#gaston bachelard
70bc · 3 months
«حينَ يكون القلبُ حَزِنًا، تصيرُ كلُّ مياهِ الأرضِ في نواظِره أدمُعًا.»
Gaston Bachelard — Water and Dreams
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funeral · 11 months
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Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
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antronaut · 1 year
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La Poétique de l'Espace
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carpentrix · 4 months
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Some descents invite. Down here, here below, come. To drop into a place of strange welcome, eyes adjusting to the dim, foreign syllables whispered in the hush, smell of black tea, warm candle wax, dust, a sense that the plants are listening in, unmistakable charge of potential, and water out the windows. A bookstore on a boat parked in a canal in Paris, L'Eau et Les Rêves it's called, Water and Dreams, the title of a book by Gaston Bachelard. "The stream doesn't have to be ours," he writes, "the water doesn't have to be ours. The anonymous water knows all my secrets."  
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garadinervi · 11 months
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Gaston Bachelard, (1957), The Poetics of Space, Foreword by Mark Z. Danielewski, Introduction by Richard Kearney, Translated by Maria Jolas, Penguin Classics, Penguin Books, New York, NY, 2014. Illustration by Nicholas Misani, Art Direction by Paul Buckley
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god-infected · 1 year
When the heart is sad, all the water in the world turns into tears.
Water and Dreams, Gaston Bachelard
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julianerui · 11 months
Alejandra Pizarnik on gardens and desire:
"One of the sentences I'm most haunted by is spoken by the little girl Alice in Wonderland: "I only came to see the garden". For Alice, and for myself, the garden is the space of encounter, or as Mircea Eliade put it, "the center of the world". The garden is green in the brain. A sentence of my own, which brings me to another one by Gaston Bachelard, which I hope I remember correctly: "The garden of dream-memory, lost in an after-life of the true past". [...] Proust analyzing desire, says that desire doesn't want to be analyzed but satisfied. In other words, I don't want to talk about the garden, I want to see it. Of course, what I'm saying is still puerile since, in this life, we never do what we want to. Which is another reason to want to see the garden, even if it is impossible, especially if it is impossible." 
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thedearidiot · 2 months
In The Strangers, one of Halloween’s latter day descendants, the victims ask the three killers their motive. One answers, “Because you were home.” The home, therefore, brings the danger as much as it insulates us from it. While it is generally true what Bachelard claims—namely, that “the house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace”—the fact that we believe this wholly, that we allow the house to become a sanctuary in our minds, that we let down our guard in the home, is not only what can turn those dreams into nightmares, but worse, it is what can wake us from our dreams into the worst form of nightmare: a living horror.
- Tyler Malone, Every House is a Haunted House.
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Noi soffriamo per i sogni. Noi guariamo con i sogni.
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loneberry · 7 months
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Found this lushly illustrated French critical biography of Woolf at a used bookstore. Lovely to discover I’m not the only one who has paired Woolf and Bachelard. (In my “Water and the Imagination” class I used Woolf’s The Waves & Bachelard’s Water and Dreams as framing texts).
La parole de l’eau… yes, that is the Woolfian sentence.
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funeral · 11 months
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Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
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icariebzh · 10 days
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las-microfisuras · 7 months
La intimidad necesita el corazón de un nido. Erasmo, nos dice su biógrafo, tardó mucho "en encontrar, en su hermosa casa, un nido donde poder abrigar su cuerpecillo. Acabó por encerrarse en un cuarto a fin de respirar ese aire revenido que le era necesario".
Y muchos soñadores quieren encontrar en la casa, en el cuarto, un vestido a su medida. Pero una vez más, nido, crisálida y vestido, no forman más que un momento de la morada. Cuanto más condensado es el reposo, cuanto más hermética es la crisálida, cuanto en mayor grado el ser que sale de ella es el ser de otra parte, más grande es su expansión. Y el lector, a nuestro juicio, yendo de un poeta a otro, es dinamizado por la imaginación de lectura cuando escucha a un Supervielle en el momento en que hace entrar el universo en la casa por todas las puertas, por todas las ventanas abiertas de par en par.
"Tout ce quifait les bois, les rivieres oü l'air
A place entre ees rnurs qui croientfermer une chambre . ..,
Accourez, cavaliers qui traversez les mers
Je n'ai qu'un toit du ciel, vous aurez de la place".
[Todo lo que hacen los bosques, los ríos o el aire / Cabe entre estos muros que
creen cerrar la estancia; / Acudid, caballeros que atravesáis los mares,/
Sólo tengo un techo de cielo, encontraréis lugar.]
La acogida de la casa es entonces tan completa que lo que se ve desde la ventana pertenece a la casa también.
"Le corps de la montagne hesite a mafenétre:
Commentpeut-on entrer si l'on est la montagne,
Si l'on est en hauteur, avec roches, cailloux,
Un morceau de la Terre, alteré par le Ciel?"
[El cuerpo de la montaña vacila en mi ventana: / Cómo poder entrar si
se es la montaña, / Si somos en altura, con rocas, pedrezuelas, / Un trozo
de la Tierra, sediento de Cielo.]
Cuando nos hacemos sensibles a un ritmoanálisis, yendo de la casa concentrada a la casa expansiva, las oscilaciones se repercuten, se amplifican. Los grandes soñadores profesan como Supervielle, la intimidad del mundo, pero han aprendido dicha intimidad meditando la casa.
- Gaston Bachelard, "La poética del espacio"
Trad: Ernestina de Champourcin
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garadinervi · 11 months
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Gaston Bachelard, June 27, 1884 / 2023
(image: Gaston Bachelard in his study, 1961. Photo: © Bernard Pascucci/INA/Getty)
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dreams-of-mutiny · 2 months
“I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.”
― Gaston Bachelard 
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resonancewitness · 2 months
witnessing resonance, part 2: being transported by others' performance of their preferred identity
when I call myself a witness of resonance, what do I actually mean?
continuing from here
so what is it about the second layer of meaning in witnessing? what does it mean to be transported by someone else’s performance of their preferred identity?
(here I come with my big “anthropology of experience” guns)
when we say and/or do something to express and show who we are, who we are becoming, and who we want to be, —  all these utterances, visual representations, stories, visual narratives and actions can be called “performance of preferred identity” or “performance of preferred identity claims”, to be precise
when we are directly involved in a dialogue, both performing our identity claims, we are interlocutors
when we observe somebody else performing their preferred identity claims, but we are not involved in a dialogue, but nevertheless we are experiencing the impact of this performance of preferred identity on our lives, we are witnesses (spectators, listeners, readers etc.) 
the relationship between those performing their preferred identity claims, and the witnesses, can be a two-way street, and can be a one-way street
what happens usually is that expressing something important to themselves, the performers of their own preferred identity claims create something that hooks our attention. usually it happens when whatever they say or do gives expression to some of our own unexpressed experience, for example, it may be some past experience, or an association that had been lurking in the background of our mind, a fear, a hope, or a longing 
when the experience finds its expression, it is like a dam (maybe just a small one, but still) has been broken, and our flow of experience resumes; movement replaces stagnation; we feel energy and direction; we get more in touch with some previously-unexpressed values
this experience “they found exactly the right something to express my experience” feels like “ring of truth”, a stirring inside. Gaston Bachelard calls it “reverberation”.
Reverberation creates resonance — like a wave of sound goes through our inner experience, eliciting harmonious response from some perceptions and memories. We feel a connection, a linking of memories, perceptions and hopes into a storyline. “This is what it reminds me of”, “it made me think about…”
the energy, the direction and the emerging storyline all unite to transport a person in their inner experience from some point A to some point B. we are transported, transformed, we become able to see the world from a different point of view
the energy, the direction and the new meanings derived from the new storyline may lead to new kinds of intentional action; we become capable of something that we weren't capable of before
somebody expresses their preferred identity claims, we are touched, we engage and respond, and we are transported. this is the one-way street of witnessing
but we can also make an effort to make the result of our transformation visible to those who caused it by sharing their performance of preferred identity claims with us: “look, I saw your dance, watched your vlog, read your interview, listened to your songs, etc., and this is what happened to me as a result, this is what became capable of doing to perform my own preferred identity claims better” 
this “confirmation of being transported” makes the witnessing experience a two-way street
it confirms to the performers: “you achieved your goal, you touched my heart, i got engaged with something important to me thanks to you; your actions have meaning; your struggle and overcoming have not gone unnoticed”
when this is seen and acknowledged, it creates a tremendous supportive and even healing effect
…as a self-identified turtle, I am a witness of something precious, of an untold story, of various subversive, clever and inspiring performative acts of two people who I assume consider their identity of loving-and-being-loved by each other to be an essential part of who they are
and I feel reverberation and resonance, and I am transported, and I wish I could make the ways I am transported and transformed, visible
but in a safe way, because the story remains untold by its authors-and-protagonists because it is better this way, at least for now
but I can witness also the resonance it creates in other turtles, and it can also create reverberation, resonance and transformation in me, and I can make it visible, so the other turtles receive the acknowledgement of their preferred identity claims 
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