#what not to do with an autistic child
patnaneuro · 2 months
How to Support a Child with Autism?
Caring for a child with autism is challenging but important. It requires patience, understanding, and knowing what to do. We need to learn the signs of autism early and use helpful strategies that fit each child. This blog will show you how to calm a child when they're upset and how to interact with them in a positive way.
Meeting their specific needs is very important for their growth and happiness. We'll also learn how to handle stubborn behaviors and help them succeed in school.
There are many myths about autism, but we'll learn the truth and how to support these children to live fulfilling lives. With the right knowledge and tools, we can create a supportive Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna where children with autism can do their best. Let's work together to understand and help children with autism.
Understanding Early Signs and Meeting the Needs of Children with Autism
Recognizing the signs of autism, such as signs of an autistic child at age 2, is really important for helping children who have it. Finding it early and getting help quickly can really make a big difference in how they grow and feel. Usually, by the time kids are 2 years old, there are some behaviors that might show they could have autism.
These behaviors can be different for each child, like having trouble talking or making friends, or doing the same things over and over again. Parents and caregivers are the ones who notice these things first. It's super important for them to pay attention and act if they see anything worrying.
If they do notice something, they should talk to a doctor or specialist right away. Finding out early means kids can get the help they need sooner, which can make life better for them. So, it's really important for parents and caregivers to keep an eye out and act fast if they think something might be up with their child.
To help children with autism, we need to understand what they need really well. This means looking at different parts of their development, like how they socialize, communicate, deal with their senses, and behave. These kids do well when they have a regular routine and when people talk to them clearly and keep things predictable.
They also need help with social stuff, so it's important to give them support and encouragement to be with others. Sometimes, they might get bothered by things like noise or bright lights, so it's helpful to make sure their environment is comfortable.
Each child with autism is different, so it's important to find what works best for them. Meeting the needs of a child with autism means giving them the right kind of help and support.
Caregivers, teachers, and others can make sure they feel good and can do their best. This way, they can have a happy and fulfilling life, just like anyone else.
Supporting Children with Autism in School and Understanding Stubborn Behavior
Helping children with autism in school requires understanding what they need, including how to help them by calming down and what actions to avoid that could worsen their feelings. When a child with autism is upset, providing them with a quiet and safe space can help them feel better.
Calming activities like deep breathing or sensory play can also help them relax. Visual schedules or emotion cards can make it easier for them to communicate their feelings.
In the classroom, it's crucial to ensure that everything suits the child with autism. This might involve using visual schedules to help them understand what's happening, providing tools like stress balls or headphones if needed, and ensuring they have opportunities for social interaction. When teachers and staff implement these strategies, it creates a supportive classroom environment where children with autism feel valued and understood. It's also important to avoid actions that could make things harder for them, such as creating excessive noise or expecting too much from them.
By incorporating these approaches and considering the needs of each child, teachers can ensure that children with autism thrive in school. When children with autism succeed, it benefits the entire class, creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for all.
Dealing with a stubborn autistic child requires patience and understanding. Instead of using discipline, it's important to encourage good behavior through positive reinforcement and clear communication. Giving them choices and independence can help them feel more empowered and less resistant. It's also important to figure out why they're being stubborn, like if they're bothered by certain sounds or feeling anxious, and help them with that.
As for whether autistic kids can become "normal," it's important to remember that autism is different for everyone. Some kids might get better with help early on, but being "normal" isn't the goal. What matters is accepting them for who they are, helping them grow, and giving them the support they need to succeed. With the right help and understanding, autistic kids can lead happy lives and make a difference in their communities.
In conclusion, it's really important to stress how crucial patience, understanding, and commitment are in helping children with autism. Spotting the signs early and acting quickly makes a big difference in how well they grow and feel. Also, creating a caring and supportive environment, both at home and in school, is key to help them develop fully and do their best.
This means using personalized strategies that fit each child's needs in areas like social skills, communication, dealing with senses, and behavior. When we embrace acceptance, understanding, and inclusion, we make sure kids with autism feel valued and encouraged to do well. It's only when we all come together - parents, teachers, and community members - that we can truly make a positive impact in their lives.
So, let's keep standing up for their rights, supporting them along the way, and celebrating their successes. This way, every child with autism gets the chance to thrive and shine.
If you are looking for support in understanding and helping your child with autism, you may consider consulting a child psychiatrist in Patna. For the best psychiatric services in Kankarbagh, Patna, you can reach out to the top-rated psychiatrist in the area. They can provide valuable guidance and support tailored to your child's specific needs, helping them navigate their unique journey with autism.
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Explained | How can you know if your child has autism?
The scene is the neighbourhood park. A group of 2- or 3-year-old children are playing together, with their mothers watching. One toddler, Arun, is off to the side. He is looking up at the trees, squinting at the light. His mother calls several times but he does not respond. He doesn’t seem interested in the other children or their toys. He holds a little car tightly in his hand.  Sometimes he…
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pretty--in--purple · 2 years
let's be real, being guillermo's friend/partner irl would suck ass. he's a manipulative serial killing embezzler who is having an emotional affair, plus he's constantly busy with his kid/creature that crawled out of the chest cavity of his dead friend + his undead three stooges.
being his cousin would slap so fuckin hard man. every few weeks: "cousin memo's here and he's brought the five most attractive people you've ever met, an autistic child, and 50 grand cash." he barely comes to any family events but when he does you get to share gay judgemental looks w/ him. he keeps making you garlic bread and he bought you nunchucks. his trunk has a corpse in it.
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heroictoonz · 4 months
Listen I think Natsu is feral as fuck like only partly cause he was raised by a dragon but also cause my dude is just fucking like that like even the other slayers are not that feral. Natsu got raised by a dragon who was doing dragon things and my guy said alright bet I’m a dragon now and went full on all fours bitting people growling on the playground feral
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Hi everyone,
I found this post on Reddit today, telling a story about a mother “grieving for her son because of his autism diagnosis. This made me uncomfortable to read.
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Sorry if the screenshots look weird to look at. This parent sounds like they learned about autism from Autism Speaks or something
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vldsideblog · 1 year
The idea that Keith’s eyes glow in the dark comes with so much comedy value, especially pre Kerberos.
Keith spending the night at adam and Shiro’s house, getting a late night snack with the lights turned off. Shiro coming downstairs to see what the fuck this stupid teenager is doing at 3am, only to see two glowing eyes staring back at him.
Shiro just goes back to bed and convinces himself it’s a stress induced hallucination,
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andro-dino · 10 months
watched all of 2012 and went insane
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this one is from last year but I still like it a lot. making human designs for nonhuman characters that are hard to draw my beloved <3
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gxlden-angels · 5 months
Bro I hate fundamentalists and culturally-fundie parents they'll say shit like "spare the rod spoil the child am I right haha yea my parents used to have to beat my ass with a switch almost everyday but I sure did learn my lesson" but like??? no you didn't??? you were hit multiple times for something you very obviously did not, in fact, learn
Like studies about how harmful even lightly spanking children is aside, you're literally contradicting yourself?? Some even admitted they got worse as they got older cause they wanted to see how far they could push their parents before they got punished
And studies not aside, you're gonna get child raising advice from the same book that tells you to stone your wife if her hymen doesn't break on your wedding night instead of the decades of research we have now?? Just say you're a bad parent and move on my guy. Skill issue
#bro I had a coworker go 'unpopular opinion I think some kids really do need beatings' and I'm like????#unprompted???? what's going on there????#well anyways I ended up going 'yea so I plan on specializing in play therapy with autistic children so I've been learning about talking#to children and the ways their parents and environment affects them'#and they're like hmmm but beating this kid with a stick after they broke something or I upset them to the point of yelling is good actually#had a boss say it taught him and his kids respect cause they were hard-headed#and I'm like?? that's fear not respect! they fear punishment! they do not act out of respect for you!#he's a conservative christian black man tho so he's like 'But Authority!' like bro I don't even respect you what are you on about#'You don't respect police and their authority?' Nope! I fear them! I do not respect cops and every cop/cop-adjacent person I personally know#has reinforced that for me#'We'll agree to disagree' Cool! Doesn't mean you're not wrong! I could believe trees aren't real but that is in fact incorrect#then he pulled out the bible verse and I was like ah okay I forgot you like 'here's how to treat slaves' book you're so right bestie#I'm totally wrong now and so sorry for doubting you and your 2000+ year old book I don't believe in <3#They'd go 'well I turned out fine!' then say something that directly contradicts that#anyways I need christians to get their grubby little hands off the current state of Child Protection and Rights in the U.S.#So we can actually start working on helping kids without the force of christian hands suffocating them#cause homeschooling and child raising by evangelicals are so fucked up bro I'm tired of this shit#I'd only stay in my current state to help children get out of that cycle since I'm in the bible belt#ex christian#religious trauma#child abuse tw
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thefiresofpompeii · 6 months
narrativising your life has got to be some kind of disorder or curse because tell me why i was walking to the shops using a walled footpath shortcut and saw, suspended from one of the lower branches of an overhanging tree, three identical blue keys on a ring, with the same serial number printed on each, the same design; and instead of leaving them alone like a normal person (somebody must have lost them, misplaced them, left them there) after a brief hesitation i took them off and put them in my pocket. yeah. why? well, because, according to my brain, they may ‘come in handy’. when? oh, i don’t know, when i fall down some kind of sinkhole into a subterranean cellar dungeon and the only keys that seem to fit the lock from the inside are the ones so conveniently laying in my coat. or perhaps on my walk i find a woman hurriedly searching for something, frantic and frazzled, almost in a panic, and then i reach into my pocket and pull out the bundle, and she’s so impressed she— well, i don’t know what she does, but she takes a liking to me and promises to stay in touch. or something. when there’s a key there’s bound to be a lock that needs it. where there’s three keys there’s going to be three doors. if i was a character and this was a story, then the facts wouldn’t be staring me dead cold in the face: i’ve just stolen a stranger’s keys. well, not stolen, found. and as they say: finders key-pers.
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raptureshots · 2 months
im so. so so sooo happy abt all the. Fontaine appreciation thats been happening recently like!!!!!! AUGHH Frank has been my fav character for a HOT MINUTE and his character is just. really interesting to me... thank u guys...
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A list of things in Greek mythology that I think are funny:
Bellerophon killing one (☝️) lion and deciding he was a god
Demeter just kinda putting a baby in a fire nightly to try and make him immortal
Niobe going “I’m a better mom than Artemis and Apollo’s mom because I have 18 kids” and the gods going “no you don’t” and killing her kids (stop challenging gods people did we learn nothing from Arachne and Psyche and Marsyas)
The idea that natural disasters were just the gods having a bad day (lowkey the way people explained natural phenomena back then without all the modern day science we have right now is actually pretty cool but also Poseidon is pissy so he leveled my fuckijg town-)
That one guy who was like ‘I’m a god’ and Zeus responded by just turning him into an eagle
Apollo having just fatal levels of negative rizz
Midas being given donkeys ears because his music taste was ass
Athena throwing away the pan pipes because they made her look weird
Medusa getting her head cut off and just like a fucking flying horse popped out
That one guy who came home from the Trojan war only to immediately get killed by his wife and her side piece
The way Dionysus just had a group of fangirls following him around more often than not
The way my study packet called Procrustes a “scoundrel” in one of the questions
The fact that the Milky Way is supposedly just Hera’s breast milk that was supposed to feed Heracles (which is not her child mind you)
Anyways that’s it
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nascenticity · 8 months
i have seen a lot of headcanons (& fics!) about bucky doing crochet or knitting that i LOVE but i also need everyone to consider --
steve watching his mother doing irish crochet; maybe she even teaches him some simple things when he's sick and needs something to occupy him so he'll sit still and rest; its a creative outlet for sarah and that artistic streak is something she and steve share almost a century later, crochet comes back into fashion with millennials and gen-z, and steve looks up a youtube tutorial. he doesn't have many physical things left from his mom; but he can make some stuff that she would have loved and it helps him feel close to her.
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bunisher · 24 days
i need all future comics writers of frank (and anyone on DDBA) to stop trying to write him as a guy who had a normal childhood and was always just kinda Like That. or that he was simply destined to become the punisher, but that’s kind of a separate topic.
people who go into the military at 18 rarely have normal childhoods, they are often raised in abusive environments that are normalized. the urge to go into the military typically does not come from people who aren’t used to some form of abuse, because why would you willingly want to go into that? unless you are susceptible to indoctrination toward having faith in a system from a young age and aren’t able to discern the red flags? the military system preys on poor young men in particular by scouting them and offering all these bells and whistles (free college, healthcare, community) and feelings of importance, but then just forgets about them afterward.
side note: it’s actually such a disservice to many veterans to forget about how the military is an abusive system. it literally strips you of everything with no help in reintegrating back into society (other than by members of the same community). i get TPS1 tried to do something with this but dropped the ball. it feels like many writers just use his marine background as some sort of fun fact that only comes into play with certain things, but it very much shapes who you are and changes your identity. it’s a very cult-like system.
many people who want to serve are related to others who have prior. many people (especially men) who want to serve at that age have an underlying need that they think can be met. many people are brainwashed by military propaganda and believe it is the right thing to do. especially when it comes to religion, there’s this idea of men using their bodies to protect the innocent that goes back hundreds of years, and this idea of serving god, which we see young francis try to do in two ways. (side note: why do they keep removing his religious background? i liked the nod to it in the nmcu but it seems modern comics writers (looking at you jason aaron) just forget this?) besides, the functions of religion for people are very similar to the functions of the military as far as members go, namely community and a sense of greater purpose.
to me, as a reader/watcher, threads of probable abuse history are present in frank’s character, and i wish we had a writer brave enough to write about it. why else would he care so much about innocents and victims? why else would he become suicidal and guilt stricken when he hurts an innocent? it makes you think: was there no one who protected him or someone else he knew?
and this may not mean anything but idk i think he’s so much more tragic and juicy if you look at him like someone who is not the perfect victim (and maybe doesn’t even recognize their abuse) but someone who instead of healing and becoming soft, becomes angry and violent afterward. trauma, especially repeated trauma, does not effect people all the same way and i really wish they would just be bold enough to work with that. i get trying to piss off the alt right but completely changing the character to fit the same stereotype of a ‘psychopath’ (which is an outdated term) as they do in horror movies about killer children is just poor writing. again, talking about punisher 2022, but this was kinda in nmcu too. and sure yeah they’ve retired his character (but not the punisher….? ok) in the comics, but for when he inevitably does come back, yeah.
#and i’m not a huge fan of ennis but i think tyger was fairly well written but that’s MAX so it’s separate#especially since it’s saying he was a child in the 1960s which would be different than growing up in the 80s as in NMCU#and same thing for comics like they could do a miniseries on his real childhood in order to retcon what happened in 2022#but i think him witnessing a traumatic event or having multiple traumas in childhood fits his character#especially when it comes to the whole ‘no authority figures did anything so he took matters into his own hands’#the types of people who go into cults have prior indicators in childhood#mfer went it seminary and still sometimes seeks out his rosary… something something fathers and masters#something something guiding force#also ​the military is a very culty system and so is catholicism so it's interesting nobody has done anything with that#but the idea that he was searching for community and brotherhood to some degree is not that far fetched#which is why he latched so hard onto his family and became utterly unable to attach himself to others out of fear#a person with good attachment wouldn’t react like this and yeah he’s unhealthy but that rarely comes from just being Like That#so i am begging once again for people to stop retconning his past#i also think reading him as an autistic child helps bc autistic children are often taught to ignore their needs and wants#which is something we see with his character later on that’s so prevalent#anyway this is just a blurb that i’ve been thinking about#frank castle#the punisher#comics inspired#ddba#nmcu the punisher#character analysis#bun.txt
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brooklynisher · 2 months
I love being in a fandom filled with autistic people
If I wasn’t, then I think everyone would just assume I was like 9 years old
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
listen I am about as pro-abortion as anyone can be, but aborting a baby just because they have Down's Syndrome should be fucking illegal. If you're someone who actively wants and is trying for a child, then you should be mentally, financially, and emotionally willing to provide for that child for the rest of your life if something goes wrong- because that is what being a good parent takes, and many many things can go wrong. Down's Syndrome is not at all close to the worst thing that can happen to a baby, and people with it can grow up to be happy, healthy, content adults- they just need a little bit of extra help and a different approach to raising them. If you just want a 'normal' child so that you can boot them out of your house when they turn 18 and have them around to take care of you when you're older, then you don't actually want children, you want an investment. A doll, not a family member. Not a person.
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
I love it when "they should be at the club" is like, an actual character dynamic, with person A looking at person B as they work themselves to the bone/throw their own happiness away for the greater good/take on more responsibility than anyone could ever hope to bear and they're just like. Hey. You should be at the club
#ramblings of a lunatic#this is about Barbara Gordon and Cassandra Cain in batgirl volume 1#literally babs is like cass wouldn't it be nice if you did things that normal 17 yr old girls get to do-#-instead of living and dying in your kung fu self hate cycle that will inevitably destroy you???#and cass is like. no#cassandra cain (and bruce wayne) voice:#''everyone asks if there's anyway to stop the self sacrifice spiral never how was the spiral it looked fun was the spiral fun?''#dick is also this for bruce but the club is less literal in that specific sense#(also this is soooo far removed from their canon dynamic. but play with me in this space for a bit-#-this but it's steph @ jason)#(like she realizes he's the same age as cass- she would not have guessed bc he's fucking huge and grizzled-#-and she's like damn. you should be at the club jason-#-just an in passing observation! arguably ribbing him about his melodramatic vengeance quest-#-that becomes a lot harder to take seriously when you remember he's barely old enough to legally drink)#(and jasons just like. what would i even do at the club steph. what part of me seems like a guy who would have fun at the club)#(Jason and Bruce are both too autistic for the club. cass is the right amount of sensory seeking autistic to get something out of the club-#-but really babs should be taking her to a mosh pit for maximum enrichment. she'd thrive)#ANYWAY. having a moment ignore me#my previously obtained ibuprofen is the last defence against me and certain doom (sore throat oof ouch)#like that meme of the soldier with knives and bombs in his back protecting the sleeping child#point being idk how long it'll last so i should sleep sooner rather than later to get the max benefits
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