#viriginia woolf
llovelymoonn · 1 year
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virginia woolf the waves
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loneberry · 3 months
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The ghostly reflections of tree branches mirrored in puddles.
(Or: when thawing snow turns the world into a looking glass.)
It took me extra long to walk to the Black Power Studies seminar today. Perambulating down Oxford Street, I was distracted by every image I saw reflected in the puddles—the sun behind the clouds, the buildings, the power lines, the birds, the gloomy sky. While I was staring at a puddle I was shaken by the sudden THUD of a pedestrian getting hit by a gold minivan. The pedestrian seemed okay, but that unsettling feeling that life can end at any moment stayed with me throughout the day.
Strangely, Virginia Woolf had a lot to say about puddles and mortality. Some quotes:
Some cleavage of the dark there must have been, some channel in the depths of obscurity through which light enough issued […].  The mystic, the visionary, walking the beach on a fine night, stirring a puddle, looking at a stone, asking themselves “What am I,” “What is this?” […]. 
—To the Lighthouse (1927)
“There is the puddle,” said Rhoda, “and I cannot cross it.  I hear the rush of the great grindstone within an inch of my head.  Its wind roars in my face.  All palpable forms of life have failed me.  Unless I can stretch and touch something hard, I shall be blown down the eternal corridors for ever.”
— The Waves (1931)
There was the moment of the puddle in the path; when for no reason I could discover, everything suddenly became unreal; I was suspended; I could not step across the puddle; I tried to touch something . . . the whole world became unreal.
— “A Sketch of the Past” (1939)
The sudden dissolution of the world, of the self. That’s the horror of the puddle that cannot be crossed, the puddle that augurs madness.
I swear I remember reading about the puddle-grindstone passage in Woolf’s diary, which was absorbed into her novel The Waves. In my vague memory it was connected to news from (Ethel Smyth?) about someone’s suicide. Someone named Carrie, or Caroline, I swear there was an incident that sent Woolf spiraling. An adult incident, a repetition of the dissociative puddle incident from her childhood. But now I cannot find it. Or maybe it was connected to news from Vita, I don’t know. Or maybe the news of the mutual friend’s suicide and the fear of crossing the puddle were falsely fused in my mind by the intensity of my fixations. I had filed the detail away in a dusty drawer of my brain because of the suicided Carrie I knew, the one mirrored everywhere in Woolf’s work. Water suicides. I keep thinking they reveal: there is no ontology. Only God has being, as the Sufi metaphysicians say (and strikingly, the Ocean is the proverbial metaphor for union with God in Sufi poetry, for the only way to stop a drop from drying up is to throw it in the ocean).
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outstanding-quotes · 4 months
It is strange that we, who are capable of so much suffering, should inflict so much suffering.
Virginia Woolf, The Waves
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ok, maybe the calling really is a reference to virginia woolf in some way, because i'm reading orlando right now and there's this line:
"she heard a fox bark in the woods, and the clutter of a pheasant trailing through the branches"
and that obviously made me think of the song
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fuoridalcloro · 1 year
“Era sempre stato così: le sembrava di volere una cosa così tanto da star male, da vivere per essa, le sembrava di non poter respirare senza… E poi quando l’aveva questa l’annoiava immediatamente e tutto il suo interesse si disperdeva nel vuoto. Aveva questa consapevolezza: era diventata grande senza neanche accorgersene, ma era e sarebbe sempre stata un vuoto a perdere”.
Virginia Woolf - Mrs.Dalloway
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coffeebooksandmore · 1 year
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I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything- Virginia Woolf, Night and Day
Instagram: @cofeeeandbookss
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yorgunherakles · 1 year
hafızam o kadar dolu ki bazen tahammül edemiyorum. onu daha fazla kaybetmek, biraz boşaltmak isterdim.
javier marias - yarınki yüzün
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All the conditions of her life, all her own instincts, were hostile to the state of mind which is needed to set free whatever is in the brain.
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf
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i started reading to the lighthouse yesterday, and virginia woolf was literally such a drama queen. on the second fucking page there's an entire paragraph about how much James would have liked to kill his own father
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galedekarios · 8 months
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gale romance + hands
mercy is in your hands, pour me a little. and tenderness too. my need is great. -mary oliver
it is enough, this moment, not to speak. to touch your hand. -rosanna warren
i clung to your hands so that something human might exist in the chaos. -hélène cixous
i can't hold enough of you in my hands. -franz kafka
how beautiful your soul is. and your hands. -viriginia woolf
tenderness is in the hands. -carolyn forché
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fictionalnation · 1 month
You know with JKR trending, a very great literary female writer to get into is Virginia Woolf. I was talking to a scholar today and he told me about her work on women literarture and academia which i knew nothing about (mind you i am very aware of historical radically feminist figured) but about Viriginia Woolf I only knew of Mrs. Dalloway! But yes, its a great day to celebrate great artists who actually wanted to change the world. Especially since its ridiculous to give platform to a woman who has the audacity to bully a group of marginalised people when so many thing are happening to other groups of marginalised people. And remember, dont deviate from free palestine. Because ig and fb are all over tiktok ban and only tiktok is supplying the little info on palestine! So keep your voices loud and clear on here
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“Ser nadie más que tú mismo – en un mundo que se esfuerza día y noche en convertirte en alguien más – implica luchar la batalla más dura que alguien puede luchar, y nunca dejar de pelear”
Con estas vigorosas y valientes palabras el poeta vanguardista y escritor americano Edward Estlin Cummings (más conocido como E.E. Cummings) alienta en su texto “A Poet´s Advice to Students”, mediante consejos y experiencias, a los poetas y a todos aquellos que se encuentran inmersos en el a veces oscuro, pero vital y profundamente necesario camino de la creación artística, para arrojar luz y esperanza sobre el mismo, para trabajar duro y encontrarse a uno mismo.
Sirva esta introducción como anuncio de la nueva aventura musical de Michaelsberg, experiencia esta con la que ya se estrenara en 2021, en el álbum “Lost in the abysses of time” inspirado en la novela de Virginia Woolf “The Waves”, por motivo del 90 aniversario de su publicación. En este caso es un poema del citado escritor E.E. Cummings, titulado “This is the garden: colours come and go” el elegido para inspirar los nuevos temas de Michaelsberg en 2023.
El concepto del “jardín” es algo que aparece constantemente en la literatura de todos los tiempos, constituyendo una alegoría llena de simbolismos y metáforas relacionadas con la vida y la muerte, con la juventud, con nuestro paso por este mundo, y cómo las experiencias de nuestro día a día van dando lugar a lo que en el futuro serán nuestros recuerdos.
El jardín simboliza la belleza, la juventud. Con el paso del tiempo, en los seres humanos, la edad hace que la lozanía de los cuerpos, su belleza y elasticidad se desvanezcan, de igual manera, el color, el perfume y el olor o el brillo desaparecen de las flores y de las plantas, que se van marchitando poco a poco.
Asimismo el cambio de color de la naturaleza representa también que las cosas más valiosas de la vida son las mas difíciles de mantener.
Otros grandes artistas como E.E. Cummings han recurrido al símil del jardín para desarrollar sus más bellos e inspirados escritos y poemas.
La ya citada Viriginia Woolf en su relato “Kew Gardens” realiza también una narración en la que va intercalando las conversaciones de la gente que pasea por un jardín de Londres, con las descripciones de plantas e insectos, hasta tal punto que a veces todo acaba fundiéndose en un único ecosistema. “Las figuras de estos hombres y mujeres pasaban ante el arriate con un curioso movimiento irregular que recordaba al vuelo de las mariposas blancas y azules que zigzagueaban de un macizo al siguiente”
El poeta español Francisco Brines en su bello poema “Ante el jardín nublado” reflexiona de la siguiente manera sobre la vida: “Soy la mirada en el jardín nublado, del yerto mundo, de la cama difunta, que produce los sueños. ¿En dónde están, y a dónde va mi vida que ya no está?”.
La escritora y poetisa Emily Dickinson, que vivió la mayor parte de su vida en la casa familiar de Amherst (Hampshire, Masachusetts) pasaba horas contemplando desde la ventana de su habitación un pequeño jardín, así como los prados y bosques cercanos por los que solía salir a explorar y a recopilar flores que luego prensaba: “No quiero que lo sepan las laderas por las que tanto paseé, ni decirles a los amados bosques el día en que me iré”.
Incluso el gran poeta alemán Goethe era también un apasionado de la botánica que le llevó a escribir un tratado sobre las mismas en “La metamorfosis de las plantas” con una minuciosa capacidad de observación y su enorme sensibilidad poética.
Sin más dilación, les dejamos a continuación con el poema de E.E. Cummings acompañado de la música de Michaelsberg, inspirada en dicho texto.
"This is the garden:colours come and go, frail azures fluttering from night’s outer wing strong silent greens silently lingering, absolute lights like baths of golden snow. This is the garden:pursed lips do blow upon cool flutes within wide glooms,and sing (of harps celestial to the quivering string) invisible faces hauntingly and slow. This is the garden. Time shall surely reap and on Death’s blade lie many a flower curled, in other lands where other songs be sung; yet stand They here enraptured,as among the slow deep trees perpetual of sleep some silver-fingered fountain steals the world."
Bandcamp: This is the garden
Esperamos que lo disfruten.
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loneberry · 6 months
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Found this lushly illustrated French critical biography of Woolf at a used bookstore. Lovely to discover I’m not the only one who has paired Woolf and Bachelard. (In my “Water and the Imagination” class I used Woolf’s The Waves & Bachelard’s Water and Dreams as framing texts).
La parole de l’eau… yes, that is the Woolfian sentence.
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outstanding-quotes · 28 days
The strange thing about life is that though the nature of it must have been apparent to everyone for hundreds of years, no one has left any adequate account of it. The streets of London have their map; but our passions are uncharted. What are you going to meet if you turn this corner?
Virginia Woolf, Jacob’s Room
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orlando drinking game: take a shot every time his legs are mentioned
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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@redheadgleek​ @bitbybitwrites​ @gleefuldarrencrissfan​ thank you all for reading! I am glad you enjoyed it, cause I loved writing it.
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@rockitmans​ the YouTube ads... I peaked at comedy if I may say so myself. Jk, jk. But no really, I bitch so much about those ads I needed to add it to my fic. And yeee La Cage Aux Folles, Kurt and Blaine’s canon version of Viriginia Woolf, Kinky Boots, Legally Blonde and Everybody’s Talking About Jamie!
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@thnxforknowingme​ I had so much fun with the bibliography. I initially only needed two papers, for their sing-off paper and for the one that showed that they were married, but I just couldn’t stop coming up with shit. I browsed through my Pride musical playlist for it and I very much love the Gay or European? one. The “I support gay rights but I also support gay wrongs” was added last minute so that I could give an even amount of papers with Kurt as the first author and also I once said that I would love to call my paper that, if I ever were to do research on queer(coded) villians and morally ambigious characters (we call them MACs, which makes me think of McDonalds).
Fun fact, I also found out after publishing the fic that Journal of Theater Studies is real. It’s a journal that publishes everything in Chinese, though.
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206 – 216 is Never Been Kissed to Original Song. 414 - 421 is I Do to Wonder-Ful. 51 - 68 is Love, Love, Love to A Weding. 301 - 317 is A Purple Piano Project to Dance With Somebody. 514 - 530 is New New York. That’s it. 530 means nothing, I needed another number. 12 - 21 isn’t an episode reference, but it is a nod to Klainer 12/21.
This does mean that all their papers are unrealistically short. Damn, I wish all academic papers were this short cause it’d save me a lot of time. The 51 - 68 is believable, so is the 514 - 530 (cause hey 530 refers to nothing), but even then they’re short. But you know what they say. It is my fanfic and I get to decide the reality of the situation.
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