#which thankfully the show does acknowledge
arsnovacadenza · 3 months
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British robot tells Japanese robots they are full of sin and therefore must repent
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 month
not according to plan | hjs (teaser)
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summary: your ex-fiance is getting married and everyone you know is going to be there. when he calls to ask if you're coming, you accidentally mention a boyfriend. which would be fine, if you weren't very single. thankfully your best friend comes through with the perfect solution when he sets you up with a friend of his.
pairing: joshua x f.reader genre: fake dating, strangers to ?? | fluff, slight angst, smut rating: explicit (in the full fic), minors DNI word count: ~1.1k in this teaser (full fic ~22k) notes: johnny suh as the ex (sorry!), also includes other idols not in seventeen solely as face claims, there's a heavy focus on the fake dating, mentions of food & drink, warnings to be added to the final fic fic post date: friday, april 26th (full fic here)
a/n: i started this legit months ago as kind of a joke, talking about it with @shuadotcom but it's finally done (and a lot longer than i anticipated).
thank you to: @wonwussy & @kwanisms who read over this for me (too long ago), and to @cheolism @wooahaeproductions @hannieween, & sj for all the brainstorming help along the way. tagging: @aaniag @gyuminusone @crepecakeu
if you'd like to be tagged in this fic (or any of my fics), comment, click here for my tag list, or send an ask 💕
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You still think this is a terrible idea, yet agree to meet Jeonghan’s friend, Joshua, anyway. Apparently, he’s somewhat new to the area, doesn’t know many people, and is incredibly easy to be around. There’s no mention of why Jeonghan thinks he might be willing to pretend to be your boyfriend. A part of you wonders if your friend even told him, but he’s not that cruel. So, whatever the case, Joshua must at least have some idea of what he’s walking into. 
Several days pass between the nightmare of a call from Johnny and you actually meeting Joshua, which only adds to your anxiety about whether or not this is going to work. Johnny is asking for a name for the seating chart and for dinner selections. Your mom wants to know when they’ll be able to meet this new boyfriend before the wedding (because “meeting him for the first time at a wedding is gauche” and we wouldn’t want that). Your sister is convinced that he doesn’t actually exist since you haven’t posted him on social media. That you can at least answer to say that not everyone posts their entire life online like she does. It doesn’t seem to allay her suspicions, though. 
Then, there’s the fact that you’re actually meeting Joshua for the first time at dinner. All you wanted was to go for coffee, yet he insisted. You couldn’t exactly press the point. Not when you’re planning to ask this stranger to pretend to date you just so that you can avoid the embarrassment at your ex’s wedding. On top of that, because Jeonghan really is a demon at his core, you don’t know what Joshua looks like. Don’t know who to look for. Which leads to you doing the only sensible thing and showing up 5 minutes late for dinner, hoping that he’ll already be at the table when you get there.
It works.
When you give the reservation name at the host stand, you’re immediately led back to a table. Without even thinking about it, you smooth your hands down the front of your dress, looking for a small amount of comfort in this situation. It’s not even that you struggle around new people, this is just…well, it’s a lot. It’s out of anyone’s comfort zone. Whatever you’re expecting, it’s not the man sitting at the table the host leads you to. He nearly stops you in your tracks. 
His black hair is perfectly styled down to the pieces on one side that come down over his forehead. The black dress shirt he wears is open at least one button too many, but he makes the exposed chest look work in a way models would envy. Even though his pants are black as well, he makes it look classic and effortless, rather than too dark. That’s all without even acknowledging the soft smile on his face. This man would break a thousand hearts without even saying a damn word. While you’re appreciating him, you miss the way his eyes rake over you appreciatively. Miss the way his eyes trace your curves and the way the dress clings to you. 
In one fluid motion, he’s standing up to greet you, a gentle kiss placed on your cheek. Is it weird if your knees are a little weak? Well, even if it is, there’s nothing you can do. You’re completely captivated. 
“You must be Joshua,” you say. Brilliant, you think. That’s obvious.
“It’s nice to meet you. Jeonghan had nothing but good things to say,” he answers with another smile as he pulls your seat out for you. 
“I feel like he hardly told me about you,” you respond. Joshua raises a perfect eyebrow at that.
“Then why did you agree to go out with me?” Joshua asks. 
“Go out with…is this a date?” The question comes tumbling out. 
Joshua’s eyes widen in genuine confusion. “Is it not?” 
“What, exactly, did Jeonghan say to you?” 
A lot and nothing at all, it turns out. Joshua tells you about how he’s somewhat new to the area, which you knew. About how he met Jeonghan through work, kind of. They work in the same building doing very different things and happened to run into each other getting coffee a handful of times before Jeonghan introduced himself. The two had hung out several times, something Jeonghan had not really mentioned, and gotten to know each other over drinks more than once. The very first time, Jeonghan had mentioned you and Joshua admits immediately being intrigued without pressing for more information. 
In any case, Jeonghan talked about you pretty freely, a fact that’s hardly surprising. Before Joshua texted you, Jeonghan had mentioned, in what Joshua calls an offhand way, that you were sick of dating the same people. According to Joshua, through Jeonghan, you were looking to possibly be set up. (Read: Jeonghan thinks he’s crafty and isn’t going to come out and tell this man what you’re really looking for. Typical Jeonghan, honestly. You know that “offhand comment” was anything but. And you had the audacity to think Jeonghan would have to tell Joshua what he’s getting into. Rookie move.)
Now you’re in a bit of an awkward situation because this man is honestly gorgeous, one of the prettiest humans you’ve ever met. And, already, he seems like he might be sweet with a pretty good sense of humor. It’s just…well, you’re absolutely not looking for a relationship and this is the last person you want to get involved in your mess. Thankfully, you get a moment to catch your breath when someone comes by to take a drink order and suggest an appetizer. It’s just enough time for you to talk yourself into telling Joshua the real story.
To his credit, he only looks mildly surprised as you outline your whole situation, inform him that yes, Jeonghan does know all of this, and clarify why you didn’t actually realize it was a date. It’s hard to miss the way his eyes seem to sparkle a bit when you also admit that he’s absolutely stunning in a way that hurts your feelings. Easier to miss is the way his face barely falls when you say that you’re not actually looking for something right now. Interesting. 
“So that’s the whole thing and now that I’ve embarrassed myself in front of you, I’m sure you’ll understand if we never see each other after tonight,” you finish.
“How am I supposed to go to a wedding as your boyfriend in a matter of weeks if we don’t see each other after tonight?” Joshua wonders.
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let me know if you want to be tagged when i post the full fic next week 💕 (and what you think so far)
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scara-writes · 11 months
orange juice
Beta Female Reader x Y! Omega Male
Beta X Omega I rarely seen those so why not. Let us make it more spicy by making the lead yandere. I still don't understand some concept in omegaverse so... I'm gonna make my own rule lol.
Just a heads up, grammatically errors incoming. Not proof read. Anything that is in this fiction does not meant to offend anyone. That is why it's called fiction.
CW: yandere, cursing, mention of killing.
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"H-hello!" You turn around to see a familiar face visiting your spa. His pretty purple eyes were eccentric the way it brightened up when he saw you acknowledging him. It's the pretty boy you've saved last week from being pick on by the Alphas.
He was surprised that a beta like you actually didn't get intimidated by the presence of them. Well technically you did, but you pretended to be a police officer showing your fake badge and that 'back-up' is on their way to apprehend them when you noticed they were not buying your bluff at first, thankfully the Alphas that were hovering on him retreated. It was kinda funny they weren't intimidated by you until you held out a fake badge that could get them in trouble by their own law.
That idea was dumb but most people always fell for your trick, though you might get in trouble someday for the false identity which is why you only use it for emergency. Long story short, your aunt taught you this for survival in this dog water society.
At first, the pink haired male glared at you, you could careless about him since you were getting annoyed by the fact that they are giving a ruckus outside your spa and its driving away your customers. You don't want your boss finding out about this. The Alpha who guards outside the house is still taking care of his wife, so all the responsibility falls onto you the only beta employee present the rest are omegas because the other betas and alphas employees has different schedule. You were the 'strongest' among the employees inside.
You stare at the omega for a second.
The heck did you do? Why's he glaring at you?
You mentally shrugged before turning around to go back to your shop, not waiting for him to whether or not he should thank you.
A sudden angry shout from him made you pause from your tracks, "You are the same as those men earlier! I-I don't need you to save me!"
You turn to him with a deadpan look. "What are you on about?"
"Y-you think omega's are powerless and need to be protected, that's why you saved me, right?!" You can see he was quivering a little bit, his eyes are starting to show disgust look towards you. "Y-you think we don't need a jobs or—or we just need to sit still and look pretty—to be use like an incubator!" You can feel in his voice that his emotions must have been bubbling out seeing that his talk is becoming incoherent.
You scratched your head and sigh irritation, "Calm down dude. First of all, that is how Alphas that are 'leading' the society viewed omegas which is bullcrap and I don't believe in that, People who thinks like that need to check their brains in the nearby hospital. Also, I believe everyone can be independent and take care of themselves long as they can, I could careless about what the society says they can't control my life. True, omegas may be weak in nature against others but that doesn't mean all of them are weak or they are only used to look pretty for giving an offspring, they can be independent too if they wanted to. Second, you probably know how to handle them seeing you are very composed earlier but this loud noise is giving me a headache and my customers are leaving because how noisy it was. Now, If I offend you in someway well then I apologize. Bye." You gave him a small lazy wave before turning away not waiting for his response, quickly strolling back to your parlor.
So here he was, late at night. You in a closing hours shift since you are the only masseuse left in the parlor on work except your friend who was waiting for you in the employees room clock out for the work and playing, from the game he just downloaded in his app called something impact. Gin san impact? Gone wrong impact? Whatever it was you were hooked when you saw it earlier and will probably download it once you got home.
"Ah yes, welcome." You acknowledge him, awkwardly. You didn't expect him to meet you on your work. He trudges towards you requesting for service menu. You quickly handed him the said item on what were on the lists of your parlor was offering for customers, telling him to sit down while he read the list of services. He skims around the menu for a few seconds before pointing at the service list and you wrote it down; Shockingly, you witness the stranger you met a week ago was going for too many services.
"Oh umm... We are 2 hours closing in. So I think I can only do the first three." You told him. He gave you an 'oh' before agreeing he will try the others the next time when he visits.
"Do you have a partner?"
He was surprised at your sudden question. So you cleared your throat."It's.... In our protocol to ask our customers...and We know that it is personal question."
You can tell he was weirded out but he told you he doesn't have one. You muttered alright and went ahead to take the menu from him. You put them back on the rack as you walk pass him to put the sign close from the glass entrance before going to a cabinet to carry a towel and some thin white cloth for him to change. You wrote his room number and guide him to his room.
He stood up and follows you.
Through out the walk you can feel him staring at your move, making you feel a little tense as the walk in the hallway of doors feels like forever.
You twisted the knob before letting yourself inside first. He smiles at you and walk inside, you gave him the items you brought earlier telling him to change and knock on the door when he is ready.
That's weird, last time you met him. He was very resentful and now he was being smiley and friendly to you. You don't mind at least he was tolerating you for now.
You closed the door behind you putting on surgical mask since some others weren't comfortable smelling their pheromones.
You heard a knock and a small 'I'm ready' and you go in.
He was sitting down. His top were bare, abs were shown on his frame except for his lower part since it was covered by the thin cloth you gave earlier, you can definitely see how smooth his skin was—no scars just a little bruise on his left thigh which is something you definitely won't asked, you quickly look anywhere before he catches you staring at him. The towel were neatly folded along the clothes he wore earlier at the other table.
The pink haired omega was looking at you and he did caught you staring but you don't know that. A small smile escape on his lips. You cleared your throat and lit up three incense candles for relaxation and turn on a relaxing music, you went on the other side of the room where the sink was and washed your hands, sanitizing it using your own towel. You look back at him to see that he was still gazing towards you. He was still sitting, you assumed this must be his first time going to a spa or massage parlor since he should be already laying on his stomach or he must be waiting for you to give him an order since he ask for three different types of session. "You should lay on your stomach so we could start now."
"Why are you wearing a mask?"
You stop applying oil on your hand at his question before resuming again. "...both parties might not be comfortable when a pheromones were smelled."
There was a silence between the two of you.
"I'm going to start now." He nodded, doing what you'd asked earlier and close his eyes. The small round stones were place on his spinal before proceeding on messaging him with your oily hands.
The first few minutes were the same awkward atmosphere except for the jazzy music on the background, Both of your hand slides to his shoulders, wrapping around and gave a small squeeze. You hear him whimper.
"S-sorry!" You shrugged his apologize saying that is normal for customers.
"I umm didn't say thank you when you saved me last week..."
He continued,"sorry for bothering you with your customers."
"Don't mention it. I actually didn't plan on going outside if it weren't for my coworkers since like I mentioned last time you can handle them pretty well." You bit your tongue inside since you don't know how to talk back when someone compliments you or apologize to you. You only wanted to let him know that
He must have noticed that so he continued, "...I didn't catch your name earlier."
You answered him,"It's (Y/n)..."
"(Y/n)." The way your name rolled on his voice makes your body feel a little bit weird.
"(Y/n), huh.. that's a weird name for a beta." You blink at him before chuckling at him. "You're weird. It's a normal name."
He giggled. "My names Luke."
"Your name doesn't suits you." You teased him before telling him to turn around so you can do second session.
He obliged scoffing at you as he lay back down on his back. "H-hey! Luke is pretty cool name."
"I never said it wasn't, I said it doesn't suit you."you gave him a smirk which he pouts. He look cute when he did that.
"The badge you'd shown were fake wasn't it?"
Ah shit, someone noticed it. No use of hiding it then.
"..uhh..yeah, I use it only if things goes out of hands."
The two of you talk for a bit laughing resuming the second session until it was time for his third and final session which is to massage his face.
"Is this your first time... Ummm..doing service for omegas?" His voice were small but you didn't notice he was anticipating at your answer. You hummed thoughtfully before answering. "Hmmm.. not really... I get omegas as my clients but I guess I would say this is the first time that I could finish my sessions with them."
He seemed confused which made you continue, "Ummm... Most partners of theirs were jealous and would almost instantly attack us, telling us that we shouldn't touch them, but we know that we were only doing our job as masseuse so. Of course, the customers paid us of any injuries or damage properties as well as others, we don't blame them, and it was starting to get out of hand.... Since, we don't have any other choice, we hired an Alpha to stop any ruckus. I would lie if I said I don't want to hit one of my clients' unreasonable partners."
"Oh..." You noticed his reaction when he got your question earlier about his status.
"He already went home though. He excused himself just earlier, his spouse needed him so we let him go now." You tell him. He must have realized there was no guard around earlier. Just you at the receptionist counter.
".. What's your thought about Alphas?"
"nothing much, regardless how some of them are uhh... unreasonable when it comes to greed. I'm pretty sure not all of them are all like that."
He didn't respond but you caught him rolling his eyes before closing them. He muttered something but you didn't quite catch it.
You slide and pressure your oily hands on his, you heard a purring, making you look around the room in confusion. Was there a cat somewhere?
You scan your eyes around the room for a bit more only to register that it was actually coming from him.
A little heat coming from your cheeks but you squash it down the feeling as it was inappropriate, it was good thing you were wearing a mask before he can see your reaction.
You didn't do anything about it and continue your work. Luke on the other hand felt euphoric, your hands were doing the God's work. He hasn't tell you what he felt when you save him from the bunch of alpha's trying to court him. He was grateful—no, he wasn't grateful; he was lightened up the fact you view omegas like a normal person and not dehumanising or infantilize them—considering you are a beta and has nothing to do with omega but still! He just felt happy that he wasn't the only one who has that kind of perspective.
You cleaned him up with a towel, you noticed his eyes were half dazed as if he was relaxed, you told him that he can now change back, as you blew off the candle and turn off the jazz music, washing your hands again and drying it off with your own towel. You put the other materials back to where they belong and look at the timer to see you over time. You opened the door and twisting it open to see your friend/co-worker.
He was pouting.
The pink haired male saw him through the doorway before you close the door behind you, and starts talking with your friend. His purple eyes realise he was an omega.
He felt a little pang from his chest.
"Hey, I thought you said you are going to clock out once it hits midnight~!" Tyrenn whined out. He tried to help you carry the items you were holding but you refused as the both of you struts back to the employees room, "He's the last customer."
You threw the towel and the cloth at the hamper before stretching yourself up. "Man, I'm tired." He threw you a bottle of orange juice and you catch it, twisting the cap open and drink a little bit before clocking out of work. You grab your bag and change at the changing room with your casual wear and goes outside from the employees room only with your co-worker. He tells you that you're gonna be excited on what he discovered on the game he played earlier while the both of you starts trudging at the main lobby where the counter was.
Luke was waiting, his eyes brightened up when you arrived. he waited to give you his money but your friend who was clinging at you took it from him, thanking him for accepting your service, putting them at the cash register before locking it.
He lick his dry his lips before turning to you, "Umm...thanks again. The service was great. I-I'll see you next time. It was nice meeting you." He smelled the scent of orange juice that you were holding. It was half full, there were some in the corner of your lips.
Tyrenn grabbed the bottle from your hand and you let him drink it as you start conversing with your last customer.
You nod at him, noticing he was a little taller than you. "Likewise. Should I call you a taxi? It's already past midnight."
He shook his head, smiling. "No it's fine! I live few blocks away from here." He put his left hand on his pocket while the other one was slowly pulling the glass door where he comes in.
"Oh, Be careful. I just heard that there was a serial killer roaming around this time at night killing Alphas. That doesn't mean you should be careless about it. You might never know when the killer change their mind on killing the others." You warned him. The pink haired male nodded again, smiling even more when you're worried for his safety. Tyrenn waved him a goodbye before talking to you again about the game he played earlier as he clings even more to your arms. Luke's eyes slightly twitches at the scene.
"Yes, yes I will! Thank you again!" He walked out of the parlor smiling. When he is few blocks away from the spa, his smile disappear.
He might change his mind on killing your friend though.
want more of him? Tap here
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haespoir · 10 months
[ 3:17 am ]
now playing: cyber sex - doja cat
“mommy, please! i’m sorry!” 
you don’t even want to question his choice of words when they wake you up from your nap, your boyfriend yelping and whining into his mic as he tries to outrun what seems to be an attempt on his life in his video game. donghyuck had promised that he would wake you up after an hour, but based on the grogginess you felt and the fact that sunlight no longer spilled through the curtains in his room, he had broken that promise. 
not that you minded. you were never one to care much about having a set sleeping schedule, and you were positive you could live by just taking small cat naps throughout the day. donghyuck had always teased you for it, using it as an opportunity to call you his little kitten. you were sure it stemmed from his use of discord and being chronically online, but he didn’t let you argue. 
without even speaking a word, you approach him at his desk and tap his arm. if he hadn’t moved his arm, you would think he was ignoring you from the lack of acknowledgement. but he lifts his arm from his keyboard and allows you to straddle his lap, the two of you now squished onto his chair. instantly, your hands are under his shirt, relishing in the warmth that his body supplies you. your own personal heater. 
your head rests on his shoulder as you watch him play his game from the corner of your eye. in this position, you can clearly hear his friends yelling on the call. they even acknowledge your presence, which you only hum half-heartedly at. your boyfriend grumbles at the attention his friends give you, even if you don’t even offer them a single breath yet. 
“nice shot, jeno. you’re so good,” you say, hoping donghyuck’s mic would pick up on your words. and it does. your back is turned to his second monitor, but if you had chosen to lay on your boyfriend’s other shoulder, you would see the way jeno’s eyes curve into a sweet smile at your words. all you can hear is his muffled voice from the headset as he thanks you. though you don’t see jeno’s reaction, you do feel donghyuck’s jaw tighten at the interaction.
“what about me? tell me i’m good too,” donghyuck whines, pressing a small kiss under your ear as he speaks lowly, the words only for you to hear. there was nothing you could do about his small jealous habits. “or else we’ll just show them how good i can be.” 
you don’t offer him a verbal reply, but your hands travel higher up his shirt, ghosting over his nipples. you pinch them gently, eliciting a small moan from the male. thankfully, it seemed his game had ended. and you knew better than anyone that donghyuck loved to be productive during the long queues while waiting for a new game. using your body weight, you press into him, a small grin appearing on your lips when you get another noise of pleasure from donghyuck. he was too easy to please. 
“should we give them a show?” he asks, the question is directed not only at you but to the discord call on his second monitor. you’re sure his friends nod at his words; this wasn’t the first time that you had interrupted their gaming session for some much wanted affection from your boyfriend, and it sure as hell was not going to be the last. 
you grind against his hardening cock, loving the way he groans at the pressure. he slips his headset off and pushes away the mic arm attached to his desk, tapping the mic to mute it. the red light on his mic confirms that he is in fact muted, but the tiny led light on his webcam still glows green. the boys could either watch you, or they could hear you.
after all, donghyuck wasn’t kind enough to truly share all of you. 
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
I read an article about Geralt's chronic pain in book canon, then I remembered Dr. Joachim von Gratz in Witcher 3 saying he could tell Geralt broke his leg at some point. So I took all that and ran with it for this.
Geralt is in pain.
It's an odd phrase, he thinks as he trudges up the stairs to their room. Like pain is a physical place he could escape if he only knew how.
Vesemir had taught them long ago that pain is simply information. Its message should be acknowledged and the rest discarded as useless sensation. A witcher who can't handle pain is a dead witcher, after all; they were forged in agony.
Geralt can never figure out what all of the pain wants him to know, if anything. Why it flares up like this. It's just outdated information.
They're staying at an inn tonight. What used to be a rare luxury on the Path has become commonplace, at least in Jaskier's company. Good thing, too; an unrelenting spring rainstorm is raging outside. Thunder rumbles a mile away and he can taste electricity in the air, not unlike the pain that zaps through his leg with each step.
Jaskier had called for the tub in their room to be filled, thankfully. Geralt casts Igni on the water until it's almost too hot even for a witcher, and sinks into the bath with a relieved sigh. Warmth dulls the pain somewhat, like a blunted blade beneath his skin, but it's still there.
He eventually must leave the bath, however. Getting himself dressed somehow saps away the last of his energy, and Geralt deposits his aching body onto the bed after, letting his mind drift as much as it can. Jaskier is hovering in his periphery. He's talking, as ever, envigorated by an adoring audience, eyes a little wine-bright. Try as he might, Geralt can't focus on his words. There's a cacophony of sounds around him—rain and Jaskier's heartbeat and drunken revelry downstairs and animals in the forest just beyond the village. But eclipsing it all is the pain.
Years of experience and witcher training allows him to bear it without letting the weakness show. He can live with pain, like he lives with the foul taste of potions and their aftereffects, with teleportation sickness and wearing scratchy doublets to formal occasions. With human cruelty. The blood on his hands.
"Geralt, have you been listening at all?"
"Right. You're not even here right now, I see."
He isn't here. He's not in this room or even this country; he is in pain.
"Move over, then. You're taking up the entire bed and I'm knackered."
Geralt does move. It nearly steals the breath from his lungs. He curls in on himself, instinctively, as if the pain weren't coming from within.
"Something is wrong. What is it?"
Jaskier sounds serious now. Geralt doesn't want to ruin his evening.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"I said I'm fine. Leave it, Jaskier!"
He stands up then as if to prove it, but his treacherous knee refuses to cooperate with the simplest command and buckles under his weight. The pain, which had briefly lodged itself near his hip, suddenly radiates sharply down his leg in nauseating waves. He curses.
"You're hurt, aren't you. I thought I saw you favoring one leg earlier. Was it the griffin? Geralt, you have to tell me these things—"
"No," he grits out. "I'm not injured."
"And I'm not stupid, you know. You can barely walk! Clearly—"
"Old wounds. Just...still troubles me sometimes. All right? Nothing to worry about."
There is a long, uncharacteristic silence following his confession. Geralt fears he may have finally broken him.
"Well," the bard says at last, "You're a fool if you think that will stop me worrying about you."
"I can manage." His arm doesn't hurt much tonight, at least, and he gets to sleep in a real bed. Small mercies.
"Oh, I've no doubt of that, certainly. You're the most stubborn man I've ever known. I also know you rarely permit yourself even the slightest modicum of comfort."
"Does anything help when it gets bad?"
"Potions. Meditation." Jaskier looks hopeful at this, and he feels a little guilty for having to crush those hopes so soon when he adds, "But not this time. I don't have enough potions to waste them like that."
"Meditation, then? I can be as quiet as you need, contrary to popular belief."
"Hurts too much," Geralt admits. Then, maybe to ease Jaskier's concern, he says, "The bath helped a little."
"Good, that's a start. Now, I know what works for me might not work for you, but I've a few remedies. Will you let me try to help?"
"Didn't know you were a priestess of Melitele," he grumbles.
"Sadly the temple refused to accept me for study, can't imagine why, so I had to become a bard instead," he quips.
"I thought you were tired."
Jaskier ignores this comment. He can hear the bard rummaging around in his bag.
"Where is it. This salve saved my life when I was a student at Oxenfurt. They had us practicing the lute for hours and hours; I thought my hands would fall off. My wrists still hurt sometimes. Then there was the— Ah! There. Geralt? Still with me?"
"Yes. What?"
"Normally I prefer to say this under much more pleasant circumstances, but: trousers off, if you please."
He groans. Doesn't Jaskier understand how much work it was to get them on?
It's a slow process, mostly because he refuses any help with it.
"Oh, Geralt," he says softly. The bard touches his knee, gentle as a summer breeze. "It does look swollen here."
In truth, he's strangely glad of that. It's much worse somehow when it hurts and yet appears perfectly normal.
"Are you allergic to any herbs? This has got, uh, let's see. Chamomile, willow bark, ginger, essential oil of—"
"I drink poison on a regular basis, Jaskier. Apply the damn salve already."
He does. Geralt closes his eyes. He isn't sure any simple salve will even be enough to touch the pain, but the way Jaskier massages his leg seems to ease a bit of the tension coiled in his muscles, if nothing else. After a while he starts to relax. He listens to the rain. He breathes.
"'M sorry I snapped at you earlier," Geralt murmurs into the pillow. "Wasn't fair."
"It wasn't. But you're already forgiven. Feeling any better?"
Geralt shrugs, because while it is becoming background noise again, he's still in pain. Pretty much always is. No amount of soft touches or herbs or magic can fix that completely.
Being here in pain with Jaskier, though, is better than being alone.
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Little but Fierce VI
She winds up… there's the pitch…
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Poor Nick. It never stops being funny. I'd feel sorrier that this happened to him but he's such a bastard in his introductory episode. It's like karma in advance.
Heheh. Kar-ma.
Meryl and Wolfwood behave very much like siblings to each other, while Vash and Roberto treat them like their awful terrible kids. Roberto does actually try reach out to Vash as a mentor once or twice, but of course Vash is fuck-off old and doesn't need that kind of assistance, so he's gently deflected. Roberto is old and wise enough to keep his distance. Nick, for his part, enjoys pissing Roberto off, and Roberto is for his part duly pissed off.
Still, Vash is the reason they're all even there in the first place and Meryl shows him concern. And Vash, in his way, fusses over Nick the way Roberto feels responsible for Meryl. A lot of what Vash does, he's doing pretty much solely for Wolfwood's benefit. I mean, look at this pathetic wet kitten of a man - you can't tell me he doesn't need it.
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I've already talked at some length about why exactly Vash is like he is about Wolfwood, but what's he like about Meryl?
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Pretty much exactly as fond. He's just quieter about it. To my read, he's confident she and Roberto can look after themselves and each other. That's really endearing to him, but not something he has to do anything about. And Meryl's not suffering the same kind of identity crisis as the Punisher/Wolfwood/Nico. Meryl knows exactly who she is, she's just trying to get everyone else to acknowledge it, and Vash does so from the first - she's never anything but "Meryl" to him, not "newbie" or "little lady". She never has to demand that of him.
Nor is she in directly a victim of his godawful brother, which thankfully means she isn't his responsibility to help - or at least, no more so than any given human. Also, it's Vash. What's that? Someone is invested in his well-being? Golly, that sounds suspiciously like he's being cared for (which of course he doesn't deserve), or (more reasonably) like someone vulnerable to being caught up in Knives's manipulations. Or just someone vulnerable to Knives period. Stampede out!
I though you guys were buddies./I thought you three had something special. 
No way./Yeah, not really.
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Too bad for him, he's met his match in Meryl Stryfe.
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In direct contrast to every other character around Vash, she's only one there not because she has to be, or because she needs or wants something from him, but because she decided to be. She's one of the only characters with agency, after all.
Real people aren't monsters like that./He's a man, not a monster.
But I won't give up, no matter how unreasonable the assignment!/I won't abandon an assignment just because it's silly.
We can't just leave him hanging here./No way. We can't just leave him here.
And she's also decided he needs help. So come hell or high water, this man is getting helped.
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It's her knack for finding the truth without quite knowing the reasoning behind it. In physical terms Vash really, really doesn't need help, and it's the mistake Knives always makes; that because Vash ostensibly doesn't have powers like him, he's in need of a defender. (And because this is Knives, that means it's up to him personally, and he's entitled to Vash and his exclusive love/loyalty/devotion in return. Any protests Vash makes are clearly just human corruption.) But what Vash actually needs is something his brother has never, in any version of the story, demonstrated the capacity to give him. Even sensitive little boy Knives back in Maximum relied on others for reassurance up until the moment he decided he couldn't.
Vash is more inclined to be someone others rely on, to the point of being maladaptive. It's being unable to help that gets to him, especially when he's held responsible.
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What he needs is emotional support. Or, well... faith.
Wolfwood gives that to him eventually, but it takes some serious work, and it comes with its own attendant difficulties, like the fact that Nick's not in a position to extend Vash help himself no matter how much he might want to. Nick is, like Rosa and like Vash, a pragmatist. Do what you have to do.
Meryl has never needed that kind of direct demonstration. To her, Vash is a person, and people always need help, and she's not going to be prevented giving it. End of discussion. And despite being mistaken on some particulars, on this point she's more right than even she knows.
The contrast with Wolfwood is incidentally why Meryl hitting Woofwoof with the truck isn't just fucking funny, it's the perfect way for him to be introduced. He can't catch the same bus as Vash by happenstance because this time Vash is his actual target. He can't have Angelina II because personal transport is autonomy he's not permitted to have.
Instead, Meryl's own autonomy and narrative significance had her run the plot right into him, completely ruining whatever plans were laid for his entrance. Notice Roberto tries to steer Meryl away from the collision course they're on, to no avail, and Vash winds up flipped over. Fantastic.
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Wolfwood is getting dragged around; Meryl is the one doing the dragging. When she discovers Vash's secrets, she works to accept them and integrate them into her worldview - which means that the moment she learns he's a Plant, she doesn't reject him or become fearful of him. She instantly accepts that must mean the Plants are also people. That gives her a fuller understanding of the conflict, and especially Vash's view of it, than most. It's not a matter of "Whose side are you on?" It's "How do we move forward together?"
Wolfwood's knowledge has all been filtered through the Eye of Michael, so he's more aware of the details, but can't disentangle his true beliefs from the ideology driving them.
Meryl has a better understanding of the abstract. And that, in turn, entitles her to learn what the available methods are, and judge them...
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...But it also entitles her to something more precious: Vash's unquestioning trust.
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It's certainly much less dramatic than the demonstrations between Vash and Nick, but I have to say: any amount of exposure to Knives and his histrionics would leave me, at least, pretty relieved to have it.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VII
Part IX
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skythighs · 1 month
Calista's Dream: Blood on my Tongue
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I am just pushing this story out like it's nothing. That's the power of Feyd Rautha Harkonnen because I've literally never posted any of my writing until this. I'm so inspired ✨️ I hope you all are enjoying the story progress once again future chapters will contain sexual content so 18+ please.
Warnings:blood consumption
Word count:2.8k
Chapter 2
The next morning was slow. It was customary to sleep in after a welcoming feast given the guests usually over indulged in much wine. I was just thankful for a brief reprieve before our official courting began. My hand was wrapped neatly by Dr. Yueh last night. It stung whenever I tried to flex my hand slightly. I’m still not sure what compelled me to slice my palm just because he requested it. At the moment it seemed like the right thing to do but upon further reflection, I think it was a mistake. I only showed him that if he insisted I would bend to his will, because that is exactly what I did. I gave him what he asked for. I gave him my blood and he loved it. I can still recall the look in his predatory eyes when he saw my bright red blood coat the dagger. For a moment I thought he might lick it clean but thankfully he did not.
“My lady, it’s time for your promenade with the Na Baron.”
I wash my face at my vanity trying to mentally prepare for the day ahead. 
“He also requested a tour of the training yard. He needs to train daily, Lady Calista.”
“Of course thank you for informing me.”
With that she readied me for the mid day meal.
Yet again in the great hall Feyd Rautha and my father are seated identically to last night. They rise to greet me, but this time Feyd pulls out my chair without interruption from my father. I kiss my father on his cheek the same way I have every morning since I was a girl and he strokes my hair affectionately. Once I take my seat I greet The Na Baron with a simple 
“Good Morning.”
 My mother looks on with a sincere smile nodding her head in greeting. Her love had always been more reserved, more private than my fathers affections, but I knew she would do anything for me just as he would. 
Na Baron Harkonnen seems taken aback by the display of affection between father and daughter and thus does not relay a ‘Good morning’ in return. The food is quickly delivered and everyone begins eating without another word spoken. In order to break the ice Cali faces Feyd.
“I was informed you wanted to see the training yard. One of the maids mentioned training daily back on Giedi Prime. Is that true?”
He cuts his eyes to her youthful face and damp hair.
“Yes, it’s true. Why do you ask?”
“I also train daily. Perhaps we could-”
“-Cali, no I don’t think that's a good idea.” Said Leto.
“I would be honored, my lady.” said Feyd.
Jessica and Leto looked apprehensive. 
“Father? Is it alright?”
He nodded his approval, reluctant to offend the Na Baron.
An hour later I was dressed in my training garb which consisted of tight yet stretchy britches and a white peasant top tucked in neatly to the britches. I knocked on Feyd Rautha’s chamber in three sharp raps. He opened the door only a crack before seeing me and widening the gap.
“Are you ready Na Baron?”
He nodded once stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. They walked silently together with him just a few short paces behind her, out of her peripheral vision. 
“Our training yard has an awning so even when it rains we can enjoy the fresh air. The indoor area can get stuffy at times.” I was actually looking forward to sparring with him. I was eager to see if the rumors and gossip about him being a brutal animal were true. I felt a thrill deep down at the thought of it; seeing him for the beast he was rumored to be. 
“Here we are.” I pushed open the large double doors where some of the men were training under Duncans supervision. He nodded to me acknowledging mine and Na Baron Harkonnen's presence, but he did not approach. 
“Where would you like to start? Hand to hand perhaps?”
I offered hoping he would agree.
“Are you sure you’re capable?” He gestures to my wrapped hand that I had somehow forgotten about.
“It’ll be fine. It’s just sparring right?”
We make our way to an available mat standing on opposite sides of the circle. His eyes are watching me more closely than usual which seems impossible. He gestures for me to make the first move. So I approach him slowly and deliberately. I strike out at his neck before he swiftly dodges the blow countering with a blow of his own which lands on my left side. I expected him to be a bit slower given his stature, but I was wrong. Noted.
 We trade blows back and forth, none landing. I was small and quick but he was using his size against me. He tried cornering me so I couldn't retreat before he grabbed hold of me. At the last second he was able to grab me and bring my back to his front. He wrapped his arms around my middle. For a moment we just breathe a bit worn out from the previous events. We had gone on for nearly ten minutes just grappling no one landing a single blow since his very first attack.
“You're fast my lady. I almost couldn’t catch you... almost.” He whispered right in my ear.
“You’re surprisingly fast for someone of your size, Na Baron. I’ll admit I was expecting slow but powerful blows.” I try to face him but his grip doesn’t allow for it.
“You adapted quickly. I was only able to land the first blow, I’m impressed, but you’re holding back.”
I try to turn to face him but he refuses to let me out of his grip.
“We’re just sparring are we not? Do you want me to unleash my full capabilities?” 
“I will if you will.” He whispers yet again in my ear.
With that I fling my head back catching him while he leaned into my ear to speak. The blow is enough for him to momentarily lose his grip and I use it to my advantage striking him in his gut with my elbow and moving out of his reach.
He smiles a black toothed smile at me, and I feel pride briefly before he charges at me full force and before I can even think he slams me on the foam mat knocking the breath from my body. Now at the advantage he straddles me at my waist totally trapping my legs. I try to use the menuvors Gurney taught me to use against bigger opponents but he pins my hands flush against the mat earning the attention of Duncan and the other soldiers present. 
I buck my hips trying with all my might to knock him off kilter, but it’s all for nothing. He’s too big, even with my years of training my strength will never be a true match to his. His eyes are even brighter than last night as I fight with everything inside of me to free myself. I manage to slip my bandaged hand out of his grasp from the sheer amount of sweat that has gathered there, and I slap him across the face with my full power. He grips my injured hand again this time squeezing it, pulling a whimper from me. I feel my cut reopen and he seems to notice this as well because he hasn’t looked away from my hand yet. I stop fighting and watch him intently as he removes the bandage exposing a small trickle of blood pooling on my palm. 
Hunger. That’s what I see in his eyes right now and it frightens me to my core. I heard tales from Gurney that some Harkonnen partake in cannibalism, but I never thought my betrothed would be one. Slowly and with all the fluidity of a snake he leans down and licks the pool of blood into his onyx mouth. His tongue startlingly pink compared to his black teeth makes me gasp. I freeze in fear and watch him while still pinned down beneath him as he licks my hand free of any blood that has gathered. Once he finishes his task he slowly rises off of me. I continue to lie on the floor shocked until Duncan Idaho kneels beside me.
“Cali, are you hurt?” He asked as he looked me over, but I couldn't pull my eyes away from Feyd Rautha.
“I’m fine Duncan, we were just sparring.” 
Who am I trying to convince? Every man here just saw him toss me around like a rag doll and lick my blood clean from my palm and now he’s staring at me like he wanted to come back over here and devour me bones and all. Duncan pulls me up to my feet, hands on my shoulders as he waits for me to shake off whatever spell I was under.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He persists.
I finally break my trance and look away from Feyd Rautha. I nod my head looking up at Duncan. He was like an older brother to me, somehow older but less mature. But here and now there was no playfulness in his eyes, only deep deep concern for me.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it. I’m gonna go get this taken care of.”
I gesture to my throbbing hand. Duncan nods at me and releases me from his grasp.I find myself looking at Feyd again, but now he only has eyes for Duncan.
“You will take her place, Atreides' pet.” He spits at Idaho.
That was the last thing I heard as I left the training room face red from all the pitying looks from the men there. He made a fool of me in front of them all. This is what my father was worried about I suppose. I just proved to everyone I’m nothing but a weak little girl.
I sit totally tuning out Dr. Yueh as he asks me about my wound. I couldn’t focus on a word he said. I felt so exhausted and weak physically. My father wanted me to be able to hold my own when this day came, but Feyd proved I was nothing compared to him. How would I survive this? What will my father say?
Later in the day I was soaking in a warm bath spiraling down a rabbit hole of self deprecating thoughts. I was nothing compared to him. If I hadn't been born so small. If I hadn't been born a girl. My back was stiff from the force of being slammed. I realize now, no one had ever handled me so roughly. No one had ever used their full strength on me before. Not Gurney, not Duncan, no one. The thought alone makes tears pool in my eyes. My own perfect little world has been shattered by the truth. I’m not the future Duke. I’m the future Duchess. The very taste is bitter on my tongue.
“I can feel your bad mood from the chamber door.”
I gasp, clutching my heart.
“Mother, you scared me half to death. When did you get here?”
My mothers emerald orbs stare deep into my chestnut ones.
“Speak plainly Calista, your father has already been informed of what transpired today in the training yard.”
I cringe to myself, holding my eyes closed to stop the tears from falling. My mother hated when I cried. I hear her move about the bathing room grabbing something before I feel her gently brush my hair.
“Talk to me, my girl.”
“He bested me. We agreed to stop holding back and he beat me so quickly- I- I can’t face him again.”
“Ah, your pride is wounded. So much of your father is in you my darling.”
“It’s not just pride, mother. I was- I was afraid of him.”
The silence is loud. 
“You were afraid? Why?”
“He overpowered me so quickly, but I fought hard, so hard, and still he would not be moved by me.”
“You’re hiding something. I feel it.”
“He tasted my blood. He looked like a man starving, and I felt such an unfamiliar fear reach my heart.”
Jessica remains silent and just listens as she diligently brushes. 
“He wanted to devour me.”
“Shhh. Don’t cry. I think perhaps what he exhibited was sexual attraction for you.”
“No Gurney told me about cannibalism amongst House Harkonnen. What sort of normal person licks another human being's blood.”
“Calista, blood can be...erotic to some. I highly doubt Feyd Rautha is a cannibal. I think he desires you and you brought that forth while sparring today.”
I open my eyes considering her words.
“I didn’t think of that.”
“You are innocent, I wouldn’t expect such a thing to cross your mind. You can use that desire to your advantage, Cali.”
“Yes, I suppose I can.”
There's an awkward silence before lady Jessica speaks up.
“Why didn’t you use the voice?” There was a tension in her shoulders.
“Because fear is the mind killer. I couldn’t even think.” She admits in shame.
“Do not be ashamed. Let this be a lesson to you Calista, for if you are ever in harm's way your greatest enemy is yourself.”
“I understand.”
“Get out of the tub. It’s time to entertain your betrothed, he still expects a promenade before the evening meal.”
With that she pulls out her dress of choice while leaving Cali to finish her bath in peace.
There was a brief break in the rain clouds so I decided  to take Feyd Rautha to the gardens before we went to the evening meal together. Beyond the garden was the rocky seashore and Feyd seemed transfixed on the water that lay beyond that.
“Let's take a closer look.”
I boldly grab his hand tugging him along near the ragged rocks edge. There was a rocky beach about five feet below.
“What is Giedi Prime like? What can I expect?”
“Nothing like this. In fact it’s the opposite of this. No lush grass or tall standing trees, and certainly no body of water as enchanting as this.”
He sounds harsh in his delivery, but it doesn’t deter me.
“What of your family? Are they looking forward to our union?”
“They are.”
He doesn’t elaborate or even look my way. He simply stares out as the waves crash below us on the rocky shore. The mist from the seaspray damps my hair and I decide we should leave so we aren't soaked through while we eat.
Tonight's meal passed by without much incident unlike last nights and I’m thankful the day is over when I climb into my bed. Physically and mentally exhausted from the last two days.
That night my dreams were plagued by sand dunes, and the sound of a baby crying with all their strength. As I walked along the sand dune I found myself heavily with child and the crying was coming from within me, only I could hear my son cry out. Feyd appeared suddenly in my dream and my son's cries stopped abruptly as he kneeled before me speaking calmly to my large midsection. He even stroked me lovingly there on his knees. A kick from within my womb drags me out of my sleep and I shoot up out of my bed. It felt so strong. So real. This was no dream, this was a vision. The very first one since my childhood. A son? Why was this so familiar to me and yet so foreign. How did I know the life inside of me was male? I don't know how I know, but he was soothed by Feyd Rautha’s presence. The child in my womb recognized his fathers voice even now when he hasn’t yet been conceived.
In the weeks that followed Feyd Rautha pulled away from me. He would not engage in idle chit chat no matter how hard I tried to interact with him. His eyes were dead again even when looking at me, and some part of me didn’t like that. He was clearly just going through the motions of courting because it was requested but some part of me wanted us to know one another. Ever since the vision when I saw another side of him, I've longed to see more. He was tender in my vision, stroking my heavily pregnant womb gently and with great care. I wanted to see that side of him again, but who knew how long that would take. However, I resigned myself to the fact that I would indeed be marrying a stranger despite my best attempts. He had even gone so far as to avoid me during training. Only arriving while I still slept peacefully and leaving as soon as I appeared. 
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980
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anonymousoneshots · 11 months
Thing For Me (Part 3)
Roman Reigns x Reader
Rating: 18+ NSFW
Warnings: Dry Humping, Kissing, Public
A/N: I know this is a shorter chapter, but I have so many ideas for this. This is just the beginning. Let me know if you want to be part of the squad! And please let me know your thoughts about that ending. 😉
Squad: @pusiqw @fame-ass-ers @lux-angels @fictitiousbeing @southerngirl41
It was Saturday of the following week and you were heading into the backstage area at a house show, your first event since Wrestlemania. Your encounter with Roman had consumed your every thought. You couldn’t shake the feel of his fingers gripping your bare thigh, or his voice so close to your ear. You also couldn’t forget how quickly his demeanor had changed, and how awful he made you feel before you left. Your mind was chaos, and Roman was in every whirlwind.
Why had he acted so crass? How could he be so magnetic and warm, then suddenly go rigid? Was I a disappointment? God, he was probably grateful for Jimmy’s interruption and to be rid of having to please me. I was a fool, and this was most definitely a game to him. I fully expect everyone here to know what we did, how I threw myself at him. How many girls has he run dry? And if he’s really that bad, then why does my stomach flip at the thought of his touch, why does my mind keep defending him? How do I shake this thing for him?
Despite your hurt, there was a piece of your heart that leapt at the thought of seeing him. What a mess he’s made of me. You turn the corner lost in your thoughts, and nearly walk right into him.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you say before realizing who it was. You glance up and meet his gaze, and your stomach drops. He looks bored. You wait for him to say something, but instead he steps past you and continues walking down the hall. You stand there for a moment, stunned. The bastard didn’t even acknowledge me. What is his problem? You sigh and shake your head, continuing down the hall, which now seems infinitely emptier.
The whole night you were avoiding everyone. You refused to meet anyone’s gaze, and kept to yourself with your head low. You just had to make it until the end of the night, then you could continue avoiding everyone until Monday. You pretty much had a successful night of no interaction until you best friend, Serena, spotted you walking and jogged over. She was one of the seamstresses for the women’s ring gear.
“[y/n]! Wait up. You look like someone ran over your dog,” she remarked. You stop walking and begrudgingly turn to face her. You suppose you did look rather distant, maybe even a little disheveled.
“I’m fine,” you managed, and smiled at her. In an effort to change the subject, you pointed over to her work station.
“Who’s gear are you fixing up today?” She narrows her eyes at you, but thankfully decides not to pry.
“Becky’s, and I’m way behind. I’ll catch up with you later?” She kisses her fingers and lightly touches them to your cheek before turning around and heading back to work.
“Perk up! Roman’s match is next,” she calls over her shoulder.
Despite yourself, you watch Roman’s match. Despite him being an asshole and leaving you in the dust, you couldn’t turn away. He was thriving off the heat from the crowd, and you caught your lips turning up at that cocky, satisfied grin that plastered his face as he circled his grounded opponent. He was a wolf, and your skin was prickling at the memory of him eyeing you like that. Shaking the sensation creeping up your thighs, you click off the TV and turn away. Screw him.
Roman’s match was the last of the night. After packing up your things, you moved to head out of the arena as quickly as possible, throwing on a pair of black sweats over your ring gear. Winding through the labyrinth that was backstage, you pass lots of familiar faces. And each time you glance up at a face that isn’t Roman, your heart stumbles. You’re nearly at the exit where the buses are waiting for you when you overhear a conversation.
“The Bloodline don’t lose, man!” It was Jey’s voice. You quickly steal behind an empty hallway and peer around the corner, listening. Jey and Jimmy were standing in front of Roman, clearly fired up about something.
“Wait until Monday, we’ll hand his ass to him,” Jimmy chimed in. Wait. Roman… lost? Your gaze drops to the floor as your eyebrows furrow, not grasping the fact that he actually lost. That hasn’t happened in years. A small laugh of disbelief escapes your lips. Serves the asshole right. Karma is a God. You glance up to notice Roman’s eyes drilling into you. You’d been made. Blood rushes to your cheeks as you quickly turn away and start down the hall. Shit.
“[y/n].” This was some serious deja vu.
“Why is it I’m always catching you sneaking?” He questions you.
“You lost tonight,” you say, and turn around to face him. This is the first conversation you’ve had since you stormed out of his room.
“You sound surprised. Didn’t watch your Tribal Chief tonight?” Roman teased, a wolfish grin playing at the corner of his lips. You unconsciously squeeze your thighs together. Roman referring to himself as Tribal Chief made heat rush to your core. You tilt your chin up defiantly, refusing to let yourself melt for him
“Maybe you’re to blame for my loss.” Roman steps closer to you, and you can feel the warmth radiating off his body. You can smell the scent of his sweat mixed with soap, teasing your senses. Roman leans in closer to you, speaking softly so only you can hear.
“Maybe you need to be punished.”
“And you need to get over yourself,” you retort, despite the pooling at your core. “I’m not a toy, Roman.”
You turn on your heel and start to walk away, but he grabs your wrist and whirls you back around. A playful smile rests on his lips.
“But you can be. And I promise you’d like it.”
You immediately drop your gaze, extremely flushed. So much for defiance. Roman is still gripping your wrist, holding you in place, so close to him. Suddenly you come to your senses about where you are, and worry that someone will witness the interaction. You tug your arm and try to release his grip, but he doesn’t budge.
“Roman,” you say, looking up at him, a bit of panic alight in your eyes, “someone could see.”
His grin expands as he releases his grip on your wrist and takes a small step back.
“Where’s the fun in being cautious?” He asks.
“If your idea of fun is being reckless and a grade-A dick, I’m not interested.”
Roman lets out a laugh, and walks around you like a predator planning how to enjoy their meal. Your heart picks up speed, and you take a deep breath in. He really is toying with you. And fuck him and your senses, because you’re so turned on by it. He makes his way back to face you, and reads you like a book. Suddenly his hands on on your waist and he’s pushing you backwards, lifting you up and setting you down on one of the roadie trunks. His body is positioned between your legs, and his face is inches away from yours.
You can feel his dick hardening through his pants, pressing into your aching core. He places his hands flat on the trunk at your sides, leaning in closer. Your lips part in anticipation of a kiss, but he just studies your eyes. You’re both breathing rather heavily, waiting for the other to make a move. You can’t take the tension anymore as what feels like minutes pass, so you crash your lips into his, gripping his bare chest. He kisses you back hungrily, grabbing your wrists and pulling your hands away from him, wrapping your arms behind your back.
Your core is pulsing, and he’s grinding his dick against you with every movement. You want more of him, all of him, right now. But he still has your arms pinned behind your back, and you’re helpless. He pushes his tongue past your lips and explores your mouth. He tastes like peppermint. You start to try to wriggle your arms free as he devours you, needing so desperately to touch him, but his grips just tightens. He pulls away a moment later and studies you, breathless with reddened lips. You swear you can feel his dick twitch though his pants. You don’t want him to stop. You need more, more, more.
“Is that your idea of not interested?” Roman remarks, allowing you to catch your breath. “You were just so worried someone would see us standing close together then you dry humped me on the roadie cart,” he says playfully.
Your face flushes as you remember you’re in the middle of the hallway backstage, where anyone can walk by. You quickly wiggle free of his grip and push him away as you hop off the trunk. You start to glance around to catch any witnesses, but Roman, grabs your chin and makes you look at him instead.
Roman laughs again. “I’m going to have so much fun playing with you.”
“Screw you,” you say, as you tear your chin out of his grip and take a step back.
“I know you want to,” he replies smoothly, “but you’ll just have to wait.”
Suddenly you were seeing red, so filled with rage at him for playing with you and finding your frustration and panic amusing. You were about to tear him a new one, when you notice Jey down the hall, staring at you both.
The smirk on Jey’s face told you all you needed to know. He just nods his head as your gaze falls on him, and you swear you see his adjust himself through his sweats.
You’d been made. And if two was dangerous, what makes three?
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deathbxnny · 11 months
☆《Hsr men with a Nene Kusanagi!Teen!Reader》☆
A/N: So I accidentally lost this request, because I wanted to save it as a draft and accidentally posted it and deleted it in panic... but thankfully, I play project sekai religiously (I'm a die-hard Kanade main!♡) and know the character very well, so I'll just recreate it here... I'm really embarrassed and sincerely apologise to the Anon who sent in the request!<33
Featured characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Gepard
Content: Platonic relationships, teen reader, hsr men are fatherly figures here, fluff, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Blade didn't think much of you at first and generally was even a little annoyed by you being assigned to him to take care of, due to his closed off nature. But with some time, he began warming up to you much to his dismay and eventually accepted his fate with you being in his life now.
He doesn't really care for slot of your hobbies or talents, especially as they aren't battle related. But if you seemed proud of something, he'll give you a head pat and a nod of acknowledgement as praise. He likes to hear you sing as well, whilst he cleans his swords, since it helps him relax.
Blade doesn't mind letting you behind him, whenever you two meet new people. It's a way to keep you safe and to make sure you don't get overwhelmed. He's very intimidating and generally keeps people away from you this way, something he secretly does on purpose for you.
》Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan didn't think twice in taking you in and just accepted you due to the circumstances you were in. He didn't treat you any different from the way he treated Yanqing, but he ofcourse also kept you shyness in mind. He found you quite adorable and it didn't take you long to warm up to him either.
He praises you for your many talents and supports you in any way he can, finding your singing and acting especially fascinating. He'll make you join cultural events, so that many other people will be able to see and praise your skills as well. He's just so proud of you and it shows.
He finds the way you hide behind him due to your shyness, whenever you meet someone new, quite cute and amusing. He might gently tease you for it, but also push you to be more confident by speaking to the person as well. He won't ever force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with however, ofcourse.
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng takes you under his wing due to a sense of duty. He was asked to do so and therefore he will, but he didn't expect to actually warm up and bond with you eventually. You two are very quiet and calm people, so it was easy for you to get along and co-exist next to eachother.
You two often ended up spending alot of time in the archive room together, where he taught you all about the data banks and you in turn taught him how to play some video games with you. He was confused at first, but soon found himself to be rather good at it somehow. He listens to you sing and watches you act, before nodding like a proud father would in acknowledgement.
Dan Heng isn't necessarily good with new people either, so he'll avoid people with you. He doesn't mind you hiding behind him either and will make sure to end the conversations fast enough, so you don't get uncomfortable or overwhelmed.
》Gepard Landau
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Gepard took you with slight hesitance, mainly because he was unsure if he could handle taking care of a teen. But due to your quiet and shy nature, he quickly learned that there was nothing to worry about. You two bond over music, especially with Serval around, as she made sure Gepard warms up to you quicker by spending alot of time with you.
Whenever Gepard is unable to take care of you due to his work as a Captain on the front lines, he makes sure Serval takes care of you, which she gladly does. He enjoys watching your performances with his sister, where you sing and dance happily on stage for everyone to see your great talents. It fills him with ease and content, knowing that you're comfortable with him and his family. He also praises you alot for your talent and supports everything you do fully.
He doesn't mind talking to new people for you, when you first meet and in general might even prefer it due to safety reasons. He'll make sure to end interactions quickly however, when he notices you being too uncomfortable or nervous.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you and sorry again to the Anon of this request!<33
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Hello! Can I request dating headcanons of Earthspark Bumblebee and Arcee with a human s/o 👉👈
I have been waiting for a chance to write these bots, thank you dear anon! It's totally not because I've fallen hard for both of them...
Bless his spark, this bot will never stop trying to play it cool around you, but it never really works. You have the power to fluster him with even the tiniest gesture. It's especially bad when he first gets hit with feelings, as even the tiniest bit of acknowledgement from you turns him into a blushing mess. A single wave while he's driving is nearly enough to send him off the road.
He's always going to try and show off for you, though same as above, he goes heavy on this at the start of the relationship. If you carry anything, he will offer to get it for you, and if you need anything heavy moved by Primus he is going to be there and make a big show of how not heavy it is. This of course extends to lifting you around on his shoulder whenever you ask (he will also offer often), and the resulting smile of pride is adorable enough that you rarely decline.
You are the only human he's eager to give rides to. If you're up for it, he actually loves to show off while you're in the passenger seat, going full throttle on open roads to have a bit of fun. That's not to say he isn't also open to giving you a lift for your errands if needed, so long as he can enjoy the scenic route with you. Commenting on his alt mode being cool will have him more or less skipping with joy the entire day.
Behind closed doors he's very affectionate, but he's quite shy about it despite loving the attention, and you'll have to warm him up to certain things. Gentle kisses on his helm have him melting into you, but just sitting and talking gets him the softest. He likes to have conversations at eye to optic level, and that means when you're alone together he'll usually prefer to be on the ground or holding you up in his arms. Resting on his chassis is another option, and undoubtedly it's his favorite.
Being in hiding means you have to be careful together, but he still wants to go on dates, even if they're small. Spending his days teaching makes him quite appreciative of quiet moments, so a nice drive at night to somewhere secluded is his favorite way to treat you. He'll even let you choose what's on the radio!
She is not ever going to be subtle about any of this. Ever. She is going to start openly flirting the moment she takes an interest in you, and she will make it plainly obvious to anyone in earshot that she finds you very attractive. As soon as you show any appreciation for the compliments she'll ask you out, and that level of boldness will not diminish throughout your entire relationship.
She loves nothing more than showing you off, and she will do so to anyone nearby. If she can she'll put you on her shoulder to make sure everyone can see she's with the hottest human on earth. It's only a matter of time before news outlets catch pictures of the two of you together, and when asked she readily introduces you as her significant other. Humanity will be more than a little obsessed with your relationship, but there's not a thing GHOST can do to stop either of you. Thankfully the paparazzi isn't interested in stalking a bot capable of turning a news van into a pile of scrap with a single kick.
Not only does she love showing you off, she thoroughly enjoys showing off for you, and she's not at all opposed to public affection if you're interested. Carrying you in her arms is absolutely on the table, and she loves to gush about how cute and tiny you are. You'll do a lot less walking once the two of you get together.
Of course she loves taking you on long drives, but her idea of a fun time on the road will necessitate the use of a seatbelt, as she's a big fan of offroading. Her alt mode not being built for it doesn't stop her at all, though she will get you a helmet for when things get a little rough, which is often. Drag races are also on the table if you're down for some riskier fun.
There are a lot of human activities she can't participate in, but she tries to have as much fun with your dates as possible. Drive though movies are a great choice, especially if you pack up a load of blankets and pillows to get comfy. She won't mind in the slightest if you fall asleep by the end, and she'll find it beyond adorable as you snooze during the ride home, perhaps taking the long way so she can delay waking you for as long as possible...
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thatcatsalem · 6 months
lily of the autumn equinox; the web of curses
Pairing: Sukuna x OFC (Yuri)
Disclaimer: This particular piece is AU, where Sukuna is a sorcerer, Yuji’s older half-brother, and gotten his cursed energy from his mother.
Warning: Spiders, Strong Language, Canon Violence.
Summary: Sukuna calls her Higanbana which is Japanese flower of dark symbolism, and it means “flower of the autumn equinox”; Spider lily.
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On a rainy day in Tokyo, when the world was busy condemning Russia for invading seaside city of Crimea in the power grab, Sukuna Itadori was having a coffee. It was a drip coffee, served in a dark black mug, and he begrudgingly had to admit that overpaying for this was somewhat worth it.
“Coffee here is sufficient,” noted Kento Nanami, finishing his sandwich, and Sukuna attempts to not roll his eyes. Sufficient either meant mediocre or truly phenomenal in Nanami’s case. Even though Nanami was often doing exasperated him, Sukuna could not complain - on his list of shittiest sorcerers, Nanami was not scoring too high. Leadership board right now belonged exclusively to Satoru.
He fucking deserved it.
Cup of coffee clutched in hand, Sukuna takes a tentative sip before glancing out the window. It’s a cold day. Thankfully, inside the small shop is warm from all the people and steam.
Yet Sukuna stills abruptly, shoulders tensing in agitation. He knows that he’s is being watched before turning his head around. Can feel the weight of sharp eyes, and how the space between him and danger grows smaller, and he notices a woman gliding towards them.
“Morning gentlemen,” she acknowledges them politely, hands clasped behind her back, “Nanami, you looking sharp,” she beds over and leaves a kiss on sorcerer cheek. Sukuna cannot explain why he felt a flare of genuine envy but one look at his senpai makes him take that thought back. Nanami is always stoic and rarely shows any sign of fear or discomfort, but for a section of a second it was clear that he was unnerved by the presence of the woman.
She looks directly at Sukuna, unblinking and unnerving. At the moment in time, stars have aligned perfectly, creating an absolute point.
Under no circumstances was Sukuna Itadori to be considered soft. He is intimidating, mean and outright bully, unless, of course, you ask his younger brother who would die on the hill of “he just needs warning up to!”. He is incredibly powerful for someone quite young, and prides himself to be a master of combat. And for someone so terrifying, he is absolutely embarrassed to admit that for the first time since his puberty he is speechless at the sight of girl.
She is stood by the table, tight black dress hugging her pale body as a glove, sleeves almost covering dark nails, sharp like claws. She definitely was not purebred Japanese, as it was obvious by her porcelain features that she was most likely a foreigner if not a migrant.
“Kumo-san,” Nanami stands and bows in greeting, yet she doesn’t reciprocate, only sits down on the vacant chair, picking up dust from her dress. She is wearing heels and she has metal spiders hanging from her ears. Now to think about it, she had impressive amount of rigs on her fingers, most of which resembled some form of a skull, spider or something equally creepy.
Sukuna never felt remorse for killing a spider, but something told him that kind of behaviour won’t fly past her.
“This is Sukuna Itadori, semi-grade 1 sorcerer; he is accompanying me on this mission today,” introduces him Nanami, and Sukuna makes no movement towards shaking hands or bowing, only staring the woman down. She is not an easy person to intimidate, and he finds that incredibly annoying.
“Nice to meet you,” she says in perfect Japanese, but she does have a slight accent that hinted that it was not her first language. She has piercing in her nose that she was able to hide masterfully, and Sukuna could see outline of a tattoo on her collarbones and was immediately intrigued. It wasn’t such a big deal for a foreigner to have tattoos but it still was rare sight in Japan.
“I have heard of you, Sukuna Itadori,” she says with slight tilt of her head, “Rumours say that you have been on the streets killing curses since you were barely twelve.”
She does not break the eye contact.
“I expected a more menacing presence, I confess.”
“I can show you menacing.”
She irks an eyebrow, malicious mirth in her face.
“Oh yeah?”
He doesn’t respond. Jaw setting, he glares at her. She returns the frigid stare with burning dark eyes. Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
“Itadori-san,” there is underlaying warning in his tone, “please show Kumo-san your outmost respect. She is a powerful sorceress, and is also semi-grade 1.”
“No need for flattery,” scolds him Kumo-san, finding her coffee more interesting than either of the men, “but it’s now grade one sorceress, if you must.”
Sukuna thinks that he would like nothing more than to see that smirk disappearing off her face.
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nkn0va · 1 month
Request (Pokemon): Dawn and May's S/O's surprise them with not only a birthday cake, but a necklace that has a picture of thier starter Pokemon.
Gonna be honest, their personalities feel pretty samey even in the anime so sorry if this ends up feeling repetitive. Also I'm writing this at 11 pm-12 am.
-Dawn had been practicing extra hard lately to improve her Pokemon Contest game. after a recent loss to a rather high ranked Contest Star and some encouragement from you, it fueled the fire in her to improve.
-On one hand you were a bit concerned for her health, but on the other you were still proud of what she was managing to do. So you decided to acknowledge that hard work (and hopefully get her to chillax a little) by doing something for her birthday that was coming up.
-You were thinking of potentially making a cake yourself, but you then remembered an ice cream place you went to a while back on one of your dates that had good reviews for their cakes as well, so you decided to give one of those a try. Something else was in order though, not just a cake. Then as soon as you thought about it, an idea hit you.
-Despite your moderate worry, Dawn's hard work does in fact pay off. There's a contest on her birthday and the performance she and her team give is nothing less than dazzling, easy winning over the crowd.
-You of course watch in person but after the show's over you text her to meet at your place. Once she arrives, she's met with her friends and family throwing a surprise party for her with a rather large cake. She half doubts the ability for everyone to eat it all even with so many of them.
-Presents and congratulations are given out liberally, all of which she of course treasures. However the most special one is from her beloved S/O. A locket keychain with a picture she'd taken herself the first day she got Piplup from Professor Rowan. One she'd treasure for the rest of her days.
-May had recently gotten into battling on the side. She thought that by practicing her moves in battles, she could improve her Pokemon coordinating skills.
-She certainly wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but she still had a long way to go before she reached her goal. Whatever that even was.
-Soon her birthday starts rolling around and despite being rough around the edges, she'd made some real progress. You wanted to commemorate that somehow.
-Cake was obviously mandatory. Nothing too big, you wanted a more close, intimate day out together. You decided making it yourself would help enhance that feeling. It's tough if you've never done it before, but you manage to get a decent end result.
-A gift would be necessary, too. Recently you'd come across a place that makes custom lockets that you could give them a picture to use, and you knew the perfect one. A picture you'd printed from your phone of her precious Torchic.
-It thankfully all goes well. You two spend a nice sunset in the park together sitting and talking about anything and everything as both your Pokemon play around together.
-The cake might not be the greatest ever made, but somehow food jus tastes better when eating with someone you love. Of course, the adorable Torchic necklace was metaphorical icing on it.
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pairing: college!harry osborn x college!fem!reader
summary: you had known peter parker for a few months now and he had mentioned having a roommate a few times but you never really pay attention to it. well you're left with no choice but to acknowledge it when you're met with him instead of peter while returning notes peter had so graciously let you borrow. maybe he should have so graciously told you he wasn't going to be home but you'd yell at him about that later.
warnings: swearing, brief mention of family issues.
word count: 3.3k
a/n: this is the introduction to my heaven is a bedroom series which uses characters and events from sam raimi's spider-man universe. since this is the introduction you can read it by itself or with the rest of the series! it is mentioned that the reader is a woc but you can ignore that if it doesn't apply.
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if there was one thing college had brought you it was the sweet boy you could call a friend, peter parker. you had met peter during your freshman year at columbia university. you had both been placed into biology, seeming as you were a bio major and he was a bio-physics major. peter just so happened to come in late the first day and the only seat left was next to you, i guess no one wanted to be sitting all the way on the left side of the room.
you became friends pretty quickly and even became lab partners. peter was probably the only college boy you actually enjoyed being around. he was sweet and honest, wasn't very reliable though. at least from what he had told you when you finally got him to talk about the girl he liked. you watched peter's eyes light up every time he mentioned her name, smiling to yourself at how head over heels he was for her.
you were entering your third month of college, aka it was finally october. the previous week you had gotten too caught up at the shelter and missed class. thankfully peter had showed up on time that day and was helpful enough to lend you the notes, saying something about how it was the least he could do considering how many times you've lent him yours. as promised, you were on your way to return them to him now.
you had never been to peter's apartment, there was never a need until now. usually it was him returning the notes to your apartment. he had mentioned that he had a roommate. you couldn't remember what he said his name was but it was his childhood best friend. it didn't really seem too shocking because you had the same situation. what college student didn't have a roommate? what person living in new york didn't have a roommate? well, unless you were rich.
the building seemed nice enough as you rode up in the elevator, peter's notebook in hand. the lecture that you had missed had been on arachnids and peter's notes were expert-level. he had even taken the time to drop out some of the species. as the elevator gets to the top you realized you probably should've called to tell him you were coming over. in your defense, he just told you to drop them off on sunday and that was today. he never gave you an exact time so he would probably be home all day.
the elevator finally came to a stop at the ninth floor. you opened up the gate and stepped off, stopping in front of the door and knocking on it. you heard some shuffling and smiled to yourself a bit. knowing peter he had probably forgot you were coming over. you heard footsteps coming towards the door before it unlocked and opened.
wait, this isn't peter.
"hi?" the guy said.
he was cute. he was really cute.
he was tall, a little lanky looking. he had brown hair and honey brown eyes to match. he was wearing a blue button up, the collar of a white tee shirt poked out where the first two buttons failed to meet their match. there was a black watch on his left wrist. he had on these small, little reading glasses. you must've interrupted something.
"hi. i must have the wrong apartment. i'm looking for peter parker?"
"oh pete does live here. he's just not home right now" he answered, flashing you an apologetic smile.
so this was the roommate peter had mentioned.
"he should be back soon though. come in" he said before he stepped to the side and let you into their apartment.
"thanks" you smiled as you stepped inside and glanced around.
it was a nice apartment. you first walk into the kitchen. they had a dinning room table in front of one of the two big balcony doors. there was a small living room area beside the dining room table, in front of the other balcony door. stairs to the left of that, assumedly leading to their bedrooms. their office space was to the right of the stairs.
your eyes fell back onto the dining room table where there were notebooks and textbooks scattered.
so you did interrupt something.
"i'm sorry if i interrupted anything. i was just dropping off the notes he'd let me borrow. he told me to come on sunday" you explained.
"oh don't worry. you didn't interrupt anything, i was just doing some homework. pete stepped out early this morning but i'm sure he'll be back soon if you want to wait. i'm harry, harry osborn" he said, sticking his hand out.
his eyes seemed to linger on you a bit.
wait. osborn as in oscorp? the multi-billion dollar tech company?
"i'm y/n. peter and i are lab partners"
you shake his hand. his palm is kind of sweaty. he nods slowly, like he's putting the pieces together.
"did peter not mention that?"
"well he did, he just never mentioned that you were a girl"
you cocked your head at him a bit.
what was that supposed to mean?
he must've noticed the change in your facial expression because he was quick to explain.
"n-not that there's anything wrong with that. i just didn't realize pete had it in him"
you looked at him oddly again.
"no, i mean not like that. it's just that peter doesn't do too well talking to women. he sort of um... freezes up"
you had heard all about peter's inability to speak to women. he was constantly telling you about his failed attempts at making a move on mary jane watson. the poor guy was like a lost puppy in that department.
but harry wasn't doing any better right now.
"sort of like you're doing now?" a small smirk creeping onto your face.
"yeah, sort of" he chuckled, looking away. "do you want something?"
"no. thank you, but i actually should get going. i have a shift i need to get to. could you just let peter know i dropped it off?" you asked, handing him the notebook.
his gaze fell to the notebook and then back up to you as he grabbed hold of it. those puppy eyes seemed almost pleading. like there was something else he wanted to say.
but he didn't.
"yeah of course. i'll let him know you stopped by"
"thank you", you smiled, "it was nice meeting you harry"
he opened the front door for you and you looked back at him briefly as you walked out.
"no problem, nice meeting you"
"harry, no"
"oh come on pete! please?" he pleaded.
"no. i'm not getting involved" peter said, throwing up his hands.
"you have to pete. you're my only in"
ever since peter got home harry had been down his throat. actually, more like on his knees. begging peter to give him information about y/n.
"harry she's going to eat you alive. you ever heard that song "maneater"? yeah that's her"
"well if she's so bad then why are you friends with her?"
"oh she's a great friend but i've seen her crush pretty much every guy who tries to make a move with her's ego. and harry, your ego can get pretty big"
for every time peter rambled to you about mary jane, you told him a story about your massacre of a love life. that wasn't an insult either, that was the way you liked it.
"gee thanks pete" he deadpanned, "my ego will live. i still don't understand how you never told me about her!"
peter distinctively remembers a time that he was walking out of class with you. you two were in the middle of a conversation about the lecture when a guy from class stopped you. it was an obvious attempt to as you out but all the guy got from you was a dirty look and a short, uninterested response. then you continued on as if that interaction had never happen, resuming your conversation with peter.
now every time that guy sees you in class he avoids you like the plague. and you act like he doesn't exist because, to you, he doesn't.
"i didn't know it was so important to you" peter said sarcastically as he started up the stairs, chuckling.
"peter i haven't even been able to finish my homework, that's how important it is to me"
peter stopped mid step, noticeably fed up with harry's investigating.
"she mentioned going to a shift later. at least tell me where she works?"
peter internally smiled. harry had practically taken the short time you were here and engraved it in his memory. surely he had the resources to find out more about you on his own but peter figured he'd make his life a little easier. knowing harry wouldn't let him get through his homework if he didn't.
"she doesn't. she volunteers at the animal shelter." peter admitted before going to his room.
a smile took place on harry's face.
a few days later you were at the front desk of the shelter, filling out the paperwork for a new dog that had come in. you heard the front door open, thanks to the bell on it, and footsteps that stopped before you. you started greeting whoever it was without looking up.
"hi. what kind of animal are you looking for today?"
"well i was hoping you would help with that"
wait a minute. you had heard that voice before.
"harry?" you questioned as you looked up.
"hi y/n" he smiled
what was he doing here?
"i didn't know you and peter were looking for a pet"
he shrugged.
"figured there's no harm in looking"
"no, i guess there isn't" you smiled
"so will you help me?"
you had given harry a tour of the shelter. starting with the cats, moving onto the dogs. he didn't really strike you as an animal person but he seemed to like whatever you liked. he also seemed more interested in you than he was in the animals. the shelter didn't take smaller animals so after the dogs there wasn't much else to show. coincidentally, as your tour was coming to an end so was your shift.
"i have to go clock out" you told him as you guys had returned to the lobby.
"well i can wait here. if you want to go grab a drink or something?" he asked.
"a drink?" you questioned with a raised eyebrow.
usually, this would be an immediate no. you didn't have time for this. you were busy enough with classes and volunteering. you didn't need any distractions.
usually, you would write this off as a waste of time. you had no interest in dating or hooking up so what was the point? it's not like you needed a friend either. i mean you had plenty of friends.
you had plenty of friends. you had clover, your other two long distance best friends, your sister, and... peter. they were more than enough. you didn't really have time for anyone else. really.
"well like a coffee or something, whatever you want" he saved.
his nervousness made you smile.
damn it.
"sure harry, give me a minute" you agreed before turning and going into the break room.
you'd be a liar if you said you hadn't thought about harry. the minute you got home you and your roommate had did some stalking to find out what you could about him. you felt bad about it but him showing up here made you feel less bad about it. he had obviously been doing his own research.
harry was the only son of norman osborn. clover had given you wide eyes when you guys found that out. not that it mattered much to you but it confirmed that osborn was indeed for oscorp. apparently, his father was a billionaire.
a rich, pretty boy was almost never a good combo. but for right now you seemed to have the upper hand. you just needed to keep that advantage.
you came back out with your jacket in hand as you made your way over to harry. new york was in fall now which called for a few more layers. you had been wearing a red spider-man baby tee, a black pleated skirt with thermal black tights and tall, black uggs.
"so you like spider-man?" he asked with a smile.
he has a pretty smile.
"you don't?" you asked as you slipped on the jacket and zipped it halfway.
"he's a cool guy"
he held the door open for you as you walked out before leading the way towards a coffee shop he said he had heard was good.
"what are you going to school for?" he asked you.
he has his hands in the pockets of his jacket. the cold wind was making the tip of his nose and ears turn red.
like a little rudolph.
"i'm a biology major" you answered.
your hands were also shoved in the pockets of your jacket. your tan skin made the redness in your face less obvious on you than it was on him but he could still see it. he made sure to.
"that tracks"
you gave him a bit of a side eye. if you hadn't known he had done his research on you before, he just gave it away.
"i just mean because it seems like you like animals. your eyes kind of lit up every time you introduced me to one"
so he's observant.
"you're not wrong. that's what i'm going to school for" you admitted.
and interested. maybe.
"to work with animals?"
"yeah, to be a vet."
"no wonder you're friends with peter. you must be like wicked smart" he chuckled.
you continued to talk until you got to the coffee shop. turns out he's an only child, you're not. he never mentioned a mother, so it must just be his father. he talks so highly of his father, but there's a bit of a falter there. you knew that falter.
stop psychoanalyzing him.
you watched his face drop when he went to order for you two and you told him you don't actually drink coffee. he apologized profusely for not asking before but you told him you'd live. he got you a hot chocolate instead.
when you guys left the coffee shop harry said he would walk you home so you led the way this time. you both sipped on your drinks and continued conversation. apparently, harry also goes to columbia but he was a business major with a minor in engineering. your paths would hardly ever cross on campus.
you had sort of wrote him off to be this fuckboy, you still kind of do. the business major thing doesn't really help his case. but this little walk with him had made you realize he wasn't so terrible.
that didn't mean you were gonna let him off so easily though.
you stopped in front of the building, harry looked confused when he realized what building you two were in front of.
"i told you i would walk you home" he said, frowning a bit.
"i walked you home instead, my place is further" you said, nodding in the direction opposite of the one you guys came from.
that was a lie. but it was too early for him to know where you lived. you had to keep that upper hand.
"i wouldn't mind walking a little bit y/n, really. "
okay so maybe he was actually interested.
"i know but its alright. i gotta get home." you said as you started to walk away from him. "thank you for the hot chocolate!"
harry watched you walk away from him with furrowed brows as he watched you go the same direction you had just came from.
"i thought you said your apartment was further away?!" he called after you.
"i lied!" you yelled back, smirking to yourself.
"y/n! i think you should give him a chance!"
you and peter were similar in the way that you both were roommates with your childhood best friends. right about now you wished you weren't.
"a chance to what? fuck me?"
you two were more different than you were similar. clover liked to see the best in people. that wasn't her fault though. she had never exactly been given a reason to do otherwise.
clover came from two loving parents. she was an only child but her parents treated you like a second daughter. sometimes you thought they treated you better than your own parents did. you tried to push that thought away though. it made you feel guilty.
they were the reason you and clover were living together right now. her parents were both tennis players and they must've been good at it because they were are loaded. they started investing in property at some point. and when their daughter told them she wanted to move to new york for college with her best friend, they made it happen.
they bought the whole apartment building actually, making sure to leave the best apartment available for their daughter and you. its insanity but you couldn't be more grateful for them. they did for more you than your own parents did.
"maybe. maybe more, maybe less" she protested
you laughed and shook your head at her. you had predicted this would happen. you were gonna avoid telling her in the first place but she saw the empty hot chocolate and started questioning.
"you've lost your mind. absolutely not clo"
she groaned like you had just told her she was grounded. which, for the record, clover's parents never grounded her. you grabbed bug and headed towards your room.
being a regular volunteer at the shelter gave you the privilege (and curse) of being able to foster some of the animals. you had to limit yourself to one and you picked bug. bug was a big black cat who enjoyed messing with clover during his free time. she wasn't huge on cats and he made it his business to harass her when you weren't home. you didn't mind, it evened the score for when she harassed you like she is right now.
"y/n please! this could actually mean something for you!" she protested.
for clover, this was the equivalent to you shutting off her favorite rom com right before things started to get good. her words not yours.
"it was just hot chocolate! plus, i don't want it to mean anything. i will live just fine without harry. didn't you say yourself that he had a reputation?"
during our light stalking session she said she had heard about him, a few girls had mentioned his name. then she admitted that was a lie and a lot of girls had mentioned his name, on various occasions. apparently he had spent the first few months of college getting some experience under his belt.
probably wasn't too hard for him once girls figured out who his father was.
you remember peter complaining about it once. saying how harry was falling behind and he had to threaten him to not help him anymore if he didn't get his act together.
or was it harry's father?
you couldn't exactly remember.
maybe that's why he was studying when you went over.
"we don't exactly know what that reputation is though! it could just be gossip or he could've changed!" clover called.
you scoffed as you entered your room, "yeah, fat chance clo!"
"a talking stage won't hurt!" she called after you before you shut your door and set bug down. you watched as he made his way onto you bed and laid himself out.
"might hurt" you mumbled.
up next: ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: I love writing about the Sinclair Family. In my opinion, on the show, you don't really know about them so I'm creating what I think they're like in my head.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1140
Tuesday November 8, 1983 - SINCLAIR RESIDENCE
I stroll down the stairs to the kitchen; nose deep into the flash cards I made last night for Kaminsky’s test. I am certain I will pass his test today. Once Lucas was inside, I continued to study well into the night and went to bed dreaming of molecules and the periodic table. I sit in my usual seat, setting the flash cards down. Mom is humming to herself while packing our lunches for the day and Dad is in the living room shuffling through his treasured record collection. Dad holds The Jacksons Destiny record in his hands, sliding the shiny vinyl out the pocket, he carefully places it on the turntable, turning the arm to drop the stylus. “Blame it on the Boogie” plays through the speakers. 
I bop my head to the rhythm arrangements. The Jacksons Destiny album is one of Lucas’ favourites. The smell of the chocolate chip pancakes stacked on a plate on the table are fluffy and thick. Another favourite of Lucas. I didn’t know Erica and Lucas came downstairs until I hear the chair beside me scrape across the floor. I smile at Erica who nods her head in acknowledgment.
“Good morning,” Lucas says quietly, pulling his chair out to sit. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.” 
“Morning, Lucas.” 
Mom and Dad say at the same time. The silence is awkward in the kitchen, despite “Push Me Away” playing softly in the other room. Mom walks to Lucas, kissing the top of his head. Lucas doesn’t squirm away like he usually does when she dotes on him, instead he leans into her touch. My heart swells. Dad clears his throat, sitting in his chair. He reaches for the newspaper on the table and begins to read but I don’t miss his eyes glancing at Lucas in between words. When Mom sits down, we all begin to help ourselves to food. Mom puts two chocolate chip pancakes on Lucas’s plate. 
“Thanks, mom.” Lucas says with a small smile. 
To my surprise, Erica hands Lucas the maple syrup which he accepts graciously. I feel like I am in a different universe this morning and everything is upside down. Our attempts of being discreet are poor, but thankfully Lucas doesn’t say anything about it. He seems grateful for our efforts. Like dinner last night, breakfast is quiet. Dad sips his coffee, Mom is neatly cutting her pancakes, Erica is eating in silence. All of us are watching Lucas, waiting for a slight wrinkle in his brow, a pout on his lips, a long sigh. Any sign of discomfort. But surprisingly, there is none. 
“How are the pancakes, sweetheart?” Mom asks, eyes hopeful. 
“They’re really good, mom. Thank you.” 
“Do you want more milk?” 
“No, thank you.” 
“Okay,” Mom says, deflating a little. “If you need anything, I’m here.” 
Dad gives her a look that implies she’s laying it on real thick. Mom stares at him back and Dad backs down returning to his newspaper. I bite my lip to suppress my smile. 
“I’m fine, mom, honest.” Lucas placates, gently. “I promise.” He looks at everyone at the table. 
“I heard from the Dreydon’s next door that there will be another neighbourhood watch for Will at 10. I’m going to join after I drop your sisters to school.” Mom replies. 
It’s been one full day since Will’s disappearance and the whole town was under careful instructions to avoid going outside at night. Half the town volunteered for the search party to find Will which meant The Academy will be closed until further notice. Dad shifts in his seat. I overheard him talking to Mom about the search for Will last night. They didn’t find anything. Hopefully, Mom comes back this afternoon with better news. 
“I’m also going to stop by Joyce to check on her.”
“Are you going to bring anything?” I ask, cutting into my pancake, chocolate oozes out the centre. 
“I wanted to bring flowers, but it seems…inappropriate.” Because Will isn’t dead.
“How about cookies?” I offer. “Chocolate chip is the easiest to make and I know they’re Miss Byers favourite.” 
“That’s a great idea, sweetheart. Though I don’t think I have enough flour to bake enough.” 
I cringe, smiling apologetically. I’m the baking enthusiast in the family. Last week I made gingerbread cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for Nancy, Barb and I for the sleepover at Barbs house. I completely forgot to tell Mom I used most of the flour. 
“I’ll go to the store before the search party and buy a couple of bags. Did anyone want anything?” 
“Skittles.” Erica and I say at the same time. 
“Can you get strawberry ice cream?” 
Mom smiles, touching his cheek. “Of course, sweetie.” She looks at Dad who is now sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper. “And you?” 
“I’m good. I don’t want anything.”
Mom arches her brow. “When I buy our children their snacks, I better not see you anywhere near them.” 
“I don’t eat our children’s snacks.”
“Honey.” Dad replies in the same singsong tone.
Erica, Lucas and I smile at each other. Dad has a sweet tooth. He’ll deny it any time you bring it up, even if we catch him in the act. Mom hides the cookie jar from Dad, only Lucas, Erica and I know where it is. Though sometimes I see Dad with a couple in his hand when he’s watching television, but it’s always when Mom isn’t around. I secretly think, Erica is sneaking him cookies or he found the hiding spot and pretends not to know. 
“You and everyone at this table know that is a bold face lie. You think I don’t know you bribed my child with a doll in exchange for her to tell you where I hid the cookie jar?” 
Dad huffs, shaking his head. “I did not bribe Erica, I simply asked her what she wanted and she just so happened to tell me where the cookie jar is.” 
Erica nods her head in agreement. Dad avoids Mom’s stare, which is hard to do when you’re under it. Her stare can cut through glass. Dad clears his throat and looks at me. From the corner of my eye, I see Mom reach over to Erica and lightly pinch her nose. 
“You ready for the test today?” Dad asks me, changing the topic. 
I nod my head, trailing a finger up and down the edges of the stack of flash cards.  “Yes, but I’m still nervous Mr. Kaminsky will have tricky questions and I’ll sike myself out.” 
“Just remember to take your time and you’ll do great.”
“I’ll try.” I respond. 
“That’s all I ask."
“Unless it involves cookies.” Mom mutters above her tea cup. 
Even Dad can’t hold back his smile when we all laugh. 
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Apparently some parts of the warriors fandom can't wrap their head around an unreliable narrator. She's not an innocent victim or a pure evil villain. She's complex. She was selfish, she took advantage of people but she was also cheated on by her mate (who by the way face little to no repercussions for having a half clan relationship with Mapleshade) and forced to leave her kit's bodies to be buried on RiverClan's territory, where she'd never be able to see them again. Mapleshade is a cat that never learned how to face the consequences of her actions. She arguably went insane from having her whole life be torn apart from her in a single day. Tbh I'd argue that if she was a tom, more people would be sympathetic towards her.
a woman will murder 3 people, use a dead guy's name to protect her and her kids' reputation, groom a kid into becoming a xenophobic dictator and people will still claim that she's an innocent justified victim. i love her and think she's a very interesting character (with her killing people partially to avenge her kits) but god, half the fandom doesn't read the books and it shows.
Future Luke
Warning: This character is a walking spoiler so PLEASE tread with caution if you haven’t played Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. It’s a game so dear to my heart that everyone should play. With that out of the way… I love him and I get it. I do. He was one of the first fictional crushes I remember having way back in the day and even though that’s way long past, I still think he’s neat as a character as is the role he plays in the story. Yes his backstory is tragic (Bill Hawks go to hell challenge). Yes it makes him sympathetic in a lot of ways. Yes it would be so nice to see more canon content with him someday, maybe set far after the events of the game, where he gets some kind of true redemption arc and makes good on his word to atone for his wrongdoings. But. He is antagonistic in a looot of ways that people brush over because half his fandom likes to woobify him (the other half fully acknowledging that he’s awful and embracing it). He objectively still kidnapped, trapped, and gaslit dozens if not hundreds of people. The Mobile Fortress incident, an act of national terrorism, easily could have a death toll in the thousands. Even if getting revenge on Bill specifically was justified, ruining the lives of innocents in a disaster, not too much unlike the very one that killed his parents and led him down the path of destruction, was not. He deserves whatever consequences he gets and then some tbh. As an aside, while this thankfully isn’t as common as it was in the early 2010s, people shipping him with Flora leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. They have an 8-9 year age gap, with Flora being a minor (her age is never explicitly confirmed but per reasonable assumption, she can’t be above 15 *at most*), which seems to get conveniently forgotten about - not cool!! Their only significant interaction in the game is him kidnapping her after the big reveal, which while not worse in canon context than anything else he does, is gross to frame in any kind of shipping light.
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thescrumptiousstuffs · 8 months
Only Friends Episode 9 - The Return
In which this is the episode where we see second chance kick in and growth in (almost) all our characters (FINALLY 🥹)
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Mew and Top
We start with Mew waking up after the disastrous Halloween party, hungover and feeling generally unwell following his hard booze and drugs spell the night before. He also just seems exhausted and tired from well, everything.
Thankfully Top is working hard to gain Mew’s trust and repair his broken relationship with the former. And you can tell it’s working - Mew may continue to resist him, but as the episode progresses, he starts to soften up especially after he sees how Top treats his moms (like the queens 👸 they are!!! - love them by the way, and I reckon the moms are already planning a wedding in their head for their baby boy and Top 🤣🤣🤣)
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I’m also glad that Top took the high road with the whole Ray/Sand /Mew situation. Ray continues to be a disaster muffin, just maybe slight less than previous episodes (I really wished he had spoken to Mew upfront before kissing Sand in the music room, but I get it though…🤦🏻‍♀️). Anyway, I’m pleased to see Top eventually deciding against using the recording (but also, what’s with all the boys doing illegal recording in these show???? 😫), instead quietly just trying to prove to Mew with actions instead - he was a smooth operator with how he endeared himself to Mew’s moms 🤌🤌🤌🤌. And so, I was happy to see Mew finally admitting he still loves (and misses Top), wanting to give their relationship a second chance.
Also, some of my fav scenes were the RayMew conversations we had - the initial one in Mew's living room with their aborted makeout session when Mew could not go through with it. And while the conversation got heated, it highlights to them how unsuited they are as a couple with Mew still loving Top and can never see Ray beyond a friend. Similarly, their conversation outside the social service office was equally pleasing (and it penned out so differently the way I thought) - Both acknowledging their relationship was a farce - 1) Ray having loved Mew for so long didn’t want to miss a given opportunity, although as we know from the start [and now Ray finally clueing - his love for Mew is different with the love he has for Sand] 2) Mew knowingly use Ray to get revenge on Top.
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I had to revisit the whole episode to get why Mew didn’t feel betrayed with the whole Sand/Ray situation - because on the surface, it does seem similar to what Top did to him. But I guess the biggest difference is that Mew loves Top as a partner (so the betrayal definitely hit harder) while he has never seen Ray as a lover (and as Mew pointed out, Ray never really hid his attraction and love for Sand).
Now that we have Boeing entering the radar again (hello Mond, looking as handsome as ever!!!), it will be interesting to see how the whole Top/Mew/Boeing (and Sand?) pens out.
Ray and Sand
I think this whole episode was Ray figuring out his feelings and where he stands with both Mew and Sand. We see a hint of it from episode 8, where the thought of Sand leaving made him panic (and on hindsight, I think that's why Ray suggested threesome THREE times now - the girl at the bar, Mr Freddie Mercury and Nick. I mean it seems funny at first, but I genuinely thinks its Ray way of saying - "if this is who Sand's like/seeing now, I don't care, as long as he continues to pay attention to me.") Although, with how possessive Ray is of Sand (and the way he clings to Sand during sleep), I don't think threesome is on the card for these two.
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I must admit, each SandRay scene this episode was riveting - from the deliciously tense confrontation they had in the music room, where the emotions and frustration from both side tip over, resulting in the ill-advised kiss (I mean it was a great kiss, nobody can deny their chemistry here, 10/10 from me) - this was also the first instance Ray acknowledging he understands his feelings for Sand more. Unfortunately, Sand is fed up (and he is also very much aware Ray has yet to properly break up with Mew). BUT, I still wish Ray has spoken to Mew about his feelings for Sand before the whole kiss.
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And when that was followed by Ray pursuing Sand in the middle of the country, driving for hours late at night, just so he can cuddle and seek comfort from Sand after arguing with Mew - yeah, I think that's when Sand possibly started to soften his already battered boundary and completely giving in.
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Plus, them finally having an honest conversation about their feelings - with Sand admitting he really likes Ray (and vice versa) or Ray reciprocating by stating Sand was the last person in his mind when he thought he was going to die in the car crash....and well, we all know what followed suit (the whole camper van scene was beautifully shot, it's amazing to see the contrast of their first hook up where it was all lust and fire versus softness and absolute intimacy once they admit their feelings - anyway, good job boys!!!)
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I am looking forward to see how they navigate their relationship now Mew is no longer in the picture and Ray likely heading towards rehab (also, we have yet to see the massive fight between SandRay that was shown in the MV/trailer...where Sand smashes his plum wine in frustration....nor the soft scene with both of them in the bathtub together - smoking and drinking)
Nick and Boston
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Ah Nick - He wins MVP for this episode. His friendship with Sand is great to watch (Team Second Option for the WIN!!!) - from them just vibing out in the wood, to him suggesting a makeout session and then giggling that they feel nothing for each other and him being the fairy godfather to the whole SandRay situation…👌👌👌
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Also, the whole conversation with Boston was raw and vulnerable (I can't believe I got emotional watching it!!! Over asshole Ton!). I mean, Nick is a weirdo (and slightly creepy) - this is a guy who masturbated on a client photo and wire-taping his FWB’s car. But, he genuinely loves Ton and when he had his farewell conversation with Ton, you can feel his sincerity for Ton (although, do they really have to do it in the toilet????).
I'm also happy to see Nick trying to move on with Dan (and who would have thought it was Nick who suggested Daddy to Dan?), although I think we can safely say if Ton ever wants to get back with Nick, Dan will likely be drop like a hot potato sack.
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As for Ton, this episode is probably the first time we see a crack in his armour. He seems genuinely affected with Nick's farewell conversation (I mean the guy dropped his one-night stand and tried to chase after Nick, before realising Nick was with Dan - and wow, seeing Ton's eyes - is that some wistfulness? Maybe a hint of sadness??).
I'm also looking forward to see how the whole Nick/Ton situation pens out (from the episode 10 preview - we see Nick/Ton having some much needed one-to-one conversation with Ton finally acknowledging he is an asshole - as I say, we finally seeing some growth in the characters!!!!)
As usual, a jumble of emotions after watching this episode - my personal fav scenes include the Ray/Mew conversations (both in the living room and outside the social service office), Ray barging into SandNick cuddling session time (I cackled) and of course, the soft, intimate scene in the camper van (let's be honest, most of us FK stans out there is still probably living in that moment)
So, is it Saturday yet?
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