#wherever you live please vote
james-vi-stan-blog · 4 months
I’m tired of people on Twitter calling King James a groomer like they’ve done research on his history🤦‍♀️
OK I have been holding myself back from fully saying everything I think about this. I already rambled about it (to you and once to someone else) but do you wanna hear my fully problematic opinion?
This reaction is homophobic and misogynist.
Because if THIS is the period drama that makes these people cry "groomer", if GEORGE VILLIERS the 21-year-old fully age of majority male social climber who wades into the Jacobean court and slugs it out for the top position is the person in history that's making them fret over unfree choice and power dynamics, what the fuck?
THIS is "grooming" and "csa"? THIS? While all around them in this period, you know what age the women—you know, the gender that literally completely loses an independent legal identity and has no rights and is literally referred to as part of a husband's chattels—are getting married off at? Do these people have anything to say about Henrietta Maria (15), Anne of Denmark (15), MARIANA OF AUSTRIA (14), or Mary Princess Royal (10/12)? How many period dramas have these people watched and smiled at the pretty ladies in pretty dresses, and then a young man wheedles his way into the bed of the king and THAT'S what needs discourse about?
"James was taking advantage of George's financial situation" WOMEN. HAD. NO. RIGHTS. Torture is accepted in the courts. The social structure is completely unequal all the way down and this is the understood as the will of God. There are no human rights. The Levellers (30 years from M&G) are going to be largely rejected as ridiculous. Margaret Cavendish is going to be known as "Mad Madge" (50 years from M&G) because she's a woman who has thoughts. John Locke's treatises aren't gonna be published until 70+ years from M&G. The Mansfield Judgment against slavery in England is 150+ years from M&G. And as far as the rights of minors go, R v Hopley was 245 years after M&G. (If you don't know that case don't look it up unless you want nightmares)
Yeah I know this is whataboutism but seriously. SERIOUSLY.
What kind of bizarre fucking fairytales have these people been consuming where the system of monarchy is a fun and friendly egaliatian social environment where there is no coercion and all relationships especially royal ones are certified unproblematic and 100% acceptable according to our modern standards? don't tell me i do actually know, ugh
"This relationship has coercive elements in it!" YEAH. YEAH, IT DOES. That is, we hope, one of the points of the show? The point of telling stories about relationships in the past? To examine how humans, who had emotional needs and hopes, coped under unfree oppressive conditions and were drawn into those same networks of exploitation and abuse? This weird and ugly story about a remarkable relationship and all the horrible people orbiting around it is such a fascinating case study about how real human feelings like affection, loneliness, kinship get refracted through the lens of politics and power, and the result is not pretty. But flattening it down into a tale of inhuman unfeeling Bad People would lose so much potential for exploring how bad and disgusting that SYSTEM is. If it's just Bad People Being Bad To Each Other For No Reason then the historical conditions are absolved and we can file this narrative away into a box that has nothing to do with us Good People and has nothing to say and nothing that could make us reflect about the past and future, and has no purpose other than spectacle and voyeurism and schadenfreude.
Guys, we're in a bad time here in 2024. And I cannot help but think that this kind of reckless leverage of "groomer" against specifically a gay relationship, whether intentionally or not, is part of the ongoing, intentional campaign by international regressive community to dilute the meaning of that word so that it can be deployed against real-life gay and trans people.
Even though I personally don't think it's accurate to say that James groomed George (Mary did if anything, but again, adult man who was not legally under her power), if someone wants to believe that, whatever, we're all interpeting history here. But using that word, in this particular moment, going after this particular show, reviving the bogeyman of the homosexual predator that those of us who are old enough remember being openly used against us and see it getting dusted off to be used again right now, is deeply suspect to me and I just…
Anyway name an unproblematic relationship from the period of coverture.
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ssaalexblake · 22 days
i try really hard not to openly name call or anything but damn some of y'all are so painfully thick that it hurts
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I've just noticed someone (who has been dutifully unfollowed, thank you very much) reblogged in a matter of hours two posts, one praising pope Francis for saying "maybe not all faggots are evil" and the other condemning Biden for saying "right now I don't think there's any chance of a ceasefire". Specifically, the one about the pope was all cutesy and "don't you think its funny" and stuff, the one about biden was the usual "he's as bad as trump, i won't vote for him next time, ecc". Like, if you want to make big sweeping statements about political figures and situations, at least be consistent? Either the pope is also a disgusting homophobe that is faking being progressive, or biden is also a cute old man with his hands tied by an ultraconservative organization.
Of course they discarded from the go the alternative of both being truly lesser evils, both barely centrists at the heads of extremely right leaning organizations, both with their hands tied, and both still holding responsibility (both personally and as heads of their organizations) for a staggering amount of damage. This idea was never even taken into consideration.
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deathspeaker · 2 years
This cunt is running for governor of my state. FUUUUCK her.
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notyouraveragebozo · 3 months
Joe Biden is SMOKIN'! VOTE BLUE The SOTU Speech was AMAZING in breadth and consideration. Meat was on those bones! Please GOOD People,... VOTE BLUE in 2024! Help boost - us all - into the Future! I am voting for Joe. I am going to fight for Joe, and I ask each of you, to stand with Joe, and his vision of a better world. This life is worth the living. There is beauty, wonder, and hope, wherever you set your eye. Why, in our short spans, must we focus such time and energy - on making bombs, bullets, and tears? We should be focusing on dancing shoes, guitars, and making - meals - to share - with friends and neighbors, knitting closer - more supportive - communities. Only the living - can work to make this world a better place. While We live and breathe,... let's focus on making smiles, gardens, and dreams, blossom and grow. NYAB says,... VOTE for Women's Choice 'to bear and to carry'. VOTE for Voting Rights security! VOTE for Safety in the schools and on the streets. VOTE for Environmental protections! VOTE for those to come after. VOTE for Working to find answers to problems. VOTE for a guy willing to work - more than - to cheat at golf. The answer is simple,... We need Joe - and Joe needs U.S! Semper fi!
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Barbara Stanwyck (Ball of Fire, The Lady Eve, Double Indemnity)—I hope someone else has submitted better propaganda than I because I don't want my girl's prospects to rest on me just yelling PLEASE VOTE FOR MY TERRIBLE HOT GIRLFRIEND. She is a delight in everything! She is often a sexy jerk! (It's most of the plot of Baby Face!) Even when she plays a "good girl" (as an example, Christmas in Connecticut, which more people should see) she's still kind of a jerk and I love her for it! She won't take men's shit and she sure wouldn't take mine!
Mae Clarke (The Public Enemy, Frankenstein)—she was in frankenstein. which i think is neat
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Mae Clarke propaganda:
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Barbara Stanwyck propaganda:
"THE queen of screwball comedies. I adore her, I'd kill for her, I will cry if she's not gonna win this poll."
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"listen ok she had awful politics she was a mccarthyist right wing wacko BUT she's so incredibly hot that i've deluded myself into believing i could fix her. if you see her onscreen she carries herself in a way that's just so effortlessly sexy AND she has just a stunning face. imo she was at her hottest in the 1940s but even as early as the late 1920s she had a rly captivating screen presence and just a beautiful face, and then post-1950 she was just irresistibly milfy so really she was just always incredibly hot. she was also an incredibly talented actress who was equally stellar in melodrama, film noir, and unhinged screwball comedy. the blonde wig they made her wear in double indemnity is notoriously silly looking but she still looks sexy in it so that's gotta count for something. i've watched so many terrible movies just for a chance at seeing her that i think her estate should be paying me damages."
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"Not often thought of for her sultriness, Barbara Stanwyck was incredible in that she could actually choose to be hot if the role called for it, and then have a glow-down to look ordinary for another role. She wasn't the most beautiful or effervescent, but damn did she have rizz. Watch her with Gary Cooper in Ball of Fire teaching him about "yum-yum" or with Henry Fonda in The Lady Eve whispering huskily into his ear."
"THE leading lady of the golden age of hollywood. One of the only actresses to work independent of a studio, making short-term contracts that enabled her to make movies wherever she wanted. She had so much range, and could act in basically any genre. She's been rumored to be a lesbian literally since she was active in Hollywood; most notable is the rumor that she had a long time on-and-off relationship with famously bi Joan Crawford, her "best friend" for decades (They lived right next door to one another). She also lived with Helen Ferguson, her "live-in publicist" for many years. She was the quintessential femme fatale in Double Indemnity, and really pushed sexual boundaries in her pre-code films like Baby Face, and the famous screwball The Lady Eve, where she plays basically a downlow domme. Allegedly, when a journalist asked her if she was a lesbian, she straight up threw him out of her house. She even played a lesbian in Walk on the Wild Side"
"She is always the smartest woman in the room. Watching her play Henry Fonda like a befuddled fiddle in The Lady Eve was a highlight of my life. Femme fatale in Double Indemnity, comedy queen in Ball of Fire. She can do anything."
"She was part of my gay awakening"
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"SHE'S A PRE-CODE QUEEN. She did everything, drama, comedy. The most beautiful woman in the world to watch weep. Beg for to step on you with those legs. Fun Babs story: Ginger Rogers was offered the role in Ball of Fire but said, “Oh, I would never play that part, she’s too common.” So they called Barbara Stanwyck and they said “We offered this to Ginger Rogers but she’s turned it down, would you be interested?” And she read the script and she said; “You bet! I LOVE playing common broads.” (Source: https://misstanwyck.tumblr.com/post/72996544180/barbara-stanwyck-photographed-for-ball-of-fire)"
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polyamorousmood · 2 months
What is Poly housing like? I already know of mono housing, so I am interested how Poly people would like to be housed.
I really like this question! There are as many housing 🏘️ situations as there are poly relationship dynamics! Off the top of my head, here's what I've heard of or experienced:
Cohabitating primary couple with another/others outside the home with their own place
Polycule living together but each person has their own room
Triad where everyone lives together and shares a bed
Everyone lives separately
Everyone technically lives separately, but sleepovers are every night and all that changes is who's hosting
Polycule is too expansive to functionally describe, so some are living together and some aren't
Lives separately, but purposefully got places as close together as possible. One group I heard of had a married couple living together and right across their back yard was their third!
Polycule lives together, with primary partners coupled up in rooms
And there's probably more! Let's try a poll.
Don't worry about people not in the polycule that you may be living with for the purposes of this poll. IE, you have a roommate that isn't your partner or something.
EDIT: please also vote on your ideal living situation
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whowantslovergirl · 9 months
My kind of woman
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Cedric Diggory x muggle! reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: pure fluff, ^this means start the song 💋
harry potter masterlist
Summary: Y/N being the girl of Cedric’s dreams
posted: September 4,2023
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Voted best couple for three years in a row. Y/N and Cedric. Everyone either wanted to be Cedric or Y/N. And Y/N is the girl of everyone’s dreams especially Cedric’s. ^
Oh, baby
Oh, man
You're makin' me crazy
Really drivin' me mad
Y/N looked so beautiful today. Her hair is in a beautiful up do. The way she did her uniform. Everything about her looked beautiful. Cedric saw her and his eyes lit up.
“Hi Cedric.” She said with a soft spoken voice. “Hi beautiful. You look amazing.”
“I wear the same thing every day Cedric.” She said while smiling. “Then you look amazing every day.” He leaned in for a kiss. And she returned it with a smile on her face.
That's alright with me
It's really no fuss
As long as you're next to me
Just the two of us
Cedric was going crazy. He couldn’t find you. He asked everyone and no one knew. Then he asked your friends and they said you’re in your dorm.
He never ran so fast.
“Darling!” You jumped at Cedric bursting in your room. “Cedric?! What the f-!.” You hit cut off by a hug and a kiss. “I missed you and I couldn’t find you anywhere!” He exclaimed.
“I just want you next to me darling.”
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
My, oh my, what a girl
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
“You are my dream girl.” Cedric and Y/N were cuddling in the common room. In complete silence but comfortable silence. Well before he broke it. “Oh am I?” You said giggling. You love how Cedric is not afraid to tell you what he feels. It makes you feel all giddy inside.
“Yeah you’re my kind of woman.”
And I'm down on my hands and knees
Beggin' you please, baby
Show me your world
“But Cedric you already know what muggles are like!”
“But I don’t what your muggles are like!”
Cedric really wanted to meet your parents. Well in your house.
He met them but at Hogwarts. He wants to see what your room looks like, what your kitchen and living room looks like. Just the whole layout, he wants to know where and how you live.
“Are you embarrassed? Cause if you are we don’t have to darling.” He had a concerned look on his face. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. “No Cedric! It’s just you know I am insecure about being a muggle.”
“You have nothing to be insecure about. Just show me your world darling.”
Oh, brother
I'm feelin' so tired
Really fallin' apart
And it just don't make sense to me
Cedric was at odds. He didn’t know why you liked him so much. Do you like him for his looks? Or his personality? He just doesn’t know what is so special about him.
I really don't know
Why you stick right next to me
Wherever I go
“Why do you like me?” You were sitting in the courtyard with your friends. You quickly get up and pulled him away from everyone. “What?!” You were so flabbergasted. Where is this random burst of emotion coming from?
“I just don’t know why you stick with me.”
“You wanna know why I love you Cedric?” He nodded eagerly.
“Well do you want specifics?”
“Just internal stuff like nothing on my looks.” You just nodded and told him everything you loved about him. And when you were done he just smiled.
I love you Y/N.”
I love you more Cedric.”
“I love you most.”
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
My, oh my, what a girl
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
And I'm down on my hands and knees
Beggin' you please, baby
Cedric loves you so much. He would do absolutely anything for you. Die for you, kill for you, even lie for you.
You’re his kind of woman.
Show me your world
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An: THATS ITTTTT hate to be tht bitch but I HATE MEN bf of 5 months cheated like ugh ik thts not a lot but cheating is so annoying like JUST BREAK UP WITH ME BRO IF YOU SAW THE TANGLED REFERENCE YOU THE BEST FR but yea thts it until i post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: Nate Jacobs x reader*
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sir-josh-of-art · 6 months
Why the strikes and protests So close to Christmas Day?:
It is paramount that this strike be carried out diligently to it's utmost extent in order to harm the economy enough for our representitives to actually listen to our desires.
As it happens now, Gazan Palestinians are being slaughtered indiscriminately and pushed out of what homeland they have left with no intention of them returning home by the israeli government.
The attrocities commited are an attempt at exterminating some of the oldest and most ancient remnants of Palestinian history, for every hour our leaders have stalled, for every bit of military aid sent to the "IDF" and israeli settlers, innocents (nearly half of whom are CHILDREN) are shot, bombed, maimed, imprisoned without trial, starved, and dehydrated through manual control of supplies by israel.
Israel makes very little effort in hiding their intentions with gaza: to bomb it flat and settle there. Israeli officials have repeatedly used the label of "hamas terrorist" on civilians, press journalists, doctors, humanitarian workers, and whole hospitals all the while stripping down, beating, killing, and abducting random civilians.
The Palestinian west bank is also the stage for settler colonialism as ethic Palestinians are driven off their rightful land and livelihoods, often by violent or even deadly force, all to make way for armed israeli settlers to move in and stay there, leaving the Palestinian no hope to return home.
Israel as a state has no right to exist, it is an occupying force built solely on money and crime, Israel does not need to exist either, antisemitism is a horrid prejudice with no place in society and therefore jews should be safe wherever they decide to live, but israel is built largely on the idea that jewish people absolutely MUST be entitled to a state, and that "entitlement" is being used to stamp out Palestine's actual indigenous inhabitants.
It is likely (if not certain) that if you live in a western nation your country is liable in some way for the sluggish pace at which action is taken against israel.
If you live in the United States of America you are at a particular responsibility to perform this strike, this is because the united states provides weaponry (some of which violates international law just by existing) to israel and completely nullified the overwhelming votes for a ceasefire at the UN security council with it's unfair veto power.
I'll say this again: The United States of America vetoed the end of a military genocide via bombings. The United states also insists upon supplying death weapons to israel.
As our leaders fail to demonstrate humanity for longer and longer unopposed, more of the blood on their hands trickles onto ours. That is not something anyone of us wants during the holidays, the so-called "most wonderful time of the year."
I cannot order you to do anything, nor can people in Gaza, but I can beg you to listen and act, just as they have.
So please, share this around, reblog it, put it on your other socials, whatever, and carry out the strike and protests to the best extent you can. It's needed. It is so sorely needed of you as it is from all of us. Are peace and freedom not the greatest gifts of all?
This is our test in humanity, will you pass?
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onetruesirius · 7 months
I sit here and I watch the news about Gaza
and I think
shit, I need to get back to work;
it's toxic to just fixate on the news,
It's bad for my mental health.
I can't be irresponsible to myself
I have class in the morning.
I have exams next week...
But how can I turn a blind eye?
How can I not care
that nine thousand Gazan children are dead,
that the Israeli Occupation Force has dropped the equivalent of an atomic bomb
on a space about the size of the New York City metropolis,
that an episcopal church was bombed—
it was one of the oldest churches in the world,
that one of the oldest mosques in the region was destroyed
that hospitals are being shelled with doctors and patients still within,
that men are carrying pieces of their dead children out of houses in plastic grocery bags because there's no other way to carry that many pieces in their hands,
that over a million people were told to evacuate on bombed-out roads,
and then they were shot and bombed with USAmerican white phosphorus when trying to leave?
Do you know what white phosphorus does to a human body?????
Please google it.
And if you "don't want to see something like that"
I want you to google it even more now.
just to be appropriately horrified.
How can I not see that the Israeli government doesn't see Palestinian people [THEIR people if we're going by statehood metrics, who were on that land when the BRITISH GOVERNMENT decided to make the state] as human beings,
that they'd do anything to slaughter Palestinians under the cover of radio silence so the world turns away?
And that men wail from minarets—
not to call their flock to holy prayer but
to speak messages of hope that god will save them,
to attempt to reach the outside world, when the information reaches the people at the edge of the strip, who have international SIM cards and can get the word out,
and to deliver news of where the bombs fall so that paramedics can know where to dig more bodies out—the bodies that aren't a bloody slurry sprayed across the streets and walls, anyways.
And that journalists are being executed en masse to hide the story.
And that men are being stripped naken and forced to sit on the ground for hours at a time, just like in Nazi Germany.
And I can't forget the fact that the United States, MY NATION, voted AGAINST a UN call for a ceasefire...
And that construction companies are already tearing down the old apartments to make room for new living arrangements for the colonisers, before the old buildings even stop burning.
And that settlers are coming into these abandoned homes and looting food and jewelry and desecrating prayer rugs.
And it isn't the fault of Jewish people.
I know that.
Jewish people deserve a place to be safe and free, wherever they are...
But this fact likewise does not require the creation of an ethnostate.
The implication that the only way for Jewish people to be safe is to kill everyone else... is it not in itself antisemitic?
I'm scared for the Palestinian people, and also for my Jewish diaspora friends.
They hate what's going on just as much as I do,
but they're going to get blamed by well-meaning Palestine supporters.
I know they will.
They know they will.
We all know that they will.
Another wave of antisemitism.
Another wave of islamophobia.
Another wave of killings.
Another wave of ethnic cleansing.
On it goes.
A little boy was already killed by his mother's racist landlord in Chicago. Stabbed 26 times.
Three college students were attacked and one was maimed for life.
Attacks against synagogues here in the US have only increased. Two people were shot, allegedly for a Free Palestine...
But we all know that the neonazis have been using this mess to stir the pot against Jewish people and boost their recruitment.
The Palestinian 2023/24 school year has been officially canceled going forward.
Because the enrolled students are dead or missing.
Because they were bombed with American ground-to-ground missiles.
We all know the missiles are American in origin.
Russia has its own genocide to attend to, and China doesn't care enough to give arms to anyone. And we know it's American White Phosphorus.
All the while, war profiteers in my nation get richer and richer,
richer and richer and richer,
and richer and richer and richer and richer and richer and richer—
and they'll laugh like the evil FUCKING pricks that they are
when Gaza gets bombed,
and they'll laugh like the evil FUCKING pricks that they are
when Jewish people get attacked in the streets,
because every act of violence
and every sentiment of hated
fills their pockets with more and more and more US-AMERICAN DOLLARS and GUNS and BOMBINGS and SHOOTINGS and HATRED and GOD BLESS AMERICA—
or something like that
I've signed petitions.
I've signed so many I've lost track of the ones I've signed and the ones I haven't, the ones for other countries that I can repost but can't sign or they might get tossed out.
I've donated money to relief organizations for when the borders re-open, because I'm an optimistic bastard like that.
I've sent emails.
I've sent... so many emails.
I've called all my Representatives in Congress.
I've spread news to as many of my friends as I can without them blocking me.
And still Gaza burns.
And still children are slaughtered, even during the fake ceasefire.
And still I have exams next week.
And still I think about how I really shouldn't fixate on this, because it affects my mood.
and it's been impacting my performance at school.
and it's been undoing months of work I've done with my therapist to try and disconnect from current events.
And still I think about how
"the current events"
rain down like hellfire on innocent mothers of dead children,
and children of dead mothers,
and sisters of dead brothers,
and brothers of dead sisters,
and fathers of dead babies,
and babies of dead fathers,
and teachers of dead students,
and students of dead teachers,
and churches and pastors,
and mosques and imams,
and hospitals and doctors,
and synagogues and rabbis,
and the fucking relief trucks that were filled with food and water.
And here I sit, and I don't know what to do about it????
And I wonder if this is all the point?
To make things worse and worse and worse and worse so that people are so unbearably exhausted from just trying to do the right thing
that they can't take care of themselves?
That they can't achieve upwards mobility?
That they can't make any difference at all for the things that matter most to them?
but I'm just one monkey...
one monkey can't solve systemic problems
that are baked into the roots of our society.
It's a first world problem, for sure. I have the privilege to be able to unplug from this and rest in my bed and not get bombed.
But I just want to make things better, for everyone...
I know that I can't do that.
But I wish I could
Oh, god—
I wish I could.
But I guess I'll just go to sleep.
After all
I have class in the morning.
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jeon-s-sins · 1 year
Viagra Prank On Best Friend
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Synopsis: Enjoying the sunny day, you were having a nice quiet day in the park with Jungkook and the rest of your friends. But your rest was short-lived when one of your friends, Park Jimin, decided to let his little goblin dictate his actions and kept harassing you all day long. With revenge running through your veins, you chose to make him pay. But what happens when your spell falls on someone other than your target?
Viagra: A drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. Viagra relaxes the smooth muscle of the penis to allow increased blood flow and erection.
Warning: Viagra use; mention of alcohol; jk!dom; masturbation; shared pleasure; derogatory nicknames; multiple orgasms; explicit sexual scenes; the rest is up to you 😉.
Word count : 6.3k
n.a : English is not my first language, so I may have missed some mistakes while proofreading. It's been a long time since I wrote this story, but like my other stories, I wasn't happy with it, so I rewrote it completely. I hope you like it. Enjoy your reading, and please don’t forget to vote and comment 😁.
Translations, republications, and rewritings of my stories are not allowed. Failure to comply with this request will result in legal action.
© Jeon_s_Sins
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m.list │ Working on and Updates │ ☕️
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It was a beautiful day. You had the day off from work, and you and your friends decided to spend it in a park near your home. Usually, you would have been at work, but after replacing a colleague absent the day before, your manager had given you the day off. 
Before going to the park to enjoy the sunshine, you had arranged to meet friends at your apartment. Your apartment, which you share with your childhood best friend, Jeon Jungkook. 
You and Jungkook have known each other since you were three years old and he was four. You met through your parents. When you were the youngest of three boys, your parents decided to move out so each child could have their own room. 
When you had just moved to Mandeok-dong, one of the three districts of Buk-gu in southern Busan, your parents decided to get to know their new neighbors. They invited them over for a barbecue. Immediately, you and young Jungkook became good friends. 
Over the years, Jungkook became your Clyde, and you became his Bonnie. Despite your slight age difference, the other would follow wherever you went or wanted to go. And today was no different. 
That's why you followed him the next year when you heard that Jungkook was going to the capital to continue his studies after graduating from high school. 
You have been sharing an apartment in the Sinchon district for five years. It's an excellent student area near the bars and nightclubs. But the advantage of living in Sinchon is that it is quiet, unlike its neighbor Hongdae. Hongdae is mainly known for its bars and nightclubs and can be very noisy on weekends.
Your apartment is a little small, but it is perfect for you. Two bedrooms of 53.8 sq ft (15 m²), a spacious living room, and an open kitchen. You even have a balcony and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. Well, as far as the bathroom goes, you only have one, but it's easy enough for you and Jungkook to share. 
Usually, your classes are in the afternoon, except for one or two. Jungkook's classes are mainly in the morning. And even if you don't have classes, or you're on vacation, or even on the weekend, it's no problem. Jungkook is a very early bird, and you usually wake up in the late morning or early afternoon. 
Also, most of your friends, let's say the closest ones, you met through Jungkook. He met all six friends through work, university, and even at the many student parties he attended before you arrived. You got along well right away. Some more than others. 
But of all the friends and acquaintances you had made, your favorites were still Jungkook's six best buddies. 
It's fascinating how the seven have such different and complementary personalities. While Jin and Hoseok are energetic and outgoing, Yoongi is more reserved. Namjoon is very intelligent. His mature and intellectual side can make you think he is earnest, but when you get to know him, you realize he is a child trapped in an adult's body. Jimin is a mixture of all of them, with a touch of malice - not in a derogatory way - and sensuality. On the other hand, Taehyung and Jungkook are absolutely the same people in two different bodies. Both have kept their childish souls; they have a touch of immaturity but know how to be mature when necessary.
But it's total chaos when all seven are in the same room. They are all childlike, funny, loud, and very friendly. They were made to meet. No doubt about it. Their friendship is healthy and fun to watch. 
By the way, you have a pleasant time with them in the park. You and Jungkook have made plans with the other six to come and join you at your place before shopping for a picnic in the park, but you also buy some things for the after-party at your house, as usual.
Jungkook is over the moon. It touches him how his friends welcomed you as soon as you arrived. At first, he thought that because of your age difference with them - knowing that you are six years younger than Jin, the oldest - he was afraid that he would only see you as the kid you used to be before they got to know the person you are. Fortunately, this was not the case; on the contrary.
When Jungkook met with the other six, and you weren't with him, he would get scolded for not bringing you. The great girl that you were - and having three brothers older than you, you understood that they needed a boys' night out sometimes. 
But to see you laughing at Jin's awful dad jokes, discussing books with Namjoon. Or joining Jimin's harmless flirtations, exchanging music tastes with Yoongi, getting into Hoseok's madness, and taking care of Taehyung when he let his childish side out, was enough to sweep away his fears. 
Sitting on the floor sipping his lemon ginger kombucha, he looked at you with a big smile while you were busy chasing Jimin. He has stolen your cell phone and has run away with it.
All day long, Jimin teased you. First, he made fun of your top. He said that it look exactly what little girls wear. Then the pizza incident. And now your cell phone. 
You were looking at the latest picture one of your acquaintances posted on Instagram - showing off his chiseled abs - when Jimin stole your phone. As if that wasn't enough, he liked the photo and teased you about your nonexistent crush on him. 
"Koo," Jungkook smiled when he saw you join the group, sulking. He knew very well that you wanted him to help you save your phone from the clutches of the big bad Jimin because of the complaint in your voice. 
Still smiling, Jungkook put down his drink and stood up without saying anything. 
"Oooo" The five boys, who, like Jungkook, hadn't missed anything of your cat-and-mouse game with Jimin, started to laugh. 
"Bye-bye, Park." Hoseok waved goodbye to Jimin, who was catching his breath a few meters away from you, your phone in hand. 
"It was nice meeting you," Taehyung added while the other two laughed. 
Hoseok took out his phone, as usual, to film what happened next. 
Only a little happened. Jungkook has trained for a few years, especially in weight lifting and boxing. Since then, he has gained mass and muscles. The Jungkook you have in front of you today differs from the one you knew and grew up with.
He was a shy boy. He didn't talk to anyone except a few kids, friends of his family. And least of all to girls. Besides his mother, you were the only female person he was with. It's almost as if he hid from them so he wouldn't have to talk to them. 
In your youth - not that you were old - you had received many threats from girls who had a crush on your best friend. 
But in his eighteen years, something had changed. It was as if he had become more aware of his charm, beauty, and power over girls. 
He had always been an athlete. Taekwondo, archery, bowling, running, baseball, and many other sports. But from the moment he turned twenty, he joined the gym, and since then, he's been called "the muscle man" or "Kangouru." Then, two years ago, he started boxing. Since then, no one has dared to mess with him. 
And that's how you took your phone back. Jimin, who saw you calling your protector, was smart enough to bother you, but he quickly stopped when he saw Jungkook breaking the distance between them. 
Jimin may have been fast, but his legs were shorter than Jungkook's. Now let's add long legs to speed, and we'll soon have the result. Jimin knew that he wouldn't be able to compete with Jungkook, so he gave up willingly.
Kneeling on the ground, he calmly raised his hands in the air, in peace. Without wasting any more time, Jungkook snatched the phone out of his hand and turned to give it back to you. But before he did, he slapped Jimin on the back of the head, which made the other group members and you laugh. 
"Here, princess." Jungkook hands your phone back to you as he sits beside you again. 
"Thanks." You lean towards him before kissing his cheek as a sign of gratitude. 
When Jimin joins you, everyone has been teasing him. They laugh at his "weak" submission to Jungkook. 
At the end of the day, as night fell, you all decided to call it a day and finish the evening at your apartment. But first, you made a little detour to the gas station. Of course, Jimin didn't fill the tank before joining you. 
While browsing through the station's convenience store shelves, you made a pretty exciting find. You had found some products for - how shall I put it - having a great with a partner. But what caught your eye the most was finding a box of Viagra. 
Do people really buy this stuff in this place? 
That's when an idea - maybe not the brightest you've ever had - popped into your little head. 
"He deserved it."
By the time they got home, everyone had settled in. As usual, the first thing Jungkook did when he got home was to put on some music. Then you started eating and drinking what you had bought on the way. 
"I'll take care of the drinks." For your birthday, Jungkook got you a drink and cocktail-making machine. It cost him a fortune, but it served you well during parties, especially the ones where Yoongi was present, which was all the time.
When the drink for Jimin was ready, you drew your purchase for tonight. Yes, the little devil sitting on your shoulder won the angel. 
To get back at him for all the frustration and annoyance the devilish little friend caused you, you put a Viagra pill in his drink. 
You decided to grind up a few pills - three of them - to make a powder that would be easier to hide in the drink. 
Only fate wasn't on your side. As you were about to put some of the Viagra powder into the drink for Jimin, you accidentally spilled the whole pile when you heard Jungkook's voice coming from the kitchen.
"Hey, love, are you okay? Do you need some help?" You tried as hard as you could to act like nothing was wrong. 
"No. I'm done." 
""Perfect. Let me help you with these." Jungkook grabs a few drinks before joining your friends in the living room.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." This was not good news. 
Jungkook and Jimin had asked you to make them the same drink, and it looked like Jungkook had taken both drinks. You couldn't tell which drink belonged to who. So there were two possibilities. 
The first was that you were lucky, and the glass meant for Jimin was in his hands. 
The second was that the Viagra-christened glass was Jungkook's. And that is terrible news. 
You had to stop Jungkook before it was too late. You will find an excuse in a moment. Right now, you had to stop him. 
Your suspicion of lousy luck was confirmed when you arrived at the living room and saw that the two people you were worried about had finished their drinks. 
The next sixty minutes were an ordeal. You analyzed every move and action of each of the two men. But nothing, no sign of the effects of Viagra. Neither of them showed any signs of embarrassment, nor did they try to hide their crotches.
Maybe turning Viagra into a powder reduces the effects or doesn't work. Or so you hoped.
"It's getting late, and some of us work tomorrow." Namjoon was the first to get up and leave, then they all went home, leaving you and Jungkook alone. 
While all of your friends were gone and you were in your bedroom after helping Jungkook with the garbage and washing the glasses and plates, you had gotten dirty. 
It's been a few minutes since Jungkook was alone, in the dark, sitting on the couch, staring into the void, hoping to understand what was happening to him.
Just a few hours ago, everything was going so well. But for the last hour or so, Jungkook has felt, how can he put it? He could not move without hiding the huge erection between his legs.
Thinking that a good cold shower and night's sleep would fix everything, Jungkook went to his room, removed his clothes, and turned on the shower. 
Without waiting for the water to heat up, he jumped under the water, the cold doing nothing to ease his rock-hard erection. 
That's when Jungkook's thoughts turned to you.
Your face.
The sound of your voice.
Your eyes. 
Jungkook grabbed his dick and started pumping it. On the one hand, he felt terrible. He never thought he'd be able to have such thoughts about his best friend. And yet, he'd been trying to hide his feelings for you for a few years. 
It all started when you were sixteen years old when you and your parents went on vacation to France. Something had changed in you. You were no longer the little girl he had promised to protect for the rest of his life. You were not yet a full-grown woman, but you were in transition. 
Like a caterpillar in its cocoon, waiting for its time to escape and show the world what a magnificent creature it had become. 
Back then, you were still in the cocoon phase, yet Jungkook had his eyes on you. You didn't leave him indifferent to your charm. It hurt him when you had your first boyfriend at eighteen, but he didn't give himself the right to interfere with your happiness. That bastard showed his true colors and broke your heart two years later. Jungkook didn't hold back from telling him the truth at that time. They even came to hands, and you were scared. Not of Jungkook or the repercussions, but you were afraid for him.
For a while, you blamed yourself. You thought that if your friend lost his temper and became violent towards your ex, it was because of you. Jungkook scolded you and tried to make you understand it wasn't your fault. If your ex got some hits from him, he deserved it. 
Jungkook put a hand against the wall while the water - which had become hot by now - ran over his body. Spraying his head and shoulders before running down the rest of his body. 
In his head, many images pollute his thoughts. As he closed his eyes, letting his hand bring him the relief he desperately sought, the image of you, bent over the bed, appeared in his mind. The sound of your exhalations, grunts, and screams were melodies to his ears. 
He thrust harder into the fist that held his cock, the image of your bare ass bouncing with each thrust. He imagined the warmth of your ass as he spread your cheeks to dive deeper into your hot pussy. He wondered how wet you would be for him. Ready for him. 
The thought made his cock throb. 
He imagined everything he would do to you if he dared to take you and make you pay for what you did to him. 
Jungkook could see himself spanking your ass. Increasing your arousal. He wouldn't stop even after you squeezed around his cock, and he spat his cum into you. He would continue his movements until you greedily milked his cock like the little slut he knew you were in private. 
He would turn your punishment into a power play. Jungkook wanted to possess you. At least in his deepest fantasies, he did. He owned you. He held your pain, your pleasure, your complaints, your screams, your moans, and your pleas. You were at his mercy.
He was transported to the moment when you would have come, surrendering to the pleasure he would have caused. To that moment when you would be his. He could see himself kneeling behind you, spreading your lower lips before feasting on your pussy. Fucking you again with his tongue until you begged him to stop. Which, of course, he wouldn't. And it didn't matter how sensitive you were from your previous orgasms. For once in his life, he was going to be selfish. Put his desires before yours.
Jungkook threw his head back as the drops of water stung his face like needles and breath heavily after emptying his balls on the floor. 
Jungkook collapsed forward, heart pounding, cock still throbbing on his big hand, and when he regained his senses, he opened his eyes.  
He wanted not to come in the shower but to come all over you. Cover your pussy, belly, and breasts with his cum to soak you entirely with his smell. Of him. 
Once out of the shower, Jungkook grabs a towel and rubs the soft cloth over his skin as he makes his way to his room. 
Even though he relieved himself in the bathroom, his erection and desire for you hadn't gone away. He wanted more. Much more. But he knew that what he wanted most was not going to happen. 
And so he found himself on his bed, his fist again wrapped around his length as he tried to relieve himself, with only his thoughts and fantasies of you for support.
It was after two in the morning, and you couldn't sleep. Your little vendetta was getting to you. You shouldn't have done what you did. Sure, it wasn't like you killed anyone, but you still felt bad for the friend who fell on the glass with the Viagra. 
The effect of a typical pill was four or even five consecutive hours, but since you had broken more than one pill, you did not know if this would increase the effective rate. Courage for the one who fell on the Viagra glass.
Still unable to sleep, you tossed and turned in your bed until your stomach began to rumble. What better way to swallow your guilt than a little midnight snack. There were a few things left over that you had bought on the way over, so you decided to make something good to satisfy your hunger. 
The apartment was plunged into darkness; only the lights of the street lamps and the moonbeams provided light. Your footsteps broke the silence that had taken over your living space until your stomach decided to make its presence known. 
Your stomach was acting up, growling louder and louder as your hunger grew with every step you took toward the kitchen. But one thing caught your ears on the way. 
As you passed the door to Jungkook's room not far from yours, you heard noises - or, more like grunts. To be sure, you put your ear to the door and waited for your suspicion to be confirmed. 
When you were little and Jungkook used to come to your house for sleepovers, you'd sometimes wake up in the middle of the night because of your best friend's whining. He used to have heavy nightmares. With all the horror and gore movies he watched - and continues to watch - it didn't work in his favor. 
Another grunt is heard, and you don't even knock on the door before entering his room. 
What a big mistake you have made.
They say you shouldn't wake a person up during a nightmare because it can increase their state of fear and confusion. That's why since you were a little girl, you were the one who took care of Jungkook after his nightmare. Hugs, caresses, and comforting words always worked. Even after his twenty-five years, it still worked.
Only you didn't expect to see what was happening in front of you. 
Your childhood best friend was lying on his bed, the covers and his clothes on the floor, while his hand was firmly around his cock, masturbating.
As your eyes locked, you were paralyzed by shock. Never would you have considered seeing your longtime best friend naked and pumping himself. 
"Sorry." You say it with a stammer, shock, and embarrassment. Then you come out as quickly as you came in.
What the hell just happened? With your hand on your chest, just above your racing heart, your back against the door, you try to catch your breath and force yourself not to think about what you saw. 
"It's him." The light bulb appeared above your head. This was it; you had found your victim. Unfortunately, your move was botched. Seeing Jungkook in his state, you finally understood that, unfortunately, it was not Jimin who fell on the glass with the Viagra but Jungkook. 
"Fuck. What should I do now?" You couldn't just leave him to his fate. After all, you were the one who got him into this mess. The least you could do was to tell him the truth. 
He deserved to know. 
You decide to return to his room, but you remember to knock on the door this time.
"Kook?" You couldn't hear anything. Jungkook didn't make a sound, but you knew he wasn't sleeping, not on such short notice. 
You opened the door to let Jungkook know you were there. 
"Yeah, come on in." Unable to look him in the eye, you looked at the wall behind him. This time you hadn't met a naked Jungkook. The blanket that had been on the floor a few minutes before was now on the bed, covering his nakedness. 
Only the part below his pelvis was covered; the rest was not. His hair was soaked, his face and torso shining. His chest rose and fell hard due to his irregular breathing. 
Jungkook didn't know what was happening to him. It started sometime before their friends left. This was the third time he tried to jerk off when you showed up unexpectedly. 
"Koo, I have something to tell you." Despite the shame, you approached before sitting on the edge of the bed next to Jungkook. 
"I'm listening." His voice was hoarse, and he looked pretty bad from exhaustion. 
You still admired your friend; despite the fatigue and frustration, he remained calm and was willing to listen to you without complaining. 
"I may have messed up."  
Jungkook was in alarm mode. What could you have done? 
"You see, all day long, Jimin has been pestering me. He really got on my nerves. I usually manage to control myself and sometimes even join in with his flirtatious games, but today it seems like this was the last straw". 
You could see the incomprehension in his eyes, but he didn't say anything; he continued to listen to you and tried to understand as much as possible.
"It could be that out of sheer frustration and a great desire to get even, I decided to take my revenge on Jimin." Jungkook raises an eyebrow and encourages you to continue. He wasn't stupid. Now that he knew you had something to do with his current state, he had a little idea of what you did. All he needed was to hear you say it, loud and clear, to dispel his suspicions.
"Revenge, how?" He was waiting for you to get to the bottom of your thoughts. To tell him once and for all what you had done. 
Swallowing your saliva with great difficulty, you thought of the most conformist way to reveal your stupidity to him without him taking it badly. 
"When we were at the convenience store at the gas station, I came across some," you said. You paused for a moment before continuing.
"Viagra." Your gaze leaves his as he lets out a plaintive hiss and tilts his head back. The guilt gnawing at you increased. 
"You did what?" An accusatory tone accompanied his words, and you made yourself small. Seeing your best friend in that state, you thought you should have supposed twice before carrying out your little vendetta. Or pay more attention when Jungkook comes into the kitchen to help you with the glasses.
You should have stopped him when you had the chance. Unfortunately, the damage was done; you couldn't fix your mistake. You had no choice but to live with the consequences of your actions and hope you had learned your lesson. You would be more careful the next time you decide to take revenge on Jimin - or anyone else. 
Looking back into his eyes, you could see something dark and malicious taking over.
"Look, Koo, I'm sorry." You jump out of bed as Jungkook pokes the inside of her cheek with the tip of his tongue. 
When you're slowly backing away from the bed to the door, Jungkook jumps out of bed. 
"Sorry." You shake your head before trying to run away. 
You made it to the door even though you knew you wouldn't make it. Jungkook was much faster than you. He was taller. At six feet tall, his legs were longer than yours. Three steps for you was one step for him.
On top of that, he was stronger. So when the door closed after you managed to open it, you weren't surprised. 
With your back pressed against the wooden door platform and Jungkook's leg between yours, towering over you with his height, you knew you were in trouble. 
You weren't afraid. You knew for sure that Jungkook would never hurt you. But you also knew that Jungkook was not himself. He was under the influence of Viagra - and not just one. His primal side was telling him what to do. He wanted to fuck you until you forgot who you were. 
You had to admit that you were still excited despite fearing what would happen in the next few moments. You wanted to do what Jungkook had planned for you. You wanted to indulge all his desires and darkest fantasies.  
To hell with the consequences of your actions. For now, you wanted to belong to him completely. For a brief moment, you forget that the man before you was your best friend since childhood. You saw him only as the man he was.
Jungkook held you tightly against the door. Looking at you, your breath came out in sharp gasps as your bare chest against the thin fabric of your shirt, your nightgown against his. You tried to take in the air as Jungkook pressed it out of you. 
You felt this strong attraction, as strange as it was for him. This sexual attraction was not only physical; it was spiritual as well as physical. This feeling - good or bad - is what comes between two strangers. And you weren't strangers. It's just that feeling... no, you were confused.
You stayed like that, your eyes locked, and you felt his cock against your belly, hard and thick and ready for you. 
"That wasn't right, what you did, baby." He whispered.
The next moment he wrapped his hand around your wrists and pinned your arms above your head. He leaned down and rested his forehead against yours. 
"I think it's time you were punished for your actions." 
His eyes swept over your face before settling on your mouth. 
"Be sure of one thing, YN. I'm going to fuck you." He had no restraint left. Excitement overtakes reason. "And believe me when I tell you I don't plan to stop. Not even if you beg me to." 
You swallowed, feeling your nipples harden against the soft fabric of your long shirt. You hated yourself for this. You hated your body for it. Responding to the sound of his voice like the good, obedient little slut you were. 
Jungkook tilted his face up to where your pulse beat against the sensitive skin of your neck. When his tongue slid over the treacherous vein in your neck, you had lost whatever reason you had left. He knew you were horny. He also knew that despite the facade you were trying so hard to project, you were horny.
Tilting his head toward you, he kissed you. He kissed your lower lip, moaning as he sucked on it. Feeling his warm, naked body against yours, you did nothing but accept what he was giving you. And you let it happen without flinching.
When you tilt your head back, he follows your movement and kisses you full on the lips, taking advantage of your weakness to slip his tongue into your mouth. 
Switching positions, he leads you to his bed without breaking the kiss. As soon as the back of your knees touches the end of the bed, Jungkook pushes you down onto the mattress so that you sit on the edge before his big hand rests on your chest. Unlike his words, his gestures were soft. Somewhere beneath that dominant layer, you found the gentle and caring Jungkook for a moment. 
Your back gently touched his mattress. His head was level with your crotch before he slowly moved up your body, leaving kisses on your skin, starting from your stomach to your neck. 
Leaning on his hands to keep his weight from crushing you, Jungkook leaned closer to you, so close that his lips brushed against you, making you shiver. 
"I feel you, YN," he whispers. "I can feel your sex. And I bet you'd get wet if I put a hand between your legs."
You didn't even dare to move or breathe, obsessed with Jungkook. He looked at you, challenging you, and when he saw that you were still silent, he backed away victorious. 
On the other hand, the look in your eyes showed him you were disappointed that he had put a distance between you. You wanted to taste him; you wanted him. 
"Don't be disappointed, baby." He laughed. "I'm not done with you." 
He grabbed your ankle with one hand and pulled you closer to the edge of his bed, catching you off guard. And you couldn't hide the small gasp of surprise that escaped the barrier of your lips. With the other hand, he took his length, and your eyes locked for the thousandth time of the evening. He began to pump himself. You tried as hard as possible to keep your eyes on his face. His angelic face with burning eyes and lips were swollen from your service. 
"Spread your legs." His voice was so deep that it held such power and influence over you that you couldn't control yourself and did as he commanded. 
It was only a matter of seconds before your panties fell to the floor in shreds, and he dove headfirst for your pussy. The soft wetness of his tongue on your sex, licking you, tasting you as his hand snaked to your clit. He began to play with your hardened clit.
Jungkook didn't have any doubts anymore; he didn't leave you indifferent. 
You grabbed the blanket with all your strength as Jungkook ate you without mercy. His tongue worked skillfully, and the pleasure became unbearable as you struggled against him, not wanting to give in immediately. He understood what you did. 
 You had quickly lost the battle when Jungkook slid his tongue inside you, his fingers rubbing even more fervently on your clit, leaving you no choice but to come. He was relentless. 
You arched your back as your hand got lost in the dark strands of his hair, pressing him even harder against you. Without being able to do anything else, you tightened your leg around his head, and reluctantly, Jungkook had to stop torturing your clit to spread your legs and immobilize you. 
As Jungkook continued to suck hard on your clit, your eyes were tightly closed, and you bit your lips to stifle a scream of pleasure. He licked your pussy, starting from your slit to the hard core of your clit. He took his time, tasting every inch of you, teasing you at every opportunity.
All of this continued until you could no longer fight the pleasure that was selfishly building up inside you again. Your back rose from the mattress as your hand gripped Jungkook's hair harder, making him grunt and increasing your pleasure.  
When your pleasure subsided, Jungkook stood up.
"I think I just found my favorite meal." With the back of his hand, he wipes the traces of his crime from you.
Your eyes turn to the hand that held his cock, pumping with a firm grip, making you lick your lips, eager to taste it in turn.  
"Suck me, YN." Damn, you've been waiting for this.
Rising from the bed, you approach the edge before dropping to your knees in front of him, your mouth wide open, ready to swallow him. His salty taste, the soft skin around his heavy, hard cock enters your mouth, and automatically, your warm wet lips wrap around his length. 
Jungkook fucks your mouth, pushing deeper and deeper into your throat, and you take him greedily. His movements take your breath away, but you don't say anything; who needs air to live anyway? 
His cock became incredibly thick in your mouth as your tongue caressed his girth. His hand in your hair tugged at a few strands, and the pain of his gesture went straight to your pussy, which throbbed and clenched around the emptiness. 
You started to play with your clit, but when Jungkook realized what you were doing, he tugged at your strands again. 
"Stop what you're doing." But you couldn't; you had no control over your body anymore. And with Jungkook pulling your hair, it was even worse; your need to come again only grew.
Knowing full well that he would force you to stop, you rubbed your clit faster and faster, bringing out your moans and making his cock twitch. 
"Fuck, YN. Stop." His head tilted back, trying to keep his eyes open as he tried to regain control of the situation. 
The throbbing of his cock in your mouth gave him away. You knew it wouldn't be long before he spilled his cum, and you were ready to swallow every last drop. 
Jungkook pushed you, and he stopped when your head rested on the edge of the bed. You could feel the first streams of cum running over your tongue and traveling to the back of your throat. 
Then finally, he pulled out, taking his cock in his grip, his grip tight around his cock as streams of cum covered your neck and ran down the valleys of your breasts. He had fulfilled one of his fantasies and claimed you as his own. Claiming you. Owning you. 
Not happy that you still had a last barrier of fabric hiding your beautiful body from his view, he reached over and tore off your nightgown with a grunt. 
"I like that better." Stepping back again, he didn't mind looking at you hungrily. First, your face, then your eyes. 
Following the path of his cum on your body, he looked at your breasts, your stomach, and your sex.
He couldn't hold back anymore. He had waited long enough for you. Now that you were in his grip, he would never let go. 
Jungkook grabbed your forearm and lifted you up before pushing you back onto the bed and getting on top of you again. At first, he just looked at you before touching your inner thigh and gently stroking your sex with his fingertips.
His fingers settled on both sides of your pussy before he opened your lips. The way he took a breath, you thought he would say something, but he didn't. Jungkook looked at you as if he wanted you to understand that he had the power. That you finally belonged to him. That you belonged to him and no one else.
Grabbing his cock, Jungkook positioned himself between your spread legs. And as he looked down at you, the tip of his cock, swollen and reddened with excitement, stroked your lower lips. Your entrance was wet and warm, making it easier for Jungkook to enter you. 
With a sharp thrust, he pushed his length into you, eliciting a cry of surprise and pleasure from you. You clung to him as if your life depended on it. Closing his eyes, Jungkook leaned in and kissed you hungrily, moving inside you. 
"So fucking tight, baby." You tilt your hips, undulating in time to his movements, wrapping your legs around him, trapping him, keeping him close to you forever. 
Jungkook loved the glint in your eyes. The dark eyes, the dilated pupils. On top of that, you were biting your lips as your pussy tightened around him even more.
"Harder, Koo." Your nails dug into the skin of his back, drawing a groan from him. 
"Like this?" The intensity of his thrusts increased, but it wasn't enough. You needed more. 
"More. Please, harder and faster." Complying, Jungkook gave everything he had to meet your demands. 
Sometime later, his cock throbbed and emptied inside you as you clung to him, surrendering to the pleasure. Jungkook fell heavily on you, holding you against him as you breathed deeply. 
When the cloud in his mind had dissipated, Jungkook rolled onto the mattress and lay on his back as he grabbed you and pulled you closer to his body. Neither of you spoke.  
His dick was still thick and hard between you. Ready for another round. If Jungkook ever asked you to fuck again, you wouldn't say no. 
He buries his head in your neck, and the kiss he leaves is nothing like the previous ones. Slow, soft, and gentle. 
"How about a second round, baby?" 
But that wasn't enough for you. In fact, you'd lost count of how many times you'd have to do it before you were satisfied with each other.
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n.a : I hope you enjoy this short story as much as I do. To ensure you don’t miss the progress of the chapters and their release, don’t forget to check out the Working on and Updates section. There you’ll find updates on “Viagra Prank on Best Friend” and other stories and “One Shot” that you’ll probably enjoy. Also, don’t forget to check out the Masterlist. You’ll probably find something for you among my other stories in progress and those to come.
If you enjoyed the story, please consider buying me a coffee.
Translations, republications, and rewritings of my stories are not allowed. Failure to comply with this request will result in legal action.
© Jeon_s_Sins
87 notes · View notes
idolatrybarbie · 5 months
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pairing: marcus pike x alex dozie (fem!OC)
word count & rating: 4.4k | explicit - 18+ only please and thanks
summary: marcus pike is the new congressman for the great state of Vermont. it's time to celebrate.
content tags: angst, takes place in 2022, alcohol, background american politics, smut - vaginal fingering, mentions of cockwarming in a way but it's more like Mormon soaking hey don't look at me like that, penis in vagina sex, painful sex, racism, slutshaming, misogyny (none of these from marcus.)
tags & notes: @atinylittlepain | still feel weird being here i am nawt back do not alert the authorities - gin really loves these two and that is inspiration enough to write and post for them.
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It’s a cloudy November day when he wins. No rain, no smog; simply overcast. The weather could almost fool you into thinking that this is any other day. Another Tuesday nearing the end of the year, who cares?
If she lived a different life, maybe that would be the case. Alas, she does not—she lives this one. After a win in the primaries and an election sixteen months in the making, they’ve crossed the finish line. Well, he has. Marcus Pike, the latest (and greatest, though she’s biased) congressman Vermont is lucky to receive.
And who is she exactly? If you asked her, no one. Ask him, though—
“Everyone, please give it up for Miss Alex Dozie!” Marcus booms. His voice carries across the room easily, naturally. Like he’s made for this. He is.
They all follow his word like gospel, the raucous applause almost as loud as the heartbeat in her ears. Alex watches more then feels Marcus take her hand in his own, lacing their fingers together as he lifts their arms in the air. Together in victory. That’s what this is, isn’t it? A victory and this is their celebration party. Surrounded by staffers, donors, volunteers—you name it. A variety platter of New England’s who’s-who all here to celebrate the congressional win of Marcus Pike, a rising star and thought leader in the Democratic party.    
He’s a little too centrist for Alex’s liking, but despite being press secretary for his very political campaign, they never really get around to talking shop. Hard to chat about affordable housing with his tongue down her throat.
Alex sinks back into her body slowly. Marcus lets her go, replacing her warm palm with a glass of champagne. He continues his speech as she flutters through the crowd to the very edge of the room.
“It’s been a long journey. A lot of hard work from everybody in here. I also want to thank…”
Alex tunes it out, gazing blindly across the room. There must be almost 300 people in here. She had never known what that looked like. Does she even know that many people? One hundred living souls, and then triple it. The fact astonishes her. Even more people voted for him and got him here. They believe in Marcus Pike.
Being him right now must be about as close as one gets to playing God.
Marcus starts to wrap up his speech, catching her attention again. He’s searching for her face, bright like a beacon. He breaks into that million-dollar smile of his when sees it.
“I want to thank you,” he says. The words are spoken to a sea of suits, but she knows what he really means. “I truly couldn’t have done this without you. We are going to make a difference here. I can feel it. And for that, I am forever grateful.”
We. That alone makes Alex feel all gooey inside. A small smile fights its way across her lips.
               The crowd breaks into amiable chatter, the party portion of this formal celebration spreading like a virus as more drinks are made and softer pop music spouts out from wherever. Alex has half a mind to meander over to coat check and grab her things. Before she can convince herself, Marcus sidles up beside her near a darkened window.
“By yourself?” he asks.
“As is preferred,” she says.
Marcus hums. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to put up with me.”
“Terrible, truly.” But it’s all smiles; he is all smiles, Alex mirroring him.
They have to keep it cool here, professional. She can read his eyes. You look beautiful. The heavy blink and bashful glance down at her shoes will have to suffice as a thank you. Alex watches as Marcus readjusts his tie, thick fingers grazing the soft fabric. She wishes they were in her mouth instead.
“Great party,” she says, clearing her throat.
“Yeah. Got this press secretary, she planned it all for me.”
“You’ll have to get me her card.”
“Of course,” Marcus says. Light laughs fall from both of them. “You did a great job.”
“It’s alright,” Alex shrugs.
“It’s amazing,” he insists. You’re amazing.
“All previous party planning experience was organizing my senior prom.”
“And it’s still fantastic, look at you.”
“The process was much easier with a congressional Platinum card, trust me,” Alex says. Then she holds up her drink—not the standard fare of J. Lasalle but a Bourbon Ginger from the open bar—and lets it fall in a clink against Marcus’ half-empty flute of champagne. “To money.”
“To success,” he says.
“Yeah, that too.” She lets the prickly pleasantness of ginger root and dark liquor slide across her tongue. It burns going down, but she likes it like that. “So… What are your plans for the rest of the night?”
“I dunno’,” Marcus says, shrugging his shoulders. His voice lowers to a whisper. “I was thinking about breaking in the new office. You?”
“Does breaking it in have anything to do with fucking me in it?”
“It could.”
“I’m pretty amenable to these plans, then,” Alex says.
Marcus offers her his hand again. “Follow me.”
They wait as the tide of partygoers pushes in, making their escape when it falls back, slipping through tall double doors. Marcus leads Alex up a back stairwell, heels clicking against wood. He lets her lead the rest of the way, watching the slink in her step and the sway in her hips. He hates it when she leaves but loves to watch when she walks away—and tonight, he gets the best of both.
Alex stops at the doorway. She waits for him to cross the threshold first; it only feels right. Marcus pulls her in by the elbow, a goofy grin overtaking his face.
“C’mere, gorgeous,” he says.
They connect at the mouth, soft and gentle like Marcus’ hold on her waist. He runs a soothing finger over the material of her dress—smooth white satin that swathes over her hips and neck, leaving her shoulders bare. Vintage Ralph Lauren on loan; Alex couldn’t dream of owning something this expensive with all her lingering Howard loan debt. The dress, along with the pearly cream heels that were once her mother’s, is a drastic change from her outfit at this afternoon’s swearing-in ceremony: a dress with frumpier sleeves, sitting just below the knee in a purple bright enough to rival a red clover. She’d hated it, feeling trapped inside some illusion of a church girl with her hair pressed into long pin curls.
The way Marcus looked at her then, same as now, made it worth it. He thinks the world of her, along with the Sun and the rest of the solar system too. He slides a hand across her chest, a nipple peaking against the fabric. When he squeezes, her cunt drools. Alex slips a hand into his hair, pulling hard enough that Marcus moans into her mouth. They move as a unit, one step at a time until he has her caged against his new desk.
They break only when she looks down, hiking the smooth fabric up to expose the bottom half of her body. Marcus cups her gently over her underwear, feeling dampness against the heel of his palm.
“Couldn’t have done this without you, sweetheart,” he whispers against her lips.
“You could have,” she says between sweet kisses to each cheek.
“I didn’t want to.”
Alex smirks. “Lucky you, then.”
She likes to tease, but the self-satisfaction on her face falls when he presses his hand against her harder. The pressure against her clit makes her ache, moving her hips up to meet him. She starts to grind against his hand. Marcus watches the wet patch on the gusset between her legs grow as Alex gets herself off. Lucky him indeed.
“What do you need, baby?” he asks.
“Touch me…please.”
A small gasp falls from her lips when he peels her panties down, Alex lifting her hips to aid in the effort. They wrap around her ankles, caught by the backs of her heels. Marcus touches her bare skin, already wet and sticky when he runs two fingers against her.
“More,” she says.
"Hmm, I don’t know,” Marcus says. “I think you like it like this.”
“Marcus Jordan Pike…put your fingers inside me or get the fuck out of this office.” Her tone is breathy but commanding, drawing his attention from her hips to her eyes.
He doesn’t need to be told twice, slipping a finger through her wetness before sinking it into her cunt. Alex moans, and Marcus moans with her. His starting rhythm is slow and purposeful, searching for that spot that gets her eyes to cross as she bites her tongue to keep quiet. She cants her hips in time with him, meeting every thrust of his middle finger as slick squelches onto the webbing of his hand.
A high whine tears from the back of her throat when Marcus finds what he is looking for. He adds his index inside of her, massaging the spongy spot inside of her with deft attention.
“Fuck, Marcus,” Alex sighs, panting into his neck. She holds him close by the shoulder, arm wrapped around to his neck as she pulls lightly at his ear.
“That feel good?” he asks. All she can do is nod. “My baby feels so good, huh? You worked so hard. I’m so proud of you. Let me help you relax.”
Something about being called his baby has her weak in the knees. She likes that, just a little. Alex would never admit it, not in this environment of all-or-nothing stances, not even to him. The feminists of this town and the Internet would eat her alive for admitting even the fantasy of being a kept woman turns her on, just a little. Still, Marcus can tell by the way she clenches tight around him.
“Such a sweet thing…so smart, you know that? Couldn’t do anything without you.”
“Marcus, please. D-don’t stop, just—right there.” She stutters on a breath when he presses his thumb to her clit. Alex’s thighs clench around his hand, trapping the limb so he can only move from the wrist down.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Feel it, baby. I’ve got you,” Marcus whispers against her ear.
He captures her for another kiss, languid as he speeds up his fingers and the circle of his thumb. She cums with a cut-off cry and a tremble of her hips, pulling him closer and pushing him away with her body as she creams over his fingers. They stay joined a few moments longer; she sits up a little more, smoothing out the collar of his dress shirt.
When Marcus moves his hand, Alex fulfills her wish. She takes him by the wrist and leads his fingers to her mouth. She tastes herself as they pass the wet heat of her tongue, swirling between the two digits for good measure. Marcus groans as he watches, mesmerized.
“You’re killing me here,” he says.
 “We wouldn’t want that, would we?” Alex asks. She reaches for the zipper of his pressed slacks, hard cock waiting for her underneath. “Public servant and all.”
The zipper needles down easily, two buttons on the inside of the linen plucked undone in a moment. She rolls Marcus’ pants down to settle over his ass, revealing to her the pre-cum stained front of his briefs. Seeing the pair of novelty underwear she got for his birthday, Alex laughs. His cock is covered in bald eagles.
“Why is you laughing at me still sexy?” Marcus asks.
Alex draws him in by his tie. “’Cause you’re a perv,” she says.
Marcus scoffs, but there’s no bite in it. “I don’t have a comeback for that.”
She works him out of his underwear, spitting onto his shaft before giving him a stroke. “That’s how you know it’s true.”
Alex sets them into motion, leaning back to signal Marcus. He immediately swipes everything—nameplate, important government documents, a miniature post holding the American flag—off the desk and onto the floor. He runs his tip, slick and swollen, through the mess of her cunt. Teasing her, he presses against her clit like a button, making Alex jolt.
“Just fuck me, dweeb,” she says.
One thing about Marcus is that he takes direction well. He slides into her with ease, both moaning in sync at the fit and feel. Filling her with one thrust of his hips, she makes him stay there for a moment, savouring the sensation. The fullness is enough to make her feel good—sometimes it’s enough to make her cum, like when they sat together in the campaign office, her on his lap as she squeezed her cunt around his thick cock to orgasm.
Then she taps at his hip, pulling at Marcus’ forearm to get him to meet her horizontally. His thrusts start quick and small, grinding against her insides as he never quite leaves her. Idly, she wonders how many times they’ve fucked in an office. The campaign office? They’d made up a bit of an accidental schedule, twice a week on Tuesday and Friday when everyone usually went home before seven. A handful of times in his car, which were always her least favourite no matter how long Marcus ate her out to make up for it.
 Once in her bed. It was late August this year, the air balmy as she and Marcus stepped out of that upscale bar in one of those times between overcast clouds and dripping rain. He’d had a few too many to drive home, and Alex lived just three blocks over. She hadn’t meant to fuck him. It was only the second time, after a quick and easy mistake they’d made on the fold-out table that operated as the volunteer command center; that particular night, there were still Vote4Marcus stickers in her hair when she got in the shower.
But Alex did fuck him, and it was amazing. Probably what spurred her to keep fucking him. Not the money, or the potential power. Just the tender, semi-drunk sex they shared on her double mattress. The only time it ever happened.
She’s trying to calculate how many Tuesdays and Fridays are in eight calendar months when a particularly sharp thrust catches her attention. Alex groans, but not in the sexy way, as Marcus punches his cock into her cervix. It feels good still, in a way, but the pinch of pain is throwing her off.
“H-hold on,” she mutters, so quiet she can barely hear herself. Marcus keeps going, fucking her with a hand at her sternum for leverage.
“You feel good?” he asks.
“No, just—hold on,” Alex repeats. She places a hand over his as Marcus slows to a stop.
“Everything alright?”
Before she can answer, they both feel his phone buzz in his pocket. Marcus pulls away from her, wiping his hands on his pants to check. She sees his mouth screw up in a side pout as he reads whatever message is waiting for him.
“Time to go?” Alex asks.
“I just—this big donor is heading out, the McCaskills? Polly wants me to start greeting people as they leave.”
Another one of many times Alex would love to tell Polly Friedman-Blau where she can put her tight smiles and wandering eyes.
“Of course.” She’s already standing, lifting her leg to pull her underwear back up and over her crotch. They are uncomfortably sticky, but that won’t be a problem for long.
“What do you mean, of course?” Marcus asks behind her.
Alex turns, smoothing out her dress. She’ll have to find a bathroom to properly fix herself up before heading back downstairs.
“I mean, come on. What are you, the lobby boy?” The hurt anger bubbles up from nowhere, shocking her as much as him.
“They donated thousands of dollars, Lex.” She hates that name. He knows she hates it. “We wouldn’t be here without them,” Marcus says.
She makes for the door now, shaking her head. Alex ignores the burn between her thighs. She doesn’t make it to the hall, though. Marcus grabs her arm, pulling her back to him.
“Can we just—can we not leave tonight like this?” he asks. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry.” He peppers her face with soft kisses, gentle with his words. “When it’s all said and done, I’ll find you. We can continue this back at my place.”
His place. The place she’s never seen. Something roils hot inside her, small fireworks snaking and sparking between her ribs.
“Okay?” Marcus asks.
“Okay,” Alex agrees.
He fixes his pants and she straightens his tie. Marcus is off again, heading downstairs. Alex lingers in his office for a minute longer, taking it all in. They made it. They are here.
When an appropriate amount of time has passed, she wanders out to find a bathroom, closing the door behind her. A few party drunkards have made it upstairs. Alex smiles politely and ducks out of any potential conversations by moving onto the stairs and heading down. A bathroom presents itself at the foot of the steps, a golden sign that says ‘Ladies’ waiting for her.
The door swings inwards silently. Alex hates to say she’s impressed, what with the horrible screech of her own bathroom’s hinges. A glance in the mirror tells her she doesn’t look too crazy. Taking advantage of the empty presence, she locks herself in the very last stall to take a piss. As she wrangles the wafer-thin toilet paper, she hears the door open again. Not so silent after all.
Two sets of expensive heels—four clicks against the stone floors—echo throughout the room. Alex is about to get up and flush before someone speaks.
“Oh, I don’t know,” one woman says, voice low. “That girl he thanked… I’ve heard some things.”
“She’s not a girl. We’re all women here,” another woman says.
“Could’ve fooled me,” the first one snickers.
Alex keeps her breathing even, still listening. “What’s the word on her?”
“Oh, you know. The usual: she’s sleeping with him.” Well, that’s not inaccurate. Still, it stings to hear coming from— “She’s only in it for the money, you know? Supposedly, she had a thing with her TA back in undergrad.”
“Yeah. But then she set her sights on political office. But she doesn’t want to be the man behind the desk. She just wants to reap all the benefits.”
“Little does she know, all those men have some sweet thing under there to keep ‘em warm.”
“Trust me, I think she does. Bold of her to assume he’d ever make her First Lady.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, Marcus Pike is a name you remember. Alex Dozie? Come on. We’ve already had Barack and Michelle.” The other woman doesn’t say anything to that. “There was something about his fa—”
Alex takes that as the time to strike, pressing the metal button jutting from the wall to get the toilet to flush. In a few seconds, she unlocks the stall door and saunters out to the sink. Silently, she rubs soap between her palms and fingers, sticking her hands beneath the automatic tap to rinse away the suds. The women are exactly as she expected: thin, white, and beautiful. Their dresses look much more expensive, much more modern.
She wonders if they’d say all that if she looked more like them.
Alex waits ‘til the door shuts behind her to let the tears well up. Well, shit. This is supposed to be the night of everything right, and it’s all going terribly wrong. She walks blindly, water blurring Alex’s vision as she keeps her head down and eyes forward. Eventually, she reaches an office on the first floor. Fine wood paneling and frosted glass windows. The office chair is practically calling her name. When she slumps into it, the tension bleeds from her spine. Somehow, the leather seems to have that new car smell to it.
It takes a few minutes to realize that this is her office. She recognizes it from pictures Marcus sent her. Their tiny what-ifs were turning into reality, and this was one of them. If I win, you’re taking this office. It’s the nicest one…besides mine. There were so many of those that Alex began thinking it impossible for them to lose. Like this was fate or something.
Fate; destiny. She was meant to do this. Fuck whatever Malibu Bitch numbers one and two think. Who cares what people know, or think they know? Alex is here, and she knows exactly why. It has nothing to do with the…extra-curricular activities between her and Marcus Pike. It was because she’d worked her ass off; because she deserved it. A tenuous thread of hope, sure, but it was enough to keep her from finding Marcus and quitting on the spot like she wanted to.
Instead, she heads to coat check and gets her purse and jacket. Alex tips the lady with President Andrew Jackson, calling a cab in the lobby. A long, hot shower and a good night’s sleep will make everything better; it always does.
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Alex wakes at five o’clock. She does not feel better. Somehow, she feels worse. Whatever slathered over the surface of her skin last night has settled, sinking deep into her bones. It’s not quite anger, or sadness. A churning disquiet has taken up in her gut, leaving no room for breakfast or coffee. A box of things sits on the kitchen counter, waiting for her to take it into the office—her new office. Alex almost forgets it three separate times.
The drive is sure to be the only calm part of her day. Alex savours it, taking the easy route through town. The building is cute, not a monster when it’s not plugged full of people. It’s an eclectic mix of brick and metal on the outside, dated but sleek on the inside between hardwood and glass. Inside is quiet, too, which she enjoys. Still, her stomach stirs with unease. It feels like everyone stares when she walks in.
Alex’s thighs ache, a reminder of what she and Marcus did last night. She bristles at the thought, shame creeping up the back of her neck. Maybe they shouldn’t do that here. This isn’t some rental space in Downtown Burlington. This is an important office.
She puts her box down at her desk, the contents landing with a thud. At the top of her trinket pile sits a framed photo: Alex and Marcus, smiling as she waves at the camera from the hip. She forgets now what they were talking about, one of the earlier Vote For Marcus Pike banners hanging behind them, pinned to a wall. This was a month into Alex working for him. A month of wondering if he still remembered, and figuring out quickly that Marcus didn’t. The first real conversation they’d had where she had no excuse to duck out of the office or wander away. The first real conversation with the man that would change her life.
15 months ago and yet it feels so far away; unreachable. Alex wants to crawl into the picture frame, claw back time to when she knew what she was doing here. The objective was simple. Get Marcus elected. Now? One night and she’s been sent into a tailspin.
When she looks up from the photo, it’s because of all the clapping. When does all the goddamn clapping end and the real work start? Alex was starting to wonder. She moves from her desk to the doorway, catching a glimpse of what the fuss is all about. It’s Marcus, of course. He doesn’t see her; how could he with all the people in the way? He glad-hands and smiles his way through the office. Someone takes a photo—fancy camera, flash on—and Alex blinks. She’s been injected into Clinton-era comic strip, waiting for them to bring out the baby to kiss.
Marcus Pike gets applause for showing up to do his job. Sure, it happens, but when did that become her life? Her reality? Alex does not belong here. Clearly, he doesn’t need her here. He didn’t call last night when she didn’t show.
The campaign trail was then, and this is now. She is of then…Marcus doesn’t need her now.
Thank god for the printer in this office. She types up something quick, waiting for the blocky machine to whirr to life. A quick, six-sentence letter of resignation spits out moments later. Alex takes it, folding it in two. She goes to grab her box of things, Marcus’ eyes staring back at her. She leaves it.
Her heels click and clack against the floor as she makes her exit. Letter clutched in her hand, she doesn’t notice the tiny young woman in front of her until they collide.
“I’m so sorry,” she squeaks first.
“It’s my fault,” Alex says, shaking her head.
“You’re Miss Dozie?” the woman asks. She looks a little scared, a little reverent.
“Unfortunately. Why?”
“I’m supposed to bring you some briefings,” the woman says. Alex notes the badge on her lapel. Office aide. “After I bring Mr. Pike his coffee.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Okay?” Alex asks. The aide nods, brow furrowed in confusion. “Could you do me a favour, though?”
“That’s my job, ma’am.”
“Could you put this on Mar—Mr. Pike’s desk for me? Preferably when he’s away from it,” Alex says.
“Of course, ma’am,” the aide nods. Alex wishes she knew her name.
“Thanks,” she nods. “Good luck up there, hey?”
Alex walks away, through the lobby to the front doors. In less than an hour, the weather has changed from overcast clouds to sputtering rain. Albert Hammond serenades her with guitars, alerting her to a phone call. She almost picks it up, finger automatically reaching to press the ‘answer’ button. Alex thinks twice about it, checking who it is. Marcus, of course.
Frozen on the sidewalk, rain pelts her head as she watches the phone ring. After about a minute, it stops, his name disappearing.
Seems it never rains in Southern California
Seems I’ve often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California
But girl, don’t they warn ya’?
It pours, man it pours
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A quick heads up to all Minecraft artists!!!
There is a YouTuber; sansink689 : who has been reposting shorts and videos with other people's artwork... A Warning was put out on Twitter/X if you have not seen or have a Twitter/X by Master_Closure informing everyone about this YouTuber.
(More under cut for space reasons)
I could not report for stealing artwork but I went on ahead and down voted a couple of their videos to which they used art that I know for a fact belong to Original artists here on Tumblr as well as Twitter/X. On top of that I also asked multiple questions on multiple videos and shorts... Asking basically the same questions over and over.
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At the moment of typing this up I have yet to get a response but I'm expecting them to either; one: answer me with their honest opinion, or two: block me. It's already obvious that the original artists of these artworks are both here on Tumblr as well as Twitter/X and probably do not know of this... But if you already do please inform me if they had even bothered asking (to which I doubt highly they asked but...)... In my honest opinion if you can't report then at least constantly ask them about where they got the images from? who the original artists are? Did they ask the original artists?
I don't want to go into their chat and just say "hey you're scum for stealing someone's artwork!!" because it's obvious they live in a country different from where I'm living, to which in my country (Suck America USA) if you're caught stealing artwork you're immediately called out for it, but I believed they are from Russia (do not quote me I am not 100% sure) to which I don't think the rules apply to them as well but that doesn't mean you can't call them out for it by constantly asking them where the original art was from where they got the original artwork or on top of that did they ask the original artist because it's obvious they didn't do any of this artwork... they technically took it from wherever they found it and instead of looking up the original artist they used it for their videos to try and earn money... (I do apologize if this sounds rude or ugly but this is just my first opinion on seeing all of this artwork that they had taken and putting it in videos without any of the credits...)...
I don't even know what their age is, they could just be a young kid who doesn't know any better or is like "oh look at all this art I found online that I really like I want to post it on my channel because I love it so much!" And don't know that they're technically stealing the artwork from the original artist...
So if you've read this far then please at least ask them where they got the artwork or in any case if they ask the original artist... And if you ARE the original artist of the artwork in which they used in these videos, please go to them and politely ask them where they found the images and if they could take down their videos with your artwork in it... If they refuse to take down the videos or refuse to answer you about the situation then do what you must to get the situation resolved because I have no control over them just as I have no control over you... I just ask that we start this off as politely as possible to get them to understand that they need to ask before using someone else's artwork.
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fangbangerghoul · 2 months
Hey everyone!
So that annotated bibliography I mentioned the other day is for a research paper I have been working on. I currently need survey participates to gather information on how people have access to local news and how it affects their voting decisions and awareness.
If anyone could fill this out it will be greatly appreciated. I need 30 people to fill out responses by the end of the week. It should be accessible to everyone and can relate to you wherever you live (there is one question about national news and i listed American news outlets but please just apply it to your particular news outlets)
Thank you in advance and I appreciate any and all responses!
8 notes · View notes
hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Ruan Lingyu (The Goddess, New Women, Love and Duty)—icon of chinese silent cinema known for her luminous beauty, her exceptional acting talent, and her tragic life story
Barbara Stanwyck (Ball of Fire, The Lady Eve, Double Indemnity)—I hope someone else has submitted better propaganda than I because I don't want my girl's prospects to rest on me just yelling PLEASE VOTE FOR MY TERRIBLE HOT GIRLFRIEND. She is a delight in everything! She is often a sexy jerk! (It's most of the plot of Baby Face!) Even when she plays a "good girl" (as an example, Christmas in Connecticut, which more people should see) she's still kind of a jerk and I love her for it! She won't take men's shit and she sure wouldn't take mine!
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ruan Lingyu:
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silent era chinese actress who had a subtlety in her acting ability that was way ahead of her time. huge star but her career and life was sadly cut short by damaging publicity
Widely considered one of the best actresses of Chinese silent film
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Ruan Lingyu had an eight year movie career, starting at 16 and ending with her suicide at only 24. Despite this, she made some of the most widely acclaimed films of early Chinese cinema and the BBC called her "China's Greta Garbo." In "Love and Duty," she plays her character as a teen, a young mother, and an older woman beaten down by life AND her teen daughter in an early application of split-screen technology. Lingyu is absolutely unrecognizable as the older woman, yet emotionally the transition is seamless because she does such a good job. Lingyu had a hard life and killed herself after ination [sic] of media scorn and private problems. Her funeral was three days long, the procession was allegedly four miles long, and three women killed themselves during her funeral. The New York Times called it "the most spectacular funeral of the century." I'm adding this to show what kind of hold she had over the public at the time, much like Rudolph Valentino's raucous funeral. I would rather she had lived.
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Barbara Stanwyck:
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"THE leading lady of the golden age of hollywood. One of the only actresses to work independent of a studio, making short-term contracts that enabled her to make movies wherever she wanted. She had so much range, and could act in basically any genre. She's been rumored to be a lesbian literally since she was active in Hollywood; most notable is the rumor that she had a long time on-and-off relationship with famously bi Joan Crawford, her "best friend" for decades (They lived right next door to one another). She also lived with Helen Ferguson, her "live-in publicist" for many years. She was the quintessential femme fatale in Double Indemnity, and really pushed sexual boundaries in her pre-code films like Baby Face, and the famous screwball The Lady Eve, where she plays basically a downlow domme. Allegedly, when a journalist asked her if she was a lesbian, she straight up threw him out of her house. She even played a lesbian in Walk on the Wild Side"
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"THE queen of screwball comedies. I adore her, I'd kill for her, I will cry if she's not gonna win this poll."
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"listen ok she had awful politics she was a mccarthyist right wing wacko BUT she's so incredibly hot that i've deluded myself into believing i could fix her. if you see her onscreen she carries herself in a way that's just so effortlessly sexy AND she has just a stunning face. imo she was at her hottest in the 1940s but even as early as the late 1920s she had a rly captivating screen presence and just a beautiful face, and then post-1950 she was just irresistibly milfy so really she was just always incredibly hot. she was also an incredibly talented actress who was equally stellar in melodrama, film noir, and unhinged screwball comedy. the blonde wig they made her wear in double indemnity is notoriously silly looking but she still looks sexy in it so that's gotta count for something. i've watched so many terrible movies just for a chance at seeing her that i think her estate should be paying me damages."
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"Not often thought of for her sultriness, Barbara Stanwyck was incredible in that she could actually choose to be hot if the role called for it, and then have a glow-down to look ordinary for another role. She wasn't the most beautiful or effervescent, but damn did she have rizz. Watch her with Gary Cooper in Ball of Fire teaching him about "yum-yum" or with Henry Fonda in The Lady Eve whispering huskily into his ear."
"She is always the smartest woman in the room. Watching her play Henry Fonda like a befuddled fiddle in The Lady Eve was a highlight of my life. Femme fatale in Double Indemnity, comedy queen in Ball of Fire. She can do anything."
"She was part of my gay awakening"
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"SHE'S A PRE-CODE QUEEN. She did everything, drama, comedy. The most beautiful woman in the world to watch weep. Beg for to step on you with those legs. Fun Babs story: Ginger Rogers was offered the role in Ball of Fire but said, “Oh, I would never play that part, she’s too common.” So they called Barbara Stanwyck and they said “We offered this to Ginger Rogers but she’s turned it down, would you be interested?” And she read the script and she said; “You bet! I LOVE playing common broads. [link]"
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annaholak · 1 year
Wyrd Sisters Tea Poll (Part 1)
We all know witches love tea. We also know they're practical, and therefore would probably prefer teabags over loose leaf. But what brand of tea, and what kind of tea would each member of our beloved Lancre coven prefer (if they lived in modern day UK)?
Lets kick it off with none other than - drumroll please! -
Granny Weatherwax
Granny is a traditionalist, and that means black tea. But would she have a secret fondness for something like Earl Grey (still very much traditional, but with that nice hint of bergamot), or would she stick to the older generation's favourite Yorkshire Tea?
Lets vote!
If you answered "Other", please specify in the comments/tags/wherever I might see it. Same goes if you want to add anything about your choice, tea in general, the British and their habits, the Lancre witches, and so on and so forth.
Have fun!
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