
Chan: What kind of dad would I be if I didn’t know our kids names?
Y/N: So true like imagine you forgot one I’d be so mad.
Chan: I know that’s why I got them all right.
Y/N: What’s my dream wedding look like?
Chan: I also know this answer, we talk about it a lot.
Chan: You want a small wedding with the most important people in your life, so like family and friends but also people who have helped you in your career as well. You want a summer wedding and want a pastel creamy green color to be the theme. It’ll be inside but you really liked the forest vibe from Twilight so the inside will be decorated to look like the woods.
Y/N: Okay woah. Do you have access to my Pinterest or something?
Chan: You say that like we don’t talk about getting married all the time. (he smacks his lips playfully at her)
Y/N: I am in love with you, seriously like on god dude.
Chan: Stop saying on god after you tell me you love me, we talked about this!
Y/N: He doesn’t like it because he says it sounds like I’m talking to a brother.
Chan: You sound like my nineteen year old sister!
Y/N: and I love her very much! We went shopping last time we went to visit them.
Chan: and you bought her $800 shoes.
Y/N: What can I say, I love all the bahngs!
Y/N: Last question Chris, let’s see if you get this one right! What was my first impression of you!
Chan: Oh you’re going there? I see how it is. (he fixes himself to sit straight up and looks at the camera) Our fans don’t know this story but Y/N hated me.
Y/N: (laughing to herself and gesturing to the crew again) They look so confused! He made it sound so bad, I just thought he was one of those really weird guys because, so basically we met at an award show and his group, Stray Kids, had been seated next to us.
Chan: We were so close we could touch arms.
Y/N: No truly! And it was funny because his entire group, and if you don’t know, they have eight members in total, all got up and went to the bathroom together. All eight of them! It was hilarious, I’d never seen any group do that!
Chan: We like to stay together. Safety in numbers!
Y/N: They came back after a while and almost missed getting their award. It was just so odd to me at the time but after that we started talking as the show went on and I thought he was super sweet and obviously he cares for his members.
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[the couples quiz logo pops onto screen as the video depicts chan at the center, he flashes an excited smile at the camera]
Chan: Is it finally my turn? I’ll be honest I don’t have that many questions…but they’re pretty hard to answer. I don’t know if Y/N will be able to get them right.
Y/N: Don’t antagonize me Christopher! I know everything about you.
Chan: We’ll see about that.
Chan: First question! Before we went on our first date I had originally planned something else but it fell through, what was it and why didn’t we do it?
Y/N: Woah you’re going BACK.
Chan: Mhm, answer the question baby.
Y/N: This is a funny story that not everyone knows actually. Chan loves doing crazy things like he doesn’t do traditional dates ever, it’s always something outrageous that you least expect.
Chan: I want things to be memorable, plus if I have free time I don’t want to spend it sitting around, I want to go out and do things.
Y/N: He originally wanted to take me bungee jumping, (the camera pans to a laughing chan and the staff can be heard gasping) can you believe that! Bungee jumping for a first date!
Chan: It would have been memorable though, right?
Y/N: Yeah definitely. It didn’t happen though because he heard from a mutual friend of ours, Minnie, that I was really scared of heights.
Chan: I canceled the day super quick, the date was in two days and I called and had to cancel but I was honestly grateful I found out because imagine if I hadn’t known and took her to it? Memorable first date but not in a good way!
Y/N: I think maybe now I’d do it, but only if he’s with me because I trust him the most.
Chan: Wait really? Wait we’ll talk about this later, finish the story!
Y/N: Right! He took me swimming instead, it was a indoor private pool place and it was so much fun. He actually taught me how to swim.
Chan: It’s one of my favorite memories because I just knew I’d be asking her to be my girlfriend.
Y/N: Stop I’m going to cry if we get into this again!
Chan: I told her this last time we talked, how I knew she was the one for me our first date. She cried and then called her mom to tell her.
Y/N: My parents love him, maybe more than me to be honest.
Chan: What was the first achievement we got as a group that made me feel like I had made it?
Y/N: This feels like a trick question.
Chan: I promise it’s not.
Y/N: There are two answers because your first win is so memorable that I’d pick that one but you also always say you haven’t made it, because you’re still going, still reaching and setting goals and achievements for yourself.
Chan: You worded that perfectly. She’s right. First win on a music show was huge for us but honestly as a group we have a lot of goals and want to achieve them all, I don’t know if we’re ever going to truly feel like we’ve made it but seeing our fans celebrate our achievements always makes it feel like we’re heading in the right direction.
[the camera shifts and pans to y/n running her thumb on the back of chan’s palm, she whispers something in his ear before they continue]
Chan: What was my favorite sport growing up?
Y/N: Easy! It was swimming and you were really good at it.
Chan: Don’t say that they’re going to believe you.
Y/N: Babe I’ve seen those awards your mom has lining the walls of your house, trust me, you were good.
Chan: My dad owns a swim school so I swam a lot as a kid and naturally went on to compete at meets and stuff. If I wasn’t here doing this, I’d be a swimmer.
Y/N: He’s really good at it, and he taught me how to swim so like he’s a good teacher too.
Chan: I can’t believe I taught you to swim that memory is so engraved in my mind.
Y/N: Mine too! I could not learn for the life of me and then suddenly on my first date with him he taught me. That should tell you how good he is at swimming.
Chan: I don’t know if I’m good now but back then I wasn’t terrible.
Y/N: My boyfriend is so humble!
Chan: What’s one thing that you hate that I do but I love it?
Y/N: Sleeping in the recording room?
Chan: (he lets out a sarcastic laugh) Ha Ha Ha. Close but no.
Y/N: I don’t know, I don’t hate anything you do honestly.
Chan: Want me to tell you?
Y/N: You so want to tell me.
Chan: I do.
Y/N: Tell me.
Chan: It’s when I spend too long in the studio, so long that you have to come get me.
Y/N: You’re so….(she’s cut off by chan’s laughter)
Chan: Let me explain before you blast me in front of everyone!
Y/N: Mmm…go on…
Chan: I know you hate coming to get me but some of my favorite times are when you come because then we spend hours together listening to things I’ve made or messing around and recording things. It’s nice to have you so interested in what I do because I love you and I love music, it’s like my two favorite things are interacting and meeting one another.
Y/N: I hate you so much! You know I’m a sap, I’m going to cry you meanie, that’s so cute what even is this!
Chan: My revenge worked!
[the video cuts to the next clip and the viewer can see that y/n now has a tissue in hand]
Chan: Next question, who gave me advice when we first started getting to know each other and dating?
Y/N: Was it not one of the boys? You said you told binnie first no? So I’d assume him.
Chan: Nope! Guess again.
Y/N: No? Hmm I don’t know…maybe one of your other idol friends?
Chan: It was actually our choreographer.
Y/N: What? Really? Why?
Chan: They saw how stressed I was because I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend officially and it was making me distracted so they sat me down and made me spill what was bothering me. Funny too because when I told them they told me to just go for it, and I did and then later on they told me they were glad I had because I looked so much happier.
Y/N: Wow this tissue is being used to its fullest today. I am making a mental note to buy them anything they want right now like wow, imagine if they had never told you to just do it. Where would we be?
Chan: Still sneaking around to hang out as “friends” probably.
Chan: Final question, what’s the title of our new collab song coming out?
Y/N: Oh you’re terrible, did you even get permission to reveal this?
Chan: No but I feel like it’ll, a) this will be out by the time we announce it or b) I don’t have a plan B since I’m hoping plan A is successful!
Y/N: Stay please pray for your leader, he’s so going to get us in trouble for this!
Chan: Don’t say that pretty, have some faith in me.
Y/N: Our collab song is called “Here for you,” and it was written and produced by us.
Chan: It’s a love song if you didn’t guess that.
Y/N: I think they got that one babe.
Chan: Making sure they know it!
Interviewer: Can you tell us a little about the song?
Y/N: Well like Chan said, it’s a love song. It’s about finding the right person and immediately knowing they’re the one.
Chan: Immediately knowing they’re your person.
Y/N: We wrote it one night in the studio after fighting, nothing huge but we both had a bad day and it was intense, when you’ve been with someone for a while you have those days you know? He wrote something down to blow off some steam and so did I. We realized that we’d wrote one half of a song each. Then we put it together, fixed it up and made it that night.
Chan: It’s a really special song to us both, that’s why I’m so excited to announce it.
Y/N: We’re really excited to have you all listen to it.
Interviewer: Well thank you both for coming. We appreciate you making some time for us! 
Y/N & Chan: Thanks for having us! (they send a smile to the camera and bow in thanks to the crew)
Y/N: We had a lot of fun today, really thank you.
Chan: Maybe we will come back in like ten years, married, and all that and do it again!
[ the camera zooms out and in fades the couples quiz logo, you can see the couple as they whisper to one another after the director yells “cut” ]
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Chan: Why do I love Y/N? That’s a big question to ask, and if I named all the reasons we’d be here for a long time, to put it simply she’s my soulmate, I don’t think there is anyone else in the world more right for me than her. She’s caring, fun, creative, so many more things and it’s like wow, people do exist like her out there and I was lucky enough to find her? She must be my soulmate.
Y/N: Why do I love Chris? Hmm let me think. As a society I know we don’t believe in soulmates, and for a long time I put no thought into them you know? But meeting Chan and being able to experience the love he gives, has honestly changed that for me. I don’t think there is anyone out there more perfect for me than him. I can’t put into words why I love him but I can try to describe it. It’s like when you find a new favorite thing to obsess over, and that becomes something you love so dearly but in the case of me and Chan, it’s that feeling on and on, it never falters and my love for it stays consistent.
[ the video ends with a black screen fading out the image of y/n from frame ]
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coco’s <3 note: FINALLY SHE IS HERE! I’ve been talking about this fic for almost three months now 😭 and finally it’s done! Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do :) Thank you @odxrilove for being my beta reader for it! I love you wifey 😻🫶🏽 As always, feedback & rbs are always appreciated!
SKZ TAGLIST! - @cherry-bushes @en-fvr @nikis-mum @bloom-bloom-pow @kyublr @enhacolor @fxckingshame @stealanity @haoreo @jxp1t-3r @chaerybae @vatterie @tytrackfebreze @veryjeongintxtkid @haechan-nahceah @mnwrld @queen-klarissa
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evilminji · 3 months
*Distant sound of frantic running growing closer*
*I throw open the door with manic eyes, breathing heavily*
Hatsume Mei! The Fenton's! Oh DEAR LORD. The Couple, the Doctors Fenton... would think she's A Lovely Young Lady ™! Normal even! Charming! I bet the Hatsume Adults would find to be a Charming And Upstanding Young Lad!
If the GIW got out of hand? And Amity, as a town? Said "fuck ya'll we taken our ball and going home"? All they'd NEED to do? Is shut down the portal, get the skilled portal makers stationed at side A of town to open it up, rip the whole thing up, have the mover ghosts push it IN, aaaaaand? Everyone in? Good! We close it from the inside!
Fuck those guys.
Okay, so, I'm Jerry. You're real estate officer, we got some GREAT options for you this season! How do feel about ninjas? No? Pirates? Not feeling it? Superheroes? Seeing some interest! We got a- *continues their pitch as Amity is moved*
Amity get phased into the Japanese countryside.
What do you MEAN "there wasn't a town here?" Of course there way! We have roads and everything! Why are we all Americans? What're you a cop? Mind your business, spandex man.
.....yeah, they're gonna call this one a "Quirk accident".
Pay your taxes, folks, and we promise not to care!
Fenton's? Back in business, baby! Well, never STOPPED being in business. But details! They're now a "support company"! And yes! The quotation marks ARE on all their documents AND signs! They think it's stupid!
But you want lazers?
Oh ho hoooo~ DO WE HAVE LAZERS!!!
Maddie n Jack start hitting the scene. Conventions. Conferences. Fancy parties. Weirdly? They "unnerve" people. Cowards.
Until? Gasp? They meet just the LOVELIEST couple! Who are so FUN! Who ALSO has a daughter? Danny's age no less! Oh she is just PRECIOUS? Is that her first bomb? Aaaaaw~♡.
Danny feels a disturbance in the force.
Like... like his folks are... are about to try and introduce him to a Nice Young Girl again. The last time this happened was at mom's fighting competitions. She ended up being some sort of assassin royalty. Thankfully, she accepted he could commit to a life of murder, since he wanted to be an astronaut, but it was like this whole THING and- you know what? Not important!
Where are his parents!?
(Planning his wedding! Gotta incorporate BOTH the family's completely batshit Family Traditions!)
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