#well there is probably going to be a lot of those three idiots except if I post about la peste moderne and my old drawings
creator-from-hel · 10 months
Some doodles I did like yesterday
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Top-left : Big ass hug. Myrrah loves beards a lot. I like to imagine her jumping on Ragnvindr's back a lot just to shove her face in his stubble.
(Translation of the text :
Ragnvindr : Say, Myrrah, it's been 15 minutes. Do you like my beard that much ?
Myrrah : Yea <3)
Top-right : The following. Myrrah is a horny demon and her partner has some hell of titties (even though he's an angel). No choice but to squish them, am I right ?
Don't worry they're fine. Hugging the Myrrah is often enough to defuse the hornyness.
(Translation of the text :
Ragnvindr : .... You're getting a bit too comfortable right now.)
Bottom-left : Myrrah and her girlfriend Lubell (@will-i-ever-find-a-good-username) hugging.
I love them. They're adorable. They've healed my heart (and probably both of them's too).
Bottom right : Canon scene of the ttrpg.
Final boss, fighting against a fucking god, when you see your partner who promised you a country of peace jump in front of your other partner to save her life and instantly fall in coma by two blades in the chest, but stress is giving you insane willpower and you're finally acting like the queen you used to be.
And you have to keep fighting through the pain.
No matter what.
Myrrah is a healer, dw she healed them both, but oh boi the scolding after that-
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haldenlith · 3 days
I've started The Final Shape and got a silly little bitty idea upon hearing on of the radio messages. Don't know if I'll put this on AO3 or not, but figured I'd share it. Spoilers are minimal outside of the radio messages.
Crossing his arms over his broad chest, the Warlock took to what had become a favorite little item of intrigue.
Listening in on other people’s comms. Though, unlike outside of The Pale Heart, there weren’t exactly a lot of people that would be on the line. This time, it was Cayde and Crow. If anyone had told Hal that the two of them would be getting along as relatively well as they were, he wouldn’t have believed it. And yet…
“No, don’t apologize, dummy. Just listen to what I’m trying to tell you.” The whisper of a smirk touched Hal’s lips. It did feel good to hear Cayde’s voice again. Weird, but good. It felt better to hear someone else trying to further instill some sense into Crow, especially if it was the Cayde’s Pep Talks variety.
Hal had gotten a few of those, back in the day.
“Listen, kid, none of us around here are mind readers. Except maybe ol’ three eyes. You… never really know with her. My point is that you have GOT to start speaking up.”
Something picked at the old scars on his heart, scars he was told shouldn’t be there. A guilt that shouldn’t ache. “Some of us make stupid choices, and die stupid deaths.”
Hal still felt guilty.
A guilt that ached and consumed, that spread. If it wasn’t Cayde’s death, it was the woman that was the topic of discussion – Amanda. Old aches twisting their way into new ones.
“Will you at least let me be sorry about that?” Crow’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. A welcome distraction. He’d rather listen to his lover get berated than get twisted up in his own head.
“Shut up!” A blue brow arched up. Oh. Not often someone tells Crow to shut up. Well, not and have him not fire a rebuttal. Crow had a tongue like a sword, and he was adept at wielding it. “Life ain’t about drawing out the living part. It’s about making what you do while you’re alive matter.” A familiar lesson, intertwined with with a wish he had once worried had been granted. The lesson remained important, even if the relevance of the wish had faded. “So grow a spine and make her proud.”
Whatever Hal felt in that moment was swiftly interrupted with shock at what came next. “AND AS FOR YOU.” Oh. Cayde knows he’s listening. “Yeah, I know you’re there, you little… big blue weasel. What the hell do they feed you? I swear you’re taller than when I last saw you. Anyway, that goes doubly for you, Mr. Silent Protagonist. You might think that act is all mysterious, but let me tell you, it is plain as day you’re still doing the same song and dance. And by song and dance, I mean you’re not saying anything. To anyone. Probably not even twinkle-toes over here.” Hal glanced to the side and caught Ikora’s side-eye from afar. She could hear the radio. She was (somewhat) pretending she couldn’t.
For Hal’s sake.
“Live your damn life with the people around you. I bet you’re blaming yourself for her death, too. Stop it. Both of you. Light help me, how did I get stuck with two idiots?”
The part that made the lecture worse was Ghost staring him down.
All of The Witness’s tricks and minions were no match for the combination of Cayde’s lectures and Ghost’s judging stare.
Hal vaguely wondered how he was going to survive.
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thenanamisimp · 6 months
Danmei and MXTX novels
Would you look at that, another post that's not about anime? WILD. It is about MXTX novels though so the hyperfixations continue. I'm actually in the process of planning a very lengthy analysis of all three of her series but this is a warning, don't expect too much. I was never good at those in school plus it's been almost 7 years since I've last written something like that but I feel so passionate about her works that I really wanna try to share what I thought about the novels. Nevertheless, this isn't actually those analysis posts since those are gonna be separate and will probably be written after I re-read each series. However, since I'm actually finally fully done reading all her series - including the extra side chapters - I wanted to quickly share some of my opinions and how I feel after finishing all 18 of the books.
This goes without saying but just in case - SPOILER WARNING for Heaven Official's Blessing, The grandmaster of demonic cultivation and The scum villain's self saving system novels.
First off, if you haven't read any of MXTX's work before, prepare for trauma and tragedy. Most of her characters are either deeply traumatised already or in the process of. I will always encourage people to read content warnings before reading her books.
Starting off with my favourite - TGCF or Tian Guan Ci Fu (aka Heaven Official's Blessing). This story means a lot to me. I got introduced to TGCF through the donghua before I even knew it was queer fiction and even with censorship, the closet is made of fucking GLASS so I had to look for the source material. Honestly it took me a while to commit to reading the whole series as I've been struggling to pick up books for years now but TGCF actually got me back into reading (I think in total it took me about 8 days to read all 8 volumes). More than just the story telling being good, I got so incredibly attached to every single character (except Jun Wu, he can eat shit - tho the fact I'm even saying this speaks volumes about how well MXTX can write characters. It takes a lot for me to hate a character this much).
Taking place in a beautiful fantasy world, we follow Xie Lian and Hua Cheng through tragic traumatic past and present and we learn of the horrible truths about the lives of immortal beings. We also see two idiots in love take their sweet ass time to confess. I love me a good slow burn full of longing and pining. I eat that shit UP every time and MXTX gave it to me with every single one of her series.
TGCF for me was a journey full of kicking my feet at fluff, second hand embarrassment (because xl I stg, what do you MEAN you were taught how to resist the advances of women but not how to resist hot men you gay lil shit the closet is made of glass) and honestly, lots of crying. The hundred stabs incident, ruoye's creation and hcg's last death made me sob and scream (no exaggeration, I was stomping around my room, crying and yelling GIVE HIM BACK RIGHT NOW).
Also, in a not so unpopular opinion (I think?), Pei Ming is my fave because 1) he's the no.1 Hualian shipper - check the whole Mt Tunglu adventure for proof and also 2) he's just a lil slut with a big heart. I could seriously talk about him forever because I went from hating him after he tried to throw the blame for the Banyue Pass incident on Xie Lian, to loving him after I realised that everything he does, he does because he is truly just a kind man who loves a good fight. He's so silly! Just a lil guy! Go Pei Ming go!
Fuck you Jun Wu. Again. (I hate him just as much as I hate Mahito. Maybe a little less. I really hate Mahito).
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Moving on to my second favourite (but honestly it's such a close one), MDZS or Mo Dao Zu Shi (The grandmaster of demonic cultivation). Take a wild guess about how I got introduced to it... Fandom of course, because very few people talk about TGCF online without mentioning MDZS so I just had to give it a chance.
The great grandmaster of demonic cultivation has been dead for a while but when he gets gifted a new body through a not so well known demonic ritual, he runs into an old acquaintance. We learn about Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's past and current world of cultivation and hear stories about messy betrayals and conspiracies. Aaaand we find out about some more trauma and tragedy because is it really an MXTX novel without it?
And talk about a rollercoaster because (and please don't hate me for this) I found Wei Wuxian annoying initially.... But it's okay now because I kin him so go figure. Tho I actually kin only his adult self, I was a very introverted and rule abiding teenager, a lil more like Lan Wangji. In any case, wwx is the same stupid chaotic bisexual that I am and he is babygurl. Yeah and what if he murdered 3000 people? It was self defense. THEY ATTACKED FIRST. Your honour, he did nothing wrong and he does not deserve to be punished!
On a serious note, MDZS explores so many themes that are personally important to me, my favourite being the power dynamics of the world. It’s truly moving that even with all the pain Wei Wuxian went through, how far in his cultivation and how powerful he got, he still couldn't protect those he loved (until Lan Wangji of course because Wangxian is perfect together and they always protect and defend each other. Wangxian my beloved). While it might be a stretch for some, it really reminded me of how powerless we are in the world. People aim to educate themselves and go on to do whatever they can to better the world in their own way and yet, it really feels like nothing’s improving sometimes. I could talk about this for hours but maybe I’ll leave that for another time and another analysis post since this is supposed to be a shorter one (lmao)
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Last but not least, RZFZX or Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (honestly this one I use the english name for because I can’t pronounce the chinese as much as I try - The scum villain's self saving system or Svsss). This one I actually kinda struggled with - first of all because WHY BUGS MXTX. Not much bothers me in fiction but BUGS? Too far. Heads with spider legs? Raw flesh with maggots? Blood mites? I was out (for about half an hour and then I kept reading). Please note that it's not the raw flesh that bothered me, it was the fucking maggots. I can read about graphic murder, creepy hauntings, torture and many more but as soon as there are bugs? Nope! I’m done. People have phobias and that’s mine I guess. Enough ranting about bugs!
The story follows Shen Qingqiu, the scum villain of the hit web novel Proud Immortal Demon's Way (or PIDW for short, as it's referred to in Svsss) who is actually one of the original readers - and haters - of PIDW, who transmigrates into the book in order to fix the plot holes left by the original author. With his guide “the system” he does his best to lead the male lead of PIDW, Luo Binghe, down a better path than in the original story.
Svsss employs a comedic way of storytelling, with our protagonist being omniscient, it allows for the narration to be sarcastic and poke fun at a lot of moments that are cliche or badly written, as interpreted by sqq. Honestly, this is just a personal preference but I favour the more serious storytelling way of MDZS and TGCF (give me hurt until the very end when the main characters get together and then give me comfort).
To me, Svsss is a lot harder to analyse as a lot of its themes are unfamiliar to me, especially considering I’m the furthest from having any sort of humanitarian education (I have 2 engineering degrees). Using a story within a story, MXTX is able to deliver two main overarching themes; one about abuse and its results through Luo Binghe as well as one about the relationship of author and their readers, the feeling of being trapped by the readers' opinions and wanting your story to be liked through Shang Qinghua (to be honest, I hadn’t really picked up on this one until I saw discussion about this in the fandom).
If I'm being completely honest, I don't think I grasped this series as well as the other ones and I'm finding it hard to digest lbg and sqq's relationship. I'm unsure as to what it is that's holding me back from loving them as much as Hualian and Wangxian. I do tend to prefer tropes like theirs more than the whole "had to convince him to date me" thing which is what Bingqiu's relationship seemed like to me up until the end of volume 3. It’s also why I'm glad I actually followed through and finished the extras in volume 4 (I was really tempted to stop reading once I finished volume 3 not gonna lie). I believe those to be integral to understanding sqq's feelings towards lbh and while I understand that sqq did actually love lbh from the beginning (denial is a river in egypt and the gloset is made of glass - what the fuck is with MXTX's bottoms and the damn glass closet), I struggled to see the tipping point of where he actually understood his own feelings and what was going on in his head and that he was actually in love with lbh. Which is why I think to really understand Svsss, I would seriously need to reread it.
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I also would love to eventually talk about queerness in MXTX's work because in each book, sexuality and queerness is explored and examined in so many different ways. As a queer person myself, it fascinates me as I can relate to so much of it. To be honest, I think I could write a short thesis on just this.
Honestly, while I'm very passionate about my favourite pieces of media (if you've heard me talk about any of my top 5 anime you'll understand what I mean), there hasn't been a lot of things outside JJK and MXTX's novels that have made me wanna dive deep into analysing every single detail. It genuinely makes me feel like I'm gonna implode sometimes. These 3 series have seriously reignited my love for reading. I was shown that a good book - in my opinion of course - doesn't need to avoid difficult topics. It simply needs to use them well as a means of delivering a message and a story, rather than them being included just to be included. They also reminded me that I love queer fiction and I need to read more.
I actually would really like to read Erha (or 2ha or The husky and his white cat shizun) but I've read the content warnings and I'm ~~apprehensive~~. While not a lot of things bother me, I'm not sure I want to read about that stuff (please look at the content warnings of this book, or any piece of media in that matter, especially if you have topics that easily bother or trigger you). Remember, it's our responsibility as readers/consumers to look out for ourselves first!
Please recommend any good danmei (other than MXTX) and possibly include links where they can be read! I would also highly appreciate recommendations for some good wlw fantasy fiction as I really would love to read some wlw novels - or even anime/movies/webtoons/manga. Just in desperate need of quality wlw content.
Also while I said I'd keep it short, it seems I ended up writing over 2000 words…
PS. I proofread this about 5 times and during one of them my file crashed, so if there's any mistakes or if I’m not making sense somewhere, blame my deep-fried brain, thanks
Thanks for reading my novel ramble! Enjoy reading :)
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occasionallyprosie · 4 months
"The Storm and a Siren"
Wind was elated to be back on Outset. The problem? The last portal separated the group and he had to search the whole Great Sea to find them.
When he finds all of them but their veteran, he's questioning why he even worried and got into an argument with Tetra over finding them as soon as possible.
When they finally find Legend, Wind remembers that even heroes are not exempt from the cruelty of the sea and its inhabitants.
Febuwhump 2024 | Prompt 5: Rope Burns
Read on AO3
Warnings: mentions of rape (mentioned but did not/will not take place, nor come close to), Wind curses a lot
Wind wasn't sure what to do. To start with, he was back home, but that wasn't the problem.
His problem was that the portal that brought them here was one of those damned separation portals. He didn't know where any of his brothers were and that was his problem.
Tetra, thank the Ocean King, was on Outset when he showed up. After he explained to her the situation and figured out none of the other heroes ended up on Outset, they set out to find them.
It wasn't too hard, just time consuming even with his control of the winds. Tetra hated magic near her ship, but after a rather heated argument that had him cashing in one of his only favors as well as snapping at her in a way he'd never done before because "his brothers might be dying!" She let him use the Windwaker, but refused to let him fly them.
That was good enough. He blew storms away from their path, gave them a strong wind to keep them going.
They found Twilight on Horseshoe Island, and comically Hyrule on Fairy Island where the Great Fairy was rather reluctant to let him leave despite Hyrule hightailing it to their ship the moment he mentioned it.
They came up on Diamond Steppe by day seven and, no storm in sight, saw a huge blast of lightning take out a Big Octo. ONE HIT! It turned out to be Sky and Wild, the latter having made a raft that they'd tried to sail off to find them. They were both grinning like idiots and waving when they realized it was Wind, Twilight, and Hyrule. Wind wondered how Sky was considered a responsible adult when hE FUCKING SMITED A BIG OCTO!
Day eleven they reached Tingle Island where Time was, and not unlike Hyrule, their leader had sped to the ship the moment he was made aware of its existence, going far away from the main resident who gave the island its name.
Sky wanted to smite another Big Octo, saying he'd never summoned lightning before and he wanted to try again. Tetra was the one who vehemently denied him, causing everyone else to sigh in relief, except for Wild and Hyrule who egged him on.
Though, it weren't for the fact they were on a ship, Wind probably would've been doing the same.
Day twenty one, they found Warriors on Dragon Roost Island with three Big Octos smite... smitten... smote? STRUCK BY MAGIC LIGHTNING by both Sky and Hyrule.
Wind wondered why he had been so worried about his brothers. Ocean or not, they could handle themselves.
They made landfall at a market isle, Wind staying on ship while the others went to gather supplies. He scoured over the map, the searched islands, and wondered where in the ocean the scholar was. Legend was still nowhere to be found, though the Forsaken Fortress was still un-searched...
He really didn't want to go back to the Forsaken Fortress. But that and the reefs hadn't yet been searched. He supposed they'd do that next, he hoped--
Shit! He didn't tell them he was out of potions too!
Wind quickly left the ship, he hadn't been the only person on it so it wasn't unguarded, and went toward the market.
He found the potion stall easily, having memorized where it was a long time ago. As he was waiting for his potions to be filled, he overheard some chatter.
"Hey, did ya hear? Ol' Cap'n Jones caught a gen-u-ine selkie."
Wind's interest was immediately piqued, he had traveled across the entire Great Sea and hadn't met a single selkie, the Red Lion had said they were myths.
"No," was the response. "I don’t believe that fer a moment."
"Yeah? Well listen closely, brother." Wind spotted the two people talking and saw them lean toward one another. They were dumb to talk about this in public, but... "He's gonna do a whole display t'nite. An' he ain't known f'r bein' a lovin' lover. I 'eard he's gonna--"
"Here ya go, Link. Three reds, greens, and coupl'a blue. I didn' know ya used magic."
Wind heard a bark of laughter from the men as they walked off, but he gave the potioneer a smile. "I don’t, but some of my crew does and you know it's good to be prepared."
She laughed. "Ain't that the truth. And lose that fancy accent 'round here, kid. It's only gonna get ya in trouble."
Wind snorted but he waved and left.
A selkie... Wind was no stranger to the darker sides of the world, thirteen though he may be, he was also a pirate and had seen plenty of gruesome things even outside of his adventures. It was nice to act otherwise around the other heroes, but he had grown up around sailors who loved to talk about their conquests, especially when they thought he wasn't listening. And in their defense... he was supposed to be asleep, in his bed, on the other side of Outset, but that's not the point.
The point was, there was a Captain Jones somewhere on this isle and he was gonna rape someone. Selkie or not, Wind was not letting that happen.
Now if she said she was doing it willingly, then he was hightailing it out of there. But as the legends go, selkies never did anything willingly except run.
Lightning-happy older brothers in tow, Wind snuck through the docks. There was only so many ships on or by the shore, and even less that were active enough to have a public show ongoing.
Finding it was easy.
Seeing it was awful.
The selkie, and Wind realized it was more of a siren than a selkie, probably a mistake of communication, was hanging by their arms above the deck like a giant fish on display for the whole marina to see.
They were huge too, a regular sized human torso covered in scars, long blonde hair coming down just beneath their shoulder blades, but the tail was probably seven feet alone and was a iridescent deep to pastel pink that glittered in the warm lantern light.
If it weren't for the ropes tied tightly around their arms, hanging them over the deck as they thrashed and probably burned their arms with the ropes, Wind would've called the siren a thing of pure oceanic beauty. They were something some sailors spent their whole lives in pursuit of.
Their tail hit someone who came far too close.
"I thought you said they'd be trying to bed the prisoner," Hyrule whispered, the four of them hidden behind barrels. "Nobody could bed a fish."
Wind shrugged. "I told you exactly what I heard, wording and all. They also thought it was a selkie but that's a siren, or a mer. Selkies are seals in water, or out, and can shed their coat to take on a human-like form. There's some myths of an in-between version, but those are scales, not blubber or fur. It's probably just a show off of his catch and maybe some torture."
"Doesn't matter," Wild interrupted. "That's a sentient creature, maybe even a descendant of your Zora who adapted to living in the water unlike their Rito descendants."
"We'll get them free," Sky assured. "We're not even close enough to see their face. Let's get closer first."
Wind nodded. He led the way and they slipped closer, hearing laughter and jeering and admittedly lewd taunts but also a lot of violent ones echo across the docks.
They drew closer and Wind chanced a look.
He could see the siren's face.
"Oh fuck," Wind breathed.
"It's the vet!"
It was Legend. Hung with rope by his arms, with huge tail from the waist down, that streak of pink in his hair was much more prominent and it plastered against a soaked face. He snarled, amethyst eyes crazed and he looked feral.
Wind had never seen their composed scholar like that, and based off the wounded noise from Hyrule, the sharp inhale from Wild, and the snarl from Sky, they hadn't either.
Legend swung himself and his huge tail smacked someone else and sent them off the ship and into the water. He bared sharp fangs.
"Alright! Time for the main event!" Someone declared, walking down from the stern. If Wind had to wager a guess, that was Jones.
Legend visibly faltered, Wind never expected to see fear flash in his brother's eyes. Not that one's. "Legend" and "scared" should never be in the same sentence, unless it was that he scared someone else, and yet...
"He looks scared of him," Hyrule whispered, and he was absolutely right.
Legend looked downright terrified of Captain Jones.
"Oh hell no," Sky snarled. "Not my kid."
Wind couldn't warn him that storming up on a boat of rowdy pirates here for entertainment was not a good idea before Sky was boarding the ship.
"Ohhh, that's not good," Wild said and Wind wholly agreed. "Those guys are not surviving."
Sky shoved his way, new lightning powers crackling off him, through the crowd and onto the deck.
Legend had twisted to look at him and Wind saw his eyes light up, heard his melodic thrill that must've meant happiness or something.
Sky stood right between Legend and Captain Jones. "I'll give you ten seconds to cut him down before I do it myself and sink your whole ship while I'm at it."
The laughter was insulting but Wind nudged the others.
"Come on. We have to get the scholar down and get him clear before the sky knight actually smites the place."
Both their eyes widened and came to the same conclusion he did that a siren--a Hylian transformed into a siren or not--would not handle an electrical attack well.
"I'll cut, you catch, wait for Chosen's signal."
They moved quickly.
"Now look 'ere, we captured that siren fair an' square, you ain't got a lick ov'a right to 'im. Get your ass off mah ship before I throw ya off."
Legend snarled, twisting.
"You want rights?" Sky demanded. "You want to throw around threats?! Fine."
Sky moved forward.
"My right? First, he is not something you can have a right to, secondly, he is mine. I have equal claim over him as a parent does their child." He drew his sword, pointing it to the clouded sky. "As for threats? How about a promise. I'll strike this boat with lightning and drown every single spirit but my own on it."
If it weren't for the electricity crackling off Sky, Wind knew the crowd would've laughed. But the Chosen Hero radiated danger and the air smelt of ozone.
Jones did laugh. "That's a neat trick there, brat," his voice turned sharp and harsh. "But everyone knows magic died in hylians centuries ago. Back when the flood took this world."
Sky snarled. "Then it's a damn good thing I'm from centuries ago."
Wind swung his sword and sliced through the rope that held Legend up. Something yellow exploded and Hyrule and Wild flew past on a barrel, snatching Legend before he finished falling.
Wind leapt over the side just in time as lightning crackled through the sky and ripped apart the ship.
He swam to shore and found Legend back to Hylian and clothed (did the transformation steal his clothes too?) but shaking.
Hyrule was hugging him, Wild putting some kind of paste on reddened arms.
"'M sorry, 'm'sorry--"
Wind hated this. Legend was one of the strong ones, he had told very few stories but each one had Wind feeling sick because Legend had been younger than Aryll when he started.
Now he looked like the kid he probably was never able to be, and that was coming from Wind, who had gone on half as many adventures at a young age.
"Shh, it's okay, it's alright," Hyrule insisted.
"Goddess, this is bad," Wild groaned. Legend flinched and jerked his arm, Wild let go easily. "No, it'll heal, I promise. It's just--I've never seen rope burns this bad."
Wind drew closer. "Vet?"
Legend looked up sharply. "S-Sailor--No, no, I can't--"
"It's okay," Hyrule insisted. "You're allowed to be weak, Veteran. You’re allowed to hurt."
"No, no--I'm sorry, I can't--Please, it hurts--" Legend choked on a sob.
Wild gave Hyrule the bottle of gel and gestured Wind away, as they moved Wind spotted someone running along the beach toward them.
"The salt water irritated the burns bad, and you said your water's toxic, so we're waiting to clean them before Hyrule heals them," Wild explained. "Fastest way to somewhere safe?"
"Just straight back to the market town," Wind said as Sky ran up. He turned to him. "He's over there but--"
Wild grabbed Sky's arm before he passed him. "Be careful. It... It would probably be better if you switched with Rulie. The Scholar isn't taking this well, and between the burns and... he seems to think he can't be vulnerable in front of us, that doesn't help."
Sky nodded firmly. Wild let go of him and he crossed the last ten feet in an instant.
Wind didn't know they were ancestor and descendant, but Sky had claimed Legend as his on that ship and Oceans, whoever said the ocean was dangerous and violent clearly had never seen Sky get protective of those he cares about.
Sky dropped to his knees in front of Legend, and soon Hyrule was shifting backward and Sky was wrapping Legend up in his sailcloth, promising safety and assuring him that he was right here.
"Can you carry him, Skyloftian?" Wind asked. "We should get back to the ship, get our Scholar fixed up."
Sky hummed softly. He murmured something to the veteran hidden in his sailcloth and whatever his response was had to be something of an affirmative. Sky stood up carefully, arranging Legend in his arms in a way still that the sailcloth blocked him from view.
Wind couldn't see Legend anymore, but if he was honest?
He really didn't want to.
Event Masterlist
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writingbymoonlight · 2 years
piggyback ride
ft.: oikawa x f!reader
word count: ~950 words
cw: mentions of alcohol
a/n: happy birthday oiks!!!
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“You sure you’ll make it home alright?” Iwaizumi questions, a hint of skepticism laced in his voice, as he looks at you and your boyfriend with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, sir!” Oikawa declares as he drapes his heavy arm around your shoulders. “Our car is parked a few blocks away and I haven’t had a sip of alcohol tonight, so I’m good to drive.” 
“I think you should be more worried about those idiots,” you chime in, gesturing to Hanamaki and Matsukawa. They’re not absolutely drunk, but they’re clearly leaning on each other for support as you all chat in front of the restaurant that you just finished having dinner at and they’re giggling to themselves about…something. 
“They’ll be fine,” Iwaizumi replies, shrugging as if their behavior is what he anticipated. “Our hotel is only down the street.”
“Alright, see you guys tomorrow, then?” Oikawa asks.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
After goodbyes are exchanged, Iwaizumi coaxes Matsukawa and Hanamaki to follow him as you and Oikawa turn to head in the other direction, the streetlights illuminating your path. 
Your boyfriend’s former teammates landed in Argentina a few hours ago in order to have a mini-vacation in the South American country and to join in on the setter’s birthday festivities. The three of them claimed they were too tired to do much that evening, so you all settled upon having dinner and drinks at a nice restaurant. Well, everyone except Oikawa had alcohol since he had practice early the next morning and he didn’t want to risk showing up hungover.
You aren’t as drunk as Mattsun and Makki, but you are a bit tipsy and the high heels you’re wearing are certainly not helping you stay balanced. Plus, you could feel the blisters beginning to form on your feet.
“These heels are killing my feet,” you whine after walking down the sidewalk for approximately one minute.
“I told you not to wear them!” the professional athlete exclaims as he looks over at you with a narrowed gaze. “Why wear them when you know they’ll end up hurting you?”
“Because my dear Tooru,” you retaliate, leaning over to lightly tap his nose with your index finger, “these heels were kind of expensive and I never get the chance to wear them. And they look really good on me.”
“Can’t argue with you there,” Oikawa answers with his signature cheeky smirk as he intertwines his calloused fingers with yours. 
As you continue strolling down the street, hand-in-hand with your boyfriend, your heels keep nagging you, but you refuse to take them off. There is no way you’re going to walk barefoot the rest of the way to the car and, fortunately, you manage to quickly develop a scheme to avoid doing so.
“I wish Iwa was with us right now. He would probably offer me a piggyback ride since he’s so nice,” you dramatically sigh. “I don’t think he would have any trouble carrying me. I mean, did you notice his biceps during dinner? You can tell that he’s been working out a lot more recently.”
Oikawa rolls his eyes at your comments, but nevertheless, he, without hesitation, crouches down and says, “Hop on.”
“Yay!” you cheer as you step behind him and wrap your arms around his neck. When he stands, he makes sure that he has his arms firmly hooked beneath your knees, so that you don’t fall off. And with that, Oikawa commences to give you a piggyback ride to the car. 
Being pressed so closely to the setter, you can sense the warmth emanating from his body, which is soothing and makes you realize just how brisk the night air is. His cologne, a delicate yet distinct scent that you’ve come to associate with him, envelopes you and brings a smile to your face. You press your cheek to the back of his head, his chocolate-colored curls slightly tickling your nose, and you quietly watch as several cars speed past you. 
“Your hair is soft,” you eventually note, breaking the cozy silence that had descended between you two. 
“I know.”
“And you look very handsome in this dress shirt…is it the new one you brought last weekend?”
“It is.”
“Aren’t you worried that it’s going to get wrinkled or ruined with you carrying me like this?”
“It’s fine,” you hear him chuckle. “My girlfriend’s comfort is more important than a shirt.”
It takes you a few seconds to process his statement, which was uttered with such a fond and tender tone. Maybe it’s because you're still tipsy and feeling a little tired, but without thinking, you say, “You know, I can really see us being together forever. Like, getting married, spending our lives laughing and annoying each other, growing old together. I want to know if you’ll still be holding grudges against Ushijima and Kageyama when we’re in our eighties.”
There is a brief pause before Oikawa responds with, “That sounds nice.”
A content grin forms across your lips and you then let out a small yawn. You allow yourself to close your eyes and a wave of sleepiness instantly overcomes you.
Meanwhile, Oikawa’s cheeks heat up as he slowly turns your words over in his head. Of course he is in love with you and the two of you had touched upon the subject of marriage in the past when discussing the future of your relationship. However, you mentioning it in such a casual manner has made the whole idea of spending the rest of his life by your side suddenly feel tangible and it truly excites him. 
Throughout the remainder of the walk beneath the cloudless night sky, Oikawa cannot rid himself of the goofy smile plastered on his face and he cannot stop thinking about all the different ideas he has for proposing to you. 
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snickerdoodlles · 9 months
📕📗📘📙and this ask is for when you feel the need to torture us again with fic ideas you are never going to write. it is mean and evil but i support you in this!
so there are 2.5 more fics coming for idiots & idioms series. the first one will be vegas's rise to youtube stardom (/vegas rules at internet toxicity) and the finale will swing back to kimchay. plus maybe one silly bonus thing that i'm debating if i will do or not (plus side: jeff's face. down side: jeff's face. it's quite the conundrum, lemme tell u.)
i actually have a lot more ideas for this universe, but the vegaspete story means a lot to me and the kimchay finale is just too perfect of an ending. and while i have these other ideas for this series, there's just no...drive to do them when i have the other 2.5 stories to finish.
so here's 4 ideas i'm not writing for gone fishing series, one for each emoji ;) put under the cut because these also include partial fic snippets and this post got long:
📕 fic of a fic fic
i joked a few times about writing a 'chay live tweets a popular wik/angel fic' fic for this series. and while this entire concept is really funny to me in the fiception sense of how i'd have to write a fic (or at least partial fic) for my fic's fandom so that i could write a fic for my fandom, i have...a lot of issues with actors publicly interacting with fic and lack of boundary between fandom and cast & crew. i'm not going to get into those here, but even when i can control it, i just couldn't get over the driving concept of the fic long enough to write it. i did however, finish the following scene for it, which i am still very fond of.
so, if you recall: chay made a joke in gone fishing about how his life was a mafia AU, which spurned on a brief trend of mafia AU fics where the common trope was angel as the mafia prince, and wik somehow getting involved with him/dragged into the mafia by him (wik being a singer AND a mafia prince would just be silly talk, obviously). the fake fic live-tweeted by chay is the 'angels with dirty hands' fic by twitter user @/_controlleurs mentioned in from concrete. (fake fic's title is a rif off the movie 'angels with dirty faces', which i have not watched but like the name of.)
the fake fic's main premise is THIS, after which wik got recruited by the police to inform on the mafia except then he fell in love with his mark (possibly was going to include wik's brother also getting involved and later wrapped up with angel's brother as well due to wik). i would've planned SO many goncharov references had i not abandoned this by the time it got invented. in long & short, chay makes a comment about kim having a "rivalry with carrots" which was really just me trying to give him a silly Thing for chay to tease on camera until i went "o wait, this can be a thing >:D"
;;; excerpt ;;;
“‘Wik wrinkles his nose at the small pile of carrots on his plate. He hates carrots. If he were anywhere else, he’d carefully pile the carrots right on the edge of his plate, where the threat of infecting the rest of his plate is minimal, assuming he couldn’t find another plate to remove the offending vegetable altogether. But this is the home of a crime lord. Angel implied his chef used to be the most feared hitman out there, something Wik’s inclined to believe after he saw the guy’s muscles. Would chef man be offended if Wik didn’t eat his carrots? He doesn’t want to offend chef man over his carrots. Someone would probably shoot him, which would be a particularly stupid way to die.’
“‘But then. An opportunity. Angel and his father are listening attentively to his brother’s report—Wik should probably be listening as well, this seems exactly like the sort of thing the police would like to know, but he’s on a more important mission right now. Wik carefully glances at the three mafia men and, seeing the coast is clear, he sneaks a handful of carrots onto Angel’s plate. Angel’s eyes flick towards him and Wik shoves a spoonful of rice into his mouth. Angel smiles at him, a fleetingly sweet thing, before he looks down at his plate and does a double take at the mysteriously grown pile of carrots on his plate. He squints at Wik suspiciously. Wik takes another bite of rice, and chews innocently.’” 
Chay stops reading there, too choked up on giggles. “This is from that time I told everyone P’Wik hates carrots, right? Hold on, lemme—“ Chay scrolls down to the author notes and yep, there’s the link to his video threatening Kim’s online reputation. Chay bursts into another fit of giggles. 
“Okay, so, this actually isn’t too far off from how P’Wik is I-R-L. Well. He has two reactions to carrots on his plate.” Chay snickers at the camera. “So, if we’re in public, or at a dinner, or anything like that, he won’t react to the carrots. P’Wik actually has a decent poker face when it comes to stuff like that. But he’ll hide his carrots under his other food to make it look like he’s eating them, then inevitably be offended when he’s left with a pile of carrots on his otherwise empty plate. Like, how dare they not disappear themselves while he ate everything else? Weirdo,” Chay says, sounding disgustingly besotted even to his own ears. 
“But,” Chay leans closer to the camera, grinning, “That’s not why I’m telling you guys this story. That’s how P’Wik reacts in public. It’s a totally different story in private. 
“In private, P’Wik always makes this—“ Chay pauses and screws up his nose like he just smelled something gross, and puckers his lips like he just bit something sour “—face when he sees carrots in his meal, then he always reaches over and pointedly shovels his carrots onto my plate, radiating prim indigence that he’s facing the terrible injustice of carrots in his food. But here’s the thing…”
“P’Wik knows the owners and chefs of his regular takeout spots. They would never forget his dislike of carrots. But after we started dating and he introduced me to them, suddenly, his orders all started getting carrots again. And it’s all my fault.” Chay sighs tragically, and nods in response to the imagined question. “Yes, I’m to blame. See, I told them how much I love carrots. I told them it was silly, but I just didn’t keep carrots in our apartment because P’Wik really hates them and it was hard to eat them all before they went bad, so I only got them when we went out on dates to save us the hassle. A few of them offered to give me a double serving of carrots, but—“ Chay looks at the camera with an earnestly distressed pout “—I don’t want to be a bother! It’s bad enough we already have one special order, I’ll feel so bad if we bothered them with two.”
Chay sighs mournfully. “I know what they’re doing. They sneak me an extra helping of carrots by giving them to P’Wik instead.” Chay’s tragic look suddenly cracks into a mischievous grin. “But let me tell you a secret…”
Chay looks side-to-side, hamming it up for his audience as the live chat goes wild. He grins, barely able to bite back his laughter. “I don’t like carrots. Or, well, I do. They’re fine. A perfectly respectable vegetable. But nothing I’d go out of my way to eat. So why would I go through so much trouble to get extra, you might ask?”
His phone starts flashing Kim’s caller ID, and Chay bites back a laugh. “I certainly don’t need two servings of carrots, but P’Wik’s disgusted face when he sees them in his food?” Chay sighs happily, hand pressed over his heart. “That feeds my soul.”
;;; excerpt end ;;;
📗 goose chasing, or the trials and tribulations of one user ghoasters
so, idk if you've noticed, but there is one (1) username that calls out the weird mafia bullshit obliquely referenced in this series, and that is user ghoasters.
this was supposed to just be a silly joke, but then...i don't remember why this came up, but @majestictortoise said ghoasters reminded her of the persona 5 character futaba, then i looked the character up and said, iirc, "oh my god she looks exactly like the anime girl 13yo i wished to be, YES" and she became a wholeass character in my head. so, using futaba as a blueprint, here are some facts about ghoasters:
nosy fandom obsessed teen girl, expert hacker, doesn't leave the house much.
all of her codes include a ghost ASCII art signature (hence: ghoasters)
her mother gave her the nickname 'sprout' but her name is GHOST, you will respect it or she will rain digital hell down on you.
has a very long, extremely thorough tweet thread tracking potential criminal activity to wik and angel. arm loves it, it makes his job of socmed clean up so much easier.
would've hacked and downloaded some extremely sketchy government facial recognition software just so i could make "but do the butts match?" jokes.
dream in life is to strangle angel and wik. this does not change after she gets hired by the family and becomes besties with chay.
arm wants her hired because he is not a good hacker (he cobbled his IT education together in prison, his true skills are grifting and bullshitting) and he invites her to movie night. ghoasters obviously arrives for movie night in full cosplay, up your game @ khun and khun's angels.
ghoasters 100% gets on board with the mafia bullshit in the name of better cosplay wigs btws. she is getting paid ridiculous sums of money to watch shows and make full cosplay (including the props!). crime is fine now guys.
there's more but like....this is already getting long lol, i'll expand this later. maybe. idk anyways, point is i have enough ideas for user ghoasters i could've actually written a whole fic for her had i not been too busy with other fic ideas. so here's a silly scene of ghoasters getting shlorped into a hum bar visit;
;;; excerpt ;;;
Ghost takes Khun’s advice to heart. Her breath hitches and adrenaline buzzes in her veins when she leaves the compound, but when they arrive at the bar, Ghost spends the first five minutes hacking into the bar’s cameras, the cameras on the surrounding streets and buildings, checking her backdoors to the electronic locks on the entrances, and hacking into the bar’s server just in case. She debates the merits of cloning a few phones, just to be sure the other patrons IDs match the information security has on the bar’s regulars, but Ghost doesn’t actually want to pass the line into paranoia. She’s trying to be better about this sort of thing. 
Ghost checks the cameras she did hack in one final sweep. Everything looks safe, except for the final frame where some guy in a flashy jacket is creeping over the shoulder of some girl bent over her phone—
Ghost yelps and whirls around to face Khun, who is indeed looking over her shoulder in a surprisingly discreet way for a guy wearing a suit with a full-bodied, gold-embroidered dragon stretched over his back. Khun’s pink lensed glasses gleam, like the flash of an anime antagonist, and then he beams with the full force of the sun. 
“That,” Khun says gleefully, “was fascinating. What’d you do?”
“Uhm,” Ghost stammers, beet red. 
Khun plops down in the seat beside her, expression gentling into something more open. “You took control of everything, in just a handful of minutes! It’s amazing!” Ghost stammers some more, face growing hotter and hotter under Khun’s enthusiasm. “Teach me how to do that!”
Ghost opens her mouth. 
“Wait!” Khun abruptly yelps. “Don’t tell me, tell Arm!”
Ghost blinks as Khun sweeps up in a dramatic swish with the full force of a hurricane, unsurprised he’d somehow left a bewildered Arm sitting in his place. Arm looks at her, vaguely distressed, then turns to Khun, vaguely panicked. 
Khun pats Arm’s shoulders happily. “Enjoy your geek chat and show me your new skills later, okay!” Then he kisses a still distressed Arm on the forehead, squishes his cheeks for good measure; and flounces off to the bar to give Miss Yok a proper hello. 
Arm turns to her, looking like puppy left out in the rain. It’s the most pathetic sight Ghost’s ever seen. 
“Would you like me to build you an app?”
Arm nods earnestly, still looking like a drenched puppy. 
;;; excerpt end ;;;
📘 parade rain (groupchat for kim's PR team fic)
i joked...at the end of long & short i think about doing a very weary and exasperated groupchat/slack forum fic for kim's PR team, who went from five years of free reign coasting to "what the fuck did angel do now?" it never really went anywhere for a few reasons:
i don't actually think kim's so popular as to have a PR team, they mostly got slipped in the first place for some jokes. i'd laughed at the idea of kim going "help make sure my family's bullshit doesn't slip thru" and then chay going "eh, its fine" and the PR team having to deal with it, but i never really got around to imaging what this team would actually look like in this series.
i don't like groupchat fic. texting fic, yes, groupchat...ehhhhh.
idk, this one just wound up being funnier in concept than reality to me. i could think of some funny bits for it, but there was just never any substance to the idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
📙 university yikyak fic
is yikyak even a thing still?
whatever, my main interest here was i love outsider POV fic lol. the main premise of this fic was kim loses his song notebook, which is found by a very nice, very protective 4'10 girl who works long and hard to find its original owner without accidentally handing it off to an unsavory someone, ft some b-reel of kim or chay related yikyaks. the main goal of this fic was to give kim a tiny friend who mistakens kinn's teasing one day and marches up to him to yell "leave him ALONE, he's SENSITIVE" at him. kinn is delighted (kim made a friend!!), kim and chay are laughing (kinn vs girl half his size and girl is winning!), and porsche wonders if there really is something to this social media thing (naturally, he is filming the whole thing).
it didn't really go anywhere mostly because i only vaguely know of yikyak, i never actually went on it, so trying to think of how i'd even go about telling the story wound up just being a big creativity drain :/
[[ ask me about fic im not writing ]]
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bugeyedfreaks · 6 months
1-12 Femme Fatale XD
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okey dokey let's do thissssss
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I am very neutral on Femme (but leaning towards like!) because, on one hand, I do enjoy the episode that she was in, and I think she was a really fun and unique character, but on the other hand... I mean, it's hard to do much of anything else with her except have her be cranky and misandrist. ☹️ That coupled with the fact that she's, like, one of three female villains in the show is a bit of a bummer.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
She would probably hate me saying this, but her outfit is fire and her hair is beautiful. I'm honestly very jealous she can pull that whole look off (even though she apparently stole it... I mean she did it very well!).
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
She was just in one episode! 😩 It's like how it bums me out that Sedusa was in, like, what... only three? Poor ladies.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I dunno, but boy, it would really be interesting to see if they'd even consider bringing her back in any other potential reboots that might pop up... 👀
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
There have been occasions where I have cursed the entire population of men under my breath (but, hey, I think that's the sort of thing everyone's guilty of at one point or another, we aren't all perfect). Unlike her though, it's definitely not something that's seriously integrated into my belief system like it is in hers.
...I think we also totally agree that Townsville needs more cool lady villains. 🤣
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
...does the fandom really do a lot with her, really? I have seen some really cool fanart/cosplay of her, and I've read a few funny little fanfics she's starred in that were pretty good.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Maybe underutilizing her? The problem is that she's in an episode that's... well, it's not super controversial or anything, but like I said in my first answer, she just kind of gets pigeonholed into a certain role by the nature of her villain concept. I think a lot of people also misrepresent the episode that she's in and kind of say it's about things that it's not. The world is definitely made up of more shades of gray than in a cartoon show about kindergarteners who fight, but there's still some good stuff you can take away from Equal Fights.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I do not think that would work out because she'd probably keep pulling stuff like... continuously missing rent and having some huge sob story about how it was the patriarchy's fault that she couldn't pay it, since that's her usual over-the-top MO in her episode. Left dirty dishes in the sink? "Oh, you want me to clean them up like some submissive 50s housewife?!" Trashed up the bathroom? "Well, be grateful I didn't leave the seat up like some man!" I think I would cry.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
[imagines the arguments the two of us would most likely get into ten seconds into even meeting each other] ...probably not.
11. Would you date this character?
If I wanted to have one of the most toxic relationships of my life? Yeah, sure. Otherwise, heck no!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
That she and Sedusa are frenemies with a fun-filled but ullllltra toxic relationship where they occasionally go on crime sprees with one another (maybe letting Princess Morbucks tag along now and then) and also argue about the best ways to take advantage of all those idiotic men in Townsville. 😆
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triflesandparsnips · 2 years
So I saw this post by @ipomoea-batatas about Stede Bonnet becoming "a competent pirate by fully understanding and harnessing his own particular brand of lunacy" -- and I went a bit feral.
Because I think we've already seen the start of it.
Okay. Izzy Hands, right? And his very first meeting with Stede.
All anybody knows about this Bonnet guy is that (1) he and his crew have run aground, and it evidently wasn't on purpose because (2) instead of doing repair work or cleaning the hull while beached, the crew are just running around blowing shit up and loudly listing fish--
AND YET (3) these same people, lead by the unknown, untested Captain Bonnet, have managed to capture English officers.
You know who else Izzy knows who can pull off that kind of bullshit? Who looks mad as a hatter and half distracted by whether the clouds look more or less like lunch foods, and is nonetheless "legendary" and the "most brilliant sailor" he has ever met?
But there's only one Blackbeard out there, so whatever this Captain Bonnet's deal is, it's probably accidental, or they're just not getting the whole story, or whatever. It doesn't matter much. Izzy and his landing party don't even bother to engage beyond asking Buttons for some info-- they just buy the officers out from under Bonnet and head back to the ship, and that should've been the end of it until they all ran into each other at the Republic or, failing that, the gallows.
And then.
This fuckin' dude.
Who is wearing half of an incredibly expensive tailored outfit in the middle of the fucking jungle. Who's clearly got no fucking clue what to do with a blade, since he's got his knife brandished off to the side, leaving his center completely unguarded, and also it's a fucking knife. Against three professionals with swords and fucking guns.
This guy. Has just jumped pigeon-toed into Izzy's path and essentially proclaimed himself to be the elusive Bonnet.
(There are bows on this dick's unscratched high-heeled shoes, Izzy thinks. And he's just said the word "trifle" five fucking times.)
So yeah, Izzy figures he can cross "secretly clever" off his list of possibilities and chalk up all of Bonnet's successes so far to blind luck and a rich man's fancy. And that being the case, Izzy has the time and inclination to have a bit of fun and give this idiot a warning while he's at it. He spends a happy minute seeing if he can make the fop scream, faint, or blush his way back into the bush with a bit of swordplay and a lot of bared skin.
The man does, in fact, gasp. But he doesn't run. And instead of screaming or covering himself up-- or, fuck, even relying on some gentrified insult that would give Izzy the excuse to just kill the guy-- this absolute asshole raises his eyebows and fucking compliments him.
And Izzy's mouth is running on automatic, already going with the tee'd up line he'd had ready for this fuckwit when he inevitably said something classist about peasants or whatever-- except that's not what Bonnet had said, was it? and-- the fuck was that noise?
"Do you hear that?" says Bonnet, cocking his head and looking wide-eyed in the opposite fuckin' direction of the sound and just, like, electing to ignore the sword pointing at his chest. "I didn't know this isle was haunted."
It's clearly a diversionary tactic, just as it's clearly one of Bonnet's crew out in the forest. Izzy knows how this shit goes, he's seen Edward do it often enough.
(A strange thought slouches indistinctly into view behind Izzy's other, more pressing concerns.)
But for all that it's definitely a crewmember out there, Izzy can't deny that Bonnet's-- weird. Compliments. Sticking his ground. Those fucking shoes.
It's distracting.
(The thought is starting to make its way to the forefront of Izzy's mind, but its trenchcoat and enormous polyester wig are preventing him from identifying what his hindbrain has figured out well before his conscious brain has.)
Out in the real world, Izzy's sword doesn't drop, but his eyes do turn away for a moment, even though he knows he fuckin' oughtn't. He course-corrects-- goes with his gut, and decides to call Bonnet's bluff.
"It's obviously one of your men," Izzy says. If Bonnet had enough people for it, he wouldn't have stuck himself as bait. Fuck, he probably wouldn't have bothered with a fuckery at all, just surrounded the landing party and been done with it. The only logical scenario is that Bonnet doesn't have the resources to actually overpower Izzy's party--
But then--
Then why try at all?--
(The strange thought has started to use its elbows to ruthlessly shove its way to the front. The wig is lost in the shuffle.)
Captain Bonnet raises his brows again, eyes now tight on Izzy's. "But is it?" he says.
(Away goes the trenchcoat. There's leather underneath.)
"Yes it is," says Izzy.
Bonnet, despite Izzy's sword still pointed at his fucking chest, actually leans forward.
(Closer now, the thought says, "Izzy, Izzy, Izzy.")
Bonnet's eyes are wide, unblinking as he says, "But is it?"
("You know me," says the thought, and it sounds amused, and bored, and it's walking right past him and moving until it's looking out of this new captain's eyes, and--)
Izzy breaks. And after a bit more theatre, Bonnet wins.
Which could be fine, maybe, if Izzy'd been bested by another Blackbeard... but he wasn't. Stede fucking Bonnet is nothing like Blackbeard. Never mind the fuckery-- that was amateur theatricals, that's all. And certainly never mind the madness-- just a pampered rich boy who managed to make Izzy Hands blink.
Reason enough to hate Bonnet right there. Because if Izzy Hands has to confront the idea that someone silly and stupid with more money than sense can do exactly what Blackbeard does, but backwards and in heels with bows on them, then he'll have to confront some grim fucking truths about how exactly Edward has become a "legend" and what it means that Izzy was fooled by it for so very, very long.
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my fair lady: part fourteen - a gwourtney choose your own adventure!
(part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve | part thirteen) (read on ao3)
no poll this time, because this is the last chapter of my fair lady! enjoy!
“If we’re talking about truth bombs, let’s start with how Noah totally has a crush on Alejandro,” Gwen says loudly.
Internally, she cringes. She’s not quite sure where that came from—aside from a gut instinct to not let Heather spill the beans about her feelings for Courtney—but it feels like she’s stooping to Heather’s level, trying to get other people tangled up in the drama.
“Excuse me?” Noah splutters.
Alejandro simply shrugs. “Why is that a surprise? Everyone here has a crush on me. Even those who claim to hate me.”
He shoots a significant look at Heather, who gags.
“You really are the new Justin,” Courtney says to Alejandro.
“I have no idea who that is.”
“I do not have a crush on that eel,” Noah snaps, “and if I had my way, he’d be the one going home tonight, but since a certain pair of gal pals decided to—”
“HA!” Heather shrieks.
“What is wrong with you?” Gwen asks.
“Gal pals? Come on, enough with the euphemisms, people! Gwen and Courtney are totally—”
Before Heather gets the chance to finish her declaration, Courtney lunges out of her seat and pushes her off the plane.
Alejandro sticks his head out the door. 
“Good riddance!” he trills.
“I hate you all!” Heather shouts back, quickly descending.
Chris just watches them all with a massive grin on his face. “Well. That was certainly interesting!”
Ignoring him, Alejandro shoots a cool look at Noah. “You’re next, cerebrito.”
“I do not have a crush on you,” is all Noah can say back, as Alejandro stalks out of the room.
“Sorry,” Gwen tells him. “Heather was gonna say something about me, and I panicked.”
“Whatever. I’m more pissed about you two turning on us.”
“Oh, we didn’t fully turn on you,” Courtney says. “Alejandro’s a much stronger competitor, so he’ll be our next vote.”
“And then it’s just me and you two… fuck, I hate that that’s smart.”
Chris cackles. “This keeps getting better and better!”
“Stuff it, McLean,” Gwen and Noah chorus, the latter already trudging out of the room.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
After the chaos of that elimination ceremony, Courtney shuts herself in the confessional. It’s the only place where she can have true privacy. And she certainly needs it to mull over what just happened. Heather had said—
Well. She was about to say something concerning Courtney and Gwen before Courtney shoved her off the plane. It hadn’t exactly been intentional—that is to say, Courtney had been operating on pure instinct and hadn’t quite realized what she’d done until she’d already done it.
Not that she regrets it.
After what Noah had implied—
Courtney squirms uncomfortably. Did everyone know? About her feelings for Gwen? She didn’t even know herself until Alejandro had brought it up. Ugh, this was her whole thing with Duncan all over again, people teasing her for something she hadn’t realized yet. 
Except things are different with Gwen, because Gwen doesn’t like her back. Probably. Maybe, Sure, they’re actually good friends now, but that doesn’t mean Gwen has feelings for her. Heck, until a few hours ago, Courtney was convinced Gwen would try and get with Duncan if given the chance. Well—
Speak of the Devil.
“Sorry about that,” Gwen says, in the doorway of the confessional. “I think I busted the lock. Good thing you weren’t peeing or something.”
“In here?” Courtney scoffs. 
“I’m pretty sure some people do.”
“They’re idiots.”
“Oh, definitely.”
When Gwen reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, Courtney spots her sunburnt hand. “How’s the injury?”
“A lot better,” Gwen says, holding it out. “It barely hurts anymore. Thanks to your first aid.”
“Good! But let me take a look at it.”
Courtney is cradling Gwen’s hand in her own when her brain finally catches up to what she’s doing. Her cheeks burn, and she silently thanks her complexion for not easily giving away her blush. Unlike Gwen, whose entire face goes red when she’s embarrassed, and it’s honestly really cute—
Yep. Courtney’s definitely blushing.
“Your hand is healing quickly,” Courtney says. “That’s, um… that’s good.”
She doesn’t drop Gwen’s hand, and Gwen doesn’t pull away.
“Yeah,” Gwen says. “Um. Can we talk?”
“Sure. In here, or—”
“In here,” Gwen says, fully stepping into the confessional and shutting the door behind her. As she hops up on the counter, Courtney follows suit and sits down on the closed toilet lid.
“I think you’re blocking the camera,” Courtney says.
“That’s fine. I don’t want this footage getting used anyway.”
“…What exactly is this footage going to be about?”
Gwen looks down. “I told you I wasn’t interested in Duncan.”
“Oh.” Courtney’s stomach flips. “Well, if you’ve changed your mind—”
Gwen’s head shoots up at that. “No! No, that’s not—no. I… I’m interested in someone else, actually.”
“I think Heather and Noah made that pretty clear.”
“Wait… you like me?”
“Yeah. And I totally get it if you don’t feel the same way, but I wanted you to know—”
Courtney leaps to her feet. “I spent hours collecting bird poop just to help your hand! Of course I feel the same way!”
Gwen stares at her. 
Hands clasped over her mouth in shock of her own confession, Courtney stares back.
“I guess, uh… I guess I should’ve been less surprised when Alejandro pointed out I had a crush on you tonight.”
“Everybody except us really fucking knew, huh?” Gwen laughs a little giddily. “Man, that’s… both hilarious and embarrassing.”
“I guess it is.”
Courtney smiles at her.
Gwen smiles back, before blushing—she’s so red, it’s adorable—and ducking her head. “So. Uh. What are we supposed to do about it?”
“Well, dating on reality television is a terrible idea,” Courtney says. “And we both learned that the hard way.”
“Oh God, don’t remind me.”
“I really want to win this season, Gwen. And everyone knows I’m… I’m willing to get pretty nasty if that’s what it takes. I don’t want to hurt you, but…”
“…I know,” Gwen says quietly. “Not to mention, if everyone already knows how we feel about each other, that makes it really easy for them to try and turn us against each other.”
“So we’re in a bit of a tricky spot.”
Courtney sighs.
Gwen sighs, her breath brushing against Courtney’s neck. That’s right. They’re very, very close, Gwen still sitting on the counter and Courtney standing right in front of her. 
“I know we’ll probably have to come up with a strategy at some point,” Courtney says. “But for right now, I really, really want to kiss you.”
Leaning forward, Gwen whispers, “What’s stopping you?”
Courtney meets her in the middle, lips brushing and then pressing against Gwen’s own. Gwen’s mouth is warm, and soft, and a little greasy from her lipstick, but Courtney couldn’t care less. 
Kissing Duncan was like watching a firework burst. Kissing Gwen is like sinking into a hot bath.
They keep kissing, Gwen’s legs wrapped around Courtney’s torso, Courtney’s hands resting on Gwen’s waist.
This isn’t going to be easy. This show will do everything it can to tear them apart. Courtney and Gwen can’t stay in the confessional and kiss forever.
But that’s a problem for another time.
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kuumara · 1 year
Draw me a portrait of you
Will loved drawing, he could draw all the time. But lately he couldn't- last year of high school has a lot going on. He was busy.
But he's caught a cold now somehow. And he isn't complaining, he loves being sick. He doesn't have to do anything, except drink tea and stay in bed. He can draw again, now.
He's zoned out drawing, when he hears a knock on his already open bedroom door. It's Mike, smiling widely at him. Will smiles back.
"I brought you homework," he says and comes to sit on Will's bed. Will groans.
"I did it for you." Mike chuckles.
"What- really?" Will says, takes the papers and they really are all solved. Mike nods, smiles again.
"You didn't have to-"
"Oh! Save it. I was bored, that's all,"
"Who does homework when they're bored?"
"Me! Now what's this?"
Mike reaches out to Will's notebook, laying open but upside-down beside him.
"No, wait-!" Will grabs the book, but since he's sick he's not really strong, and Mike successfully takes it.
There we go, Will thinks. He's gonna think I'm a creep.
But Mike's expression goes from teasing, to shocked, to- angry, Will expects, but then Mike just looks up at Will with those big, adoring eyes and a soft smile.
Will doesn't know what to make of this- so he does nothing, nervously staring at Mike. He's coming closer, now. Leaning onto his arm, glancing at Will's lips- glancing at Will's lips?!
Will can feel his breath now, faintly. They're very close, and perhaps Will is subconsciously leaning towards Mike as well.
Mike's lips part, eyelids becoming heavy, the hand holding the notebook inching towards Will,
"I have to go pee." Will whispers.
Okay, laugh all you want, but he panicked- and blurted a dumb thing. Was he reading this wrong??? Even if Mike wanted to kiss him, what if he's a bad kisser! His mouth probably tastes like cough medicine! He doesn't want to get Mike sick!!
Mike blinks; once, twice, thrice. Coming out of his haze, eyes still glued to Will's lips.
"I have to go pee." Will repeats, still whispering.
"Oh! Oh," Mike exclaims, un-caging Will with his arms. Finally looking away from his lips.
Will jumps out of bed and almost runs to the bathroom. Almost, he barely keeps himself under control.
In the bathroom he walked some circles, almost slipping on a towel several times. Then, he washed his face thoroughly, intentionally not looking himself in the mirror.
If he looked, he would see the mess Mike turned him into. And he didn't even kiss him. What would happen if Mike did kiss him?? Will cringes at the thought.
There's knocking again, on the bathroom door this time.
"Will, you alright? Are you feeling sick?" It's Mike. Of course it's Mike- he would care about him even if Will had just murdered his whole family. He would say 'I'll pack the bags, we're leaving the country. I heard Malta is nice'
"Yeah," Will replied.
"Can I- Can I come in?" He asked with a soft voice. Fuck Mike, he's gonna melt him. Cause of death, Mike Wheeler.
Like the idiot Will is, he opens the door to a concerned-looking Mike, but as soon as he sees Will he smiles wobbily.
"You- Uh-"
Mike couldn't say what he wanted to say, because Will grabbed his hand and dragged him back to his room, to the bed. He closed the door, not wanting to alarm his dear mother.
"It- the drawing- I'm sorry about it- I just, like, zone out when I draw- y'know- and, like, eighty percent of the time I don't even pay attention to it, I just do whatever- It's okay if you think it's, uh, weird, y'know,"
Will groaned and hid his face into his face. He's just digging himself into a deeper hole.
"Yeah- I like it," Mike quietly said, and Will looked up at him. He was still holding his sketchbook, Mike's own handsome face staring at him.
Will was daydreaming about him- again- and drew Mike. The soft expression is burned in Will's brain forever, especially since he's been blessed with it more and more since Joyce said it's possible they move to Lenora three years ago. Apparently that scared Mike, but thankfully the Byers' didn't move.
Will looked back at Mike, the same pretty expression looking back at him. He was faintly blushing.
"Oh. Alright, then," Will took a deep breath, collecting himself and sitting next to Mike. Keeping some distance, despite his whole being screaming for him. "You can keep it then. If you like it."
Mike giggled. Giggled. "No, you keep it. So you can... look at it every day," and he blushed again.
Will was blushing as well. A lot more than Mike. He nodded.
"But- if you ever make a self-portrait, and you don't wanna keep it, I'd gladly take it," he finished. "So we can match."
Will sucked in a breath, and Mike launched himself at him, both of them falling off Will's bed and to the floor.
Will groaned as Mike fell on top of him, but Mike just smiled into his chest, tightly hugging him. Will didn't complain anymore.
The boy on top of him slowly lifted his head to look Will straight in the eye, smiling nervously. He glanced at Will's lips, once again. Not taking his eyes off them, freezing Will in place.
Will gulped after a few seconds of this, eyes darting across Mike's face, trying to see if he wants what Will wants.
"Can I-"
"Kiss me." Mike whispered.
And Will sure did, all the concerns of getting Mike sick gone, his head instead being filled by the beautiful feeling of every Mike's kiss.
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m7nson · 2 years
Pop ❥ Eddie Munson
˙❥˙ working meant getting money, you didn't know D&D nerds came with it too
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A/n : I wrote female reader with glasses I'm sorry! Btw most of my works are gn! So if you want to go check them out :D and all of my works are poc friendly!!
🂱 masterlist - part 1
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At first, working here at comic pop seemed like a good idea. Twenty-five precent worker discount, and of course the pay check, even tho you spend it as soon as you got it with new comics.
But it's always empty, you get about ten costumers if you're lucky. You do have your usual three nerds from time to time; Henderson, Sinclair, and Wheeler. You only knew them because you see them in the halls. And when they introduced themselves to get your discount.
But it's always empty, you get about ten costumers if you're lucky. You do have your usual three nerds from time to time; Henderson, Sinclair, and Wheeler. You only knew them because you see them in the halls. And when they introduced themselves to get your discount.
Today was like any regular old day, got about four new costumer and only two of them actually bought something. Something positive about this job tho is that you can play any music you want as long as it's not too loud and you bring your own record or cassette tape.
As of today you brought your new tears for fears tape. So now here you are at the counter reading a comic that you had bought earlier today. Maybe you should have listened to Robin and work at Family Video with her and Steve. But it's a lot closer to home while family videos is a five minute drive. Which doesn't seem bad.. except for the fact that you don't have a car.
You heard the bell from the door and the autumn breeze, deciding on not looking up knowing it's probably one of your regulars. And it was, well one of them was. You noticed a recognizable blue and white hat, but you didn't recognize the long brown curly hair next to him.
Looking up to see who it is, and it was the infamous Dustin Henderson. But the other two nerds weren't with him. And you recognize that battle jacket vest from anywhere.
Eddie Munson,
he sits behind you in Ms. O'Donnell's. It's only your favorite class because you love writing, but also because it's your last period of the day.
You've never seen him in here before, you didn't even know he read comics. But actually looking at him, he looks like he's here against his own will. They were in the D&D corner where they have dices, comics, and player handbook. You rarely ever see anyone look in that corner except for those three.
"See, I told you they had die's here!" Dustin said looking to see if they had blue and white ones. "Yeah, yeah.." he said folding his arm and looking around.
And then he saw you in the corner with your eyes out of your comic when you realized he cought you; you slower picked up the comic to cover your eyes. She was the real reason why he came to this shop, she's the reason he agreed to drive Dustin here. He never truly understand why he's infatuated by her, he just is.
Like if she's a bright glistening diamond in his cave. Or he's just an idiot and just likes her a lot but didn't realize it. "Bingo." Dustin mumbled under his breath finding the dice in the very back of the stand. He turned to look at Eddie and groaned "dude, just go talk to her! She may look... Actually she doesn't look intimidating at all.." you look like a nerd in general. Comic in your hands and your glasses didn't help.
He bit down his lip trying not to smile at his comment. He cleared his throat shrugging of the nervous feeling he has in his stomach. "Are you ready or what?" He said to the curly haired boy who was glancing inside of a D&D comic. "Yeah, yeah.. I'm coming." He said grabbing the cylinder plastic, with his dice inside and the two comic's in the other hand.
"Your not buying anything?" He asked the brunet. He shook his head, "I have better things to spend my money on." He said putting his arm around his shoulder, so he can put his head in a headlock anytime. You know just Incase if he embarrasses him, just to be cautious!
"Hi Y/nn!" Dustin said sweetly. You sighed already knowing he's gonna ask for your discount "Hi Henderson." You said bluntly, that made Eddie heart skip a beat, he's never heard you so blunt only soft spoken. And he's happy he got to see this side of you. You started scanning his things. He groaned "please let me use your discount!" You gave him a look.
"If I let you use it, your gonna tell the other two nerds. And then with your big mouth my boss will know about it!" You told him as you grabbed a brown paper bag. "I won't tell anyone I promise." He put one of his hands up "scouts honor."
You hummed "let me think about it.. mmmm, no." You told him "it'll be sixteen dollars, I got rid of fifty cents just for you." You said giving a sarcastic smile. As he gave you a confused look "sixteen dollars for two comic books and die's!?"
You nodded "Your die's are ten dollars," he sighed and smiled at Eddie who's arm is still around him. "Hey Eddiee.. can I borrow six dollars!" You chuckled and looked at him.
His face was pink as it was but you looking at him made him turn red. He took his arm off of the boy and looked through his pockets and took out his wallet.
"Oh no it's fine-" you said not wanting the metalhead to go through the trouble. "No, no.. here" he gave you a ten dollar bill. But Dustin mouth went wide "he doesn't have to pay but I do!?" That made you flustered. "I just didn't want him to pay for you that all!" You said in defense.
"Here it's ok, I don't want you to get in trouble with your boss.." he mumbled handing you the ten dollar bill, as you take it. You gave Dustin the bag and got Eddie his change. 'say something, say something, say something-'
"Four dollars is your change." You said giving him the money and the receipt. He took the money and have Dustin the receipt. "I'll see you in O'Donnell's class on Monday?" He asked looking up at you.
You nodded, "I think I should be asking you that." He smiled looking down folding his hands "I'll be there."
While Dustin was just watching the scene in disgust "You guys are weird.." He said walking out of the store, little did Eddie know is that he has his keys.
"Did you start the essay?" You nodded as he leaned on the counter. "Yea I have half of it done already!" His eyes widen a bit "wow you must be really smart then?" You laughed "no I just like to get things done.. did you start it?" He sighed "the first sentence yeah."
You laughed "I can help you if you want-" you got interrupted by a loud honk. "Oh god." Eddie said seeing Dustin in the driver's seat. "You better go before he tries to drive-"
He nodded "I'll see you soon!" He said hurrying out to his car. You watch him pick Dustin up from the seat and saw that Eddie was yelling at Dustin while he was laughing.
"Oh god, what did I get myself into.."
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bedlamsbard · 10 months
I totally understand your rage quitting now, although it's exactly the opposite for me! I was *very* into the Asgardian storyline in MCU and I hated Ragnarok with a passion - and the fandom sure made certain I knew everybody who didn't like the movie was an Idiot. Then IW and EG happened and killed all my joy for the MCU. I kinda sorta look at it without flinching nowadays, but it took somewhere around 5 years...
I think I know more people who went MCU --> Star Wars than the other way around! Weird couple of years for both fandoms. I'm a little bit of a weird outlier because I got back into Marvel well after Endgame, but a lot of what people criticize about the MCU is what I find interesting (the puzzle piece aspect). I am well aware that if I'd been consistently in Marvel since 2014 (which is when I drifted off) I'd probably have had the same rage reaction as like...everyone else I know.
I guess it's been a minute and my SW history isn't common knowledge to people who weren't around here between 2013-2021, so the lingering fury is probably confusing to people who only know me from the MCU. I was big into Star Wars from 2013-2021, from 2013-2015 on the PT/TCW side, then from 2014-2021 on the Rebels side (there's crossover), though I was also familiar with...everything. I have forgotten more about Star Wars than your average SW fan has ever known. (I was also in and out from 2007-2013, which is when some of my earlier fic like Oxygen and Rust dates from, but this is a period of time when my big fandom was actually Narnia) I'm quote-unquote "known" for Wake the Storm and Queen's Gambit in the PT/TCW, which have very consistently garnered negative responses since Wake started in 2013, and On the Edge of the Devil's Backbone in Rebels; I also used to do liveblogs of TCW and Rebels and the comics, for a while, so some of those posts are still floating around. I had a very, very bad breakup with a close fandom friend in 2016. I bounced off the ST, had an extremely negative reaction to Rebels S4 (to this day I have refused to do a full reaction post because I hated it so much I can't think about it coherently, and there were years where I couldn't think about it without spiraling), was okay with Resistance, R1, and Solo, hated Mando, hated TCW S7, hated the comics, hated the High Republic, and was still grimly hanging onto the fandom in utter misery in 2021 when the combination of hating TBB's sheer mediocrity (and the way they retconned Rebels) and the first episode of Loki hitting all of my favorite tropes like a fucking train finally knocked me out of Star Wars, to the extreme relief of everyone who knew me.
to this day I have fannish friends (who I met through Star Wars!) ready to stage an intervention if I ever seem even vaguely interested in getting back into Star Wars. I am the only person I know who looked at the Marvel fandom post-Endgame (and the Loki subfandom at any point in time, but especially while the show was airing) and went "this seems like a nice soothing place to immigrate to!" and honestly it is, people aren't as crazy anymore as they were around CW and Endgame. (Except in the Loki subfandom, which has made even me go "hmm. that's a bit much," but then I remember the egg genocide and you guys are fine, actually.)
very amusingly I actually speed-ran the Rebels experience with the Loki show -- really liked the first half, really disliked the second half -- but by that point I'd already gotten back into the rest of the MCU. I hadn't had a dramatic MCU breakup at all; I'd kept up with the films from 2008-2014 (CATWS was the last one I saw in order), but I just hadn't gotten around to seeing more than three odd ones out between 2014 and 2021 (Ragnarok, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and then I saw WandaVision early in 2021). I fandom osmosed some weird stuff that turned out not to be true.
anyway for those that don't know, that's the short version of my sordid Star Wars history! also sorry, you didn't actually, uh, ask for this.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Well, this just sucked.
Alan fiddled with the restraints holding him to a bulkhead. Nope, not a thing he could do about it.
Other than him, the room, more a cargo hold than anything else, was empty except for an airlock door on the far side.
Why couldn’t he be kidnapped by an idiot? These ones had actually removed his baldric and his helmet, effectively cutting him off from Thunderbird Five.
Except for the tracker in his wrist, but they didn’t need to know about that.
The nerve, though. He was out here to help. He had thought he was saving a private space yacht that had engine trouble and was making a good attempt at colliding with a satellite or two.
But no, it had all been a trap. Probably to get a hold of his ‘bird.
Why couldn’t the bad guys make their own Thunderbirds and stop messing with theirs.
Oh, yeah, technology and all.
Then go invent your own technology, you assholes, and leave us alone.
Alan gave his restraints another tug and grunted as they bit through his uniform.
Of course, the astronaut in him was having a mild fit. He was stuck in an unknown craft of unknown safety specs with people who undoubtedly did not have his best health in mind, and he had no helmet.
He might as well be naked.
No, don’t give them ideas, you idiot.
Okay, focus. He had his training.
And he had his brothers.
While he had no wish to worry said brothers it was kind of reassuring to think exactly what those brothers might do to the persons responsible for this. If there was one thing he could say, it was that he was ever so proud of his family.
Scott would be pissed. That had both its positives and its negatives. There would likely be tactical scenarios in the future to prevent this from happening again. Scott was all about prepared and strategic readiness.
Couldn’t blame him really. The list of incidents in his brother’s resume was extensive. No doubt, Scott had learnt the hard way.
Now Virgil, Virgil was the softy. He smiled to himself. His tank of a brother was almost as much a worry wart as their eldest brother. He was less likely to get angry, but when he did, the whole house knew about it and avoided him. Only Scott and occasionally John would weather a Virgil snit, simply because it was terrifying. Add the list of equipment the engineer had at hand and buildings had the potential to be reduced to rubble. Nah, you didn’t want to piss off Virg.
But then there was John. No one, just no one dared rankle his middle brother. Alan snorted. John was the quiet one, and that fooled a lot of people. To their detriment. Gordon…it was always Gordon…had once taken a step too far and his music streaming still hadn’t recovered…six years after the incident. There was still whining. John just raised an eyebrow and smiled that gentle smile of his and flickered out.
Bit hard to chase a brother down who was literally thousands of miles away, yet had access to every personal detail, ever digital print, every part of your life.
Not that he didn’t trust John. No, he trusted him with his life, but hell, you did not want to piss him off.
The ship around him suddenly shook and Alan found himself thrown against the bulkhead. A grunt as his suit armour took the brunt, along with his shoulder guards.
These guys were really starting to piss Alan off, much less his brothers.
The ship stilled again and he was left wondering what the hell was going on. What did they want?
He pictured his next eldest brother beside him and the smart ass grin that came with the image. Gordon. Alan couldn’t help but smile. Gordon could be an ass, but he was an ass who was always on your side. The two of them had done so much…often to the ire of the above three brothers, but that just made it more fun.
Alan found himself grinning and he wondered if the assholes had a camera on him. Good luck to them if they did, because Gords was always going to make him smile.
His fish brother was amazing. Alan had seen him go through absolute hell, but his spirit was ever so strong. Alan admired Gordon. He was a role model.
That had him snickering. Scott’s frown at that thought was hilarious.
But it wasn’t the pranks - though they were hilarious - it was Gordy’s view on life. His ability to keep smiling, stay in the positive, even when everything was absolute shit.
That was a thought for right now. Chained to a bulkhead in a strange ship, possibly abandoned, possibly kidnapped. What would Gords do?
A snort. Put jello in their knickers before kicking their asses out into space.
But Gords wasn’t a fan of space, was he? But his bro was brave and would kick ass anyway.
That was Gords.
Alan swallowed. Would Gords be as scared as he was at the moment?
But he would kick ass anyway.
Like Kayo.
You never pissed off Kayo and lived. Again it was Gordon who had tried exactly that. At the time, Alan had thought his brother was upset. That could be the only reason for tempting death.
He’d been partly right.
The dye in Kayo’s shower rose had prompted her focussed attention. She had cornered Gordon and the next thing Alan knew she had thrown his brother so hard around the spar mat he had bruises.
Which led to a Scott lecture of epic proportions. The smile on Gordon’s face had said so much more.
Alan still questioned his fish brother’s sanity.
And admired him for his bravery.
The whole ship shook around him and Alan startled.
The door on the far side of the bay stayed closed.
Scott, where are you?
And there was the truth of the matter. Scott had been his go to for so long, he was the default he yelled for when he needed help.
He would love to see him walk through that door.
Hell, he would love to see any and all of his brothers and his sister put a fist in these assholes’ faces and set him free.
Honestly, it wasn’t a matter of if, more of when. You don’t piss off a Tracy.
Any of them.
Because they would all kick your ass.
Even the littlest.
Alan straightened where he floated. Yes, he would kick necessary ass anytime. He may be the littlest, but he was a damned astronaut, he knew stuff.
The restraints were still too damned tight.
The door on the other side of the room suddenly hissed and cracked open.
Alan spun and readied himself. He was not going down without a fight.
A familiar blue helmet peered through the door. “Alan?”
And his big brother was there. A laser cutter and he was free and enveloped in a strong hug. “Hey, Allie.”
Before he knew it, he was being towed towards the door.
“How? Who?” He swallowed as Scott shoved the door wider and pushed him through. “What?”
But the answer was there before him.
Virgil was hovering in the space version of his exosuit, monitoring a forcefield over a massive hole in the side of the spacecraft’s cockpit.
Gordon and Kayo had three men hanging upside down from the ceiling wrapped in so many restraints, breathing appeared optional.
And John was muttering to Eos as he hovered over the controls of the craft. There was snarling.
Oh, dear.
“Here, we found these.” Scott’s hand hadn’t left his shoulder, but his other hand suddenly had Alan’s baldric and helmet hovering in front of him.
There was a hum as a scanner was whisked over him from the direction of Virgil.
Scott’s eyes questioned the engineer, but he must have received the info he needed because a second later those eyes were once again trained on Alan.
As Alan took his baldric and snapped on his helmet, both of Scott’s hands landed on his shoulders. “You okay?”
There were so many eyes trained on him at the moment.
Alan straightened. “Yeah, I’m good.”
One of the bad guys whimpered and Gordon prodded him.
Blue eyes flickered but didn’t leave Alan. “Three is secured, though John is not happy.”
Another snarl issued from his red-haired brother.
Alan arched an eyebrow.
Those hands squeezed his shoulders. “Let’s get you home.”
Alan stared at his four brothers and his sister and smiled.
“I’m driving.”
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
Rambling thoughts while rewatching Lone Star ep 4x11 – Double Trouble (Finishing Edging the Bet made it so that I am just now getting to a rewatch of the episode (only watched it live))
The pregnancy & dropping out were my two biggest suspicions for Wyatt’s news
Joining the FD was a little farther on my list – but I didn’t expect to see three announcements (although technically – you could combine the dropping out & FD thing together)
So how are along is she?
When did he decide to drop out of school? When were these midterms? Did he complete his first semester then, but quit ½ way through the 2nd?
Doesn’t TK remember hearing about Mateo’s cousin? He was there for the first time Mateo mentioned Marvin
So – he came from the side of the wall – not the door to the bunk room? – that blocking just seemed like a weird choice.
Someone suggested taking shots anytime Mateo or Marvin say “cuz” = 8 shots in like 2 minutes (3 for Mateo & 5 for Marvin)
The “I’d like to teach the world to sing” reminds me of the kid songs videos – it was on the “Teach the world to sing” (we had it on VHS – because I am old).
“I would really suggest that you try to calm down.” Carlos Reyes – to a woman that should be dead
Carlos thinking – “Thank fuck, you guys finally got here for this woman that should be dead, but is yelling at me about the demon spawn children.”
I am not a fan of going to the Dr. either lady
I want an orange tree in my back yard. Too bad it wouldn’t hold up well here.
That is a lot of kids balls/toys
Carlos “dad joke” Reyes
Winston Churchill gave a lot of good speeches – none of them are ones that I would think to watch to get ideas for my child’s wedding toast (and I am a history nerd like Owen) – but it does make sense for him – if he ever gets a pet that he gets to name – that is what I would guess that he would name them.
I am a fan of Tommy in her gym clothes.
This scene is probably the most I have EVER related to Judd. The self-doubt/loathing is so hard to look/see past. At least he has Tommy & Grace.
What does Judd even have in his hand in the firehouse kitchen scene that was alphabetized
“As long as these chimes don’t go off” give “Unless the bells go off” vibes – Owen talking to Gwyn in 2x04 (old) firehouse kitchen scene.
That Mateo is into pokemon – not surprising – BUT – where did all his cards come from? Did he rebuild his collection once he moved in with Owen or was his collection at the firehouse, miraculously saving it?
$24,100 is a lot of fucking money.
If I had been asking my husband to fix something for 4 years – I would have already figured out how to fix it. That is a long fucking time man.
I like clipboard Marj – but I am ready for firefighter Marj to come back
If you have an uninsured porshe (at least in the US) – you are an idiot. Or any high dollar car.
If he got $900 for the pokemon card, and $24,100 from Nancy – how is he tapped now? Wouldn’t it be that he was already tapped?
Also – That explains why he still lives with Owen
Apparently Mateo decided to do the “take a shot for each time Mateo or Marvin say cuz” game
I think that the sitcom thing fits Mateo’s character – but would have been weird for anyone else – with the exception of maybe Owen.
So, did Marvin keep his hair that pink color to keep a guilt trip on Mateo – since he used it to cover for him in the first place?
Also – these are some old looking 13-year-olds.
How did Mateo not know he was a DREAMER until he was 17?
So setting a school on fire made Mateo want to be a firefighter? I can buy that, makes a lot of sense – I like getting the whys of their job choices on these shows.
Who did he move to Texas with at 16? But still not know he was a DREAMER until he was 17?
He lived with his aunt & uncle from 6-16, then ?? from 16- at least adulthood?
Turpentine smells so bad
Did Mateo take over his cousins love of scientific facts?
Who cares about those other milk customers when there is french toast on the table?
I can’t with the mustache
This is the most Buck that TK has ever been. Accepting the french toast, then his ‘boss/partner’ saying ‘no’, then him saying the same, only sad.
“He might get shanked with a toothbrush.”
Milkman Judd just keeps eating his french toast
Guess it is good to have a paramedic in the family
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bluboothalassophile · 11 months
hello blu!! i hope i'm not bothering you somehow but, may i ask you, about what are your opinion(s) on ships with sansa, tyrion x sansa, sandor x sansa, jon x sansa, theon x sansa, and now your aemond x sansa. what do you think about them as a ship and/or as couple as well. just curious here :))
So... I don't have a lot of opinions about Sansa or her ships if I'm honest. I don't really interact with or read the Game of Thrones fanfics; I do have a few I've enjoyed but none of my selections are ship based.
I don't like Tyrion/Sansa in general, primarily because, despite Peter Dinklage's portrayal of Tyrion, I'm not a fan of Tyrion. I think the only likable Lannister I've encountered in what I've read, is Jaime.
I don't like Sandor/Sansa, because those 'I'm his exception' tropes always go sour; as we saw with Daemon and Rhaenyra, also, there's the minor point of I'm not a fan of their power dynamic. Yes, I like their dynamic, it brings depths to both of them, but I'm not shipping it. I do think Sansa was an idiot for not going with the Hound when she could, because then she'd have reunited with Arya (I think Arya and the Hound intersecting was inevitable), but I think it would've lead to the girls running North to Jon, and probably taking the North back more quickly, and that Arya nonsense of the Faceless Men wouldn't be happening and I think that'd be better for Arya as a whole.
I don't mind Jon/Sansa, I think from a practicality standpoint it makes sense, especially for keeping Starks in the North and a valid line. It also makes sense because I think Jon and Sansa are both practical creatures, and pragmatic. I think Jon has a thing for redheads, and Sansa for real men/knights, and I think they check boxes off for the other ultimately. I also think for a thwarting of Dany, it makes a lot of sense (not a Dany fan, am a dragon fan, just not a big fan of Dany), also, I think her and Jon thwart any possible fAegon/Sansa pairing. And, by their union, it'll gain Sansa the Northern Lords who'd want to follow a Stark, the Wildlings, who trust Jon, the Vale, and get her a safe man. And provided Jon actually is a Targaryen, them being cousins would also be
Not a fan of Theon/Sansa, primarily because I'm not a fan of Theon, but also, I think Theon romanticizes what a union to her would be like, he'd have grown bored of her, and then discarded her for other women, leaving her alone. I think it could've worked, if Theon wasn't so easily swayed by his own passions, but also by others; Theon is not his own person, he's really whatever anyone else pushes of him, and I think being a weak man, even before Bolton, he was doomed.
I like Aemond, because I think he and Sansa sort of act as a mirror for one another, but I also think they'd be the sassiest duo alive, everyone underestimates them. Aemond's temper and impulse control are genuine issues they'd have to contend with, but so is Sansa's passiveness, and inability to always express *her* wants. They both don't always understand that they do have to care for themselves, I think they'll look out for the other, but they'll forget about themselves; which I think will balance out. I think Aemond and Sansa would be good for each other in the long run, and short run, I think they sort of have an equilibrium that could build into something legendary.
In Sansa's timeline, the only three prospects I think that she has that are serious would be Jon, Willas Tyrell, and (f?)Aegon Targaryen. Of those three, I prefer Jon or Willas for her. I do not consider Harry the Heir a serious prospect for Sansa despite the current set up, primarily because I don't like him.
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obatmeraah · 8 years
20160203 Nic & Al
Eleven years. Yes, for the last eleven years I’ve been dealing with this kind of pitiful hollow in my heart – I would say body but I’m a big girl there’s no such thing my body is hollow. Well, probably not eleven. Maybe it’s ten, since the first year I didn’t know what the feeling was called.
It seemed like a long time ago, but I still can remember it in a flicker snap. I was just another ordinary teenage girl when I actually first met this boy. I wouldn’t say he was as ordinary as me, but he wasn’t the most popular either. We were in the same class when it happened.
It was the first period of the first day of our senior year when our teacher assigned us to work together in group projects for the rest of the semester. Well, both of us, one of my friends – Liz, and two of his friends. It wasn’t like I hate him, or his friends. I just hated – uh, how do I say this – noises? Yes, that’s the word. Or more like, I hated loud noises. And they were loud. I knew because I usually gave them a disgusted look every time I passed their table in the lunch hall. So yeah, I was sulking for the good two periods while Liz gave me a silent pity look – she was nice enough to not dislike them – and the three of them talked about what they were going to have for lunch – I know, are you fucking serious?
By the time the class ended, I immediately bolted out of the classroom, half-dragging Liz with me to our lockers. We were switching our books when those three little brats showed up in the hallway, walking towards us. For a split second, I thought they were going to talk to Liz since she was the nicer one. I mean, who would want to talk to an unfriendly sarcastic girl, right?
Oh wait, he would.
“Nicole, right?” He asked as he held his hand up for me to hold. On the corner of my eyes, I could see the other two approaching Liz. Of course.
I raised my eyebrows at him, but shook the warm hand nonetheless. I didn’t want to say anything and I was almost glad he understood my gesture by saying again, “I’m Alex. Those two brats talking to Elizabeth are Ralph and Brandon.”
“They call her Liz,” I said as I pulled out my hand from his firm grasp. He smiled, “Right, Liz. And what do they call you?”
“Nicole,” I answered flatly. He chuckled and I swore I could hear him mumbling of course before adding, “I’m gonna call you Nic.”
Oh no, don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t the beginning of any friendship – or any relationship at all.
I ended up having a major crush on Brandon while Alex became the big brother I never had, completed with his girlfriend Lauren who eventually became the big sister of mine. We argued a lot, with Lauren being our mediator. Ralph was the gay-looking friend I didn’t knew I needed, except he wasn’t gay. He loved spending time going out with us girls even though her girlfriend at the time didn’t like us much. He valued friendship above everything – seriously everything, one time I was sick at home and my parents were gone and he was visiting me even though it was his birthday.
But Brandon was another story. For the young Nicole, Brandon was everything a girl could dream of. Oh no, he wasn’t the quarterback of the football team or something like that. He was the captain of the basketball team though. And he was way smarter than me. He would teach me things without making me feel like an idiot. But I was right though, he was loud. Even though he wasn’t as arrogant as I thought he would be. He made all of us promise to watch his games and I always rolled my eyes at him saying it needed too much work, but I ended up sitting on the back row of the tribune with Liz and Ralph anyway, desperately hiding my feelings.
My high school crush didn’t end well, of course. Brandon ended up having a crush on a sophomore girl and Brandon was being Brandon, not willing to let it go until he got an answer from the girl – which was a yes.
Time passed and before we knew it, we were graduating. Liz and I went to different colleges – so did the others – and I honestly didn’t know if any of my mutual friends were going to my college out of the town. Well, not until when Ralph set me off at the train station and said, “You take care of yourself. And Alex, God knows he needs someone to take care of him.”
I deadpanned. “What do you mean?”
“Wait you didn’t know?” His eyes widened in amusement when I shook my head and he said, “Alex was on the waiting list, right? But yesterday they called him telling him that he was accepted.”
I should be happy hearing the news from Ralph, but I grumbled half-heartedly, “Well he didn’t tell me.”
Ralph laughed, knowing the banter between Alex and me wouldn’t stop even when we would live in the same town for another four years. He hugged me goodbye, and well, that, my friend, was the first page of the Nic-and-Al chapter, or you could say, the year where it all began.
Side-note: I came up with the nickname about a month after he constantly called me Nic despite how much I told him not to.
Al broke up with Lauren soon after he settled down in college, right after thanksgiving. Lauren claimed she couldn’t do a long distance relationship even though they had been together for like, years. Al didn’t even tell me until three months after the breakup, making me feel stupid because I should’ve known better.
When Al took steps to move on from Lauren by going out with his girl friends from his Finance class, I gradually found myself falling hard for him. Al was the sweetest human being who treated girls preciously – except me. He was so, so lovingly rude and he loved to cling on me due to his tiredness of classes when everyone wasn’t around – claiming that he was too manly to do that in front of his friends. And even though we were both single for the whole first three years of college, it just never happened between the two of us.
However, when senior year came, something happened – I still didn’t know what – and we completely separated. We didn’t talk and we didn’t even greet each other when we met on the campus hallway, just a lingering look coming from me. And as much as I hurt because of the sudden loss of contact, I didn’t dare to make a move. No, of course I didn’t. Instead I got myself a boyfriend and he didn’t know how hurt I felt when he gave me the unapproved look every time he saw me walking hand in hand with my boyfriend. He didn’t know how I really wanted to let go of my boyfriend’s hand and leave him if he’d have me. But no, I didn’t tell him any of those, I was a coward, still is. And I regretted it for every single day I lived until this day came.
The mourning day.
The mourning day sounded like I exaggerated things, which I probably did. But it is the day, one day, every year where I let myself drown in a pool of this awful feeling, remembering every bit of memories of Al that I still keep neatly in the back of my mind. Every single year, I let myself fall in love with young Al over and over again. Every single year, until now, which is – I hope – the last year of mourning for me. Because all these years I was always wondering how he was doing and stuff like that, but this year I’m lucky to have an answer when he contacted me this morning. Yes, he was doing great, he is. And Al is about to get married.
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