gaogaigar-the-king · 5 months
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Happy Early Birthday, My Dear Friend!
I know the last year was rather rough on you, so I hope this message from your favorite Clone Captain brightens your day. 💙
Artist: The talented @omaano (their Tumblr) 
My day is definitely brightened, thank you Kuulas, so so much. I can’t believe how much the last year tried to compete with 2021 for the recent Personally Most Absolutely Awful Year and came damn close. BUT! Made it to the end and that is something to be proud of.
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petrifiedforests · 6 months
13. holding and watching the other while they fall asleep, maybe? With Tup/Dogma? 🥰
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CT-6922 | Dogma & CT-5385 | Tup Characters: CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6922 | Dogma Additional Tags: Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars), CT-5385 | Tup Lives, Dogma Lives (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips (Star Wars), Healing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Comfort Summary:
The med bay was never quiet. The monotonous beeping and hissing of machines filled the air, occasionally something whirred or soft steps echoed when a medic made his rounds.
It wasn't quiet but it was calm at night. Dogma stared at the ceiling, quiet but not calm. It seemed to Tup that right now the world had narrowed down to these descriptors.
Written also for @clonefandomevents 501st Bingo and the "No Order 66" square
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firewoodwander · 11 months
Here, have a sentence in return! :D
Of all the souls in the galaxy, it just had to be HIM.
Cody stares down at the helmet, his brother’s face, hand delivered by Thire with a grave expression and no platitudes on his lips. There aren’t any words in existence that could change what’s already been done—what would be the point.
Bly is still out there, somewhere, commanding his way through the turmoil; Gree is already dead—beheaded, which is different but similar enough that the thought stings like a knife wound; and Rex…
Cody’s paint is grey, grey and impersonal, and the Coruscant Red washes it out like blood on snow as what was once Fox’s visor stares vacantly back at him.
The galaxy turns on as though nothing has changed.
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sharky857 · 7 months
fic author Never Have I Ever:
For 'there was only one bed' trope ;D
Believe it or not, you unlocked an oldass memory here.
Yes, I wrote one (1) fic with this trope. Just, back then I didn't even know it was a trope. Also: it has never been uplaoded anywhere, because it was some kind of silly fic just for shish & giggles with canons characters and me + friend as self-inserts.
I still remember the bit with the specific trope, though. I'm not gonna use mine nor friend's names, btw. Back then we used to do so because those were like "private fics" we would exchange over MSN Messenger (yes, that's how ancient the unlocked memory is, gsdhjksdfh).
Also, fair warning: back in those ancient times, me and friend were extremely neck deep into the obscure rabbit hole known as "Spirou et Fantasio". 🙈
That being said, that bit of fic went on like this:
The four friends stepped in the hotel room they had booked for their stay. There was a bunk bed and a double bed. "Top bed's mine!" R. exclaimed as she sprang to claim her possession.
"Well, guess the bottom one's mine." G. shrugged lightly. She didn't really mind which bed she would've slept on, as long as it was comfortable.
This left Spirou and Fantasio with only one option. As soon as realisation struck them, the latter paled.
"D-Does anyone want to trade, by any chance?" Fantasio tried to negotiate.
"No way!" R. pouted, clutching the mattress of her just-claimed bed like a gremlin.
G. merely shook her head in a negative response.
Spirou placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, before he could even try and protest.
"Well, can't really blame them." The redhead said. "Sharing a bed with someone we barely know would be even more awkward."
"Why can't they just trade beds altogether, then? We could get the bunks and they could keep the double."
"I'm not giving up my beloved bunk bed!" R. shook her head again. "I can sleep only on elevated places, you know."
Fantasio turned to cast a glare at R.
"So must I suppose that all the beds on your house are of the bunk type?" He scoffed.
"They might be." The woman hummed.
The other was about to snap back, when he felt the gentle hand on his shoulder clenching the grip likewise gently. Fantasio just turned to cast a glare at his best friend, who shook his head ever so slightly.
Even though he was trying to not let it on, even Spirou was quite uncomfortable with that situation. Still, he saw no point in arguing with the other two over a mere bed. Sharing a bed wouldn't have been the end of the world, not to mention it would've been only for that single night.
Fantasio got the silent message. "i suppose we don't really have much choice, huh?" He snorted. "Just... try not to trash around much."
"Will do." The other smiled sheepishly.
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valkeakuulas · 7 months
For the smut writing sentence starter:
"Is that how you usually get out of these situations? By fucking your way out of them?" Fox/Fives
If that interests you? :D
*tilts head this way* *tilts head that way*
This... This didn't come out really smutty but humorous with a dash of competence kink?
Warnings: Brief moment of violence towards a bound Fox. Not by Fives. I promise that.
** ** ** ** ** ** Fives grunted when his bound arms smacked painfully against the wall he had been thrown into. He nearly cracked his skull as well but only nearly. Still, with the pain radiating from his arms, Fives let himself slide down on the floor with a hiss.
He could hear the other trooper who had already been occupying the small room talk back to the hulking Devaronian that had tossed Fives like he was a sack of meilooruns.
" - unnecessary damage. There are other kriffing ways to get rough, you know. If you want a lesson, I'd be more than happy to give you one."
Fives lifted his head to see the Devaronian take a menacing step closer to the bound trooper, whose smile showed more teeth than was appropriate in polite company.
Then again, Fives mused as the thug got close enough to kick the lying vod. This was no polite company.
Fives winced when the Devaronian's boot came in contact with the other clone's stomach but Fives wasn't surprised to see the vod twist his body so that the impact was lessened. Still, it must've hurt like kriff because the vod wheezed painfully, curling up.
But what surprised Fives was the fact that when the trooper turned to look up at the Devaronian, the toothy smile hadn't budged an inch.
Actually, he looked even more feral than before.
"Harder, please," the vod purred, kriffing purred, and winked.
Both Fives and the Devaronian's jaws dropped and for a moment Fives feared that the thug would get mad. But it seemed that this ballsy (or unhinged) vod's actions took the Devaronian by such surprise that he actually stepped back with a look of disgust and instead spat on the trooper's face before turning around and left
The door slid close with a bang, the sound of the lock engaging following.
Still a little stunned, Fives watched the older clone squirm and heave himself into a sitting position because he was clearly a lot older than Fives. Even in the dimness of the room Fives could see the silver on his temples and the old scars on his face, one which cut through the left side of his mouth.
"Seems like someone needs to rethink their Kink List," the vod snorted as he used the wall as support and bent himself nearly in half so that he could wipe away at least some of the Devaronian's spit. "If I wanted to be spat at, I would've stayed on shift," he added with a mutter.
"Is that how you usually get out of these situations? By fucking your way out of them?" Fives blurted the first thing that came to his mind.
The other clone froze, almost as if he had forgotten Fives' presence.
Fives winced when the vod slowly unfurled himself, staring Fives dead in the eye.
"The kriff you just said?" he asked calmly, almost eerily so. The toothy grin from earlier was gone, replaced by a bland, professional expression that wouldn't have looked out of place on Commander Cody's face.
Fives felt his face heat up and he could only shrug awkwardly before tilting his head towards the locked door.
The vod's eyes flickered in that direction before returning back to staring at Fives. "The answer to your question, ARC trooper, is a big fat 'no'," he replied eventually after the longest seconds of Fives' whole life.
He was about to apologize, when the vod continued, almost nonchalantly:
"I'm more of the type who fucks around and finds out," he informed even as he tapped his left boot on the floor, springing out a small vibroknife.
Fives felt his jaw drop for the second time as the trooper twisted and shimmied his way until he managed to drop the vibroknife behind him and unlatch the cuffs. He stood up, rubbing his wrists as he walked to Fives.
"What about you, ARC trooper? From what I know, 501st boys are always ready to fuck around," the vod asked Fives, kneeling smoothly before him, the vibroknife hanging loosely in his fingers.
"How did you - ? Who are you?" Fives asked, baffled and he felt a different kind of twist in his guts when that toothy grin returned, the other trooper oozing a level of competence Fives had only seen the Alphas wield back on Kamino.
"If you help me find out who the kriff thinks it's smart to grab a pair of troopers in the middle of the street, I'll tell you my name," he suggested mischievously, and this time Fives swallowed, torn between leaning away and leaning forward. "If you find that fork-tongued bastard, make sure to punch his face in and I might do even more than just tell my name."
"Sir, yes sir," Fives gasped and for a second he forgot that he was still cuffed too, paindully yanking his arm as he had tried to salute.
"Good soldier," the vod praised, dropping voice into a low purr, and oh kriff, why did that make Fives' cock stir?
What had the trooper said earlier? Something about a Kink List?
Fives might just have to consult him on that too.
But first, he had a Devarionian to hunt down.
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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Commission done for @valkeakuulas starring the grumpiest and hottest Commander of the GAR
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anstarwar · 2 years
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Welp here it is @valkeakuulas … the other half of the summer doodle request you sent in: “Echo Fives and cocktails”
This one got away from me and is just a tad more than a doodle 😅
Wonder what they’re talking ‘bout
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cacodaemonia · 1 month
*bangs pots and pans together*
post-umbara fix-it waxer/boil/rex is just OOZING potential please join us on our little pool float 🛟 it's recently been upgraded from a pool noodle
@valkeakuulas @catbuir @petrifiedforests @loverboy-havocboy @violentcheese
and upcoming or honorary members @greenharrow @elismor @lizardberries
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marbled-polecat · 1 month
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Thanks for the tag @seascribbling!!! :D I have more Deeli to be offered up. :3
He is a Jedi to his bones and he won’t give that up without a fight.
No pressure tags: @cacodaemonia @valkeakuulas @frostbitebakery @loverboy-havocboy @elismor @bilbosmom-belladonna @flowerparrish
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elismor · 4 months
Recent Fic Omnibus
The Daily Grind https://archiveofourown.org/works/52121377 (10th 52 pickup for @valkeakuulas) The one where Wolffe comes to an arrangement with 3PO
Two Left Feet https://archiveofourown.org/works/52426948 (mistletoe prompt for @catbuir) The one where Rex is about as subtle as a brick
The One With the Coffee Break[s] https://archiveofourown.org/works/52830196 (1st fill for The One With All the Prompts) The one where Fox tries to drink some caf.
The One With the Line https://archiveofourown.org/works/52929439 ("Fear me" prompt for @petrifiedforests) The one with Wooley's War
Pastiche https://archiveofourown.org/works/52955998 ("Leave me behind" for @catbuir) The one where Fives and Echo go out for Community Theatre
In the Pink (The One with the Red Shirt) https://archiveofourown.org/works/53405761 (written for Coday and for @mis-mcgifsten, and also for The One With All the Prompts) The one where the Marshall Commander is laid low by a washing machine.
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alamogirl80 · 8 months
Last Line Challenge
Got tagged by.... some people. Pretty sure @elismor was the last person I saw in my mentions. Honestly guys, I get on here, spam some stupid shit into my feed and leave, so I'm behind on seeing my mentions.
I actually have been writing, working on getting the WHITE WALE of "And I'll Follow the Light in You" finished. So here, a line or two from a future chapter (i have no idea which, this shit is just getting word vomited onto google docs at this point).
“I’ve been asking for months…maybe I was being too subtle,” he smirks, lips hovering mere millimeters above Obi-Wan’s. Obi-Wan closes his eyes, letting Cody gently tilt his head. “So many skills, Commander, yet subtlety is not one of them… thank the Force.”
Tagging whoever wants to play! @cacodaemonia @bladelei
@cobaltbeam @valkeakuulas
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gaogaigar-the-king · 2 months
Username Song Game
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL and then tag that many people
Tagged by: @valkeakuulas with bribes of chocolate
G - Glory by Hollywood Undead A - A Lifetime of War by Sabaton O - Only The Broken Hearts (Make You Beautiful) by Sonata Arctica G - Great War by Sabaton A - Already Dead by Hollywood Undead I - I Have A Right by Sonata Arctica G - Gravenimage by Sonata Arctica A - Angels Calling by Sabaton (Bonus with Apocalyptica!) R - Running Lights by Sonata Arctica T - The Attack of The Dead Men by Sabaton H - Hey Brother by Avicii E - Everybody Dies by Ayreon K - Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead I - I'm The Creed by JT Music (AC: Origins) N - Nightmare by Hollywood Undead G - Gauss: Redline by Matthew Chalmers (Digital Extremes)
I expended all my energy to find 16 songs (You have no idea how many of these I picked one and then later edited it to balance out the list) so I don't have the strength to tag anyone. Do it if you want.
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petrifiedforests · 5 months
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Thank you for the questions!
Boy, I wish I had a new snippet to post but all I have is one sentence I've already shared in a Last Line Challenge from the Mando AU for Hics and Pillar.
“Did you just say Hics was gonna be my back up?” Pillar asked incredulously. “Are you sending me an ad?”
So I guess as the only WIP that's more than vibes or discord conversations that's the first WIP.
I've got permission from Caco to use one of their Last Line Challenge sentences as prompt starter for WB Month and I'm looking forward to write all emotion no plot.
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odekiisu · 2 months
Last line challenge
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thanks for the tag @cacodaemonia!
“It is generally unlikely, but theoretically possible at high enough energies.”
... a wonderfully nondescript sentence from an otherwise rather cool thing (imo) that I'm afraid to give too many details about for fear of disappointing people in case I don't actually get anywhere with it 😅
tagging @valkeakuulas @softurl @elismor @petrifiedforests @wolverina2002 @come-chaos @gun-roswell @blirzy and anyone else who wants to!
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sharky857 · 1 year
🍦 🎃 🤲
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
hard to say. Maybe this one.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I might write them if I were inspired enough, as it happens with any other kind of story. I think I can count on the fingers of one hand this kind of fics, and my favourite one is also the latest I wrote for Stardew Valley (Spirits' Eve is just Halloween).
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Alas, having a moody muse combined with a tendency to write on the go, I have no WIPs atm. 😔
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valkeakuulas · 4 months
The Last Line Challenge
Got tagged by @seascribbling and here's a piece from another fic I'm writing for the @waxerboilmonth
He caught the faint smell of the body lotion Waxer had had Boil spread on his back after the shower, and a small smile tugged at Boil's lips when he recalled how Waxer had squirmed when Boil had let his fingers tease the sensitive skin of Waxer’s sides.
Okay, so. I used Boil & Waxer's names six times (whoops?) so I'll tag six people: @marymunchkiin @abelunwilling @nightfall-1409 @kartaylirnaak @odekiisu @ralith
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