#unlike swans who DO want to fight you
kedreeva · 2 months
(disclaimer: I am not saying this from a place of hostility to geese)
how did 3-year old you survive feeding geese :( when I was 4 I was feeding ducks and geese (which I was about the same height as at the time) at a local pond and they chased me and tried to bite me until my parents picked me up and ran. I didn't try to scare them and I was a generally quiet child, do I just have Bad Vibes to them or something? or is it something to do with their past experiences/socialization as Pond Ducks/Geese? nowadays whenever a goose or swan so much as starts staring at me I'm like "ok time to go :)"
Without knowing more about the situation, I can't say what particular thing you did, but I can say that geese don't chase people for no reason at all. It's possible you got too close rather than letting them come to you, it's possible you were just plain too close to their nesting site, it's possible you performed a movement that (in goose) suggested your desire to start a dispute. It's possible you were feeding them from your hands and they associated your hands with food, and were simply looking for more food, or attempting to chase you away from the food.
And to be clear, I'm definitely not advocating for people letting small children feed geese, honestly no one should be feeding wild animals, mostly because it familiarizes wildlife with humans and that can be bad, but also because it opens too many opportunities for humans to do the wrong things and end up hurt or scared. As a 4yo, it wasn't your responsibility to know how to interact with geese- it was your parents' job to monitor your actions, the actions and reactions of the geese, and remove you from the situation before it became a problem (or not put you in that position in the first place). The geese are blameless for acting like geese and you are blameless by reason of being 4 years old.
I ALSO want to be clear that being SCARED of something DOES NOT equal HATING something. Hate can stem from fear, and fear can stem from hate, but they are not the same thing. There are PLENTY of people, for example, who are terrified of spiders but who will either remove them from a place with a cup and paper, or fetch someone to do so, to prevent a spider from dying for the crime of being small. You (general) can be afraid of something and still treat it with respect. You do not have to hate the things you are afraid of.
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poisonous-honey · 4 months
Lately is a shitty time for me on miHoyo's games. I lost both my 50/50s both to Genshin impact and Honkai star rail. On Genshin, i got QiQi by pulling Xianyun and Gepard by pulling Black Swan. Now i'm broke and my moral is at its lowest.
I'd love some headcanons (or a scenario) about SAGAU(and SAHSRAU if you can) hearing the reader yell and cry of frustration about this. Like: "I'M DONE I'M SO FUCKING DONE!! CAN I JUST HAVE THE ONLY THING I'VE WANTED FOR WORKING AND WAITING THAT HARD!!?? FUCK ALL OF YOU I HATE MY LIFE!!!!"
Sorry. I just wanted to let it out...
Who’s Here: Reader/Player, Diluc, Jean, Mona, Keqing, Tighnari, Astral Express crew, and Gepard
Contains: SAGAU and SAHSR (Not Cult AU)
Note: Hey, hey! I'm sorry this happened to you. I also lost her to Qiqi and had to spend everything else I had to try again, 50/50s suck. Their banners aren’t gone yet though so I hope you end up getting both of them soon! (ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )
It was an accident, it always is with them.
The six of them that are considered standard 5 stars never mean to ruin your chances. They care for you and your happiness, they also want you to continue to play their game. Even though they'd love to be the ones going on adventures with you, both to spend time with you and for their own benefit (Tighnari would love to study other nations' fauna, Diluc could gain new ideas for drinks etc.), they know forcing themselves into your party would never work. You'd just grow to hate them, which is the opposite of what they want.
They're jealous of other 5 stars. Sure they can join you technically whenever they want, unlike the others that have to deal with limited timed windows, but that also guarantees you want them. All they can do is break that or hope they're the lucky one chosen on Wanderlust Invocation. Not only do they have to share a space with each other, but they're also going against weapons, which none of them are remotely happy with.
It's when these emotions are at an all-time high, they're jealousy and longing, the stars will glow gold and tug on their heart.
Diluc is always at his desk when he accidentally takes it. Stewing over boring paperwork his mind will wander from time to time, eventually landing on thoughts of you. He'll find himself missing you and desiring your attention, not realizing you've started a wishing session until it's too late, and he hears you cursing the world. He feels incredibly guilty, and it only grows worse when the wind clatters against his windows. Tries to make it up to you with materials and mora. You’ll find your mail flooded with talent books, adventurers EXP, a ton of mora, and the sincerest apology he could write.
Jean would be trying to sleep. She doesn't have time to think about you during her job, so it’s when she’s on the brink of passing out she’ll start to think of you. The thought of travelling with you sounded like the best break she could get. Eventually she’ll fall asleep and dream about you, only to be suddenly woken up by your screaming. She panics and seeks advice from any and all of her friends on how to make it up to you. Ends up acting similar to Diluc, working herself to the bone to get you talent and weapon materials. She’ll pair them with a few dandelions before sending them to you.
Mona is thinking about food. During a time she forgets to set aside enough mora for a decent meal, she’ll find herself thinking about the delicacies you’re able to provide. Even if it involved fighting, it was a free source of marvellous food. Her mouth waters as she thinks about all the dishes you’ve made, only to be abruptly pulled from her thoughts when a star bumps into her and flies off. She sighs when she hears you start cussing up a storm. Knowing your current state, depressed and full of ire, is because of her, she’ll attempt to make it up to you in a way few others could. She manipulates the fates of the stars so you’re bound to get your next gold star early. A simple method she feels guarantees to make you happy and hopefully take the heat off of herself. It wasn’t simple she wishes you could praise her for it
Keqing would be reminiscing her interactions with you during lantern rite. Whenever she sees the traveller in the distance, but is too busy to stop and talk, that’s where her mind will wander when she finally gets a moment of rest. It’s at this moment of respite she’ll long to see you and the traveller again and when she’ll notice the sky turn gold. She feels incredibly bad when she hears you cry, but she doesn’t have much time to meaningfully apologize to you. The best she can do is write a letter to both you and the character she stole the spotlight from saying she’s sorry. She’ll definitely send you some Golden Shrimp Balls when she next has some for herself.
Tighnari, in a similar boat to Jean and Keqing, would be too preoccupied to miss you on a normal day. It’s when he’s out with his friends and slightly inebriated he mentions missing you. Alhaitham starts to mention how that’s a dangerous line of thought for him to have when Tighnari’s chest starts to glow gold. Everyone winces when you soon start shouting and Tighnari slams his face into the table. He’d end up gathering bunches of every flower in Sumeru and send them to you with a picture of him, Collei and Karkata. 
For Qiqi it's a little different. She can't remember the last time you've gone adventuring with her. Half the time she's too preoccupied to even remember she's already on your team. When a star falls and asks if she wants to go, she doesn't have time to check her notebook before she says yes, the star becoming hers and landing on your screen. 
Your rage and disappointment is always made evident fast, which always has Qiqi turning to Baizhu.
“Did I… Do something wrong?”
Baizhu sighs and kneels next to her, “You made a mistake, but it's alright. Come, why don't we look for an apology gift?”
The next day you open up the mail to see one from Qiqi. Attached to it are all the herbs she collected with Baizhu, her specialty dish No Tomorrow, and an acquaint fate.
Sorry… Qiqi doesn't remember what Qiqi did, but Qiqi knows Qiqi is sorry.
Upon finishing the most recent event, you had teleported to the train suddenly before they noticed your presence leaving them. They couldn’t tell if you were in a menu or had left your computer entirely. After a while with nothing happening on your end everyone aboard the Astral Express quickly settled in, expecting to be here for a while longer. March was in her room organizing her photos, Dan Heng was going through the archives, and Himeko was making coffee while Stella and Welt were entertaining the guests. Gepard and Serval had come to visit the train that day. Pom Pom had wandered off earlier somewhere in the train and everything was relatively peaceful… Until they heard you start screaming.
March, Dan Heng, and Himeko all rushed into the Parlour car while the four already there were looking at each other in a bit of shock. It’s when they start making out what you’re saying and see Pom Pom rush back into the Parlour car did they realize you had started warping. A session which obviously didn’t go as planned.
They don't like hearing you angry or sad, so they try to come up with a plan, something - anything that will cheer you up without seeming too suspicious. All of them are in the middle of discussing when they also hear you mumble out a very quick and aggressive “Fuck Gepard.”
Everyone turns to him and his face goes red.
Plans are immediately put on hold as Stella whips out her baseball bat and attempts to smash his skull in. Welt tries to step in to stop her, Himeko and Dan Heng stand-off to the side (one more disappointed than the other), March cheers Stella on and Serval ignores her brother's plea for help.
They do eventually get around to cobbling up a multitude of jades for you to at least try again, but not before Stella nearly gave Gepard a concussion. He separately sends you an extremely long apology letter paired with a choice item to allow you to pick a 5 starlight cone of your choosing. Some of the others berate him for being so obvious, but he doesn't care as long as you're happy again.
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elliotsblunt · 18 days
Black Swan 2 | Colin Bridgerton
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pairings - colin bridgerton/reader | brigderton au!
“_ _ “ = Y/N
masterlist | last part
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sypnosis — you decide to push away colin, perhaps against your own will.
warnings —angst
word count — 3.3k
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© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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Your feet couldn’t carry yourself fast enough. Heels clicked against the pavement as the summer air breeze blew against your cheeks. With squinted eyes, you called out her name again. But you watched as her carriage vanished into the night, leaving you alone with dust vanishing within the air from her departure.
It couldn’t have been possible. Colin was her Colin. The Viscount’s younger brother.
Penelope had dreamt about marrying him ever since your mother and her daughters moved across from them, pretty much at the same time you were shipped off to Spain. Your mother didn’t want to deal with taking care of you, and so she made a deal with one of the emperors in Spain—and arranged for you to live within the walls of the Royal Castle.
You never got the chance to get to know anyone here. Perhaps that’s why you received such peculiar stares.
“_ _. I’ve been looking for you. Welcome home.”
You clenched your teeth. Inhaling deeply, you reluctantly spun around, revealing your mother and two half sisters. Almost stumbling back from their bright fashion choice—all matching in blinding orange dresses—you heard your older sister, Prudence, roll her eyes.
You sent her a tight smile. “Hello, Prudence.” You nodded at Philipa, who only rose her brow at you.
“It seems Spain caused you to lose your senses,” your mother scrutinized you with bitter eyes. The tip of her nose scrunched. “You didn’t even announce yourself to your sisters nor I.“
Philipa snorted, twirling her orange curl. “Yeah. At least try to hide the fact you only came for Penelope.”
Your mother chuckled, tilting her head at you with faux confusion. “Speaking of which—where is that girl? We wouldn’t want you to get the impression she’s already grown weary of your presence,” she added in, fanning herself with her veiny hand coated with perfectly painted with her signature color. Yellow.
Your half-sisters laughed and snickered at her words, causing you to think your eyes into daggers at the trio. “It seems other people enjoy and require her company, unlike some I know.”
Their laughing grew to a halt, earning death glares as you threw your hand in the air to call your carriage. Turning your back towards them, you lifted the end of your dress to ensure you didn’t slip on the hem once again.
“Have a goodnight ladies. I’m retiring home early.”
As soon as you heard a gentleman whistle to escort you towards the ready carriage, you walked down the cobblestones pathway of the Queen’s Castle—quickly fleeing from the scene.
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“Thank you, Ms. Varley,” you smiled at the older woman as she latched the necklace onto your flesh. A boy who eyed you for some time back in Spain gifted you this, following his confession. In simple words,
You accepted the gift but not the proposal.
Getting married wasn’t really on your agenda. You always assumed love would happen organically. There wasn’t a need to force anything, nor a rush. And when it came to him, there was no spark. Your tummy didn’t do flips whenever his eyes dug into yours. When his fingertips grazed your knuckles, it didn’t burn your heat with desire.
Your fingertips touched the shimmering diamonds—mind racing back to the night before. Colin couldn’t keep his eyes off your collarbone. As if he was fighting the urge to lay his sights on what was beneath it. The thought of his stormy eyes burning into your figure, made you inhale sharply.
Although you sworn to never speak to him again, Penelope didn’t have to know your thoughts. And besides, he consumed them. His touch on the small of your back, in the dark, his lips almost pressing against yours. It drove you crazy, how large his palms were compared to yours. How dominant he was—how he controlled the conversation the entire course of time the two of you spent together.
“It’s truly lovely to meet you, Miss Rockwell. I’ll be in the washing room cleaning.”
You hummed as you both exchanged smiles before she exited your chamber. And as if on cue, Penelope stormed in. You straightened out right away, turning away from the mirror to face her. “Penelope. I was about to come—“
“I’m sorry I assumed things between the two of you. Colin spoke to me and explained everything.” She apologized, offering a gentle smile. Her face looked as if it was glowing with guilt. But it made your chest do a flip at the sound of his name. “He said you both literally ran into each other during the blackout—and he danced with you so you wouldn’t leave.”
“Exactly,” you laughed nervously, happy he didn’t mention the dirty thing he said before you left. “There’s nothing going on between us. I would never do that to you, Pen Pen.”
The two of you hugged, giggling as you took in her scent of jasmine. It was absolutely lovely. “I feel like you’re the only person I truly have.”
“I’ll always be here for you.” Pen guarantees as you both pull away. You pinch her cheeks as she giggles, swatting your hand away. “Now tell me! What did you two talk about?”
You gulped, but played it cool. “You mean did he mention you?”
She blushed, turning as red as her night gown. She hadn’t changed clothes yet. This really must’ve been weighing in on her mind all night.
Guilt began to hit you.
“He did,” you notice her eyes perk up. You spat out lies. “He said there’s a girl he finds gorgeous that he’s close with.”
“I—-What? Really?”
Oh god.
“The Bridgertons are hosting a garden party today. Eloise’s sister Francesa has turned of age—I shall speak to him there.”
Your mind went blank, biting on your finger as Penelope loses herself in her desires. “I have to decide what to wear. This could be it, _ _.” She clapped her hands, looking at you with excited eyes and a beaming smile.
“I’m going to tell him how I feel today.”
You made a nervous laugh as she skipped out your chambers, knowing you were now royally fucked.
He plagues your mind. But there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it. Now, you had to try to get your sister to marry Colin Bridgerton.
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You absolutely adored this green dress from Spain. It had golden trimming sewn at the top, and the sleeves were two puffed out rings. It was off the shoulder, showering off your collarbones, attracting stares from many gentleman.
Here in London, woman tend to show cleavage like there’s no tomorrow. Especially the mamas, it was quite gruesome how shameless they were. But in Spain, Spanish women like to let the men imagine a bit more. Fantasize you can say. And collarbones are sexy, revealing just enough to make you think. Perhaps that’s why Colin eyes showered you with glances directed at your neckline.
Golden necklaces adorned your neckline. “It’s absolutely beautiful,” you whispered in awe to Penelope, the two of you following behind your mother and her two gremlins. The Bridgerton’s garden was located behind their home, where paths filled with light pink flowers guided guests how to enter.
A fountain filled with lily pads poured crystal-like water into its stone basin at the bottom. Birds chirped whilst resting at the top. Butterflies of every color imaginable flapped their patterned wings into the clear skies of summer. Violin’s qued as rows of food appeared. Sandwiches, scones, cookies, tea cakes, bread. Blackened chicken, an entire hog, and salmon in another. And drinks such bourbon, whiskey, vodka.
Penelope began to make herself a plate and offered to make you one as well. You agreed and thanked her before going to get yourself a drink. Pen didn’t like to drink, so you decided against offering her one.
The sound of hard cider caused your mouth to water. Back in Spain, you drank that every week. The spice of the cinnamon lightly burning the back of your throat stung you deliciously. Helping yourself to the dispenser that says Hard Cider, you filled the glass halfway before taking a sip.
You were surprised they had it here.
“Here,” Pen hands you a massive plate. You nearly tip over from the weight. Forcing the liquid down your throat, it made you slightly cough out.
“Jesus, Pen. Did you get one of everything or something?” You cleared your throat afterwards, causing her to giggle.
“I didn’t know what you liked! So I got you everything…”
That made you laugh, shaking your head as you took another sip of your drink. Okay _ _. Keep track of your sips. This is your second. Don’t get wasted at Colin Bridgerton’s home. But then you realized, no one even knew you. It was okay to ease up a little, and relax. This is a vacation after all.
“Where’s your little Bridgerton friend?” You ask Pen, catching her taking a bite out of a cookie. She shrugged her shoulders as she wiped powdered sugar off the corners of her mouth.
“Are you two not speaking?”
“Of course we are. She’s just been a little busy with other things I suppose.” She clearly lied to you, eyes dodging to meet yours. You hummed with a knowing look, but decided to not say anything.
An unfamiliar male voice steps in, rich and charming almost. A boy with dark eyes and a handsome smile approaches you two, but to your luck, his sights seemed to be in Penelope. “I love that color, Miss Featherington. It looks absolutely ravishing on you.”
Pen freezes on the spot, no longer taking bites of her food. Her cheeks turned a deep pink.
“Urm, Thank you Mr. Dukeson.”
“Would you like to dance?” He offers, holding out his hand. Pen glanced at you, and when you deliver her a stern nod, she bites back a small smile before accepting his proposition to waltz. She hands you her plate, causing you to giggle, before he escorts her to the floor.
Oh—how beautiful she looked.
“Who is that?”
You nearly jumped at the husky voice behind you. It was him.
Not understanding why he wanted to know, your eyes found his. But they weren’t looking at you. No…they were focused on the pair before you two.
On Pen.
With a look of anguish and dominance.
It made sparks of lingering jealousy ignite within your chest.
He…had feelings for her.
Colin Bridgerton liked her back. It was hard to swallow, but at least you didn’t have to help them get together anymore. It was over. All you had to do was tell Pen to keep making him jealous, and eventually he’ll crumble for her. And it shouldn’t have torn you apart inside, or made your heart swell with an aching emptiness.
“You have feelings for her,” you spoke aloud, causing his eyes to snap to yours. He visibly swallowed.
“I…don’t know…”
“Come on, Bridgerton. Man up. Tell her how you feel, won’t you?”
Your words caused him to raise his brows at you, blinking quickly. Tilting your head back, you took a large swig from your drink, causing him to laugh. “By the way, gorgeous home. Or castle I should say. I mean come on, it would take me thirty minutes to find the bathroom.”
“Thanks. We could trade places, if you’d like.”
“You don’t look flexible enough to dance for the Spanish Queen, Bridgerton.”
You snort, each drink making you feel more and more relaxed. Suddenly—Colin not returning your feelings didn’t bother you. Your sister always came first, no matter what. But you couldn’t help but stare at him, noticing those supple lips of his getting trapped between those pearly white teeth of his.
You thought about sucking on it. Using his mouth for dirty dirty things. You were shameful.
Your thighs pressed together; not noticing Colin’s hungry eyes suddenly trained on you. He noticed the sweat dripping down your forehead, eyes avoiding to meet his. “Miss Rockwell. Are you fee—“
“You should tell Pen how you feel. Excuse me,” you mutter out before pushing past him, going inside the maze. Walls made of large shrubs and bushes, flowers littering the green, and yet you still felt light headed and stressed. The liquor began to make your heart race and tummy twirl with yearning.
Your hand found your waist, letting out laughs. It was unbelievable how much you yearned for his touch on yours. To feel his body against yours. What was wrong with you?
“_ _ ? Are you okay?”
It was the Bridgerton girl. Emily? Eloise. Quickly spinning around, you spotted her pretty blue eyes filled wirh wordy sweeping over your features. “Why are you here? I mean—I get it. I get it. I hate parties as well. Mama makes me attend them.”
She rolls her eyes, and since you weren’t in full control of your senses, you tried your best to be sober. “Are you drunk?”
“Drunk wouldn’t begin to cover it, sister.” Colin steps in beside her, looking as dashing as ever. His black strands fell over his eyes, a black vest matching his black coat. His greyish eyes contracted against his recently tanned skin.
“I am not drunk right now, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“You’re swaying.”
“It’s windy.”
“It’s summer.”
“Same difference.”
“Hey guys,” Pen says softly, announcing herself to the conversation. You smile widely at her.
“Pen, who’s that guy you were dancing with?” Eloise asks, looking genuinely concerned and in-excited. Pen blushes as Colin pitches in as well.
“Did he ask to court you?”
You send a glance to Colin, feeling your chest burn with a mysterious anger. Alcohol flowed in your blood stream. “Pen, do you fancy him?”
She swallowed thickly, shaking her head and shrugging. “I uh, I don’t know.”
She couldn’t meet his gaze. Setting your drink on the grass, you first took one last swig and finished your cup. “I’m going to find some more liquor.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea—“
“Actually, I’d like to dance.”
“Lovely, me too. Shall we?” Colin offered his hand, a smirk trailing onto those lips of his. You bit your lip, but saw the look on Pen’s face—and fought against the urge to accept.
“Sorry. I mean with girls.”
You grabbed Eloise and Pen by their wrists before dragging them to the center of the dance floor.
You didn’t notice his eyes on you once again, watching the three of you hold hands and jump around. You grabbed Pen by her hand and spun her and Eloise around with your other at the same time. The following the tempo of the piano, Eloise suddenly twirled you before the three of you girls continued to dance.
And at the same time, you didn’t notice Colin wasn’t the only one burning his gaze onto you. The Queen had also taken an interest, asking her right hand man about your family and background. In her eyes, you were the perfect diamond of the season. She still hadn’t announced one yet, but that was soon going to change.
Flowers began to pour down from the sky somehow, colorful petals getting caught in your black strands. You fluttered your eyes shut, jumping up and down whilst swaying your body to match the music.
Giggling and smiling with the girls, when your eyes reopened—a pair of fiery dark ones were piercing at you. Colin stood on the sidelines, hands in his pockets, two girls speaking to get his attention that was on you. Petals falling over him in the background made it seem like you were dreaming. Something blossomed in your chest. As soon as your eyes met, his pink lips curved into a slight smirk.
You were doomed.
After the song finished, Colin approached you once again. Pen and Eloise were talking to one another, yet mindful of your guys’ conversation. You breathed deeply as Colin looked at you with an intense gaze. Penelope clears her throat, but Colin didn’t notice.
“Miss Rockwell. May I speak to you for a moment?”
Your eyes flew over to Pen, who laughed brokenheartedly and excused herself. “I’ll just go find Eloise then…”
After your younger sister had walked off, you sent Colin a fierce look. “Miss Rockwell—“
He took a step forward, causing you to knit your brows in confusion. His eyes were trained on the ground.
“I would like—to get to know you better.” His words were suggestive. It made chills run down your spine, and if it were under different circumstances, perhaps you would have accepted. But this wasn’t just any suitor. This was Colin…the man Pen has been yearning for for years now. The way she described him in those letters. How dashing he looked in that coat of his, how his defined jaw clenched as he awaited for your answer.
His eyes trailed up to meet yours. “Miss Rockwell…please say yes.”
And you want to did. It was on the tip of your tongue—But it was impossible. He wasn’t meant for you to marry. You always knew that.
“W—We can’t…”
His face fell, but hope lingered in his eyes. He knew you were about to break. Did he see right through right you? Colin tilted his head, grasping your fingertips. The skin on your hand felt like it was on fire as he traced it gently. “Colin..”
“Why not?” His voice dropped an octave, turning into a harsh whisper. His patience was running thin, dropping his formal tone and replacing it with a more…desperate one. You gulped, staying silent, becoming speechless as his features pulled into a frown. “Be honest with yourself, Miss Rockwell. Don’t be a fool.”
You were angry at this whole situation. Rejecting an offer from a man you find absolutely gorgeous and intriguing. He looked timeless, raising his brows and sending you those puppy dog eyes that made your knees weak. You wanted to reach out and comfort him, rubbing his check. The stubble on his angular jaw would scratch through the fabric of your glove.
And then Penelope popped into your head. That beautiful smile that adorned her perfect little face. You never wanted to be the reason it disappeared.
“I’m only a fool if I were to court you,” the words tasted bitter in your mouth. You refused to look at the broken look on his face. In all honestly, the harshness of your words were fueled by the anger of wanting to kiss those lips of his at this very moment. But you’d never be able to.
Looking away, you released a deep sigh. “I feel nothing for you, Colin Bridgerton. My sister, however, shares a great deal of feelings for you.”
Colin’s voice wavered behind you, “Miss Rockwell—“
“How desperate are you for someone to love you, dammit!” You raised your voice, letting out a mocking laugh afterwards. You felt like throwing up. If he couldn’t let you go simply, he’d have to hate you instead.
When you spun around,
Colin took a step back.
His face had completely went blank.
Your jaw shook, looking him in the eyes. The fire inside them had vanished, now only dimly lit. Your fingernails dug into the palms of your hands. “Marry my sister. Hell, marry anybody as long as you leave me the bloody hell alone. Every time you speak to me—it kills her.” Your teeth clenched, “So please…let this be the last time we speak.”
It looked as if he had swallowed bile. “Understood.”
And with that, he turned around and exited his own garden. As you watched him leave, you realized everyone had you—eyes trained on yourself and the man fleeing from the scene. Warm liquid coated your hands, as you dug your nails into the flesh on your palm.
You grabbed a drink off the table before heading for the carriages.
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spaceyprincely · 2 months
Boothill observations and theorys(?):
⚠️‼️Cw// leaks + possible 2.1 spoilers‼️⚠️
Hello tumblr I thought I’d share some observations I’ve made about boothill, an upcoming 5 star character. Particularly his name and how it relates to his cowboy aesthetic as well as his possible backstory. I also want to theorize his situation with Acheron as well. Well I’m not exactly an expert on theory’s so I doubt mine counts but I’ll share what interests me on boothill!
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Boot Hill, Name origin:
First off, what is a “boothill”?
“Boothill” or “Boot Hill” are a type of cemetery most commonly referred to in western parts of the United States and America. What makes this cemetery unique is its association with cowboys, specifically ones that died in violent non natural fashion like shooting or hanging, “died with their boots on”.
How does this relate to Honkai star rail boothill.
- boothill is based of the typical western American cowboy , with the outfit, his accent , usage of guns, etc. so we have that connection .
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- The HSR wiki says that he’s specifically a cyberborg. Cyborgs are typically depicted as robot human hybrid characters. Some cyborg characters like robocop and cyborg (dc comics) have backstories of becoming a cyborg by having had either died and came back to life through technology or damaged their human body greatly to the point they replace with artificial robot tech.
- Boothill in leaked eilodons shows his naked body. However you can quickly noticed his body is human. Not robotic like what we’ve been officially shown.
- Contrast this with his lightcone art, boothill has only part of his robot body. It looks like he’s being operated on.
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- So how does this his name relate to his possible backstory
- As previously iterated, boothill is a name for cemetery of cowboys that died in violent ways. Pair this with how the leaked content having a human body which insinuates that he was at some point a human.
- So what I theorize: Most likely case is that boothill died/ got heavily injured, most likely due to a fight, so much that his only chance to survive was to make him a cyborg. The name boothill fits because he probably died in his boots (I’ll assume for now it happened on the job, maybe his job was the same before and after?).
- Interestingly There’s a leaked description of his lightcones. I’m not 100% sure about how true it is so I’ll have to take it with a grain of salt. However it details on him coming back to life after almost embracing death.
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- - If boothill died, who killed him?
There isnt much to hint at who is to blame for cause of him becoming cyborg so far, given he’s a new character with little information.
At this moment, my best guess is the ipc which characters including topaz and aventurine are in. Boothill is revealed to not like the IPC as revealed in his introduction post. However there’s an interesting thing we need to observe.
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- Notice how it states “the target of his revenge”, meaning the ipc most likely wronged him in some. I wonder if the ipc is the ones responsible for his death and transformation to being a cyberborg. But it’s likely it could be another reason for his distaste.
About Acheron
Cw/ this part gets into partial spoilers for 2.1 trailblazer main story quest
black swan receives a call from boothill. The call is immediately clear he is threatening Acheron with death.
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- his tension with her seems very extreme to the point where hell even go after people affiliated with her when he threatened black swan under the impression she’s was working with her. And saying she shouldn’t exist.
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do I think she was behind his death?
Unlike with the ipc one, I’m not really sure. I personally think that this possibility has less weight to it and there might be another reason for his dislike towards her. But it wouldn’t be surprising considering aventurine claims she brings death and finality.
- like aventurine, Boothill knows that Acheron isn’t an actual galaxy ranger however boothill himself is a galaxy ranger. Since Acheron is falsely claiming she’s a galaxy ranger, could this possibly cause tension with the actual galaxy rangers and her to be a target for them? I don’t really have much to theorize much more but would like to hear what others think
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kanmom51 · 7 months
Just dropping these here for a sec
Obviously I will talk about this when I write about my impressions about Standing next to you, but that might take some time, and this popped out at me and well, I had to share this like NOW!!!
Baby, don't leave Just stay by my side, yeah To you, who see me bigger than what my little self is (to you) So that I can give as much as I’ve received (oh-oh) So that I can keep my word (oh-oh) Don't worry, just stay by my side, yeah (Yeah) We don’t know what the future holds (holds, yeah) And that’s scary and makes us afraid (oh-oh) But don’t forget that we’re always together (don't forget)
Standing next to you
Screamin', I testify that We'll survive the test of time They can't deny our love They can't divide us We'll survive the test of timeI swear that I'll be right here
And side by side:
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I will also say this without getting into it too much at this point, but Standing next to you is heavily Jikook coded. For example:
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And this one:
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So, we have rain (rainy day fight which both JK and JM brought up kind of out of nowhere again in their June lives), we have the pain (JM's Like crazy lyrics in English: "Can you help me numb the pain?"), the very visible 13 again. We have JK as probably a dark angel, but looking very much like his Black swan back in 2020. A black swan that a one PJM really liked. Like REALLY LIKED.
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And it's kind of a circle here, cause when you think of black swan you think of:
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And when you think about this Jikook, you think about this as well:
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And there you are, we are back to the sun and moon.
Now, JK did say this:
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And yes, the lyrics were not written by JK.
But: a. JK not writing the lyrics does not necessarily mean that he did not have an input as to certain words or descriptions he wanted inserted into them; and b. People shouldn't read the songs as autobiographical, as in, unlike what fans have been farting out of their asses (and do forgive me for the language, but it had to be said), JK doesn't fuck a different woman seven days a week, and hasn't just broken up with his gf, whom he still loves but has to hate cause that's the only way he can handle it, you know, that same gf he was seen making out with back in LA Dec 21, or maybe Nicole? or was it the blond from Qatar? No, it's the pregnant gf from the clip of the apartment that isn't his. Bottom line being, JK saying this was telling stupid ass fans that he's an artist, just incase they didn't know that already, and as such he is performing songs that he did not write and that do not necessarily represent him in real life.
There is definitley more to say, but I think I'll stop here for now.
Like I said, just dropping this here for a sec.
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freya-fallen · 2 months
Little Dove 1/?
You're Pro Hero Hawks' little sister. Dabi finds out and everything devolves from there.
TW: none for this chapter, but future parts may include, but are not limited to, noncon, dubcon, drugging, forced incest, yandere hawks, yandere dabi, coercion, lying, manipulation, grooming (of an 18 year old character), obsession, gaslighting...
Part 2
You have wings, too, though they’re nothing like his. Where his are scarlet as fresh-spilt blood, yours are the soft white of a swan’s feathers. He says they’re beautiful and perfect, just like you, but you’re so much weaker than he is. Your feathers can’t be controlled by your mind; when they come off, they flutter to the ground and remain there, lifeless. You think that’s why you can’t really fly. Keigo’s feathers have a telekinetic aspect to them and they’re so strong, able to lift things far larger than they should. You wish yours were more like his.
“Don’t say that, dove.”
You hum as he preens your wings for you. It’s something you’ve done together for one another since you were small. Neither of your parents had wings; your dad had feathers and your mom has those floating eyes, but only you and Keigo share the extra appendages. It’s nice to have that in common, because you feel you look more like your mother otherwise. 
One warm hand smooths over the curve of your wing. It feels so nice. You tighten your arms around your knees and savor the sensation. “If my feathers were more like yours, I could be your sidekick.”
“I’d rather you weren’t.” His tone is gently chiding. “You’re too precious to me.” His goatee tickles your shoulder as he lays his chin on it. 
You giggle. “If I were stronger, the villains would fear me.”
“My fearsome little sister.” His hands wiggle at your sides and you explode into a fit of laughter. “Villains beware! The Chuckling Chicken will get you!”
You kick and squirm beneath his hands. “Keigoooooo. Not a chicken!” You want to be indignant, but he’s so tickling you too well for you to feel anything but the excitement.”
“Yes, a chicken,” he insists. “A clucking little hen gonna peck their eyes out.”
“Noooo.” You bat ineffectually at his chest. 
Before you can get too tired, Keigo stops. He leans over you, so soft in his own home, so unlike the cocky show he puts on for the public. “You know I would worry too much about you if you were a hero.”
“Yeah.” You wrap your arms around him in an embrace. Keigo knows the risks better than you do; he goes out and fights every day. Sometimes he doesn’t even come home, he’s too busy keeping the city safe. “I worry about you, you know.”
“I know.” He rolls over to lie beside you on the bed.
Moments like these, you can forget that you’re brother is one of the most popular, powerful heroes in Japan. He’s right under the hero who saved you as children, Endeavor.
You twine your fingers with Keigo’s as you stare up at the ceiling. Your wings are spread just enough to be comfortable beneath you and he mirrors you. “Half the girls at my school have a crush on you.”
“Oh, really?”
“Uh-huh. They think you’re so cool and handsome. I wonder what they’d think if they knew you’re such a dork.”
“Tch.” He rises to his side, leaning on an elbow. “I’m not a dork. That would be you.”
You roll your eyes. “Do you have any idea how weird it is to hear girls gossiping about your brother? And not even be able to say anything?”
“I know, dove. But it’s safer this way.” He squeezes your hand and sits up just in time for his phone to go off. He raises it and sighs. “Well, back to the grind I go.” He kisses your forehead and grabs his jacket from where it sits on the nightstand, then he’s out the door.
You lie there for a moment then your alarm goes off and it’s time to get ready for school. At least you got to spend time with Keigo; those moments are so fleeting, so precious, and you appreciate each and every one of them.
You change out of night clothes and into your uniform, carefully slipping each wing through it’s back hole. The snowy white of your feathers contrasts the starched so-close-to-perfectly-white fabric of your blouse. You’re glad it’s summer so you don’t have to put the blazer over your shoulders too. Honestly, putting on shirts is your least favorite part of getting dressed.
There’s a springy pop and you realize Keigo must have put your morning toast in the toaster. He’s so thoughtful. You smile to yourself as you butter the bread and pour the juice he insists you drink; you’d like coffee, but he refuses to have it or a coffee maker delivered to the loft. He says it’s bad for you. “You’re a growing girl.” Nevermind that you’re an adult in your last year of highschool.
There’s a nondescript black car waiting outside, just as on every schoolday. Being Hawks’ sister means you live in a nice flat with high security, there are people who ensure you have all your needs met, and you get a ride anywhere you need to go.
It also means you have no close friends who can come over. You rarely get invited out since you can’t tell anyone about your family situation, so it’s usually straight home.
Your care is part of Keigo’s agreement with the commission; you’ll be provided for as long as he works for them or (in case of the worst) if he dies in the line of duty.
There a bunch of benefits and all, too, but you leave the details to him. The most important part is that you and he have your own nest at the top of a building owned by the commission, a penthouse apartment that’s nicely outfitted for the pair of you. Not that Keigo gets to come home very often; you’re fairly sure he sleeps at his agency as often as not.
It beats living with your mother.
Keigo made arrangements for her as well, but neither of you has contact with her.
School is mostly boring. You do well; you have little else to do with your time, so your studies are a major focus. You’re thinking of going into hero agency business or support, that way you can work for the Hawks Agency and spend more time with Keigo. You’d also get to see what he does, what his work space is like. However, as the best of the best, your brother’s agency is picky in who it hires. Since your existence is hidden from the world, you have to look the part. Your school is posh; it’s no UA, but well known enough and respected for those who aren’t trying to enter a hero course.
Classes pass by with nothing more interesting than a little gossip about who’s dating whom or who will go to a certain place later, at least until lunch.
A television streams news in the corner. Usually you don’t pay attention to it, but a flash of crimson crosses the screen and you turn toward it so fast you almost get whiplash.
There’s Keigo on the screen. He and Endeavor are fighting a villain together. You gasp as your brother takes a hit. Tears flood your eyes, but you can’t look away. He grits his teeth in a facsimile of a grin. The camera zooms in as his lips move, but his words are unheard. No doubt it’s some quip he’s airing to dismiss any concern over his well-being. 
“Oh my god! I hope Hawks is okay!” All around you, other students are watching the fight unfold.
They’re gathering quite the crowd in person, too. You count out news casters, camera people, everyday folks with their cell phones out… One guy sweeps up a phone from the ground; he must’ve dropped it. It’s red case catches the light, then you’re distracted by Endeavor sending out a wave of fire.
You can’t imagine the amount of collateral damage this fight will produce. The villain is likee noone you’ve ever seen. His skin blends into the shadows, his eyes glow yellow, and he’s enormous. Keigo, average height and lightly built beneath his baggy clothes, looks so small as he fights against the man, and beside the enormous beacon of strength that is Endeavor. 
You send up a prayer that the flame hero keeps your brother safe. Other than Keigo, he’s your favorite hero. You have no idea if he remembers the two winged children he rescued many years ago, but you remember him. 
Your anxiety climbs until a new hero joins the fray. It’s Miruko, the rabbit hero, and she comes in with a mighty bunny kick that send the villain reeling.
The three top pros turn the tide and relief spills through your chest as emergency responders come in to clean after the heroes are done.
You unclench your hands where they were balled hard enough the skin in your palms shows red half moons.
It’s okay now. Keigo is okay.
In your school bag, your phone buzzes. You won’t see the text for hours.
>Who would hawks have saved as my little dove in his contacts?
want to be added to the taglist? lemme know
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piglet26 · 5 months
Reylo. Sorry, but it's not abusive
Star Wars is not selling abusive relationships to young girls nor conditioning them into aspiring to them. Reylo is not propaganda from disgruntled single middle aged woman. It wasn't promoting abusive relationships when Luke still found love for his father despite Darth Vader cutting off his hand. Luke fans, young and old, were not attacked as being dumb or needy for liking Luke or how he viewed his father. It damn sure wasn't considered abusive when Anakin choked Padme and she still held hope for him in her heart. Or, that Obi-Wan still held a love for Anakin despite everything Darth Vader had done. Then there was Reylo.
Being a Reylo is not something I feel I need to defend. Let me love what I love in peace. That's what I believe. I did not actually see any of the sequel trilogy until after it was concluded. I was not on any fandoms during the rollout and marketing for the films. Thank God. However, I have gathered enough to understand it was horrible how Reylos were being regarded. It was beyond patronizing. I'm not new to fandom, hell I've been on soap opera fandoms for quite some time and believe me that's a savage space, but wow.
I want to clarify some of the feedback against Reylo and reaffirm why it's such a compelling pairing. Further more, I regard it as an compelling attribute to the Star Wars universe that only added to the franchise.
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Now I've seen the domination of woman twisted up and called romance (see Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray), but I don't think people understand WHY those relationship were as such. Rey, on her own, is one of the strongest and most badass female leads to ever appear on the big screen. Despite people thinking she doesn't have a personality she is a resourceful, tough, innocent, loyal, hopeful and strong. She has agency unlike Bella Swan. She is not sexualized by Kylo Ren unlike the 50 shades girl. Her gender is neither a hindrance nor an advantage. She has the agency to save herself, but she is also saved.
Which is really one of the main issues. There is the patronization of Rey as a character, the people who like her and the people who like the pairing. While those 50 shades of gray books didn't buy themselves rather than listening to why Reylos liked the pairing they were told why they did and then dismissed. Or, there's the men that wanted Rey to be with Finn because Finn was the "nice guy" who they identified with.
Rey doesn't need a love interest - not all heroines need love interests, but why does it imply she's weak if she does have a love interest? Heroes infamously have a female counterpart which helps make them viable. It doesn't make them any less interesting as an individual.
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Kylo Ren and Rey are NOT a couple but instead representatives of opposing sides in a war. This is the most important part. From the get-go they have an intense dynamic. Both have had visions and dreams of the other and they recognize something in one another. Kylo Ren did kidnap Rey, however, if you consider fighting your enemies “abusive” or interrogating war prisoners as “domestic violence”.............well, that is odd.
As quotes about them
What if your soulmate in the Force was your enemy? Circumstance, pits them against each other, but the Force bonds them together. They understand each other almost from a point of view of fate. And yet, fate has made them enemies.
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While Kylo Ren is fascinated by In the moments of the interrogation, gender and sexuality have nothing to do with Kylo’s actions. J.J. made the conscious choice to show us the same scene twice (Kylo Ren interrogating his enemies) so the audience can spot the differences between the two. Sorry J.J, you trusted people too much.
We're able to see very clear aggression and abuse come from Kylo Ren for Poe. He has zero interest in him personally. He needs information and he will get it. The force and his ability to read someone's mind is a tool within his disposal. Now why isn't Poe's interrogation considered sexual assault?
"You know I can take anything I want" HE CAN READ HER MIND! He's not talking about raping her for God's Sake! He asked her to freely provide information and she didn't want to. However, he has a tool to use against a girl adding his enemies - a tool he'll use if she doesn't want to snitch. She knows this he already read her mind - so why not give the information freely?!
Rey also invaded his mind, so did she mind-rape him too?
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The line that fans almost never seem to talk about in The Force Awakens is when Kylo says to Rey “Don’t be afraid, I feel it too.” What did he feel? The best I'm able to understand is what they felt was their force dyad igniting or fulfilling.
Ren becomes personally invested in Rey. Not with her cause, or her affiliation with the Resistance, but with her and what he wants from her.
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“Kylo chased Finn and Rey outside Starkiller Base to fight them! He threw Rey against a tree!” Well she was going to shoot him..... I would've thrown her against a tree to save myself. His issue in that moment was Finn. Finn was the "traitor" in questioned and his unfinished business. They fought, but really it was a dueling exercise. Kylo Ren wanted to test her skills and her powers. If he wanted her dead there was a convenient edge to push her over, hell he offered to teach her. Rey was the one to go ape and almost kill him.
Again, I'm not implying that they aren't messy - they are. For literary nerds this is why they are a compelling heroine/villain. Ultimately one will greatly affect the other. The tension in between them is why it's great.
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Ben Solo, least we forget, is himself an abuse victim. This is canon. While Kylo Ren has learned abusive techniques, they are at war. Applying abusive characteristics to a fictional character in a war setting without any attempt to incorporate the story is bizarre. Why was he able for the first time to stand against his abuser? Rey. He couldn't stand up for himself but he stood up for her. Ultimately, Kylo Ren wanted to 'break the wheel" that's what he claimed. If he was honest, he'd admit he had no clue of how to do that.
Most abusers are charming and irresistible when you first meet them. Ben has NEVER dishonest with Rey about who he is. Rey is very aware of the horrible side of him and even refers to him as a monster. He affirms her accusation that he is a monster.
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During their force bonds because of the nature of the bond Rey is in a position to hear him out and try to understand how he became the monster he is today. When she learns that he didn't become this on his own, that Luke, his parents and Snoke contributed to his downfall she had hope in him. It's also important to make the distinctions that when she has a vision of him, it's as Ben. It's like a bipolar personality. When Kylo Ren goes all Darcy marriage proposal - she reject him. She rightfully spurned him when he resorted to cruelty to sway her to his side. Rey turned down Kylo as long as he was the ’bad guy’, and only kissed him as Ben ’the good guy’.
“He only wants to use her for her power.” Oversimplification that Rey is actually guilty of. Kylo Ren is lonely and within Rey he finds not only an equal but the most intense emotional connection he's ever had. The most intense connection she's ever had. Let's not forget they are probably both virgins. Then they are in each other's head. That's intense. When Kylo makes his plea to Rey it's out of not only loneliness but truly wanting her for her.
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Also, Kylo doesn’t say he wants them to rule together as “master and apprentice”. He wants Rey to be his empress, his queen which is what Rey means. He’s literally proposing by offering her the entire galaxy. Ultimately Reylos see them as two equally powerful archenemies dedicating themselves to defeating the other but also find themselves strangely drawn to each other in ways they might not want to admit. Then two soul mates on the other side of a conflict.
This is built on the idea that hate itself is a sort of twisted form of love. It is, or, rather hatred is born from things like fear, pain, betrayal and love. Their connection is complicated. One minutes they last out at one another and the next they lean into each other. People can regard this as toxic. Others, like myself, regard this as the gray side of love. Reylo represent the yin yang of the force. The light and the dark craving each other and finding themselves frustrated.
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Notice how many hero/villains find themselves telling others that only they are allowed to kill/harm their nemesis, in a subconscious effort to protect their nemesis from others. And they may also get strangely jealous when their nemesis fights other people.
Other people give this argument because they believe the popularity of antiheroes in media is a sign of society’s moral decay. The First Order for all we know is not a fascist society. We have no idea the ideology of the First Order. We know their clothing was inspired by the Nazis.
Red String of Fate: the two connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break
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Kylo Ren and Rey BOTH want to be together, believe in the other, but are held back by their individual idea of what means. How is that abusive?! Maybe it's back to thinking little girls won't be able to understand the complexity of Reylo. Huh, well little boys can understand the complexity of Batman and Joker. If little boys are smart enough to realize the difference between fiction and reality and are able to watch a love/hate relationship between a good guy and a bad guy, I’m pretty sure the girls can handle it too. Rey has hope and belief that Kylo Ren can be good, she won't stay by his side while he's doing bad.
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What is Reylo? In a way. Iconic
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th3b4dk1dzz · 21 days
Darkest Hour Map/Song Analysis and speculation
Let me preface that while I would have loved Sweet Dreams in the game, I absolutely respect the hell out of the monumental task this song would have been to create. To write a song for a preexisting dance has never been done before, so to make it sync with the scene transitions and the routine, capture the right energy, tell the story effectively, be the right time length exactly and to sound different enough from the original song, that sounds like an impossible task for anyone to complete, so full credit where credit is due.
What I will say is, what we do get in Darkest Hour that we didn't get in Sweet Dreams is a lot more specificity to the lyrics, which might enlighten us to what really happened to Leda. I want to pick certain moments and go into what the implications for what they might mean.
Spoilers Ahead
And keep in mind this will be a Long Post.
"I would play the game, Every hour through the night"
Now we know Leda is from our world. We know, like Sara, Just Dance is a game that became real to her. However, unlike Sara, she chose to stay there at the end of MOTD, so suddenly, she's in the game every hour through the night. It couldn't have been good for her in the long run. I think this twisted up her perception and clarity, making her more vulnerable to whatever happened to her.
What's interesting is that before the faces in the background take on Leda's visage, they are constructed using machinery and polygonal, much like how video games are a mix of machinery and coding, which shift to resemble her more.
"In the dark flow shadows, the mirror lies to me"
The mirror lying to her might allude to the large holographic versions of her own face, harmonising with her or this giant visage of herself as the perfect ballerina. These being potentially the siren whispers she mentioned, luring her to ruin. However, it could also refer to her illusory powers, most likely granted to her from the dark flow. Using this power to first, trick Wanderlust at the end of Canned Heat and then to trick Sara in YSMIAC.
But if we want to look at specific instances of mirrors lying, then look no further than Jack's maps. First in LOOH, we see these mirrors showing Night Swan, instead of himself reflected back in the verses. Then, in Treasure, we see these versions of Jack as the perfect performer (much like Leda saw of herself) coming out of the mirrors. It should be worth mentioning that Treasure itself takes place in a reflection cast into a pool of water.
"I Traded in my Dreams"
Now, this is interesting. This means being Night Swan wasn't Leda's Dream at all. We've been led to believe that she wanted to be Night Swan, that's what she wants to be. But everything in this map suggests she is not in control and was corrupted much like the coaches under her control.
In the section where the smoke see Leda clutching her head, much like Sara does in YSMIAC while she is fighting off the thrall of the Dark Flow. Much like Night Sara was able to corrupt the other Just Dancers with her own newfound dark flow in Swan Lake, while being corrupted herself.
Maybe Leda was corrupted and used that to corruption on her minions in herself. Almost as if this Dark Flow is spreading, adapting, and evolving throughout the Danceverses, and Leda was just patient 0.
As we see in the first verse for Treasure it looks like the mirror room is in some kind of guilded cage, and the pool which the Ilusion is cast into turns gold. As we zoom out of her eye at the end of the map, it turns gold. Is Leda in a guilded cage of her own, inside her own mind?
So, who corrupted Leda?
Someone acting on The Traveller's Interests/Public Image
I don't think The Traveller would have actively harmed Leda. Also, if you want to keep a past relationship a secret, turning her into an evil magic warlord is certainly not the most discreet cover up.
We know that from when Night Swan took over the JD Twitter account in the run up to JD24, Wanderlust is referred to the 'the son of gods'. Note the plural 'Gods', not just one. So The Traveller is a God confirmed. And if there's one thing I 've gathered about the structure of Deities within the Danceverses is they have a lot of stupid rules that don't help anyone.
I could go into a deep tangent on how the political system for the Deitys seems like a hot mess. And one day, I will (believe me, I will).
So The Traveller becomes a God, and someone else essentially decides to clean up his image, including getting rid of a mortal he brought through, who won't leave. Again, I think creating an evil witch trying to take over the Danceverses isn't the best way to sweep someone under the rug, I think, maybe, someone led her to the scariest, most abandoned part of Cygnus to scare her away and try to make her go home. What happened next was not what the Gods intended.
So, which Deity would be high ranking enough enact a cleanup act of another Deity's reputation and has an association, with mirrors and reflections? Belacus, P2 from Woman.
Her headdress has a large disc that looks a lot like a mirror, much like P3 Derkes, is a fire goddess, Belacus has a lot of motifs associated with water, the fishscale teardrop in the middle of her torso, the wave-like tattoos on her chest and water can be attributed Night Swan (The pool of water in Treasure, Swan Lake, Night Swan taking to the boat at the end of DWTS). And working directly under Selios, perhaps the most powerful Deity we know of to date, she would definitely want the rest of the pantheon to her personal standards. Also, Belacus wears a lot of blue, which is also the Traveller's signature colour.
Another Villain from Eternyx
Leda says in Darkest Hour that she was haunted by the dream. Which villain do we know ca haunt dreams and is associated with Eternyx? Cthylla! We see her haunting Scotty's dream in Cradles, and also her Avatar quote, "When you sleep, I'll be there in your dreams"
The map for Darkest Hour is also filled with this pink smoke, which looks to be the same shade of pink that Cthylla is. Again, tying it to the water motif, We see her emerging from the water in the teaser for BS&V (and the real Lovecraftian mythos Cthylla, who the game version is based on, was a water dwelling deity). Also, when do most people dream? At Night.
What do we see in the sky in both Treasure and Cradles has pink clouds in the distance, while in the last chorus of Treasure, there is a large image of perfect Jack in the centre, not on the screens, but transparent like the image of Ballerina Leda when she's on the rooftops.
Also, the second verse and bridge of Treasure seems to take place in some kind of industrial part of Eternyx. Maybe the abandoned factory?
TL:DR: Leda was tricked by Belacus, working on Selios' behalf, into entering the 'abandoned' factory in Darkest Hour with the intent of scaring her into going back to Earth. However, while there, she was corrupted by Cthylla, her warped perception of reality, making her easy to control. Now possessed by the Dark Flow, she can corrupt others by proxy.
Sorry this was so long, and if it doesn't make any sense,but I thought it was interesting, That this map left so many unanswered questions, about what really went down.
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rebouks · 2 months
helooo!! okay, okay, come with me...
WHAT IF: we know bruno is a guy who sees the bigger picture of things, he goes through the actions and foresees patterns and consequences. what i mean is that he usually doesn't act out of spontaneity and whims (unlike our baby ivan). he thinks through, he overthinks, he plans. and this is why I AM NOT BUYING THIS BRIVAN ARC BECCA!! or the line of events as you wish to portray to us, i mean 😏
somewhere - somehow - our old gal norma reached out to Bruno again. remember this conversation right here?
well, with our other 'dear' friead kian leaving the prison, i think bruno was contacted by norma again. to put a permanent end to it. 'it' being the business because something tells me that kian wants to take the reins of del sol now ash is out of the scene...
bruno is in some sort of undercover work, like leah or silas once did...
and he is doing it by sacrificing his family bliss because he believes THAT is a cause worth fighting for. a world with less 'kians' is definitely a better place.
obviously, this is causing inner conflicts. he doesn't like to lie to ivan and he is difinitely thinking twice on whether this is reason enough to put his family through this... hence, the depression.
this is not structured as i'd like it to be and probably not even written in a way to make sense, because my mind is...
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Anaaaaaaaa.. 🤯
He DOES overthink things, doesn't he?! So either he's swanning off to do something heroic and sacrificing his supposed happiness for it OR he slowly realised he's a square peg in a round hole and he can't deal anymore n' self sabotaged himself out of his lil corner.. OR a secret third thing?! who knows honestly 🤷‍♀️ me.. i know
Love this theory tho!! Would also love to see if anyone has anymore thoughts abt this too 👀
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sednonamoris · 1 year
a dark alley and a bad idea
Pairing: John Marston x gn!reader
Summary: After an argument with Abigail, John goes into town to drink his worries away. As always you follow, and as always there's trouble - seems like you bring it with you wherever you go. 
Warnings: Canon-typical alcohol/tobacco abuse, canon-typical violence, bar fight, blood, jealousy, toxic relationship(s), a singular French man, mild angst, pining, sexual tension ;)
Word count: 2,203
A/N: Just a chapter or two to go until we hit the official RDR2 timeline!!! This has been some time coming, and I just have to say a huuuuuge thank you to the people who read/comment on this story <333 ghost story is very near and dear to me, and sharing it with you all has been such a joy!! Here’s to many more chapters, and an eventual spark that turns this slow burn into a wildfire 🥵❤️‍🔥
Series masterlist • AO3
John and Abigail are fighting. Again. 
Leaned up against the pole of your tent, you take a long drag from your cigarette that does nothing to dull the headache forming behind your left eye socket. Every word they shout is a stabbing pain. You don’t know what the argument is about, this time, but at a guess it’s John’s failure as a father. Or perhaps Abigail’s incessant nagging. Or, more likely, two stubborn fools fighting tooth and nail not over a son, but over who’s right and who’s wrong and a years old hurt.
Maybe that mattered once upon a time, but the way they carry on now isn’t right for anyone.
The whole of camp is sick and tired of the never-ending arguments that last all day, and the too-loud fucking that lasts all night. It never seems to satisfy them, either, because come morning the fighting starts all over again. Not for the first time, you think about moving your tent to the other side of camp. Even bunking next to Dutch’s new best friend, Micah, would be an improvement. 
“Leave me be, woman! Can’t you see I want nothin’ to do with either of you right now?” John shouts in her face. 
“Fine!” Abigail fires back. “Swan off with Ghost like you ain’t got a family here! That’s what you always do anyhow.” 
“Maybe I will!” 
“Useless man,” she seethes.
She sends you a withering glare as she marches away, Jack in tow. You smile thinly in return. No doubt she’s headed to vent to Arthur, and then ask him with those pretty blue eyes to do something fun to take the boy’s mind off things. Then, once John has come back, they’ll argue over that, too.
John shakes his head and curls his lip in disgust, but does exactly as Abigail predicts. He storms past your tent with a come on, we’re leavin’, then keeps stomping on to where his mare is picketed. He never looks back to see if you follow. 
You do. 
These past few years have gone by in a blur, like those moving pictures Arthur told you about once. Hosea’s health has waxed and waned. Familiar faces left. New ones came. Jack is really starting to grow up, and Abigail has blossomed into motherhood in spite of John, who in between arguments has re-devoted himself to gunslinging. To Dutch. He watches over him with pride glistening in those dark eyes of his - a father figure and a moral compass and a leader all at once. Arthur is green with envy and red with an angry sort of shame. You’re just happy that unlike those two, whatever rift once existed between you and John has long since healed. 
And now here you all are in Blackwater.
To hear Dutch and Hosea tell it, this now-bustling town verging on citydom was little more than a trading post the last time they passed through. Following the two murders everyone is charitable enough not to mention, the long arm of the law has chased you relentlessly. A failed venture up North led you here, further East than anyone has been in what feels like a lifetime.
You’re trying to see it as a fresh start. 
John seems like he’s trying to go back in time.
The ride into town has given him a chance to cool down some, but he still carries a tension and a meanness in those broad shoulders of his. Riding just behind, you take a rare moment to admire him. He’s been growing his hair out. It sits lank just past his shoulder, and as much as it needs a wash you think the length suits him. It frames the sharp angles of his face that even the low brim of his hat can’t hide and emphasizes the lean, untamed power of his frame. 
The two of you are wilderness and war, survival and spite. Restless remnants of time gone by. Ghosts, you think wryly to yourself.
Blackwater is just the opposite. Each building is young and alive, cut brick and fresh paint. Wooden scaffolding reveals the newborn bones of structures still being built by construction workers that toil proudly for a city made in their image. Passersby are dressed in clothes that make up for fineness in newness and brightly colored dye. Some of the ladies even have delicate parasols to shield their skin from the prairie sun’s harshness. You spy your own sun-weathered face in the expensive glass saloon-front and manage to suppress a sigh. 
John parks his mare at one of the hitching posts there. You follow suit, not at all surprised at where you’ve landed. You, Arthur, and Hosea came to ‘test out the drinks’ your first week here. They’re good. Expensive, but good. The two of them have been scheming away about some mysterious lead they won’t let you in on. Meanwhile, Micah has bent Dutch’s ear about a river boat. You’re still sniffing out leads of your own, and figure the bar will be as good a place as any to start. It just happens John will be drinking his problems away beside you. 
“Two whiskeys,” he says to the bartender without preamble. He slaps just enough change down on the counter and takes a seat, oblivious to the glares of customers he’s interrupted. You settle in beside him with a poorly-concealed grin.
“What if I wanted a beer?”
He rolls his eyes. “You don’t.”
You hold up your hands in mock surrender. “At least let me get the next round.”
At that he clinks his glass to yours and taps it on the bartop before swallowing his drink down with a grimace. You elect to nurse yours, already prepared for a long night.
He quickly outpaces you. While John oscillates between pouring his heart out to whatever working girl is nearest and playing increasingly worse hands in the ongoing blackjack game, you begin smalltalking. One of the off-duty construction workers piques your interest. He’s a burly, hairy, mountain of a man who introduces himself as Pierre with an accent you can only place as foreign.
“You speak real good English,” you blurt without thinking. “Where are you from?”
He laughs, a deep sound that comes from his belly. “I have been told I speak English very well, yes. I am from France.”
“Awful long boat ride to break your back layin’ brick.”
“Perhaps so, but I like the work. It keeps my mind and my hands busy. Surely you know something of this, Cowpoke?”
You snort a laugh in agreement and try to ignore the heat that rises in your cheeks at the nickname. It sounds… nice, when he says it. A little romantic, like you’re some lone figure on the American frontier and not a liar, a killer, and a thief. 
Mischief and delight dance in the dark brown of his eyes when he catches your fluster. “Let me buy you a drink, hm? Then maybe I will tell you about France, and you will tell me about America.” 
You’re the warm, happy kind of drunk by the time the sun starts setting. Pierre is kind, and funny, and his stories of France paint such a vivid picture in your mind. You’ve traveled plenty, sure, but never across oceans. It sounds equal parts exhilarating and frightening. He tells you about laying strong foundations, and you tell him about breaking young horses. He explains what to look for in a fine building, and you tell him how to buy decent horseflesh. It’s fun. Freeing, even, to speak to someone outside of the gang like this. Of course he mentions a wealthy old landowner outside of town too paranoid to keep his money at the bank, and of course you’ll rob the place later, but he shares this not to screw someone else over, but because the construction of the old house fascinates him. Because he wants to share that passion with you. Because, you remind yourself, he doesn’t know you are what you are. 
He tells a joke - something about construction, you think. It’s hard to tell because he leans in and places a hand on your arm and your mind suddenly goes blank. His eyes smile with him, just as strong and warm as the rest of him. You smile back. Then in the blink of an eye there’s a shout, and before you realize what’s happened Pierre is cradling his bleeding nose after someone lands a vicious right hook.
“You keep your hands to yourself, partner.” 
“What the hell, Marston?!” you say, scrambling back from the commotion. But it’s no use; John can’t see past the blood red of his tunnel vision.
To your great dismay, Pierre rises to his challenge. He flashes you a look - apologetic or resigned or disappointed, it’s hard to say -  before standing to face off with your idiot best friend, piss drunk and fighting mad. He’s easily twice his size, but what John Marston lacks in muscle he makes up for in meanness. When Pierre swings high, he dives low and takes him out at the legs. And so the mountain topples. Straddled on his chest, John beats and beats and beats on Pierre’s face, until finally the larger man throws him off and comes to an unsteady stand. His face is pulpy. His eyes shine bright with anger and dark with understanding the kinds of company you keep. The bloodthirsty crowd that’s gathered jeer and laugh. They catch John on the fringe and push him back into the fight. Standing opposite, Pierre spits blood in his direction before putting his fists up once more. 
The bartender is still shouting for them to stop. 
You’re just frozen, watching John defend the honor you don’t possess against a man who probably has more than the whole gang combined. 
When their fists collide once again, crowd-goers start passing crumpled bills and calling out bets. Twenty on the skinny one, and I’ve got thirty for Frenchy, and let’s see forty for the cowboy! Even they can see John has more fight in him, no matter how many times Pierre clobbers him with a powerful left hook the idiot can’t seem to block. 
Fools. Goddamn blood-blind fools, both of them. 
John gets full-body thrown against the bar, all sprawled limbs and wind-knocked-out-of-him. He wheezes an insult, goading Pierre closer. Only you can see the writing on the wall, but the cry of warning comes too late; The moment he closes the distance, John whips a bottle out from behind the bar and breaks it over Pierre’s head. He comes crashing down, over two hundred pounds of dead weight lost to the crunch of broken glass and police whistles.
The moment the lawmen burst through the front doors is the moment you finally unfreeze. You rush over to where John stands lording over his fallen opponent and all but tackle him through the back door. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” you hiss at him as you dodge through backalleys and behind buildings. “I was working a lead - He was buying my drinks for Christsakes!”
“Shut up,” he snaps, then tugs your arm and pushes your back to scratchy alley brick with a hand over your mouth.
He crowds close, and you seriously contemplate kicking him in the balls or biting him - maybe both - when three officers run past, clearly hunting for you. His dark leather coat blends with the unlit alleyway, but still you don’t dare move a muscle. The two of you hold your collective breath until the sound of their footsteps fade.
John removes his hand from your mouth, but it doesn’t go far. Rather than retreating, he cups your cheek and lets his thumb brush against your lower lip. 
“He was touching you,” he says, half defense and half confession.
Somehow you find your voice. “What if I wanted him to?”
“You didn’t.” Alcohol and iron sit heavy on his breath. His grey eyes are blown black, drunk and something else you’re too scared to name. It’s hard to breathe. You wish it wasn’t. 
“What do I want, then?”
He tilts his face forward, so the bridge of his nose brushes against yours. Your eyelashes kiss his cheekbones. You can feel how wide your own eyes have blown, can feel the want and the warmth and the desperate, pathetic hope that builds in your chest and threatens to bubble out of your mouth.  
“Someone who ain’t afraid of ghosts.” He doesn’t speak so much as breathe the words into you. 
You open your mouth - to respond, to kiss him, maybe - but before you can say another word the sound of heavy footfall at the opposite end of the alley snaps both of your heads to attention at breakneck speed. 
“There they are!” a voice shouts, and a whistle blows shortly afterward. 
“Fuck!” John curses. “Shit.”
The two of you sprint off into the night, to the edge of town where you whistle desperately for your mounts to follow. Two ungraceful running mounts later you’re off, shaking the police tail with ease on moonlit backroads.
Once the danger has passed you let your heart break to the sound of hoofbeats that lead home.
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a trunks x female Saiyan reader, Soulmate AU, so a soulmate AU where future trunks finds his soulmate and she turns out to be a SAIYAN, her family kept her hidden this whole time, and she had a adopted family after planet Vegeta was destroyed. let me just say something about the reader😌 She's
And she has this calm powerful Aura around her, She's also a full blood Saiyan 🤭 but she doesn't get easily angry like most female Saiyans which is surprising 😮 (since most do but not all) And she's STRONG STRONG,
and when she powers up, she doesn't just go super Saiyan, but she even has like her own different unquie form.
Trunks x Fem. Saiyan Reader Headcanons
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Sure :)
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Saiyan QUEEN (DBS or Dragonball Super)
Warning(s): Fluff, the soulmate of a prince (but the personality of a queen)
Vegeta hoped for his son to surpass him somehow, but it was unexpected for his soulmate to be the last female of their kind...
One day Trunks felt a tugging.
And within a moment, he'd flown out father than he ever had.
His guard was up, just in case the androids were close.
He heard a loud impact, like something hitting the ground.
He peeked around a column
Jaw dropped
You were in your combat pose, letting out a calm breath
And so was he, on you.
He found you absolutely beautiful
He watched as you did what seemed to be your routine
"You gonna keep watching me all day?"
Hitched breath, "I-Uh..."
He came out of his hiding spot, only to see you weren't there
"Hey—oh you're cute."
He turned to be greeted by a beautiful smile.
The feeling doubled tenfold now that you were closer
And from the way you were looking at him, you might have felt it, too.
"I'm uh, I'm Trunks."
With an awkward cough, you separate, not realizing you'd grown closer.
Quickly, Trunks starts crushing.
His mom quickly catches on, making little faces at him you don't catch.
Then you kiss for the first time after a fight with the androids.
A power shoots through you, and you get answers.
You'd never believed such a thing existed.
And you found out you were something called a Saiyan.
"But...your form looks different from mine...and..."
You tilt your head at him, "Hm? 'And' what?"
His cheeks flush, "You...were....beautiful. Unreal."
Your fingers brush against his cheeks, ever reddening under your touch.
"You're too cute for your own good."
"Yeah, yeah...You just bring it out in me."
You make him totally whipped, but he won't admit that
You go to the past with him to warn them of the androids.
And you meet your boyfriend's dad
He's very suspicious of you
"Who are you? Your form earlier looked like that of a Saiyan, but different somehow."
"I'm sorry, sir. But I can't tell you that," you give a composed smile.
You don't think he liked that about you, how calm you were, effortlessly.
You were right, it unsettled the prince.
That and your power level, your was a smidge higher than the boy's, but he could tell that it wasn't even at your peak.
You were powerful and you carried yourself that way.
When you transformed, your hair didn't turn gold like the boy, who Vegeta didn't want to believe was Super Saiyan.
No, you, your hair was a color he'd never seen before.
It didn't just rise, it floated gently, like a swan gliding across the water.
Your eyes were a white crystal blue.
And unlike a Saiyan giving off a feeling of power, anger, and intensity.
You gave a feeling of ultimate calmness, the power was undeniable, yet not heavy, not suffocating.
So, yes. He was watching you.
Until he learned the truth, that you both were Saiyans.
"You're full-blooded?"
"Yes, sir."
"But-But how? There's no way you were on earth all this time and we never met you."
"Well, I was born around the time you all had died--I was adopted by earthlings...and you weren't meant to find me. Trunks was meant to find me."
Vegeta went from being suspicious to bragging.
"Ha! You hear that, Kakarot?! My son found a full-blooded Saiyan! I win this round!"
"Huh? They got married or somethin'?"
Cue the embarrassed faces.
"We-Um..." you look down to your toes.
Trunks only smiles at you, "Not yet."
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ouatsnark · 2 years
What happened to Emma Swan? DEBUNKED
Ever so often the Swan Queen fandom gets it in their heads to try & tear down Emma Swan's look and character development simply because she married a man… a man who treated Emma far better than their Queen. Their arguments prove that they lack the will to understand the writing as they blatantly twist canon to fit their narrative.
"What happened to season one Emma Swan? She went from happy to miserable because of Killian Jones" - Regina Apologists
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This is a prime example of how Regina Apologists are so dishonest. The two pictures on the left are promotional shots from the show. The two pictures on the right are moments from Season 6 when Emma is in distress. The first image she is watching her parents sacrifice themselves for the good of Storybrooke (while Regina, who is at fault, does nothing). The second one is when Emma was having visions of her own death. These instances have NOTHING to do with Killian Jones! However, I can find plenty of times when Emma was in distress due to Regina Mills!
I have found so many examples of them pulling this crap. I would be here all day screen capping their dishonesty.
The truth: Emma Swan wasn't happy in Season 1 & that Emma wasn't the real Emma
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Yes, you heard me. Season 1 Emma wasn’t the real Emma. The real Emma was hiding behind an armor of red leather jackets, fake eye-lashes and a chip on her shoulder to keep everyone at arms length. She put on a tough bravado as an armor to protect herself from the world because she'd been hurt too many times.
But as a time passed, Emma needed less and less armor. She became more trusting and more open to love, family and happiness. When she shed that armor she let herself be more vulnerable. She became more caring toward others. Which is about the bravest thing you can do.
The more and more we saw Emma opening up to love the less armor she used. And the less armor she used, the more we hear from the Anti-CaptainSwan crowd that...
How do you go from THIS to this??? - Regina Apologist
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GASP! A woman didn’t put on a bunch of make up & doll herself up for you SO SHE MUST BE MISERABLE & has no agency because she’s at the mercy of everyone!!!
Imagine degrading a woman for not wearing make up or curling their hair? You have got to be kidding me.
Also, if you really believe this, then you should be looking more favorably on Killian Jones. He obviously loved Emma for who she was and not how much make up she is wearing unlike like you fools.
Never mind that once again they grab a screen cap of when Emma is going through a tough time...and why is she going through a tough time? BECAUSE OF REGINA MILLS! Yeah, Regina's other half is trying to hurt her parents and possibly kill everyone all because Regina can't stop wanting to be evil!
The Truth: Killian Jones made Emma Swan happy
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It's literally in her wedding vows. And you can see it on her face whenever she looks at him. Killian Jones helped her trust in love and not be afraid of the future.
The truth: Regina is the cause of 99% of Emma's problems
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I've seen Regina stans try to say that Emma looked miserable during her vows but they fail to actually listen to what she is saying. She is not only fighting tears but when she looks away, apparently sad, she is remembering her life before Henry. She is thinking about when Henry came to get her which wasn't a happy time at all really. She was thinking about what Regina did to her and her family.
But she looks at Killian with all the happiness in her heart.
"Emma went from a badass in Season 1 to a Stepford Wife" - Regina Apologist
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I love how they continue to use promo shots and bts pictures.
It’s like the Anti-CaptainSwan crowd believes that there is only one way to be a strong woman: having a chip on your shoulder, being sarcastic to everyone, never needing anyone (especially a male) and being single (unless its w|w). They just don’t like the fact that Emma not only chose her own path but fights for everyone and not just their precious queen.
I have actually heard Rumple stans call Emma a Stepford wife as well because she chose Hook over Rumple's cowardly son Neal. Which is just hysterical since Belle is literally a Stepford wife. She ignores all of his abuse, his bad deeds and his manipulation and stays with him.
The Truth: Emma Swan was still a badass after getting together with Killian Jones:
S4 taking down dragon Lily
S4 telling grumpy to back off before she turns him into stumpy (hey you thought sarcasm was badass? there you go!)
S4 taking on the darkness to save the town
S4 defeating Cruella to save Henry
S5 going up against Nimue
S5 confronting Rumple about him being the Dark One again
S5 doing what she had to do and knowing she had to destroy Dark Hook
S5 telling Regina to fix her own damn problems for once cause Emma was done doing it for her
S6 going up against Wish Hook.
S6 going up against the Serum Queen
S6 sacrificing herself for Gideon and destroying the dark fairy
Furthermore, if Emma was that dependent on Killian Jones then she would not have left the Underworld without him. But she did leave him for the sake of Henry and others who needed her.
Emma is complex but SQers fail to accept Emma’s evolution because it didn’t involve her becoming Regina’s doormat in every aspect of her life.
I know it's hard for Regina Mills stans to spot character growth, since their queen didn't have one, but Emma Swan and Killian Jones are where the most character growth happened. They evolved into much better people as the series came to a close.
Here are some things I've seen when talking about Emma's evolution or about her being worse off with Killian Jones than she would have been with Regina or Neal. And lets be real here, Emma was worse off with Regina as a friend. That is just a fact.
I will see them talk circles around Regina's role in Emma's life to avoid putting blame where it should be and that is directly on Regina Mills. They will say things like "The Charmings abandoned Emma" but The Charmings didn’t just abandon Emma. THEY SAVED HER LIFE with the hope that Emma would return to save the entire kingdom FROM REGINA. Regina was going to murder infant Emma.
They will also go on about how Killian and Emma were enemies at first. Killian Jones was never as much of an enemy to Emma like Regina Mills was. Regina emotionally and physically hurt Emma and destroyed her life.
As mentioned above, they prefer closed off and alone Emma. However, Emma was at her best when she let down her walls & allowed herself to love. A heart full of love is beautiful. But love to Regina apologists only looks like Emma bowing to Regina. Well. Emma was closed off, negative, sarcastic & willing to overlook all of Regina’s shit for the sake of Henry. Allowing someone to put you down the way Emma allows Regina is NOT someone at their best.
Emma at her best understands sacrifices for the greater good, forgiveness, mercy & the strength of love. That was Emma during all 7 seasons. Actually, Emma showed Regina way too much mercy (Rumple too, in fairness).
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Anyone who says that Emma was forced to be with Hook because Killian & her parents "pressured her" or "made her" is hating Emma Swan. This is a bunch of fanon nonsense & not canon. No one was forcing Emma. You can’t point to a single scene or dialog that suggests that. Quite the opposite in fact.
You don’t fight for something as hard as Emma fought for her happy ending if it’s not what you want. Remember that Snow & David were against saving Hook in Camelot. They were more concerned about Emma. Hell, Killian Jones was more concerned about Emma's future than living! He wanted her to choose her life over his! It was Emma’s idea to go get Hook in the Underworld & everyone was against it at first (cause who just walks into the Underworld??). If Emma's parents were pushing her towards anyone it was Neal. So, no, no one was forcing Emma to be with Hook. When Charming gives his blessing to Hook he says that the final decision is up to Emma.
If you truly believe that Emma was forced to be with Hook then you don't understand Emma Swan. Emma didn't do anything that Emma didn't want to do. Remember when Emma was dead set on running back to New York in season 3? No one was going to change her mind. She had to find out on her own that life with Henry and her parents in Storybook was indeed home. Emma was perfectly capable of making her own decisions.
Says who!? When did Emma say this? Emma didn’t want a family? GTFOH with that BS. More fanon that isn’t backed up by canon. She THOUGHT she wanted that life with Neal (re-watch Tallahassee). But after his betrayal she packed that side of her away for fear of being hurt again. You’re mistaking her protective armor for who she really is.
And furthermore proving that you don't know what character growth looks like. People change so characters should as well. Well written characters evolve.
Putting those you love first is a sign of unconditional love. I know that’s hard to understand since your queen is a self-centered bitch who never put anyone first… but Emma is different. And just because she wanted to be with her family doesn’t mean she wasn’t putting what she wanted first.
Emma being a shell of herself is a personal opinion. Emma evolved. She had many more layers by the time S6 rolled around. As I said above, her personality in S1-2 was a part of her armor as much as that jacket was. And to say she still wasn’t kicking ass in S6 is a lie. She sacrificed her life so a child would get his life back. Being a hero & putting others first is a strength of character. It’s honorable. Again, I know that’s hard seeing that Regina was 100% focused on her own happy ending but Emma was different. She is a character worth emulating because of her goodness, love and willingness to fight for others.
You just don’t like that she wanted Hook & not Regina. It’s also complete fanon that Emma’s acceptance depended on her being the savior & loving a man. The Charmings were too cautious about her relationship with Hook to be forcing that on her. They wanted her to be happy & when they saw she was, they accepted him. Also Hook’s love wasn’t dependent on her being the savior. Remember the scissors? Hook kept those suckers because her life meant more to him than her title.
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
could u do dating bella swan as a werewolf!fem!reader?<33 loved your galadriel headcanons
𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓:
Pairing: Bella Swan x fem!werewolf!reader
Warnings: a bit angsty
Notes: tysm for the request your so sweet! Sorry this took a little while to get out btw. Requests are open and feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
- Coco ❤️
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You were Jacobs cousin but spent most of your time with him and Billy rather than your family.
You had seen/met Bella once or twice but you were very little and don't remember much
But you have met Charlie Swan, he always seemed like a nice man and often invited you and your family over to watch a baseball game.
When news of the infamous Bellas moving to Forks you were relatively unfazed.
But Jacob was chomping at the bit to get to know her.
You met her the same time jacob did and it was hard to watch the two interact, but she seemed sweet(and very pretty).
Unlike your cousin you actually attended Forks high-school, it was closer to home.
You noticed Bella was a bit shy and socially awkward so you invited her into your friend group and hit it off well.
And when she started taking a interest in a certain blood sucking freak you were sure to steer her in the right direction.
And she listened to your advice
For three days.
She had said some bs about how you wouldn't be able to change her mind about seeing him so it's not worth the fight. And you gave up because you rlly wanted things to work between the two of you.
And you didn't really mind, I mean yes it was dangerous but Bella could take care of herself[and the fact that you had a real big crush on her]. You didn't mind that is until she started ditching you.
"Oh sorry y/n I can't tonight... I'm going to the movies with Edward"
Or "I promised Edward I'd study with him, can't jacob help you?"
It hurt you to say the least and Bella was so blinded by her crush for Edward she didnt even notice.
By Bellas birthday your relationship had practically withered away but you still got her a present. A handmade booksleeve in her favorite colour.
And then...the accident happened. The Cullens left Forks abruptly leaving a heartbroken Bella and a confused town.
You didn't really know what happened but according to Billy, nothing good.
And as selfish as it sounds you were glad you got to get back in touch with her.
You helped her get over her stupid breakup, reminding her that Edward didn't deserve her whatsoever.
You comforted her and let her cry in your arms
You made sure she ate well and got enough sleep
And you even made a bonfire with Jacob and your friends to burn all of Bellas photos, clothing and memories of Edward.
Things were going great until you started distancing yourself.
Making up illnesses and just flat our ignoring her seemed better than the truth, I mean you just couldn't tell her.
She thought that you were ignoring her because of how she treated you before. She felt like a jerk.
So of course when she shows up to Jacobs and demands to see you, things don't go swimmingly.
She finds out and she's...honestly not as shocked as she should have been
" look Bella I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore, I'm surprised you can even look at me-"
"Y/n I've already been through the whole my friend is a mythical creature thing. Besides who will I complain about the rain to?"
And then she realized she really did eff up pretty badly with you when she was dating Edward and it wasn't ok.
You were studying- or at least trying to study when you were interrupted by bella throwing rocks at your window.
You looked down onto the yard where she was standing and holding up a sign that read "I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS SOONER BUT WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME? p.s im sorry for being a jerk :(" And a bouquet of your favorite flowers to top it off.
You excitedly nodded and quickly got ready for a impromptu date.
You guys went to a drive in movie, sat in the back of her truck and kissed under the stars~
Ok but Bella would be really good with dates
Like hiking to some obscure spot just cuz there's pretty flowers? It's a no brainer for her
You help her cook for her dad and Charlie loves you like a seccond daughter
You read and stargaze together on her roof
You make picture albums with the camera her dad got her for her birthday.
And she constantly finds she keeps "misplacing" her sweaters and flannels
You guys are really the power couple of Forks no matter what the creepy homophobic old guys say🏋‍♂️
Your families already get along great with each other so there's really no fuss when it comes to that.
Jacob is a little miffed that you "stole" Bella from him but she reassures him that he'd never stand a chance.
You get engaged 2 years after high-school, which seems pretty early but you know you'll never ever find someone as great as bells in Forks
The wedding is small but that's the way you both wanted it
It's in her backyard, in the forest and the reception is at her house.
Ok I lokey hate her wedding dress(no shade if you like it tho!) So let's say she wore this one, it's close enough but much better(in my opinion)!
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And ofc u wear whatever u want!
Bella lokey loves wolf version of you, I mean the piggyback rides are insane.
And your just so fluffy, great cuddle material.
You guys have a quiet simple life but it's never boring.
If you decide to have children I'm thanking the God's it won't be named Renesme.
You guys love to cook together and try new recipes
She eventually gets used to the rain and gloom of Forks. It seems to be growing on her tbh
Sometimes you'll be sitting on your bed watching a old movie and both of you will just sit and laugh about what life would gave been like if Edward had stayed in Forks.
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mintesprig · 1 year
Obey me classic Barbie movie edition
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Lucifer | 🍭Barbie Nutcracker 🍭
Classic, the original, full of classical music. He would appreciate how it’s a story about taking responsibility even when you don’t want to. About finding your place as a leader and finding your love from another land.
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Mammon | 🌺 Island Princess🌺
Something about traveling to a strange land and trying to find yourself. He would secretly enjoy how it’s about finding and supporting family, and about falling in love even if others are against you. He would 100% cry at the reunion scene and would enjoy making fun of how pretentious the peacock is.
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Levi | 🎨 Rapunzel 🎨
Someone who loves art and never leaves their tower? Perfect. Who has to deal with an overbearing authority figure? Check. But honestly it’s a classic story and filled with someone finding themselves through their art so I think he’d really enjoy it. Also the idea of having some close animal friends to help the protagonist and a love who is willing to fight for them and accept them for who they are? Man is smitten.
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Satan | 👑 Princess and the Pauper 👑
Objectively the best narrative of all the Barbie movies. It has a classic story and classic songs, that’s what would get him to watch it. I think the entire theme of having to keep who you are for the sake of duty and responsibility to others would hit a chord. Especially since in the end both leads can find a way to have both their duty and love in their life.
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Asmo | ✨Fairytopia✨
This is literally about somebody struggling to accept themselves and who worries about how people see them. Unlike everyone around them they don’t have wings but in the end they prove that it’s what’s inside that counts. They bravely show who they are and in the end are rewarded for it. Not to mention that aesthetic wise? It’s so very Asmo.
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Beel | 💎Diamond Castle 💎
Yes it is about a sapphic cottagecore couple (we know Beel supports the lesbians) but it’s also about two people facing the world together along with their newfound friend they never expected to find. It’s about people who live each other in a variety of different ways supporting each other even through dark times. It’s also about dealing with the guilt of letting those people down and finding redemption from it. Give this poor lad a hug please.
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Belphie | 🦢Swan Lake 🦢
Let’s be honest he would get a kick out of Rothbart. Also there’s something about a curse that transforms someone during the quiet hours of the night that would appeal to him. He would begrudgingly watch it with you and would never reveal that he’s eventually secretly kind of fond of it.
I might do the dateables (and Luke) another time because it is criminal that the 12 dancing princesses didn’t make it
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sanjisprincesswifey · 2 years
all mine ⋆ sanji x reader
summary: he only wants to give you one thing for your birthday
♡: female reader. 1,700+ words. sfw content.
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“okay, usopp and franky are in charge of decorations and pyrotechnics,” sanji notes, scratching things off his to-do list.
he taps the pencil, murmuring what else he still needs for tomorrow. his long legs carry him around the galley as he hurriedly paces, the birthday party committee (which consisted of nami, usopp, brook, and robin) we’re slumped over the table, no amount of caffeine able to keep them up anymore.
brook had long since passed out, his light snores tempting the rest of them to follow his lead.
“sanji, it’s late, can we call it a night?” nami pleads, her eyelids fighting to stay open.
“i’m sorry nami-swan, but i need this to be perfect for y/n. it’s her first birthday with us, i want it to be memorable,” he sympathizingly says, returning back to his notes. his response is met with a mixture of complaining and agreeing groans.
“c’mon sanji, we’ve been at this for hours,” usopp moans, leaning back in his chair causing sanji to shoot him an ugly glare.
“i’ve never seen you this stressed, are you sure this isn’t about something else?” robin asks while gently setting a blanket on top of brook.
her words make sanji stumble over his own legs, pausing his chaotic thoughts to stare at the eye of the three other party planners.
“w—what? what else would it be about?” sanji confusingly questions, suddenly a nervous, stammering mess.
nami and usopp notice how shaky sanji’s voice sounds, how he’s eager to tug at his, now, tight collar and clearing his throat in the process.
his brain scrambles for an answer, not finding any justification in the proper time. instead, sanji slams his notebook deciding to concede rather than say something he’ll regret.
“you know what guys, you’re right, it’s late. why don’t we all get some rest? her birthday is in the next couple of hours anyway,” he counters, agreeing with their earlier statement.
sanji clumsily collects the scattered note pages, brushing his messy hair back from his warm forehead in a quick attempt to make a hasty exit.
“sanji,” robin pauses, waiting for him to do the same, just as he reached for the doorknob, “do you have feelings for y/n?”
a loud audible gulp can be heard despite his back facing them. sanji then solemnly shakes his head, his heavy hand resting on the doorknob.
“..i don’t know,” he mumbles as he leaves the galley, the others staring between one another with a worried glance.
what was obvious to not only himself but the three others awake in that room, was that he did know. he was absolutely sure, actually.
sanji was fully aware of the feelings that he held for you. as a matter of fact, he had known for quite some time.
it was love at first sight, which usually would mean nothing to the cook as he was a victim of this affection more times than he could count. but you were unlike any other woman he had known.
the minute sanji saw you, his world stopped, drawn to you in the crowded street like a helpless moth to an enchanting flame.
soon after you joined the crew, he became obsessed with pleasing you, not even nami nor robin had known this side of him.
he wanted you. he needed you. and yet, he was still too scared to go after you.
weeks lead to months and sanji still couldn’t go a day without thinking about you. no matter what beautiful woman he would see, he couldn’t help but still want you in the end.
that night, sanji tossed and turned in his bunk. the insistence need to please you took no time off, racking his brain with thoughts on how to make your birthday even better than it already planned to be.
it was only after a couple of hours of insomnia when he realized how crazy you were making him. moreover, how much he enjoyed it.
morning came too quickly for the party planning team as they all simultaneously groan when their alarm clocks ring. all but sanji, who springs out of bed, eager to get started on a special breakfast for you.
the strawhats all piled in the galley once again, all being awaken to the savory smell of the meal. sanji kept his eye on the door, frowning each time it opened and you weren’t on the other side.
finally, when you enter, with a tired rubbing of your eyes, the whole crew begins to cheer, startling you.
“what’s going on?” you hesitantly question, taking your seat at the table.
“we’re celebrating your birthday silly,” nami smiles, running over to hug you.
some, like chopper, luffy, brook, and robin, join in on your hug, all squeezing you so tightly you thought you could pop.
laughter ensues, the others pleased to see you already enjoying your day and the festivities haven’t even begun.
sanji, who had whimpered when he didn’t accompany the other in the group hug, placed the final plate on the table, clearing his throat to gain everyone’s attention.
“sorry to interrupt, but y/n, my sweet, your birthday breakfast awaits you,” he announces, revealing to you an array of breakfast items from your home village.
as shocked as you were, you ran up to sanji throwing your arms around him as you pulled him in close to you. you murmured thank you’s, giggling at the rapid speed of him returning your affection.
his hands hugged your body so tightly, his fingers able to feel the curvature of your frame. your scent evaded his senses, throwing him into a drunken haze he couldn’t escape for the rest of the meal.
after plates had been licked clean, all evidence of there being any food wiped away, you stayed behind to aid in the clean up.
with his head still dizzy, sanji remains silent not knowing what to say now. you were alone, just as he wanted; affection and tension were high, just as he wanted, and yet he still couldn’t find the right words.
you rendered him speechless.
“sanji,” you say, gaining his attention. when he broke away from his desperate thoughts, your face expressed, what looked to be, distress.
“yes? everything okay?” he questions concerningly.
on the floor, your feet nervously shuffle with the words just on the tip of your tongue. “yes, it’s just…”
the dirty plates in his hand are set down as he rushes over to you, grabbing your hands in a quick, effortless motion. his nerves from before drop completely when he noticed the affliction that wiped any happiness you were feeling earlier away.
you stare into each others eyes, faces now closer than they had ever been. with a silence looming between the two of you, hands still held closely within the others.
“are you okay, my love?” sanji coos just above a whisper, his breath fanning your face. you watch his lips move with every word, becoming hypnotized by every syllable.
it’s like you’re pleading with him, sanji thinks. he takes this as a sign and leans down, capturing your lips in a soft, passionate kiss.
your plump lips move graciously against his, allowing him to guide you at a pace that depicted desire. with a shaky hand, sanji uses both of his to cup your cheeks. he didn’t want you to pull away before he could descend back from heaven.
you hold onto his arms, fingers digging into his shirt as you push into his lips with a slight aggression. sanji can’t help but moan lowly into your mouth following your actions, his sounds causing your knees to feel weak.
needing to breathe, sanji has to pull your lips apart, keeping his eyes shut moments after. he knew he had not yet descended from heaven, because this, surely, is what heaven felt like.
one of your hands flies to your lips, still tingling from the vigor and passion you both had exerted. you watch him scan your face for what emotion you were currently feeling.
you nervously swallow, picking at your lip. your breathing is heavy when you rip yourself from his grip, running quickly out the door.
“w—wait! y/n, i—“
“sanjiiiii, i need another snack. i’m hungry again,” luffy complains, glancing back quickly at you before continuing his complaints.
when he realizes you weren’t coming back sanji nods knowing it’s against his obligations to his captain. sanji sighs, readying the stove for a ‘small’ snack. allowing his muscle memory to autopilot his body, he decides that he’ll get you alone the next time an opportunity presented itself.
alas, your birthday continues on and no such opportunity arises. it was if you were going out of your way to stay away from him.
the insecurity that prohibited him from revealing how he felt before now eats his alive, feeling as if he had done something wrong. perhaps he had misinterpreted your behavior, he thinks as he mindlessly carries on the days activities.
frustration sets in when stolen glances and shared stares that last way too long occur on too many occasions for them to be coincidences. the mixed signals he had been receiving all day leave his brain confused and exhausted as the night comes to a close.
the cake had long since been cut, slices all devoured (mostly by luffy) as the crew lays down on the grass of the sunny, waiting for the pyrotechnics to begin.
as usopp and franky begin counting down, sanji uses each number to gain courage to go sit down next to you.
“3…2…1!” the boys chant as an explosion of colors decorate the night sky, the whole crew in awe of their creativity.
noticing how mesmerized you were, sanji perches himself right down next to you. “y/n…” he begins. realizing the booming sound of the fireworks deafen his voice, sanji taps your shoulder.
you shift your attention to sanji, covering his mouth before he can say another word.
“i know you like me, sanji,” you start, having to yell slightly. a blush creeps up on your cheeks, the red fireworks illuminating it even further. “i like you too. in fact, i think i love you,” you smile, happy to finally get that off your chest.
he does the same, pressing a kiss to your hand.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t realize it sooner,” you apologize as you rest your head on his shoulder, wrap your arm around his.
sanji rests his head on top of yours, gently shaking his head. “don’t be, my love. it was worth it.”
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like, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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fatkish · 2 months
May I ask for a Tokoyami x Reader? A rivals to lovers trope - UA holds a masquerade ball event, and they end up dancing together, and the rivals to lovers energy just skyrockets ‼️
Tokoyami x Reader: Masquerade
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(This is your masquerade outfit and mask. You can change the color, also I tried to stay as gender neutral as possible)
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(This is Tokoyami’s outfit. The mask is made to fit his beak and blend in with his face)
You and Tokoyami had always been rivals since the quirk assessment test on day one, or, at least, both of your guys’s quirks were rivals
Your quirk allows you to summon and control the animals and creatures that are tattooed on your skin. The tattoos you currently possess are: a black widow spider, a Luna moth, an eastern dragon, an owl, a king cobra, a koi fish, and a wolf.
For whatever reason, your owl seems to dislike dark shadow, thus, a fight often breaks out whenever they are in close quarters
The was a pro hero masquerade gala event that Miruko, the pro you were interning with, was going to which meant you were too
You didn’t know what pro Tokoyami was interning with so when you saw Hawks, you didn’t think anything of it
Unlike your quirks, you and Tokoyami were on relatively good terms with each other, some of your summon animals liked him, some didn’t, most notoriously, your owl seemed to pick a fight with Tokoyami and Dark shadow, every time it saw them
Not being one for slow dancing or events like this, you stuck to area near the food. Being a wallflower and trying not to do anything much to gain attention
Tokoyami had walked up and asked you to dance, a slow dark lullaby like ballad played as Tokoyami slow danced with you
Unknown to you, Hawks was playing as Tokoyami’s wing man
As the song played, Tokoyami led you to the dance floor and slowly began to waltz
His slow dancing skills coupled with the eerie and strangely macabre yet pleasant music only added to the boy’s mysterious charm
“I must admit, you’re a wonderful dancer Tokoyami”
“Thank you, though you’re praise is much appreciated, it is hardly necessary”
“I beg to differ. Any who, what made you choose to ask me to dance, I’m hardly any good at this as I’ve already stepped on your toes a few times”
“I don’t believe you’re a bad dancer, only time and much practice will improve your skill”
“If you say so”
“I must confess that I have ulterior motives for asking you to dance”
“Here we go”
“I wanted to ask you if you would do me the honor of being my boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner?”
“Are you serious?”
“As serious as I will ever be”
“Well then, I accept”
“Well then, from this moment fourth, please call me Fumikage, my love”
“Well, only if you call me (y/n), my dark prince”
“Absolutely, shall we continue our dark ballad? My love”
“Yes, we shall”
After accepting, you both continued to dance, as you swayed around the room, hand in hand.
Twisting and twirling, looking like two swans in the night, you continued your dance, following Tokoyami’s steps until the music ended
Only for clapping to echo in the room afterwards and the flashes of cameras to surround you both
(Hope you enjoyed this, sorry if it’s short)
After the event, Hawks kept pestering Tokoyami
“Just be sure to use protection, Tsukuyomi”
“… what?…”
Realizing what Hawks was alluding to
“… That is not why I asked them, and that is years ahead”
“I’m just saying”
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