#when he refused equipment control i knew it was bad
houseofbrat · 2 years
I'm just wondering what things M will accuse H of because I think the divorce battle will be messier than the Depp/Heard fiasco.
Physical abuse/domestic violence and anger management issues. She’s been laying the groundwork since the engagement in 2017.
2017 - First Tom Markle made the comment shortly after the engagement was announced about how he made Harry promise not to hurt Meghan. It was a really strange one-off comment that raised a lot of flags.
2018 - Next the whole estrangement from Tom. Yes, it was “because” he talked to the press and she’s deeply concerned for her privacy but Meghan can easily flip it to “they made me cut you off and threatened me if I didn’t.”
2019 - “not many people have asked me if I’m okay”. Sure, it was in the context of motherhood and postpartum depression, but how easy it’d be to spin it as “people knew about Harry’s temper and no one cared what he was doing to me.”
2020 - There was the whole thing in Finding Freedom about how Meghan’s the only person who can calm Harry down when he gets raging angry because everyone else is fearful of him. She’s scared of him too but she loves him and can put her fear aside to help him.
2021 - Then the Oprah interview, where she said the royals took her passport, keys, identification papers, and refused to allow her to make her own money. Both are classic signs of abusers, making their victims totally dependent on them.
2022 - Then there was their time spent in the UK around The Queen’s passing prior to the funeral - Meghan’s cronies have pretty much said that Meghan felt like a trapped hostage because she wasn’t allowed to go out anywhere and had to stay at FC.
Even more recently, there’s been gossip on Reddit that a) Harry had been forcibly removed from the household and involuntarily sent to rehab and b) something happened to Archie at school that prompted CPS investigations. Obviously it’s Reddit and take with a hefty dose of salt but the thing about Meghan and narcs is that they’ll take any sort of gossip as long as they can spin it to work in their favor.
And finally the threat about not having signed a NDA and finding her old journals in one of the interviews. It more or less suggests she witnessed or experienced something unsavory. She can absolutely spin that to mean Harry’s temper (or the tempers of other royals).
1. The rumors I saw on Reddit regarding rehab didn’t seem legit. Seems more like Meghan trying to start rumors to make him look bad. Which, again, falls under the “tell me they’re acrimoniously separating without telling me they’re acrimoniously separated” variety. 
2. I’ve read the specific comments about Archie and the person who shared that gossip was very clear that CPS was not called. It was Archie’s school who realized that they weren’t “equipped” to handle a small child with such severe anxiety and attachment issues. The school has a person working with Meghan and Harry to help Archie get better. CPS wasn’t involved in that stage. However, if Meghan and Harry--although, it was commented that Meghan seemed to be more of the problem with her control freak issues--don’t work to improve things, CPS could be contacted in the future. Just hasn’t happened yet.
3. The one-off Thomas Markle comment allegedly originated because Meghan told her mother, Doria, that she was divorcing Trevor because he got “physical” with her. Doria told Thomas. That was one of Meghan’s lies to get out of that marriage and move on. 
4. No one is going to believe Meghan saying the BRF forced her to cut off her own family. It’s just not believable at this point, particularly after the Oprah interview. 
5. The big problem with Meghan is that she can’t keep track of her lies. She just keeps putting out more when the best option would be to keep her mouth shut. Just like what she does with pr, she’s way past the point of over-saturation. People do not care for her in the US. The only ones who do are her crazy squad members. She is a niche market that has over sold herself by the truckload. 
I don’t worry too much about any physical abuse or domestic violence accusations because she’s too dumb to pull it off right now. Also, there are too many witnesses in her household. How many nannies do the kids have? In any kind of legal investigation, they would be questioned extensively. Those nannies & other staff could, in fact, give a lot of information to charge her for domestic abuse, if the rumors are true about her yelling, tantrums, throwing objects, and hitting Harry. 
Oh, and let’s not forget about all the rumored recordings of her behavior that exist. I have no doubt that at least one of those will hit the internet post-announcement.
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rubykgrant · 2 years
Carolina Got Epsilon during Project Freelancer AU-
-initially, she is hit with the ANGUISH (though it is a slightly different situation than Wash, and doesn’t cause her as much trouble as having TWO AI being upset in her head at the same time), which wasn’t fun... but but Carolina refuses to just have this AI pulled. She feels like that’s admitting failure somehow, so she is gonna MAKE this work. Instead of getting a different AI, the scientists simply attempt a “reboot” with Epsilon, and the second time Carolina interacts with him, things are less painful
-now all his collective memories are hidden from him, so Epsilon is similar to “floating robot eyeball Epsilon”; he’s confused, but fairly eager to be helpful. Carolina realizes she won’t be quite up for a show-down with Tex yet, so she takes Epsilon on a few missions to get some practice
-she tries to be very SERIOUS, and expects him to follow her orders, but he keeps getting a little mixed-up regarding how all the equipment works. He doesn’t even realize what he’s fully capable of (which is kind of a LOT). Carolina snaps at him, but he’s just as stubborn as she is, and if he doesn’t like her tone, Epsilon will ignore her for being rude (not when she’s in danger, he definitely cares about keeping her alive)
-taking a different approach, Carolina attempts being a little more patient with Epsilon, and in doing so she rediscovers her own leadership skills; before she became so competitive, she tried to be personable and thoughtful toward everybody she worked with... although she thought she was helping Epsilon get better control of himself and his duties, he surprises her one day by remarking “I’m glad I got you to smile again”
-when he’s not working under pressure (or refusing to cooperate), Epsilon is kind of AWESOME. He and Carolina get really in sync, and he’s very adaptive when it comes to running lots of different upgrades... actually, it is more than just being intuitive; he knows how to make certain things work which SHOULDN’T work. He doesn’t know why or how he knows. He just does
-as they talk and get closer, Epsilon also seems to know things about the other AI, including designations of ones that haven’t been publicly revealed. He also seems to be inexplicably FRIGHTENED of the Councilor and the Director... he remains silent around them unless asked a direct question, and even then he doesn’t materialize his avatar to respond (just a voice, short and to the point answers)
-one day, there is some kind of argument between Tex, the Director, and Carolina. As it escalates, the Director says something to Carolina in a harsh voice, and Epsilon SNAPS at him! The AI goes on a mini-rant, before getting embarrassed and vanishing as fast as possible... however, he said something before he left; “You shouldn’t treat your daughter like this”
-Epsilon doesn’t know where that information came from. He swears he didn’t pick it up from Carolina’s mind somehow, and he hasn’t heard anybody else say anything. In that moment, he simply knew, but it wasn’t like “new” information, it was like remembering something you didn’t even realize you forgot. The Director is distressed by this evidently odd behavior in Epsilon... he claims to be concerned about “Rampancy”, but he has other thoughts entirely. Meanwhile, Tex is starting to connect a few dots, and THAT was a BIG one
-they want to take Epsilon away from her. They don’t tell her this, but York found out, and he passed the info along to Carolina. This news revives the ANGUISH once again, but now Epsilon can focus himself better. He still doesn’t remember everything, but he KNOWS that if he’s taken away, it will be bad... “I’ll be tortured again, just like Alpha!”
-Several things happen at once; Tex confronts the Director about Carolina and what he’s been doing to the Freelancers and the AI, and he accidentally calls her “Allison”. That HURTS. It hurts everybody who has an AI. Because this is actually farther down the road than the original story, Main and Sigma have already been trying to decide what to do, and this moment is what makes them decide they need to leave, and take all the AI with them. A ruckus breaks out, chaos is everywhere, several scientists try to remove the AI from the Freelancers, and Carolina panics. She tries to go and find out what her father has done, and sees him removing TWO AI from Tex’s helmet, and Tex appears to be dead. This doesn’t make sense, but now Carolina officially does NOT trust her father. When the Meta appears as well, she isn’t sure if he’s there on the Director’s orders or WHAT, she just knows she has to LEAVE
-Before they escape, Epsilon reminds her to look for Alpha... they find him. They also find Beta. One is too tired, the other has been recently damaged. They can’t leave... Epsilon has to say good-bye, but hopefully, not forever. Epsilon also finds another AI; Omega. He doesn’t want to stay here alone, and since Carolina isn’t sure she trusts anybody else with an AI like this, he comes along for the ride. Carolina somehow vanishes with him, and the two are on the run together
-Some time later, two soldiers wake up in Blood Gulch. They evidently have amnesia because of two accidental head injuries that happened at the same time. What a coincidence! They are able to remember their names, though... Church and Tex. Maybe they dated? Or maybe they broke up. Well, they’ll figure that out later. In the mean time, they get introduced to Tucker, start spying on the Reds, then along comes Caboose and Donut, some stuff happens with a tank and a grenade, and the Blues call for some back-up
-the message gets intercepted by a “rogue Freelancer” who is VERY interested when she hears the names “Church” and “Tex”. Arriving to initially work with Blue Team, Carolina really tries to figure out just who the heck these two “ghosts” are, because if she’s right, she and Epsilon might have found their missing “family”
-Epsilon keeps his avatar and voice hidden for the time being, but Carolina mentions she has an AI that assists her, he’s just “shy”. When the Reds find out about this, they try to hack into her equipment and steal it, but all they manage to do is un-lock Omega from the files he was stuck in. Now O’Malley stuff is happening
-basically the whole early bits of the show follow, except Carolina is there, Tex is still a bad-ass but doesn’t realize she’s an AI AND a former Freelancer (they have a whole conversation about that; “Why do you think you’re name is Tex? It’s literally because you used to be Agent Texas!” “Nah, it’s a nick-name because I’m FROM Texas. That’s all”). Although Epsilon keeps himself hidden, from time to time somebody will see a “tiny ghost Church” who is... oddly more helpful than Church typically acts? The main reason Epsilon is hiding is to keep which AI Carolina currently has a mystery; the Freelancer files list her AI as pulled and deactivated (which was scheduled to happen, but she escaped in time... she just made sure to edit the files so they said the procedure was completed). He also doesn’t want to “force” Tex and Church to remember who they are if it will just hurt them... they might have a chance to just be “regular people”, and eventually escape all this
-Carolina, Epsilon, and O’Malley are the ones who supposedly “die” at the end of Blood Gulch shenanigans (don’t worry, they’re fine). Now along comes Wash, and the Meta. Tex and Church both got sent to different solitary bases, so it takes a while to find them both, then everybody else. The REVEAL happens, as well as the EMP... but things are slightly different; Tex is there, now fully knowing she IS Agent Texas as well as the Beta AI, and now she and Alpha both realize who the AI was that was helping Carolina. Alpha finds the device that would have originally held the Epsilon unit, shielding it from the EMP, and uses it to hold Beta, knowing they BOTH don’t need to take this risk. He tells Caboose he’s in charge of keeping Tex safe, and also finding Epsilon
-Beta isn’t destroyed by the EMP, but the wave kinda gave her amnesia again... when Caboose “fixes” her, Tex gets to be the floating robot eye! You will fear her laser face! Wash is having his VILLAIN MOMENT, the Meta is pretty upset that all the AI are gone... but they find evidence that Carolina and Epsilon survived the ship explosion, and Beta still exists, so that’s the goal. The Reds and Blues with Tex have a final fight with the Meta, and also get Wash to CHILL
-Carolina is back! She wants to find Epsilon too, and is pretty sure her dad took him. So, revenge mission is on. The Director does indeed have Epsilon, attempting to somehow use his memories to create new versions of the AI that have been lost... which hasn’t been very pleasant for him. Tex and Carolina finally have a chance to really talk, now that they both know everything. After Epsilon is rescued, they discover he has once again lost his memories... but, when he starts spending time with Tucker, Caboose, and the Reds, he seems happy. He never really got to know them before, he was always hiding in Blood Gulch. Now they really have a chance to just be friends...
-Carolina and Tex set out on a solo-adventure to track down some evil a-holes. Epsilon spends time with the Reds and Blues, yet again not sure how to do AI things, and getting pretty frustrated that he can’t just figure out how to fix their dang ship... when the group gets split-up, Epsilon winds up with Wash, Donut, and Sarge (so Tucker is extra-focused on rescuing him). Tex and Carolina return, and after some arguments and apologies, Tex helps Epsilon figure out how to do AI things, and Carolina helps him remember the time they spent together...
-Tex has felt like a failure, because Epsilon seemed so much more capable at running equipment than her, but Epsilon points out that Tex is probably more used to dealing with things “hands-on”. She gets a robot body so she can physically fight, and Epsilon is able to keep helping the way he used to... but he notices how easy it is to over-work himself. The final battle still happens. This time, Epsilon says good-bye to everybody... and Tex. Instead of saying “I forget you”, he says “I’m glad I remembered you”. He makes sure everybody understands how happy he is getting to know them, and that this is the only chance they’ve got to win.. even if he doesn’t get to see the ending of the story. Ain’t that a bitch?
-As we roll into the Evil Blues and Reds, everybody is once again tricked into trying to rescue Alpha. Tex is pretty PISSED that this was a lie, and even more so when her robotic body gets locked and her AI is trapped in the armor. Temple is especially thrilled to have BOTH of the Freelancers that killed his friend. Don’t worry, Grif and Locus save the day! Then time-travel things happen, and now Tex is also there for the fun (her worst nightmare in the Labyrinth is watching the Director torture all the other AI, and forcibly remove memories from Carolina’s mind to give himself a “complete” version of Allison, which kills the others in the process. so. that’s UNPLEASANT. Caboose and Tucker save her from the nightmare, and then Tex is there to help Carolina with the rest of the group)
Oops, this also turned into a Tex-got-to-be-there-the-whole-time AU as well!
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 1: The Hunt is On
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost. 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Chapters 1 through 7 were written way back in 2014, and so reflects the views, ideas, and writing skills that I had during that time. Feel free to read them if you’d like, but I would advise you skip straight to chapter 8. Trust me, you are not missing much.
Disclaimer: I only own the story and my OCs
Coraline face palmed for what seems like the hundredth time today.
She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to ease the headache that is starting to form. The blue-haired girl left for a quick bathroom break for no more than ten minutes and her friends has managed to turn their relatively-tidy makeshift headquarters into the aftermath of a hurricane.
Groaning, she forced herself to watch the utter complete mess before her. 
Books and papers are scattered all over the room, some of them still flying in the middle of the chaos. Most of their mystery hunting equipments are taken off their shelves and left carelessly on the floor, even the highly hi-tech and expensive ones. Trophies and memorabilia from their hunts are scattered across the room, some of them even stuck on the ceiling. God knows how that happened. 
And that was without mentioning her friends’ antics. 
Norman and Neil are sitting on the floor, their hair somehow braided together. They tugged and pulled at each other’s hair, their hands frantically trying to undo the knots. The sight of Mabel laughing her lungs out nearby made it quite clear who put them in their predicament. You’d think the fact that this is also her and her brother’s room would make her a little worried.
And moving to the other half of the Pines twins, who is caught up in yet another heated argument with Raz. The topic of the argument is the same as the others; who is the real brains in the team. They shouted out the advantages that they had over each other, all things Coraline has already heard. While arguments are usually just a bother to the ears, Coraline quickly learned that everything changes when a psychic enters the fray. Especially one that has tendency to use his powers to… emphasize his point. 
Strangely, even at the risk of receiving a psi-blast to the face or worse, Dipper still stubbornly refuses to give up his point. 
“A careful observation can beat psi-blasting like a lunatic any day!” the twelve-year old exclaimed.
“You won’t be able to observe anything once I’m done psi-blasting you!” the psychic spat back, fists already glowing with psychic energy.
“I can guess your deepest fears even if my pants are on fire!” Coraline face palmed again at that sentence. Taunting someone that can start fires with his mind to light your pants on fire is not very smart for someone that’s been dubbed a genius. 
Raz’s teeth clenched, and Coraline knew that something bad is sure to happen. “YOU WANNA PROVE THAT?!” he yelled at the other boy’s face, sending a psychic wave at all directions. Equipments and trophies were scattered across the room, and the books and papers are sent flying once again. 
Coraline ducked as she saw a book heading straight at her, letting it fly out the still open door. She stood up straight and turned towards the Dipper and Raz, glaring at them with irritation. Unsurprisingly, the two are still arguing. However, Coraline forced herself from lashing out at the two, as, surprisingly, they are not the most potentially destructive people in the room.
Wybie sat in the corner, frantically trying to get his contraption under control. The boy of course, has completely ignored Coraline’s ‘no-experiments-in-the-briefing-room’ policy and decided to work on one of his projects here, just as said project went haywire. Coraline shook her head as the contraption went crazier as a result of Raz’s psychic wave, Wybie getting more frantic along with it. 
Coraline moved towards Wybie, ignoring the bickering boys and Mabel and her victims. Suddenly, there was loud boom, accompanied with several loosed bolts being sent flying across the room. Coraline ducked instinctively, and the rest stopped what they’re doing momentarily, and only momentarily. 
Coraline’s eyes followed the bolts as they rooted themselves on various parts of the room. One of them actually struck Aggie’s leg, but the girl is currently preoccupied with the sight before her. Coraline followed the technically-older girl’s gaze, and she let out a dejected sigh. Installed on the wall in front of Aggie was four large computer monitors, all filled with error warnings. The girl shifted nervously in her seat, scratching her head in confusion. Warily, Aggie pushed a button on the keyboard, but all it did is cause a hundred more error messages to appear.
Coraline looked back and forth between Aggie and Wybie, not sure who to help first. Mabel’s annoying laughter and Raz and Dipper’s ongoing argument is not helping her decide. While deciding, she noticed one of her friends not being bothered at all by the chaos around them. 
Coraline approached the girl, who is watering her plants under the triangular window. 
“And just what are you doing?” Coraline asked, hands on her hips.
“A little obvious, don’t you think?” Lili replied, not bothering to turn away from her plants. 
“And you’re not the slightest bit bothered by this?” Coraline asked, ducking as a part of Wybie’s contraption flew past her. “GET THAT THING UNDER CONTROL, LOVAT!” she snapped. 
“WHAT’D YOU THINK I’VE BEEN DOING, JONESY?!” the boy snapped back, diverting his attention from his contraption to Coraline, which of course did not end well for him.
Coraline shook his head as the contraption caught on fire, Wybie’s panic practically going through the roof at this point. Coraline gladly diverted her attention back to the psychic girl. “So?” she asked again.
“As long as they’re not bothering me, they can do anything they want.” The girl answered simply. 
“And what exactly happened here?” Coraline asked, her curious gaze sweeping across the mess that supposedly occurred in the five minutes that she was gone. If it wasn’t for the fact that this room is their headquarters, she would actually be impressed by that feat. 
Lili let out a low sigh, setting her watering can down and turning to face Coraline with a mildly annoyed look. “After you left, Wybie started his project here. Dipper unnecessarily tried to help out, Raz called him a know-it-all, and I’m sure you know what happens next. Norman and Neil were minding their own business, until sweater girl comes in, and she hadn’t stopped laughing since then. Wybie tried to do some damage control, but his contraption decided to go psycho all of a sudden. Aggie tried to back away from the craziness, but she accidentally bumped into the keyboard, and now she’s stuck with her own mess.”
After that quick explanation, Lili abruptly turned her attention back to her plants. Coraline shook her head at psychic’s apathy, deciding whether to berate her or not. 
At least she’s not making a mess. Coraline thought, turning her attention back to the chaos behind her, which is worsening with every passing second. She took a step forward, readying her loudest shout to gain everyone’s attention. But before she can do that, a different loud noise captured their attention.
A siren, installed just above the door, blared as it bathed the room in flashes of red light. The chaos of the room came to an abrupt stop, replaced by the siren’s blare, gaining everyone’s attention. After a few seconds, the siren stopped, the room now illuminated in a warm, summer sunlight again, but Coraline never expected what happened next. 
Dipper and Raz’s argument stopped, the two of them rushing towards the computer. Aggie got out of her seat, quickly replaced by Dipper. With a few button presses, the error warnings and messages on all four monitors disappeared, much to Aggie’s silent relief. 
Mabel finally stopped her laughter and, with a few quick tugs, unraveled Norman and Neil’s hair. The three quickly joined Dipper, Raz and Aggie in front of the monitors. 
Wybie picked up a fire extinguisher from among the mess and drenched his device with the white substance, putting the fire out but his device is most definitely ruined in the process. Letting out a low, dejected sigh, he put the extinguisher down and joined the others in front of the monitors.
Lili put her watering can down and placed her plants back right under the triangular window. She stood up and made her way to the monitors.
Meanwhile, Coraline stood stunned in the middle of the room, mouth slightly agape from her attempted yell. She was dumbfounded; the fact that the complete chaos in front of her came to an abrupt stop didn’t completely register in her mind. 
What the-? Did that just… actually happened…? The blue haired girl thought.
“Wow, seriously?” said Lili with an un-amused look on her face, breaking Coraline’s trance. “Good to know you think so highly of us.” she continued, sarcasm dripping with every word. It wasn’t until Lili joined the others in front of the monitors that Coraline realized that the girl just read her mind.
Blushing faintly, Coraline joined the others. 
Dipper was already typing on his keyboard when she arrived. A full map of Gravity Falls is displayed on the leftmost monitor, with a blinking red dot displayed prominently on the map. With a few button presses, Dipper zooms in on the red dot, revealing it to be close to the waterfall. 
“About a mile south of the waterfall.” Dipper stated. 
“What lives there? Hide-Behind? The piranha-pigeons?” Norman guessed.
Dipper punched in some more commands, opening up footage of several surveillance cameras on another monitor. It showed several different spots in the forest near the waterfall. Punching more commands, Dipper rewinds the time to about before the siren went off, before playing it again frame by frame. All nine of them watched the footage closely as the frames passed, looking for signs for a creature or anything supernatural.
“There!” Raz shouted, pointing at a footage on the top center of the monitor. Dipper immediately stopped the footage, enlarging the one that Raz is pointing. On screen, there is a blurry image of an all-black, horse-shaped figure.
“It’s that Shadow Mare from last week!” Mabel announced. “He still owes me a ride.” she added with a pout.
“Remember guys, the journal said the Shadow Mare could be a ghost,” Dipper reminded, “if that turns out to be true…”
“Then we’ll take point.” Norman, the team’s expert on ghosts, nodded, alongside Aggie, the team’s other expert on ghostly things.
“Alright, let’s gear up!” Raz announced, already itching for an adventure. 
The group quickly dispersed from the monitor, leaving Coraline dumbfounded once again. Wybie snatched three keys off of a hanger on the wall and dashed out of the room. Raz and Lili quickly cleaned up the mess, using their psychic powers of course. Their equipments and trophies flew back to their respective places, returning the room to its original state in a matter of seconds. The deed done, the two walked out of the room, Raz picking up his signature goggles along the way.
Dipper, Mabel, Norman, Neil and Aggie moved to their personal lockers, bolted on the wall opposite of the monitors. Dipper’s locker, decorated with a layer of notes about his personal research, is the rightmost one. Mabel’s is right next to Dipper’s, decorated with colorful stickers and various arts and crafts items, and is also the only one that has been repainted pink. Norman’s is two lockers away from Mabel’s, separated by Wybie’s and Coraline’s. Unlike Dipper’s and Mabel’s, Norman’s locker is colored pitch black, plain and undecorated. The same can be said for the two lockers left of Norman’s, belonging to Aggie and Neil respectively. 
Dipper fished out his precious journal, 3, out of the locker and tucked it safely in his vest. He pulled out another thing, a utility belt, and fastened it around his waist.  From a special container in his locker, he pulled out several chemical tubes and secured them on his utility belt. From an even more special container, he pulled out a device he made with Wybie’s help. It can mix the chemicals that he brought, enabling a larger variety of uses and making them deadlier than ever. He carefully secured the device on his utility belt.
Mabel opened her locker, gazing at its content with a silly grin. Hanging proudly in the locker is her ‘most amazing sweater of all time ever’. A plain white sweater with the words ‘Mystery Kids’ stitched to it, each letter styled with the characteristics of each of her friends. It also has a layer of strong yet flexible protective padding underneath the fabric, courtesy of Wybie and Dipper. Eagerly, she slipped on her ‘adventure sweater’ over her current sweater, alongside a utility belt similar to Dipper’s. She then took out her trusty grappling hook and secured it on her belt.
Norman opened his locker, pulling out his signature red jacket, now with protective padding similar to Mabel’s, courtesy of Wybie as well. He slipped them on, and pulled a slingshot and a bag of metal pellets from his locker, placing them in his jacket. After discovering that he has a decent aim, Norman reserved this ability for situations like this, and decided that a slingshot is the weapon best suited for him. 
Aggie fumbled a little with her locker’s lock before she managed to open it. She pulled out and slipped on a pair of gloves made out of non-conductive material specially designed by Mabel and Wybie, its main purpose is to contain her ‘leftover powers’. 
Neil opened his locker with an excited smile, only for it to turn to a horrified look as dozens of brooms and other cleaning tools fell upon him. The others paused their gear-up to stare dumbfounded at the pile of cleaning tools that buried Neil.
“Ow…” the boy moaned in pain.
“Oops…” Mabel spoke, drawing silent sighs from the rest. “I completely forgot about that prank…”
Coraline face palmed. The whole time, as her friends immediately dropped their antics and got down to business, a feeling of pride starts welling up inside her. The fact that the ragtag bunch is capable of getting serious when needed is definitely something to be proud of. However, that prank is like the world trying to remind her that they are all still pre-teens after all. 
She took her hand off her face, intending to help Neil, but she was surprised to find that they are already gone, all of the brooms and cleaning equipment crammed back in Neil’s locker. Hurried footsteps from the door suggest that they stuffed them back in and immediately left.
Coraline let a small smile out. Definitely not your everyday pre-teens though. 
Realizing that everyone else must already be ready downstairs, she hurried to her locker. She fished out and put on her signature yellow coat and police cap. Unlike Mabel and Norman, her coat doesn’t have any added protective padding. She pulled out her satchel and, after quickly checking to see if all her equipments are in there, puts it on. Lastly, she took out her mace, securing it to a strap on her satchel. 
Now, the blue-haired girl is ready. But, before she left the room, she opened Wybie’s locker and took out his signature mask. She sprinted out of the room, through the house and out the Mystery Shack’s back door.
Outside, the rest of her friends are waiting for her, preparing all three of their ‘Mystery Rides’. The first one, the Mystery Cart, now with some modifications by Wybie, with the materials coming from Raz and Lili’s Psychonaut connections. After getting it from Stan through a lengthy argument, they all worked together and turned the golf cart into their main mystery solving vehicle. While the exterior might still look like an ordinary golf cart, it now has dozens of compartments to store their equipments, and it also has dozens of new functions, most of them can be activated with just a press of a button.
Currently, Dipper, Mabel, Raz, Lili and Neil are tending to it. Dipper is checking and filling some compartments with several of his chemical tubes, Mabel is pumping the tires while Raz, Lili and Neil are seated on their usual spots. Lili and Neil sat on the back, while Raz still stubbornly chooses to place himself on the roof. 
The second one of the Mystery Rides, Wybie’s bike-motorcycle hybrid, currently being tended by Wybie. Surprisingly, even though it is his bike, it is the one that Wybie modifies the least. For Coraline, the bike looks the same as it was two years ago, when she first arrived at the Pink Palace. 
And finally, the last of the Mystery Rides, Norman’s bicycle. After weeks of persuasion from the others, Norman finally agreed to make his bicycle a part of the Mystery Rides, letting Wybie turn it into a bike-motorcycle hybrid similar to his own. Currently, Norman and Aggie are tending to it.
“You guys ready?” Coraline shouted, catching their attention. 
“Just waiting on you, Jonesy.” Wybie replied, getting on his bike.
Stepping towards her friends, Coraline pulled out nine earpieces from her satchel and tossed one to each of them, keeping one for herself. She placed it on her right ear, the others following suit, though Aggie fumbled with it a little. 
She walked towards Wybie, handing him his mask. “I think you forgot this. Again.”
Wybie slapped his forehead. “My mask! I knew I forgot something!” He looked at the blue-haired girl sheepishly. “Thanks for getting it for me. Again.” 
“Just don’t get used to it.” Coraline replied. “You set or what?”
Grinning from ear to ear, Wybie dons his mask. “More than set.”
“What about the rest of you dorks?”
“Definitely!” Raz shouted from his perch on the Cart’s roof.
“All set!” Dipper exclaimed, hopping onto the Cart’s driver seat, while his twin occupies the seat next to him.
“Same here!” Neil exclaimed cheerfully from the back seat. 
“We’re ready.” Norman stated, speaking for him and Aggie as they mounted Norman’s bike. Aggie added a confidant nod as she got on the passenger seat.
“Told ya; we’re just waiting on you.” Wybie spoke.
In response, Coraline gave him a jab in the shoulder. She hopped onto Wybie’s bike. Fixing her cap’s position, she looked around at her friends. To think, that just a few minutes ago they are a bunch of raucous pre-teens. But now, the Mystery Kids are ready to hunt down a mysterious and potentially deadly creature.
Oh yeah, definitely not your average, everyday kids.
“Rev up those engines guys!” At her command, the Mystery Rides roared to life.  Adrenaline coursed through their veins, each of them already feeling the thrill of the hunt. 
A determined grin made its way to each of their features, and that is a sure sign of one thing and one thing only.
“The hunt is on!”
I told you guys I’m gonna make the MK badassly gearing up! Did I ever disappoint? 
So my MK one-shot has begun at last! I’m super excited to see how this develops, and I hope you guys are too! Y’know, this was supposed to be semi-canon… right up to the point where I went crazy with the equipments. And so, anything canon in this fic are probably hints and foreshadowings of what’s about to happen in the series. In fact, I planted quite a few hints in this chapter. Do you guys know which is which?
This chapter is basically just an introductory chapter, to get you guys familiar with the MK and their various gizmos. Keep those stuffs in mind; I have several chapters planned where they become crucial. 
Feel free to leave ideas and suggestions if you want! I have a ton of stuff planned, but I wanna see what the MK fanbase can come up with. Plus, this can be some sort of place where you can put ideas that might not be used in the actual series. So you can leave your ideas here and stop bothering Zach at Tumblr!
That’s all from me right now, folks! Hopefully another chapter is gonna be up soon! I should really get some sleep, it’s half past ten right now…
A quick one before I end this chapter, what do you want the next chapter like? Actually hunting creatures or daily antics?
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fairytalefires · 2 years
[ priscilla quintana, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧・゚ is that [ lucia russell ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ twenty-nine ] year old child of [ jack russell ] from [ werewolf by night ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ loyal ] but [ sarcastic ] and have [ one ] sibling. i could almost swear i heard [ tripwire - ymir ] playing when they appeared.
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the day lucia was born was one that sealed her fate to be cursed to transform at least every full moon. her parents were both werewolves, so the chances that she too would be one were absolute.
her parents, however, acted as regular citizens. they’d learned from a friend how to properly control themselves enough to pass through the human world. that friend was jack russell, but lucia would never meet the man until the right time had come.
it was nearing her sixteenth birthday when her parents frantically gave her the news that she would be living with jack. hunters had somehow caught wind of their existence and they were desperate to ensure their daughter would be safe.
she’d begged them to allow her to stay with them, but they refused. the curse hadn’t hit her yet, so she had no chance in fighting them on her own.
jack had been contacted and she was sent to him. at the time, she didn’t believe she would be with him that long, just a few days until her parents returned to take her back.
but, they never did come back. jack was forced to give her the news, properly adopting her into his family to ensure she always had one.
she was devastated, but her early knowledge of the world she was a part of helped her accept her fate. she’d always known about hunters, always knew that people like her would always be at risk no matter how safe or good they were.
not only did she attain a new father, but lucia also gained a sibling for the first time. of course, things were a bit strained with cecil at first. she’d been informed that they knew nothing about the curse and was likely not afflicted by it — forced to swear to never saying anything about it to him. she thought he was lucky, a bit jealous that they got to be normal while she and jack were stuck as they were.
but, it was something she easily got over. she took on the role of big sister fully. she wanted to be a protector, to keep cecil from all the bad that could come from the other way of living. and though they did butt heads every once and a while, they grew to love each other.
the change took place on her eighteenth birthday, lucia expecting and preparing for it. and though it was difficult, jack taught her how to keep herself in check and how to safely transform without hurting others whenever the full moon rolled around.
she attended university studying fashion with dreams of getting into the high fashion crowd. she had goals of traveling to europe and making it big there. but, her plans were put on hold when cecil turned eighteen himself. as much as they didn’t want to believe it, he’d been afflicted by the curse as well.
so, lucia decided she would stay in new york to stay close to cecil and jack, not feeling right if something happened to either of them while she was away. she got a job as a seamstress in a small shop, only traveling in her sleep.
she tries to stay out of the politics of the supernatural world, keeping to herself when it comes to helping others. if they needed help, cecil or jack were the ones better equipped for the job. she just wanted to pretend she was normal.
bisexual, sassy, and sarcastic. proud of her heritage and would absolutely kill for her family. though she was adopted at an older age and knew her birth parents, she considered jack and cecil to be just as important as they were.
fast talker, gum chewer, nails always elaborately done, and always here to listen to gossip.
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scribblelegs · 1 year
2007-2009 and today
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A lot of people don’t know I used to be a professional tattoo artist when I was 18-20 almost 2 years exactly
I took an apprenticeship out of high school, p a i d 3 grand to this m*n in 7 months. Then had to drop 1500 on tattoo supplies from the real deal suppliers which was not cheap
He was a hack could tattoo sure but not an artist - he googled every image or would have the other tattooers Or even me draw it! I was stuck cleaning the shop & breaking up & setting HIM down even AFTER I was hired in as an artist.
Every penny I made from Dairy Queen went to him- I wanted this more than anything tho and he knew that. I didn’t eat, I smoked my moms cig buts & never could sleep. I had wrecked my car too so I’d trade my personal possessions like my dads record
Collection he gifted me for a ride to the shop
Not only did this man humiliate me in front of customers & my co workers by my own family and friends. He s e X u a l l y assaulted AND harassed me often. Would play 🌽 in the shop n tell
Me to watch w him and the guys. He was s3xist, homophob!c and r@c!st… & my bf was mixed at this time as well as my brother is gay….So much went on, I was always in fear back then.
Despite that I remained brave and never truly let him know now he effected me or how I’d cry to my
Mom about he every night
I never missed one day of work, & I still was never good enough or so he’d make me feel.. cos he was jealous of me.
When I had my first psychotic break in 2009 he refused to let me come back to the shop cos I had made him & the shop look bad.. and I was so embarrassed as to what I had went thru I was in this manic state of shock.
I was devastated like how could I do all this work for nothing? To be taken away from me for something that was completely out of my control and partly triggered by him ? (Docs said that was so at least)
Anyway, I just got one of the best gifts ever for Christmas
My bfs mom got me the tattoo pen I wanted to tattoo myself again (I been doing hand pokes since I abandoned my equipment in yet another mental break at an old apartment I rented in 16’)
And I feel blessed. And loved, and accepted by his family. And not only for this thoughtful gift but for everything they do. Like no other family I ever met outside my own could do.it’s so nice to feel that
But anyway this pen is so perfect for what I need it for and I can’t wait to try it out.
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greetingfromthedead · 2 months
C54: Experimented
For more information on the series (tags, CW, etc) click the banner!
Series Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Chapter: 54/84
Words: 1.8k
No particular warnings for this chapter.
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You ended up spending a large portion of the day with Luida. She just swept you up in a way; she made you so comfortable; she was soft spoken and kind, making it so easy to get lost in the conversation. She talked about young Vash to you, and it made you chuckle. He has always had this kindness and curiosity about him. Before you knew it, Luida had done a full physical on you and ran more tests. You intrigued her with your nature. Vash was sent off with your blessing to keep Brad company and to make sure he doesn't lose his mind. Luida observed your rapid healing when removing needles and refused to go any further, even when you offered that she could nick you with a scalpel. Despite all that, you did give yourself a few little bruises with your fingers for her to observe.
"It's all so fascinating. I wonder how it ties in to our sensor and that ordeal." She wondered out loud as she made notes on the tablet. "How is your head doing?"
"Hurting a little, but nothing too bad. The buzzing inside the scull is nearly drowned out by the buzzing outside," you joke as a multitude of machines are working all around you.
"I wonder what exactly causes those headaches. With you having very rapid healing and all that. It is perfectly reasonable to have a headache after all you've been through. I'd like to take a look at that brain of yours if you don't mind."
"I'm not going to offer to take it out... I don't think Vash would be happy," you laugh.
"No!" Luida tries to sound disapproving of your joke, but laughs nonetheless: "We have technology for that."
"I trust you to the point that you can stick me anywhere." You smile because it's the truth. She has your complete trust; you know she means you no harm, and all she does is for your benefit.
"In that case, I have a few ideas." She points at more of her equipment and gets into elaborate detail on how they work and what they do.
You spend a few more hours in the laboratory; if anything, it is fun for you, even if Luida doesn't really make any new breakthroughs. Vash does stop by a few times, but gets shooed away by Luida when he gets in the way, like when he tried to take your hand while you were lying on a table on your way into a tube.
"Also... did you notice the medications I gave you making any difference? I know it might be hard to say; don't worry about it if you don't know." Luida asks as she offers you her hand to get off a table.
"I'm really not sure; I slept through them, but I guess that was their point," you ponder.
"Vash said you have immunity to poisons." Luida starts marking down more things on her tablet, and at the moment she looks exactly like a scientist you would imagine in your mind if you were asked to picture one.
"I can't say with absolute certainty; I have tried a few and they didn't do anything, but I guess if one is potent enough or my body weakened, who could say..."
"Most medicine is poison; in controlled dosages, it does more good than harm. I actually gave you Plant medicine; we haven't had to use it on anyone but Vash since the very early days because he took care of the Plants, but the equipment given from Earth included Plant medicine, mostly meant to calm them in case of distress. I gave you a small dosage of it. I'm unsure if they have any effect on you at all, or maybe the dose was too low due to your healing factor... Either way, I thought you would want to know."
Once again, time passes by unnoticed in the laboratory. All you've found out so far is that your blood turns into ashes when out of your body, and all other parts seem to disappear in a mysterious way or perhaps change into pure carbon. But that doesn't dampen your spirit. You are happy to spend time with a human, one from the Space Age, someone who remembers the time before. Luida talks about her experiences on Earth, and it makes you glad.
Vash walks into the lab more carefully this time, determined not to get sent away by Luida. The first thing he notices is your laugh; it melts his heart and brings a smile to his face. He is glad you get along with Luida, and he is happy that one of his oldest friends has a new person to talk to. He hears the elderly woman laugh, and as his eyes look for where the noises are coming from, his eyebrows move together into a confused frown.
"Vash!" you exclaim cheerfully, and he turns his head to the side.
"Would either of you explain what's going on?" He asks kindly, but the confusion and concern are clear in his expression.
"Oh, don't worry, I'm only strapped in because otherwise I would fall off the table." You explain your situation.
"I understand that, but it doesn't explain why you are upside down." Vash clarifies as he comes closer.
"Oh, you're right." you chuckle, "Well, I've had the same little headache for a while, and we wanted to try and find out where it comes from. I shouldn't have a headache due to the healing factor, but here it is. So we would like to compare it to a more classical headache, but it's quite hard to cause something like that in me. We hoped that excess blood in the brain might do the trick, but so far it has honestly made the other headache go away, and it makes me laugh."
Vash contorts his body more to try and see eye to eye with you without having you backwards.
"The other option is to try and give me a strong enough concussion that it won't be healed before I get into the machine." You smile at him.
"I would rather have you strapped to a table..." Vash sounds thoughtful. "Have the two of you eaten anything all day? I know your answer, Iris, but Luida, you should take care of your health too."
"You're right. We should take a break." Luida steps closer to the table where you lay, still giggling as you look at Vash. "I also have a different idea for a test; I haven't been able to conduct it before, and it might give us more insight into how your Plant connection works... and it might give us more clarity about the signals we've picked up from Iris with the sensor... All in all, very valuable data if the two of you would be willing to provide it. How is Brad? He would probably like to be part of this one."
"What test do you have in mind?" Vash smiles as you reach out to him and squeeze his cheeks in such a way that his next words come out a bit muffled: "I convinced Brad to go to sleep after he had some dinner. He made progress, but it's a waiting game now."
"Alright, maybe another day then. But I would like to do a brain scan while your Plantness is activated, marks and all. It's a unique opportunity for this, as I think neither of you currently has the capability to activate them on your own."
"We have no control over it. Every time it happens because of some crisis, I think it's subconscious. We could try if Iris is up for it, but I don't know how to do any of this on command."
"You could try mushing your forehead against mine!" You chuckle again. "Sync your brain waves! Think Planty thoughts! Or I could sing you a lullaby! That's what I did that one time... but I think only you glowed... or maybe I glowed somewhere else... I was too busy admiring you! But I don't think I glowed."
"Luida..." Vash straightens up a bit but squats down to be at eye level with you. "Is she drunk?"
"Funny you mentioned this!" Luida sounds happy. "I haven't given her anything, but her brain does seem to think she is drunk. Started to light up the same parts of the brain as drunkenness about 10 minutes after she started being upside down."
"Wait..." he says, looking over to Luida. "How long has she been hanging like this?!"
"About an hour," you grin, hands grabbing at his coat.
"That's enough. Get down!" There's concern in his voice: "You might think that you're indestructible, but you should still take care of yourself!"
"Don't be so dramatic! You should try this! It's fun!" you insist with a slight laugh.
"Luida... help me out. Please!" Vash pleads, and the older woman gives a slight chuckle before moving the bed to a horizontal position and unstrapping you.
"I feel the blood sloshing!" Your eyes are wide, but you spring up from the bed, Vash ready to catch you. "So... food?
"Yes, we should go get food, love." His arm wraps around your waist.
"She is fascinating." Luida calmly chimes in as she puts away the tablet. "From what I've found out, her bone density is higher, probably to protect her from accidentally hurting herself with her enhanced strength; otherwise, she might just snap something. Her metabolism is fast; she converts food into energy very quickly; everything is fast about her: her reaction speed, the way her brain functions, and her body itself. Also, her senses are heightened—eyesight, smell, hearing, and taste too! I'm unsure if it's an innate ability of hers and the Plant DNA enhanced what she already had or if it's completely thanks to the Plant powers. Sadly, I am not knowledgeable enough about genetic makeup and stuff like that. We could wake a specialist."
"Let's not, at least for now." You smile back at her. "It doesn't matter as significantly to me; it's not so much how my body functions; I'm more after the knowledge of what happened to make me this way. But you are so smart! You said you're a flora researcher, yet you operated all that medical machinery and understood what's happening!"
"I was trained in the basics; I think it's comparable to you getting combat training; I got medical. And then there was our specialty. Also, getting put in charge of Home comes with its own challenges, one of which is that I need to know a little bit of everything. I learned a lot from the medics before they went to sleep again."
"I can't believe how things played out after the crash... How ironic. I was meant to be the one to help everyone settle in and to help them survive, but in reality, I was nowhere to be found... I wandered off into this sandy Hell." Your voice has a note of sadness.
"Nobody can blame you for that." Vash's arm tightens around you, pulling you a bit closer, but he knows it's not enough to erase the guilt you must feel.
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dennisbmurphy · 9 months
Eill January 6th be Buried Like the JFK Assassination?
Will January 6th be like the Kennedy assassination? Will we never know the whole story?
This week we heard from a Secret Service agent who says there was more than one shooter at Dealy Plaza in Dallas back in November, 1963. JFK’s top aide, Dave Powers — who was in the car just behind JFK at the time of the assassination — told me the same thing, as Lamar Waldron and I reported in our book Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination.
While people may disagree on their favorite theory of who was behind and who executed the killing, there’s broad agreement across America that we still don’t know the entire story (and the CIA and FBI continue to refuse to declassify thousands of pages of documents).
Will January 6th be like the Kennedy assassination? Will we never know the whole story?
Andrea Junker recently tweeted:
“Anybody else still curious who planted the pipe bombs, disabled Mike Pence’s key card, removed the panic button in Ayanna Presley’s office, and shared the locations of non-reinforced Capitol windows?”
Inquiring minds want to know.
In a troubling turn, a new biography of Mitt Romney by McKay Coppins dropped this week, with a fascinating excerpt published in The Atlantic. In it, Coppins tells the story of Romney hearing, on January 2nd, from Maine Senator Angus King that a high-ranking Pentagon official had just given him a mind-blowing warning:
“Law enforcement has been tracking online chatter among right-wing extremists who appear to be planning something bad on the day of Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in Washington, D.C. The president has been telling them the election was stolen; now they’re coming to steal it back.
“There’s talk of gun smuggling, of bombs and arson, of targeting the traitors in Congress who are responsible for this travesty. Romney’s name has been popping up in some frightening corners of the internet, which is why King needed to talk to him. He isn’t sure Romney will be safe.”
Alarmed, Romney reached out to Mitch McConnell with a text message:
“In case you have not heard this, I just got a call from Angus King, who said that he had spoken with a senior official at the Pentagon who reports that they are seeing very disturbing social media traffic regarding the protests planned on the 6th.
“There are calls to burn down your home, Mitch; to smuggle guns into DC, and to storm the Capitol. I hope that sufficient security plans are in place, but I am concerned that the instigator—the President—is the one who commands the reinforcements the DC and Capitol police might require.”
Romney’s concern was prescient. But the interaction (Mitch McConnell never replied to Romney) leaves us with more questions than answers.
For example, why did Trump’s Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller issue a memo on January 4th explicitly saying that the DC National Guard was:
— Not authorized to be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or ballistic protection equipment such as helmets and body armor.
— Not to interact physically with Trump’s protestors, except when necessary in self-defense or defense of others.
— Not to employ any riot control agents.
— Not to share equipment with law enforcement agencies.
— Not authorized to use Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets or to conduct ISR or Incident, Awareness, and Assessment activities in assistance to Capitol Police.
— Not allowed to employ helicopters or any other air assets.
— Not to conduct searches, seizures, arrests, or other similar direct law enforcement activity.
— Not authorized to seek support from any non-DC National Guard units.
Why didn’t our federal police, investigative, and military agencies do anything when they knew full well in advance that an armed mob was coming to the Capitol to try to overthrow our government, and that many within the mob were armed and willing to kill (and did) to try to accomplish their goal?
Why, afterward, did the Secret Service and the Department of Defense wipe their phones so the data could never be retrieved?
Why has there never been a public examination of most of this? What did then-and-now FBI Director Christopher Wray know, and when did he know it?
It’s as if a small-town police force was warned that a gang of bank robbers was on their way into town on the following Saturday, and that weekend the entire police force decided to leave their phones off the hook and go fishing. And after the bank was robbed, they all said they didn’t realize they’d really intended to rob the town’s bank. And then destroyed the note warning them the robbers were coming to town.
Why are so few people openly speculating that corrupt individuals — possibly only a handful — within the FBI, Secret Service, and Department of Defense may have participated in a plot led by Donald Trump to overthrow our government? And how many of Trump’s stooges are still in our government, perhaps waiting for his return?
Why isn’t our media pursuing these questions?
Is it simply because treason is such an unimaginably heinous act? Does journalistic integrity require them to await “smoking gun” evidence that, at the very least, some people within these organizations were knowing or unknowing participants in Trump’s plot to become America’s last president? Is it fear of losing sources in these agencies?
If this isn’t bad enough, on January 6th itself — as armed traitors were attacking police and searching to “hang Mike Pence” — Chris Miller oversaw a mid-afternoon, mid-riot conference call in which Army Secretary McCarthy was again begging for authority to immediately bring in the National Guard.
Then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations General Charles Flynn, the brother of convicted/pardoned foreign agent General Michael Flynn (who had been pushing Trump to declare martial law and have the military seize voting machines nationwide) was on the call; both the Pentagon and the Army, it has been reported, lied to the press, Congress, and, apparently, to the Biden administration about his presence on that call for almost a year.
It wasn’t until December, 2021 that it was widely reported that the National Security Council’s Colonel Earl Matthews (who was also on the call) wrote a memo calling both Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen Walter Piatt, the Director of Army Staff, “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their testimony to Congress in which they both denied they’d argued to withhold the National Guard on January 6th.
Then we discovered that the phones and text messages of most of the group, including Chris Miller, Walter Piatt, Kash Patel, and Ryan McCarthy were all wiped of all conversations and text messages they had on and in the lead-up to January 6th.
Most of the communication-based evidence was destroyed. Completely destroyed. By coincidence, they said. And the FBI, still run by Trump appointee Wray, seems to have never followed up on any of it.
Why was the riot gear for the Capitol Police stored — after they were warned a mob would be coming for them — in a locked bus? As The Washington Post reported:
“As a mob incited by President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, officers scrambled to get the body armor. But the bus was locked, and no one could find the key. They were forced to defend the complex, and themselves, in their regular uniforms. All told, about 140 officers reported suffering injuries during the most significant breach of the Capitol since the War of 1812.”
Was it the same person or people who disabled Presley’s panic buttons?
How did the mob know the secret hideaway that Jim Clyburn used for most of his work when they came looking to possibly lynch him with the noose they had outside? He told CBS News:
“They knew where to go. … Yes, somebody on the inside of those buildings were complicit in this.” Adding, “The office with my name on the door was not touched. But the office where I do most of my work in, they were on that floor and outside that door.”
Why has there been no follow-up to Lauren Boebert live-tweeting the location of Nancy Pelosi as she was being hunted for assassination?
Why haven’t we heard any more about the members of Congress who were giving tours to insurrectionists? Why has there been no investigation whatsoever — at least that the public knows anything about — into complicity at the highest levels of our government?
And now we’re watching with jaws agape as Tommy Tuberville is holding open hundreds of senior military positions in a fashion similar to the way Mitch McConnell held Merrick Garland’s seat on the Supreme Court open for well over a year before Trump took office in 2017.
That would be the Senator Tuberville whose hometown newspaper printed pictures showing him in Trump’s private residence the evening of January 5th, 2021, at what appears to be a planning session just hours before the Capitol was invaded.
As the Alabama Political Reporter newspaper reported at the time:
“The night before the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville and the then-director of the Republican Attorneys General Association met with then-President Donald Trump’s sons and close advisers, according to a social media post by a Nebraska Republican who at the time was a Trump administration appointee.
“Charles W. Herbster, who was then the national chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Advisory Committee in Trump’s administration, in a Facebook post at 8:33 p.m. on Jan. 5 said that he was standing ‘in the private residence of the President at Trump International with the following patriots who are joining me in a battle for justice and truth.’ …
“Among the attendees, according to Herbster’s post, were Tuberville, former RAGA director Adam Piper, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, adviser Peter Navarro, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and 2016 deputy campaign manager David Bossie.”
Tuberville has denied to the press that he was at the meeting, but the Alabama Political Reporter noted not only the pictures of him there but also reprinted Facebook and Instagram posts from others who attended citing Tuberville as being part of this particular war room event planning for January 6th.
One, a rightwing tech CEO named Daniel Beck, even wrote on Instagram just before midnight January 5th (with a picture at the hotel) that he’d just:
“[S]pent the evening with Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Tommy Tuberville, Michael J. Lindell, Peter Navarro, and Rudy Giuliani. We talked about the elections, illegal votes, court cases, the republics’ status, what to expect on the hill tomorrow. TRUMP WILL RETAIN THE PRESIDENCY!!!”
Remember, it was the military that apparently refused to go along with Trump’s plan for them to seize voting machines and help him overturn the election and appoint himself dictator-for-life.
Is Tuberville holding those seats open for a second Trump term so Trump can appoint leaders to our military who will go along with the next seditious attempt?
The excerpt from the new Romney biography is alarming, but when put into the context of these other revelations it becomes outright shocking.
Americans deserve some answers.
Thank you for reading The Hartmann Report. This post is public so feel free to share it.
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lostinblazes · 1 year
[ priscilla quintana, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧・゚ is that [ lucia russell ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ twenty-nine ] year old child of [ jack russell ] from [ werewolf by night ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ loyal ] but [ sarcastic ] and have [ one ] sibling. i could almost swear i heard [ tripwire - ymir ] playing when they appeared.
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the day lucia was born was one that sealed her fate to be cursed to transform at least every full moon. her parents were both werewolves, so the chances that she too would be one were absolute.
her parents, however, acted as regular citizens. they’d learned from a friend how to properly control themselves enough to pass through the human world. that friend was jack russell, but lucia would never meet the man until the right time had come.
it was nearing her sixteenth birthday when her parents frantically gave her the news that she would be living with jack. hunters had somehow caught wind of their existence and they were desperate to ensure their daughter would be safe.
she’d begged them to allow her to stay with them, but they refused. the curse hadn’t hit her yet, so she had no chance in fighting them on her own.
jack had been contacted and she was sent to him. at the time, she didn’t believe she would be with him that long, just a few days until her parents returned to take her back.
but, they never did come back. jack was forced to give her the news, properly adopting her into his family to ensure she always had one.
she was devastated, but her early knowledge of the world she was a part of helped her accept her fate. she’d always known about hunters, always knew that people like her would always be at risk no matter how safe or good they were.
not only did she attain a new father, but lucia also gained a sibling for the first time. of course, things were a bit strained with cecil at first. she’d been informed that they knew nothing about the curse and was likely not afflicted by it — forced to swear to never saying anything about it to him. she thought he was lucky, a bit jealous that they got to be normal while she and jack were stuck as they were.
but, it was something she easily got over. she took on the role of big sister fully. she wanted to be a protector, to keep cecil from all the bad that could come from the other way of living. and though they did butt heads every once and a while, they grew to love each other.
the change took place on her eighteenth birthday, lucia expecting and preparing for it. and though it was difficult, jack taught her how to keep herself in check and how to safely transform without hurting others whenever the full moon rolled around.
she attended university studying fashion with dreams of getting into the high fashion crowd. she had goals of traveling to europe and making it big there. but, her plans were put on hold when cecil turned eighteen himself. as much as they didn’t want to believe it, he’d been afflicted by the curse as well.
so, lucia decided she would stay in new york to stay close to cecil and jack, not feeling right if something happened to either of them while she was away. she got a job as a seamstress in a small shop, only traveling in her sleep.
she tries to stay out of the politics of the supernatural world, keeping to herself when it comes to helping others. if they needed help, cecil or jack were the ones better equipped for the job. she just wanted to pretend she was normal.
bisexual, sassy, and sarcastic. proud of her heritage and would absolutely kill for her family. though she was adopted at an older age and knew her birth parents, she considered jack and cecil to be just as important as they were.
fast talker, gum chewer, nails always elaborately done, and always here to listen to gossip.
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savebats-statetalia · 2 years
Fic I made: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40099080
"1912 inventions and their effects on immortality"
Statetalia Alaska fic I made for Scratch Writing Camp.
Read either under the cut below or in the link above.
In Cabin Daily: “Put your OC in a life or death situation. What happens? Write 300 words about it ^^ (proof needed)”
Disclaimer: I don’t know anything about being a pilot, and I have never been in a glider (let alone one that lands on water!) I just binge watched 74Gear (on YT) okay???
Words: 1,111
Alaska grit his teeth as his plane’s small engine stuttered. “No no, not now!” he hissed, watching as the ground below him dropped even farther away as the mountain dropped away. One of the tips of his glider’s wings had somehow clipped itself, and though he was incredibly lucky that he wasn’t already spiraling down to his death right now, a failing engine was no way to fix that problem. (In fact, it seemed to be a bit of an addition to the problem.)
Behind him, he could faintly hear his two passengers screaming as the plane dropped a few feet and attempted to roll to the side. (He had to wrestle his controls just to keep the wings level.) He couldn’t even try to comfort them, he thought, his hair curl drooping pathetically as he realized what a bad situation he had gotten himself into. He had to keep the plane flying, and comforting those on board was not a part of that job when the situations were this dire.
But, then again, if they did crash, he himself would most likely be fine. (He was immortal after all, and even if his heart stopped beating for a little bit, he would regain consciousness eventually. …though the wilderness that was not his birth home could be a bit of a problem.) It was the humans that really had to worry. (So maybe they deserved a bit of comforting.)
He shook his head slightly, the thoughts shaking away with the movement. What use would comfort do if they fell out of the sky first? He had to work on his priorities.
“Sorry!” he called back, refusing to take his eyes off the sky ahead of them for even a second, “We’re probably gonna have a rough landiNG-” his last words rose in volume as the engine jerked to a halt and the plane listed to the right.
The people screamed again, and he had to use all of his strength not to join them as he fought to bring them back on course. ‘I can glide, I can glide,’ he repeated to himself, his mind racing through all his years of training so fast that even a college student before an exam would have been impressed. He thought and thought, trying to find anything that would be able to help him remedy this specific situation. (Though it was a struggle, as most of his thoughts sounded a lot more like curse words, and all his focus was on keeping the humans in the back of the plane safe.)
The treeline was getting closer, and though they were still decently far away from it, he could see that there was only one clear landing spot that he thought he could get to. It was far-ish away, but he knew it was the only option. (Unless he wanted to end up impaled on a sweet smelling pine tree.) This possible savior came in the form of a vast expanse of blue somewhere off to his left, and though it was clearly darkening in the sunset, he could definitely see it was clear of boats. (This was, of course, only viable because his glider was equipped with water landing gear. He was gonna have to thank himself for that later.)
He turned the plane towards the water, and cringed as he felt it shudder and shake as the broken wing fought to stay together against the wind. His heart dropped into his stomach. He wasn’t a very religious man (that happened if you had died multiple times in the past and had no memory of a confrontation with anything remotely ‘spiritual’), but he was still somehow glad for the quiet prayers that drifted up from the passengers behind him. …though he might later take them as an insult.
The fought the wind harder, panic striking his heart and forcing his haircurl flat against his back as he saw a bolt fly off the shuddering wing. ‘How did this get past maintenance??!’ he thought, (somewhat hysterically), as the blue of the lake ahead finally made it into his front window.
But right when he thought the wing was about to snap off, he managed to force the plane on track (and a sudden and aggressive spluttering from the newly awakened engine nearly made him reevaluate his relationship with religion). He could almost smell the relief in the sigh from the humans behind him, and he had to struggle not to let his haircurl perk up in pride. (The same way a self righteous puffin might puff out their chest.)
Though the engine was now on, the flight was still quite shaky (the engine was still sputtering and spitting, and the wing was quite obviously broken), so he decided that it was best to go for the close water landing rather than turning back to the lake that they had taken off from. 
Still not turning back to look at them, Alaska relayed this decision to the humans in the back, and he was further encouraged when they sounded relieved rather than upset. (But maybe that was partially because of the clearly visible lake houses on the edge of the water, their lights shining like a beacon specifically for letting them know that they wouldn’t be stranded here.) 
He went into a slow descent, glad to finally feel in control of the machine again as they lost air with purpose. He felt himself relax slightly as the water sped up to meet him, slowing again as he lifted the wings to glide them down. And… there it was. The comforting swsssh of his glider against the water. They slowed and slowed until they reached a stop (somewhat nearer to the shore than he had intended.). 
He collapsed back into his seat and let out a breath that he had been semi aware of holding. Finally he was ready to let go of the controls as his plane floated silently in the rippling waves. Behind him however, the humans were a bit more enthusiastic. One of them began to cheer, while the other started crying. (He hoped it was more of a happy cry than one upset at his messy landing.)
Through the front window of the plane, he watched as someone ran out of the closest house. He couldn’t see their face, but based on the way they paused for a second before running down the stairs to their docked motorboat, he could guess that he was either about to get robbed or they were about to be rescued. 
He slid down farther in his seat, he hoped he had the money to buy another glider.
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adore-gregor · 2 years
I drove past the Bischofshofen hill at my work
I wanted to show it the middle finger and scream "f*** you" for ruining Gregor's career 😤
(I didn't because my coworker would have declared me insane)
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Request! 😸
Pairing: Steve Rogers & Son!Reader
Plot: [events of "Age of Ultron" reimagined with reader included]
Ultron arises and attacks the Avengers Tower (attacking reader first). After that, he proceeds to go to Johannesburg to get vibranium from Ulysses Kaule. With Pietro and Wanda as recruits, Ultron kidnaps reader and makes Wanda manipulate him into fighting against the Avengers. The group of heroes were already on their way to Johannesburg to stop Ultron when reader was kidnaped - so they don't know it happened. Reader, who has been secretly working on his own fighting suit, appears by surprise at the battle - eyes blood red due to the spell cast by Wanda - and attacks the Avengers, including his own father, Steve. The battle goes on with reader skillfully taking down others (Clint being his first victim) until Wanda is defeated by Steven, making the spell break and freeing reader from the spell. Ultron ultimately wins the battle though (like in the movie), and the Avengers go back home in their jet with reader with them this time. A lot of talking takes place during the flight back home between father and son about how did he get there, what had happened and how and when did reader make his equipment/suit. It's more of an action-focused story rather then relationship-based, but the father and son relationship is still there! ☺️
A/n: Steve Rogers is protective tm, which is a mood. Thanks for the request darlin! I hope you like it :3
Tumblr media
Plot: Requested
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Son Reader
Y/n: Your name
N/n: Nickname
E/c: Eye color
H/c: Hair color
Warnings: Cussing, fighting, mentions of blood and injuries, mind control, reader is kidnapped, protective dad Steve, Steve’s POV
Word count: 1482
When Steve came out of the ice, he never imagined having a kid, or being on a team of superheroes who regularly saved the world. He had been lonely after coming back from a 70-year nap and had decided to look into adoption, where he had found his wonderful baby boy Y/n.
He loved his son more than anything else, if he lost his son, then Steve would lose himself. He never imagined truly getting to be a father and had never realized how terrifying it truly was. He constantly worried for his son, and he constantly worried that he wasn’t a good dad.
It was hard to control those feelings, but something easy to control was refusing to allow his son to join the team. He knew damn well that Y/n was a genius, he was exactly like Tony, constantly building and improving everything he could get his hands on.
He knew that the teenager would fit well on the team and would be damn useful, but he vehemently refused to put his son in the line of danger. That had caused many arguments between the father and son, one that had ensued the previous day.
The team had gone to a Hydra base to get the scepter, something far too dangerous to be in the hands of a deranged organization. Y/n of course wanted to come, but Steve had refused to allow it, which only got worse when Clint came back injured, and Y/n made the statement of if he’d been there that wouldn’t have happened.
It was hard having a son that was so stubborn like himself, but it was also a trait about his son that he greatly admired. Thankfully the fight had soon died down as the concern for Clint was too much for the teenage boy. The team was his family and he’d do anything for them.
Clint thankfully had the cradle and was able to heal quickly, much to the team’s relief. Because of the previous day’s victory, the team was celebrating. Of course, Tony invited a number of people, and the loud chatter and laughter filled the common room.
Steve could see his son hanging at the back of the room, not really interacting with any of the strangers. In turn he was just chatting with Bruce, a fellow introvert on the team.
He kept his eyes on the H/c haired boy throughout the evening, a bad feeling stirring around in his gut. The party eventually died down, and all that was left was the ragtag team of heroes, making jokes and conversing.
The night had gone to shit when a robot of some kind had attacked them, and the entire team had begun to fight the creature and its minions. Much to the father’s displeasure, his son joined in on the fighting, protecting Hellen from getting hurt.
The night only got worse when it was brought to the light that Tony and Bruce had created the monster, Ultron they had called it. Things between the team were tense at best, Steve was raging at the fact that Tony had created a killer robot that had tried to destroy them.
He’d sent his son off to bed, even though the teenager had argued with staying and helping the team. Things only got worse from there, the team had to go all the way to Johannesburg to get to a black arms dealer named Ulysses Kaule. It hurt Steve to leave his son behind, especially on bad terms, but he refused to let his little boy get hurt.
Unknown to the father or the team, the tower had been infiltrated by the two enhanced individuals that Ultron had enlisted. Pietro and Wanda were specifically looking for the teenage boy, having Y/n on their side would turn the tides in their favor.
They found the teenager lying in his bed, eyes closed and headphones fir snuggly in his ears. Thankfully he didn’t seem to notice they were there, and Wanda easily manipulated the boy’s mind, causing him to gasp and his eyes flew open.
His E/c eyes turned to a glowing red, any emotion on his face melting into a neutral and blank look. As Wanda spoke to the boy, forcing him to pack up the suit he’d been working on and follow them.
Back with the boy’s father, he was fretting over his son. He still had a bad feeling that he couldn’t explain, but he somehow knew this mission was going to go sideways.
As they arrived and began to interrogate the criminal the feeling only seemed to get worse. The feeling was proven right as Ultron arrived with two enhanced individuals by his side. It was Wanda and Pietro, the two teenagers they had been warned to be wary off.
A battle began to ensue, the super soldier fighting with Ultron as his fellow avengers dealt with Wanda, Pietro and all of Ultron’s minions. The fight seemed to almost pause as a boy dressed in all black dove down from the ceiling.
His eyes glowed an unnatural red as he grabbed Clint with ease and threw the assassin as though he’d weighed nothing. Something about the boy was painfully familiar but Steve couldn’t understand why.
The newcomer was a brutal fighter, punching, kicking and doing whatever he had to, to get the other person on the ground. He’d taken down both Clint and Thor before he was prowling towards Steve.
He honestly didn’t want to hurt the kid, he was absolutely terrifying, first of all, and second of all he exuded teenager vibes. He probably was no older than 16, and God he really didn’t want to hurt a kid.
The captain shifted the shield on his forearm, taking a breath as he prepared to fight the boy. He heard almost silent footsteps behind him, causing the man to slam his arm back and straight into the head of Wanda, who was trying to get behind him and put him under the same spell she had on many other team members.
The woman went down like a bag of bricks, her brother quickly coming to her aid. As the witch went down, so did the mystery boy, his eyes fluttering as he collapsed in front of Steve.
The super soldier skillfully caught the boy, his heart jumping to his throat as the familiar E/c eyes looked up at him, full of confusion.
“Dad?” His voice sounded so small and innocent, it nearly crushed Steve. Part of him wanted to question his son, why the hell he was there and why he was fighting his family like they were the enemy, but right now he was more concerned with his health.
“Hey kiddo, it’s okay. I’ve gotcha.” Steve soothed his son, easily picking up the boy. His eyes wandered over the black suit, he had to admit it was all rather impressive. Steve had no idea his son could fight, let alone take down two of the Avengers.
As the father and son made their way towards the Quinjet they got many looks from the team members, most of them confused on how Y/n had gotten to Johannesburg, and why the hell he was fighting for Ultron.
Steve gently sat his son down in one of the seats, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. He hated how tired and defeated his son looked. Steve’s fingers gently raked through his H/c locks, a soft sigh leaving his lips.
“Are you okay?” Steve spoke quietly to his son, almost as though he was scared of breaking him with his voice alone.
“No.” Came an honest reply, voice thick with unshed tears. “One second I was at home and now I’m here and judging by the way the teams looking at me I wasn’t here on friendly terms.” The boy curled into himself, arms wrapping around his stomach.
“Oh N/n…” Steve moved forward, pulling the boy into his chest. The father pressed a kiss against his hair, letting out a soft sigh.
“We know you weren’t in control, none of us blame you for what happened.” It haunted Steve to think about the way his son’s eyes glowed unnaturally, he looked so lifeless.
His son curled closer to his chest, sniffling a little bit. He felt awful for hurting his family, even if he couldn’t control himself. Y/n just hid his face in his father’s chest, eyes falling shut with a small whine.
Steve cupped the back of Y/n’s neck, bringing him closer. He wished his baby didn’t have to go through this pain, and he’d fight till his dying breath to make sure this never happened again.
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Moments of Courage
Summary: Osamu Miya is a difficult ex to have. When your paths cross endlessly, you try to rebuild your relationship. Will there be second chances? Or just more broken hearts?
HQ Masterlist || Multi-fandom Masterlist || Read it on A03
Osamu Miya  x reader  
“Are you leaving this party because of me?”
Osamu calls you out from the tiny hallway of your friend’s get together. After locking eyes with him, you did your best to subtly scamper towards the door.
“You don’t have to go. I can leave if it’s making you uncomfortable.” he assures.
You shake your head, “You can stay. I’m not having that much fun.”
You begin shuffling through the coat rack to look for yours. You’re desperate for anything to cut the time talking to him, talking about him. The only guaranteed way for this to stop is to leave.
“Are you hiding from me?” he asks almost rhetorically. His brows are gently raised.
“Yeah, obviously,” you retort, “I don’t want to be seen by you or with you.”
Osamu Miya is your ex. After over a year of dating, he decided to end things with you in a small cafe far off his onigiri stall.
“I’m too busy,” he claimed, “You deserve someone who could give you more time.”
You reasoned out that you didn’t mind not spending so much time together. His job was time-consuming. You understood that.
But Osamu was unsettled. You didn’t mind cheering him on from the benches waiting for him to finish up work. You liked seeing Osamu do things he was passionate about. And yet he felt unsettled, because he knew this was the type of work you would not engage in.
Osamu pressed on, “I’m sure you’ll find yourself someone more worldly, more sophisticated in the city. I don’t want to prevent you from meeting someone like that.”
Something dropped at the pit of your stomach. Your mouth was ajar. He’s really trying to break up with you. It’s no secret that you preferred the city and Osamu the countryside, but neither of you seemed to mind. You’d both make the time to visit each other. You made it work.
You remember barely touching your drink. Listening to him talk was like having a ton of bricks dropped on your back. The sunlight pouring in from the glass window suddenly felt prickly.
“I just don’t think we’re a good fit.” he swallowed, unable to look you in the eye, “I think someone from the country, someone simpler and more traditional would be better for me.”
You don’t miss the yearning in his voice, the dreaminess for someone who was clearly not you. He’d always tease that you were a true blue big city girl. You liked the tall buildings, the noise and the fancy department stores. You thought it was a point of endearment, but apparently not.
It’s been almost a year since you last saw him. He looks so unaffected it irks you.
“I broke up with you respectfully. Why are you mad?” he scratches his head.
It takes all your self-control to not slap him across the face.
“Because you hurt me! You’ve hurt me so…so…much.” your voice hitches before you can catch it. This is so humiliating. He’s clearly moved on from you.
Tears start pouring down your face. You quickly hide your eyes behind your coat.
“You’d eventually realize that I’m not right for you.” he murmurs, “We’re too different.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me.” you snap, clenching your fists, “So is this is it? To make you feel better you’re going to date a small town girl to solve all your problems.”
“Well, Kita did introduce me to someone lately.” he unironically replies, “She works in her family ryokan (inn) and we work similar hours. I think we’ll understand each other more than we did.”
Your eyes narrow.
“There’s no point staying in a relationship that I can’t make time for. Why can’t you understand that?” he snaps back.
It is one thing to be left for someone else and another for him to dump you just because. Somehow you feel like you lost even if you didn’t even have competition. He simply didn’t want you.
Your face contorts into an angry frown.
You slip on your coat and grab the door. “Man, you are a terrible ex. Do you know how it hurts when you tell me how wrong I was for you?”
When Osamu regains his cool, he tries to reach out to you, “I didn’t mean it that way…I didn’t feel good that I could make time for ‘ya and so I let the relationship go. Because i don’t know…—“
“Well, this is all just theory anyways.” he says, “I haven’t met Kita’s friend yet. We haven’t gone out yet, just the two of us.”
You do a double turn. “What?!?”
“Yeah, we’re working all the time but we haven’t made the time to meet.”
You break into a laugh. He stands stunned and confused.
“You know what? You stay behind. You left the last time. I want to be the one to leave this time.” you sigh, closing the door behind you.
You don’t turn back to see the look on his face.
————————————— Osamu mostly works in the countryside which means that you’d be less likely to run into each other in the city. It’s easier for you to keep your mind off him and focus on your current life.
So when you see him in the corner store in place of a small fried chicken stall you used to frequent, you’re visibly shocked, appalled even.
“What are you doing here?!” you jump back, “What happened to the fried chicken stall that was here?”
Osamu looks left and right, making sure no approaching customers can hear your dialogue.
“I run this stall now. Kawaneshi-san retired. It’s a great location. I’m literally in a crossroad between a shopping district and some schools. The rent isn’t too bad and it’s a very busy location.” he answers in his usual no nonsense tone.
You make a mental list not to pass by here again.
He recognizes the look on your face, “Have I just ruined your usual route for you?”
“I thought you were a country boy.” you avoid answering him.
“Even I need to make a living.” he snorts, carefully arranging umeboshi-flavored onigiri in his display case.
Sure! All of a sudden working in the city becomes important after he breaks up with you!
You roll your eyes and curtly walk away. You got here first. You love this city. You refuse to let some onigiri-making man ruin your everyday route.
The days roll into weeks. You stick to your route and diligently ignore Osamu each time. After a while it stops feeling weird that he’s there. You feel like you’re slowly taking pieces of yourself that he broke.
It feels so good to start to be whole again.
———————————— Your newfound peace with Osamu is interrupted when he calls you out of the blue one evening. He calls to tell you that he’s sick and that he needs help running groceries. The nerve!
“Don’t you have anyone else?” you groan. Hasn’t he made friends with some other shopkeepers?
“I have no one else. There’s only you.” he coughs through his words. He tries to explain that one of his few friends is out on bereavement.
You let it go. He clearly doesn’t have anyone for today.
You find out that Osamu lives in the apartment above his stall. The space is rather small. He shares his home with some of the equipment and supplies from his store.
He must hate it here. Osamu always loved wide open spaces.
You open the fridge to find it totally empty. His sink has a few empty bowls from his earlier rice porridges. You understand his desperation. He had nothing to eat.
Moved by his situation and the little compassion for him that remains in you, you sigh and begin chopping up some vegetables to make a nutritious broth. You add in some mushrooms and root crops. While the soup boils, you prepare rice and some pickles.
The faster he recovers, the less you have to interact with him.
When you bring him a tray of food in his room, he is equal parts surprised and confused.
“You can cook?” he clears his throat.
“No, Osamu.” you roll your eyes, “I eat all my food raw.”
He sits up and sniffs the aroma of your food through his clogged nose. He dips a spoon into the soup to sample his first meal of the day.
“I mean you can cook well, like a proper home cook.” he says, his eyes wide with awe. He quickly takes a few more sips and starts on his rice.
“I’ve never known.” he croaks, turning to you.
“You never asked,” you shrug, “And you like to do the cooking yourself. You probably assumed I can’t cook, because I’m not as passionate about food as you are.”
He quietly eats and looks away to confirm the truth in your statement.
You sigh and take a nearby basin with some towels in it. “I’ll leave after I bring the basin back.”
——————————————- Something changes in your relationship with Osamu after that incident. He starts to greet you when you walk by and sometimes offers you onigiri from his store.
You always insist on paying. He doesn’t always take it.
“You’re here to make a living.” you say as you push money into his hands.
In between these exchanges you start to ask about each other again. How are you doing? Was today busy? Stuff like that.
Slowly and surely, you two were rebuilding your relationship ground up. But it was tough. Neither of you went beyond these interactions. Maybe things are just meant to stay that way.
One late evening, the last customer for the day disappears out of Osamu’s line of sight when he heads into the back to start cleaning up. He’s about to start pulling down the rafters when you suddenly show up at his counter.
His face expresses his surprise.
“If it’s too late, I can just go.” you gesture sheepishly.
He’s always surprised when you come here on your own volition.
“It’s not,” he denies, “I was closing up too early anyways.”
You pick out your usual onigiri flavors and quickly pay up. As soon as you turn your back, Osamu stammers at you.
“I-I’m cooking up some stuff at the back. Do you want to stay and eat? Think of it as a return favor for the other week.” he refers to the episode of his sick day.
You’re caught off guard but you slowly nod your head to agree. You hadn’t had Osamu’s cooking in a while and it was getting quite late. He opens the door for you and you follow him towards the back of his shop.
In a messy plastic table, you see an array of salads and pickles with different kinds of miso soup laid out. You feel almost intrusive, even more than last week.
You set the table. Osamu fetches hot rice.
It feels unnecessary for you to be here especially if he is with someone else. You do your best to keep your mouth shut. This is a friendly return of favor.
Osamu notices how unusually quiet you are. He chats you up about work. He tries his best to be animated and show interest in your latest project. He asks about your coworkers and your work environment. Were you having fun? Do you get to eat on time?
For dessert, he brings out mochi wrapped in leaves.
“It’s made by the girl I was telling you about.” he remarks, while clearing the dishes.
“Oh,” your heart sinks. You get up and leave, feeling humiliated by your naivety. Of course he’s with her. You feel stupid for even hoping.
You’re about to walk out when he comes back in. “Apparently, she’s been secretly in a relationship with another chef in her family inn. They recently got married and are hoping to start a family soon. She sent these down to inform me. I suppose that solves the problem of having to see someone outside of work—”
He sees you standing. Confusion runs through his expression.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Just stretching…” you lie.
You want to shoot yourself in the foot in embarrassment.
When realization dawns on him, Osamu looks crestfallen. Any energy left in his body abandons him. He sighs, resigned.
“It’s ok if you want to go,” he nods, “Or if I’m making you uncomfortable.”
He bites his lip and looks down on his shoes. The room is still and pregnant with silence.
“I really am just stretching. My hip feels wonky from sitting all day.” you insist with some renewed energy. You grab hold of the pot on the table. “Also, can we get some more hot water? Tea would be nice with the mochi and it’s kind of gone cold.”
He offers to make another pot, relief evident on his face.
“I’ll go heat up the water.” he walks to the kettle, “Are you sure you want dessert?”
You sit back down.
“Yeah, I want to stay.” you murmur. For once you don’t go running to the door.
He glances at you, content, a small smile creeping on his face. ——————————————————
Atsumu, Osamu’s twin brother, always finds himself in his brother’s kitchen every time he visits. He doesn’t mind too much though. It gives them something to do when they catch up.
“Samu, you can’t still be moping around your ex!” Atsumu exclaims. He’s washing Osamu’s dishes as his brother prepares for their meal.
“I’m not ready to get back out there.” Osamu waves dismissively.
Atsumu flicks some water his way. “You’re just not open to seeing someone else.”
His words clearly prick Osamu who throws flour into his face. Atsumu dodges right on time and flicks some flour right back.
Some flour grazes Osamu’s sleeve. He sighs and dusts himself.
“It’s tough, because I’m working all the time. This job doesn’t pay too much and it’s not glamorous. Who’d wanna date someone like me?” he murmurs.
“That’s why you gotta date around to find out!” Atsumu emphasizes, “Maybe you’ll even find someone who might help you with your business when you get married.”
Osamu obstinately shakes his head. “It’s not as easy as you think.”
Atsumu dries his hand and carefully observes his brother. He puts his towel down onto the kitchen counter and raises his brow, “Or maybe I should just give you advice on getting back together.’
As if right on cue, Osamu slams his hand down onto the counter, “I hate that we still haven’t gotten back together. This is killing me!”
Atsumu chuckles in satisfaction. He’s hit the nail right on the head.
“Why has nothing happened yet? I’m already in the city!” Osamu continues on, “They can cook too! Did you know that?! I wish we can skip to the part where we can settle down.”
He vigorously gestures in frustration.
“I cannot! I just cannot move on until I know I’ve given everything to make this work and yet every time I see them all I do is offer them food!”
Atsumu places his hand on his brother’s shoulder, “You need to be more strategic about it. Here’s what you need to do…”
Osamu takes a deep breath before knocking at your door. He holds a bag of onigiri in one hand and whatever courage he has in another.
One knock, then another. He hasn’t been this nervous in a long while.
When you open the door, his ear picks up on a male voice inside your house. Combined with your expression, he realizes that he’s come at an inconvenient time.
“I brought you something.” he tries to smile despite the sweat pooling, “I made you lunch. I just wanted to make sure you were eating. We don’t have to talk. I just wanted to give this to you.”
He tries to look past your shoulder, attempting to glimpse at your guests.
“Are you seeing someone else by any chance?” he blurts out, “I want to clarify before I make any more free deliveries.”
You frown. “That’s none of your business, Osamu. You should leave.”
Your frankness pierces something within him. He hadn’t expected to be rejected so quickly.
Osamu’s eyes widen and his mouth drops. He quickly gathers himself before he gets disheartened.
“I want you to give me a second chance. You loved me so deeply. Maybe you can find love in me again.” he says quietly.
“I thought I was too much of a city girl for you,” you retort, despite lacking an edge in your voice. You notice his hands tightly clutching the plastic bag.
The noise at the back seems to melt away. It’s like you’re back in that party, standing too close to each other near the coat rack and the door.
“Maybe you’re not.” his shoulders gracefully go up and down.
You shook your head wryly, “Osamu, I haven’t changed. I like my job and the city. I’m not the life and business partner that you’re looking for. I’m just a customer and we should keep it that way.”
“I can stop if you like.” he offers meekly, putting his hands behind his back.
“Yeah, you should. You’ve hurt me so much.” you cover your mouth with your hands while you try not to sob, “There’s nothing to go back to.”
“I’m sorry I ended things the way I did.” he looks away, “Seeing you walk by me every day feels like penitence…“
You close the door before he says anymore.
Osamu gazes longingly at the door. It’s only now that the full weight of losing you sinks in.
—————————————— “How’d it go?” Atsumu calls to check on Osamu.
Osamu sucks in his breath, his palm pressed on his temple. Atsumu braces himself, this doesn’t sound good.
“They had someone else over.” Osamu is seething in frustration and angry tears.
“Calm down. Were they alone? Or was it a friend group?” Atsumu ’s mind races. He sifts through the situation in an attempt to placate his brother.
“Yeah? No? I don’t know.” Osamu snaps, “They told me she didn’t want to talk about it. Your advice sucks!”
Osamu walks most of the way home. When he catches sight of his store, he curses. He had left his damn bike at your apartment complex! The universe is not giving him any breaks today.
He sighs and continues towards his store. He had a friend watch it while he was away. He’ll have to come pick up after he closes the store.
Throughout the rest of the day, he tries to push you out of his mind. By the time he closes the store, he is bursting at the seams with anticipation to make his way back to your apartment.
Before he sets off, he sees your figure wheeling his bike towards him.
“You left your bike.” you breathe out. You fish something out of your pocket and toss him the key to his bike lock, “You left this in your lock too.”
“Every time you see me, I just look dumber and dumber.” he sighs in exasperation.
You can’t help but burst into laughter at his candidness. He perks up a bit. He hasn’t made you laugh in a while. Of course he’d rather have you laugh with him than at him. Still, this was a start right?
"Did Atsumu put you up to this?" you chuckle, handing the bike over.
“Yeah, how did you know?” he asks dumbfounded.
“I just do.” you scoff, “It’s not like you to show up on people’s doors.”
He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, “Sorry about that. It won’t happen again. It was a moment of weakness.”
Your eyes lower, framing the sad expression that sets into your face, “Yeah, it better not. I’ve moved on.”
You turn around to walk away. In a brief moment of courage, he cups his hands around his mouth.
“I’m not ready to move on from you and if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” he calls out.
Taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan @kaizumi @holaaaf @glxar​
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! I’m definitely making a part 2!
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stellocchia · 3 years
There is one thing I sometimes mention in my rants about c!Dream’s and c!Tommy’s relationship that I never expanded on, which is c!Dream assiging c!Tommy an almost divine value, well, that changes now! 
Turns out I just cannot write short and concise analysis it seems, so I put everything under the cut...
I’ve talked a few times before about how Dream in his mind gives Tommy added value (again, Tommy has value as a human being already, but Dream most definitely doesn’t see that), but I want to go a bit more in depth about it. 
So, we know by now that Dream has been obsessing over Tommy for quite a while now, though it really worsened with the beginning of season 2. 
It is important to note that, at that point, Tommy himself was back on the idea of there being a friendly rivalry between him and Dream for the disk that was still in Skeppy’s possession, nothing more then that. He most definitely didn’t hate Dream yet (although their relationship has always been complicated) and he shouldn’t have posed much of a threat to Dream, right?
We also all seem to recognise that Dream would not have let up until Tommy was exiled, but I haven’t seen many people discuss the WHY of it. Why was it so important to him? Did he just do it because he hated Tommy? Did he do it because he was bored and wanted chaos? 
Well, I think it’s because Tommy DID pose a threat to Dream. He WAS a threat to Dream because Dream had seen him during Pogtopia. He had seen him rally the troops, he had seen him keep people’s morale high even after Wilbur detonated the tnt and Techno released the withers, he knew what Tommy could do if Dream threatened L’Manburg while he was there, even while not being president (I mean, he still managed to lead a revolution against Schlatt even while never being the official leader). And Dream wanted to get rid of L’Manburg because of what it represented, because L’Manburg represented freedom from him, freedom from his rules. L’Manburg was a HUGE problem, so he needed to take out what kept L’Manburg together and that was Tommy.
But that’s not the only thing. If Dream only wanted Tommy out of the way, he could have just let him unalive himself or he could have killed him himself and pretended it was an accident. Heck, he could even have pushed for an execution in the first place instead of the exile! But he didn’t... and later on, during the Season 2 Finale, he outright refused to kill Tommy even in self defence. So for Tommy to have so much importance that Dream needed to keep a constant eye on him in exile and keep him alive, Dream’s mentality of Tommy being sort of the “key” to power must have already been in place when he formulated the exile plan (perhaps it was there from before then, but we can’t know this for certain). 
I mean, he also ordered a whole prison that could have been meant to hold Tommy from the start (it has been confirmed by Sam out of character that it was made with c!Tommy in mind and the only indication that it wasn’t comes from c!Dream in a converstaion with c!Tommy, which we really shouldn’t trust at all) and a curious thing to notice on that, if that was the case, is that the prison itself is called “Pandora’s Vault”, why calling it “vault”? A vault is something that’s supposed to hold valuable items. It’s supposedly a secure location where you hide away your most precious things. Why calling a prison that? Anyway... that was just an interesting tid-bit I’ve been thinking about. 
Back on the main tangent now! 
So, what does Dream think of Tommy exactly? 
“Listen Tommy, since you joined the server, you’ve been a headache! Okay? You’ve brought war, you brought terrorism, you’ve brought bad everything! But! But! The cause of all the wars, of everything, was attachment, alright? Your attachment to the disks, your attachment to Henry, to pets, to friends, to land, to countries, to items, right? (...) That’s- That’s the one good thing that you’ve done. The one good thing you’ve done is that you brought attachment to the server. So it took me a LONG time to realize how important attachment was, but, when I did, you know? It made me stronger, and I realised that you- you’re- you’re important, right?”
This is a quote directly taken from the season finale. I know it’s a long one, but it’s seriously important. Because Dream, with this quote, just asserted that Tommy is the reason attachments exist at all, even if that isn’t true of course (the whole disk war was kickstarted by Ponk getting mad when Sapnap retaliated to his prank by burning down Ponk’s lemon tree because he was attached to it), but to Dream it is. 
Tommy, a normal human teenager with no “main character powers” (you know, like being a life and death god, or silk-touch hands, or having the brains to create nukes or being able to bring yourself back to life out of spite, basically he has nothing normally considered “special”) is deemed the reason why people are able to care at all. THAT is the added value I’m talking about. Dream doesn’t see Tommy as Tommy, he never did, he sees him as his own idealized version of him. And in Dream’s mind Tommy has so much importnace that, without him, attachments would just stop existing. “How do we know that” you ask? Well, why else would Dream have been so adamant about needing Tommy ALIVE? He already did his thing if bringing attachments was all the value Dream assigned to him. Now attachments exist, surely Dream can get rid of Tommy, right? Well, no. Because, as I said, to Dream Tommy is the embodiment of attachments. 
I mean, he admitted so in that quote, didn’t he? He starts by telling Tommy that HE is the cause of everything: of war, of terrorism, of everything. But then, then he says that those same things are caused by attachments. How can we have both be true at the same time? Easy, make Tommy the concept of attachment personified!
“If I can control the things people are attached to, then I can control the server again!”
All we said before kinda puts this more in perspective. THAT’S why Dream is in constant need of controlling Tommy. If Tommy is the embodiment of attachment in Dream’s mind, then he is the embodiment of control and power as well. Because, if controlling a singular attachment gives you control over one singular person, then controlling the embodiment of everyone’s attachments gives you control over the server right? 
“Look, it’s not fair! But Tommy listen: I need you, okay? I need you to keep bringing attachemnt to the server, because without you people weren’t really attached to things, but then you came and you brought ‘friendship’ and ‘countries’ and ‘things’ people can be attached to, right? And you brought that! And you’re- you’re the KEY, right? You’re the key to unlock the full potential of the server and power and everything”
Can’t get much more obvious then this... Dream literally described Tommy as “the key to everything”, that’s A LOT of extra value put on a random 16 yo. It would be a lot of value for ANYONE to have. In case it wasn’t clear, what Dream is saying is that controlling Tommy basically makes you a God. And, if it wasn’t clear enough yet, let me grab a quote from Tommy’s 3rd canon death stream:
“Tommy your life is literally IN MY HANDS, does that piss you off? Does that make you mad? Does it make you soo mad that I- you can’t kill me... I MIGHT AS WELL BE A GOD TOMMY! You can’t kill me and I can kill you!”
So, here’s the thing: killing Tommy is not that hard. A LOT of people on the server are stronger then him, even with the same equipment. At the same time killing Dream IS very hard. He’s literally one of the 2 best pvp-ers on the server. So why would this situation make Dream a “God”? Well, that’s because, based on his own philosophy, having Control over Tommy is what makes someone a God (it’s what gives you power over everything after all) and he here is fully in control. Not only because phisycally he is the stronger one, but also because Tommy admitted himself that he can’t kill Dream (Dream may wrongly assume that that’s because Tommy still has some attachment to him, which gives him another layer of control, truth is he’s just not much for killing people, the kid got too much empathy), which means he’s in control of Tommy’s mind and emotions as well to a certain degree. 
And here’s the thing: wouldn’t Tommy need to be somewhat godly himself to be the ONE THING that can grant people the ability to become a God? Dream, by now, has elevated Tommy to a point where Tommy himself might as well be God. That’s why Dream was so eager to become immortals together, to study the powers that make Dream now think even more that he is a God, together, because, in his mind, they’re already on the same level, albeit in a very skewed way (and I say a “skewed way” because Dream still doesn’t see Tommy as a person, he still sees him as a tool, only he is a tool that grants people godlyhood apparently). 
My theory on why c!Dream has this kind of perception of c!Tommy is because Tommy is his only remaining attachment. Dream got rid of all his attachments in order to gain absolute power, so he has to somehow justify to himself why this one particular attachment still doesn’t make him weak. Why still hanging onto Tommy (albeit in the most scewed up way possible) actually makes him stronger. He needs Tommy to be something more then a random 16 yo he once picked a fight with.
@ladycatland pretty sure you’d be interested
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Can I request for a Chan X reader where the reader is pregnant and ready to have a child but has many complications and when she goes in Labor they can't get a hold of Chan and she panics and refuses to give birth without him. Eventually he turns up. Very angsty please
Pairing: Chan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Lots of angst, as requested
Genre: Established Relationship
A/N: Sad Times, Everyone.
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“I can’t do it without him!”
Your shouts filled the hospital room like a siren blaring at the highest frequency, and you were moments away from a full-blown meltdown since the nurse standing next to your bedside continued to piss you off.
“Y/N,” she said, attempting a gentle tone but falling short. “We’ve already called several times.”
“No!” you insisted, shaking your head furiously, even as another painful contraction forced you to bite your tongue hard enough to taste blood in your mouth. “He has to be here!”
The nurse rolled her eyes, turning around to confront your mother again as you started to breath - Lamaze style, of course - to control the pain searing your abdomen in a tight grip.
You exhaled around a groan, glancing up at your mother from the corner of your eye. “They need to do the emergency C-section.”
“They can’t!” you insisted. “Chan isn’t here yet.”
Why was that so hard for everyone to understand? How could you be expected to deliver your firstborn son without your husband by your side?
“He promised to be here,” you panted, ignoring your mother’s pained expression as a different nurse walked up, clipboard in hand, to fix you with a fierce look.
“Young lady, you’ve already experienced far too many complications. We can’t risk waiting any longer.”
The words were delivered with a firm and unrelenting tone, and you felt like balling your eyes out, knowing that they would never understand.
The history between you and your husband was far too deep, and the bond you shared was impossibly strong.
There was no way you could do this without him. He had promised to never leave you alone when you needed him. You remembered when he made that promise too. It was embedded into your mind like a permanent tattoo: 
It wasn’t long after you and Chan had both felt pure elation when you discovered that you were pregnant. After all, it had taken five months to reach that point, and even then, the doctors warned you that you were at higher risk because of your medical history.
Still, you wanted a kid more than anything, and you knew Chan was set on becoming a father.
In the forthcoming months following your first appointment, Chan stood by your side through all the countless late-night hunger pains, unexpected Braxton Hicks contractions, and the occasional scare that sent you both to the hospital only to hear that everything was perfectly fine.
“I’ll always be there for you, Y/N,” he had whispered after one such trip, and you felt the sincerity in his words.
Yet, this morning when you woke-up, nearly a month before your due date, you could barely lift up your hand to place a call to your mother because the pain was so bad.
Not long after hanging up the phone with her, your mother was knocking at the door of your small city apartment, practically carrying you to the car in a rush to beat traffic.
“Call Chan,” you remembered telling her, even if your mother’s relationship with Chan was less than ideal.
But it was all for you, and your mother tried to call him half a dozen times.
“He won’t answer,” she had said when you arrived at the hospital, and despite the pain crippling your body, you still managed to remain coherent enough to insist on calling him more and more.
He would answer eventually.
He had promised that he would.
“Five minutes,” the nurse said, interrupting your thoughts - a steadfast reminder that time was running out.
You wiped a hand beneath your eyes, feeling nothing but hot, wet moisture coating the skin. “Y/N,” your mother said, drawing your attention to look at the strongest woman you knew, face pale and stricken with fear. “Please let them help you.”
Your heart twisted inside your chest, and despite the weight pressing against your chest, you managed to nod. “Okay,” you said, just to see your mother close her eyes and sigh with relief.
It was crushing to relent, knowing that you would have to go through this difficult time without your husband next to you. “We’ll keep calling,” your mother whispered, kneeling next to your bedside to track away the tears that continued to fall from swollen eyes. 
“I guess there’s no point anymore,” you said, and your throat was thick and congested with all the sadness and disappointment that only Chan could cause you.
A testament to the powerful hold he kept around your tender heart.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” your mother said, and she opened her mouth to speak again, but you watched as her eyes widened when they paused on something behind you.
You frowned, following that awed gaze in a slow motion turn of your head that felt like it lasted a thousand years.
“Y/N!” his familiar voice shouted, alerting several pairs of eyes that followed him as he rushed down the crowded corridor, pushing between bodies and equipment, exhaling loudly when he entered your room. “Sweetheart,” he said, breathing uneven and hair a wild mess.
“Chan!” you cried, reaching out for your husband’s wayward hand, bringing it to your chest as he leaned over you, pressing your foreheads together in an intimate gesture of closeness.
“Love,” he murmured quietly. “You have no idea how sorry I am.”
 You shook your head, dismissing whatever justification he was prepared to give you. “It doesn’t matter,” you said. “You’re here now.”
The pain was lessened then, in that moment of peace between the two of you. Until it was broken by a sharp cough, and you both looked over at the nurse who eyeballed Chan with obvious derision. “We need to start the surgery.”
“Surgery?” Chan repeated, looking at you with confusion.
“Yes,” you whimpered. “There’s too many problems.”
Chan immediately understood, schooling his expression into something loving as he squeezed your hand. “It’ll be okay, yeah? We can make it through anything.”
You almost started crying again at his sweet devotion. “I’m scared, Chan.”
“Why?” he asked with a melodic laugh. “The doctors know how to take care of you, Y/N.”
You swallowed hard, unconvinced. “What if something happens?”
Chan shook his head fiercely. “You’re too strong, Y/N. Such a beautiful and strong girl for me, right?”
You reluctantly nodded, but maybe Chan had the power to convince you of anything. “Are you excited to meet your son?”
Chan smiled, and it had the effect he intended to relieve some of your tension. “I’ll be here waiting for both of you.”
You took a deep breath, keeping your eyes on Chan as the nurses started to roll your bed out of the room. You watched him as he grew smaller and smaller in the growing distance, lifting your hand to wave in his direction. He mirrored the motion, and you could see his lips forming the delicate syllables of your name.
It was the last thing you saw before the world around you disappeared.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Omg I love your Navy CIS request 😍 Can we have another one where Reader faints? It's your choice how your gonna do it :)
Fully equipped, McGee and you stood at the door of the house where your suspect lived while Gibbs ran around the house to secure the back area and keep an eye on the back door in case Mike Lander thought he had to leave. Guns drawn, he nodded to you once more before knocking and leaning his body against the wall to prevent him from being shot through the door.
„NCIS, open the door!“
When nobody answered and there was silence in the house, McGee kicked the wooden door in. While he walked in front of you and secured the left to the kitchen, you walked further in and secured the bedroom. Nobody was there, but the special agent and you noticed quickly that the pot full of coffee was still relatively hot and the smell of freshly burned wood and ashes stung your eyes and nose; a fire has definitely been kindled recently.
„Tim, he is still here.“ you whispered to your partner.
„Y/N!“ did you heard him scream before something hit you with full force from the side and you flew through the entire room only to come to a standstill on the little coffee table that collapsed under you.
The impact took all of the air you had from your lungs and you closed your eyes while grimacing in pain. Your head felt like a cinder block and you felt something run down the back of your neck. Your vision was blurry and the corners of your eyes darkened. At that moment you were unable to move, as if your body was paralyzed.
„Boss, he is out front.“ Yelled McGee from the balcony before running to you but Gibbs was already gone. He had probably saw everything that had just happened in the glass front from his position.
He was kneeling in front of you and wanted to help you get up, but you just raised your hand and pointed towards the door. „Go get him, I’m fine.“ You said in a hushed voice and even if you saw that he hesitated and wanted to stay with you, he decided to chase after this guy.
You were left alone and gathered all your strength to free yourself from the table. Standing up didn’t work, so you turned to the right and dumped yourself from the hard wood to the rug on the floor.  With a sigh you tried to support yourself with your shaky arms to get up but before you pulled your legs up to shift your body weight onto your knees, two hands grabbed your elbows and pulled you up slowly.
"Easy. Are you okay?" it was Gibbs looking at you worriedly and reaching under your arms, you still weren't in the control of your own body.
But that didn't work for him. "Let me see," he slowly tilted your head to the side to get a better view of the back of your head and neck. "The hell you are, you're bleeding."
You hissed at his touch and winced when the gray-haired repeatedly went to the wound. Another wave of dizziness settled around you and you fell back a little. If he didn't still have a firm grip on you, you would probably be back on the ground.
"Does Tim got the bastard?" you asked after you slowly moved in the direction of the exit, Gibbs being your support while having an protective arm around your back.
"It doesn't matter now, I will take you to the hospital."
Patiently, Gibbs waited in the emergency doctors waiting room until they were done with your tests and he was called in by a nurse. While he sat on the chair across from your bed and vigorously checked you from top to bottom, you sat on the edge of the bed with a stapled wound on the side of your skull and still a little dazed from the painkillers you were given before.
After a while, a younger doctor came into the room and introduced himself to Gibbs. "How is she doing, doc?"
"So.." he started and took the stool out from under the desk. "The tests are inconclusive, which is good. However, from the impact you described to me, she got two broken ribs and suffered a moderate concussion, which is why she will probably continue to complain of headaches for a while."
"I can handle the complaints, I just want to know whether my agent can go home." he laughed and looked over at you.
You rolled your eyes playfully and couldn't help but laugh. Even if he was a hard shell on the outside that was very difficult to see through, he was on the inside gentle with his family, almost overprotective.
"She can go home. I will give her a few more painkillers for the next few days." said the brown-haired doctor and immediately turned to the computer to enter the recipes into the system. "However, she should not do any field activity until she has been 100% cleared by the on-duty doctor."
"Desk duty? How fun." you said sarcastically and turned to the doctor, but your head got stuck in half, the pain was too strong that you still felt despite the painkiller.
"Sorry about that, Agent L/N." he said and handed the instructions for taking the pills to your boss. "If she complains of very bad headaches, dizziness, nausea or even passes out, bring her back to the hospital immediately."
Gibbs nodded in understanding and took a closer look at the discharge papers while the doctor talked to you. "You are not allowed to wash your hair with shampoo, initially for the next 48 hours. You can get the blood out with lukewarm water, but let someone help you and please don't comb your hair in that area to prevent removing the clips."
After this instruction, he wished you a speedy recovery and disappeared from the door.
It was the next day you worked off your old files that you still had to work on anyway. Other than that, you were not allowed to do anything other than put information you found on the screen and go down to Abby to see what she'd found for you.
You didn't want to admit it but you felt worse than yesterday. The waves of dizziness you felt when you moved too quickly and the nausea you felt since yesterday evening made it hard for you to concentrate. You had already two pills of painkillers and you wouldn't get a third one from Gibbs, he clearly told you and you didn't want to draw any further attention to yourself.
"Hey, look. I brought you your favorite donuts." did you hear  a male voice speak and you looked up. Tim stood in front of you with a pack of 12 donuts and a big grin on his face.
Smiling, you took the box over to you and placed it on the free side of the desk."Thank you, Timmy but you don't have to give me anything. It's not your fault."
"Yes, it is. I didn't offer you the protection a partner has to offer." before he uttered the last words of the sentence, you talked in between. "Tim, it's okay. This is our job. You did what you had to do, we just didn't looked clearer the first time we went in."
He nodded, the guilt was written on his face while he stole one of your donuts and walked back to his place. He was worried and even if you said it wasn't his fault, he felt more than guilty so he tried it with small gifts and gestures, like helping you with your old files in his free time when you needed a break.
Hours went by that you worked, Ellie, Nick and Gibbs had also returned from field work and now were back at their desks. Your otherwise so happy charisma was betrayed by your face contorted with pain. You felt the worried looks from the squad on you so you tried to get away from them by going down to Abbys.
At least for a few minutes.
Abby let you know every single detail she found and about the evening with her brother but it just didn't seem to get into you head. As soon as you walked out of her door, almost everything she said was forgotten.
The dizziness seemed to get worse and you just barely made it to the top. In the middle of the bullpen you came to a standstill, your breath shallow and heavy. "Abby found out that.."
You couldn't go on talking. Something in you refused to speak, this abnormal dizziness took away your sight and you couldn't see anything but a blurred vision. "Y/N, what did she find out?" Gibbs asked you in concern.
He already stood up from his chair when he saw that you came walking, your face almost paler than the walls of the hospital he had to stare at. Almost immediately, he knew that something was wrong with you so he rounded his desk if he had to intervene and be near you.
It took you a few seconds to form a normal sentence after trying to look through the sight of a swaying ship. "Call an ambulance." you could answer before the lights turned off and you collapsed in the office.  
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
Hey i don’t know if you’re taking prompts right now but maybe you could write a one shot on this-
Sam and Bucky get into a huge argument but somehow ends with a big sweet ass over the top love confession☺️
Ps- Your works are great <3
((Yep! I am taking prompts, anon. I'm just really slow with them right now. 🤣
And awwwww thank you so much!! 💜
Also a special thank you to @redwingsupportgroup for helping me out with the story for this fic!! 💜))
Sam linked his arm with Bucky’s metal one as they made their way down the stairs. They were pretending to be a couple while working undercover.
Sam’s eyes tracked the room. He found the target in the middle of the crowd in the foyer, and he nudged Bucky, before nodding towards the target.
“Sam, we have a problem.” Joaquin’s voice rang in his ear.
“What problem?” Sam asked, worried.
“I just saw Frank put the USB stick into his coat pocket. He’s keeping it close to himself. How are we gonna get it now?”
Okay, so this was a problem. But it wasn’t the end of the world. They could still get the stick out of him. They just needed to get close enough.
“Do we know what his type is?” Sam asked Joaquin.
Bucky threw him a confused look and at the same time Joaquin said, “Huh?”
“His type. In potential dates?”
“Oh!” Sam heard typing on the other side of the comms. “Apparently he is into everyone. He’s dated a variety of people.”
“Okay.” Sam let out a breath. “Bucky, just follow my lead.” He led his “date” to where Frank was talking up some young man and stayed in his field of vision. If he was to be in control, then he needed Frank to come to him.
“What are you doing?” Bucky frowned at him when Sam gave the target a charming smile and waved at him. A server passed them and Sam picked up two glasses of champagne, passing one to Bucky.
“Wait and see,” Sam replied.
Just as he had suspected, Frank excused himself from the man he was talking to and came over to him.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he said, leering at Sam like Sam was his next meal. “I don’t think we’ve ever met before. Which is a shame.”
Sam chuckled at that. “Aren’t you a charmer,” he said, taking a sip of his champagne. “I’m Trevor. Trevor Brown.”
“I’m guessing you know who I am if you’re at my party,” Frank said condescendingly. “So Trevor, what do you do?”
“Cannabis cultivation. I also own 4 dispensaries in Harlem.”
“Nice,” said Frank. “A man after my own heart.” He leaned in close to Sam.
Besides Sam, Bucky cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around Sam’s waist, much to Sam’s confusion. Sam tried to keep his anger under control. Bucky was going to ruin his plan.
“Oh,” Frank finally looked at Bucky. “You’re here with someone.” He sounded disappointed.
Sam shoved Bucky’s hand away and stepped closer to Frank. He trailed his finger down Frank’s coat and smirked. “He’s yesterday’s news. You could be today’s.”
Frank surged forward and kissed him. His hands landed on Sam’s waist and Sam almost had the urge to throw up in his mouth when he shoved his tongue inside his mouth. But while Frank was distracted, Sam managed to get into his coat pocket and take out the thumb drive and slide it into his own pocket..
“Wow,” Sam said, pretending to be dazed when he pulled away from the man. “You are quite the kisser,” he lied. He was an awful kisser, and Sam wanted to get his taste out of his mouth ASAP. “I’ll be right back. I need the bathroom,” Sam told him.
Frank smirked at that. “Oh, you don’t have to go to the bathroom, sweetheart. I could take you upstairs and help you with your little problem,” he said nodding towards Sam’s crotch.
Now Sam seriously wanted to throw up. He laughed and shook his head. “No, I really need the bathroom. Though, I’ll hold you to your offer.” He turned around to leave and found that Bucky was nowhere to be seen. He looked around in the crowd but still couldn’t find Bucky anywhere. Figuring he had gone back, Sam left as well.
Just as he suspected, he found Bucky in the van, sulking away in the back with Joaquin.
“Did you get it?” Joaquin asked.
Sam took out the thumb drive and flashed it at the younger man. A broad smile spread across Joaquin’s face, and he caught the drive when Sam threw it at him. “Nice job, Sam! Knew you were gonna nail this mission.”
“Now I need to clean my mouth with bleach,” Sam cringed.
Bucky scoffed from his seat and Sam threw him a glance, but he didn’t look up.
“Well, I don’t have bleach but I do have mouth wash.”
“You’re a lifesaver!” Sam took the mouthwash from him and went outside to clean his mouth. He used the whole thing, cleaning his mouth multiple times, and came back with the empty bottle. “Sorry. I really needed the whole thing.” He said getting into the back of the van.
“That bad, huh?” Joaquin asked.
“You have no idea.” Sam cringed again.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Joaquin sympathized.
“All in a day’s work,” Sam sighed and took off his jacket, tossing it aside.
“I’ll get us out of here.” Joaquin sat his laptop aside and got out of the van. Sam took his seat, and Bucky still refused to look at him.
“What’s wrong with you?” Sam asked, getting irritated
“What do you mean?” Bucky grumbled.
“You just disappeared in the middle of the mission.”
“You didn’t look like you needed me,” Bucky threw back. “Aren’t I yesterday’s news?”
“Are you serious?” Sam balked. “You’re mad over that? I had to play a part, Bucky.”
“Didn’t look like you were playing,” Bucky huffed. “You let him shove his tongue in your mouth.”
“I had to!” Sam raised his voice. He was getting angrier by the minute. “I needed to distract him to get the thumb drive!”
“There were other ways you could have done that without kissing the bastard!” Bucky yelled.
“Why does it bother you so much that I kissed him?!” Sam yelled back
“BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU THAT’S WHY!” Bucky practically exploded.
Sam felt his anger dissipate. “W- what?”
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before looking over at him. “I love you, Sam. I have for months now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Sam asked.
“Because I was scared!” Bucky replied. “But today when I saw you kissing that guy… I lost it. I wanted nothing more than to pull you away from him and kiss you myself. And preferably break his face!”
“I wouldn’t have protested,” Sam said, biting his lips.
“Protested what?” Bucky asked.
“To you punching that asshole’s face,” Sam told him. “And also… to you kissing me.”
Bucky perked up at that. “Really?” He shifted on the makeshift seat and got closer to Sam.
“Really,” Sam confirmed and kissed him.
The two of them ended up on the floor of the van with Bucky on top of Sam as they continued to hungrily kiss each other and explore each other’s mouths. Sam could taste mint toothpaste and coffee on Bucky’s tongue and it mixed with the taste of mint mouth wash on his own tongue. Sam shifted up and his body hit against something, causing it to fall but Bucky was quick to catch it. Sam looked up to find him holding Joaquin’s laptop.
“We should probably wait until we get to my place,” Bucky told him. “Don’t think Torres would appreciate us breaking any of his equipment.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Sam chuckled and kissed Bucky one more time. They sat up on their crates once again. “Oh and Bucky?”
“I love you too,” Sam finally told him.
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