#where are the adoption papers
stitchwick · 1 year
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vtoriacore · 9 months
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WAAA IM GLAD U LIKE HIM!!!1 he quite literally skates throughout the lounge’s waiting area with little roller skaties, would probably try to cartwheel onto one
generally his interactions with Azul r either very affectionate or buggy, sometimes he’ll just linger around him or stuff, sort of like a barnacle or parasite that’s clutched on. Other times he’ll try to do things to catch his attention, such as causing chaos in the kitchen or lounge on purpose. When they were kids, I like to think that he used to knock on Zul’s octo pot until he got out or said hi to him :3
for the tweels he follows them around like a little duck waddling after it’s mother,
With Floyd he’s very rough housey!! As in ‘tackle hug at first sight, I will shove you onto the ground and give you the biggest squeeze ever’,,, definitely wrestle together but they’re generally good siblings! Lyn often tries to muck around with him during lounge shifts
With Jade, he mostly asks him to help him with his hand writing or speech, (as I’m a firm believer in the coral sea having a different language n such,,, clicky clicky Mer language makes the brain go yippee). Sometimes he’ll even ask to go hiking with Jade, or hunting for pretty shells.
Onto that!! Lyn will sometimes wander back through the mirror after going for a few hours, completely sopping wet, there is kelp in his hair!!! Sand in his clothes,,, but look he got you a shiny thing!
IAODNAKKDF IM GONNA FUCKING LOSE IT THATS SO CUTE !!! BRO COMES BACK AFTER A DIVE WITH KELP IN HIS HAIR AND THEN YOU PULL OUT A STARCONCH OR SMTH FOR GOOD MEASURE. I'm adopting him by the way he's so precious he's so cute he's so wahhhhhhh crying crying crying he's such a little menace a little gremlin child I love lyn bro !!
AND HELLO HIM AND FLOYD LOW-KEY PLAY FIGHTING? THATS SO CUTE !! i can imagine the chaotic sibling intercations and Azul just being like "just don't break the tables . . . " Knowing he cannot stop them in the lounge and JADE TEACHING HIM MER LANGUAGE YESSSS (I also believe mers have their own diff languages and that they just adopted more commonly spoken human ones for trade reasons and such :3) and him coaxing a shy little azul out of his octopot because he wanted to say hi ??? TEARS IN MY EYES GOD DAMN IT THATS ADORABLE??? ik Azul would only be pretending to feel annoyed but considers lyn like an actual close person to him wahhhhhh !! until he destroys the kitchen maybe ? that'd be so funny. and oh my god esp if he teamed up w floyd to mayhaps cause some chaos ???
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Chrollo and the other spiders as kids are so adorable I've been screaming about them in my head since morning
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suckmyarschkarte · 3 months
"it feels like i'm in a movie"
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ghost-bxrd · 6 days
Instead of being sent to end the Washington bloodline, Calvin is sent to clean the Gotham streets of “vermin”.
He gets a name, a location, and a general description. A weapon pointed at a target.
And he’s eager to prove himself. Eager to have years of grueling training pay off. Eager to prove that he didn’t kill the previous Talon for nothing.
But when Calvin perches on top of a fire escape, watching a small, malnourished child with gaunt cheeks and a too large red hoodie steal the tires off the Batmobile with nervous glances left and right but never up—
Calvin wants to throw up.
They can’t- they’re expecting him to kill a little kid. A tiny, defenseless human just trying to survive— deemed obsolete due to circumstances the boy had no control over.
No. No way. No fucking way.
When Batman returns to the Batmobile it’s to his tires gone and the tail end of watching a monster straight out a nursery rhyme knocking a screaming child unconscious and vanishing into the night.
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quirkle2 · 8 months
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the mob psycho/pokemon legends arceus crossover that absolutely nobody asked for
[rly long ask of me rambling abt the plot]
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fukiana · 9 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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yuseirra · 4 months
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P3R adventures +
random events that stood out to me specifically (except the takaya one, that's pretty relevant to the story)
I want to draw the things that happened in between, too.. but these are some I could recall right off the bat
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oddly-casual · 8 months
I think Mutant Mayhem is the first tmnt propriety to make Leo my favorite turtle right off the bat.
Not that I don’t like Leo anywhere else, but usually it takes me like a second rewatch or something to really pick apart Leo’s character in full to appreciate him- and even then he’s usually not my favorite.
But MM Leo is my favorite for reasons I cannot identify.
Maybe it’s the way he walks, his cringe fail personality, I don’t know but I care about this loser so much.
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Idk he cares so much abt his siblings despite the fact that they can be so mean to him sometimes. He is also the one who continually pushes to do the right thing when theres nothing (or even sometimes worst things) to gain from it.
Even his attempts at being cool come off as dorkish but it’s charming in a way only little kids can be. In a ‘you’re doing your best sweetie’. Leo is a single mother of three while also being a teenage boy, that takes work.
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He’s such a silent but calculating character, ironically when he doesn’t try so hard and does what he feels is right he gets the best results (ie his leader speech, the plan to be accepted, gaining the acceptance of other mutants) for all his fumbling and try hard attitude he has such natural potential it’s insane.
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katabay · 1 month
top 5 fandoms?
oooh, okay! so my top 5 to hang out in (which is not necessarily the same as stuff I draw fan art of, but ones where I’ve gone to group meet ups at conventions, attended watch parties/events for, actively seek out the tags for on twitter, etc) are probably
-Kamen Rider
-the bitter Sam fan side of SPN
-Pacific Rim
-Guardian/Zhen Hun or the Yakuza franchise
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thebekashow · 3 months
the silly goober in Beka's family
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two silly goobers, with mental problems.
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krispiifloof · 2 months
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playertwotails · 2 years
Headcanon time, or well this could be taken as just an interesting idea that’s been floating in my head.
I like the idea that Sonic is actually, legal documentation and all, Tails’ legal guardian. But how did that happen they’re both minors?
Answer: Vanilla helped them.
I just have this idea that when they first meet Vanilla shes working as the secretary at her villages town hall. And not like a take notes and get coffee secretary but a “your name may be on the building but I run this place” kind of secretary. We see this take charge side of when she waltz’s in and just runs the show for the Team Chaotix in Sonic idw issue 31, my girl just walks in and it’s her rodeo now. Plus in issue 37 after the whole White Park chateau incident Amy and Rouge are both kinda scared of her.
Back to topic though, when she first meets them Sonic and Tails are still pretty young. (My personal idea is that they met her when Sonic was 11 and Tails was 4 and by the time they meet her they’ve already been together for a while now, like months to almost a year) And at that point a lot of people have tried to separate Sonic and Tails and put them in homes cause they are so young. Neither of them were having any of it though and really how to you stop them from leaving? One can run faster than the speed of sound, the other can fly and they have a plane.
So they save her village but the last town they helped was the final straw for Sonic with people trying to take Tails away from him. So Vanilla seems nice enough to him and she works for the government so he asks her how he can make himself legally in charge of Tails so people stop trying to take him (mostly Tails the one that let Sonic know about kids needing someone older than them in charge of them legally and Sonic takes that and is like “well I’m older so I can be in charge of Tails, but what’s this legality thing your talking about Tails?”).
Vanilla at first is hesitant to help them cause she herself is a new mom at this point and these are two homeless orphaned children, surely they need some kind of adult supervision. But then she thinks on it and yeah it may not be 100% the best idea having two children running around with no adult but they clearly are a family and can handle themselves better than most adults she knows. And they are fighting Eggman, a literal terrorist and would be dictator, that no adults are seemingly capable of going up against. (plus best not piss off the only two people who are seemingly capable of taking him down)
So she helps them. She tells them about emancipated minors and Sonic wants both of them to have that. People are hesitant to let Sonic go through with it since he is 11 but kid fights Eggman so sure why not. But no adult can sign off on Tails, the barely not a toddler child, in good consciousness becoming an emancipated minor. So she gets Sonic squared away on being an emancipated minor, then she turns around and helps him legally become Tails’ guardian instead. Those in charge still hesitated but like I said she’s in charge of the place so she finally got them to do it.
She asks two things from them for her help with this though. 1) they just check in with her every once in a while so she at least knows they’re okay, letters or a phone call will do but please just let her know they’re alive. 2) They come and have playdates with her little girl Cream when they’re nearby so she can have some friends and she can sneakily check on if they look like they’re eating right. They agree since it’s not an unreasonable request and at this point Vanilla is a friend to them so they were gonna keep in touch anyways, plus through all of this they already befriended Cream so they were gonna visit regardless.
As the years go by people trying to get Sonic and Tails put into the system stops for the most part. It mostly becomes a problem when random people find out Tails’ age but when ever that issue pops up Sonic gleefully hits them, figuratively and literally, with the adoption papers. 
Idk just a fun little idea I came up with enjoy people.
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chloeseyeliner · 11 months
honest reaction after reading ep. 105:
Jackson, can you write for W*lliam to get hit by a rainbow truck as he is crossing the street in your diary? thanks, dear.
something I always go by is relevant here: every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.
if you don't love your kids, don't have kids. end of story.
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vladdyissues · 1 year
Vlad "I Want A Family So Fucking Bad It Makes Me Look Stupid" Masters
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bluecoba · 1 year
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Zazie the BABEY <3
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