#what your kombat man crush says about you
theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : You’re a deaf kombatant that can read lips extremely well. Your power is all knowing. You are half Earthrealmer and half Outworlder. (You mainly grew up in Earthrealm though) Everyone in Outworld knows sign language. Some Earthrealmers also know sign language or at least a little bit.
This is more an x reader with Cassie Cage, Kitana, Jacqui Briggs, Mileena, and Skarlet but with funny intros with other characters
Also love friendship between Kano and (Y/N) in this
WARNINGS : suggestive
Italics mean the reader is signing. Not speaking
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Cassie Cage : You know, I just got the perfect man for you
(Y/N) : If you say Kenshi I will strangle you
Cassie Cage : Sheesh. Nevermind
Cassie Cage : So tell me why you and Kenshi won’t work again?
(Y/N) : I am deaf…he is blind…how will he be able to see me sign to him?
Cassie Cage : Well now that you mention it…
(Y/N) : Why are you so persistent to set me up with someone?
Cassie Cage : Okay, I know the Kenshi thing was stupid but Takeda? He’s right for you
(Y/N) : His son?!
Cassie Cage : Um, why didn’t you tell me you liked girls?!
(Y/N) : You didn’t ask me
Cassie Cage : We’ll, guess I gotta call off the date I set up with you and Takeda
Cassie Cage : Wait. If you’re all knowing then does that mean you know-
(Y/N) : That you have a crush on me? Yes. Very much so
Cassie Cage : Goddamn it!
Cassie Cage : If you’re all knowing then does that mean you’ve seen me naked?
(Y/N) : It does not work like that but you can give me a demo if you want
Cassie Cage : *nervous laugh* Is it getting hot in here?
(Y/N) : I’ll whip you with your own pistol
Erron Black : If you’re doing it then I’m into it
(Y/N) : I gotta start off conversation saying ‘I like girls’ when I battle you people
Jacqui Briggs : If you’re all knowing then who’s gonna win the fight?
(Y/N) : Me. Obviously
Jacqui Briggs : Are you just saying that because you’re a bitch or are you serious?
Jacqui Briggs : Takeda is mine, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I’m more interested in you
Jacqui Briggs : Oh shit-
Jacqui Briggs : I’m taking you out, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I’m flattered but Cassie will be crushed
Jacqui Briggs : What? That’s not what I meant -
Jax : If you knew about other timelines, why didn’t you say anything?
(Y/N) : Nobody asked me
Jax : That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard
Johnny Cage : So why do you gotta be mute and deaf?
(Y/N) : You are a fucking idiot
Johnny Cage : I’m a fucking idiot? Well-can’t argue with you there
Johnny Cage : If you’re deaf then how come you can read my lips?
(Y/N) : I’m deaf. Not blind you idiot.
Johnny Cage : All I got from that is you calling me an idiot.
Johnny Cage : Okay, this sign language thing is hard
(Y/N) : How did your daughter pick up on it and you didn’t?
Johnny Cage : Yeah. I didn’t understand a word you just signed
Johnny Cage : Stop flirting with my daughter
(Y/N) : Trust me, a Cage is not my type
Johnny Cage : I don’t know if I should be offended by that
Kabal : Kano’s gotta soft spot for you
(Y/N) : Of course he does. Have you seen me?
Kabal : I don’t see the hype
(Y/N) : I am surprised you of all people know sign language.
Kano : You think I don’t do my work with deaf people? I’m not an ableist. Murderer yes but not that
(Y/N) : Dear God…
Kano : How can you tell I have an accent?
(Y/N) : Your mouth moves different than an American
Kano : That’s fucking cool
Kano : Come join the Black Dragaon, love
(Y/N) : So I can run from an ugly blonde with a gun? No thanks
Kano : She is ugly isn’t she?
Kitana : You know that I’m with Liu Kang, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Ugh. Mr. Chosen one. Come be with a real woman
Kitana : Find her and I’ll be with her
(Y/N) : Liu Kang can’t handle all of that.
Kitana : *laughs* And you can?
(Y/N) : Very simple. Yes.
(Y/N) : I’m standing in front of the embodiment of beauty
Kitana : Flattery will not save you in this fight
(Y/N) : Well I tried
(Y/N) : He can’t give you what I can give you
Kitana : You know if you’d just asked me out before him then I would’ve been with you
(Y/N) : Wait…I actually had a chance??
Kitana : Skarlet is bad news, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : At least she actually likes me
Kitana : I did like you
(Y/N) : Your sister is obsessed with me
Kitana : She is hardly my sister
(Y/N) : Mileena was right. You are annoying
Kung Lao : You know you like me
(Y/N) : I tolerate you
Kung Lao : In my world, that’s the same thing
(Y/N) : I’m not interested, Kung Lao
Kung Lao : Kitana will never go for you
(Y/N) : I don’t need second rate monk to tell me that
Kung Lao : Why didn’t you just say you liked girls?!
(Y/N) : Even if I did like men-you would not be my type
Kung Lao : I’m everyone’s type
Kung Lao : So say if you did like men…who are you picking? Me or Liu Kang?
(Y/N) : You really want me to answer that?
Kung Lao : *sighs*
(Y/N) : Your friend may not pick up on my signing but tell him I am not interested
Liu Kang : Oh he knows but that won’t stop him
(Y/N) : Let’s see if a grave does
Liu Kang : I heard you have affections for Kitana
(Y/N) : Does that bother you, monk?
Liu Kang : I mean this in the humblest way possible, I am not threatened by you
(Y/N) : Mr. Chosen One
Liu Kang : You were always jealous of me, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I wouldn’t be jealous of you if it bit me on the ass
Mileena : I can treat you better than my sister
(Y/N) : What are you gonna do? Eat me?
Mileena : Isn’t that what you’re interested in?
(Y/N) : Tell your father that I’m not joining his concubines
Mileena : None sense. You will be mine
(Y/N) : Holy shit
Mileena : My sister is missing out on you
(Y/N) : You’re implying that you have me
Mileena : Soon I will
Mileena : If I were Kitana, I would’ve picked you
(Y/N) : Smart and…a little freaky looking. I like it
Mileena : You will like more
Noob Saibot : We admire your skills in kombat
(Y/N) : Thanks dark shadow thing
Noob Saibot : But they will not save you from me
(Y/N) : People doubt me because I am deaf
Raiden : That is the advantage you have
(Y/N) : They won’t ever see me coming
(Y/N) : How come I wasn’t the chosen one?
Raiden : Are you prepared for-
(Y/N) : That sounds like too much work
Shao Kahn : You will join my concubines
(Y/N) : Read my hands. Hell no.
Shao Kahn : I wouldn’t be so convinced
Skarlet : You have infinite knowledge
(Y/N) : A blessing and a curse
Skarlet : Feed it to me
Skarlet : Your affections for Kitana are ridiculous
(Y/N) : Enlighten me
Skarlet : There are far better women in front of you
Skarlet : Your skills are far greater than a regular warrior
(Y/N) : Aw. You flirting with me, Skarlet?
Skarlet : I cannot resist
(Y/N) : Not gonna lie, you do look good in red
Skarlet : I am flattered, Psychic
(Y/N) : Baby, I can give you more than flattery
(Y/N) : Keep your boyfriend in check, Blade
Sonya : Keep your ego in check, deafie
(Y/N) : You did not just call me that
Sonya : Stay away from my daughter, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : She’s the one glued to me, moron
Sonya : I don’t know what you just said but I’m gonna kick your ass anyway
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doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
Hey I like your writing! I’d like to request headcanons if you are still taking them? I follow you on a separate account, so that’s why I had the courage to ask this with anonymous off.
I was thinking of the men competing for the reader? It would be like: Raiden/Kung Lao, Kenshi/Johnny, Lin Kuei brothers are each other’s rivals and they do their own things to one up each other or to gain the reader’s favor more 😆
author note: Don't worry! Anyway you don't need to follow me to request something!🫡
Raiden vs Kung Lao: -Ohhh the sparks. No way Raiden will back down, and Lao knows it. -The fight for your heart starts now. -Their approaches are different. Raiden is all soft words and quiet dates (masked as friendly outing). Raiden bets everything on his sweet personality because he thinks he doesn't look good enough for you. -Lao is all for showing off his physique. Biceps always exposed, smiling more than usual to show off the dimples you seem to like so much (and also because Lao is just happier when next to you). -He has no doubt you can fall just for his amazing personality too, but you know, since he has such a great physique, it would be stupid not to use it. -Lao is like a peacock showing off his round tail, hoping to impress you. -Raiden doesn't show off, but he'll always pay when he takes you out to eat or will make you win bets on purpose. -His proud smile makes your knees go jello. -They won't play dirty tricks to each other because, after all, they are friends! -The choice is yours!
Johnny vs Kenshi: -Master rizzer vs Secret rizzer. -Johnny knows about his friend's crush on you, but doesn't mind. No way his introvert friend can woo you! -What he doesn't count is that his friend is an ex-yakuza, and as one, had to seduce people and get into their pants to steal information more than once. -And Kenshi was always successful. -Johnny doesn't mind fighting for your love; he fully believes you'll reciprocate his crush! -He is all sweet smiles and warm eyes gazing into yours. Johnny tries to show off every time you are near him. -Johnny asks you out daily, and sometimes you accept. His smile on those occasions could light up an entire mansion. -He acts like a big lazy cat. If you compliment him back, you can hear a purr blossoming from Johnny's chest. -Everyone can tell that he is wrapped around your fingers. -Kenshi is way more subtle but much more intense. -He'd share a meal with you under a blossoming tree in complete silence. -"I love spring. The flowers on the trees are beautiful." Kenshi would chuckle at your words. Then he'll grip your chin, his hand going so smoothly on it you almost forgot he is blind. "I'm sure it's a way to thank you for blessing them with your beauty every day." Kenshi says it so naturally that you believe him. No comeback goes through your brain. -He is gonna use all his knowledge to woo you. -He is there for you, but never clingy. Kenshi is all subtle touches that leave you hanging. You need to miss him. -Also more prone to talk down Johnny. Kenshi is a man with a mission and needs to brush away all the obstacles to reach his goal. -The tomcat or the sneaky ninja? Okay, maybe the comparison doesn't sound fair… -Welp! It's your choice!
Bi-Han vs Kuai Liang vs Tomas Vrbada: -Mortal Kombat begins now! With the difference that, this is really mortal. -Every day is a brawl. They try to bring the other down all the time. -When Liang thought he had to win just against Tomas, he was quieter. He still wants to conquer your heart, but he doesn't try to bring his brother down. -The same could be said of Tomas. He wants to win your heart fair and square, not spreading lies about his rival and brother. Simply making you fall for him. -But when they noticed how Bi-Han looks at you… -They both look at each other in the eyes, and realisation hit them both like a brick. -Bi-Han really doesn't care about them and will also try to brush his crush for you off. He is grandmaster he doesn't have time for foolish stuff like love. -But when Bi-Han noticed his brothers crush for you… now he absolutely wants you. -Oh, Liang stood you up? "Damn, I'm so sorry. Come with me! I'll pay for everything you want at Madame Bo!" Tomas replies, voice thrilling full of happiness. -If only you knew that Liang didn't arrive because somebody trapped him in the woods. -Tomas forgot about your birthday. "That fool only cares for himself. Take this. My gift for you." Bi-Han pushes it toward your chest, fake indifference dripping from his gestures. The "By Tomas" note carefully replaced with "By Bi-Han". -That ass of Bi-Han froze the walls of your house? Don't worry, dear Liang will help you out warming the house up. And if you don't mind, he'll embrace you "So at least you can warm up." His handsome face dangerously close to yours. -If only you knew Bi-Han and Liang bickered before and the pyromancer made sure for Bi-Han's attack to hit exactly your house… -They are like beasts always going at each other thorats. Sadly, this make them all grumpier. -If they keep going like this, you won't end up with either of them. -But if you are interested, move fast! Or the world will have fewer ninjas soon…
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tongue-like-a-razor · 5 months
For the celebration (congrats btw!!) could we see the first time that it came up in conversation that Jake had a crush on a mystery girl? However you pictured it happening! Unless it’s too early to reveal it or if you have other plans for it! You can completely ignore this!!
I love your work!!
Aww thank you so much, darling! I love love love this request! I imagine this conversation happening between part 6 and 7 :D Hope you like it!
5k Weekend Bash Drabbles
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Brother's Best Friend - Off Limits
Jake Seresin x Reader
“What’s the matter with you?”
Jake looks up from his drink, a little dazed. “What do you mean?”
Bradley gives him a pointed look. “Well, you didn’t even notice the two chicks we passed on the patio on our way in. Twins. You let me crush you at Mortal Kombat. Twice. You’ve barely touched your beer. And I’m pretty sure you weren’t listening to my rant about the pickles.”
“The pickles?” Jake cocks his head in confusion.
Bradley nods. “Mm-hm, the pickles that are supposed to be on this burger.” He gestures at his half-eaten meal.
Jake stares at Bradley for a moment. “Can’t believe I almost missed that.”
Bradley purses his lips sourly and returns his attention to his food. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re distracted.”
Jake looks down at his own plate and mutely picks up a fry.
Bradley, who’s about to take a bite, slowly lowers his burger, watching Jake zone out again as he chews. Bradley smirks, setting his burger down. “Spill,” he demands.
Jake cringes. “There’s nothing to spill.”
Bradley starts chortling. “Who is she?”
Jake sighs uneasily and finally meets Bradley’s gaze. “Uh, you don’t know her.”
“You bang her yet?”
Jake tries not to wince. “No. She… doesn’t know.”
“Doesn’t know what?” But after two seconds of contemplation, Bradley leans into the table excitedly. “Are you telling me you’re hung up on a chick who has no clue that you’re into her?”
Jake swallows uncomfortably. “Looks like it,” he responds miserably.
“Why haven’t you asked her out?”
Jake glances up at his friend, doing his best not to appear overly guilty. “She’s bad news.”
Bradley’s grin broadens. “I like the sound of that.”
Jake suppresses a groan. “No, it’s not what you think.”
“What do I think?”
Jake grimaces, staring into his fizzing beer. “I just mean… she’s not an option.”
“Because?” Bradley raises his eyebrows expectantly.
Jake shifts in his seat and looks back up warily. The truth is, he wouldn’t mind talking about you at all. In fact, he’s dying to tell his best friend about the emotional turmoil he’s been contending with since he realized he had feelings for you. But, as luck would have it, Bradley is actually the root of the problem, and consequently the last person Jake should be sharing with. Still, Jake really can’t resist talking about you, given how much he’s lately been keeping to himself. “Because she’s” – off limits – “taken.”
Bradley nods sympathetically. “Been there.”
Jake grips his beer stein and lifts it off the table. “Her boyfriend is a real piece of work, too.”
“So, show her that you’re better. Easy.”
Jake sets his beer back down without taking a drink. “Am I?”
Bradley leans back in his seat with a chuckle. “Oh no,” he says.
“You fucking like her, dude.”
“I told you, I like her.”
“No.” Bradley shakes his head. “No, no. You don’t just like her, man. You like her.”
Jake is watching Bradley impassively. “Are you fucking glitching?”
Bradley laughs. “Admit it!”
Jake opens his mouth to protest that he already has, but then closes it again because obviously Bradley is right. “Yes, I fucking like her, Bradshaw. I like her enough to know that she shouldn’t be with me.”
Bradley’s obnoxious cackle has fizzled to a merry chuckle now and he shakes his head with a loud, theatrical sigh. “My boy is growing up!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I’m so proud of you, man.”
“I said, shut the fuck up, Bradshaw.”
Bradley raises his hands in surrender. “Okay,” he says giddily. “So, tell me about her.”
5k Celly
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partycatty · 5 months
I have this idea:
Johnny Cage x tomboy (can be gender neutral reader), I see the reader as a introvert, gamer, a bit of a nerd that prefers to wear comfy pants than elegant, tight dresses/skirts. Johnny likes to talk to them cause they can play games together (I believe that johnny being a bit of a gamer is a fact stated in mk1, when we have a Cage's Mansion tutorial?) and so he decided to invite reader to a red carpet event created because of the launch of his new movie. It's first time in their life to attend such thing and they really don't know what to do... (the rest is up to you, they can either fuck before the event while reader is trying to pick a good outfit or just go there and have fun or whatever<3)
johnny cage > zip me up
johnny's not used to seeing his best friend in anything but a hoodie and sweats. what happens when they have to dress outside of their comfort zone?
warnings: nsfw... :3, exhibitionism?, hardcore praising LOL, awkward reader (no rizz ...), reader is written as curvy? LONG POST LOL
notes: i physically cant write dom johnny without it sounding super ooc LOL ALSO!! im so sorry if the formatting is iffy, ive been forced to use desktop and the formatting is completely different than my usual mobile writing
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honestly, it's hard to gauge what games he'd actually play, so a part of me believes he mainly plays... mortal kombat. and yes, since he is canonically responsible for the franchise existing, he would main himself. or maybe he'd play fortnite, lord knows he'd have his own skin.
"come on, man! you can't keep picking general shao! you can just say you hate me," johnny groans, staring at the character select screen. his favorite thing was to drop tidbits about the characters and compare them to the real life counterparts. "i'm still mentally recovering from witnessing his ugly mug."
you chuckle and lean back in your chair, pulling your headset mic closer to your lips. "would you rather i picked one of your buddies? kenshi, or as you called him, sexy face two?"
"and now you're asking me to beat up my best friend," johnny sighs dramatically. you giggle, and it makes his heart flutter and cheeks redden. thankfully, today was a day your webcams were turned off so you were none the wiser. you make a comment that he's the one that wanted to play a game that features his real friends and actual enemies which earns yet another groan from him.
"if you're gonna be annoying, we could switch to something else?" you offer teasingly. "not my fault you choose to stare at yourself every game instead of learning combos."
"oh hush, you love me," johnny replies, earning a little peep from you out of surprise. he loved to push your buttons and flirt with you. it was in his personality, sure, but because of it you did have a massive crush on him. it was innocent and purehearted, but you just couldn't see yourself risking your great friendship over some silly feelings. "you love it when i'm difficult, don't lie to yourself."
"...shut up," you pathetically try to retort, sinking into your seat and fighting the flush on your face. "are we gonna run another round or what?"
"actually, i had something to ask of you," johnny says, tone suddenly serious and almost unreadable. you feel a pit in your stomach at his tone, wondering if maybe you're in trouble. your mind spirals as you nervously fidget in anticipation. "well, two things actually. could you turn your camera on so i can properly ask you?"
you shakily turn your camera on in discord, anxiously glancing between your monitors and camera lens. johnny smiles to himself, leaning forward get a closer look at you as if you were sitting across the table from him.
"good girl, there we go," he says encouragingly, making your thighs clench as you use your sleeves to hide your face. "no, come on, don't hide. here, let me-" he clicks on his own camera button and his webcam blinks to life. he smiles directly into the camera, and for a moment you're winded at the reminder that you're best friends with a celebrity. "-there. now it doesn't feel like i'm talking to my computer."
"well, you are-" you speak up, ready to go on one of your famous tech tangents. johnny holds up a single finger, shushing you instantly. as much as he'd love to hear your voice for hours on end, he wanted to squeeze out what he was going to say first.
"-hold your tongue, my dearest nerd," johnny quips with a wink. "my favor first." you tense up before he speaks up again. "i've got a movie coming out. finally, right? point is, cris is an absolute no-go, and my assistant couldn't find a damsel to hang off my arm in time for the red carpet. so, next best thing, i was wondering if... you'd be my plus one."
"i-i don't dress up, johnny," you protest, looking away. "all those cameras, all the shouting... not for me."
"it's not all bad," he insists with a smirk. "you'll have me. all you have to do is stay close to me and smile."
you stammer, trying to spill out more excuses for him to give in and stop asking.
"i don't have a dress-"
"i'll buy you twenty."
"nobody knows who i am-"
"eyes'll be on me."
"what if someone laughs at me?"
"doll, have you seen some of these hollywood clowns? you'll look just fine."
you tug at your hair, exasperated. he came prepared with every response, had every reason to bring you to the carpet. you wanted to say no, but truth be told, you missed johnny dearly. you don't get to see him in person often, given your medium distance and his constant work. a meek "fine" escapes your lips and johnny cheers to himself, his excitement painted all over his face. it made you warm how well he was at showing his appreciation at times.
"i knew i could count on you, sweetheart. this means the world to me. i'm getting you tomorrow at three, okay? we're gonna get you a nice dress, i'll get a matching suit tailored... oh, it'll be like prom all over again!" he's gesturing wildly as he hypes himself up over the plan.
"i never went to prom, johnny," you chuckle to yourself, eyes on your keyboard. "i wouldn't know the experience."
"well that's ridiculous," johnny looks surprised at this fact, for a reason you can't pinpoint. "i would have asked you if we knew each other then."
"i'm sure," you agree shyly, turning away to try and hide your blush. "i'll see you tomorrow, johnny."
"see you tomorrow, doll," he smiles at the camera again, and you catch a glimpse of it as you weakly return the expression. then, johnny leaves the call, leaving you huffing and blushing. he just asked you to be his plus one on the red carpet, for his movie, for his fans... all eyes will be on you. the thought terrifies you, but maybe you could push through for your friend. you were a software developer, mostly confined to your dimly lit bedroom. this was a whole new realm!
you roll around on your bed and kick your feet, wondering why you're always so awkward around him. if you fumble at all in public, your world might just fall apart. sleep doesn't come easy for you, but it eventually overpowers your anxiety.
sunlight creeps through your windows. despite your usual tendency to sleep in, your nerves shot you awake slightly earlier than that, and you tried your best to negate your shakiness through games and squeezing in any work projects you could make up - before a firm knock was at your apartment door.
you fly to the door and swing it open, excited to see the only man that gets your heart pumping. he's matching your energy with a cheesy grin, immediately charging at you to embrace you in a bear hug. his cologne makes you tingle as you breathe in his shirt fabric. when he pulls back, he chuckles to admire your attire. you're wearing your usual sweatpants, hoodie, and slippers.
"you clean up nice," he compliments you sarcastically. "it's nice to finally see you, honey." you shrug with a shy smile at his endless pet names. "let's get you into something more flattering, yeah?"
he encourages you to his car, it's one of his nice sports cars with his name printed across the seats. you always felt out of place in his luxurious lifestyle. however, even through the two hour car ride back to malibu, you found yourself familiar and comfortable alongside johnny.
"you didn't have to drive four hours just to see me," you insist quietly, voice muffled against the window as you admire the waters. "it's a lot of trouble for one night."
johnny seems to genuinely seem taken aback by your deprecating comment. he leans over and slides one hand on your knee, patting it gently.
"you know i'd do anything for you," he speaks in that dangerously low tone, stealing quick glances as he desperately tries to focus on the road. "i want you with me."
even after his comforting pat, his hand lingers for a moment, sliding up your thigh with feather touches. you cover your lips with your finger to muffle any whimpers that threatened to escape. you always hated how touchy he was, and by hated, you mean it turned you on embarrassingly easily. as the road straightens out, you realize he's staring directly at you with suspiciously blown out pupils, but snaps back into reality as quickly as you noticed. he clears his throat and removes his hand, settling them both back on the steering wheel.
perhaps he just missed me and wants to be closer, you thought. he's always clingy, he probably just... you're having a hard time justifying his needy glances. they looked off. it's been a stupidly long time since someone eyed you down like that.
after what felt like a thousand years, the city comes into view and johnny parks at a luxury outfit boutique. it's small, but the window mannequins alone make you swallow nervously.
it takes quite some time to decide on a dress, because you internally decide that every possible option is unflattering. each time johnny pulls a dress from the selection, you cringe and shake your head. the sleeves were either too long or too short, the skirt was too flowy or too loose, or the color wasn't quite right.
"how about i pick one for you?" johnny offers, a little exhausted at how difficult you were being. "you just go sit in the dressing room, i'll slide you a couple dresses and don't think too hard about this. you'll look great in anything, my dear."
you agreed with his idea. maybe it'd be best for the celebrity that's known to dress nice to put you in something that'll definitely turn heads and keep you confident. it was unfamiliar territory for you, after all, since the last flattering thing you wore was a one-piece swimsuit on a beach trip with your family.
after some time of fidgeting in the dressing room, johnny slides the curtain aside and greets you with a smile, his veiny arm holding about a dozen dresses. he's got his iconic shit-eating grin as it seems he has something devious in mind for you.
"don't look so afraid," johnny shrugs, nudging you playfully. "i'll treat you right, pinky promise." he holds up the first dress, a flowy one with off-the-shoulder sheer sleeves. it looks like something out of a fairytale, and you're reluctant to deny his suggestion when he's cheesing so damn hard. you smile back and shove him back behind the curtain, giving yourself space to change.
you slide into the dress, catching it on your hips momentarily but pulling it past without tearing it thankfully. when you pull it up to your chest, it takes quite a bit of tugging, seeing as the fabric isn't as stretchy compared to what you're used to. when you fall silent as you try to pull the dress up, johnny assumes you're ready and slides the curtain aside, stepping in eagerly.
"how's it-" he cuts himself off when he gets a good look at you. you're flushed from trying to squeeze into the fabric, and your breasts (that he didn't even know you had) were spilling out of the front. his lips get sucked inward as you witness the gears come to a screeching halt in his head. his eyes may have been hidden from his sunglasses, but you know for a fact he's checking you out. "i like that one." his voice is too monotonous for him to truly be emotionless. it's like it's taking every ounce of his being to be normal.
"i don't," you mumble, continuing your fruitless attempts much to johnny's delight as your boobs ripple with each pull. "i can't get the stupid zipper up in the back, either."
eager hands shoot out to you as johnny takes quick strides to stand behind you. your front is facing the mirror, your hands resting atop your breasts and eyes focused on the man behind you. when his head tilts town to get a good look at the zipper, you notice his eyes are far darker than the typical warm brown.
his hands fumble tremendously as he tries to keep his shit together. he uses one hand to keep the parts together and the other to get the zipper sliding.
the sudden jerk catches you off guard and you're far from balanced. thankfully, your palms press against the mirror to keep yourself upright, and johnny lurches forward as his grip is pulled with you. his hands fly to your waist to ensure he doesn't topple you over.
you would have gotten up like nothing happened, and maybe apologized, but during the scuffle you felt something hard and warm through your skirt. johnny's nose is tucked in the nape of your neck when you fully realize your predicament.
as you sputter out his name to call him out, you feel his lips smile against your back. his hands loosen momentarily, but don't pull away.
"uh, sorry, doll," he mumbles into your skin, not sounding all too apologetic. "pretty girls in dresses just... gets me goin'."
"i'm not pretty," you mutter, averting your gaze. johnny lifts his head and looks at your reflection incredulously.
"you're joking, right?" johnny replies, brows furrowed. "babe, look at yourself." he grabs your jaw from behind and angles your vision on your body. "i didn't know you were carrying all this. i almost want t'take you out and get you a whole new wardrobe just to get you out of those garbage bags you're always in. pardon my french doll, but you're fuckin' hot." as he speaks, his hand snakes down your throat, your shoulder, and then settling firmly on your hip, not even hiding the brief sweep he made against the flesh of your chest.
you're left staring in awe. he was always charming around you, but never outright flirting. you glance toward the curtain; what if someone heard all this? you swallow thickly, moving back to look at johnny apprehensively. he's biting his lower lip, suddenly thrusting more against your body, letting a shaky breath as his face is now buried in the crook of your neck as he tries to hold it together.
"you got me all riled up seeing you in that, you know," he warns you in a husky voice that dampens your panties. "so you can't say you aren't pretty. feel what you did to me." the air feels intensely different than it was when you guys were just friends. he's confessing something he'd implied to feel for quite some time, but you never envisioned the day it'd come to fruition. you can't really say you were complaining when he pulls your hips toward him, letting him use your ass to grind down on ever so slightly. your stillness throws him off for a moment, and he looks up at you through the mirror with concerned eyes. "you don't seem into this. i can stop."
"n-no!" you yelp out, sounding a little more desperate that you'd like to admit. "this is okay."
"just okay?"
"well, no, but - i'm sorry, i don't know what to say."
"do you want me to stop?"
"good girl."
he presses a little harder against you, keeping you upright and stopping your knees from buckling with his rough hands. abruptly filled with a primal hunger, johnny tugs the long flowing skirt up in bunches, gripping it tightly to get a glorious view of your ass. this interaction was not prepared for, so you couldn't help but feel flustered when your boyshort panties are fully on display. johnny just chuckles to himself as he grabs a shameless handful of one of your asscheeks anyway, squeezing hard enough to leave red prints behind. you bite down on your lips to stop any noise from coming out, but a moan of surprise slips through.
johnny wraps one arm around your midsection for stability, and the other flies up to your lips to hold his palm over your mouth.
"if you want this, you're gonna stay quiet, is that clear?" he growls into your ear, head tilted toward you but eyes fixated on your reflection's eyes. all you can do is nod. "i'll show you how fuckin' pretty you are."
he slides your panties down with ease, expelling a shaky groan when he watches a trail of your wetness follow the fabric. his cock is swiftly freed from his dress pants and he slides his throbbing tip against your folds, creating a sopping sound to the trained ear. if the store was quiet enough, the entire building would know how soaked you were for your best friend. all you can do is whimper and gasp as your noises are muffled by his hand. johnny leans forward and gently shushes you, lips brushing against your ear.
"you can do it, princess," he assures you in that husky voice before holding intense eye contact in the mirror. "you look so good like this, don't you think?"
your pupils were blown out and your cheeks were stained a deep red as you're bent over for the actor. you didn't feel pretty, still. you felt... needy.
you pressed back against his cock, and it slips between your folds before catching on your aching hole, making you twitch. the sloppy friction makes johnny moan against your skin as he hungrily matches your movements. he slides his hand down and toys with your clit, wetting the area with your own juices which seems to be plentiful. he sticks two fingers inside, not bothering to ease you into the process at all. he needs you now, and if "now" is in a clothing store, then so be it. your pussy burns from the sudden stretching, but you take it because it makes him happy to see how eager you are for him.
"i should've put you in a dress sooner," he mutters, hazy eyes staring right through you as he relishes in the way your walls embrace his fingers. "you look beautiful, my dear. angelic. i wanna ruin you so bad, baby, but i can't. not here." his words already bring you closer, but as you feel the tension building inside he leaves you empty and sopping... but not for long.
his tip slides in with ease, and he has to bite down on your bare shoulder to stop himself from losing it entirely. it's the first time in a long time a pussy has been too good for him. he's stuck his dick anywhere and everywhere, but you take the cake. his bite deepens when he slowly but surely bottoms out, his own knees buckling at your gorgeous insides.
"mmf, so fucking good," he groans into your flesh, eyes clenching shut. "my pretty girl. all mine, yeah?" you nod lazily, too entranced in the fact that his cock is buried inside of you. you'd had sex before, but it had been quite some time. years. and his dick just felt impossibly big.
"i could stay like this forever," he mumbles, almost forgetting to thrust. you remind him quickly when you shake your ass needily. "ah, but i shouldn't. you deserve to feel good."
he pulls out slowly, admiring the thin coat of juice painting his shaft before thrusting back in. he's careful to move just enough to hit deep, but not enough to make the slapping sound too obvious.
"there you go," johnny encourages you as he starts to slowly pump into you. "you take me so well, so pretty with my dick buried in you."
you almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming. just yesterday, he was your duo in your favorite game. and now, he was fucking into you in public. the thought makes you dizzy and you have a hard time keeping your head upright, that is, until johnny pulls your face up to the mirror again, still muffling you with his palm. you want to say you're the one enjoying it most, but that might be johnny. his once cocky demeanor is now down the drain as he fights for his life to not cum with every second of friction. you were just so good, he's already pussydrunk. he seems to be living in his own heaven when he lazily peppers kisses and licks all around your back, neck, and shoulders, breathy whimpers and moans warming your skin up nicely.
his thrusts grow increasingly sloppy as he completely loses himself against you. his eyes are swapping between you and him in the mirror as he admires your wetness dripping down your thighs and splattering against his own front. he would be mad you were ruining his nice clothes, but he's just going to buy another suit with you anyway.
"you wanna cum on me, doll?" he huffs into your ear, letting go of his fear of the slapping noise and now progressively slamming into you harder and harder. "let me feel it, baby, i'm real close."
johnny's arms readjust, one snaking under your armpit and over your shoulder, and the other rhythmically swirling circles against your clit. what once was hungry groans is now turning into needy whimpers from the both of you as you cum simultaneously. your lower half feels warm as he cums deep inside of you, watching it drip and splatter out with every finishing thrust. your vision becomes tunneled as you see stars, head thrown back as each throb from the orgasm makes you forget you're in public entirely.
he holds you both there for a moment, breathing in your damp skin. you both feel dazed, but incredibly satisfied. johnny kisses your cheek from behind, dancing his way to the corner of your mouth and then captures your lips in a messy, brief kiss.
"you know i didn't need a dress to want you that bad, right?" johnny asks against your lips, his fingers brushing against your bare thighs. "i really do think you're beautiful. always have."
you nod, taking in a quick inhale of breath to gather yourself. "i wasn't sure before."
"well, i hope you are now," johnny chuckles, and kisses you again. "at least, i hope so - hey, hey -" the embrace stops as he steps back and notices his semen dripping down your leg. "don't get that on the carpet. and definitely don't get that on the dress. we're buying that one for the red carpet-" he checks his watch. "-that we're late to. shit."
he doesn't really regret it.
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everlasting-rainfall · 10 months
Ok so we seen Shanks vs Akainu in pages au but what if it was pirates vs pirates or marines vs marines;)
shanks vs Buggy maybe even Shanks vs Kaido
Akainu vs Garp maybe even Akainu vs Koby since we all know how that went when Koby yelled at him that one time 😈
but if you want another pirate vs Marine pairing who has potential working well together then I would suggest Garp and Roger or Luffy and Koby 👀
Those are some pretty interesting match ups that you have there, dearie! I’m kind of imagining like an old Mortal Kombat styled scene with like pixelated graphics and health bars with you being tied to a post in the background as the prize for the winner
It’s honestly kind of a funny thought to me in all honesty but enough wasting time, let’s get into it! I’m sorry if some of these aren’t that good by the way, I kinda struggled with this a bit
Yandere, Violence, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Stalking, Blood Mention, Fighting, Getting Locked Up
So Shanks vs Buggy, I can’t see Shanks actively hurting Buggy even in a Yandere situation so I feel like how a fight between them would go down is probably like Buggy trying to fight Shanks and his crew
Maybe doing a bit well but it’s Shanks so without a doubt, he isn’t going to be able to do anything in the end so I feel like once Buggy has tired himself out that’s probably when Shanks offers him a proposition
He doesn’t want to hurt Buggy and Buggy wants you just like he does so why don’t they just share you?
I can only imagine Buggy’s reaction like this man shouts up a storm about how “No way, no deal! They’re mine! Not yours, keep your hands off of them!”
So Shanks just lets Buggy keep trying to steal you from them like no matter how complex the plan, Shanks just basically snags you back nearly every single time and probably leaves behind a note like “Offer is still in the air! 😁 -Shanks”
Eventually chances are that no matter how many times Buggy thinks that he has you, he keeps telling himself that he won’t give in and that you’ll be his and only his someday
However everyone has to break eventually so after Buggy puts his biggest plan to steal you and keep you with him forever in place only for Shanks to take you back a day later with the same note left behind, that’s when he’s probably surrender
He’d probably go walking off to Shanks and just be like “I’ll take you up on your offer now but only because I want to!! And I get her all to myself for an entire week!!” which Shanks agrees to
So all in all being fought over by Shanks and Buggy is basically just Buggy taking you then Shanks taking you until they agree to kind of share you
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Shanks vs Kaido? Oh dear fucking lord… That can only go so horribly if they’re both chasing after the same person as if I remember then Kaido was actually on his way to Marineford when Shanks showed up during that arc
If they both have a crush on the same person then I pray for your well-being as I can imagine that Kaido probably had you first like he probably decided to make your island specifically part of his territory like man picked up your island and brought it closer to where his base is
Oh so graciously allowed the people of the island to live in exchange for you which caused you to become his tiny S/O who could fit in the palm of his hand and still have room to stretch themselves out and then some
Once Shanks found out about you though like let’s say that someone let information about Kaido’s S/O slip and that information spread until it reached Shanks, he was pretty interested and when he saw a picture of you that’s when he decided that he wanted you
And like what I’ve said before if one member of a crew is Yandere then expect all of them to be like Shanks’s crew were more than happy to go along with this idea of heading to Wano and snagging Kaido’s S/O as clearly you rightfully belong to Shanks as he loves you far more than Kaido does and more than the giant blue lizard (his words, not mine) ever could
And this is going to be one hell of a fight, Kaido is going to keep you with him or die horribly trying to like there has been quite a few attempts at taking you but they get you as far as almost on the ship before you’re stolen back
It’s terrifying, it’s loud, it’s bloody, and neither side is willing to give up until they have you
They’ll take breaks of course to rest and recover as they can’t fight forever and during that time, you better hope that you’re a master negotiator as otherwise this fight will either last forever or until one/both of them dies
This is kinda starting to sound like Broggy and Dorry to be honest but hey, whatever
In conclusion, Kaido and Shanks fighting over you kinda feels like a tower defense game as people are constantly coming from Shanks side to try and capture you while Kaido and the Beast Pirates defend you
The only problem comes from the fact that Kaido is more than likely at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting Shanks as I feel like Shanks is stronger
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So Garp vs. Akainu as well? I’m sorry to say it but prepare to be married to Garp, Akainu doesn’t stand a chance against Garp as if Sengoku didn’t hold Garp down at Marineford then he would have killed Akainu plus we all see the feats that this man has accomplished
Let’s say that you were already Akainu’s Darling like he was a fairly alright Yandere to you if not terrifying as all hell like this man probably kidnapped you to keep you safe from the Pirate scum like “You’re pure and I won’t let a pirate taint you, you’re coming with me”
He doesn’t let you out of the house unless he’s with you as he knows he can protect you and that’s how you meet Garp, Garp is irritating to Akainu but he is a marine so he allows Garp to get close and look but not touch as if Garp tries to offer you a rice cracker or shake your hand then he’s smacking it away
Garp leaves you two alone with one thought in his head and it’s “How did a person as sweet as that wind up with Akainu of all people?” but regardless he continues on with his life with his mind very often drifting to you
Like he keeps imagining things with you and spacing out to random thoughts like he imagines going on dates with you and treating you far better than he thinks Akainu is doing as he envisions Akainu as this big scary lava monster that will burn you alive
At first, he doesn’t want to be a home wrecker by getting you to cheat with him but over time he starts to care less and less as he really wants you but alas he’s a marine and he can’t just go wrecking households for no reason other than “I love her” so he holds himself back reluctantly although he is very nice to you whenever he sees you with Akainu
Cut to Marineford and Marineford things happen, Garp is held down by Sengoku and Akainu lives albeit having been beaten down pretty bad
Garp is devastated by what happened and he tries to deal with things but as he’s dealing with things, his mind goes to you at one point albeit briefly and he realizes that you’re still married to Akainu and after what happened at Marineford. There’s no telling what could happen now
He’s going to save you so while Akainu is at Punk Hazard battling Aokiji, Garp breaks into your home and spirits you away with him to where he knows that he can keep you safe
Akainu will be pissed when he gets home and finds you gone especially with the clear signs that you were kidnapped, one of his first orders of business as Fleet Admiral will be tracking you down and getting you back
Your new husband isn’t worried at all though as if Akainu gets anywhere near you now then he’ll take care of it, Akainu can think all that he wants that he’ll have you back someday but while Garp is alive then nothing of the sort is happening
You’ll be staying right there with him and he’ll hear nothing about returning to Akainu like man’s expression visibly darkens if you bring up Akainu so it’s best to keep conversation topics about other things
At least you have more freedom with Garp, I guess? He’s definitely more protective and will join you if you go anywhere but he says you shouldn’t talk to anyone and let him do all the talking
It’s safe to just accept that Garp is your husband now, not Akainu and if Akainu ever tries to come for you then well it’s time to make the worlds hottest donut if you get what I mean
In conclusion, Garp vs. Akainu when it comes to you is just him stealing you and killing Akainu if he ever gets too close
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Ok so Akainu vs. Koby, huh? Yeah, we all did see what happened when Koby shouted at Akainu that one time and if I was writing this before the latest chapter then I would honestly say that Koby is someone who needs to back down and adore from afar while hoping that Akainu maybe dies an awful death
But after the latest chapter and also remembering that he was trained by Garp, I’d say that Koby would be able to give Akainu one hell of a fight if they were to fight over you and the odds would be against Koby
I feel like Koby’s best bet at keeping you with him would probably be to do what Garp did like grab you and run as I can’t see him willing to take Akainu on head on if Akainu wanted you as well like don’t get me wrong as if push came to shove then he’s going in
Luckily Akainu and Koby are somewhat reasonable people with Koby being way more reasonable than Akainu so you might be able to negotiate with them briefly to not get them to fight each other but that’s a small briefly because of Akainu as Koby will listen but Akainu will let you say like two words before it’s back to firing lava at Koby
Honestly I can’t see Koby being a Yandere that would actively kidnap you like he’d be the kind of Yandere where once you’re in a relationship with him, he’s clingy as fuck and barely leaves you alone especially if you live together but beyond putting you under prolonged house arrest for trying to leave, I can’t see it
So chances are that Akainu might actually kidnap you first over Koby and put you under permanent house arrest but maybe not so much house arrest as it is bedroom arrest until he can trust you to not run away from him
I can imagine though that Koby takes immediate notice of your disappearance and gets worried about you so he’ll probably go seeking you out and trying to figure out where you went
And if he finds out that Akainu has you then he’s not above putting a plan into motion that he calls Plan *Insert First Initial of Your Name*RFA which stands for *Your Name* Rescue From Akainu, it’s some pretty complex stuff too as he doesn’t want to just smash a window with a brick
When Koby has you though, he’s getting out of there and taking you with him so he can keep you safe and love you but eventually Akainu will probably find you and Koby. He’s not mad at you, well he sort of is but that’s besides the point
Koby probably will get a few new scars as Akainu steals you back and brings you home where you’re under serious lockdown like we’re talking ankle monitor more than likely and probably not being allowed to leave the bed except for basic necessities
Don’t expect to be there long though as Koby does intend to have you back eventually, it’s just that now he needs to a second edition of the plan with a better place to hide you and he’s not going to stop like even if you tell him to
He all but sees you as the princess in a tower with Akainu as a fire breathing dragon and him as the brave knight whose coming to save you
Chances are that he doesn’t even give a shit if he gets a few burn scars on the way out as it’ll be worth it when the drago- I mean, Akainu stops stealing you back
In conclusion, Akainu vs. Koby would probably boil down to a game of hide and seek until either Koby gets himself killed or Koby manages to either kill Akainu or hide you somewhere where Akainu legitimately can’t find you
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Garp and Roger fighting over you? I can personally see that fight lasting forever or at least until Roger dies, I think it would be pretty funny though if you just had no clue what was going the whole time so let’s go with that for this one
So imagine that you’re basically some kind of traveler and every island that you wind up going to if you stay there long enough then you will run into Gol D. Roger himself or Monkey D. Garp like you’ve been keeping record of how long it takes for one of them to show up on every island, it happens so much
Roger typically just throws his arm around your shoulders and greets you as if you were an old friend, he offers you to join his crew for a party and asks about any new adventures that you may have had recently while Garp just finds you and starts up a conversation with you like he’s pretty loud about it and maybe even offers you a rice cracker or two as he offers you to come with him to visit a marine base
Both situations would cause you to never be separated from them again if you agreed by the way but anyways, I can imagine that they always just have this serious look of disappointing on their faces whenever you decline
I can’t imagine the two of them immediately just jumping into a fight over you like it wouldn’t take long but it wouldn’t be just like greet each other then fight
Both of them are incredibly tough so I can imagine that any fight between them goes on without a winner like Yandere or not, Roger is going to put the needs of his crew first a lot of the time which I can see Garp accepting and saying he’ll let Roger go for the time being but maybe also throwing a few canon balls his way when Roger is leaving
Meanwhile as these fights are happening, you’re just like listening to music in the background being completely oblivious like it’s that one Spider-Man meme of like Spider-Man and the enemy fighting in the background while Stan Lee listens to music
Anyways enough jokes, my apologies…
Eventually one of them is likely going to capture you and bring you with them, I can imagine that because of how their fights for you are at a stalemate constantly then chances are that you’re never going to be leaving that person
The only reason why I can see Garp finally getting you is when Roger is executed and you’re in tears because Stockholm syndrome or maybe you actually fell in love with him then Garp will be there as a shoulder for you to cry on
He’ll comfort you through your grief and make you smile again eventually managing to get you to enter a relationship with him and boom, you’re stuck with another Yandere
The only way that I could see that scenario not being the case is if Roger asked one of his trusted crew members to keep an eye on you like Rayleigh or Gaban, hell I can even see you being entrusted to Shanks or Buggy when they get old enough like “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of Mom/Dad! No one will lay a hand on them!” because without a doubt they do see you as one
It doesn’t mean that Garp is going to stop trying though as he’ll always be there just watching and waiting for the perfect chance for him to get close and take you away
As for if Garp is the winner who eventually got you then you’re definitely saddened by Roger’s death as you were close but I can’t see any of Roger’s old crew trying to come after you, he definitely spoke about you but I can’t see him asking them to steal you from Garp as there’s no real point now that he’s dead
As for if you were present during Ace’s birth or his childhood? I feel like you weren’t there for Ace’s birth but you may have been occasionally with Garp when he went to visit Ace, Luffy, and Sabo but I don’t think enough to where they would actively remember you
In conclusion, Garp vs Roger feels like it boils down to a game of capture the flag but both parties are too busy fighting to actually capture the flag
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Now then Luffy vs Koby? I can personally see the two of them honestly deciding to ultimately share you at first to some extent as the two of them appear to be on somewhat good terms despite the fact that Luffy is a Pirate and Koby is a Marine
You know if you don’t count anything that involves the two of them fighting or Koby trying to catch Luffy as he’s a pirate and all but regardless, Koby is a good Marine and Luffy is a good Pirate so to an extent, I feel like they might decide to share you
This extent being that although they share you, sometimes Luffy won’t hand you off to Koby for his time with you and will try to make you stay with him while Koby does the same as he attempts to subtly convince you to stay with him
I’d recommend for either of their sake but mostly Koby’s sake to not pick either of them and just continue this life of being periodically passed between them and if you don’t want to see bloodshed or fighting then I’d recommend doing your best to convince Luffy and Koby to stick to the rules that were put in place
Koby would be easy to convince but Luffy, not so much as that man is as stubborn as a mule so you will have to make him one hell of a deal so you prevent a fight breaking out but then again even that might not work so a fight may be inevitable
And when they do fight against each other over you then I would say that Koby could put up a good fight against Luffy but I think that we all know who is winning this and walking away with you in the end and it isn’t Koby
I couldn’t see Luffy ever killing Koby but beating him so bad that he’s black and blue? Especially considering that Luffy is Yandere for you then he’ll gladly do it as many times as he needs to until Koby gets the message to stay away
But seeing as Koby is a Yandere for you as well then I don’t think that’s going to be any time soon, you can try to ask him to just stay away for his own sake if you run into him while alone but he won’t listen and will simply take you and get moving
Don’t expect to get too far though as soon enough, you’ll see an angry rubber man chasing the two of you or if you made off of the island then the Thousand Sunny chasing after the ship that Koby has you on
Either way, Luffy isn’t going to pull an Akainu and potentially kill Koby but he will get more and more irritated each time that Koby does show up to try and steal you away from him
Sometimes you probably do miss the days where Koby and Luffy would sort of share you between one another
In conclusion, Luffy vs. Koby probably feels like a game of keep away in all honesty where Luffy is keeping you away from Koby
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arttrampbelle · 9 months
Shang tsung x reader hcs
Reader is gn
*note: this isn't mk12 shang. Never will be. So.....sorry bout your poor taste in shang tsung iterations. Imagine any other version of shang. Thank you.*
Cw:mentions of nsfw(nothing heavy),fluff,mentions of a s/o who self harms and has mental illness/depression.
Shang Tsung with a s/o that is.....
Shang tsung with a kind,sweet,gentle s/o. One that is shy,maybe a bit more of the demure side. Or even just a person who isn't an assertive type. Either way a s/o that is more softer and sweeter. A sweet gentle soul. Shang tsung would absolutely love you. It's a breath of fresh air to him. To come home to a gentle energy. Someone he can look to and see innocence in this cold and unforgiving world that is MORTAL KOMBAT. to him,you are his sanctuary. To him you are the closest to heaven he will ever get. And he is so so grateful for that.
Shang tsung with a more spunky,energetic and lively s/o. One who is active and maybe bounce off the walls goofy. Just a jovial little imp you are! One who shitposts memes at 3am and major crackhead energy. (I love you people fr) you are an absolute delight. You Make him laugh till his sides hurt. He's never felt like this in decades,centuries even. Never have you made him feel so alive,so youthful,and full of surprises. He loves your energy. He feels while your behavior can be annoying af at times. He appreciates your sincerity and despite the darkness around you you still find humor and life in everything. He has major respect for that. (You n johnny cage maaaaay get along. But hey i hc shang's cool with johnny,but like a silly puppy and moody dad kinda friendship. They could kill each other but they'd rather talk about kung fu cinema) you are absolutely precious to him.
Shang with a more aggressive,assertive,and angy(?) S/o. Maybe someone prone to easily be angered. Or even someone willing to throw hands and give out a can of whoop ass. Oh thank the elder gods he doesn't have to defend you! Not that he minds,he does love the praise he gets for that. But he feels relieved that you can handle yourself. Not to mention,its kinda hot to him when you get angry. Not at him of course....then again....the thought has crossed his mind....anyways. shang tsung loooooves sparring with you! Unf it's his bread n butter. He feels so alive with every kick and punch you throw. He always is sad when you are done tho. He always craves more. But both of you im sure are busy. But he loves you just the same.
Shang tsung with a s/o that is moody,sad,battles with depression,maybe self harm? He would be extra careful with his beloved. He would check in on you regularly. Pay extra special attention to your needs and make sure you take any medication you need to take. He would teach you techniques to help ease your inner demons. As he understands that struggle. He absolutely knows what to say,what to do,and how to help you. And if he can't help you. He will find someone who can. He will always be there to comfort you and give you advice when you need him to. He may be a dark sorcerer,but he is ruthless. NEVER HEARTLESS. especially with you. He loves you. And doesn't want to lose you. He cherishes you so so much. So whatever battles you face. He will be at your side,to crush any foe or neurosis that stand in your way to glory!
Shang tsung with a s/o that loves to cook. Omfg have his hand in marriage already! You make such amazing foods. Even if its simple. Even if it's just the most basic ass shit. The love you put into it. The fact that you even bothered to give him foods he loves! Unf. This man is over the moon! He absolutely loves you cooking for him. Better if its homemade,and a personal recipe. He absolutely loves you. He may even help you cook. Bonding time.
Shang tsung with a s/o who is chubby,thicc,and got some rolls on them.(this is gn but this is especially for fem persenting peeps. I see you. I got you!) Oh my god he would adore you. He loves your voluptuous curves. He loves how you always seem to look so flawless in everything. And even if you dont feel that way. He still loves you. Because he fell for your soul....not your body honey. Tho...he'd be foolish not to admit. He loves hanging onto every inch of you. Dragging his claws from his gauntlets across your skin. And the loveable little squees you make in response. Hee hee. What can i say my mans a glutton for a teasing. >:3c. But shang would absolutely adore you. Softness and sweetness. Perfect.
Shang tsung with a s/o that kinda is awkward with themselves. Not hating themselves,just awkward. He would totally gas you up! Especially if you get flustered and blush. Fave pastime is making you blush.
Shang tsung doesn't care about where you come from. Ethnicity,nationality,realm. He loves it all. He doesn't care. The man is 500yrs old. Do you think he gives a rat's ass?! Hell no. He would absolutely love to learn about you. He loves to learn. Knowledge is power. And what better way than to gain it by your side. He's stubborn but not to the point of reluctance to learn fron others. Sometimes he knows but not the extent. Sometimes he'll be surprised. Either way. He loves you. (Idgaf why would shang care about your ethnicity? Like there's so many different people in mk rosters anyways. So any x readers from any character that had this was dumb to me,and childish. Black,white,asian,American,European,lizard,shokan,dragon,rabbit person,mortal,immortal,doesn't fucking matter. If shang tsung likes you and wants to peruse you. He fucking will. And nothing will stop him if he genuinely loves you,unless you give him a reason not to. Which you wont. Also if shang genuinely loves you he will show it differently than if he's trying to gain something from you and get you riled up or if its not genuine. Biiiig difference but that's for another post)
Shang would love you in your best and worst of times. During the lows and the highs. He's in it for the long haul. He doesn't play when it comes to the matters of the heart. He's all in or nothing. He wouldn't bother perusing you if he didn't think you two would be in a long established relationship. Marriage or not. He is loyal to his beloved. Only to his beloved. He's a snek to others. Not to you. He'd burn all the realms to see you safe and happy and loved. He'll die for you,he'd kill for you. Either way what bliss? He's absolutely over the moon for you.
Shang tsung is basically a martial arts master asian gomez in love. Whatever and however you are. He will absolutely love you. Cherish you. Treasure you. Every moment. Period. I don't make the rules. He loves you sorry. And you are his,heart AND soul. uwu.
Hope y'all appreciate this. I wanted to make this to say basically tldr. Shang tsung loves you no matter what. And idc what people say.
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notariahere · 7 months
should i tell you, that i love you? (yasuo x reader)
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a/n: im back after two months hi! im lost because mortal kombat took me away and im currently obsessed with the game and especially with kuai liang and bi-han (please i need help immediately) but enjoy this little, cute fiction of my favorite character ever. (i love him sm☹️) [and this is fiction is friends to lovers awww]
he has a crush on you, he really liked you but he was so shy to confess to you. he was afraid if you rejected him because he was ugly, he thought that he was not enough.
on the other hand, you liked him, you thought that he was attractive, cute and hot. a man that he can protect you from all the bad things and take your pain away. you want to confess to him but you are so shy, like him too. until one day you guys meet up again.
“hey” you turn back to see him “oh hi! didn’t see you” he placed his large hand in your shoulder. this is where you start feel butterflies in your stomach “what are you doing here alone? it’s dangerous to be alone especially when you are in this place” he says. oh, he was worried about you. “just walkin’ alone, havin’ thoughts, deep thoughts” you said “what thoughts? tell me, im here to listen.” this is where you feel tears come out. you wanna tell him that you love him and he is the only person that he helped you and was there for you. “im in love with a man, but i don’t know how to tell him. im afraid if he rejects me… if you wanna know how he looks like, well he’s almost like you. he’s kind, sweet and he’s hot like pretty hot. i can’t stop thinking about him, having also sexual attraction to him too… im so annoyed by this right now…” he laughed “go ahead and tell him that you love him. you only live once you know? what’s wrong from stopping you?” “i don’t know…” “then you have to say it..” and this is the time… you took the risk and you said it to his face “i love you.” “wait.. the confession you did… uh… it was me all the time?” you nodded. he came closer to you, the temperature was rising and you felt hot. “well, i have to confess to you too. i like a girl. she’s so cute and pretty. i love the way she dresses too. i love when she talks to me sweetly and her voice soothes me. every time i see her, i really wanna hug her and put my hand to her pretty face and kiss her deeply.” when he hugged you, you know that the confession he did was about you. he said that he liked you and he wants to be with you. you cried. you couldn’t hold the tears for longer. he pulled the hug, he put his hands in your face and without hesitation, he kissed you, deeply, you returned the kiss and you can tell he is an expert in this. he was holding you tightly, you hold him more tightly, tongues dancing through the kiss, smiles appearing through the kiss. you pull him away to take a breath
“that was the best thing ever.” you said “you’re cute. and i love you. i wanna protect you until the end” he says
“you are gonna be the death of me.”
a/n: AHH THE CUTEST THING EVER!!! my mind was like let’s make this as sex scene but damn i feel like this is more cute and romantic. maybe part two soon?
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1-up-chump · 1 year
How about hcs for kung lao and liu kang (separate) with a reader who is a childhood crush of theirs. And now they are a pupil and lover of shang tsungs.
Oof the angst,the tension. The drama.
The shaolin monks with a childhood crush reader, now a pupil in love with shang tsung.
Liu kang:
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It was obvious to anyone with eyes that liu kang had a crush on you. His shyness and sense of duty however prevented him from pursuing. And either you were oblivious or waiting for him to gather the courage, nothing ever blossomed further between you two.
As years go by and the tides of destiny separate your path together. Liu kang thought that perhaps destiny was giving him a second chance when encountering you again. Alas, the elder gods sure have a cruel sense of humor.
You were now a student under shang tsung, dark sorcerer of souls and foe of earthrealm. Convinced at first you were under some sort of spell, but after a bout of kombat he knew that you were never more clear in mind. For whatever shang tsung had done to win your heart was certain.
It took liu kang a bit to process this, his heart was broken. It could have been better if you were cruel or hiding a darker nature, but you were still as generous and kind a soul as the day he met you. But no amount of appealing to your better nature swayed you from shang tsung. And liu would know this wound would need time to heal. But his heart will always be open to welcome you back home one day. He hopes one day...
Kung lao:
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His crush was not immediately obvious to anyone else but liu kang and his wisest masters. The monk was far too lacking in self confidence during youth, struggling with his own destiny in silence. Although focused in training, kung lao's thoughts often fell on you. But kung lao vowed that once he would avenge the great kung lao and bring honor to his family by protecting earthrealm from outworld's tyranny, he would marry you.
Unfortunately your paths greatly diverged, in a way that broke kung lao's heart. And ignited it with righteous fury.
Kung lao refuses to believe you willingly chose shang tsung. As his master, and especially his lover. He is convinced some sort of spell had been involved and even refuses to listen to others telling him the truth .
Kung lao is the quieter one, the one who thinks more than speaks, his passions are sharp and direct unlike liu kang's fire. But ironically, unlike liu kang, kung lao is the reckless one. Stubborn until the end. Kung lao swears to make good on his vow he made since childhood. And if he can't have you, then he'll at least save you from the sorcerer's grasp on your soul, regardless of how or why.
Bonus shang tsung:
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Never has this man been so smug in his whole life when knowing that you, his best pupil and lover, was once friends with the shaolin monks, even better that they had affection for you.
Of course, shang tsung never tried to gain your affections in the first place. Wanting to train a pupil to either fight in his name, or gain a soul. But not only was your will strong, but your soul kind and generous beyond what he put you through. And even more peculiar is that you chose him regardless, as master. And then lover. Shang tsung would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised nor happy about it.
So shang tsung, regardless which monk, utterly delights in their misery. Especially considering that he never even intended for this tactic of getting under their skin. But by the elders what kind of sorcerer would he be if he didn't rub it in every chance he could even if just for gloating sake. But shang tsung is far too tactful to say it often, and he is the sort of man who doesn't need words to rub it in. All he has to do is wrap an arm around you, sit you on his lap, or kiss your hand.
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mrstsung · 2 years
What your Kombat Man Crush/boo thang says about you.
(I will only do certain characters. As there is a lot. Plus i don't wanna be super bias. So here ya go.)
Cw: may or may not be nsfw. Some angst too.
Kung lao: awwww,you love this dimple cutie pie?! Well for one,you instantly are new friends with me. And two,you understand my love for this hat man! He deserves so much better. So so so much better. It's so tragic he doesn't get the respect he deserves. But im sure you will show him that. 💖⛩
Liu kang: you like the classics. You also like the main heroes of almost every story. You may have to kompete with kitana. But hey. Maybe liu can have two cuties? 💖🐉🔥
Raiden: you are either a sweetheart or an absolute badass. Plus he's a cutie. He's so wise,gentle,and amazing. Good taste. 💙⚡
Fujin: you love the sweetest wind himbo ever! You are friend shaped. You dont take shit. But you don't like to start fights. Plus....you love long white/colored haired characters. 🌬💙
Nightwolf: underrated babe af! You love nightwolf,you get respect points from me. May the great spirit protect you both! Many blessings. 🐺💖
Johnny cage: you love the funny himbos,johnny despite the nrs shitty writing. Is actually a great character. He covers up insecurities and fears with humor. Always trying to make you smile. Very protective. A good father. Fuck what anyone says. He is a good husband material. I support you and johnny! Tho i don't like mr.cage in the spotlight all the time. He doesn't deserve any less respect. He has it from me. So as long as he watches himself. 😎😊
Jax: same as johnny good husband,great father. Honestly Jacqui (and even cassie) deserves good mom figures. So another good choice. 😎
Hanzo hasashi/scorpion: omfg tragic af! But you giving him a second chance at life?! Another clan?! Another family. Omfg my heart can't take the cuteness,the angst,unf my heart 🥺💖😭😭😭😭. Just take him,take him plz! Treat him gently.
Kuai liang/sub-zero: same as scorp. Like plz treat him well. He's been thru so much. Im sure the loss of his bro hits hit hard too. Like damn why are the ninjas so damn tragic?! Boon! how dare?! 😭💙
Shang Tsung: another tsimp after my own heart! 😏😎🔥💖 welcome to the cult er i mean club,club. Yessss. *strokes chin evily* ok but fr,you have taste. You know whats up. You like em stronk,powerful,and bad bois. Like how can you not like shang at least a little bit?! His voice,honeyed words. That little serpentine temptation. That gentle hiss. Those eyes. That devilish smile and laugh. Like i know,just know his king cobra some big somethin somethin! Those abs,them arms,that bod 👀💖....ehemm. sorry😅. Got carried away. But yeah,um. You have good taste. 🐍💚
I know it's not a lot. And there is so many more characters. But some i just can't really do. I don't really have anything i can think to write properly about them. So forgive me. 🙏🏻💖. Also may do a kombat ladies version soon.
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mklegends-smokescreen · 10 months
Mortal Kombat Legends: Smoke Screen Chapter 6: palace of the Kahn
The group of Smoke, Sub Zero, Kabal, Jax and Cassie were lead into the palace of Kitana Kahn by Reptile and Erron Black. They were allowed to pass due to Reptile and Erron being ex-guardians of the late Kotal Kahn. They have set foot into the throne room before the three leaders of Outworld. Kitana Kahn, Empress Mileena and General Rain, on their opposing sides, two guards with spears stood still. The ninja's, Saurian and marksman kneel before the three. The Special Forces were confused, and a hooded figure whatched from the windowsil on the wall.
Kitana: You may rise.
Cassie and Jax proceed to explain the situation, that the Black Dragon Clan are somewhere in Outworld, scheming something. Rain raised his hand, seacing theyre explenation.
Rain: And what, Cassandra Cage, do you propose we do?
Jax: What we need, is you to get off your ass, and help us find this bastard.
Smoke: Jackson, calm down... we are not here to cause trouble.
Jax: Right, sorry.
The three rulers of Outworld silently discuss among one another, deciding to trust the squad.
Mileena: What do you propose, sister? Do we guide them or send me out to kill him myself?
Kitana: Mileena, you aren't going anywhere, secondly, if what they are saying is true, this could prevent a major issue in Outworld, there have been 25 cassualties in the market just today--
Robin: 26! One of the guys was crushed by sum' rubble, saw it myself!
Everybodies attention was turned to the window, seeing a man with a crimson cowl, a white and red shirt and an iron mask, eating what seemed to be pop corn.
Kitana: You may come down, Robin, there is no need for your „meta commentary.“
The man hopped down, striking a pose while doing so.
Rain: Gentlemen, Cassandra... meet-
Robin: Red Robin. Outworlds Loyal Assasin, at your service.
Cassie: Rrrrriiight...
Kitana: He shall assist you in your quest to stopping this Kano from causing dishorder here, and lead you where you need to go.
Sub Zero: Oh, that reminds me.. Smoke, you do still have the amulet, right?
Smoke: Of course it's right...
Smoke checks his pockets but he doesn't feel the amulet..
Smoke: Uhhh...
Sub Zero: RIGHT!?
Smoke: I must have dropped it while we were fighting in the market place.
Kitana: What Amulet, exactly?
Smoke: It is of our great need,we need it to return home to Earthrealm.
Sub Zero: And you HAD to lose it!
Robin: Ya know, for someone who control's ice, i figured you'd be more „chill“ about this.
The cryomancer turns to the man in red, giving him a deathly glare.
Sub Zero: How about i freeze your lower jaw and break it off in one quick motion?
Robin: You're hardly intimidating, Snow-cone.
Smoke: Kuai, you must-
Sub Zero throws a ball of ice at the masked crusader, which he swiftly dodges, as he whips out his two mystic daggers, everyone else steps back.
Reptile: Should we stop them orrr....
Rain: Nah, i'm interested where this is going.
Kitana: Wha- no! Guards, stop them.
Mileena: My money's on Robin!
Rain: Mine's on the snow cone, whatever that means.
Kitana: By the Elder Gods, you two...
The battle began! Sub Zero keeps throwing ice projectiles around the throne room. The guards stood infront of the legendary trio, making sure they were unharmed, as the others stood and whatched by the sidelines. Robin was blocking as much ice as he could, until he finally a few slashes onto the enraged ninja. As he is moving around, Sub Zero anitcipated his movement, jumping forward and preforming a corkscrew kick, knocking the caped fighter to a wall.
Robin: Damn that..... That was smooth, man, can you teach me that move sometime?
Sub Zero: Perhaps i will...
Rer Robin realized his foot was frozen to the ground.
Sub Zero; If you survive what comes next...
The cryomancer created a blade of ice, running full force into the fighter clad in red. Just then,
Smoke appreared infront of the crimson crusader in a puff of mist.
Smoke: ENOUGH!
He yelled punching his Lin Kuei brother 7 feet away. As Smoke was melting the ice off of Robin's foot, the others picked Kuai Liang up off the ground, lead by a royal guard, they sent him to a medic.
Mileena: Ah damn it, now we'll never know.
Rain: The Ninja was the closest to winning, gimme a thousand, Mileena.
Mileena: No one asked for your interjection, Rain!-
Kitana: Both of you, SHUT IT!
Rain and Mileena both stood in silence.
Kitana: Guards, return to your positions. And as for all of you, i will deeply need to reconsider your offer after... This.
Smoke melted the ice off Robin's foot, letting him move again.
Robin: Gee, thanks for the save.
Smoke: I wasn't saving you, i was stoping him.
Robin: Yeah, i might need to apoligize to him for that.
Smoke looked away from Robin, turning his gaze to the Kahn, the expresion of his face changed drasticaly.
Smoke: Please, forgive us, your highness.
Kitana gazed over to the ninja, her angry expression unchanged.
Kitana: I will allow you to sleep in the palace for tonight, we will talk in the morning.
No words came from Smoke's mouth, as he bended over with his hands together, showing his respect to the Kahn of Outworld's hospitality.
Rain: The cryomancer would have swiped the floor with him, no doub-
Kitana, before Rain could finnish: Rain, i swear on Reiko's grave, i will punch you out of that throne!
Rain: Yes, Kitana, sorry Kitana.
Kitana sighed, and the picture faded into a long hallway.
Guard: As the Kahn has stated, you will be allowed to stay the night, so pick a room.
Cassie: Ok, thanks.
Everyone went to their rooms, exept Kuai Liang. He heard someone muttering somewhere down the hallway, so he went to investigate. He had knocked on the door where the sound was coming from.
Person: Come in.
When he opened the door, he couldn't believe his eyes.
Sub Zero: Hanzo?
Scorpion: Kuai?
Sub Zero: Your arm...
Scorpion: Do not worry about me. How have you been? It feels like eons.
Sub Zero: I am fine, what happened to you? I thought i would never see you again after... that day.
Scorpion: Likewise, but i am alright. My arm should be restored to full health by tommorow. What are you doing here? Are you alone?
Sub Zero: Trust me, i'm just as confused as you are, but everything will be explained in time. Right now, i must sleep. It has been a long few days.
Scorpion: I believe you, Kuai. Good night.
Sub Zero: Good night, Nanzo.
Finally reunited with his friend, Kuai Liang has had a set of mixed emotions. He was glad he at last found his brother in arms, but he was still upset with Smoke because he had lost the amulet. Unsure of the situation, he went to his room, thinking to himself of what could be to come.
Meanwhile back on Earthrealm, Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage are interrogating Hsu Hao about Mavado's location, as he had escaped the hideout days ago.
Sonya: You better tell me where Mavado is or im blowing your brains out!
Johnny: *Ahem* Thats what she said. *Ahem*
Sonya looked at Johnny with a glare so menacing, it could burn his jacket. Hsu giggled, which resulted in him being kicked down by the commander .
Johnny: Sonya, stop! We can kill him after we find where Mavado is.
Sonya: Apparently not, because... He's not cooperating!
Hsu Hao: You won't find him, not one soul ever has, not even you will, Hollywood.
Johnny: ...Okay, Why an ass for a face?
The weapon dealer laid there it silence, and suddenly started crying. Both Johnny and Sonya were bewildered.
Sonya: Wow. You made a grown-ass man cry. I never saw a grown-ass man cry. You there!
She gestured to a bypasing solider, getting his attention.
Sonya: Have you ever seen a grown-ass man cry?
Solider: Nope.
Johnny: Hollywood isn't bold enough to make this real.
The super-power couple seal the thug's cell, leaving him be.
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ignis-sama · 6 months
Some JJBA Headcanons I have
I just wanted to share some HCs about Jojo characters.
CW some nsfw
Prosciutto :
-Used to date Cioccolata.
-Is secretly a sadist.
-Extremely jealous. Try to flirt with Risotto and he'll turn Yukako-like.
-Is into BDSM, and is a dominant bottom.
-Has analgesia and anemia.
Yotsuyu Yagiyama:
-Is intersex. I mean, if some humans are born intersex, it must be the same for Rock Humans, right?
-Uses he/they pronouns.
-Talks with a monotonous voice.
-Has a crush on Jobin.
-Often says creepy things in the middle of a conversation, like "if you had sex with your Stand, would it count as incest or masturbation?" or "I want to marry a Jobin clone"
Video games HCs (or what I think they would play):
-Prosciutto is a big Bloodborne fan. He also loves God of War, Bayonetta and Soulcalibur. Lies of P is the last game he bought.
-Pesci likes calm games like Animal Crossing, but sometimes plays Pokémon too. Why? He can fish in these games, and make friends. He needs friends.
-Formaggio mostly plays fighting games like Tekken and Mortal Kombat. He loves Stray too because there's a cat. Also, let him play Trollface Quest, he misses Trolla Lisa.
-Melone...well, Melone loves eroge (it's totally not because I've watched Euphoria), and games where you must use your head, like Limbo, Little Nightmares and Submachine. He also likes gacha games, mostly Touhou LostWord (not because I play it of course)
-Ghiaccio plays Fortnite just to piss off kids that spend their time on it. Melone made him play Touhou LostWord because he thought he looked like Cirno. Now he's a hardcore Touhou player, having cleared all games on Lunatic.
-Cioccolata absolutely loves horror games. Welcome to the Game? Check. Corpse Party? Check. The Evil Within? Don't underestimate the man who gets off on torture, he played every single horror game on earth.
-Terunosuke likes psychological horror. American McGee's Alice and Alice Madness Returns are his favorite. Well, don't let him play Danganronpa, he will stay in front of his screen until he finishes the game. Same for Your Turn to Die and Zero Escape.
-Yotsuyu loves Little Nightmares and Corpse Party. RPG horror games too. And Fear and Hunger...and The Sims. He loves building in The Sims. Ask him to make you a house or anything and he'll use his architect knowledge to build something incredible.
-Secco forgot how to use a computer, but leave him in front of Happy Room and he'll gladly play it.
-Tamaki Damo calls himself a "GTA professional". Well, to him, he's a pro at every game where you get money. He likes Saints Row too. Yotsuyu made him play No More Heroes and he loved it. If you see him in a Travis Touchdown cosplay, it's because NMH is now his favorite game.
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themosleyreview · 1 year
The Mosley Review: The Last of Us (Season 1)
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For as long as I can remember, the film adaptation of a video game has always been the bane of my existence. Every time Hollywood tries to bring to life an interactive and sometimes 40 - 80 hour experience that gaming gives to us the players, they have either lightly adapted what they thought was cool or completely ignored the source material. We end up with films like Double Dragon, 1993’s Super Mario Bros., all the Resident Evil films including the Netflix monstracity and then the most recent Mortal Kombat film. I have been waiting for someone to get it right and do the games we all love justice. I have started many reviews like this when it comes to video game adaptations, but this time its actually different. The gaming studio Naughty Dog has made 2 of the most compelling and cinematic franchises in gaming history that are both celebrated by critics and loved by fans. Uncharted started it all with its amazing storytelling that harkened back to the old school adventure serial films and Indiana Jones franchise. Its live action adaptation ignored the order the 4 games canonically came in and just adapted the 3rd and possibly the 4th game instead of the starting from the beginning! Don't get me started on the casting. The same was slated to happen with the next universally acclaimed, beloved and in my opinion, perfect survival story ever to created in gaming. The Last of Us was a massive milestone for the gaming industry in its groundbreaking mechanics, voice acting, performance capture and thematic morality tale that made you question the main character’s actions while living in such a harsh apocalyptic world. Once it was announced that it was to become a series, I breathed a sigh of relief because there was no way it could've been crushed into a 2 and half hour epic without missing the entire character growth and the relationship dynamic of the main characters. My hope was that if they can nail the first heartbreaking 15 minutes of the game, then you have my attention. I was over joyed that they nailed it, but also recoiled in fear of what they were going to change in the long run.
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With any adaptation there’s going to be some changes from the source material that may work in the book or the video game that won't translate on to the big or small screen. Such is the case with this adaptation and for the most part this show recreated shot for shot and used dialogue straight from the game and I loved that. There were alot of scenes that were removed, added and reworked to fit the live action version and they all range from great to abysmally incorrect. I won't spend the rest of the review comparing all the scenes that don't match the game, but I WILL point out what was changed that irked me to the highest degree. So I will end up soiling an episode or 2 and many scenes from the show that miss represented the game. So this is your warning for light to mid spoilers for a game that is over 10 years old, but I will be fair to those that are just now discovering the story for the first time. From the minute the show starts the rules of the infection were rewritten and it fit and made for a more realistic approach if you will. I will say that the casting in this show was spot on in so many ways and the care that the cast took to bring these beloved characters to life was admirable, but don't be deceived. They have nailed aspects of the characters, but they are different from their digital counterparts. As an African American man, I'm all about diverse casting in entertainment, but what I hate is race swapping in stories just to check that box. We have enough representation in this story already with Marlene, Riley, Henry and Sam. The choice to change the race of Joel, Tommy, Maria and Sarah was unnecessary in my opinion and I wished they stayed true to the character designs. They may have the accents, the clothes and sometimes the same hair color, but they don't look like the characters I know and I love. That being said, this was a very talented cast and they all were brilliant in their performances as they carried us through this intense story.
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Pedro Pascal has always been an amazing actor that can get into the soul of a character and carry such weight in his eyes. As the iconic character Joel, he nails the heart of the character in so many subtle ways. He captures his darker nature while delivering the emotional undertones in his words and eyes. The growth the character goes through I felt was a little too quick and their wasn't enough emotional resistance. Gabriel Luna was fun as his brother Tommy and I liked the moments they were together. What I didn't like is that the rift between them was almost completely removed from the source material and what we're given is a different reason for him to not help Joel that was relevant for this version, but irrelevant as whole. Nico Parker was excellent as Joel's daughter Sarah and she nailed the innocence of the character and represented that last sliver of humanity Joel had. I really enjoyed Anna Torv as Tess. She nailed the character's tough exterior and steadfast loyalty to Joel. Her and Joel clearly had a history together that made them not great people and loved seeing that fully realized, but I do wish they had kept her red hair. There is a particular part of her arc that ends dramatically differently from the game that was partly an improvement, but as a whole, they did her dirty in the end. It was awesome that they brought back the original actress that voiced Marlene in the game to the screen. Merle Dandridge delivered the same amount of excellence and complexity that she introduced in voice and now in live action. My only gripe is that toward the end, she was colder emotionally and than she was in the game. She has a hard decision to make, but it felt so factual instead of having remorse. Bella Ramsey did an excellent job bringing to life Ellie. She nailed the character's curiosities, childlike charm, toughness and above all, she showed the emotional toll that the world has on a youth. Through her interactions with real violence, she understood the depths of how savage and horrific humanity can be. Her chemistry with Joel was the saving grace of the show and I loved it as they grew closer together. Sometimes it felt forced, but it leveled out along the way. The iconic "Is this what people really cared about before?" scene from the game is word for word recreated and wonderfully acted by the both of them and it hit just as hard as it did back in 2013. Storm Reid was perfect as Ellie's bestfriend Riley and their episode together was one of the best and the most accurate adaptation of the “Left Behind“ DLC story from the game. Lamar Johnson and Keivonn Woodard were fantastic as Henry and his younger brother Sam. Their scenes really were heartwarming, but their story for the show was a bit convoluted in execution. Simplicity would've been key here.
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Now comes the part where it could be split you the reader from me the reviewer and I respect your opinion if you disagree with me. I have no problem with the LGBTQ community and I don't care if a character is gay and you want to tell their story. What I do have a problem with is completely disregarding their incredible arc from the source material to shove a different story in your face. All adaptations have to make changes to fit the screen version, but this was radically different. Nick Offerman is a great comedic actor, but he is an outstanding dramatic actor. As Bill, he did exactly that and I loved him in the role, but I wish they had stuck with the original version of his story. He is gay and a survivalist in the game, but they made him kind of dumb in this adaptation. If people are at your fence shooting at you, you don’t stand still in the street and shoot back. You behind cover and pick them off! Murray Bartlett was excellent as his partner Frank and their chemistry was fantastic as their love story grew beautifully. My problem with this entire arc is that it doesn't serve the characters or the original story justice. Yes, you want to show that there is still hope for love and kindness in this depressing world, but that wasn't the point for Bill and Frank in the game. I’ve always believed that Bill and Joel are different sides of the same coin. Bill cutting himself off from caring for anyone by being a mean loner that caused Frank to hate and leave him and then get himself killed. Joel could've become that with Tess or even Ellie, but Ellie slowly brings back the caring nature of Joel. That incredible storytelling element was completely erased for an arc that didn't belong to those 2  characters. Another character that didn't belong or was horribly miss cast was Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen Coghlan. Melanie is an amazingly charismatic actress, but as a leader of a rebellious group of people that over took a government quarantine zone? Nah. I didn't by it one bit. Scott Shepherd was good as David, but I wish they didn't fluff out his story so much. There is a glaring error in logic when it comes to his arc and it made for a mixed bag of an episode for him. He nailed the charm and soothing nature of the character, but the blatant intentions of this version of the character rubbed me the wrong way. I’m pretty much tired of the “preacher” archetype in every apocalyptic series. Its always there, but sometimes you can just not have it. For us the fans of the games, we get to have the original cast of the video game return as easter eggs and they’re spread out within the show. Merle Dandridge I already revealed, but for you to find the original Joel (Troy Baker), Tommy (Jeffrey Pierce) and Ellie (Ashley Johnson) and 1 more hidden TLOU 2 actor, I won't spoil the fun in finding them. Just know that they all have an integral part, but 1 of them has the most heartbreaking.
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The score of the show could not be done without the maestro of the game. It would've been a true disservice to the show without the haunting theme and music. Gustavo Santaolalla returns and delivers the beautiful score we love from the game and is accompanied by fellow composer David Fleming. The two of them made an excellent pair and delivered a variety of different and refreshing takes on the emotional core of scenes and the different compositions of the themes. The season finale featured a track titled "Vengeance" and it was truly the darkest and saddest track in the show. The creature and makeup effects were disgustingly spot on! From the infected to the full on clickers, they were even more terrifying in live action and harder to look at. The sound design of them was amplified in the best way. Visually the show nailed the look and feel of the game. It was a shot for shot recreation of the game and that was the chef's kiss. Aside from all the comparisons to the game, the drastic alterations to characters and switching of locations, I felt this series needed a 10th episode. There was a serious amount of rushing toward the latter half of the show and especially in the finale. Early on there is a plot point that is introduced with Ellie and water that is a massive detail in the game and its in the show, but doesn't get paid off. They completely ignore this massive moment that was the catalyst that led to the intense final 20 minutes of the finale. If there was a 10th episode, I feel this show would've almost been a 1:1 creation through and through. In the end, was this a great adaptation of one of the greatest stories in gaming? No. I would say it was good. Even with the creator Neil Druckmann being completely hands on from the beginning, I feel that the show captured 80 percent of the game which is more than any other adaptation I've ever seen do. Its not the greatest adaptation of all time like most exclaimed from watching the premiere, but it is a perfect example of what needs to happen to video game adaptations from now on. Make them a series, but respect and stick to the source material like white on rice and don't deviate so much. Let me know what you thought of the series or my review/essay in the comments below. Thanks for reading!  
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
⛓️🐺🦇Full Moon Is On The Sky And He’s Not A Man Anymore
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 3144 Words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings: Vampire/Werewolf AU, Vampire!Kuai Liang, Werewolf!Hanzo Hasashi, Transformation, Piercings (Nipple), Primal Play, Werewolf Sex, Rimming, Spit As Lube, Outdoor Sex, Anal Sex, Size Difference, Praise Kink, Nipple Play Kinktober Day 15: Transformation + Piercings + Primal Play
Kinktober Masterlist - Supernatural Kombat Masterlist
Notes: Wheee, it’s time for more werewolf sex. Remember when Hanzo told Kuai he should see him on a full moon? ;) Title is from “FullMoon” by Sonata Arctica.
Being called out to the Shirai Ryu during a full moon could only really mean one thing.
Hanzo had transformed into his full form and they needed Kuai Liang’s assistance with it. What would be required of him was harder to say. It was the first time since they had become a couple that it had been a full moon, and Kuai wasn’t sure how Hanzo would react to him like that.
As he was let in through the gates, he found Takeda waiting for him outside the main hall.
“Grandmaster Sub Zero, thank you for coming,” Takeda greeted with a bow. “I’m sorry it’s so short notice.”
“That was not within your control,” Kuai assured, looking around the Fire Garden’s. There were just a few night guards wandering around, otherwise, everyone was asleep. “I assume this is related to the full moon?”
“Unfortunately,” Takeda confirmed with a wince. “Grandmaster Hasashi transformed earlier in the night and ah, has gone a bit… AWOL.”
“AWOL?” Kuai questioned, looking off in the distance. The Fire Garden’s were surrounded by woodland, if he had gone off, who knew where he was at this point.
“Yeah.” Takeda rubbed the back of his head and looked in the general direction Kuai’s gaze kept drawing towards. “Usually when he does this, it can take us hours to get him back.” He sighed heavily, and turned back to Kuai. “We were hoping that given that you two are now… Y’know… Mates…” Takeda sounded uncomfortable with that word and Kuai snorted in amusement. “That if he picks up your scent, it might be easier to get him back.”
“That logic makes sense,” Kuai agreed. While Kuai himself couldn’t smell any scents, Hanzo had informed him that he had a very particular scent. Something about sweet peppermint? It was a bit weird, if Kuai was honest. “Any idea of a general direction he went?”
Takeda pointed in a particular direction before adding “But he could be anywhere by now.”
“I had feared that,” Kuai admitted, worrying his lip a bit. “But I figured trying to follow his footsteps is a good idea.” Kuai quickly bowed to Takeda, who returned the action. “I will try to bring your Grandmaster back to you as quickly as possible.”
“Good luck,” Takeda stated, as he watched Kuai walk off.
He made short work getting to the edges of the Shirai Ryu’s territory, hopping over the wall to continue on his way. The night was cool and the dead leaves under his feet crisp as they were crushed under his shoes. Darkness held no danger for Kuai, and neither did the werewolf lurking somewhere in it. Hanzo still had complete control in his full form, although people didn’t understand that given his speech tended to be more stunted. Kuai Liang knew that Hanzo would never hurt him, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t, even if accidentally.
“Hanzo?” He called out, hoping maybe his voice combined with his scent would draw Hanzo to him. “Are you here?”
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been walking when he heard a twig snap somewhere to his left.
As his head twisted in that direction, through the darkness he could make out two yellow eyes, slit pupils staring at him.
“Hanzo?” He asked again, not approaching on the off chance this was not Hanzo and was another werewolf or something.
The owner of the eyes began to approach. He held his breath as the black fur became visible. The werewolf was crouched low to the ground, but even so, Kuai could tell he was twice his own side. The beast’s nose twitched, loudly sniffing and growling. However, he quietened when he seemed to realise the scent he was picking up, and his ears perked upwards. Kuai could also see his tail begin to wag, and he had to resist the urge to giggle over how adorable that was.
“Mate?” Hanzo wheezed, and Kuai smiled and sighed in relief. Hanzo crawled closer, still on all fours and low to the ground. “Mate.”
“Hello, Hanzo,” Kuai greeted, and reached forward to pet Hanzo’s head.
“Why?” Hanzo questioned, nuzzling his wet nose into Kuai’s hand. “Mate is here, why?”
“Your clan was worried that you’d run off,” Kuai answered, running his hand along Hanzo’s soft fur. It was so nice to touch, he’d never had the chance to before. “They asked me to find you.”
“Dangerous,” Hanzo huffed, betrayed by his tail.
“The night holds no risks to me, love,” Kuai replied, leaning down to kiss Hanzo’s snout. “We should go home.”
Hanzo tilted his head and sniffed a few more times. He buried his nose into Kuai’s stomach and Kuai wondered what the hell he was doing.
“Mate smells good,” Hanzo growled, a large hand reaching to touch Kuai’s ass. Kuai squeaked at the fact Hanzo’s hand was so large his entire cheek fit into the palm.
“Ah, really? Right now?” Kuai questioned, knowing exactly what Hanzo was really saying. As if the hand fondling his ass wasn’t enough to go by.
Hanzo suddenly pushed himself to stand up. Kuai felt his face heat up because holy shit he had been right about his size. Kuai barely came up to Hanzo’s stomach now. He had somehow still managed to keep part of his gi, covering up his privates, but even so Kuai could see his cock pushing out against it.
Hanzo was right when he told Kuai he should see him on a full moon.
“Want Mate,” Hanzo grunted, taking a step forward and Kuai could see his cock bob slightly. “Then we return.”
Kuai internally screamed.
The Elder Gods knew he was a horny fucker, but they were in the middle of the forest without anything to prepare him. And given how big Hanzo was like this, Kuai absolutely needed preparation.
“I, um, oh Hanzo,” Kuai breathed out reaching forward to gently pat Hanzo’s stomach. “We don’t have anything to use as lubrication.”
Hanzo laughed, and it was amazing how smug a werewolf could look. He lent all the way down and licked Kuai’s cheek. Kuai drew back slightly and brought his hand up. When he touched the saliva left there, he was surprised it felt different to human spit. It felt smoother, less sticky and more oily. He blinked, he hadn’t realised that werewolf spit would be different.
He also realised it was a better consistency to use as lube than regular spit.
Kuai looked up with a frown, “show off.”
Hanzo nuzzled into his face and let out a loud growl. Kuai giggled and pet his head, even as Hanzo’s clawed hand continued to paw at his ass. He shuddered at the thought, he would be lying if he said he hadn’t been curious about Hanzo in full werewolf form. Hanzo’s tongue began to lick at his ear and Kuai bit his lip as he made a decision.
“O-Okay,” He breathed out, shuddering under Hanzo’s touch. “Okay, you can have me, and as soon as we’re done, we need to go back to the Fire Garden.”
Hanzo suddenly howled in excitement, but Kuai didn’t really have time to register it because he found himself being pushed to the ground. When he regained his bearings, Hanzo was above him, staring down like Kuai was prey he had hunted down.
Hanzo’s claws began to cut through Kuai’s clothes, and he was suddenly glad he had worn a plain hanfu rather than his usual armour. Hanzo tore through Kuai’s clothes, until his chest was revealed. Kuai watched as Hanzo’s ear’s twitched and his head tilted. Kuai knew what he was looking at, something he’d recently had done that Hanzo hadn’t seen yet.
“These?” Hanzo questioned, poking at the metal ball’s each side of Kuai’s nipples. “What?”
“Piercings,” Kuai admitted shyly, completely unable to judge Hanzo’s reaction like this. “I hadn’t had chance to show you yet.” It had been a few weeks since they’d last seen each other, and while usually that meant Kuai would still be healing, thanks to his situation, they had completely healed within a week of getting them. He supposed there were a few advantages to being undead.
Hanzo brought a curious hand to Kuai’s chest, prodding the piercing with his claw. When Kuai didn’t react with pain, he chanced pinching it between his fingers. Kuai groaned as he twisted the metal. The sound of Hanzo’s tail wagging hit his ears, as pushed his mouth to Kuai’s nipple. He sucked on the flesh, before catching the metal ball between his teeth and lightly pulling. Kuai whined and Hanzo let go giving a lick.
“Do you like them?” He asked as Hanzo continued to lick at Kuai’s nipple.
“Yes.” Hanzo licked again, wrapping his tongue around the metal and using it to twist. “Mate is so pretty.”
“Thank you,” Kuai sighed, and if blood was still pumping in his body, he was sure he’d be blushing. “My Mate is so handsome.”
Hanzo snorted, finally pulling away from Kuai’s chest. He continued to rip and remove Kuai’s clothes. Finally he was completely naked, and Hanzo’s eyes landed on Kuai’s half hard cock. He readjusted, moving so he was between Kuai’s legs. Tongue licked a stripe up Kuai’s cock and he gasped, twisting his back off the ground slightly. Hanzo made a sound that sounded like a chuckle, before he repeated the action, licking at Kuai’s cock like it was a popsicle.
Kuai could do nothing but moan at the feeling. It wasn’t a proper blowjob, and yet just the feeling of Hanzo’s tongue gliding along his shaft was enough to stimulate him into getting harder. When Hanzo was satisfied, he moved his head hooking Kuai’s legs over his shoulders and lifting him slightly. Hanzo’s snout nuzzled against Kuai’s balls, as his tongue slipped out to lap along his hole. Kuai gasped and shuddered, feeling his toes curl at the feeling.
“Ah! Hanzo!”
Hanzo’s tongue lapped at him like it had his cock, swirling around his rim, and only threatening to push inside. He threw an arm over his eyes, biting his lip as he felt that tongue begin to push inside, only to stop and go back to teasing around the edge. One of Hanzo’s arms wrapped around his stomach, helping to keep him in place, while his other hand reached for Kuai’s nipples again. Those claws plucked at the piercings again, causing Kuai to shudder at the feeling.
Hanzo’s tongue began to work it’s way inside him, wriggling around and coating his walls in that strange saliva. Kuai removed his arm to look at what was happening, although all he could really see was Hanzo’s ears and eyes poking up from behind his cock. He could feel what he was doing, that tongue was going deeper and deeper and Kuai was amazed just how long it was.
Hanzo’s tongue pushed in and out, thrusting inside him. It was slick and wet and he could feel it stretching him. That clawed hand was still at Kuai’s nipple, taking it between his claws and pulling. He felt a precum drizzle out of his cock, pooling on his stomach. Hanzo made a growling sound, before finally pulling his tongue out.
Hanzo grabbed his hips, before flipping him over onto his stomach. Kuai scrambled slightly, grabbing hold of the nearest tree. As he used it to brace himself on his knees, he felt Hanzo press up against his back, while his hand reached down for Kuai’s chest, effectively trapping Kuai between them while he was bent forward on his knees. He could feel Hanzo rut against him, that large cock rubbing up between his ass like he was searching for Kuai’s hole.
“Mate. Ready?” Hanzo questioned, leaning his head on Kuai’s shoulder.
“Y-Yes,” Kuai breathed out. At least, he was ready as he ever would be with a cock that massive.
Hanzo made an appreciative sounding growl, before finally it seemed his cock had found Kuai’s entrance, and it began to push inside. Kuai couldn’t help but gasp. While it didn’t hurt, it was a little uncomfortable. Kuai felt his fingernail’s dig into the bark of the tree.
“Doing well,” Hanzo gruffly whispered into his ear as he pushed in just a bit further. “Mate doing well.” Kuai couldn’t help the little sob that back from his mouth. Hanzo paused his movements, and Kuai could tell it absolutely wasn’t because he was fully inside. “Mate, don’t cry.” Hanzo licked a tear off Kuai’s cheek. “Doing well.”
“I’m okay,” Kuai assured him, knowing if he needed to stop Hanzo would, even in this state. He had that much trust in him. “It doesn’t hurt, it’s just uncomfortable.”
“Poor Mate,” Hanzo muttered sadly, he still didn’t attempt to push in any further. “Mate says when I move.”
“Thank you, I need a minute.” While Hanzo was deep inside him, he could feel that hand on his chest seek out his nipples. Hanzo began to play with the piercings again. The pleasure helped distract him while he adjusted. When he felt more at ease, he whispered, “Okay, continue.”
Hanzo didn’t need to be told twice it seemed, as he continued to push inside. All the time now, Hanzo was pawing at Kuai’s chest, helping to balance out any discomfort. It wasn’t long before he could feel fur touch his ass, meaning Hanzo was likely completely within him.
It wasn’t as bad as he’d thought it’d be, thankful that Hanzo’s tongue had been more than enough to help get him ready. Still Hanzo didn’t try to move just yet, he seemed content to just rest there until Kuai was ready.
“Mate well?” Hanzo questioned.
“Yes,” He confirmed, laughing when he could feel Hanzo’s chest vibrate above him. “You can move, it you want.”
Hanzo pulled out ever so slightly, not even half way, just about a quarter, as he gave a gentle thrust back in. When Kuai made a moan rather than any noise of pain, it seemed to encourage Hanzo to get a little more bold. He pulled back again, this time he was about half way. When he thrust forward, this time it was slightly harder and rougher. Kuai moaned again.
Finally he pulled out all the way, until only the tip was left inside. Hanzo’s hand held Kuai harder into his chest and he jerked his hips forward with as much force he could muster. It practically knocked the wind entirely out of him. Holy fuck. He didn’t really have time to contemplate it, as Hanzo was pulling back once again, prepping to fuck into Kuai.
All Kuai could really do was cling on for dear life and enjoy the ride.
Hanzo began to thrust into him with such purpose that Kuai wondered if something about the situation wasn’t triggering his rut. His cock was so big, Hanzo wasn’t even really needing to aim for Kuai’s prostate to give him pleasure, it was just pressing against it anyway. He could feel every inch, constantly stretching him out. He was sure if he looked at his stomach, it would be distended from the size.
“Mate, so good,” Hanzo growled, not sounding even slightly out of breath by what he was doing. “So good for me, Mate.”
Kuai whined at the praise, unable to reply when he was so distracted by how this felt. God, he’d thought Hanzo was big when he was in rut. The thought occurred to him of what it would be like if Hanzo were in rut on a full moon. Kuai assumed outside of rut, Hanzo didn’t have a knot at all, even in his werewolf form. So, what the hell would those two things combined look like?
Hanzo was still pounding away inside him, every thrust forward Kuai could feel his own cock sway between his legs. Hanzo’s fur mostly muffled any slapping sounds between their skin, so all the sounds were Kuai’s own pants of pleasure and Hanzo’s occasional grunts.
Hanzo’s hand moved away from Kuai’s chest, and even clinging to the tree, Kuai felt himself slipping down. Hanzo’s hands pressed against his shoulders, pushing him face down into the dirt while his ass was still in the air. Somehow this position gave Hanzo even more power, as the thrusts felt deeper and Hanzo thrust in with even more force. Kuai’s hands still clung to the tree trunk, even if it didn’t do much for him at this point.
God, he was sure that the leaves under him were absolutely painted in his precum at this point. It had been slowly dripping from his cock with every jerk of Hanzo’s hips. He wasn’t going to last much longer. He was going to cum, and he wasn’t sure how much longer Hanzo would go on for.
“H-Hanzo,” He just about managed to breath out, even as his mind was blanking and his eyes rolling back into his head. “G-Going to cum.”
“Cum,” Hanzo growled in an aggressive tone, his claws digging into Kuai’s skin slightly. Somehow the sting was only adding to Kuai’s pleasure. “Cum, Mate, cum!”
Kuai shuddered as his body automatically followed the command. He felt his cum shoot out, dripping down onto the forest floor. Hanzo’s movements were becoming erratic, and Kuai knew well enough that meant he was also close. It also confirmed he wasn’t sporting a knot. He was almost relieved, that was very much a conquest for another day.
Hanzo gave one long hard thrust, letting out a bellowing howl as Kuai felt himself being filled with cum. And being filled was not an exaggeration. It seemed that his extra endowment came with extra cum, as it seemed like it was never going to end. Hanzo gave a few last shallow thrusts, before pulling out. There was so much cum inside that, as Hanzo’s cock left him, Kuai felt so much of it dripping out of his hole and trickling down his thighs.
Kuai completely collapsed onto the floor, breathing shallowly and trying to regain his brain function after effectively having it fucked out of him. Hanzo’s nose pressed against his cheek, and his tongue began to lick.
“Mate, did good.” Despite how absolutely exhausted Kuai felt, he smiled at the praise. “Mate, so good for me. Was good for mate too?”
“Yes, yes it was good,” Kuai confirmed, pushing himself onto his side, and giggling when he saw that Hanzo’s tail was wagging yet again. “We should return to the Fire Garden’s, before a search party comes for us.”
Hanzo nodded, quickly gathering Kuai into his arms and holding him close. Kuai didn’t really bother to check where they were going, he just closed his eyes and huddled into Hanzo’s chest. He trusted Hanzo would take them both back home.
And so, he let the gentle bob of Hanzo’s stride lull him to sleep.
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alastors-sthuff · 2 years
Okay so, this is my second original post but my first every writing on here. I've done my best and I hope whoever comes across this will like it!
Where?: Mortal Kombat 11
Who?: Shang Tsung, Fujin, Noob Saibot, Nightwolf.
Bonus!: Koushi Sugawara
Where?: Haikyuu!
Request?: No
Summary: Mentioned characters with a Goth reader; the reader is male and is a crush for the characters.
If anyone wants to see this type of post with any other types of reader just send it in the requests and I will gladly do it.
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Shang Tsung
The first time he saw you was when he assisted your training against Kitana; there were people watching and cheering either you or Kitana on, although it was just a practice match, everyone that was there wanted to see this go down.
You immediately caught Shang Tsung's eye; your heavy chained choker, your sharp finger rings, your platform shoes and your hairstyle. You had it all! He caught himself smirking and eyeing you up and down as you got in your stance. He admired those broad shoulders and chest as well with your arm accessorized with jewelry from your forearms to your wrists.
"Finish her!" It rang in everyone's ears as they watched you heavily breath, trying to catch your breath while you wiped your brow; Shang Tsung took a beep breath in as he took one step forward, placing his arms behind his back as he lowered his head, yet his eyes still stared at you. The fighters watched as your fatality went down, Kitana just lying in a pool of her own blood as you finished in your starting stance.
You were just too perfect, perfect for him, perfect beside him, perfect in his throne room; he knew he had to ask you to be his king before anyone else did.
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He saw you talking to his brother one evening as he was passing by, but immediately stopped in his tracks when he noticed how you were dressed... choker with chains, a lot of rings around your fingers, platform boots and a no sleeved shirt with a huge red skull on it. Least to say he was suspicious, in his world villains usually dress in dark colors, but maybe it was a common human thing? In his time on earth he rarely encountered humans dresses like yourself; I mean if he did he would surely remember, right? Right!
But his suspicions grew small as he saw you and Raiden shaking hands with a thank you as you both parted ways but he rose a brow when you eyed him up and down with question; he completely forgot that he was just standing and staring at you! He felt like such an idiot!
You slowly start walking toward the man but get stopped by Kung Lao saying your name "Hey (y/n)! I was wondering if you wanted to train together if you have some time. I've asked Jade but she declined" He says sheepishly with a chuckle as he looks at you, crossing his arms. You chuckle and roll your eyes, placing you thumbs in your pockets "Surprise surprise, 'course she did" You answer with a chuckle "Sure, I'm down, get going and I'll be there in a minute" You continue in a delighted tone "Listen uh- You see that guy with the white long hair?" You whisper to Kung Lao, stopping him in his tracks. He glances at Fujin and smirks, clearly recognizing that look "Oh, you mean Fujin? What about him?" He questions in a sly tone as he wraps an arm around your shoulder "Why is he just staring at me? It's been over 10 minutes and he's creeping me out" You shiver; you've never met that man and he could be one someone who has it out for you, you just didn't want anyone to get hurt "I recognize that look anywhere" He teases as he lets you go "Don't do anything stupid!" You shout at. He just laughs "Ok!"
You roll your eyes as he see Kung Lao dragging Fujin toward you. Man, poor guy... Oh well.
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Noob Saibot: Bi-Han
The firts time he saw you was with Grandmaster Hasashi and his brother in the temple; you were send with them because you insisted Hanzo for it, reason being you knew you could be of assistance because of your abilities, although you assured them that you wouldn't be an obstacle, just a backup.
You got into action quite fast when Noob Saibot appeared, looking for a battle when he demanded you stepped up; he claimed he'd never seen you before and wanted to see if you were a soul worth his future time. You agreed to the battle, saying that all these chains and leather around your arms and neck was not just for show and that if he was curious he could grow some balls and step up. Noob Saibot merely just chuckled and got in his stance, impressed by your sharp tongue.
After a lot of spilled blood and bloody clothes & everything else you wear, you ended up winning, preforming your fatality to finish him off and to buy the other two men some time. You chuckled and flexed your body, showing off your broad shoulders and built back to Noob as your victory pose, mocking him as a finish. He lightly laughed; he had to snach you away from his brother and killer to make you his king in his promised realm, and he knew he will. But not today, not now. Another time, soon.
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The first time he saw you he caught a glimpse of you battling with Kitana, her bladed fans pointing at your neck as you played on the floor with a pissed expression "You lost again (y/n), you're getting soft" She chuckles as she sits her fans down next to her, getting out of the stance. You laugh "You see that's not fair; you just won because I was injured. I got the cast off last month" You remind her as you grab her hand and get up, stumbling on your leg as you do "You need to get back to training if you want to be 100% next time. Raiden is waiting for you along with Fujin, start heading to them. I will be right there" She tells you as she helps you walk to a smooth ground. You nob as you hide your pain; you accidentally twisted your ankle and it was starting to hurt, but you said nothing to her because you refused to worry her; she alredy has so much on her plate, but as you walked it just became harder and harder, the pain packed tears to your eyes but did not spill "Augh, fuck that hurts. Shit" You whisper to yourself as you find a surface to lean on, gripping your arms around your leg, but it was getting way to hot to focus. You swat so much and your attire was not helping; leather bracelets accompanied by a huge choker with rings and chains, 5 chains of different sizes on your cargo pants.
Nightwolf passed by and hid behind the nearest corner; oh no, it's you! His crush! Oh god was is he gonna do?! Your attire always made him blush and sweaty, always finding you hot as hell, but way to proud to admit it. His head was taken out of his thoughts about you as he heard you hiss, followed by the noise of you taking your thick choker off your neck and throwing it in the dust. Something you really hate your style...
He took a deep breath in and came our of his closet- I mean corner, to help you walk "Greetings (y/n), do you need help?" He asked as I mentally composed himself. You look up at him as you take your hands off your ankle "Please. My leg is acting up and I can't walk. I'm suppost to go to Raiden and Fujin for training but, I can barely walk..." You explain in a dejected and sad tone "H-hop on my back, I'll give you a ride to your room" He proposes as he kneels down to you. You smile at him "You'd do that?" You ask in a hushed tone, but shake your head and cough "I mean, I can get there on my own Nightwolf, thanks" You say. He always made you forget your Goth tough guy act that you keep for your reputation "You don't need to pretend around me (y/n), I would love to get to get to know you" He says with an honest tone as he takes your hand in his.
His eyes widen as you blush a deep shade of red "UHHH-"
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Koushi Sugawara!:
"If you're just gonna eyeball him, might as well I ask him out, no?" Daichi tells his friend as Asahi chuckles with a smile and closed eyes "N-no! Look at him, he way out of my league. There's no way I can ask a guy like that out and then get a yes- theres no way I can ask a guy like that out!" He says as he points as from across the gym, admiring your figure and form dressed in dark attire like a God, in his mind.
Nishinoya laughs and jumps on his shoulders "Aww, is the mighty 'upperclassman Sugawara' getting shy over a little crush?" He teases his older teammate "Hey, get off me! Nishinoya!" Sugawara laughs as he attempts to reach his head.
"What are you doing Noya?" Your voice rings as the duo stops "(y-y/n)! We're ju- uh- He's- ya see- uhh-" The gray haired male stutters as he blushes "Hey don't turn this on my bro! He did nothing, you blushing mess!" Tanaka shouts as he pulls Noya back on the ground "B-blushing?! I'm not blushing! At all!!" He retorts back at the younger teen "Not to break this, shitfest up. But I'm gonna head to change and meet you guys here. Boss said he organized a bbq?" You inquire as you take your black bag and put its strap on your shoulder "Oh, we don't have to change if you're wondering" Yamaguchi informs you, stopping you in your tracks toward the changing room "Come on Yams, you know I got my style" You say with a chuckle at the end, walking backward facing him as you open the door with your back.
Some minutes later, you come out the changing rooms dresses as you always dress so no one gave much though to it. Apart from Sugawara; he blushed deeply as he looked at you up and down, taking in your style "A-ah, that's a new choker?" He asks you as you walk toward him "Yeah, it is. Like it? I thought it suited me when I tried it on at the store" You tell him as you lift your head up a bit higher to show it off to the gray haired male, turning around, showing him tha buckle to give him a full taste. You stop as you hear Daichi's voice "Omay lovebirds, the teams are waiting for us" He says as he opens the gym door "Teams? As in it's not only us?" You ask him curiously "Nekoma and Fukorodani is going to be there!" Hinata tells you in his cheerful tone "Wow! Is that a new collar?!" He asks you as he touches it "Okay it's a choker. Choker, got it? And yes, its new" You emphasise.
Sugawara puts his hands on his mouth as he blushes deeply. Oh Hinata...
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There we go! My first post done, and it only took me one week! Oops...
A second part will be out when I have more ideas on how to issue them.
225 notes · View notes
dl-oblivion · 3 years
Reactions Masterlist
! NSFW and TW asks will have an (*) !
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- "We've been dating for a while, can I kiss you?" (Sakamakis)
- Daughters cursing in front of them (Sakamakis) *
- s/o whos a seamstress (Mukamis)
- Preference in lingerie? (Sakamakis) *
- Preference in lingere? (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- s/o who doesn't shave (Sakamakis)
- s/o offering to help with Christmas dinner (Mukamis +Tsunkinamis)
- Cheating on s/o nonchalantly (Sakamakis) *
- Yui doesn’t care about them anymore after they cheated (Sakamakis) *
- Hearing WAP ring on phone (Sakamakis) 
- Hearing WAP ring on phone (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) 
- Rating Yui’s behind (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- Rating Yui’s behind (Sakamakis) *
- Ayato and Subaru falling for the same girl (Sakamakis)
- s/o having a roast blog dedicated to Kanato (Sakamakis)
- Secret pervert s/o (Sakamakis) *
- Secret pervert s/o (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- Walking in on Shu with his wives (Sakamakis) *
- asexual bride reaction (Sakamakis) *
- lesbian bride reaction (Sakamakis)
- Bride affectionate towards Yui (Sakamakis)
- Sister who’s a dhampir (Sakamakis)
- Finding out Yui’s bi through old photos *
- Pregnant s/o who is unsure about parenthood (Sakamakis) *
- s/o who doesn’t want a child but to live with them forever (Sakamakis) *
- Pregnant s/o who doesn’t want the child (Sakamakis)
- Pregnant s/o who doesn’t want the child (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- Holding newborn baby girl (Sakamakis)
- Female friend is warded off by the idea of children (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- Bride with baby brother (Sakamkis)
- Pregnancy joke turned into a reality (Sakamakis)
- Sexy nurse outfit reaction (Mukamis) *
- opinions on yoga pants/leggings (Sakamakis) *
- opinions on yoga pants/leggings (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- Laito sleeping with Tsukinamis sister (Sakamakis) *
- s/o who listens to Jack Stauber (Sakamakis)
- s/o who listens to mother mother (Sakamakis)
- Reacting to Grimes (Sakamakis)
- Reacting to Ariana Grande (Sakamakis)
- Reacting to Ariana Grande (Mukamis)
- Male s/o who crossdresses (Sakamakis)
- Thicc insecure s/o (Sakamakis) *
- Insecure s/o with a beautiful body (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- Chubby Sacrifical Bride (Sakamakis) *
- Chubby Sacrifical Bride (Mukamis) *
- Daughters asking for Kanato to make them dresses (Sakamakis)
- First time with s/o who was abused (Sakamakis) *
- Affectionate female friend (Sakamakis)
- Truly in love with a human woman (Sakamakis)
- Yui wearing makeup to school (Sakamakis)
- Yui getting ready to go to a club (Sakamakis)
- s/o making their favorite food (Sakamakis)
- Shu’s ex getting with Reiji (Sakamakis) 
- s/o with synthesis (Mukamis)
- s/o with social anxiety (Mukamis) *
- Bride with genetic anemia (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- Yui getting asked out by classmate and saying yes (Sakamakis) *
- Yui getting asked out by classmate and saying yes (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- Yui getting flirted with at school (Sakamakis)
- Boys getting flirted with when they have a s/o (Sakamakis)
- Yui likes another brother instead of them (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- s/o with a lot of experience (Sakamakis) *
- bride who is 6′5 (Sakamakis)
- bride who is 6′5 (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- s/o with 1940′s clothing (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- s/o who dresses goth (Sakamakis)
- s/o wears 80s inspired clothing (Sakamakis)
- s/o acting out nsfw scene with another actor (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- s/o is a world famous idol (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- Pulling them into a room and saying “fuck me” (Sakamakis) *
- Going too far with sex (Sakamakis) *
- Petite s/o with high libido (Sakamakis) *
- Petite s/o with high libido (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- Wearing thigh-high stockings to dinner (Sakamakis) *
- Wearing thigh-high stockings to dinner (Sakamakis) *
- s/o sends nudes (Sakamakis) *
- s/o biting ear at school (Sakamakis) *
- s/o cries over being called a pervert during sex (Sakamakis) *
- Bite marks left all over body (Sakamakis) *
- Seeing their crush naked (Sakamakis) *
- Caught going “solo” (Sakamkis) *
- Walked in on by mom (Sakamakis) *
- demigod s/o (Sakamakis)
- s/o hurt by yelling and nicknames (Sakamakis)
- s/o playing Mortal Kombat X (Sakamakis)
- Long lost s/o who they cant remember (Mukamis) *
- Rich s/o spoiling them (Mukamis)
- Extremely Careful s/o (Sakamakis)
- Teenage daughter gets killed (Sakamakis) *
- s/o passing out after being proposed to (Sakamakis)
- Public proposal rejection (Sakamakis)
- Public proposal rejection (Mukamis + Tsukinamis) *
- s/o has fever and is oblivious to it (Sakamakis)
- s/o having random stomachaches (Sakamakis)
- Cute jealous s/o (Sakamakis)
- Kuudere s/o (Sakamakis)
- S/o with fox ears (Sakamakis)
- s/o paints flowers (Sakamakis)
- Girlfriend with a lot of henna tattoos (Mukamis)
- super religious and oppressive family (Sakamakis) *
- Yui is a youtuber (Sakamakis)
- s/o that’s tiktok famous (Sakamakis)
- s/o does lewd tiktoks (Sakamakis) *
- bride with onlyfans (Sakamakis) *
- Buying tampons and chocolates for menstruating s/o (Sakamakis)
- s/o with period cramps wanting to be comforted (Sakamakis)
- Yui being a swimsuit model (Sakamakis) *
- Special made flower just for them (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- s/o asleep in the middle of the hallway (Sakamakis) *
- Butt is smacked by s/o while exclaiming “yummy” (Sakamakis)
- s/o dancing to toxic (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- s/o dancing to toxic (Sakamakis)
- s/o depressed about not getting into college of choice (Sakamakis)
- s/o owns clothing store and surprises them (Sakamakis)
- Girlfriend hurt at party (Sakamakis) *
- s/o crying into pillow (Sakamakis) *
- s/o having traumatic flashbacks (Sakamakis) *
- s/o is skilled aerialist (Sakamakis)
- Crush turns out to be the true eve (Mukamis)
- Shu and Reiji love the same person (Sakamakis)
- s/o has a nightmare and comes in room crying (Mukamis)
- s/o has a nightmare and comes in room crying (Sakamakis)
- s/o running after puppy (Sakamakis)
- s/o pulls them to chest randomly (Sakamakis)
- s/o dyes hair a crazy color (Sakamakis)
- s/o kisses them on the neck randomly (Sakamakis)
- walking in on Subaru having sex (Sakamakis) *
- Kanatos s/o destroys teddy (Sakamakis) *
- Someone asks to be friends (Mukamis)
- s/o part of idol group (Sakamakis)
- s/o who doesn’t shave (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- “What am I, your wife?” (Sakamakis)
- s/o asks favorite animal seriously (Mukamis + Tsukinamis)
- Receiving a ‘groom’ instead of a ‘bride’ (Sakamakis)
Tumblr media
- Wife dressed as sexy Mrs. Claus *
- facial treatment reaction
- Breastfeeding s/o
- Wife and kid playing with Reiji’s family
- Surprise pierced nipples
- s/o looks like Natsumi Suga
- Getting tackle hugged by s/o
- Caught going through s/o’s underwear drawer *
- s/o smacking his butt *
- “Well the wedding is next week, guess you’re my brother now” 
- s/o wears virgin killer sweater *
- “Subaru is dating a first blood?”
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o with tomboyish style
- s/o singing amazingly in the shower 
- Mother insults s/o in front of them *
- An s/o that insists on taking care of him 
- s/o below 5 ft
Tumblr media
- Delinquent MC with similar grades
- Decorating the yule with his s/o
- s/o who makes suicidal jokes *
- suicidal s/o *
- s/o who ran away with their child *
- Breastfeeding s/o
- Wife and kid playing with Shu’s family
- Surprise pierced nipples *
- s/o masturbating and moaning their name *
- Schizophrenic s/o *
- Child walks in on bdsm session *
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- “Subaru is dating a first blood?” 
- s/o with tomboyish style
- s/o dies from taking bullet for him
- s/o takes swing and 2 step classes after school
- Mother insults s/o in front of them *
- Getting praised for having excellent grades
- human and vampire friend au
- Short workaholic s/o
- s/o asks for chokeslam *
- s/o breaks his lab equipment on purpose *
- s/o asks for threesome *
Tumblr media
- s/o whos an e-girl
- “Can I draw you nude?” *
- facial treatment reaction
- Getting tackle hugged by s/o
- s/o who looks like Kyle Jenner
- s/o who’s obsessed with their hair
- Caught going through s/o’s underwear drawer *
- “Ayy shawty your man still there?” prank 
- “Well the wedding is next week, guess you’re my brother now”
- s/o who can manipulate gravity
- s/o is executive for the Mafia
- “Subaru is dating a first blood?”
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o with tomboyish style
- Mother insults s/o in front of them *
- Stronger male s/o 
- s/o below 5 ft
- s/o speaking to sister in another language 
Tumblr media
- s/o whos an e-girl
- Decorating the yule with his s/o
-  s/o who makes suicidal jokes *
- “Can I draw you nude?” *
- Wife wants to use a strap on *
- facial treatment reaction
- “Can you dress like a maid?...”
- Breastfeeding s/o
- Surprise pierced nipples *
- Getting tackle hugged by s/o
- s/o who looks like Kyle Jenner
- Playing a game with Laito
- Caught going through s/o’s underwear drawer *
- “Subaru can I have a hug?”
- Moaning someone else's name *
- “Well the wedding is next week, guess you’re my brother now”
- s/o who can manipulate gravity
- s/o wears virgin killer sweater *
- “Subaru is dating a first blood?”
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o singing amazingly in the shower
- Mother insults s/o in front of them *
- Stronger male s/o
- s/o below 5 ft
- s/o asks for chokeslam *
Tumblr media
-  s/o who makes suicidal jokes *
- Caught going through s/o’s underwear drawer *
- “Well the wedding is next week, guess you’re my brother now”
- s/o with tomboyish style
- Stronger male s/o
Tumblr media
- Wife dressed as sexy Mrs. Claus *
- Getting pulled under the mistletoe
- s/o who ran away with their child *
- facial treatment reaction
- s/o wants to have sex in his coffin
- Breastfeeding s/o
- s/o looks like Natsumi Suga
- Caught going through s/o’s underwear drawer *
- Going through a scary maze with s/o
- s/o masturbating and moaning their name *
- “Subaru can I have a hug?”
- s/o smacking his butt *
- “Well the wedding is next week, guess you’re my brother now”
- s/o wears virgin killer sweater *
- “Subaru is my crush, can you talk to him?”
- Bringing home 12 parakeets
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o with tomboyish style
- s/o takes swing and 2 step classes after school
- s/o singing amazingly in the shower
- Mother insults s/o in front of them *
- Short workaholic s/o
- s/o below 5 ft
- s/o speaking to sister in another language
- s/o cursing cause it feels so good
- s/o asks for chokeslam *
- s/o asks for threesome *
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- Ruki can you help me with a math question?
- s/o whos an e-girl
- Wife dressed as sexy Mrs. Claus *
- Decorating the yule with his s/o
- “What’s your opinions on Catcher in the Rye?”
- s/o who ran away with their child *
- facial treatment reaction
- Breastfeeding s/o
- “Can I call you dad again?” *
- Surprise pierced nipples *
- s/o who looks like Kyle Jenner
- s/o who’s obsessed with their hair
- s/o with schizophrenia
- s/o smacking his butt *
- “Ayy shawty your man still there?” prank
- “Is that what I am to you?”
- s/o who can manipulate gravity
- s/o wears virgin killer sweater *
- Bringing home 12 parakeets
- Child walks in on bdsm session *
- Finding out s/o is good artist 
- s/o is executive for the Mafia
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o with tomboyish style
- s/o takes swing and 2 step classes after school
- s/o singing amazingly in the shower
- Mother insults s/o in front of them *
- Getting praised for having excellent grades 
- human and vampire friend au
- Short workaholic s/o
- s/o speaking to sister in another language
- s/o who smokes or vapes
- s/o asks for chokeslam *
- s/o has period accident
- s/o asks for threesome *
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(Legit my favorite cg in the whole series, LOOK AT THEM)
- s/o who ran away with their child *
- Getting tackle hugged by s/o
- s/o who looks like Kyle Jenner
- s/o who’s obsessed with their hair
- Caught going through s/o’s underwear drawer *
- s/o smacking his butt *
- “Ayy shawty your man still there?” prank
- s/o smacking his butt *
- s/o who can manipulate gravity
- s/o wears virgin killer sweater *
- Finding out s/o is good artist
- s/o is executive for the Mafia
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o takes swing and 2 step classes after school
- Stronger male s/o
- Short workaholic s/o
- s/o below 5 ft
- s/o who smokes or vapes
- s/o has period accident
Tumblr media
- s/o whos an e-girl
- Decorating the yule with his s/o
- s/o who ran away with their child *
- Getting tackle hugged by s/o 
- “Kou are you single?”
- s/o who looks like Kyle Jenner
- s/o who’s obsessed with their hair
- Someone with cat like features *
- Trolling Kou
- s/o smacking his butt *
- “Ayy shawty your man still there?” prank
- s/o addicted to video games
- s/o who can manipulate gravity
- s/o is executive for the Mafia
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- s/o takes swing and 2 step classes after school
- Mother insults s/o in front of them
- Short workaholic s/o
- s/o below 5 ft
- s/o who smokes or vapes
- s/o has period accident
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- Happy Birthday from Azusa
- Getting pulled under the mistletoe
-  s/o who makes suicidal jokes *
- “Can I draw you nude?” *
- s/o who ran away with their child *
- s/o who’s obsessed with their hair
- Extreme sadist s/o takes the lead *
- s/o masturbating and moaning their name *
- s/o addicted to video games
- Bringing home 12 parakeets
- s/o takes swing and 2 step classes after school 
- Short workaholic s/o
- s/o speaking to sister in another language
- s/o who smokes or vapes
- s/o asks for chokeslam *
- s/o has period accident
- s/o asks for threesome *
Tumblr media
- Breastfeeding s/o
- Surprise pierced nipples *
- “Thoughts on Humans?”
- s/o addicted to video games
- Schizophrenic s/o *
- Bringing home 12 parakeets
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice
- “Subaru is dating a first blood?”
- Intelligent s/o who is very clumsy
- Mother insults s/o in front of them
- Getting praised for having excellent grades
- Getting complimented 
- human and vampire friend au
- s/o kissing him out of nowhere for gift
- s/o who smokes or vapes
- s/o asks for chokeslam *
- s/o has period accident
- s/o asks for threesome *
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- Surprise pierced nipples *
- “Thoughts on Humans?”
- “Ayy shawty your man still there?” prank
- s/o addicted to video games
- “Well the wedding is next week, guess you’re my brother now”
- Girlfriend’s family is super nice 
- “Subaru is dating a first blood?”
- Intelligent s/o who is very clumsy
- “I missed you so much. I want to stay like this for a while”
- Mother insults s/o in front of them
- Getting praised for having excellent grades
- s/o kissing him out of nowhere for gift
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- “Subaru is my crush, can you talk to him?”
190 notes · View notes
mktingz · 3 years
How would MK kombatants react to seeing their crush in full glam makeup(for an event) for the first time?
gonna make this a part two soon!
he thinks you look amazing, though he doesn’t know what to say. he feels like words aren’t enough but isn’t exactly sure how to physically show you he that he thinks you look wonderful
this man is stuttering over his words and saying everything at once. you physically need to stop him just to understand what he’s saying. he’s nervous and kind of just stands there trying to act cool but also freaking out at the same time.
she’s shy about it, avoiding your gaze for a few seconds before finally telling you that she thinks you look fantastic.
she just kinda stands there staring at you for a few minutes kind of drinking it all in. she quietly whispers to you about how good you look and it takes everything in you not not ask her outright what she had said just to make her say it louder.
poor girl doesn’t know what to do. she’s circling you and staring at your outfit and everything just overall admiring you. she thinks you look absolutely stunning and she continues to say it over and over again. you kind of have to remind her that she’s repeating herself, to which she simply says “ i’m just making sure you know you look beautiful.”
28 notes · View notes