#vps anon
lesserknownhusbands · 8 months
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breezypunk · 6 months
How do you get so much love for your Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots? I spend hours posing, setting up lights etc etc but I get 0 love. Ok, I'm definitely not a professional photographer, but 0? Teach me, plsssss.
Oh my goodness, I need to gather my thoughts for this because as someone whose struggled with this for a long time, I understand 100% how you feel right now and I just want to give you a bit of advice.
I'm not a professional either, and what I mean by struggle is that when I first came into this fandom I came in with nothing. I hardly got any notes or any recognition for my posts as well.. Granted I was on console and console users sadly don't get the love they deserve, and I think they deserve just as much love if not more from people, and that doesn't happen, it's a fact.
When I started using mods and got on PC, I still barely got anything, and it started becoming a struggle for me because I fed off of validation and approval from others, and that is something I still struggle with to this day, maybe not as much, but I def still do and I think most people in this fandom do. No one can say they don't crave validation, we ALL do, if we didn't we would post n o t h i n g. And while I do agree that we should post for ourselves, we also post because when we do something we are super proud of, we want others to see it and enjoy it as well and there's NOTHING wrong with that at all. We reblog our things multiple times to push it out so other's can see (and because the algorithm truly sucks, just my opinion).
I was desperate for validation because I craved interaction and friendship, that's all I ever wanted, and I wanted to bond with people I have the same interests in and because of my desperate need for it I made enemies, still to this day. It only makes you feel icky on the inside when you're constantly trying to appease others, and while it's normal to want validation, it's not normal to only do it for that and that alone. I don't know who you are anon, and I cannot "teach" you, simply because what you're doing right now is good enough, not even good, it's great & regardless of how many people interact with your VP, you are good enough and you shouldn't stop, because if you love it that's the #1 most important thing. But also don't be afraid to reblog your stuff! Reblog it as often as you like.
Also, P.S.. I am still not always proud of what I do. I still get a little envious, it's human nature, I'm on a shitty laptop with horrible graphics and I can't do much with it, but I love taking VP, it's a passion and I will do it no matter how it looks. You should do it too, the best part of doing it is doing it because you enjoy it with no regrets. Sometimes this fandom will make you feel like you have to be the very best or at the very top for people to interact with you or enjoy your VP/art, and sometimes that's true, mostly it's true... but there are still good people here who genuinely appreciate all forms of VP, whether it's console, modding, gorgeous lighting, no lighting at all, etc. It's all beautiful, and at the end of the day, that validation is gonna come and go anyway. But you will continue to look at your art and go "yeaaaaah, I did that :)"
So please don't feel upset for getting "0" love, cos I promise someone loves it.
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smash-chu · 2 months
Have to ask, how do you come up with such amazing fan VP designs? I'm aware of the animals you use but the shapes, colors, and details for them! Just, wow!
It's a result of vigorous study of the existing piñatas from VP and trying to make things in the same design spirit, i blame obsessing over the franchise as a kid and having it ingrained in my mind ever since. It's influenced my designs overall, even when not making piñatas, patterns and wacky shapes is my bread and butter :V
Though the process itself feels rather straightforward to me since i do it so often it's not really that different than when making other designs. Start with throwing scribbles around until ya find something that fits just right and continue from there.
Shapewise i tend to start with focusing on one particular shape that i think would be funny and or embodies the essence of the animal in question, piñatas have no bones and as such can be literally any shape you can think of. Let's use the Pandhaw i have been working on recently as an example:
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When i think "panda" my first instinct is a rounded shape, after all real life pandas are pretty rounded and compact. However i didn't feel the oval / egg shape was that unique, it felt very obvious, so i messed around with potential other shapes. And thus ended up with the rounded wedge shape, moving the legs to the front rather than below just to make the shape stand out further. A lot of the process goes into pushing the general shapes in different directions, just to get something that looks interesting and quirky.
The colors and patterns are harder to describe how i come up with them, as i just sorta pick colors i think would look nice together based on color theory. I don't limit myself to the colors of the animal itself because that'd be boring and not piñata like, since they do not have realistic colors - like have you seen a rainbow colored hedgehog? Don't think so. With the Pandhaw i had a focus on green and purple since the very beginning, because that felt like a fun and odd color combo that isn't directly "panda" but can be used to still convey the iconic panda markings. If an animal doesn't have a striking pattern or markings as is then i just mess around with different shapes to make interesting patterns.
It's also fun to keep in mind the general vibe / personality of the piñata, it helps with picking shapes, colors and patterns. The Pandhaw is a goofy and bumbling critter, thus making it look silly was important to me. If that makes sense :V
I'm not the best at describing my design process, but hopefully this gave some additional insights :3
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I’m actually watching Comedy Of Terrors for the first time right now lol! Thanks for the recommendation, he’s so sexy when he’s mean and drunk.
Yay! Yeah it's my favorite Vincent film! And I agree. He's so fucking sexy! Plus it's always fun to see Vincent and Peter Lorre just kick it and have fun!
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papaue00 · 11 months
i love your photography!! inspires me to get better at learning it for RDR2!!
if you are okay with questions or requests at all... would you be willing to do screenshots of overweight arthur? i.e: overweight body ingame? your pics just make me so happy and i wish big boy arthur got more love. never forced ofc!!
keep up the great work!! happy pride btw 🏳️‍🌈😊
hello anon, happy pride!
of course, i actually am fond of overweight arthur (i just don't screencap him much bc he kinda reminds me of my dad 🙈). i hope you like these! this is him at +6.5% overweight.
happy, helpful boah:
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bill 'mirin in the background:
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i actually took a bit more but i didn't like them as much so i guess this is all i have to share ☺️ thanks for the request!
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themagicalghost · 3 months
"cathal, smite this fool."
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ilikedetectives · 5 months
Hi! Would you mind sharing your DOF settings (if you use Otis DOF addon or just reshade dof) please? because i love how the circles/bokeh dof looks in your pictures but I cant really manage to get that result myself :(( thank you so much!
Hi anon,
Sharing my DoF settings wouldn't help your photo specifically, because I have to change them every time I take a photo (even when it's literally the same scene), none of the photos I take has the same DoF settings. DoF varies depending on where you place the camera and what your FoV is; the moment you change one of these two (or both), well DoF will need to be recalibrated (irl cameras work this way too especially in manual mode). This is why if you leave FoV on in the game settings and activate the freecam, the moment you move the cam around and/or zoom, DoF will go out of whack everything goes blurry, but it looks great during cutscenes when the cam is in its original location. IGCSDoF comprehensive guide (x) has what you need.
I put some general guidelines below for IGCSDOF, but it really boils down to a lot of practice (both in-game and irl) and how the in-game lightings are like in that given moment. A lot of what I do is always trial and error until it looks 'right' (this is highly subjective).
Highlight boost factor: I usually put to 1.0, but there are cases I tone it down to 0.3-0.5
Highlight gamma factor: 3.0 - 5.0, but some cases I do tone it down to 0.8 - 2.0 if the game is already bright
Quality: 13-16
Number of points of innermost ring: 4 - 8
Look for the right background: usually uniform background like trees on a bright day or starry sky/christmas lights at night work better than let's say a cabinet inside a dimly light house or a crowd of people in baldur's gate city. This article explains it nicely #3 to #7 (x)
CinematicDoF is similar but again, this varies by the scene and wildly different from game to game. I wish there's a one setting fits all but that's not the case. The other method is postprocessing in PS by adding them in manually. These are taken with Cinematic DoF (I just want an excuse to repost my Kassandra pics lol).
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cashbotbosshq · 1 year
What’s your relationship with the other cog bosses like?
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silverstonesainz · 6 months
your song recs were so good! unfortunately my new motivation is
one onenote page of notes for maths
500 words for nanowrimo (may or may not be an f1 restaurant au)
for every 100 words, and one page of notes, I'm watching 1 minute of f1tv videos
(it's okay, my exams are in a couple of days, ill be fineeeeee /s)
anyway, how's the frat au going? and silly question about it, how many frats are there per uni and how many boys in each frat?
-aston martin anon :)
good luck on exams! and the frat au is moving along slowly hahah.
so gonna geek out a little on the numbers & stuff so bear with me. the number of fraternities vary from school to school, so there really isn’t a limit per say. but the people who overlook greek life at each school and receive requests/applications for new fraternities to join have to bear in mind (1) how many chapters they already have and (2) how many people sign up/go through recruitment each semester. so you don’t want toooo many greek orgs on one campus or else the chapters would be spread too thin and then they can’t function properly.
and the number of members in an organization also varies on the school. at one school an org might have like 200 members while at another it’s 14. there is a total that is given to fraternities/sororities every semester so it fluctuates. but this just gives every organization the opportunity to be equal in members vs only a select few getting a crap ton of members and the others being much too small.
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thefreeblog · 2 years
Do you also think that the ending was altered and they added Vegas Pete Macau scene as after thought?
Hi Anon,
I don't think the ending was altered or it was an afterthought in the case of VP, but I do think they shot multiple endings. Which is quite common in media involving long series.
They must have decided to choose how to end, based on fan reactions or general reception of Vegas Pete characters.
It’s kind of tricky for shows like this that do weekly releases, because if the show picks up then there is plenty of time for the audiences to dissect the show between 2 episodes, more so with the social media apps nowadays. All this hype and traction could go either way for the show. And let’s be real at the end of the day, they are here for making money.
So if they had a large fanbase hating on Vegas Pete, they would have shown him dead, no doubt, character arc be damned. But fortunately for us, it turned out the other way. The audience liked Vegas Pete and we got a better ending than the one where they would have kept us guessing if he is dead or not.
I believe the book was the same, it was an open ending for Vegas Pete and then they added extra chapters for them if I remember correctly.
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leafosgossip · 2 years
Who’s holding the camera??
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First OC on the ask blog!!! I have a few asks relating to The Garden so I needed to introduce The Gardener. She’s open for questions just like all the canon VP folks, and also is gonna be the one answering most General Garden Questions
If you want to see more of Laura you can find more art of her on my main art blog @moodlemcdoodle!
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villains-promise · 2 years
Last one! L!!! im going soft on them :<
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here." and 13. "there's no shame in crying. I promise." ? it feels like one of them has a nightmare 🤔🤷
hehe thank you for everything felix! <3
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AHEM I'M DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS TIME! the obvious choice would be for resurrected MC to be distraught over L's torture and death, but :]
Hands sticky with blood, lungs constricting from the lack of oxygen, tears spilling silently. Silence. Too much of it. Throat itching to let out the screaming cry clawing at their cords, but it was trapped. Trapped in its very own hell as MC stared where the mangled body of their mother sat.
"Mom..?" MC whispered, crawling on their knees to her body. They pause, hand shaking as they remove the ribbon from her head, then taking her chin gently to maneuver her head to face them, but the glazed over eyes staring back were lacking the warmth they were seeking.
The weird thing about shock was that... Sometimes, it felt like you weren't experiencing the event, like it was happening to someone else. MC was aware in a way as they gathered Irina into their arms, whispering words of denial into their mother's hair as they rocked back and forth; however, it was as though they were only a spectator to their own tragedy, their body disconnected from their mind.
They didn't settle back into themself until they were found by their neighbors, when hands were on them and removing Irina from their grasp.
"No, no, please don't take her-" MC cried, reaching out to grab Irina back from Denisa.
"Honey, I'm sorry, we need to-"
"Please, please..." MC begged weakly, clawing at Nicholas' hands where he held them back.
"I'm sorry, kid." He mumbled, voice thick with tears of his own.
And all they could was sit and watch as Denisa took their mom's body away, their tears dried up and they wished they could go back into that floating state. Where nothing could touch them, where they could be a passenger to their grief, but they couldn't. Each tears felt like a punch, every noise was an explosion, and Irina's absence wracked their body with shivers.
Nicholas spoke words of reassurance to them between his own sobs, but it was too much and yet not enough. He just wasn't the person they needed and it was starting to frustrate them.
Shaking from effort and their overwhelming emotions, MC got up. They didn't answer Nicholas' questions, simply leaving with no clear plan in mind. All they knew was they had to go. Leave Sinaia. Not permanently, they knew they would attend the funeral, knew that they'd come and inspect the area again when they had a clear head, but for now...
They took the leas they had earned and requested transportation to Detca. They could ask Anton for a boarding room to be spared or rent a room at the inn, they didn't really care.
It really shouldn't be surprising when they ended up at neither Anton's office nor an inn, but instead at L's home. "I swear to the euan, we just finished the mission, can I not get a fucking hour of sleep-" They were ranting before they even opened the door.
"L..." MC mumbled, wringing their hands in front of them, trying desperately to hold it together. "Can I stay here? Please."
L stared blankly, eyes roving over their partners form. "What..." They cleared their throat, opening the door wider. "Yeah, come in."
MC lowered their eyes as they passed by, trying not to acknowledge the concern they could feel radiating off of them. "How is-"
"They're fine. The priests are attending to them." L cut in, placing a hand on MC's back and leading them to the couch. MC sat down heavily, eyes glued on their hands.
Wrong, wrong. Their mind chanted as L sat down beside them, placing a blanket around their shoulders. They didn't do this. They didn't talk about the hard stuff with L. They worked together, they sometimes hung out together, but this... This was never them. Why must it be so hard when they were the only person left for MC to talk to?
"What happened?" L asked, an uncharacteristic softness to their tone.
MC shook their head as their throat closed up, pressing hard against their eyes as if they could physically stop their tears. "It- She-" MC whimpered as their words failed them.
L made a noise of worry, placing a gentle hand on MC's forearm. "Stop, you're going to hurt yourself."
"If I stop, I'll cry." They whispered as though it was a taboo subject. Maybe it was, in a way.
"So?" L huffed, squeezing gently. "There's no shame in crying. I promise."
Somehow it was enough. Enough to let L take their fists from their eyes and enough to break the dams, the sobs finally breaking through.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here." L spoke softly, pulling MC into a gentle hug. Somewhere in the back of their head, MC had to wonder when L got good at comforting the distraught, but that was something they'd get to later. For now, they dissolved into their partner's hold, clinging to them like a lifeline as their grief threatened to drown them.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Umm you guys are the sweetest. Some lovely souls sent me heartwarming messages and cheered me up regarding that hate anon (context: someone told me to kill myself, I told them to watch Vegas eat Pete's ass). I love you all so so much, thank you for your love my Tumblr friends. You all are such supportive sweethearts 💚
About these hate anons. Not the first time it has happened and most probably is by an anti-vegan. Sometimes, I delete them, sometimes I just avoid going to my inbox.
You all know I'm a vegan and I spread awareness about animal rights along with all my hyperfixations and Black and Pete and fanfiction and fmvs and stuff. Yeah antis don't like that. I got bullied a while back so even had to delete a post just to conserve my mental health (always confusing why Tumblr is so progressive about everything but animal rights).
Of course it could also be a vegaspete hater. I saw that some people actually created fake fan accounts to spread hate in the fandom. Amazing 🙄 we got barely 1 hour worth of scenes between Vegas and Pete and yet so much hate? Why can't we simply be mature and respectful and stan whoever we want to?
Anyway back to all you lovely people. I'll answer the asks soon promise! Till then throwing heaps of love at you all and vegan chocolate muffins with little toasted sunflower seeds 😙😙😙😙😙
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themagicalghost · 3 months
This is why you don’t connect to the sellbot hq hotspot dude! just don’t! It’s cog wifi, not silly wifi!
Okay that's fair yeah
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ilikedetectives · 5 months
Hey there! I love your screenshots and wanted to ask you, how you get them to be so HQ on Tumblr? 🥲 Is it the resolution or do you have to save them as PNG on 540px? I would like to post my screenshots (4K or less) but they always look suuuuper bad and pixel-ish on Tumblr.
Thank you so much and have a nice day. 🤍
Hi anon, I always upload in PNG 4K resolution to Tumblr (and Twitter, sometimes IG). I'm to lazy to resize to smaller than what I have in native resolution.
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If it helps I also capture in 4K in PNG format (never capture in JPEG).
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When I first started w/ a 2K monitor, I used to take 6-10K res photos, but I don't do that anymore because I'm impatient with waiting for the entire screen to render to 8-12K and then shrink it back after.
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Now some games (like CONTROL) are supported by NVIDIA Ansel Overlay so you can use Super Resolution capture (tends to be 2x your native screen size) if you want gigantic photos and effectively need a new hard drive faster.
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Tbh unless you plan to print big poster or banner size, 4K is enough if you only post to social media (and not even Flickr). Ofc 8K and 10K res is always better but for some purposes it may not be (like putting Ferrarri on a road filled with potholes for ex). If anything now I need 2 versions: one is 8K and the other is 4K for social media = more space used.
I hope this helps, and have a great weekend!
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gaykey · 2 years
Is it just me or did they not explicitly say that Big died? For some reason I have a feeling he'll be back.
I also have a feeling I'm getting fed up with vegaspete stans who spam the kp tag with their cold takes and complaints. I don't get why one would keep watching a show that they apparently don't enjoy? It actually bothers me how many people are realllly into the novel plot. Btw remember when people wanted to protest after the dubcon/noncon scene? And now such a large portion of the fandom is like "k x p is so boring and not fucked up enough, let me go on twitter and ask for neglecting the main couple in order to give a side couple more screen time in a show that wrapped up shooting months ago"
though it would make me so happy if he he were to come back, i'd say it's pretty certain he's dead.
it was pretty much confirmed by arm after the explosion.
rip king 😭😭
now, i feel like some ppl are gonna be pissed at me, and unfollow for this but
so tw negativity because i know ppl don't wanna see it
oof some vp stans.....
yeah, i rarely go in the tag now for that reason.
not every person who is interested in vp is like that, but, a few of them are soooo?? ah, like idk man.
didn't think there'd be drama like this in the kp fandom lol.
i don't even dislike vp. like i've been saying ever since this whole thing started, is that i was super intrigued and genuinely looking forward to seeing how the show is gonna handle them, and bible! build! theeeey. but, some of the stans are lowkey putting me off.
book stans i-
like??? i toooooootally get liking and enjoying a toxic couple! i have before.
people can be fucked up. flawed. and i like when media represents that. it's real. but, people romanticising sa doesn't make sense to me.
i've unfollowed a few people over it now too. people i've been following for a long time. and mmm it's the anti-kp stuff???
being pissed over too much kp doesn't make sense to me.
what did you think you were getting into with a show named kinnporsche the series?????
main couple????? also, boring????!!
people change their morals real quick when it suits them huh
and, tbh, if it were me, i'd like that they weren't rushing into the vp stuff too quick. it's a delicate story to navigate.
and it's pretty much confirmed at this point that there's gonna be a season two, so chiiiiill. especially when, like you said, all filming is done. what's the point in being rude about it on twitter?
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