Reading Log | 2016
Carry On (Rainbow Rowell)
YA fantasy/romance
not my most favorite
I’m honestly a bit disappointed
how are boys so gross
The Ersatz Elevator (Lemony Snicket)
children’s series
perfect, as expected
we’re really getting into the plot now
did I actually read these books in my childhood??
The Raven Boys (Maggie Stiefvater)
YA fantasy
I quite liked it
I, despite everything, always love magic
I am not really fond of the Cool Girl is Cooler Once She Befriends and Tames Cool Boys thing, as a rule
her name is Blue, my name is Teal
where are the women?
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Benjamin Alire Sáenz)
YA realistic fiction
this book changed me as a person
I am a changed person
what an emotional journey
honestly, that was beautiful
I am feeling way more sympathetic to boy-ness after this book
this makes the “My Favorite Books Besides Harry Potter (Obviously) list
why have I been reading so many books about boys and inter-boy relationships?
The Dream Thieves (Maggie Stiefvater)
YA fantasy
I’m just looking for some Ronan/Adam kisses 
American Born Chinese (Gene Luen Yang)
graphic novel for kids/teens
I read this because Gene Luen Yang is coming to the 2016 WWU Children’s literature conference, which is in a couple of weeks
it was honestly so good
I really like children’s lit.
is children’s lit. my thing?
Blue Lily, Lily Blue (Maggie Stiefvater)
YA fantasy
why is there no kissing in these books?
Boy Meets Boy (David Levithan)
YA romance
who knew this was satirical? 
2016 is just the year of teen books about boys, I guess
Career of Evil (Robert Galbraith)
mystery/detective/crime idk anything about adult fiction genres
It took me an entire month to read this book.
Why did it take me an entire month to read this book?
(March was a rough month.)
I don’t even know if I like mysteries
I do know that I like Jo
good old J.K.
I feel kinda surprised it was one of the three original suspects
tbh, I can’t even remember the resolution of The Silkworm
that author guy was just really not a compelling victim
unlike, for example, Lula Landry (THE CUCKOO’S CALLING: what a debut)
also, the chapters-from-the-murderer’s-perspective thing was really grossing me out ngl
is being transabled a thing??
that sounds fake but okay
I love Robin
Robin is 200x cooler than every other character
why does Strike have to hate women
Jo, why does Strike have to hate women?
I want to know more about Robin/for Robin to take over the business
for Strike and Mathew to accidentally murder each other and Robin to take over the business
The Shadow Hero (Gene Luen Yang)
young adult graphic novel
wow I feel like this was really cool tbh
Charlotte Temple (Susanna Rowson)
seduction/sentimental novel
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Harriet Jacobs)
slave narrative
just amazing
I love books about sisterhood and womanhood and not men
Through the Woods (Emily Carroll) 
adult horror-y graphic novel
the illustrations were honestly so beautiful
creepy things are creepy
Empress of the World  (Sara Ryan)
YA romance
honestly has anyone else ever even read this book
Lady Midnight (Cassandra Clare)
YA fantasy
I gotta say, despite my slowly growing disdain for a lot of teen-y teen stuff, I still love this world and all of its capital T teen vibes
idk how I feel about Emma, though
she feels almost girl-with-such-traditionally-masculine-personality-traits-and-therefore-cool to me
but this is just book 1
I have hope
I kinda like the Emma/Julian-Emma/Mark-Mark/Cristina-Cristina/Diego thing
like, I feel that’s probably realistic for a lot of people
how about some Emma/Cristina stuff
also Kit/Ty (I’ve seen the fic, guys. I see you.)
why is it so unbearable dreamy time and time again
I feel that Clary and friends need to get out of the plot, though
Jem and Tessa are okay, though
God, I love Jem
Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) 
kid’s book
written in the 19th century
secretly about me and my three sisters and our Laurie, Russell
The Vile Village (Lemony Snicket)
kid’s series
perfect as always
The Raven King (Maggie Stiefvater)
teen fantasy series
I hope irl boys are like these teen fic boys
more thoughts to come
Me Before You (Jojo Moyes) 
romantic/dramatic adult book idk
lol I read this entire book in one sitting and that was a weird but necessary way to go
two things:
while reading/tentatively predicting the book’s end to my roommate I actually said something along the lines of “Okay, yes, a miracle cure/love-will-out theme is the cliche of this kind of book, but the sick/dying person actually dying is also cliche so let’s just not with that”
I feel so uncomfortable with the amount of what I suspect is really harmful (but probably normalized) albeism in this book—I wonder who’s talking about this/if Jojo Moyes has addressed it herself
The Business of Fancydancing (Sherman Alexie)
I’ve been feeling so intensely about Sherman Alexie recently (I have a legit friend who legit knows Sherman Alexie soo)
the same week I read this book I watched the movies of both The Business of Fancydancing and Smoke Signals and tbh, despite the perfection that is Smoke Signals, I really liked TBOF and think it’s maybe better
Sherman Alexie writes a lot about being a man and that’s something that I can’t enter into in anyway and that’s just a thing I’ve being thinking about re: his books
one of the things I’ve loved most about being a lit. student is thinking about lyric writing and poetry in ways that I wouldn’t have had I not being assigned not-novels (my lit. of choice) and I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to think about TBOF in a classroom/academic context
Citizen (Claudia Rankine)
lyric?? (what even does that mean in terms of genre? pls ask a different lit major thx bye)
I don’t even feel that my words can do this book justice
read this book
google: Citizen Trump rally
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
this is for podcast reasons!!
The House on Mango Street (Sandra Cisneros)
short stories, autobiographical fiction (??)
amazing, obviously
I should have taken more notes
I am just not one for short stories
The Cursed Child (J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany)
fiction/kid’s lit/A FRICKIN’ SCRIPT (which I was expecting but am still not tickled about)
see podcast for feels
I’ll Give You the Sun (Jandy Nelson)
teen realistic fiction
SO. GOOD. ALREADY. (p. 44)
my faith in teen realistic fiction has been renewed
Jude is so not a MPDG @ John Green take note
@ Jerry Spinelli
@ every white adult man who’s tried to write about a teen girl
2016 is the year I become completely versed in the teen boy psyche
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (J.K. Rowling)
Teen. Boys. 
What did I tell you
God, this book is like a piece of my soul
Outlander (Diana Gabaldon)
It only took 12 whole years, but here we are
The final scenes were so A+, and I’ve been freaking out since reading them
I can’t decide if I am going to try and struggle through the rest of the series or not
The TV series is beautiful and perfect and my sexual orientation is now officially Jamie saying the word “Sassenach”
How can a book set in rural Scotland in the 1740s present such complex ideas about sexuality I am amazed
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (J.K. Rowling)
this is arguably my favorite book in the series
Hermione explaining to Harry and Ron why it was so important to figure out what is going on with the Chamber/Heir is so relevant and haunting always, but especially this time around
The Second Summer of the Sisterhood (Anne Brashares)
I had to skip this one the first time I read these!
I am so glad it was so entirely about mother-daughter relationships!
Except Anne Brashares’ obviously super-internalized fat-phobic stuff!
That’s gotta go!
The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
listening to the audiobook was such a throwback to the first time I read/listened to this book back in 2008 or w/e
this book/series is honestly so good, and I intend to spend a substantial portion of my life explaining to anyone who will listen why I think that
Catching Fire (Cassandra Clare)
Mockingjay (Cassandra Clare)
The Argonauts (Maggie Nelson) 
nonfiction, memoir/lyric
truly amazing
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GGC’16 Featured Contributor | Natalie McGriff
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source: New York Magazine
read the full article in all its glory here: http://www.vulture.com/2014/01/best-punctuation-marks-literature-nabokov-eliot-dickens-levi.html
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Marvel-ous Ladies of DragonCon, Part 2!
Phoenix: Seelix Peggy Carter: Sarah Dempster Captain Marvel: Tereshkova Costuming Misty Knight: Jay Justice Psylocke: Materia Girl Squirrel Girl: Always Adriel Costuming Emma Frost: Desiree Cosplay Kitty Pryde: Karen Patriquin Guest X-23: RX Queen Costuming
Photography: Alexandra Lee Studios
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All seven Harry Potter stories - in one poster.
Full Portfolio: www.petterscholander.com
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Over at his blog, Todd Klein takes us through the design process that took us from the painting to the printed finished cover, taking in his lettering choices, design choices and even the colour choices on the way. If you are interested in design, you should check it out…  http://kleinletters.com/Blog/title-and-cover-design-for-neil-gaimans-stardust/#more-32447
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Ways I am exactly like Maria Reynolds
• half-dressed • apologetic • a mess • looks pathetic
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The Star Wars Project by Greg Ruth
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“what if the aborted baby could have cured cancer???”
oh my god what if the last egg I bled onto a kotex product could have cured cancer??
oh my god how am I not birthing every possible egg I produce, lest one of those resulting babies be the person who cures cancer/AIDS/creates world peace????
what if that baby could have been a musical artist described by pitchfork as “liberace with a metalcore twist”????
how dare i not be pregnant/birthing all the time always?????
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OUR SECOND INSTALLMENT IS HERE! And we talk about Hamilton, naturally. It’s approximately two parts fangirling, one part critical review, and carried in full by my ridiculously insightful friends and co-hosts, Hanna and Alyssa. 
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i’ve been on a short documentary kick lately and thought i’d share links to the female-centered ones:
Schoolgirls for Sale in Japan 
Under Coven: The Witches of Bushwick
Inside the Weird World of an Islamic ‘Feminist’ Cult
The Land Where Women Rule: China’s Last Matriarchy
The Land of No Men: Inside Kenya’s Women-Only Village
Life of a Kumari Goddess: The Young Girls Whose Feet Never Touch The Ground
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(Sisterhood of the Traveling Podcast)
My dear friends, Hanna and Alyssa, and I have decided fill the void living in different cities has opened in our hearts by making a podcast. For our first installment, we read and discussed The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and if that doesn't warm your heart I don't know what will.
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Just One Word Book Photo Challenge August 2016
Day 3: Hot
Hot colored books on a hot day
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incorrect star wars quotes (6/?) (insp.)
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maggie stiefvater: possible ronan trilogy
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Gabby Douglas paved the way for other young gymnasts of color.
Despite not making the all-around gymnastics final for this year’s Olympics, Gabby Douglas remains a vital part of U.S women’s gymnastic history. As the first black gymnast in Olympic history to win the title of Individual All-Around Champion, at the  2012 London Summer Olympics, Douglas has inspired many girls of color to participate in what is still a predominantly white sport, including the world’s best gymnast and current Olympic individual leader Simone Biles.  
Following her Sunday performance, viewers were quick to point out both Douglas’ reputation as a role model for young women, especially young women of color, as well as her “incredible” talent. Several twitter users had some sharp comebacks for people criticizing Douglas’ hair.
follow @the-movemnt
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my roommate and their classmates are burning & sacrificing an animal cracker to pray for their greek final to be canceled
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