#who she was v protective over. and that being the catalyst to her becoming protective??
ladyseidr · 4 months
def gonna try to be here and write tomorrow but in the meantime i have a desperate need to write GF in my SB verse, esp interacting with vanessa, gregory, cassie, or glamr.ock freddy 🥺
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My Favourite 5Ds Duel
Yusei vs Aki in the Fortune Cup is a close second, maybe with time I’ll have trouble choosing or the next two duels will rival them, but right now, Jack vs Carly in the Dark Signer Arc is my favourite duel in 5Ds, and one of my favourites in all of Yugioh.
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It’s also the arc with the best payoff so far. As much as I love Aki, the duel where her emotional baggage is resolved (the second one against Yusei) had... many issues, as I discussed a while ago. It doesn’t ruin her arc for me but it does bring it down a bit in my mind. Jack and Carly though? While less relatable to me personally, their stories and they way they connect were really well done. Jack’s growth this season, going from a selfish snob to a more humbled leader, while not the deepest thing Yugioh has ever done was still interesting. Carly was there for Jack at his lowest point, saying the things that lead to him realising he needed to be a better person.
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Carly was Jack’s catalyst for becoming a better person. Jack’s effect on Carly meanwhile was... at first glance negative. Carly developed a crush on him quite quickly, though not instantly or in a way that felt rushed to me, and became so desperate to be with him that she followed him into danger to help, even when he told her to stay out of it, explicitly telling her he wanted to protect her (in the sub at least)
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Even if Carly may have known deep down Jack was doing this for her own good, she still resented him for leaving her, right as she was realising her feelings for him. Coming from someone who loves Carly, I think she acted irrationally. She put herself in danger ALONE when all she had to defend herself was a deck that wasn’t even meant for duelling, it was meant for fortune telling. And it got her killed and resurrected as a demon. However, I don’t think Jack’s effect on Carly was entirely negative. For starters, I don’t think she can fully be blamed for what she did as a Dark Signer, as it’s implied the Dark Signers were corrupted by the power they received and not in full control of themselves. Those scenes of Carly imagining her and Jack ruling a burned down world as Dark Signers weren’t really her, they were the dark power corrupting her mind and making her think that was what she wanted.  The moment Jack broke through that power’s influence, Carly didn’t want to fight anymore, even giving up a golden opportunity to defeat and therefore kill Jack.
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And to circle back around to my point about Jack’s effect on Carly for a moment, he didn’t just make her desperate. She became more confident and empathetic. Before Jack, all she cared about was getting the best scoop as a journalist so she wouldn’t be fired, even if that meant sticking her nose where she shouldn’t and revealing personal information about people. With Jack however, she helps him hide when everyone was looking for him and chose not to make the secrets he told her public:
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Revealing this information might’ve allowed her to keep her job but she decided integrity and empathy were more important. Jack and Carly both helped each other grow into better people. In fact, they both had similar struggles to overcome of being selfish and uncaring when trying to achieve their goals. Jack points that out about himself:
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Neither he nor Carly point it out but it’s honestly kind of beautiful that Carly helped Jack overcome the same faults in himself that she was working on correcting within herself. Jack never realised on screen how much he also helped Carly. Subconsciously however, Jack may just know. He knows Carly better than even he realises. Take this scene for example, when an even darker force takes over Carly, Jack reacts like this:
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He doesn’t think for even a second Carly is reverting or doing these horrible things of her own volition. Other times in Yugioh when someone is being mind controlled, even the characters closest to them don’t realize they’re being controlled. Arc V is a good example of this. Even when dark energy is flooding out of Yuya and he’s speaking with a voice that isn’t his own, everyone, even people like Yuzu and Gongenzaka, just go “oh no, why is Yuya acting like this?” Jack though? Jack instantly goes to “How dare you hurt the girl I love, I’ll fuck you up” mode. Heck before this duel he was completely sure Carly was being controlled and not acting of her own volition, which he ended up being right about. It shows how well he knows her, and how much he loves her.
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He may not tell her as much as Carly tells him but Jack loves Carly. He didn’t always show it in a way that made her feel loved but Jack loves her more than life. And that’s not an exaggeration or flower language. This is canon. When Carly calls out to Jack, essentially telling him he needs to kill her in order to save the world, he reluctantly agrees to do it, the pain evident in his expressions.
(First frame is Carly speaking off screen, second one is Jack speaking)
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Now keep in mind when I was watching this part, I was in a pitch black room with earbuds in, needing to be deathly silent as my family were asleep, my hands held over mouth to bite back any possible sobs as I’m already on the verge of tears at this point. I thought Jack was going to force himself to kill Carly. I thought that had to happen as I knew he had to survive while Carly... didn’t.
But instead, Jack does this:
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And this is the part where I cried. Sure, it’s cliche for lovers to die or sacrifice themselves for each other but again, this is Jack we’re talking about. Jack, the man who started this show as someone who would sacrifice his friends for a status boost, is giving up his life so he doesn’t have to live it without the woman he loves. That is honestly a brutal way to show how far he’s come.
Of course, though, it doesn’t go down like that. While Jack was fully ready to die alongside Carly, Carly says no. She wants Jack to keep living, to save the world, to continue making people smile, to continue growing:
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So she negates his effect, and takes all the damage herself (due to Jack’s own card effect which... really must have stung), driving out the dark force from her once and for all and ending her life, but not until after she can say goodbye.
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And yeah, again, tons of waterworks.  I never thought I’d say this about another duel in Yugioh, but this is Judai/Yubel levels of amazing and heart wrenching: how much both characters grew as a result of each other, how much they were willing to sacrifice for each other. It’s honestly beautiful, and somewhat unbelievable considering the fact that this is coming from shows about card games saving the world. It just goes to show: concept is nothing, execution is everything.
In conclusion, Jack/Carly is real, beautiful and a standout of 5Ds.
(PS: Part of the reason I don’t want to watch the second half of 5Ds is because I hear it undoes everything I’ve talked about here, when the payoff of this arc was the main thing I was sticking with 5Ds to see. I’ll finish the Dark Signers arc, as I do want to see what happens but after that, I’m starting the next show, which for me is VRAINS.)
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ex-silent-reader · 3 years
Happy Holidays fic recs
Happy Holidays everybody!  I haven’t been commenting on posts individually like i normally like to so it’s kind of backed up a bit. I still really want to thank all the authors who have been sharing their stories with us and leave a lil itty bitty comment before I can expand on them for their own post so here’s that! Also I’ve seen a lot of undeserved negativity being spread to a lot of authors and I just want to thank you all for sharing your work on this platform FOR FREE and remind you that you literally owe us nothing and I’m super grateful that you continue to share with us. These are just some stories that I’ve read this week, i’d def like to do another of these soon :)
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of these stories, each story is owned by the author tagged next to the title and the summary is pulled verbatim from their page, in quotation marks. The only thing I own is gratitude towards these authors for sharing their work with us.
Also all stories are rated M 
Also, a loooot of stories have come out lately and I haven’t had a chance to get to a lot of them yet but i hope to soon so I’ll hopefully make another one of these soon, but yea pls know that I’m not purposefully ignoring or excluding anything or anyone.
last christmas | ksj x reader - @xjoonchildx
“ summary: it was bound to happen, eventually. after months of near misses at barbecues and birthdays, there’s no avoiding your ex-husband at hoseok’s annual christmas bash. but it’s fine, totally fine, because you’re both adults – and you’ve both brought dates and booze. what could go wrong? “
This story was amazing! First of all, I love the comedy surrounding the entire situation, Hobi with his 8 trees and instigator Yoongi who also wants them to get their shit together for Hobi’s sake. I love all au’s but sometimes exes to lovers is difficult for me to side with because I don’t see how people can bounce back from so much hurt but in this story it felt very natural how they were able to find their way back together and I really enjoyed the insight to their relationship, especially near the end.
CREAM & SUGA -  @snackhobi
“summary: yoongi is your favourite regular. he’s patient, polite, and predictable, a-large-black-coffee-to-go-please, no cream, no sugar, thank you. rinse and repeat. the seasons might change, but yoongi’s order stays the same.
and then one fateful day in winter, yoongi asks about the weekly specials, orders a cup of christmas and sugary sweetness, and everything starts changing.”
Ya’ll. Yoongi fics just truly hit different. The plot of this was so adorable and him going out of his way like that to keep her engaged was so cute and just very Yoongi like. I also just really loved the descriptions in this, like how oc described making the drinks, it just made everything seem so real.
universe | myg drabble - @personasintro
                           “❥𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; you’re his whole universe, you just don’t know it yet – or him” 
ASDFGHJKL! Like, I really have no words for the way this made me feel. Like, ik it’s not a super healthy dynamic but the thought of a fixated Yoongi is.. I loved reading Yoongi being so fixated with oc and doing everything i his capability to meet her. I also was v interested in the part where he bumped into her and she didn’t react the way he expected because it made me think about how he (or any character’s with his mindset) cope when the fantast and reality don’t match.
 A Holly, Jolly Crisis (M) -  @kpopfanfictrash
* Blog doesn’t allow copy/paste and I wanted to respect that*
This story made me feel so many things. Like there’s so many layers to it and both of their hurt, her visiting him and feeling betrayed while he felt pushed aside. This story was so complex and both characters had so many layers to them, but it’s still sooo well written and I was invested the entire time. Like, I genuinely can’t get my feelings out in a brief way so I’m looking forward to screaming about this in it’s own post.
 my only wish - knj | m - @ppersonna
“✹ summary- There are few things you hate most in this world. Hornets, unnecessary fruit pieces in otherwise perfectly good jello, certain shades of orange… But nothing takes the cake more than two simple things. Christmas. And Kim Namjoon. So why did you agree to pretend to be Kim Namjoon’s girlfriend at his family Christmas party? Bah-Humbug. “
UM! Absolutely adored this story, of course it would be a fellow cream suit enthusiast who can bring so much justice to dreamy Joon. I loved how he was portrayed here and getting insight to both his and oc’s feelings made me root for them soooo hard.
new parent syndrome - @1kook
“ SUMMARY You love Namjoon, honest. But you love your daughter Hyejoo even more— it’s not a controversial sentiment when you know he’s the same way! —and going back to a regular adult life sans kids absolutely sucks. (Or so you thought.)”
The tag “dreamy husband joon” is extremelyyyy accurate. This story was just so cute and their relationship truly felt so intimate and lovely. Her being on the phone with Jimin while Joon was smash SENT me but it was also so hot like ASDFGHJKL that man can do no wrong tbh.
  laundry day - @snackhobi
“summary: You’ve been letting your laundry pile up for a little too long. Fortunately, your neighbour Namjoon is there to lend you a hand. “
Pls this was so hot. Like, I’ve made it very clear thus far that I’m a total simp for Joon, the thought of that man going strawberry picking and thinking to grab some for oc genuinely makes me SWOON. He’s an actual heartthrob.
   The Sweet in Sweet Potato - @sahmfanficbts
“ Summary: You’ve been roommates for years. Now that you’re catching feelings, it’s time to run away. “
This entire series has had me so invested but this chapter!!! I’m always a sucker for Joon but the way he was so clearly in her feels (for OC) but wanting to respect her need for distance, what a man. And I was so happy to see oc working through her feeling towards Joon.
Last Christmas (M) - @jjungkookislife
* Blog doesn’t allow copy/paste and I wanted to respect that*
Damn, I really love when a misunderstanding is such a big catalyst for a bunch of drama/angst. It just really ups the tension for me because as the reader I know it was a misunderstanding but clearly the character’s don’t, so it just makes me really eager to see how they make amends. I really enjoyed seeing them slowly make amends and grow. Also the buildup to them deciding to give the relationship another go made the ending soooo satisfying.
 picking petals|pjm - @taestybae
“ summary ↣ you asked for a baby, so a baby is what you’re going to get. “
I really have no words for this, like it was so asaifgjhhkc. First of all, I really enjoyed that it was through his pov, i don’t typically read stories like that (I just don’t often come across them) but this still felt so natural that I didn’t even realize until right now, writing this comment. Also, the imagery was so well described and the anticipation built made this story so enjoyable.
 Deepest Indulgence  - @scribblemetae
“ Description/Summary: The world is a mess, gangs, violence and rates of poverty are at an all time high since corporations took over everything. You built your Sex house to be a safe place and a sanctuary for those in need, promising to protect anybody who needs it. What happens when an extremely attractive and very rich man walks through the door begging for a job at Deepest Indulgence? The one sex house that wasn’t meant for men like himself. “
I AM SO EAGER FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER TO COME OUT. Like, idk how I can even describe this correctly but this just feel so much like Tae...???? Like idk if that makes sense but just Tae being this v sensual man, but there still being more to him than that, just makes so much sense and even the word “indulgence” is just so sensual and reminiscent of him. Also, the storyline so far is something I’ve personally never seen before and I’m super invested in this world and story already. Very eager to see how their relationship progresses.
 let it snow | kth - @suga-kookiemonster
* Blog doesn’t allow copy/paste and I wanted to respect that*
It’s the way I read this last night, it took me exactly an hour (3am to 4 am cause I’m a CLOWN), and I was so invested that I kept putting off sleep to finish it. Man, i’m a simp for this Tae (just like he is for oc lmao). I really enjoyed reading it and the mention of Jisoo earlier in the story had me on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering when things were gonna blow up. Everything was just so sweet and fluffy, and the confession really made me feel so soft for them both cause they both were so in their own heads and feelings they couldn’t see what was in front of them so I really enjoyed the confessions.
Thank you, baby - @scribblemetae
“ Turns out the boy whos been stalking you for years has decided its about time he shows his face in the form of a picture, and decides its time to talk to you for real, in the form of a phone call. “
I genuinely don’t know how I can simp over this story in a short way but I’ll try my best. The characters are so complex and the storyline is twisted so many ways that make this so interesting to read and easy to become invested in. The way Jk is written, I understand why OC is lost on how to feel for him. Like, his actions are wrong, but actually meeting him and even seeing his though process, it’s hard to make him out to be the villian that his actions have categorized him as. I can’t wait to continue reading and write a full length comment about this!
FEED ME, FIGHT ME.  @yeojaa
“ What do you get when you mix a pissed off girlfriend with a neglectful boyfriend?  (Aside from trouble, that is.) “
I really enjoyed this, I love how aware of Jk and his boundaries the oc is and how she is cautious to walk the line and not push him too far while also letting him know how his actions make her feel. This just genuinely felt like a glimpse into a very real, very intimate relationship/moment and I loved that. I also just really love how this is written and I think you have a beautiful way with words. 
Chapstick - @softyoongiionly
“based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. Or Jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. “
Idk if I’ve ever said it before, but I just love how you write relationships. Like, I can feel how comfortable they are with each other and how natural being together is for them. With your stories generally it just never feels forced and I really love that. I also really liked that we got Jk’s pov in the beginning, getting to see how tense he was really made me eager for their interactions and for him to feel comfortable and calm with her. Their interactions just felt so cute and natural and the end, assdjfhi, jk really deserves to be cherished and I loved seeing oc get him to the point of relaxation.
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Swimming Pool (Jumin X MC) (Jumin Week Day 4)
I was inspired by the 2 year anniversary picture for this one! Thought it was a good starting point for this prompt so I decided to use it! Also sorry but this one is a long one! (Nearly 2k words!!)
(Swimming pool vs beach)
Jumin sits under an umbrella at the side of the pool, observing the action happening in front of him. Splashing, playing, and fooling around wasn't on his agenda for the day. Instead, he planned to take this day as an opportunity to relax and take his mind off of all the stress work had given him.
The rest of the RFA, on the other hand, took this as a chance to have some much-needed fun together. Seven took this as an opportunity to mess around with everyone as much as possible, wearing a shark fin floatie on his back as he swims under the water to scare someone. I lost count of how many times he's knocked poor Yoosung out of his bright yellow duck ring. I can't help but feel sorry for that kid. Sort of. I must admit it's very entertaining to watch!
Zen and Jaehee attempted to play with an inflatable ball that resembles a watermelon with Yoosung but got distracted numerous times. I guess Zen thought it was funny to splash Jaehee at times where she'd least expect it. It might be to get her to relax. She's worked awfully hard too.
I sit at the edge of the pool, my legs submerged up to my calves in the cool water. I'm not quite on Jumin's level where I'd want to stay as far away from the pool as possible to avoid any mischief, but I'm not quite ready for any energetic interactions within the water yet. Sitting and swinging my legs in the water, creating small, therapeutic ripples across the water's surface is quite enough for me at this moment. It's relaxing to see everyone together and having fun! Even if V couldn't make it...
"MC!" I hear a voice call. I look up to see Yoosung waving his arm vigorously as he struggles to keep balance in his inflatable ring. The others all gather around him and look in my direction. "Come join us!"
"I will in a little bit!" I shout back, adjusting the pair of sunglasses sitting on my head.
"Okay!" His voice drift slightly as he starts to swim away.
"Don't be too long, yeah?" Zen adds, following on in Yoosung’s direction. Jaehee and Seven tag along behind.
A relaxed laugh emerges from my lips as I watch them slowly shrink in the distance the further away they get. A warm summer's breeze blows gently against by back, pushing my hair to expose my skin not covered by my swimsuit. The sun shines brightly, creating a shimmer across the water that bounces from the splashing that my friends create. It's like I'm lost in a trance. I feel so calm and happy.
"If you're not going to join them, why don't you join me?" A baritone voice suggests from above. I turn to see Jumin, his hair falling down in front of him as he tilts he's chiselled chin down to me. His sunglasses held to sit at the tip of his nose by his toned hand, staring at me with his grey eyes that I love so much.
"I thought you said you didn't want to get near the pool? Yet here you are!" I snicker jokingly. His lips pull up into a wholehearted smile, letting out a deep, playful sigh.
"May I?" He gestures to sit next to me. I lift my hand up out of the way and nod. The proximity closes quickly once he's sat by my side, his gaze not leaving my face. His hand sits where my own once laid, asking for mine to be placed on top. Our arms barely touching as we both have our legs dangling into the pool water.
It's nice to finally get him to join me. I didn't want him to sit so far away from everyone the whole day. I want to be able to spend some time together in the pool and have some fun! Even if he's not keen on that idea.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look right now?" My husband's voice barely a whisper. My cheeks heat up, turning red as if I've caught the sun.
"You have. If I recall correctly, that would have been the seventh time today!"
"And I'll happily keep telling you." His laugh melts my heart! I tangle my fingers on top of his and bring my body in closer. I feel his head lay on top of mine as I rest my face against his shoulder. The fabric of his buttoned shirt is like silk against my rosy cheeks. Just his presence alone makes this moment feel perfect and I somehow am able to relax even more.
We sit here together for a moment. Nothing ever beats being with him, even if there's other people around me who I care about. I wouldn't be able to be this still and calm with anyone else. I feel my eyes slowly close and a smile form on my face. This is really the best feeling. The sun on my face, the laughter of my friends and the presence of my husband. I couldn't as for anything more!
Suddenly the calmness is broken as I'm pulled to the ground. Jumins arms wrapped tightly around my body as if to protect me. His grasp as tight as a knot. I couldn't see what happened as my eyes were closed but when I open them again, I see Jumin's body on top of mine. I hear a burst of laughter from afar. I feel cold and wet on my legs as if I've been splashed. Is that what happened?
I look up over Jumin's shoulder to see Seven not far away. He's in hysterics over the action he just pulled. I can't believe he just splashed us!
The dark haired man lifts his body up from mine, looking rather uncomfortable at how drenched his back has now become. I cannot help but to start laughing. I cover my face to try and conceal my laughter but it only gets worse when I see him turn to face Seven.
"Luciel!" There's annoyance in his tone. Seven's joker smirk fades instantly and is replaced by wide eyes filled with fear. He retreats to the others as fast as he could swim to avoid any conflict from Jumin. My own laughter continues to grow.
Jumin's attention shifts instantaneously to me who is now trying to suppress as much laughter as possible. It's a near impossible task!
"Are you laughing at me?" A devilish smirk grows on his face, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. This doesn't help the giggles that are still seeping out of my mouth behind my hands. I shake my head, tears from the laughter threatening to now fall. My stomach now hurting too.
"You are laughing at me!" He snickers. His body leaning in closer to me. I lean back to avoid him, trying my hardest not to let him see how much the laughter is making me hurt.
His hand reaches into the pool and flicks forward, splashing me wet with the cold water. I squeal and flinch in response which only makes my laughter grow even more. I didn't think it was possible! Has Seven created a catalyst of events which are changing Jumin as we speak? Is Jumin… Fooling around?
"Now we're both soaked! Is that better?" My husband stands and cups my face in his hands. He places a loving kiss on my forehead before retiring back to his seat under the umbrella. My cheeks grow redder by the second.
"Oh, come on, Mr. Trust-fund! Seven was trying to do you a favour! Do you really plan on staying over there the whole day?" Zen yells, teasing Jumin into joining everyone in the pool. Jumin stops in his tracks and turns to look out at the pool. That playful glint still in his eyes.
"Luciel has already made me alter my plans..." He shoots back, shocking not only Zen but everyone else too. Even me! What exactly does he plan on doing? Jumin Discreetly removes his shirt, revealing his back before turning around. My heart begins to flutter but the others faces become even more shocked.
He adjusts his trunks and slicks his hair back when out of the blue he starts to run. His destination: the pool! What has gotten into him? This isn't like him! His feet leave the surface of the edge as he morphs his body to create the perfect dive. His body barely makes a splash when he enters the water. He's like a dolphin as he swims under the surface before emerging for air.
He flicks his soaked, ashy hair as his head exits the water and runs over it with is hands. I've become mesmerised by how stunning he looks! With the sun reflecting off of his dewy skin, it's hard to believe he's even real!
Everyone claps and cheers, amazed by what just happened. However, Jumin doesn't acknowledge the round of applause from the others. He only focuses on me.
He swims forward, meeting me at the edge of the pool, only a couple of feet away from where I sit.
"Will you join me, sweetheart?" he pleads with his arms wide open. "I'll catch you!"
My smile widens. I move to stand at the edge of the pool and prepare to jump in myself. Jumin readies himself, moving a little closer in the water. I jump. His arms stretch out and grab me around my waist as I enter the water.
He lifts me up, chuckling with joy. Seeing him act like this is in many ways alien but to me, it's a common sight. He treats me so preciously and shows his best self, his happier self, when he's with me. This is an example of that!
The others swim over to join us as Jumin lowers me back down into the water.
"I cannot believe you jumped in like that!" Yoosung exclaims excitedly. "That was awesome!"
"It was rather unexpected, I might admit." Jaehee humbly adds.
"Well, as we're all here now, are we going to go and have some fun?" Zen announces. Seven yells in response before diving back under the water with everyone following him.
This is honestly what I was hoping to get out of this trip. Everyone having fun! And I'm pretty sure we'll all have some fun now!
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disregardcanon · 4 years
tangled star wars au! 
to set the scene: zhan tiri is palpatine. she’s an evil sith who has been manipulating things behind the scenes for years in order to bring forth an empire. mother gothel was her first apprentice, a darth maul type figure, and she decided to leave zhan tiri after getting pregnant and starting to catch force visions of how her daughter would eventually replace her as zhan tiri’s apprentice. 
which, of course, means that she dies if she stays. which gothel is NOT down for. she starts catching more and more force visions concerning her child, but mainly about the chosen one- an incredibly force sensitive baby who was due to be born to the queen of alderaan in a few years. she bides her time with her own, semi-force sensitive child who she ignores and then she goes to kidnap Super Baby to make her into the perfect apprentice to use to take down zhan tiri. 
she steals the baby and ends up abandoning her own. cass is temporarily adopted by the captain of the palace guards before being given to the jedi order. 
cass is a good jedi student, but part of that is because she just. repress repress represses so well and pushes down her own feelings and desires to try to conform to the group. she feels unappreciated, and really- senator zhan tiri from naboo seems to be the only one who thinks that she’s good for anything. 
she’s placed with a jedi master who is very The Code Is The Most Important Thing and does not show affection, like, ever. cass gets through to knighthood early because she’s a great fighter but her emotional health is bad. it’s just bad. 
rapunzel is an abused sith apprentice. while her first instinct is to try to help, she’s also been raised by gothel forever- and this time as a weapon instead of as a healing machine. she is an adept duelist who, despite her instincts reaches out with a force choke or force lighting before she reaches out a helping hand.
gothel can, and does, hurt her a lot. the model that i’m thinking of here is kinda barriss offee and luminara unduli in mirror, mirror. i know that doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t read the fic but it helps me. so. 
gothel keeps her eye on galactic politics to see where she can shove a wrench in palpatine’s plans, and it seems that something something trade federation something something naboo. she dispatches an 18 year old rapunzel to kill nute gunray and end the invasion because she’s worked out that this is important to zhan tiri’s plans. (she follows because she still doesn’t trust her unwilling apprentice to get the job done, but that’s not important until later) 
with naboo, comes eugene and lance, thieving orphan pair that they always are. eugene is twenty whatever he is. i don’t remember. lance is off doing space crimes and eugene is currently working theed as a pickpocket. 
he’s been hired by the trade federation to draw up plans for the castle with pitfalls and to serve as a guide in and out since he’s robbed the place so many times, and he’s initially pretty chill about it until they like. start threatening the life of the young queen and they take her hostage. 
eugene is very much not on board for this, and so he goes to the bathroom and holos space 9-11. 
“uh? need? jedi?” and recently made a jedi knight 22 year old cassandra travels from halfway across the world where she was for *hand waves* 
eugene sends her the castle plans so that she can come in and rescue the queen, and through a series of mishaps he temporarily convinces the trade federation that HE wasn’t the one who brought the jedi here and lost them their hostage. but then they realize they’ve been duped and take HIM hostage. 
cue rapunzel going planetside on her gunray assassination attempt, and cassandra sighing as she realizes that she has to go back in to save this guy. 
she runs into the cagey sith apprentice, and they realize that both of them want to fight the trade federation so they’ll have a truce. for now. there’s also some cute banter but i’m going at lightspeed right now. 
they get to the room, save eugene, and then rapunzel is like OKAY ASSASSINATION TIME! and cass is like. uh. no. not the jedi way. and it becomes a very mobile lightsaber battle that ends with them in the room with a big pit that goes down for some reason all over again. eugene follows, because ho ho holy shit this is scary but also kind of the coolest thing that he’s ever seen? 
rapunzel and cass go back and forth about what the right thing is and yadda yadda, and raps finds that she actually LIKES this girl.. so she doesn’t kill her. she just knocks her out. she bends down to check the pulse, just to be sure, then heaves a visible sigh of relief as she puts her saber away. she starts to walk to Assassinate and then eugene blocks her path. 
some good quality “hey so you seem nice, i really don’t think that you want to commit murder” “well i have to” “do you really? i think you’re being forced” “well yeah my master will kill me if i don’t” “well what if we talked to someone. i think the jedi order could help. you’ve got the forcey power things” and then rapunzel stares at him. 
“you really think that they’d help a sith like me?” eugene glances at cass’s unconscious form. 
“once she vouches for you, yeah. i do.” eugene has no idea how that would work, but it has to be worth a try, right? rapunzel nods hesitantly and agrees to come with him and cass. 
then gothel comes. dun dun dun. there’s a terrifying duel with some very cruel dialogue from gothel, until cassandra comes up behind her and joins the duel. rapunzel is able to get in a slice in half shot and send gothel hurting her to ACTUAL death. 
after eugene’s valiant efforts trying to protect the queen, he’s called in as an advisor for a time on local politics, particularly serving as a voice for the lower classes, and then becoming senator. 
rapunzel is inducted into the order as a padawan because they feel like there’s literally no other choice here. this former sith wants to get better, and they can’t exactly unleash her on the world. she’s assigned to cassandra as padawan partially with and partially without cassandra’s consent. 
attack of the clones happens only a year and a half later, and involves a lot of rapunzel guarding senator fitzherbert and some feelings flaring up, and then her image getting blasted across the holos and the monarchs of alderaan realizing that their daughter is alive. rapunzel is knighted after geonosis (the youngest knight ever! how impressive!) 
as the clone wars rage, rapunzel’s parents keep reaching out to her and trying to get her leave the order while she’s romancing eugene (he pulled me away from the dark! he believed in me!) and getting lots of accolades for being an amazing jedi after turning away from being raised by the sith. as she’s also praised for being a literal princess and having lots of people who obviously love her outside of the order really serves to propel cass’s feelings of jealousy both from not being as good as rapunzel and not feeling loved by her or like one of her most important people. 
the clone wars rages for a long time, rapunzel gaining more and more renown as cassandra keeps being overlooked for a promotion to master or a slot on the council, and zhan tiri keeps whispering in her ear about how no one appreciates her properly. 
“everyone knows that former padawan of yours is involved with that senator from naboo, but she hasn’t gotten the slightest reprimand as they praise her. meanwhile you, the greatest jedi in the order, have nothing to show for your hard work” the seed of jealousy grows and grows, and then nearer to the end of the war zhan tiri reveals that the sith lord that stole rapunzel as a child was cassandra’s mom who abandoned her. 
that seed of rage grows, but it’s not the catalyst, even after killing count dooku. the catalyst is that after years of feeling unappreciated and simultaneously loving and despising rapunzel, her best friend announces that she is leaving the jedi order to be with her family on alderaan and marry senator fitzherbert. 
the end of the war is in sight, right? the perfect time to leave will be once it’s all over. and that’s when zhan tiri twists the knife in the deepest it’s ever been and asks cassandra if she’d like to finally get what she’s owed. 
no one dies on mustafar but cassandra’s ability to not be in a vader suit. rapunzel goes into hiding and eugene tries to do the most that he can as he remains a senator for naboo, glaring daggers in zhan tiri’s back as he does his best to undermine her at every turn. 
rapunzel and eugene keep up their relationship when they can manage, but it’s not often as a rebellion leader and something resembling a spy. he works his magic in the imperial senate for as long as he can before zhan tiri sends inquisitors after him and he goes on the run with lance, forming a rebellion cell that will eventually merge into the rebel alliance that rapunzel helps run. 
cassandra will come back to the light eventually, but it’s a long time coming, and it doesn’t immediately bring the empire tumbling down. that takes a lot more work and working alongside rapunzel. they eventually work out some of their issues and things move in a v shaped ot3 direction, the way that would have prevented a lot of heartbreak. 
you get to decide whether or not they nuke alderaan/corona in this one. i haven’t decided if i want to pull that trigger yet. 
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So....uh.... Class 1-A Part 1 / ???? because there is A LOT.
Anyway stuff  the AU is under the cut!
First drawing is Half-hot-Half-cold’s (AKA: Halfy) final design, with a gryphonic body with inspo from an osprey head and lion body!
With a draconic muzzle because Shoto is a traumatized boi who needs control and sadly this translates into suppressing his quirk.
He sees it as a mixture of his father’s and his mother’s quirks (his father’s spirit is a dragon and his mother’s a white snow leopard), but in actuality it’s his own, and if he looked underneath he would see Halfy is something entirely his own and his, but for now the poor thing is just gonna have to deal with Shoto’s perception of her and the dragon looking muzzle over her beak.
Through out this AU key things would change and the Stain fight would go MUCH differently. The fight would be the catalyst for Todo to finally realize that the spirit is unique and the chains would come of! From there the two will grow together and figure out a new dynamic (it takes time)
Second drawing is a scene from said Stain fight, Halfy is very, very scary when she chooses to be and Shoto just realized that maybe she isn’t just some mixture of her parents, but maybe she’s a reflection of him.
Third sketch is the first time Halfy manifests to baby Todo, obviously after key events, at the time he was scared and alone, but desperate for control and Halfy provided that in the form of being “gatekeeper” for the power of his quirk
This changes as he grows older, and over time the chains appear because he hates his quirk more and more
Fourth drawing is shenanigans that happen in the dorm later on, Halfy is eager to use her powers after being shoved away for so long... Explosion is an enabler
1-A is in L O V E with Halfy, they don’t really meet her until the dorms, but LORDY THEY ALL LOVE HER
In the beginning she rarely manifests outside of Todoroki’s room, but as time goes on and he gets more comfortable she appears more and more
And she’s the complete opposite of Todo, when he lets her loose and truly lets her feel safe, she wants A L L the pets
If Todo is in the common room or studying she WILL walk around the room demanding pets from everyone... no one can resist her puppy eyes
and she purrs up a storm
Sometimes Todo can get comfy enough that he'll fall asleep right on top of her! 
Ochako spoils Half-n-Half rotten 
Iida gives the best pets 
Poor Izuku is almost always stuck under her because his lap is the comfiest 
Shoto doesn't know what to do b/c he doesn't have the heart to say No to those big puppy eyes
She's also very in tune with Todoroki’s emotions, but she's mostly reactive instead of proactive, like Explosion. She follows Shoto's lead 99% of the time, so she'll be distressed when he's sad or something, but she'll rarely do anything without his say so
Fifth drawing is the final design for Erasure, Aizawa’s spirit! They have the mixture of traits from multiple creatures: tail, ears and fur from a Jaguar (plus claws and toe beans on hands), and feet from a Capybara
This bean is actually one of the older spirits at UA, born from Aizawa’s time in 2-A (if you know, you know. if you don’t, spoilers for Vigilantes and Manga)
They are Agender and very... very tired, they wrangle all the other spirits at UA
Sixth drawing is just a silly comic exploring Erasure’s more... feline traits and Aizawa’s reaction to them (you don’t see them often)
Seventh drawing is one of the rare peaceful moments at UA with all the spirits, when Erasure actually managed to wrangle them all and sleep. (ft. beta design for halfy, Explosion fluff form, and a sneaky lil’ Rewind!)
Eighth drawing is Explosion and Bakugou! Explosion is a pomeranian (I couldn’t pass it up I’m sorry) with a collar that has a grenade on it.
Explosion manifests during Bakugou’s time at Kamino ward 
This sketch would take later on as Bakugou becomes more comfortable with acknowledging that something bad happened to him and maybe he wouldn’t talk as much with Aizawa or his therapist (YES HE GETS THERAPY) but he does vent and rave to his built in fluff ball that he can snuggle w/o fear because Nitroglycerine is DEADLY to people.
He keeps Explosion’s existence on the down low, but from time to time he’ll let Explosion manifest fully and chill with him on the couch in the dorms or something.
but don’t acknowledge the fluff ball or Bakugou will literally explode your face
The rest of 1-A slowly learn about Explosion over time, first Aizawa, the Kirishima and the rest of the Bakusquad, then Deku and from there the others just slowly learn about him from word of mouth of catching glimpses of him with Bakugou!
Explosion doesn’t like to handled or touched by anyone that isn’t Bakugou, but he still likes it when Bakugou hangs out with the others and will sit in his lap when it’s a chill night and the Bakusquad or 1-A is  just hanging out
Explosion is very in tune with Katsuki’s emotions and will work independently to help to express them
Helping Bakugou calm down by letting him pet him
Or yipping and barking when he’s happy
Sitting on top of his homework if he’s up to late
cuddling if Bakubou has a nightmare
among many other things!
Ninth drawing is more of the beginning of their relationship, Bakugou doesn’t want to acknowledge what happened to him, but Exlposion is there and he really can’t ignore the fluff ball forever
Tenth drawing is the special part about Explosion HE CAN BECOME A BUFF BOI FOR BAKUGO TO RIDE
Explosion is a bit of an anxious dog and he RARELY does it, but in a pinch Explosion will manifest for the sake of helping civilians or getting Katsuki from one place to the other if he's grounded 
So the fluff ball only manifests in battle to YEET both himself and Katsuki OUT of battle
He can fly... and also jump up and blast people in the face
Eleventh drawing is Shinsou’s spirit Brainwash! An agender classic greek siren! Feathery, powerful and feral as shit.
They love Shinsou and they are not afraid to show it
They also rarely speak and communicates through grunts or chirps 
they have a LOT of feathers
Twelfth drawing is to show Brainwash is about three steps away from mass murder... Shinsou is a tired boy who is honestly #done with the villain comments and Brainwash’s constant need for murder.
And that’s all folks, thanks for reading and sorry it took so long, enjoy!- Spectra
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In Mind of Misery: Manipulation, Part 1
[ And so the journey begins.  Three Separate stories to tell here all happening Simultaneously.  Attacking from three fronts, is this the beginning of the end for The Nine?  Please Like, Share, and Follow us!  We are hoping to get new people coming our way, and could use the love!  Thank you everyone!!!!! ]
[ L.K ] -  Lazarius Kashebahl, Marseille, Raelyndia Duskhollow
[ P.K ] - Kretus Dark
[ V.D ] - Verzatea Duskflame, Pame Myl’Brin
[ J ] - Jursol, Jimba, Mawa
[ T ] - Talisin aka The Boy
The Hour was up ....
[ L. K ]   Marseille, Pame, and Jursol would break their separate ways to prepare however they would.  The Shaldorei knew this was going to be an exclusively hands on effort; he'd pack additional knives around a newly formatted belt holster just in case.  
Jursol would no doubt have prepared by readying her weapons for the hunt; voodoo rituals for prayer and protection; and plenty of needed items for her raptor companions.  
Pame was very much like the old elf; choosing to ready herself by getting all the necessary armor and weapons she'd need.
Lazarius and Verzatea spent their time with Brinys. Their accelerated ageless daughter that had not only been born into this world using the void and its magics, but also the darkness that came from a ritual Lazarius himself had forbid himself to use again.  
The oldest of companions would share one last embrace; and in a twisted turn of events even read and help one another tuck the young girl into her bed.  
Abbigael would be in charge of watching the young child as Kross and Koltun had made their way to Silithus in the hunt to find Pyravari.  Leaving only the younger sister Siida, to protect the Bastille.
The Hour was up.... Using their ability to walk through the bridged fourth dimension, Lazarius would pull their talismans to the Bastille and convert the energy to give them a straight gateway into Quel'thalas.  Lazarius and Verza easily blended in, as well as Mars who was giving Pame a disguise to help her look as much like one of his own.  Jursol would probably just give as many dirty looks to the snide little elves if they dared question the majestic Zandalari in their city.  
Regardless it would not be for long.  They weren't staying. From the large open gates of the city; Lazarius had organized a ride for them to caravan down through the southern parts of the Eversong Woods and into the Ghostlands.  
The push to find this hidden grotto that Raelyndia once kept along the shore was indeed dire.  
And Lazarius would waste no time getting them on the move.
In Tranquillen the party would disembark from their wagon and prepare to move through the still heavily dead infested lands.  They would need to move West to the Coast, then again further south.  
Lazarius' only means of navigation and reference was in a small passage he'd found in a book in the former Kashebahl Estate.  He'd know Rae kept this place secret; and it would be the first time he'd ever come this far.
[ T ]   As the group made it to Tranquillen and began to head westward, they'd find themselves being followed the minute the cobblestone paths began to end. However quiet the figure tried to be, blood elves are simply not made to traverse the leaf-litter and sticks as silently as lynxes can. There were painfully obvious crunches of dead foliage, which were a dead giveaway to anyone who could hear in general, for he was just over 40 yards away.
But hunger can drive people to do stupid things, it seems. But, he at least tried his very hardest. No older than fourteen, the boy did everything he could to attempt to hide as he followed - namely, he tried to break up his outline by smearing mud on his frail, thin body. His clothing consisted of what was once a plain linen shirt and pants, but was now rags, held together with strips of cloth that functioned as both bandages and a belt.
Sadly, mud camo was the only real tactic he knew to avoid being seen, and with how little he knew, it was a miracle that he hadn't been hunted down by a wayward lynx, stuck to the web of an enormous spider, or carried off by some overgrown bat. He was almost beginning to think they'd thought him too pathetic to even eat - he was underfed, scrawny, and decidedly mute.
Even his black hair somehow looked pathetic, the way it was always looking to be wet when in reality it was just that greasy and dirty. He was also missing the very tip of his left ear - no doubt there was some nasty, unpleasant story behind that. The scrawny little runt thought maybe he could snag some food by following the group. Or maybe get a quick and merciful death - whichever happened first.
[ V . D ]   The tingle from providing Brinys a last kiss goodnight lingered on the Confessors frowning lips as she moved at the pace of the traveling band. Misfits as they were, she couldn't deny the surge of confidence it brought to be in the company of such worthy and powerful companions. It brought her a glimmer of hope.
She stepped lightly, matching the pace of the grumpy kaldorei. But in truth, unlike the sour faced Pame, Tea truly seemed at peace in the great city of Quel'thalas, surely resembling just about any other tall, thin and graceful woman, but even with the lack of uniqueness there was a great swell of pride in Teas chest to see the majesty of the city once more.
She wore a most genuine smile through their trek, though she clutched the handle of the old black sword from the peak of her youth--  a simple short sword but one which had protected Tea all those years before she fully harnessed her magic.
It felt odd to.wear it again, but that certainly reminded Tea that perhaps she truly had become magic dependent. Alas, rather than linger on that thought she pushes forward and refocuses on the world around their group. Pame, herself, wasn't focused on a damn thing besides the world around them.
This included, as her long ears would twitch with every little step, the poorly disciplined stalker who followed them.
Her eyes move toward Marseille and Jursol, though she made no effort to speak up about the stalker. Surely they knew, though Pame hadn't a clue how to address the situation; If they even needed to address it. Instead, with a soft huff, the elf clutches her gloved hands into fists to still her rising suspicions of what lingered in the shadows.
She'd await for orders to break rank to investigate, but by the heavens didn't she have a mighty need to scold whatever followed them for being so reckless and clueless.
[ L. K ]   Through it all; Lazarius was stone faced and reserved.  With his Confessor at his side; it seemed all too familiar, the sight of the old miserable Kashebahl and the rapier wit Duskflame.  Laz and Tea had been down this road many of times, far too many to begin worrying about some little runt following them.  But Lazarius knew.  Perhaps not because Marseille, who also like his sister in arms Pame, heard the boy, but because Lazarius was sensing something entirely different.
The boy was giving off a large amount of energy; not magically or anything like that, but in the form of something else.  Lazarius was aware of everything around them; be it alive or dead he was detecting the force of gravitational decay on all things near by.  
He knew the boy was there and would have observed him by bending the physics of light entering his deadly poisonous iris of venom to see what was actually happening without ever needing to look behind.  
But a small finger raised and sent was all that was needed for Marseille.  As his Masters Shade, and Pame as well promoted to that position, both predators were cleared.
Jursol knew her job.  She was granted the seat on the council as not only a mistress of blood magic but also as a guardian.  Her and the raptors were primarily tasked with the outer defenses of the Bastille.  That massive gated doorway that bled into the Ruins of the Nerubian empire.  The tunnels that went miles and miles under the crust.  Jursol had teams to keep them cleaned, patrol and hunt for threats.  
She was literally the first line of defense, and as such Marseille did not give her orders but rather knew she would remain by both Verza and Lazarius’ side as he and the Kaldorei did what they did best, hunt.
Only a glance was given to Pame; they’d practiced this drill ten thousand times and ten thousand times more they would repeat it.  He broke left, and she broke right.  Swiftly moving from treetops and bushes, darting in and out of cover, blades at the ready.
[ T ]   The runt was noticing the changes in the group; Children are often more perceptive than adults, in both magical and non magical affairs. Without thinking, he simply hid in a bush, and waited. The rustle of leaves was particularly loud...but to some, there was a slightly louder sound, too.
Fear is an excellent catalyst for magic at times, and this was one of those times. There was an odd, but familiar sound...it was not unlike a shrill whine. Not everyone could hear it, only those inclined to the forces of the elder gods.
It was a maddening sound that would threaten to unravel those who hear it for the first time. But this boy had heard it before; A lifetime of abuse and self-doubt had left him vulnerable to such forces.
Not only did this sound likely broadcast his location easily to others, but it also drew the ire of wild beasts. A small, ordinary bat driven to hatred began to swarm the voiceless child, who had begun to curl up in hopes the angry bat would stop biting him soon.
[ J ]   Jursol remained silent as she stayed near the others. Her steps far more silent then most. Long ears twitched as she listened to the tiny stalker. No threat was felt off it, so she remained on the path. Watching the others closely as she moved freely through the area.
Treetops, brush, it’s nothing to her. Honestly she was enjoying the area even though she was focused on the task at hand. Now and then she’d smirk thinking of how the Elves looked at her. It was clear many never saw anything like her before.
This amused her greatly. During the walk many wild animals seemed to look at her. They seemed confused but also some were drawn to her. Jimba was small but fierce. He heard the stalker and was nipping at Jursol to tell her. As she heard the child’s cry she turned to look at the others. Still silent as she gave a nod as if asking to check it out.
[ V . D ] The wonderful thing about Pames armor, in her honest opinion, was the darker shades of green and black. She had been prepared for this sort of drill, given she had spent a good twenty minutes brushing her thick hair down into a sleek updo, her hair braided tight and wound into a swirl bun center on the back of her head, pinned down to not move even a little.
It was meant to help conceal the majority of her scent as well ensure the long strands couldn't get caught up or distract her during a fight. But also... It helped especially during stealth operations. The moment she pulled her hood up and leapt clean from the ground to a nearby tree limb, she'd become one with nature.
Merely a a misplaced blur that disappears between the cracks of the leaves and the winding branches. This was where she was most at home. Bounding with the prowess of an amazonian among dense trees and thick foliage. In truth she wasn't as quiet as she could have desired.
But she stepped as lightly as she could, her balance superb with her sure footing (even if most of it was out of pure confidence and luck), carrying the heavy armor and weapons as gracefully as possible.
Thankfully her hours practicing her fighting became of useful sacrifice in the end, in exchange for her social life, given them beefy arms and thighs. Once she was close enough to the location of interest, and the person of interest, the maiden settled herself within a reasonable distance for to make good use of her throwing knives.
Without a hesitation to consider the situation, the kaldorei swiftly neutralizes the threat of the bats. Knives penetrated the bodies of the flying pests, ripping them straight from the air and pinning them to the ground. Of course she'd leave it at that, lingering in the darkness of the canopy whilst clutching another knife between her gloved fingers. Now she would monitor, to determine an appropriate way to neutralize this issue; Preferably without conflict.
Verzatea was oblivious. Not necessarily blind, simply unconcerned with the issue. She genuinely trusted in the abilities of those in their group for this mission; And so she invested her interest in the two remaining bodies near her  so the trio could get far enough away to engage in conversation.
"Have you two eaten in the last few hours? I brought a bit of bread and fruit!"
To be continued in “In Mind of Misery, Manipulation, Part 2″
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roseategales · 4 years
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                              INTRODUCTORY: ELUDYSIA LAVELLAN.
name: eludysia adhlea lavellan. age: 31, at the start of the inquisition. gender: cis female. sexual and romantic orientation: bisexual, biromantic. race: elven, raised among the dalish. class and specialisation(s): mage, rift mage. faceclaim: lise olsen. voiceclaim: miranda raison. religion: raised worshipping the evanuris; agnostic. vallaslin: ghilan’nain’s. myers-briggs: infp, the healer. moral alignment: neutral good. enneagram: one, the reformer. tarot card: the star. romance: solas.
it was unlikely fortune that brought islanil, a patrol guard for clan lavellan, and adhlea, a woman raised as a servant in a human merchant’s family, together. twice they met while adhlea’s master took his family from one holding in the free marches to the other. twice islanil and his guards saved them from bandits. though their first meeting was two years earlier than the second, islanil never forgot adhlea, nor did she forget him; and like a folktale romance, they fell in love over the course of a night, and arranged for adhlea to flee with islanil and his clan, into marriage.
nearly seven years later, after much difficulty, the pair bore who would be their only daughter: eludysia. named for the luck in their meeting and their secret flight.
their only child, they gave everything they had to her. love, traditions, protection, teaching, encouragement in every way—including her naturally tenacious curiosity. for this and her mother's religious beliefs, eludysia was singled out from the outset. while the other children had siblings to share with and parents devoted in union to the elvhen pantheon, she was by herself, indulged, and the daughter of a mother who remained in andraste’s faith. facts that made her both grateful and indignant. the result was a difficult, complicated relationship with her mother until her early teens, and a strained relationship with their fellow clan members. it was not uncommon to see the girl in defensive screaming matches with the children who envied her or thought her mother strange.
eludysia quickly began to seek comfort in the clan’s halla and her love for books of all sorts. she’d sit for hours among them, befriending the halla and their keeper, mirwen, and the worlds within the pages. and at the age of eight, eludysia’s magical talent manifested in their midst. a single blossom grew beneath her palm, perfectly resembling the description she had been reading at the time.
impressed by the accidental bloom, keeper deshanna promptly separated eludysia into a class of three other mages. the isolation furthered the girl’s loneliness, as she missed freely visiting the halla, walking across the camp grounds, and playing at the border while she waited for her papae to return and tell her stories about the world outside, hopeful for a peek. thus, she broke the rule of seclusion several times. otherwise at a loss of how to teach her a lesson, keeper deshanna did so by punishing the entire class, to show her that all could suffer for the actions of one. she became known to all as a risk waiting to happen—a sentiment supported by her striking a tree down inches away from the clan’s aravels, on one of many unpermitted attempts at spells deemed too advanced for her training.
the other mages, now four in number, stayed their distance. except for one: a girl her age named laleal, who would become an accomplice and sister to her in the years to come. they would remain so, even after laleal accepted an offer to become another clan’s first.
expected to become apprentices and take on minor duties from the age of fourteen, the rule of seclusion was slowly relaxed for each mage child. eludysia reached her turn soon enough, and returned to tending to the clan’s halla with mirwen. one summer later, it would be this task that would introduce her to her first love, a human girl: amelia, the daughter to village confectioners who traded with clan lavellan for halla milk during the clan’s stay on the village’s outskirts.
the trials for choosing the keeper’s first arrived when eludysia was nineteen, a year before arlathvhen, in preparation for the gathering. her skill in nature-oriented and healing magic honed by then, she narrowly beat out the four others for the right. but still, she was seen as an unconventional choice. for her parentage, her disobedience as a child, her suspected trysts with outsiders, and most importantly, her developed disbelief in the elvhen gods. the clan distrusted her to be convicted by the old ways and to keep them.
eludysia threw everything into proving that she could one day lead the clan, if only for pride and to shield her mother and father in the beginning. within a decade, her curiosity was turned to pragmatism, her persistence to protecting their people and histories, her longings and keen mind to a tradition of careful diplomacy. slowly and steadily, she rebuilt a bond with the rest of her clan, however fragile its strength was.
it was during this period that dheamanras, a clan hunter, courted eludysia. the relationship was not to last, its foundation being dheamanras’ insecurity in himself combined with eludysia’s loneliness and desire to perform her perceived duty to marry and bear children. close to four years passed, and dheamanras began to grow impatient of waiting for eludysia to agree to marriage. she grew distant. things came to a head when, in heat, dheamanras brought up her history with outsiders in front of the clan, sexual and romantic. that night, adhlea encouraged her daughter to permit herself love, in whatever form; thereby aiding eludysia in her decision to end things.
five years later, in 9:40 dragon, the circles would fall. in spite of precautions taken, islanil and his guard were caught in a mage-templar crossfire when out scouting ostwick's surrounding villages. by his arrival to the clan, he was already burned and on the verge of death. no healing magic could save him. a few months more, adhlea’s grief for her husband would bring her again to his side.
her parents’ death would be the catalyst to eludysia taking on her father’s scouting duties for almost a year, and later, for her to volunteer when the keeper necessitated a spy for the mage-templar conclave. although deshanna tried to reason her out of both decisions, citing her responsibility as first, eludysia argued it was that exact responsibility that meant she should be the one to risk her life. there was no changing her mind. in the end, the keeper sent her to the conclave with a prayer, alone.
allied with free mages. | spared alexius, ruled that he serve the inquisition with his skill and research. | sacrificed loghain in the fade. | recruited the wardens. | executed magister livius erimond, sent ser ruth to the deep roads. | forced a truce between celene, briala and gaspard. | arrested duchess florianne, ruled that she become a spy for the inquisition. | ruled that samson serve the inquisition. | chose to follow the rituals in mythal’s temple, allied with abelas and the ancient elves. | drank from the well of sorrows. | removed her vallaslin. | leliana made divine. | inquisition was disbanded. | vowed to save solas from himself, and the world with him.
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sinofdelusion · 5 years
SINoALICE x Code Geass: Resolve to Take Up a Sword: Turn 1
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*Italicized only dialogue indicates in-battle dialogue
A r e  y o u  s a d ? Y o u  w a n t  t o  r e w i n d  i t ,  d o n ' t  y o u ? I  a c c e p t  y o u r  w i s h . W e l c o m e ,  h y p o c r i t e . W e  w e l c o m e  y o u .
- Part 1
"No, that wasn't Euphie's intention..." Choking on his voice, Suzaku opened his eyes. When he came to, he realized he was laying in an unfamiliar place. His eyes were drawn to what was reflected in them, the pocket watch that was a memento of his father. Though his hand was already moving to take it, Suzaku's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. (This was supposed to have been left with Euphie.) Yes, she suddenly massacred the Japanese, and so Zero shot her, but in her last moments she was worried about the Japanese even as her chest stopped moving—
(Maybe this is a dream?) Suzaku began walking with a vague awareness. As he was aimlessly walking, a voice suddenly rang out from overhead. "Out of the way, please!" When he looked up, a girl fell from a tree. Feeling a sense of nostalgia from somewhere, Suzaku reflexively caught the girl. "Um, you aren't hurt, are you?" "I'm okay... Um, the truth is, I'm being chased by bad guys." "Eh?"
The girl was a shrine maiden who bore the responsibility of performing a ceremonial dance as an offering. It seemed like peace would come to this world because of it. "In this world, fighting is an everyday thing. I don't know if it's true or not, but if my dance can bring peace, then I will believe and try. But there are some that try to get in the way... Like that!" "Eh?" As soon as the girl had noticed, Suzaku's sword cut the threat that had been chasing the girl.
"Suzaku!" "It's okay. Leave this to me."
Suzaku and the girl were heading towards the place where the ceremony would take place. On the way, the girl was attacked by enemies several times, but Suzaku easily repelled them. Furthermore— there was something more worrisome. What appeared before him should be called a monster, and Suzaku was half-convinced that this was a dream. (If this is a dream, how do I wake up? No... what awaits me when I wake up from this dream is—) Euphemia's bloodstained form crossed his mind. As Suzaku unconsciously shook his head in denial, a woman appeared out of nowhere with a sneering smile.
"Having trouble, young man?" The woman with dark brown skin and hair the color of a dull rose saw Suzaku and the girl and laughed. "Who are you?" "I'm a fortuneteller with hair the color of cinders. I'll tell your fortune for free, to celebrate our encounter." Saying that, the fortuneteller's eyes narrowed. "... Ah, I see it. Young man, your weakness will certainly destroy you." "... Excuse me?" "That was a prophecy. If you really want to stop it from happening, you have to recognize your own weakness. And I know. The truth of what you call killing..." Leaving Suzaku dumbfounded, the fortuneteller disappeared like smoke.
- Part 2
The fortuneteller's words weighed heavily on Suzaku's mood. The shrine maiden sympathized with him and began to brightly speak of her circumstances. The girl spoke of how she longed for people's stories, how she confided in the young chief priest, "I would like to dedicate my dance not for the sake of my mission, but for the sake of my loved ones." The girl's ideals and fondness filled her smile, and reminded Suzaku somewhat of his lady. "... That's right. You should dance like you believe in yourself." "Right! Well then, let's be off!" The girl turned and began to run towards the ritual site. However, a large amount of monsters appeared there.
"Where did these guys come from?!"
"No! Suzaku! You can't attack them!"
"Why?! Aren't these monsters?!"
"That's right, but it's wrong. These people are—"
"Eh—? That... can't be."
"Don't kill her! My older sister's in there!"
In the end, Suzaku massacred all of the monsters at the ritual site without discretion. "Staying here is dangerous. Let's run!" Carrying the dumbfounded girl in his arms, Suzaku began running into the forest. But— Slap, a good and satisfying sound rang out as Suzaku's face was smacked. "Eh...?" Looking over, the girl he was carrying in his arms was crying her eyes out, glowering at Suzaku. (Ah, she slapped me didn't she) As he guessed this, pain flashed through his cheek and he registered reality.
- Part 3
"Even though I told you to stop..." The girl glared at Suzaku with bright red eyes as she sobbed. "Why did you kill my older sister?!" She denounced Suzaku right in front of him, demanding an answer like spitting blood. "... For the sake of protecting you, it couldn't be helped. In that situation, I had to determine whether I could save your older sister—" "I don't want to hear your sound reasoning!" A black mist began gathering around the girl who had escaped Suzaku's arms. "Why... why, why?!" As she screamed, the girl turned into a monster before Suzaku's very eyes.
" I  w a n t e d  t o  p r o t e c t  t h e m . . .  m y  o l d e r  s i s t e r ,  a n d  e v e r y o n e  e l s e . "
" A n d  y e t ,  y o u  k i l l e d  t h e m  a l l ! "
"No! I was trying to protect you—"
" T h e r e ' s  n o  p o i n t  i n  s u r v i v i n g  b y  m y s e l f . "
" I  w a n t e d  t o  p r o t e c t  e v e r y o n e ! "
Burying the girl who had become a monster, Suzaku collapsed to his knees. "Is this reality after all...?" "That's right. What you killed was a Nightmare." Lifting his head at the familiar words, there stood the fortuneteller who had given him the ominous prophecy. "That was... a Nightmare?" "It's different from what you know, huh." "What was that prophecy you gave me before?" "Ah, that thing where your weakness is going to destroy you?" "I... got stronger. Moreso from that time." "I don't know what time that is, but it's best to just accept it. Otherwise—"
"You'll be swallowed up." "Eh...?" As the fortuneteller spoke those words, something passed behind her. "Euphie?!" The person that Suzaku wanted to protect and had pledged his loyalty to as a knight. And his beloved that he had held feelings for— That was the late princess's figure just now.
- Part 4
Nightmares— They weren't the machines Suzaku knew very well and piloted; rather, they meant something closer to bad dreams. The amount of people becoming Nightmares increased, as if the girl had been the catalyst. Unable to endure the murders happening one by one in front of him, Suzaku swung his sword, but they were killed before he could help them, and those he saved became Nightmares themselves. "I can't do anything with my power!" This helplessness. Keenly aware of this, now an old person was struck down in front of Suzaku. "Stop!" Unable to ignore his cries for help, Suzaku ran to the old person.
" K i l l . . .  k i l l ,  k i l l ! "
"Calm down! You used to be a human being—"
" G a . . .  G a a a a a a a a a h ! "
"I knew it, I can't talk to them like this..."
"Damn it!"
"T-Thank you. You're my savior!" The old person he had saved hadn't become a Nightmare and offered him a prayer of gratitude. Seeing that old person safe, Suzaku's heart was saved a little. (If you become a Nightmare, there's no turning back) If that's the case, that girl and her sister— (... It couldn't be helped) Those who became monsters had no reason, they were no longer human, attacked everyone, and caused disaster. (If that's the case, then I—) Suzaku swears in his heart to take up his sword for the weak.
- Part 5
"This is all your fault!" A young man suddenly yelled, attacking Suzaku. "You?!" "Why did you kill the shrine maiden?! Even though she wished for the peoples' happiness!" With those words, Suzaku guessed in that instant. This young man was probably the chief priest the girl had mentioned. "... It can't be helped. It couldn't be helped. She became a Nightmare." "You made her do that!" "No! I tried to help her!" "But you killed her!"
"Once someone becomes a Nightmare, they're no longer human. Surely you know that? If I had let her be, more people would've died." "Yeah, I know that. What you did was right. People will praise you for it. But do you understand what killing someone precious does to someone?!" The chief priest's shout struck Suzaku's heart. (... Euphie, I...) "Even though there might have been a way to turn her back to normal... Shrine maiden, shrine maiden...!" A black mist slowly covered the chief priest who was howling with fury.
" W h y  d i d  y o u  k i l l . . .  w h y  d i d  y o u  k i l l  h e r . . . "
"— If I had left her like that, she would've killed other people!"
"W h a t ' s  w r o n g  w i t h  t h a t ? !  T h e r e  a r e  m a n y  m o r e  l i v e s —  I  l o n g e d  t o  b e  c l o s e  t o  j u s t  o n e  p e r s o n ,  I  j u s t  w a n t e d  t o  s a v e  h e r !  I s  t h a t  w r o n g  a s  a  h u m a n ? ! "
Suzaku looked at his sword in half-dazed state, the corpse of the chief priest who had loved the dead shrine maiden dearly in front of him. The blade of his sword was wet and red with the blood of the things he had killed. (Since that day, both of my hands have been soaked in red.) — Yes, from when he was very young, trying to stop his father from escalating the war. And then— (Now my entire body is... covered in blood) How many would you say you've killed for the sake of saving people? How many people's desires have you trampled? "Aa... aaaaaaaaaaaa!" Suzaku screamed, overflowing with unending repentance.
"... It's okay." A soft voice gently fluttered down. "It's okay, Suzaku. You can still start over." A slender, white finger slowly stroked Suzaku's tear-stained cheek. "Euphie...?" When he called the name of his lady that should've been dead, she smiled sweetly. (No, Euphie's dead. But this is...) "I accept you entirely." The voice that Suzaku never thought he'd hear again was familiar. "So you should start over together with me." That smile full of affection is no different from when she was alive.
(— This is probably an illusion) And yet Suzaku's fingers reach towards Euphie. At that moment, just for a moment, the fortuneteller's words rang in Suzaku's ears. "Your weakness will certainly destroy you." (... Ah, but I—) "Yes, Your Highness." Suzaku knelt in front of Euphemia, holding out his sword...
" I t ' s  over? E h ?  S e r i o u s l y ? "
" I s n ' t  i t  natural  t o  end  i t  t h e r e — ! "
" N o .  I t  w i l l  continue  i n  t h e  next cour."
" A h ,  it's split cour?  T h a n k  g o o d n e s s ~ "
" I f  t h e r e ' s  s o m e t h i n g  abnormal  w i t h  t h e  world lately, just  d e s t r o y  your enemies."
" T h e r e  i s  n o  solution."
"'Salvation'  i s  w h a t  y o u  need to carry out."
" W h a t  h a p p e n s  w h e n  y o u  d o n ' t  g e t  salvation?"
" T h e  loop  c o n t i n u e s  o n  f o r  eternity."
" T h a t  i s  t o  m y  liking."
" F o r  t h e  sake  o f  salvation,  w e  m u s t  live  i n  t h e  happiness  o f  lies."
" T h e  weak man  c r e a t e d  this loop."
"Crash! And some change is  n e c e s s a r y . "
" H o w e v e r ,  i s n ' t  t h a t  s u p e r f i c i a l  t h i n g  i r r a t i o n a l ? "
" I ' l l  s h o w  y o u  his past  f o r  n o w ,  p l e a s e  t h i n k  o f  c o u n t e r m e a s u r e s . "
" A n d  w i t h  t h a t ,  o n  t o  t h e  next cour!"
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thegildedgun · 5 years
Musings on ShB spoilers V 1.0: Some Theories™ Ahead.
Specifically toward the end. I’ve got some thoughts, and I’m going to tag this post appropriately. There are no images, just some musings about the last leg of the MSQ and the Story Thus Far™.
After doing the final trial with the Siren’s Bounty (Or a fair number of them. There are a few who haven’t caught up just yet) there was a good hour-to-two spent just tossing ideas around in voice chat about the conclusion of 5.0′s MSQ. I spent a lot of time considering the final area in the Tempest, the lore we’re given through interacting with NPCs, and the explanations acquired through runs of the Twining and Akadaemia, not to mention Amaurot proper.
It all came back to a couple of questions about Amaurot itself, however, and its subsequent destruction during The Final Days.
What We Know:
-The First People who later became Ascians were immortal and capable of creation magics simply by focused thought and sufficient aether. Similarly(Indeed, a one-to-one comparison) to summoning magic utilized by beast tribes.
-We already know this to be no coincidence as the Ascians are the ones who taught summoning magic to the beast tribes in the first place.
-The people of Amaurot who created complex new ‘concepts’ and ‘ideas’ had to submit them for acceptance and approval, and then their ‘creation’ would be realized with the assistance of others. 
-Clothes, creatures, and objects were all within the purview of creation magics.
-Creation magic was not a 100% science and required intense focus and concentration to achieve. (As suggested with the Lucid Amaurotine Shade during the MSQ.)
-Having ostentatious clothing in Amaurot was considered ‘peculiar’ and largely discouraged, as one’s ‘inner creativity’ should be celebrated rather than their outer appearance. For this reason, the player is encouraged to go find robes akin to those worn by other Amaurotines.
-Outside of Amaurot, in far-flung reaches of the world spontaneous creation magic was taking place, unguided by conscious thought. Monsters were appearing, believed to be shaped by the innermost fears of the people.
-These were isolated incidents, culminating in the creation of Archaeotania, who was lifted to the Akadaemia Anyder to be contained and studied. Archaeotania would later escape, and cause a containment breach as several of the other creations then set upon the Amaurotines and kill a number of them.
-An Amaurotine within the Akadaemia creates a Guardian Force to contain the breach. This births Quetzalcoatl, but extinguishes the life of the Amaurotine who creates it.
-At some point, Amaurot faces the Final Days, an understood conclusion by the people of the city, who otherwise calmly go about their business while they await the Convocation of thirteen(fourteen) to deliver a solution to the issue.
-During the Final Days, the fabric of reality was somehow ‘pulled apart’ in terms unspecified and the convocation decided the solution was to somehow ‘rewrite’ them. 
-Also during the Final Days, the panic that had gripped the outside world as the First People began spontaneously manifesting their fears explodes, and the entire world faces destruction on a monumental scale.
-The proposed and carried out solution to the looming apocalypse was to give the ‘star’ a ‘will’, which would become Zodiark. Through the sacrifice of 1/2 of the population (Or rather, perhaps, their Aether) Zodiark is brought into being.
-The world After the Final Days is a barren waste, and another half of the remaining population sacrifices themselves to Zodiark to bring life back to the world. The remaining 1/3rd of the population of the original First People plan to nourish the world, then offer up a portion of its vitality for the return of their fellows.
-Dissidents to the idea of Zodiark’s rule came to create ‘Hydaelyn’, whose domain allowed ‘Her’ to split, divide, and halve all traits of anything ‘She’ touched. People, places, and even Zodiark himself.
Side Notes For Reference:
-Much of FFXIV’s story and themes takes from other games, literature, and real-world conflicts. This is perhaps nowhere more evident than in Shadowbringers, with liberal usage of themes from other FF titles in music, boss design, naming conventions, and environments.
-The terms “Amaurot” and “Anyder” are both direct pulls from Thomas Moore’s socio-political satire work “Utopia”. Amaurot was the capitol city of Utopia, while Anyder was the river that ran through the city. Interestingly, “Anyder” means “No Water”, cementing the concept of Utopia as an abject fantasy. (Utopia itself as a word means “Not a Place”.) I’m not going into too much detail about why this is important or what Utopia’s story and commentaries were about but suffice to say it is well worth the read if you want to get a little kick out of Amaurot’s concept.
Overarching Theory:
Much of what I have concluded through the MSQ boils down to this: the First People were a largely stifled lot, and we view them through the lens of Emet-Selch’s nostalgia. They wore identical robes and similar masks, concealed their bodies and faces, and their ideas and contributions had to be submitted and approved in order to be recognized. This, to me, exemplifies a society where one’s freedom of self-expression would be utterly strangled by rules and regulation. However, in Amaurot this incredible sense of control would also serve the purpose of keeping a leash on the greater rules and understanding of reality.
In the Final Days, reality comes apart at the seams. Monsters are created, yes, but more than that, fire rains from the sky and seas boil. These are non-specific fears of destruction, of reckoning without carefully defined parameters. This is the framework for an apocalypse born of the collective consciousness that was the First People. Fear is a mighty thing, especially when it is loosely defined. Imagine all of that creative magic and energy without perfect control and parameter, allowed to manifest incomplete but nevertheless horrifying concepts. The First Beast is a great example of this: too many mouths and teeth, too many legs and nothing but want for destruction, a creature who can call down fire like rain.
But what about the catalyst for all of this? The people of Amaurot didn’t spontaneously all start fearing for their lives, did they? No, no they did not. That particular honor belongs to Archaeotania, and the containment breach in Akadaemia Anyder. We know that Archaeotania was created on one of the colonies away from Amaurot in the preliminary ‘incidents’ of spontaneous creation, and was then transferred to the Akadaemia for containment and study. However, it couldn’t be contained, and that concept in and of itself has hefty implications.
Something, a monster, born of fear cannot be contained. Fear cannot be contained. 
What happens in the Akadaemia fosters growing panic, which then festers among the populace, and the Convocation (Already debating how to go about containing the threat of these ‘beasts’) realizes the situation is way out of control. What can be done? How do we contain this threat of fear that is burning through the people? How do we calm them all down?
They, of course, turn to the one tool at their disposal which started the mess, but also the only tool they really have: Creation Magic. The Guardian Force known as Quetzalcoatl serves as the tinder and spark for the idea of Zodiark: a being that could protect and guide the people. Zodiark, on the other hand, had to be on a massive scale and thus require a massive amount of aether.
Emet-Selch says a very interesting phrase about Zodiark. He mentions that Zodiark tempered them because ‘of course he did’. He also mentioned something about it being ‘futile to resist such power’.
It became startlingly clear to me after the fight with Hades why that phrase bugged me so much.
Zodiark tempering the First People is what saved them in the first place. Him, binding their will to His, and therefore stopping the rampant panic. 
In the sort of manner, you know, that an Abrahamic angel might shout BE NOT AFRAID. But with more ‘oomf’ behind it, if you will.
The ‘rewriting’ of the laws of reality was simply placing those ‘laws’ under Zodiark’s command. He decided what was and was not possible, what was and was not acceptable. 
Why is this so important though?
Because the First People were possessed of incredible power, but in order to ‘control’ it, sacrificed much of their self-expression and indeed, self-identity. When all of the rules of how and what to conceptualize went out the window and the First People lost their control over their thoughts and emotions, chaos ensued, monsters were born.
In a word, the First People were guilty only of ‘thought crime’. And Zodiark was the answer, tempering their minds so that they couldn’t create such unrefined concepts of fear and destruction. And with Zodiark holding hostage so much of the aether sacrificed to make him...no one could create anything.
Not without his say so.
He was the Will of the star, because nothing happened without his approval. 
Questions Yet Answered:
-How did Hydaelyn come into being, and how did Her creators escape Zodiark’s tempering?
-How does the WoL fit into the narrative, with a soul ‘seven times rejoined’? (Eight with Ardbert.) Do they happen to be a dissident? Were they the ‘fourteenth’? How were they ‘nostalgic’ to Emet-Selch, as was suggested in the MSQ?
-All this and more...
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gossipgirl2019-blog · 6 years
Penn Badgley on His Twisted Stalker in 'You' and the Dark Side of 'Gossip Girl' Fame
New Post has been published on http://gr8gossip.xyz/penn-badgley-on-his-twisted-stalker-in-you-and-the-dark-side-of-gossip-girl-fame/
Penn Badgley on His Twisted Stalker in 'You' and the Dark Side of 'Gossip Girl' Fame
Penn Badgley, best known as Dan Humphrey, patron saint of Brooklyn loft-dwellers and scraggly MFA students, is finally playing another TV heartthrob. Except the heartthrob is a funhouse mirror distortion of a romantic lead, deploying his good looks and ardor to stalk the object of his affection and terrorize the people she loves. Meet Joe, the anti-hero of Lifetime’s You.
You is everything a Lifetime show starring an ex-Gossip Girl dreamboat shouldn’t be. It’s sardonic, biting, and more than a little terrifying. As a meta-commentary on the dangers of media representations of romance—particularly the notion of getting the girl at any cost, even if she doesn’t want to be got—You is essentially critiquing the kind of series it could have been.  
Viewers tuning in expecting a “21st century romance” will find instead a gripping satire, anchored by Badgley’s truly sick performance. It’s the perfect role for an actor who has emerged from the singular experience of being crushed on, obsessed over, and adored by millions of strangers. When it comes to Joe, Badgley’s greatest concern is that he isn’t creepy enough—that, despite the actor’s best efforts and protestations, the world will fall in love with him all over again.
Joe is a bookstore manager who spends his days ogling first editions and female customers. When he first encounters Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail), You’s love interest, he narrates her entrance in a brilliant internal monologue that’s at once intellectual and obsessive, complimentary on the surface but misogynistic at its core. He wonders if, finally, he’s met someone who isn’t like all the other girls—someone who’s actually deserving of his intelligence, and his adoration. Almost immediately, he concludes that Beck is begging for his attention. It’s in the loud bangles that she wears, and her V-neck shirt. She’s asking for it. Joe knows what he wants, and more importantly, he presumes to know what she wants too. So when he finds Beck on social media, hunts down her address, and proceeds to stalk her, inserting himself more and more aggressively into her life in ways both seen and unseen, it’s all under the guise of facilitating her happily ever after.
Joe sees himself as the romantic lead; we quickly come to realize that the story that’s playing out in his head is not the one we’re seeing on screen. As Joe huddles in Beck’s shower after breaking into her house, he quips to himself, “I’ve seen enough romantic comedies to know that men like me are always getting in jams like this.” The genius here is that Joe isn’t wrong. Placing classic rom-com plots within this predatory context helps the viewer to critically examine what we’ve been sold as romance. In You, stalking behaviors and boundary pushing are revealed for what they really are—early signs of an unhealthy relationship that are likely to escalate. Badgley sees Joe as “a monkey wrench or a grenade,” following common romantic narratives to their disturbing conclusions and breaking them down in the process. “He’s like, I’m following the logic,” Badgley explained in a phone interview with The Daily Beast. “I’m infatuated, and I will stop at nothing for the object of my affection. This is what I’m packaged and sold, and no one’s been able to tell me differently.”
“Of course he must be held accountable,” Badgley continued, “because everybody needs to account for themselves, but at the same time, at some point, everyone is an innocent child. And at some point that innocent child receives a miseducation.”
In the name of love and chivalry, Joe is determined to learn everything about Beck and protect her at all costs. First, he zeroes in on Beck’s sometimes-boyfriend, Benji. Joe doesn’t see himself as a predator taking out the competition, but as a savior who knows that Beck’s ex is no good for her. Benji, he believes, doesn’t understand the real Beck—the one whom Joe has constructed from fleeting conversations, social media, and glimpses of her outside a window.
Badgley knows a thing or two about Joe’s brand of asphyxiating affection. As the star of a mammoth teen drama, Badgley was watched on and off screen. Actual New York City high schoolers stalked the Gossip Girl set in the hopes of seeing their favorite cast members. Many Gossip Girl actors, including Badgley, were romantically linked in real life, further blurring the lines between television and reality. So Badgley understands how it feels to have a stranger think that they “know” you, when what they really know is a character, or a product of their own imagination.
When asked how he relates to the central themes of the show on a personal level, as someone who has experienced “semi-obsessive fame,” Badgley responded, “Well not semi, pretty full-on obsession.”  
“I think as an actor you can become an object of desire, which is something women are already accustomed to more or less around the world—I’ve definitely been, I mean I don’t want to sound sensationalist, but I’ve literally been molested—just in the literal sense of the word—by many people in the moment. Because that’s what they do.” Badgley was thoughtful and cautious when discussing this; he doesn’t want it to be taken the wrong way, and is quick to acknowledge the privilege that being a man, not to mention a white man, affords him. But recent events have caused him to revisit these experiences and reconsider them—Badgley cited Terry Crews as one catalyst, saying, “these things very much happen, you know.”
“And it’s interesting to even hear you have that reaction, like ‘I’m sorry,’ because I didn’t even think of it that way then,’ he continued. “You’re led as a man, particularly, that when it happens you should feel great about it. Particularly when it comes from someone who’s feasibly an object of your desire as well. And I think that’s the interesting thing about this show, is that Joe looks like me, he acts and talks like me to a degree, so I think the audience is supposed to be like, ‘Aw that might be nice if someone was that infatuated with me.’”
He is absolutely right. Joe, like Dan Humphrey before him and like Badgley himself, is a good-looking man. He possesses stereotypically attractive traits—he’s charming, funny, intelligent, and caring. He also locks people up in a sound-proof cage in the basement of his bookstore.
Badgley has previously described the show as a “litmus test to see the mental gymnastics that we’re still willing to perform on a cultural level, to love an evil white man.” Will viewers buy into the romance narrative that Joe is writing, the love story in his head, against all odds and evidence to the contrary? Badgley said that he knew while they were making the show that “it stood the chance to be as compelling as it is—and I sort of hated everything about that sometimes.”
“I don’t want to sound sensationalist, but I’ve literally been molested—just in the literal sense of the word—by many people in the moment. Because that’s what they do.”
— Penn Badgley
“I was really frustrated,” he continued. “I was like, why is this the story that we’re telling? And by we I don’t just mean the creators of the show, I mean anybody who’s participating in it by watching it.”
Nothing could be timelier than considering Joe, and viewers’ reactions to Joe, as a window into the “mental gymnastics” of forgiving, empathizing with, or even coming to love a predatory man. And while Badgley might be deeply conflicted about his character, he’s excited about the potential for meaningful debate and conversation. “I think that a lot of the conversations that we’re having around the show are elevated and have a depth that I really appreciate because, for all the faults and all of the perils of the times we live in, we are becoming more sensitive to some things.” Citing the Me Too movement, he continued, “I think it’s significant that a show like this is coming out now, because if it had come out any other time, we might not have been having these necessary conversations around it. And we might have been all too ready to consume something that I think actually has some really dangerous seeds in it.”
Which isn’t to say that Badgley didn’t fight like hell to make Joe as unpalatable as possible. “In the pilot episode,” he recalled, “The director was trying to get me to be at some points less disgusting. Like when I’m masturbating on the side of the street, he really wanted me to close my eyes. And I was pretty adamant—I don’t remember what they ended up using, but I only closed my eyes for one take, because I was pretty adamant about not wanting to do it. And it’s because it was so much creepier with my eyes open. Like, why are we trying—Joe is masturbating on the side of the street as he watches a young woman…and we’re worried about it being too creepy?! Do we not think it’s already crossed that line?”
“So I was always kind of on the sidelines like, we don’t need to defend Joe. We don’t need to defend Joe.”
In addition to its sinister lead, You offers a taxonomy of “bad men,” as Beck navigates predatory professors and casually cruel exes. Joe is well-attuned to these gendered injustices. He describes Beck’s hilariously douchey hook-up as “the poster boy for white male privilege,” and is enraged when Beck’s advisor makes a pass at her and takes away her teaching job when she doesn’t put out. It’s a sharp and instantly recognizable portrayal of the “woke” dude who convincingly masks his internalized misogyny. Joe thinks he’s saving Beck from a lesser breed of men, when he is actually the worst man of all. And there’s a lot of competition.
“Joe is masturbating on the side of the street as he watches a young woman…and we’re worried about it being too creepy?! Do we not think it’s already crossed that line?”
— Penn Badgley
Badgley described the You set as a “learning experience,” pointing out that “by and large, all of the people responsible for this thing are women.” He lists Caroline Kepnes, author of the novel You, and Sera Gamble, who co-wrote and created the series with Greg Berlanti. “But really she’s the one at the helm, and I think Greg would immediately concede that,” he adds. “And most of our directors were female, most of the writers were female, most of the cast was female. There were just a couple of men involved.”
“So quite often, it would just open up this—I would just listen to why it is that the women involved were interested in this thing, and how it is that they saw it.” But at the end of the day, to hear Badgley describe it, playing Joe was a lonely and at times deeply uncomfortable experience. Talking about the allure of the project, Badgley cited fascinating themes central to the series and source novel, but added that, “The prospect of actually embodying Joe—being the sole person who actually has to embody Joe was not actually something I was really excited about at first. It’s a very different experience to watch Joe than to be him, and I’m the only one who has to do that.”
With a laugh, he concluded, “I guess like everything that I’ve done, I have a conflicted relationship to it.” It doesn’t take Joe-caliber online research to uncover Badgley’s ambivalence towards his most famous role. In the past, he’s pointed out that neither the show’s ending nor Gossip Girl itself made any sense (true), and called his character a “judgmental douchebag.”
Badgley has spent years being mistaken for Dan Humphrey, a fictional character. No wonder he’s pushed back against interpretations of You that posit that Joe is just an updated version of Dan Humphrey with a better internet connection—the well-read, cynical outsider who falls for the bubbly blonde (and stalks her every move online). It’s an easy first instinct, and “Dan Humphrey is back”-style headlines abound.
But Joe isn’t Dan 2.0—a role that Badgley doesn’t seem keen to revisit. Instead, he’s an opportunity to parody the Gossip Girl character, exaggerating the obvious flaws that teenage fans probably overlooked. Rather than a reprisal of the beloved role, viewers will find a clever takedown of the bookish outsider archetype (judgmental douchebag indeed). It’s not a stretch to say that Badgley’s murderous new character is taking a sledgehammer to Dan Humphrey and delivering a final, fatal blow.
Badgley might not be playing Dan, but he is returning to TV in a splashy starring role—and his face has been plastered all over New York City. Asked if he’s ready to be back in the spotlight, Badgley is once again conflicted. After Gossip Girl, “I definitely took a break,” he explained. “I definitely had to question if I wanted to keep doing what I’ve been doing. But I’m excited—I think.”
“When it comes to the fame side of things,” he continued, “I don’t think anybody, whether they’re famous or not, could claim to understand that phenomenon or have any sort of power over it. So I’m just cautious and careful.”
“For the time being I’m interested in this show, I’m excited by it, and like I said, if these kinds of conversations can be had, that’s great. And if I’m gonna be ‘more famous’ or whatever, if that comes along with it then…sure.” He sighed, unsure again. “I mean, it’s not one thing! With it comes blessings, and with it comes burdens, and that’s life, right? So I just suppose we’ll see.”
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The Romantic Relationship Development Rebuttal
I received this comment (below) on my post for the second installment of my “Fundamental Misunderstanding of Rian Johnson” webseries and comments are not long enough for what I need to say.
Them: “I think you mistaken that the relationships in TLJ are meant to be explicitly romantic? You basically have a bunch of broken people just trying to connect to one another as they try to figure themselves out/their places (in the often flawed ways people do), which is much more realistic in an imperfect/war torn world than romantic love is. The OT and PT directly romanticizes these unhealthy relationships in Anidala and Han/Leia, but they both fail for lack of substance. On the other hand everything in TLJ is pretty subtle, tho Kylo and Rey have and spark more substantial development in each other than either Anidala and Han/Leia in the OT/PT. Is it romantic? Who knows. Affection doesn’t always have to be. What matters is that these characters and their relationships become the catalyst for growth, romantically or otherwise. Besides this, Rose’s character is there to give a voice to the rebels (in and outside the mobilized resistance) and their motivations. Perhaps the reason it was shown this way will be clearer in IX, as XIII clarified much of XII. TLJ and what Johnson was trying to do seemed pretty clear to me but I understand we all have diff opinions. Anyway, Happy V-Day!“ 
Because of their respectfulness, I have declined to include their name, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are so wrong on almost everything. Including the episode numbers... (BTW, I electively ignored the comments until someone slid in and agreed with them. This is the only reason I am replying now.)
Never did I say in that video that the relationships were intended to be explicitly romantic. The problem is, nowhere in The Last Jedi, was it ever even implied it was supposed to be something else. I understand the whole “imperfect people trying to find imperfect ways to make sense of things”. I like that concept. I do. But even on that front, both FinnRose and most especially Reylo fail on every account.
Finn and Rose don’t play on each other well, don’t challenge each other in any logical manner, and nor do they find any kind of solace or understanding that the commenter is referring to in one another. Finn is an escaped Stormtrooper, who is extremely conflicted, scared, but brave, however doesn’t know his place outside of the fact he feels semi-indebted to both Poe and Rey for saving him in different ways. Rose’s purpose is still unclear outside of the whole forced romance arc. She is a useless character, aside from the fact the whole purposeless excursion on Canto Bight that should have been between Poe and Finn led to Finn voluntarily aligning himself with the Resistance. But I truly believe, without Canto Bight, that whole alignment arc could have and should have been done much better and more convincingly. Rose’s character did nothing to serve to give the rebels of voice, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. We know that the rebels come from everywhere and have their own reasons for joining and exploring that would have been great and even hearing the little bit of Rose’s backstory was...fine, I guess, but it does not change the fact she handicapped the entire plot- rather, lack thereof. It’s never been necessary to have a poorly-designed side character’s motivations explored in a poorly-constructed environment completely being forced by the plot in a main canon movie. That is exactly what the books are designed to do. Cover information that is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things so that it gives backstory on people we didn’t really think twice about. We saw Rose’s sister die for the Resistance and that was pretty powerful, but we didn’t even seen Rose really grieve over her sister, except lashing out at Finn, whom she was just fawning over. Like...I’m sorry, she was written so badly. She is a detriment to the plot, to the necessary relationship developments, and even to herself. 
Moreover, to boldly claim that it wasn’t intended to be explicitly romantic is objectively wrong. This is Disney we’re talking about. To them, love solves everything and for the things it doesn’t solve, it excuses. Rose kissed Finn because they wanted us to see them together romantically, but they gave Rose no personality and therefore, she and Finn have no chemistry. A kiss on the lips is a universal symbol of romantic love and as someone who was very mildly interested in a potential friendship between the two, that even I saw that kiss as romantic 100% of the way (btws, that was the only thing that lead me to that conclusion cinematically), it really says something. Also, cinematically speaking, the moment they kissed, an explosion went off, which is very clearly indicative of the romantic aspect I am so confidently asserting was intended to be in The Last Jedi between these two. They tried to make us see the “spark” by literally showing us them, but failed because of everything else wrong with their dynamic. 
Moreover, I explicitly do not see Reylo as romantic at all. They are completely 100% at opposite ends of the spectrum and cannot reconcile at this point. A Reylo endgame is completely asinine with what Rian Johnson did to them, which has always been fine by me. I don’t like/respect/enjoy a Reylo endgame as a narrative concept because it does not make logical sense based on their characters and interactions. It would have been asinine after JJ’s first installment, too. Reylo simply cannot happen, logically-speaking. As TFA began to explain, TLJ solidified that Reylo is DOA- Dead On Arrival. 
But the problem is, Rian Johnson basically said he ships Reylo, so we know that’s what he was trying to do. He said he played with the idea of them actually making out  in The Last Jedi. That is proof enough he fundamentally misunderstands romantic relationship development, but also fundamentally misunderstands these characters he’s writing! He did not and continues to not understand their real dynamic, which I really don’t get. It’s not that hard. 
Again, I concede that how someone might see the whole “imperfect people/imperfect places” thing. It makes more sense than what Rian tried to have happen. Rey and Kylo having this Force bond, which would have been fine under different circumstances, is a thing I was totally down for. Loved the concept. It made sense after what The Force Awakens established their relationship to clearly be, but now...suddenly that is thrown out the window for a shallow, Dues Ex Machina, self-fulfilling prophecy-esque plot device initiated by a person who simply is not powerful enough to make this thing happen. So is the Force-bond genuine or fabricated? No one will ever know. 
Kylo is very broken, although clearly not nearly as broken as we were lead to believe considering Rian decided to have him throw his redemption away in favor of the lies and power his now-deceased master promised him in his youth. Kylo knows what he’s doing now. And Rey, completely stripped of her personality, is unrealistically believing every single thing Kylo Ren has to say without consulting Luke Skywalker about anything. I’ve already spoken about how OOC Luke was, so we are not going there right now. Rey, based on her characterization in TFA, would not have done that, especially considering Kylo had just murdered his father in front of her and knew that his father meant something to her. He did it as much for himself as he did to hurt her intentionally. If they were supposed to be “imperfect people finding meaning in imperfect ways”, Kylo would have actually gotten something beneficial out of it, much like Rey. Instead, we have Kylo Ren’s arc assassination and Rey being completely and utterly betrayed by Kylo Ren with no good reason and now the Rebellion is pretty much up shit’s creek without Han, Luke, or Leia. Maybe Rey learned a lesson that she wasn’t supposed to trust Kylo Ren, but why did she in the first place? She literally detested him all of about 18 hours prior. Maybe Kylo Ren learned that people cared about him, but Leia literally telepathically sensed her son and sent him good vibes and Han put his life in jeopardy for his son. He knew that, too. 
Moreover and very quickly, Anidala wasn’t really all that unhealthy until Anakin became obsessed with protecting Padme. It was weird to us because Padme was 14 when Anakin was 9 and they got married when he was like 19 and she was 24. But like, it was what it was until Palpatine really started trying to turn Anakin’s heart by playing on his fears of losing Padme. And at really no point in time was Han and Leia’s relationship unhealthy. They fought a lot because they were denying the sexual tension that did exist between them and their personalities were both fairly dominant, so testing the waters was necessary. Couples fight all the time and their bickering really lead to them being able to see each other for who they truly are. Neither relationship was what you assert it was. 
I will say, again and a-fucking-gain, nothing in this movie should have logically happened and what happened actually is illogical from the very concept to the way it was executed. Rian Johnson wanted us to see failure, but unfortunately for this franchise, the failure we saw was this God-awful movie. 
But like you said, we all have differing opinions. Happy Valentine’s Day.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄’𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐕𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐒 / wizarding world au.
This is an open concept AU; no set timeline or location to make it flexible for the different canons and timelines within this universe. The default is American, born in 1976  - but can be plotted otherwise. This is also an open AU, which means any mutual can approach me about it and there is no connected canon to other muns unless a mini private offshoot is agreed upon.
Born to muggles, Eugene and Beverly Strange, Stephen struggled accepting his identity as a wizard at first. It certainly went against his father’s plans and sensibilities to allow his son to learn ‘unholy skills’; it took a combination of his mother and school officials to settle the matter once and for all.  It took a permanent toll on the relationship between his father and himself; trying to make him proud while also being something that went against everything he was taught and raised to be.
It was easier for Donna two years later. For a moment, Eugene thought they were safe in regards to her, only to find out she had been delayed entry due to when her birthday fell in regards to the school year. By then, Eugene gave up in a sense. Becoming distant and detached from the kids lives, pinning all his hopes on Victor to be ‘normal’. His wish was granted, as Victor grew to be wary of his siblings and distant from them.
Upon graduating, Stephen began practicing at one of the finest hospitals in the wizarding world. Eventually working on very important studies and experiments to further the boundaries of magical medicine. Yet, as his professional life flourished, his personal life suffered. Eventually culminating in an accident that left his hands permanently damaged from a curse and unable to practice both medicine and most witchcraft.
Desperate for answers, Stephen traveled the globe. Not willing to resign himself to the muggle life his father was too quick to try to indoctrinate him into upon finding out ( a bit of arrogant pride on his part ); eventually discovering more of the wizarding world on a global scale. Finding cultures that preformed magic wand-lessly, and beginning to study their techniques until he mastered them himself.
As he studied his new skills, Stephen also learned more about himself. Confronting demons  both literal and internal. Becoming stronger than he had been before; eventually returning to his native wizarding culture a very different man with a new purpose. There was an array of strange and unknown, people needed defending and knowledge and limited understanding of parts of the picture had led to the downfall of more than just himself. Branding himself as a Professional Freelance Specialist in the Strange and Bizzare; and working sometimes along official organizations as a consultant; Stephen Strange began protecting the world from the untapped and unexplored parts of the magical and non-magical universe.
NAME: Stephen Vincent Strange
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn
WAND TYPE:   first wand:  Hazel, Dragon Heartstring. 9″   second wand:   Yew, Phoenix Feather Core, 14″
PATRONUS: Blackbird, yet was unable to cast a corporeal patronus for a couple decades to his own annoyance
BOGGART:  Failure, Loss of Control, Loneliness - usually manifesting in a loved one dying after failing them and being chastised for it; helpless to do anything to stop it. However, later in life, sometimes it reflects the horrific things he has seen in his life.
CAREER: St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries ( former ) (Hogwarts V.  only) /  St. Gryffiths Hospital for the Ailing and Enchanted ( former )  ( general ); ‘ Freelance Specialist ’  in the strange and unusual /  Consultant
BEST CLASS(ES): Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, DADA, Herbology
QUIDDITCH: Yes, Chaser. Joined Third Year.
PARSELMOUTH: No, he cannot speak it but he can understand it fairly decently after study
LEGILIMENS: Not Natural, trained in later years.
NON VERBAL MAGIC: Yes, used on occasion
WANDLESS MAGIC: Yes, learned later in life. Used often.
ALLEGIANCE IN THE WIZARDING WAR: DEFAULT: Anti-Death Eater, but uninvolved as the war hadn’t fully reached North America yet. HOGWARTS: participated in the resistance after the death of Albus Dumbledore; participated in the battle of Hogwarts without attacking a single person outside of stunning - mostly in hospital wing and helping to bring the injured to get treatment.
* — Stephen is set to Ilvermorny by default, as he is a North American based character, however he has adaptability to fit into Hogwarts as plotted. Based off of his canonical birthdate on this blog, he would have been three years older than Hermione Granger (the eldest of the trio). Yet, I am always okay plotting him for different generations. Details that change is the hospital and ministry he worked and dealt with the most prior to his accident, as well as how much the events of the war would have affected him directly.
Stephen spent his school years studying to become a Healer / Mediwizard; he received O levels in Herbology, Charms, DADA, Potions, and Transfiguration ( as per the requirement ). He worked routinely at the hospital becoming specialised in rare and dangerous ailments; this specialisation and natural affinity led to him doing side work for the ministry, specifically in the Department of Mysteries. It was this that led to over inflated ego and hubris; and eventually the night he was trying to develop a new treatment for curse related ailments. Trying to control really dangerous and powerful magic, but overestimated his limits. Prompting in Stephen to lose control of the spell, his wand reacting violently ( caused by his own panic and anger as Hazel wood is known to expel powerful discharge based on it’s user’s emotional state ). The wand shattered under the strain, rebounding itself and it’s spell onto his hands first and foremost.  Damaging them irreversibly.
Stephen eventually studied wandless magic while travelling in search of some cure to his cursed hands; learning that wands were not a required tool for magic ( in fact, they were european in origin ). After a long amount of dedication and practice, Stephen mastered the skill and uses it predominantly. Eventually, Stephen did acquire another wand, finding it a useful tool for exact and delicate projects. However, it’s not his primary tool for magic.
HAZEL WOOD often reflects the owners emotional state. It’s been known to expel powerful discharge when it’s owner has lost their temper or experiences any form of strong negative emotion while in use. It requires emotional control on behalf of the owner to use properly  The positive aspect of a hazel wand more than makes up for such minor discomforts, however, for it is capable of outstanding magic in the hands of the skilful. It’s extremely loyal, to the point where wands of hazel are known to ‘wilt’ or fully cease functionality upon death. Hazel wands also have the unique ability to detect water underground, and will emit silvery, tear-shaped puffs of smoke if passing over concealed springs and wells.
DRAGON HEARTSTRING produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
SHORTER LENGTH  wands tends to attract people who are lacking something in character
Stephen in his earlier years was all about closing off his emotional self, wanting control over his surroundings to obsessive means. However, he often came across temperamental and difficult to work with. Pushing himself to learn faster and be better; seeking control through every means possible. The conflict between letting people in to be close to him and keeping the world at arms length is shown even in the wand he attracts; hazel wood being loyal to the point of death, and dragon heartstring being able to change allegiance if deemed deserved. Yet, both agree on the point of once it’s given, it’s strong. Yet, his emotional state, despite his best efforts, was the catalyst for this wand’s demise, mixed with hubris pushing him further than he was able to handle. This emotional and unskillful handle of a wand known to be temperamental led to it’s destruction. However, there is something to be said for it’s loyalty… as the wand broke as it did, limiting the damage to Stephen on his hands and taking the brunt of the damage itself. The wand’s loyalty to it’s foolish master, saved it’s master’s life in the end but at a cost.
YEW WOOD  wands are among the rarer kinds, and their ideal matches are likewise unusual, and occasionally notorious. The wand of yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, which might, of course, be said of all wands; and yet yew retains a particularly dark and fearsome reputation in the spheres of duelling and all curses. However, it is untrue to say (as those unlearned in wandlore often do) that those who use yew wands are more likely to be attracted to the Dark Arts than another. The witch or wizard best suited to a yew wand might equally prove a fierce protector of others. Wands hewn from these most long-lived trees have been found in the possession of heroes quite as often as of villains. Where wizards have been buried with wands of yew, the wand generally sprouts into a tree guarding the dead owner’s grave. What is certain, in my experience, is that the yew wand never chooses either a mediocre or a timid owner.
PHOENIX FEATHERS  are one of the rarest core types. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn hair or dragon heartstring cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
LONGER LENGTH tend to be drawn to bigger personalities, and those of a more spacious and dramatic style of magic.
By the time Stephen is ready to acquire himself a new wand, he isn’t the same boy from the wand shop when he was eleven. While he still is not the most approachable man, he is better and, more importantly, more healthy control of his emotional state. No longer hiding from it. That being said, he isn’t easy to get close too  -  he just won’t be in denial and let people who deserve it win him over. His pacifist nature is shone as Yew has been in the hand of great defenders; yet his strange and unusual life ( present and prior ) and self imposed duties align him ( even if not always deservedly ) with the balance of life and death. His willingness to push himself and try new things and persevere until mastery is what makes him able to unlock the full potentials of his wand core. And of course, with many of his hang ups aside and no longer needed to compensate; Stephen is allowed more room to be his full strange self… allowing him a longer wand to fit… and his more at peace nature with life, death and time allows his wand to be more flexible.
The Blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. Blackbirds keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times.
Stephen was unable to perform a corporeal patronus until long after his accident and second wand, as it requires a certain temperament and mindset to be able to perform this very rare type of patronus.
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This is pretty long
Part 1: The Steven Universe side
In execution, Steven is definitely boring, nice boys who are kinda quirky can only take you so far from a narrative stand point. By definition, he’s a catalyst hero, what that means is while a character acts heroically they don’t change themselves, they help change others and while that’s a good role for a mentor figure that’s not for your main character. From episode 1 to 101, all the biggest, most important choices he’s made have always been to help others (more often than not going against the gem’s wishes) or in the name of what he believes what’s right on his own beliefs, and that most likely is in helping a gem. Steven sparks a change in characters such as Lapis, Peridot, Connie, Pearl, Amethyst, Lars, etc…And yet he never changes for himself. Well scratch that, he changes from showing realistic human emotion in s1 then says “nah” to that after s1.
Part 2: The Hunter x Hunter side
I’d like to introduce another character very similar to Steven who is a catalyst hero, but also a very willing hero (willing hero is someone excited and active for adventure). And that character is the main character from the manga/anime “Hunter x Hunter” Throughout the story, Gon is consistently characterized as a happy go lucky kid who loves making friends, going on adventures, doing risky things for the sake of his own goal, and never misses a chance to help people. A typical shounen hero no doubt. Along the way, he makes friends with Kurapika, Leorio and Killua (there are others but I won’t spoil) who all change in some way, shape, or form because of him. Sometimes that change is for the better others for the worse. The change is especially evident with Killua, which speaking of, keep him in mind because I’m going to talk about him in a second.
Anyways, back to Gon, one of the traits I like the most in him, is his relative pacifism and his ability to forgive easily. Characters will break his fucking arm or beat him until he’s bloody and he forgives them anyways. The main villain of the greed island arc killed a lot of people and when he was given a chance to kill him, he didn’t do it and let him live. Things like that which built his character up to be a nice kid on the moral high ground certainly made a huge impact on Killua, but I think one of them most smartest and surprising things the creator, Yoshishiro Togashi, did for Gon was for him to deconstruct his own personality and make him an anti-hero in the Chimera ant arc.
Part 2.5: Me fangirling over the chimera ant arc and HxH in general (mild spoilers, but nothing big)
I’ll try not to spoil much, but the Chimera ant arc is absolutely a gorgeous arc and although a slog to get through sometimes, when the pacing is on track, it’s some of the most emotional, thought provoking stuff I’ve seen in a long time. It’s basically a big zombie movie, but the zombies have emotions and memories from when they were humans (like nobodies) and that’s where the conflict comes from. It’s about the worst of humanity and the sacrifices we as people make for ourselves, to others, and as a society. Do the lives of one very important person outweigh the lives of a group of regulars? How far will we go to harm others and is it justified? That’s the Chimera ant arc.
One of the big points in this arc is the switch in the character dynamic and characterization of Gon and Killua. Gon is the dumb nice kid who listens to Killua, the much smarter, but much more aggressive, blood thirsty kid (yeah he comes from a family of assassins), during the third arc of the arc, it’s turned on its head and Gon is now calling the shots. This only happened because someone near and dear to him, named Kite was killed by one of the Chimera ants, when that happens, an important flaw of him is revealed. Gon is selfish and has a one track mind, he’s more than willing to put his needs first if he deems it as beneficial to him. Gon killed the person who killed Kite, Gon was willing to kill people that got in the way of killing the person who killed Kite, and was find if he died in the pursuit of killing the killer. That’s how much Kite meant to Gon and when Killua sees how much Gon has changed, it generally scares and worries him. Regardless of how destructive he was to himself and others, he still thought what he was doing was right and in the name of justice because he was killing bad people and didn’t care that he was becoming a killer as long as it meant that bad person was gone and they wouldn’t hurt any more people. (Much like Death Note) This is a very similar situation to Kurapika who at any other time was calm, but would not hesitate to kill the phantom troupe who killed his entire family. He thought what he was doing was justice and he was right, if he didn’t kill them, they would and do just kill more people.
Both of them put their own beliefs on the back burner for doing what was necessary even if it wasn’t the “right” thing. While Kurapika was more righteous, and Gon more selfish, in pursing their goals to the point of obsession they pushed away their friends and stepped off the moral high ground for the betterment of society, themselves, and their loved ones.
Part 3: How this all ties together
Steven and Gon are very similar characters who opt for the moral high ground and don’t really want to hurt others unless necessary. However Gon, threw away being a “good person” because someone close to him died. I believe such a drastic change happened because for all his life, he’s been good and has been good to other people. Something awful happened to him and at that moment, he broke and was unforgiving to the world when he was previously so forgiving. He’s also like 12 or something.
Compare this to Steven, who has also had awful things happen to him. Like Homeworld stealing his dad, but do you know what happened after he got his dad back? He ran away, didn’t think twice about those humans trapped in that utopia and the next episode did nothing. He’s not actively against Homeworld, he’s not trying to make himself get stronger so he can do something to stop his dad getting stolen again in the future. When Kite died, Gon trained to get stronger to make sure nothing like that would happen again. Homeworld stole his dad, could’ve done a lot worse to him and Steven did NOTHING. All the gems who actively try to kill him and his loved ones, Connie almost drowned and Greg got his leg broke because of Lapis, Jasper imprisoned him and everyone as well as damaged his home, his friends Peridot tried to kill him and talked shit about his mom, etc… they just keep hurting him and he does NOTHING. He harbors no hatred towards them, no animosity, there’s no want for him to get stronger or learn more about gem history and his own powers to protect his friends. Gon was like this too, but he dropped that act because Kite died, now Lars died for Steven (though he brought him back) and instead of feeling an ounce of rage or anger or anything he drinks a glass of tap water??? Are you serious? We’re at this point where Steven is disgusted at thought of his mom killing PD, knowing they were in a war, knowing friends of hers died repeatedly, knowing she was a leader, knowing she was in an oppressive society, and yet because she supposedly did a bad thing and didn’t talk it out she’s the worst thing ever and Steven is ashamed. Huh?
Part 4: V for Verdict
I’m not saying Steven should be exactly like Gon and murder people, I just use him as comparison because they’re very close in age and have near identical personalities and hero archetypes. I’m saying for him to be realistic and not act like he’s dead inside. Let Steven get upset like he used to in s1, let there be emotional turmoil of all the shit homeworld has done to them. All the turmoil we’ve gotten from Steven is him feeling bad about himself or his mom. That’s it. Oh and that 1 time Steven got mad at Peridot for 2 seconds but not after she said that shit about Rose, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and pushed Greg off the roof, but because she betrayed Steven. Though, I have high hopes that changes as the stakes get higher and Steven finally starts to actually, kinda sorta dislike homeworld.
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runesrule · 7 years
More than just your plot device
If there were a line between antagonist and love interest, it would probably intersect with the Other Woman. This character is the wedge driven between the couple, the driving force behind a new plot progression. Her involvement seems to always end in either her death or a catfight.
(First of all, I hate it when the term ‘cat-fight’ is used patronisingly. Have you ever seen cats fight?? Be afraid. Be very afraid, for there will be blood in the gutters and fur in the air)
All writers rely on tropes, but seeing as how this isn’t the fifties anymore, I vote that the ‘Heroine V Other Woman catfight’ gets left in the last century. There’s two reasons why: Firstly, to quote the masterpiece ‘Mean Girls’; “If you (girls) keep calling each other sluts and bitches, it makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and bitches.” Secondly, there are no winners from that fight. Either the Heroine has lowered herself to the level of scrapping it out over some guy, or the Other Woman, now mauled, humiliated and loveless, becomes an Evil Bitch in order to gain herself a bit of pride back. Mostly though, the Other Woman is simply forgotten, shunted to the wayside in an effort to repair the bonds of true love between the saga’s couple.
Even if her character has more to offer the story, even if she is has interesting potential as her own person, she must eventually bow to the more demanding narrative of the Hero and his Heroine.
Asha Barlow of James Cameron’s ‘Dark Angel’ is a one such example of lost potential that I will forever mourn. (If you haven’t seen ‘Dark Angel’, there’s a fairly a good summary, here.) While rebelling against the dire circumstances of her post-Electromagnetic-Pulse police state world, Asha falls in love with the heroine Max’s True Love, Logan Cale. Now, at the time, Logan thinks Max is dead, and when she does return from imprisonment, she’s been injected with a virus targeted to Logan’s gene sequence, so if they touch, he dies…
As you can imagine, this puts the kybosh on the romance, and Asha steps up to be there for Logan while he’s caught up in the whirl-wind of If I so much as shake the hand of the woman I love, I’ll die a long, slow, painful death.
To begin with, Max doesn’t exactly step aside and give Logan her blessing to run away with Asha.  Since Max’s return means Logan nearly dies, Asha’s not exactly Max’s biggest fan either. As Season Two’s plot progresses, Max helps Asha out on a number of occasions, like breaking her out of jail and hiding evidence that would incriminate her in the S1W’s outlaw activities.
She’s unceremoniously written out of the narrative because her actress moves on. On one hand, it sucks because there was a whole lot of potential for Asha in the Terminal City story-line. On the other hand, by the time Asha flees over the border to Canada, Max has told Logan she’s with somebody else. Since Asha had managed to side-step the love interest category, I would have hated to have seen her shoved back into it. It seems to be an easy thing for people to do, despite the fact that the first time we see Asha she jumps on a table and fires a round from a big-ass handgun into the ceiling of a corrupt Veteran’s Affairs office, she gets shunted to the side as a nothing more than a complication in Max and Logan’s love affair.
Asha Barlow is not here to be your goddamn plot device: She’s a sweetheart with a spine of iron, a freedom fighter who probably rescues stray kittens and is basically too genuinely lovely for half the hard-asses she has to deal with.
Asha’s character disappearing from the narrative obviously has more to do with outside forces than the convenience of advancing Max and Logan’s storyline, but that convenience cannot be ignored. After all, once Asha disappears, Max finally admits she was never with Alec, becomes friends with Logan again and he helps her to try and decipher the mysterious message coded in her DNA. The series ends on a cliffhanger, but it’s pretty obvious from the double-surgical-gloved hand-holding at the end of the episode that they’re back on track.
I have mixed feelings about the cancellation of ‘Dark Angel’ as it heralded the beginning of ‘Firefly’ which infamously ran for a single season before it’s own untimely demise. Mostly, those feelings can be neatly summarised as; what the fuck, Fox?
(Notice that I’m not giving a link for a synopsis of ‘Firefly’. That’s coz you have to go watch it.) 
‘Firefly’ had a couple of Other Women intrude on the central romance between Inara Serra and Captain Malcolm Reynolds. The narrative deals with both of those women—one an antagonist and one a heroine—differently and interestingly.
Femme fatales are always great fun, especially one as intricate and multifaceted as Yo-Saff-Bridg. When we first meet her, she pretends to be a gullible, sweet, innocent virgin who ‘marries’ a drunken Mal in order to take over his ship and steal it. As it turns out ‘Saffron’ (AKA Yolanda, AKA Bridget,) is a serial bride, conwoman and liar. We never really get her back story, which I think is great because I can pretend that they wouldn’t have written her some terrible tragedy to explain why she likes sex and money, isn’t afraid of breaking the rules and enjoys allowing people to underestimate her because she’s a woman, then taking them for all they’re worth.
She is a catalyst in a way for Inara at least admitting her true feelings for Mal. When she drugs Mal unconscious with a kiss delivered sedative, she runs into Inara on route to the control room to take over the ship. They engage in some truly graceful fisticuffs and Saffron runs off while Inara rushes to check on Mal. Upon finding him unconscious but alive on the floor of his bedroom, she delivers a relieved kiss to his mouth…thereby giving herself a dose of the sedative.
She doggedly lies to the rest of the crew that she ‘hit her head’ and at the end of the episode Mal seems to be under the impression that it was Saffron’s kiss that knocked her out, not his own.
(I have a theory that Mal knew she kissed him the moment he saw her face when he begins to confront her, but that the fear and acceptance in her eyes made him back off.)
The last time we see Yo-Saff-Bridg, she is being locked into a trash disposal by Inara, who is rightfully smug in her victory. The point is, despite drugging Mal, knocking Wash out, leaving Mal naked in a desert and attempting to steal the beloved Serenity, Saffron lives to run another con.
Saffron is a debatably good example of how a love interest can introduce drama to a love triangle while still maintaining her own character arc outside of her attachment to the hero. Debatable because her time as a legitimate love interest is outweighed by her time as an antagonist.
Unlike the second woman to enter the secondary love interest spot in the Inara/Mal relationship-that-never-was. If there was ever a heart-breaking example of the Other Woman’s untimely demise to push the relationship forward, it’s Nandi. Here we meet a strong, beautiful, sensual woman who is alike and yet completely opposite of Inara. When Inara catches Mal exiting Nandi’s room, still pulling his shirt over his shoulders, she plays it cool and cutting, while Mal’s clenched jaw at her dismissiveness give away his own inner turmoil. In the next scene, we see Inara sobbing on the floor, heartbroken.
Nandi, upon realising that Mal’s feelings for Inara are not unrequited, is herself heartbroken that she would do such a thing to her dearest friend.
And then? Then she dies.
In the bitter aftermath of her murder by a small-town psychopath and sexual predator, Mal finally confronts Inara and admits his true feelings.
Of course, Inara flees in the face of it, likely equally as rattled by Nandi’s violent death as she is terrified of the prospect of choosing between the job she loves and the man she has fallen in love with. That’s not the point; it’s the fact that Nandi had to die to force Mal to face his feelings, and that Damsel Dies for Manpain bullshit is old as fuck.
However, her death is not nearly as tragic as those of any number of women killed off to advance the narrative of the hero and/or heroine. Nandi is her own woman, from her dark eyes to her beautiful mother-of-pearl pistols. Many characters don’t get that consideration. A character being introduced for the sole purpose of romantic narrative should have their own arc, something that makes them more than the single dimension of adding drama to a romance. Furthermore, we must learn to defend the Other Woman, even if we don’t agree with her actions, even if we otherwise despise her character. As women, we must protect women.
PS: if your boyfriend cheats, girl, take out his kneecaps and the side-chick out for coffee.
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necromilk · 7 years
DEC EVENS 2-22, desta odds 1-21, Dante evens 24-44, just for the hay 23-33 for slime, odds 35-45 Bjorn
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
His relationship w his mom is alright, was never really super close to either of his parents but w her he is the closest but even still shes more of a background parent/passive mom
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
oh h a h i’m sure hes actively seen people murdered when he was out on the job so he’s become a bit desensitized to some things
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
if u mean not nightmares, likely running in the woods w wolves–that freedom to embrace himself without fear
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
ofc since he is a cop, first target tho was probably on someone who honestly wasn’t even a threat but pulled his gun out as a self defense and likely missed
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
he actually enjoys casual lounge wear, so less clothes, but he is v self conscious about himself so he wears more clothes
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
the most calm, likely laying in bed post-coital w his partner ilya, just relaxing and enjoying their alone time together
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
he actually remembers smells but he associates that w faces easier, since he kinda needs to know what ppl he’s going after actually look like
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
happiness, but for a while assumed it was just never something he was going to have so he aimed for success in the work place
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
he admires ambition, people who will do things for themselves and are self motivated
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
i think he tends to compare himself more so for self-criticism, in the sense that he feels like he can never do enough to help people and seeing other people succeed in that whenever he fails just makes him feel shitty
What does your character like in other people?
he likes people who speak their mind, people that are confident in themselves but also aren’t afraid to ask for help
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
he likely has cousins somewhere close to his age but hes never met any extended family so he doesn’t really know, and is also an only child
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
he has a pretty good relationship w his dad, though his dad has more of a friendship type relationship with him than a fathership
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
if he HAS pockets in those many robes, probably his pet tiny acramantula Anansi, sometimes an astronomic pocket watch
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
just the usual of either being hunted by hooded men in masks or eaten by a werewolf or seeing his friends and classmates dying horrifically in front of him an unable to do anything to stop it
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
he technically has a stable place to live compared to when he was younger, so I guess so?
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
the first three years of school
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
maybe not like a papercut, but a massive wound might trigger him a bit
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
not at all, he grew up in a way that they didn’t have a lot, out of personal choice, so he could enjoy the people he was around and his experiences as a child instead of money or things
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
it was probably a handmade cloth doll his mother gave him
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
lmfao the relationship flaw is that he doesnt understand intimate relationships at all and yes it sure has fucked a lot of things up for him
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
he is pretty quick to throw blame on other people, in his mind its deserved, also because he can’t handle self blame very well
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
How does your character behave around children?
he loves children, isn’t the most socially adapt at talking w kids but he enjoys them
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
you say the wrong thing and he will likely right hook you followed by loud yelling insult
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
any mythos creature attempting to live with humans, esp the ones in relationships w humans (oh the irony)
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
in any intimate situation with another person that would compromise his emotionally stunted brain
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
unfortunately there are situations where he can’t continue to attempt to make one single method work, so if it fails, then move on to the next one
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
is openly hostile and aggressive, unless its in a public place cuz then its a lot of civil contempt
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
removing the problem/threat insures that it will never be a problem/threat again
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
he did service work growing up, so ofc he is as kind as possible, always prefers talking and being friendly w them
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
He had a teacher in school he really looked up to, was the most positive male role model he had
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
it would take him a good long while, but once he says it, he means it. Never would he say something like that without being genuine or lead someone on
What does your character dislike in other people?
he dislikes uncertainty, and weak willed/ weak minded people
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
he doesn’t trust anyone, but he can tell when someone isn’t going to be a threat that he doesn’t need to be on guard around them
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
maybe not so much suspect someone else as would be quite good at redirecting suspect away from himself onto someone else
How does your character behave around children?
didn’t like kids even when he was a kid
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
being on the receiving end, he casually owns up to what he did and whoeheartedly unapologetic, there fore invalidating the confrontation
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
is better with using his words to turn the confrontation to more his favor, and would only get violent if the other person started it first
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
he had always dreamed of being the bland boring background catalyst character, lo n behold his dreams came true lol
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
showing decency to those who are unworthy of it
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
likely in a room where all the attention isn’t on him, but he is directing everyone from the sidelines
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
having little to no control over someone he had planned on using at some point, but even then i wouldn’t call that uncomfortable
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
he doesn’t criticize himself often, but its likely more on the defensive side that he would disagree with that criticism and try turning it aroung
How does your character behave around people they like?
actually has a fully conversation with them and will actually seek them out or let them join in his company
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
defending his honor,
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
he might’ve been bitten by his childhood cat, but its a cat and cats do as they do
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
he definitely always puts forth the effort to get what he wants, otherwise where is the satisfaction once you get it
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
like taking care of someone younger? no, though he did try tutoring dom but doubt that counts any
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
he is a very logical, non religious person, he knows his body will decay and there is nothing for his soul in the end, but a tiny bit of him is hoping he is wrong and that there is some kind of afterlife
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