#which probably sounds super rambly but here it is
youcouldmakealife · 11 hours
COTT 36: outtakes
Today's chapter was originally almost a full 1k longer, as James got downright Holden-esque in his rambling (he gets over-explain-y when unsettled, and yearning is very destabilizing, especially on top of his general roadie overwhelm.).
I cut it because it's, you know, almost 1k of rambling reminiscence, but if you are interested, here is James' Vending Machine Adventures, That Time James Forgot His Passport and James' Feelings About Family Ties and Cracked Pepper.
On face licking and vending machine stalking:
Nor something he plans on ever doing, yearning aside, as he is not a canine.
But then, James would have also said that he was above loitering around a vending machine at midnight, trying to look like he was having trouble making a decision to avoid arousing suspicion.
Every time he heard footsteps coming down the hall he would resignedly pull out his wallet for effect, already knowing it wasn’t Holden.
At some point James must have learned what Holden’s walk sounds like. He’s not sure when that happened, but he can’t say he’s surprised either, given the intensity of focus he’s aimed Holden’s way over the past several weeks, researching him like an opponent, a play, a — the comparisons break down at some point, Holden unlike anything James has been preoccupied with before.
After the first few disappointments, James handled two more passerby — one a harassed looking member of the hotel staff, who paid him no attention, the other a teammate who unfortunately took James’ presence as an invitation to socialize — before he finally gave up, buying a bottle of water so he didn’t return to his room empty handed.
He’s not sure why he bothered — it’s not like was expecting to have to explain himself to anyone. Maybe so he didn’t have to admit, even to himself, that he’d been waiting for Holden, though it was probably a little late for that, because he knew that was precisely what he was doing.
He didn’t even end up drinking that water. He forget it in hotel mini-bar. He’d like to think someone drank it, but most likely, they just threw it out, which makes him feel dimly guilty about the waste. He reminds himself how many bottles of water they must sell at every hockey game, but that only makes him feel worse, so he watches highlights on his phone until his head clears, a clean sheet of ice again.
On Passport Snafus and Secret Safes:
Holden waves his passport at him triumphantly from his spot in line, and James rolls his eyes.
He forgot his own passport once — just once — early in his career. The team has photocopies, in case someone’s is lost or stolen, and apparently that was an acceptable substitute. At least, they let him into Canada, but rather than risk trouble on the way home — as a citizen, they have to let him in, passport or no, but he doubts they’re required to make it a comfortable process — his super let a staff member into his apartment with his permission. She sent it to them via same-day courier, and it arrived in Toronto almost as soon as they did.
James had been storing his passport in his underwear drawer at the time. He’d figured that way he’d never forget where it was, and he was right, but it didn’t prevent him from forgetting it entirely. For years he couldn’t look at her. Was genuinely relieved when she was promoted to a more senior position, one that involved significantly less interaction with the players.
His underwear drawer has simply been an underwear drawer ever since. His passport’s in his coat pocket now, of course, but when he gets home, it will go back into a hollowed out calculus textbook that Finn bought for him after the Passport Incident.
That book has been sitting on his shelf, concealing his passport for years without incident, up until last week, when Holden got his hands on it. He’d been skimming James’ shelves, making comments about the players whose autobiographies were present, snide and otherwise, but when he came across the calculus textbook he immediately reached out like he was magnetized, laughing when he flipped it open to find James’ passport, birth certificate, all the papers he couldn’t afford to lose. James would have been offended, but it wasn’t a laugh of amusement, more of discovery, of delight. Apparently, he’s able to identify that by sound too.
When James asked how he knew it was something worth investigating, Holden pointed out it was the only thing that didn’t involve hockey in the hockey room. James does have to admit that was an oversight on his part, and a concern if he is ever robbed. But then, if he is, everything of worth he owns is in that room, almost all of it irreplaceable. Losing his passport would be the least of his problems.
Even so, he likes it as a hiding space, so he’s considering hollowing out a hockey book instead. A bad one, one of the ones that barely discuss hockey, so busy offering braggadocio and salacious details, so he won’t feel so guilty about it.
Until then, he’s not particularly worried about Holden stealing his passport from its default hiding place. He’s far more concerned about him misplacing his own, or forgetting it again.
On the Ericksons and Schneiders sitting together during games:
His father said it made sense to, since he and Finn were almost always on the ice at the same time and besides, the Schneiders didn’t talk during play, like some parents did. It makes James uncomfortable, them knowing one another, socializing independently of him, but at the same time, it’s a relief they get along.
On dinner add-ons:
James demurs cracked pepper, parmesan, while the Schneiders load up on both — he likes both, but not enough to ask a stranger to lean into his personal space, over his plate, cranking their little machine unbearably slowly until he tells them to stop.
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capetowncapers · 1 year
Possible ? Brain fog ? On top of normal adhd spaciness/forgetfulness/executive dysfunction is its own special hell. I keep starting to do something and then staring into space for A Good While, completely unable to remember what the fuck I was just thinking. I hate it here.
#i kind of wish that if I had to get Covid it had been back when employers and professors still seriously gave a fuck about it#like ‘possible sick time being super lenient’ give a fuck about it#the grad assistant jobs here don’t account for sick time so I’m out here still not quite at 100% and trying to make up two weeks of hours#while doing my current hours. and trying to make up for two weeks of missed course work. while keeping up with current coursework.#i know it’s all gonna work out fine but I kind of just want a day off. which sounds dumb but like what I mean#is that even in my down time I’m trying so hard to make myself stop thinking ahead and worrying about work#sigh.#AGHHHHH#cape town rambles#we’re good it’s fine we’re fine. in a way this probably isn’t even as bad as the fucking nightmarish assignment i had for work last fall#like several nights staying up til 3 am in a row leading up to finals week to try to finish the shit for my job#then it still needing more stuff done and I was doing it during finals anyway fjdkksks#somehow against all odds did well on my finals and aced my classes. somehow#my last paper I turned in at 2:00 am and I didn’t edit. and I was so sleep deprived#it felt like a fever dream and I had barely any recollection of writing it#and my professor was like wow this is a great research paper I enjoyed reading it thank you#i legitimately had to go back and read it bc I was like pal I do not remember what I submitted I’m glad it was fine#health updates
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evilminji · 6 days
Oh... oh no it's all coming together ( o.o)
Ya'll remember my Danny haunts Space Games post?
That but MORE SO. Harder. Like... ZONE GAME DEVELOPER PASSION PROJECT harder. Because? Special Interest chemicals go brrrrr~☆
And you KNOW... you absolutely FUCKING KNOW! That Danny was minding his business, going about his life, hyped as FUCK for the new Space Game 5 (a niche game but so what? It has REALISTIC physics! It's set on THE MOON!).
Has NOT stopped rambling on about it.
Been driving everyone insane, because it won't be out for MONTHS.
Youngblood, probably, goes "So what? That sound BORING. There barely anything to DO in that! Not like one of OUR Super Cool ZONE Video Games™. OURS are way better! And we gave LOADS more options then THAT! Now can we get back to-"
Freeze frame, record scratch.
Wait. WHAT!?
Danny is violently answers out of that eternal child faster then you can say "Dude! Chill!" Got them manic Obsession Eyes. Oops. Youngblood forgot Danny is Space Obsessed. But also PROTECTION Obsessed. Meaning he can't LEAVE where he is protecting.
You know.... FOR SPACE.
He needs a work around to feed his Obsession. Video games do it. Since he can go INTO them, but leave at a moments notice, if trouble happens. It's like being both IN SPACE but also AT HIS POST! Double Obsession Feeding! Happy chemicals! Mmmmm, content ecto-goo~
But now? NOW?! He's learning there is BETTER Space?!
WHERE IS THE BETTER SPACE?! *kicks open the portal*
It? Is a terrifying time for everybody. Thanks A LOT, Youngblood. It takes like... five Amazons and Pandora herself tackling the little menace, to get him still long enough to get a semi-coherent answer out of him. Stop him trying to shake down random ghosts for answers they can't GIVE.
Youngblood is grounded.
DANNY has an Obsession-crash headache, is really embarrassed, but honestly no one blames him. No one acts their best when they're Obsession gets suddenly triggered that hard. It was a poor man offered El Dorado, a scholar all the secrets in the world. He got swept up in it.
That SAID, yes, there IS a video game shop near here. There are, of course, countless such shops. It's the Zone. There are countless EVERYTHING. It's the nature of the Zone. Just don't harrass any of the developers and all will be well, Phantom. They're not afraid to put YOU in time out as well.
Deal! ( /☆.☆)/ *grabby hands*
There? Are so, SO many games. For systems Danny's never even HEARD off. Alien ones, new ones, long dead ones. Zone exclusives. It's less a shop and more a sprawling maze.
His grin is FERAL.
Space. Gaaaaaaames!!!
The more realistic the BETTER. Give him that living vicariously like an Astronaut DREAM. But fantasy maybe! Or in the future! Or deep space! Alien mayhaps! There are a few. The blended Obsessions that are kinda like his. Space and video-games instead of Space and Protection.
And? Oh~
Oh they are so SO realistic.
Impossible to play on any Earth computer, too. Not a single chance. Wouldn't even TRY and run. But! He is a Fenton! And he WILL have his Space Games! If his parents can make a portal in their basement? HE can make a Bank of Ectoplasmic Supercomputers in his spare room! Or Bedroom! Depends on renting prices!
He GUTS every landfill for MILES for usable parts.
"Liberates" parts from Rogues, left and right. Fuck their evil plans! He has computers to build! The Justice League? Baffled. Alarmed. Nooooot his problem!!!
He completes his works and? Oh~ the smile is both terrifying and fangy.
He starts College. On line, of course, he refuses to leave Amity. And Online can be done at his pace, at his hours. So? For once? He's actually doing WELL. Even BETTER? It helps him remember to leave them games every once and a while. Eat something. Be human.
But... well... it's like a slow flip of his Obsession starving. Now that he has all the Space he could ever want? He... suddenly finds Amity... peaceful? Which is GOOD! It's... it's GOOD.
.........just not for him.
He can almost physically FEEL him mind unclenching it's death grip on the town. Finger by finger. Hands releasing, letting go, as they... reach for something. As he starts taking NOTE of crime rates in major cities. Alien attacks and Rogues, Heros spread too thin, people getting HURT.
In need of PROTECTION.
He... he doesn't WANT to be that fickle. He LOVES Amity! It's his HOME. He wasn't protecting it just because he craved something to protect! In the end, he drags it out longer then he probably should, argues with himself, ignores the problem. Is STUBBORN.
It's only after Dani starts talking about coming back to Amity to stay with him, do the college thing like he did, that he realizes...
Amity's not his Haunt anymore.
They talk. She's excited to help him find a nice shit hole of a city to protect, but also worried because he looks really gaunt. He may LOVE Space... but...
It's the GHOST in him that loves Space. The Astronaut. The Kid who refused to die, who ate a PORTAL TO THE EVERYTHING and crawled out still exsistant, who told Death not only "not today" but "not EVER"? That kid had something to protect. Was and is and always will BE, protection. Himself, his friends, his family or the town. Doesn't matter WHAT it is.
He refused to go, so he could protect them.
The part that DID, though, was starlight. And yeah, he needs it. Feeds it desperately. But it... doesn't exactly support his human half, you know? Doesn't anchor him. Make him want to eat and sleep, be human and alive, connect with people.
Space makes him ghosty.
Dani ultimately convinces him, after spraying him down with a hose and shoving a cheeseburger down his face, to move to Metropolis with her. They get ALIENS! Have Aliens HEROS! BIG DESTRUCTIVE FIGHTS. With lots and LOTS of people who need help! Plus? Gotham is within a day trip!
And UNLIKE Gotham, the Ecto isn't RANK AF in Metropolis.
Seriously, it smells like a burst sewer pipe over there.
Danny agrees. Can totally afford a modest lil place thanks to some patents. Makes one HELL OF A SCENE moving in. With his giant, ominous, futuristic, weirdly day glow green glowing bank of super computers... in this, "we love our Alien Blorbo" Metropolis.
Cause Green and Glowing sure ain't welcome round these parts! No SIR! Somebody call the COPS!
Danny isn't even half way through, when Superman lightly touchs down, a forced grin plastered to his face. The "please, God, not another Rogue. Not a new one. Please!" all but RADIATING off him.
Danny... kiiiinda forgot not everyone was as "I see fuckin NOTHING, man" as Amity natives. Awkward. Welp! Fenton Oblivious Gene's, ACTIVATE!
"Oh, HIIIIIII~☆ Superman! What brings you round these parts? Gosh, it's an honor! Dani! Come meet SUPERMAN!"
Clark knows what he's doing. Danny knows, Clark knows what he's doing. They are both from the Midwest. They ain't gonna break first! You kidding? Clark still has to ask. Inserts himself by INSISTING on helping. A welcome to Metropolis! Ha ha! (How long we gonna lie for, kid? How long? I can do this all day.)
Clark? Learns that Danny has become ABSURDLY knowledgeable about terraforming, spacecraft, aerospace engineering and anything else related to Space Survival. Thanks to... his "games".
Which Clark is PRETTY sure? Are creatively set up, alien, training programs. Cause both of the Fentons are DEFINITELY at least partially non-human. But, eh. Who is he to judge? The "mad scientist" vibe, though... THAT is his to judge. Which he does.
Routine check ins!
And pasta bakes. Because good lord, Fenton, you are skin and bones! And? If it helps with both Watchtower maintenance AND some killer articles? Because Danny is a fountain of Space related knowledge who loves to share it? That's between Clark and the weird, semi-feral, gremlin he's adopted! (Yes, honey, he KNOWS Danny is a grown man. But I did it with BRUCE-)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
silly low effort Vox x reader headcanons —
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Silly headcanons because Vox is one goofy piece of shit. It’s very comical actually. Like if you live together he would come home and literally just bitch and bitch about his day. Even if he actually considered it a good day, that wouldn’t stop him. Sings very loudly in the shower in hopes that you’ll hear him and tell him how great he sounds. No one fishes for compliments like this man. It’s really funny how he does it because he like give you prompts. “Oh yea, this afternoons live broadcast was, or at least I thought, one of the better ones of the week. What about you? What’d you think?” And then he’d hit you with the most insincere smile and blink at you expectantly. I think he’d work best with a reader who doesn’t play into his shit. He needs a reality check to get his ego in order, let’s be real. But definitely not one that’s anything like Val; AKA overly critical and negative. Give him a good amount of praise but not in a yes-man type of way. He already has too many workers like that. Like a good sincere, specific compliment would knock him flat on his ass. I said in a recent shitpost that was super ticklish and I meant it! The back of his head where his wires are and the sides of his stomach are his most sensitive spots. If you spontaneously attack you by tickling him, he’ll literally loose his shit laughing and be so caught off guard. ”Holy shit—hah— stop! Stop it—“ He’d practically seethe through violent giggles. “—y/n—pfft—this isn’t funny!” And then he’d pretend to be all pissed off after you finally stopped, but in reality he liked the attention. He likes to keep his walls up and not be vulnerable but, given the right approach, I don’t think it would be that hard to fluster him. I saw a headcanon where his eyes can make heart shapes and I second this. When you make him blush his screen would just light up brighter and his eyes would turn to hearts. Then he’d be like “God FUCKING dammit! Shut the fuck up, already!” because of how obvious it would be. He’d have to put his hands over his screen and turn away from you. But he’d be very annoyed the whole time which would lead to this comical pissed off blushy rage. He gets really excited about things easily, leading to a bunch of excess energy and he’d probably get really loud too. This doesn’t only happen when you’re watching something he’s really invested in, although that is the more often situation. You could be playing a board game and he’d get unbelievably happy if he was winning. Hell, maybe your just listening, really listening, too one of his ideas for Voxtech. Usually the other vees kinda just go on their phones when he’s like this, maybe even tell him to shut up. Although that probably doesn’t bother him that much, he’d be genuinely taken aback if you listen. He’d probably stop half way through his excited rambling and notice you just looking at him. Tell him how cute he looks I DARE YOU. Que the angry blushing as he hides his screen. He’s also a huge complainer. Like HUGE he’s actually unbareable. He considers himself the least spoiled out of the Vees, and yeah, probably. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t. “Yeah, and the fucking press was all over my ass today about ‘safety’ or some shit. I played it off fantastically as per usual but god, they’re annoying.” ”Yes, Vox. God forbid they bother prince charming over here.” ”Exactly!” I also think he’d want your attention like 24/7 on the clock. Like if you even stop to talk to anyone else he’d probably cross his arms, tap his foot, and just fucking pout. Maybe he’d even sigh dramatically in your direction and check his watch because if you can’t tell, Vox is very high maintenance. All the Vees are in fact. He’d get jealous very easily too if your attention is directed at anyone else. ”Who are you texting? Is that a ‘good friend’ or something? Hm. You only texted me twice today.” I also think that he would like cuddling after a long day like with his screen resting on your chest and watching tv with you. He’d never ask though, so you’d just have to know when to offer.
He also would like it when you rub his back and treat him gently like that. He probably wouldn’t be used to gentle touch. Probably also falls alseep on you a lot.
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a/n — Take these all with a grain of salt BY THE WAY. Because I titled these ‘silly’ headcanons for a reason.
This doesn’t include how terrible he would be (manipulative, selfish, etc) because I just felt like doing something light hearted without angst!
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 3
phone sex - oikawa tooru x reader
word count: 1,061
kinktober masterlist
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The hallway was alive with chatter, and you were sure you would have missed your phone ringing in the noise if it wasn’t already in your hand. You frowned at the contact name, confused why your boyfriend was calling you. According to your calculations, it was almost midnight in Argentina right now, so why was he awake?
“Tooru?” You answered, using a finger to plug your other ear so you could hear him better over the noise of the students crowding your university hallways. You could barely make out shuffling on the other end of the line, before Oikawa’s familiar voice broke through.
“Heyyyy.” He whined, immediately following it with a giggle. You rolled your eyes and felt your lip twitch with amusement.
“Tooru, why are you still up?” You hiked your bag higher on your shoulder as you made your way through the halls. “You have practice tomorrow.”
You heard a thud on the line, followed by a curse. “I missed you, Y/N-chan~”
Oh. You sighed when the realization hit you. “Are you drunk?”
“No!” Came the instant reply. “Only a little tipsy.”
You bit back a laugh at how indignant he sounded. There was another thud and another curse, this time in Spanish, and your lips twitched in amusement.
“You okay there, champ?” You teased, almost imagining Oikawa stumbling around his home.
“‘M just tryna get out of these damn clothes.” He mumbled, before you heard another soft thump and a relieved sigh.
“Finally in bed?” You asked. “Get some rest now.”
“Nooo..” Oikawa trailed off. “Talk to me. I miss you.”
You sighed. “You need to get up super early tomorrow, baby. And I know you’re tired. You need to sleep.”
“I miss your face.” Oikawa continued talking, as if he hadn’t even heard you. You weren’t surprised. Sober Oikawa was hard enough to deal with, drunk Oikawa was insufferable.
“If you were here, I would cuddle you.” He rambled on. “You’d feel so good against me right now. Y’know I’m completely naked? Bet you’d be naked too if you were here. God, I’d just dip my fingers into your pussy to see how we-”
“Tooru!” You yelled, eyes nearly popping out of your head at how the conversation (one-sided as it was) took a turn. You cursed internally when a few people turned around to look at you at the noise, frantically looking around for a more private place. You ducked into the door which said ‘restroom’ on it, mere feet away from where you were standing. The noise from the hall faded away.
“What the hell?” You continued, walking closer to the sinks, relieved that the bathroom was empty.
“I’m horny!” Your boyfriend whined on the other end.
“Well, I can’t do anything about that right now!” You snapped, checking the stalls to see that they were also thankfully empty.
“Yes you can!” He shot back. “C’mon, tell me what you’re wearing.”
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. This fucker. “I’m at uni, Tooru. Be serious.”
“Please, baby.” He whined again, though this time it was more breathy. Your eyes widened when you realized he was probably touching himself. “‘M so hard. And it’s been so long. God, I miss your body. I miss your voice.”
You felt yourself clench at the thought of Tooru running his hand over himself right now. You looked around at the completely empty bathroom, biting your lip in contemplation. Were you really going to do this?
One more image of Oikawa laid out naked and turned on, of his glorious body and roughed up chestnut hair, was enough for you to make your decision.
“Okay.” You breathed out. “Hold on.”
You rushed to lock the bathroom door, moving into a stall and locking that too for extra measure. “Fuck, okay.”
“Talk to me.” You heard him on the other end, almost begging. You sighed and pushed your hand into your pants, biting your lip when your fingers brushed your clit. This was going to be quick and messy, you could already tell.
“I’m,” you gulped. “I’m touching myself.”
A groan. “Yeah?” He sounded so wrecked already. God. You realized in that moment how badly you had missed him too.
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. “Touching my clit. Feels good.”
Oikawa cursed. “Keep going, baby. Push down harder. Then put a finger inside.”
You followed his instructions, allowing yourself to let out a little moan at the feeling of being filled, albeit only slightly.
“God, I can imagine you right now.” Oikawa rambled on, and you could almost hear the sound of his hand moving, slightly wet, probably from the precum. “Bet you’re already soaking for me, aren’t you? Bet you miss my cock.”
“I do!” You whined, now fully immersed and overcome with pleasure, sliding another finger inside your hole. “‘S not the same, Tooru. Miss your big cock. Miss being filled to the brim.”
“S-shit, baby.” His voice sounded so broken, and it pushed you even closer to the edge. “I miss your pussy all the time. Can’t wait to get back and fuck you until you can’t walk. God, I’m gonna ruin you. Just let me come back. Let me come back.”
His ramblings were getting nonsensical, but his voice was wrecked and you moaned at the sound, your orgasm building far quicker than you anticipated, your movement growing frantic.
“Tooru, I’m so close.”
“M-me too. Fuck. C’mon baby, come all over your fingers like a good girl. You do that and I’ll give you my cock when I get back. I’ll fuck you five different ways. Just come for me right now, Y/N. Come.”
You moaned as your orgasm finally hit, letting Oikawa talk you through it with his silver tongue. You listened as he announced his own release, getting off on the sound of his curses and broken groans and using them to prolong your own orgasm. By the time you were done, you were sweaty and out of breath.
All was silent for a few minutes as you readjusted your clothes, putting your phone to your ear once again and not hearing anything except Oikawa’s steady breathing. You nearly snorted.
Bastard fell asleep immediately after cumming. Figures.
You dropped him a goodnight text before ending the call, unlocking the door and going about your way as if nothing had happened in the bathroom stall.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartzz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi i @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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lycheeloving · 2 months
ANOTHER MULTIVERSE FIC because I can't stop myself, apparently. An injustice!Superman one, this time. I imagine you were a small-time hero/vigilante in this one, so Superman knew (and liked) you before he turned bad, but you weren't super close, before.
-You wake up in an unfamiliar room, tied to a chair, not knowing how you got there. Kal doesn't ever let you leave the fortress. But you don't know how anyone else could have gotten in to take you here, wherever here is. Maybe it was Kal? But why would he do that?
-You spot a woman tied up in another chair next to you, it seems like she also just woke up. She reminds you of someone, but you can't remember who exactly... You want to ask her if she knows more about what's going on, when you realize you're both gagged. Shit. You can't even communicate with her!
-A man comes in, rambling something about how he's glad you're finally awake and about his plan finally taking shape. You feel like you should know this guy, but can't quite put a finger on it...
-Being unsure if you know who he is, as you're "not from here", he introduces himself. He's Lex Luthor.
-Wait. Lex Luthor? The Lex Luthor? The dead one, who was killed by Superman? Is this a prank? Because if so, it isn't funny at all. And quite dangerous for everyone involved.
-Luthor (if that is his real name) then focuses on the woman next to you. He addresses her as "Mrs. Lane".
-Lane as in Lois Lane? Like, Lois Lane from the Daily Planet? Clark Kent's, Superman's wife? Now you know something is extremely wrong. She's dead, too, and everyone knows not to mention her name unless they want to face Superman's wrath... You make a few muffled sounds beneath your gag, itching to ask about just what is going on here.
-Luthor says he's going to explain everything, don't be so impatient! He has a machine that can open portals to parallel universes, which is how he got you here. His plan includes kidnapping the person that is most important to Superman in his own universe (Lois Lane), the person most important to Superman in a second universe (You!) and then making the Supermen fight each other by threatening your lives. The only way to save you is if one Superman dies. This room is Superman proof, he can't hear or see anything that's happening in here, so they can't just swoop in and save you. After the fight, he's going to let the winning Superman enter this room, promising him that he can rescue Lois or you. Except not really, because he's going to try to kill the winner too, because that should be easier after he just fought another Superman, right? He hasn't opened a portal to let the Superman from your universe know about how he can save you, yet. He closed the portal he got you through immediately after kidnapping you, so he had more time to prepare everything. How he found you? Something about being able to detect kryptonian dna residue on you. And you were in Superman's fortress. Easy to combine that you must be important to him.
-That's... actually not a terrible plan! Sure, it might not work out exactly the way that Luthor is planning, but beating Superman with Superman is a great idea! Actually it'd be great if Luthor got a third one here. Two Supermen should definitely be able to defeat one Superman, right? Unfortunately you can't communicate any of this through your gag. Damn, you'd love to help him improve his plan...
-You wonder if he chose your universe completely randomly, or if he chose an evil Superman on purpose. You don't think he did, he didn't mention the regime with one word, and if it existed in this universe he wouldn't be working on this stupid plan. And Lois wouldn't be alive, probably.
-Before you can let your thoughts spiral even more, Luthor falls over. Huh? Is he unconscious? You spot Batman coming towards you. Ah. That explains that, then. Man, you haven't seen Batman in such a long time...
-"Are you two alright?" He quickly cuts through the ropes tying you to the chairs, freeing you. "Good thing you used your bat emergency-signal, Lois. I was able to get to you before Superman could fall for Luthor's trap." Wait, why would Lois contact Batman? Oh, right, sometimes you forget that he and Superman used to be friends, so obviously his wife would trust him too.
-He takes off both of your gags and then turns to you. "We figured out you're from a parallel universe, but don't worry, Nightwing is currently working on a way to get in contact with the Superman from your dimension, so-"
-"NO!", you scream, making Batman look at you in confusion. You quickly tell him to contact Nightwing, to make him stop trying to open a portal or god forbid, contact Kal!! Noticing the urgency in your voice, Batman quickly complies and lets Nightwing know to stop what he's doing, before asking you to elaborate. Phew! The last thing you need is an angry Superman wreaking havoc in a second universe.
-You start explaining to Batman about how your Superman started changing for the worse after Lois died (sparing the details, as she's kind of sitting right next to you), started to get darker, kill villains, everyone who did something bad, people who disagreed with him. Other heroes, even. People he used to be friends with. How everyone who didn't agree with him and join his regime, including you and Batman, had to go into hiding, trying to find a way to stop him. Clark, no KAL-EL found you at some point, but instead of killing you, he unexpectedly took you, basically imprisoned you. Kept you like a pet who's not smart enough to make their own decisions. (You never even knew he liked you like that at all, before that. Sure, he was always nice to you, but he had Lois!)
-Lois seems visibly shocked, whereas Batman just listens to you stoically. "All this to say, it's good to see you alive, Lois!" You smile weakly. She tries to smile back, but before she can respond, Batman cuts her off. "We should leave this place. I doubt it's very safe here. We should return to the Batcave, think of a plan." You spare one last glance at Luthor, who's still lying on the floor (Are we just going to leave him here? Huh. Ok.), then follow Batman outside.
-As soon as you're out of the building, something rushes past you. "Lois! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Not something. Someone. You try not to flinch as he fusses over her, while she reassures him that she's fine multiple times.
-After he's convinced she's not hurt, he turns to you with a gentle smile. "Hello! So you're close to the Superman in another dimension, then?" As he takes a step towards you, you instinctively take a step back towards Batman. Clark frowns at him quizzically. It's funny, he almost looks like a confused puppy. You would smile if you didn't know that this is all a facade to distract from his god-like, destructive powers.
-"Turns out the other version of you is some kind of evil dictator." Well, leave it to Batman to get straight to the point. Clark opens and closes his mouth a few times, thinking about what to say. "Well, I can assure you that I'm not like the Superman you know. I promise you, I'm a good person! At least I try my best to be one. You don't have to be scared." His voice is getting increasingly gentle, trying to reassure you.
-"Oh yeah? That's exactly what the Superman from my dimension would have said, before..." You don't mention his wife's death, not wanting to anger him. "The same thing could happen to you. You might be nice now, but who knows what the future holds?" As you're saying this, you slowly move slightly behind Batman. Just in case. He should have some kryptonite on him, right?
-Superman just frowns harder, then turns to Lois. "We should go home." He picks her up and turns to Batman. "Contact me as soon as you have plans for... handling the other me." With that, he takes off.
-Batman ushers you into the Batmobile, where Nightwing (another ghost, to you) is already waiting. You keep turning to look at him during the drive to the Batcave, while Bruce explains the situation to him. If they notice your weird looks, they don't mention it.
-You allow yourself to feel some hope. Maybe you can contact your Bruce? Help him out! Send a few still good Supermen! Your head is spinning with ideas, and you're sure Batman can come up with even better ones. You can't help but smile, your nightmare might finally be over...
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orchidsangel · 7 months
dragging jason along with you to a popular brunch spot you've heard so much about on social media. he's resistant at first, insisting he could just make breakfast for you in the comfort of your own home, but you've already made the reservations knowing he wouldn't actually say no to you.
it's in the city so not too far from your apartment, but you still make a date out of it, and you dress in something cute that you wouldn't normally wear, while he opts for a t-shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket (in true jason fashion, you'd expect no different).
it's a small place but super crowded, with not a lot of sitting room and a 2+ hour wait for walk-ins. but you get seated fairly quickly because of the reservation you made.
the decor is cute, and the menu is cute, and your boyfriend sitting across from you is cute because he doesn't want to be here but he is for you and you can't help but smile when he rolls his eyes at you for taking a picture of him.
there's not a lot of options on the menu, he asks "why?" you say, "because it's curated." he says "that's dumb."
you stick with the classic french toast and he opts for a breakfast burger. the wait for the food is long but you barely notice the time passing as you ramble to jason about the rave reviews you've seen. he sits, listening intently even though you both know none of this information is of any use to him but he still inquires every few sentences to keep you talking. he likes the sound of your voice when you're happy.
the food comes and it's beautiful, perfectly golden brown and garnished with freshly cut fruit and powdered sugar. you snap pictures of both your french toast, and his burger which also looks amazing.
so, when you take your first bite and are met with almost zero flavor, you're a bit confused. you dig around taking chunks from various slices, and each one is more disappointing than the last.
"is yours good?"
"eh i've had worse. why? yours isn't?"
"tastes like wet cement."
he laughs, and you love his laugh, but in this moment the unsatisfied hunger in your stomach overpowers your usual love for him and all you can do is scowl.
"told you not to trust tiktok."
"they said it was good."
"of course they would, they're probably on payroll."
"don't be a smart ass."
he finishes up, pays your check, and the two of you walk out, leaving your half-eaten plate of disappointment behind. he wraps an arm around you as you stroll aimlessly around the city. it’s a nice day but it would be even nicer if you’d had an adequate meal. all you can do is wallow in your sadness.
"you're really upset about this huh?"
you don't answer, instead leaning in closer to him and he looks down at you buried in his side, and smiles to himself.
"alright. let's get you some good french toast."
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a little self indulgent (i love french toast) bf!jason blurb while i work on expanding my friends to lovers universe. not my best work but sit tight :')
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muldermuse · 6 months
this is kind of a ramble so bear with me:
thinking about sending two sinners!gator into an absolute tailspin when he shows up to your house to see everything in boxes and your clothes packed up in a few suitcases by the door
he’s like ????? WHAT IS GOING ON WHERE ARE YOU GOING???? and just casually saying “skipping town” and going to kiss him and he’s like ??????
i can only imagine the catharsis of telling him that “there’s nothing in fargo for me, most of the town hates me and the ones who don’t just wanna fuck me, you’re probably gonna marry glenda which will only make everyone hate me even more if they find out i’m the other woman. So I want to live somewhere else. I’m not happy here.” and he obv freaks out
and maybe you’re just going to stay at a friends house while your place gets painted, but maybe leaving was on your mind (it’s easier to sell a house with fresh paint👀), and maybe you wanted to see how serious he was about coming with you…but none of that is any of his business…
i’m usually not an angst girlie but i’m on my period and it’s probably a safer bet to be melodramatic and pick a fight with a fictional man than one i actually know 😭😭
ok this ask made me feral, i felt so ANGSTY writing it
thank u so much for sending it through angel <3
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18+ only!! Angst below the cut!! Gator is mean and reader is maybe meaner. They're both terrible people. He calls her a whore, she calls him a lot of mean names. Mentions of smut but no actual smut.
Maybe, this is super far in the future for the two sinners fic or maybe it is not canon. who knows!!! not me!!!
You’re not sure how he found out. You’ve quietly handed your notice in at work and said goodbye to the few in this shitty town you care about. Jenson, Jax and Steve have been ghosted (but you know that they’d all come back with a simple ‘you up?’ text). You weren’t going to tell Gator you were leaving- he didn’t deserve a goodbye. You’d planned to go for 3 months as your place was going to get renovated in that time (you’d been saving up for years to make it more of a home). So, you thought that the months away would be an opportunity to become a new person. A better person. Someone who didn’t fuck pathetic Sheriffs. If anyone looked in; they’d think you were going forever. You’d decided that as soon as you left, you’d block Gator and when (or if) you returned, you’d avoid him like the plague.
The U-HAUL parked in your drive probably gave it away. Or when Glenda saw you filling up your truck and made a snide comment about what you were doing. Or maybe it was when you fucked him 2 days ago he made a passing comment about how empty your home looked. Since then, the entire hall area is covered in boxes filled with your possessions. You try not to let it depress you that your whole life has been packed up in a matter of days. You need a fresh start, you’re moving in with a friend a few towns over and you can be whoever you want to be for a few months. No one there has to know that you’ve been fucking a loser in a relationship for the best part of 2 years. You know it’s him as soon as he knocks on the door, no one knocks as loud as him and other people wait to be invited in. Gator lets himself in as you’re checking your backpack one final time.
“The fuck is all this shit?” He kicks a box that’s in his way and you’re thankful you don’t hear a shatter. “Saw the U-Haul and uh- Glenda saw you fillin’ up. Plannin’ a trip or somethin’?”. He tries to sound unbothered but you know him better than that.
You don’t look at him when you tell him, “Yeah, I’m leaving”. You tell yourself that it’s because you’re checking your backpack but really it’s because you can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins and you’re trying to compose yourself before you lose your shit.
“The fuck did you jus’ fuckin’ say?”
“Sorry, I’ll say it slower because you’re a fuckin’ idiot. I am leaving”. You draw out the last three words and stare at him. You can hear your heart thumping in your ears as you try to read the expression on his face. It’s a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness. A soft kiss his pressed to his cheek as you walk into the dining room to check your toiletries box. That’s the only pleasantry you’ll exchange with him today- or maybe ever again.
His boots stomp behind you as he follows you in. “Well, where are you goin’?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m there, Gator. Now you can fuck off back to Glenda and play fuckin’ happy families for the rest of your life”.
“Well- why are you leavin’? You’ve never mentioned this before”. His voice breaks as he speaks, either a sign he’s getting choked up or he’s getting really angry.
You can feel the anger rattling in your chest and the sound of your heartbeat in your ears becomes overwhelming. “Why am I going? Gator, everyone in this town fuckin’ hates me or thinks that I’m a total whore because of your fuckin’ bitch of a girlfriend. Who- by the way, you’re goin’ to marry because you’re too fuckin’ chickenshit to upset your crazy daddy…” You slam your hands on the table and take a quick breath, “Gator- I fuckin’ hate it here, I’m miserable and I can’t do it any longer- it’s killin’ me”.
He’s stood opposite you and fuck, does he look mad. He doesn’t move for a minute but then shoves your boxes off the table and kicks them when they hit the floor. After a few seconds, he kicks them again with more force and slams his hands on the table.
“Yeah, real fuckin’ mature Gator, breaking my shit beca-“
“What about this? What about us?” His voice is more muted than you’ve ever heard it. His breath is shuddering gasps. You’re unsure why it enrages you.
You laugh cruelly, “What us? What the fuck are you talking about? Gator, you have a fuckin’ girlfriend who you’re going to marry.”
“Yeah but when has that stopped you- huh? You can’t put this all on me. You’re jus’ as bad as me.”
He moves to stand in front of you. The energy in the room is charged, usually, when it feels like this between the pair of you, it would end in some angry sex where you’re both trying to dominate the other person but you both know that isn’t going to happen today. 
“You’re movin’ away to be a fuckin’ whore somewhere else... or because you’re jealous of Glenda. She gets all of me and you jus’ get the fuckin’ scraps”. His smile is wicked and his eyes look darker than you’ve ever seen them.
You take a step closer to him, “I couldn’t think of anything fucking worse than havin’ all of you. You’re a pathetic fuckin’ daddy’s boy who’s never won anythin’ in his life”. You get close enough to whisper in his ear, “you’re a fuckin’ loser, Gator.”
You hate how much you want to fuck him in this moment and by the red bloom that’s creeping up his neck; you know he feels the same.
He leaves your home silently. He kicks another box on his way out and you finally hear a shatter. His tyres spin as his car races off your front lawn. 
You should block his number and know that that is the end of this awful affair. 
But you both know that it isn’t.
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tulipsforyourlips · 1 month
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (5)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 1500
WARNINGS: mentions of blood (the usual)
PART 5 ✧˖°.
You were sitting on your bed, pondering over Dream's words or actually the lack of them from last night. Why was it bothering you so much who he loved or did not? He probably had gone through an army of lovers being so ancient. You knew there was Nada, Calliope, courtesy of Matthew's inability to stay quiet for more than two seconds, and now Hope. But there was something about the first time he had said her name, pure anguish coating every syllable, that had your heart retreating into itself.
"No mate there is absolutely no way I am leaving her behind." Charles' muffled voice sliced through your silent rambling.
"Charles you cannot be serious. We can't put the entire agency to a halt because of one client," Edwin wailed.
"What's the problem?" You peeped through your door.
That's when you saw Jesse's curled form on the couch and the overheard conversation bore logic.
"She's still here?"
"Yeah." Edwin's face wore a scowl. But as he sensed the oncoming taunting suggestion from you, he hurriedly added, "which I have no problem with of course."
"Sure mate," you smirked. "I will stay with her."
Charles lifted his eyebrows.
"Yeah I am feeling super tired anyways. You guys go ahead," you assured the lot of two.
"How do you manage to feel exhausted after sleeping 10 hours a day absolutely stuns me. You stun me woman." Charles relieved a deep breath.
"Aw thankyou love," you pouted.
"Alright, Hazel keep a watch on her. And if anything strange occurs, call us immediately," Edwin spoke. "You sure you aren't staying behind because of your mysterious guy?"
You gave a mock chuckle.
"No seriously Haz how are things going with him?" Charles wiggled his brows. "Which base-"
"Okay okay okay out! Both of you."
You dropped the book titled 'Hope' with a thud on the table in front of you. You were waiting for Dream to join you tonight and in the meantime, your inquisitiveness had gotten a tight grip on you. So you had raked the library to locate Dream's past lover's record successfully, you might add. Excitement swooshing in your entire body, you flung the book open. Nothing. White blankness stared at you. You flipped through the pages. Still nothing. Are you kidding me? How is this even possible? Lucienne had told you that any being, immortal or not, living or not, had a book dedicated to their dreams and stories. Before you could lose more of your mind on the enigma on your hands, you heard the flapping of Matthew's wings. You quickly put the useless book back in its place.
"Boss wants ya."
You gaped at the apparition in front of you. Consider a rhinoceros, but bigger and scarier and from a fairy land. He was partially covered in moss and vines loosely wrapped around his ears and horn. You pitied the humans back in the waking world whose dreams the animal had ever had a cameo in. You were just glad you weren't one of them. Now not so much as the whimsical rhinoceros slowly made its way in your direction. You stretched your arm in front of you. And closed your eyes in concentration. The sounds of heavy stamping grew louder. You can do this. You have been doing this for weeks. The literal fate of the world depended on you being able to do this. You opened your eyes. Yellow eyes speedily approached you. You got this. Blinding pain seared through your palm where the pointed horn of the creature tore through your skin and the acute scent of copper wafted into the air. Dream raised his hand to dispel his creation.
"No!" you shouted. "Don't."
"I got this." You got this.
Blackness seeped into the periphery of your vision but you reeled your focus back to the huffing beast in front of you. He started towards you again, sand flying from the rear of his feet. You shut your eyes. Enough. You are chosen for a destiny far greater than yours, Dream's words from your first encounter surfaced in your mind when you had accused him of being a serial killer. So much time had passed since then, so much time putting your body and mind through vigorous training, so much time withholding yourself from your bestfriends, so much time with Dream, who had placed his faith in your hands, gentle and soft. A faint energy began buzzing in the core of your soul, spreading throughout, tickling every nerve in your body and roaring in your ears. You opened your eyes, the creature's angry black pupils crashed against your outstretched bleeding hand, almost. The second his bristly face came in contact with your touch, his pupils dilated and he skidded to a stop. Your hand glowed with the hum of energy that slowly receded back from wherever it had come from, inside you. The animal leaned into your touch before pulling back and leaped away to from wherever Dream had summoned him. Dream. You tilted your head to where he stood, his lips twitched upwards all so ever slightly, a ghost of a smile. A fire ignited in your heart, from where it trickled down your insides, painting them warm, at the sight. He walked towards you and the wave of adrenaline rush that had kept you distracted from your punctured hand that was reddening the sand below, died down. Before the blood loss could take its toll on you, Dream's calloused yet silken fingers wrapped around your wounded hand. His touch though cold, lit your skin on fire. He rubbed sand over your hand. The blow of the pain simmered down to a dull ache. He severed the contact between your skins, leaving behind an abrupt chill. It was as if your body was calling for his hand again, craving for his touch.
His perfect lips parted, perfect? you perverted brain get a grip, "Hazel? Hazel?"
Shit. Were you staring? "Yeah,"
"How is your hand?"
You looked down, a black cloth was tied around it. How long were you zoned out?
You might have cared for the throbbing pain still lapping around it if you weren't reveling in the ecstasy your triumph had wrought. "It's better. Thankyou."
"You did well tonight, mortal."
"Shut. Up!" You turned towards the newly joined raven on your shoulder. "He can hand out praise?" You asked incredulously.
"Unsolved mysteries of the world," Matthew replied.
Dream's lips fought a smile.
You fisted blades of grass within your fingers as you sat alongside the Dream lord in your favourite place of all the realms. The darkness was slowly fading away, a hint of pink dotting the mountain edges. It would soon be time for you to wake up.
Morpheus turned his attention to you. You didn't like the intensity of it. 
"Yes mortal?"
You hesitated.
Dream's gravelly voice jeered, "How many questions do you have?" Amusement danced in his eyes. 
You sighed and laid down your head on the soft grass. "It was you, wasn't it? That day at the sisters' house. You saved me from Aura." You finally gave voice to the doubt solidifying in your mind.
"That isn't a question Hazel."
"Because you are important to the survival of the realms." 
You felt a brush of disappointment at his answer. What were you expecting? That made a perfect explanation for why he had saved you. This partnership was not forged out of any preference or want. You were chosen for this. He was stuck with you.
"So what happens now? With the nightmares under control- Why did you even create them in the first place? Just some merry dreams would have sufficed don't ya reckon?"
"Nightmares serve a crucial purpose. They are merely meant to reflect a man's worst fears so he can face them."
"I wish I could say makes sense."
"Don't trouble your puny mortal brain with the rules of the universe," he said in a teasing tone.
Your laugh was gradual but it came. He was getting better with his jokes. You felt Dream watch you intently. He had begun to open up. You had managed to writhe little information about his past but whatever you had, the Corinthian, Roderick Burgess, Rose Walker, he had given it up willingly. Do you ever get lonely? You had asked him your first time in the Dreaming. Even though he hadn't replied to you then, you had come to know the answer. He was just as eager for company as you were for his.
"Well back to the concerned topic, with the dreams now learning to trust again, what happens now?" You asked.
The sun had emerged from the diving nook between the mountains. Its rays spilled honey all around you. 
"We will decide tomorrow." Were the last words of your dream as you were tugged back into wakeness.
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aromanticautiesworld · 7 months
finn x fem reader whos really into science, rambles on a bunch and finn actually listena to her which she hasnt seen anyone do and actually CARE about what shes saying and immediately starts crushing (they were og friends but it just made her heart flutter and it was a pretty sunset)
YES YES ABSOLUTELY love this <- fixated on astrophysics since he was six and is considering becoming one in the far future
finn with a fem reader who’s a science nerd
word count: 745
Finn called you over for repairs to their telescope not too long ago, something about a fight with the Ice King where he cracked the lense. The sun had already gone down, and the stars (now more visible after all the human’s pesky light pollution was gone) came out of their hiding spots along with the crescent moon.
You stopped the video game you were speeding through, the call being a necessary distraction to pull you out of what would otherwise be many hours straight of gameplay, and a significant lack of self-care.
You pack your bag with snacks, and (of course) books about astrophysics and astronomy (just in case the hangout became a sleepover, or you suddenly needed them. Things can get very chaotic very quickly with Finn), two of your favorite and very closely related sciences. Unlike him, you didn’t want to adventure for your whole life, you did eventually want to become an astrophysicist, maybe study with Peebs.
“Why do you even have a telescope if you never use it?” You say, looking down at the new lense you were trying to install.
“‘Cuz we need it to see any incoming baddies,” Finn waves his sword around, whacking imaginary enemies.
“What about, like. Using binoculars instead,”
“Telescope sees better,”
“Fair point, fair point,” You raise an eyebrow at him, “You do actually know what it’s for, right?”
Finn pauses to think. “I mean…you look at the stars. At least I think you do. I dunno why you’d look at them through that when you can see ‘em perfectly fine from here,”
“It’s cool, trust me! It’s to see them in more detail,”
Finn stares blankly at you.
“So, in space, there’s, like. a hundred billion things—things we can’t even see from here—and this telescope lets you look at all the stuff you can’t see and all the stuff you can see but better,”
Finn sheathes his sword, “I thought there was just the stars, planets and the moon in space?”
“Oh, well. Yeah, but there’s also asteroids, meteoroids, all those decayed satellites from before the mushroom war, supernovas—oh oh oh! Do you know what a supernova is? They’re so cool—they’re basically a big, big star that after becoming a red supergiant they implode in this huge burst of energy that lasts years—and at the end it either makes a neutron star, or a black hole. Black holes are actually super cool too, they don’t let anything out—not even light! Most black holes are smaller than Ooo but there are some massive ones at the center of every galaxy—which is a whole other thing—that could’ve been formed by being compressed at the center of giant stars back in the ancient universe. Also, they’re probably going to be the last thing in the universe but because of hawking radiation eventually they’ll fade away too, and…um…”
You look back over at Finn, who now sat criss cross on the floor of the balcony. He’d been intently listening (even if he didn’t understand some of it) but in your eyes you were boring him. Most people don’t have the energy or desire to listen to your long rants about space, and once you start, the conversation fizzles out and they’re too tired to talk to you.
You look down at your hands, “Sorry, I was rambling again. We can talk about something else if you want, haha…”
“No, no no no,” He had zoned out many times during PB’s talks of numbers and other things kinda irrelevant to him, but for you it was different. Maybe he just likes hearing the sound of your voice, he doesn’t know. “Can you keep going?”
Your heart flutters.
Your rambling continues on into the night, moon and stars slowly moving across the skies. Finn doesn’t add much to the conversation, mostly watches with a fluttering feeling he couldn’t figure out in his chest. Man, you were pretty when you talked.
Many hours later (you don’t know it, but the sun’s coming up soon), you sit by Finn’s side, both of you sleepy from staying up all night.
Finn looks over to you, “Tonight was fun,”
You’re quiet, “…the funny thing is, most peeps don’t like to hear about it. The stars,”
“I wanna hear about the stars, if it’s you talking about them,”
Your eyes practically sparkle, and you pull him into a hug. Finn’s face grows hot, and he freezes before hugging you back.
“Tier one, dude,”
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keeksandgigz · 6 months
more eddie thoughts (they’re fluffy with a bit of angst); minors dni anyway pls <3
ok so i see sometimes eddie being written as super romantic like number one boyfriend of the year.
and yeah he’s a good boyfriend, but this kid has never had like a true reference of what actual love looks like bc yk his mom died and al is a piece of shit.
anyways so he doesn’t really know how to express his feelings when it comes to love because of how he grew up and how he was treated even at school. kid didn’t have a good support system outside of yk hellfire and even then it’s a different type of love.
so when he starts dating you he’s kind of stumbling in the dark for most of the beginning of it. and you understand because he’s never actually dated anyone (because he thought he was incapable of being loved)but you’re taking your time with him and helping him figure out what a real and loving relationship is supposed to look like.
and it’s been a few weeks and you still haven’t said the big l bomb yet, but you’re sure you love him and he’s sure he loves you but he doesn’t know how to say it.
so one day you’re back at his trailer, just spending time together, yk getting high listening to music (not much else to do in the 80s) and he’s asking you to put a record on while he’s rolling a joint for you two to share. and your eyes fall on the first record in his pile, which is “sabbath bloody sabbath.” you don’t know better so you put it on while he lights the joint for you.
by the time you get to that third track, “fluff” which is just guitars and piano and nothing else, you’re both blissfully high. he’s nuzzled into your neck, enjoying the state you’re in, lulled by soft skin and sweet perfume.
he feels protected, guarded. soft hums escape both your mouths, while the forgotten joint rests on an ashtray on his bedside table. a soft lullaby in the background, one eddie had forgotten about, because it was often not his speed.
but the song plays and he’s sure you’re about to fall asleep. it’s like a lullaby, and he’s sure he’s never felt more at peace before. you glowing in the dim light of the small window in his room, a soft smile pressed on your lips.
you cradle his head in the blissful haze of your high, and he’s sure he’s never felt like that before. like you’re a warm blanket over his heart, like the warm glow of a candle in a dark and cold room. you really are a warm glow.
so he nudges you, and you open your eyes from your daze. neither one of you had spoken for the past 20 minutes, ever since the weed hit. eddie breaks the silent vow.
“you know how i’m not good with, y’know, words?” he mumbles, soft and a bit insecure against your skin.
you nod your head, a humming sound following it.
“and i really enjoy spending my time with you, like, i’m always saying that we could be spending the rest of our lives here just doing this over and over and over” he rambles, the high getting to him.
you smile, he’s really not good with words.
“and it’s funny you picked this album today, out of all the albums i have. because my dad would play it often, and i remember when i was like four- and i don’t even know how i remember this because i probably do have some memory loss because i probably fell and hit my head too many times as a kid- and it feels funny that i remember this, like some kind of irony” he continues.
you just lay there, playing with his hair as he rests on your chest, nodding along to his stoned ramble
“but i remember my parents dancing to this, like one night my dad played this album instead of my mom’s bluegrass ones, and she protested ‘cause she didn’t want this kinda music so late. something about me not being able to sleep” he toys with the hem of his shirt, he’s nervous. your heart shrinks.
“but this song comes on, and my dad grabs my mom’s hand and they just start dancing in the middle of the kitchen, while i’m just doing god knows what. but that’s one of my few memories of them actually liking each other.” he sighs, you’re still wondering what his point is.
“and i don’t wanna be like my dad, but this song is just, god, it’s really what it feels like to be with you, like this” he says, gesturing at his room, at you, at the roach on the ashtray.
you gasp because that’s the most he’s ever been able to express, and he’s all flushed, because the mask is off, and now you know he loves you. and a smile creeps up your lips, because this boy everyone thinks is the devil incarnate is actually the most genuine and lovable man in this town. and you love him.
and, apparently, he loves you too.
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katsu28 · 1 year
even after all these years
pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
summary: based on the prompt “i take my little sibling to their school’s halloween carnival and you’re one of the volunteers/workers there and you’re super cute” but slightly different
warnings: light swearing, bats
a/n: is it even legal to finally be posting a halloween fic in december? let’s pretend it is and i’m not criminally late with it! but in my defense, i started writing this before halloween and then just never finished it </3
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Eddie didn’t want to be here. Now don’t get him wrong, he liked Halloween just as much as the next person, but being around all these people that were ready to hunt him down and burn him at the stake just months ago, who were now pretending like it never happened, just didn’t tickle his fancy. 
But Dustin and Steve were very adamant on him coming with them, and as much as he wanted to decline, he couldn’t. 
So now here he was, shuffling behind his friends as they wandered around the Hawkins High parking lot that had been converted into a makeshift Halloween carnival, trying his best to ignore the stares and whispers aimed his way. 
Eddie was no stranger to them, but these were different. He wasn’t just a freak, he was a so called “murderer”. Even though his name had been cleared a long time ago. 
“Dude, you look like you’re about to piss yourself. Relax.” Steve’s voice drew him out of his thoughts, his eyes flicking to the brown haired boy currently raising a brow at him. “You’re fine, Munson.” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay. Whatever.” Eddie muttered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket sulkily. 
Dustin cast a glance back at him, frowning when he saw the older boy kicking a rock down the gravel path, much more interested in the toes of his dirty sneakers than anything else around him. He felt bad for dragging Eddie here when he obviously wasn’t having any fun, but it was good for him to get out more. He’d barely left Steve’s house at all the past seven months, only managing to drag himself to Hellfire meetings and to give Dustin an occasional ride home from school. 
“Hey, you wanna come with me to get my face painted?” Dustin asked excitedly, making his way back to tug on Eddie’s sleeve with a grin. “I was thinking like a huge spiderweb, straight across my cheek. Pretty badass, don’t you think?” 
“I guess.” Eddie shrugged, instantly feeling guilt pool in his stomach when he saw Dustin’s shoulders slump. So he tried his best to remedy it by plastering a smile on his face, clapping him on the back and pulling him closer by the collar of his jacket. “That does sound real badass, Henderson. Lead the way.” 
Dustin perked right back up, launching into a mindless ramble about some species of spider that Eddie wasn’t paying attention to all that much as they made their way through the crowds of kids and parents to the face painting table. Immediately plunking into a free chair across from one of the Hawkins High science teachers, Dustin started talking again, probably forgetting that Eddie had come with him. 
Eddie, on the other hand, was about ready to ditch him, since he was getting a few weird looks as he just stood in the middle of the array of tables awkwardly. 
“Hey, I know you. You’re—” 
“Yeah, yeah, Eddie the freak, satanic worshipper, murderer, yada, yada,” He grumbled, deciding to slouch over into another flimsy plastic chair with his arms crossed over his chest to get out of people’s way, barely hastening you a glance before focusing his scowl on the worn out knees of his jeans. 
“Uh…okay. That’s not what I was thinking of though.” You frowned. “Hawkins middle school debate team, sixth grade.” 
Eddie’s eyes snapped up, widening in horror at the sight of you. You, out of all the people he could’ve snapped at.
He remembered you, and he definitely remembered that year. The year he went to live with his uncle, which then turned into two, then three, then the rest of his life. 
He’d been having trouble adjusting to being moved around so much, so he’d started acting out. Arguing with teachers, interrupting class randomly, cutting school, the whole nine yards. Apparently, he was so good at arguing with authority figures, they decided to stick him on the debate team as punishment. But honestly, it wasn’t so much of a punishment when he realized that you were also on the debate team. 
Bright eyed and bushy tailed with the brightest of smiles, you were Eddie’s first crush. You were one of the only people who didn’t treat him like a total freak, sitting with him during debate practices and talking to him when no one else would, even going so far as to share your snacks with him. You never brushed him off or called him a weirdo, and you’d even kicked Tommy H in the nuts one time when he made a dig at Eddie’s clothes. 
So when you moved out of Hawkins, he was pretty bummed. But now you were back, and he still felt the same butterflies in his stomach right now that he did back when he was twelve. 
“What was that about being a murderer?” You tilted your head at him in confusion, to which he shook his head quickly. 
“Nothing! I’m not—my name was cleared, I didn’t, uh, I didn’t murder anyone!” He tugged at the collar of his jacket awkwardly, half expecting you to shoot him a weird look. 
But you just smiled, laughing a little bit. “That’s always good. Hi, Eddie.” 
“Hi,” Eddie said sheepishly, holding up a ringed hand in greeting. “I didn’t know you were back.” 
“Yeah, I’ve only been here for a couple weeks…” You trailed off, fiddling with your paintbrush. Hoping I’d magically run into you somehow, you wanted to add. But you didn’t. “I like your hair. Much better than the buzzcut.” 
Eddie’s hand flew to his unruly curls, trying his best to smooth them down even the tiniest bit. You remembered what his hair looked like? More importantly, you remembered him? 
“Oh, uh, thanks. I like your hair too.” His words came out in an awkward jumble that you just beamed even brighter at, eyes crinkling at the corners. I like your hair too? Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
You didn’t seem to think it was stupid. “You’re sweet. How’ve you been? What’ve you been up to?” 
Eddie shifted in his seat uncomfortably. What had he accomplished since the last time he saw you? 
He’d become a drug dealer, started a club that everyone thought promoted Satanic worship, been accused for multiple gruesome murders, almost died in Hawkins the horror dimension, came back, and was now even more of a loser freak than he’d already been.
“Uh, not much. Nothing too interesting.” He mumbled. “So…what, uh, what brings you back here?” 
“My grandparents’ house was damaged in that earthquake back in March and they came to live with us right after, so we’re just here trying to…hopefully salvage some stuff, maybe see if we can fix it up.” You shrugged, waving your brush around aimlessly. “Honestly, I don’t think there’s too much we can do, that was a pretty intense quake.” Eddie didn’t mean to, but he flinched a bit at your mention of the quake, seeing as what really happened was so much worse than a natural disaster. 
You noticed, instantly scrambling to rectify your statement with flaming cheeks. “I mean, obviously, you knew that, you lived through it. Sorry, that was really insensitive of me, I don’t—” 
“It’s fine! Don’t worry about it.” Eddie shook his head quickly, brushing it off. “I’m—I’m okay.” I nearly got eaten alive by demon bats from hell, but I’m okay. Obviously he couldn’t tell you that. Not only would he sound absolutely insane, but it would definitely scare you off, which is something he really didn’t want. 
“Right, well, anyways—” You started, but were cut off by a cleared throat from a quite severe looking woman with a clipboard standing a few feet away, who was aiming a very pointed looking glare in your direction. Leaning in a little closer, your nose wrinkled in distaste, voice hushed so as to not draw her attention even more. “That’s my supervisor. She thinks I talk too much, paint too little.” 
“Supervisor? Aren’t you a volunteer?” Eddie whispered, brows furrowing. 
You shrugged. “Apparently this whole carnival thing is super serious this year.” 
“Uh huh, because painting pumpkins on kids’ faces is such a serious thing.” 
“According to her, it’s pretty much the most serious thing in the whole history of serious things.” 
You had to clamp a hand over your mouth to keep from bursting into laughter, such a simple act that still sent a shot of warmth through Eddie’s chest. It also garnered the attention from your supervisor, whose angry steps quickly spurred you back to business as usual. 
“And what would you like painted on your face today, Eddie?” 
His lips quirked into a miniscule smile at your sudden forced enthusiastic tone, which brought a flush to your cheeks. 
“Sorry,” You apologized sheepishly. “Too teacher-y?” 
“I’d say just enough teacher-y.” He observed, nodding thoughtfully. “Reminds me of Mrs. Paulson from middle school. Y’know, the old lady who always smelled like pepperoni.” 
“Pepperoni Paulson, I remember her,” You nodded as well, then squinted at him suspiciously. “Wasn’t she arrested for public intoxication a few years ago?” 
“Yeah. I stand by my point.” 
You let out a noise of indignance, eyebrows creasing and nose wrinkling in such an adorable way that Eddie almost felt the need to turn tail and run. 
“Okay, asshole, what do you want painted on you?” You huffed playfully, poking his arm with the pointy end of the brush in your hand. 
Eddie scratched at his nose. “Eh, I dunno. Surprise me.” 
“You sure you wanna give me free reign after that smug comment? Might just draw a dick on your face to be funny.” 
He couldn’t help it. A snorting laugh fell from his lips at how utterly serious you looked as you dipped the brush into the colorful array of paint in front of you. 
You were the first person outside his friends not to tiptoe around him like he was about to snap at any second. Maybe it was because you had no idea what had really happened in Hawkins, but he didn’t really care. He wasn’t used to it, but he liked it. He really liked it. 
Both Steve and Dustin’s heads whipped around at the sound of Eddie’s laughter, regarding each other with identical wide eyed stares before gawking over at him. They hadn’t heard him laugh in months. They didn’t even know he still could laugh. 
But there he was, sitting at the face painting booth across from you, head tipped back, shoulders shaking, looking…happy. 
Eddie, on the other hand, felt like he was about to spontaneously combust at your close proximity—your fingers gripping his chin to keep him still, the delicate swipe of your brush across his cheek, your knees wedged between his own to get the right angle for steady strokes. How you radiated vanilla and cinnamon and the kind of warmth that spread through his own body with every carefully controlled breath he took. 
To make matters worse, your tongue poked out from between your lips in pure concentration, something Eddie realized you had in common. Though he probably wasn’t as cute when he did it. 
His gaze bounced around, focusing on anywhere else, anything else but you. 
“You look kinda uncomfortable right now, Eddie,” You said softly, your breath a barely there puff of air across his skin that still had goosebumps raising on his arms. “Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?” 
“No, I’m—I’m good! It’s just…cold out today.” He finished lamely, fingers fiddling with the rips in his pants. 
“It is.” You concurred, smiling softly. “I gotta say, I definitely haven’t missed Hawkins in that area.”
Hawkins has definitely missed you, Eddie thought. Okay, maybe not Hawkins. Just me. 
The paint on his cheek was cold too, but it did nothing to quell the flame of his cheeks to rosy red the more he realized that twelve year old Eddie would give anything to be where he was right now. Hell, even himself from a few months ago would’ve had an aneurysm if he knew that he actually had the chance to talk to you again. 
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, jerking him back to reality. “Alright, take a look, tell me what you think.” You passed him a small mirror, leaning back in your seat. “You can tell me if you hate it. I’ll just go curl up in a ball and die from embarrassment.” 
“I won’t hate it, I promise. I—” He glanced in the mirror, stopping mid-sentence when he saw what you’d created oh so carefully. A flurry of tiny bats scattered across his cheek, the black paint a stark contrast to his pale skin. 
“Oh my god, you hate it!” You moaned, hiding your face behind your hands. 
“I don’t!” 
“You so do!” 
“Y/N, I promise I don’t hate it. See, look,” He pulled up the sleeve of his jacket hastily to reveal a similar grouping of bats tattooed on his forearm. “More bats.” 
The scars marring his torso and chest twinged, not out of pain, but as a reminder. Bats. Obviously, he couldn’t tell you the real reason why he wasn’t too fond of bats, but he’d sooner face the Upside Down again than tell you he hated what you’d done. 
“Oh, okay. Good. Because I was afraid I just blew my chance at impressing you after all these years.” 
“You—you wanted to impress me?” He asked incredulously, eyebrows furrowing. 
“‘Course I did. Feels a little late to admit this, but I totally had a crush on you in middle school.” 
“You did?” 
“I did. I was even thinking about telling you before I left, but it just…didn’t feel right, y’know? Dropping such a big thing and then bailing?” 
“Y/N, you moved away, that’s not bailing.” Eddie shook his head, then inhaled a sharp breath. “I—I actually liked you too. And I wanted to tell you back then, but then you…y’know, moved, and I thought I’d lost my chance.” 
It suddenly felt a lot harder to breathe, but you managed to utter your next words despite it. “But now I’m back.” 
“Now you’re back,” He repeated. “You’re back, and I get another one.” His hand came down on your knee, the warmth of his palm sending a different kind of warmth to your cheeks. “I still like you. I don’t think I ever stopped. I actually think it got worse—no, not worse! Liking you was never a bad thing, it was a really good thing. It has been a really good thing, I just—I didn’t know if I was ever gonna see you again, and now that I have, I…am totally rambling, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to—” 
“—overload you with my feelings, I just felt like it was something I should tell you, since—” 
“Eddie,” You repeated, your hand blanketing his on your jeans. “Stop talking.” His mouth snapped shut immediately, brown eyes wide. “I still like you too.” 
“You…you do?” You nodded. “Even after all these years?” Another nod, this time accompanied by a soft smile. 
“Even after all these years.” You echoed, tapping along the rings adorning his knuckles. His fingers twitched, aching to entwine with yours, but he was afraid that he might be hallucinating right now. There was no way in hell you felt the same way, now or ever. He wanted to pinch himself, but he felt it might be weird. 
You could tell by the way his mouth dropped open the slightest bit that the cogs in his mind were working overdrive, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. “I’m gonna kiss you now, Eddie. Feel free to stop me.” 
Eddie wasn’t going to stop you. He’d never even dream about it. 
When your lips touched his, he could swear that he was dreaming—that any second now, he’d wake up in his own bed, back to the reality where this whole thing never happened. Where you were still god knows where, miles and miles away from Hawkins, probably not even paying him any mind at all. 
This time, he really did pinch himself, and he was beyond pleased to realize that this was real, that you were in fact here, kissing him, right now. He leaned forward into you, one hand sliding around the back of your neck while the other cupped your cheek tenderly. Yours came up to grip at his biceps, fingers curling into the worn leather of his sleeves as if you were securing him place, making sure that he couldn’t slip away the way he did all those years ago. 
And when his hands moved down to your chair to drag you a little bit closer, you took that chance to take his face in yours, tracing the curve of his jaw lightly as his mouth moved against yours eagerly. 
Both of you seemed to realize that you were in a public place with lots of people around at the same time, pulling away from each other swollen lipped and a little breathless, but still with identical stupid grins on your faces. 
“Oh no,” You pouted, holding up your hand for him to see the splotches of black paint smudging your fingertips. “I ruined my hard work.” 
“Looks like you’re just gonna have to do them all over again.” 
“Looks like it.” 
“Can I make a request though?” You raised an eyebrow at his sheepish turned suspiciously giddy grin. “No more bats.” 
“I knew you hated them, you asshole!” 
“I said I didn’t hate them! They’re really good, but bats are just…not my thing.” 
“Says the boy with the bat tattoo.” 
Cocking his head to the side, Eddie ignored you, instead opting to lean in and kiss you again, and of all the ways he could’ve changed the subject, this was by far the best. 
Eddie had never been so grateful for his friends’ constant pestering and dragging him everywhere he didn’t want to go, because it led him back to you, the one that got away. Twelve year old Eddie knew it was you, current day Eddie knew it was you, and now you knew it too. 
He’d thank Steve and Dustin later when he had the time, but not now. Eddie was too busy planning out all the things he wanted to say to you and do with you before his luck turned and you were gone again. Though if he’s being honest, he doesn’t think you’re planning on leaving anytime soon. 
Neither are you. No way in hell were you thinking about leaving when coming back to Hawkins got you paint smudged fingers, some closure, and finally Eddie Munson. 
Even after all these years.
@wittiestrain184 @milkiane @pastel-abyss-x @liltimmyst @lilygreennn @nia-um @pinkdaiisies @maciiiofficial @oliviah-25 @scoopsahoykeery @eddiesquinn @bubsonnobx @yearningforeddiemunson @sanzu-holic @cityofidek @strawberry-canyon
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quinloki · 2 months
Here we go! :3 Also my writing style replaces reader for dolucha which means reader in japanese just so you are aware. It’s not super good but like I said I just wanted to share it with you guys
Now Dokucha sat in the counter of the kitchen watching as Thatch about grabbing different ingredients and mixtures from the shelves
“Thatch I swear it was an accident”
“You really think I'm gonna buy that? That you poisoned my tea on accident?” he hums looking at the label of one of the bottles he had grabbed
“Was Marco finding you running towards one of our junior boats also an accident?”
They flinch at this; somehow, the relaxed and nonchalant way he was talking made it much scarier than when he was visibly fuming
They slowly began to lower themselves from the counter
“Listen, I-
“If you leave that counter, I promise you, Darling, things will be much worse for you,” he said, glancing at them from the corner of his eye
Their eyes widen at his silent threat, and they are quick to climb up again
Thatch grabs the bottle, and picks begins to move it around; his movements were slow and deliberate, but it was obvious he was furious.
"Now, just what were you planning to do, hmm?" he asks calmly.
“Nothing! Like I said, it was an accident!”
"You just accidentally grabbed poison and mixed it with my tea?" he asks calmly, still stirring the vial. He didn't even glance at Dokucha.
"Is that what you want to go with?Last chance."
“It’s the truth.”
“Is that so?” He said, grabbing a syringe from one of the drawers and filling it with the liquid in the vial
“Let’s find out then,” he stated walking towards them and taking hold of their arm
“What is that?!” They exclaim, trying to pull their arm from his grip
Thatch chuckles, pulling on their wrist a little harder.
“Let’s find out what really happened,” he said, holding the needle to their arm.
“Please…” they began to beg, trying to squirm away but not really putting in a fight. They knew there was no coming out of this.
They tried to remember what had happened, they truly did, but the last thing they were able to recall was Thatch injecting them with the liquid; after that, everything was hazy and confusing.
They seemed to be back on their bed; they tried to get up, but somehow their body would not move
Thatch sat beside them, as if nothing had happened.
He hummed a tune and began writing in his journal. He glanced at them and gave a bright smile.
"Don’t try so hard; you won’t be able to," he said, closing the journal and walking next to the bed
“Move. I mean, you probably won’t be able to speak either, but that’s okay, right, Darling? Seeing as what was coming out of your mouth was just lies, we might as well make sure nothing comes out of it for a while.”
They stared at him with widened and watery eyes, tears beginning to fall from their cheeks; at least, they thought so; they could barely register what was going around them anymore.
“Oh, that’s right, I forgot the sodium thiopental can cause amnesia. Remember when I injected you with it before? It works as a truth serum, more or less; it makes you more suggestible. Or so Marco said,” he rambled, caressing their cheek
“It’s funny what people are willing to say when under it, see you told me all about how you got a particular type of poison and how you put it on my tea when I was not looking, funniest part is not once did you mention anything about accidents. “
They tried to open their mouth to try to tell him otherwise, to tell him it was an accident, but try as they may, no sound came out of them, and Thatch seem to have realized this as he threw them a dark smile their way
Thatch was almost giddy with his mischief.
“Aw, you should have listened to me from the start instead of playing coy,” he smirked, gently cupping their face
“You know, all of this could have been avoided if you had just come clean to me
But no, you just had to be stubborn. But that’s okay. We can improve that.
Ah, I almost forgot; the reason you can’t move right now is because I gave you a paralytic so that you can take some time and…think about your decisions; we wouldn’t want you to get distracted from your reflection by things such as moving and speaking.”
“Now, I’m going to grab some food and let you ‘think,’ okay?” He gives a small smile and starts to walk out of the room, glancing back at you once to make sure you couldn’t move and. Much to their horror, he switched off the lights and closed the door, leaving them to suffer in complete darkness
I love this
I LOVE it - the use of the word for reader as the placeholder name is an interesting take format wise, it feels like a name, but the name itself is just reader. To a native English speaker it has a solid feel.
I love that the conflict already happened. The tea was already tainted before we came into the story - we’re here to witness the aftermath. Short form stories are always hard for me because of that. But you bring this in really smooth.
The perspective is good too, there’s no “you” which is often the norm, but the use of “they” gives it a stepped back 3rd person vibe which works well with this given the later out of body feels of being drugged. I’m not saying one or the other is *better*, but intentional or not I like the choice here along with the rest of it.
And man, it’s so dark, but the weight of that darkness is all in the allusions. We don’t see the interrogation, but we can imagine the small terrifying details of it. Not being able to stop the truth from rolling off our tongues as we confess to our own undoing.
The punishment too, and the sense that there’s an established fear of darkness even if it isn’t wholly stated.
Thank you so much for writing this \o/ I’m glad to have played a part in inspiring it!!
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The Babysitters: Eddie Munson x Reader (Part II)
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Summary: You and Eddie had always had a flirtatious relationship, but when you get pulled into the Upside Down the both of you realise that maybe you wanted something more than that.
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader
Tags: fluff
A/N: Hi guys! This one was supposed to be hell short but it accidentally got super long so I’ve split it in two. Part II is already up!
Part I
When the five of you had successfully traversed the rope that led you out of the Upside Down and into Eddie’s trailer, Dustin, Lucas and Max immediately began bombarding you with a multitude of questions.
“I can’t believe you were dumb enough to go through watergate,” Dustin said.
“Did you see Vecna?” Lucas questioned.
“Why are you bleeding?” Max asked, causing Dustin and Lucas to look straight towards you.
“Oh my God, ew” Lucas exclaimed, walking backwards in horror at the sight of your wounds. Max, instead, moved closer.
“Cool,” Dustin said. “You’ll probably get some super sick scars!”
“Dustin, are you serious?” Eddie chastised but stopped at the sound of your laughter.
“Yeah, I suppose the scars will be kinda cool,” you responded.
“Keep an eye out for rabies symptoms,” Robin chimed in.
“Why were you guys back at Wheeler’s place anyway? I thought you were going to wait for us by the lake,” Steve said.
“Well it’s a good thing we didn’t since you guys took forever,” Dustin responded.
“Plus we got arrested,” Max said.
“Arrested!” Steve exclaimed.
“We weren’t technically arrested,” Dustin began.
“Hey,” you said softly, turning towards Eddie as the other’s continued on in their argument.
“Hey,” he said back tenderly.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a spare shirt I could borrow, would you? It’s just that my bathers are kinda all ripped up and it’s freezing and-”
“Yeah, yeah, definitely,” Eddie hastily interjected. “Sorry, I should have offered before.”
“No, it’s fine,” you said as you followed Eddie into his room.
You weren’t quite sure what you had expected Eddie’s bedroom to be like, but the sight that you were met with was so completely Eddie that you had to hide a giggle that threatened to escape your lips. Posters of rock bands covered almost every wall. There was a prominent aroma of weed that hung in the air, intermingled with whatever deodorant Eddie used. The bedsheets were scattered haphazardly on the bed, the rest of the floor covered with clothes which were almost all of a black variety.
“Sorry, I would have cleaned if I had known I was having people over,” Eddie said sheepishly, hastily trying to collect as many items from the floor as he could.
“No-no, it’s fine. My room’s the same so don’t worry,” you responded.
“Um, t-take a seat,” Eddie said, pointing to his bed. “I just need to find something that’s clean.”
You perched yourself upon the edge of the bed, wincing slightly as the skin around your wounds shifted and moved. You didn’t notice as Eddie glanced back towards you with a concerned look upon his features.
“We should probably disinfect your wounds. I think I have a bottle of vodka around here that we can use,” Eddie said, his head half buried in the drawer he was searching through.
You scrunched your face in detest at the mere thought of the pain that the alcohol would elicit.
“Just give me a couple of extra minutes to get used to the pain I’m already in before we do anything else,” you responded.
“Right,” Eddie said. “Sorry.”
Eddie walked the short distance back to you and handed you a black crewneck jumper.
“I know you asked for a shirt but you said it was cold and this will probably be big on you so it won’t rub up against your wounds as much but I can get you a shirt if you want-”
“Thank you, Eddie,” you interjected his ramblings with a small smile curling onto your features. “This is perfect.”
Before you donned the jumper, you looked down at your bathers hesitantly, wondering whether you should attempt the painful process of extracting the fabric from your skin. Just as you had decided that that job could be saved for later, Eddie spoke up.
“I could help you if you need.”
A blush crept up your cheeks just as Eddie’s own face turned a flaming red as he realised what he had just offered.
“No! I mean…no! I didn’t mean it like that I just wanted to be helpful!” Eddie brought his hands up to rub at his face. “Sorry. Shit. Sorry. I didn’t mean…I should go and get Nancy or Robin.”
Eddie hung his head as he hastily ran for the door.
“Eddie,” you said with a slight laugh. Eddie paused just before the door and hesitantly turned back to look at you. “It’s okay. I’ll keep everything on until I get back home.” Eddie let out a sigh.
You gingerly took off Eddie’s leather jacket and pulled on his jumper instead. It had the logo of a band on the front, you realised, but what band specifically you weren’t quite sure. The bed dipped slightly as Eddie came to sit next to you.
“Sorry I’m being so useless,” Eddie began. “I’m just not used to these kind of situations and-”
“Are you being serious?” you interrupted. “Eddie, you literarily saved my life today.”
A blush crept up Eddie’s cheeks.
“Well, yeah, I suppose. But that’s only because I got there first. If Harrington or Nancy or Robin had gotten there before me than they would have done the same.”
“Stop being so humble, Munson. It doesn’t suit you,” you said with a smile causing a small laugh to escape from Eddie’s lips. “Sorry I got blood all over your shirt,” you continued, pointing down to the large red patch that covered the bottom half of Eddie’s shirt.
“I’m sure I can find it in my heart one day to forgive you,” Eddie responded. “Plus I think it adds to my aesthetic.”
“Oh, for sure,” you said. “It really feeds into the whole satanic blood sacrifice thing you’ve got going on.”
A large laugh escaped from Eddie’s throat and you couldn’t help but marvel at it. He had his head thrown back and his eyes closed as the beautiful sound filled the air. It was a nice laugh, so genuine and natural that it always had you wanting to elicit another. When Eddie reopened his eyes, he turned to look back at you, and suddenly the air between you grew altogether more serious. The two of you sat like that for some time, a silence growing between the two of you that had grown so thick it was almost palpable. It made it hard to breath as you looked at him, beautiful brown eyes looking so intently back at you.
“I thought I was going to lose you there for a second,” Eddie whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared in my life.”
A breath hitched in your throat at his words. You felt like saying something witty. You felt like breaking whatever it was that lingered in the air between you with a quick joke or a snide remark.
“I thought I was going to die,” you said back instead, surprising yourself. “But then you were there with that oar and I knew I was going to be alright.”
Somewhere during the length of your conversation your face had slowly inched closer to Eddie’s so that now you were practically inches apart. You felt his breath upon your skin, warm and familiar. You could smell him as well, his scent thick with smoke and yet vastly comforting. You could feel heat emanating off of him and you wondered for a split second how he was so warm when you were still so cold.
And then you could taste him.
Whether you were the one to close the distance between the two of you or whether it was Eddie, you weren’t altogether quite sure. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care as his lips moved against yours, his touch gentle and yet desperate as you inhaled each other. The kiss was slow, so tantalisingly slow as if Eddie was half expecting you to pull away. But when you brought one hand up to rest upon his cheek and the other to tangle in his hair, he relaxed into your touch. He brought his own hand to rest upon your cheek, wanting to rest the other one upon your waist but thinking better of it and instead bringing it to rest on your leg that sat between the two of you. He tasted surprisingly sweet as you deepened the kiss.
And although you would have preferred to spend the remainder of the day wrapped up in Eddie’s arms just as you were, although you were quite sure that you could spend the rest of your life kissing Eddie Munson, the burning in your lungs said otherwise. You pulled away hesitantly, not wanting his touch to go. The air was filled with heavy breathing for quite some time before either of you spoke.
A smile broke out onto your face as you looked at him.
“What’s so funny?” Eddie asked, his smile coming to mirror yours.
“The kids are probably out there waiting for us,” you said.
“I think the kids can give Mommy and Daddy some alone time for once,” Eddie responded before he hooked one arm around your neck and connected his lips back to yours.
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
Kurt Cobain with a soulmate au with the writing on the arm thing? like he would write random lyrics on his arm not thinking about it and the reader would be confused because none of it makes sense but then it clicks like oh this guy is a musician and why does it sound like nirvana music? or maybe the reader is an artist and would draw flowers or something on their arm and Kurt would think it’s super cute? I know I'm rambling but I had this idea and I wasn’t sure how to write it XD
Dumb/ Kurt Cobain x reader
Notes: Thank you for the idea
Words: 956
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You're in a small record store that is also a cafe. You stand in front of a huge shelf and browse through it, looking for new records. Soft music plays in the background to which you hum.
The bell above the door rings as it opens. You look up briefly. A lanky man with blond hair enters the store and sits down at one of the three tables in the corner. He orders a coffee from Max, the store owner and barista.
You concentrate again on the shelf in front of you.
A short time later, you stand at the counter. "Hey Max, can I have a latte? You know where to find me?"
"Hi Y/N, of course." Already he turns around and does his job.
You walk over to the tables. No one is sitting there except the blond man. He stares at his exposed arm. When he notices that someone is approaching him, he lifts his gaze.
His face is somehow familiar. You have probably seen him here before.
You sit down at the table next to him, put the records you found in front of you and look at the covers.
"Here Y/N, your latte."
"Thanks Max." You grin at him. He goes back behind the counter.
You immediately take a sip. You can't help but look to the blond.
He is writing intently on his arm. Since you sit relatively close to him you can read what he writes.
'Skin the sun, fall asleep
Wish away, the soul is cheap'
You frown. What does that mean? You look into his eyes, into those ocean blue eyes. Then you remember who he is. Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana!
You don't want to disturb him, he deserves some peace. But you're also interested in what the lyrics mean.
"Hey sorry to bother you. I saw you writing something on your arm. What does it mean?"
"Oh, that." He points to his arm. "I don't know. It just popped into my head." He looked at you, thinking. "Do we know each other?"
You laugh. "I thought so too but no. I'm just in the store more often. We've probably seen each other here but never talked."
"Now that you mention it. You're always standing in front of all those records aren't you?"
"Yes, always looking for bargains. Mind if I join you? Only if you want to, of course." You ask shyly.
"Yeah sure. Have a seat." You settle down across from him.
"So what are you going to do with the text?" You point to his arm.
"You know I'm a singer. Do you know Nirvana?" He looks at you questioningly.
You grin. "Do I know Nirvana? Absolutely! I love them." You say. Who doesn't know Nirvana? Then you go on. "I know who you are, too. I just didn't want to be rude earlier and bother you with any questions about the band. You probably hear them way too much."
He takes a sip of his coffee and leans back in his chair, smiling. "Well, tell me your name first."
Kurt straightens back up and extends his lanky hand to you. "Nice to meet you Y/N."
You take his hand. "Nice to meet you too Kurt."
"So, Y/N, I'm writing a new song." He stares thoughtfully at his arm. "But maybe I'll scrap this lyrics."
"Why? They're good. I don't understand anything, but they're really good."
He laughs. "Let's see." His blue eyes look back into yours. "You know I love writing my songs here."
"Isn't it a little risky? I mean it's a record store. Shouldn't there be Nirvana fans hanging out here all the time?"
"On the contrary. The store is so unknown that almost no one ever enters. That's why it's so quiet here." He brushes a strand of hair out of his face.
You look at him challengingly. "What if I tell everyone you've been hanging around?"
He laughs, "I don't think you would."
"Fans would come here looking for me. They'll see I'm not here and buy all your records instead."
You clutch your chest in mock concern. "You're right. I'd better not do that then."
"That's what I thought. Besides, I wouldn't set foot in this store, and we'd never see each other again." He waits for your reaction.
You look at him with your mouth open. "What?"
He repeats himself. "We would never see each other again."
You hold your cup. "I get that... But you want to see me again?"
He smiles. "I don't know. I like you."
You stare at him.
"Okay Y/N. I've got to go now. Give me your hand."
You obey and hold your hand in front of him.
He starts writing numbers on it. "Call me. Then we can have a date."
Kurt finishes his coffee and puts the empty cup on the table.
"I'll hear from you?"
You nod. "I'll call you."
You say goodbye to each other. Kurt joins Max at the counter and pays. He then leaves the record store. The bell rings.
You take a big sip from your cup. Kurt Cobain just gave you his number. The famous Kurt Cobain!
You call him the same day. You hit it off right away. Quickly you get together and are the new dream couple among celebrities. Nirvana fans love you, they see how happy you make Kurt.
He left the lyrics he had written on his arm in the song Dumb and didn't take it out. The song means a lot to you, because it reminds you of your first meeting in the record store.
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kafus · 15 days
i really need to talk about why Gestalt is the perfect song to kick off Kaf's new era a little bit or i'm going to explode
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talking about this requires some background knowledge and i'm aware most people who are going to read this probably don't know that much about Kaf so i'll talk about her history a little bit - Gestalt is Kaf's first solo release in a whole year. this is a considerably long time for her, and it's because the person who had been writing her songs for/with her for her entire career, Kanzaki Iori, left Kamitsubaki Studio early last year due to personal complications with himself as an artist (he is still on very good terms with Kaf and the rest of Kamitsubaki's staff!!)
additionally, Kaf's music with Kanzaki had always primarily been centered on various bittersweet and painful themes, but especially the pain of growing up/becoming an adult. this was especially pertinent because Kaf started Being Kaf when she was 14 years old, so she was singing from a place of genuine teenage angst. as she began to inch closer to adulthood and then became an adult herself, however, the feeling of her music shifted from singing about a far-off adult future, to an incredibly immediate one, with songs like her final song with Kanzaki, Kaikou, but especially Kyoukankaku which also came out during those last few months of Kanzaki being around. (i will spare you a whole ramble about these songs, you just have to take my word on the thematics up to this point lol. feel free to look into it further if you like)
so, Kanzaki leaving left Kaf in a bit of a limbo state for a while since so much of her musical identity was built off of her work with him and the topics they explored. she would need to form a new musical identity and figure out where to go from Kanzaki leaving... she spent about a year releasing her last songs with him as well as pumping out covers and collaboration songs with other musicians. but now, finally, she's back to releasing her own work! Gestalt was actually debuted at her KAIKA concert back in January, but only now has the studio release and full music video come out.
Gestalt is representational of her finally entering her new era after this big transitional period. even the official english description for Gestalt says:
KAF embarks on the next stage of her journey.
and oh boy does she!!!
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Gestalt looks and feels like a super fun dance song in both the song itself and the MV. the description also says:
Over a year since KAF's last solo release, "Gestalt" is a 'killer dance tune' for the modern age.
and they're right. it is a killer dance tune. this shit slaps. but there's more to it than that.
it's immediately apparent when looking at the lyrics that there's more going on here - take this bit from the official english translation of the first verse for example:
From emotions to configurations When they start to break down I lose all understanding In so many ways Ahh I can't breathe Celebrating suffocation I can't take this
doesn't sound very fun or happy right? sounds chaotic. kaf is suffocating. she is losing her shit. but then it's followed up with:
Drop the beat! This disruptive Unnatural Forbidden gathering "Don't come here" "Don't look there" This is where it all starts to get good It's greedy Warped and twisted But hold me tight It's so hard to get it right, this losing game Seems like working together is the only way
to me, this is Kaf inviting the audience to dance with her amidst the chaos that she and all of us are suffocating in. the "unnatural and forbidden gathering" part is referring to how her and all of us are outcasts of society, how us trying to dance and experience joy while suffocating is looked at strangely. but the only way to survive in "this losing game" (of adult life) is to Work Together! be together!! dance together!!
that idea of being together in spite of suffering is the core message of the entire song, which is even brought out by its title, Gestalt. Gestaltism is essentially the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that the whole is worth more than the individual components. both the title and the lyrics of the song emphasize togetherness and dancing as a whole.
this is already a much more optimistic take on those themes of Adulthood Hard and Life Is Pain, portrayed in a much peppier way than Kaf is generally used to. it's familiar, it feels like Kaf, but there's a new spin on it now! it really feels like Kaf is debuting her new era with explosive energy. it's very much "i lived bitch" to me - she's an adult now like she always dreaded being but despite it all she's dancing within the chaos and you should join her for that in this new era!!
but it actually goes deeper than that, because Kaf's MVs have always been made thoughtfully and usually pertain to the meaning of the song, and this one is no different. the animation also ties back into this transition and meaning.
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^ these screencaps are from Gestalt (2024) and Just Forget About It (2019) respectively. both music videos were directed by Kawasaki Kenji, who worked on most of Kaf's older music videos and was the person who defined her visual style for a good portion of her career. older Kaf MVs almost always had some element of Kaf existing in real life environments, like some sort of alien girl wandering the streets of Tokyo. she was often put into very mundane locations with a good amount of wide shots, creating this ethereal feeling.
well, Kenji implements those themes into Gestalt for sure... a lot of the MV feels like an older Kaf MV. but there's a couple MAJOR differences...
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instead of just idling around and looking wistful like in her older videos, she is DANCING!! and the usual typography in her videos is extremely stylized and much more colorful than usual, plus the environments are decorated with a ton of colorful and overlapping shapes breaking up the relatively mundane and even melancholic looking environment (for the record, "gestalt" is also a type of visual design involving closed shapes, so the typography and shape language here also ties into the title of the song lol).
essentially what they've done here is draw back on the Kaf everyone knows and loves but gone hey, now it's colorful and explosive and high energy! this is new, too!! which is exactly what the song is trying to do as well! familiar themes but portrayed in a completely new light
and as one last aside, it is also worth mentioning real quick that Kaf's current outfit for the year or so, Raichou, was debuted at her concert in January where this song was also debuted, and while not specific to Gestalt, her character designer PALOW really made sure to change how Kaf looks a lot more than usual this time for her new era. Kaf has a new main look every year or so and those outfits can define entire eras for her, and usually they're darker and heavier on the blue, but Raichou is nearly devoid of any blue and has a very different feel. they even changed her hair to be cut flat, something she hasn't done before.
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anyways TLDR; my takeaway from Gestalt is i'm dancing with Kaf in this new era amidst the world being on fire so hard. joy and whimsy in the face of suffering bitch‼️get ready because Kaf is going to keep making banger music in new ways the likes of which we have never seen!!! this song is literally a perfect transitional song drawing on Kaf of old and bringing her into the new. absolutely genius. Piedpiper has done it again. thank you Jazzin'park for your service
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