#waaah this is such a lovely message
seiwas · 4 months
hi sel!!! Hope ur doing well n having an extremely amazing dayyy❤️❤️❤️
I came across this tweet where jjk’s screenwriter shares his description of gojo n my couldn’t help but think of ur gojo in col. n also gojo in augustinewrites’ fushigojo series!
“he has a soft heart and when poked, he can be weak” n emotionally vulnerable. im particularly fond of augustine’s and ur gojo fics coz they really highlight this side of him n i havent seen many do that…that’s why they’re my favs!!
Sel, i’ve seen u say that ur col gojo might be ooc sometimes?! I always thought he was perfectly written, but this interview has made me admire u more coz u just captured his character so immaculately. it’s like u guys have always UNDERSTOOD him n what gojo as a character is really about! there’s that unexplored side of his character that gets overlooked n im so in love with how ur descriptions of him!!
U guys are the bestest!! all the love to u😙🫶
zuro anon
zuro anon omg 🥺 this is the sweetest message ever, i am so happy to see you drop by!!! it feels like clear skies every time!!! 🥺 i hope you're doing well and that your weekend is even better!! 💗
and omg??? that tweet wAAH it makes me so soft 🥺 for you to say that col gojo and augustine's fushigojo gojo reminds you of this satoru WAAH that is such a compliment 😭 i am so touched, i'm sure @augustinewrites will be too once she sees this 😭
you are always so sweet coming in here with such lovely things to say!!! i am sawbing inside 🥹 i adore YOU zuro anon for all the light you bring on here 🥺 thank you thank you so much 🥺 YOU are the bestest!! i am sending you ALLL my love 🥺
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irafuwas · 7 months
魔法の言葉 覚えている 虹の始まったところ あの時世界の全てに 一瞬で色が付いた
i still remember those magic words, still remember where that rainbow began it was the moment my whole world burst into color
転ばないように気を付けて でもどこまでもいかなきゃ 陽射しさえ掴めそうな手が ひどく冷たかったから
i went on carefully, trying not to stumble but i still had so long to go 'cause even though it felt like my hands could've grabbed hold of the sunlight itself they were cold instead. so terribly cold
本当の声はいつだって 正しい道を照らしている なんだって疑っているから とても強く信じている
my inner voice always shows me where i need to go it doubts everyone and everything. that's why i trust it so much
心臓が動いている事の 吸って吐いてが続く事の 心がずっと熱い事の 確かな理由を 雲の向こうの銀河のように どっかで無くした切符のように 生まれる前の歴史のように 君が持っているから
that my heart continues to beat that i'm still here breathing that this gentle warmth has long thrummed through my chest there's a certain reason for it all and like a galaxy hidden behind the clouds like a ticket i'd lost somewhere like all the world's history before you were born you hold that reason within you
それだけ わかっている (わかっている) 僕だけ わかっている (わかっている)
that much i know (i know) i'm the only one who knows (the only one)
鈍く残った痛みとか しまってしまった思いとか 滲んだって消えないもので 街は出来ている
things like a dull pain that lingers, and thoughts you've shut away that's what home is made of - stuff that blurs over time but never truly fades away
魔法の言葉 覚えている 虹の辿り着いたところ 転ばないように気を付けて でもどこまでもいけるよ
i still remember those magic words, still remember where that rainbow touched down i go on carefully, making sure i don't stumble but i can make it. i know i can
無くしたくないものを 見つけたんだって気付いたら こんなに嬉しくなって こんなに怖くなるなんて
whenever i realize i've found something i don't want to lose what words can describe how happy it makes me feel? how scared?
想像つかない昨日を越えて その延長の明日を抱えて 小さな肩 震える今 それでも笑った 迷路の奥のダイヤのような 届かなかった風船のような 気付けなかった流星のような 涙を貰った
overcoming a yesterday i never could've dreamed of holding onto a tomorrow that seemed like it'd never end those small shoulders, they tremble now, but still i smiled and i cried those tears were like a diamond at the center of a maze like a balloon floating by just out of reach like a shooting star i'd never noticed
だからもう 忘れない (忘れない) 二度ともう 迷わない (迷わない)
and that's why i'll never forget (i'll never forget) that's why i'll never lose my way again (never again)
心臓が動いている事の 吸って吐いてが続く事の 心がずっと熱い事の 確かな理由が
that my heart continues to beat that i'm still here breathing that this gentle warmth has long thrummed through my chest there's a certain reason for it all
砂漠の粒のひとつだろうと 消えていく雨のひとつだろうと 貰った 名も知らない花のように 今目の前にあるから
your reason could be a single grain of sand in the desert or a drop of rain in a fading storm it's like a flower you've been given whose name you don't know and i can see my reason right here before me now
それだけ わかっている (わかっている) 僕だけ わかっている (わかっている)
that much i know (i know) i'm the only one who knows (the only one)
だからもう 離れない (離れない) 二度ともう 迷わない (迷わない)
and that's why i won't let go (i won't let go) that's why i'll never lose my way again (never again)
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hsr-texts · 1 year
How about reader is in a silly goofy mood and texts welt, Jing yuan, Dan Heng, and Gerard that they want a baby? (Established relationship maybe?) WAAAH your blog is so cute I love it 🥰 keep up the good work 🩵🩵🩵
✎ i want a baby :: hsr boys' reactions
❥ new messages from :: dan heng, gepard, jing yuan, welt
❥ notices :: thank you!! i appreciate the support and had fun making this. Also warning for a slightly suggestive Jing Yuan
❥ taglist :: @donaldthrts
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nakunakunomi · 7 months
Hi Hazel! Birthday week, waaah exciting! I hope you're having so much fun with all those requests and drabbles ( ˘ ³˘)
Could I ask for the letter O from the fluff alphabet with Geto, please? I know he's a favorite of yours as well and I've been really enjoying your takes on JJK chars so far <3
Thank you so much!
Henlo Lale! I am having SO much fun, and THANK YOU for requesting Geto, I have been having so much love for him on my mind, so i am happy to indulge you and myself in this one. Think I'll be finishing the night with this one before I dive into bed with the -no doubt- wonderful Itachi you wrote me as a bedtime story (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ enjoy!
2nd person. GN reader. No warnings, just fluff. [A/N]/going with pre-incident/AU Geto for making life a little easier, but may do an alt version of older Geto if my requests run out during the week/
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O - On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Suguru is in love, it’s not super obvious at first, at least not for most people. There is no humming, skipping in the street or head in the clouds situation, but there are some definite signs that will immediately tip off anyone who knows him better. 
It starts with the way he smiles whenever you’re around. You can’t quite say what is different about it, just that it is. The way it reaches his eyes, cheeky grins being replaced with sincere smiles, and genuine laughter way more often around you. The sound is enough to make the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
He will be checking his phone more often, just to see if he’s got a message from you. He will subtly update you about his day, send random pictures, anything to start a conversation. And the best of it all: even the mundane conversations will become exciting and entertaining some way? You don’t know how he does it, but he manages to ask the right questions and say just the right thing to make the conversation flow so easily, making you crave his presence as much as he craves yours.
I’d like to think that he is pretty straightforward about his feelings, but he will test the waters first: a hangout with just you, a late night conversation in the dorms running till way past midnight, the two of you finding more and more deep topics to discuss, not even noticing just how tired your bodies are cause your minds and hearts are just racing. When he’s sure enough that you like him as well, he’ll be straightforward about it. He’ll ask you out, clear about his romantic intentions. And how can you refuse, when there is such a love-filled determination in his eyes?
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This is part of my AB(C)-Day event! Click here to join!
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thomotomo · 7 months
To pin or not pin - Faker x Male Reader
A/N: I hope you'll like it ☺️ Took a bit of time but here it is~ I've got 5 more fics in writing for the T1 cuties and I'll try to publish 1 per week depending on how busy I am ✌️ Please leave a comment and/or reblog if you enjoyed the story 🫰
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Being the first openly gay player of the LCK hadn't been easy to you, after all, many people in South Korea weren't open about that yet but you didn't want to hide who you were and even if you had been dropped by a few teams throughout your career who didn't want to bother with bad press, you had been lucky to score a spot in the legendary T1 team.
The whole process had taken a huge toll on your mental health and for the longest while, you had struggled, but now, with all of your teammates and staff being unconditionally supportive you had never been better. And it had reflected in your gameplay, you probably had never been better, basically shutting up any kind of game related homophobic comments. Of course you still had your detractors but you didn't care anymore about them, after all you were part of your dream team, playing alongside Faker. And yeah maybe throughout the time you had been playing with him you might had developed a crush on the guy but this had stayed between you and Minseok (who caught you more often than not trying to keep yourself from grinning brightly every time Sanghyeok was not looking).
The young support was teasing you at every occasion available, laughing at your misery, but luckily for you the famous midlaner was quite oblivious to your turmoil and you would love to keep it this way. Today had been no different than usual, you had been streaming your solo queue to the fans, showcasing your skills while casually chatting with the chat.
[xxxx] donated 25000wons: Hyung do you have a crush on someone?
Oh fuck you hadn't expected that and your heart jumped on your chest. You did your best to keep your face as it had been previously, forcing a chuckle out.
"Ah that's not polite to ask~ If I had a crush you wouldn't know it, it's my private life after all."
You checked the chat, luckily they seemed more interesting in chastising the donator rather than pushing for an answer. Your phone vibrated and you saw a message from Minseok, laughing at you, meaning he was definitely watching you. You bit back a snort, focusing on the game happening and no "incendent" of the sort happened for the rest of the duration of your stream. Once you had ended, you stretched and headed to the common kitchen, grabbing some food from the fridge to cook yourself a nice heartwarming meal.
"So... I you had a crush huh?" Your froze for a second before turning quickly a sending a glare towards your friend.
"Shut up Minseok!"
The younger male laughed at you as you rolled your eyes and turned back towards your cooking, some tofu jjigae, meat and dumplings. Streaming always took much energy out of you that you had to eat a lot to gain back energy.
"Waaah (Y/N), your food smells so good!", you chuckled, Minseok being your best friend, he was the one who ate most of your cooking, and you'd think that he would get tired of the smells of your food. You took a spoon and stirred the stew.
"You want a taste?"
The younger male nodded excitedly and you laughed, bringing the stew filled spoon to his mouth, grinned as he hummed as he took in all the flavours.
"This is so good... You're really the best cook man!"
You beamed at him and patted his head, continuing your conversation, oblivious to the witness who was quietly leaving the area.
Once you had finished preparing the food you and Minseok headed to the common area where everyone usually took meals. Your friend was staring at you intently and you were doing everything in your power to ignore him, knowing what (more like whom) he wanted to talk about.
"So, do you plan on confessing?", ah so he had decided to break the silence himself.
"Probably never. I don't know why you're asking this every few days, it'll always be the same answer."
He groaned in frustration, maybe because he was a hopeless romantic, he was adamant about you having to confess to your captain. You ignored his annoyed complaints and just focused on eating.
" Hm why are you ranting about (Y/N) being a coward Minseok-ah?"
And here was the object of your affections, taking a seat next to your grinning friend and now looking at you intently. You couldn't let the young support say a word about a potential crush or anything in the like so you used his silence to speak.
"It's because I don't want to try to make this new recipe because it's... Pretty complicated."
Sanghyeok looked at you in a confused manner, after all, you were renowned at T1 for being an awesome cook it didn't really make sense for him that you would be scared of trying out a new recipe.
You avoided his gaze, focusing on your meal instead. You could see Minseok trying to keep a straight face, biting his lower lip to keep himself from laughing. The meal was awkwardly quiet, Keria trying to make the two of you speak more but you were just too awkward around Sanghyeok and you didn't want to blurt random mess.
By the time you finished eating you were exhausted and you cleaned up your mess and bid the guys goodnight, quickly shuffling to your room. You closed the door behind you and immediately changed into pajamas and jumped in your bed, trying to gather your thoughts and trying not to cringe at the way you behaved around your crush.
Falling asleep you decided that it was time to put a stop to your crush. The next morning you decided to put your plan to execution, you were going to avoid Sanghyeok as much as possible until eventually your feelings would fiddle out and the problem would be solved.
It couldn't be worse than confessing and then being rejected which surely would've put a more awkward atmosphere than your current plan.
For the next few weeks, you did your best to avoid Sanghyeok or keep interaction to minimal, to the confusion of everyone since you usually liked to ramble about the meta and possible new ideas of counter of some champions and such. You could feel the confused stare of the staff and Tom even took you aside to see how you were doing, wondering if anything bad had happened, after all the team atmosphere was important to maintain a good cohesion. You assured him that everything was okay and that he didn't have to worry about it.
When you and Minseok were chilling in your room, one night, he was quite vocal about the disapproval of your plan, hitting you on the back of the head, but he knew ultimately that he couldn't do anything to reverse your decision and (in his opinion) shit plan.
Sanghyeok had tried to get informations from Minseok since he was your best friend, but the younger man didn't said anything and he just wanted to understand what he had done wrong to you, but he didn't recall anything an
One night Sanghyeok decided that he had enough and one night after your stream he waited until you headed to the kitchen to join you and close the door behind him, effectively trapping you with him.
You were gathering the ingredients to make yourself some instant noodles with eggs and dumpling when the door shutting up took you by surprise. You turned around to see who it was and seeing Sanghyeok standing there with an unreadable expression was kind of scaring you.
"Why have you been avoiding me so much?"
Oh fuck.
"Huh? I... Haven't been avoiding you, I'm just... Busy."
"(Y/N)." Fuck he was using his serious voice on you which was both terrifying and hot but now wasn't the time to think about that.
"Don't lie you have been avoiding me for the past few weeks."
You sighed.
"Ah... It's complicated... Promise me that whatever I say won't change a single thing between us", he blinked at you and nodded whilst you were gathering your thoughts and strength.
"I... Kind of have a crush on you? But I don't want you to be uncomfortable so I've just... Tried to keep it down. So don't hate me for that please. And you know I don't have a good reputation in general with the public so... I don't want you or the team to be affected by this you know..?"
"Hate you? You should have told me this earlier it would've make this whole situation easier."
You were confused about the wording of his sentence and you were about to ask him what he meant, he brought his hands to your face and brought it together with his, kissing you gently. Your eyes opened wide, you hadn't expected that your feelings would be returned but you let yourself melt and before you knew it, your hands naturally found his waist as you deepened the kiss, you couldn't believe what was happening but you were making sure to enjoy every second of it just in case it was a dream.
"Oh finally!"
The two of you jumped apart, looking at Minseok who was standing in the doorframe with a wide grin on his face.
"Oh you can go on, I just wanted to fill my bottle, just don't do anything dirty on the counters please."
The two of you flushed a little at Minseok's implication and he just left while humming a song. Sanghyeok smiled a little and took your hand in his.
"Don't do that again right? I don't care what the medias are going to say, I really like you and I just want us to go back how we were right?"
You nodded, too stunned to say anything, your heart filled with love for the other man in front of you. You quickly gave him a peck, it was only the second time you kissed him but you knew you were already addicted to the feeling of his lips against yours. You couldn't help but look at him and ask in a quiet but giddy voice.
"So... Are we boyfriends now?"
He chuckled and the sound made your heart do flip in your chest.
"Yes we are." Sanghyeok had a soft smile on his lips and you couldn't believe you were the one who put it there now. You had almost forgotten the reason why you were in the kitchen and turned to the food right behind you and took out another pack of ramen to cook for your now boyfriend. You couldn't help a grin to form on your face at that new realization.
Once the meal was ready, the two of you headed to the table to eat and he sat across you and you couldn't help but reach with your feet and lock one of your legs together. He chuckled and you grinned as you dived into your meal. So maybe your plan didn't work like you had originally wanted, but the final result was definitely worth it.
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scarlet-alleyway · 1 month
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The amount of love and support that you guys have given me- both during my absence and especially over my last update post- is honestly insane and i've been politely SOBBING about it
I'm honestly so grateful for everyone's kind words and well wishes. I kept trying to figure out how/where to reply and kept finding myself running in circles ;u;
I hope it's alright if I place everyone's asks in this one response post, even if some of them are months late by now (below the cut) Thanks again <3
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Thank you, anon ;-; I'm sorry to answer so many months later, but i hope you know that you're even kinder for sending this message in the first place! <3
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*crying* WAAAH i'm so sorry, thank you for taking the time to check up on me and the fic, and I really hope you're doing well out there <3
This fic will have a conclusion someday, even if it takes a while ^_^
Peace and love x2
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This is honestly one of the sweetest things I've ever heard and I want you to know I was staring at this sequence of asks for DAYS trying to express how happy I was that you reached out. I'm 99% sure I've technically already thanked you for this, but I feel like I should place it here just to be safe. Thank you so, so much ;u; <3 I'm blessing your crops, feeding your cows, and stealing sparkling items for you like a crow for the rest of my life.
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Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to reach out and let me know you've been liking the story so far! ;u; <3 I'm not sure if I want to leave the details of the future up to the reader, or give firm details on it just yet, but Casey will definitely be a central figure in the story ^_^ Wishing you a wonderful day/week/month!
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@just-a-blue-nerd Hi, sorry to tag you in this huge response ask but I just wanted to say thank you so much for thinking of me ;u; <3 Throwing this right back into your headspace and wishing you the absolute best!
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year
Kody's "pond rant" and what it means
I NEED to talk about the Kody park episode otherwise I will DIE
CW: discussions of mental health and suicidal thoughts
I used to think that Kody was a villain that was just evil for the sake of evil and was kind of poorly written, but since rewatching the park episode I changed my mind (I still think there's flaws with his writing but anyways)
I don't know if you remember but in the episode where Kody and Freelancer were at the park Kody had this whole rant about the park pond being dirty
At first I thought he was just being like "waaah waaah I'm a water elemental and I'm connected to dirty water how grossdd" and it was partially that but there was a deeper message.
I'll type out the whole rant so you can see:
"See that water? This city loves to tout that this park has a "gorgeous built-in water feature". It's a hole in the ground with a cheap, flimsy fountain in the middle of it. The pump gets so full of debris from the litter people throw into the water that it doesn't even pump half of the time. And it reeks. That's the glory of unprocessed unattended gray water at play. It might as well be sewage at this point. But it's water. It's the same stuff that courses through your body. That revitalizes you, keeps you clean, keeps your thirst slacked. It's the same thing that connects every scrap of land on this god forsaken planet. I can feel it. Not with my hands, nothing that trite. I can feel it. In my senses, in my core. My powers touch it, and it touches back. The water is disgusting, you can see the scum in it, the trash that has been thrown in it. I'd never swim in it and I'd certainly never drink it. But it's connected to me. Irrevocably, inescapably. That algae-ridden sewer water is a part of me. One that I can't sever myself from. All I can do is stare at it, wish someone would come clean it, or wish that it was just gone. Just fill the hole, start over. It'd be better for everyone, even if it was a loss. I hope you understand the gravity of what you did."
And if it weren't obvious enough, later:
"People look at me like they look at that scum-filled puddle."
If you still don't get it: Kody is basically making a metaphor.
He is the puddle. He's a bad person, but (in his mind) there's nothing he can do about it. He just wishes that someone would come and fix him, or just wishes he was simply, dead.
I first thought that this was simply the classic manipulation tactic of saying that you're gonna kys to make the victim feel bad and summit to you in the worries that you might actually do it but,
The thing is, everything that he's saying in this metaphorical rant goes against everything he's said before and after it
He is constantly saying that he's actually the victim, that he was just trying to help them and that everyone just pulled out their pitchforks and convinced them that he was in the wrong
But in this rant, he admits that he's a bad person and needs help.
And he usually doesn't speak in these metaphors for no reason.
It really seems like a silent confession, wether or not FL got it or just thought he just started ranting about about the dirty puddle for no reason, we don't know
He recognized that he's a bad person and needs help, but his idea of getting help is someone coming up to him with a magic wand and declaring "there! You're fixed! You can go out and live in society now!"
He doesn't recognize that the only person who can fix him is himself. Clearly when he got counselling but didn't seem to get any better, it's because he couldn't even admit out loud that he is the problem, he possibly even started believing his own lie.
He was a loner who couldn't get close to a person, so he sought after a person who was unknowledgeable and unaware of his doing. When that person eventually found out and he was pushed to a corner, he turned on the defensive and started gaslighting and manipulating like his life depended on it. Once that didn't work, he just went away to a new place where nobody knew he did anything wrong in the first place.
I always see people saying or implying that Kody didn't really get a deserving punishment for his actions, but I disagree
Because it's just going to keep happening to him.
Until he admits to his wrongs, he's just going to keep doing wrong things and then running away when he can't gaslight everyone around him.
Also he like, got completely decked by Damien in the inversion
I hope it's clear by my wording but I don't think that just because Kody has suicidal thoughts that suddenly means that he's absolved of all his wrong doings, he is very clearly supposed to be an antagonist, I'm just not the kind of person to quickly get rid of and stuff a character into a box before sending them flowing down the river just because they're a bad person and hurt my pwecious wittle babies
While there is some things about Kody's storyline that I didn't like I definitely see that he's a much deeper character than I first thought.
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xxmoonch1ldxx · 6 months
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i can do doggy style, 69, on the bed, on the floor, on the counter, in the shower, in the kitchen sink. i can be top, i can be bottom. he can rail me, or i can give him head. whatever he wants, he shall recieve. all because he is such a pussy popping boob squeezing hip thrusting dick sucking ass touching man that makes me cum and want to give him the gawk gawk 500 ultra max pro until all i can taste in my mouth his is cum unti the day i die and after that. he can do whatever the fuck he wants with me, as long as i can suck his toes as a token of appriciation for making me wetter than water and hornier than a unicorns horn. Step on me dominate me slap me spank me choke me make me your dog keep me as your slut as your whore as your little girl whom you can use anytime make me your toilet cleaner make me your shoe make me your carpet I'll do anything for you get on my knees get on my hands get on all fours bark meow become your dog become your cat become your anything. MY LOVE I LOVE U SO MUCH U CAN DO ANYTHING TO ME AND I WONT SPEAK A SINGLE WORD U CAN CHOKE ME TO DEATH BURN ME INTO FIRE THROW SHOES AT ME SPIT AT ME CHOKE ME WITH A TOWEL BANG MY HEAD ON WALL SPRAY SHIT AT ME BITE ME TEAR ME BREAK ME BREAK MY HEART LOVE ME HATE ME ABUSE ME CUT ME WITH A KNIDE BURN ME WITH FIRE THROW DUST AT ME,THROW A CHAIR AT ME, TIE ME WITH THE TREE, FUCK ME UNTILL I CUM, HOLD MY BREATHE UNTIL I DIE, FEED ME PHOSPHORUS, SULPHURIC ACID, BROMINE AND EVERY POISONOUS SUBSTANCE AVAILABLE ON THE EARYH,PUT ME ON AIR FRYER, ILL HAPPILY DIE FOR YOU. I LOVE HIM SM LITERALLY I WILL LITERALLY WASH, MESSAGE, ANYTHING TO HIM FEET AND I AINT LYING. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE THINGS HE DOES IS AMAZING I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM LITERALLY I HOPE HE STEPS ON ME [ CAR CRASHES]* EXPLOSION* [HORN HONKS] BEEEEPPPPPP AHH MY LEG *BANG* [SMACK ][GLASS SHATTERING] [CAR CRASH] VROOM [PEOPLE SCREAMING] [EXPLOSION] "MY LEG...MY LEG" [BABY CRYING] "WAAAH WAAAH [HELICOPTER NOISES] [SIRENS] WEE WOO WEE WOO [GUNSHOTS] [SCREAMING] CALL THE AMBULANCE
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Hi been following for a while, but saw your stuff about school! I completely understand feeling anxious about the future regarding it, to be honest i feel the same way sometimes! I’m in my mid/late 20s now and only just in the process of getting my Bachelors, i’m a sophomore currently! i work full time as a barista and am part time in school, so a lot of my thoughts are about whether or not it’s worth it to continue on when I can maybe find more productive work elsewhere. Something I find quite comforting is seeing all the others who have given their support to these answers, so thank you for even being vulnerable enough to start these conversations. As for any uncertainty, honestly no one really knows what they’re doing. I have a manager at the shop with a Masters in business of all things, and he is still so uncertain about his future, but regardless just taking things one at a time. I know that an English degree may not be the most lucrative degree for myself but it’s something I love dearly and find important enough for the potential risks. I try to instead focus on other things that make my life whole and beautiful in conjunction with the understanding that things may not be what I hope. The great thing is that we as humans are resilient and i trust so deeply that you will be able to find a way to make it work. many people have degrees they don’t use, and alternatively people without them find their ways into happiness as well. I have friends who went to trade school, or simply worked their ways up chains in unexpected jobs, or followed passions for yoga and became instructors. The whole scope of the future is overwhelming and we will never know it until we are there, for now all that’s required is to know what comes the next day and await the surprises that come
waaah this is SUCH an incredibly sweet message... i have nothing to add... everything you’ve said here resonates and is a comfort... thank u for sharing this and i’m wishing you the best of luck with continuing your degree! i majored in english too and had the best time and though i’m still trying to figure out where to go from here i don’t regret having pursued this field at all :-] 💝 we will take things day by day and everything will be alright!
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inkykeiji · 3 months
Oh boy! I just read your new Vox fic as well as your little ideas for daddy Lucifer and OH BOYYY is it hot in here or is it just me…
Thinking about how Vox would take care of his sweet baby while the ‘V’ he carved heals. He’d be so meticulous and careful checking on it daily and making sure you aren’t touching it. Only Vox’s hands belong on the carving while it’s still fresh. He will take care of everything, cleaning it, dressing the wound, pleasuring you if you are good for him. You don’t have to worry about a thing…. TRUST HIM. 🤍🖤🤍🖤
On the other note, your ideas for Daddy Lucifer were *chefs kiss* in every way. You see him the same way I do, loving gentle doting service dom. Ugh I’m drooling just thinking about it! Luci not tolerating any misbehavior is so so so good! The King demands only the best. Thinking about a good over the knee spanking from Lucifer has me ripping through a phone book with my teeth. I swear I’m NORMAL! It’s been a pleasure to read your works!
- with adoration, anon Spook! 👻🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍
OH hehe i am so glad you enjoyed them!!! <33 and thank you for your other message, too!!! it was so lovely n i’m happy to hear ur excited!! thank you for sharing your enthusiasm with me! i’m rly excited to write that piece n share it! (´∀`)♡
YES YES YESSS EXACTLY. he’s got a whole treatment plan formulated right down to every hour of your recovery, spanning several weeks. he is painstakingly scrupulous throughout the entire process and consistently reaffirms that you can’t do it on your own—that he doesn’t trust you to do it on your own, not perfectly, not the way Daddy would. it’s better for you both if you just let him handle it all ♡ besides, he needs to make sure it heals exactly the way he wants it to—sharp, clean lines and a hard, raised scar—that requires diligent attention he’s sure a sweet, stupid little baby like you can’t manage; at least, not as well as he can. and make no mistake; he will take immediate action if required, including peeling off scabs and repeating the carving, to ensure he receives his desired outcome.
he definitely demands you video call him multiple times per day so he can have a good look at it, monitoring the whole situation with a concerning amount of obsessiveness. but it’ll all be so worth it, he promises you, when it heals flawlessly, a perfect, permanent stamp of eternal ownership, etched into the most intimate part of your body ♡
ah thank you!!! i’m glad you agree!!! c; i just think he would be such a good Daddy waaah (*/ω\*) the thought of being spanked by lucifer makes me absolutely feral so i completely understand where you’re coming from—i also go a little wild over the thought of him spanking you with his cane, which i’m sure he only reserves for severe misbehaviour ehehe
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
Imagine a darling in uni who’s super artistic and spiritual, like crystals, pottery, poetry, painting, yoga, and meditation, and super friendly. But nobody really hangs out with them since they’re kinda an odd duck. They don’t fit in with any cliques- but that’s okay! Plants can replace friends, easy.
And poor sensitive yan shares a dorm with a them. Queue the first day, artsy darling just moved in, they knock on sensitive yan’s door.
“Hello! I’m your new dormmate. Here, I made this for you!”
They hold out a bunch of some homemade stuff, may it be cookies or something else. Yan’s face reddens as they whimper, trying so, so hard not to make a reaction. (It doesn’t work.)
Slowly, they reach their hand to accept the gift. Darling’s fingers brush theirs and they have to stifle a loud moan, their eyes grow like saucers and they yank their hand back and slam the door. The next time they’re seen, different pants are worn.
Or better yet, artsy darling wakes up early in the morning to work out in the living room. Sensitive yan gets to watch them from the safety of their room. They’re entranced by how fluid every movement is, by the small beads of sweat from their brow, by the soft grunts that sound almost lewd if sensitive yan focuses hard enough. There’s already wet spots in their pants from the multiple orgasms that happen every time the racing thoughts circle back to darling.
Omg, what about the pottery thing? Darling gives yan their number and through tons of messages, yan somehow finds themself learning pottery. Alone. With darling. It’s so hard for them. Darling touched that clay! It’s indirect hand-holding!!
Eventually, darling realizes that yan is having difficulty shaping the clay. Ignoring yan’s panicked and erratic breathing, they place their hands on top of yan’s and huddle closer. Yan squirms, moans, and tenses up, catching the attention of darling. Yan lets their hands fall with wide eyes and looks over at darling. They’re looking back equally surprised, but tbh kinda into it. Yes they playfully tease from so forth, like wearing revealing clothes while working out or showering with the door really wide open and the curtains not closed <3
-Sincerely, nonnie
eccentric darling who knows what theyre doing when they walk around the apartment in just their underwear, when they barely wear anything while working out (and pretend not to notice when theyre sweaty clothes go missing), who go to shower afterwards and leave the door open and the curtains as well, washing the sweat off of their tired body and well, while theyre there, they might as well relieve a different type of tension by masturbating, loud and obvious, moaning and panting with sensitive yan just on the other side of the door, desperately trying to keep their eyes from crossing so they can fully appreciate their darlings beauty. darling will find any excuse to touch or tease yan, smirking when they shudder or involuntarily moan out loud.
the idea of darling touching themselves and/or using toys with their bedroom door open, pretending to be completely unaware that yan is watching them like a fucking hawk is just so hot!! i love this idea so much!!
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wayfinderships · 6 months
Goodnight gamers!!! Before I sleep I justnwanted to say that I read the tree messages and
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Waaah thank you all fornthe lovely messages! You're all the sweetest!! ;v;
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omoriboii · 7 months
Hey man, sorry to bother ya again but chubby sunny really helps me love my body more because I'm chubby myself and I tend to get insecure about how much I eat at times, this squishy guy is a blessing and he makes me happy so thank you ♡
Waaah this is such a sweet message!!! oml..
I'm so glad something that I make can bring somebody else so much joy, no matter how that be. I can definitely relate with the body insecurity thing as someone who used to obsess over numbers and never eat enough. Round boy is an absolute cope.
Y'know, we all only live once. We might as well make it worth living. Do what makes you happy.
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hwaitham · 4 months
Hi Coco! How have you been, my dear? It’s been far too long; entirely my fault, btw, but sometimes it’s nice to take a step back and take a breather. I’ve been good, a bit tired, but I’ve been baking a lot, which is fun. I learned how to make coffee cake, and I’ve almost perfected pound cake, a fact I’m pretty proud of. I’ve also been catching up on my reading list, which has been nice. Anyway, Tumblr hates me specifically, it would seem, because it tells me I have inbox notifications yet when I click on it it says I have no messages sigh love a fully functioning website
Nevertheless, I’m v excited about Al Haitham’s birthday celebration. As his bday weekend bestie, I’ll be sure to swing by and bring a few books (nonfiction ones, too!) and share my well wishes. I hope you’ve been well and that the universe is being gentle and kind to you. I know we’re both winter lovers, but there’s a beauty to spring, too, and I’m excited for all the flowers to bloom again. But enough prattling, love ya and hope you’ve had a great week <3
my precious pixie ohhh ! ! pwz do not fret — t's my fault too .. i hv been quite awful at reaching out to fwiends this past while , so for that i am vewy vewy sorries .. ( ྀི ˊ͈  ᵔ  ˋ͈ ) but even though we dont talk so often , i hope u kno i think about u with the utmost tenderness rather frequently ♡ especially when i make hot cocoa ( adding a scoop of coffee ice cweam to it is an absolute must ) or whenever a song by lamp starts 2 play ♪ u take up so much space in my heart ! ! !
im glad 2 hear u've been well ( albeit tired .. i feel that winter n more specifically the monf of january tends to do that to many of us T T ) n that u've been baking oooo ! ! all these yummy cakes ... i must giv them a try too hehe ! u saying u hv been catching up on ur reading list makes mi feel guilty for completely ignoring mine waaah ... all i seem to hv time for these days is lab -> coursework -> cello -> sleep ... my books gaze at mi longingly frm under all the dustbunnies that hv been collecting on them ehe .. ^^; i show them the love they deserve eventually .
the birthdays of two of my most beloved aquariuses ( aquarii ? aquarians ?? 0 w 0 ) draw nearer n nearer .. it is almost the days ! ! ! will you be doing anything to celebrate ? cutting a cake maybe ?? what flavour ? hehe , u'll save coco a slice , won't you ? ♡
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jujumin-translates · 6 months
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 10
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Izumi: Well then, next up is the awards ceremony.
Izumi: (Since GOD-za is participating in the contest, Guy-san, Hisoka-san, and Omi-kun will be handling the awards ceremony.)
Guy: Understood.
Hisoka: I’ve got the progress notes from Haruto and the others.
Omi: Got the mic over here.
Azuma: We’ll go take our seats then.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Shift: Good work today, guys!
Azuma: Good work.
Masumi: Nice job.
Misumi: Madoka, what’d you think of our play?
Madoka: It was really good. I could really feel the daidarabotchi’s mysteriousness and his kindness…
Madoka: It gave me some really nice warm feelings.
Misumi: Ehehe, thanks~!
Shift: It was a really great and touching story that made ya smile!
Haruto: It was really MANKAI Company-like too. Overall, it wasn’t too shabby.
Madoka: I knew Minagi-san’s script would be interesting and that his lines would be fascinating and amazing. I’ve really learned a lot from him.
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Masumi: …I’ll pass the message on to Tsuzuru.
Madoka: Yukishiro-san’s performance was also very soft and lovely. I liked it a lot.
Madoka: Masumi’s character was pretty comical, and his interactions with Mikage-san’s kogitsune were really lively and fun too.
Azuma: Fufu, thank you. It’s nice to get feedback like that.
Masumi: …Well, if it was interesting, I guess that’s good.
Misumi: Ah! Omi and the other’s just came out on stage!
Guy: Everyone, thank you for waiting. We will now begin the awards ceremony for the Ayakashi Summer Festival Theater Contest.
Hisoka: The award for making everyone smile goes to… Troupe Peppermint Candy.
Guy: Can the representative for Troupe Peppermint Candy please make their way to the podium?
Omi: Congratulations! Here’s your trophy and prize meal ticket.
Omi: Your performance was very funny and heartwarming.
Peppermint Candy Representative: Thank you so much! We’ll keep up the good work from now on!
Guy: Next up is the script award.
Hisoka: The script award goes to… GOD-za.
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Madoka: Eh…!
Misumi: Yaaay~! That’s amazing, Madoka! Congrats~!
Shift: Wooo!
Haruto: Hmph, well, it’s only obvious.
Masumi: Congrats, Madoka.
Azuma: Congratulations.
Madoka: T-Thank you so much…!
Guy: Can the representative for GOD-za please make their way to the stage?
Madoka: Well then, Haruto-san or Shift…
Haruto: What are you talking about? You’re the one who won the award, so you should go up on stage, Madoka.
Shift: Yeah, yeah! Here, off you go!
Madoka: W-Wah… you don’t have to push so hard…
Madoka: Okay then, I’ll go.
Omi: Congrats on winning the script award! You had a very good and touching story.
Omi: Here’s your trophy and prize bookstore gift card.
Madoka: T-Thank you so much…
Masumi: Madoka seems nervous on stage.
Azuma: Fufu, but he seems happy too.
Misumi: Yeah!
Misumi: (Congratulations, Madoka…!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Patrolling, patrolling~. Hmm, everything seems fine over here!
Azuma: Well then, please take care of this man for me.
Summer Festival Staff: Yes, leave it to me. I’ll make sure he gets back safe and sound.
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Misumi: Thaaanks.
Azuma: Now that it’s night, more and more people have started drinking, which has made more and more incidents happen.
Misumi: Yeah. But at least the guy who got drunk and fell asleep on the ground earlier was a friend of one of the staff members~.
Azuma: True. Still, we couldn’t just leave him laying there like that…
Azuma: Ah, it’s nearly time for the fireworks to start, so how about we make our way over there while patrolling?
Misumi: Watching the fireworks with everyone sounds fun! I wonder if Director-san and the others are seated already~?
Azuma: I’m sure they are.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Oh, right, Azuma! Thanks for finding the mother and father of those two lost kids earlier!
Azuma: No need to thank me. Did you have a good time with Madoka, Misumi?
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Misumi: Yeah! It was short, but I had a lotta fun! And it was all thanks to you, Azuma!
Azuma: Good, I’m glad.
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Misumi: Waaah! Fireworks~!
Azuma: They’re quite beautiful.
Misumi: Yeah, but too bad they started before we could find seats~.
Misumi: Ah, a triangle firework!
Azuma: Fufu, what a rare shape for a firework. I wonder if they’re for you, Misumi.
Misumi: Yaaay, triangle, triangle~!
Azuma: Everyone’s waiting for us, we should get going,
Misumi: Yeah, let’s go~!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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xitty · 10 months
Thank you HappyEle and Akira, the fine event made me feel so many things. I'm looking forward to be able to read it thoroughly and think about it more. But for now:
I loved that Tori was even more adamant about the other fine members not to treat him like he's a fragile being who can't hear unpleasant things because it makes him feel like they leave him out. This isn't the first time (look at Primavera for example), but he was really upset this time. But it fueled him to show them. And I loved how he said to Wataru that he wants to be like them because loves them (fine). They've come so far from Flower Fes. <3
And Wataru, oh Wataru. I feel really sad that people turned their backs on him even on theater course. He really was alone and drifting before the War. And then, his thoughts on negative emotions... It's okay to focus on positive things but man, he's bottling them up too much. Stop with the toxic positivity! Let yourself feel them, Wataru. He also wanted to be help Tori grow and even though he ended up adding to Tori's hardship in a way he didn't mean to, it was fine in the end. And it made him face some of those negative emotions but Tori told him he'll be there to listen. Yes, Wataru, Tori and the rest of fine will support you too! I will probably have more thoughts when I read the whole thing. But just... waaah, there were quite many sad things. Wataru, I hope you'll be okay, trust your friends. <3
I also was thinking how this is a second recent event where people tell someone to be NOT like Eichi. Natsume in Altered and Tori in this story. And yeah, it's a solid advice, we don't need Natsume to repeat War or Tori being as willing to throw people under bus for the sake of efficiency (and it's good for him to realize Eichi is also just a flawed human like all of them). But how Eichi said again that he dislikes himself... that made me sad. How everyone, himself included, often focus on his mistakes etc. I know it's hard, but try to love yourself a little more, Eichi. <3
Yuzuru... He had very much a supporting role here but I hope he'll soon get a really good story. They hinted about his family a few times, maybe a story relating to that? He also provided Yuzuru funnies with being a little murderous, haha. Yuzuru is the steady presence they need. Give Yuzuru more love. <3
And all the little fun and sweet things, Wataru eating with Yuzuru and Tori, Eichi writing messages and emails like an old man, Yuzuru eating seafood flavoured ice cream, Eichi assuring Wataru there's nothing besides friendship between him and Amano, Tori and Shinobu talk... and probably more that were not mentioned yet. The first part sure made me, and many others, nervous but part two gave context and wonderful things, even if some of them were sad. Sometimes life is sad. But they have each other, they tell that to each other again and again, so guys, please remember that.
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