#when i say he is my blorbo I MEAN IT
the thing about anthony lockwood is, like. like he gets home at 2 am absolutely exhausted after fighting a ghost and he goes down into the basement to balance his business accounts because what’s a better time to do it than at 2 am wearing a shirt that has holes ripped into it and is still lightly steaming from ectoplasm burns? and anyway he’s balancing his accounts and after paying insurance on his business and paying his mortgage and paying his employees (there are two of them. they are his only friends in the world) and budgeting for groceries, he has precisely 5 british pounds to keep for himself at the end of the week, so every 3 months he takes the money he’s saved up and he goes and buys himself one singular plain gucci white button-down shirt and then he goes out ghost hunting for the night and immediately it gets ripped + bloodstained + covered in ectoplasm. and also he’s 17 years old
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 months
"are people not into that?" i ask, after posting my weird niche shit to the internet, despite knowing it to be weird niche shit.
#jsyk sylkius or anything adjacent to it does not “Do Numbers” in any way and i observed this some time ago#i assume that's the “rival ships” element at work but who knows really#that sort of thing is like femslash in that everyone approves of it but nobody actually reads or writes it#but who would have thought sylvie beating loki with a stick would not bring in droves of readers???! shocking twist there!#& i don't consider sifki a rarepair but my rarepair standards are VERY strict like if there's >5 fics a pairing is basically mainstream#chasing popularity would annoy me though & i just don't have the mental spoons to try writing stuff i wouldn't personally read#yeah i *could* put my blorbos to work in a coffee shop but what cost to my own enjoyment levels? AT WHAT COST FANGELA???#you can't please everyone so you may as well just please yourself and if anyone else likes it you've found some fellow freaks so yay#i don't mean please yourself in a wanking sense. though feel free to do that too it probably counts as a cardio workout idk.#BUT ANYWAY#fic related#ps i am v glad there's the “warning: loki” tag because i think/hope it acts as a filter for 'he did nothing wrong in his life ever' types#who are Valid & etc obviously but i write my morally grey characters to be morally grey and the tag might help avoid conflict#though tbh i write almost every character to be morally grey in some way so i can't claim to have left my comfort zone here#(i'm not joking when i say the 1987-89 run of Dr Who shaped my entire future fannish life from a young and apparently v impressionable age)
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mcybree · 1 month
i need to start hating other characters besides just scott apparently. does anyone have suggestions
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Well Pharma girlies it unfortunately appears that all of Pharma's interesting implications and read-between-the-lines moral grayness was just an accident after all and JRO fully intended him to be read as just the token evil Autobot who's selfish and egotistical and stupid
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Still by far my most favourite headcanon I’ve ever made. There is no evidence, these two have only a few lines of dialogue. Ones a ghost and the other dies when you talk to him enough.
But Xero is Tiso’s dad, trust me I’m totally correct.
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secretlythatsme · 3 months
i really love dc x dp tbh but i hate how so many fics end up making the batfam dumb as shit. and i don't mean in a "loveable goof" kind of way but in a genuine "these people don't have the skills or intelligence to be heroes" kind of way. which is just antithetical to their entire thing
sometimes it's because the writer just genuinely doesn't know anything about the batfam or what they've been through so they come across as idiots. and other times it's because the writer is writing op ghost king danny or just generally op danny and they genuinely think he could outsmart or beat them. more often than not, it's a combination of the two.
it's just so sad. like not only is it disrespectul to the batfam, essentially getting rid of all the skills and experience they have just to prop up danny, but it also makes things a lot more boring imo. don't get me wrong, i don't mind the occasional "main character is super op" kind of story, but it's boring when like 70% of fics are like that and there's no real challenge or obstacle for him. part of why the show danny phantom was so fun was that it was exciting and chair gripping to see danny have to deal with his new ghost powers, figuring out how to deal with ghost attacks or vlad, and dealing with school and his parents on top of that.
but often, dc x dp fics just,, get rid of any challenge for him. sure batman is a skilled detective but danny will always be able to trick him! sure cass has been trained since birth to read people's body language but this random ghost teen knows how to conceal and control everything!! yeah damian has also been trained since birth to fight and kill but this random guy from the midwest who just started fighting in his teens is so much better!!! like, alright. it's fun every now and then but it sucks when so much of the dc x dp content is just people acting like the batfam are the worst vigilantes/detectives in the world.
and honestly i still feel this way even with the ghost king danny fics because how? he's never had to deal with people obsessively reading his body language or reading between the lines. he's had to deal with hiding stuff sure but his parents aren't the most observant people - their whole deal was being neglectful. even as a ghost king, why would he know how to outsmart, take advantage of, or beat the batfam in any capacity when he would still mostly deal with ghosts. it's a completely different skill set here - one that he likely wouldn't be prepared for. it'd be fine if they at least attempted to explain why danny would have those skills (like league danny aus) but most of them don't.
and i'm not saying danny couldn't do it at all, especially if it's a ghost king au, but i'm just tired of seeing the batfam constantly downplayed in these fics Just to make danny look better, smarter, stronger, etc. ik most people in the fandom are just danny fans but it really shows with how they treat, characterize, and shit on the dc characters just to prop danny up. it also serves to occasionally make danny look like an asshole when he intentionally messes with them and basically commits psychological torture for a goof.
#man...#i Do like this crossover but i completely understand why so many dc fans hate it#the oocness the fanon the constantly making these skilled trained characters fumble around and get outsmarted by Some Guy#ghost king danny isn't even canon to dp! which isnt a bad thing by any means ik the dp fandom goes crazy for fanon#and generally speaking the fanon Is a lot more fun and engaging than dp's canon#but as a dc fan its insane to watch#i want to engage more with dc x dp content so badly like this crossover is really interesting to me#but so much of it is just 'the bat.fam are actually fucking useless and my blorbo is so much better :)))'#it's almost like they dont even like the bat.fam!!! they keep saying they just dont know/understand them#but it fully feels like they straight up dont like the dc characters#it definitely comes across as 'hey this is a fun world to put danny in lets do that while also shitting on it and all of the characters'#'lol bruce is so stupid this random teen can outsmart him and he can lie to cass and he can beat dick in a physical fight lol'#there's a point where it stops feeling like indulgent op blorbo and more like insulting anyone who isn't danny#<thats actually exactly what it is and its insane to me like why even like crossovers if you dont want to engage with anyone but danny#how can you say you like them when you outright refuse to know them or respect them?#and obviously im using 'you' in a vague way im not specifically calling anyone out#ik there are people in the fandom who are genuinely fans of both and Do know and respect the dc characters#but so far its very few and far between which is just such a fandom culture shock for me#like in most fandoms im able to read a lot of fics and only occasionally think 'thats not right'#but with this one its the other way around - im constantly going 'they wouldnt say/do that at all why does the op think that?'#like 9 out of 10 fics im like 'oh yeah this person has never read a comic in their life'#i can immediately tell when someone has only read the webtoon its extremely obvious unfortunately#maybe i should make a dc masterlist for dp fans... like here you can write about them again After you do your homework ajdhgl
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Itachi Uchiha’s relationship with Sasuke was not that of a normal, caring older brother but straight up parentification. It’s obvious Mikoto and Fugaku *constantly* left baby Sasuke in his care leading up to the nine tales attack, as evidenced by Itachi’s ability to get 3 (4?) month old Sasuke to stop crying and Itachi wearing a sling to carry Sasuke (you only do that if you would carry a baby for long periods of time). In this essay, I will
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scoopsgf · 2 years
been seeing a lot of questionable takes on my dash lately, like “mitchum was right to tell rory she didn’t have it” and “rory writing a book about her life is stupid” and I’m just… stunned by them. not only are they flat out wrong, but both of them pointedly insult rory and her capability to perform as an adequate journalist and storyteller. we know rory has it because it’s established throughout the entire series—she does great at the franklin and even manages to put spins on what should be crap stories like the pavement piece; she also rises to the top at the YDN and becomes editor in chief. not only is she great when it comes to writing (which is drilled into the viewer and over—it’s an indisputable, canonical fact), but she’s also great under pressure and defying expectations. when she went to chilton the odds were against her—it was predicted that she wouldn’t be able to catch up and would flunk out. and what did she do instead? she became valedictorian and went on to attend an ivy league university. mitchum’s critique of rory is fucking laughable when you consider all of that, but it’s even more ridiculous when you factor in that he was barely around throughout her stint interning for him, and decided that she “didn’t have it” simply because she didn’t speak up during one meeting, even though doing so would usually be considered incredibly disrespectful. rory has amazing ideas and she’s fantastic at executing them, and we know she was a successful journalist until richard’s death, which is the only reason she was in a rut at all. therefore the idea that she “doesn’t have it” is, again, canonically incorrect.
as for the other thing, rory writing a book about her life is the opposite of stupid. to the people who agree with this: you do realize you just watched an entire show about her life and found it entertaining, right? it’s a memoir about her childhood, her relationship with her mother, and how being the daughter of a teen mother affected her. there’s absolutely a market for that sort of thing. not only that, but this is rory we’re talking about: she’s perfectly capable of translating the magic we see on screen onto the page. in fact, i think it’s kind of implied that the book will play out similarly to the show and have the same kind of vibe—it sucks you in and keeps you coming back for more. anyway, tl;dr, all the rory bashing and complete lack of faith in her ability to be a good journalist is pretty unfounded and unfair. i feel like it’s just another outlet that people are using to put her down, but it has no basis in fact (like most anti-rory takes).
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josecariohca · 8 months
least favorite naruto character for any reason whatsoever :)
fghjkjhuygth this is evil!!!!
so i dont have a number one least favorite character, but i do have 2 that i absolutely despise in equal measure for different reasons, then another 2 who irritate me so deeply that i tune out whenever theyre on screen
EASILY my top 2 most hated are jiraiya and kankuro. jiraiya is a pretty widely disliked character, so i dont think i have to explain why i hate him so much. its just his......everything. i know hating kankuro is kind of controversial and while i do appreciate his little cat ears and fun makeup, i think he is boring and annoying, and that is a crime that cannot be forgiven.
my 2 honorable mentions are shikamaru and konohamaru, who would be equal to my top 2 least favorites if not for the fact that, while they are incredibly annoying, they dont bring out the same level of disdain in me that jiraiya and kankuro do.
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npdiluc · 14 days
We all got that one homie with obvious internalized biases that you don't know how to bring up without making him defensive
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nikatyler · 8 months
I love the dynamic between my three main vampires and one of them isn't even in the main story
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hyah-through-hyrule · 5 months
My crops would be so watered if I could just love a main/popular character for once
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dextervexter · 1 year
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2018 vs 2022
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floralovebot · 1 year
i think a lot about helia being saladin's grandson and how it's heavily implied that he's close with codatorta too and him being codatorta's best student at some point. and how most of the characters either immediately assumed nepotism or weren't exactly disagreeing with it. and how saladin and codatorta go out of their way to Not treat helia better and how all of that combined can really fuck with a young teen's mind and perception of themselves.
he never thinks he's good enough or the right person for the job. he always wants to prove himself. he's really sensitive to making mistakes and immediately assumes everyone hates him when he makes one. always tries to prove his worth in physical and mission related ways. feels responsible for red fountain and guilty for having other interests. manages a stable art career but ultimately goes back because he's too emotionally attached to everyone and especially rf. it's just... dude...
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musical-chick-13 · 5 months
I love being nit-picky about canon until it's a character I hate. Then I love intentionally interpreting every single thing about them through the absolute worst lens possible. Because I hate them. And I love hating. Hope this helps.
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silverior968 · 5 months
You know what's half upsetting half pretty funny? There's this song I absolutely love and I've always wanted to put it in a character playlist, but it is just so bleak that I've never been able to justify putting it in a character playlist. Keep in mind I have a playlist for Anton Shudder, the guy who is so depressed he can turn it into a literal physical weapon. He's like the king of bleakness but the song was just too bleak. Well, I've finally found a character whose playlist I can put that song into -- and it's a fucking TFP character. I checked the song, counted all the lines in it (44) and all the lines out of those that don't fit him (9). As a percentage that means that 80% of the lyrics of one of the bleakest songs I know fit a guy from a show I watched when I was 11. Life is absurd.
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