#vanessa sullivan
emotionalcadaver · 9 months
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Series Masterlist
Fandom: The Dark Knight Trilogy
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x OC
Summary: Broken, traumatized, and more than a little insane, Vanessa Sullivan and Jonathan Crane's childhoods were steeped in horror and loneliness. But when they are assigned as lab partners during their time in college, they realize that they may not be as alone in their madness as they'd both originally thought.
Word Count: 88,917
Notes: While all fics can be read as standalone pieces, those listed here are interconnected and can also be read as one long series. Please heed the warnings the can be found in the notes of each individual fic. All works are listed in the order I recommend reading them in. While this series is marked as complete, I may return to it should the inspiration strike.
✽ Indicates works with multiple chapters.
Fics or chapters that contain explicit smut will be marked with 🔞 and have the appropriate warnings listed in their corresponding notes.
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Part 1: How to Make a Monster ✽🔞
Part 2: Late Night Study Session 🔞
Part 3: Bedside Manner
Part 4: Mask
Part 5: Torn to Pieces
Part 6: A Tale of Two Monsters
Part 7: In the Shadows of the Graveyard 🔞
Part 8: The Doctor Is In 🔞
Part 9: The Scarecrow & The Shadow
Part 10: They Scream & They Cry ✽
Part 11: Your Greatest Fear
Part 12: Destined to Do This Forever
Part 13: The Victim You Want Me to Be
Part 14: Agents of Chaos
Part 15: Watch the World Burn
Part 16: Why Do We Fall
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How to Make a Monster
Jonathan Crane Aesthetic
Torn to Pieces
Vanessa Sullivan Aesthetic
Vanessa Sullivan Appearance
Vanessa Sullivan x Jonathan Crane
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red-riding-wood · 1 year
Vanessa Sullivan Sketch
For @emotionalcadaver and her delightfully wicked character, Vanessa Sullivan featured in these fics.
Sorry for how it's cut out. I was trying to mask the fact that the rest of the page has pen on it since I didn't expect this to be the finished work and was running out of fresh pages!
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allgirlsareprincesses · 7 months
Love At First Sight (2023)
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Okay, we’re going to talk about the new Netflix romance directed by Vanessa Caswill, Love At First Sight, because I’m seeing almost no chatter about it and that cannot stand. Full disclosure, I’ve never read the book on which this movie is based, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, so I’m reacting only to the film (which I’ve now seen 4.5 times in 2 days).
The Surface Reading
It’s a perfect, tight, adorable little RomCom that’s heavy on the Rom and light on the Com, with a wrenching dash of angst and the most hair-twirling chemistry between two leads that has graced our screens in years. Truly, if all you want is 90 minutes of two actors being saccharine precious cinnamon rolls, look no further!
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There are simple takeaways here, like that chance can only take you so far, but in the end you have to choose to love. Or that change and loss are part of life and you can’t run from them. Or that London is a massive labyrinth of eccentric people that probably looks 400% cooler onscreen than it is in reality (I wouldn’t know, I’ve never visited, so this and the 90s Parent Trap are the extent of my knowledge about the city, sorry).
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Anyway, I adored how straightforward the story was - that the narrator (played brilliantly by Jameela Jamil) tells you directly in the first two minutes that it’s a story about love, fate, and statistics. She then repeatedly describes every development as it is happening, the characters’ histories and internal monologues, and all the context you need to follow the thin but fast-paced plot. The writing, performances, and production design are all solid, allowing the audience to get lost in the romance as it unfolds.
BUT if you’re slightly unhinged like I am and you’re always looking for more layers in your media, HAVE NO FEAR! There is in fact more going on in this little movie than you might expect.
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Color Theory
For starters, the use of red and green in the film is fascinating. Yes, I realize the action of the story takes place a few days before Christmas, so you might assume it was just a seasonal aesthetic choice, but if you look closer, you can see very carefully selected shades of red and green repeating throughout the film. The red is a cool, deep rose color, sometimes pink, while the green is cool and dark, like oxidized bronze rather than emerald. Further, while they appear over and over, these hues are rarely used in a purely decorative or festive way. Instead, they play a role in the separation and coming together of the couple. On a color wheel, red and green are complements, perfect opposites that are never adjacent but always joined in the middle.
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The title card during Hadley’s introduction is literally a green stripe over a red stripe, then the hallways of the airport are green, and of course Hadley’s ever-important backpack is a rosy red. As the couple grow closer on their flight, the light turns pink. Once in London, a green van takes Oliver one way while a red taxi takes Hadley the other. At her father’s wedding, Hadley is dressed in red (“the color of a bruise” she calls it), contrasting beautifully against her green jacket. Upon realizing Oliver’s true purpose, she chases after him on an iconic red double-decker bus. Meanwhile at the living memorial, Oliver’s father is dressed in red while his mother wears a faded green, as if to say she is already beginning to fade away. The event is decorated with green drapery and streamers, and there are even stacks of red and green chairs in the stairwell where Oliver begs his mother to receive treatment.
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Hadley gifts her red and green bouquet to Tessa, and when she is driven away, a green-clad narrator returns the red backpack to Oliver. Wandering London alone, Hadley exchanges her painful red heels for a pair of green trainers (“sneakers!” she insists), and tries to call her dad first in a red phone booth and then on a phone from a stranger sitting in a cluster of red chairs. Finally, Oliver chooses to pursue Hadley to the wedding reception which is lit in pink, and where they finally share the long-awaited kiss.
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There are many more examples, but in general we see that green indicates separation and loss, while red symbolizes joining, intimacy, and (what else?) love! It lends the film a gorgeous, subtle aesthetic without being garishly festive, and shows the lovers’ emotional journey from lonely childhood to vulnerable, loving adulthood.
Death and Rebirth
Speaking of which, there’s plenty of rebirth imagery too! When Hadley and Oliver meet, they are both still children, struggling with the impending loss of parental security through divorce and death. Thus, when they board the plane, it is as if they enter an underworld or womb, separated from their families and remade as new adults. They emerge on the other side into a hallway (read: birth canal), as each must still confront their own dying childhood before they can join as full and equal partners. Hadley journeys to a bright, red-strewn celebration of life, while Oliver must enter a dark green commemoration of death, his fear driving him deeper to hide in another hallway. Here his mother comes to find him, begging him to emerge into life, but Ollie still can’t confront her death alone.
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Thankfully, Hadley travels to this underworld to find him, bursting into the memorial like a bright red flower. Even the bruise metaphor works, acknowledging the pain they are both experiencing at the changes in their lives. But Oliver still refuses to face his fears, trying to take a shortcut around death to life with Hadley. Still, she knows he’s not ready (likely because she’s not yet, either), and gently pushes back. And so, Oliver returns to the underworld, and Hadley walks off alone until she descends barefoot through a soggy riverside tunnel (birth canal again!). Finally, she calls her father and admits she is “lost.” When he arrives, Hadley at last gathers the courage to ask why he ended their old life, and to tell him how much it hurt her. But as Oliver predicted, she forgives her dad and even begins to accept his new bride.
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Back at the memorial, Oliver is reminded by Hadley’s red backpack - his unaddressed emotional baggage - to be honest about his pain. In at last openly mourning his mother and his own childhood, Ollie takes a step into adulthood, just enough for his family to nudge him that extra bit to go after Hadley. And so, the family delivers him to his bride, who has meanwhile learned to dance again, even through her heartbreak. With one last confession, the two consummate their love with a kiss, bathed in pink light before an open door.
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Happily Ever After
There’s so much more, with the hand-holding, numbers, Shakespeare, Dickens, the music, and beyond, but the point is that this cute, charming little romance is actually very deliberately constructed. It follows timeless patterns and motifs which we instinctively understand through visual and auditory language. And the narration plays a huge role in this as well, not unlike the prologues and epilogues of the Bard’s plays in that they state the story’s lessons plainly: that we cannot always be prepared for unwelcome surprises, but that we can make the choice to love every day.
Anyway, Vanessa Caswill deserves all the flowers and if you haven’t seen her gorgeous adaptation of Little Women (with all due respect to the marvelous Greta Gerwig and Gillian Armstrong), please do yourself a favor and watch that after you finish this!
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smoresie · 5 months
guys I think I have an idea...
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princessesaphi · 9 months
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J'ai lancé ce challenge en avril... Et je l'ai fini en avril aussi, j'ai juste oublié de le poster... ^^"
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mllenugget · 9 months
Do you ever make a video and then immediately forget you've uploaded it publicaly ? Me at all time
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Something, Something, bite of 87'.
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rown-cheese · 1 year
Mes derniers dessins en date
Vu que tout le monde débarque sur Tumblr à cause de la menace imminente de la fin de Twitter, je me dis que je pourrais partager mes derniers dessins faits?
C’est beaucoup de RPZ... En fait, c’est même pratiquement tout, ahah
Pour l’instant, voici tous les dessins de 2021! (enfin, ceux après les dessins de la Art Fight que j’avais posté)
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Tout d’abord, un (trop) vieux dessin de Chloé et Abi! Pas que je les connaissais beaucoup à l’époque, ou que je les appréciais énormément mais c’étaient elles que je voulais dessiner tout particulièrement, allez savoir pourquoi. C’est moche! :D ça a vraiment trop mal vieilli, ahah.
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Ensuite un petit dessin rapide d’Antoine, que j’ai fait parce que je m’ennuyais et que je voulaise essayer d’apprendre à dessiner plus de personnages
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Et vu que j’avais fait Antoine, j’ai aussi fait Daniel! Sauf que j’étais pas très fier de Daniel, J’avais l’impression de rater un truc, sans comprendre trop quoi.
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Si vous avez vu la fin de RPZ du point de vue de la LSPD, vous savez comment ils finissent la série, tous les deux. Eh bien, en tant que fan de la duologie Happy BirthDead, il y a une scène du second film qui m’a beaucoup plu, et m’a bien fait pensé à RPZ, alors j’ai redessiné ce passage avec des personnages de la LSPD!
Sur la première image, on a donc Kuck, qui se laisse tomber d’un avion, et sur la seconde, on a Kelly qui s’écrase avec fierté devant Michael et Jean en train de e bécoter.
Je pense, un de ces quatre, à redessiner ça, pour faire mieux, mais j’hésite, on verra
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Ensuite, je me suis amusé à dessiner tous les Vagos! Et Rose!
J’avais commencé à regarder la POV de Lenny, il me semble bien, et je les aimais beaucoup (c’est toujours le cas aujourd’hui d’ailleurs).
Sachez que je suis assez fier de se dessin, même s’il m’a duré un temps beaucoup trop long et que j’ai raté absolument toutes les femmes :’) Je coince encore sur le design de Kim et Haylie mais j’ai gardé celui des bonhommes et je me suis trouvé un beau design pour Rose, qui se verra plus tard (pas sur cette page en revanche)
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Sur Twitter, il y a eu un défi “dessine-toi avec ton personnage préféré”, et à l’époque j’ai eu du mal à me choisir sur un personnage alors j’ai choisi Jean car il m’amusait beaucoup (c’est vraiment un personnage intéressant)
Aujourd’hui, je me dessinerais avec Rose, ou Thomas, mais je suis content de ce dessin!
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Quand j’ai rejoint mon second serveur RPZ, j’ai vu un événement qui se mettait en place: La FRIZ. En tout honnêteté, j’osais pas y participer, j’étais angoissé à l’idée d’être sociable et de faire quoi que ce soit si je devais m’avérer faire un dessin nul (parce que tout le monde faisait déjà de si jolis dessins <3), mais il y a eu des demandes pour dessiner des personnages ultra secondaires, que tout le monde oubliait et auxquels personne ne pensait car c’était l’ère du Domaine, et Thomas Giorno, ci-dessus, en faisait partie. Je l’ai donc choisi, surtout par hasard, et je me suis lancé dans mon dessin!
Ce qui est drôle, c’est qu’aujourd’hui Thomas est un personnage que j’aime énormément, sur lequel j’adore écrire, et que (en partie grâce à moi?), il n’est plus considéré comme secondaire. Je suis ravi d’avoir pu participer à la FRIZ, ça aurait été dommage que Thomas ne soit pas dessus
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Ensuite, durant la période de Halloween, j’ai voulu retenter de dessiner les Croute, tous les deux ensemble, et ça a donné ça! Je leur ai donné pleins de pansements et des couronnes de fleurs parce qu’ils sont beaux et doux et qu’ils méritent le meilleur possible. Même s’il a un peu mal vieilli, j’aime toujours autant ce dessin <3
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Durant la période d’Halloween, l’an dernier, c’était aussi le Zevent! Et il y a eu un gros mouvement de catboy! Antoine Daniel, alors j’ai participé aussi, rapidement, tant qu’il était temps, ahah
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Ensuite, je me suis amusé à dessiner deux ships que j’aimais déjà beaucoup à l’époque, basé sur des représentations de types de ships qu’on peut trouver partout sur Internet. D’abord, on a le Sarally, mon crackship wlw par excellence, mais on a aussi le Jumas! (qui s’appelle ainsi car ça rappelle Judas, oui c’est réfléchi, incroyable, n’est-ce pas? ahah)
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Enfin, je me suis amusé à faire le portrait de certains personnages féminins de RPZ, donc comme indiqué, Rose, Kim, Vanessa et Sally
Je suis vraiment fier de mon design pour Vanessa! Elle a l’air fatigué, elle n’en peut plus de tout, c’est parfait. Je n’avais pas encore trouvé de design pour les trois autres, mais je m’approchais de quelque chose pour Rose déjà!
Et voilà pour mes dessins de 2021! Bon, en vrai il manque encore la BD pour RPZ en caZ, mais ça arrive, ne vous en faites pas!
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spottys-rathole · 1 year
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I get to upload late silly doodles and you get to not ask questions
Ecrire le nom des perso quand t'as peur qu'on les reconnaisse pas jpp
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
Late Night Study Session
Fandom: The Dark Knight Trilogy
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x OC
Summary: Jonathan and Vanessa try out a new method of studying for finals.
Series: Part 2 of The Shadow Game
Word Count: 1,735
Notes: Warnings for smut. This has been sitting in my drafts for months and I’m so sorry that it took me this long to finally get around to finishing it. I am not a doctor so apologizes if any of the answers for the medical questions used are inaccurate!
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“What’s the treatment for a Lithium overdose?”
Vanessa bit her lip. “Dialysis.”
A whimper echoed from Vanessa’s lips, back arched from her place seated in Jonathan’s lap, legs straddling one of his thighs, back pressed to his chest, both completely naked as his long fingers circled over her clit while she whined needily against him.
To be fair, this had technically been her idea. A way to spice up their late nights spent studying for finals. 
“For every question I get right, you have to take off a piece of clothing and vice versa.”
Jonathan had raised his eyebrows from his spot on the couch. “What if we run out of clothing before we run out of questions?”
She grinned wickedly at him. “That’s when the touching will come in.”
She tilted back so she could twist her head around to look at him, lips almost brushing his as she spoke. 
“Long term treatment for alcohol withdrawal?”
She caught his lips with hers in reward, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and biting lightly. One of her hands slipped behind her to stroke his cock. His breath shuddered out against her.
“Benzodiazepine antidote?” 
She stiffened and felt him grin in response. Fuck. “Um…” Her brow furrowed in concentration, not helped by Jonathan’s fingers still lazily circling over her. The asshole knew that was a question that always tripped her up. It started with an F, she was sure of that at least. “Floxuridine?”
Jonathan’s lips twitched upwards. “That’s for cancer, Nes.”
He laughed softly as he pulled his fingers away to instead rest on her thigh. His hand came to clamp around her wrist when she tried to pull away from his swollen erection.
“Uh, uh, uh. Those weren’t the rules, Nes,” he scolded.
 Vanessa twisted around so that she was facing him, straddling his lap. Jonathan grinned up at her innocently while she glowered.
“You’re an asshole.”
“What? I thought that we were supposed to be testing each other?” His eyes glimmered with amusement as he looked up at her, head tilted to the side with a look of mock confusion on his face. Vanessa huffed and pouted at him. “That’s not gonna work.”
She pursed her lips, instead leaning forward to rest her head in the crook of his neck, lips pressed to soft, pale skin. She tightened the hand she still had wrapped around him, adding a bit of speed to her strokes. Fine. If he wanted to play dirty, she could play dirty. 
“Disorder with multiple motor and vocal tics?”
“Tourette disorder. Oh–” he choked as she added a twist every time she stroked down on his shaft at the same time she grazed her teeth over his collarbone. He cleared his throat. “What medication can be used for a patient with PTSD to stop or reduce nightmares?”
His fingers returned to stroking her clit, sliding through her folds and gathering the wetness there. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.
“An adult man is afraid of flying. What is the suggested treatment?”
“Exposure therapy.” He cried out as she ran her tongue over one of his nipples, back arching. Those blue eyes wide and almost desperate. His cock twitched in her hand and she leaned back to narrow her eyes at him.
“Don’t come,” she ordered sternly. He bit his lip at that and nodded. She returned her head to its position on his chest. After a long moment of silence save for his heavy breathing, she looked up at him again. “Jonathan?”
“Aren’t you going to ask me a question?”
“O-oh. Yeah. Um,” his brow furrowed and she had to bite back a smile. He really was very hot when he was concentrating on something. “The name of an abrupt onset of fear with symptoms usually peaking within ten minutes?”
“A panic attack.” Now it was her turn to let out a loud sound of pleasure, as he sunk a long finger into her cunt, crooking and moving it in pace with her own strokes along his cock. “G-od, Jonathan,” her hand not occupied with his cock traced the shape of one of his cheekbones.
“Thank wasn’t–wasn’t a question,” he choked out, even as he nuzzled against her hand.
“Smartass,” she whispered, replacing her hand with his lips, leaving little pecks all along his cheek. “Disorder with excessive anxiety and worry for at least six months?” 
“Generalized anxiety disorder,” he added another finger inside of her, but she didn’t have the mental capacity at the moment to remind him that he was the one supposed to be getting rewarded, not her. She continued to nuzzle at his cheek, one hand going to fondle and cradle his balls. She could feel an orgasm building up in her, teetering closer and closer with each thrust of his fingers. Jonathan was biting his lip with the concentration it was taking to not come in her hand. “Intense fear of a specific situation?” 
“A phobia.”
Something in Jonathan snapped.
“Fuck it.”
His hands were ripped away from her, and for a moment she was confused and almost hurt by the sudden departure, until he was gripping her tight, repositioning her on his lap, long fingers curling into her waist. One of her hands anchored itself on his chest, the other helping to guide him into her, his hands on her waist encouraging as she sank down onto him.
“Yes,” she breathed out, head thrown back as she halted, allowing herself the moment to enjoy being so full. Jonathan pressed warm kisses to her shoulder, nuzzling at her neck as he waited patiently for her to move.
Anchoring her hands on his chest, Vanessa began to bounce, setting a quick, somewhat rough rhythm. Jonathan’s hand palmed greedily at her thighs, squeezing the flesh. Tangling her hands in his hair, Vanessa pulled his head close, kissing him once on the lips before his head came to rest against her chest, eyes fluttering as he nuzzled at one of her breasts. His cock curved in just the right way to hit her in the most sensitive of spots, making her shudder, head falling back, hair flying everywhere.
Grinding down on him with every thrust, she whimpered at the friction on her clit, fingers tightening against his shoulders. Jonathan nipped at her collarbone sweetly, one hand remaining on her thigh while the other slid between her legs to massage her clit. Vanessa made a sound that might very well have been a sob, a hand flying up to clench in his hair and make him groan.
“You close?” she choked out, feeling as his cock started to twitch and throb. Her walls were starting to tighten and flutter, leaving him to choke on air and grab at her tighter. 
Burying her head in his shoulder, she nodded, dragging her teeth along his skin. Jonathan whimpered, back arching. “Good.”
Growling, he sucked a love bite into her chest, one of her hands clawing at his back while the other slid through his ridiculously soft hair. The heat was growing in the pit of her belly, tightening like a rubber band ready to snap. Jonathan suddenly leaned back on the couch, arm wrapping around her waist to pull her with him. They were pressed even closer together like that, and the angle of his thrusts changed ever so slightly in a way that had her eyes rolling into the back of her head, gasping his name where her lips were still pressed to his skin.
“Nes, fuck, Nes,” he chanted, putting a little more pressure on her clit. Her body tensed, muscles clamping down around him, back arching while her eyes squeezed shut, mouth falling open in a silent scream as she came. Jonathan groaned, bucking into her once, twice, three times before stilling with a soft moan, sheathing himself entirely as he emptied inside of her. His arms wrapped around her waist, their head burying into each other's necks as they breathed deeply, bodies relaxing into one another. 
When her mind finally stopped spinning with the haze of pleasure, she was aware of Jonathan stroking his fingers through her hair, kissing at her temple before massaging her back. Raising her head to look at him, though still keeping it rested against his chest, she smiled dreamily up at him, lips quirking at his disheveled appearance. His hair was sticking every which way, chest still slightly flushed, and a few love bites blooming across his pale skin.
He looked beautiful.
“What?” he asked, one arm wrapping around her waist to hold her close, the other stroking her face. Vanessa just shook her head.
“Nothing. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he pecked her nose. Snuggling more heavily against him, Vanessa let her arms drape loosely over his shoulders, eyes blinking sleepily.
“You think that it worked?”
“The new study techniques. Do you think that they worked?”
Jonathan snorted. “I suppose we’ll find out,” his thumb continued to circle against her back.
“You wanna go get cleaned up?” she asked, stretching up to kiss his cheekbone. He sometimes got cranky when things started getting sticky.
“Yeah,” he winced slightly as he pulled his softening cock out of her, hand remaining on her hips to stabilize her as she stood. A startled yelp that morphed into a giggle left her lips as he suddenly tugged her back against him, looking up at her with those big icy eyes. “Hey, Nes?”
“Mm?” she stroked her fingers through his hair. He leaned into her touch like a cat.
“You know…” he bit his lip. “We also have that chemistry final that we need to study for.”
A mischievous giggle left her lips and she let him pull her closer, arms tightening around her waist. “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, dipping his head to kiss along her chest, lifting his chin slightly to flutter his eyelashes at her wickedly. A startled, laughing shriek left her mouth as he suddenly seized her, pulling her down with him onto the couch, rolling them so that her back was pressed to the cushions, his body curling on top of her as he pressed his mouth hungrily to hers.
It turned out that their new method of studying was actually quite successful, if the grades that they got on their finals were of any indication.  
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Series: Part 2 of The Shadow Game  
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transbookoftheday · 2 months
Transmasculine Visibility Day
According to nonbinary.wiki, today is Transmasculine Visibility Day!
This day was established to commemorate the ENAHT (Encontro Nacional de Homens Trans, "National Meeting of Trans Men") organized by Ibrat (Instituto Brasileiro de Transmaculinidades, "Brazilian Institute of Transmaculinities"), which took place on 20 February 2015.
Here are some of my favorite transmasc books:
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Book Titles:
We Both Laughed In Pleasure by Lou Sullivan
Grit by Silas Denver Melvin
The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee
Deadendia: The Watcher’s Test by Hamish Steele
Calvin by J.R. Ford, Vanessa Ford and Kayla Harren
A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee
Three Kings by Freydís Moon (I no longer recommend this author's books.)
The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
A Million Quiet Revolutions by Robin Gow
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A.
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa
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bimrwolf · 2 years
The Things We Don't Say
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steve harrington x afab!reader words: 17,418 warnings: smut ! 18+ (minors dni) summary: Steve Harrington once was the bane of Y/n's existence. He had always been an arrogant asshole and a terrible kisser. She never understood how others fell for the boy's eye-roll worthy charm. Now it seems like he will do anything to prove her wrong about anything. a/n: this is my first steve fic and it turned into a very long one shot
There was something sweet when it was the time of year that it wasn’t too cold to be winter nor too warm to be Spring. The leaves on the trees began to grow back to their vibrants green. Dandelions started to sprout on the side of the roads. Lawns needed to be mowed from the cool showers that casted over Hawkins, Indiana. 
Sweaters, cold cheeks, and hot tea, sitting on her porch swing, watching the sunset and streetlights cast their glow on the streets, telling children it’s their time to retreat back into their homes to get rested for the next day— to do it all over again. In Hawkins, it sometimes felt like the day repeated itself. 
Graduation was creeping around the corner. College rejection letters flooded her mailbox. Choices were slimming down every week. 
Maybe if she had focused better in school.
That’s why she found herself on a chilly Saturday evening with her friend, Heather Holloway, at Daniel Brown’s house. 
It was a small gathering. Soft music, beer, and the smell of weed and cigarettes. A few couples making out in dark corners. People who would never interact at school making out in the backyard next to the crackling bonfire. High school was weird. 
Heather only wanted to come because Daniel and her had gone on two dates and now suddenly she believed the two of them were going to be married. 
Y/n didn’t despise parties, she always went to them if she were invited, but they only seemed fun when she was plastered and couldn’t remember anything. Too bad she was the designated driver tonight. 
She pulled at the shirt she wore as the two of them stood in the corner, silently gossiping at who was there, and who was with who. Heather swatted her hand. “Stop. I told you already. You look great.” 
She groaned. “You’re legally obliged to say that because you’re my friend.” She didn’t care what she looked like, but today was a day where her clothes seemed to snug her, making her feel uncomfortable and awkward. 
“Wasn’t Billy with Vanessa on Monday?” Heather motioned toward the couch. Billy Hargrove had his hand dangerously close to Penny Melton’s privates, nibbling her ear. 
“Are you that surprised?” She gave Heather a knowing look. 
The front door opened, bringing in a wave of cold air that stung her cheeks. She rolled her eyes at who walked in. 
A perky boobed brunette with rosy cheeks and small hips sauntered in. Right behind her, Steve Harrington, his hand around her shoulders. His dark locks were styled in his signature updo, a tiny loose curl clinged to his forehead. 
The couple walked past them, and she couldn’t help but smirk at their visible similarities. “Hey, Harrington. Didn’t know you had a sister.” 
The girl looked up at Steve, gasping, tearing away from him and storming off. Steve threw his head back. He looked at her, not amused. “Can you not be unbearable for once?” He asked her. 
“Be careful not to step too close to the fire outside. Hairspray is flammable, y’know?” She gave him a cheeky grin. 
Steve paid no mind, storming off to find his date. 
“Remind me why you hate Steve so much?” Heather asked in amusement. 
“Since he ditched you to swap spit with Kelly Sullivan.” She answered. 
“That was sophomore year.” Heather stated. 
“Freshman.” She corrected her. 
Heather held out her arms dramatically. “See! It’s not a big deal. I don’t even remember. If I kissed him now, I feel like I would be kissing all the girls in Hawkins.” 
Y/n gagged at the description. “Ew. You dodged a bullet.” 
“Rumor has it that he’s not a douche anymore. I don’t know what that Nancy girl did to him, but apparently he’s a saint now.” Heather’s words sounded like a joke. 
Y/n nudged Heather. They watched Billy grab Penny’s hand and led her upstairs. 
She wished the couch hadn’t been infested with sex germs so she could sit down. Her feet were killing her. 
Heather took a sip of her beer she had in her hand. Wiping her mouth, she then tapped her chin, thinking. “He was your first kiss.” 
“Who?” Y/n was caught off guard. “Oh. Well, that’s a memory I suppress into the back of my mind. Worst kiss of my life.” 
“Not what you said in eighth grade. I can’t believe he took your wet dream virginity.” Heather sighed. “I remember my first like it was yesterday. Harrison Ford could do anything to me.” 
“I’m never telling you anything again.” She bounced off the wall and walked to the table full of beverages and snacks. She picked up a bottle of water. Heather had followed her, leaning against the table. 
“Admit it. You have no reasonable explanation to hate Steve Harrington.” Her friend took a chip out of one of the bowls, popping it in her mouth. 
“I don’t even hate him. He’s just insufferable, arrogant, and a bad kisser.” She needed fresh air from this interrogation. “Don’t you need to go find Daniel or something like that.” 
“Your lack of knowledge about flirting is astounding. My plan is to be here, look cute, and then leave. When he sees me Monday at school, he’ll ask me why we didn’t talk tonight.” 
Y/n was grateful that the conversation had moved elsewhere. “That’s not even flirting.” She led them to the backyard where most everyone was. She noticed Steve had made up with his date— his tongue was down her throat. 
“How would you know?” Heather questioned, scanning the yard, smiling when she noticed Daniel over by a group of his friends. She pushed up her boobs and laughed loudly like Y/n had said something hilarious. She frowned when he didn’t look their way. 
As the night went on more laughter and conversations were told into the chill air. It felt good to be young. 
Y/n was not having a good summer. Heather was the only one between the two of them who was hired at the pool. 
Summer was now the last bit of time Y/n would get to spend with her before Heather went off to NYU. 
Y/n’s grades only managed to get her into a community college about forty-five minutes outside of Hawkins. So, she felt like she wasn’t even leaving. 
Although she managed to get a job at the Gap at the newly opened Starcourt mall, their schedules seemed to never align. 
It was one particular day that Y/n finally had a day off. She didn’t feel like going to the pool. Or doing much of anything. She wanted to lie in her room and read her newest magazine with a cold glass of lemonade. But instead she found herself in the parking lot of Starcourt. 
This was her new hobby. She would browse all the stores, pick up things she wanted and place them back because she was saving her money. Then she would go bother her co-workers for a few minutes, sometimes buying an item she had been eyeing for the past few weeks. She did get an employee discount after all. Then she would head out and go home to get ready for the next day. 
But on this particular day as she passed the food court, one of the shops caught her attention. It was a small shop, decorated in red, white, and blue. The front of a boat was next to the entrance. Y/n had heard good things about Scoops Ahoy. Some even rivaled it with Baskin-Robbins. 
She entered the shop, eyeing the striped walls and checkered flooring. The theme was cute. She had seen a glimpse of their uniforms when workers would walk by the store, and she was glad the Gap let her wear what she wanted. 
She got behind a girl with curly blonde hair, and she was giggling at whatever the cashier was saying. Five minutes had gone by and the girl hadn’t moved yet. Y/n peered over the girl’s shoulder, and nearly doubled over in laughter. 
Steve Harrington was on the other side of the counter, leaned over, and wore that silly sailor uniform. He looked ridiculous. It almost made up for waiting almost seven minutes to get a damn scoop of ice cream. Y/n sighed. She guessed she would have to take matters into her own hands. 
She pushed past the girl, who let out a large huff, almost dropping the ice cream cone in her hand. “Stevie!” Y/n squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck, planting a wet sloppy kiss on his cheek. 
Steve’s face was priceless. His eyes nearly popped out of his sockets and mouth agape. “Wha-” 
He didn’t even get to finish because Y/n pushed his jaw back up. “Sweetheart, you’ll catch flies.” She turned around to face the girl who looked pissed. “Sorry, haven’t seen my boyfriend in a few days. He’s getting over mono.” 
The girl let out a sound of disgust, pivoting on her heels and stormed out of the ice cream parlor. 
Y/n’s face fell and quickly let go of Steve. “Okay, now that the horrendous sight of Steve Harrington trying to flirt is over with. Can you tell me the specials?” 
Her attention was dragged to a pair of tiny doors opening behind him. A girl with medium length brown hair held a board with one side being You Rule and the other being You Suck. There were three tallies on the You Suck side. She drew another, making it four. “Some girlfriend, dingus.”
Steve looked embarrassed and livid all at the same time when he turned back around to look at Y/n. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Is this you breaking up with me?” Y/n clutched her chest. 
“Isn’t there a sign outside that says no pests?” He asked her. 
“Didn’t know they were so desperate for workers they allowed dipshits to apply.” 
His co-worker let out a cackle. Y/n noticed her name tag said Robin. “Oh, I like her, Harrington. Can I keep her?” 
He growled, moving over to the freezer that held the ice cream. “Just pick a flavor.” 
Y/n ignored Steve and focused on the girl. “I can’t believe someone took my job on being the bane of Steve’s existence.” 
Robin shrugged. “He makes it so easy.”
“I know, right?” She laughed with her. 
Steve coughed. 
She rolled her eyes and looked at him. Robin retreated into the backroom. “So, is it true you’re not a pretentious dick anymore?”
“I guess you could say that.” Steve answered, averting his eyes elsewhere. There seemed to be a shade of pink that pricked his cheeks and nose. 
“Does that mean you bring girls back to your place on the second date instead of the first?” 
He didn’t answer. 
She sighed, looking up at the menu above him with all the flavors and combinations. “I would ask what you would recommend, but I feel like it’s vanilla.” 
He gave her a sarcastic ha. 
He thought for a moment before taking a scoop and making a cone of a golden brown ice cream, dark chocolate pieces poking out. “Here.” He walked to the cash register and held it over the counter. 
“What is it?” Y/n narrowed her eyes. 
“Ice cream.” Steve replied in a “duh” tone. He pushed it closer for her to take. 
“Obviously.” She mumbled, taking it out of his hand. His fingers grazed hers, and she swore she felt a tingle.  “Peanut Butter Cluster Delight.” He stood back, crossing his arms. Y/n took note on how his biceps hugged the sleeves of his uniform. She took a bite, the many flavors almost seemed overwhelming at first, but then they melted together smoothly against her tongue. She wouldn’t admit it to Steve, but he chose something delightful and delicious. 
His face was scrunched up, cringing. “You bite your ice cream?” 
“Shut up. How much do I owe you?” She dug into her back pocket to pull out some money. 
Steve held out a hand, stopping her. “It’s on me.” 
“You poisoned it. That’s what’s going on, isn’t it?” Y/n was somewhat convinced he had done something to it. Yet, she took another bite. 
He smirked. “No, but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I made you pay?”
She almost smiled. Almost.
Y/n never expected to find herself physically fighting her best friend. She tried her best calling her name, reminding her who she was. She recounted stories and memories, but when she looked into Heather’s eyes. There was nothing but a cold dark stare. 
Nancy Wheeler tried to warn her Heather would come after her. But she didn’t believe her. 
When she arrived home after work, there Heather was, sitting on Y/n’s bed. Everything about her was different. Her stoic expression, straight posture, the black protruding veins in her neck. 
“It will only hurt a little.” Whoever was possessing Heather said, as it pinned Y/n against her bedroom floor. 
Y/n turned her head, sobbing, staring at the shaggy carpet. She could see dirty socks and loose change scattered. Would the old pink nail polish stain be the last thing she saw when she died? She closed her eyes, thinking about her favorite things. Hot tea with honey. The warm buttery vanilla smell that engulfed the house when her mother made cookies. The cold nights she spent on her porch swing. Peanut Butter Cluster Delight flavored ice cream. The smell of sea salt soap that reminded her of the beach. Laughing with her best friend about stupid boys. Crying with her best friend about moving off. 
She snapped her eyes open. This was not Heather. Y/n screamed, lifting her hand up and whacking the creature’s head, forcing the thing to fly off her body. 
Almost on cue, her bedroom door flew open. Nancy and her boyfriend Jonathan Byers stormed in holding weapons. She was dragged out of her house and forced to hide with them in a cabin in the middle of the woods with a bunch of kids. She tried to wrap her mind around this world they had been living in while she was worried about simple things like what to wear and who was kissing who. The life she had been living suddenly felt mundane and meaningless compared to theirs. 
It was even more mind boggling when a slimy creature broke through the cabin and this girl– Eleven– used her mind to fight off a slimy tentacled creature. Y/n felt dazed as she stood off to the side, watching these people fight it so nonchalantly. Like it was their job. 
They made a new safe haven in the supermarket so they could clean Eleven’s very large cut on her leg. Y/n felt queasy as the blood oozed and sputtered out. She broke off with Nancy and Jonathan, off to find soap and water. “So, this thing,” Y/n began. “You’ve fought it before?” 
Nancy shared a look with Jonathan. “Listen, you’re just here so we can protect you from becoming like Heather. Possibly, from turning into that thing you saw.”
Y/n’s jaw ticked. “That didn’t answer my question.”
Nancy sighed, handing the water and soap to Jonathan and motioning for him to keep going. “No. Well, maybe. But it’s different now. It’s too complicated, and it’s best if you don’t get involved.”
She scoffed. “It’s a little too late for me not to be involved.” 
Before the oldest Wheeler could answer, sounds of Mike yelling could be heard. The two of them jogged over to see what the issue was. 
Next thing Y/n knew, they were heading back to the one place she felt like she couldn’t escape.
She led them through a secret hallway to the upstairs when they noticed a group of men dressed in black with guns. Mike whispered he could see his friend that they were looking for, and the gunmen were going straight to them. There was a look of relief on the group downstairs when El made a car crash into the strangers. 
Although she had just seen a real life monster and a girl with superpowers. Nothing shocked her more than seeing no other than Steve Harrington in his stupid little sailor uniform, arguing with the group, letting Y/n know this wasn’t his first time either. 
When he noticed her standing meekly behind Nancy, he pointed at her, shaking his head. “Who the hell brought her along?” 
“Nice seeing you too, Harrington. What happened to your face? Lost a fight to a revolving door?” She shot back quickly. The kids all looked at one another. They were at a loss for words. 
“Jesus.” He groaned, running a hand through his already messy hair. “Cut me some slack. I was just drugged and beaten to a pulp by Russians. I don’t need your shit today.” 
Y/n let out a sorry. They all stared at her awkwardly, and suddenly she felt out of place. She excused herself and walked away. 
Robin had come after her a few moments later, a sympathetic look on her face. They weren’t exactly friends, Y/n would say, but they’ve hung out for a few weeks while on breaks. It was enough for Robin to make sure everything was okay. 
“You should have seen the shit I saw.” Y/n blew out a puff of air. “I think if I survive this, I’ll have to start smoking cigarettes.” 
“That’s gross, Plus you’ll ruin your beautiful teeth.” Robin chuckled. “You missed it though. That El girl… some weird ugly slug came out of her leg.” 
“Isn’t this all crazy? Like it’s almost unbelievable.” Y/n put her face into her hands. “And Harrington. Oh my god. He’s been through this before.” It hit her like a truck. His overnight shift in personality made better sense to her.  There was a time when he probably was hanging out in the streets, playing baseball with a neighbor, waiting for the street lamps to turn on, telling him to get back home. He might have turned into a douchebag, but when his life was threatened, he was reminded he was just a young boy. That’s what he was. Just a young boy learning to survive.
Her new perspective on the brown eyed boy with stupid hair forced her to be silent around him. She didn’t even make fun of him when he called himself daddy as they piled into a sweet looking car to drive Dustin so he could make a large range radio signal. 
Y/n felt like helping fight the monster was more bearable than sitting in the backseat and occasionally making eye contact with him. However, Nancy convinced her she didn’t want the chance of Heather finding her. Deep down, Y/n knew Nancy didn’t think she could fight off her best friend again. 
She was probably right. 
There was a feeling Y/n had never experienced before. True gut wrenching heartbreak. The news that her best friend had perished in the end of the fight was like a knife had been twisted in her heart. She tried to remember quickly what Heather’s voice sounded like or the last time she had actually called to check on her. Her clouded mind failed her as she sat on the sidewalk, hugging herself. 
She didn’t realize Steve had sat down next to her, until he offered her a bottle of water. 
“Do you think they’ll mind if I call in sick tomorrow?” Y/n smiled weakly at her poor attempt to joke. 
Steve let out a breathy laugh. 
She noticed the blood on his face had dried, caking on his skin. It reminded her of last semester when he came to school with a black eye, and the year before that. She assumed it had been him fooling around with a girl that he shouldn’t have. Never did the idea of monsters from another dimension cross her mind. 
It was at that moment that her dislike for him bubbled down. She now felt respect. She wouldn’t tell him that though. 
Instead, she told him goodbye and got up to leave. She didn’t get too far before Steve called her name. “The first night is the hardest. When you’re all alone. It sucks.” He told her. 
To be honest, she hadn’t thought of it that way. Alone in her room— the room she nearly died in. Even when she blinked, the nightmare she had lived flashed before her eyes. “What do you suggest I do?” 
She wasn’t expecting a serious answer. She noticed the way his Adam’s apple bobbed. He was nervous. “You can stay with me. So you won’t be alone.” 
Y/n smirked. “I had it all wrong. Steve Harrington doesn’t even wait until the first date to invite a girl over.” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “Don’t cream your panties. Robin will be there too.” He started walking, leading her towards Robin. 
“This is your evil plan. Comforting us tonight so we'll play out your wildest fantasies?” It felt somewhat normal again, bantering back and forth. She knew he secretly enjoyed it by the way his lips tugged into a grin. She wouldn’t say it out loud, but she enjoyed it too. 
Y/n had only been to Steve’s house a handful of times. He hasn’t hosted a party since last year, and now she knows why. 
Although she was familiar with the living room, and swimming pool in the backyard, it felt different stepping into his room. It was tidy besides the clothes strewn across the floor. It was funny watching him quickly running around the room to put it in a laundry basket in his bathroom. 
They all took turns taking a shower, Robin, her, and then Steve. As soon as the water hit Y/n’s skin, it felt like the tension in her shoulders relaxed. It only took a few minutes for her to wash off, but she stood there, letting the warm water hit her back. She had picked up to read the different bottles in the bathroom. Tucked away in the corner, there was a soap bottle of Sea Salt Breeze. 
When she walked out of the bathroom, Robin was already passed out under the covers of his bed. Steve trekked inside the bathroom. 
Y/n sat with her back against his bed, knees against her chest, listening to the soft snores coming from Robin mixed with the patter of water coming from the shower. She heard him turn the shower off, his heavy footsteps padded around the bathroom. She heard a few curses and something clatter on the floor. 
It took her a moment to make the decision. She got up and softly tapped on the door. “Come in.” His voice was weak and hoarse. 
She opened the door slowly, revealing Steve in a pair of grey sweatpants and a navy sleep shirt. His hair was damp and brushed back out of his face. He had his palms against the counter, looking at his swollen eye and busted lip more closely. “Everything okay?” She sounded different to him. Concerned and gentle. 
He turned his head. “Yeah I’m fine.” 
She didn’t seem convinced by the way she crossed her arms against her chest and her eyebrow raised slightly. Steve sighed. “I just… I’m having a hard time getting this stupid contact lense out of my eye.” 
Y/n had to refrain from laughing. Not only for Robin’s sake but not to upset him even more. Her pinched lips made him groan. “I’m sorry!” She walked up to him, climbing up on the counter to sit. There she saw the case that held glasses with black frames, contact solution, and the contact holder. He must hide them from the wandering eye. “Do you need help?” 
He didn’t answer. 
He stood up straight and moved in front of her, leaning forward and widening his right eye. He winced because his left eye tried to widen with it. She told him to relax. Opening the eye up with her thumb and pointer finger with one hand, she used her other hand to pinch the contact out of his eyes, setting it in the holder with solution. When she turned her head back to face him, she realized how close he was. 
The last time they were like this was at Carol Perkin’s birthday party in eight grade. Y/n was more than nervous when the bottle landed on her in a game of seven minutes in heaven. He had a stupid grin plastered on his young freckled face. At that age, Steve had been everyone’s first school girl crush. He was goofy and charismatic. There was also that time in seventh grade he returned that pencil he borrowed. No one had returned her pencil before. 
Who wouldn’t want to kiss him? 
He still had those few freckles on his face. His breath still smells like mint toothpaste. His body still smelled like she was walking along the beach. His lips were chapped and cracked. She brushed her finger over the cut dangerously close to his bottom lip. “You need to clean that. You don’t want it getting infected.” 
He moved away from her, and she felt cold. 
He opened the mirror above the sink, pulling out a first aid kit, coming back and handing it to her. When she gave him a look, he shrugged. “Can’t see. Remember?” 
He stared at her as she took care of the wound. She knew he was. She could feel the hot blazed glare burning into her skin. It made her itch. 
When she finished, he stepped back and looked into the mirror again. “I won’t be able to step outside for weeks.” 
“Wear the glasses. People might be too distracted by those than your black eye.” She slid off the counter, patting his shoulder. No, she didn’t do it just to see how his muscles felt. 
Before she pulled away, Steve’s hand came up and was placed on top of hers. It was large and calloused, yet it was also gentle and warm. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she answered. 
“Does this make us friends now?” He asked, taking his hand away, facing her, leaning back onto the counter. 
Her eyes scanned over him, thinking to herself how odd the question was. Why did he care if they were friends? “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Harrington.” 
But when she laid on his bed that night, too afraid to sleep, her mind couldn’t help but think how her only friend was gone. She wouldn’t tell him, but maybe the idea of calling Steve her friend wasn’t as absurd as she thought. 
Winter had always been Y/n’s favorite season. The white glow of fluffy snow when she stepped outside or how icicles hung from above. Her house always smelled like gingerbread and pine needles. 
It wasn’t until she sat against hot concrete, feet dipped in the pool, watching Steve and Robin argue about diving techniques. It wasn’t until three weeks ago when Steve had asked the two of them to come over to swim and he had answered his front door in only his swim trunks. It wasn’t until this was now a ritual— every day she and Robin would arrive at Steve’s door, wearing their swimsuits under their clothes, holding a pack of beers from the corner store, carrying mischievous smiles. It wasn’t until some days, they would venture inside and put on a movie. Robin would make claim to the loveseat and Y/n had the couch. Steve laid his back on the floor, but on one occasion he plopped on the other side of her, propping his feet into Y/n’s lap. 
Although she was sad, and experienced something so traumatic, summer seemed to be irrevocably irreplaceable. The warm sun, melting popsicles that ran on her fingers making them sticky, staying out too late were all the things that made her feel young and in love with summer again. 
It sucked that they all were jobless, but none of their parents pushed for them to get a new one after everything that had happened. Also, it was Hawkins. The job market was slim to none. 
It was good to just be a kid again. 
Y/n laughed as Robin and Steve had gotten into a heated childish argument that resulted in her pushing Steve off the diving board. Y/n felt the drops of water hit her face and legs, but she didn’t care. Steve came back to surface, wiping his stinging eyes, swearing words that even sailors would wince at. He turned towards her, pretending to be angry that she was laughing too hard, swimming towards her. She yelled at him to leave her alone, kicking the water so it would splash him. He grabbed her ankles so she would stop. 
She leaned her head forward, peering over the Ray Ban sunglasses she had– borrowed– from Steve. Water beaded on his forehead. His wet hair clung to his face. His nose was pink from the sun, exaggerating the tiny freckles that kissed his face. The sun cast a golden glow on his tan skin. “Help me out.” He stuck his hand out for her to take. 
“There’s a ladder over there.” Y/n replied, kicking her free foot slightly against his chest. 
Robin had made fun of him earlier today on how hairy it had become. 
“If you don’t help me, I’ll pull you in.” He threatened. 
Y/n watched as Robin cannonballed off the diving board, causing the pool water to ripple into tiny waves. Steve gave her a toothy grin. She didn’t trust him one bit, but she knew he would keep bothering her if she didn’t give in. She rolled her head back, sighing, taking his hand in hers. As she expected, he used all his strength to pull her arm and leg, placing her over his shoulder. His hand was settled at the back of her thigh, and a little too close to the bottom of her ass. The sunglasses had fallen to the bottom. She didn’t even try to fight him as he threw her into the middle of the pool. By the time she had come back up, he was climbing out before she could get revenge. 
“You guys want some pizza rolls?” He asked, picking up his towel off one of the pool chairs, shaking his hair in it. 
When he received a yes from both Robin and Y/n he retreated into the house. 
Y/n seemed to let out a deep breath, as she watched him. She swam back under the water to retrieve the sunglasses, surprised when she resurfaced to see Robin looking at her smugly. “What?”
“I used to think you were cool.” Robin said, propping her elbows up on the ledge. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/n asked.
Her new-found friend shrugged. “When I first met you, I thought you found him as irritable as I do. But the rest of the summer I’ve had to endure the two of you disgustingly flirting all the time. You’ve fallen under his spell.” 
Y/n scoffed. Robin sounded ridiculous right now. “Robin, I am not flirting with Steve Harrington.” 
Robin hummed, clearly not believing a word. 
“Even if I did flirt with him. It’s not like I’m the one he’s interested in.” Y/n gave her a pointed look. She had noticed Steve and Robin were closer and seemed to come to an understanding of one another. He always had a smile on his face around her and even touched her a lot more than he did Y/n. 
Robin nearly choked on her own laughter. “Me? Oh my god. No no no no. Never. Nope. Trust me on this one, Y/n.” 
“Why not? You’re pretty and… you get along very well.”
Robin closed her eyes, biting her lip. The look on her face was serious. “I don’t like Steve. If I did like someone, it would be someone like you.” 
Y/n raised her eyebrow. “I don’t understand.” 
“I’m a lesbian.” Her voice was soft, but Y/n could still hear the raspy words loud and clear. 
There was a sudden shift in her perception on the both of them. It wasn’t bad. But the secret whispers if the three of them had gone out made a lot more sense. Y/n smiled at her. Not one of those smiles full of pity. A real genuine friendly and encouraging smile. “Is that why you never argue when Steve puts on Risky Business?” 
Robin splashed her and told her to shut up. 
The rest of the day, now that they were dried off and back inside, Y/n couldn’t help but think about what Robin had mentioned. It was like she had to analyze every single move that Steve made or said. When they settled in the living room and he settled on the couch like last time, Y/n quickly slid to the floor, nervous that he might put his feet in her lap again. She looked down at her fidgeting fingers when she noticed Robin gave her a strange look. 
Really, the entire night she had brushed him off or barely spoke to him. 
It had gotten late. Robin decided to spend the night. Steve offered an invitation to Y/n, but she quickly rejected, making a lame excuse about waking up early to do chores. She said her goodbyes, quickly walking out of the house to her car. 
Steve’s voice called out to her when she made it about halfway. She turned around. “Yeah?” 
“Everything good? You seemed… off tonight.” His porch light shone on his face. She could still see the faded bruise underneath his eye. 
“I’m just tired is all.” She lied. Although, she didn’t know the entire truth to what she was feeling. 
“You coming by tomorrow?” He asked her. 
“If I didn’t know any better. You sound a bit obsessed with me, Harrington.” 
She was too far away to see the pink that spread across his cheeks. “No,” he sputtered out. “You wish.” 
There was a beat. 
“I have a date tomorrow. That’s why I asked.” 
Robin had been wrong to assume anything more was going on between the two of them. She relaxed her shoulders, feeling at ease that Steve was interested in someone else. “Who on Earth agreed to go on a date with you?” It was a joke. Only a joke. That’s why he scoffed and flipped her off before going back inside without saying goodnight. 
Maybe she should go inside and apologize. Maybe she should even tell him she changed her mind and wanted to stay. 
She didn’t. 
She thought Steve had been lying about his supposed date. But after she had called his house two days later, sobbing that her car wouldn’t start, he had pulled up and in the passenger side was a freshly permed redhead. There seemed to be a scowl on her face as she watched Steve look under the hood of Y/n’s car. 
“Date go well yesterday?” Y/n gave her a taunting wave.
Steve shot her a warning look. “Yeah, I guess. I was um… about to take her home when you called.” 
“Gonna see her again?” Y/n kicked at the pebbles on the ground. 
“I dunno.” He answered, tinkering with something Y/n had no clue what the name was. “She wasn’t too happy that I had to come help a friend who is a girl.” 
“Did I interrupt your morning coitus?” 
Steve quickly straightened up, hitting his head on the hood. He backed up, clutching the spot, cursing. He sat on the ground in pain. 
The girl quickly jumped out of the car and ran up to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Sweetheart! Are you okay? Why are you just standing there and laughing? Go get him an ice pack or something.” The red haired girl glared at Y/n. 
“Don’t worry. I think his hair prevents any trauma to the skull.” Y/n snorted. 
The girl narrowed her eyes. “Some friend you are.” 
“Harrington, tell your girlfriend to relax.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend!” 
The red headed girl huffed, pulling away from Steve. “I’m walking home.” 
She must have expected Steve to come after her, because she turned around twice to see if he would let her. But he just sat there, watching her walk away. 
Without another word about the redhead with no name he finished working on her car. 
Y/n shrugged off her jacket when she walked into the video store, placing it on the counter. She could hear quiet arguing from the backroom. The voices got louder as they ventured into the store. 
Robin was the first to walk out with a stack of VHS tapes. “Thank god you’re back.” She proclaimed when she realized Y/n was there. “Your hair is shorter.” 
Y/n couldn’t help but touch the end of her hair, smiling bashfully at her new decision. She looked over at Steve who hadn’t acknowledged her presence. “Hello to you too, Harrington.” 
The duo had finally found themselves a job towards the beginning of the school year. Y/n had tried to convince Steve to apply to the community college she attended, but he pushed it aside. He said that he needed to figure himself out first. She wondered what he even did when Robin and her were gone during the day and if it involved “figuring himself out.” 
He grumbled, putting his own stack of tapes on the cart. Robin rolled her eyes. “He’s trying to play it cool, but he missed you. The entire week you were gone he kept whining and asking me if it was Saturday yet.” Robin whispered to her so he couldn’t hear. 
Y/n had gone on vacation during Thanksgiving break to Florida at her aunt’s beach house. It was only a week, but it felt like a lifetime being away from Hawkins. Being away from them. Robin. Steve. 
Y/n watched Steve roll the cart over to a shelf, wordlessly putting tapes into their rightful place. 
Robin tilted her head towards him, silently telling Y/n to talk to him. She slowly made her way over to him, leaning her body against the side of his body, propping her hands on his shoulder, and resting her chin on them. He didn’t flinch or budge. In fact, she swore he moved closer into her touch. “Guess what.”
“Hm?” He continued to put the movies in their place. 
Y/n moved off of him, retrieving a folded envelope from her pocket, pushing it in front of his face. He backed his head up so he could get a better view. “Is that…” 
Y/n nodded. 
She bit her lip as he took the letter out of her hand. “Why didn’t you open it?” 
“I couldn’t do it myself. You’re the one who stayed up with me every night to make sure I finished my homework and helped me study. If I failed my midterms, I want you to be the one to break it to me.” She motioned her hands, encouraging him to open it. 
Steve set a copy of Jaws on the shelf. He dragged his finger slowly against the seal. Y/n bounced on her feet in anticipation, leaning forward as he took the piece of paper out. His eyes scanned the contents of the paper. He shook his head, giving her a disappointing smile. “I can’t believe you managed to pass all of your midterms.” 
Y/n’s eyes bulged, quickly snatching the paper out of his hand to see for herself. Sure enough, she had managed to get a passing grade in each course. “We did it!” She proclaimed, wrapping her arms excitedly around his neck. 
It took Steve a second before he hugged her back, patting her. “No, you did it yourself, Y/n.” 
She couldn’t help it. She gave him a tight squeeze, burying her face in his neck. “Thank you.” She muttered. When she pulled away, he ran hand through his hair, smiling awkwardly. “We should celebrate or something.” 
Steve leaned his elbow on the shelf, but it hit the tape he had just set down, causing it to flip. Luckily he caught it as it tumbled in the air. “Yeah. How about pizza and a movie at my place?” He suggested as he set the tape carefully back on the shelf. 
“As long as I get to pick the movie.” 
“Anything for you. Tomorrow at nine sounds okay?” 
“Good with me.” 
“Great. It’s a date.” Steve picked up Jaws and pushed it between the row of movies. He then rolled the cart to a new shelf, leaving Y/n frozen in place. He didn’t seem to notice the choice of words he had used. He’s used it before. But somehow his tone of voice felt different. 
Shaking her head, she turned around and walked over to her who was leaning over the counter. Y/n picked up her jacket. Robin gave her a smug look. “What?” 
“A date, huh?” Robin had lowered her voice. 
Y/n looked at the floor. “You know it’s not like that.” Normally, these “dates” included Robin. Yet, she acted like she knew something Y/n didn’t. 
“Do you want it to be like that?” Y/n was used to Robin questioning her feelings for Steve. 
Y/n could admit that the two of them have gotten closer but there was nothing more. When he touched her it was nothing more than a friendly squeeze. When they spoke it was always friendly banter. He never had any hidden reasoning behind it. 
“He’s just Steve to me.” Y/n replied. 
Robin was not convinced. 
The next day, Y/n arrived at Steve’s house. When she walked in the door it felt weird and quiet. “Where’s Robin?” 
He plopped on the loveseat that Robin would normally take over. He was wearing his glasses and his hair was messy. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap. “Not here.” 
“Obviously. Why didn’t you invite her?” Y/n went over to the television, popping the movie she had brought inside the player. 
“I did invite her. She said she couldn’t make it.” Steve threw the remote towards her. 
Y/n let a deep breath out. Robin was a conniving sly mischievous sneaky bastard. Y/n wondered if she should turn around and tell Steve that their mutual friend was trying to parent trap them. She didn’t though. 
Steve and her had hung out plenty of times by themselves and nothing happened. This was no different.
Although, she did have a difficult time paying attention to the movie, glancing over periodically as he had his knee in the air and hand under his head, parading his bicep. It would be so easy to go over and sit between his legs and lay down on his stomach. Her thoughts were distracted when his doorbell rang. She paused the movie to allow him to get up and answer the door, walking back into the living room with a box of pizza. He set it on the coffee table in front of the couch, grabbing a slice, and took a seat on the other side. 
Y/n had to keep repeating to herself he only sat there because it was easier to share the pizza that way. 
She must have been staring because he looked over at her, making a face. “You gonna start the movie back?” 
She had a hard time focusing, and Steve looked nothing but bored out of his mind and they still had about thirty minutes left of the movie. He must have sensed it. “Guess who came into the store this week?” He said, eyes still focused on the screen, taking another bite of his third pizza slice. 
“Who?” She asked him. 
“Tommy. Haven’t seen him since graduation.” Steve answered. There was a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. Tommy used to be one of his best friends. It shocked her and Heather at the beginning of senior year when they barely acknowledged each other’s existence. “Him and Carol split up. Crazy right? He said she went off to the University of Texas.”
“I never really spoke to her before except in eighth grade.” Y/n wiped her hands clean on a napkin, bringing her knees into her chest. 
“I remember you two belted out Call Me at her birthday party.” Steve laughed. His attention was finally on you. 
She laughed at the memory of her and Carol Perkins standing on top of Carol’s mother’s expensive new dining table, singing horribly out of tune to Blondie. “Oh my god. I completely forgot about that! How did you even remember?” 
“I remember a lot of things about that night.” Steve’s face had changed into something she couldn’t quite place her finger on, but it disappeared as quick as it came. He smirked, nudging his foot on her leg. “Even the kiss.” 
“I didn’t think you would remember that happening.” She couldn’t help but feel embarrassed that they were talking about it almost six years later. 
“Why would I forget my first kiss?” Steve chuckled.
The comment was almost unbelievable. Surely he was lying. What about the rumor that he kissed Betty Wyatt’s cousin in seventh grade? “I try to forget it.” She teased him, hoping it would distract from the shy look she was giving. “You were a bad kisser.” 
Steve scoffed, but the smile stayed. He leaned over and hit her knee. “I was not that bad.” 
She nodded her head violently. “Yes, you were. It felt like you were trying to suck a straw.”
“I’m sorry I was not born with natural kissing abilities like you. I bet you only knew what to do because you practiced on a poster of Donny Osmond.” He yelped when she kicked her foot against his. 
“That is just not true. It was Kevin Bacon.” 
“Yeah, well unlike you, I was not a weirdo.”  She tried to kick him again, but grabbed both of her calves, pulling her towards him. “Had to practice the old-fashioned way. No other girls have complained so far. Must be doing something right.” 
“Then why haven’t any of your relationships lasted?” She raised an eyebrow. She opened her mouth, gasping in revelation. “Maybe it’s not your commitment issues but your terrible lip-action.” She poked his forehead. 
Before, when they hadn’t been friends yet, that comment would have pissed him off. However, instead, he rolled his eyes, jabbing her side so she would yelp in laughter. “A lot has changed since eighth grade, Y/n. My kissing skills are phenomenal.” 
“Then show me.” 
She didn’t mean to say that out loud. She didn’t even mean to let the thought cross her mind. By the look on his face, eyes wide, lips parted as if he was unsure what to say, he was just as taken aback as she was. But she couldn’t help it.The glow of the television screen gleamed on his glasses. The light danced on his face, defining his jaw line. He didn’t look like the eighth grade boy she fancied. Nor did he look like the high school boy she despised. Now, he looked pretty and grown up.  
She gulped at his lack of response. “I… I was kidding, Harrington. Don’t cream your pants.” She playfully shoved his chest, looking anywhere but his eyes. 
“Oh.” He said. 
“Even if I wasn’t kidding. It would be no different than in eighth grade. It wouldn’t mean anything. It would be just for fun.” She should probably just shut up now before he kicked her out of his house for crossing the line. 
“Okay.” He shrugged. 
Her eyes met his again. Slanted and hooded. Not phased at all that he was agreeing on kissing his friend. She crossed her legs and he mirrored her. Their knees touched.
There was no slow build up or lingering looks. Steve quickly leaned in, giving her a chaste kiss. 
When he pulled back she frowned. “Really?” 
“What?” He shrugged. He was holding back and she didn’t understand why. 
“That was barely a kiss.” She crossed her arms. 
He took a deep breath and removed his glasses, setting them down on the coffee table. He turned back towards her, running his tongue along his bottom lip while staring at hers. He placed his hand on the side of her face, thumb brushing over his cheek. This time, he leaned in slowly, until their lips met once again. 
Her hands laid stupidly by her side as their lips melted against one another. She was afraid to touch him. She was afraid if she did touch him this friendly kiss would become more. 
She wasn’t sure when his hand came to the back of her neck, pulling her deeper. She was the one who invited his tongue in, parting her lips, allowing it to glide over the roof of her mouth before dipping it against her own.
Maybe it was the guttural moan that came out of him that she found herself climbing into his lap, hands finally touching him. She broke away. He tried to chase her lips, whimpering. “I should probably go.” 
Steve looked over at the television. “The movie isn’t over.” The movie had been long forgotten. 
“I have class tomorrow.” She argued. 
Steve gripped her sides. “Please stay. At least until the movie is over.” 
Her lips found his again. More greedy and intense than the last time. She couldn’t help but grab a fistful of his hair, tugging it. That same moan from earlier came back. He came up for a breath of air like he had been drowning for hours. Y/n herself felt like she was in a whirlpool. Her head spinning, stomach flipping. 
Their noses bumped into one another as he angled his head. His lips moved to her jaw then to her neck. Licking and nipping the soft skin. “Harrington.” She sighed. 
“You know this isn’t going to be a thing, right?” He looked up, lips pink and swollen. His eyes clouded with desire. “I don’t like you or anything.” 
“Okay.” He tried to lean back in, but she stopped him. He rolled his eyes. “What do you want me to say? We both agreed it’s only for fun.” 
A part of her wished she hadn't said anything. A part of her wanted him to argue and tell her it wasn’t just fun for him and he liked her. 
She was ready to get off his lap again and run out of his house. The air was suffocating. But then he shifted, and she felt the hardness under the soft cotton of his sweatpants, brushing lightly against the back of her thigh. She hitched her breath. 
His fingers pushed the hem of her shirt, brushing her bare stomach. “You know this only confirms that you don’t wait until the first date.” 
“Do you believe the only thing I think about is sex?” He quizzed her. There was the playful smirk on his face that he always gave her when he wanted her to pick on him. 
“Actually, yes. Probably the longest committed relationship you’ve had.” The anxious feeling gnawing on her brain loosened. She leaned over and whispered in his ear. “I can also feel your dick.”
He flushed. 
“Look at you getting all flustered. You’re too pretty for your own good, Harrington.” She smiled smugly when he grew redder at the compliment. 
She squeezed his warm pink freckled cheeks, making his lips pucker out. “Do the other girls get you worked up like me?” 
He shook his head. He didn’t need to though. She knew the girls he brought home didn’t speak to him in such a way. 
That was one thing about her that Steve found most enthralling. She was never different around him. Even when he makes a comment that flustered her, she could come back with full force. It was like they were on opposite ends of one of those Newton’s cradles. 
“I’m not expecting to have sex.” He assured her. 
“I know.” She was ready for him to shut up. She bucked her hip. 
“Shit.” Steve groaned from the pressure in his pants. His palms ran up and down her bare sides, thumbing the fabric of her bra underneath. There was a shaky breath he let out when she grinded against him. “What about you?” 
“What about me?” 
“Are you expecting to have sex?” 
She dipped down, kissing his sweet lips. “I’m just having fun before the movie is over.” 
“You’re avoiding the question.” His hands were still now, resting on her ribs. 
She threw her head back, agitated. “I dunno! I’ve never even had sex before. I don’t know what I want to happen.” 
Steve’s eyes went wide, quickly removing his hands from under her. “But you acted like you’ve done this before.”It came out as a question. 
“Confidence gets you a long way.” She mumbled. “Now you’re treating me like I’m going to break if you touch me.” 
“No. No! That’s not… I don’t want you to feel like you are making a mistake.” Steve’s face softened with concern. 
“We’re already making a mistake. What’s one more? Show me what I’ve been missing all these years.” 
This wasn’t what she had imagined her first time. It had always been someone she cared about deeply. There was a trail of rose petals and satin sheets. Her lips would taste of the red wine she had just drank with maybe a hint of strawberries. She would wear a well thought out lingerie set which would slowly be taken off her and her body would be ravished, idolized, relished. She had always thought those were the things that would make her first time perfect. 
Never did she imagine it would be Steve Harrington, laying her on his couch after he had just taken her shirt off, her bra not long after. Her breasts in his mouth, sticky and wet as he lapped his tongue over her nipples. 
More clothes seemed to disappear between them. The glow of the television melted into his skin. She brushed her fingers over the freckles on his ribs. It was something she wanted to do months ago when they were swimming in his pool. 
His hand slipped between her thighs, sliding up. She was only wearing underwear now, and embarrassingly enough, it wasn’t anything cute or fancy. “Who’s the worked up one now?” He commented as he slipped his hand inside her underwear, feeling the wetness. 
“Can’t help it. You’re so pretty, Harrington.” She mewled. She was happy to discover the compliment made him red-faced and clumsy. She was going to use that to her advantage. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked. 
“You are.” 
“Not what I meant.” 
His fingers felt like electricity. Gliding, massaging against her sweet area. His lips were on hers again, sucking, nibbling her bottom lip. He was hungry for more. 
When he removed her underwear and kissed her pelvis, it began to hit her that she was naked and about to sleep with Steve Harrington. Her– unlikely– friend Steve Harrington. “Steve.” She let out a wanton moan as his tongue made contact with her swollen clit. 
He lifted her legs onto his shoulders, hands wrapped over her thighs, gripping the insides. He pushed his face deeper, moaning against her. 
“You look so pretty between my legs.” She chuckled when he looked up at her, eyes hazy, drunk on her. He flicked his tongue faster, and she tried to clench her legs together but he spread them back apart. 
He came up for a moment, a string of salvia between his mouth and her. “You okay?” 
“Really? You’re checking on me now?” She complained, wiggling for him to continue. 
There was a moment. 
He looked at her intensely, watching her chest rise and fall. He took note of how her eyes glimmered. How beautiful she looked on the couch, the cushions enveloping around her bare body. Before his thoughts could stray further from just friends territory, he returned his mouth on her, taking one of his hands, he moved his hand off her thigh. “Eyes on me.” 
He groaned when she parted her lips, a soft gasp escaping as he slowly slipped his middle finger inside of her. He pumped it in and out. Hot sticky sounds mixed with soft moans and grunts. “Jesus…”
“Feel okay?” 
She nodded. 
He slipped a second finger in.
Dear god, she felt she was floating in the air as his tongue lapped and circled her clit, sucking, and occasionally his teeth grazing. It all felt surreal like if she closed her eyes and opened them back up he wouldn’t be there. Maybe that’s why she tangled her fingers into his dark mop of hair, ensuring he was real and wouldn’t disappear. Maybe she also gripped his hair after he curled his fingers, hitting a sensitive spot. Maybe she held on tighter because that bubbling feeling at the base of her stomach appeared, her eyes watering, and her breath irregular, her walls tightened around his fingers, her high pouring all over them. 
He kissed her thigh, letting her catch her breath and revel in the orgasm, fingers still inside of her. She stared at white the ceiling above her, trying to refocus her eyes. Steve took his fingers out, and crawled out from underneath her. His fingers were slick and wet. Her eyes went wide at the sight of him, taking his tongue, licking them, putting them in his mouth, and taking them out with a pop. 
He’s hovered above her now, and she’s happy. It had been too long since they had kissed. It felt like ages ago she had only asked him to kiss her as a challenge, to prove that he wasn’t the goofy freckled boy anymore. 
He wanted to kiss her, she could tell by the way he leaned in. However, when she saw his wet depraved red lips, she found herself cupping his jaw, rubbing her thumb over them, brushing it against his tongue. His eyes fluttered shut for a second and she could feel him twitch against her. “Fuck.” He whispered. “Fuck… you. I need… you so bad.” When he opened his eyes, she noted the plea that shone in them. She could imagine he would hate her if she didn’t let him by the wrecked expression on his face. “I need to hear it from you.”
“Okay.” She tried to kiss him but he moved his head back.
“No, that’s not what I meant.” He rested his tongue on his bottom lip, that smug look appearing, knowing it would piss her off. 
“Just fuck me already, Harrington.” She threw her head back on the couch, exasperated. 
It was a quick swift movement, him removing his underwear, his dick slapping his stomach. 
She tried not to react. She had always assumed his size would not be disappointing. Sometimes he wore too tight of jeans and sometimes she found herself staring at the bulge it would make. 
He took himself by the hand, sliding it against her folds, teasing her. He leaned in one last time. “It’s all yours. I just need you to say the words.” 
She let out a laugh of disbelief, looking away from his intense gaze. “I need you.” She whispered. 
“I couldn’t hear you.” Steve leaned his ear closer. 
“You’re blind, Harrington. Not hard of hearing. I’m not saying it again.” 
“Not the time to be stubborn, Y/n.” He tsked, caressing her breast, pinching her hardened nipple.
“I need you, Steve. Please.” She hated begging, but the pathetic look on his face when she said please, made her stomach swell. 
He slowly inserted himself into her, sinking slowly. He made sure she was okay before he started to move his hips, slow careful thrusts, in and out of her. 
She looked over at the television screen and almost laughed. The credits were rolling.
Steve grabbed her jaw, making her turn her face back towards him. “Look at me.” He bucked his hip, his entire length filling her. He did it again, and again. Y/n gasped, clenching her thighs against his waist. “Trust me, it will feel better to keep them wide.” He gently pushed them apart for her, continuing a steady rhythm. Marveling the fact his entirety was completely sheathed inside of her. 
She could barely stand it, her shaky hands grabbed his arms, proving to be as strong and muscular as they looked. Her nails dug into his soft tan flesh when he rolled his hips. 
“Feel good?” Steve asked. 
“It’s alright.” Her mouth was wide, grinning. She knew that he knew she was lying. It was amazing, but it felt even more fun to tease him, watching his eyebrows crease when he was annoyed, trying to prove to her he was beyond just “alright.” 
“It would feel even better if I wasn’t doing all the work here, sweetheart.” He used the nickname in a condescending tone, but it didn’t stop her stomach from flipping, and a breath hitching in her throat. He grabbed the side of her ass, pulling it up, allowing the tip of him to brush over her cervix. “Move your hips with me.” 
She did as she was told, her pelvis hitting his, colliding together in a sound of sticky slaps. “Fuck. Yes.” He leaned down and gave a sloppy kiss. She took his bottom lip between her teeth. He couldn’t hide the loud moan. He gave her ass another squeeze. “Try to keep in rhythm with me, baby.” 
His hooded eyes were half-closed, hypnotized and intoxicated. “You’re so gorgeous.” He mumbled, flushing his chest against hers, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, placing tender kisses. “So beautiful.” 
He sounded like she had broken him. 
“How do I feel?” He asked again. 
Her arms snaked around him, fingers brushing over his shoulder blades. “I told you already.” 
“That answer wasn’t good enough.” He pulled his hips back, nearly completely out of her, before slamming back down. Her thighs came back around him, and he pushed them apart, giving unrelentless thrusts, groaning and grunting, her walls clenching around him, her body never wanting to let go of him. 
Everytime he sank back inside of her, hitting the right spot, short whiny breaths of air escaped her. 
“I like the sounds you make.” She admitted. 
Although she was beneath him, she still felt some sort of power, knowing her words could determine his next move or destroy him. Like now, his eyes were closed, lips parted, cursing under his breath. 
“I need to hear you again.” 
“Hear what?” She asked in a sharp breath of air. 
“Since you won’t say how good I make you feel. I want to hear it.” He quickly took himself out of her, and the sudden lack of warmth almost made her cry. He sat so his backside was against the back of the couch. He pulled her hand, motioning for her to come over, guiding her to straddle him. 
She placed her forehead on his as he lifted her up and led her back onto him, swearing as she sank down. She placed her hands on his neck, his on her back, the two of them moaning and kissing as she rocked back and forth. 
“That’s perfect. You’re perfect.” He murmured. 
She shivered as his hand trailed down to her hips, grabbing the flesh. He began to harmonize with her rhythm. Her mouth found his neck, sucking a rosy bloom. She pushed herself harder against him, feeling his base brush her clit. “Y/n.” His voice was weak, pleading. 
She pecked his lips. “It feels so good.” She groaned in satisfaction. “You make me feel so good.” 
His composure faltered, her words sending him over the edge. His hips continued to buck up, but each one a little faster and a little harder, his cock unrelentlessly penetrating inside of her, hitting her G-spot. 
“Steve.” She had said under her breath. 
“Steve.” She moaned a little louder so he could hear her. 
It was almost too overwhelming. “Steve.” She felt her climax wash over her, body falling forward, face in his neck. He continued to fuck her through it, making her cry from the intensity of pleasure pulsating throughout her body. It wasn’t long after her that he choked a groan, nails digging into her hips, one last deep thrust, releasing his own orgasm in her. 
They stayed like that for what seemed like forever. Her face in his neck, panting, limbs numb. He was staring at the ceiling, chest heaving, running his hand up and down her back. 
“That was fun.” He spoke out loud, not particularly to her, but to fill the silence. 
“Yeah.” Her voice was shaky. She brought up her face, looking him in the eyes. She leaned in for another kiss, but that seemed too romantic. It was too much for just two friends that only had sex for fun and not because they liked each other. Instead of kissing his soft glossy lips, she kissed him on his cheek. Ignoring the feeling that she wanted to. 
Y/n couldn’t believe in only a few hours marked 365 days that Earth had gone around the sun. 
It had been 180 days since Starcourt and Heather’s death. It had been 30 days since she had sex with Steve for the first time. 
Nothing had changed. There was still bantering between them. They still hung out. Steve had even gone on a few dates after, but Y/n could admit something was different. Stolen looks, lingering touches, and maybe the fact they had sex three times after that. 
It had been a week after the first time Steve showed up at her doorstep, a desperate look in his eyes. It didn’t take long for them to sneak up to her bedroom, his hand over her mouth, trying not to catch her parent’s attention. 
The next was when he had gone on a date with Beth Newman. Apparently, it ended terribly, calling Y/n to come over. He kept telling her he didn’t ask her to come over for just sex, but a little part of her knew that was a lie.
But the last time felt different than any of the other times. There was no failed date, no desperation. 
It was Christmas Day and Y/n had invited him over to celebrate with him after he had mentioned his parents were going to Las Vegas. Robin was in Indianapolis having Christmas with her grandparents. Steve was going to be all alone on Christmas and it bothered Y/n. Even though he showed up at her front door she had been shocked he showed up, wearing one of the ugliest brown sweaters she had ever seen. 
They spent the afternoon eating and talking with her family. They even watched A Charlie Brown Christmas. It was tradition for the family to bake banana bread the night before and after their own festivities would go around the neighborhood to pass them out. However, Y/n and Steve stayed behind. 
The house smelled of honey glazed ham and mashed potatoes that lingered from dinner. Y/n walked into the living room with two mugs of peppermint hot chocolate, warm enough for marshmallows to melt but cool enough to drink. Steve was staring at the Christmas tree decorated in lights and garland. He gave her a sweet smile, taking the mug from her. “I don’t remember the last time our family decorated the Christmas tree together. Usually, I’d come home to find it already up.” 
She could tell he wasn’t telling her this to make her feel bad for him. 
“I have a present for you.” He told her, setting his mug down, walking over to the coat closet her mother had told him to put his jacket in. He came back, holding a poorly wrapped golden box. 
Y/n had sat down in front of the electrical fireplace, criss crossed, watching him walk to her. “I didn’t get you anything.”
He smiled, sitting next to her. “It’s okay.” He handed her the present, leaning back on his hands, arm brushing hers, watching her run her fingers over the wrapping. 
“It’s a good thing you don’t work at a gift store. Your wrapping skills are atrocious.” She nudged him. 
“Henderson wouldn’t help me.” He had grumbled, looking away so she couldn’t see his flushed cheeks. 
She smirked, ripping the paper off, revealing a square black velvet box. She glanced over at him. He was chewing on his bottom lip, hitting the top of his feet together, and not looking at her. She opened the box, letting out a quiet gasp. 
Inside was a dainty silver bracelet. There was nothing entirely special or spectacular about it, but the way the white lights from the tree shined on it and the fact it was from Steve, everything made it more special. “It’s beautiful, Steve.” 
“Yeah?” He looked at her, noticing the gleam in her eyes.
She nodded, placing a quick kiss on his lips, taking it out of the box. “Will you help me put it on?” 
Steve, still shocked from the kiss, coughed. He sat up and silently helped her clasp the bracelet on her wrist, looking up at her when he was done, hand still on hers. She called it beautiful again, only to herself, but he had heard it. “For a beautiful girl.” 
She snorted, but couldn’t help but feel nervous. She still wasn’t used to the blatant flirting or compliments he gave her. “How long were we holding in that cheesy comment?” 
His thumb rubbed the inside of her wrist, feeling her pulse. He took the leap and kissed her softly. So soft it felt like he wasn’t kissing her at all. She placed her hand on his face, pulling him in, deepening the kiss. There was no hesitation when she asked if he wanted to go to her room, leaving behind the now room temperature hot chocolate. 
“Surprised you didn’t make fun of my sweater.” He had told her, smiling, between their heated kisses on her bed. 
She smiled back, showing all her teeth, tugging the hem of said sweater, helping him tug it off. “It’s Christmas. Decided to be nice.” 
All the touches and kisses he gave her that night were softer, longer, and slower than before. Like he was savoring everything about her. Marveling her in nothing but the silver bracelet on her wrist. 
And now she had to sit in an uncomfortable dress at his parent’s New Year’s party, watching him talk to one of his dad’s co-worker’s daughters. She was clean, gorgeous and straight-laced. Her blonde hair was straight and shiny. Y/n couldn’t help but glare at the way she laughed when Steve told a joke, touching his elbow lightly. 
They hadn’t talked about Christmas or acknowledged it. Not even two days ago when they had gotten high in her car and made out.
“These sandwiches are probably the best thing ever.” Robin commented, mouth full of the finger turkey sandwiches. “Steve’s parents might suck but they know how to throw a hell of a party.” 
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Y/n asked, rolling her eyes when the girl brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Who?” Robin followed her gaze, trying not to smirk. “Not sure. She’s kind of hot.” 
Y/n shot her a dirty look. 
Robin laughed. “Not my fault you have a crush on him.”
“I do not!” Y/n’s voice raised and was higher than normal. A few bystanders gave the pair an odd look before returning back to their conversations. Y/n coughed, taking a sip of the sparkling cider in her hand. Steve had promised later he would sneak them some booze, but he was too busy flirting and the night was coming to a close. 
“Hm.” Robin stuffed another sandwich in her mouth. “Don’t worry, if she sees that hickey he’s been trying to cover all evening, she’ll lose interest.” 
Y/n choked, eyes wide, receiving a questioning look from her friend. “Hickey?” 
Robin chuckled. “Oh yeah. He came to work yesterday and I pointed it out immediately. It’s kind of hard to miss. I had to come over an hour early to press some powder on it. Do you know if he has a secret girl?” 
“Why would I know? You’re his best friend.” Y/n tried her best to play it off. 
Robin shrugged. “You’re the one who hung out with him the night before.” 
“I hope you’re not implying what I think you are.” Y/n nervously took another drink, looking away from her. She could easily tell when someone was lying by just the scrunch of a nose. 
“I’m not implying anything.” She answered. 
There was a beat. 
“I’m just one-hundred percent sure I saw him touch your butt the other day when you came into the store.” 
It wasn’t that Y/n was hiding the fact that she and Steve had hooked up… multiple times. But she assumed since Steve had never told Robin about them, that it was a silent agreement they wouldn’t tell anyone at all. Y/n gulped. “He did not.” 
“Mm, yes he did.” 
“He probably just grazed it when walking by, Robin.” 
“Y/n, that was not just a graze. He went like this.” She held up her hand, squeezing the air. “His hand was full of your ass.” 
“That’s so gross. Never do that again.” Y/n elbowed her friend, laughing. 
Another moment of silence. 
“We’re not together or anything. We’re just… having fun.” She twisted the silver bracelet around her wrist. 
Robin hummed again, not pushing any further. 
Y/n managed to slip outside, letting the freezing air sting her cheeks. There was only about ten minutes left of 1985. She took a seat on the deck, slipping off her shoes, and putting her feet in the heated pool water. Leaning over slightly, she could see her reflection in the water. A whole year went by and she looked older, taller, bigger. The bags under her eyes told her she was tired a lot more. 
It was funny to think just months ago she was still in high school and now she was grown up. She heard the door open, chatter from the inside drifted out before being muffled again when it was closed. She could hear quiet giggling. Turning her head, she saw Steve and the girl from earlier walk out, his hand on the small of her back. They couldn’t see her hidden behind a pool chair. 
Their conversation was quiet, but she could hear a lighter being lit, the smell of cigarettes followed after. 
“You have anyone to kiss at midnight?” The girl asked him in a sweet sultry tone.
She could feel her throat close up. There was no escape. If she stood up and walked away, they would see her. Maybe if she crawled on the ground she could go around the house back to the front. 
“I thought I did.” He answered. 
Y/n’s escape plan was paused, her ears perked up. 
“Thought? You have a girl here with you?” 
Y/n heard the long sigh that came out of him, a trail of smoke lifted into the cold air. “She’s just a friend.” 
Y/n heard enough that she wanted to. She grabbed her shoes, picked her feet out of the water, shivering as they hit the freezing slab of concrete. When she stood up, the girl and Steve looked at her. 
The girl’s face was pinched into an annoyed expression, clutching Steve’s jacket over her shoulders. 
Steve’s eyes were wide, mouth ajar, like a kid who had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 
“Don’t mind me!” Y/n faked a sweet smile, but she knew Steve could recognize the sarcasm by the way he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I was looking for someone.” 
The girl’s face relaxed. “Who were you looking for?”
She sounded like she had done this before. Like she knew everyone that was at the party. Like she knew Steve. 
Y/n walked closer to the door, looking Steve up and down, giving him a chance to say anything. 
He didn’t. 
“No one important. Just a friend.” Y/n locked eyes with Steve. He gave her a look, lips parted like he wanted to argue with her. Instead of giving him a chance, she walked back inside to the party. 
She looked around the living room to find Robin. She had plans on leaving but she didn’t want to without her friend not knowing. It came to no surprise to find her standing to the side, gawking at a pretty brunette, who also seemed to be looking at her too. Y/n sighed, pushing her pride behind, realizing her friend needed her. 
“You know, you could just go over and talk to her.” Y/n told her, slipping back on her shoes now that her feet were dry. 
She scoffed. “Have you met me?” Her voice was raspy and warm. 
Suddenly, there was a clinking of glass, everyone’s attention turned to Mr. Harrington standing in the middle of the living room, Mrs. Harrington wrapped around his arm. Steve stood behind them, looking at his feet. His hair was messy and he had put his jacket back on. “Thank you all for coming tonight. My family and I are grateful for everyone in this room. The clock here says we have two minutes left of 85’ so I suggest you tie your loose ends up quickly.” He winked, making everyone laugh. He raised his glass, everyone followed suit. 
Y/n quickly turned to Robin again. “There’s nothing you can lose if you go talk to her now.”
Robin bit her lip, looking at the girl across the room. “Okay. Fine, I’ll go.” She straightened the blazer she was wearing and asked Y/n if she looked okay before walking timidly over to the stranger. 
She couldn’t but smile as the pair immediately dived into conversation, Robin turned around and gave her a smile. 
Someone in the room shouted that there were twenty seconds left before midnight. Y/n covered her mouth, pushing down the laugh when the brunette took Robin’s pinky, pulling her upstairs. However, she couldn’t help but feel envious that her shy friend, who was scared of being an outcast if the town knew the real her, had snuck off to lock lips with a gorgeous girl. 
Y/n looked at the couples finding one another to celebrate the new year. 
Her eyes caught Steve still standing in the living room. 
He ran a hand through his stupid messy brown hair.
He craned his neck to look around.
He walked towards her, still looking in every direction except hers. 
His stupid brown eyes finally found hers.
He just stood there, staring at her as if he was too scared to approach her. She didn’t want to go to him. She didn’t want to be the first to move.
He gave her a small smile, putting his hand up, waving. 
Her body betrayed her, turning towards him, smiling back, waving back, a silent invitation. 
She saw the step he took. She knew he was coming to her. 
“Happy New Year!” 
The blonde girl from earlier had gotten to him faster, grabbing him by the collar, snaking her arm around his neck to pull him into a kiss. 
That kiss was supposed to be for Y/n. 
Y/n knew it was. 
But it still hurt and gnawed at her brain that she would never be good enough for Steve. He might think she was pretty enough to fuck, but never enough to be with her for real. 
The floor of Robin’s bedroom floor had never felt so fuzzy before. Y/n twisted the carpet strands between her fingers, feeling the strands between the pads of her digits. She let out a long drawn out sigh, giggling when Robin took that as a sign to hand over the blunt, hanging her arm off the edge of the bed for Y/n to take. 
Y/n took a long deep inhale, filling her lungs before puffing the smoke out. She turned her head slightly to the dark haired boy next to her. He had one hand behind his head and the other laying on his stomach. His lips were parted, eyes dilated, focused on the ceiling. She nudged him with her elbow, but he didn’t look at her when he took the blunt out of her hand. 
This is how it's been the past month. He only would hang out with her if Robin was around. He would barely look at her and only talked to her when it was absolutely necessary. There was no flirting. No lingered touches. 
She had to watch his hair get longer, muscles get bigger, boyish features disappear. It felt like their friendship had taken three steps back and they no longer knew one another. They were just there because Robin was there. They were strangers. 
“Guys, are you even listening to me?” Robin sat up, looking down at them. 
Steve sat up too, reaching over Y/n to hand Robin the blunt back. “We don’t need to listen to know you’re back on another tangent about Vickie. How cute her freckles are and how red her hair is.” 
Robin groaned, annoyed that he was being a jerk. 
“She could call your cousin and play tonsil hockey with her instead.” Y/n snorted. When Robin told Steve about who she met at New Year’s, he broke the news she had made out with his cousin, Bethany. Now, it was an inside joke between them, Steve was indisposed.
He gave her an unimpressed look, definitely not amused by the joke. “I don’t know why it’s a big deal to talk to Vickie if you were brave enough talking to a stranger you had never met.”
This conversation had happened before. Steve would ask that question each time, and each time Robin would answer the same thing. 
It was different flirting with a stranger she had never met, because if she had been rejected, it was fine no one would ever know, but if it had happened to a Hawkin’s local there would be consequences she wasn’t ready to go through. 
“Even if Vickie doesn’t like girls, I’m sure someone else in Hawkins does.” He tried to reassure her. 
Y/n sat up, looking at Robin, leaning in, pretending like it was a secret. “Or you could go down the list of his family. Maybe his mom could be next.” 
The two girls burst out in laughter. 
Steve looked between the two of them. “I gotta piss.” He grumbled, standing up to walk out of her room to the bathroom. 
Y/n couldn’t help but watch him, biting her lip. 
“Jesus. You two are exhausting.” Robin proclaimed. “I'd rather be drugged by Russains again than watch you two act like children who can’t talk about their feelings.” 
“There are no feelings. Besides, he's the one ignoring me.” She crossed her arms and grumbled. 
The girl on the bed rolled her eyes, moving her recently cut hair behind her ear. “This is why friends shouldn’t sleep with one another.” 
“Feeling left out? Send Steve home and I can fix that.” Y/n joked. 
Robin’s face grew bright red, laughing louder than necessary. 
Steve walked back in, making the girls cackle even harder, tears in their eyes, clutching their thighs because they were on the verge of peeing themselves. Steve leaned on the door frame, the corner of his mouth upturned, even though he had no clue what the uproar was about. He shook his head, sitting back in his spot. 
For a second, Y/n had forgotten they weren’t talking to one another. She laid her head on his shoulder, letting the last remaining giggles out. She expected him to push her off, but she swore he shifted closer, his thumb secretly rubbing the bottom of her back. 
The sun was setting, and their high was gone. Y/n announced she should head home before it got dark. “Car in the shop still?” Robin asked her. 
“Yeah, I thought it would be fixed by now, but supposedly the alternator is out. Mom has had to take me to school this week.” Y/n sighed, grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes by the bedroom door. 
“Your car broke down again?” Steve looked concerned, eyebrows knitted together, and his head tilted to the side. 
Y/n shared an awkward look with Robin. “Yeah, last Friday when I was leaving school.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” His hands were on his hips now, like a scolding father. 
She furrowed her brows. “You were at work and I was forty-five minutes away. Eric helped me. He knew a few things about cars.”
“Who’s Eric?” He asked her.
“Oh, it’s one of her classmates who is totally into her.” Robin interjected. 
Y/n shot her a look. “Anyway, I’ll see you guys later.”  She could hear hushed whispers as she walked out of Robin’s bedroom. There was a defeated sigh followed by rushed footsteps. 
“Y/n, wait.” She was almost to the front door when Steve had caught up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned, raising an eyebrow. They stood there for a moment. “Let me drive you home.” 
She only agreed because it was cold outside. Not because it would be the first time in weeks she would be alone with Steve. 
The radio was on, windows were rolled down, Steve had a cigarette in his hand hanging out the window. A bad habit he had picked up again recently. Robin had scolded him the other day at work for stepping out to take a smoke break. 
The breeze ruffled his hair that was overdue for a trim. “So, this Eric guy. Is he cute?” 
“Why? You want his number? I could give it to you.” Y/n snorted at her own joke. 
“You have his number?” He flicked the cigarette out the window. Y/n looked back to watch the still lit bud bounce in the middle of the road. 
She leaned over to turn down the radio. “Yeah. He gave it to me Friday. Told me to call him if I needed a ride or anything.” They both knew what anything meant. 
Steve made a noise from the back of his throat in response, tapping his steering wheel, deep in thought about something. “You gonna call him?” 
Y/n had boys interested in her during her friendship with Steve. Never did he ask about it. Then again, she never asked about his interests. A little irritated, she bit the inside of her cheek, shaking her head. It was unbelievable. “Yeah, maybe I will. Unless you think I shouldn’t.” This was his chance. She opened the door for them to finally, in Robin’s words, talk about their big kid feelings. 
“You can do whatever you want, Y/n. I don’t own you.” He brushed his nose.
“Right. Just friends, right?” Y/n’s jaw ticked. 
“Of course we’re friends.” He noticed the hurt look on her face, realizing what she was talking about. “I mean… we’re better off as friends.” 
“Yeah we are.” She put on a fake smile for him. “Besides, I can’t be with someone I don’t take seriously.” 
His knuckles turned white from clutching the steering wheel. He pulled into the driveway, her door was already open before he had even put the car in park. “Y/n!” He yelled as she started to storm off inside. She took a deep breath in, turning around, leaning over to look back inside the car, clearly frustrated. 
He looked like he wanted to say something important, swallowing hard. “I think I left my jacket here from Christmas. If you find it, could you return it?” 
The laugh she let out was breathy and full of disbelief. “Yeah, Harrington, I will. Do you think you could return my virginity?” Her face fell and lips were pursed, glaring at him.
His jaw went slack, looking away from her glowered look. Without another word, he shifted into reverse, pulling out of her driveway. It took everything in her power not to run after his BMW.  Instead she stood there in the February cold, hugging herself, tears streaming down her face. 
She walked up the steps of her home and sat on her porch swing, wishing Heather was there next to her. She would probably make a joke like, “I was right. You never really hated Steve Harrington.” 
Because it was true, she didn’t hate him. 
Being around him, getting to know him, made her feel like those chilly evenings when the leaves began to turn back to their color. He even reminded her of summer, sunkissed, and days in the pool. Steve reminded her of all the seasons and her favorite things about them. 
She twisted the silver bracelet around on her wrist. 
She would probably never say it out loud, but she was pretty sure she had fallen in love with him. 
She was in love with Steve Harrington. 
The Florida sun felt unbearable. Hot and sticky. Sweat. So much sweat. Y/n slid open the doors of the family beach house, slipping inside into the air condition. She clutched a towel over her body, dripping with pool water, her footprints on the wood flooring. Her mother and aunt smiled at her from the kitchen table, playing canasta with some other family members. 
She grabbed a muffin leftover from breakfast, sitting down on a stool at the bar. Her two cousins, Penny and Mary walked in. They were twins and a year younger than Y/n, and sometimes they acted like they were the ones in charge, but Y/n still had a lot in common with them. Probably the only reason she wasn’t dreading spending her entire Spring Break here.
“Y/n, can you please tell Pen that Judge Reinhold is hot.” Mary threw a magazine on the counter, revealing a picture of the lanky actor. 
This was common between the sisters. They clearly had different types in men, and were always arguing about it. 
“Why would you ask her? Her taste in men is questionable. She thinks Zach Gilligan is cute.” Penny declared. 
“He is!” Mary shot back. 
Penny let out a loud groan, rolling her head back. 
Y/n peered at the magazine. “He’s not really my type.” 
“See, I knew you– what?” Mary snapped her head towards her, eyebrows furrowed. She pushed her sister who cheered at the small victory. “Whatever. I don’t really value the opinion of someone who has never had a boyfriend.” 
Y/n wasn’t hurt by the comment, and she would have flipped her cousin off if their mom’s weren’t watching. 
They were also clearly listening, because her aunt spoke up. “What about that handsome boy who came over on Christmas?”
“I think he’s the only boy me and Mary agree is attractive.” Penny giggled.
Y/n’s mom rolled her eyes. “Y/n insists they’re just friends. I’m wiser than I look. I know that Harrington boy is sweet on her.” 
Her entire family snickered, making Y/n’s cheeks heat up. “He is not.” 
They all unanimously hummed, not believing a word she said. 
Later that evening, Y/n was dressed in regular clothes, sitting in the living room area reading a book. Mary and Penny were watching Growing Pains when the phone began to ring, the twins yelled for someone to answer. Their mother mumbled under her breath about doing everything, even on vacation, nevertheless, she answered it. 
“Y/n, it’s for you.” She called out in a sing-song voice. 
Y/n furrowed her brows. She had only given Robin the number to the beach house, but only in case her house was on fire since she was in charge of watering her mom’s plants. She got up from the couch, walking over to her aunt holding the phone out for her niece to take. A smirk on her face when she grabbed it. “It’s your lover boy.” She teased, winking before she walked back to the kitchen. 
Y/n took a moment before collecting her senses to put the phone to her ear. “Hello?” 
“Y/n.” Steve answered, almost in relief. 
She wanted to slam the phone back on the wall. “What do you want?” 
“I… I wanted to hear your voice.” There was a tone of defeat in his voice. 
She looked around, not wanting any of her family to hear. “Are you drunk or something?” 
“No.” He sighed. “You remember last summer?” 
“Yeah.” It was kind of hard to forget. 
“Well, all that crazy shit is back without the Russians.” He chuckled at the last part. He sounded so casual. 
Flashbacks infiltrated her mind, her heart started to race. “Are you okay?” 
He shushed her to calm down. “I’m okay, I promise. It’s a long story, but we have a plan to fix it.” 
“Yeah. Me, Dustin and his friends, Robin, Eddie Munson… Nancy.” He was hesitant about her name like he was afraid to say it out loud. 
She ignored the burning in her chest. She was all the way in Florida while Steve was hanging out with his ex, his first love. “Eddie Munson? You’ve been complaining about him for months because you’re afraid Dustin likes him better than you.” 
“That is not– like I said, it’s a long story.” She could see him pinching the bridge of his nose or even running a hand through his hair. “Listen, I called because I just wanted to let you know what was going on, okay?” 
There was a pause.
“Because we’re friends.” 
There was another pause. 
“Because I care about you.” 
A breath hitched in her throat. “Stop it.” 
“No, it’s true.”
“Stop saying things like you’re going to die, Harrington. It’s cliché.” 
She could hear his heavy breath. “Then I’ll tell you when you get back.” 
A smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “Alive?” She asked him. 
 “Alive.” He assured her. 
“You better be or I’ll kick your ass, Harrington.” 
He laughed. “I know you will. I gotta go now. I’ll see you.” His voice was soft. 
Neither of them hung up the phone. She could still hear the crackling of him adjusting it against his ear. The silence was comfortable.
A few minutes had gone by and she heard the familiar raspy voice of Robin telling Steve they needed to get going. 
He finally hung up. 
Y/n’s vacation was cut short when the news broke Hawkins had experienced a large earthquake, resulting in twenty-two casualties and numerous homes being destroyed. Although Y/n concluded the earthquake had to do with whatever Steve had mentioned over the phone. 
A long line of cars were exiting Hawkins as her family entered, almost like fools. 
Their house had been spared, the only damage was that the porch swing had fallen from the hooks and split in half. 
She had immediately gone to Robin’s house to check on her friend, but of course, was directed to Steve’s. 
Y/n was surprised to be greeted by Steve’s dad when she rang the doorbell. Mrs. Harrington was talking frantically on the phone, a cigarette in her mouth. She gave Y/n a wave, covering the speaker. “They’re upstairs.” She mouthed, returning back to the conversation. 
When she arrived outside of his bedroom, she could hear voices arguing. 
She slowly opened the door, seeing Robin sitting on Steve’s bed. Almost out of instinct, she swung it open, running over to her, wrapping her arms around the girl. They both toppled on top of the bed. Robin laughed, patting Y/n on the back. They sat up, Robin brushed the hair out of her face. Y/n looked over to see Steve standing in front of his closet. A box at his feet, clothes in his hands. Next to him was a boy about an inch shorter than him, long curly hair, wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans. His face was scarred with tiny teeth marks. She recognized him as Eddie Munson. 
“Who’s this chick?” Eddie asked. 
“Eddie, this is Y/n.” Robin introduced her. 
A big grin appeared on his face. He walked over, took her hand and kissed it. “M’lady, it’s a pleasure to finally be acquainted with you. Heard a lot about you.” 
Y/n giggled, looking over at Robin who was laughing too. 
Steve, on the other hand, looked annoyed, returning back to his task of going through his closet. “Heard about me?”
Eddie placed his hands behind his back, looking her up and down. “Yeah, Steve would not shut up about you. However, he didn’t tell me his girl looked like an angel.” 
“Munson, shut up before I tell my dad to call the lawyers off.” Steve threatened. 
Whatever he meant by that, Eddie seemed scared, putting his hands up in surrender. Y/n noticed Steve looked over at Robin. They shared a wordless exchange. Robin stretched her arms out. “Eddie, can you take me home?” 
“Didn’t we just get— ow.” Eddie leaned down to clutch his shin that Robin swore was an accident. It was weird seeing the new addition, and Y/n was sure she would be told everything that had happened while she was gone. 
He took the hint, bowing over dramatically. Him and Robin said their goodbyes, walking out of the room, finally leaving Steve and Y/n by themselves. 
Neither one spoke. The only sound of hangers clanking together and muffled voices from downstairs. Y/n played with the silver bracelet on her wrist, scanning her eyes on the plaid walls, remembering the first time she spent the night with him, waking up and making fun of how disturbing the pattern was. 
She stood up from his bed, approaching him slowly. She wasn’t sure what to say. The phone call was the first real conversation they had in months. What was there even to say? Or how was she supposed to start? She was beside him now, and for some reason, he looked taller than she had remembered. He took his hand off the hanger, turning his body completely towards her. Without a beat, she engulfed the boy in a deep hug. He took a step back, surprised by the sudden contact. 
They never hugged before, which is shocking because they’ve seen each other naked. 
He returned the hug, tightening his grip on her. She heard a quiet sob leave his lips. He burrowed his head in her neck, tears soaking into her shirt. Both of them sank to the floor because his body had become too weak to stand. 
She brushed her fingers through his hair, telling him everything was okay. She was there for him and she wasn’t leaving. 
It took a few minutes for him to calm down, his head had found a place in her lap, mindlessly playing with one of her hands. With her free hand, she continued to run it through his hair. 
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” She finally asked him. 
“We were so close.” He answered. “If I had done things differently.” 
It was a mindless thought but it still hurt Y/n that Steve believed he was responsible for the destruction of Hawkins. “Steve, none of this is your fault. You can’t carry the fate of Hawkin’s on your shoulders.” 
He puffed his cheeks, a long breath of air rolled out of his mouth. He shifted his body, wincing, clutching his side. Y/n tilted her head, pulling the hem of his shirt up, revealing similar bite marks that were on Eddie’s cheek. She didn’t make a comment about it or ask. Part of her didn’t want to know. Instead, she looked up above her at the remaining clothes in the closet, smirking when she saw the familiar brown sweater that he wore on Christmas. “I hope you decide to donate that ugly sweater.” 
Steve’s eyes were closed, but he had a half-hearted smile on his face, knowing what she was referring to. “Too many great memories involve me wearing that sweater.” 
“What? Like us having sex?” The joke felt like thick molasses, drowning her slowly, waiting for a reaction. He didn’t wince, his smile never faltered, nor did he open his eyes. 
“Yeah.” He replied truthfully. “But also when I realized I am undoubtedly in love with you.” 
His confession was cool and collected. She swore there was a smug look on his face and she wanted to wipe it off. For the past couple of months she had struggled to even come to terms with her own feelings and to watch him casually admit it almost made her laugh in disbelief. 
Her silence made him open one eye, looking at her as she focused her eyes on the ceiling above her. “You know, one of the last conversations I remember with Heather was at Daniel Brown’s party senior year. She tried telling me I didn’t hate you as much as I led on. She’s probably laughing at me right now letting you lay on my lap. I’ve always thought you were an arrogant asshole. Don’t get me wrong. You’re still a pain in the ass, but Steve, you care so much about others. When you hung up that phone I was so scared you were going to die because I knew you would sacrifice anything to make sure everyone is okay.
“I would never forgive myself if you had died without knowing how much I care for you.” He sat up, scooching back, her knees touching his leg. His hands were behind him holding his body up. She met his eyes that always seemed to catch the sun, glossy and thick like honey. Like the honey she put in her tea. The tension in her shoulders relaxed. “Becoming friends with you was unexpected. I guess in a way I’ve felt guilty because I’ve been moving on with my life since Heather died. I guess I felt like I was betraying her.” She put a hand on his knee. He leaned forward, grabbing her hand, intertwining their fingers. 
Steve’s face softened and his cheeks turned pink. “I’m sorry about everything. I didn’t want you to think I was using you for sex. Then I was nervous you might not feel the same. I was embarrassed, because I’m crazy about you, Y/n. I cannot stop thinking about you. When you asked if I didn’t think you should call that Edwin guy-” 
“Whatever his name was.” He rolled his eyes when she giggled. His voice dropped. “I wanted to beg you not to call him. But I felt like it was too selfish of me. Too selfish, wanting you to be my girl.”  
Y/n lifted the corner of her mouth upwards, putting her hand on his cheek, brushing her thumb over the freckle she has been well acquainted with. “You’re allowed to be selfish sometimes.”
His jaw went slack and eyes were wide. He was too pretty for his own good. 
Y/n remembered all the things she wanted to tell him over the course of getting to know him, but never did. She held it all back because she was afraid. She was afraid he hadn’t really changed at all and she had stupidly fell for his charm. She was afraid he would laugh in her face. She would feel like her porch swing that had fallen off the hinges and cracked in half. 
“Falling in love with you was unexpected too.” She whispered, biting her bottom lip. 
“I really want to kiss you.” Steve was already leaning towards her. 
She smiled, ear to ear, allowing the pretty boy with the stupid hair and stupid eyes to be selfish.
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thehopefuljournalist · 7 months
unrelated- what's your favorite news story recently?
Hello, thank you so much for asking!! I've had a hard time because this week was actually full of news stories and I'm working on releasing them all to you guys!
But let me tell you about my favourite one from today :)
As an activist, working within my own country and out especially in climate-related themes, I believe in people-power, fully. I know, of course, that some people have more power and influence than others, but there's no denying that there's strength in numbers.
This recent, huge, protest in New York is such a hopeful turn, I think. I love seeing that I'm not the only one worried, that I'm not alone in my fighting. With numbers, we have a bigger chance of winning over our world leaders, and by doing that, to protect ourselves and our futures.
Well, this is my favourite news story from the past two days.
This past Sunday, 75K climate activists took to New York's streets in a “march to end fossil fuels”
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized the US continuing to approve fossil fuel projects, something which the Biden administration did earlier this year with the controversial Willow project in Alaska.
“We are all here for one reason: to end fossil fuels around the planet,” Ocasio-Cortez told a rally at the finish of the march, which ended close to the UN headquarters where world leaders will gather this week. “And the way we create urgency is to have people around the world in the streets.”
“The United States continues to be approving a record number of fossil fuel leases and we must send a message, right here today,” adding that despite record profits the support for the fossil fuel industry was “starting to buckle and crack”.
“This is an incredible moment,” said Jean Su of the Center for Biological Diversity, who helped organize the mobilization. “Tens of thousands of people are marching in the streets of New York because they want climate action,"
“This also shows the tremendous grit and fight of the people, especially youth and communities living at the frontlines of fossil fuel violence, to fight back and demand change for the future they have every right to lead,” she said.
The march came during Climate Week, as world leaders gather for this week’s UN general assembly, and a UN climate ambition summit on Wednesday.
On Friday, the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Biden was not currently scheduled to take part in Wednesday’s UN climate summit. Biden has been praised by climate activists for last year passing a historic $369bn climate law but criticized for allowing oil drilling projects and the expansion of gas facilities in the Gulf of Mexico.
A decision for Biden to stay away from the UN climate ambition summit is “unacceptable”, said Su of the Center for Biological Diversity. “The time is now for Biden to lead on the world stage, and show he means it when he calls climate change the existential threat to humanity.”
During the march, the Rev Lennox Yearwood, head of the Hip Hop Caucus, likened today’s climate movement to the US fight for racial justice. 
Youth climate activist Vanessa Nakate, from Uganda, said: “When we say that we want climate justice, we’re not just talking about transitioning to solar panels. We are talking about leaving no one behind when you’re talking about addressing the injustices that come with the climate crisis."
Article published September 17, 2023 - The Gaurdian
Another article, interviewing a young climate activist
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sabrinasland · 2 months
reblog for better results. tysm! ・゚゚・。
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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smut/18+ = ✧ | fluff = ❀
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↳˗ˏˋwalter marshallˊˎ˗ ↴
but professor : penny townsend isn't too sure about a lot of things, but one thing she's sure about: her feelings towards her professor marshall.
↳˗ˏˋcaptain syversonˊˎ˗ ↴
it all started in san antonio : rosemary hill swore she'd never fall for another military man again, but then captain syverson steps into her life.
oblivious : captain syverson suddenly becomes the guardian of his three nieces and on top of that, his insufferable neighbor ivy sullivan barges into his life as well.
tales of love : vision impaired syverson and molly sweet slowly but surely become a couple and axel the guide dog has his opinion about it.
↳˗ˏˋaugust walkerˊˎ˗ ↴
protection : cia agent august walker newest assignment is keeping an eye on star soccer player mia makaruku (on hiatus)
chasing nostalgia : august walker recognizes someone in a very interesting video and the life he thought he left behind is now closer than ever.
endeavors : august is teaching his roommate how to enjoy sex.
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| tiny series |
↳˗ˏˋhenry cavillˊˎ˗ ↴
spring break baby ✧
confession ✧
three's a crowd ✧
↳˗ˏˋwalter marshallˊˎ˗ ↴
study motivation ✧
car trouble ✧
backstage fun ✧
↳˗ˏˋcaptain syversonˊˎ˗ ↴
sy and his idol gf ❀
↳˗ˏˋaugust walkerˊˎ˗ ↴
a-babygirl-in-august ✧
christmas tree ❀
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| drabbles |
↳˗ˏˋhenry cavillˊˎ˗ ↴
daddy henry cavill ✧
laundry day ✧
the assignment ✧
happy birthday ❀
who is wonderfulmiracles irl? ❀
the third date ❀
she probably can't eat that ❀
seven minutes in heaven ❀
a voice like an angel ❀
↳˗ˏˋwalter marshallˊˎ˗ ↴
made out of porcelain ✧
ice cream ✧
dirty december ✧
the first day of winter ❀
reading is kinda fun ❀
your honor, i fucked my client ✧
sensitive walter ✧
↳˗ˏˋcaptain syversonˊˎ˗ ↴
call me daddy ✧
heat wave ✧
a national treasure: oliebollen ❀
i lost my puppy ❀
from meet cute to something else ❀
out and about ✧
just one more ✧
enough ❀
↳˗ˏˋaugust walkerˊˎ˗ ↴
club owner august walker ✧
back home ✧
mrs. walker ✧
family life ❀
bratty behavior ✧
naked wednesday ✧
daddy, i've been a bad girl ✧
some things never change ✧
august, you can't cook ❀
interesting purchase ✧
a day in the life ✧
a day in the life pt. 2 ✧
a foreign concept ✧
my girls ❀
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