#what...was he just supposed to kick us out??? ARE YOU INSANE??? is that truly how people view marriage and ~romantic shit??
littlepetbee · 2 years
#people keep going on about how ~generous it is that my BIL lets me and my sister live in the house with him and his wife aka my other sister#and it's so hard not to be like 'UM IT'S MY DAMN HOUSE'#because um it's my damn house#me and my sisters have been planning to move out together for years...we just had to wait until we could swing it financially#and my sister is the one that bought the house and specifically got one with rooms for us#BECAUSE UM. IT'S MY DAMN HOUSE#IT'S NOT GENEROUS TO ALLOW ME TO LIVE IN MY OWN DAMN HOUSE JUST BC HE'S IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH MY SISTER#they've been married for a month. romantically involved for a few more than that. have known each other just a year+ in total.#whereas we've all been sisters for 25 years HELLO#what...was he just supposed to kick us out??? ARE YOU INSANE??? is that truly how people view marriage and ~romantic shit??#THAT ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU'RE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT MATTER AND IT'S GENEROUS TO NOT SEND YOUR WIFE'S SISTERS BACK TO AN ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLD???#sorry i know i'm yelling a lot i just hate people's view of marriage/commitment/romantic relationships with the burning passion of 1000 sun#i cannot BELIEVE that my aro ass is considered the abnormal one when everyone else is apparently sociopaths smdh#...ftr there are zero issues with my BIL...he's really great and wants us to be live-in aunties for the baby#and whenever they talk about moving in the future he's automatically factoring in space for us bc we're welcome until death do us part#if that's what we want#so yeah no problem with him just EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE#personal
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Steve is home one day with his daughters when he realizes that his oldest, Moe, is ten.
Okay, obviously, he knew she was ten. She’s been ten for a while, as her birthday is in July and it’s now December, and the girls are discussing Christmas as they perceive it in their little girl worlds.
It’s really that Steve realizes that Moe is the same age Erica had been when he’d asked her to climb through air ducts and infiltrate a Russian military base.
It’s a realization that has Steve feeling a little nauseous, because Moe is ten and she’s plotting with her little sisters about how they’re going to stay awake on Christmas Eve to catch a glimpse of Santa (their conspiring has Steve worried for his and Ed’s own role in Christmas Eve and the way it hinges on the girls falling asleep as early as fucking possible), and she’d lost another baby tooth this morning and hasn’t stopped talking about what the tooth fairy might leave for her overnight, and she still sneaks into his and Eddie’s room after nightmares looking for snuggles, and she’s afraid of car washes and bugs, and she still wants to be read to before bed every night.
He’d been struck suddenly by how little Moe still is. Maybe he’s only thinking that because she’s his daughter – his first daughter, at that – but he still looks at that kid’s face and sees the newborn baby who’d made him a dad ten years ago.
He can’t imagine looking at her and seeing someone equipped to take on Erica had been asked to do, never mind actually asking her to do it, which is precisely what Steve had done twenty-five years ago.
It eats at him for the rest of the day.
“Just call her, Steve,” Eddie urges him after Steve brings it up for the sixth time that evening, “You clearly need to air this shit out.”
So Steve calls Erica.
Erica is in her mid-thirties now. She’s a kick-ass lawyer at a private firm in Indiana, and she picks up the phone on the second ring.
“This is Erica,” she says.
“Hey, it’s Steve.”
“What’s up,” she replies, still never one for beating around the bush.
“I just – I need to apologize.”
“For what?”
“For Scoops,” Steve says, “For Starcourt.”
Erica is silent for a while.
None of them really talk about any of that stuff anymore. They’d hashed everything out ages ago, until all that was left behind was the understanding that none of them would ever be able to truly move past it, that there would always be guilt and fear and pain they could never shake.
“Okay?” she finally says, question in her tone.
“I just…” Steve hesitates, “Look – I didn’t get it. I didn’t fully get how fucked up it was. I was the grown up in the situation and I should have put a stop to it but I was stupid and reckless, and now that Moe is ten, I can’t stop thinking about how insane it was for us to even consider roping you into that.”
“I agreed to it.”
“You were a kid.”
“You were a kid,” Erica insists.
“Eighteen isn’t a kid anymore.”
“Say that to me again when Moe’s eighteen and maybe I’ll believe you.”
Steve doesn't have anything to say to that, because Erica is probably right (though only time will tell, he supposes). Their phone call ends only a few minutes later with Erica telling him to go easy on himself and Steve saying he’d try before apologizing one more time.
“You gonna take her advice?” Eddie asks after he’s pulled a begrudging Steve into his arms.
“No,” he tells him, curling into his husband’s side and sticking his nose in Eddie’s neck so he doesn’t have to look him in the eye.
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
Joel stares at the ceiling. It’s sure a hospital ceiling alright. Grey tiles, fluorescent lights, a steady beep in the background. Great. He’s in the hospital his first day in town. He’s sure that bodes well for the future of his time in Hermiton, truly. What had he been saying to himself before he arrived? That he just had to survive one more year of high school and then he could go be a hermit in the woods or at least pass his exams to get that architecture degree he used to dream about.
“Oh, you’re awake! You’re the last to wake up. It’s just exhaustion, don’t worry. That always happens the first few times you summon your Persona. Your body gets used to it and stops trying to force you into the ground the moment you enter Real Space again eventually.”
He tries very hard not to groan out loud. If he doesn’t move or make any noise, maybe the weird guy won’t notice he’s awake. Maybe he’ll go away and like, whatever adult in town is currently supposed to be in charge of him will show up and sign some paperwork and Joel can leave.
There’s a long, awkward silence.
“You know, I can tell you’re awake. I already said so,” the stranger says.
“Shut up, I’m trying to make you go away,” Joel says.
The stranger snorts. “What, you don’t want information on your two friends you apparently risked your life to save?”
Joel… would kind of like that information, actually, but he’s not just going to say so.
“It’s not like I know them. I’ve been here five days. Idiot,” Joel says.
“I don’t know. Seems a lot like you know them,” the stranger says. “You’ll probably get to know them even more soon, after we do an assessment to make sure it’s safe for you all to enter Altered Space. It’s just been me and Scar for so long, I didn’t think other Persona users would ever show up!”
“What,” Joel says. “I don’t believe in Personas. They’re stupid. I was lucid dreaming. This is stupid.”
“Can’t you still hear yours? I think I’d go insane if I stopped.”
“Well then, maybe you’re the weak one. A strong Persona user would definitely still hear their Persona,” the stranger says, and look man, Joel doesn’t want to be doing this, but he can’t let ‘maybe you’re the weak one’ stand. It’s a matter of honor. Of pride.
“No, buzz off. I’m the strong one. I didn’t just awaken Pygmalion, I kicked ass using Pygmalion. Stupid Skizz and Impulse passed out immediately. And I was the only one who knew how to get to Skizz so, so, screw you, I’m super strong with your fake brain ghost thing.”
The stranger is quiet for a long moment. “Did you say you knew how to get to Skizz?”
“Yeah you just follow the evil butterflies. You should know, since you’re crazy,” Joel says.
“Oh my god,” the stranger says. “Oh my god. This changes everything.”
Something sinks in Joel’s stomach. “Wait, what does that—”
“I have to go tell Mr. Hills. Meet us when you get out of here, a doctor should let you out once you’re awake! But I have to tell him! Being able to preemptively find entrances to Altered Space! Fighting off a shadow and rescuing people your first time summoning a Persona! Me and Scar won’t have to be alone anymore!”
“No, I, uh, was lying, stop that,” Joel says unconvincingly.
“See you!” the stranger says.
“You forgot to tell me what happened to Skizz,” Joel says, finally sitting up to try to stop the stranger, but it’s too late. He’s already gone. Joel stares blankly after the space where he’d once been.
“You also forgot to tell me your name, you moron,” Joel says weakly.
He buries his head in his hands, breathes, and calls the nurse. If his strange classmate isn’t going to tell him what’s actually happening, then Joel’s going to find out for himself.
(Power throbs beneath a scar on his hand. A voice whispers agreeing remarks in the back of his head. He has way too many aches and pangs for last night—or, well, however many nights ago it was now—to be fake. But for now, he just wants to know Skizz is okay and go back to his stupid apartment and pretend none of this happened. Is that too much to ask?)
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hypnoneghoul · 3 months
Hyp, I'm a little nervous because I never really do this but can I request some filthy stuff with Rain and Phantom? Or whoever fits better for you. 👉👈
heheh you get 670 words of phantom being cute and using it for his advantage and rain getting his brain sucked out through his dick
“Rainy! You were supposed to stay still,” Phantom scolded him once again, flicking the tip of the water ghoul’s dick with his tongue. He pulled off after Rain’s hips bucked up, effectively making him gag. It wouldn’t be an issue to Phantom if only he hadn’t told the other to stay still.
“S– sorry,” Rain muttered. His eyes were squeezed shut, face all flushed as he held on to the arm of the armchair with white-knuckled grip. They were having a nice, peaceful afternoon, cuddling in the deep chair, when suddenly the young ghoul decided to start squirming for no reason at all. Apart from, of course, being a menace. He was truly spending too much time with Swiss.
Soon enough his wriggling caused Rain to pop a boner and when that happened, Phantom melted off of him and settled on his knees between the water ghoul’s own legs, staring up at him with his puppy eyes.
That’s how they ended up there. With Rain truly insane and Phantom all giggly about the fact that it was him who made the water ghoul insane.
“You don’t want to hurt me, do you?” he cooed, furrowing his brows and Rain could just die at the sight. Phantom was too cute for his own fucking good.
“No, of c– course not,” Rain whined. “‘m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” the quintessence ghoul smiled and smoothed his hands over the other’s tense legs. He nuzzled his face into his thighs, feeling the tremor of them under his cheek, and purred at the gentle scratch of Rain’s hair on his skin. “Just don’t do it again.”
The water ghoul nodded dumbly and moaned like a true whore when Phantom’s mouth and throat engulfed his cock again, taking him to the very hilt. He was truly spending too much time with Dewdrop.
Phantom became nearly as skilled as the fire ghoul at sucking dick and Rain didn’t know if he should be grateful for it or start crying. Or both. It was maddening what Phantom was doing to him and nobody would be surprised if it turned out that he added some quintessence to improve his cock sucking abilities.
Anyway, Rain wasn’t thinking about that now. Now, he was moaning, whining and whimpering as Phantom devoured him, barely holding back from thrusting up into his glorious mouth.
The quintessence ghoul hummed at the taste of Rain’s pre going down his throat, making him grunt loudly in turn. Phantom would giggle if his mouth wouldn’t be otherwise occupied. He pulled back a bit, trailing his tongue over the vein on the underside of Rain’s cock, up to the very head. He licked the slit with a flutter of his eyes before closing his lips tightly around it and sucking.
Rain let out the most debauched noise Phantom has probably ever heard, and he could feel his cock kicking as he slid it all back into his mouth. Rain’s legs and stomach were tensed, to the point it had to hurt, with the struggle to stay still.
The quintessence ghoul batted his eyelashes up at him and repeated, knowing it would take no time at all for copious amounts of water ghoul cum to flow down his throat.
“So full,” he tutted, pulling away for just a second and diving right back in.
He moved up and down and licked and hummed and sucked, listening with delight to Rain’s whorish sounds. When they got even higher and louder, Phantom brought a hand up to play with the water ghoul’s balls, squeezing and fondling them.
Rain whined at it and his hips nearly bucked up. Barely, he managed to not do it. Phantom hummed approvingly and decided it was time to reward Rain’s sweet obedience.
He pulled off to mutter something more before he’d make him spill, “Cum for me, Rainy, and if it’s sweet enough I’ll let you fuck the next load into my ass.”
Rain wailed.
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It became an odd habit.
“Will you accompany me, Harry?”
Harry was well past the point of complaining. Whenever Riddle appeared out of nowhere and knocked on his door, there was little he could say or do to get him to leave.
“Oh, do I have a choice this time?”
He didn’t laugh, per se, but the slight tilt of Riddle’s head and the suspicious gleam in his eyes were as loud as one. He held out his hand, palm up, in answer.
Harry refused the offer with a shake of his head and sighed, “Lead the way, I guess.”
They never apparated to the same place twice. Their surroundings were always unfamiliar and remote and never inspired much confidence in the possibility of Harry returning home safely. But he always did. Riddle made sure of that.
Sometimes Harry wondered if this was his weird way of letting off steam, as though their time together somehow relaxed and revitalised him. It was an insane thought, but the fact remained that Riddle would show up tense and barely controlled and one careless word away from a fight, and he would leave loose-limbed and satisfied. Usually at the expense of Harry. 
This time was no different. Riddle’s fist was white-knuckle tight, and the location was a drab and dreary abandoned manor of some kind. Walls of crumbling stone and floorboards rotted nearly through, making each step taken a delicate dance. The dust in the air was enough to make Harry cough once or twice; the building had clearly been neglected for a long while.
“What is it today,” Harry asked. “Another potion? More rune work? If you try to teach me a dead language again, I will kick you in the shin and finally make good on my threats of moving to a different country.”
Riddle glanced back over his shoulder and raised a single brow. “Do you truly think distance will stop me?” He asked.
No. Harry didn’t even think being universes apart would stop Riddle.
Still, he scoffed and said, “Creep.”
Riddle simply smiled. “I will not subject myself to that again. You are surprisingly ungrateful for having the honour to learn from a being as powerful as I.”
Harry wanted to roll his eyes, “Yeah. So sorry for not appreciating everything you do for me. Oh, wait—I never asked.”
Riddle hummed, not agreeingly. Never agreeingly. “We will be attempting a discipline you’ve shown great promise in but one we’ve never indulged upon.” 
For the life of him, Harry couldn’t think of a single thing in which he showed great promise. He also couldn’t think of a time when Riddle didn’t indulge whenever he damn well pleased. “As vague as ever today,” Harry prodded. “Don’t hold back; share with the class.”
Riddle stopped so suddenly that Harry almost ran straight into him. With a careless wave of his hand, the double doors to their left opened.
And inside was a pristine duelling arena. 
Harry’s mouth parted, but he couldn’t find the words. This was damn impressive. 
The stone walls were just as decrepit here as they were throughout the manor, but their ruin spoke of wide-cast spellfire and magic dark enough to leave its mark. Of a frazzled mind with enough wherewithal to make it to the duelling room but not enough to cast a protective barrier. It had ample light from shattered windows, but not a single shard of glass could be found across the decorative tiled floor, its pattern still polished to a dull shine.
They walked in - or, rather, Riddle walked in, and Harry followed behind him, content in his rapture. He wouldn’t truly ever get used to wizarding homes and their larger-than-life rooms. Harry would have been none the wiser passing by those double doors; they didn’t look nearly grand enough to hide such a gorgeous arena. But that was magic, he supposed.
It was clear they’d stopped. Harry wasn’t sure how long it had been with as taken as he was by the stage next, admiring its long dark floorboards that came together in a sort of v pattern that repeated. Harry was so hung up on trying to remember the name of it (Houndstooth? Plaid? No, it was something with a C-) that he hadn’t realised just how close Riddle had gotten.
He felt a chill travel up his throat before he processed the movement. Riddle’s hand was just beneath his chin, ice-cold fingers a hair’s breadth away from Harry’s skin. With a muted gasp, he froze and locked eyes with him, which wasn’t very hard to do. Riddle’s were already fixated on him. 
Their silence was thick enough to suffocate. 
Riddle curled his fingers into his palm slowly and brought his hand to hover just before the round of Harry’s face. He could sense that creeping cold reaching out again with the phantom feeling of Riddle’s knuckles pulling a slow line down his cheek, stopping at the corner of his lips. Riddle moved back then and gestured at them, “Close your mouth, or you’ll catch flies, Harry.”
His teeth made an audible click, the sound making Harry wince when it echoed in the hollow space. To save himself from further embarrassment, he grimaced and blessed Riddle with one of his rarely used meaner smiles, “Come that close to me again, and I’ll bite that finger off.”
Riddle pulled back even slower and tilted his head to the side. He raked his gaze over Harry’s face, down his body, and on his pass back up, he shrugged and said, “Now, now. That’s no way to handle your disputes, is it?”
Like a static shock, Harry finally realised what was happening. 
All that anger brewing like a potion in his gut dissipated. His shoulders fell - he wasn’t sure when they’d hiked so far up in the first place - and he huffed out a laugh. “I know what you’re doing,” Harry said.
Riddle looked at him with all the innocence of a Nundu. “Oh? Am I doing something, Harry?” He asked.
Harry breathed through the kindling trying to catch a new spark. “You know what you’re doing,” he started backing away. Riddle’s eyes followed him keenly as his steps took him up the middle of the duelling stage and back down to the other side. He wasn’t running away, just trying to get some distance. “You always know what you’re doing. And I am not falling for it—you won’t manipulate me into this.”
“Surely I’ve no understanding of what you’re implying.” Riddle’s polished shoes tap-tap-tapped their way right after Harry, but he stopped on the stage. He looked down on him from above. “But if I did,” Riddle continued, “I’d tell you you’re only prolonging the inevitable.”
Harry shook his head, this man… “You can’t be serious?”
Riddle folded his hands behind his back. His smile was sharp. “When have I ever been anything but?” He asked, and Harry scoffed. 
He wavered for a moment, maybe two, and finally climbed back up the steps to the duelling stage. Riddle, the asshole, looked far too pleased. He turned to face Harry, and they were so close that he only had to look down ever so slightly.
They hadn’t been this close in a long, long time. It was just Harry’s luck that it was happening twice in one day. Fourth Year came to mind as the last time Harry was forced into this proximity. Forced because, unlike now, he hadn’t ever chosen to be in Riddle’s space. Or company. Or attention. 
They stood in silence. Riddle’s grin grew teeth with each passing second. Harry knew what he wanted, but he hoped he wouldn’t have to instigate it—invite it any more than he already was. 
Then, Harry heard an echo of words, a lost encounter in the back of his memories. It pulled a smile on his lips, smaller than Riddle’s but no less there. “A wizard’s duel, then?” Harry teased. “Wands only — no contact?”
At the sight of Harry’s smile and the sound of his teasing, Riddle’s face fell flat. His eyes narrowed. “Your focus should be here, Harry.” He paused and said, “We wouldn’t want you to get hurt because of some minor distraction. Would we?”
Harry smiled a little wider, “Jealous? How very like you.”
Riddle sneered, “Do not speak of me as though I am predictable.”
Now Harry gave in to the temptation to roll his eyes. They, unfortunately, knew each other very well. Riddle was the most predictable person Harry had ever met, and he knew it—if only because Harry was the most predictable person he had ever met. 
“Fine,” Harry conceded. “Ten paces, right?” He turned to begin his count, but Riddle stopped him by the scruff of his shirt. 
Non too gently, he yanked Harry back. Cold breath puffed against his ear in semblance of a laugh. “And we bow, Harry,” Riddle murmured, causing a wave of shivers down Harry’s spine. 
Harry glared over his shoulder and spat, “Make me.”
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xpao-bearx · 1 year
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 2 HERE
Read Part 4 HERE
NOTES: The fact that the idea for this part was already causing me such INTENSE brainrot way before I even finished writing Part 2 (which is pretty funny cuz I actually had a TOTALLY different idea compared to how this part is now, but hey my stoopid brain does what it does) 👁👄👁 Anyhoe, I am SO stoked for this (it also turned out quite long)!! It's finally got ✨️smut✨️ which I know my fellow sluts have been waiting for, BUT it's not the actual sexy sex yet cuz I'm saving that for the last part. Don't worry, it'll definitely be worth it~ ;)
BTW there's a part in this where Steven recites French poetry by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore and I used Google Translate for the English, so if the translation is off then I'm very sorry!
And I just wanna thank y'all sooo much again from the bottom of mah lil black heart, like SERIOUSLY! You lovelies are truly spoiling me with all your sweet comments, likes, and reblogs 😭❤️❤️❤️ And I swear that after the unexpectedly huge success of this fic, it made me fall RIDICULOUSLY HARDER for Oscar ISNACC and I have y'all to blame for dragging me even deeper into DILF Hell Heaven. Like, it's actually a problem when I suddenly feel like giggling and kicking my feet while I'm suffering at work just at the thought of him 😂
I also haven't been this confident and motivated in a while, and this is one of the VERY rare times I'm actually updating pretty quickly without the temptation of slacking off and abandoning it. I love writing and this fic is my baby, and it's just so fucking incredible that you guys are loving what I'm putting out, too, so once more: THANK YOU 🥰
Who knows, maaaybe more Moon Knight fics will come out in the future from me and fingers crossed that Moon Knight Season 2 will be confirmed 🤭
And the tag list has been updated! I also included some readers who I thought wanted to follow this whole series, so if you find yourself tagged despite not asking to be then that's why LMAO xD As always, the tag list is open so don't be shy to ask if you'd like to be added on it! ^_^
TAGS: @autismsupermusicalassassin @ungracefularchimedes @pimosworld @ababynova @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @anapnovo-blog @am-3-thyst @harrys-tittie @zukoisbabee @wiltedwonderland @the-ginger-draws @bitchyglitterfox @readingfan @spidey-3 @minigirl87 @wandasupremacy @simba-will-live-on @wavychelle @thepowerthismanhasoverme @blackholegladiator @kittytiddywinks @literalfkinsimp
Part 3: Like a virgin, touched for the very first time
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After the flurry of honesty and an insane whirlwind of emotions, you and Steven finally winded down. It was a bit awkward following that, but he asked (well, sputtered) if you'd like to stay. He immediately apologized, knowing that he was overstepping boundaries and he completely understands if you rejected such a mental idea.
But it was late, and there was absolutely no way he was going to let you go home alone especially with the state you're in. And also...
Well, call him a selfish knob, but he just wanted--needed--to be with you.
But you agreed to stay--enthusiastically so. You both were flustered, though sharing a laugh together had all the tension fade away.
Because, truly, you were right where you were supposed to be.
Steven prepared dinner for the two of you, consisting of five-minute vegan mac and cheese courtesy of his microwave then indulging yourselves with the box of chocolates he brought at the failed date for dessert. It wasn't "grand" by any means, but it was the best you ate in a long time.
All thanks to the cute host... Actually, your gorgeous boyfriend.
Just the thought had you grinning like a doofus, the butterflies in your belly now transforming into fucking birds.
Did that make sense? Hell no, but being with Steven absolutely did.
"Love..." Steven's strong arms encircled around your waist from behind, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "Make yourself comfortable, yeah? Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."
You gasped, affronted, quickly whipping around to face him. "Excuse you, sir, but I have every reason to be worried!" You huffed dramatically. "You are definitely not sleeping on the couch, Steven. And if you still insist that you are, then I'll just join you!"
Steven chuckled, his cheeks glowing pink. He rested his chin atop your head, pulling you closer to him. "The couch is too small for the two of us... So for a good night's sleep, I suppose I have no choice but to share the bed with you, yeah?"
"You say that as if you'd rather not." You pouted playfully, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head against his chest. You can faintly hear the erratic thrum of his heartbeat, matching your own.
"I'm just pulling your leg, sweetheart." He teased, kissing your head.
How the fuck did he ever get so lucky? He thought he was going crazy, that this was all just a dream--but it wasn't. Dreams were never this good. You were right here, right now, in his arms. Wholly accepting him for who he is. Loving him.
And he fucking loved you, too.
"Where's the bathroom, baby?"
Baby. The name made his heart stop for a full second. Heat once again crept up to his cheeks and all the way to the tips of his ears, his voice not coming out as all he could do was just point towards the bathroom as he stared down at you in a completely lovestruck sort of wonder.
You giggled, blushing as well before leaning up on your tiptoes and pecking his nose. "You go relax, Steven. I'll join you soon."
He watched you saunter off, still glued in place and a hand atop his frenzied heart.
He had no idea how in the world he was supposed to relax, especially now that the situation fully hit him like a freight train. But thankfully, he found his legs moving for him and his body taking the liberty of changing into his cozy pyjamas before climbing onto bed.
He put on his ankle restraint and settled down, covering the blanket over him like some posh Victorian duchess as he laid completely stiff. He didn't know how long he stayed like that, lifting his head and squinting every so often at the closed bathroom and your obscure shadow dancing amidst the light peeking through the tiny crack of the door underneath.
And it was so...quiet. Neither Marc nor Jake has uttered a single peep, which was highly unusual. Either one or both of them always had something to say, regardless of whatever Steven was doing and he was the same whenever they were fronting.
But as of the moment, he couldn't even handle speaking with Marc. Not after what he did. Marc and Jake were his family and there was no doubt that he and Marc will eventually make up, but no one was ever allowed to hurt you--especially now that you two were officially together.
Jake, on the other hand... Well, he was known to butt into Steven's business. But Jake always gave him a good push, and he would never actually force Steven to do something if Jake didn't believe he could do it. Truly, Steven owed Jake for technically setting you and him up.
But besides Marc, Steven was more surprised that Jake wasn't yapping away especially when you were involved. It didn't go unnoticed for Steven the way Jake has...changed. Only when you were around, at least. And despite Jake being the stealthiest of them all, Steven could always feel him silently observing you at work deep within the recesses of his mind.
But Steven never said anything. He just understood--accepted--Jake, and he was sure that Jake knew. But Steven didn't mind it; in fact, it made him feel less alone.
After all, how could anyone ever resist you?
He then sighed deeply, shaking his head. Clearly it was no use just laying in his bed like a corpse, so he sat up and threw the blanket off before grabbing a random book from his bedside table and donned his glasses. But his brain was too muddled, heart still not ceasing its turbulent thump as he couldn't even register the words popping out of the worn pages he has read a thousand times.
"So you wear glasses, too, huh?"
He flinched slightly at your voice, seeing you standing at the foot of his bed. You chuckled softly before your eyes landed on his ankle restraint, raising a brow.
"S-Sorry, it's..." He scrambled for something--anything. "I...I know it's a huge red flag, but I have a...sleeping disorder. I promise it ain't for something, um...sexual."
"No need to make excuses, Steven. I don't think it's a red flag."
'And I wouldn't mind if you used it on ME.' You bit back the risqué words that nearly tumbled out your foolish, needy mouth.
Steven only smiled shyly, putting the book away before he gasped when he suddenly felt something plop down on his lap.
Something soft, warm, and lovely.
"Is...is this okay..?" Now it was your turn to be shy, meeting his gaze tentatively.
"More than okay." He breathed, staring up at you with an awed grin. "Gods, Y/N, you're beautiful."
"Thanks, this is my 'I wonder how I didn't pass out from running the most I never thought I could' look." You laughed. But Steven didn't, guilt clouding his features.
He placed his hands on your hips, brows knitting together and jaw squaring. "I really am sorry, Y/N. You didn't have to do that, didn't have to meet me. I would've hated it, but I would've totally understood if you never wanted to see me again. And yet...I was happy when you did come."
"I'm happy, too, Steven." You assured him, one hand on his shoulder while the other combed through his fluffy curls. "And honestly, I would do it again. If you were in, hell, Egypt--I'd still find a way to you, no matter what."
His expression softened, a smile replacing his frown as he leaned forward and laid his head on your chest. "Please do one favour for me, though?" You kept quiet, patiently awaiting his words. "If you ever meet Marc, punch the prick."
"Baby, I can only slap him! No way I'd ever damage your godsent face." You laughed again, little snorts wracking your body that Steven found so damn endearing. Then he looked up, his chin resting in between the pillowy softness of your breasts.
"Love... Call me that again."
"Baby." You obeyed with zero hesitation, and Steven groaned. A deep, rumbly sound that sent tingles all throughout your body. You lightly tugged on his hair, making his head tip back and gaze locking with his pretty brown eyes that have gotten darker, pupils dilated.
"Baby..." Your voice came out as a pathetic whine, your hand on his shoulder holding on for dear life. "Wanna kiss you."
Like a predator pouncing on its prey, Steven swooped up to catch your lips--only for the both of your glasses to bump into each other.
An awkward beat passed between the two of you before you both exploded into riotous laughter. The two of you fell side by side on the bed, giggling so much that tears sprang to your eyes and your stomachs hurt.
Once you two finally calmed down, you exchanged bright smiles and Steven rolled on top of you. His elbows dug into the bed on either side of you, making sure not to bear down his weight on you. He then took off both of your glasses, setting them aside on the bedside table.
"Shall we try again, love?" But Steven didn't wait for your response, crashing his lips with yours.
It was chaste. Feather light. So much better than what you ever imagined it to be like. Steven's lips were unexpectedly soft, but there was a certain firmness in the way he kissed you. Your eyes fluttered shut, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in closer to deepen the kiss.
Steven cradled the side of your face gently, lovingly, as if he was handling glass. Then, experimentally, you nipped on his bottom lip. He gasped sharply, and you slid your tongue inside his mouth.
It was obvious how inexperienced you were, but Steven certainly didn't mind. In fact, it only turned him on even more that you wanted to spend your precious first time with him.
And he was definitely never letting you go.
You moved your tongue uncertainly, small panic brewing inside of you if you were doing it right. All those shows and movies made kissing look so easy; but you were soon snapped out of your thoughts as Steven's tongue tangled with yours, taking the lead as he coaxed you into a lazy, sensual dance.
And that drew a long, beautiful moan out of you. Steven craved more, more, more--wanting to push you to the very limit, a lustful, greedy beast suddenly possessing his body.
But oh, he knew, deep down, that beast has always been there; waiting for the right moment to be released.
Waiting for you.
He then slowly pulled away, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongues. Your entire body was flushed, lips puffy and eyes hazy with anguished yearning as you stared up at him. Your hands reached out, clinging on tightly to his black sweatshirt. Despite being on the bed, you felt as if you were free falling into a bottomless pit.
And you wanted to fall--with Steven.
"Steven..." You murmured, one leg wrapping around his waist. "Are you gonna make love to me?"
"No." His reply was instant, levelling his gaze with yours. "I will, but not tonight, darling. I don't have any condoms."
"I...I don't mind..."
A low purr reverberated from his throat. Fuck, were you even aware of what you were saying? Of the sweet, tempting danger it entailed?
He might as well just tie you up, keep you in his apartment forever. With him. ONLY him.
He shook his head, quickly stamping down such dark, possessive thoughts.
"Love." He emphasized through clenched teeth, and you saw the way his inner conflict flickered in his eyes. "Not tonight, Y/N. But that doesn't mean I can't still please you, yeah?"
He pulled your leg off of his waist then pressed his lips to your ankle, electricity coursing directly to where you desired it most.
He never broke eye contact, his lips slowly trailing down the smooth expanse of your leg before pausing at your crotch. He chuckled deeply, ignoring it as he moved to your stomach.
You mewled desperately, wiggling slightly. "Baby." You pleaded, nearly breathless. "Please... Don't fuckin' tease me."
"M'sorry, pretty girl. Just let me worship you, yeah? You deserve it." He hummed, completely unbothered. "I deserve it."
He pushed up your tank top, your breasts spilling erotically and...fuck, was that a belly button piercing?
"First year of college. It was a completely lucid decision." You giggled at his stunned expression. "Hurt like a bitch, but I've always wanted one."
"Looks like I'm not the only one with secrets, then." He chuckled, kissing your belly with utmost tenderness and your breath getting caught in your throat. His lips languidly traced upwards, reaching your breasts and burying his face in between them and inhaling deeply.
Now he understood why Jake wouldn't shut the hell up about the way you smelled after asking you out.
His left hand groped one of your breasts, breath stuttering at the wonderful plushness. Then he raised his head, eyes locking intently with yours once more as his tongue flicked your pert nipple. You whimpered for more, more, more--back arching as you eagerly offered yourself to him.
And he just as eagerly accepted your gracious offer, mouth latching on to your nipple. You moaned as he sucked and squeezed, his teeth grazing slightly against the sensitive bud, only magnifying the maddening sensations you had no control over yet had the privilege to be a willing victim to.
He pulled away with a resounding 'pop' before giving your other breast equal devoted attention, his right hand making its descent lower, lower, lower--slipping inside your shorts and his chest blazing at the dampness that greeted him.
"Bloody hell..." He grunted, erection straining painfully against his pyjama pants. He glanced down, his much larger hand cupping your entire pussy. "Wanna fucking taste you, angel. Can I? Please, love, I wanna taste your pretty pussy."
"Y-You don't even have to ask..." You squeaked, completely scarlet from head to toe. "Just take me, baby."
Steven grinned wolfishly, a gleam in his eyes that you've never seen before making your heart skip a beat. Without wasting another moment, he practically ripped your shorts off. He groaned as he saw the wet splotch in the middle of your panties, yanking them down your legs before bringing it up to his nose as a shiver ran down his spine at your intoxicating scent.
Your arousal was flowing down to your thighs, eyes glazed over as if in a trance as you watched Steven sniff your panties like a beast in heat. Then he shimmied out of his pants, your eyes widening as his cock stood proudly; thick and veiny, the tip an angry red and leaking with pre-cum. His fist, still clutching on to your panties, wrapped around his cock as he leaned down to meet your pussy.
Instinctively, you snapped your legs shut, hands flying to your face.
"I-I'm sorry!" You sobbed, briskly shaking your head. "I'm sorry, so sorry! I...I can't, Steven..."
You expected him to be furious, and honestly you'd understand if he was. What you didn't expect, however, was him gently removing your hands and tenderly kissing away your tears.
"Hey, hey, it's alright, love." He assured, his hands massaging soothing circles on yours. "What's the matter? You don't want to continue?"
"I-I do, it's just..." You sniffled, blinking away tears and meeting his concerned gaze. "I'm...I'm embarrassed, Steven. It's just... Y-You know it's my first time, and you're doing amazing, it's just...I'm scared I'm not. I...have no idea what the fuck to do, and I'm not even pretty."
"That's not true." His voice was firm, jaw ticking resolutely. His brows furrowed, expression the most serious you've ever seen it. "You're bloody gorgeous, Y/N. I'm the git who doesn't know what the hell you see in me. And don't fret about being inexperienced, love. I'm so happy that you wanna be with me, and if you'd allow me, I wanna spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
You stayed silent, then your lips curved up into a dazzling smile that had Steven utterly weak in the knees. What the hell were you so anxious about, anyway? This was Steven Grant, the man of your wildest dreams. The man you loved.
"I love you, Steven."
Steven froze, tears prickling his eyes. Something between a sob and a chuckle escaped him, positively beaming down at you.
"I love you, too, Y/N."
He then parted your legs, hands quivering slightly. "I love you..." He crouched down, pressing his lips to your inner thigh. "...so fucking much." His tongue darted out, licking the beautiful stretch marks that lined the supple skin of your thighs.
His tongue slowly wandered up, up, up, and you were scarcely breathing once his face was in front of your cunt. His hot breath fanned against your clit; dark, nearly black eyes fixed on yours.
"Quand je vivais tendre et craintive amante..." He recited in French, smiling up at you. "...avec ses feux je peignais ses douleurs."
When I was a tender and fearful lover, with her fires I painted her pains.
You had noticed earlier the French poetry books stacked on Steven's desk, but goddammit you didn't expect he would quote one while he was right in front of your pussy.
You were sure this absolutely sexy menace of a man was trying to murder you.
His thumb then brushed against your clit, making you gasp. He grinned widely, pushing down on your nub as you whimpered and squirmed helplessly.
"Baby..." You begged, tears pouring down your pretty pink cheeks, and there must be something severely wrong with Steven to find it so enticing. "Pretty please... Fuck me with your mouth."
And how could he ever say no to that? He was merely a loyal, desperate slave for his goddess' wishes. For her love.
And so, like a parched man in the desert, he buried his face in your sopping pussy. You yelped, eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sudden--but very much not unwelcomed--intrusion into your deepest, most intimate part.
Steven's groan of appreciation vibrated within your gummy walls, inching ever so deeper, feeling his nose hit a bundle of nerves. Then his tongue licked a long, slow stripe along your mound and up to your clit. You cried out, a broken, pornographic song that echoed throughout Steven's entire flat.
"Gods..." His voice was low, trembling; one hand yet again wrapping around his aching cock, the flimsy fabric of your panties hugging the tip. "You've no idea how much I dreamt of this, Y/N. Waited for this." His other hand settled on your pussy, deft fingers running along your drenched folds. "Such a good girl, tastes so fucking good."
He puckered his lips, kissing your pussy. And the sounds that accompanied were downright filthy, Steven moaning shamelessly, loud squelches and the heady smell of your sex filling the air.
Slowly, carefully, he thrusted a finger inside of you. You keened, your thighs squishing Steven's head and your hands gripping onto his hair. He then added another finger, scissoring his digits and you knew right then and there that you were losing what's barely left of your fucking mind.
You grinded against him, and he bobbed his head zealously in perfect tandem with you. His tongue lapped up and down, up and down, before suddenly driving it inside your hole.
He was rubbing his cock vigorously, watching you, burning this marvelous moment for all eternity into his memories. And as soon as a third finger slipped in, you were fucking gone.
You screamed, finally reaching that peak and falling over it, seeing stars. You gushed around his mouth, and Steven noisily slurped it all up, not daring to leave behind a single drop.
He soon followed, grunting animalistically as his cum sprayed all over your panties. He collapsed against your pussy, in between the heavenly plushness of your thighs, panting raggedly.
Neither of you knew how long you both stayed like that, coming down from your high, until you sliced through the serene silence.
"Wow... Just...wow."
Steven chuckled breathlessly, looking up at you with your wetness glistening on his lips and chin. "Wow, indeed." He then leaned forward, and you gasped as his lips suckled on the skin right next to your clit, claiming you with a dark purple mark.
"You'll be the fucking death of me, Steven Grant." You groaned playfully, pulling on his hair.
He grinned, crawling over your body before moulding your lips together in a passionate liplock. His tongue entwined with yours and you could taste yourself, your brain short circuiting.
He slowly drew away, gently knocking his forehead against yours as his grin grew impossibly bigger.
"I'll make love to you at the Field of Reeds, then."
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justallihere · 2 months
i'm going insane bc i was away for the weekend and left my phone alone (god bless) and came back to a whole chapter PLUS love declaration PLUS forehead kiss ?? omg.....
Mira is not letting Xaden rest like ever, I do wonder what Violet told her while Xaden was prepping her bath tho.
“Not if it bothers you, they can’t,” said Xaden. “I’ll make sure they keep it away from you.” 
oh he wants violet to be comfortable so baaaad he's the embodiment of "is the sun bothering you queen" and im so here for it.
i'm totally fine and sane over xaden washing violet's hair im not kicking my feet or anything and im definetely not crying over how soft they are and how much trust must violet have on him bc she's letting him touch her hair after it being threatned to be cut.
forehead touches are my faaaav so u can imagine how well fed i am after this chapter and for that i say thank you alli *dramatically bows*
Xaden not wanting her to feel like she wasnt love so he just declares himself to her had me weak, like it could've been this grand gesture but nothing between them has ever been planned or expected so he just winged it and it was perfectly what she needed. talk about soulmates !!
when u told us the declaration was gonna hurt i didnt have this imagined in my mind but im so glad it happened this way and not the way i thought it was gonna happen. it was so bittersweet !!
ALSO she def knows she loves him shes just not ready to admit it bc in no way in hell would she ask him to say after he declared himself if she didnt know she also felt something
also the way they first slept i know xaden neck was complaining
also violet reminded me of a cat who always try to get closer in their sleep. she just wants to cuddle !! and shes so real for that
Rhiannon is truly a bestie!! not her terrorrizing the love interest we love a ride or die bestie, even if sometimes she's unresonable
“You whisked her away before anyone could check on her.” 
bestie there was not one single part of her that wasnt broken what was the man supposed to do *cries* but i do understand her stress
SLOANE MAIRI !!! not her calling the king of tyrrendor her brother i love that for her !! she's a princess so true. also i looove xaden and liam's talk it wasnt too cheesy bc tbh they dont operate like that but it was so genuine !!
can the guards chill !!
Garrick is just like me!! i too love gossip and will put my hands on it as soon as i can. but garrick its been like 12 hours wait a little longer or violet herself will call u out again. but also not garrick begging xaden no rule to country and he's just like "no <3" love that for him his wife just got back running a country is very far from his mind.
“Is that what you told her to do?” Rhiannon raised an eyebrow. “Get over it?” “No, but you’re not her, are you?”
He's so ??!!
the development of violet a few chapters ago being like "he didnt hold me while we slept bc there had been no excuses for it in Aretia" to now being like "im gonna curl into your arms so hard you'll never escape" and honestly good for them !!
anywayyyy i LOVED this chapter
lol a lot happened this weekend, welcome back!!!
Xaden’s literal one and only concern is Violet and her comfort, fuck everything else. I’m totally not fine and sane about the hair washing so I guess we balance each other out 🫶🏻
They are very much soulmates!! Xaden didn’t plan to fall in love with her, of course he didn’t plan some grand declaration of it either, we’re just going with what feels right. Violet is a grumpy little kitten yes you’re right
Rhiannon is stressed as hell, like give her best friend back RIORSON where is she
Garrick needs both gossip and for Xaden to do his job and he’s getting neither of those things! Too bad so sad!
Thank you!!!! 🩷
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likesunsetorange · 4 months
cowboy x model au drabble # 2
for @juloved who i very much adore!
and if you didn’t see her art she’s done inspired by the bodyguard au & cowboy eren, check them out! she’s so talented!
but i promise back to bodyguard au shenanigans after this, first upload hopefully this weekend (and e2l soon too)! but we can still have fun with the cowboy au still if yall would like haha
The scene before Eren had him questioning whether or not the last hour of his life had been the result of some sort of apparition his mind had conjured, or if this was truly reality. Either option wouldn’t necessarily be terrible, but he would feel particularly slighted by his subconscious if it had played a trick as cruel as this.
He watched from his bedroom door frame as Mikasa sat on his bed, none the wiser of his presence, dressed in his sweatshirt and sweats, his clothes too big for her, causing her to have to roll up the sleeves; her hair wrapped in a fluffy blue towel, a few long stray pieces too stubborn to stay tucked in; and her feet tucked into her as she tugged on the pair of socks he had left out for her. 
A smile lit across Eren’s face, feeling like it was all too good to be true—he really thought he had missed out on his opportunity. He had already cut his losses short, kicking himself internally and deeming this as something he would regret for the rest of his life. Never had he found himself so immediately transfixed on a woman before, and leave it to him to let her slip away without doing as much as asking for her number.
Eren had spent days scrolling through her Instagram, wondering what he could to contact her, but his mind drew up blank, so he concluded he’d just have to watch her from afar and hope maybe one day they’d cross paths again. He had even had Gabi teach him how to turn on someone’s post notifications, finding himself watching every little story update, his face beaming no matter how trivial they may have been—from mandatory brand posts, to pictures of her meals, and if he was particularly lucky, a picture of Mikasa. (A few he couldn’t help but screenshotting for his own personal keeping.)
He almost felt like this was a dream and he was dreading the moment he would wake up. Of all the things or people he expected to see at his front door, Mikasa wasn’t one of them. But it was the best surprise, given an insane surprise, he could’ve ever asked for.
She looked so perfectly out of place here in his home, but at the same time, she was like a missing puzzle piece Eren never knew he needed to be searching for. Mikasa was a stark contrast to the vintage decor that had been there for ages and slow and steady feel of his, with her modern day beauty and bold personality, but it made him want to keep her around all the more.
Finally done with his admiring, Eren knocked on the door frame, before walking in. “Hey, you,” he said flashing her a smile, once he reached where she sat on the bed. “I made us tea, and I’m gonna take a lucky guess and say you haven’t eaten either, huh?”
She looked up to meet his gaze, her face radiating in a way that made Eren’s heart skip a few beats. “Oh, hi—I didn’t see you,” her cheeks flushing red. “But you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, haven’t eaten since this morning, I was… preoccupied,” she admitted guiltily.
“Running in the pouring rain… Not eating… What am I gonna do with you?” Eren said as he helped her to her feet, where Mikasa was finally able to take in his appearance, scanning him up and down before her face puffed up, almost into a pout, completely ignoring his previous sentiment.
“You changed,” she said while pointing to his sweatshirt and sweats, similar to the ones he had given her.
“You got my clothes all wet, was I just supposed to leave them on?”
Mikasa opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but quickly shut it, her face turning redder than it had already been. “Well—how about that tea?”
Eren eyed her quizzically, unsure of what to make out of her statement before the realization struck him. “Are you upset I changed?” He asked, his smile wide. Eren found how flustered she was at admitting her attraction to be cute—not even just for the slight confidence boost it gave him, but because she could show up on his doorstep unannounced, but not admit her attraction with her words.
“What? No,” she protested, crossing her arms.
“I think it’s very cute that you come all this way, and do these bold little things, just to get all shy on me now. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
Embarrassment seemed to be an understatement the way Mikasa’s face was flushed red and she was unable to hold eye contact with Eren. He couldn’t help but admire her and all her endearing little traits, Mikasa Ackerman was like a drug, he’d gotten his first taste and he feared he’d never be able to go without a constant fix now.
“Well you didn’t ask for my number—what was I supposed to do?”
“Like I said earlier, calling wasn’t an option?” He asked, referring to the mention of their earlier discussion of the topic.
“What if you thought I was weird or something? Or what if—” Her question interrupted by Eren’s lips pressing against hers.
This time, without the outside elements and wavering sense of fear there to interrupt them, Eren had all the time in the world to take in the moment. He walked them back towards the bed, setting Mikasa on his lap, never once breaking apart from her. With time on his side, he could enjoy the softness of her lips against his, bask in the sweetest sounds that came in the form of her light giggles in between stolen kisses, the way her skin felt underneath his fingers now that he had the chance to properly explore every inch of her skin.
Mikasa felt better than the nicotine fix he needed every so often—Eren might never need to smoke another cigarette again as long as Mikasa was in his life.
When he finally pulled away, he couldn’t hold back the grin he wore on his face. “I wouldn’t have thought you were weird, I would’ve been happy you called because I was trying to figure out how to call you myself.”
“You were?” Mikasa asked, her voice shy. She tucked her head into his shoulder, too nervous to meet his gaze.
“I would’ve been happy if you called, too, instead of walking a quarter mile in the rain, but I think I realize you’re a little too strong willed to be strayed otherwise,” he said, chuckling.
Mikasa took her out from his shoulder, furrowing her brows while she looked at him, releasing a huff, “Well if you would’ve just—”
Eren pressed another kiss to her lips, prompting her to stop talking, “I think we’ll argue about this forever, so let’s just drop it, okay?”
Mikasa rolled her eyes, but the faintest hint of a smile gave way to her lack of annoyance. “Whatever you say.”
“I think we can both agree that it wasn’t smart to run in the rain though—I can’t do all the things I wanted to do with you if you end up sick.”
Mikasa stood up, helping Eren to his feet so they could head downstairs. “I think you worry too much, I’ll be fi—” Her sentence cut off by a series of sneezes.
Eren shook his head, releasing a sigh. “What am I gonna do with you?”
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
How is Uccio coping in the forced coming out au? He thought he finally rid himself of the evil presence and now Marc is invading their home having to spend weekends at the ranch for pr. Uccio was suppose to go with vale to Ibiza for the holidays instead vale went to a resort with Marc
i was actually thinking about this todayyyyy. i think. uccio would be not so chill about vale choosing to come out and identify himself as the other guy with marc in those photos. perhaps maybe possibly. like not only does he think it’s a dumb PR move but ALSO vale is tying himself to marc in the public consciousness FOREVER here… even if they break up in a year like they plan no one is ever gonna talk about vale without bringing up marc in some context. which number one valentino rossi legacy defender and marc hater uccio salucci is gonna have a problem with. especially since he either earnestly believes marc sabotaged vale in philip island or went insane in the membrane enough to try and manipulate vale using telemetry to get him to hate marc as well. either way he’s not thrilled
so i think he comes at marc again in the wake of all this being like. well clearly he called that paparazzi to photograph you trap you and ruin your life and he planned that tryst in the alleyway and is in fact an EVIL TEMPTRESS who wants to organize your DOWNFALL. very shakespearean predicament tbh. and truly that’s finally what gets vale to be like um. what. because he was there!!! he was the one who found MARC that night!!! he kissed HIM!!! and he saw the look on marc’s face when the camera flashed and he’s seen how tired he’s been the last few weeks and the comments on twitter and the way he’s barely holding himself together with both fucking hands and his goddamn fingernails!!! and he knows marc would not fucking make that happen on purpose. and that’s what cracks the uccio vale relationship…
which makes vale feel even worseeee bc johnny cash voice my empire of DIRT. he lost part his support system AND a major brick in the foundation of his title winning ego saving conspiracy has been kicked over. so. he’s alone. and he maybe ruined his relationship with marc for nothing. not even a title he lost that too. and he’s old. and has even less privacy now. and he’s not getting laid. and marc has been ignoring him in private and vale thinks he doesn’t actually want him in public bc they’re supposed to be pretending. so he’s just a lil pressure cooker waiting to pop here. and that’s not even getting into the elaborate games of pda chicken they eventually start playing
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
Gorgeous | Austin Butler x Reader
Tumblr media
Pairing: austin butler x f!singer!reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: after meeting austin at a party, y/n is left with a desirable impression and immediately writes a song about it. set to perform at the cannes elvis premiere after party, y/n takes the opportunity to let her true feelings be known. based off the song gorgeous by taylor swift
Warnings: depictions of intoxication, thoughts of infidelity, mild swearing
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: i had this song stuck in my head and the more i thought about the lyrics, the more i realized it fits austin perfectly. i came up with this idea quite literally right after that, i love it and thought it turned out pretty cute. also i know kacey musgraves covered can't help falling in love, but for the sake of the fic she covered another one or just wasn't on the soundtrack in general lmao. lastly, reader is dating calvin harris in this (iykyk) but if that makes you uncomfy you can imagine someone else! anyways, i hope you enjoy and lmk what you think! :)
To say you were having a good time tonight would be an understatement. You've probably only been here for a few hours, but with the amount of drinks you've already had, it was enough for a whole night, maybe more.
You weren't really trying to get drunk, but who were you to turn down drinks from fellow friends who are also very much enjoying themselves at this party?
The point of tonight is all about acquainting yourself with fellow musicians performing on the new Elvis movie soundtrack. Practically everyone who is on the soundtrack is here, and then of course the actors and actresses from the actual movie.
When you were reached out to about being on the soundtrack, it felt like a dream come true. It really hit you when they asked if you'd like to cover Can't Help Falling in Love. It's truly such an honor to get to record a song that means so much to so many people. It was nerve-wracking, but you adore how it turned out and hope the fans will feel the same when they hear it in the film and on the soundtrack.
Taking a look around, you admire all of the other musicians you've gotten to know. Baz did such a great job in creating a modernized and diverse group that can translate Elvis' music to today's generation. It's so insane to you how you were given this opportunity and you'll forever be grateful for it.
Shaking your head a little in disbelief at it all, you turn your attention back to the people at your table. You've been moving around all night, whether it be from table to table or on the small dance floor. You've spoken to everyone here. Well, almost everyone.
There's quite literally only one person here that you haven't spoken a word to yet, and that's none other than Austin Butler, Elvis Presley himself.
It isn't that you don't want to talk to him, it's just you're not sure you'd be able to have a conversation with him. You've never met Austin in person but from all the pictures and clips you've seen of him, you just know that man will make you so nervous. He seems so flirty and you can tell he knows what he's doing when he gives people that look. It's infuriating but also captivating and you kick yourself every time you find yourself flustered over him. Get it together, you'd think, you've never even met the guy in person.
When you found out this party would be happening, you promised yourself you'd work up the courage to talk to him. You'd introduce yourself, have a quick conversation, realize he's just like any other guy, and then he'd be out of your system.
The liquid courage you've downed since the moment you got here was supposed to help, but so far you still haven't sought Austin out, and you're not sure you will. You're drunk, but it still doesn't change the fact even just the thought of him makes you giddy. Curse his good looks and seemingly charming personality.
"Hey, Y/N, some of us are gonna go hit the dance floor again. You wanna come with?" Olivia DeJonge, actress for Priscilla Presley, asks as she begins to get up from the table.
"Maybe in a bit, I'm gonna go to the bar and get some water, I've definitely had one too many tonight," you giggle and Olivia nods her head, knowing exactly what you mean.
"Okay, come find us when you want, we'll probably be out there for a while, gonna burn off our alcohol with our moves." The two of you laugh and you shake your head before getting up from the table as well, making your way to the bar while Olivia follows everyone else to the dance floor.
Leaning against the bar, you ask the bar tender for some water and wait while he gets it for you. A new song starts playing and you hum along to it while the bar tender hands you the glass. Taking a sip, it feels refreshing and you can tell how much you needed it. You can feel the hangover you're gonna have in the morning, but at least you feel good and are enjoying yourself right now, that's really all that matters.
"Uh 'scuse me, can I get a whiskey on ice please?" The sound of the voice coming from your right side nearly makes you spit out your water. It's so southern and sounds so wrong coming from someone who's in a bar in the middle of Los Angeles. You can't help the fit of giggles that escapes your lips.
Turning to look at whoever it is next to you, your laughing abruptly stops when you realize exactly who it is. It makes complete sense and yet you wince at the fact you didn't connect the dots instantly over who at this party would be talking like that. It's Austin, of course.
He's looking at you with an amused expression on his face and damn did those pictures not do him justice one bit. Words cannot describe how ethereal he looks in person. "You makin' fun of the way I talk, darlin'?"
You swear to God you'll never drink again because even though nothing is funny at this moment, your current state of overactive giddiness causes you to simultaneously laugh again on the outside and melt on the inside over his use of the word 'darlin''.
Clearing your throat to try and cover it up, you shake your head and begin to reply. "Definitely not, I think your accent is just what a town like this needs. Screw the valley girl standard, southern is in."
Austin lets out a low laugh and hangs his head before looking back up at you. His eyes are so incredibly blue, you're surprised you can even tell considering how dark it is in here, but you guess they're just that bright. The flustered feeling doesn't seem to be going away like you hoped. Oh boy.
"I don't think we've met yet." The bar tender places Austin's drink down in front of him and he takes it, immediately sipping from the glass. You can't help but stare as he runs his tongue across his bottom lip as he sets the drink back down. "I'm Austin."
You fight the urge to say 'I know' because how could you not? He was everywhere lately, including your mind when you know he shouldn't be, especially with having a boyfriend and all that. You're sure he's at yet another club doing who knows what, but the fact you have a boyfriend still stands, even though you have a feeling it's not gonna last much longer.
"I'm Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you." You give Austin a smile and you pray it doesn't look stupid. You're feeling a little lightheaded and you're not sure if it's the alcohol or the proximity of the blonde in front of you, probably both if you're being honest.
"Likewise," he replies, his eyes flicking up and down your body in a swift movement. Your grip on the bar counter immediately intensifies.
A moment passes, Austin's eyes locked on yours, it's silent between you both but it isn't uncomfortable. You're not sure what it is about him, but there's this force making you want to be closer to him. It's practically magnetic the way your body wants to inch towards him.
Austin's the first to break the silence. "So, you gonna be at Cannes next week? I heard they wanted you to perform at the after party." You blink a few times, trying to snap out of the trance you've found yourself in and get your thoughts together.
"Yep, I'll be there. I couldn't possibly miss the premiere of your movie now could I?" Austin takes his bottom lip in between his teeth and the sight alone makes you weak in the knees.
"No, you can't," he drawls. There's literally no explaining exactly what's happening right now. This is the very first time you've ever spoken to Austin Butler, and yet here the two of you are flirting as if it's the norm for you.
Taking a breath, you grab your glass of water and take a long gulp. You're not sure what else to say to the blonde in front of you. His stare, that stare, is so intense and makes you feel things you should not be feeling.
Letting your eyes flick over Austin's face, you take in all the small details. The shape of his jaw, the small smirk on his lips, the crinkles by his eyes that seem to somehow sparkle when the light hits them just right.
Jesus you need to get away from this man right now.
Thankfully, Olivia appears at your side and she's gripping your arm, pulling your attention away from Austin's intoxicating aura.
"There you are! I changed my mind, I definitely need some of that water you were talking about earlier!" Olivia laughs and you do so as well, grateful for the out. Your nerves and alcohol are beginning to catch up with you and being left alone with Austin for any longer may just end up with you making fun of him again, or worse. "I see you met Mr. Butler here. Austin you better be treating my girl right."
Running his fingers along his jaw and holding his chin, Austin replies, "Oh I think we're gettin' on quite well."
That's it, time to go.
Looking anywhere but at Austin, you quickly rush out, "Well I better get out there while the night is still young! Nice to meet you, Austin. Olivia I'll be waiting for you!" You flash a quick smile, more so looking at Olivia, and then race away from the bar and Austin's infuriating effect on you.
The night went on smoothly after your encounter with Austin. Olivia did in fact end up joining you on the dance floor and you allowed the music to help ease away your tension and flustered state. For a while you were mentally cursing yourself for letting Austin root deeper in your mind and make you feel all out of sorts. This man was ruining your life and he didn't even realize it.
You're back at a table now, actually feeling like it's getting time for you to go home. You have a studio session tomorrow afternoon and you'd rather not be completely hungover when you get there.
Packing up what little stuff you brought with you tonight, you begin to say your goodbyes to the people around you. Majority give you hugs and promises of meeting up soon, others shake your hand and tell you they were happy to meet you.
It's the home stretch now. You got through the rest of the evening without having to talk to Austin again. You caught his eye a few more times, but always made a point to engage in conversation with someone else before he came over. You're not sure how considering this place isn't very big and he could've interjected at any moment, but who cares you did it! The exit is literally right in front of you, just a few more-
"Leavin' so soon, sweetheart?" You stop dead in your tracks. No need to question who that voice belongs to this time. Dammit.
"Uh, yeah. I have some work to do tomorrow, so I gotta get home and get ahead of this hangover!" You laugh lightly, and slightly wince because what?, and then spin around to face Austin. You may not be able to handle talking to him well, but the least you can do is face him when he's speaking to you.
Maybe moving so fast to look at him was a bad idea because next thing you know you're stumbling a little and suddenly Austin has his hand on yours to steady you.
The room is still incredibly dark so thankfully Austin can't see the way your face heats up at the contact of his skin on yours. Doesn't he realize his actions have consequences? There's no way you're getting over him any time soon now, and you barely know the guy.
"Well I guess I'll see you in Cannes then. Have a good night, Y/N." Austin nods his head and gives you a smile and it's in this precise moment you realize you're utterly done for.
"Wait so what happened again? You're telling me the first interaction you had with him was making fun of the way he talks?" Stephanie, one of your best friends and fellow songwriters, says before laughing and shaking her head at how ridiculous the situation sounds.
You groan and cover your face with your hands. "Don't laugh! It's not funny, it's actually kind of embarrassing. I shouldn't have let myself get drunk like that, let alone talk to Austin Butler while drunk."
"Girl, don't even worry. If anything he should take it as a compliment! Don't people say if someone teases you that means they have a crush on you?" Tilting your head you contemplate that idea, you have heard that before. "But then again I'm pretty sure that's just for elementary school situations."
"Steph!" Pouting, you fall back onto the couch in the studio. You're supposed to be writing new songs for your upcoming album, but it's turned into more of a therapy session with your best friend than a music one. "I don't even know how to describe it. It's like I can't say anything to his face. We flirted for a second but it was nothing compared to the way I would essentially freeze up trying to think of something to say to him. I literally tried to avoid him the whole night. He's just so...so-ugh, gorgeous!"
"Y/N, you are so down bad for this man," Stephanie says while getting up to come sit next to you on the couch. You sigh and sit up, meeting her gaze.
"I know! I just wish there was a way I could explain it to him. I know it's just a dumb little crush and nothing could happen considering I'm with Calvin right now but still."
"Why don't you explain it to him then? If you can't talk to him, why don't you sing it! You can write a song about last night and perform it during your set at the Cannes after party!"
"What? Are you being serious right now?" You shake your head at the idea. No way, that would be crazy, right?
"I am! C'mon, Y/N, singing and songwriting is your calling, it's what you do best. It's the best way for you to get your feelings across without actually having to talk to the guy. And don't even worry about Calvin, half the time he can't even be bothered to check in on you, you deserve way better! Besides, it's just a song, it's not like you're asking Austin out."
You take a moment to mull over the idea. Stephanie has a point, there's really no harm in it and it'll allow you to put your feelings into words. You're sure you can get your manager to convince the after party hosts to let you switch out one of your radio hits for a new song instead. It's not the worst idea...
"Okay, let's do it!" Stephanie claps her hands and reaches towards the table in front of you, grabbing both your notebooks and handing you yours.
"Alright, let's start from the beginning. Tell me everything that happened, even the small details, and we can work off that." You nod your head and open to a blank page in your writing journal.
"Obviously first thing's first, I was drunk and I made fun of the way he talked because of his Elvis accent." You cringe at the memory but then shake it off. He had laughed at the joke you made afterwards so clearly it's fine. "Ooo also I remember he ordered a whiskey on ice, that's how I heard him talk in the first place. When we were standing there I just kept looking at his face too, I noticed how blue his eyes were. I swear it was like looking at the ocean, felt like I could sink and drown and die in them." Stephanie smiles at you and you feel a faint blush on your face.
"Keep going, this is cute, I love it."
"Okay, um, we were on Sunset and Vine at this secret bar you have to walk through a restaurant to get to. I don't know if the street matters but it's something. Another thing, when we were talking I just remember feeling this, like, magnetic pull towards him. He has this aura about him that's so addicting. It's infuriating how attracted to him I am, it's like he makes me happy but also sad because I can't have him, you know?"
Stephanie nods her head, she knows first hand what that feels like and she'd never judge you for it. She knows how hard it can be to admit your true feelings, and she's always been here for you every time you needed someone to talk about them with, just like you are for her.
"When we were talking earlier you said you saw him again on your way out, did anything happen then?"
"Oh God, yeah I forgot to tell you! Steph he grabbed my hand and when I tell you I nearly died at the contact! To be fair he only did it because I almost fell but still." Stephanie laughs and you join in with her before suddenly something dawns on you. "Wait! Oh my God, do you think he has a girlfriend? Why didn't I think of that! I was sat there flirting with him and giving him goo goo eyes and all the while he could have a girl at home waiting for him."
"Hey, that's on him if he does because from what I can tell he was flirting back! Besides I don't think he does. I know he was rumored to be with Kaia Gerber but I haven't seen anything about them in months. As far as I know he's single."
"Ugh, well if he does have one, I'm jealous of her. But if he's single that's honestly worse because the only thing between us is Calvin then."
"Please, he barely counts. You should break up with him, you know you're not happy with him. No matter what, Austin or not, you deserve someone who will treat you better and actually be there for you." You smile at Stephanie and reach over to squeeze her hand. How'd you get so lucky to have a friend like her?
"You're right, I should break up with him soon. It's almost like we've split anyways, we barely talk anymore. Maybe I'll do it and get drunk again after and then just stumble on home to my cats, alone."
"Y/N, you don't even own any cats, what in the hell are you talking about?" The both of you bust out laughing and you nearly fall off the couch because of it.
"Okay, yeah, but I could. Unless Austin wants to come along home with me instead." A fit of giggles erupts from your lips again and Steph wheezes and then shakes her head while she writes notes down.
"Babe, I can't with you right now. C'mon, we've got work to do."
Tonight was the night you’d been waiting for for over a week. It’s Cannes night which means you’d be seeing Elvis for the very first time with a theater full of people, and then performing your cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love at the after party, including the new song you wrote about Austin.
For an instant you’re more scared to perform your new song than you are about the cover. You can’t tell if that’s good or bad.
The movie is already well over, now you’re backstage getting ready for your turn to perform. To say you were blown away by Austin’s performance would be an understatement. There were so many moments where you were watching and for a split second swore it was Elvis Presley himself up on that screen. You can tell the time and dedication Austin put into the role and you can only imagine how proud Elvis’ family is.
On a less serious note, the film did nothing but add fuel to the already blazing fire that is your crush on Austin Butler. The way he looked, the way he sang, the way he moved! Indescribable. You definitely had to take several moments to collect yourself while sitting in that theater.
Right now Mäneskin is performing and once they’re done you’ll be up next. You’ll be performing three songs; Can’t Help Falling in Love, one of your recent hits, and then your new song. You were so grateful to your manager for convincing the hosts to let you perform a new, unreleased track. To be honest you’re surprised you even had the song ready to go. Usually it takes a few weeks to get down the lyrics and then the instrumental parts, but with this song it just seemed to come so naturally.
You and Stephanie had stayed well into the night that day at the studio, finishing the lyrics within a couple hours and then going straight into the actual music part of it. You’re so proud of the song and think it came out great. It’s catchy and funny but also says everything you wanted to and you hope the message will be clear.
“Y/N, you’re up in sixty seconds!” A stage manager says, breaking you away from your thoughts. You nod your head and thank him before turning to the girl helping you set up your in-ears and audio pack.
“All good to go! Good luck out there,” she says, giving you a warm smile.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You smile back at her and then make your way to the side of the stage. The band is thanking the crowd and then they’re passing by you right after. You exchange greetings and you compliment them before you turn to step out on stage.
Breathing in deep, you physically shake out your usual pre-show jitters. No matter what happens you’re gonna go out there and have a good time. You’re in Cannes, at a premiere for a movie on one of music’s most iconic artists. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Stepping out on stage, you smile and get ready to take it all in.
Here we go.
“This last song I have for you guys is actually a new one I just wrote with one of my best friends.” The crowd lets out some enthusiastic hollers and you grin at the sound. “We wrote it after I met a certain someone a little over a week ago. I won’t say too much more than that, but hopefully you’ll get the gist when I’m done. This is ‘Gorgeous’.”
Your band begins the opening notes and you feel the rush of adrenaline that courses through your veins. Performing is one of your most favorite things to do, it never gets old.
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.” The opening line already gets the crowd excited, a bunch of your fellow singers cheering you on. Your eyes scan the crowd, it takes only a second or two to find those blue eyes you can’t stop thinking about. Based off the smirk on his face you can tell he already knows this song is about him. Good.
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong. And I got a boyfriend he’s older than us. He’s in the club doing I don’t know what. You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much.”
This song is even better to perform live than you thought, you can feel the beat rumbling the floor beneath you and you’re feeding off the insane energy the crowd is giving you. You couldn’t ask for a better response.
“Whiskey on ice, Sunset and Vine. You’ve ruined my life by not being mine.” You grab the microphone off the stand, really getting into the song. “You’re so gorgeous. I can’t say anything to your face. ‘Cause look at your face. And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way. But, what can I say? You’re gorgeous.”
With every lyric you’re moving a part of your body, whether it be swaying to the beat or using your hands to exaggerate what you’re saying. It’s a blast and it’s even better seeing the way Austin’s reacting to it.
You continue to make your way through the song, feeling lighter the closer you get to the end. Stephanie was right, writing about and then singing your feelings was the best thing you could’ve done.
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah there’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have. You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad. You’re gorgeous.” You finish the song and can’t help the huge smile on your face as you take in all the cheers and clapping that surrounds you.
“Thank you so much, it’s been an honor to perform here tonight! I love you, thank you!” Taking a bow with your band, you blow kisses at all your friends and fellow attendees before making your way off stage.
Immediately, you’re met with crew to help you out of your audio pack and in-ears. People around you give you compliments and you thank them all, feeling so appreciative, before heading back out to the party.
When you reach the dance floor, you see a bunch of your friends waiting for you. They shower you with love and rave over your new song. You assure them it’ll be out at midnight tonight and they all lose it over that. You’re so grateful to have such supportive people around you, it’s such a wonderful feeling to know people believe in you and your work.
After a few minutes of chatter about other performances, and of course the Elvis movie, you excuse yourself to go get a drink. You don’t make it very far before you’re met with a familiar blonde blocking your path.
"That was some song you performed up there," Austin says, standing with his hands in his pockets. You give him a once over, per usual he looks incredible tonight. Black suit with a bowtie to match, black leather shoes, the prettiest blue flower pinned to his suit pocket, and his hair styled to perfection. Once again, gorgeous.
"Yeah? Did you like it?" Tilting your head to the side, you feign innocence.
"Like it? I loved it." Austin steps closer to you, allowing you to get wrapped up in that magnetic aura again. "It actually reminded me of somethin' that happened to me just last week."
"Oh really? That's so interesting, I can't believe we shared a similar experience within the same timeframe." You widen your eyes in 'disbelief' and then bite down on your bottom lip to try and prevent the smile that wants to peak through.
Austin lets out a laugh and shifts a little before looking down at you and into your eyes. "Well, I'd love to share another one with you sometime. Maybe you'll actually be able to say somethin' to my face."
Your flush a little at the actor's comment. Oh, he's good.
It's takes everything in you to not break the eye contact, to not lose the confidence you gained from performing. Shaking your head you say, "Hey, mister, who said the song was about you in the first place? I could've been singing about the bar tender for all you know."
"Somethin' tells me that's not the case, but whatever you say, darlin." Austin leans in a little closer to you and you fight the urge to take his lips between yours. You definitely needed to meet up with Calvin and end things asap. "I'll see you back in LA then?"
Humming, you take a step back from Austin and make your way around him. He turns to face you and as you start to make your way towards the bar again you say, "We'll see about that...,gorgeous."
The last thing you see as you look over your shoulder is Austin smirking and running his fingers over his lips, his ocean eyes raking up and down your body as you walk away.
You can't wait to get back to Los Angeles.
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fushigurro · 2 months
Hiii robin! If you're cool with it, I wanted to ask, is there a certain moment with your selfships when you realize you ship with them, or is it a slow process that just kinda happens?
hi romy!!!! ❤️
tbh it kinda depends and i'm not always totally sure LMAO i'm a little all over the place with it. like a lot of the time i have a hard time deciding and i'm trying to create a classification system in my head akfjofijwe tho it probably shouldn't be that deep my brain just loves to cling to systematization and gets frustrated when it can't properly execute it lmfao. but anyways i shall try my best collect my thoughts and describe how i perceive my tendencies!!
i'll put it below the cut bc i always ramble lolol
there are definitely some ships where it was more of a slow progression and i had to eventually be like "yeah okay this is what it is" because it was getting to the point where they weren't going to leave. i could easily envision more in-depth scenarios between them and myself and/or lore that just seemed to naturally spring up and i just kept thinking about them all the time.
i'd say megumi is a good example of the slow-burn. he honestly wasn't the kind of character that heavily struck me when i first watched the anime and started reading the manga; in fact, i recall being like "oh great, another little hateful emo boy" LOL (historically they're not usually the type i'm drawn to). but i got to know his character better over time and realized that like. damn. i have rather intense feelings about this guy adjewoijfwof
toji and jean were a bit more on the "slower" side of development as well i suppose. and not "slow" in the sense it took several months or years or anything (i've only been self-shipping for about a year) but it was something i had to ease into a bit more i guess.
i actually hated toji at first but then the daddy issues kicked into overdrive and i eventually started catching feelings LMFAO and jean was my first self-ship ever. he's the first one where i felt comfortable enough to imagine myself with someone like that <3 i hadn't really truly done anything like that in years, but i loved his character so much that i was starting to actually insert myself in reader stuff rather than completely detaching like i used to. i could see myself with him.
suga, on the other hand, was the kind that hit me like a freight train. maybe it's because i'm more comfortable with self-shipping now, but it was easier for me to realize it and take it to self-ship level pretty quickly. not only was i obsessed with him from pretty much the first fucking moment, but the subsequent relationship daydreams have been insane LOL i mean i gave it a little bit of time because i hate the idea of being overly impulsive and irrational due to infatuation but uh. i fucking love him lmao
katsuki is..... *sigh* idk. he also kind of hit me like a freight train, at least with the daydream scenarios and whatnot, and i was hoping and praying it was just a phase (still kind of am) but i guess i've sort of accepted that it's not. or it's at least a longer-lasting phase than most lol idk. but i can't stop thinking about him and i'd rather just go ahead and call it a self-ship instead of continuing to try and wait it out or deny it. the brainrot is bad
ANYWAYS sorry for being unable to shut the fuck up as per usual lmfao but yeah!!! i tried to give some examples of how this shit works in my mind. right now i guess i'm sort of organizing things by how regularly/consistently i think about a character over time and with what degree of ease i imagine myself with them in several scenarios, but this is by no means the sort of parameters i think everyone should use when it comes to this. people should do whatever the fuck they want i just take shit too seriously sometimes and wish i could be more chill actually instead of trying to create a classification system for everything in my brain 😃 but here we are
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Kiss prompts! Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift for Rulie?
Ever since the Orpheum the gigs they've been able to book, Ray and time willing, were insane. The checks Reggie managed to glimpse for a couple of even more so. He's pretty sure he saw Ray actually weep over it. 
Most of the money went into equipment upkeep, band merchandising, and savings. Julie had tried to split it with him and the rest of the guys but it's not like they could really spend it anywhere. After a lengthy, drawn out over many days, discussion, pushing and pulling, the guys finally seemed to manage to convince Julie they really were ok with how the money was currently being utilized. Julie at least stopped pestering them about it and no longer constantly looked guilty. 
Then the gifts started to roll in. 
It started simple, new journals designed for songwriting instead of the cheap 50 cent ones that were supposed to be for school they used to get. This was followed up by some new clothes for all of them, which Julie made them tag along and pick out themselves. 
Then Julie got Alex a new dance game. Which for Alex also meant getting a new game system he could play it on. Apparently the version for the game system the Molina's already owned tracked the dancer with a camera that wouldn't be able to see Alex. This other system's version tracked the gaming controller.
Luke got a new record player along with a truly remarkable collection of classic and new rock albums. A few of which Reggie noticed had even been signed. JUlie had even set up the new player up in the loft with a set of headphones so that Luke wouldn’t have to worry about anyone walking in and shutting his music off randomly. 
Reggie had started to wonder if the other two had also noticed that Julie was clearly trying to spend what would have been their shares of the checks for them. It wasn’t like she was being subtle about it. If that was her plan maybe he should just let her know what he would prefer. It was easy to see what Alex and Luke would like, he wasn’t so sure about himself.
He never got the chance. 
Julie’s phone rang out, a happy high pitched sort of tune, one day as they were going over a potential new arrangement for Stand Tall. Despite Luke’s grumbling none of the guy’s were fast enough to stop her when she squealed, “It’s finally here,” and ran out of the studio.
He exchanged confused looks with Alex and Luke, questioning if he should have followed her. With that level of excitement it was probably something for Luke. The two may not have been hanging out as much these past few weeks. Something Reggie only noticed because he and Julie had been spending more time together. All the same, Luke and Julie still oozed chemistry together. So it would only make sense that she’d get excited to shower Luke with more gifts.
His musings were interrupted as the lifer awkwardly kicked the garage door open, struggling to comfortably carry a large box with the Lego logo emblazoned on it. Reggie didn’t think Luke was that into Lego.
“Reggie.” Julie squeaked through a heavy exhale as she deposited the box on the table by the couch. He gaped at her, why was she saying his name? She spun to hit him with the full force of her bright smile as she waved him over. 
His eyes were far too wide, but he couldn’t figure out how to get them back to their normal size again. Luke and Alex bemusedly urged him to join Julie by the table when he looked to them for guidance, his own brain not enough to get his legs to move. Julie had to grip his hands and pull him herself, Luke stepping forward to get his bass from him. 
“Ta-da,” Julie sang, hands gesturing towards the box on the table. “This is for you.”
“Me?” Reggie dumbly asked as he tried to stop his brain from automatically trying to do the math to figure out how much anything that fit in a Lego box that big would cost. A bad habit he’d developed at some point and struggled to break. 
“Yes, you.” Julie laughed as she impatiently pushed the box towards him. “Open it.”
He didn’t need to be asked again, his own curiosity got the better of him. Carefully he opened the box and his eyes and mouth both started to ache from how wide they were growing now. Julie excitedly giggled from his side as he gaped down at the picture of a Lego Millenium Falcon that greeted him. 
“Han Solo’s your favorite right?” She chattered as he processed what was happening, almost convinced he was dreaming. “I wasn’t sure if you’d like Lego, but you seemed to like trying to fix things yourself and enjoyed the few puzzles we have around the house. So I figured you might have fun with this.
“You like it right?”
"Jules, this is amazing! Thank you!" Reggie cried out, catching Julie in a tight hug and spinning her around. It still didn't feel like thanks enough.
He began to litter kisses all over her face, his thoughts rapidly splintering away from him. 
How many hours, maybe days would it take to finish this thing? Julie's nose scrunched up with her giggles as he kissed between her eyebrows. He enjoyed being able to kiss Julie like this now.
Oh! Would she help him build it? That would be awesome and so amazing if she did. Her cheeks were quickly warming up, hands sliding up his back. It happened more and more but he enjoyed it when she'd kiss his face too, warm fluttering swarms of butterflies attempted to escape his chest. Her giggling had morphed into barely audible pleased hums.  He could just imagine the two of them goofing around and singing loud boisterous music as they worked. 
Her chapstick wasn't as sticky against his lips as he thought it could be. …wait…shit. 
His eyes popped open–having closed at some point during his barrage of kisses–to meet her wide eyed stare. He began to pull away, to shape his mouth into the apology he could feel ready to spill out of his mouth. She held him tight where he was. Pressed further into him only long enough to grace his lips with a lightning quick kiss of her own, maintaining eye contact the whole time.
His words froze in his throat. He really liked kissing her. Fluttering butterflies reminded him how much he liked her kissing him back. 
The two of them stood there and stared for what felt like eternity. Eyes darting around trying to read each other. The air grew tense waiting for something to break, to shatter. 
Julie's hand scratched through his hair at the nape of his neck and his mouth was on hers again with a groan. She pressed her body flush against his and he slid his hands to grip onto her hips. Fingers traced along the warm soft skin just above the waistline of her pants.
The small whines and moans she made grew more and more desperate the deeper their kiss grew. His tongue was eagerly exploring her mouth, something nagging in the back of his brain he was forgetting something. Multiple things but he didn't care enough to try and figure it out, he wanted to live in this kiss for forever. Drown in it even if he didn't really need to breathe.
Julie whined again and, oh shit, Julie still needed to breathe. He pulled back, breaking the kiss, giggling when she tried to chase after it in spite of how out of breath she sounded. He nuzzled their noses together, idly tracing shapes into her hips, as she dazedly blinked up at him with the prettiest of smiles.
Someone cleared their throat from behind him and he suddenly remembered they were in the middle of practice. Practice with Alex and Luke. Reggie attempted to spin to face his bandmates while not releasing Julie, it almost resulted in both of them stumbling into a heap on the floor.
Alex poorly bit back a smirk, "Geez, get a room you two."
Luke scoffed at that and for the briefest of instances something unpleasant flared up in Reggie's chest. The feeling immediately dissipated when the boy whined out, "but practice."
"Reggie was a lost cause for this practice the instant that box arrived." Alex said, moving out from behind his drums and grabbing Luke around the shoulders. "C'mon, Willie mentioned something about knowing where Dave Grohl lives."
Luke's eyes lit up with that before he quickly deposited his guitar and poofed out with Alex. Julie giggled and pulled away from Reggie. Or tried to anyway he didn't want to fully release the hold he had on her hips, his fingers hooking into her belt loops.
"So, what do you want to do?" She asked as she leaned against the giant lego box sitting on the table.
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kazoohaa · 2 years
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐓. genshin impact
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— notes. okay so this is an attempt to kick writers' block tf out, so heres a genshin work since the sumeru update and harbinger trailer has me hooked lmao. this is based on this one tiktok by @/itschalk, i love their stuff sm !! go check them out !!
— details. il dottore-centric piece. tw: hinting at human(??) experimentation (obviously, it's dottore we're talking about here lmao)
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the signature clicking of dottore’s golden heels echoed throughout the corridor. steady. purposeful. angry. there was just something about the sound of the doctor’s footsteps that would make people feel more uneasy than he already did.
“it seems that someone has attempted to make an escape.”
footsteps quickened, one running faster while the other behind them still walked at a calm and reassured pace.
his chuckle was able to send chills down any onlooker’s spine. it was condescending and absolutely deranged.
a dead end. the escapee stopped in their tracks, looking left and right, trying to examine their surroundings in order to try and get a grasp of where in the tsaritsa’s expansive palace they were in at the moment. their situation did not allow for any mistakes— how could they have gotten lost at this crucial moment?
“you know that the fatui does not accept traitors.”
the doctor gave them a firm kick in the square of their back, effectively bringing them to the ground. even after getting brought down, they quickly spun around, shuffling away as fast as possible; dottore grabbed their collar, bringing their feeble attempt at a final escape to and end. he peered down into their eyes, just as scarlet red as the ones concealed underneath his own mask.
“and i especially do not allow my own clones to simply get away with it, free of repercussions.”
the other’s eyes widened, realising how much trouble he had truly gotten himself into.
“i am infinitely grateful that your.. shenanigans, are all over. did you enjoy it? did it satisfy you? did you achieve what you wanted?” the second harbinger leaned down, his words dripping with sarcasm and barely concealed fury and insanity. without waiting for an answer to be spluttered out from the other, he continued—
“i suppose it’s time for a… factory reset.”
he wordlessly dragged the still-struggling clone into a room to the left. the recruits guarding the door outside flinched upon hearing the screams that followed after, and then complete silence. not a single soldier dared to make any sound that would break the stillness.
the doctor emerged from the room, not sparing anyone a second glance. he briskly walked off, disappearing around the corner once more, heading to deal with other matters. what didn't go unnoticed was the sight of him passing by a familiar earring with a vial of glowing blue liquid dropped on the floor, and crushing it with his foot as he passed by.
the rumours that went around about the doctor were really far from lies— il dottore truly is ruthless. he does not care for anyone’s lives and will dispose of anyone who steps in the way of his pursuits, even if he were to end up putting a carbon copy of himself onto the surgical table to be used as his next test subject.
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110 Random Prompts
"I should seen it coming."
"She tried warning me about you, I didn't listen you know."
"Tell me all this wasn't a lie."
"Hug me for the last time."
"Do you have any regret?!"
"Would you like a hug?"
"I will always be there for you."
"I never expected to do this with you."
"I never saw you like that, you are like a brother to me."
"And she rejected me, but at least I have a new friend."
"I know that we barely know each other, but I am always there for you."
"Tell we what can I do to make you feel better?"
"Why do you care?"
"Your smile makes my heart flutter and digest my food."
"You are the coolest person I have ever met."
"Will you still love me?"
"Do you love me?"
"How can I do that to you?"
"How did you know that?"
"Have you been stalking me?!"
"Oh wow this is not romantic."
"Dude, you just don't do that."
"What if someone hears our conversation?"
"Oh my you have such beautiful eyes!"
"I want to cuddle."
"How the hell are we going to do this exam?"
"I barely studied but didn't study and played video games."
"I at this point don't know what makes sense."
"Is that a comment?"
"Have you been sleeping?"
"If you took care of yourself, you wouldn't have looked like a racoon."
"You could have then better on that exam."
"...are we breaking up?"
"Please don't leave me."
"Be my queen."
"How does it feel being so tall?"
"Are you not you?"
"Why are you pretending?"
"Are you in pain or are you in injury?"
"Does that even makes sense?"
"I don't know what I am doing but I am doing something."
"I-I don't know what to do."
"Why did you run away?"
"Was I never good enough?"
"Can't I spend the night with you? It's raining and thundering outside."
"I will break your teeth and make sandwich out of it."
"Can we not talk about food please?"
"You are insane."
"You say like it's an insult."
"Kindly don't die on me."
"Why do you have to worry me all the time?!"
"Can you please shut up?"
"I am a very kind person."
"But he never said that."
"Can't we just go to bed and snuggle while watching The Office?"
"What are they doing?"
" I hate to break this but..."
"Why does no one love me?"
"When can I be happy?"
"Oh God what the hell happened here?"
"I love all my cats!"
"Awww she is so cute."
"How did we meet?"
"I don't know why we used to fight."
"I tried to kill you."
"Seems like you are assuring yourself."
"I just asked for two dollars-"
"I am blaming you for this."
"Why do I get blamed all the time?!"
"Being angry won't help."
"How are you supposed to control the urge to stab someone?"
"Well she got in a fight."
"I love women who can kick my butt-"
"You could have killed me when you had the chance."
"Oh God, I want to run away."
"Maybe I will be found in a different world."
"Would you let me in?"
"Will you look into your memory? Tell me where have you been?"
"So now you have kids with them? I thought that was our future."
"We cannot have nice things together."
"You are poison for me."
"Why? Tell me why at least before you go."
"I swear I didn't betray you."
"You-you are that assassin who killed my parents and now you are back-"
"Why are you so scared?"
"Can we please fight?"
"How do you even do that?"
"Will you come running for me? Will you try finding me? Will you still love me if I am not me? Will you still hold me close to your chest? Will you?"
"Was I just a summer thing?"
"I want someone to truly love me."
"You never listened to me."
"Who am I defending now?"
"I had a purpose which you had gave me but, now I don't have one."
"You don't deserve me."
"You were the only one to be kind to me."
"Can you tell me a lie?"
"You are destroying yourself."
"I don't care."
"How am I going to shit in my life when my life is falling apart."
"Why do you love me?"
"Lie to me, and tell me that you love me or anything like that."
"Stop fooling around."
"I may look stupid but I am not stupid."
"That piece of a shit."
"You just can't go around killing everyone."
"I don't feel safe, hug me."
Shower me in affection."
"My friends are not your friends."
"When would you tell me that all this was a lie?"
"Do I even matter anymore?"
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tiffcore · 11 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀emory tremaine!
twenty - four. highfalutin bastard. thief, cheat, all around con - man. loves it more than anything, but wants a hug sometimes, too.
a no good scoundrel who thinks he's got the entirety of sumeru under his thumb. while it couldn't be further from the truth, he does cause a hell of a lot of trouble in his own right. when things go missing around the akademiya, pilfered out of pockets and stolen from personal dorms and public areas alike.
emory runs with the treasure hunters, and they run with him. as acting captain of the whole sumerian division they often oblige his commands lest he kicks the shit out of them - being the only member of his division with a talent. perhaps the only treasure hunter with a talent ... he's definitely a little too big for his britches. got safe houses chock full of gold, a tendency to sink his teeth in the occasional traveler or two.
though a boy can dream. can dream of a sweet life with people that love him, truly. but if raucous, belligerent fighting is all the can get, then he might as well let it become him. what else could he do?
As far as he's concerned the treasure hoarders are his actual family. But Emory himself? He's not from any place. He lives in Sumeru and his mom was from Mondstadt, just some traveler! She liked going from place to place and having no ties, skilled from her time on working alone and emboldened by the attitudes of Mondstadt, she se out to visit the seven nation of Teyvat.
She had an .. unfortunate encounter with the treasure hoarders one day. She didn't want a baby, so she gave him away. Gave him back to them - just to be a little soldier from birth. So all his mannerisms stem from the fact that he doesn't know how typical social structures work. He's used to hierarchy but you typically don't respect people unless they knock your teeth out- it's just a pyramid of power. Emory fought tooth and nail to get to the top! He wasn't a mischievous kid as opposed to wide eyed and the like. Afraid. Just did what he needed to to survive and eventually it started to come to him naturally - he becomes a person who does things for himself as opposed to supplementing others whims.
emory is a mixed bag. on one hand, he has the potential to be appreciative, kind, funny - even considerate and thoughtful when surrounded by the right people. but most often he is not. most often he hears vile things, witnesses violent things, and reenacts that behavior most often, as it's simply what he's grown the most used to. emory is vulgar. is liable to say crass and inappropriate things at any given time. though he doesn't have a particular inclination to violence, like some of his more trigger happy friends. granted, his compliments do come from a place of sincerity - but his stinging insults do as well. he is confused when he observes that most other social structures don't operate on the same wave.
you're not supposed to physically hit your friends? you're not supposed to have your stuff stolen all the time - to the point where you hide nearly everything you own and hardly trust others with your things? that's absolutely insane. he kind of imagines it like a cruel fantasy. seeing people be happy with their friends, and gentle and sweet, it's almost like it's taunting him!
it irritates the fuck out of him. makes him sick even. but it also makes him yearn for something more ...
emory is 5'10 on a good day and is surprisingly handsome for a ruffian. it helps him get away with the more 'in your face' kind of schemes, but the more people know your face, the harder it gets to play that king of shit off. people tend to catch on quick once they mention the red hair ...
he's lean, strong shoulders and arms and toned thighs - though most of his intimidation factor is his talent, not his personal strength.
katya: a pretty little maid that doesn't give him the time of day. spent an evening with her once, and she was ... more than pleasant ❤ intrigued by her and kaveh's relationship (very jealous of kaveh.) and curious about what exactly she knows. katya owned by @sugarsouffle
otto: his first friend. a smart and beautiful woman who studies at the akademiya. trying to teach him the nuances of manner and courtesy while dealing with his prejudices as well! he appreciates otto, and at least tries not to get her into trouble.
otto owned by @leakiboi
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misqnon · 1 year
CHAPTER 2: Roles
"On the final Friday of each month, towns and cities around the country hold their monthly masquerade. Although the humans don’t know it, this is the only time supernatural beings come out of their hiding places to dance amongst the mortals."
(Mystery, adventure, eventual human/vampire romance)
Previous Chapters
After the group had laid it all bare and accepted one another (at least superficially, in Leo's case), they made their way over to an outdoor table away from the rest of the town, sitting secluded by the tree line. Leo and Marnie sat on one side, Lilli and Ace on the other. Now it was time for curiosity and questions. 
Marnie started. "So, what's it like? Being a vampire? I hope I'm not being rude, this is just. Insane to me." 
The siblings both shook their heads. "Nah, no way." Ace said. "You're good. We actually have a lot of questions for you guys too. Masquerades are basically the only time we get to hang out in the human realm."
"Wait. Human realm?" 
Lilli put a hand on Ace's, looking at the human siblings' flabbergasted faces. "Let's…take it slow." She sighed, pushing a long strand of pale pink hair behind a pointed ear.
"It's normal, for us, I suppose. But I guess what you're really asking is if we drink blood and turn into bats, right?"
Well, yeah, it was. 
"We do drink blood. But not from people. Our family hasn't partaken straight from humans in decades."
Ace mumbled under his breath.  
"Except for Carter."
Lilli kicked him under the table. 
Marnie leaned forward and put her head in her hands. 
"So, animal blood then?"
"Err, sometimes. Uh-" The poor girl was clearly uncomfortable talking about it. She looked flustered.
"Lilli, I got it." Ace leaned down on the table a bit more, yellow-green eyes looking sincere as they could.
"We have both. Usually at least one meal a day is human blood. But it's all taken from blood banks. We have connections in the human world specifically for blood purchases. If you were to look in our fridge right now, there's some pigs blood, cows blood, and about twice as much of that of human blood."
Leo, pale and clammy, looked over at his sister expecting her to validate him with an equally disgusted expression. Instead, she had her chin held in her hand, brows furrowed as she nodded in deep concentration.
'Marnie, how could you forsake me like this…' 
"And when I say human realm, I don't mean an alternate dimension or anything like that. It's more like…a closed off world that's still within yours? It's hard to explain!"
Suddenly he was reaching into his pocket and digging around for something. He then produced a key ring from his beneath the table and placed it on the tabletop. Laced onto the key ring were a plethora of antique golden keys, each a different shape and size, and there were tons of them. Leo was actually distracted from his unease for a moment just to be intrigued.
Ace flung his fingers through the keys and snatched one specific brass key from the middle, finding it with no difficulty. 
"This is one of the keys I use to travel between my world and yours. It opens a door that acts as the only path to and from, but it's a real, physical door. Not a portal or anything. There's a few different doors that connect us," He flipped through the key ring again and pulled out a second, third, and fourth key. "But I'm the only one with the key to unlock them, in or out. And I'm only allowed to do so on masquerade nights, or when we get blood shipments. Otherwise, we stay on our side of the world." 
"That's…crazy." Leo breathed. 
"Isn't it?" Ace chuckled. He leaned back again, putting his keys away with a spin around his finger. 
"So does every vampire have a key?" Marnie asked, confused.
"Not in this neck of the woods, no. Only yours truly, Aleksander 'Ace' Crain." He grinned. "I actually have another codename- everyone in our family does. A title, or I guess a job. And I'm the Keeper of the Keys." He smiled proudly and went to twirl the keyring around his finger again, only to realize he'd put them away already.
"That's so cool! Do you have a job, too, Lilli?"
Lilli seemed more comfortable with this subject. She nodded. "Yes! I'm the Peacekeeper. I'm a diplomat of sorts. Back when my position was created, I was meant to aid relations between humans and vampires, but nowadays I just keep the family from fighting…" She said, laughing awkwardly. Ace reached over and gave her a noogie. 
"Wait," Leo started. "Are you saying humans and vampires used to interact with one another? Like, between worlds?"
Lilli looked sad again. "Yes, but it hasn't been that way for a long time. And the historians have done a very good job covering that part of history up. Most humans don't think vampires are anything more than fairytales." 
"Are vampires the only supernatural creatures that are real?" Marnie posited.
"No, werewolves are real too. So are spirits and fae and other things like that. They all keep to themselves on the other side, like us." 
Marnie and Leo looked at each other then, blown away. 
"And for the record, we do not turn into bats. And I love garlic. And the sun doesn't hurt either." Ace said matter of factly. 
"...But we do fly :^)" 
"What!" Marnie yelled, simultaneously with Leo spouting "No you don't!"
"Want proof?" Ace grinned, raising an arm. 
"No!! Not here!" Lilli grabbed it and pushed it back down to his side. Then she looked at the twins. "We aren't even allowed to show our ears in the human world, let alone grow our wings. For obvious reasons." She looked at Ace with a pout.
He shrugged at her and chuckled. 
"Well, I'll just show you back at our place then." 
"What!?" All three of them yelled at once - but Lilli more indignantly. 
"Ace!" She was almost a full foot shorter than him, looking up at him with frustration and confusion in one. She knew that he knew the rules, and they'd made human acquaintances before. They'd definitely become a bit closer with the twins than others, but he'd still never tried anything like this.  
"Come along, humans!" 
And now he was embarrassing them both even more. 
"Ace!" She called again, trotting after his long-legged strides. Marnie and Leo were still sitting at the table, looking at each other as they tried to figure out what was happening. Once they realized the vamps weren't stopping, Marnie scrambled out of the picnic table's entrapment and started running after them, with Leo having no choice but to follow.
Ace pulled his mask back on and popped the strap over the back of his head with a satisfying wack. Lilli fumbled hers on as she tried to reason with him, barely managing to buckle it. By the time the four of them had caught up to each other, just a few yards from where they'd been sitting, they reached an old green door lodged within the cobble of one of the town's alleyways. Ace pulled out a key and inserted it into the lock, twisting it with a satisfying, low clunk. He pushed the door open and bowed to Leo, who happened to be closer.
"After you, sir."
Leo blinked. 
It looked normal enough inside, just more cobblestone alley that eventually led into a secluded forest path. But he knew that it was technically more than that; it was…vampire world, or whatever they called it. He looked back at Ace with a clear disdain. 
Ace just laughed. He stepped in himself, then reached out a hand to Leo. After a moment, the human hesitantly took it. Ace pulled him in and Leo felt his heart jump, though he wasn't sure if it was from the fear or the lingering crush he had on the other man before he found out he was undead.
Lilli moaned nervously, but stepped in anyway with Marnie just behind her. 
Then Ace closed the door and locked it behind them.
"Home isn't too far. Just through the woods and up a hill on the moor." 
"What are you going to tell Harley?" His sister asked anxiously.
"Just trust me Lil. I have a plan." 
She signed one last time, and Marnie took her hand. Surprised, Lilli looked over and managed a tired smile. "Don't worry. Harley will only be mad at us. You two will be fine." She chuckled. 
"What about your brother, Carter?" Leo had not missed the several comments made about his Dracula Activities. 
Ace scoffed. "Don't worry about him. He's harmless, he just likes to make trouble." 
"Harmless? I thought that he-" 
"Leo." Marnie whispered. When he looked at her, she just shook her head. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
Lilli stepped in. "It's alright Marnie, he has a right to be worried. But Ace is right. He does….bite people, but he hasn't killed anybody as far as we know. He's just…old fashioned, I guess." 
"And horny." Ace added.
Lilli busted out laughing. "Yes." She giggled. "And horny." 
Leo and Marnie blinked at each other.
Once they reached the end of the forest, which wasn't long, it opened up to a wide open moor like Ace had said. Straight ahead on the moor was a large hill, at the top of which sat a wide black and gray mansion surrounded by old trees and crooked fences.
"Ah, home sweet home." Ace took a big breath and started walking up the faded stone path that led up the hill. The others followed him, the nerves in their stomachs growing as the climax of the night grew closer.
'As if I haven't been through enough tonight as it is…' Leo thought. 
Once they reached the door, sure enough, Ace produced a key. This one was the largest of those on his keyring, and had an intricate 'C' carved on the top. He unlocked the door and pushed it open with a resounding creak.
The lobby was empty, and each one of them paced in quietly.
Leo and Marnie were unsure whether they should speak, so they kept quiet, instead looking around at their new surroundings. 
It looked like a gothic mansion alright. It was almost too on-brand. But in a weird way, it wasn't on-brand at all, because it didn't fit the two vampires they'd come to know in the slightest. There was a wide staircase in the main foyer leading up to a mezzanine much like the one at the masquerade. Hung along all the walls were portraits of people neither of the twins recognized, though they all had pointed ears upon closer inspection. Pleasantly, Marnie was surprised to see a variety of large houseplants stuck in various corners around the hall. She looked to the one closest to them and noticed a cutesy pink flute being used as a climbing rod for one of the plants. She looked over to Lilli, who wasn't paying attention to her at the moment, but she smiled at the discovery.
Then they heard hurried footsteps, and from the hallway at the left of the mezzanine appeared a dark-skinned man on the stairs. He looked down at them with confusion, then he furrowed his brows and began making his way down the stairs. Although they hadn't been able to see his face before, they recognized his outfit- this was one of the family members they'd seen in the crowd at the ball. Using context clues, it wasn't hard to deduce that this was the dreaded 'Harley'.
But how had he known they were here? 
Once he hit the bottom of the stairs, he had his eyes closed in frustration as he walked up to Ace and Lilli, who stood just in front of the two humans. Despite his safety being assured, Leo was literally shaking. Even brave Marnie seemed nervous to all hell and back. 
Harley and Ace stood near even in height, but Ace was much less intimidating, and now even he looked nervous. He smiled crooked and waved an awkward hand at his brother. 
"Hi Harley..." 
When Harley spoke, his voice was low and obviously dissatisfied, but surprisingly unintimidating. 
"Ace. Lilli." He looked at each of them. "Why are there two humans in the house?" 
Just moments after those words were spoken, another set of footsteps came running, though these more frantic. From the other side of the hallway upstairs came Carter, in a black silk nightgown barely tied together, his hair a mess. 
"Humans?" He said in disbelief, though his face spread into a smile when he saw the two mortals standing at the door. 
Leo grabbed Marnie's hand and the two of them looked anxiously between all four vampires in the room with them. It didn't take long before a few more faces appeared at the top of the stairs, two women who peered silently down from the balcony railing. Carter was already hurriedly (excitedly?) making his way down the stairs.
Well, now they were looking anxiously between all six vampires in the room. 
Leo felt very strongly in his heart that he was quite literally going to die. 
Just as Carter scooted across the stone floor towards them, Harley put out a hand behind him that stopped the other in his place. He frowned, stopping and crossing his arms. Though he peeked around long enough to stick his tongue out at Leo, winking.
Leo averted eye contact. 
Harley was still waiting for an answer from Ace.
The blonde straightened himself and cleared his throat, speaking evenly.
"Harley, I think I've found myself some guides." 
Harley just stared at him.
"Yes. Guides to the human realm."
Harley made a frustrated expression. "Ace, you don't need guides to the human realm because you aren't allowed there." 
"I'm not allowed there without explicit permission." He corrected. "But, I've been working on a plan for some time now, and I think you'll like it." 
Harley just looked done with him at this point. To an extent, it was hard to find the poor man scary anymore. He just looked like an exasperated older brother who had had enough of Ace's schemes. 
"A plan." Harley said, not even a question. He knew Ace was going to explain anyway. 
"Yes!" Then Ace smiled a crooked, mischievous smile. "I think I'm ready to find out what this unlocks." He said, pulling out another key from pocket. 
When he held it between the two of them, Harley's eyes widened. He dropped the arm that was keeping Carter at bay, and looked from the key to Ace with furrowed brows. 
"...Are you serious, Ace?" 
The other nodded. "Yes! I'm 100% serious. I think it's time. I'm tired of waiting. Aren't you?" 
The twins looked to Lilli for answers, but she seemed just as confused as they were. Hell, even Carter was looking between the two brothers and the key with a quirked brow.
Finally, Harley pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Ace, if you were going to do this, you should have met with me first. Not…" He gestured to Leo and Marnie. "Bring home two humans before I even okayed it." 
"You know what they say, better to ask for forgiveness than permission." Ace said innocently. 
Carter laughed at that, and Harley turned around to glare at him.
Then the house leader sighed again, looking to Ace.
"I'll meet you in the upstairs study." 
Ace grinned, then looked to Leo, Marnie, and his sister, and bowed triumphantly before heading upstairs. 
Harley then looked to Leo and Marnie, the first time he'd actually recognized them directly. "I apologize. I'm not sure how much they told you, but…we aren't used to guests. If it wasn't obvious. Make yourselves at home. Just stay with Lilli. Ace and I will be back soon."
Then he looked to Lilli. "I guess you don't have to be told what to do, Peacekeeper." He gave a very small smile, and the twins sensed that he'd actually made some kind of joke. Lilli lit up and smiled, bowing like a princess. 
Then he turned sharply to Carter and pointed an accusatory finger in his face. "And you. Behave, please." 
Then he went back up the stairs after Ace, and the two of them disappeared around a corner. 
Lilli put her hands on her hips. "Well! That didn't go nearly as bad as I thought it would!" 
Marnie seemed relaxed again, and Leo was at least partially calmed. She stepped to the side and allowed for Leo and Marnie to see Carter fully, before stating, 
"Carter, this is Leo and Marnie. Leo, Marnie, this is our brother Carter." 
Both parties blinked, seemingly aware that they were each other's antithesis. 
Carter also seemed to become aware of the fact that he was in his pajamas. 
"Er…Hello." He managed, retying the belt on his robe. 
"Hi." Marnie said quietly. Leo just waited. 
Then Lilli directed their attention to the top of the steps. "And that one there with the red hair is our sister Maki. She's the one who gave you your masquerade name, Leo." 
Maki blinked when she realized they were speaking to her. Leo waved meekly because he felt like he had to, but she did not return the favor.
"And next to her is our sister Priya." 
Priya stared down at them all with blank pink eyes and a flat expression. 
Leo did not wave this time.
"Now then!" Lilli clapped her hands together. "Is anybody thirsty?" 
Carter slid up to the twins, grinning slyly. "I am."
Lilli apparently ignored him, heading off towards the kitchen. Leo and Marnie just followed uncomfortably, Carter trailing not far behind. 
Once in the kitchen, they sat at a small table that sat four. Leo and Marnie sat together, and as Lilli began preparing tea, Carter slid into one of the empty chairs across from them, much to the siblings' chagrin. By God, he was like a leech you couldn't shake off. And like a leech, he was quite literally trying to suck their blood.
He made his best attempt at conversation while they waited. "Aren't you two uncomfortable? Over here on this side of the world, two humans in a house full of monsters?"
"I don't think you guys are monsters." Marnie said simply. 
Carter blinked. "Really? Even me?" 
"Well, I don't know you that well yet." 
"Well, we could change that." He said, tilting his head. There was the lilt of a flirtatious tone to his words. 
Marnie didn't entertain it. "Yea. I'd like to get to know all of you." 
Carter sighed, obviously sensing she wasn't interested. Instead, he moved his attention to Leo. "Well, what about you, glasses? You're quiet. And nervous." He said, glancing Leo up and down.
He really did not appreciate that they could sense his heart rate. 
By then, Lilli had finished making tea. She sat down next to Carter and sat some out for everyone. 
"Uh, what about me?" Leo responded. 
"Well, how do you feel about all this?"
Lilli looked from Carter to Leo, actually interested in hearing his answer. Leo didn't want to make her feel bad, so he tried to mask his anxiety. 
"Well…It's definitely not how I saw my night going. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't…intimidated,"
Carter smiled, sipping his tea. Lilli wrung her hands under the table.
"But, I don't know. Marnie clearly trusts you all. I trust her judgement. And Lilli and Ace were very kind to us at the masquerade." 
That made the pink girl brighten a bit. She sipped her tea with a small smile. 
Carter made a face. "What about me? No impact?"
"Er…no comment." 
Carter huffed. He scooted his chair back and opened the fridge door, balancing on the chair legs long enough to pull out a blood pack. It looked exactly like one you would see after getting your blood drawn. He tore it open with his nails and poured a bit into his tea. He offered some to Lilli, who seemed to consider taking some, before realizing who she was sitting with, and politely denying. 
Well, if there was any doubt they really were vampires, the blood tea really sold it. 
Marnie, ever the social butterfly, had decided it was time to crack the egg that was Carter. It was clear that his theatrics were to some degree exaggerated, and she hated when people put up an act.
She leaned forward and looked at him in a way he wasn't expecting, and he made a face of surprise as he sipped his tea.
"Uh…May I help you?"
"So what's your title then, Carter? Lilli's the Peacemaker, Ace is the Key Keeper…?"
"She's the…Peacekeeper. And Ace is the Keeper of the Keys." He seemed to genuinely smile for a moment, one of his eyes crinkling from the lift of his pale cheek. "But I'm flattered you'd ask. I'm the Guard Dog." He said, holding out his hand for her to shake, as if they'd only just met. 
She took it, surprised at just how cold he was, but confused. "Guard Dog…?"
Lilli interrupted. "He's the Guardian, not the Guard Dog." She gave Carter a look.
He pursed his lips. "Fancy way of saying Guard Dog if you ask me."
"But what do you do?" She insisted.
He sighed. "I'm our family's protection. If there's a threat to our home, or to any of us- or if there's someone that needs dealt with- I'm the one that takes care of it."
Leo momentarily allowed himself to feel some sympathy for the other man. Those bandages that covered his other eye and half his face- he likely got those protecting his loved ones, his home. In all honesty, given his track record, Leo had just assumed he'd gotten the injury in some sort of scuffle all this time. By Marnie's pitying expression, he could tell she had thought the same. 
Though, Carter seemed an odd choice. Not to judge on appearances, but both Ace and Harley were taller and broader. Carter looked like someone who would rather spend their days avoiding any labor at all, yet upon second examination, plenty of scars, scrapes, and spots marred his skin under the silk robe he wore. 
"So, uh-" Leo attempted to join the conversation. "What's everyone else's role? Harley, and your other sisters?"
"Ah, he speaks!" Carter raised his glass theatrically. Then he took a sip. "Harley is just the leader. His technical title is 'The Coven Head.' Maki, the redhead, is our Conservator. And Priya is the Unknown."
"What's the Unknown?"
"Exactly." He said, finishing his bloody tea with a glare. 
There was a lilt in conversation then, and Leo realized everyone had been sipping their tea but him. He drank it as the others chatted, and found himself looking around. Eventually, Lilli noticed. They'd been in the kitchen a while now anyway, and she thought she might as well show them around.
"How about a tour of the coven? Maybe we'll run into Ace and Harley in the meanwhile." 
Marnie gasped, but looked at Leo for approval before giving a word. He shrugged. 
And so they were off. 
this chapter was originally about 10,000 words so my bf made me split it in two </3 other half coming soon since it's already done!
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