#what did Nesta do that's bad enough to deserve that
litnerdwrites · 13 days
About the dancing chapter...
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I agree 100% with this comment by the amazing @deathbealady (no seriously, I didn't even realise how similar this situation was to Mor's) and I wanted to use it as a jumping off point to talk about Eris Vansera. To be clear though, I like fanon Eris and am currently undecided about canon Eris, for reasons I'll explain later.
For now, we can start with the IC asking Nesta to try and seduce Eris. I refuse to believe they weren't given this idea by Elain, either because she volunteered Nesta outright, or because she put the idea of using Nesta's artistic passions that, at this point, they know were effectively weaponised by her mother, to seduce an older male with the idea of marriage.
Either way, the fact that the IC knew what Nesta's mother had done, and decided to take advantage of it without ever asking what she thought of it, or what she might like, despite it being the same thing done to Mor when she was Nesta's age, if not younger. It's made especially worse given that Nesta likely feels unable say 'no' to the IC, because if she does, she'd likely be threatened with Elain being made to do it.
If that isn't bad enough, and I wouldn't be sure if it could get worse if I wasn't about to tell you why, then we can take a look at the age gap between Eris and Nesta. I've heard people argue that it's fine, since they're both consenting adults, but I think that the term 'adults' needs to be redefined. Humans are considered adults at the age of 18 or so, but only have a fully developed frontal love at 25. Meanwhile, fae are considered adults by the age of about 50 to 80 (with the latter being the age that a High Lord can be named such, but some people say it's 50). This has some pretty serious implications.
Starting with the fact that if females in Illyria and the CON are married off/wings clipped when they have their first period, which seems to be from around the same time human women have theirs, to 18 if they try to prevent it through medication, then they aren't adults themselves. They aren't even half way there in the (I don't want to say mild, best case, better or anything like that case because it's all messed up) cases where the woman is 18 or so. It also implies that a fae female's frontal lobe isn't developed until she's over fifty, since we don't have evidence to suggest the contrary.
Just because Nesta was almost 25 when she became fae doesn't make it alright either. Given that her aging must have slowed astronomically when she was turned, it's fair to assume it would have a huge impact on maturity and brain development. Which means the Archeron sister's in general might have serious gaps in the way their brains develop, especially Feyre, since she was resurrected and her body changed. It might even be slightly different for Nesta and Elain since they were killed, pulled apart and put back together in the cauldron.
Since it was the cauldron, there's a chance that their brains were also changed to be like fae, but either way, both possibilities and scenarios come back to the same answer: The Archeron Sisters are still mentally children, and will likely remain so for several decades longer, perhaps even longer than regular fae due to the unprecedented and irregular nature of their existence.
This brings me back to the subject of Nesta and Eris. He is a grown adult many centuries older than Nesta, with frontal lobe development and centuries of experience. Nesta is barely even half way to being an adult, while he is over 500. Moreover, the IC believe that Eris is a monster.
Now, I'm well aware that there's likely more to the issues between Eris and Mor than what we've seen. Between Eris's own words regarding 'circumstances' that he wouldn't explain, to the narrative going out of his way to show us good parts of him. Such as the way he moved to protect his mother at the HL meeting, and how he let his own father torture him but still protected the IC's secrets and took the unnecessary verbal abuse from Cassian. There's even the fact that Eris simply lets others believe him to be the villain, and let's Mor control the narrative for her own comfort, as opposed to spilling whatever happened, even if it would, somehow, absolve him.
Now, to be perfectly clear, there is little Eris could say that would absolve him, truly, of what happened. I acknowledge that he's a victim of his father, however that doesn't mean he can't also be Morrigan's abuser. And yes, even if he didn't touch her, neglect is abuse. Leaving her there for dead, regardless of the reasons, is a messed up thing to do. The categories of victim and abuser are not mutually exclusive.
The narrative wants us, as readers, to question Eri's actions and begin to wonder what happened between him and Lucien and Mor. It wants us to open up to the idea that Eris may not be as bad as he's made out to be, and that there's something more sinister happening, since it puts some level of suspicion on Lucien, Mor and Beron. However, just because that's the story we're being fed as readers, doesn't mean that the characters have the same perspective, or are living the same story, necessarily.
If you think about it, they have no reason to believe that Eris isn't a psycho who abuses woman and would slaughter his brothers to get to the crown. His comment about circumstances does read like an abuser trying to justify his actions with little effort, while giving no real reason, not that one would make up for what the IC believes he did. It's not a good enough reason to absolve him or make him seem like a good person.
He still hunted Feyre down, even though he had no reason to once she and Lucien made it to the Winter Court, and it, logically, would've caused more trouble for Beron if they were caught. Especially since a whole fire fight took place, and it would be easy for Kallias to connect that with autumn citizens, since he didn't know about Feyre's magic. If anything, hunting them at that point would've caused more problems and they'd be better off just telling Beron that Feyre and Lucien were there. A high lady, if Beron acknowledges the title or not, trespassing in foreign lands with a banished son would be enough to raise a fuss about.
He, also, has people who've known him for centuries, from Mor to Lucien (though the latter probably has more accurate info given his connections in various courts, and the fact it's unlikely Mor shared many words with him over 5 centuries) and the fact he's essentially blackmailing the Nc. This is more so an issue of his having certain pieces of information being a cause for the IC to fear what he may do with it, or what might be found out by their enemies if they use torture or a daemati.
I'm not saying, by any means, that I hate him. I think he's actually written better than Rhysand at this point, since unlike Rhysie playing hero, Eris knows he's a terrible person and low key owns it. Whether or not that's subject to change is dependant of SJM's writing in the future. There's a chance she may actually turn him into Rhys 2.0 by pretended he was a good guy all along.
However, regardless of his reasons, he has done so many atrocious things that the IC have no reason to think he's a descent person. Mor clearly hasn't said anything about what happened and, as much as I don't like her, she has no on page motive to antagonise Eris otherwise. That might change later, especially if she's the traitor, but as of now, her behaviour seems understandable, somewhat, based on the version of events that she gives.
Yet, despite all of this, the IC still think that essentially whoring Nesta out to Eris because it suits their goals. Regardless of the risks to Nesta's safety, regardless of how Nesta feels about the matter and and simply going off of Feyre's guesses about how Nesta feels without ever feeling the need to confirm if any of them are accurate to Nesta.
Let me summarise: Rhysand and Feyre, Nesta's own sister, thought it was a good idea to use Nesta's artistic passions to seduce a man that is literally 20 times Nesta's age, letting said man ask for Nesta's hand, and letting Nesta consider accepting despite the IC believing he is a woman torturing psycho that would throw her to the wolves at the first chance if it helped him in the end.
Let's not forget that while Eris may be bit of a grey area for us at the moment, the IC knows that Eris also lives with abusers, like Beron, who'd have no issue using physical violence against Nesta. So even if they thought Eris wasn't a monster for some reason, they'd still be putting Nesta in danger. Especially if Beron is working with the Death God, who wants the trove and is using Bryallin to find it.
Oh, and this was all after Cassian came to the conclusion that Nesta was suicidal, and was sexually assaulted in a vision, if I remember right, while on a life threatening mission in a place the rest of the IC, even Amren, is scared of.
Regardless of what Rhysand says, he allows abusers near enough to his family, or the ones he doesn't care as much about, I suppose, and is seemingly willing to let them marry said abusers if it gets him his goal. Rhysand who was abused. Rhysand who's mother was forced into child marriage.
Rhysand who seems to ignore the fact that the Archeron sisters are children. Children can't consent, if it wasn't clear enough to him already. Also, consent must be informed, and last I checked, Nesta wasn't informed about Eris beyond him being a snake. She isn't given a heads up about how abusive he's believed to be, how he may have to kill/watch you die if his dad decides so, or how he's likely to leave you bleeding out in the woods if you're injured. This is literally what the IC believe he is like and they didn't tell her.
Consent needs to be voluntary. I think it's been well established that Nesta likely doesn't feel like she can make real decisions because of consequences she may face.
He's also completely willing to send a suicidal (you can't argue that he doesn't know since Cassian reports everything to Rhysand, and kind of Feyre, apparently, from her Valkyries to her progress in 'healing'/being brainwashed so there's no reason he wouldn't report that too) into life threatening situations, put them in a place where they could jump to their deaths at any moment, with magic that could provide literally anything but alcohol, and filled with weapons.
To conclude, Eris is a grey area in ACOTAR that, at this point, reads as what Rhysand kind of should've been if SJM didn't make him a good guy for no reason. Meanwhile, this 'good guy' is endangering his sister in law through abuse, emotional blackmail and brainwashing, while putting her in proximity with a known abuser. Might I remind you that she's a minor? With possible developmental gaps. And he's doing it all because her being in danger makes his life easier, and the cousin that the dude abused is going along with this without any issue.
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stargirlfeyre · 9 months
Shit that Rhys gets hate for that never happened in the books or that are completely justified.
“Plotting to become High King.” Rhys has never stated that he wants to be High King and he’s actually said multiple times that he has no plans of becoming one. The idea was brought up by Amren and was shut down quickly by him. I don’t get why y’all are hating on him for it when he literally agrees with you?
“Trying to kill Nesta.” Sadly Rhys has never actually tried to kill Nesta. He threatened to (just like she threatened to kill her baby sister) but he has never done it and he even says that he would never hurt anyone Feyre loves. Quick question though. Nesta’s threat towards Feyre is excused with “she was just angry because her boundaries were being pushed” but why is that logic also not applied to Rhys? He was angry because his wife had a miscarriage thrown in her face. Yet these instances aren’t treated the same?
“Threatening to kill Nesta just because she told Feyre the truth.” The reason he threatened her was not simply because she told Feyre. It was because of how she told Feyre. She threw a dead child in her sister’s face (his child along with Feyre’s) and not only that but she blatantly lied to her sister and said everyone was just going to let her die in ignorance while knowing that that wasn’t true. If someone you cared about was told their child was going to die in the same manner that Nesta told Feyre would you be upset?
“Bullying Tamlin.” His bitch ass deserved it. What do you want me to say?
“Bullying Lucien.” He also deserves it. Seriously though what reason would Rhys have to like Lucien? He’s besties with the man who got his mother and sister killed, he’s the man who tried to force his mate back to her abuser, he’s the man who looked at Feyre with disgust for simply being a part of the IC. What reason do these two people have to like one another? Lucien disliking Rhys is fine but Rhys disliking him is bullying? Need I remind y’all that these are both two grown ass men?
“Forcing traumatized Priestess to work for him.” I didn’t even think people were dumb enough to hate on him for this but here we are. The library is not a prison for the priests who live there. It’s a sanctuary where they are taken to heal and they can leave whenever they are ready to. There are even counselors/therapists there to help them.
“Purposely keeping Nesta ignorant about her powers so he can control her.” If I remember correctly it was actually her who chose to refuse to learn about her abilities and it was her who threw a tantrum when they suggested that she starts learning again. The IC never forced Nesta to be powerless or under their control. She willingly refused to learn about her powers.
“Hating Nesta and abusing her because she didn’t bow to him.” I don’t even know how many times it’s said and shown that Rhys doesn’t enforce rank unless he absolutely has to. His own friends talk shit to him but you actually think he disliked Nesta because she did it? Maybe just maybe his dislike for her came from him watching her repeatedly hurt his wife? You can say he was wrong for defending Nesta against Feyre all you want but painting him out to be the bad guy for simply disliking a woman who hurt his wife is insanity.
Bonus: “Brainwashing Nesta to be happy with how everyone treated her.” This argument is just so unserious I don’t even know how to counter it😭.
“Degrading Azriel and forbidding him to see Elain and in the process taking away their choices.” This is just another instance where he was completely justified in his decision. You have to put yourself in his shoes for a second. One, he’s already stressed out because he thinks that his wife, child, and he himself are going to die and the last thing he needs is to be worried about losing an important ally over Elain and Azriel. Two, from his perspective it looks like Azriel just wanted to fuck Elain and he didn’t actually have feelings for her. “Well how could he not know that Azriel likes Elain” because as I stated before throughout Acosf his main priority was Feyre being pregnant and finding a way for her to survive it. Of course he’s not going to notice two people dancing around one another if he’s worried about his wife dying? A lot of you just forget that Rhys is also a High Lord who will put his people above everything (except for Feyre).
Ending it here even though I could go on and on about how delusional a lot of his antis are. This post would just be way too long.
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moodymelanist · 22 days
Last anon again, for more of an angsty wlw Nessian maybe Nesta finding out that Mor is Cass's ex and getting insecure about it? Only if that vibes with you of course!
just something quick from when I was waiting for the eclipse to peak earlier 🌘🌘
“That’s your ex?” Nesta seethed the second Mor walked into the party, turning to look at Cass with as fierce of a glare as she could muster up. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I didn’t know she would be here,” Cass replied with a grimace. “It’s not like I planned this!”
Cass had invited Nesta as her plus one to Rhysand’s birthday party, and to everyone’s surprise, the ever-elusive Morrigan had been in town long enough to actually show up. Nesta had never met the other woman until just now, although she’d heard plenty about her over the almost eight months she and Cass had been officially dating.
Perfect, golden Mor, with her sunny smiles and bubbly personality. She was the exact opposite of Nesta, and God, did Nesta fucking know it. She was actually personable, people seemed excited to see her, and she had to be one of the most gorgeous women Nesta had ever seen.
What the hell was someone like Cass doing with someone like Nesta when Mor was in her orbit? Nesta was all sharp edges and snarky comments on the best of days, and seeing Mor in the flesh was like a slap in the face. Cass could be doing so much better; who the hell was Nesta to think she deserved someone like Cass—
“Sweetheart,” Cass said, calling Nesta’s attention back to her. Her girlfriend was biting her lip a little nervously, and Nesta would’ve felt bad for worrying her had she not been so caught up in her own head. “You okay?”
“She’s just…” Nesta trailed off, not sure how to answer the question. “I just don’t get why you’d settle for me when you already had someone like that.”
“Settle for you?” Cass repeated with an incredulous little laugh. Nesta’s eye twitched a little at being laughed at, and Cass sighed heavily. “Sorry, sorry. I just — Nes, why would you ever think that?”
“Because she’s actually nice and friendly and a way better person than me,” Nesta grumbled. “So.”
Cass sighed again before guiding Nesta to a more secluded area of the bar they were in. “Where is this coming from?”
“I’d never actually seen her before,” Nesta eventually answered, wishing she was anywhere but here having this conversation about her feelings. “And now I’m just sitting here watching everyone love on her!”
“Not me,” Cass argued back with a little frown. She pushed some of her curls back out of her face before adding, “I’ve been over her for years, Nes. I love you.”
“What?” Nesta blurted out, shocked. They hadn’t said those words yet, and to say it here of all places…
“That wasn’t— I didn’t mean for it to come out like that,” Cass answered. Her cheeks were turning a little red and she stepped in closer to Nesta. “I’m sorry.”
“But did you mean it?” Nesta asked, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Yes,” Cass told her. “Sweetheart, come on, how couldn’t I feel that way?”
“You already had the best,” Nesta muttered.
“You’re not a fucking downgrade,” Cass snapped, clearly losing her patience a little bit. “She fucking cheated on me! Why would I want to go back to that?”
Nesta felt like a little bit of an idiot, but to be fair, they hadn’t exactly talked about it. “Oh.”
“And even if she hadn’t,” Cass continued, clearly on a roll now, “you’re way out of my fucking league, and I’m in love with you, so why does this even matter.”
“Just— because,” Nesta answered lamely. It was a little hard to feel insecure when Cass had said twice now that she loved Nesta, but her brain seemed to always find a way. “I’m sorry. This was stupid.”
“You’re not stupid,” Cass automatically countered. “I just hate that you’re thinking about yourself like this, Nes.”
“It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“Okay.” Cass leaned down to give Nesta a kiss, her lips warm and soft against Nesta’s. “You ready to go back to the party now?”
“Yeah,” Nesta said, and then was embarrassed all over again when realized she hadn’t answered Cass’ words earlier. “And I love you too, you know.”
“I know,” Cass said back with an easy grin. She offered Nesta her hand and they both smiled a little goofily at each other for a few moments. “Come on, Nes.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust
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tilseptemberends · 3 months
Post ACOSF Elucien snippet
Elain stared absently at the wall of the strange apartment. Not strange in that it looked odd, honestly most homes in Velaris had a very samey feel to them, but in that she hadn't expected to find herself coming here of all places. But where else did she have to go? There was not one place in this city that she could call her own. And going to her room in Feyre's new home was not an option. Not while the others were still there recovering from the night of Nesta's mating ceremony.
It hadn't just been the necklace... It was everything about the situation. How happy Gwyn looked as she twirled around in a corner with a veritable pack of shadows. How Azriel watched her with the smallest of smiles on his face. I'll bet he never thought that kissing her would be a mistake... Elain thought and immediately regretted it. Gwyn deserved to have someone look at her like that. It wasn't the preistess's fault. Wasn't that why Elain had refrained from commenting on the necklace till Gwyn brought it up herself? Azriel had watched them warily. Actually, warily was putting it rather mildly. He'd looked about ready to launch himself out of one of the nearby windows when Gwyn had approached her. Like he'd expected her to point out who he'd originally given the necklace to. As if she would ever be so graceless. She should have given him a good knock about the ears for thinking so little of her. Elain had simply said that the charm suited Gwyn and casually changed the subject so she wouldn't have to think about it a second longer. And then she'd found the first opportunity to excuse herself. And come here.
She'd started walking in the direction of the apartment without thinking. She just needed to get away from everyone. The inner circle. Nesta's new friends. All of them. Separately she could handle these developments in her life but they just kept coming. And before she knew it she was at his door, practically weeping that she didn't know where else to go.
"Damn, another one?" A hushed voice came from the next room and Elain lifted her head from one of the pillows. "How long did you live in Spring, and you still can't keep a house plant alive?" he spoke again and Elain blinked in surprise. Had she seen any houseplants last night? No, she'd been far too busy spiraling and kicking Lucien out of his own damn bedroom. Elain sat up and rubbed her face. She'd been so busy thinking about herself that she hadn't even considered that she might be intruding on his already sparse free time. She slowly got to her feet and paused as she caught sight of her reflection in a full-length mirror sat next to his armoire. She frowned. Not night court black but the charcoal grey was close enough. Who was she fooling with this getup? She might have shredded the dress with her bare hands if she had something else to change into. Elain shook her head and moved past the mirror to the bedroom door.
When she opened it she was struck by a few different things. The first being Lucien at the stove in his kitchen. The sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows as he cooked his breakfast. And second, the poorhouse plant he'd scolded himself about earlier. She tentatively approached and gave the pot a look. Yikes. She winced slightly at the condition of it and when she looked up she found that Lucien had turned in her direction. He stood very still, like he was scared she might bolt if he made any sudden moves. She cleared her throat lightly,
"Do you mind if I ask what your pot of mud used to be?" she asked and Lucien slowly set his plate back down on the counter.
"...it's a peace lily," he replied quietly and Elain snorted. She immediately covered her mouth and she knew her face had gone quite red. "I- Gods, I'm so sorry. That was so rude." Shit. SHIT. She was going to crawl under a rock and die. But then Lucien started laughing. His own face tinted pink. "I knew it was bad. In my defense, the flowers in Spring don't need maintaining." He pulled another mug down from the cupboard and Elain made sure she was looking at the dearly departed lily when he looked back at her. "Would you like some tea?" She folded her hands together and considered. "That won't... will it?" she couldn't bring herself ask finish the question aloud. Lucien filled the mug with hot water and set it on the counter next to her with a teabag and a spoon. "I don't think so. But just in case." Carefully, Elain slid the mug toward herself and did her best not to stare at his forearms. The bond was making maintaining a normal conversation excessively difficult this morning. But he walked back across the kitchen to grant her the space she need to think. Maybe he needed the space too. She dropped the teabag into the mug of water. "Thank you... for helping me." She tapped her spoon lightly on the counter. "It's alright. I... know what it's like to not feel like you have anywhere to go." Elain nodded to herself. How close she must have struck him last night with those words. I didn't know where else to go...
She rubbed her eyes and sighed heavily.
"I should go before Feyre sends the city guard out to search the streets for me..." Lucien considered her for a moment.
"Would you like me to walk you back?" And that offer... she swallowed and shook her head. "N-no... that's alright... I need some time to think before I see them." And I won't be able to if you're right next to me... she didn't finish. Lucien didn't insist though. If Elain wanted to walk herself back home after commandeering his bed for a night then he would let her. Something about that twisted her heart in a way she couldn't think about right here. More space. She needed some distance from him before she considered what it meant that she'd come here to escape the others.
Elain finished her tea and Lucien saw her to the door. He paused when he opened it though.
"Is something wrong?" she asked and he tapped his foot sharply. Weighing a decision apparently. He sighed and buried his hands in his pockets.
"You can come here any time you like, Elain. Even if I'm not around. There are wards on the door but... they'll let you in." He didn't look at her, instead staring hard and the ground between them. "I... thank you, Lucien." she spoke quietly and he nodded without another word. Without much else to say Elain turned and followed the Sidra back toward her sister's home.
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elrielffs · 1 month
"Well SJM was gonna do Mor and Azriel but changed her mind to make Mor LGBT+ so she can change her mind for Gwynriel!"
I don't think Mor and Azriel were EVER considered to be endgame. If anything, I think it was Cassian and Mor but that was changed when she decided to do Nesta and Cassian instead of Nesta and Lucien.
I think if she WAS planning on Mor and Azriel, she wouldn't change it just to make Mor gay. I think most people agree that it felt shoe horned in and because of that, she could have picked another character to be gay if she wanted. I'm happy there was more rep, but it didn't have to be Mor at the time.
Regardless, it was SJM who wanted to change the pairings. She might have made Mor gay due to backlash from LGBT rep (we'll never know really why), but that was because she already decided Mor was not going to be a love interest for a bat boy not because she decided that Mor was gay and the bat boys were off the table.
Is that what you really want for your ship? To have bullied the author into writing what YOU want? Basically admitting your ship isn't canon but if you make enough noise online SJM will change her mind?? Disregarding all the build up for other characters??
She changed pairings between the first and second book of the series, when it was still in it's infancy. I think in the first ACOTAR book we know that she wasn't really planning to do much with Elain and Nesta (hence their generic evil step sister tropes) and it was only until ACOMaF when she decided to bring the sisters back in that she really planned in depth for them. I think all the build up since then has been locked in. To change now deep into the series on book 5(6?) after all the groundwork she has laid would be horrible fucking bad writing.
This is just a really personal take, but if I was writing a book series, I wouldn't care what the fans want when it comes to major plot points or romance pairings I had in mind. SJM has stated that she has now planned years in advance, up to what the characters kids would look like, if they had any at all. This is SJM's world. She's should write it how SHE wants and luckily, I think she does.
People forget how much the fandom fucking HATED Nesta before ACOSF, like HATED, and definitely didn't ship Nessian (people were theorizing he was gonna end up with Emerie based on a few interactions they had, just like they do with Gywn now) and now half this fandom thinks Nesta can shit on a ladybug and deserves a standing ovation. (I do like Nesta, just FYI, I love all Archeron Sisters, flaws and all) But the point is, people hated Nesta, they were not excited for ACOSF, the did not want Nessian and SJM still wrote it.
P.S. People also hated Rowan and Aelin and thought it was going to be Chaol and Aelin endgame.
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foxylady13 · 1 month
I just read your post about Nesta and parentification and would like to add a point:
Nesta mentioned Feyre teaching (or atleast tried to teach) her how to use a bow and arrow. At some point of time both these sisters walked out into the woods and Nesta agreed to try her hand at hunting.
They were both young. Nesta did household chores (chopping wood etc etc like you mentioned) and Feyre hunted and provided for the family but Nesta wasn't just sitting on her ass the entire time. Feyre probably felt bitter towards her eldest sister for not stepping up but that doesn't mean her sister did nothing. Their way of making sure the family survived was different.
"Oh but Feyre said that the sisters spent money recklessly." Of course she did. They were poor. Living in a HUT that barely had a functioning roof. Every single coin spent for anything at all mattered. Their priority was to save money for everything. Buying coats or shoes or whatever is money being spent and that was bad. They were desperate and bitter. (Yes Feyre too. You can clearly catch that from the first few chapters of book one)
Personally speaking, I see the mighty High Lord and his pet General Cassian complaining about Nesta and her contribution – or lack of as they claim – wayy more than Feyre herself.
Nesta even went back to the forest when Feyre was under the mountain, she thought about crossing the wall because her sister had just returned from the fae lands and had barely stayed for a while before she went back.
IF NESTA HADN'T TOLD FEYRE ABOUT THE PREGNANCY I MYSELF WOULD HAVE JUMPED INSIDE THE BOOK AND TOLD HER. Nesta was pissed off and obviously she said it to point out just how shitty Feyre's mate is. But bruh Feyre deserved to know from the very moment Rhys himself found out. If I was in Nesta's position, my sister's husband would get punched in the face High Lord or not.
I totally forgot about Feyre trying to teach Nesta how to use a bow and arrow! Good point!!
Feyre was definitely bitter about being the one who hunted and brought in the income and therefore she deems her oldest sisters household efforts as useless or not enough in her thoughts. This is the same mentality though that a lot of men, and people in general, have towards SAHM. They claim SAHM just sit at home all day doing nothing but fail to take in that running a household is a full time job in itself because there is cooking, cleaning, mending/washing of clothes, keeping the house warm during winter, etc and if you were to outsource those jobs you'd be paying a LOT of money to do so.
As for the money point, Feyre says Nesta didn't need new boots as hers was "new" but in ACOSF its revealed that Nesta shoes weren't as new as Feyre portrayed them as. They actually had holes and were worn down. That shows us Feyre viewpoint isn't all that reliable during that time. She views her sisters spending the money recklessly but was that really the case? Now, I'm not saying they haven't spent money recklessly in the past, but Feyre is definitely blinded at times because of the bitterness she has towards her sisters.
I know Nesta herself said she could have done more and has regrets about that time and how she treated Feyre, but honestly, she did what she could during that time. They were all in a poor situation just trying to keep afloat and survive.
And Rhys and Cassian really have no room to talk. They weren't there. They only got Feyre viewpoint and judged the sisters without even really getting to know them. Feyre herself forgave her sisters and was trying to make mends in their relationship and all those two did was cause more heartache and strife and made it more difficult on them all.
I also think a lot of people forget Nesta went to the wall after Feyre, and even was the one to encourage Feyre to go back to Tamlin.
And yesss to your last little bit about the pregnancy situation. I will defend Nesta to my dying breathe over her finally telling Feyre the truth. I'm sure Feyre herself would do the same given she wasn't even mad at Nesta, or really upset at how Nesta told her. She was actually grateful that Nesta told her and pissed at everyone else for keeping it a secret. I love Feyre for that.
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My Problem with SJM
I’ve been reading Sarah’s books for about 7 years now. There are things I genuinely love about them. I’m not going to sit here and trash every single thing about them or shit all over her as an author. Her books have brought me a lot enjoyment and credit is due where it’s due.
However, if you asked me, point blank, “What do you think of Sarah as an author?” I’d probably sit there on the verge of an aneurysm because I genuinely don’t know how to answer this question.
As much as I enjoy reading her books and genuinely love parts of them, I’ve been growing more frustrated with them over time. This kind of all came to a head in reading ACOFAS and ACOSF. I used to think that these were mostly isolated little incidents involving random different characters. I used to think it was about Chaol, or Tamlin, or Lucien, or Nesta. I’ve come to realize that it’s really not. It’s about Sarah herself and the bizarre way she has chosen to portray her characters.
Every single one of Sarah’s characters do bad things. ALL OF THEM. There is not a single significant character she has written in any book who has not done something shady, or morally gray, or wrong, or hurtful, or whatever. I seriously challenge you to try and find me a character who has not. This is completely normal and understandable!!! No one wants to read about a perfect and utterly flawless character. It makes them uninteresting and unrelatable. ALL good books should feature nuanced characters.
The issue I have is this: while every single character in her writing does bad things, only SOME characters are DEFINED by these bad things. No matter what else they do or say, they are deemed an irredeemable piece of shit who will never deserve anything good. Even if other characters aren’t openly hostile towards them anymore, the narrative will always find a way to subtly remind us all that these are “bad” people who did bad things to others. Any criticism they receive is justified and right. It does not matter how many good and/or heroic deeds are carried out by these characters. Often times these very characters will end up expressing how awful and unworthy they are, either internally or to other characters.
At the same time, there are other characters who do equally bad things (if not worse or significantly worse!!!!!) and have every single one blatantly ignored or explained and justified by the narrative or other characters. They are treated in the exact OPPOSITE way. No matter what they do, they are right. No matter how hypocritical, cruel, or just plain wrong they are, it will never ever be acknowledged by anyone. They will never be made to hold an ounce of responsibility for any of it. Other characters, themselves, and the narrative will turn an absolute blind eye to any wrongdoing and will gush and fawn over them instead.
This would be enough to be incredibly frustrating. But it doesn’t end here!!
Not only will these special select characters have every single blatant wrongdoing ignored, they will also walk around smugly judging the characters who are less fortunate (aka less favored by the author). Despite the majorly shady acts of their own, they will walk around highlighting all the bad things others have done while self-righteously proclaiming their own moral superiority. The narrative and the thoughts and words of other characters will support this. Sarah will beat you over the head with it. An opportunity will never be lost to tell us (not necessarily SHOW us) what a morally good person they are in comparison to someone else.
It honestly makes me feel kind of insane when I’m reading it. It makes me stop and sit there and wrack my brain going, “Does Sarah know she is doing this????” Does she realize she is a giant hypocrite of a writer?? Does she know she makes giant hypocrites of her characters?? It’s honestly hilarious to me because in writing the way she does, she takes the characters who she clearly wants me to adore and favor and makes me end up hating them and makes me end up rooting for the characters who she clearly wants me to dislike. I never liked Chaol until I read Queen of Shadows, when he is irrationally blamed for every one of Aelin’s problems. I was never really that invested in Lucien until he started to get shit on by absolutely everyone in the Inner Circle. I was never a Nesta stan until I read ACOSF, where she is bullied and mistreated by her “family” and gaslighted into thinking that they are right and she is deserving of all they say and do to her. I never had any true passionate feelings about Tamlin until he became a personal punching bag for every single character in ACOTAR, despite the majorly important good things he does that everyone ignores. It blows my mind how Sarah seems to fail to realize that the people walking around with a Holier-Than-Thou Attitude toward these people have a laundry list of majorly questionable actions of their own that never gets addressed.
In short, Sarah essentially self-sabotages as an author and I don’t understand it. You wouldn’t see me and tons of other people posting essays with word counts in the thousands defending the actions of certain characters so strongly and passionately if her little favorites were made to hold even the tiniest bit of accountability over their own wrongdoings and weren’t crapping all over the less favored. It makes her faves come across as the stereotypical “favorite child” in a family who everyone secretly resents and rolls their eyes at. If you’re going to have characters who constantly judge and scorn others for their perceived wrongdoings, it would be smart to give them a spotless and crystal clear record themselves. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
No one enjoys reading about hypocrites, Sarah. Gain some self awareness and start holding ALL characters to the same standards and accountability.
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flowerflamestars · 6 months
Recently went back through No Grave Can Hold My Body Down and some of your posts about it, and I would love to see all the times Nesta took out Cassian (as he deserves :)) it's such a good story!
Thank you!!
So, unfortunately, Nesta's Cassian murders (minus SPOILER the one that begins the final loop) are not the exciting?? Just in terms of Nesta aggression. It's no sinking islands or dramatically ripping out throats (Rhysand murder hello).
The thing to remember is that for Nesta, her timeline is: horrible post acosf abusive relationship. Loops start, killed by Hybern human. Killed by Hybern again trying to save Elain. Drowned. Drowned again. War. Goddamn Cassian, AGAIN. She is initially having a really, really bad time.
So a few times, Cassian does take her off guard, and Nesta fucking snaps.
By the times she's more in control, she doesn't want to be near Cassian enough to kill him, it's not worth it.
Centuries of growth and healing later, Nesta is better, but she still lived all that. It's still enough to make her throw herself away from Lucien, who she has wanted at this point for longer than a human lifetime. Cassian isn't worth it.
What she does do is set him up to be stabbed at the wedding, over and over. (Diamond cake knife, beloved). She frames him for embezzlement. She manipulates the entire war to keep him out of her way, and out of Velaris if she ends up there.
She stays as far away from him as possible, knowing he won't stay dead.
(If he did, I can't imagine eliminating Cassian wouldn't become like. The first in a series of tasks, every single loop)
What she also does, when he kills Lucien seconds before she can stop him, is quite literally rip out his heart.
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nikethestatue · 2 months
Anonymous because I don’t want anyone to potentially see this and harass me.. but I’m just so disappointed with this fandom. And tbh, I blame it on ACOSF.
In my opinion, ACOSF really ruined all of the IC characters. And since it’s the last book or the series thus far, people cling to it religiously.
I don’t think SJM really did Nesta justice in her story. I never truly hated Nesta. I felt like her character, while let’s be honest pretty bitchy, was in fact hiding pain through sharp words. Hurt people hurt people. This is a very real world response to trauma. And while we see that, I just felt her journey of training and fucking did not do enough justice. The fact the IC only really “forgave” her for her actions when she saved Feyre/Rhys/nyx is somewhat of a testament in my eyes. Other than Cassian (and Elain from what Cassian mentioned how she understood what Nesta was doing everytime), it felt that she was still misunderstood. That she’s just this mean person. What I wanted for Nesta, other than feeling like she was important and deserved good things, was for the understanding to seep in with all of the characters. And she deserved a real romance. I think the fact it was physical first really took away the romance of Nessian, and honestly sometimes I wasn’t even sure they liked each other, until they had their confession of feelings on solstice. It felt forced sometimes and completely physical.
ACOSF sidelined Feyre completely, made Rhys a villain to half the fandom, made Cassian not a likeable love interest for me and not the funny comic relief character, made Elain more firy which isn’t bad because I guess it’s leading to her story, made Amren a bitch too tbh and Mor. Like she just completely fucked the whole ic with this book imo… and Emerie is a great character as well as Gwyn. Gwyn was retconned in order to ensure Nesta had two female friends. Their characters were really important to Nesta being able to just be herself without history involved. But something I wished we saw was the Archerons hashing out their feelings and trauma. Maybe that will happen in the next book.
It felt like ACOSF added nothing to the plot. Yes, we got the troves but it felt somewhat out of place. A lot could have happened involving the grand scheme of ACOTAR. It’s almost like CC3 needed to come out to answer the questions we didn’t have answered in ACOSF so that we could skip over like 300+ pages of plot.
The smut felt forced, and while “put your hands on the headboard” is definitely a giggle moment, their physical moments were just… not romantic. And I think Nessian deserved more than smut. (This is my personal opinion). Like how did we go from “I don’t have any regrets in this life. My only regret is that we did not have time. That I did not have time with you Nesta. I will find you in the next life.” To.. “I didn’t ask to be shackled to you either”…… it felt very out of character. Not to mention Cassian was still calling Mor beautiful? I don’t dislike Cassian, but I just felt it was very out of character. Or maybe I just had a different headcanon from the original series. Maybe it’s my fault.
For all Nesta went through, I think she deserved more in her book. And so did Cassian. I feel like I don’t know him at all. They had their moments, but there was a lot that wasn’t there. I do ship them because I do see the golden retriever and black cat dynamic, and I love it, and they are the warriors. But I just wanted them to really be happy. Maybe it was the reluctant mates trope that made it difficult to do. Idk. But it makes me worried for Eriel (if that’s what it’s going to be) because I feel like Azriel being a “freak” in bed will once again overpower the actually romance of the couple. Like smut ≠ romance to me. It heightens it for sure, but there needs to be the emotional ground work.
Overall I think ACOSF really twisted the fandom, and it’s lead to this very toxic environment if I’m being honest with ships. I see countless posts hating Rhys, Feyre, Elain, Az (because of his desires etc).. like the fact people are shipping Eris with Nesta instead of Cassian shows how Nessian did not stick after their book. Tbh I felt Eris was more interesting than Cassian a lot of the time.
But ya. Sorry for the long rant. I’m sure lots of this isn’t even explained well because it’s hard to get out my feelings. Like I don’t even want to read the book again in my re-read. I think Nesta was put in cc3 to make up for her book tbh. And Az because of the bonus. Like finding out about Nesta’s powers in CC3 and not her own book…? I think SJM just realized she kind of fucked up. I’m just hoping with the next ACOTAR novel that she doesn’t make the same mistakes. Maybe she just felt rushed to get Nesta’s book out of the way in order to get to Elain’s. Or that it completely was taken over by her own healing journey. Which is not a bad thing at all, it provides the real world ground work, but it also took away from Nesta. But either way, I think personally Nesta deserved better than that. Because I think her character is important and strong. Past just being a warrior. There are a lot of older sister themes that could have been involved in her book. And it just missed the mark. And that’s why I think the “valkayrie” sticks out so much. Because that was the only memorable part of it. Not even Nessian was.
Anyways thank you for reading my massive rant. Would love your opinion!!!
I pretty much agree with everything. Whatever SJM had originally planned for Nesta and for Nessian wasn't what we got in ACOSF.
Overall, it was boring and repetitive, and lacked in any depth. The pregnancy plot was ludicrous and the fact that you have your 500+ year olds losing their shit over a contrary and mouthy 25 year old just makes me want to roll my eyes. I just want to tell everyone to grow up. The writing and their 'reasons' was clunky. You gonna tell me that Rhys the Billionaire, the Elon Musk of Prythian, is gonna lose his mind over $500?
Some other stuff doesnt make sense either--how are the Archerons not the heroes of Prythian. Elain and Nesta slew the king, Feyre reforged the Cauldron, and it seemed like no one cared about that? Not one Fae? Second time Feyre saved their world and nothing? She is just back in Night Court like nothing's happened?
Where were the negotiations which were happening at the end of ACOWAR?
900 pages and the plot didnt move anywhere in ACOTAR. You needed Bryce and half of HOFAS to explain what the heck was going on in Prythian.
My personal pet peeve is that it seems none of these people have jobs, except for Azriel.
I dont understand how a general of an active army has this much time on his hands to train random women for hours every day and then have sex for hours every day. Why is no one doing any work? I think this idleness also contributes to frustration--why are you harping on Nesta and calling her a waste of space, when you all literally do NOTHING, other than build houses.
It's a messy, plotless book and i feel like it definitely contributed to the discord in the fandom. It's so needlessly divisive, and the fact that it lacks an antagonist also makes it super frustrating, because it all just feels pointless.
all in all, you are right on the nose, Anon.
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nestaismommy · 1 year
Nestas experienced far less than everyone else has and has barely ever done anything, trust me when I say Feyre and other characters have a way more complex storyline 😂 Just because they aren’t mean and lash out at others doesn’t mean they aren’t “VERY” complex
ACOTAR series spoilers.
Y’all say this but I promise you, if you experienced even half of the things Nesta went through, you wouldn’t even be able to handle it. She has experienced trauma ever since she was a CHILD. She was abused & controlled by her mother and grandmother. Then she had to experience her mom’s death. Oh and she was neglected her whole life by her parents. Then poverty. Then her father’s death right in front of her. Oh and she was sexually assaulted. Then dumped into the cauldron (imagine how fucking scary it is to get taken from your home & dumped inside this ancient thing where it’s dark and freezing) and being turned into something she hated which, lead to her hating herself even more. Then, locked up and getting her choices taken away from her AGAIN. Not because she didn’t go through 19282992938 years of trauma, doesn’t mean her trauma is less worse than others. Trauma is still trauma. All of THAT is horrible. And if you have never experienced what she went through, then you have NO right to talk about how bad trauma is. Because trust me, it’s horrible. It’s like you’re comparing someone who went through SA to someone who was abused as a child. They are BOTH horrible. And by the way, everyone has different trauma responses. You can’t control how your trauma makes you feel, especially if you’ve experienced it as a child. Especially when you’ve always been treated with so much cruelty, you tend to become cruel too because that’s the only thing you know. And let’s not forget that POVERTY can change you a lot. And I never said Nesta was more complex than the others because she’s rude. Let’s not make shit up.
Nesta has done A LOT. She has done MORE than enough. She was the only person who went looking for Feyre when Tamlin took her. She then proceeded to tell Feyre to stay with Tamlin and to never come back. She HELPED the inner circle even though all they did was judge her when she did NOTHING to them (except for Feyre. She’s the only one who deserves an apology). In the high lords meeting, she opened up about what happened to her to help them. This woman shielded Cassian’s body, and was ready to die WITH him. She helped kill the king of Hybren (thanks Elain), she went on the suicidal missions the inner circle couldn’t go to etc. and let’s not forget how her WHOLE life she did everything she could to protect Elain. That woman stood in front Elain when the three huge Illyrian showed up KNOWING she doesn’t have a chance against them. And she then, gave up her powers to save Feyre. And Yk what? Feysand should’ve stayed dead. Literally the thing that I hated the most about ACOSF is what Nesta did for them. But either way, she is BRAVE. And even when she’s afraid, she doesn’t show it.
I always say that the people who hate Nesta are valid because she was in fact, shitty. Feyre didn’t deserve to be treated that way. But let’s not act like the others didn’t do worse. Y’all will do anything to defend abusers & assaulters like your life depends on it but when someone is mean, you invalidate their trauma and act like they insulted your mom. It’s ok to hate them but why invalidate their trauma? And it’s so funny how people say the others went through “worse” when actually, Nesta’s trauma & problems are pretty similar to the other characters. Especially Rhysand. Nesta was SA’d, she was willing to use her body when she was like 14, and Rhysand did the same UTM. Rhysand’s sister & mom died, Nesta’s father & mom died. She also watched her sister get thrown into the cauldron. Rhysand watched his mate die & was ready to die with her, and Nesta almost watched Cassian die & she was gonna die with him. Nesta hides behind a mask, Rhysand hides behind a mask. Rhysand hates himself, Nesta hates herself. Cassian’s mom was murdered, Nesta’s father was murdered in front of her. So her problems are actually pretty similar to theirs.
Also let’s not forget that we got multiple books about Feyre but we only got ONE book about Nesta. I don’t think her story ended yet. And I’m hoping it didn’t, because her book was shit.
Overall, this is my opinion. If you disagree then too bad.
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elains · 2 months
Rhys=as++ole. Especially after hosaf. his reaction to Nesta (who saved his,his wife's child's life, is his sister in law,helped them many times) didn't deserve that treatment. get angry but not like this. argue human and careful and not scolidng like she is a little child. As for Cassian, we didn't really see enough. IDK why SJM made it like Nesta is a victim makes no sense (everyone scolds her(even AZ in the cave), but I can imagine Cassian looked pissed because of rhys as was Feyre thankfully
Okay so, you need to take a few things into account here: the one whose PoV we inhabit for the bonus is Ember, whose world Nesta just risked quite a lot to try to help out of sheer dumb faith. She is not am unbiased party in all this. She believes her daughter can succeed and that what Nesta did was right. Rhysand coming off as the big bad who is scolding Nesta for handing over theMmask is actually pretty reasonable within her perspective.
The other one is Sarah J. Maas herself and how she frames the narrative and is present throughtout it. Sarah always knew everything was going to work out, that Nesta's gamble would pay off, that Bryce would succeed and take down the Asteri. Nesta does come off as a victim because to the omniscient author who knows how things are going to work out, she took the choice that would lead to the best possible outcome: trusting Bryce. Nesta is a victim insofar as the good ending is a foregone conclusion and the author and us have this knowledge.
While I do think Rhys could have handled the situation with far more grace than he did, I maintain that their past animosity came to forefront. Yes, you are correct, anon: Nesta saved his family's lives, himself included, but gratitude and common ground are just a step in the right direction. Yeah, what Nesta did was MASSIVE, but some grudges have deep roots and aren't easily uprooted. This is human nature at its finest.
That said, I don't think he was being any more of an asshole than usual. Certainly not more than when he withheld pregnancy information for Feyre. This time around, Rhysand's reasons to be spitting mad are extremely valid and quite frankly, understandable. If there ever was matter to ge indescribably mad over, it was this one.When you look at it objectively, stepping back Omniscient Author or Reader's Viewpoint, you have this:
Nesta just gambled the entire safety of their world on a woman who has not shown herself to be worthy of any trust and who she knew for like two/three days most. Bryce offered no assurance of victory just her parents as collateral. That speaks of her determination; it does not speak of her actual chances.
It was a shot in the dark. It could have costed everything. We have the privilege of knowing it would work out. All the characters did not and if Bryce never returned, they would spend the rest of their existences in fear that the Daglan were waiting to show up on their doorstep.
My point, anon, it's that it's very easy to say "Get Angry, but Not like this" for us on the outside. For Nesta, who has the blessing of Sarah because it will all work out. For Ember, whose world she risked to save. For the people inside, Prythian, however, who are not privy to this knowledge... I can understand the absolute rage and thinking Nesta was a goddamn thoughtless, reckless for just handing over the Mask.
And Cassian... I understand he was in a tight spot and probably mad at the risk Nesta took as well but you know... I just wanted to see more. I didn't need him to be full on the Nesta Defense Squad, but more than what we got.
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tadpolesonalgae · 6 months
i like that we finally got to see reader with the ic but it always leaves me feeling even worse for her because they are overlooking her like crazy. i like that nesta came back to invite her to day court with her but the fact that eris knew about the trip before she did? i get that she doesn't really ask or care much for what they do (i think it's more she doesn't think she deserves to know which is even worse) but i mean at this point it's safe to say she barely knows what's happening with her family and even if she likes to isolate herself and all that it's not a good thing. i like the way she was thinking during the dinner because i have that problem too even with family so it really felt realistic but im sorry to go in on the ic again but mor was the only one who tried getting her to talk and mor is also one of the ones that isn't really related to her. it's also a bit weird that rhys doesn't really try talking with her because one thing about rhysand he likes the sound of his own voice, also cass especially when nesta was talking to her, cass is the friendliest one so even him kinda ignoring her is a bit.. all i'm getting is they don't trust her, whether because they don't think much of her or think she'd fuck things up or even they just genuinely don't.
and i mean the part with eris was nice but it just shows even more how out of it she is at home and doesn't really leave any indication that she should stay there. like she was dreading being with her family but she was excited to speak to the dude she barely knows and is kind of an asshole and that part "I don’t get to spend my days simply lying around to pester the only person who’ll give me a scrap of attention." like he's right and it sucks tbh. her family really doesn't give her any attention. and even how he already has her figured out by a couple interactions and no one in the ic even knows shit about her like i get that eris is very observant but so is literally everyone else in the ic and you can kinda see az starting to observe her and try to figure her out (he was observing her way too closely like i love him dearly but i know for a fact mr spymaster over there can be less obvious to the point she has to tell him to stop staring and he doesnt). idk i just wish the ic didn't treat her like a child that can feed herself so they don't even have to check on. and as mean as eris was being he's right so many times like this part "It’s a little embarrassing that you don’t already know. What are they teaching you over there? How to be an emotional burden?" too like it was so mean but it's true, they're not teaching her literally anything and it is embarrassing to watch like i just want her to speak up for herself. i get that she doesn't want to be like nesta probably because she was on the end of her sharp words way too often but it's so frustrating seeing her hide herself like that and i refuse to believe no one in the ic noticed she's holding back, unless they're really not even giving her a single thought or maybe they don't care enough to try to get her out, i dont know which one is worse
also this is still before the 2 weeks were up i'm guessing? so they still don't know about her powers? that's probably going to be a shitshow but i can't wait for her to stop trying to do everything herself at the risk of her own health and mental stability at this point. i'm also guessing after that she won't get overlooked as much because they could see her being useful but then it would leave a bitter taste to see them only care about her after thinking she could help them instead of being because they genuinely care about her, which i can't really see from that many people here i'm sorry, elain and her are the only ones who actually look like they like each other, feyre and even nesta just look kinda tentative (is that a word) with her like they don't want anything bad for her but as long as she's breathing and healthy i guess they don't look like they care and the rest of the ic probably can't even tell if she's there on most days or not, shoutout to mor for trying again though. really can't wait for her to stop pretending and just let her emotions out and tell them she's been feeling like a burden and it's their fault for not giving a fuck about her. i hope she gets her little trip with eris too because 2 weeks with eris and she'd get her claws all the way out but idk how she would manage to go to autumn in a peaceful way like as much as i'm going in on the ic, i still want them to fix things with her because like i said before if the endgame here is her getting together with azriel and staying in the night court a lot of things have to change and it's not just with azriel
is this going to be a really long series? because since it's chapter 8 and reader still honestly hasn't had much of a development i'm guessing it's going to be long right? i mean i kinda hope so because the more the better lol
also i'm glad mor is taking her shopping because the white cotton nightgown that goes down to her ankles told me everything i needed to know about her style and i'm glad she's getting an upgrade
i feel like this was mostly me rambling about the ic but it's really frustrating to watch her making herself look dull like eris said and pretend everything is always okay so she's not a burden but it's also frustrating that no one even cares enough to realize that she's quite literally a mess mentally or pretend they don't see it - 🧶
‘i get that she doesn't really ask or care much for what they do (i think it's more she doesn't think she deserves to know which is even worse)’
We love a low self-esteem girlie 🫶
But yeah, arguably part of the whole problem links back to her not wanting to bother anyone, so it comes across as blatant disinterest which perpetuates the issue :/
‘i like the way she was thinking during the dinner because i have that problem too even with family’
On a separate note, I’m so glad you have this problem too (that sounds so mean 😭, I’m glad it’s not an isolated issue) because it’s honestly so bizarre? Like all you need to do is say something like “hey, would you mind passing the [Dish X], thanks!” And you’re basically golden but it’s so difficult for absolutely no reason.
Anyway reader has that fun little struggle too, which someone’s taking a notice of🍜
‘it's also a bit weird that rhys doesn't really try talking with her because one thing about rhysand he likes the sound of his own voice,’
😭😭😭 Poor Rhys
I think that point (as well as the Cassian one) is more an insufficiency on my part—I just didn’t want to write a conversation involving the whole table one, because I couldn’t think of a way to make it seem organic and two, I think reader would have genuinely had a mental breakdown right then and there if she had to be involved in a full-scale conversation 😭 (kinda funny, kinda not but oh well)
‘all i'm getting is they don't trust her, whether because they don't think much of her or think she'd fuck things up or even they just genuinely don't.’
So, I’ve already started on Part 9 (since there was something near a whole month between part 7 and 8, oops and sorry) and a while ago someone suggested writing something from Azriel’s pov so at least his actions might be understandable? Also since reader’s perspective on things is slightly skewed by her poor perception of herself 😬
Anyway, hopefully in Part 9 you’re going to get to see things from the IC’s view point which might clear somethings up and make it more believable? Idk, I like having some of the confusion of not knowing what’s going on but I suppose after a certain point it might become a little deus ex machina? I like miscommunication but I think it would be a bit of a stretch to put everything on “hey they didn’t know”, so I’m going to begin sorting that out :)
‘and is kind of an asshole and that part "I don’t get to spend my days simply lying around to pester the only person who’ll give me a scrap of attention." like he's right and it sucks tbh’
I think part of the appeal of Eris for reader is that while what he says is sometimes hurtful, he does treat her like an adult and doesn’t really pull his punches at all? 😭
But then obviously there are moments like in part 8 where he strikes a raw nerve which triggers a bit of overthinking (only a bit)
‘(he was observing her way too closely like i love him dearly but i know for a fact mr spymaster over there can be less obvious to the point she has to tell him to stop staring and he doesnt)’
I’m going to expand on this part later (maybe in Part 9 if I get the plot together) but he was connecting some dots in that moment (bless him 🫂)
‘like i just want her to speak up for herself.’
Personally kinda scared for that moment but you do you—I’m sure she’ll manage to express herself in a totally calm and concise manner 😌
‘also this is still before the 2 weeks were up i'm guessing? so they still don't know about her powers? that's probably going to be a shitshow’
Yeah I realised I didn’t put that in at all, but part 9 is set about a week after that initial agreement is settled on, so halfway to the end!
‘i'm also guessing after that she won't get overlooked as much’
Something along those lines… 👀
I mean, it would be a bit bizarre if they ignored that mess?
‘is this going to be a really long series? because since it's chapter 8 and reader still honestly hasn't had much of a development i'm guessing it's going to be long right?’
I’m awful at guess series length but I’d say we’re coming up to the halfway point? Maybe another three or four chapters then we’ll be halfway through? There’s still a lot of stuff to happen and a lot to be resolved, so yeah, it’s going to be a while—hope that’s okay 🧡💛
‘also i'm glad mor is taking her shopping because the white cotton nightgown that goes down to her ankles told me everything i needed to know about her style and i'm glad she's getting an upgrade’
Yeah, Erie was completed right when he made the comment about readers fashion sense—there’s a lot to be desired 😭
Also, the shopping trip might happen in part 9 but I don’t yet know if it will fit in so we’ll see what happens and where it goes :)
Hopefully Mor will work some of her magic with reader and get her to be a little more comfortable around Velaris :)
‘i feel like this was mostly me rambling about the ic’
I think your little rambles are one of the things I’ve missed most about updating CBMTHY 😭
It’s so enjoyable reading through these and it also helps me know what needs to be mentioned in future chapters 🧡💛🫂
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bythenineshards · 1 year
Omg what was up with that Feysand stan on ur post????? ITS JUST A THEORY. (Not to mention a MUCH better pairing) and lol if Feysand was always endgame why in the fck does Rhysie SA Feyre??? Did Sjm do that to build sexual tension (cause Feyre says in Acomaf she had "wanted him even then") AND THAT'S INFINITELY WORSE!!
Lmao they tried to fire up on one of my posts too and I immediately blocked them. Seen them one too many times fighting about posts that's none of their business. Like life is so empty u need to fight with strangers on the internet to feel something. I am literally so mad not them saying Tamlin Apologists deserve to be bullied?!?!? For liking a fictional character????!!
I took personal offence to that
Ha! See! I told you I would respond today. I totally didn't get sucked into Skyrim and my writing and nearly forgot.
Idk what their problem was. They blocked me like the first week I was on here so I didn't think much of them. I knew about them because there would be discourse on posts and an invisible opponent. So I guess they unblocked me to stir shit and idk, get more traffic to their blog? They rebranded with a name that is clearly meant to draw in Antis of Feysand. I think they're like 15 and so I guess they're in their "I'm edgy look at me phase" where they want to pick fights because they think they're always right and special. I'm so glad I didn't grow up with my cringe behavior on the internet.This is why we don't sell erotica or "dark romance" to children. They can't handle speculation or discussions. I bet they cry over Marvel's What If... series because it's not Canon. Like... the post that had them all fired up was speculation about something we have receipts for. And a lot of people liked the idea. All they do is make the books look worse.
And the way they talk about Feyre vs. Nesta is like they think they're written by two different people. This isn't Harry Potter (fuck you Rowling) vs. Twilight (fuck you Meyers). I don't think Feyre gets a free pass to transform into a person of another race just cuz Nesta and Gwyn modelled their stuff after the Valkyries. I think both are bad and icky because the same author wrote both and clearly doesn't see how offensive that could be. I do, however, think that there's a difference between what Feyre did and the Blood Rite. Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie were kidnapped and forced into the Blood Rite. They didn't actually choose to.
Side note though: Valkyries are from Norse mythology. It does chap me that she couldn't use a mythology or create something new for her Illyrians to flesh out their culture. She just used a primarily white culture for her non-white character's culture.
Sorry to rant about that. It just irked me.
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would ship Feysand the way it's written in Canon. I can with 100% confidence say I've never written a romance that involved anyone SAing anyone. Hell, I don't feature SA at all really. I don't want it in my fantasy. I want people to find peace and love in my books. Men have written enough SA in fantasy, it doesn't need any from me.
But like... if you look at their posts, the reason I don't like Feyre is because I wanted "my fav" to end up with Rhys. They can't fathom that I don't like Rhys at all. I don't like any of her men. They don't appeal to me at all. The only one I might’ve had any inkling of interest in is Kallias but I'm sure if we spent more than a handful of pages with him, I'd hate him too. I think she'd eventually change all of them regardless of appearance to something shallow and toxic.The Bat Boys specifically are boring to me. Their designs suck, their personalities suck and the way they treat their women sucks. Nothing I see in her books is what I would classify as love. Her books aren't about love. They're about sex with hot dudes. But you know what? Other books do romance, love and even just sex better.
I'm glad you blocked them. Just know, they still spy on us.
Thank you for your ask. I hope you're doing well.
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bookishfeylin · 1 year
what are your #anti sjm unpopular opinions? this side of the fandom is pretty similar in our opinions so i was wondering where you differ. asking this to a bunch of people btw.
Hi anon!
I have... several unpopular opinions for this side of the fandom, and it's a testament to how much better our side is that I haven't been harassed by anyone over here because of them.
My first and largest is that I love, love, LOVE (book 1) Feylin. Many people here still don't like Feylin, if it's not considered downright taboo. And obviously, on THAT SIDE of the fandom it is THE no-no ship, THE untouchable territory. But I go there anyway :)
My second unpopular opinion that I know differs from quite a few mutuals and followers of mine is that Tamlin did not redeem himself by resurrecting Rhysand, is nowhere near close to redemption by the end of ACOWAR (anyone who's reading ACOHAS probably already knew this was my feeling tho lol), and furthermore I believe that he should not receive a redemption arc in canon. Redemption arcs in fiction aren't about morality and what characters "deserve them", imo, but rather how it works thematically and if it fits the message the story is trying to convey. Rhysand being redeemed/having his assault of Feyre swept under the rug in ACOMAF was bad enough for this series' own themes about abuse and SA, but Tamlin being redeemed completely spits on them. It sucks, because as I've said time and time again Rhysand and Tamlin are the same in how they act and it's incredibly hypocritical to not call out Rhysand for abuse while calling out Tamlin, but Sarah has decided Tamlin is the embodiment of the abuser(TM) just as Feyre is the embodiment of the victim(TM) and Rhysand is the embodiment of the healthy love interest(TM) so Tamlin narratively can never truly gain "redemption" without screwing up the story's themes or questioning those labels, and frankly, allowing him to be redeemed would be incredibly insulting to this series' themes and message about abuse. In my fanfic ACOHAS it only works because I go the route of "everyone sucks" and call out everyone's abuse, Feyre and Rhysand's included, so as to even the playing field and Tamlin's arc ends in a way I THINK is narratively satisfying all things considered. But Sarah will never acknowledge that anyone aside from Tamlin is abusive, so a redemption cannot work for him in canon. So I don't think a Tamlin redemption will ever occur in the books, nor do I truly think it's a good idea from a narrative viewpoint.
I also think that rather than merely complain about a lack of diversity in Sarah's books you should also try to promote alternatives (not that I don't complain myself but people who complain about something and then DO NOTHING to attempt a solution irritate me. The solution is simply to stopping buying Maas books and to promote more authors of color, and what I hate specifically is that I don't see enough critics of Sarah elevating authors of color as much as they complain, not the complaining in and of itself).
And my last unpopular opinion: neither Nesta OR Elain are that interesting. THERE I SAID IT. The complexity they had a little bit of in book one was flatted and removed in ACOMAF. And now BOTH of them are boring. Sorry.
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ae-neon · 8 months
9.,10 and 16 for the ask game 💙💙
worst part of canon
About 30% of it just doesn't exist. It's just the readers filling in blanks or doing Olympic level gymnastics to make sense of it.
Another 30% is unreliable. It's either retconned, proven wrong later or from an uninformed bias view.
Like sorry Feyre but you don't know enough about magic or combat or politics or even the people around you to make the grandiose statements you make, sjm is just chatting shit through you and it's bad writing.
Another 20% is somehow both generic normal shit and also just wild ass concepts thrown together. The Morrigan, Koschei the Deathless, Hibernia, Prydain, Tam Lin. All just thrown in.
The last 20% is stolen material from other authors.
worst part of fanon
Hmm nothing? We all deserve to pick what we like what we don't. To use the characters however we like.
Just don't like when people expect their fanon to be canon to someone else.
Like sure, you can act like Cassian never gave Nesta PTSD flashbacks of her assault by Tomas cause it ruins Nessian for you. But don't expect me to do the same?
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
That F.eysand are good people and good rulers, just let them be scumbags together?
Lucien and Helion having this wonderful father son relationship and Lucien becoming HL of a court he's never even been to??
Like I love Lucien but as a citizen of the day court: we do not know this man, we did not vote for him
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dasyr0se-blog · 2 years
Rhysand is a good ruler. But only for Velaris.
Now, I have only read the first three books (and had a glimpse and saw a lot of spoilers of the other two) so a few informations may be mentioned, even though I didn't read it, and a few won't be here. So if I said something wrong or you think something is worth adding, please tell me.
Is well known that Rhys "adores" the Night Court and sacrificed himself to 50 years under Amarantha's thumb for their safety. But let's look more deeply into this.
The others High Lods, instead of doing the same as Rhys, fought with everything they had until they couldn't anymore, and even so, they kept going, for the sake of their people, court and family. I have no intentions of criticizing Rhys' ways of protection, but I cannot accept that he actually cared for the whole court.
For those who read the first three books - like me -, and even the other two, clearly know that the Hewn City and Illyria have a bad management. Velaris, as is said many times in the books, is their perfect, protected and beloved city.
Velaris was put under centuries of "wards" (is that the right word?) for its safety. But, and I always wondered this, why are the other two city's not loved as much?
I understand that there are bad people in those city's, by what the inner circle says, they're all repugnantes and deserve nothing. But... every court has bad people too - and I think that concep is a bit weird, I prefer saying that there are people who makes decisions, consciously or not, and there still are the children who are so easy to manipulate and then they grow in a bad environment and that's all they know... -, there will always be bad people around, no matter where, Velaris has bad people, judgmental people - thereof theirs judgements towards a healing female and an ""outcast""; Nesta and Lucien - so why are they not treated like the others are?
They protect Velaris so much but forget that Night Court is not only Velaris. The whole Court has centuries (and I think even mileniuns) worth of history, but the only city that's worth changing and caring is Velaris?
Rhys and his inner circle never tried enough to make changes in Hewn City and Illyria, they said change takes time but it has been centuries and all is the same. Rhys spent fifty years utm with Armen acting as his second in command, why didn't she used the fact that nobody knew about Velaris on her favor? She could have started the changes in all the cities and when Rhys went back he could have picked up where she stoped and kept going.
I know they were grieving that a part of their family wasn't there, but that's how life is, it hurts but you have to keep going. They were the rules of the court, the people, no matter who, should be their first priority.
Hewn City has a lot of bad people, it's said a ton of times, but so has the others courts and you don't see the people being neglected, do you?
Rhys is not fit to rule the night court because he is biased, a high lord needs to be impartial, he is not. He may be a great high lord for Velaris, I don't doubt that the people there are happy and all, but what about the rest of the court? The females from illyria that were said that change was coming and it never did? Who still have their wings clipped and are treated like nothing? The kids that are innocent and end up being influenced by their environment?
Change is not easy, nor do people accept it without a second thought, but isn't he the most powerful high lord? Why don't he make them accept change, whether they want it or not?
Why is Keir still alive, why are the other people that have a part in making the Hewn City look cruel and vil walking like they deserve it? Keir is a piece of shit, but that he cares for Hewn City it's true.
And don't even get me started with Feyre. A 21 (I think) years old ruling a court as big as Night. Yes she has been through a lot, yes she has years of experience, but not the one that requires to be a High Lady. I am sure that all the others high lords earned their places as such. Viviane protected her people when they most needed her, all of her people, no biased opinion of who is deserved to be cared for and who isn't.
Viviane is well aware of the story of Winter Court, she understands it, it's people, it's culture. Does Feyre though? Does she made a initiative to learn about the Night Court customs, culture, history? She didn't earned the title of High Lady, it was given to her.
Yes, she deserved happiness, but there are limits to be followed. What about the people of the court after the war? Are they receiving assistance? What about the families in Illyria and Hewn City that lost a member? How are they doing? Do they need help? Are they getting the help needed?
Feyre destroyed a Court like a child destroys a toy because Tamlin hurted her. I will not excuse what he did, never, but taking the court down, letting it crumble to ashes and leaving? Getting praised because of it?
What about its people? The ones who died because of her foolishness, the ones that lost families, their home, who had their villages/cities destroyed by Hybern?
Yes, Tamlin was a piece of shit to her, and he deserved the consequences of it, but the people of Spring Court? What did they do to her? How could they go against a High Lord and help her? Alis did what she could, Lucien did what he could (don't come telling me he didn't, he did, go read the books again) and yet she lies to Alis and uses Lucien knowing that if Tamlin thought they were doing something he didn't like they were going to suffer the consequences?
That's not someone who deserves or is even apt to care for so many people, that's a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
And don't get me started in the ways she treats her sisters, Lucien, and the people her family thinks it's worth nothing.
Let's start with the sisters. I understand that they did nothing to help her when they were humans, and Feyre has the right to feel angry with them, but.
They are all traumatized, Nesta and Elain just went through a war, Elain, in my point of view, has always adapted herself to what those around her thinks.
If Feyre and her family act like nothing happend, then that's what she will do because she feels guilt and wants somewhere to stay. If she doesn't causes trouble - has feelings - then great.
Nesta has feelings, and they are completely valid. She is grieving, she is traumatized, she saw her father get killed, her mother and grandmother destroyed her, and then she wants to heal, on her on way, she gets told she is not allowed?
The males of the inner circle get to fuck around, drink, scream and do whatever they want because they are traumatized too, but she doesn't? What's the difference? Isn't she allowed to heal on her own time? So what if she's drinking and fucking? She hurt, she's healing, she's allowed to be hurt, to feel hurt.
Giving her little to no time, locking her away like a dog? Inner circle is all about females having choices, were are Nesta's and Elain's?
And Lucien. Lucien who left spring with Feyre, who has always been her friend, who Feyre says is her friend, he gets treated like shit for something he didn't do? Couldn't do? And said friend does nothing, doesn't defend him, keeps quiet about it, and proceds to invalidate his choice of leaving Night Court to live with people that treat him decently?
What kind of friend is that? She lashed out on the High Lord's reunion like a child who didn't have control of herself. Azriel attacking Eris like he is not a full grown male with hundred of years old, knowing that Eris couldn't defend himself because of the magic binding the high lords to not attack each other and Feyre treated it like he was right?
It's time for them to drop that history between Eris and Mor, it's been hundred of years, it's getting ridiculous, Eris himself said to Nesta that that's more to it then Mor says. Wtf??
Cassian saying Rhys would be a great High King. He is not even a relatively good nor fair High Lord?? Saying that the others would bow to him? Who in their right mind would? He was part of the forces who destroyed the courts, he steal from summer, they would not bow to him, because he gave them no reason to.
Not Tarquin, not Thesan, or Helion, Tamlin, Kallias and Viviane, I hate mentioning him, but not even Beron.
Being respected? He is, all the High Lord's are. That's basic politeness. Doesn't mean he deserves more. He suffered? Yes, but so did everyone else.
I think that Sarah should fix this, somehow, it's not possible to her to be so biased towards Night Court that she will excuse their behavior? Behavior she wrote? 'M not having much high hopes but, oh well, it's the hope the last one to die, isn't it?
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